The BBC is pumping out yet more pro-immigration propaganda meant to challenge your ignorance and prejudiced stupidity should you be one of those ‘furious faced Ukippers’ who think having control on who and how many people come into the UK is a good idea.
As you may imagine the BBC have handed the baton to Jonathan Freedland who picks it up and runs with it ….to the left of course.
Jonathan Freedland examines current debates surrounding immigration and legislation in the light of the 1905 Aliens Act; the first act to introduce immigration and registration controls into Britain from areas outside the British Empire and seen chiefly as a response to East European Jewish immigration.
Jonathan is joined by Mary Riddell, columnist and political interviewer for the Daily Telegraph, Dr David Glover, Emeritus Professor of English at the University of Southampton and the actor Henry Goodman.
Freedland is pro-immigration and thinks those who oppose it are of the ‘beast’…
David Cameron is trying to feed a beast that cannot be satisfied. There is no move he can make that would ever be enough, not for the constituency that has convinced itself that immigration explains every contemporary misery.
Mary Riddell is an ardent fan of Miliband and is very definitely from the Left and a pro-immigration, anti-UKIP campaigner who thinks that there is a‘poisonous mythology attached to immigration’.…
The Labour Party leader should resist the temptation to shift to the Right to counter Ukip’s threat
UKIP need to be exposed, not ignored – Mary Riddell interviews Yvette Cooper
Dr Glover has a background in sociology and cultural studies and takes a particular interest in immigration….being Jewish, as is Freedland, you may expect that his views might not be entirely unbiased in their interpretation of the history of Jewish immigration to the UK.
So a programme set up to provide us with an entirely impartial, unbiased, balanced and unprejudiced view of immigration.
The programme began by telling us that ‘Britain prided itself on liberty, that its borders were open and people were free to move in and out as they liked’ It was a ‘point of pride’ at the beginning of the last century that the borders were open.
Why did the BBC pick this particular moment in time? Because the main immigrants then were Jewish….the BBC is trying to make a ‘resonant’ comparison with Muslims today of course…Jews were being ‘scapegoated’ apparently as are Muslims today…apparently.
Were they? Were they scapegoated for their Jewishness or their religious practises which they undoubtedly forced upon the rest of the UK ? Or was the Act more about health, jobs, housing and social problems?
Kind of insensitive to make such a comparison between Jews then and Muslims now when Muslims are one of the main instigators of anti-Semitism across Europe right now.
Freedland makes a pointed interruption saying there hasn’t been much said about cultural change being seen as a threat to the make up of British society…..the Jews posed no threat to the ‘make-up’ of British society…maybe 120,000 Jewish immigrants came here over 30 or so years…how many are here now? Around 300,000. Compare that with Muslim immigratiion and the effect on the demographics and you can see that Muslims are rapidly increasing in number and vastly outnumber Jews, or any other minority religious community in the UK….and as for cultural changes…where to begin….perhaps attempts to change foreign policy, the Trojan Horse plot and its ilk, force feeding Halal meat to unsuspecting non-Muslims etc etc. Huge changes forced upon a nation, a society, a culture, that has been given no choice by the ‘elite’ who control such things.
This programme being just another example of that elitist imposition of their own views.
The answer to the question about cultural changes was a dismissive reply that ‘communities eventually find their own level and integrate.‘
So that’s alright then.
Hardly takes into account current circumstances and the failure to integrate, not just failure, but determined efforts not to integrate, by many Muslims led by the Muslim Council of Britain which we are told is most representative of the various Muslim groups in the UK.
We are told all this is ‘pertinent with Nigel Farage’ and his dislike of travelling in trains where no one speaks English…. a deliberate misrepresentation of his actual meaning.
The supposed subject of the programme was the ‘Aliens Act 1905’ which the programme suggested was just a piece of prejudiced anti-immigrant legislation intended to keep out the Joows.
Freedland and Co hugely misrepresented what the Act said…here is a description of it…
Aliens Acts 1905 and 1919
The Aliens Act of 1905 was the first piece of immigration legislation in 20th century Britain. It was the first to define some groups of migrants as ‘undesirable’, thereby making entry to the United Kingdom discretionary, rather than automatic.
The 1905 Act was passed because of fears of degenerating health and housing conditions in London’s East End. The cause of the degeneration was seen as the large number of Russian and Polish Jews who had arrived in the East End after fleeing persecution in Tsarist Russia.
The Act ensured that leave to land could be withheld if the immigrant was judged to be ‘undesirable’ by falling into one of four categories: ‘a) if he cannot show that he has in his possession … the means of decently supporting himself and his dependents …’; ‘b) if he is a lunatic or an idiot or owing to any disease of infirmity liable to become a charge upon the public rates …’; c) ‘if he has been sentenced in a foreign country for a crime, not being an offence of a political character …’; or ‘d) if an expulsion order under this act has [already] been made’.
It seems entirely reasonable and not based upon any particular race or creed being targeted and far from the rabid anti-immigrant tract that the BBC presents it as.
Here is the full text of the Act itself.
And a pertinent extract about asylum seekers being allowed to come in regardless of the ability to provide for themselves…
Just another piece of very, very one-sided BBC propaganda promoting immigration combined with a patronising attempt to mislead us about the problems concerning Muslim intentions and the future shape of society in light of that.
None of their blather matters when we can see the results of the policies that they advocate every day on the streets of our cities.
What does matter is persuading people to vote against the people that continue to propose the policies that are undermining our culture and the well-being and safety of our people.
Don’t vote LibLabCon .
Oh…..and a green vote is too stupid for words.
Jonathan Freedland yet another stupid Jew set to self destruct !
Makes you wonder why these people have failed to learn the lessons from history.
Money tends to make people forget things or not say things.
Line taken from a BBC contract I think….
There’s no use bitching about immigration now. Damage is done. There’s no going back. I still have family ties here but as soon as those are gone I’m emigrating. Leave the Beeboids and the Guardianistas to their fate. My country no longer exists.
English Bob: We have to fight back, or else your prognosis will come true.
Why does the BBC want more Muslims in the UK?- Because they are future Labour voters.
And if rapes of young working class White girls increases – in the memorable words of H Clinton ” What difference does it make”.
In any case, White working class girls deserve it, as they abandoned Labour.
There is the secondary advantage, that a future majority Muslim parliament, will abolish the monarchy, Christianity, and install a caliphate.
I suspect Bob is right in saying there is no going back, or, more importantly, no possibility of arresting the flood before we are overwhelmed. The momentum is too great. People with ties to other countries will naturally push to assist their less well-off brethren. A mathematician could probably prove that we’ve passed the point of no return.
Where do we go? Russia?
Wait for the USA to split into three parts and head for the north West. Montana, Wyoming, Idaho and Washington State. Maybe the Dakotas and parts of Canada. Plenty of space and a place to rebuild Western civilisation.
Must confess I had to look up our Henry.
As it is possible was done by a BBC producer, if on another basis.
One of six children, Goodman is Jewish.
So poor old Mary outnumbered there on the balance stakes simply on testosterone. Danny will be having a fit.
Also a bit hideously [insert Dykian phrase here] for another Henry, one might have thought.
Strong note to the DG’s private email account again?
Whenever I am told immigration is good, the response is always to ask the person telling you that “Are you in favour of open borders then – you know, anyone can come and settle, or leave, at will?
Strangely that usually appears to be a step too far because they know there are millions around the world who would welcome the opportunity to come and live here.
So you then ask them to describe how they would decide who and how many should we accept, if it is not to be a free for all, and how many they can accommodate in their spare bedroom(s).
Suddenly the idea is not quite so wonderful.
Correction to questionnaire – with apologies 60022
and how many can you accommodate in your house?
And would you be prepared to leave your house if the immigrant family did not like your stinkin Kuffar habits – like bacon, sausages etc.
If immigrants are needed then why do they have to be moslems who generally despise our culture and put so much effort into turning this country into the kind of shit holes they left. look around the world where there are many ethnic folk who would be quite happy to settle here and contribute. For the BBC immigrant means foot soldiers in the socialist war against their wicked capitalist, Christian, waycist, war mongering, white enemy.
it is too stupid for words and a waste of time discussing with these people.
Demographics is about numbers. I know it. You know it but the liberal idiots can’t count. 2 plus 2 =5 if they say so.
The numbers are looking as though it will mean we, the British of indigenous origins, will be a minority by 2050 .And in certain areas welll before that.
Just stop listening to these people.
that ukip hating idiot from channel 4 who produced this leftist load of old crap 100 days of ukip is chris atkins a well known supporter of the labour party,this leftist smear merchant is gloating on his twitter feed about how in his head he has destroyed ukips election campaign,be free to tell him on his twitter what you think about his anti ukip bias if you wish,this load of old channel 4 hatred of ukip will backfire on channel 4 big time,yes and it has just started but 50 minutes ago with this >>>>>
My best mate, a former, staunch Labour supporter, voted Tory for the first time last election, this time going with UKIP, a bloke from Hungarian stock, who also was born, raised and still lives in Rotherham texted me this afternoon:
“Did u see that programme on 4 last night, around 9, about UKIP, like to know who funded it, well anti-UKIP…bit strange”
So, if that tosser Atkins thinks he has “won back” the swaying voters, he is very much fucking mistaken.
UKIP will take Rotherham, very easily…unless they only count postal votes there, keep your eye on that town, from what I hear, it’s like a frog on a boilerplate….it’s gonna blow sometime, real soon.
UKIP will take Rotherham, very easily…
Hope you’re right. Watching Sarah Champion getting ‘Portillo-ed’ would be a real pop-corn moment for Election Night!
Very considered telegraph piece defending our UKIP film …
That would be the piece by Dan Hodges, who the Torygraph say ‘is a former Labour Party and GMB trade union official, and has managed numerous independent political campaigns. He writes about Labour with tribal loyalty and without reservation. ‘ Quite. Oh, … and his mummy is Glenda Jackson, arts luvvie and now an MP, with views somewhere to the left of Mao Tse-tung.
Clear from his tweets that he is very much of the left. Even Mrs Dave S who is apolitical in the extreme was taken aback by the obvious attempt to imitate Pravda and smear UKIP.
Interesting that this Atkins chap uses scatatkins on his twitter account. How appropriate. After all, we all know what the term *scat* means don’t we? Yes that’s right, a pile of shit.
‘Express’ report:-
“Senior Labour official quits and urges voters to back Ukip”
Beeboid report:-
“Harriet Yeo, former Labour NEC chairwoman, backs UKIP”….hodges being a prick again.