Big question:
We love to lambast those utterly deluded ‘radicals’ over at the BBC, but in all seriousness, WHY do they constantly bend over backwards to apologise for Islamic terrorism? I am at a loss to understand it. I personally think it’s a case of ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’: the BBC at rock bottom hates (most of) the same things as islamists, ie western capitalist democracy, Christians and Jews. Any other ideas?
“Why the Left Refuses to Talk About Muslim Anti-Semitism”
By Daniel Greenfield.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Even articles about Muslim Anti-Semitism rarely want to talk about Muslim Anti-Semitism. In the aftermath of the Kosher supermarket massacre in France, articles about the Muslim persecution of Jews in Europe nervously hover around the subject before swerving away to discuss the European far-right. ”
Badge snobbery; members of the ‘progressive’ club. Rod Liddle calls them the ‘bien-pensant’. Looking back, it’s hard to determine the start-point, but maybe it started with Peter Hain and the anti-apartheid protests. Prior to that, we had anti-Vietnam hippies and beer-and-sandwiches union nutters, but neither was comparable to the sinister Common Purpose manipulators of today. Hain managed to make his point-of-view the only morally acceptable position. In politics, Thatcher had two degrees and felt no need to hide her belief that everything should hang on basic common sense. This understated approach seemed to encourage a pseudo-intellectual snobbery in her detractors. Perhaps Spitting Image had a part to play. The early internet was seen as a way to give a voice to multiple viewpoints but the bien-pensant bullies just used it to suppress opposition.
Now; the left have a position on everything. There is no analysis of events. Left is progressive; Right is a reactionary ball-and-chain hindrance to progress. Ethnic is good; white is bad. LGBT is good; hetero is bad. Female is good; male is bad. Poor is good; wealthy is bad. And, of course, Islamists are good; Jews and Israel are evil . If ‘good people’ do questionable things, it’s because they come from a ‘disadvantaged background’.
If you think this is far too simplistic, ask yourself where the BBC ever deviate from these principles. Scumbag terrorists are ‘militants’. There is never consideration that a significant number of benefit claimants are bogus, or some children just aren’t bright, or women aren’t interested in some jobs, etc., etc.,… Everything is black and white.
So it’s no mystery why the progressives behave as they do; no more mystery than why, come what may, Eamonn Holmes defends Manchester United. It’s knee-jerk support for the team.
Good post and true. I would add that as the intellectual classes gradually lost any faith in something over and above themselves they came to see themselves as the only possessors of the truth.
Add to that the odd belief that the current generation is the end product of history. A fully evolved being if you like.
Liberalism, feminism, equalitism( made that up) all the other isms then become the only permissible way of looking at the world.
Reality is denied and replaced by a desired and illusionary world.
It is a dead end and must lead to disaster.
Takuan Seiyo calls them the bodysnatcher elite and that is how we should regard them.
They are not on the side of civilisation and freedom.
Sadly the word freedom no longer means anything to them.
If old Thomas Jefferson was to return I know what he would have us do.
the example of the Rotherham Labour Party’s behaviour on sex abuse is so morally despicable that I feel I must resign from the Labour Party, and I cannot ask you to vote Labour.
But he DID refer to the issue constantly in the past tense, which encapsulates the fundamental LibLabCon problem.
Crimes occur, are ignored, covered up, and if they come to light, they become ‘historic’. All individuals are shuffled around, lessons are learned and of course our hearts go out to the survivors. (survivors?? Did some victims not survive?) If the worst comes to the worst, haul out a mid ranking scapegoat.
BBC helping Ed Miliband implement the Labour damage limitation playbook, by the numbers. The young girls of Rotherham? Collateral damage.
Now you need to apologise for 1. scrapping proper border controls, 2. allowing indefinite numbers of immigrants into the country, 3. refusing to admit who are our greatest security threat, 4. causing the deepest recession we’ve ever had in peace time, 5. Mid Staffordshire hospital, 6. deliberate lowering of education standards, 7. increasing surveillance of innocent citizens, 8. politicizing the judiciary, 9. politicising the police force, 10. sending our troops to wars with insufficient equipment, 11. allowing our democracy to be eroded by further and further subjugation by the undemocratic EU monster, 12. breaking up the UK with England not getting the same rights as much smaller Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland. That’s just for starters
To be fair most of these allegations could be levelled at Cameron’s government too.
The recession wasn’t caused by Labour, and it would be a pretty special screw up which could affect the whole of the Western World from little Britain. Look to the Democrats in the USA for that one.
No – the recession wasn’t caused by Labour – it was caused by the inevitable running out of debt and the banks stopping lending to each other.
However the UK was VERY badly placed due to the massive annual deficit being run by Labour. They banked (literally) on the large profits made by financial organisations by lending money – and when these collapsed then so did revenue.
You forgot one of his most heinous crimes, his long campaign to destroy our power generation capacity & to make Gas & electricity unaffordable for the poorest people in our society through:-
1. Being the architect of the Climate Change Act 2008 committing us UNILATERALLY to reducing our CO2 emissions to 50% by 2030.
2. Intervening in the energy pricing debate (just before the price of oil collapsed) in a way that immediately reduced planned investment in the Power Generating business by 1/3.
He certainly knows how to destroy wealth when he sees it.
19 mins
Dont they know this is a multicultural city?
… that has a large Muslim community?
… will that not incite?
Sheesh! so they better damn well apologise for calling someone of,
“Arabic description “? eh! BBC?
… the galling BBC absurdity, literally knows no end
terror shooter? … terror suspect?
f-ck me, is the rest of the media getting a teensy bit braver, Al BBC of course its always “gunman” or maybe erm
that old chestnut …the “lone wolf”
“Denmark: Muslim who fired on free speech event and synagogue is killed … after he opened fire on police
— a salient fact that AP for some reason leaves out of its story.
In any case, these events in Copenhagen yesterday were a conscious imitation of the Paris attacks last month:
an attack on “blasphemers” followed by
an attack on Jews.
In response, Danish and European authorities are likely to…
clamp down further on the freedom of speech and condemn Israel.”
R Spencer
who leaves it out of the story?
A conscious imitation ? Really ? You seriously believe that’s an adequate explanation?
Because that makes it all OK. No need to blame the Muzzies, it’s just some lone copy cat nutter who couldn’t be responsible for the brainwashing he must have been subjected to when he was ‘radicalised’
Or how about another more realistic version?
Another Muslim following the instructions laid out in the terrorism manual which is the Qur’an made a murderous attempt on the life of someone who had insulted his prophet.
If this is allowed to be seen as a ‘copycat’ murder then it completely exonerates Islam and diminishes the reality of the threat we face today.
Sorry baby, have to put you down as an “islamofauxbe”
I m afraid … and as “Islamofauxbia” is the height of common sense
.. join the fastest growing club in the world
I despair.
I was at a dinner party a few days ago when a Guardian reading friend stated that he couldn’t understand why IS/ISIL/ISIS did what they did. I tried to explain that they justified that every atrocity they committed was mandated in the ‘so called’ holy koran only to be told that I was wrong.
You should have simply showed him/quoted samples from the countless pages in the Koran that call for death to all infidels. This really unnerves lefties as they have never read the Koran, they merely just agree with their lefty friends and media that Islam is peaceful. I deployed this simple and common sense trick at a party last year where my friend’s brother (a screaming unemployed lefty who’d just graduated with a degree in social sciences from a crappy Devon college) was trying intellectualise (unfortunately for him he simply didn’t have the academic skills with which to debate intelligently) about Islamic extremism being the result of western hegemony and colonial oppression. When I mentioned to the leftist buffoon that the likes of Isis are themselves an occupying force made up of individuals, many of whom are from the west, he started getting aggressive. I too started to get aggressive as he clearly didn’t know what he was talking about. This example just demonstrates how brainwashed many have become and how they base their opinions on a total lack of evidence and education.
Sage words Alex.
Unfortunately I was pissed at the time and not in possession of the level of erudition that you display and consequently I was unable to respond in an appropriate manner, instead ejaculating “you wanker” to my brain doner, Guardian reading friend.
Remember the torture and murder of Glasgow boy Kriss Donald and how the BBC willfully misreported that vicious racist attack? Not suitable for major news in their twisted view. “Politics first news second” should be their motto.
Only on the BBC, a programme about elephants rampaging around the room where the ‘E’ word gets mentioned only once.
You Can’t Say That – Analysis “Does free speech include a right to cause offence? Many thinkers have insisted that it must – but debate has raged for millennia over where the limits to insult can be set. While some maintain Enlightenment values must include permission to shock, offend and even injure, there is a growing sense that rights must be balanced by responsibilities to one’s community, in speech as well as action. And as technology has given each of us an worldwide platform to express any idea, anywhere, the potential for instant, global offence has only grown. How are we to define how much is too much – and what really distinguishes insult from injury? Edward Stourton speaks to historians, theologians and philosophers to explore the outer limits of free expression.”
Jews, Catholics, Negroes, all potential victims of offensive speech. None of whom decided to wipe out the staff of Charlie Hebbdo but are needed as surrogate ‘victims’ to avoid mentioning the rampaging Pachyderm that ‘has no name’. The Prophet gets a name call though, (not a prophet but THE Prophet).
I hope that isn’t too ‘offensive’ dear, delicate, dhimmi BBC.
BBc1s new Sunday evening drama of the book by multimillionaire Labour supporter JK Rowling has kicked off much as we might have anticipated in true propaganda mode.
Ethnic Brits depicted as
self centred
down right evil
while the few BME characters are professionals, intelligent sensible and so far ‘good eggs’. Even the daughter of newly arrived social worker (black) is attractive ‘cool’ and already drawing male attention, it goes without saying that she will be bright too.
This follows Call the Midwife which as it enters the 60s (and beyond Jennifer Worths books as far as I can tell ,Jenny herself has exited the scene and events are included which were not in her books)
is gradually moving into full on multi kulti propaganda mode as they have their first Sylheti Bangla mum, delightful , pretty and grateful of course with charming son interpreting! Bizarre that the BBC costume department wrongly dressed her in revealing sari rather than Muslim shalwar chemise (it wouldnt have been black crow robe in those days)! Deliberate? I wonder.
BBC ‘Call The Midwife’ series is a tick-box vehicle for all that was and is bad in society.
Men = Bad
Women = Good
Babies = Good
Nurses = Perfect
Brown People who weren’t there at that historical time = Saintly Perfect
In other words, a Left wing rose tinted version of the ‘past’ but which never existed. Working class lasses grateful for state intervention available via the Labour welfare state. (note no waiting lists).
Next week, a pregnant Dalek with homophobic issues is addressed by a new midwife who despite being African identifies with Dalek oppression and….. yawn.
Men not so much ‘bad’, what about the Good Doctor?
The working class men are stupid, while the middle class are good but definitely beta males, nice, weak, borderline effeminate, the kind of characters which they wouldnt depict in a million years if they were black. No wonder the best looking nurse, the glam blonde, doesnt feel inclined to follow the Good Vicar to Newcastle. She clearly deserves a Real Man. Maybe therell be a black Mr Right waiting around the corner for her?
And incidentally the BBC isnt even historically accurate as it wasnt until the 70s that Bangladeshis came to Tower Hamlets, an anachronism which they wriggled out of by making this woman a forerunner, one who ‘followed her husband’ though other families stayed behind, they still slipped up on geography though, because it was Shoreditch and Brick Lane where they first settled. Poplar in those days was traditional Cockney and fiercely anti immigration, Alf Garnett territory.
I imagine that with these developments, viewing figures for the show will plunge.
The attraction of the show is that it was based on the real life memoirs of a person who lived in and served the people of white, working class London in the 1950s, a time and a place now long gone.
Now that the BBC is drifting off into their own 2015 view of what 1960s London should have been like, it will, no doubt, degenerate into a dreary litany of right-on progressive clichés about racism and homophobia. I am sure it will lose viewers by the boatload.
I think you are right, but there again it has been so astonishingly popular that even if it loses half its audience it will still pull in a pretty decent share of the viewers, and of course the youth audience wont know any better, nor will the immigrant audience. 🙁
Beeboidss wont care about the rest – they can watch the Indian saga on Channel 4.
A few hours ago I watched an interview of a Greek Orthodox Bishop on BBC World by Peter Dobbie. They were discussing the decapitation of 21 Egyptian Copts by ISIS. Dobbie actually said “no right-thinking person could possibly believe that this has anything to do with religion….” Words fail me, but fortunately did not fail the Bishop who very calmly explained to Dobbie that to ISIS it has everything to do with their religion…….
Pig-ignorant BBC English-graduate types really should learn some bloody (literally) history.
For instance, Tamerlane (Timur the Lame). He who built massive towers out of the decapitated skulls of the people he massacred. By sheer coincidence (Nothing To Do With Islam), the proud father of the Boston Bomber named his son in his honour – Tamerlan.
Meanwhile in London the bBC reports on yet another ISlamic murder…..Not. Paddington next of kin double murder probe launched A murder investigation has started after a man and woman were found dead at a property in west London. The bodies were discovered by police visiting next of kin at Landor House in Westbourne Park Road, Paddington, on Saturday to inform them of the death of a 30-year-old man the previous day. The man was found unresponsive on a first-floor roof on the same road. His death is being treated as unexplained. Police are not looking for anyone else in connection with the incident.
And here is how that nasty joke of a newspaper (The DM) which all the left love to attack reports the same story: Three dead in murder-suicide: Man ‘throws himself from block of flats’ – and when police go to inform family they discover two more bodies A 30-year-old recently out of jail and on bail for assault is believed to have killed his elderly parents and then thrown himself from a block of flats on the same street in west London.The body of Ashraf Amrani, 30, was found on Friday lunchtime on a first floor roof in Westbourne Park Road near Notting Hill after police were called to reports of an unresponsive man.He was arrested on February 10 on suspicion of affray and had been due to answer his bail on Wednesday. Officers went to inform his family, who live at Landor House – on the same road – and found the bodies of his parents Hassan, 72, and Zohr Amrani, 59, who were pronounced dead at the scene. The retired Moroccan grandparents were tonight described as a ‘very sweet couple’ by shocked neighbours who said they had been upset when their son turned up recently out of the blue. Scotland Yard detectives are treating the incident as a suspected murder suicide and they are not seeking anyone in connection with the three deaths.
The bBC, the propaganda machine for intolerant Islam, paid for by you.
Re Copenhagen
Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, is erm … in a gang, a gang member.
As the BBC tells us this morning, “the lone wolf, this lone ranger if you want to call him that” on BBC Breakfast?
Then wheel out a “terror expert” not surprised by a “copycat”, “bound to happen/not if but when”… after Paris
… who is surprised that Jews were targeted?
What is this twaddle .. they couldn t lie straight in bed, any of them.
BBC radio 4 ‘Start The Week’ gives a quote from Andy Warhol. “If you control the lenses you control the power”.
In other words the pictures which are shown will influence societal opinions and that of government too.
But it’s completely lost on Melvyn Bragg, who immediately begins to talk about the Fascists latest hate figure – Vladimir Putin, whilst not seeing the irony of the biased BBC at all
I don’t know the name of the Danish woman speaking out when the Islamist shooting and killing started during the Copenhagen debate on free speech yesterday but she possessed enough moral strength and courage to be asking at the time a question that the lying BBC-LibLabCon coalition have scorned for years. She was talking about those who always place the word ‘but’ after the words ‘free speech’:
” … they will be always [saying] ‘yes it is freedom of speech but …’ and the turning point is ‘but’. Why do we still say ‘but’ … ”
This is a question our politicians, our media and the BBC in particular should have to answer. BBC, Cameron, Clegg, Milliband, (Blair, Brown): the turning point is ‘but’. Why do you still say ‘but’? The attacks made on the British people by UK politicians, media and the Religion of Peace have all but destroyed the freedoms that we had in this country.
At least UKIP offers us the chance to ask that question and to SCRAP THE BBC!
Germany s largest carnival cancelled, over Islamic terror threat?
… there will be much more of, Islamic terror threat then?
… Islamic terror … works then? – (shakes head)
Scrapping the BBC is not Ukip , policy anyhow , reducing the licence fee , & reducing its output maybe , but they won`t be in power in May, so nil influence on that matter, with just 3 MP`s . Plaid Cymru will have more MP`s than Ukip.
Thanks Noggin, I hadn’t seen that clip before. Rushdie’s is a voice of sanity that we won’t hear too often on the BBC.
Essex Man, you’re right, although UKIP’s policy seeks to reduce the funding and output of the BBC this would be, in my mind, a useful step along the road towards completely scrapping the BBC in its present form. UKIP may not be in power after the election, largely because of our voting system, but even a small voice can have a massive influence. It’s a voice that we haven’t been allowed to hear from the BBC or politicians in our country for many years and we should listen now.
If you’re so sure why do you have to keep telling us? Are CCHQ worried?
The true support of UKIP is somewhat unknown with many, especially those working in the private sector (see Joyce Thacker) fearful for whatever reason to admit their support.
The ever increasing threat of terror won’t do UKIP’s cause any harm either, May is still 80 odd days away, that’s a lot of potential terror attacks, look whats happened in the last 80 days.
You could well be right, but I don’t think you have any real confidence when you state the 3-6 figure, the opinion polls are all over the shop. Even if Milliband does get in, he won’t be there long.
If there wasn’t a UKIP candidate standing in my constituency I still wouldn’t vote LibLabConGreen – Principle!
There are only 2 possible outcomes to the GE in May ,Cam stays as PM, with the Lib Dems in tow, or its the Millipeed/ SNP reign of terror . It seems the kippers would prefer , the Millipeed /SNP option . The Chan 4 drama/ doc did have a slight ring of truth ,because all the unite union , lefty mob would be out on the streets , no doubt , but would the Millipeed condemn their actions is the 6 million dollar question . As a Marxist I guess he would not .
Labour and Conservative are a distinction without a difference. One will win; it doesn’t matter which. We’re still set for more immigration. Dave’s referendum is a con; he will hold it when he knows he will win. You’ve watched C4 tonight. They’re on the NHS next week. Newsnight on NHS tonight. The CP’s will win any referendum, given their massive propaganda advantage. One day the indigenous population will wake up but it will be too late. I’m voting UKIP. I don’t pretend I see an outcome where they can turn the tide, but I can sleep knowing I did the principled thing.
The Mirror more biased than Pravda , says it all , in house rag of unite , & some low brow socialists .Seems in some polls Ukip on 9% , 2% in Scotland , Conservatives up to 36% ,Yippee
NOT from the, “ministry of truth” but well worth a read
“Mr Cameron now insists that the lesson of yesterday’s attack is that “we must never allow” what he dignifies as his “values” to be “damaged” by such “acts of violence”.
His counterpart in Copenhagen, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, the tasty Danish pastry he and Obama spent Mandela’s funeral doing selfies with, professed herself mystified by the slaughter:
We don’t know the motive for the attacks but we know that there are forces that want to harm Denmark, that want to crush our freedom of expression, our belief in liberty.
Hmm. “Forces that want to harm Denmark”, huh?
Any chance of pinning it down a little?
It’s not much of a “freedom of expression” or a “belief in liberty” that can’t even talk honestly about its enemies, is it?
I would like to ask Mr Cameron and Miss Thorning-Schmidt what’s their happy ending here?
What’s their roadmap for fewer “acts of violence” in the years ahead?
Or are they riding on a wing and a prayer that they can manage the situation and hold it down to what cynical British civil servants used to call during the Irish “Troubles” “an acceptable level of violence”?
In Pakistan and Nigeria, the citizenry are expected to live with the reality that every so often Boko Haram will kick open the door of the schoolhouse and kidnap your daughters for sex-slavery or the Taliban will gun down your kids and behead their teacher in front of the class. And it’s all entirely “random”, as President Obama would say, so you just have to put up with it once in a while, and it’s tough if it’s your kid, but that’s just the way it is.
If we’re being honest here, isn’t that all Mr Cameron and Miss Thorning-Schmidt are offering their citizens?
Spasms of violence as a routine feature of life, but don’t worry, we’ll do our best to contain it – and you can help mitigate it by not going to “controversial” art events, or synagogues, or gay bars, or ……”
BBC-NUJ and its opposition to Egyptian government.
As a follow up the BBC-NUJ’s mass action in ‘work-time’ at INBBC HQ recently in favour of Emirate of Qatar’s Islamic Al Jazeera operation on Egypt, will BBC-NUJ now organise a demonstration against Egyptian Government’s military strike on ‘suspected men’ in Libya?
“Egypt launches air strikes on IS after the murder of 21 Christian hostages”
Supplementary for INBBC, indicating the significance which one newspaper at least attaches to this:-
‘Daily Mail’-
“Egypt retaliates with air strikes after ISIS marches 21 Coptic Christians along a lonely Libyan beach and beheads them en masse for their faith .
“Egyptian warplanes struck Islamic State targets in eastern Libya today.
“There were at least seven airstrikes in the Islamist-held city of Derna.
“Strikes come after ISIS-affiliated militants murdered 21 Egyptians in Libya.
“Militants last night released video showing the Coptic Christians’ murder.
“Men were paraded on a beach by masked killed before savage beheadings.
“Egyptian government last night vowed ‘to avenge the bloodshed and to seek retribution from the killers.’
“Pope Francis has expressed his ‘profound sadness’ over the Libya killings.
“He said the victims had been murdered ‘for nothing other than their faith.’ ”
Just read a Tweet that claims tonights anti UKIP ‘Mockumentary’ is EU funded, you couldn’t make it up.
Turns out @Channel4 Docudrama "100 days under a UKIP Government" produced by "RAW" funded by the EU's funding programme "Creative Europe".— Thomas Evans (@ThomasEvansUKIP) February 15, 2015
taste of things to come…the middle class liberals will love the show but “the pubs are again full of cigarette smoke again”…how would the lentil eaters cope if it came true!
worth reading some of the comments as they aren’t towing the usual anti-ukip line
Hello Channel 4? Commissioning editor? Hello. I’ve got a great idea for a smashing mockumentary. Now listen…
A Labour government gets in power with a charismatic leader. Everyone likes him at first and he’s refreshing but he turns out to be a borderline psychopath. No its good…please give me a chance…Right where was I? He takes the country in to an illegal war in the middle east which no one wants apart from him and his compliant press secretary and the Yanks that tell him what to do. He tell’s a lie about an internet document that says we are about to be blown apart by WMD’s. Oh the deputy prime minster is a northern ass without a clue what’s happening. No listen! There’s a massive war and hundreds of thousands are killed and it destabilizes a whole region and leads to a perpetual war and now he’s a peace negotiator in the middle east…No? What do you mean it fanciful? You’d rather make one on UKIP? They just hung up on me! Bastards!
Polly – is this the same guy: Would make great BBC hypothetical documentary:
Labour tell lies to take us to Iraq war – how is it going now Tony?
Any knock-on effects we need to know about?
“We would be perfectly happy to leave in three years and without firing one shot because our job is to protect the reconstruction.” says Mr Reid the very knowledgeable British Labour Defence Minister whose words can be trusted about Afghanistan – how is going now John?
How many shots were fired exactly? Any casualties?
You could add in this fictitious programme a scenario like first 100 days of corruption before they go large:
January 1997 F1 chief Mr Ecclestone donates £1m to the Labour Party, although this is not made public at the time.
May 1 Labour wins a landslide victory in the general election, promising to end government sleaze after a series of scandals under the Conservatives.
May 19 Health Secretary Frank Dobson announces the government will ban all sports sponsorship by tobacco companies.
November 5 The government announces proposals to exempt Formula One from a tobacco sponsorship ban after threats the sport would leave Britain. Journalists begin to investigate whether Labour has received donations from Formula One chiefs.
November 7 Public standards watchdog Sir Patrick Neill receives a letter from Labour asking for advice on the donation.
November 9 Labour admits Max Mosley, head of Formula One’s governing body, is a supporter but sources say they cannot divulge whether Mr Ecclestone makes donations.
November 10 Chancellor Gordon Brown maintains in an interview with the BBC’s Today programme that he does not know whether Mr Ecclestone had contributed to the party.
November 11 The party finally admits the F1 boss had donated £1m in January, but promises to return the money on the advice of Sir Patrick.
Dec 2006: Prime Minister Tony Blair has been interviewed by police investigating cash for honours allegations.
CPS Keir Starmer – one of many Labour Placeman – what do you expect.
2008/9 Labour placeman CQC – what you expect with Mid Staffs and host of other Trusts death rates?
Banking crisis – it all started in America – assisted by Light touch Brown Balls Milliband in world premier financial centre London where the deals can be done – thank you Labour:…
Stuff the BBC with Labour placements and see if bias results?
“Germany: Braunschweig parade halted over terror alert”
Really? What on earth is wrong with ‘Brunswick’?
What next, the capital of Italy : ‘Roma’?
Florence to become ‘Firenze ‘?
Beeboids must wake up in the morning and think – ‘Anywhere but England, oh my Buddha, I wish for anything but English!’
The capital of Portugal : ‘Lisboa’?
I think they have a fixation on it now, since they got away with “Mumbai” “Chennai” and “Kolkata”. The strange thing is my neighbour is Indian and he still refers to Bombay, Madras and Calcutta. He obviously needs to be referred for re-education.
And dont forget the strained pronunciation of Bechayrut formerly known as Beirut.
Very surprised to see a Germanification though, usually this kowtowing to the native pronunciation only occurs when the place in question is in a black or brown homeland.
Congatulations to the BBC in giving prominent coverage to the Egyptian Christians murdered by Islamic State, they have even listed them individually by name. I think that’s good and hopefully we’ll see more reporting like this. Not perfect, but better than I expected.
The BBC website is still giving prominence to the Copts and I can’t see the Git Mo Guy.
I don’t watch TV and have given up on the radio news so there the balance by the BBC may be different.
R4 Today programme might as well just be written by the Labour party.
Not BBc but may as well be the UKIP assassination on Channel 4. I’ve already complained to Channel 4 & OFFCOM. It really is just as bad as I thought it would be. Nice to see a clip of Racist Diane Abbott shouting racism Badly acted badly written. For some bizarre reason they initially focussed on Airbus. They build wings at Broughton just inside Wales, The UK government was never that interested in it anyway BAE sold it’s stake some time ago (2006?). The premise is we leave the EU Airbus moves and a supplier in the fictional UKIP MP constituency immediately goes under as we assume in hypothetical world Airbus finds an alternate supplier overnight. So how f**king bothered was Labour in the real, not fantasy, world when MG rover went to the wall with a loss of @ 30,000 real jobs. Then onto outrage the border agency raiding properties for illegal immigrants ‘kin hell I thought that was what they were supposed to be doing. An utter travesty the people responsible should be sacked.
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For some bizarre reason they initially focussed on Airbus.
A large number of well-meaning, but naive, folk in this country are pinning their hopes on Slick Dave’s Referendum. Some very intelligent Conservative MP’s are included in this group. They fantasise that the only problem is getting the vote for, with a bit of a shove, they will win the day. These people are so, so deluded. The media propagandists will overwhelm them. Their trump card is ‘big business will pull out if we leave the EU’. C4 gave you prior notice tonight. Don’t say you weren’t warned. Imagine eight months of that.
When the persuasive John Redwood stands up to promote a ‘No’ vote, do you doubt that we will be treated to the old clip of him looking gormless as the Welsh National Anthem was sung? And similar gaffes by others?
Someone earlier had a quote from Andy Warhol about whoever has the lenses has the power. Warhol was no stone jug.
No mention of Democracy, and 99 percent on Illegal Immigration.
The only UKIP policy on Illegal Immigration that I can find is No 75. No amnesty for illegal immigrants, or those gaining UK passports via fraud. But most of the program implied that the problem can only be dealt with by heavy Police raids, and that even UKIP Asians would eventually support Illegal Immigration, because presumably the Lefty writers cannot imagine that legal immigrants could ever be really British, and therefore would always eventually come round in the end to support Mass Illegal Immigration. No mention of policy No 76. Protecting genuine refugees by returning to the UN Convention of Refugees principles. But there was a mention of policy No 58. Guaranteeing a job in the police, prison, or border forces for anyone who has served 12 years in the Armed Forces.
The No 1. Policy of UKIP: Get Britain out of the European Union. Got only a few seconds of a mention: It came as a surprise to the Nation, causing immediate redundancies on its unexpected announcement by Farage, redundancies that would have come with a Labour victory, but with UKIP, it came with a surprise announcement. It implied that Industry does not think that any Nation could survive outside of the EU, which is the Labour policy for opposing a referendum, as well as the Greek position due to ignorance of the existence of Switzerland and Norway etc.
There was an incident which revealed the political and religious ignorance of the writers when he asks the Asian female UKIP MP how she squares UKIP membership with gay marriage, they did write a reply for the actor when she talks about UKIP’s Libertarian principals of it not being the job of the State to interfere in religious morality, but that now that it has been imposed by the state, UKIP now regards it as a private decision for those who worship the State. But no mention of how this squares with her Religion and how it regards gay marriage as immoral as do all cultures in Multicultural Britain, except the culture of the BBC/C4 atheist cultural Imperialist writers on the Left, who assumed an Asian as well as a UKIP MP would be a member of that ignorant statist mindset.
Another piece of pig ignorance was the depiction of UKIP having a vague idea about celebrating Britishness with no mention of the 200th Anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo occurring within UKIP’s first 100 days.
The Airbus hypothesis was laughable. High tech contracts just do not vanish overnight. very few companies are capable of fulfilling them. Just look at the relatively low tech railway industry for proof of that.
There is a urgent need on BR for new diesel multiple units but no firms available to make them. Or so I hear. I expect the aircraft industry is ithe same.
C4 are to be congratulated. A worthy successor to Isvestia and Pravda. How much we have missed them. Such well produced propaganda and such convincing acting.
That should change many minds beforte the election . Was not this the idea? if so it will just backfire. Crude and stupid.
I suppose it will keep up the liberals’ spirits.
It did show just how deluded the liberals are. A UKIP government would have been elected with overwhelming support from the shires and the shires would soon deal with the rabble.
The complaints to Offcom have now apparently topped 700. They also to appear to have pissed off a few ex forces with the border agency manned by ex forces thread. There is an ongoing conversation on the UK veterans page as it’s being perceived as an action smear ex forces personnel.
Well this Blog is a great laugh before I make my way up the wooden hill to bed. I think we are all showing a very stiff upper lip in the face of this war on the British people by the bBBC. It’s also very informative because the longest time I’ve been able to listen or watch the bBBC today was about 30 seconds. I do try very hard to get value for my TV license fee but my temper always gets the better of me. So thank you to all those viewers & listeners who sat through today’s Orwellian cr*p & were able to put their comments up for me to read. Why do they (bBBC) weave their agenda into EVERYTHING they broadcast. EVERYTHING? PS I’m not getting a good reception at Dinner Parties either but I’m going to keep rejecting the convential bBBC wisdom.
It mentions the Eiffel Tower, but you have to read between the lines to an extent to realise the truth, that the abuse was only encountered from Muslims, in Paris’ Muslim areas, and not in any recognisably French part of town at all.
“The clips featured appear to be shot in poorer and predominantly Muslim neighbourhoods. Could he be accused of deliberately seeking out negative comments? ”
What? Are the BBC suggesting that daring to walk the streets while conspicuously Jewish in a ‘Muslim area’ is somehow an act of provocation? Do you think the BBC would suggest that wearing a burqa, in say, Millwall (wait, no that example no longer works, all the white people left:, er somewhere with lots of white working class people in is ‘seeking out negative comments’?
It continues ‘With an apparently anti-Semitic murder among two killings in Copenhagen this weekend, and last month’s Paris attacks including four murders at a Kosher supermarket, some Jews in Europe are feeling vulnerable.’
But it somehow fails to mention who might be behind these murders.
You can bet if it were the Front National, Pegida, the BNP, or anything else, it would be uptop in the headline. But instead we are supposed to just read between the lines, and accept as a given that somehow the very act of daring to walk the streets of a ‘Muslim area’, is an act of provocation.
Well, at least you could say the BBC has acknowledged it, if in that special way they reserve for PR crisis management.
“It’s impossible for us to verify Klein’s video, and like other “10 hours in…” videos there has been a large amount of editing – which critics say conveys a false impression.”
Well, some critics do say that a large % of BBC output runs through their unique filter, from topics chosen, guests invited, to what is considered news, and ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) in their edit suite. So raising that caveat is… brave.
In addition to the young lady wolf whistled at, there was also a student a US college I believe? Much more of such foolhardy peaceful behavior such as walking around and certain communities will be living in fear of inappropriate showing folk up.
What next? Gay pride march in Gaza or Tehran to show solidarity? Or another Hug a Hijab day with several days edited down to show… what now?
Meanwhile, in the spirit of highlighting BBC editorial integrity, we’ll just have to see if, when and where this makes the cut:
“Farming Today”, or whatever the patronising programme is called, this morning – Iceland, climate change, etc., etc. Turned it off almost as soon as I’d turned it on.
R5Live – has some woman, hit by the old scam marriage, complaining that she had married some Senegalese Muslim
(why!!) … only to find, he just consistently lied through his teeth,
(why surprised?), that the scam set up in Senegal is all the same, and is organised, and rampant, (why surprised? … )
The aim is not only citizenship, but as much material possession as is possible to gather.
It never ceases to amaze me, the ignorance, and stupid gullibility,
on show, talking of which, 5Live have D. “Pinocchio” Cameron live … explaining how he will hit the very poorest, the most vulnerable, hardest, again … he was just so busy falsifying his figures, omitting facts, and lying … he forgot to mention it.
It never ceases to amaze me, the ignorance, and stupid gullibility…
Indeed. Usually there are signs that all is not as it should be. The more perceptive ‘victims’ could be expected to pick them up:
Immigration officers swooped to arrest phoney marriage couple after Pakistani groom had to be reminded of his bride-to-be’s name just minutes before they were due to tie the knot
Its no surprise when British people are naive and gullible when they are taught at school and by the media that foreigners are ‘just like us’, and are encouraged to trust them and to assume that they behave and think in exactly the way we do. For many people from backward cultures the concept of marriage for love is totally alien, marriage is purely an economic transaction and for the procreation of children.
Children need educating at school to realise that not all cultures share the same attitudes and it goes way way beyond eating different foods wearing different clothes and going to different places of worship; it dictates your entire outlook on what it is to be human, what family means, rights, respect and equality.
When British people are aware of these things, our girls will not be so vulnerable to abuse by foreign men, and our middle aged dolts not so easily fooled by hard nosed foreign men and women.
This morning theyre running a feature on FiveLive on British citizens (both sexes and erhnic minority too, they had a black West Indian British woman on) being conned into marriage by passport hunters.
This is LONG overdue, and still too little too late. The black woman said, rightly, that people should have to live with their partner in the foreign country for four years before beign allowed to bring them here, she is right.
Apparently in Canada they have TV adverts warning people against the dangers of these criminals. It is vital with so many young people going on gap years to Third World countries that they are made aware of these risks, and likewise that young university students be warned that foreign students they may fall in love with at university may have a very different motive for their interest in them.
pugnaziousFeb 23, 22:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 ‘ ‘7 October was the day Gazans broke out of their dismal prison and exacted terrible revenge. When Israelis, soldiers…
harry142857Feb 23, 22:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sure local mayor Andy Burnham will pressurise the councillor to resign, not.
Lefty WrightFeb 23, 21:45 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Mark The lady is absolutely correct but her message has fallen on deaf ears in the U.K.
BRISSLESFeb 23, 21:44 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Good interview on GBN with Lord Toby Young ( free speech union) on this case.
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 21:03 Start the Week 24th February 2025 In the lecture, Rand admonishes American businessmen for apologizing for capitalism and for, in some cases, directly funding detractors of…
non-licence payerFeb 23, 21:03 Start the Week 24th February 2025 bBC still chosing to ignore the visit you get from the Greater Manchester Police if you choae to criticise your…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:46 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Books for the future … [img][/img]
non-licence payerFeb 23, 20:42 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Fed that was a sneaky early bird new thread. Five weeks now before phase two of Storm Rachel (Brian Monteith…
MarkyMarkFeb 23, 20:28 Start the Week 24th February 2025 wwfc – Your claim has upset me so that means I can get you arrested and then I can be…
Big question:
We love to lambast those utterly deluded ‘radicals’ over at the BBC, but in all seriousness, WHY do they constantly bend over backwards to apologise for Islamic terrorism? I am at a loss to understand it. I personally think it’s a case of ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’: the BBC at rock bottom hates (most of) the same things as islamists, ie western capitalist democracy, Christians and Jews. Any other ideas?
They must misguidedly think that some kind of ‘socialist’ revolution can be achieved by consolidating a political left-Islamic alliance.
By David Horowitz.
“Why the Left Refuses to Talk About Muslim Anti-Semitism”
By Daniel Greenfield.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Even articles about Muslim Anti-Semitism rarely want to talk about Muslim Anti-Semitism. In the aftermath of the Kosher supermarket massacre in France, articles about the Muslim persecution of Jews in Europe nervously hover around the subject before swerving away to discuss the European far-right. ”
– See more at:
Badge snobbery; members of the ‘progressive’ club. Rod Liddle calls them the ‘bien-pensant’. Looking back, it’s hard to determine the start-point, but maybe it started with Peter Hain and the anti-apartheid protests. Prior to that, we had anti-Vietnam hippies and beer-and-sandwiches union nutters, but neither was comparable to the sinister Common Purpose manipulators of today. Hain managed to make his point-of-view the only morally acceptable position. In politics, Thatcher had two degrees and felt no need to hide her belief that everything should hang on basic common sense. This understated approach seemed to encourage a pseudo-intellectual snobbery in her detractors. Perhaps Spitting Image had a part to play. The early internet was seen as a way to give a voice to multiple viewpoints but the bien-pensant bullies just used it to suppress opposition.
Now; the left have a position on everything. There is no analysis of events. Left is progressive; Right is a reactionary ball-and-chain hindrance to progress. Ethnic is good; white is bad. LGBT is good; hetero is bad. Female is good; male is bad. Poor is good; wealthy is bad. And, of course, Islamists are good; Jews and Israel are evil . If ‘good people’ do questionable things, it’s because they come from a ‘disadvantaged background’.
If you think this is far too simplistic, ask yourself where the BBC ever deviate from these principles. Scumbag terrorists are ‘militants’. There is never consideration that a significant number of benefit claimants are bogus, or some children just aren’t bright, or women aren’t interested in some jobs, etc., etc.,… Everything is black and white.
So it’s no mystery why the progressives behave as they do; no more mystery than why, come what may, Eamonn Holmes defends Manchester United. It’s knee-jerk support for the team.
Excellent post.
Good post and true. I would add that as the intellectual classes gradually lost any faith in something over and above themselves they came to see themselves as the only possessors of the truth.
Add to that the odd belief that the current generation is the end product of history. A fully evolved being if you like.
Liberalism, feminism, equalitism( made that up) all the other isms then become the only permissible way of looking at the world.
Reality is denied and replaced by a desired and illusionary world.
It is a dead end and must lead to disaster.
Takuan Seiyo calls them the bodysnatcher elite and that is how we should regard them.
They are not on the side of civilisation and freedom.
Sadly the word freedom no longer means anything to them.
If old Thomas Jefferson was to return I know what he would have us do.
“Rotherham abuse scandal:
Ed Miliband ‘deeply sorry.'”
Miliband did NOT say:-
the example of the Rotherham Labour Party’s behaviour on sex abuse is so morally despicable that I feel I must resign from the Labour Party, and I cannot ask you to vote Labour.
But he DID refer to the issue constantly in the past tense, which encapsulates the fundamental LibLabCon problem.
Crimes occur, are ignored, covered up, and if they come to light, they become ‘historic’. All individuals are shuffled around, lessons are learned and of course our hearts go out to the survivors. (survivors?? Did some victims not survive?) If the worst comes to the worst, haul out a mid ranking scapegoat.
BBC helping Ed Miliband implement the Labour damage limitation playbook, by the numbers. The young girls of Rotherham? Collateral damage.
Mr Miliband said it was important for the Labour Party to “learn the lessons” from Rotherham.
Camoron uses ‘lessons’ in every apology. They are the same people. Nigel Farage is right!
Well done Ed. On this you are right to apologise.
Now you need to apologise for 1. scrapping proper border controls, 2. allowing indefinite numbers of immigrants into the country, 3. refusing to admit who are our greatest security threat, 4. causing the deepest recession we’ve ever had in peace time, 5. Mid Staffordshire hospital, 6. deliberate lowering of education standards, 7. increasing surveillance of innocent citizens, 8. politicizing the judiciary, 9. politicising the police force, 10. sending our troops to wars with insufficient equipment, 11. allowing our democracy to be eroded by further and further subjugation by the undemocratic EU monster, 12. breaking up the UK with England not getting the same rights as much smaller Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland. That’s just for starters
To be fair most of these allegations could be levelled at Cameron’s government too.
The recession wasn’t caused by Labour, and it would be a pretty special screw up which could affect the whole of the Western World from little Britain. Look to the Democrats in the USA for that one.
No – the recession wasn’t caused by Labour – it was caused by the inevitable running out of debt and the banks stopping lending to each other.
However the UK was VERY badly placed due to the massive annual deficit being run by Labour. They banked (literally) on the large profits made by financial organisations by lending money – and when these collapsed then so did revenue.
You forgot one of his most heinous crimes, his long campaign to destroy our power generation capacity & to make Gas & electricity unaffordable for the poorest people in our society through:-
1. Being the architect of the Climate Change Act 2008 committing us UNILATERALLY to reducing our CO2 emissions to 50% by 2030.
2. Intervening in the energy pricing debate (just before the price of oil collapsed) in a way that immediately reduced planned investment in the Power Generating business by 1/3.
He certainly knows how to destroy wealth when he sees it.
19 mins
Dont they know this is a multicultural city?
… that has a large Muslim community?
… will that not incite?
Sheesh! so they better damn well apologise for calling someone of,
“Arabic description “? eh! BBC?
… the galling BBC absurdity, literally knows no end
terror shooter? … terror suspect?
f-ck me, is the rest of the media getting a teensy bit braver, Al BBC of course its always “gunman” or maybe erm
that old chestnut …the “lone wolf”
“Denmark: Muslim who fired on free speech event and synagogue is killed … after he opened fire on police
— a salient fact that AP for some reason leaves out of its story.
In any case, these events in Copenhagen yesterday were a conscious imitation of the Paris attacks last month:
an attack on “blasphemers” followed by
an attack on Jews.
In response, Danish and European authorities are likely to…
clamp down further on the freedom of speech and condemn Israel.”
R Spencer
who leaves it out of the story?
A conscious imitation ? Really ? You seriously believe that’s an adequate explanation?
Because that makes it all OK. No need to blame the Muzzies, it’s just some lone copy cat nutter who couldn’t be responsible for the brainwashing he must have been subjected to when he was ‘radicalised’
Or how about another more realistic version?
Another Muslim following the instructions laid out in the terrorism manual which is the Qur’an made a murderous attempt on the life of someone who had insulted his prophet.
If this is allowed to be seen as a ‘copycat’ murder then it completely exonerates Islam and diminishes the reality of the threat we face today.
….. DUUUUUDE! … more realistic than R Spencer 😀
Sorry baby, have to put you down as an “islamofauxbe”
I m afraid … and as “Islamofauxbia” is the height of common sense
.. join the fastest growing club in the world
This is not about cartoons, so are there any Muslim protests against this Islamofascist massacre of Christians?
13 Feb:-
“Libya: Islamic State of Tripoli murders 21 ‘humiliated followers of the Coptic church’ #Christianlivesmatter”
15 Feb:-
“Islamic State: Egyptian Christians held in Libya ‘killed'”
BBC NHS News Channel interviewing a spokesman for the Coptic Christian Church but still insist on using ‘so-called ‘ Islamic State.
Cheerful news for a Sunday – ISIS in LIbya is reported to have beheaded 21 Coptic Christians at once.
Nothing to do with Islam, of course.
I despair.
I was at a dinner party a few days ago when a Guardian reading friend stated that he couldn’t understand why IS/ISIL/ISIS did what they did. I tried to explain that they justified that every atrocity they committed was mandated in the ‘so called’ holy koran only to be told that I was wrong.
Recto-cranial inversion is possible as evidenced.
You should have simply showed him/quoted samples from the countless pages in the Koran that call for death to all infidels. This really unnerves lefties as they have never read the Koran, they merely just agree with their lefty friends and media that Islam is peaceful. I deployed this simple and common sense trick at a party last year where my friend’s brother (a screaming unemployed lefty who’d just graduated with a degree in social sciences from a crappy Devon college) was trying intellectualise (unfortunately for him he simply didn’t have the academic skills with which to debate intelligently) about Islamic extremism being the result of western hegemony and colonial oppression. When I mentioned to the leftist buffoon that the likes of Isis are themselves an occupying force made up of individuals, many of whom are from the west, he started getting aggressive. I too started to get aggressive as he clearly didn’t know what he was talking about. This example just demonstrates how brainwashed many have become and how they base their opinions on a total lack of evidence and education.
Sage words Alex.
Unfortunately I was pissed at the time and not in possession of the level of erudition that you display and consequently I was unable to respond in an appropriate manner, instead ejaculating “you wanker” to my brain doner, Guardian reading friend.
I trust the dinner party was otherwise extremely memorable & polite & that you will both be invited back.
Tucked away on one of those BBC pages only locals look at:
So – Millipede apologises for the actions of the labour council; acknowledges at least 1400 cases and it doesn’t make the main headlines?
Any idea why folks?
‘Any idea why folks?’
It’s down to BBC Editorial integrity, where highly-paid professionals leave their politics at the door and decide what is, and is not, ‘news’.
With absolutely no chance of the kind of senior management influence senior managers talk about but claim they don’t wield.
That or space constraints.
Well, it’s not as if he said “fuck” to a policeman is it?
Remember the torture and murder of Glasgow boy Kriss Donald and how the BBC willfully misreported that vicious racist attack? Not suitable for major news in their twisted view. “Politics first news second” should be their motto.
Only on the BBC, a programme about elephants rampaging around the room where the ‘E’ word gets mentioned only once.
You Can’t Say That – Analysis
“Does free speech include a right to cause offence? Many thinkers have insisted that it must – but debate has raged for millennia over where the limits to insult can be set. While some maintain Enlightenment values must include permission to shock, offend and even injure, there is a growing sense that rights must be balanced by responsibilities to one’s community, in speech as well as action. And as technology has given each of us an worldwide platform to express any idea, anywhere, the potential for instant, global offence has only grown. How are we to define how much is too much – and what really distinguishes insult from injury? Edward Stourton speaks to historians, theologians and philosophers to explore the outer limits of free expression.”
Jews, Catholics, Negroes, all potential victims of offensive speech. None of whom decided to wipe out the staff of Charlie Hebbdo but are needed as surrogate ‘victims’ to avoid mentioning the rampaging Pachyderm that ‘has no name’. The Prophet gets a name call though, (not a prophet but THE Prophet).
I hope that isn’t too ‘offensive’ dear, delicate, dhimmi BBC.
Association with the BBC and its pretensions of objectivity renders many words laughable, risible, or both.
‘Analysis’ is pretty up there.
BBc1s new Sunday evening drama of the book by multimillionaire Labour supporter JK Rowling has kicked off much as we might have anticipated in true propaganda mode.
Ethnic Brits depicted as
self centred
down right evil
while the few BME characters are professionals, intelligent sensible and so far ‘good eggs’. Even the daughter of newly arrived social worker (black) is attractive ‘cool’ and already drawing male attention, it goes without saying that she will be bright too.
This follows Call the Midwife which as it enters the 60s (and beyond Jennifer Worths books as far as I can tell ,Jenny herself has exited the scene and events are included which were not in her books)
is gradually moving into full on multi kulti propaganda mode as they have their first Sylheti Bangla mum, delightful , pretty and grateful of course with charming son interpreting! Bizarre that the BBC costume department wrongly dressed her in revealing sari rather than Muslim shalwar chemise (it wouldnt have been black crow robe in those days)! Deliberate? I wonder.
BBC ‘Call The Midwife’ series is a tick-box vehicle for all that was and is bad in society.
Men = Bad
Women = Good
Babies = Good
Nurses = Perfect
Brown People who weren’t there at that historical time = Saintly Perfect
In other words, a Left wing rose tinted version of the ‘past’ but which never existed. Working class lasses grateful for state intervention available via the Labour welfare state. (note no waiting lists).
Next week, a pregnant Dalek with homophobic issues is addressed by a new midwife who despite being African identifies with Dalek oppression and….. yawn.
Men not so much ‘bad’, what about the Good Doctor?
The working class men are stupid, while the middle class are good but definitely beta males, nice, weak, borderline effeminate, the kind of characters which they wouldnt depict in a million years if they were black. No wonder the best looking nurse, the glam blonde, doesnt feel inclined to follow the Good Vicar to Newcastle. She clearly deserves a Real Man. Maybe therell be a black Mr Right waiting around the corner for her?
And incidentally the BBC isnt even historically accurate as it wasnt until the 70s that Bangladeshis came to Tower Hamlets, an anachronism which they wriggled out of by making this woman a forerunner, one who ‘followed her husband’ though other families stayed behind, they still slipped up on geography though, because it was Shoreditch and Brick Lane where they first settled. Poplar in those days was traditional Cockney and fiercely anti immigration, Alf Garnett territory.
I imagine that with these developments, viewing figures for the show will plunge.
The attraction of the show is that it was based on the real life memoirs of a person who lived in and served the people of white, working class London in the 1950s, a time and a place now long gone.
Now that the BBC is drifting off into their own 2015 view of what 1960s London should have been like, it will, no doubt, degenerate into a dreary litany of right-on progressive clichés about racism and homophobia. I am sure it will lose viewers by the boatload.
I think you are right, but there again it has been so astonishingly popular that even if it loses half its audience it will still pull in a pretty decent share of the viewers, and of course the youth audience wont know any better, nor will the immigrant audience. 🙁
Beeboidss wont care about the rest – they can watch the Indian saga on Channel 4.
BBC doesn’t appear to be reporting new video showing mass beheading of Christians by Islamic State.
Oh, they are now. Its just appeared on the World website.
A few hours ago I watched an interview of a Greek Orthodox Bishop on BBC World by Peter Dobbie. They were discussing the decapitation of 21 Egyptian Copts by ISIS. Dobbie actually said “no right-thinking person could possibly believe that this has anything to do with religion….” Words fail me, but fortunately did not fail the Bishop who very calmly explained to Dobbie that to ISIS it has everything to do with their religion…….
The BBC may not think it has anything to do with religion but unfortunately ISIL and Boko Harem do
I dread to think just how much taxpayers money the bBC spends in covering up for the crimes of Islam around the world never mind the UK.
I suppose that is because to the BBC mind, “religion” is something to do with C of E vicars getting a bee in their bonnet about marrying gays.
Pig-ignorant BBC English-graduate types really should learn some bloody (literally) history.
For instance, Tamerlane (Timur the Lame). He who built massive towers out of the decapitated skulls of the people he massacred. By sheer coincidence (Nothing To Do With Islam), the proud father of the Boston Bomber named his son in his honour – Tamerlan.
Timur’s nick-name?
The Sword of Islam.
Meanwhile in London the bBC reports on yet another ISlamic murder…..Not.
Paddington next of kin double murder probe launched
A murder investigation has started after a man and woman were found dead at a property in west London. The bodies were discovered by police visiting next of kin at Landor House in Westbourne Park Road, Paddington, on Saturday to inform them of the death of a 30-year-old man the previous day. The man was found unresponsive on a first-floor roof on the same road. His death is being treated as unexplained. Police are not looking for anyone else in connection with the incident.
And here is how that nasty joke of a newspaper (The DM) which all the left love to attack reports the same story:
Three dead in murder-suicide: Man ‘throws himself from block of flats’ – and when police go to inform family they discover two more bodies
A 30-year-old recently out of jail and on bail for assault is believed to have killed his elderly parents and then thrown himself from a block of flats on the same street in west London.The body of Ashraf Amrani, 30, was found on Friday lunchtime on a first floor roof in Westbourne Park Road near Notting Hill after police were called to reports of an unresponsive man.He was arrested on February 10 on suspicion of affray and had been due to answer his bail on Wednesday. Officers went to inform his family, who live at Landor House – on the same road – and found the bodies of his parents Hassan, 72, and Zohr Amrani, 59, who were pronounced dead at the scene. The retired Moroccan grandparents were tonight described as a ‘very sweet couple’ by shocked neighbours who said they had been upset when their son turned up recently out of the blue. Scotland Yard detectives are treating the incident as a suspected murder suicide and they are not seeking anyone in connection with the three deaths.
The bBC, the propaganda machine for intolerant Islam, paid for by you.
Re Copenhagen
Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, is erm … in a gang, a gang member.
As the BBC tells us this morning, “the lone wolf, this lone ranger if you want to call him that” on BBC Breakfast?
Then wheel out a “terror expert” not surprised by a “copycat”, “bound to happen/not if but when”… after Paris
… who is surprised that Jews were targeted?
What is this twaddle .. they couldn t lie straight in bed, any of them.
BBC radio 4 ‘Start The Week’ gives a quote from Andy Warhol. “If you control the lenses you control the power”.
In other words the pictures which are shown will influence societal opinions and that of government too.
But it’s completely lost on Melvyn Bragg, who immediately begins to talk about the Fascists latest hate figure – Vladimir Putin, whilst not seeing the irony of the biased BBC at all
I don’t know the name of the Danish woman speaking out when the Islamist shooting and killing started during the Copenhagen debate on free speech yesterday but she possessed enough moral strength and courage to be asking at the time a question that the lying BBC-LibLabCon coalition have scorned for years. She was talking about those who always place the word ‘but’ after the words ‘free speech’:
” … they will be always [saying] ‘yes it is freedom of speech but …’ and the turning point is ‘but’. Why do we still say ‘but’ … ”
This is a question our politicians, our media and the BBC in particular should have to answer. BBC, Cameron, Clegg, Milliband, (Blair, Brown): the turning point is ‘but’. Why do you still say ‘but’? The attacks made on the British people by UK politicians, media and the Religion of Peace have all but destroyed the freedoms that we had in this country.
At least UKIP offers us the chance to ask that question and to SCRAP THE BBC!
Germany s largest carnival cancelled, over Islamic terror threat?
… there will be much more of, Islamic terror threat then?
… Islamic terror … works then? – (shakes head)
If anyone says I believe in freedom of speech … but, I just stop listening
Scrapping the BBC is not Ukip , policy anyhow , reducing the licence fee , & reducing its output maybe , but they won`t be in power in May, so nil influence on that matter, with just 3 MP`s . Plaid Cymru will have more MP`s than Ukip.
Thanks Noggin, I hadn’t seen that clip before. Rushdie’s is a voice of sanity that we won’t hear too often on the BBC.
Essex Man, you’re right, although UKIP’s policy seeks to reduce the funding and output of the BBC this would be, in my mind, a useful step along the road towards completely scrapping the BBC in its present form. UKIP may not be in power after the election, largely because of our voting system, but even a small voice can have a massive influence. It’s a voice that we haven’t been allowed to hear from the BBC or politicians in our country for many years and we should listen now.
“just 3 MP`s”
If you’re so sure why do you have to keep telling us? Are CCHQ worried?
The true support of UKIP is somewhat unknown with many, especially those working in the private sector (see Joyce Thacker) fearful for whatever reason to admit their support.
The ever increasing threat of terror won’t do UKIP’s cause any harm either, May is still 80 odd days away, that’s a lot of potential terror attacks, look whats happened in the last 80 days.
You could well be right, but I don’t think you have any real confidence when you state the 3-6 figure, the opinion polls are all over the shop. Even if Milliband does get in, he won’t be there long.
If there wasn’t a UKIP candidate standing in my constituency I still wouldn’t vote LibLabConGreen – Principle!
Edit: should read public sector, not private.
There are only 2 possible outcomes to the GE in May ,Cam stays as PM, with the Lib Dems in tow, or its the Millipeed/ SNP reign of terror . It seems the kippers would prefer , the Millipeed /SNP option . The Chan 4 drama/ doc did have a slight ring of truth ,because all the unite union , lefty mob would be out on the streets , no doubt , but would the Millipeed condemn their actions is the 6 million dollar question . As a Marxist I guess he would not .
Labour and Conservative are a distinction without a difference. One will win; it doesn’t matter which. We’re still set for more immigration. Dave’s referendum is a con; he will hold it when he knows he will win. You’ve watched C4 tonight. They’re on the NHS next week. Newsnight on NHS tonight. The CP’s will win any referendum, given their massive propaganda advantage. One day the indigenous population will wake up but it will be too late. I’m voting UKIP. I don’t pretend I see an outcome where they can turn the tide, but I can sleep knowing I did the principled thing.
Still shilling for Dave essex man ? and still not getting it
As of now UKIP are leading the Mirrors own poll by 77%
just remember vote Dave get Ed your choice
The Mirror more biased than Pravda , says it all , in house rag of unite , & some low brow socialists .Seems in some polls Ukip on 9% , 2% in Scotland , Conservatives up to 36% ,Yippee
Didn’t Tory pollster Lord Ashcroft say that ICM poll is a ‘rogue’? He has UKIP on 16% today.
NOT from the, “ministry of truth” but well worth a read
“Mr Cameron now insists that the lesson of yesterday’s attack is that “we must never allow” what he dignifies as his “values” to be “damaged” by such “acts of violence”.
His counterpart in Copenhagen, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, the tasty Danish pastry he and Obama spent Mandela’s funeral doing selfies with, professed herself mystified by the slaughter:
We don’t know the motive for the attacks but we know that there are forces that want to harm Denmark, that want to crush our freedom of expression, our belief in liberty.
Hmm. “Forces that want to harm Denmark”, huh?
Any chance of pinning it down a little?
It’s not much of a “freedom of expression” or a “belief in liberty” that can’t even talk honestly about its enemies, is it?
I would like to ask Mr Cameron and Miss Thorning-Schmidt what’s their happy ending here?
What’s their roadmap for fewer “acts of violence” in the years ahead?
Or are they riding on a wing and a prayer that they can manage the situation and hold it down to what cynical British civil servants used to call during the Irish “Troubles” “an acceptable level of violence”?
In Pakistan and Nigeria, the citizenry are expected to live with the reality that every so often Boko Haram will kick open the door of the schoolhouse and kidnap your daughters for sex-slavery or the Taliban will gun down your kids and behead their teacher in front of the class. And it’s all entirely “random”, as President Obama would say, so you just have to put up with it once in a while, and it’s tough if it’s your kid, but that’s just the way it is.
If we’re being honest here, isn’t that all Mr Cameron and Miss Thorning-Schmidt are offering their citizens?
Spasms of violence as a routine feature of life, but don’t worry, we’ll do our best to contain it – and you can help mitigate it by not going to “controversial” art events, or synagogues, or gay bars, or ……”
What happened to the thread on the desecration of Jewish tombs in France and elsewhere?
BBC-NUJ and its opposition to Egyptian government.
As a follow up the BBC-NUJ’s mass action in ‘work-time’ at INBBC HQ recently in favour of Emirate of Qatar’s Islamic Al Jazeera operation on Egypt, will BBC-NUJ now organise a demonstration against Egyptian Government’s military strike on ‘suspected men’ in Libya?
“Egypt launches air strikes on IS after the murder of 21 Christian hostages”
INBBC does not refute the Islamofascist lies which are a pretext of Islamic State’s daily barbarity.
INBBC routinely re-prints the lies of the Islamofascist Islamic State, without criticism or question.
Beeboids should read Raymond Ibrahim on the Islamofascist lies used to ‘justify’ the endless massacre of Christians-
“Islamic State: ‘Great Reward’ for Killing Coptic Christians”
by Raymond Ibrahim.
Will Mr Ibrahim be invited on to ‘Newsnight’?
Supplementary for INBBC, indicating the significance which one newspaper at least attaches to this:-
‘Daily Mail’-
“Egypt retaliates with air strikes after ISIS marches 21 Coptic Christians along a lonely Libyan beach and beheads them en masse for their faith .
“Egyptian warplanes struck Islamic State targets in eastern Libya today.
“There were at least seven airstrikes in the Islamist-held city of Derna.
“Strikes come after ISIS-affiliated militants murdered 21 Egyptians in Libya.
“Militants last night released video showing the Coptic Christians’ murder.
“Men were paraded on a beach by masked killed before savage beheadings.
“Egyptian government last night vowed ‘to avenge the bloodshed and to seek retribution from the killers.’
“Pope Francis has expressed his ‘profound sadness’ over the Libya killings.
“He said the victims had been murdered ‘for nothing other than their faith.’ ”
Read more:
Just read a Tweet that claims tonights anti UKIP ‘Mockumentary’ is EU funded, you couldn’t make it up.
Oh it gets bettter
scroll down through this article to online poll for an even bigger laugh
It is that Global Warming again:
US snowstorm warnings as blizzards hit north-east coast
16 February 2015 Last updated at 00:17 GMT
A winter storm on America’s north-east coast has brought near-whiteout conditions and lightning strikes in coastal areas.
Blizzards have forced the cancellation of more than 1,750 passenger flights, most of them into and out of airports in Boston and New York.
For residents of Boston, the latest storm has made February the snowiest in the city’s history.–and-britain-in-meltdown-10046787.html
taste of things to come…the middle class liberals will love the show but “the pubs are again full of cigarette smoke again”…how would the lentil eaters cope if it came true!
worth reading some of the comments as they aren’t towing the usual anti-ukip line
It’s “toeing”, Simon…
Simon, I particularly liked this comment.
Is UKIP THE FIRST 100 DAYS director/journalist Chris Atkins the very same director/journalist Chris Atkins that is about to stand trial for CONSPIRING TO CHEAT THE PUBLIC PURSE. I wonder why it has not made the national press or even the HUFF (snigger),,anyway luckily i was able to find the story here.
Lives in Hampstead…Go figure.
Hello Channel 4? Commissioning editor? Hello. I’ve got a great idea for a smashing mockumentary. Now listen…
A Labour government gets in power with a charismatic leader. Everyone likes him at first and he’s refreshing but he turns out to be a borderline psychopath. No its good…please give me a chance…Right where was I? He takes the country in to an illegal war in the middle east which no one wants apart from him and his compliant press secretary and the Yanks that tell him what to do. He tell’s a lie about an internet document that says we are about to be blown apart by WMD’s. Oh the deputy prime minster is a northern ass without a clue what’s happening. No listen! There’s a massive war and hundreds of thousands are killed and it destabilizes a whole region and leads to a perpetual war and now he’s a peace negotiator in the middle east…No? What do you mean it fanciful? You’d rather make one on UKIP? They just hung up on me! Bastards!
Polly – is this the same guy: Would make great BBC hypothetical documentary:
Labour tell lies to take us to Iraq war – how is it going now Tony?
Any knock-on effects we need to know about?
“We would be perfectly happy to leave in three years and without firing one shot because our job is to protect the reconstruction.” says Mr Reid the very knowledgeable British Labour Defence Minister whose words can be trusted about Afghanistan – how is going now John?
How many shots were fired exactly? Any casualties?
You could add in this fictitious programme a scenario like first 100 days of corruption before they go large:
January 1997 F1 chief Mr Ecclestone donates £1m to the Labour Party, although this is not made public at the time.
May 1 Labour wins a landslide victory in the general election, promising to end government sleaze after a series of scandals under the Conservatives.
May 19 Health Secretary Frank Dobson announces the government will ban all sports sponsorship by tobacco companies.
November 5 The government announces proposals to exempt Formula One from a tobacco sponsorship ban after threats the sport would leave Britain. Journalists begin to investigate whether Labour has received donations from Formula One chiefs.
November 7 Public standards watchdog Sir Patrick Neill receives a letter from Labour asking for advice on the donation.
November 9 Labour admits Max Mosley, head of Formula One’s governing body, is a supporter but sources say they cannot divulge whether Mr Ecclestone makes donations.
November 10 Chancellor Gordon Brown maintains in an interview with the BBC’s Today programme that he does not know whether Mr Ecclestone had contributed to the party.
November 11 The party finally admits the F1 boss had donated £1m in January, but promises to return the money on the advice of Sir Patrick.
Dec 2006: Prime Minister Tony Blair has been interviewed by police investigating cash for honours allegations.
CPS Keir Starmer – one of many Labour Placeman – what do you expect.
2008/9 Labour placeman CQC – what you expect with Mid Staffs and host of other Trusts death rates?
Banking crisis – it all started in America – assisted by Light touch Brown Balls Milliband in world premier financial centre London where the deals can be done – thank you Labour:…
Stuff the BBC with Labour placements and see if bias results?
oops Link above did not work – Try this:
File under casual, institutional and tediously pointless Anti-Englishness
“Germany: Braunschweig parade halted over terror alert”
Really? What on earth is wrong with ‘Brunswick’?
What next, the capital of Italy : ‘Roma’?
Florence to become ‘Firenze ‘?
Beeboids must wake up in the morning and think – ‘Anywhere but England, oh my Buddha, I wish for anything but English!’
The capital of Portugal : ‘Lisboa’?
I think they have a fixation on it now, since they got away with “Mumbai” “Chennai” and “Kolkata”. The strange thing is my neighbour is Indian and he still refers to Bombay, Madras and Calcutta. He obviously needs to be referred for re-education.
Many of the more educated classes of Indian, and those who are not rampant hindu nationalists, refer to the cities as Bombay and Calcutta.
Just waiting for pakstanawn ky ghr, a hundred miles north-west of Londonaswas!
Who knows, BBC Asian Network is probably using that name already.
I don’t give a shit what they call it, all I ask is for a presenter/reporter who can speak understandable English.
And dont forget the strained pronunciation of Bechayrut formerly known as Beirut.
Very surprised to see a Germanification though, usually this kowtowing to the native pronunciation only occurs when the place in question is in a black or brown homeland.
I still say Peking and Bombay, BBC ‘journalists’ never say Paree. My favourite is Barcelona, they sound like Manuel from Fawlty Towers.
BBC ‘journalists’ never say Paree.
Nor Roma nor Moskva.
Congatulations to the BBC in giving prominent coverage to the Egyptian Christians murdered by Islamic State, they have even listed them individually by name. I think that’s good and hopefully we’ll see more reporting like this. Not perfect, but better than I expected.
BBC policy: dozens of Coptic Christians slaughted by Islam: put the news story right at the bottom of the page.
British Gitmo detainee possibly maltreated: wheel out human rights lawyers, listen to them and put the story near the top of the page.
The BBC website is still giving prominence to the Copts and I can’t see the Git Mo Guy.
I don’t watch TV and have given up on the radio news so there the balance by the BBC may be different.
R4 Today programme might as well just be written by the Labour party.
BBC website categorises the story under sub heading “Explainers” below “Reporters”
“Who are the Coptic Christians?” It asks.
(Who were the Coptic Christians, surely, at this rate they’ve had it?)
Not BBc but may as well be the UKIP assassination on Channel 4. I’ve already complained to Channel 4 & OFFCOM. It really is just as bad as I thought it would be. Nice to see a clip of Racist Diane Abbott shouting racism Badly acted badly written. For some bizarre reason they initially focussed on Airbus. They build wings at Broughton just inside Wales, The UK government was never that interested in it anyway BAE sold it’s stake some time ago (2006?). The premise is we leave the EU Airbus moves and a supplier in the fictional UKIP MP constituency immediately goes under as we assume in hypothetical world Airbus finds an alternate supplier overnight. So how f**king bothered was Labour in the real, not fantasy, world when MG rover went to the wall with a loss of @ 30,000 real jobs. Then onto outrage the border agency raiding properties for illegal immigrants ‘kin hell I thought that was what they were supposed to be doing. An utter travesty the people responsible should be sacked.
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It’s very subtle though, isn’t it. Not a bad first effort for a 6th Form Media Studies Project.
For some bizarre reason they initially focussed on Airbus.
A large number of well-meaning, but naive, folk in this country are pinning their hopes on Slick Dave’s Referendum. Some very intelligent Conservative MP’s are included in this group. They fantasise that the only problem is getting the vote for, with a bit of a shove, they will win the day. These people are so, so deluded. The media propagandists will overwhelm them. Their trump card is ‘big business will pull out if we leave the EU’. C4 gave you prior notice tonight. Don’t say you weren’t warned. Imagine eight months of that.
When the persuasive John Redwood stands up to promote a ‘No’ vote, do you doubt that we will be treated to the old clip of him looking gormless as the Welsh National Anthem was sung? And similar gaffes by others?
Someone earlier had a quote from Andy Warhol about whoever has the lenses has the power. Warhol was no stone jug.
No mention of Democracy, and 99 percent on Illegal Immigration.
The only UKIP policy on Illegal Immigration that I can find is No 75. No amnesty for illegal immigrants, or those gaining UK passports via fraud. But most of the program implied that the problem can only be dealt with by heavy Police raids, and that even UKIP Asians would eventually support Illegal Immigration, because presumably the Lefty writers cannot imagine that legal immigrants could ever be really British, and therefore would always eventually come round in the end to support Mass Illegal Immigration. No mention of policy No 76. Protecting genuine refugees by returning to the UN Convention of Refugees principles. But there was a mention of policy No 58. Guaranteeing a job in the police, prison, or border forces for anyone who has served 12 years in the Armed Forces.
The No 1. Policy of UKIP: Get Britain out of the European Union. Got only a few seconds of a mention: It came as a surprise to the Nation, causing immediate redundancies on its unexpected announcement by Farage, redundancies that would have come with a Labour victory, but with UKIP, it came with a surprise announcement. It implied that Industry does not think that any Nation could survive outside of the EU, which is the Labour policy for opposing a referendum, as well as the Greek position due to ignorance of the existence of Switzerland and Norway etc.
There was an incident which revealed the political and religious ignorance of the writers when he asks the Asian female UKIP MP how she squares UKIP membership with gay marriage, they did write a reply for the actor when she talks about UKIP’s Libertarian principals of it not being the job of the State to interfere in religious morality, but that now that it has been imposed by the state, UKIP now regards it as a private decision for those who worship the State. But no mention of how this squares with her Religion and how it regards gay marriage as immoral as do all cultures in Multicultural Britain, except the culture of the BBC/C4 atheist cultural Imperialist writers on the Left, who assumed an Asian as well as a UKIP MP would be a member of that ignorant statist mindset.
Another piece of pig ignorance was the depiction of UKIP having a vague idea about celebrating Britishness with no mention of the 200th Anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo occurring within UKIP’s first 100 days.
The Airbus hypothesis was laughable. High tech contracts just do not vanish overnight. very few companies are capable of fulfilling them. Just look at the relatively low tech railway industry for proof of that.
There is a urgent need on BR for new diesel multiple units but no firms available to make them. Or so I hear. I expect the aircraft industry is ithe same.
C4 are to be congratulated. A worthy successor to Isvestia and Pravda. How much we have missed them. Such well produced propaganda and such convincing acting.
That should change many minds beforte the election . Was not this the idea? if so it will just backfire. Crude and stupid.
I suppose it will keep up the liberals’ spirits.
It did show just how deluded the liberals are. A UKIP government would have been elected with overwhelming support from the shires and the shires would soon deal with the rabble.
this one seems to have legs
1000+ votes in first 3 hours
The complaints to Offcom have now apparently topped 700. They also to appear to have pissed off a few ex forces with the border agency manned by ex forces thread. There is an ongoing conversation on the UK veterans page as it’s being perceived as an action smear ex forces personnel.
Well this Blog is a great laugh before I make my way up the wooden hill to bed. I think we are all showing a very stiff upper lip in the face of this war on the British people by the bBBC. It’s also very informative because the longest time I’ve been able to listen or watch the bBBC today was about 30 seconds. I do try very hard to get value for my TV license fee but my temper always gets the better of me. So thank you to all those viewers & listeners who sat through today’s Orwellian cr*p & were able to put their comments up for me to read. Why do they (bBBC) weave their agenda into EVERYTHING they broadcast. EVERYTHING? PS I’m not getting a good reception at Dinner Parties either but I’m going to keep rejecting the convential bBBC wisdom.
BBC has an article ’10 hours of walking in Paris as a Jew’
It mentions the Eiffel Tower, but you have to read between the lines to an extent to realise the truth, that the abuse was only encountered from Muslims, in Paris’ Muslim areas, and not in any recognisably French part of town at all.
“The clips featured appear to be shot in poorer and predominantly Muslim neighbourhoods. Could he be accused of deliberately seeking out negative comments? ”
What? Are the BBC suggesting that daring to walk the streets while conspicuously Jewish in a ‘Muslim area’ is somehow an act of provocation? Do you think the BBC would suggest that wearing a burqa, in say, Millwall (wait, no that example no longer works, all the white people left:, er somewhere with lots of white working class people in is ‘seeking out negative comments’?
It continues ‘With an apparently anti-Semitic murder among two killings in Copenhagen this weekend, and last month’s Paris attacks including four murders at a Kosher supermarket, some Jews in Europe are feeling vulnerable.’
But it somehow fails to mention who might be behind these murders.
You can bet if it were the Front National, Pegida, the BNP, or anything else, it would be uptop in the headline. But instead we are supposed to just read between the lines, and accept as a given that somehow the very act of daring to walk the streets of a ‘Muslim area’, is an act of provocation.
Well, at least you could say the BBC has acknowledged it, if in that special way they reserve for PR crisis management.
“It’s impossible for us to verify Klein’s video, and like other “10 hours in…” videos there has been a large amount of editing – which critics say conveys a false impression.”
Well, some critics do say that a large % of BBC output runs through their unique filter, from topics chosen, guests invited, to what is considered news, and ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) in their edit suite. So raising that caveat is… brave.
In addition to the young lady wolf whistled at, there was also a student a US college I believe? Much more of such foolhardy peaceful behavior such as walking around and certain communities will be living in fear of inappropriate showing folk up.
What next? Gay pride march in Gaza or Tehran to show solidarity? Or another Hug a Hijab day with several days edited down to show… what now?
Meanwhile, in the spirit of highlighting BBC editorial integrity, we’ll just have to see if, when and where this makes the cut:
“Farming Today”, or whatever the patronising programme is called, this morning – Iceland, climate change, etc., etc. Turned it off almost as soon as I’d turned it on.
R5Live – has some woman, hit by the old scam marriage, complaining that she had married some Senegalese Muslim
(why!!) … only to find, he just consistently lied through his teeth,
(why surprised?), that the scam set up in Senegal is all the same, and is organised, and rampant, (why surprised? … )
The aim is not only citizenship, but as much material possession as is possible to gather.
It never ceases to amaze me, the ignorance, and stupid gullibility,
on show, talking of which, 5Live have D. “Pinocchio” Cameron live … explaining how he will hit the very poorest, the most vulnerable, hardest, again … he was just so busy falsifying his figures, omitting facts, and lying … he forgot to mention it.
It never ceases to amaze me, the ignorance, and stupid gullibility…
Indeed. Usually there are signs that all is not as it should be. The more perceptive ‘victims’ could be expected to pick them up:
Immigration officers swooped to arrest phoney marriage couple after Pakistani groom had to be reminded of his bride-to-be’s name just minutes before they were due to tie the knot
Groom forgets bride’s name in ‘farcical’ sham marriage
Its no surprise when British people are naive and gullible when they are taught at school and by the media that foreigners are ‘just like us’, and are encouraged to trust them and to assume that they behave and think in exactly the way we do. For many people from backward cultures the concept of marriage for love is totally alien, marriage is purely an economic transaction and for the procreation of children.
Children need educating at school to realise that not all cultures share the same attitudes and it goes way way beyond eating different foods wearing different clothes and going to different places of worship; it dictates your entire outlook on what it is to be human, what family means, rights, respect and equality.
When British people are aware of these things, our girls will not be so vulnerable to abuse by foreign men, and our middle aged dolts not so easily fooled by hard nosed foreign men and women.
Credit to the BBC when its due (rarely).
This morning theyre running a feature on FiveLive on British citizens (both sexes and erhnic minority too, they had a black West Indian British woman on) being conned into marriage by passport hunters.
This is LONG overdue, and still too little too late. The black woman said, rightly, that people should have to live with their partner in the foreign country for four years before beign allowed to bring them here, she is right.
Apparently in Canada they have TV adverts warning people against the dangers of these criminals. It is vital with so many young people going on gap years to Third World countries that they are made aware of these risks, and likewise that young university students be warned that foreign students they may fall in love with at university may have a very different motive for their interest in them.