The organised campaign of threats against Cathy Newman
This is criminal. And Channel Four and Streatham Mosque have both been silent over it.
@cathynewman you lying piece of shit. Apologies are no good once the damage has been done. You are an absolute disgrace. Resign bitch!
Not just Channel Four and Streatham Mosque ignoring this…the BBC and Owen Jones have remained silent…well about the threats to Cathy Newman…they were quite happy to suggest Newman’s tweet was a threat to Muslims throughout the UK.
Wonder when the BBC will get around to reporting this racism that the Spectator reports…..
The orthodoxy of the ‘safe space’ has now led to racial segregation at a British university
Props to Goldsmiths Students’ Union, for taking the ‘safe space’ concept to absurd new levels. Last week, one faction of the union hosted a screening of the film Dear White People and advertised it as being ‘for BME students’. For those not au fait with this lingo, BME stands for ‘black and minority ethnic’ – and the poster specifies that this screening is for students of ‘African, Caribbean, Arab, Asian and South American ethnic origin’. The union’s welfare and diversity officer and education officer both reiterated this message on Facebook and Twitter, then stated that before the screening, there was a BME ONLY social happening at Cafe Natura.
Please enlighten me. I thought the Cathy Newman business was because she was kicked out of a mosque because she is a woman, and then went on to tweet about the experience in a very mild way. In fact even finishing off positively about another, less extremist, one she was allowed in for tea and cakes. What else has happened to make these oxygen-stealers so vicious against her?
Do they need a reason? It’s the religion of perpetual offence taking – if there isn’t a reason they can soon invent one.
This is quite a shocking post. A union welfare and diversity officer? In our capital city?
Open racism. The Edjukashun system and state propaganda is clearly having an effect if young people such as Bahar Mustapha openly act in a racist manner. I could only think that she must either hate or fear white people, and truly believes that diversity is compatible with skin colour based exclusion. I suspect she could not conceive as to why this is utterly offensive and overt racial prejudice; such is the ethical confusion of our modern times.
I was told by my father about the “No blacks, No Irish” signs that were often displayed in public houses and B&B’s. They are quite rightly a thing of our past, another small step forward in our civilization. But no whites? He didn’t tell me about those signs. Maybe they have them in Bahar’s home country? I could never hold a hospitable host in such utter contempt. It’s un-british.
Intolerance of this nature is another symptom of the ever more troubling times in which we find ourselves. Our civilization has been taking too many steps backwards of late.
Vote UKIP. The only credible chance of a change in direction, or in an application of common sense.
Slogan for times ahead: Common Sense, not Common Purpose
I heard that Labour have a pink woman only Bus, it seats up to 16 “Women Only” segregated passengers, presumably for the women only shortlist constituencies. Its worse than the deep South because Labour have no “Men only” Buses, unlike those Bus companies in the deep South.
Hopefully it could make Labour’s Males think that they are not allowed to vote Labour any more, especially as this Bus would not be allowed to Bus Male Labour voters to the polling station on Election day.
Would Jack Dromey be allowed on board this pink wimmin’s bus? After all, he was allowed onto an all-women candidate shortlist …
Is it really possible now to do anything about sick, leftist-Islamist-multicult nihilism that appears to have taken root in British universities? These places are from where, presumably, the future “movers and shakers” of the nation will come.
I despair, sometimes.
Arrived back at Heathrow Terminal 2 on Saturday evening to find that the only ‘hideous’ white faces were those within the in the hundreds queuing to re-enter their homeland ( The BBC would be delighted). The hundreds of ‘the hideous’ were lined up to be security checked by the wholly ethnically ‘Asian by origin’ security staff and interrogated by the wholly ethnically ‘Asian by origin’ passport control officials.
While I get on very well with most people of all ethnic groups and treat them with the same respect and courtesy as I do with everyone, I find this somewhat worrying and obviously an indication of the way things are going in this country. If there were to be a threat it would come from the very ethnic group who are charged with our security.
Could only happen in Britain !!!
Heathrow = heavy Slough and Hounslow employment catchment area, very Asian
Gatwick = pale-faced Surrey, and chavish Crawley.
As for Luton…who knows? I mosque-admit I don’t know.
I went to Hayes today. Unbelievable; and I lived in Lewisham for 5 years until 2013.
Absolute complete and utter shithole.
No. It is a deliberate policy so that any disputes with “officialdom” can be construed as a racist incident. That is why so many parking enforcement officers are Black or Asian. Most of their bosses, however, are still hideously white.
And with regard to the Cathy Newman affair, why is it that perceived slights to the “religion of peace” are the only thing that appears to irk so many of its followers, and not the daily litany of carnage and cruelty carried out in its name? Laughable and utterly trivial things cause so much offence, from books, cartoons to Teddy Bears named Mohammed. Does it come from a fragile sense of insecurity whereby, deep down, they know that a religion founded by a man with clear behavioural issues, who had a penchant for pre-pubescent girls, and who claimed to have flown to Jerusalem on a winged-donkey is just so much nonsense. Laughable, in fact, as the late Christopher Hitchens said.
(Apologies for any typos – I wrote this post in a hurry on my I-pad).
Twitter exists. Some would wish it did not, but it does.
It’s just a tool, but often gets blamed as inanimate things can for the abuse of some people who use it.
Often… too often… it seems an unfiltetred vehicle for opinion. Especially of an overly robust kind. Not pleasant, especially for those targeted, but ultimately more damning for those whose own words are preserved.
Personally I appreciate its value more as a means of sharing information that major media seem under-resourced (£4 billion can only go so far) or editorially unwilling to mention.
Such as this:
News? Not news? At least, thanks to twitter, I had the opportunity to discover, and decide for myself.
Some do really not like this.
Now why would the BBC investigate or revisit one of their greatest achievements and undermine their determination that justice and democracy has been achieved?
The great ANC moment when democracy arrived and their hero none other than the late great Nelson M A N D E L A became president. Another African State successfully delivered into the clutches of communist socialist order.
Moving to the clip from the seat of democracy in the “New” South Africa. The players;
The Hon President “bring me my machine gun” Jacob Zuma, freedom fighter extraordinaire. The one suspected of having received corrupt payments from foreign arms companies in the order of US$50m for which his financial adviser Schabir Shaik was jailed for 15 years;
At the same time Mr Zuma was about to be put on trial State President Thabo Mbeki intervened. All charges later dropped when Zuma became President.
Mr Shaik was pardoned by Zuma on health grounds because he was suffering a terminal illness. Yes well it seems they have cures for this as well;
You may remember a Prime Minister called Mr Tony Blair. Well surprisingly he terminated a SFO investigation of BEA systems on the grounds that it might affect relations with allies. One of those allies was one Jacob Zuma.
Now his protagonist in Parliament a few days ago; leader of EFF one Julius Malema. Former President of the ANC Youth League (the enforcers of party discipline) and future State President. Whilst in his role as Pres of ANC YL also held a number of undeclared directorships of numerous constrcution companies awarded a multitude of State Tenders to deliver, houses, schools, roads and bridges in Limpopo Province. These tenders were either not delivered or poorly delivered resulting in deaths and disruption. When investigated he had strangely resigned shortly before each tender was accepted. Supposedly on a salary of R250k/pa he wore a wrist watch worth twice that and two homes worth in excess of R14m
Having been duly embarrassed the ANC had to deal with him and he was recorded singing an ANC “war song” that included the words kill all the Boer (kill all the white farmers). Not an unusual song to sing at an ANC gathering because in reality it is just a folk song. Using various outraged Afrikaaner organisations he was prosecuted and found guilty of inciting violence and racial hatred. He made several sexist outbursts about women and was also found guilty in an ANC tribunal of sexism. He was then suspended and later expelled from the ANC. He has vowed revenge and said he will expose all ANC corruption.
Twitter can also serve in other ways.
Jasmine, Jon, and so many others, meet Paul.
As usual ‘Alan’ gets all the facts wrong and forgets the story. Morgan was a bit lacking in the truth of her original encounter.
At least she aplogised.
Still awaiting the apology over your lies re the Glasgow Bin lorry crash. But of course racists and bigots are so insecure they can never accept that they are wrong!
“…gets all the facts wrong…
Morgan was a bit lacking…”
That would be the Captain’s daughter, then?
What is it today; fat fingers or spell-check?
That doesn’t excuse the death threat tweets though. Or do you think it does?
I still can’t see what she had to apologise for.
‘racists and bigots’
hmm OK we have now found your level? OK you rat faced abuser and general goat fondling pervert oh and that’s my real name you cowardly tosser!
Even for a bin man you really are incredibly stupid.
At least we are contributing for free and not being paid to disrupt the site like some of the trolls on here.
As I understand it the mosque has come up with CCTV that disputes Cathy Newmans account of being ushered out of the mosque and she has been forced to apologise.
I Know whose version I believe. But it appears channel 4 are not backing her despite the vile twitter abuse and death threats.
There is worse than what has been published here.
It was an outrageous slur of Ms Newman to claim she was ushered out of a mosque for being a woman when in fact because she was a woman she was not invited to enter in the first place. I hope she sees the error of her ways and tells her Feminem friends before they try on one of their ‘protests’.
According to that poster white people are welcome at that film screening because white people, like everyone else, are of African origin.
Sensing that the point here is that Cathy Newman rather had hoped for a Channel 4 puff piece to trail her “Visit a Mosque for tea and cakes ” notions-and got treated pretty much as any white guilt-tripping dupe would have been.
Welcome to Bethnal Green Cathy!
That she would never dare bring her personal story into the news, when the personal=political meme is a guarantee of headline coverage only shows how craven she-and those who pay her fat wages-are when it comes to Islam.
Had a Catholic church done that-it would STILL be winning awards and continually dug up to show the anti-feminist, racist-frankly Fascist-nature of the Vatican.
But when Islam does this-well, maybe she doodled a cartoon or something that day, inflaming passions with her Anne of Cleves mask and brogues?
Islam NEVER gets the blame-and even a week after thousands of Muslims pissed on Charlie Hebdo-type of leanings, cladding Clemmie in a burqa kind of antics?…no news-omerta-best not go there-a few troubled victims of racist bullying, who deserve our fleeces for arsewipes with the left hand.
Cathy Cringe Newman-Pamela Geller she aint!
There’s a great piece on why a terrorist war is likely on the streets of Britain.
The government has closed down free speech and made protesting Islamism illegal.
What remains to do for somebody who’s not prepared to see their country disappear before their eyes without a fight?
It’s called “Warmonger” at:
Thanks for posting the link J.A. – very interesting analysis by Moloney.
Yes I completely sympathise with those “moderate” members of the RoP who are so outraged by her lies regarding visiting a mosque in Streatham.
She’s lucky it wasn’t in Rotherham…
I think she’s a bit old for their tastes.
Actually Cathy Newman blew a modest secret. On that day we were told that mosques were being open to non believers who would be welcome. But it was not until I read of her claim to have been ushered out that I realised it was only a few mosques in this scheme, and consequently she had revealed the limitations of the scheme .
Well, she seems to have done wrong and has apologised. Can we assume that the same Twitter police aided by Tell Mama will track down all those who have made threats against her?
I am so looking forward to the bare breasted fenimems or whatever they call themselves to demonstrate on her behalf in a local mosque.
The problem with championing so many progressive causes is that some of your causes can be contradictory. The plucky Greek commies are heroes, but so are their enemies, the EU. Similarly, Islam is wonderful, but is totally incompatible with feminism. It is a tribute to the Houdini contortions of the meeja that they manage to make Christian whitey seem Neandertal while Islamics are progressive. It was no small slip when Cathy Newman tweeted that she was ‘ushered out’ of a mosque; she had broken the unwritten convention and was in the process of ‘outing’ Islam as anti-women. The Islamists had to nip that in the bud – they knew there are rich pickings for anyone brave enough to go for it.
When Newman had to choose – or allow her employer to choose for her – she chose Islam over Feminism. She was well-placed to scoff at the mosque playing with words; she just had to point out that men-only mosques were an anachronism with no place in twenty-first century Britain. Instead, she back-pedalled and grovelled. Female equality, it seems, will still be restricted to indigenous females.
and you can bet your bottem dollar that these nice muslims threatening mrs newman come from what we are told as moderate muslims,where are the police,are they giving the knock on the door to these people threatening death and more against mrs newman,look.i dont like muslms,i dont like islam, i dont like mosques,had, a bellyfull of the lot of them,if by me saying that drives you to murder then i have to wonder maybe you would all be better of over there in iraq and syria living under isis. enemy within ashgar bukhari.
Reading these vile, antisemitic tweets, some clearly written by Moslems, make me content not to bother about Twitter. Such comments are
no more than mindless, violent filth: yet we are continually told that Islam is a highly moral religion of peace.
Ashgar Bukhari – Shia or Sunni, I wonder? I think she should tell us. She wants people to think its just us and them, but she has a dirty little secret: Islamic sectarianism.