If you were ever worried about free speech in this country and the power of the Muslim attack lobby to frighten people into toeing the line here is the perfect example…
The Telegraph’s James Kirkup wrote an article which was decidedly pro-Muslim and based upon the ‘research’ by the extremist organisation The Muslim Council of Britain….it was originally titled ‘Worried about Muslims in Britain? Here’s the answer’...Kirkup has now changed that ‘offensive’ title.
The fact that Kirkup, a journalist, doesn’t know what the MCB is and what its intentions are is frightening.
This is the original article from Kirkup with the all new title from which you can see he has no idea what he is talking about…’Values’ are the be all and end all of this debate….
British Muslims: integration and segregation are about economics, not values
Many commentators and politicians approach integration as a cultural question, arguing that more should be done to persuade British Muslims to accept “British values”. Perhaps we’d be better off taking an economic perspective, accepting that a better aim is making them better off.
Worried about the rising number of Muslim children in our schools? Then you should hope they pass their exams, go to good universities and get well-paid jobs. Especially the girls. Really, turn more Muslims into fully paid-up members of the Waitrose-shopping, Audi-driving, Boden-wearing middle-classes and their values will take care of themselves.
That’ll be right..here’s a perfect example…a Muslim with a first class honours degree and a good job…‘I am a Muslim….I reject Liberal Values’ and that of course is just for starters…..
Kirkup says in his latest apologetic article…
Last week I wrote about Muslims.
My article appears to have caused offence. Quite a lot of people got in touch to accuse me of being “soft” on Muslims, of failing to report and confront what they describe as a fundamental incompatibility between Islam and British society and British values. I don’t share that view. I simply note the concerns those people express.
Others, mainly but not solely Muslims, took a different view of the article. They raised a number of concerns, which I’d like to address here. Broadly, there were three types of complaint.
He has no concerns at all about his non-Muslim critics….instead he writes a long apologia to his Muslim critics answering these questions…
1 “Why are you just writing about Muslims?”
2 “You’re treating Muslims as a problem to be solved”
3 “Would you say that about any other group?”
The bottom line is that I wrote an article arguing that British Muslims should be richer and more free, and treated just like anyone else. Yet a lot of people thought that article was anti-Muslim.
So I’m amending the headline and withdrawing the poll. And I’m apologising for any offence those aspects of the article caused. But I stand by my argument, and hoping that the changes will allow people to focus on that argument and not the way it was presented.
The poll he ran asked if you thought Islam was a problem for British society…he has withdrawn the poll but the result was a resounding yes, Islam is a problem…
Kirkup says..
For me, journalism should provoke thoughts, not emotion, not least since the latter often obstruct the former. That’s what happened here: I inadvertently and unnecessarily caused offence, and that obscured my argument.
Journalists should never be afraid to offend. We should report and argue as we see the world, not according to the feelings of others. But offence should only ever be the necessary byproduct of journalism, not its aim.
Which is why this principled and professional journalist who cares about facts and is not bothered about causing offence if the facts are the facts changed the title of the original article and removed the poll that was designed to find the truth about how people saw Islam in th UK….can’t offend people with unwelcome truths…..and surely somewhat important to register what a great many people think about Islam and Muslims if you are talking about integration and the future.
Free speech? My backside. They didn’t even need an AK47..Kirkup just rolled up and died as a journalist with his self-censorship.
What Kirkup and the BBC don’t admit is that the MCB ‘research’ is purely designed to put pressure on government and ‘society’ to further Muslim interests. It tells a sorry tale of Islamophobia, disaffection and economic and educational backwardness…more money and cultural awareness and tolerance needed!….as well as one of an ever growing Muslim population…and with such a growing population comes political influence as politicians buy votes with policies designed for specific communities regardless of the cost to society as a whole.
Compare the BBC’s report on the MCB’s ‘research’ into the Muslim population with a Telegraph one…the BBC does no thinking for itself, it does no forward thinking about the meaning of this massive population growth…what it does do is take the MCB’s narrative and finshes off with this plea for government and society to ‘deal’ with the issues..
Muslims in Britain: What figures tell us
“This addresses many of the social issues that are always in the media and being discussed,” added Dr Sundas Ali. “Now we have the hard facts, let’s do something about it.”
Yes, let’s do something about it….trouble is the MCB’s answer is just ‘more Islam.’ Hardly the real solution.
The Telegraph takes a more honest look at the problems that will be encountered by a ever increasing and powerful and separate Muslim population….
Number of ‘Muslim’ children in Britain doubles in a decade
The number of children growing up as Muslims in the UK has almost doubled in a decade in what experts have described as an “unprecedented” shift in Britain’s social make-up.
Muslims could play a decisive role in the coming general election, expected to be the closest in recent times, making up a significant share of voters in some of the most marginal seats in the country.
The Muslim population will continue expanding for “many decades” to come – something experts said could transform everything from social attitudes to foreign policy.
It is the dramatically younger age profile of the Muslim population which could have the biggest impact in the future.
Prof David Voas, director of the Institute for Social and Economic Research based at Essex University, said: “In terms of ethnic-religious minority groups expanding I think this is probably unprecedented.
“Even if immigration stopped tomorrow it is clear that in due course by the middle of this century or a bit later, 10 per cent of the population of Britain will be of Muslim heritage.”
He said that is likely to change political decisions and social attitudes on both a local and national level.
“It would start off with being relatively small but you could just imagine a situation where a more socially conservative view that might be conducive to Muslims might tip the balance.”
“You could see the effect with local authorities making accommodation with swimming baths where there are women-only swimming periods,” he said.
All, you might think, rather serious concerns, ones that might lead to serious conflict, more so than at present, in the future.
Wonder why the BBC completely ignored the likely scenarios.
The Guardian has an article from the MCB about the nasty evil racist attack on 3 peace loving followers of the islamic founder ‘Mohammed’ regards just how evil the UK is.
It appears that the readers of the Guardian are saying enough is a fucking enough in respect to the relgion of so called peace.
“my hypothesis is that the central problem in relations between Muslims and Non-Muslims arises during the socialization of Muslim children…is it not true that Muslim children are taught by their parents and at the madrasa that non-believers are unclean?
the idea of “uncleanness” is terrifyingly powerful: Hitler succeeded in convincing the German people that Jews as a race were “unclean” and as a result they largely went along with his insane plans to exterminate the Jews as if they were vermin”
“It began with the murder of three young Americans in Chapel Hill in North Carolina, apparently because of their Muslim faith”
No, it wasn’t “apparently because of their Muslim faith”. It was because of a parking dispute. America is awash with guns. A man with anger issues and in possession of a gun easily obtained loses it and kills three of those he was having the parking dispute with… who happened to be Muslim. Using this crime to make your disingenuous point that, somehow, we are all as bad as each other, is just so wrong in so many ways.
This false narrative, that Muslims were deliberately killed in the US for being Muslims alone, by those opinionating ATL in the Guardian has obviously been give clearance by those ‘upstairs’, hence its appearance in Brown’s disgraceful article and now here. Shameful.
Whatever, you’re not doing yourself, or your cause, any good with this false equivalence. It makes it seem that you are so desperate to find anything – anything – that shows, ‘We can’t be that bad, ’cause look, the other lot are doing bad stuff too!’, that you are willing to lie to ‘prove’ it. Quite despicable.
“It appears that the readers of the Guardian are saying enough is a fucking enough in respect to the relgion of so called peace.”
Indeed it does
I agree that the Guardian readers are more liberal than many in the BBC and are starting to see Islam for what it is. A conservative reactionary religion with authoritarian and violent tendencies. There are some good people in the BBC but the basic collective hive mind and management are still unreformed and craven.
The comments on the article by the Muslim Council of Britain dissembler are heavily critical – of Islam and of the MCB.
A blinding realisation that Islam has been causing mayhem worldwide and now especially in European cities ?
My favourite;
LibertyPhile 1h ago
Blame the media, blame the media, that is all you have to say.
The fact is the majority of news stories are accurate and report events fairly. Even sympathetic news media such as The Guardian tell the same story.
Lord Leveson said in his report following his extensive year-long inquiry into the culture, practices and ethics of the press “…. it is important that stories …. are accurate, and not calculated to exacerbate community divisions or increase resentment. ….. the majority of the Press appear to discharge this responsibility with care ….”
The simple truth is many Muslims in this country and abroad inspired by Islam as they see it do and say a great number of things from the trivial to the very important that annoy, puzzle and repulse non-Muslims and they are reported by the media.
It is all there:
● Gender inequality ● Segregation ● Subversion of English law by sharia tribunals,
● Special treatment (veils, halal slaughter) ● Under-age marriage ● A Muslim can marry only another Muslim ● Polygamy ● Homophobia ● Supremacism ● Suppression of free speech (often by threat of violence) ● Violent punishment including death for apostasy, and ● Persecution of religious minorities ….
The problem has very little to do with the media and a lot to do with Islam.
Kirkup, like the rest of the media and political elite are in a state of panic. They must know that they have led the country to an impending catasrophe. But to admit it would mean they would be guilty of treason on a scale that has no parallel in history.
Who is going to take responsibilty for the mass gang rapes of young girls by Pakistani Muslims in Rotherham – the tip of the iceberg? No one. As for the tens of thousands of mass gang rapes in other parts of the country – room 101.
But worse is yet to come, and as it does, the political and media elite will stand together in proclaiming that multiculturalim, muti-faith and muti-ethnic project is getting along fine, except for extreme Right wing discontent.
‘Denmark and Britain are both successful multi-ethnic, multi-faith democracies and we must never allow those values to be damaged by acts of violence like this.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2953594/Shots-fired-Copenhagen-cafe-free-speech-event.html#ixzz3Rw1jtojG
Its not clear if these are the words of our esteemed leader.
Exactly what we have gained from Islamic values is an open question. Time will tell.
Newsshite has just been criticising Netanyahu for saying that Israel would welcome any European Jews, or any Jews for that matter, who feel they are under threat. Why anyone would criticise this proposal is beyond me, as under the circumstances it is the rational thing to do. The real reason for the criticism is, of course, that Jews leaving Europe undermines those who are pushing the fantasy of a “harmonious multicultural society” that includes Islam.
At least the Jews still have a homeland to go to, while our politicians are desparately trying to turn Britain into a country that is alien to the indigenous population.
Newsshite has just been criticising Netanyahu for saying that Israel would welcome any Jews … who feel they are under threat. Why anyone would criticise this proposal is beyond me
Every Jewish family at the airport with their coats on and cases packed is a deja vu flashback to the 1930’s when Jewish families fled Nazi Germany. It makes the metropolitan elite bastards that run the European countries (with special privileges for Islam) look no better than the Nazis, and boy, they do not like that.
It is the liberal nightmare. Political refugees from liberal Europe. The elites have no answer to that and know it.
“Newsshite has just been criticising Netanyahu for saying that Israel would welcome any Jews … who feel they are under threat. Why anyone would criticise this proposal is beyond me”
How the Katz Komic hour would treat The message of MLK or Ghandi, were they not from a different time, and places, may be interesting.
It all also highlights the selective intrusion of the over-liberal commentariat into everything.
Surely the last bastion of peaceful coexistence is to withdraw peacefully to a place where one can feel safe just being who you are (using it as a sanctuary for concocting external mayhem missions excepted)?
But this seems as, if not a greater red rag.
There hardly seems anything immune from an ism accusation (unless higher on the top trumps of ism-ism, as Cathy Newman discovered) and demands for unfettered access… to then destroy from within.
I recall when US sports locker rooms were forced to make welcome lady pundits, but things did not go well.
This voluntary invitation at least seems to have been framed well enough to make the BBC and its fellow compulsion-addicted travelers look either barking or intolerant.
‘How dare people not feel safe enough that seeking a place of refuge elsewhere is a consideration?’
Really? The problem is they want to leave?
Yet, oddly, when it comes to other communities living in fear, despite being more recent arrivals, and clearly not keen on the local situation from the off, it gets hardly noted that in contrast they seem determined to stay put and demand the majority accommodate them before driving long term residents who don’t conform away. Often less than peacefully.
And yet David Cameron is a founding signatory to the UAF, and Theresa May denies visas to free speaking folk, because those Ed Miliband’s party imported to provide a voter base threaten to kick off.
All with the slick PR support of the state national disgrace.
Propaganda and censorship, and Jews being driven away. No wonder the BBC is feeling a little uncomfortable with the historical comparison.
It makes the metropolitan elite bastards that run the European countries (with special privileges for Islam) look no better than the Nazis, and boy, they do not like that.
Not just look like – they are. The autobahn to hell is paved with good intentions.
One of the advantages of a Judenrein Europe is that there will be no instances of Muslim anti-semitism in Europe.
The BBC will be pleased.
ID wrote: while our politicians are desparately trying to turn Britain into a country that is alien to the indigenous population.
Indigenous population? But didnt you know, Muslims have been in Britain since King Alfred. They were instrumental in the composition of al Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights. Slavery was banned because of Islamic jurisprudence, known in vulgar tems as “sharia”.
Muslims celebrate the killer in Copenhagen as a great man with a heart of gold
Posted on February 16, 2015 by Eeyore
If there was ever a video that needs to be sent to every media person, every relative, everyone in denial, and every politician in the damn free world, this may well be it.
Two things to note.
1. Whenever a Islamic terrorist is found to be native born, a great thing is made out of it by the media. To me it seems to be a way of trying to deflect the blame to everyone. Thus the immigrant is absolved, and the blame is shared by everyone.
2. From the video, it seems that the French are fast approaching the tipping point.
What is even more disconcerting is that Muslims now feel confident to honour their heroes, not just in Pakistan or Muslim countries, but right at the scene of the atrocity, in the heart of the West.
Our politicians and the media have done a wonderful job in brainewashing the people. As for that Danish woman, she is just plain stupid. Looks like the selfi taking PM of Denmark – another clueless woman.
Pathetic cowardice, ignorance and appeasement from Kirkup. Reminds me of Viscount Rothermere the pre war newspaper owner who used his papers to preach appeasement of Hitler. James “i meant no harm, pease kill me last” kirkup.
I have always said, it will be the leftard liberals who will be the first with a bullet in the head, the rest will be defending ourselves and our families. Maybe now, what with the BBC cowering in every corner do they “get it”. Trouble is, it is fast becoming too late.
Hopefully if the Tories get in and have the courage of their convictions to limit state cash handouts to two children the effect it will have on slowing the change in ethnicity of the population could be profound, and even better, it should reduce substantially the number of children “born into poverty”.
I presume the idea would be that no one can claim for a third or more child with a birth date 9 months, plus one day, after the announcement.
What a Kirkup eh?
I just heard some Beeboid/Channel 4 grease-up tell me that the Copenhagen unpleasantness was due to
1. The bloke being out of prison early-without NACRO-being radicalised inside(see?…prison doesn`t work!…release the Rigby Radicals!)
2. It NOT having anything to do with Islam(perish that thought!)-but a “gang-related offence”…er, as a lone wolf, we`ll get back to you on that one though!)
So there you have it-the liberal media would rather drop Duggan in it than countenance that Islam might be the “common factor” in all the current atrocities.
Top of the victim identity hit parade now since the IRA went away?…Islam and “those men again”!
Sch…weppes…the “weps” are Fascist bastards in need of destruction…my new word for them!
Kirkup is in the same boat as many other deadtree press types. They flaunt themselves all over the broadcast media in the vain hope of a TV contract and he who pays the piper calls the tune. Stig Abell, Iain Martin, Isabel Harman are among others trying to escape the “press.”
DP111 asks ” Exactly what we have gained from Islamic values is open to question.”
Well, DP111, for a start there is the totally alien horror of fgm; something most Brits would find so repulsive it’s almost impossible to imagine.
How about honour killings? Dissatisfied with the way your teenage daughter is behaving? Perhaps you don’t like her taste in music or boyfriends. Easy solution; kill her! It’s not something that I’m aware was widespread in Blighty before our enrichment from Muslim countries.
Then there has been the systematic, industrial scale rape of untold thousands of under age working class white girls. This is so much more despicable because of the entire establishment colluding to cover it up. It’s now clear that the horrors of Rotherham is only the tip of the iceberg.
And of course if you find yourself in conflict with the RoP, or you’re an unarmed soldier, policeman, or you look gay, you’re drinking beer near a Mosque, or, God forbid, you’re Jewish, you might be in a spot of bother.
We are constantly told by our spineless politicians and gutless media that we have to be tolerant, we have to be inclusive; and, of course they spout that exhausted old cliché, Islam is a religion of peace.
Yeh, course it is…
Thanks Jeff
Well, DP111, for a start there is the totally alien horror of fgm;
It wouldnt surprise me that Britain is the lead nation in research on fgm – how to do it with least discomfort, and maximim pleasure of staff and wouldbe husband.
Will there be a Nobel prize in medicine for such advances? I see no reason why not, as we celebrate cultural diversity.
middle class pc liberal so called journalists like this guy james kirkcup dont live in the same world as we do,i wonder if he has ever lived in some muslim ghetto controlled by religious fanatics or as i suspect he lives in the all white middle class leafy surburbs well away from radical;islam ,yes the mcb have no doubt conned this guy into thinking they are moderate,funny that when the labour partry was in power even tony blair and hazel blears broke contacts with the mcb because of there links to radical islamists and other extremist groups,the trouble with the likes of james kirkcup is that they dont do there research properly,i suggest he contacts he fellow daily telegraph journalist andrew gilligan for advice who has exposed the extremism of the muslim council of britian on many occasions including recently there links to the trojan horse plot in birmingham.
A reprise.
“Why Should Any More Muslims Be Let In? Why?”
An obvious truth to be found here.
As Muslims hate us so much-and don`t get jobs etc due to Islamophobia-why else do they come here, if not to undermine what remains of this country?
With the wilful help of the EU and the left-liberal types-the spineless Tories as well, and the blind guides like Hannan and Boris-who are sound on much else, but not on Islams threat to this country.
There is NO excuse to take one more Muslim, until we`ve sent their worst over to Raqaa to fight for IS…and build us that Caliphate, so we can contain them in the one place before we help them to Hades.
Yet-no discussion, no effort to say this-no matter WHAT Anjem or Medhi say or do to provoke the people of this country, now suffering from terminal Islamovirus infections.
until we`ve sent their worst over to Raqaa to fight for IS…and build us that Caliphate, so we can contain them in the one place before we help them to Hades.
Is this the reason why the West was so reluctant, and still is, to destroy the nascent caliphate.
@the truth=creepy swp left wing hater of freedom of speech and appeaser of fascist islam and isis.
What the political left (inc INBBC) is in denial about:-
“The Islamist Threat to European Security”
And even now, political class (inc BBC) continues its campaign for:
1.) Islamising Turkey’s entry into E.U;
2.) cuts in U.K Defence spending;
3.) appeasement of demands of Islamic lobbyists.
“UK: ‘A man from Liverpool’ charged with attempting to obtain a chemical weapon”
[Opening excerpt, ‘Jihadwatch’s Robert Spencer]-
“The BBC deigns to tell us his name, Mohammed Ammer Ali, but other than that tells us only that he is ‘a man from Liverpool.’ As is typical of the mainstream media, it makes no mention whatsoever of the fact that there is a jihad against the West, and that Mohammed Ammer Ali likely considers himself to be a soldier of that jihad. This kind of coverage would be like reporting that on December 7, 1941, a group of men from Japan destroyed some ships at Pearl Harbor, with no hint that it was an act of war or that the Japanese Empire was behind it.”
He’s due to appear in a London, not Liverpool, court, and counter-terrorism police are involved but apparently police ‘have not uncovered any imminent plans to stage a terrorist attack either in the UK or abroad.’
Geiorge R
Apologies for a corrected version
December 7, 1941 – a group of men, aged between 19 and 24, destroyed some ships at Pearl Harbor. It is not clear what the motive for the attack is.
Hate filled extreme right wingers are reportedly claiming that shouts of “Banzai” were heard in Hawaii.
Breaking… 5 youths arrested for vandalising hundreds of Jewish graves at Sarre-union in france. Not yet named by police. Not clear what motive was at this stage.
“The minors, all between the ages of 15 and 17, grew up in the Alsace region of France and have no criminal records. Police took the teens into custody after a 15-year-old turned himself in, saying he had damaged the cemetery with four other teenagers, the prosecutor said.”
“One of the teens denied the attack was anti-Semitic, Vanier said. The teens thought the graveyard was abandoned and didn’t notice the graves were Jewish until after they had begun to vandalize them, the prosecutor said, recounting what one of the teens told police.”
Hard to know what to believe sometimes.
Could happen to any of us… there you are of an evening, out damaging a few graves, as you do, and you never notice they were Jewish graves and… boom! … a whole fuss kicks off over nothing!
Were they shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’? A lot of folk like to shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ when they’re doing a bit of recreational grave desecration.
So taking a break from greatest tank battles on quest, we switch over for Newsnight and it opens with…Denmark.
The program starts with camera shots of the Virgil outside the coffee shop, then moves to the Jewish synagogue, where workmen are affixing a new very heavy metal green door. The voice over starts . Copenhagen Synagogue where during WW2 the Gestapo had their headquarters… Sorry? but what the fuck has that got to do with the story, the bBC then interview some Islamic film-maker who opines of the hardships Muslims have in Denmark and then its to the great mosque. The head mullah is allowed to opine that when the mosque opened no member of the royal family came to visit. So by default Denmark is a racist country.
Yup welcome to the anti-Semitic world of the bBC where the only good jew is a dead one and all Muslims can only victims.
The bBC, the bigoted mouth piece of intolerable Islam, paid for by you.
“The head mullah is allowed to opine that when the mosque opened no member of the royal family came to visit.” FFS! Are these lot real?
I opened a shop about 25 years ago and I don’t recall the Queen or Charles coming to visit me either. It’s Lobsterphobia I tell you!
I agree Lobster. Those disgraceful Royals. It was our dog’s Jake’s birthday yesterday. He was ten. Not a card nor a visit from any Royal. Nothing! How they hate Jake.
He was ten?
In dog years that is 100. He should at the least, have got a letter from Bucks palace.
Here’s the link for news night enjoy
“Copenhagen Synagogue where during WW2 the Gestapo had their headquarters… Sorry? but what the fuck has that got to do with the story,”
I normally agree with what you say Pounce but I have a different take on this. I think it’s pointing out the irony that the Jews had their synagogue stolen from them by their previous particular enemies (the nazis) and now they have to defend it again against their new particular enemies. I think the historical context is quite appropriate here.
“I think it’s pointing out the irony”
The BBC being noted for its impartial use of irony, one can only hope.
I do however recall some excitement at the rather stretched association of a proposed UKIP meeting being held in a building in the UK that the Nazis had pegged as a potential base.
The BBC is not unknown to be unkind with its subtle allusions when it suits.
I agree that the BBC doesn’t normally do irony in favour of its enemies (eg Jews) but in this instance I think it is reminding people about what they call “Right Wing” (ie Left Wing) nazis in the hope they make people think the synagogue is also being protected against the modern “far right”.