No name from the BBC for the gunman in Denmark, they fallback on this get out…
The man’s name has not been released.
Certainly the police hadn’t officially released the name but Danish media have published the name as has the Mail and many other news outlets…and the name has been out for many hours now…
Danish-born Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, 22, was killed after opening fire on officers who had closed down the area surrounding Norrebro metro station at about 5am today.
Not only that but they have several photos of the man…
The last is a photo released by Danish police in 2013 when the man made a knife attack on someone.
The BBC are still hoping it is another Breivik.
Just waiting for the requisite backlash article from the Beeb
But it has nothing to do with Islam.
It’s all the fault of the cartoons blaspheming against the prophet….yes that one….the one who never made a single prophesy.
Steyn on top form:
This appears to be deliberate political censorship by Beeboids on behalf of certain Islamic interests.
In contrast, ‘Daily Mail’ has-
“Pictured: Danish lone wolf ‘jihadi’ who was gunned down by police after terror shootings which killed film director and Jewish security guard – weeks after he was released from prison over knife attack.
“Danish police shot and killed a man near Norrebro metro station at 5am.
“He has been identified as Danish born Omar Abdel Hamid El-Hussein, 22.
“Released from jail two weeks ago after stabbing teenager on train in 2013.
“Two people killed in separate attacks on a cafe and synagogue yesterday.
“Finn Nørgaard, 55, was killed at a free speech event at Krudttonden cafe.
“Dan Uzan, 37, was shot in the head as he stood guard at Bat Mitzvah.
“Danish Prime Minister says the country had been ‘hit by terror’ today.
“Britain’s David Cameron condemns shootings as ‘attack on free speech'”
Read more:
Given the constraints (mainly self-imposed), in such cases politicians have a limited repertoire of platitudes to work with, but the likes of PresO and our PM are starting to sound just a smidge repetitive.
And calling an attack on a debate on free speech (ignoring the now obligatory hunting down of a Jewish symbol) ‘an attack on free speech’ takes a special talent for stating the bleeding obvious.
Just a pity he’s a founding signatory to the UAF and backed Theresa May banning folk coming here by invitation to speak freely… because some thugs have threatened physical violence if words they don’t approve of get spoken.
On balance, given his credibility, Mr. Cameron could have been better advised to stick a cork in it.
BBC News Website at 22.00
‘Copenhagen gunman had violent past
The suspected gunman in the deadly Copenhagen attacks was a young Danish-born man known to authorities because of past violence, police say.’
So the killer was a violent Danish man.
Perhaps a Viking.
7.30 News R4. Still a Viking. It would be funny if it weren’t so sickening.
He was probaly driven to extremism as a desperate cry for help by social deprivation and lack of employment opportunities. We should also remember that the “real” victims of this are those who may suffer from Islamophobia….
Check out my animation after the paris shootings
and of course the evil torycutz, so damaging that they now affect Denmark as well…
This killing is the fault of all the daily mail readers.
Some chap on Al Beeb now saying that the Copenhagen killer was linked to gang violence. So there we have it, its all about ‘gang warfare’.
How daft does Al Beeb think we are ?
Its a gang with 1.5 billion members that has been going for 1400 years.
That would explain it; obviously more Al Capone than Al Qaeda
The problem here Merched Beca, is that the majority of folk who watch the bbc are stupid enough to suck up the lies.
Got the blokes name from a Gates of Vienna link…Omar something wasn`t it?
As if we`d none of us have guessed that he`d be a Muslim nutjob.
Still-the BBC will be telling us he`s as Danish as bacon…oops!
Danish as a beheading in a sandpit anyway.
Anyway-that`ll teach the Danes for putting out a cartoon nine years ago.
Been twenty six years since we didn`t send Rushdie out to Tehran…so we`ll be due payback anytime soon.
Thanks for the work you do, I have read this website for a long time without ever contributing, have told a number of people about it as well. biasedbbc is the truth.
Thanks to this website I know the truth of what happened in Scotland. Not a tragic accident but a deliberate slaughter by a Muslim who mowed down a family in his council supplied bin lorry. Common purpose at its worst. The BBC should take a leaf out of this website’s book and simply report any old random stuff on the internet. Don’t just give us the facts as we know them! We demand to be alarmed.
Alarm is the default mechanism of those non-scientists who fail to understand the black body effect by which Goering disproved climate change in 1678. Only the Mensa space group and Piers Corben know the truth. I assume liberals belive blacks will survive longer as the planet heats up. They are confused and wrong. I am in Mensa.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque quis malesuada risus. Donec eu nibh eget leo ultricies sodales eu vitae magna. Sed in malesuada neque. Integer rhoncus enim diam, et vulputate leo luctus a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed vitae ipsum posuere, cursus libero ac, ultricies risus. Phasellus accumsan ullamcorper est quis blandit. Nunc finibus aliquet est et porta. In nec felis in lorem eleifend porttitor non vel elit. Curabitur vitae mauris nisi. Suspendisse dapibus gravida turpis, vitae consequat erat. Morbi sed tortor vitae urna tristique interdum. Maecenas a mi ac purus convallis ullamcorper.
In non odio mi. Quisque diam ligula, pellentesque id mollis quis, elementum sit amet tellus. Ut at quam a elit sollicitudin laoreet. Vivamus varius, nulla id elementum dapibus, ante ex fermentum odio, at egestas massa erat id libero. Phasellus tempus venenatis gravida. Pellentesque ornare vitae felis eu auctor. Proin porttitor finibus tempor. Nam fermentum, metus non eleifend ornare, enim neque facilisis nulla, sit amet pulvinar diam mi id purus. Nulla in bibendum ante. Sed quis scelerisque nisi. Donec sodales ligula eget sem laoreet auctor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras eros massa, faucibus in diam vel, ultricies pretium ligula. Etiam pulvinar, risus ac dictum luctus, sem dolor pulvinar neque, sit amet sollicitudin libero elit vitae sapien.
Proin auctor, libero tincidunt sodales interdum, ligula ipsum ullamcorper leo, eget gravida metus est porttitor nibh. Aenean imperdiet tempus risus, quis posuere libero fringilla nec. Proin risus ex, euismod vel urna ac, cursus tincidunt ante. Donec eleifend sagittis dictum. Mauris consequat posuere sem sollicitudin tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer bibendum odio purus, ultrices volutpat lacus pulvinar at. Ut consectetur purus sem, sed scelerisque lacus interdum at. Etiam rutrum lacinia lorem, at mollis mi. Vestibulum volutpat dictum tincidunt. Etiam hendrerit fermentum ipsum, sed venenatis mauris dignissim eget. Phasellus a neque ex.
Nam sed dolor vitae elit ultricies fringilla. Cras ut dapibus turpis. Mauris rutrum libero ut posuere blandit. Cras pretium sodales velit sit amet porta. Maecenas et lorem molestie, elementum dolor eu, laoreet velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vivamus at eros nec felis sodales fermentum a at tellus. Curabitur a lectus id mauris aliquet ullamcorper.
Nam et varius justo. Pellentesque a libero ligula. Vivamus varius turpis quis volutpat malesuada. Sed porta rutrum magna, ac varius mauris sollicitudin vel. In erat enim, placerat id eros eu, lobortis condimentum tortor. Vestibulum sodales sollicitudin massa sed luctus. Maecenas id nunc scelerisque, vehicula libero a, dignissim ipsum. Fusce aliquet dapibus libero a ornare. Suspendisse non nibh in odio scelerisque tempor eget at dolor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc pellentesque risus at ornare semper. In quam ante, eleifend nec dapibus interdum, vehicula sit amet turpis. In tincidunt eget dui at congue.
This site’s (easily hijacked) system is prone to denial of service attrition attacks when BBC apologists get worried.
Anybody willing to translate the gist of this?
If it`s not Catholic bog-Latin, I`m stuck.
Impressive-and when free speech gets cut, we may yet need our Latin speakers-so i`m in training!
Preferable to compulsory Arabic anyway.
It’s called “Greeking”. It is meaningless text used to fill space in printing.
OT, but tx for that. I always wondered why Latin was called Greek, and was waiting for QI to tell me.
Not sure, but someone may have been hoping someone would say that
Thanks to this website I know the truth of what happened in Scotland. Not a tragic accident but a deliberate slaughter by a Muslim who mowed down a family in his council supplied bin lorry. Common purpose at its worst. The BBC should take a leaf out of this website’s book and simply report any old random stuff on the internet. Don’t just give us the facts as we know them! We demand to be alarmed.
Elan, it’s really awful how people just say things. Anyone who hasn’t had Common Purpose training is liable to speculate purely on what they observe, rather than waiting for the official line. Just think how many false stories were put out over the years; MPs – honourable members of an ancient parliament – were accused of corruption, Jimmy Saville – a national treasure – was accused of abuse, not to mention the hysterical speculation – kicked off by the Nazi Nick Griffin – that thousands of white girls were being groomed by Muslim men. I mean, that was obvious, wasn’t it? These men are devout members of the Religion Of Peace; would they be likely to do that? Just naked racism.
Something needs to be done. The problem is the old nonsense about ‘free-speech’. That’s out-dated in our modern multi-cultural society. There really should be some sensible limits to what people can say. We got the old double-jeopardy rule set aside; we similarly need something done about unrestricted free speech.
If one of those towelheads comes near me I’ll slot them. I was in the army. But I’m not racist. I’m brown too. And liberal women freak out when I tell them that.
Meanwhile the World Service headline during the night talked of a “group” of Christians being beheaded. Group sounds like it could be 4 or 5. NOT a long line of 21 Christians as shown on the video released by ISIS. And on the Denmark incidents, the BBC is underplaying the fact that the Danish authorities have called the attacks “terrorism” ie an attack on a free-speech debate and an attack on a synagogue – the BBC seems to want to colour them as random and “criminal”.
All part of the pattern of the BBC minimising or disguising Muslim atrocities / terrorism.
Relax. According to the BBC website these are only apparent beheadings. Must be a bit like one of those David Blaine magic tricks then, where he makes the Empire State building apparently disappear. See
Monday morning at 8, BBC Breakfast extrude a report mangled through the Politically Correct BBC wringer.
The religion of some victims seems relevant – but not that of the perpetrator himself.
Aside from telling us his name we are given no clue as to his ethnicity. The BBC do insist he was ‘Danish-born’.
The BBC might call this news – it is in fact a PC-vetted notice that obfuscates rather than informs.
The BBC is clearly wary that we might draw conclusions that it would prefer we do not draw.
The BBC are policing the news.
At around the same time, John Humphrys on the Today programme was interviewing Rabbi Menachem Margolin, who was expressing his concern about the amount of anti-semitism in Europe and asking for police protection for Jewish centres. He never mentioned who he thought was responsible for this anti-Semitism and strangely, Mr H never asked him. I’d have thought he might be curious to know. Do they have an agreement before the interviews not to raise it? We never did find out, in the course of the discussion, where it was all coming from.
I’m assuming it must be the same rotters that attack mosques with sharpened pieces of bacon.
Aren’t sure of the killer’s identity yet? The BBC News Style Guide gives plenty of options that are used daily:
The BBC has learnt that…
Some people say that…
Many people believe that…
Reportedly …
Unconfirmed reports say…
Sources close too…
All in the best Yes Minister! deniable tradition, so deniable that a libel lawyer wouldn’t even get close. Let’s see know..”The BBC has learnt that reportedly many people believe that Nigel Farrage beats his wife and that all of the PM’s income goes through a tax-shelter in the Maldives” [Not us Guv! Found it on SharonWorksFor The BBC twitter feed!]
Actually, “the BBC has learned” is supposed to be kept for when they think they’ve caught the Tories (or, even better, UKIP) out on something. So clearly wouldn’t be warranted in this case.
(BBC Guideline #69)
It is always interesting when the BBC has paid for a poll or “conducted research”. The topic and findings do tend to conform to a streotype
They select the 5 laziest bastards hanging round the BBC photocopier.
Wow, reluctantly, Islam Not BBC INBBC) names “suspected gunman” (not ‘suspected Islamic jihadist murderer’)- a day late, online.
I believe the Egyptian Air Force has been involved in some anti Moslem terrorist operations in Libya following the beheading of 10 Coptic Christians from Egypt.
That will not go down well with the Moslem Brotherhood
“Egypt’s Al-Sisi Takes Revenge for Slaughter of Coptic Christians by Isis in Libya”
In a Beeboid era of unfree speech: an unaskable question, asked.
“Why Should Any More Muslims Be Let In? Why?”
By Hugh Fitzgerald.
Good question. Indeed, I’d ask ‘Why should we anyone be let in?’ I’ve just watched the BBC NHS News Channel report on 2,000 refugees being picked up. Irish amnesty official Iverna McGowan was pontificating how European leaders should hang their heads in shame. The beeboid ended with a fatalist more people will come, seeking a better life. Nearly brought a tear to the eye.
‘People have a right to come here to seek a better life’ seems to be the BBC position. There is to be no argument; no argument that they should be stopped. If I break into super-rich Lord Hall Hall’s house to seek a better life, would he be understanding? I doubt it. But the BBC isn’t about discussion; if it was, they would ask; Why allow foreigners to come here, Why not ignore their ships, Why not deport them, Why not erect electrified fences, Why not shoot those who break through, Why not impose sanctions on countries who don’t control their citizens, … above all, Why not reform the EU free movement laws that are at the root of this nonsense. But the BBC has it’s position, so these questions will not be asked.
Update for anti-Egypt protesters of BBC-NUJ-
“Military hits Derna, and Sirte:
details of Egyptian airstrikes on IS in Libya.”
“Copenhagen attacks: BBC whitewashes again over Islamism.
“The BBC is at it yet again over the Copenhagen attacks by a killer inspired by Islamist ideology. Their lead story has totally whitewashed all references to Islam not just in the latest attacks but in the Paris attacks in January too.”
Will INBBC expose present danger of more Islamic jihadists of Islamofascist Islamic State moving via Libya to Italy and U.K?
“Italy faces new Islamic State threat from Libya.
“ISIS threat ‘signed with blood against the nation of the cross’ follows release of video.”
Removal of stuff that doesn’t meet the house rules is in order.
Glad to see it.
This deal, which allow Egypt to target islamic jihadists, will cost about the same as what we licencepayers pay Beeboids each year.
But how effective are Beeboids in opposing Islamic jihadists?
“France and Egypt to sign deal for sale of Rafale fighter jets.
“French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian arrived in Cairo on Monday to sign a €5.2 billion contract for the sale of 24 Rafale fighter jets to Egypt, a move that will finalise the first foreign order of the French-built warplanes.”
End the licence fee: increase defence spending.
“Italy Mulls Intervention in Libya to Halt Islamic State”
Some reality for INBBC:-
“British Special Forces Told to ‘Save The Last Bullet for Yourself’ Rather Than Be Taken by Islamic State”
– See more at:
just watched channel 4 leftie news,the liberal president of denmark just said this is not a conflict betreen muslims and non muslims,you could of fooled me,then she said this is conflict betreen a extreme ideology and democrasy.who did she mean by that,very confusing indeed,well mrs liberal president of denmark i think the clue to this obvious conflict betreen muslims and non muslims is the word islamic state.yes it is called islamic state,to try and deny this religious link to this conflict makes you just another cowardice politacal liberal leader burying your heads in the sand over the real issue of the islamist state has declared war on all non muslims,get it.