The BBC’s relentless preaching to us about immigration continues apace. It retains its patronising, elitist attitude that the ‘rest of us’, not blessed with being ordained into the cloistered BBC priesthood and thus bereft of the intellect, compassion and understanding that they have judged to be bestowed upon themselves by virtue of a vocation within the BBC, are not capable of understanding the issues surrounding immigration and world events without their guidance and tutoring.
The flow of migrants across the Mediterranean particularly catches the BBC’s imagination and they like to paint a vivid picture of the suffering of people who choose to cross in overcrowded boats…..the BBC suggesting such suffering alone earns them a place in Europe and that you should be responsible for feeding, housing, schooling and clothing them and theirs.
Here’s a little plea from the BBC to open your hearts, your wallets and your doors to all and sundry…from FOOC…
Understanding a little of the migrants’ pitiful journey
Tomorrow, right now, more desperate people will be stepping into dinghies, inflatable rubber boats, handing over money for a place in the engine room of a rusted cargo ship. I understand a little now of how pitiful their journeys will be. I daren’t guess as to how they will end.
Then there is this little piece of historical hokum which tries to paint the UK in the colours of the left as a ‘nation of immigrants’…there being no such thing as an ‘English or British identity’.
A few tricks from the BBC….this is about England…but much of the ‘immigration’ is from other parts of the British Isles so somewhat of a bluff from the Beeb…and note the rather loose association when they try to link anyone called good old British names like Smith or Baker or Shepherd to immigrants, you might think you’re English but you know what, you’re probably not…..and then there’s the bits from the research that the BBC doesn’t mention such as how the research was made possible and the meaning behind that.
Here is what the researchers said was their aim……
It is our aim to reveal and highlight the diversity of the medieval immigrant experience, and in so doing to contribute an important historical dimension to current debates about immigration to Britain from Europe and the wider world.
Quite clearly their aim is to influence how you view immigration today and make you more accepting of immigrants. No wonder the BBC makes room for it in their busy schedule.
Here’s the BBC write up, such as it is…..
England’s medieval immigrants revealed by universities
In medieval England one person in every hundred was an immigrant, new research has shown.
About 65,000 people came to the country between 1330 and 1550.
Lots and lots of people who today have names like Baker, Brewer, Smith or Cooper could actually be descended from immigrants in the Middle Ages who were given a name when they came into the kingdom.”
“The England’s Immigrants project transforms our understanding of the way that English people and foreign nationals, of all levels of society, lived and worked together in the era of the Plantagenets and early Tudors”, added Prof Omrod.
Here you can see the limits of the project…it’s about England and immigration comes from all over the British Isles as well as abroad…
The England’s Immigrants project by the universities of York and Sheffield details the names and occupations of those arriving from other parts of the British Isles and mainland Europe.
What the BBC doesn’t tell you is that they know how many foreigners were here because they each had to pay a special tax, and if they wanted to stay another tax…so if we’re making comparisons with today as to how immigrants should be treated….special taxes, oaths of allegiance, expulsions and close control of who was in the country seem to be in order…..
From 1440, a series of specific taxes, known as the ‘alien subsidies’, were levied upon first-generation immigrants resident in most parts of England, and the returns for these provide a vast amount of information regarding their names, places of residence, origins, occupations and gender.
On various occasions, the government took action against, or made demands upon, certain sections of the resident alien population. For instance, in 1436, people from the Low Countries were required to swear an oath of allegiance to prove their loyalty; in 1394, the patent roll contains a list of Irish people who purchased licences to remain in England following the general expulsion ordered by Richard II’s government; and from the outbreak of the Hundred Years War onwards, there were numerous attempts to identify resident subjects of the king’s foreign enemies, both lay and clerical. From the 1290s onwards, the government also issued letters of protection and denization, offering resident aliens (or at least those willing and able to pay) the opportunity to buy the right to remain within the realm, and to receive partial or total rights of naturalisation.
No wonder the BBC dodged reporting that bit.
“About 65,000 people came to the country between 1330 and 1550”
So about 300 immigrants a year, say one a day…
.. yes I expect we could cope with that.
Where my parents lived the houses were occupied by managers, shop owners, professionals etc. They still are, except they are now 90% of ‘Asian heritage’. This is no sub-working class slum that the immigrants will break out of as they assimilate and become wealthier. This is what would have been ‘aspirational’ housing to many a British family but its character has been destroyed. The gardens, front and rear have been ripped out, the front to provide room for the 3-5 Mercedes-Benz or Range Rovers, the rear for the three-storey extensions and garden gazebos for the parties with the extended family.
These are a people who aren’t going to ‘move on’ or integrate. Why should they? They have brought their culture with them, the BBC, satellites, internet and direct flights to Karachi enable them to maintain it. Every single need can now be met from within their own community, public or commercial service.
These aren’t the ‘huddled masses’ that arrived in New York to be interrogated on Ellis Island, answered “Ich verstehen nicht” and then became the first of a brave new line of AMERICAN ‘Fergusons’.
These are a people who, a few miles away, totally surround the local schools that the intake is 100% ‘Pakistani heritage’, of 100% Muslim parents. What a surprise when these parents do what parents in St. John’s Wood or Esher do, they say “we want our children brought up with our values”, and those values don’t include democracy or free speech, at least only to the extent that they can be used to enable the sharia. With over 40% of the city councillors of ‘Asian heritage’ it can’t be long coming.
Oh those pesky poles! If only Angela would amend the treaty!
Another guy that’s forgotten to take his prescription down to the pharmacy. Listen there’s a lot wrong with BBC news ,one major thing being it fails to explain anything and leaves people with a torrent of disconnected facts . One thing it isnt is left wing however. You say ‘Quite clearly their aim is to influence how you view immigration today’ but fail to say why its clear.Perhaps it is to you but then unfortunately the idea of ‘fact and proof and even a realistic assesment of reality seems way beyond your grasp. I happen to believe that economic immigration is not a good thing but for a lot of reasons that are never discussed on a site like this.
In my humble opinion the BBC merely highlighted the despiration of people from Africa trying to find salvation from war amongst other things. I didnt take any particular inference from being shown that. You will be nonetheless heartened that our current Government finds it acceptable that people (read black people) fleeing Africa drown in the Med since its believed that will deter others coming.
Just great to hear them squeal aint it!
“One thing it isn’t is left wing, however” 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Best laugh I’ve had for ages, well done!!
Well prove it then don’t just assert it. Maybe if you could you and your fellow well wishers might have something intelligent to say
‘Well prove it then don’t just assert it. Maybe if you could you and your fellow well wishers might have something intelligent to say’
Irony? Or fat fingers? Or autocorrect? Or the latest doppleganger of another assertionaphobe?
So many questions; so much to tweak the over-serious.
In my humble opinion the BBC merely highlighted the despiration of people from Africa
Got windows in your house? Downpipes? No climb-proof fence? You do realise that your house is a safety risk to burglars. Some of these are little more than kids; many from a disadvantaged background. Probably on the autism spectrum. Could have suffered abuse. Some of these kids see other kids with the latest iPad and feel humiliated that they can’t afford one. It’s understandable that they might burgle your house, and in doing so might be seriously hurt. But would you care?
I’d suggest that before you criticise governments for any pathetic attempts they make to block illegal immigration, you should advertise an open-door policy to your own goods.
In addition; there are third-sector organisations set up to help immigrants. You should contact one of them and offer to house a few Somalis. You’ll feel a lot better for it.
Nice rant but that wasn’t what the BBC were talking about.I do actually think you and many here either have a cognitive and psychological problem
Are trolls all failed medical or psychology students?
Your failure to address the point demonstrates that you are just another leftie hypocrite. We can assume the help you desire for foreigners should be extracted from other folk rather than you. As Thatcher said, ‘Labour always runs out of other people’s money.’
And I did address your point; if just wanting a better life justifies a foreigner breaking the law as an illegal immigrant, it similarly justifies a burglar stealing from you. No?
See, now. When I watched BBC news yesterday reporting breathlessly on Italy’s “biggest ever” “rescue” of “migrants”, I was informed and educated by our impartial state broadcaster that these poor people on the boats were fleeing the conflict in Libya and Syria.
Oh noes! That’s terrible! The poor dears! Who wouldn’t but flee from all the head-choppings, immolations, crucifixions, amputations etc etc etc (all #NothingToDoWithIslam, natch)?? Refuge! Refuge! Let them all in!!!
Well, whilst not a scientific quantitative assessment of the ethnicity of every single boat-person, everyone on the boats appeared to be Africans. Black Africans.
Hang, on; hang on! Before anyone shouts “Racist” (5, 4, 3, ….) my point is nothing whatsoever to do with the merits of letting in people of this colour or that colour. I couldn’t give a shit about that.
The point is about the BBC’s bit of “edutainment”: that the poor folks are fleeing conflict in Libya and Syria, inserted in order to evoke sympathy for their plight. Because Syrians are Levantines/Semitic people. And Libya (according to good ol’ Wikipedia) is 97% Berber/Arabic.
Now, no doubt they EMBARKED in Libya, but that’s not the bloody same as them being Libyans fleeing the conflict in Libya, is it???
A small example of made-up-on-the-spot bullshit and lies that the BBC gets away with on a daily basis to manipulate its viewers.
‘I was informed and educated by our impartial state broadcaster that these poor people on the boats were fleeing the conflict in Libya and Syria.’
Given this morning on FaceBook the BBc had them forking out $5000 to get to Libya from Somalia, and a further $1700 to cross the Med, it would seem the same arse and elbow issues are afflicting the BBC as Labour supporters in such as the Mirror are assigning their party.
‘A small example of made-up-on-the-spot bullshit and lies that the BBC gets away with on a daily basis to manipulate its viewers
I see a duty Flokker has been teased out of hibernation in his bunker; maybe he can explain the disconnect?
That manontheclaphamomnibus thinks that the BBC is definitely not left-wing fingers him as being from the Socialist Worker Party end of the political spectrum, so you’ll need to allow 10-15 years to get any kind of coherent response….
The Today Programme
Yesterday at 1:28pm ·
After investing $5,000 to reach Libya ‘Somali migrants are paying $1,700 to cross Mediterranean’
Federico Soda, International Organization for Migration tells #R4Today
Immigration may or maynot be beneficial – it depends on the people who are coming in. In the case of Muslims, the result is not going to be pleasant. For Jews, this immigration is a death sentence.
One of the features of the recent attacks that has not been apparent, is that Jews were singled out.
1. Mumbai massacre – the Islamic terrorists went out o f their way to kill Jews. Why was this? The attack on India was purportedly for India’s occupation of a part of Kashmir. Yet Jews were deliberately targetted.
2. The massacre in Paris at Charlie Hebdo. The attack was for blaspheming Islam’s prophet. Yet again, Islamic terrorists went out of their way to target Jews.
3. Danish massacre – same thing as #2.
The question is, why go out of the way to kill Jews, far away from the target.
It seems to me that there is a unstated understanding among the Islam’s suicidal murderers, that they are going to die anyway. Killing a few Infidels or pagans may have some kudos, but killing Jews guarantees them a place in Islam’s paradise.
Western governments loudly proclaim that they will defend freedom of expression. A laudable aim. But will they pay the price? Even very brave writers will have to think, that excercising their right to free speech, will not just put their lives in jeopardy, but also Jews in the vicinity.
I see no easy way for politicians. There are a few options
1. Ban free speech regarding Islam’s prophet under the guise of “hate” speech. The OIC will welcome it.
2. Unofficially advice Jews that they can’t protected, and its best they leave.
3. Ban the Koran under the guise of “hate” speech. Geert Wilder’s option
In any case, the Jews will be blamed, and killed. Bibi Nethanyahu is right. I cant see any future for Jews in Europe.
I was visiting the Norwich Castle Museum the other week. At the start of the Anglo Saxon rooms there was some PC intro telling the visitor that immigration was a hot topic in Anglo Saxon times, and how immigration is nothing new, blah, blah, blah. But it also said that the locals at the time didn’t much like it …. no change there then.
No doubt they’ll try and conflate Danelaw with Sharia law next.
Did they tell you how many generations it took to assimilate the people who were doubtlessly largely white and Christian.
The Brandon area on the Norfolk Suffolk borders has many Polish family surnames dating from the end of WWII. Within a generation they were assimilated, to all intents and purposes British, with no problems marrying etc.
What realistic chance is there of a similar situation with the Moslems , who expect it to be all take and no give with regard to laws etc. Even more importantly they appear to have the humour gene missing which means they do not have the ability to laugh at themselves or with others – definitely something the vast majority of “British” readily do!
Thetford has a lot of families with Polish surnames, but I dont think they have been there so long!
What is ignored by the PC brigade about Roman, Saxon, Viking, Norman, etc “immigration” was that it was not invited, they were invasions. Historically no dominant culture allows itself to displaced willingly, its not how we are programmed.
Until now, with members of the original dominant culture of our islands effectively brainwashed into servility by the BBC.
This is the key fact and the one that the liberal never addresses.
Just ask one and you always end up with incoherent abuse.
The next one is to ask the liberal where the immigrants came from and when in the period from 1066 to 1850 leaving out the Hugenots.
This enrages the liberal even more. Be prepared for the spittle and abuse. Great fun though.
The religion of the BBC is multiculturalism. It believes that multiculturalism is ‘ good thing’ , and that a multicultural society will be the pinnacle of human achievement. In the true spirit of religion any evidence to the contrary is disregarded and suppressed. Anyone with views to the contrary is ruthlessly hunted down and cast out from society.
The list of facts that have been ignored and suppressed is long. Some key ones are:
>No one has asked the British people if they agreed to take part in this experiment. In effect multiculturalism has been forced upon them is therefore profoundly undemocratic.
>The track record of forcing cultures and ethnicities together is not good and usually ends in bloody disaster once the the controlling force has been relaxed . In this case the controlling force is the liberal left elite and the media.
> Multi ethnic societies have usually insisted that there is one predominant culture to which all must suscribe in order to become full members of society ie they have not been multicultural.
> Although the liberal elite refuse to recognise it we do indeed have a proto dominant culture which is seeking to become the one to which all members of society must adhere, Islam.
It is highly likely that the whole social engineering experiment will end in bloody chaos. Why the elite ever thought that this was a good idea is beyond me. But unfortunately we will all pay the price for their arrogance.
So how do they see the acceptable levels of growth in population ?
80 million…100 million….etc… Do they think it will stop on its own or do they foresee limits being imposed at some stage and if so at what level will that be? Do they expect each couple to be restricted to one child at some stage ?
Maybe they ought to buy a globe and look at the tiny spec which they consider is adequate and acceptable to accommodate those from the huge land masses of the third world.
They think that
a) we can take a lot more – Ive seen Globalists state 9when pinned down) that 120K would be acceptable
b) that standards of livign will rise in the Third world (and presumably fall in Britain) so the flows will eventually slow toa trickle.
Optimists or just plain deluded?
Beeboids still campaign for Britain to be fully colonised as soon as possible.
They ignore this:-
“How mass migration hurts us all: No, it’s not the Mail saying this, but the verdict of a top Left-wing economist from Cambridge .
“Minor economic benefits of migration are ‘outweighed by social pressures.’
“Professor Robert Rawthorn gave the stark warning in think-tank report.
“The verdict pushes against pro-migration studies published in recent years.”
Read more:
“Jean Raspail, author of Camp of the Saints:
‘Our civilisation is disappearing'”
(Nov 2014.)
One for the ‘Nooo Shit, Sherlock’ file there. But then, actual facts and lived reality (for the average shmuck) don’t matter a jot to the a-holes who make the decisions.
The problem we have seen with multiculturalism in regards to Islam is that in those areas where they become the majority multiculturalism becomes a monoculture and nobody from the left ever complains. So where you see people talking about things being too white, they never say, well things are too coloured, because that would be racist. Then there’s the cultural parts of their homeland which the left never ever mention:
Rape gangs,nepotism,religious bigoty , racism, Gerry mandering,honour killings, acute birth rates, benefit crime, drug crime, and just crime period which of explains the huge number of muslims locked away. Why today the bbC reports on a Pakistani who was part of a gang arrested in Manchester on charges of terrorism, instead of jailing him or even deporting him, he remained in the Uk due to his human rights, the yanks asked for him, got him and it transpires he’s a terrorist bigwig. Yup the man the left (And muslims) fought for and won to remain in the UK on benefits was the leader of an AL Q cell set on attacking Manchester. Yet to the left only Muslims can be victims. Only today after murderous attacks on Jews in France,Belgium and Denmark, the bbC reports that milliband is concerned about hostility towards jews and Muslims. So to that end can anybody point me in the direction of gangs going around raping Islamic girls in their thousands with the police looking the otherway, can anybody point me in the direction of hundreds of thousands of non islamic girls who have had their bits cut off, how about pointing me in the direction of widespread electoral fraud, how about numerous young white men going off to Urkraine to murder death kill, having their pictures taken with their victims heads and then having local leaders explain that we should equate these men with those who went to Spain during the 1930s.
It’s all well having immigrants come to the country, but when they refuse to change by playing the victimcard, continue acting as if they live in the third world by playing the victim card, then why are we surprised when they drag the whole country into the thirdworld with the blessing of the left. Yet to the bBC, it is the rest who are wrong for thinking bad about islam.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
Here is the perfect example of how far the bBC goes out of its way to defend intolerant in the West.
10 Hours of Walking in Paris as a Jew
The above is about a video a jew makes about the racism he faced as a jew while walking in Paris. People abuse him (funny enough all non white) spit at him and try to intimidate him. Now the so called impartial bBC which goes well out of its way to report any so called hate crimes against Muslims asks questions about the video. I quote:
Can Jewish people walk the streets of Paris in peace?
That’s the question Zvika Klein – a journalist at an Israeli news website – says he set out to answer. He borrowed the “10 hours in….” YouTube format, in which a hidden camera is used to show what it’s like to walk a city’s streets.…Can Jewish people walk the streets of Paris in peace?
That’s the question Zvika Klein – a journalist at an Israeli news website – says he set out to answer. He borrowed the “10 hours in….” YouTube format, in which a hidden camera is used to show what it’s like to walk a city’s streets.…It’s impossible for us to verify Klein’s video, and like other “10 hours in…” videos there has been a large amount of editing – which critics say conveys a false impression. The clips featured appear to be shot in poorer and predominantly Muslim neighbourhoods. Could he be accused of deliberately seeking out negative comments?
And how does the bBC end their whitewash of Islamic intolerance;
“Muslims and other minorities in the city can face similar problems.”
And Fox News was ridiculed when they said there were no go areas in European cities.
As with most lefty bullshit, it’s all about the disconnect. Easy to downplay problems and ridicule those who highlight them when you’re insulated from them. And reality generally.
Even Islamic Quilliam can see this; can INBBC?:-
“‘Islamic State’s ambitions in Libya are a direct threat to Europe.’
The militant group’s plans to use people trafficking boats as a way to Europe’s southern flank should not be ignored, writes Charlie Winter”
“Britain warned to expect ‘boats full of terrorists’ as ISIS tightens grip on Libya and 2,000 migrants are rescued from the Mediterranean.
“Egypt’s Ambassador to the UK warns of a new threat from north Africa.
“Also attacks UK for not doing enough to help transition after Gaddafi.
“Comes after Islamic State militants seized Libyan coastal town of Sirte.
“Italy also rescued 2,134 migrants at weekend in ‘exodus without precedent.'”
Read more:
We need a final solution to the muslim problem.
If Muslims living in the West insist their host nation be transformed into a carbon copy of the hell-hole they left, the solution is:
Plenty room in Pakistan.
(And over 50 other Sharia states throughout the world.)
Every illegal immigrant I have heard interviewed by the BBC wants to go to a country other than Britain!
Strange that isnt it?
On who pulled Switzerland out of the hat said ‘It sounds nice’!
Beeboids’ campaigning for unlimited numbers of immigrants to enter E.U and U.K, are not only aiming to colonise Britain, but seem oblivious to the Islamic jihad threat to us, via Libya and southern Europe.
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Islamic State ‘planning to use Libya as gateway to Europe.’
Jihadists hoping to use Libya as a ‘gateway’ to wage war across the whole of southern Europe, plans by Isil supporters reveal.”
And even in London where most of the aliens were to be found:
All white Europeans then?
The answer to grinding poverty is not mass emigration. China and India know that as they develop. Most economic emigrants would rather stay at home if they had the economic opportunities and many of the world’s poorest are unable to migrate.
There is a self serving interest in some who portray their support for immigration as showing concern for the world’s poor.
Did Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore and Germany enjoy their economic ‘miracles’ on the back of mass emigration and remittances?
Maybe the caring, sharing EU could open its borders to the goods and services produced by the developing world.
Whose side is INBBC on?:-
“An ISIS report, recovered by Libyan media in January, reveals that the Islamic State would be aiming at Libya ‘to get to Europe,’ overrunning it with migrants to ‘turn it into hell.’# According to the report, ISIS considers ‘illegal immigration’ to be a privileged channel of access to the Old Continent.”
Chelsea ‘Racists’.
5Live are milking an incident on a Paris Metro last night when Chelsea fans took over a carriage and apparently wouldnt let a black man get in.
At first this was reported as making ‘racist chants’ and ‘pushed a black man off the train’ (I thought at first they meant a moving train), but it transpires all that occurred was they wouldnt let him get on, and pushed him back when he tried a second time.
It transpires that others too were not allowed in the carriage so it appears the reality was that NOBODY who wasnt a Chelsea supporter was allowed on!
Who would WANT to get into the same carriage as a load of drunken football fans anyway? Most people who arent trying to make a point would simply move along the train, but this black male became aggressive and tried to get on several times.
1.) ‘Daily Mail’-
“British father-of-two allegedly bought ricin that could kill hundreds of people that was delivered to his home in a toy car but was caught in FBI sting .
“Mohammed Ammer Ali, 31, is accused of trying to by £325 of ricin online.
“Father-of-two allegedly ordered poison to be sent to his home in Liverpool.
“Phials of powder were stashed inside the battery pack of a yellow toy car.”
Read more:
2.) Beeboid regional report-
“Ricin charge: Mohammed Ammer Ali appears in court”
Those bloody British men.