It’s that old ‘mindest’ thing again.
The good Robert Fisk, where would we be without him? The Independent doesn’t need a cartoonist with such a man who can paint a scathing comic picture with a mere 10,000 words.
Fisk, you couldn’t make him up, and surprisingly he is real, a real, living, green ink splurging journalist, he’s not some comic character dreamt up by Private Eye to run as a spoof columnist ala The Vicar of St Albions.
Fisk, the man who thought the Taliban had every right to punch his lights out for all the wrongs the West has inflicted upon the world, now wants to talk to ISIS about peace…
Talking to Isis could lead to peace, yet for some reason we’re not allowed to do it
Not sure exactly what he would offer in return for that peace, but as Tariq Ramadan suggests (23 mins in), peace for Muslims is a world run by Muslims on Islamic lines, we must start growing beards at the very least, very soon.
I paraphrase his thoughts…
The question is ‘Is Islam a religion of violence’? but I’m not going to answer that, we shouldn’t talk about that. For me there is no bad Islam and no good Islam. People are naturally violent and religion channels that violence to serve its purpose….[but he then turns it on its head]….the problem is not the book [Koran] but the reader….but the reader is reading a text that accepts people are violent and encourages people to use violence.
Use violence to move towards peace…[but what is peace in Islam?….the domination of Islam.]
See below for what he really thinks about how Islam should proceed in non-Muslim countries.
And as ISIS has made clear their actual intentions…
“All crusaders: safety for you will be only wishes, especially if you are fighting us all together. Therefore we will fight you all together…..The sea you have hidden Sheikh Osama Bin Laden’s body in, we swear to Allah we will mix it with your blood.”
“We will conquer Rome, by Allah’s permission.”
…who can doubt what any negotiations would entail?
Still it’s good to talk. It’s the same mindset that the BBC promotes…don’t fight the terrorists, embrace them, talk to them, surrender to them.
BBC One – Al Qaeda: Time to Talk?
Peter Taylor, BBC journalist, wanted us to talk to Al Qaeda…
Rhetorical and actual violence indicates that many years of struggle lie ahead. Taylor, like everyone else, knows there are no quick solutions to all this, but he considers the question of whether talking can help.
Taylor shows how, even at the height of IRA activity, a channel of communication existed with London which even Margaret Thatcher allowed to continue.
The Independent concludes…
Partly because of such contacts, the Provisional IRA has now passed into history.
Really? The war goes on. From this Sunday…
The smoking gun: how cigarettes became the IRA’s new weapon
Police raid a shop in the Midlands, seizing thousands of illegal cigarettes. Smuggling operations like this are linked to republican paramilitaries, who threaten a new wave of terror
The IRA war has continued with thousands of bomb alerts in NI, a good proportion of them ‘viable’, ie very live and dangerous bombs made to kill and injure.
Here is the BBC yet again promoting that stance in 2010 fronting it with Jonathan Powell, Tony Blair’s former chief of staff who was in the Guardian promoting his three-part documentary Talking to the Enemy on Radio 4 ….
We will talk to Mullah Omar, and maybe to Bin Laden too
In the end there always has to be a political solution. Tough military pressure to convince insurgents that they cannot win, coupled with offering them a political way out, seems to be the only way to resolve such conflict.
No…the only way is hail of lead and HE directed towards ISIS.
There is nothing to negotiate with them.
The Telegraph’s top headline today…
Islamic State jihadists ‘planning to use Libya as a gateway to Europe’
Islamic State militants are planning a takeover of Libya as a “gateway” to wage war across the whole of southern Europe, letters written by the group’s supporters have revealed.
The jihadists hope to flood the north African state with militiamen from Syria and Iraq, who will then sail across the Mediterranean posing as migrants on people trafficking vessels, according to plans seen by Quilliam, the British anti-extremist group.
The fighters would then run amok in southern European cities and also try to attack maritime shipping.
The document is written by an Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) propagandist who is believed to be an important online recruiter for the terror in Libya, where security has collapsed in the wake of the revolution that unseated Colonel Gaddafi in 2011.
And as promised….
Here is the good Tariq Ramadan explaining why how Muslims should go about promoting Islam in America…
We are not here to please the people, to change our religion, to make it acceptable. We are not here to become moderate Muslims meaning for some Islam without Islam. We are not here to feel victimized. We are here not with our humility but our pride. We are here to remain Muslims and we are Americans and Muslims at the same time and that’s it.
In this video the great reformer of Islam reveals the truth…it is the West that has to reform to adapt to Islam not the other way around….
“We should all be careful not to be colonized by something which is coming from this consumerist society.
It should be us, with our understanding of Islam, our principles, colonizing positively the United States of America.
But let me tell you something. On the long run, I”m quite optimistic. I think that Inshallah (inaudible word) our future in the West is going to be a bright future, to be positive.
By the way, we are not here by accident. We are not here by accident.
We are learning how to be a Muslim. It’s difficult, it’s a challenge, it’s a jihad…
On the long run, we also have to think about our contribution. We should be a gift to the United States of America. We should be a gift to the West.
We don’t want the West to be destructed.What we want is the West to be reformed.
Still, the BBC likes him, as does the government, and both think he has something worthwhile to say. Shame they don’t actually listen to what he says.
Brilliant idea! We can avoid conflict with Islamic extemists by surrendering and giving them everything they want.
That way we avoid having to fight, avoid having to take a moral stand, avoid having to stand up for what’s right, avoid having to be courageous; genius!
Accomodation with ISIS may mean the destruction of western civilisation and a new dark age of medieval barbarism, rivers of blood and slaughter and Islamonazi domination of the world, but surely that’s a small price to pay for avoiding conflict?
Give appeasement a chance, you know it makes sense!
I don’t see these nutjobs who say we should be talking to them booking a one way ticket to Syria, Iraq or Libya for a friendly chinwag with ISIS.
I wonder why.
I reckon we should ban pork sausages as an interim measure.
Fisk needs to be put in a cage and burned alive by his own searing rhetoric.
Let’s pop over to Syria, put the kettle on and have a nice cup of tea with them. I’m sure they’re reasonable people, just like you and me really.
I doubt they really mean what they say about establishing the law of Allah over all mankind and exterminating Christians, Jews, athiests, gays etc.
Let’s be honest, there’s no evidence that they’re driven by intolerance and Islamic fanaticism, or want to destroy us and impose their brutal, 7th century version of Islamofacism on us is there?
Just show me one example of them being barbaric killers, prepared to crucify, behead, stone and burn those who oppose them…
Oh wait….
So Tariq what’s the punishment for apostasy?
I shall start eating cheese, writing out a decent surrender note and practising ‘preening’ – any tips, anyone?