332 Responses to NEW OPEN THREAD…

  1. noggin says:

    R5Live – has some woman, hit by the old scam marriage, complaining that she had married some Senegalese Muslim
    (why!!) … only to find, he just consistently lied through his teeth,
    (why surprised?),
    that the scam set up in Senegal is all the same, and is organised, and rampant,
    (why surprised? … )
    The aim is not only citizenship, but as much material possession as is possible to gather.
    The government should do much more,
    A to raise awareness, B stamp down on it
    I wish the clowns from No10, would spend one per cent of the time
    they spend vilifying the poorest, most vulnerable, looking at scam marriages, and indeed the scandal multi marriages.
    That said it never ceases to amaze me, the ignorance, and stupid gullibility, on show … talking of which,
    5Live have D. “Pinocchio” Cameron live … explaining how he will hit the very poorest, the most vulnerable, hardest, again … he was just so busy falsifying his figures, omitting facts, and lying … he forgot to mention it.


  2. David Brims says:

    Chanel 4’s propaganda piece last night ” UKIP Government, the first 100 days.” Talk about embarrassingly amateurish, it was like watching the school play written by the 6th Form. I could only manage 10minutes of this pile of horse shit. They made it in the style of a news / documentary report, so the unsuspecting viewer ( Eloi sheep ) would think this is an actual news event, the sneaky bastards. Shaky camera work to make it look edgy, it just made me seasick.

    According to the programme UKIP would get the immigration services to deport illegal immigrants from Britain, err um, isn’t that what they’re supposed to do ?

    I don’t know why Channel 4 just didn’t go the whole hog and stuck on ”The Triumph of the Will ” instead.



  3. David Brims says:

    For the sake of balance, because the BBC and Channel 4 love balance, shouldn’t they put on the film Zulu, if Labour and the Liberals get into government. After all the last time I visited London I felt like an extra in a Tarzan movie, you were tripping over them.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      I’m off to London tomorrow. I’ll be sure to look out for all those blacks shaking their spears at me.


      • Lobster says:

        You should go to Stratford on Avon if you want to see shake spears.
        I’ll get me coat ………


      • David Brims says:

        I was talking about the demographics, they’ve updated, it’s usually knives they carry. The police carried out Operation Trident, which sparked off the 2011 London Race riots.


      • Pounce says:

        Unlike those nice white Chelsea fans in Paris who have been caught denying a black man access to a metro, then caught screaming , we are racist.


  4. I Can See Clearly Now says:

    Interesting interview on Newsnight with Inna Shevchenko from Femen who was speaking at the meeting in Copenhagen when the shooting started.

    Inna Shevchenko

    I was in the middle of my speech and I just mentioned the point that, very often in Europe we have an illusion that we can fully enjoy freedom of speech and then I said that sometimes… well always, there will be opinion that ‘Well of course, we do agree with an ideal freedom of speech, but…‘ and… then I said ‘Why do we say ‘but’ when we talk about freedom of speech’… and then the shots started.

    Evan Davis

    We talk about free speech and then we use this word ‘but’. A lot of people do think there are limits to free speech, don’t they, but you take a more pure view of this, don’t you?

    Newsnight 16/02/2015 Interview starts about 06:30 mins.

    Smart and principled lady. A contrast to the CP feminists thickos we have in the UK.

    It’s tempting to think that Evan Davis was putting the new official BBC position when he began… ‘A lot of people do think…’.


    • #88 says:

      It is official.

      The other approved version as employed by Norman Smith is, ‘Some people say.’


    • manonclaphamomnibus says:

      Do I take it from this you feel that anybody should be able to say anything about anyone else. If this is the case I assume you support antisemitiscm in the same way Blacks are demeaned on this site.


      • London Calling says:

        “Blacks demeaned”? You’ll be telling us next that “Black Lives Matter” (all lives matter) and put your hands up in a phoney Michael Brown “Don’t Shoot” pose. Race hustler, false narrative. And while you are at it, Clapham is no longer very black. It trendy middle-class white. Grow up.


      • D1004 says:

        Try sitting upstairs on a Travel West Midlands bus at the back for a week through the inner suburbs at night……….if you are white, if you carry your latest IPhone if you carry a wallet ….. If you are in one piece afterwards i will be very surprised.I might give your views half a listen……until then shag off, trendy labour MP wannabe from a Uni and a daddy in Hampstead. Wanker.


  5. Geoff says:

    Ok last nights documentary wasn’t a bBC production but it could well have been and it did include ex Beeboid Peter Snow, who’s son still works at the bBC and was produced by his cousin, arch leftie Jon Snow.

    Can we expect a mockumentary ‘Sharia The First 100 Days’? arguably far more likely in the future than a UKIP government. Of course we will never see such a program because UKIP supporters don’t have the propensity to behead or attack those that produce such with with machine guns….

    Yes Channel 4, be brave, show what you really support (yes you Jon Show) and lets take a peek into those not too far off very dark days, that’ll be an eye opener for the lefties,


  6. NISA says:

    A BBC News item suggesting that the BBC were considering creating a TV museum at Ally Pally. I hope that it will not be detrimental to have the TV tax funded facility competing with the general tax funded National Media Museum at Bradford. Surely a better spent £ than devoting it to programming, or returning it to TV taxpayers if the BBC have more £Bns than they can use?


    • Umbongo says:

      Don’t worry: the heavy lifting on this one is being undertaken by the Heritage Lottery Fund and most of the rest, I suspect, is down to us happy council tax payers in Haringey. I don’t believe the BBC is in for much – if anything. Insofar as there is clear info on this, although the museum will commemorate the birth of public TV broadcasting in the UK by the BBC, I don’t think that the BBC will actually be coughing up here. However, it might be that the BBC will donate some memorabilia since, again AFAIAA, the museum right now is just an empty space.


    • JoShaw says:

      I think that the first TV broadcasts are worth something, in spite of what the BBC is failing to make of the medium now. In any case, it’s a very small part of Ally Pally, which is having a fair amount of cash spent on it generally.

      I’m from Bradford originally but can’t pretend that it has any TV connections. The museum was a local joke when I lived there. I don’t know what it’s like now.


      • Mr Glodstone says:

        There was talk last year of it being closed last due to falling visitor numbers: apparently there are very many more people who want to visit the National Railway Museum (which is in York); than the Film & TV Museum (which is in Bradford).


    • D1004 says:

      But Darlinggg ! Bradford is so far from Hampstead and islington, one would have to stay overnight, and where would one stay in safety ? And eat decent food ? All too horrible sweetie..


  7. Laska says:

    There is a legitimacy issue with the BBC regarding its bias and I think there is a simple modern solution. After an appropriate period, say three years, all emails and programme minutes regarding programme making on all the platforms should be placed on the internet available for perusal by the license payer. I would actually go further and “remove the wall” in a post modern fashion and do what we see in dramas and films, show the production process. Thus on radio we should be able to hear the conversations between the presenter and desk staff – transcripts will be good. We should listen in on the news editorial meetings so that we can see their reasoning in how they address and present a story. Basically, we are currently treated simply as passive consumers by just being given the mysterious created final programme by the BBC. We should be involved in the process and know the process. This would be a first for a large media organisation and would be a big step in transparency. They let TV cameras into Parliament and increasingly into court because the modern age is skeptical of the authorial delivery from higher authorities. The confidence to be gained by the licence fee payer wolud be a bonus.


    • I Can See Clearly Now says:

      Good idea.

      The broadcasters recently ‘got together’ to agree future positive-dicrimation targets for diversity. So far, only C4 has published theirs, but the BBC and Sky will follow soon. Anyone having work commissioned has to satisfy tightly defined requirements, usually in one of a number of optional ways. The discrimination pre-agreed for each programme should be clearly visible.


      • Guest Who says:

        ‘The broadcasters recently ‘got together’ to agree’

        Well, it seems a few have already agreed on what, or who they don’t want, so short steps to working towards what they do…


        Usually car crashes make good (if ethically dubious) copy. Maybe it’s that Labour have so many of them that ensures the likes of the BBC and fellow ideological travelers don’t let it trouble those high integrity Editorial meetings on what is news, and what is best omitted?

        I wonder if Jon & Jasmine have sent off their CVs?


    • manonclaphamomnibus says:

      Unfortunately you state bias but have not provided a single shread of evidence. Maybe some of your suggestions may help but I would suggest not substitute for a rigourous study. And hey presto there is a group which does just that called the Glasgow media group. I believe years ago they brought out a book called ‘really bad news’ which covered Broadcasting.
      Here’s some stuff that is routinely kept from you.
      No-one is talking about Russian funding of Facist groups in Europe,their current invasion of Europe and how the current disposition of a lot of Tories/UKIP etc will probably end up destroying the last vestige of European security and place us in a position remeniscent of the first world war. Lots of presure on Trident and this is where its coming from.
      INo-one seems to be interested that our economy is just about to tank or to highlight that the current government policies has retarded growth by reducing state intervention. Or the fact that Thacherite policies finally came home to roost in 2008 and that Gordon Brown pretty much saved the day through Government intervention.
      Also that employment figures are subtantially made up of subsistence jobs which will neither create any significant boost to our economic fortunes or allow the incumbents of such jobs any chance of a decent life. No demand = no growth without credit. I am also amazed that while a lot of the folks on this site may get off on ‘benifts street’ and the notion of further punishing those on benefits, no mention is made of the fact that the largest share of benefits goes to pensioners and the smallest to those seeking work. Particularly relevant given the increasing numbers of elderly in the future. No-one seems to mention that Osbourne (the guy that encourages you not to pay your taxes) cut public expenditure by 6Billion at his first budget whilst the HMRC let off Vodafone of a tax bill of up to 8Billion around the same time.
      No real mention of Global warming which looks increasingly like a killer of huge numbers in the not to distant future or the fact that big oil still has the ear of the Tories ,presumably because of their contribution to their election coffers.

      You are all being played. BBC news isnt bias ,its doing what pretty much all the popular press is doing – keeping all you people happy by playing to your base insticts of fear and hate by presenting the news in discete bits rather than a joined up narrative.


      • weallknowwhotheyare says:

        what would we sheeples do without you


      • Alan says:

        The ‘Glasgow media group’

        Greg Philo?

        That’s your ‘authority’?



      • Guest Who says:

        ‘keeping all you people happy’

        Good to see you at full coplement again.

        Now, this ‘you people’ of whom you speak, and from which other group location…?


      • John Bosworth says:

        ‘…Or the fact that Thacherite policies finally came home to roost in 2008 and that Gordon Brown pretty much saved the day through Government intervention….’ HELP!!!!!!


      • Laska says:

        Yes, I used to read Glasgow Media Group publications and from my experience was simply a leftwing critique with the usual obsessions. The theories they espoused have been pretty much debunked. So I thought them an historical curiosity. This was demonstrated by their disappearance once New Labour were elected during which time the newspaper and media world were transformed – and not to our benefit. Ownership, public service remits for ITV, regional diversity, etc – all swept away. And not a peep from the leftist academic media in the universities. The ideology that the Glasgow Group critiqued was swept away and replaced by our current authoritarian model of moral outrage and agitprop. And Glasgow is silent on that because it approves the authoritarian model. Ironic, isn’t it. As for the rest of your concerns, they are just wishful thinking and pandering to the fashionable nostrums popular with a decadent left that has given up reading. Marx would recognise that moment when an ideology feeds on itself and justifies extraction salaries for state parasites. Oh, I know state employees are just trying to make the world a better place and cooler too… Also the economist in me twitched when you suggest that demand creates growth. Aggregate Demand Management is okay only for short term deflationary points and cannot create growth which is a capacity potential.


      • I Can See Clearly Now says:

        Unfortunately you state bias but have not provided a single shread of evidence.

        On a day when yob behavious on a train is treated as seriously as terrorist slaughter, you assertion seems poorly-timed.

        No-one is talking about Russian funding of Facist groups in Europe,…

        Au contraire; the BBC love to insinuate that Putin is funding the Front National in France, but they have no evidence. They state this regularly – I know, because it cheers me up knowing that someone is countering the bias against FN. If they could sort their anti-Semitic problem, they could be good allies for UKIP. The lady is doing her best in that regard.

        …their current invasion of Europe

        resisting EU expansionism, you mean?

        and how the current disposition of a lot of Tories/UKIP etc will probably end up destroying the last vestige of European security and place us in a position reminiscent of the first world war. Lots of pressure on Trident and this is where its coming from.

        Tories and UKIP putting pressure to scrap Trident. You’ve lost me there…

        No-one seems to be interested that our economy is just about to tank ….

        Eh? The regulars here stare with incredulity at how our country is rushing headlong to ruin. We’re in enormous debt and yet we’ve taken on to enrich the poverty-stricken world! How can you say no one is interested?

        .. or to highlight that the current government policies has retarded growth by reducing state intervention.

        Just above you’ve alluded to the enormous bubble that’s about to burst; but your prescription is for even more borrowing? Denis Healey tried that in the 70’s. You can Google how it worked out for him.

        .. Or the fact that Thatcherite policies finally came home to roost in 2008 and that Gordon Brown pretty much saved the day through Government intervention.

        Deep breath. Thatcher’s policies, forced on her against her better judgement by Euro-enthusiasts, came home to roost in the early 90’s. Lamont and Clarke sorted it out and handed over a booming economy to Brown in 1997. Did that slip your mind? Brown’s ‘No more boom and bust’ turned out to be a slowly expanding bubble that tried to bust in 2008, but was patched up with even more borrowing. We await the real bust any day now…. as you mentioned above.

        Also that employment figures are substantially made up of subsistence jobs which will neither create any significant boost to our economic fortunes or allow the incumbents of such jobs any chance of a decent life.

        Nor sustain the bloated public-sector. You forgot that bit. They think themselves a race apart. But Aneurin Bevan – we are not worthy – said ‘The secret of the National Insurance Fund is that there is no fund.’ Nowhere do you acknowledge that the reason for real jobs being driven to the bottom is the open-door immigration policy. Who opened the doors?

        No demand = no growth without credit. I am also amazed that while a lot of the folks on this site may get off on ‘benefits street’ and the notion of further punishing those on benefits, no mention is made of the fact that the largest share of benefits goes to pensioners and the smallest to those seeking work. Particularly relevant given the increasing numbers of elderly in the future. No-one seems to mention that Osbourne (the guy that encourages you not to pay your taxes) cut public expenditure by 6Billion at his first budget

        UKIP have a far more understanding approach to benefits than the Tories. For a couple of years now, the media have excitedly forecast trouble for Farage from the core right-wing membership on this issue. But it hasn’t materialised. You might ask yourself why.

        … whilst the HMRC let off Vodafone of a tax bill of up to 8Billion around the same time.

        Globalisation. We crow about how diverse and multi-cultural we are, and how our low taxes are attracting investment, and then we moan when those we attract avail of what we offered them.

        No real mention of Global warming

        I’m agnostic about Global Warming. Maybe it is; maybe it isn’t. But I’m not agnostic about pretending that a Big Brother world will do anything other than waste money on a vast scale and enrich a bunch of left-wing politicians and charlatan businessmen.

        .. which looks increasingly like a killer of huge numbers in the not to distant future…

        Again; you betray a basic lack of common sense. The population of the world can’t go on increasing exponentially, any more than you can escape a debt-fuelled bubble by borrowing ever larger sums.

        … or the fact that big oil still has the ear of the Tories ,presumably because of their contribution to their election coffers.

        They certainly have the ear of Wee ‘Eck.

        You are all being played. BBC news isn’t bias ,its doing what pretty much all the popular press is doing – keeping all you people happy by playing to your base instincts of fear and hate by presenting the news in discrete bits rather than a joined up narrative.

        Yet more accusations of hate – betrays the snobbery that underpins your foolishness.


        • Laska says:

          Excellent. Like the “slip your mind” which is kind for a stream of consciousness that is good specimen of the irrational and ungraunded world of the left. I would say that his point “instincts of fear and hate” has some substance insofar as the media, with BBC to the fore, fostering hate against anybody that transgresses the “hate” crimes. Stirring the pot against all these transgressors without a care for the suffering imposed by public shaming. The authoritarian states and their media outlets are prepared to sacrifice the transgressors as warnings to the rest of us. They want that chill of fear to enter our souls so that we hesitate in our free expression. The diversity crew know that the multiculti model is an unnatural model that requires coercion and show trials to repress the population.The liberals and leftists in their culture wars only understand vicious attacks on anybody that cooly and rationally show their feet of clay and startling speculative leaps, as demonstrated by demonstration you dissected. The free must be able to transgress in their expression matter its taste, short of the classical thresholds leading to criminal acts under incitement. We are being made dumb and paranoid and we have evidence that the latter may not be fantastic.


      • Sickofitall says:

        manonclaphamomnibus wrote:

        Unfortunately you state bias but have not provided a single shread of evidence. Maybe some of your suggestions may help but I would suggest not substitute for a rigourous study. And hey presto there is a group which does just that called the Glasgow media group. I believe years ago they brought out a book called ‘really bad news’ which covered Broadcasting.

        So, no solid counter argument (with the all-important examples) from you, just a few things you possibly remember from a book that may (or may not – you don’t seem sure) have come out in the dim and distant past.

        Meanwhile, hundreds of actual, real, examples of BBC bias can be found on all the other posts on the main site, not just comments on the open threads, although ‘many people’ do post concrete examples in the comments.

        Must try harder, manonclaphamomnibus: F-


  8. Will all end in tears says:

    I find this absolutely staggering.

    When Louise Casey’s report into the Muslim rape gangs was published and the ruling Rotherham cabinet resigned en masse, the BBC was reticent in reporting the political affiliations of those councillors.

    I complained. Surely this was of vital importance to the story, particularly as we’re in a general election year and such affiliations may have a strong bearing on voters’ decisions?

    This is the response I received;

    “Many thanks for getting in touch. I was sorry to learn you felt we should have included the political affiliation of the Rotherham council members who resigned, when reporting on the story.

    The key issue was clearly the publication of Louise Casey’s report about the council’s children’s services and with the cabinet’s mass resignation being the fallout from that. It did not seem particularly relevant to bring up any party political elements, even by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government himself, and there was certainly no relevance to the forthcoming general election.

    And certainly Rotherham’s preponderance of Labour members has been reported in other of our stories.
    But we of course welcome your feedback, and I’ve already made sure your comments have gone to the right people here at the BBC, including news editors and senior management.”

    Do you find this as amazing as I?

    “It did not seem particularly relevant to bring up any party political elements, even by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government himself, and there was certainly no relevance to the forthcoming general election.”

    You can absolutely rest assured that had the ruling cabinet been Tory or, God forbid, UKIP, the affiliation would have been front and centre of any report.

    And are the Beeb now suggesting that they take their editorial line from Eric Pickles? – “cos Eric never said it we didn’t think we should”.

    And no relevance to the General Election? Myself and millions of others would tend to disagree.

    I’m staggered that the BBC could churn out such a lame response to such a serious matter.

    But then, with what we know and with what is regularly shared in this forum, am I really amazed? No. Not really.


    • JimS says:

      Page 28 of the report:
      “Historically, the political leadership of Rotherham faced little opposition in a solidly Labour town. With limited political challenge, its culture became more embedded and dominant.

      Inspectors heard evidence of sexist, bullying or intimidating behaviour, attributed to some of those holding leadership or senior roles. Key figures were often talked about in interviews. Inspectors were mindful that sometimes people try to rewrite history. However, some aspects came across too strongly to have been solely revisionism. “

      In other words Rotherham was effectively a one-party state run by the Labour party group. Even Ed Miliband felt the need to apologise.

      This is probably the greatest political scandal this century and far outweighs any groping by geriatric grandads yet it has vanished from the news in a matter of days.


    • Charlatans says:

      Unfortunately the BBC are so entrenched and infected with their Labour support, (backed up by decades of management and executive recruitment ads in the ‘left’ ethos, Guardian), they can no longer help themselves to penetrate the ‘red mist’ resulting in political obfuscation and institutionalised biased reporting as a matter of course.

      It is such a shame this British brand, the world’s oldest national broadcasting organisation and the largest broadcaster in the world by number of employees, with around 23,000 staff in total, with 16,672 in public sector broadcasting. These public service broadcasters who have historical media reach, into every home have certainly not done their job by constantly giving us the Labour led agenda as a matter of course.

      There are thousands of examples of this Labour bias, highlighted on sites like this but nothing says it better than a ‘whistleblower:

      Remember Jayne Garvey of BBC 5 Live fame, letting the cat out of the bag how BBC employees celebrated on Blairs 1997 victory:

      “Ah, well – I had been up for most of the night but I was doing this Five Live breakfast programme with our colleague at the time – it was a bloke called Peter Allen so – I had to get a bit of sleep, and I do remember I walked back into – we were broadcasting then from Broadcasting House in the centre of London – all very upmarket in those days – and the corridors of Broadcasting House were strewn with empty champagne bottles – I will always remember that (Allen laughs) – er – not that the BBC were celebrating in any way shape or form (Allen, laughing – ‘no, no, no, not at all’) – and actually – I think it’s fair to say that in the intervening years the BBC, if it was ever in love with Labour has probably fallen out of love with Labour, or learned to fall back in, or basically just learned to be in the middle somewhere which is how it should be – um – but there was always this suggestion that the BBC was full of pinkoes who couldn’t wait for Labour to get back into power – that may have been the case, who knows ? but as I say I think there’ve been a few problems along the way – wish I hadn’t started this now…”


      • Wild says:

        Champagne socialists always expect others to pick up the tab. They are the greed they profess to condemn in others.


    • ROBERT BROWN says:

      I’ve heard the top guy is now ‘running ‘ Liverpool….Why?…..Why?…..he should be running nothing….he should have been arrested and jailed….oh..hang on…the Police were up to their necks in this too…Ah..i get it now.


  9. Bangernofski says:

    Yes the UKIP thing could have been BBC but was State funded Channel 4 anyway. I would like to complain about Call the Blinking Midwife. Just as relentlessly biased against the white working class as the anti-UKIP docu-drama. Every Sunday I have to, Mrs B watches it, endure a factually representation of where my family came from. Sadly my parents and relatives who actually lived there have gone, but it bears no resemblance to the area I visited as a child. This is revisionist Marxist history. Vanessa Redgrave voice over of course. Why there isn’t an outcry over this portrayl of the indigenous population I don’t know, well I do. That’s cultural Marxism in action on our screens and will be taken as history by the unquestioning muslim apologists that surround us.


    • Aerfen says:

      I commented on CTM on the weekend open thread. I think this latest series is a spin off as it goes beyond Jennifer Worths books, where she specifically mentions how other than sailors around cable Street and jews there were virtually NO immigrants in East London in the fifties, although West indians had begun to arrive in Brixton and Finsbury Park.


  10. Albaman says:

    “Yes the UKIP thing could have been BBC but was State funded Channel 4 anyway.”

    Never let the facts get in the way:
    “Channel 4 is a publicly-owned, commercially-funded public service broadcaster. We do not receive any public funding and have a remit to be innovative, experimental and distinctive. Channel 4 works across television, film and digital media to deliver our public service remit, as outlined in the 2003 Communications Act and most recently the 2010 Digital Economy Act. ”


    • Bangernofski says:

      Public Service Broadcaster, only serving certain sectors of the public not all it. I think you will find that some EU funding goes its way and I would dispute completely that they are not receipt of UK tax payer money, be Film 4 or whatever. Much like their output I really do question what hey have to say on every matter. It is the safest way.


    • lies, damned lies and statistics says:

      Not quite true Albaman. CH 4 knows that should it get into financial difficulties the Government will not hesitate to give them some tax payers money. Interesting to ponder whether C4 are currently meeting their statutory requirements.

      In 2007 due to severe funding difficulties, the channel sought government help and was granted a payment of £14 million over a six-year period. The money would have come from the television licence fee and would have been the first time that money from the licence fee had been given to any broadcaster other than the BBC.[25] The plan was scrapped by The Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, Andy Burnham, ahead of “broader decisions about the future framework of public service broadcasting”.[26] The broadcasting regulator Ofcom released their review in January 2009 in which they suggested that Channel 4 would preferably be funded by “partnerships, joint ventures or mergers”.

      [The preamble of the remit as per the Communications Act 2003 states that:
      “The public service remit for Channel 4 is the provision of a broad range of high quality and diverse programming which, in particular:
      demonstrates innovation, experiment and creativity in the form and content of programmes;
      appeals to the tastes and interests of a culturally diverse society;
      makes a significant contribution to meeting the need for the licensed public service channels to include programmes of an educational nature and other programmes of educative value; and exhibits a distinctive character.”[5][15]
      The remit also involves an obligation to provide programming for schools,[16] and a substantial amount of programming produced outside of Greater London.[17]
      Channel 4 has 4.4% of the UK viewing audience.
      Source Wikipedia.


    • +james says:

      Channel 4 receives some of the TV Licence for it’s news programmes. Go check it out.


  11. Umbongo says:

    In one of this morning’s items in the Labour interest on Today Humphrys brought on financial moron and tax ignoramus Richard Murphy to opine on the HMRC’s failure to stop all those rich tax evaders. On the Today website Murphy was listed as “a chartered accountant, tax researcher and runs the pressure group Tax Research UK”; Humphrys introduced him on air as “a chartered accountant”. Accordingly, anyone not in the know (or not hitting the BBC website) would consider Murphy as a disinterested tax expert and not a paid shill for, among other entities, Unite.
    Murphy was brought on in the context of the previous item which featured a small businessman who had been severely bullied by HMRC. We got the usual implied mantra from Murphy/Humphrys that in some way the Conservative-led government (not the previous one natch!) has instructed HMRC to go easy on its chums so those chums can cough up in the Conservative interest. What nobody said – and no-one in reach of a BBC microphone ever says – is that the behaviour of HMRC is perfectly consistent. It bullies those who have neither the resources nor the time to resist the legal thuggery most small businessmen have been subject to at some point in their commercial lives. Believe me, it’s worthwhile coughing up a few hundred – or few thousand – quid to get some jack-in-office at HMRC off your back even if the tax isn’t legally due.
    When it comes to rich individuals or big corporate, it’s another kettle of fish. Then HMRC has opponents who have the time and resources to resist bullying and are prepared to do so. Of course, HMRC will not enter a fight it knows it’s going to lose because, in the end, the courts apply the law: if you don’t owe the tax you don’t have to pay. Accordingly, for example, Vodaphone was not forced to pay £4+ billion in tax because the tax was not due in the fiirst place. Vodaphone were able and willing to take this particular tax case all the way: Harnett for HMRC knew this and sensibly withdrew HMRC from the field. To the contrary a small businessman (for instance, the businessman on Today “Geoff Jones . . . . who spent 5 years battling with HMRC over tax payments he was ordered to make”) can and will be bullied mercilessly.
    The problem Labour and the BBC (and the Conservatives for that matter) ignore is not that HMRC has too little power or “favours” big corporate. On the contrary, it’s got too much power. Get in its sights and your life can be (quite unjustifiably) made a misery for years at best or ruined at worst. OTOH HMRC doesn’t make Geoff Bezos’s life (or that of his UK based execs) a misery because AFAIAA, not only does Amazon obey tax law in every particular, but Amazon would be prepared (and is financially able) to fight HMRC if necessary. Do we ever hear this from the BBC? No: all we hear is the Labour drone that the rich and big corporate are all getting away with tax murder.
    I suspect the goldmine of tax “dodging” has now been (temporarily) exhausted. I wonder what Labour has written for the next few days of BBC faux-news: we won’t have long to wait.


  12. George R says:

    “So will the BBC and Channel 4 screen pre-election dramas mocking the Left?
    “In your dreams! ”


    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2956444/JAMES-DELINGPOLE-BBC-Channel-4-screen-pre-election-dramas-mocking-Left-dreams.html#ixzz3S1EOo7d4


  13. Mat says:

    Got stuck at the local air soft site on a build day and as it’s not my site I don’t get to choose the radio station so to day we had the joy of Wimmins hour not much fun but did like the bit about Welsh politics or more to the point the Labour party line to take, ‘Savage cuts’ which the Labour BBC woman said first then the Welsh Labour BBC woman followed up then they had a sing song about ‘Savage cuts’ and finished with a resounding chorus of the red flag !
    Up your workers comrade !


    • Laska says:

      Recognise the ambush which I often experience. R4 has some excellent progress but I tend to avoid the station because of its persistent political buzzing in my mind of the corporate ideology of the BBC. But my car radio is tuned and the number of times I get into the car and am staggered by the relentless politicking. Given the random and infrequent tuning in I get, it must be staggering to be a full on listers. Woman’s Hour? Yep, that will be the Spare Rib redoubt.


      • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

        A small example from this evening, on Radio 4’s “Chain Reaction”, a series of conversations where this week’s interviewee becomes next week’s interviewer, and so on. It wasn’t too bad over all but there was the obligatory dig at the political Right.

        The interviewee was, apparently, set to be named John Wayne at birth, because his father liked Wayne and cowboy films, but it didn’t happen, because of the mother I think, and he was glad. Anyway, the interviewer got in the dig about John Wayne having expressed some Right-wing views, and presumed that this was why the interviewee was glad to have escaped the name. To his credit, the latter said that it was simply because he didn’t like Wayne or cowboy films.

        Now, can you image anyone on the BBC asking, say, Jane Garvey if she minded being called Jane, given that Jane Fonda had expressed stupid Lefty views? Of course not. Only Right-wing views can be unacceptable; however Left-wing anyone was in their youth, their views can be forgiven because, well, you see, at least their heart was in the right place!


  14. George R says:


    “Ed Miliband says Russell ‘Ed Balls is a snidey c***’
    Brand is ‘saying what people are thinking.'”


    “Ed Miliband defends Russell Brand, claiming: ‘What he’s saying, a number of people are thinking.’
    “Plainly an appeal to Brand fans but I wonder what Miliband’s colleague, Ed Balls, makes of it.
    “Last month, Brand publicly described Balls as a ‘clicky-wristed, snidey c****’ on Channel 4’s Big Fat Anniversary Quiz.
    “The so-called comedian warned Balls and Tony Blair – not Miliband, interestingly – that his planned revolution would overthrow the political establishment.”

    “Eagle-like news-reader and Antiques Roadshow star Fiona Bruce chooses for Country Life’s My Favourite Painting feature, David Victorious over Goliath by carousing, womanising Cara-vaggio (1571-1610).
    “She enthuses: ‘Caravaggio – what a guy! He swaggered around Renaissance Italy gambling, womanising, drinking and brawling.’
    For all I know the home life of Ms Bruce is a bourne of billing and cooing domesticity but might wilder passions rage beneath the surface?”

    “The Dame Janet Smith Review into Jimmy Savile, set up by the BBC in October 2012, has not been published.
    “It’s likely to cost licence payers at least £5 million, much of which will go to City law firm Reed Smith.
    “This compares unfavourably with Sir John Chilcot’s £10 million inquiry set up six years ago.
    “Isn’t it time David Cameron was asked about Dame Janet’s findings at PMQs? ”

    “Radio 4 presenter Jim Naughtie, always considered a Labour supporter, presses shadow Business Secretary Chuka Umunna five times over whether the party would return a donation if it came from a tax avoider.
    “Five times Umunna refuses to answer.
    “A Today presenter since 1994, Naughtie, 63, is currently under pressure from BBC suits who want him out, I hear. Just when Jim’s coming on song!”

    “Ex-Newsnight bruiser Jeremy Paxman is now on the books of London-based speakers agency JLA.
    “He’s ranked as an AA speaker, meaning he will command more than £25,000 a time.
    ” Is there a case for a special tax directed at those such as Tony Blair and Paxman who profit in retirement from publicly-funded fame? ”

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2956462/EPHRAIM-HARDCASTLE-Ed-Miliband-says-Russell-Ed-Balls-snidey-c-Brand-saying-people-thinking.html#ixzz3S1GrivTx


    • MartinW says:

      Your comment – “…Antiques Roadshow star Fiona Bruce …” highlights precisely what has gone wrong with that once great programme. She think the programme is about HER (i.e. she thinks she’s the star), whereas all previous presenters, including the peerless Michael Aspel, knew that their job was to stay mainly in the background and not detract (or distract) in any way from the real purpose of the programme, which should be only to present information about antiques and their collectors.


      • DownBoy says:

        She always strikes me as a bit precious. Her views are very left wing but that’s hardly news.


  15. Englands Dreaming says:

    The Beeb just cant get enough of the US Chapel Hill murders. They clearly want us to think its a hate crime (it might be, but we are a long way from knowing).

    There current website headline runs
    “Man indicted for US Muslim murders”

    why not run the headline
    “Man indicted for US parking murders” ?


    • flexdream says:

      Preferably don’t run any headline. I think it’s estimated about 200 Syrians are killed in their civil war every day. Don’t those mostly muslim lives matter?


      • I Can See Clearly Now says:

        Don’t those mostly muslim lives matter?

        Isn’t the slaughter of these Muslims the responsibility of the followers of The Prophet around the world. Have we got a dog in that fight?


        • flexdream says:

          Nearly all (maybe all) Muslims killed for their religion are killed by .. er.. other Muslims. It surely is the religion of peace.
          Is there anywhere where Muslims flee a non-Muslim country for safe refuge in a Muslim country?


    • Geyza says:

      So, according to the BBC, they are clearly Muslims when they are murdered, but not really Muslims when they are murdering other people.


  16. Guest Who says:

    BBC World News

    “I’m so sorry for this.” The 17-year-old Islamic State suicide bomber. http://bbc.in/19qHHx7

    Sorry. Which is nice. Just a boy. Of 17.

    Well, apart from blasting those not part of a nihilistic death cult to smithereens to share in his esteem issues.

    This point was raised. Maybe its answer should have been the headline. And a bit more on the old men directing such young schoolyard (that’s where sent… not so much from) warriors to meet their maker with as many in tow as can be arranged.

    ‘John Simpson reports from Iraq’s capital city on its new found optimism.’

    One I wished I shared on BBC subbing.


  17. Geoff says:

    What odds on bBC News broadcasting this story tonight?

    “Top Labour figure dumps Miliband for Ukip over EU reformation”



  18. Angels 30 says:

    On WATO today they were discussing the fall in inflation to the lowest figure since the 60’s. The Liebour representative’s comment was that it wasn’t the coalition’s actions that had been responsible but they just got lucky with the 60% drop in crude oil prices.
    A quick Google of crude oil prices over the past 15 years reveals:
    Average price from May 2000 to April 2010 was $50.29/barrel (Liebor in power)
    Average price from May 2010 to February 2015 is $98.11/barrel (Coalition in power).
    No doubt nBBC will be going to great lengths to correct this misrepresentation.


  19. Guest Who says:

    Per BBC-approved guidelines, I ‘quote’ as space allows:


    ‘BBC staff occasionally call their in-house website Ariel “Pravda”.

    Ok… maybe a wee bit of editorialising: You should hear what some call the entire BBC, comrades.

    Maybe it was the ‘white men in suits’ wot dun it? Being that is a wee bit of a stretch, frankly. But they are playing to strengths…

    ‘Their argument can be distilled down to three Ds: it’s distinctive, different and diverse – unlike anything on World News in fact.’

    Tone… Danny… Rona… Hugs… they used the ‘diverse’ joker!!!! As part of… the three D’s!!!! And not Dumb, Dumber and Dusky, neither.

    Can’t think how that did not swing it.


  20. DB says:

    BBC World Service journalist James Read:

    Judging from his Twitter timeline he prefers the likes of Owen Jones, Seumas Milne and George Monbiot. What a huge surprise!


    • DB says:

      And he’s now deleted the above tweet.


      • Guest Who says:

        ‘And he’s now deleted the above tweet’

        Seems to happen a lot.

        I wonder if that is classed as not doing anything stupid, or drawing more attention to it?


  21. Pounce says:

    The chief of the general staff ‘ General Sir Nicholas Carter ‘ has spoken about the army here is how the bbC reports what he had to say and how the Guardian does:

    Army ‘needs to help more women to reach top roles’
    The Army needs to be restructured to allow more female soldiers to rise to senior posts, its top officer has said. Gen Sir Nicholas Carter, the chief of the general staff, said the Army would need to recruit more women to bring in the numbers it needs in the future. But the Army had fundamentally a “male career structure” that encouraged women to leave rather than stay, he said. Speaking in London, he also repeated his call to recruit more personnel from ethnic minorities.

    And here is how the Guardian reports the same story:
    Ministers lacked understanding of Afghanistan, says top UK general
    The “folly” of British decision-makers who committed the country to the conflict in Afghanistan was trying to change the world without understanding it, the head of the British army has said….Though Carter did not name names or any particular group or individuals, a growing number of mainly former senior military figures have criticised ministers in Tony Blair’s Labour government for ignoring the politics, economics, tribes and culture of Afghanistan, and the consequences of sending thousands of troops there from 2006, as well as the invasion of Iraq in 2003.
    He also suggested the army would have to better reflect modern UK society, saying it needed to recruit more women and more people from black, Asian and other minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds. Ethnic minorities currently account for about 10% of army personnel, though many of these are from Commonwealth countries such as Fiji; while only about 9% are women.

    Its as the bBC were reporting on somebody else.


    • Lobster says:

      “He also suggested the army would have to better reflect modern UK society, saying it needed to recruit more women and more people from black, Asian and other minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds.”

      Oh yes – just what we need. More Muslims in the army. What could possibly go wrong?


    • dave s says:

      I thought the function of the soldier was to be prepared to go into battle and fight to win .To be what old times called a warrior. For in the end civilisation rests on this. The warrior’s ability to fight and if necessary to sacrifice his life.
      Liberalism is uncomfortable with this notion and seems to prefer to regard a soldier as a glorified social worker doing useful and good things in a defined career path.
      This is unreal. it is not the function of a warrior. Likewise the army seems to now be on a dangerous path. To want woman and ethnic quotas. Again unreal.
      The enemies we will probably face have no time for such nonsense. They will be fighting to win and conquer and it is then we will need the warrior or go down.
      Even Russia will be laughing at us and the rest of liberal Europe.
      Read Homer’s Iliad and relect that nothing ever really changes in this world. Troy’s fate rests on the fighting prowess of Hector and his men. Hector falls and the city is taken by deceit and storm.
      That is the real way civilisations end and it will happen to us unless we abandon the absurdities of modern liberalism and understand that in the end it is the warrior who keeps us safe.


      • Laska says:

        Yes, I think you are clearly right about the need of soldiers to be the best fighting machines, particularly in the urban battlefields of the future. It’s a sign of decadence that it doesn’t matter about objective fighting capacity. You can see the real nuttiness in the dishonesty of the British Army recruiting adds that has women leading into battlefields. It is shocking what advertising idiots come up with. Ridiculous and dishonest. I recollect BBC celebrating women finally getting into submarine service. It was three women and the alterations to the sub cost £3 million! I’m sure the men respected that the women should have much more privacy, sleeping space and facilities. And, of course, the women are more likely to get promoted for a variety of reasons, including promoting them up from their inadequacy into ordering men into battle.


  22. Pounce says:

    Does anybody know why the bBC continues to wax lyrical about Balls?
    Ed Balls writes to George Osborne over HSBC tax row

    It appears that the bBC have a huge hard on over the prick whom even the labour party are distancing themselves from . I mean this is the knob end who flipped his home a number of times, who fucked up over the baby P case and who drove off after hitting somebodys car. Yup a fine example of a female sex organ and the bBC can’t stop wanking themselves all over him.


  23. Geoff says:

    Unsurprisingly no mention of the Labour defection to UKIP on the bBC News Politics web page. Proof indeed that the bBC is based towards Labour.

    What really is the point of our national broadcaster?


    • Steve Jones says:


      It has now appeared:
      Looks like even the BBC is having trouble spinning this one. The end of the article is comical in its desperation:
      ‘A Labour spokesman said the “vast majority” of the party were united behind its position on Europe.

      He added: “The truth is UKIP are a party of Tory people, Tory policies and Tory money – they are more Tory than the Tories.”‘

      That must be a world record for the most times the word Tory has been included in one sentence.


      • pah says:

        Again not a UKIP supporter but …

        Surely the point is that UKIP was formed by people for whom the Tory party was becoming to centrist? So UKIP is a party full of Tories. That is it’s point surely?

        The issue here is whether UKIP are screening those who come over from Labour, like this hypocrite, to see if they are genuine and not infiltrators. The Left have a history of infiltration and either destruction from within (NHS, Education) or take over and evolve (Greens). They can’t be trusted especially if they are turncoats. Do UKIP really think these people are genuine, that they have had an epiphany and suddenly realise that their devotion to socialism was an error? Or do they see them as chancers who supported one cause and, now that it is sinking, jump ship? There’s a word for that.


        • mikef says:

          No, UKIP is about the EU. The lady who defected did so because Labour is not offering a referendum.


  24. Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

    Radio 4’s “PM” continued its Cannabis Season with “Eddie” Mair interviewing the psycho-passive/submissive home affairs correspondent, Mark Easton, and then two users of the stuff (> 20 min’s from about 17:30 after the headlines).

    The first case was interesting, in that a man (and his father before him) had come to cannabis use for medical reasons, MS in his case, and wished no longer to be criminalized. But can you generalize, from a few medical cases where it might usefully be allowed, to relaxing the over all laws on selling it? Most use is recreational, AFAIAA, and not without serious risks, especially with strong forms of the stuff. Did anyone else listen to this? I thought the BBC were pushing for relaxing the laws, with their usual trick of focusing on exceptional cases.

    “When hemp’s spun (by your state broadcaster) England’s done.”


    • Laska says:

      Of course, you can get the particular element of cannabis as a pure medication but they still seem to want it old school. Mark Easton – the BBC man who is always a sign of BBC voice to “help us” poor saps to not get it all wrong and give us the “understanding” we should have on all those “controversial” problem topics. Also have you noticed that when BBC talk about cannabis they snigger and give each other meaningful looks. Do you think they’re on something or is just euphoric nostalgia?


      • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

        I thought today’s ‘PM’ Cannabis Special (~ 17:32 >) was better, more balanced than Tuesday’s.

        They said there are around 100 ingredients in cannabis, which has both psychotic and anti-psychotic properties according to the doctor interviewed: CBD is benign, whereas THC is bad. 10% of users get addicted. Modern ‘skunk’ is dangerous because it has lots of THC and is thus much stronger than the stuff available on the streets in the 1960s. There’s an extract called ‘Charlotte’s Web’ with the CBD in, which helps prevent seizures apparently.

        Finally, we were told that cannabis had been used for “thousands of years” … draw your own conclusions.


  25. Dave666 says:

    So this is what happens when you complain to the scum at channel 4 “Thank you for contacting Channel 4 Viewer Enquiries regarding 100 DAYS OF UKIP.

    We are sorry to hear that you were unhappy with the premise of this programme. This Channel 4 fictional documentary is in early production. Using as its basis UKIP?s policies and statements made by the party and its members, the programme will project into a fictional future where UKIP are in Government.

    The programme will be fully compliant with the Ofcom Broadcasting Code.

    Nevertheless, please be assured your comments and concerns have been noted and logged for the information of those responsible for our programming.

    Thank you again for taking the time to contact us. We appreciate all feedback from our viewers; complimentary or otherwise.


    Nicole Aston

    Channel 4 Viewer Enquiries” In early production? It was broadcast. So pretty similar to complaining to BBc they just ignore your complaint.


  26. Teddy Bear says:

    A judge has criticised senior managers at Darlington Borough Council after a child was taken into care due to the father’s links with the English Defence League. Sir James Munby, the most senior family court judge in England and Wales, said that the council’s handling of the matter was almost a “textbook example” of how not to pursue such a case.

    No mention of this by the BBC – mustn’t sanitize EDL or show another Labour council criticised.


  27. Llareggub says:

    Don’t complain about the UKIP 100 days. Insist, demand, a further programme on the first 100 days of the Greens.


  28. thoughtful says:

    I see that the religious wing of the Socialist Workers party formerly known as the Church of England has published a report which seems to have shocked even the biased BBC !
    Described by them today as being more in common with the far left SNP or Communist Green party than any other, the Bishops have had a difficult job convincing anyone their report is not political nor that it is so far to the left that it’s fallen off the end.


  29. Teddy Bear says:

    Another Labour council that continues to be shamed:
    A council boss who refused to resign after it was revealed her children’s services department had failed to protect young people from grooming gangs is likely to get a £600,000 pay-off. Oxfordshire County Council Chief Executive, Joanna Simons, will get the package for leaving her post early, in a move the council insist is unrelated to the scandal.
    The BBC has described the grooming gangs as being “of Asian origin”, however this has caused outrage amongst Indian and Chinese immigrant communities. The vast majority of offenders are Muslims of Pakistani origin. Council officials in places like Rotherham have suggested they felt unable to report abuse for fear of being branded “racist”.

    In the BBC article on her ‘stepping down’, they manage to make it appear like a political advantage for this Labour council with:
    The chief executive of Oxfordshire County Council is to step down and not be replaced, as the authority “flattens its structure”.

    The council said Joanna Simons would be made redundant at the end of June in a “plan to protect frontline services”.

    Council leader Ian Hudspeth said the decision was made in the “certain knowledge” of further government austerity.

    Only at the end of the article, apart from a small print caption under her picture, are we told Ms Simons, chief executive since 2005, resisted pressure to resign following the conviction of a paedophile ring in Oxfordshire, in 2013.

    Nothing else on the controversy surrounding her ‘stepping down’, or managing to secure an obscene pay-off for doing so. Can’t imagine this ‘omission’ if it was any other major political party.

    Since we have the ‘public service’ broadcaster setting the way and producing the Common Purpose propaganda for the rest of them to jump on this bandwagon, what else can we expect?

    The BBC is the real cancer in our society on every level. Privatise them and see how much those working for it then want to fund and support the rest of these parasites.

    Then we’ll either see these hypocritical left wingers change their tune or we can enjoy watching them sink.


    • Doyle says:

      Anyone know her address? I’ve got a dog turd for her letterbox.


    • Pounce says:

      So let me get this right, the left made a huge song and dance about that footballer who was jailed for rape and on leaving prison found work.

      Yet remain silent on a woman who kept the lid on numerous rapes who gets £600k payoff.


      • Thoughtful says:

        Be careful with this, because when Labour were in power they dismissed Sharon Shoesmith by direct intervention. The resultant unfair dismissal case cost a lot of money & red faces.
        Labour are not the current government, nor are they in charge of the council there.
        They would reply that they have no authority and it isn’t for them to do anything, and they would point to Rotherham, where they threw council members out of the party.
        The Tories have done nothing. (but no doubt they’ll find some jobseeker or disabled to blame!).


        • Pounce says:

          Actually I was contrasting the difference between a man who has served time for a rape and then hounded by the left for finding work as a footballer And this PC correct bitch who walks away with a golden handshake to the silence of the left. Watch the video below to see what a corrupt twat she is:


    • pah says:

      Is Oxfordshire CC Labour? Last I saw it was pretty much hung 50-50 between the Tories/UKIP and the rest. Previously it has been very much Tory and High Tory at that with many of it’s officers being political appointees. Doesn’t stop this woman being a leftist of course …

      Are you not confusing it with Oxford?


  30. Deborah says:

    Popular in your network

    Why is the BBC News tweeting Telegraph headlines? It came through via my gmail account. Never had a BBC News tweet this way before. And what a surprise it is critical of the Conservatives.

    BBC News (UK)

    Telegraph: “Tory purge on benefits for jobless teenagers” (via @suttonnick) #TomorrowsPapersToday #BBCPapers


  31. George R says:

    For INBBC to report sometime?:-

    “Man charged with terror offences to stand trial in Glasgow.

    A man charged with terror offences in Scotland is to stand trial in Glasgow later this year.”



  32. George R says:

    Islam Not BBC (INBBC)’s “militants” (i.e. Islamofascists)-

    “Islamic State militants ‘burn to death 45 in Iraq'”


    Pamela Geller-

    “The craven BBC calls these savages ‘militants.’ No, feminists are ‘militant’; these murderers are savages — and what makes them so monstrous is that their slaughter is religious and holy.The reports are now multiple times daily.”

    – See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2015/02/islamic-state-burns-to-death-45-in-iraq.html/#sthash.ES2VPIVp.dpuf


  33. Teddy Bear says:

    Just a reminder what Hall said when he took over the BBC
    In 2013 he told MPs that he would not be ‘an easy ride’ for consultants, and pledged to cut back on contracts with firms like Deloitte, Accenture, McKinsey & Co, and KPMG. ‘I want to reduce the amount of money that we pay on consultants, I really do. I am not an easy ride when it comes to consultants,’ he said.

    Just imagine how much more he would waste if he was an easy ride, as the following story shows. Personally I would call him something else – ‘easy ride’ is far too polite.

    How often too have we heard the MPS say that the BBC has a duty to explain how the licence fee is spent, clearly it’s something they say every time something like this is made public, but they have yet to get this explanation, much less do anything about it.

    The BBC elite really believe they are worth the money they pay themselves, but their need to pay so much every year for ‘consultants’ shows they really need professionals to help them do their job.

    Even with these, they still suck!

    BBC blows nearly £7m on consultants in a year – then refuses to say what they did for the money

    FoI request revealed the BBC spent £7million on consultants during 2014
    But the corporation refused to say what they did to earn their money
    Follows promise by director general Tony Hall to rein in external spending
    MPs say the BBC has a duty to explain where its licence fee is spent


    • Guest Who says:

      “…But the corporation refused to say what they did to earn their money
      Follows promise by director general Tony Hall …”

      That’s the DG who tried to pull his Lordship out of the exemptions box to refuse to answer other questions.

      The transparency of the BBC looking uniquely more and more opaque.


      • Teddy Bear says:

        You know when we were kids in school and reading about past corrupt regimes, we never imagined we would end up living in one.

        It will be so obvious to future school kids looking back on ours, assuming society ever manages to get free again.

        That MPs continue to allow this corruption to continue makes them complicit.


        • Simon says:

          the funny thing is though that the people at the bbc probably think they aren’t doing any wrong


  34. Guest Who says:

    @BBCNews Guardian: “Democracy is failing, bishops tell politicians” http://t.co/ncxFBy2xzM (via @suttonnick) #TomorrowsPapersToday #BBCPapers
    Safe to say, this quaint notion of how democracy works according to the clergy, via Graun and the BBC, not really catching on.


    • Teddy Bear says:

      Judging by the Church’s mostly silence over the numerous cases of Islamic persecution of Christians throughout the world, they’re more skilled at dhimmocracy.

      They appear to realise that they only way they’re going to get any power with their lack of spirit is to join the left wing agenda.


    • Charlatans says:

      Bishops turn to do the Labour party broadcast on Newsnight tonight.

      They managed to get it all in from Food Banks, Austerity, living wage, vote Labour etc. They forgot to add the Archbishop of Canterbury’s endorsement of Sharia Law for the UK:


      The next hymn is No 346: “Keep the White Flag Flying High”


      • Merched Becca says:

        And they wonder why they have a falling congregation and that churches all round the country are closing their doors for good every week.


        • Mr Glodstone says:

          I have often thought that, despite what the BBC et al say, Britain is still a Christian country; the fact that C of E congregations are falling and they are closing churches may have more to do with what people hear when they attend these churches and them not agreeing with it, than to their no longer thinking of themselves as Christian.


          • Merched Becca says:

            Mr Glodstone
            I have noticed a rise in the evangelical church congregations around my part of the world.


        • Aerfen says:

          Half of the clergy are probably pleased, not being Christians themselves, all the better to usher in the NWO with some milder form of Islam to control the plebs by the satanic elite!!!


  35. George R says:

    NOT an INBBC production by Muslim Rageh Omaar and Muslim Aaqil Ahmed-

    “The true history of Europe and Islam.
    “Our political leaders, our mainstream academics, and media keep lying to us about the history of Islamic imperialism. The crusades were a minor distraction, and merely a response, to Islam’s ongoing war against Western civilisation.”

    By Raymond Ibrahim.



    • dave s says:

      A very sound piece by Ibrahim. Truly the ignorance of our young is frightening.
      Hence “we have always been a nation of immigrants” and the inability to grasp that modern day Turkey was created on the ruins of Byzantium and it’s Roman descent people.
      It is highly likely that the so called Dark Ages were that because militant Islam turned the Med into a war zone and destroyed trade and travel.
      It wasn’t until the inability of Islam dominated nations to grasp the possibilities of the scientific revolution in the 17th century meant that Western Europe at last secured it’s future although there was continual war on it’s eastern flank.
      What was true in the 17th century is as true today and although militant Islam is a real threat it is at war with the future and cannot really win.
      Create havoc yes but win ? I doubt it.


  36. thoughtful says:

    Beginning to look more & more like the two 16 year olds arrested in Tameside today are white British. No doubt Greater Manchester Political Correctness Squad will be telling us as they have before that they have found a gun and ammunition, when they actually found a potato gun & a potato (and that’s not a joke they really did that !)
    My suspicions were raised when it was announced on the BBC this morning that two 16 year olds had been arrested on suspicion of terrorism, they don’t report it when it’s Muslim kids until the suspicions are turned into hard facts.

    So it’s probably another attempt to provide the Fascists with the ‘evidence’ it’s not only Muslims preparing for terror and it will be logged for the purpose of equal opportunities as some perverted kind of ‘balance’. Just like the other poor school kid they tried to pin an attempted terrorist plot to blow up Crown Point shopping park, which based on no more evidence than him having a joke with his mates



    Just compare the BBCs wholly biased and hysterical reporting of the trial with what the jury actually found. I think if they could they would have strung them up before the trial was finished !

    I expect nothing more from this case if the pair are white and charges are laid.
    The BBC desperate to show that white people are equally as likely to plan a terrorist outrage as their brown eyed boys


    • Pounce says:

      There have been a large number of white Islamic converts arrested, charged and jailed for terrorism.


      • Thoughtful says:

        The latest news is that the girl has been released and the Police say:

        “There is no intelligence or evidence to suggest that communities within the Mossley or Greater Manchester area are, or were, at risk in relation to this investigation.”

        The teenagers, who are not a couple or relatives but friends, aren’t linked to any ‘international terrorist plot’ or group

        the investigation was launched after evidence emerged of substances being purchased over the internet.

        But no hint as to what these might be.


  37. Bill Berkley says:

    Strangely,this report hasn’t surfaced on the BBC News website as yet?



  38. flexdream says:

    BBC World Service Outlook programme has just done an excellent piece on Ugandan Archbishop Luwum who was murdered by Idi Amin. As the programme said Luwum is remembered as a Christian martyr.
    However, there was the usual omission. If Luwum had been a Muslim cleric murdered by a Christian dictator we would have course have heard about the religion of both. Instead here we get no mention that Amin was a Muslim.
    Amin died peacefully in Saudi Arabia aged 78 where he had enjoyed a comfortable exile supported by the Saudi royal family.


  39. Guest Who says:

    @independent not mincing headlines:

    Why is the BBC just so bad at TV news? http://t.co/avrR1NKUPA http://t.co/ch3c9TUlbw

    Be interesting to see what other explanations get suggested.


  40. Germanicus says:

    Has anyone noticed how the BBC Breakfast presenting team is hideously white? Apart from Naga Munchetty the ethnic make-up of this team does not reflect the vibrant multiculturalism of modern Britain. I think some complaints to the BBC are in order. I will be writing to them immediately.


    • Germanicus says:

      Having said that I might complain about Steph McGovern, I can’t understand a bloody word, she sounds like a cross between Charlie Brown’s teacher and Jimmy Nail having a fight and an orgasm at the same time.


      • I Can See Clearly Now says:

        Careful! Steph is the Anointed One at the Beeb. She simultaneously proves that the BBC has rid itself of the awful elitism that used to ensure they only employed people who could speak properly and she is an engineering genius, proving women’s ability to surpass men in this area. Sadly; a little searching shows that she didn’t actually study engineering but rather some communication course. She did get an Arkwright Scholarship, but when you read the blurb, Arkwright are obsessed with getting female candidates. Duh.. They are ‘Proud to encourage girls into technical careers through: Your Life’.

        Your Life is a new quango to me. For anyone with an internet allergy to white males, their site seems to have been de-contaminated. I can’t tell if it’s female-only; I don’t think so, but can’t be sure.


    • Betty Swollocks says:

      LOL Have you noticed how all the Sports News presenters are hideously Black.


      • Diversity Police says:

        right now on bbc news channel we got a white woman presenting the news, a white woman presenting the weather, and a black woman presenting the sports headlines

        How racist is this, arent black women good enough to present the main news headlines? they have to be relegated to the lowest of low jobs reading the sports headlines? absolutely dusgusting

        its good to see no men on the screen though, theyre everywhere


  41. Dave666 says:

    Breakfast sofa sloths doing a PR job on the flood of migrants headed to Italy, complete with migrant who came here when he was 12 from Afghanistan. Ohh the children are particularly vulnerable serious face blah blah blah, serious faces . Anyone on to tell them we don’t wan’t them? No chance.


  42. Guest Who says:

    Media Lens poses an interesting question:

    .@Peston Well said, Robert. Is the BBC afflicted by similar conflicts of interest and censorship? Are *you* able to speak freely?

    Look forward to any answer, once it has be run past the layers of BBC management who all claim to respect editorial integrity.


  43. regag says:

    Some ‘men’ prevent a man boarding a train in the Paris metro last night and the BBC can tell you all the details.
    Some ‘men’ rape children in Oxford, Rotherham, Liverpool, Manchester Rochester etc., etc. over a period of ten to twenty years and the BBC haven’t got a clue.


    • David Brims says:

      ”Some ‘men’ prevent a man boarding a train in the Paris metro last night and the BBC can tell you all the details.”’

      Splashed all over the media, tv, radio, newspapers, telegraph, semaphore etc etc.

      1400 children abused by effniks in the North, not a cheep for 15 years. Agenda, what agenda !! ???


      • regag says:

        Yes David, that should have read ”Some ‘men’ rape upwards of 16,000 children in Oxford, Rotherham, Liverpool, Manchester Rochester etc., etc. over a period of ten to twenty years and the BBC haven’t got a clue.”


      • Dave666 says:

        The thing is with this “amateur” footage is it from the start of the incident. Or was there an incident prior to what we are being shown?


        • Guest Who says:

          ‘The thing is with this “amateur” footage is it from the start of the incident.’

          Whatever happened around it, not a great moment in club history. As a very non-footyballist, I do however recall a less than mellow song sung to the tune of ‘Land of Hope and Glory’, so there is tribal (they seemed not to like anyone not Chelsea, regardless of race or creed) previous, if from another time.

          But the point on what has become BIG news vs. watertight oversight to zero on greater matters remains valid. And of course context in vs. what left out again plays its part in maybe explaining if not excusing things.

          In this day and age of prevalent mobiles that a faithful record is preserved may be no surprise, but still creating the scene to make one is also not unheard of, and easy to provoke and sort the best out in post.

          The BBC can be quite varied when not, or when to add caveats such as this:

          “It’s impossible for us to verify Klein’s video, and like other “10 hours in…” videos there has been a large amount of editing – which critics say conveys a false impression.”

          Was any such thing attached?

          If not, the difference in source reliability would be what now?


    • I Can See Clearly Now says:

      Balance is important to the BBC. They’ve been reporting bad news about ethnic Islamists for weeks now; they’ll be relieved to get a balancing story about awful white Christians.


      • Llareggub says:

        Re the Paris train horror. BBC, Guardian and UK police are on the job. You can help.

        ‘Were you at Richelieu-Drouot station? Are you affected by the incident which took place? You can email your experiences to haveyoursay@bbc.co.uk

        If you have any information that might help to prosecute child rapists in Rotherham and other towns piss off you racist bastard.



  44. Guest Who says:

    Any Questions is headed my way and I have been invited. However…

    “Questions are selected from those submitted by the audience on arrival.”

    So, rigged from the outset and sod all point then.


    • flexdream says:

      Just add a line at the end of your question. At the very least they will have to say that wasn’t the question they agreed to.


    • Arthur Penney says:

      Ask an anodyne question – embarrassing to the Conservatives – and then change it subtly when asked into one alleging bias by the BBC. Sit down and enjoy the fireworks.


    • David Brims says:

      When asking a question about immigration one has to be subtle to get past the NKVD BBC censors. You could use reverse psychology to not appear racist and bamboozle them.

      ” I’d like to ask the panel, there’s just too many white people in my town, what are the politicians doing to rectify this problem, the place is crying out for Somalians ?”


    • Aerfen says:

      Any Questions is headed my way and I have been invited. However…
      “Questions are selected from those submitted by the audience on arrival.”
      So, rigged from the outset and sod all point then.

      Surely you didnt think it was off the cuff???
      How could they ensure ‘balance’? How could they assist their favoured panelists (or maybe even all the panelists) to answer intelligently if they weren’t prepped?

      I suspect the questions have to be submitted WELL before the big day then those shortlisted handed in on arrival (to make it look spontaneous).

      I understand from someone who went on QT that you are even grilled about your political views and voting intentions (its all about a ‘balanced audience’ apparently), well, that is the BBC defintion of one, of course.


  45. Llareggub says:

    It is early days yet, but expect the BBC to cover their darling BAFTA winners – the gays and lesbians who allegedly supported the miners (in their controversial strike!). They will be speaking against Islamophobia at the SWP inspired Trot-fest UAF Conference. Yep. The muslims are the new miners.



    • Simon says:

      do those fools in the uaf really think they will be left alone in the seemingly onrushing troubles?



      • flexdream says:

        Well it worked for the comrades in Iran.
        “From 1 May 1983 to May 1984 almost all the Tudeh leadership appeared in videos, first individually and then jointly in an October 1983 “roundtable discussion,” confessing to “treason”, “subversion”, “horrendous crimes”, praising Islam and proclaiming Islamic government’s superiority over atheistic Marxism-Leninism.”
        “It is likely many hundreds Tudeh prisoners were killed during the 1988 executions of Iranian political prisoners when thousands of Mojahedin and leftist prisoners were killed.”


    • Charlatans says:

      The alliance of the left, UAF, Unions, SWP, Labour, Greens and the BBC all, for some illogical reason, trumpet and defend their Islamic brothers and sisters at every opportunity but totally ignore the real disgusting Islamic doctrine, so foreign to our Western civilised culture and existence, which is now so plain to see around the world daily and will destroy us all unless we internationally grow a pair soon to tackle it head on.

      It just does not make any sense why the left does not make a determined stand against normal socialist liberal hate crimes like the Muslim treatment of Christians and Jews, FGM, Sharia penalties like death for apostasy, making Gays join a skydiving club without a parachute, stoning, cutting heads off, treating women as chattels, cruel Halal slaughter, imposition of Sharia?

      This illogical left alliance in defence of Islam is so confusing. It will surely bite the hand that feeds it, but they blindly enthusiastically continue with it notwithstanding the overwhelming evidence that it stands opposite to what the left generally fight against?

      Definitely a baffling conundrum.


      • Simon says:

        I think it boils down to the left wanting the evil capitalist system brought down so much they can’t even think what comes after it or at least they think we will all live in green fields with rainbows. Totally and utterly clueless


    • Wild says:

      Yeah lets go on an Islamic march in favour of tolerance of Jews and gays.

      “stand together against all hatred”

      Take the hatred (and greed) away from the Left and nothing remains.


  46. Ian Rushlow says:

    This article – which is relatively lengthy – is essential reading for anyone with the slightest interest in Islamic State. Forget the nonsense about it being un-Islamic; on the contrary, those involved consider it to be the most authentic implementation of Islam since the 7th Century and have a disturbing but relatively consistent thought process and world view.


    • George R says:


      A comment by Robert Spencer of ‘Jihadwatch’ on that article entitled-

      “The Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic.”

      [Robert Spencer’s comment]-

      “This is an extraordinary piece, as it represents one of the first, if not the first, mainstream media acknowledgment that what I have been saying all these years, and illustrated in detail in thirteen books, hundreds of articles, and tens of thousands of posts here, has been absolutely correct: that jihadis use the texts and teachings to justify their actions and make recruits, and make a case that obviously convinces many young Muslims, that they represent the truest and most authentic expression of Islam.

      “Will Graeme Wood be now smeared and derided as an “Islamophobe” and a “bigot” for stating these obvious truths? Or will his exaggerated confidence in what he calls “quietest Salafis” (not reproduced below) save him from that? In any case, this is a momentous article: it may (may) represent a crack in the edifice, a blade of grass poking through the concrete, a tardy surrender of at least one bastion of politically correct wishful thinking to the overwhelming force of reality. We shall see.”



  47. George R says:

    Part of today’s daily Islamic jihad news- two versions-

    1.) ‘Daily Mail’-

    “New York subway bomb plotter was under orders from Al Qaeda to pull off the ‘biggest operation since the 9/11 attacks’ says prosecutor at his trial.
    “Abid Naseer, 28, pleaded not guilty to an alleged plot to bomb trains.
    “Failed attacks were planned for New York City, England, and Denmark.
    “He is also accused of plotting to bomb the Trafford Centre in Manchester.
    “His trial will feature eight documents found in Osama bin Laden’s home.
    “Naseer was arrested over an alleged UK terror plot in 2009, but was let go.
    “Jury expected to hear evidence from MI5 agents in disguise.”

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2957625/NYC-subway-bomb-plotter-orders-pull-operation-bigger-9-11.html#ixzz3S5vGmncu

    2.) Beeboid U.S report-

    “Abid Naseer ‘led Manchester terror cell’, says US trial”



  48. George R says:

    Will Beeboids warm to ‘politically correct’ Red Cross?:-


    By Gerald Warner.



    • Ian Rushlow says:

      The advertising of the ‘British’ Red Cross has changed very noticeably during the past year, with increasing emphasis on overseas activities. There are still a few references to pensioners in Newcastle and the like, but that’s clearly not where the action is. Take a look at their website: lots of stuff about asylum seekers and refugees, “International resilience”, ebola, Syria and so on. They also have a section about the General Election – note the snide archaic comment about three main parties (sic):
      “The run-up to the General Election is your chance to speak out about what matters to you. We’ll be sharing your views at the three main party conferences. ”
      British Red Cross? Nah. About as British as the BBC. Just the usual gang gaining employment via funds siphoned off through the government via the International Aid gravy train (also known as “your tax”).


      • flexdream says:

        Will they decide to drop their symbol with its Christian undertones for something more neutral?


      • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

        They’ll get nowt from me, the same contribution I’ll make to rednose day.
        Who TF would be stupid enough to give money to the bbc so they can decide where it goes.


  49. George R says:

    Will BBC-NUJ recognise ‘Shiitephobia’ in its beloved Islamising Turkey?

    “Fear of Shiites on the rise in Turkey”

    -From ‘Al Monitor’-

    “Shiite-phobia is the other side of Islamophobia”.[?] “It is not a term frequently used in Turkey, and the label is often misunderstood. For instance, one notable Shiite elder told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity, ‘There is no fear of the [Shiites], they just really do not like us because they think we are heretics.’ Shiite-phobia indicates irrational fear, dislike and hatred toward Shiites. It is anti-Shiism.”

    Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2015/02/turkey-shiaphobia-on-the-rise.html#ixzz3S6FpqC3W


    • petebogtrotter says:

      The BBC is full of SHIITES i think thats we call them or words to that effect.


  50. Simon says:

    the msm are loving those Chelsea fans on that metro yesterday – another fan who was on the train said how they were pushing loads of people off the train as it was packed (white and non-white)and they were obviously oafs but it gives the msm a chance to say “look whitey is evil” as the main story and they can push down the order the stories about certain people wanting to murder us all

    all the usual hacks are out and talking about it like ww3 has just started – they have these stories already written I think and just wait for an opportunity to air them whereas Rotherham is a distant memory….


    • flexdream says:

      Paris? That rings a bell. Didn’t something nasty happen there recently? Obviously this crisis of people being pushed needs to be taken very seriously indeed, I’ve just a nagging feeling there was something else as well.
      Oh look over there, it’s the BAFTAs ….


    • Aerfen says:

      another fan who was on the train said how they were pushing loads of people off the train as it was packed (white and non-white)

      Do you actually have a link to this quote?


      • Simon says:

        it is in most of the reports of the story – the bloke was posting on twitter – he said they were pushing a few people off the train and not just black people.

        I know these types of fans from the amount of games I have been to and they are usually the type you avoid as they are drunk and beyond obnoxious. I have just watched the video of it and any sensible person would have seen that lot and moved to the next carriage as I know I would have