“We will not surrender; they cannot kill all of us.”
Agnieszka Kolek was in the cafe in Denmark that was targeted by a Muslim terrorist in the name of his religion. She says “We will not surrender; they cannot kill all of us.”
The problem is that other people will, and have, surrendered on her behalf. People in organisations like the BBC, and government, who make excuses for such terrorism and place the blame squarely on the ‘rest of us’ for it.
Note that a Jewish man was shot at a synagogue in Denmark by the terrorist…no doubt the BBC will be justifying his murder by virtue of his Jewishness and thereby must be guilty by association for the supposed sins of Israel…and therefore a worthy target…ala Tim Wilcox.
On that basis presumably Ukrainians can start shooting any Russians they see walking the streets of the UK in retaliation for Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine….and so on for any other conflict in the world.
There is of course a connection to the 70 year war that the Muslims launched against Israel…and that is the extremely one sided anti-Israel coverage that the BBC broadcasts around the world knowing full well that it will whip up dangerous anti-Jewish sentiments amongst Muslims but still broadcasting it regardless.
The same BBC that goes out of its way to hide or excuse Muslim terrorism or just alien practises that are radical and extreme in a secular, modern demcracy based upon their religion just in case non-Muslims get the mistaken idea that Islam is a deeply violent and unpleasant religion.
Just why did the BBC spend £300,000 hiding the contents of the Balen Report which investigated their reporting in the Middle East?
Just what did it say? About time we knew, about time the ‘open, transparent and accountable’ BBC let the world have a look.
It is undeniable that the BBC has helped to ‘legitimise’ Islamic terror which has in turn led to the death of Jewish people. But we should note that the Charlie Hebdo journalists were not Jewish, nor were many on the London Underground , nor were many thousands of other victims of Islamic terror. Whilst the Jewish people, wherever they live, are in the front line, the rest of us are to a lesser degree targets for these Islamic zealots.
I have no doubt that the BBC has massively contributed to the problems that we face in the UK with a large and growing population of non integrated Muslims who simply do not share our values and who wish to impose their values on the rest of us.
We must stand shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish community who have been here for many years and with whom we have rubbed along with little of no friction. What a contrast to the Muslims.
The BBC does not only legitimise the terrorist but it delegitimises the people of Israel by deliberately putting forward Arab propaganda against them as if it were fact on their news service http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/09/2008-false-evidence-against-israel.html .With one or two notable exceptions, it stereotypes Jews in documentaries and history programmes eg http://netanyalynette.blogspot.co.il/2012/08/writing-jews-out-of-history.html
Has there ever been a programme about the positive contribution of Jews to Britain ? It was Ernst Chain who recognized the potential of Fleming’s nearly forgotten discovery of the antibacterial properties of Penicillium molds . And This example is interesting . Yoachim Ganz was recruited by Queen Elizabeth the 1st government in the 16th century as a mining metallurgist to smelt copper much more quickly than before – was used in the manufacture of bronze . The English cannons were thus made of bronze whereas the Spanish Armadas were cast iron . It was this that led directly to the Spanish Armada being defeated.
Not content with lies and innuendo you are now guessing what the BBC might say as a smokescreen for your bigoted paranoia.
Look forward to your other IDs rushing to your own defence.
Still waiting for the apology over your lies about the Glasgow bin lorry driver.
We are still waiting for the BBC to apologise over its lies about Israel, Gaza, UKIP, the Conservative Party, Margaret Thatcher, the Tea Party, their claims to political neutrality etc. etc.
However we’ve been waiting for decades for some of these apologies.
Images of murder from Syria, committed by Syrian’s on Syrian’s, copied and blamed on the Israeli’s/Zionist/Jews by BBC employees.
The Balen Report is as secret as the identities of the two Bin men who bashed up the Bin driver, and the secret Bin Driver diversion story put out by MI5. If you could leak all those Superinjunctions, we could find out why its so important for the Establishment to censor everything.
Thanks to Islamic attacks, equivalent to a single Luftwaffe bomb, the Liberal Fascist Establishment are using Superinjunctions to subvert the democratic process by making sure that the voter is not influenced by the truth, and therefore vote UKIP.
I do not recall lies here over the Glasgow bin driver. There was much speculation in response to a media blackout on the subject which coincided with calls by Islamic terrorists to use vehicles to kill Israelis and an event of this kind in France. It was plausible to speculate and conjecture, without drawing any conclusion. No one here on this blog called for the deaths or punishment of alleged malefactors, people speculated with good reason, given the lack of transparency over Islamic issues and over the deliberations of Labour dominated councils. None of this speculation matches the downright lies, false evidence, doctored photographs, used to pursue the BBC led campaign against Israel. Even now, the Glasgow bin story is lacking in transparency and demands a full investigation by an unbiased news organizaion
“I do not recall lies here over the Glasgow bin driver.”
That is irrelevant to the commenter in question. He seeks merely to divert and obfuscate and is best ignored.
Whilst I agree with that in principle, I think it is important that the record should show that the allegations of lies have been countered, with no further reply from the accuser, thus showing what nonsense they are talking.
Given the slavish adherence to ‘tell it often enough’ by some, and how it can chip away enough to make it worthwhile to the unscrupulous, have to agree.
Funny isn`t it that the BBC repeat this “some might say that you Danes brought this upon yourselves” crap, just as they blamed the French for the Charlie Hebdo case-which was the template used by this fellow Islamotwat?
I do wonder where the BBC get their “Arab Street Voxpox” memes from-Brick Lane once the punters have gone and the little boys run free-with the drugs?
No-being Jewish is the crime…and the dry humping run ups to killing the Jews are ones that kill doodlers, scribblers and unlucky lotus eaters that have never been taught what Islam is at its source.
At least , as practiced now by its Take That boyband tribute acts..whose sugar daddies recall the “Battles of Honeyford” “Rushdie” etc-with hennaed beards and the hope of wrapping the the saprophytic nation they drain, up in a black shroud.
No chance…learn Arabic, fight back…best to walk now before you`re being made to run!
I think we are also waiting for the apology over the lies about the “far-right” being to blame for the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013. We have already waited 18 months for that one.
Sadly the vast majority of the “educated middle class” and in particular those involved with universities and the media have made common cause with those who seek to deligitimize Israel.
The BDS movement is their special project.
Just try to defend Israel in the company of academics.
And of course they are not anti Semitic Why they even have Jewish friends !. Not me on any account ever.
It is always yes but and well what can you expect and so on and so on till I feel sick.
It is all cumulative. The endfless sniping at Israel and by implication it is anti Semitic. Jews are such a nuisance. Always complaining and why now they even have a fine military force and young men and women who know how to fight and will never again go meekly to their deaths. Not Jewish behaviour is it?
Europe is dying by degrees and you know what Israel will still be there when Europe is a waste land of decadence and war.
The liberal elite of this country is on the road to hell and the tragedy is it will take good honest people with it.
Yes I am angry and with cause.
The BBC? Quite honestly I could not care less what it says and what it thinks and what it wants to believe. It is nothing to me.
I am afraid the Universities opened the door to low IQ children of intelligent middle-class parents, children who should have been transferred down from the middle-classes to do the menial jobs given to Immigrants rather than gone to University to do Arts, Media, Languages and other dumb subjects, and then gone on to get a job at the BBC.
Dave, we are the canaries in the mine.
We do have friends, the vast majority on this site, but I do despair, when will something tragic happen on these shores, not if but when ?
All facilitated by the MSM the bbc in particular.
I watched a BBC TV news report this morning prefacing the Andrew Marr Show in which the Copenhagen attack was reported, but I was none-the-wiser about who might have been behind it, or – more importantly – why. The BBC wilfully obfuscates, refusing to suggest any possible muslim connection – just ‘a man’ or ‘men’, or ‘armed gunman’, etc.
This isn’t journalism. This is lying by omission.
The BBC uniquely imposes a charge to cover what it calls ‘reporting’.
There are other sources that do not expect to prop up BBC staff pensions first.
This morning Radio Five “gets much worse” Live had a report on the shootings in Denmark. What was noteworthy about this report was the complete failure of this station to mention that the gunman was a Moslem, despite the fact that the shootings took place at a free speech event and a synogogue. The BBC must have known that the gunman was a Moslem as they chose to interview a Moslem stand-up comic ,who lives in Denmark, about the incident. When is the BBC going to stop being disingenous about the Islamic threat to Western Europe and to finally admit there is a security problem within our midst? They cannot any longer try to pretend that there is nothing happening to our society through a subterfuge of sport and reports of so-called dodgy Tory donors.
The implication of the BBC News item is that the “controversial cartoonist somehow brought it on himself. Never heard of Hogarth being described as “controversial”. I suppose there would be some tautology involved in such a description for satire though in its modern usage of the word, as demonstrated by the BBC, its purpose is to dog whistle an alert for the PC appeasers. The BBC is going to explain why they are “controversial”. In all these news approaches a particular narrative technique is used. The behaviour of the victims is explained and discussions are focused around that behaviour – what they did. This steps over into an implication that there is some binary here: should they or should they not publish. The attackers become flat characters to be explained but only in terms of social biography on the trope of disadvantage which makes them sociologically determined. Now, you then have a free reckless cartoonist and a behavioural automaton. The problem is that this sociological profile cannot explain because it is based on a sociological profile that millions share. So its purpose is to be in place of what does distinguish that attacker; the simple fact what he says he is doing it for – his religion, Islam. The focus of the BBC facing attacks on freedom of expression should never be a discussion of constitutional liberties, i.e., should they publish or not. The terrorist will consider it progress if the media discussion are on his ground which they were on the BBC: the free expressions. Risky as it is to say, I would suggest that this is a variation of (I think) Russell’s point about have you stopped beating your mother. The discussion should always be on who the violent killers are and what we should do to stop the attackers, never the cartoons and those “controversial” cartoonist. An example of the above suggested approach was during the Troubles all political discussions never asked whether the British government should allow the reunification of Ireland, they concentrated on what to do with the security situation.
Early evening and BBC News website is still telling me the gunman’s name hasn’t been released.
A cursory glance at other news sources disproves this. He is a Muslim with a Muslim name. This manipulation by omission is becoming intolerable.
there seems to be a pattern developing here in europe with these isis islamic muslim hitlers in headscarves terrorist attacks,first they attack free speech then they attack the jewish community including little children worshipping in there synagogue,but listening to the bbc coverage today you would think these terrorists attacks was carried out by gang members down on there luck and a drug deal that went wrong,the bbc went out of there way today not to mention the word islam or muslims and funny enough they did not even use the word miliant to describe this terrorist in denmark,what is going on here you must wonder,what is going on i ask with this deception by the bbc.
I was listening to one of the news items yesterday and they did put the killer in relation to Islam but in a peculiar way. They suggested the he was “inspired by the Charlie Hebdo” issue. What an extraordinary word to use, “inspired”, because we usually use such a term in a positive sense suggesting some good, e.g., being inspired by a figure that has altered our view of the world and have made the world a better place. Inappropriate here; leaving to one side the BBC’s inability to read minds, what we can say with complete confidence is that he was attempting to make us all agree that depictions of the founder of Islam is haram. And the BBC and mainstream media have all agreed with that which is clearly a success for Islam and will be celebrated as such. The BBC should stop fingering the carootoonists as causing the attacks on themselves.
By Pamela Geller.