Roy Greenslade in his support for Peter Oborne in the Telegraph uses ‘research’ by the Media Standards Trust to back up claims about the lack of reporting by the Telegraph on HSBC’s woes…
An analysis by the Media Standards Trust has found that the Telegraph published “far fewer articles” on the recent HSBC tax avoidance scandal than rival papers. This also requires explanation from TMG.
The BBC’s Robert Peston is a trustee of that ‘independent’ organisation which is about to launch this:
Every Thursday, from 26 February until the election on 7 May, Election Unspun will presentstatistics of news coverage of the campaign from the previous week.
Party leaders in the news: a league table of leadership coverage
Prominent in the news: other political and non-political figures who appear in political news this week
Coverage of the parties: how often each of the main parties features in the news
Issues by news source: is The Telegraph focusing on cuts to benefits while The Mirror concentrates on the cost of living?
Election coverage day-by-day: how coverage played out over the week
What the media say: a statistical analysis of leader columns
I’m sure we will be treated to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth…as they see it.
Who are they? Well apart from Peston as Trustee we have on the Board of the Media Standards Trust some of these worthies.….
Sir David Bell …chairman of the Media Standards Trust until he joined the Leveson Inquiry into media (er that’ll be just News International!) standards, and Common Purpose trustee….and chairman once again.
What is the relationship between Hacked Off and the MST (2012)?
The Media Standards Trust houses the Hacked Off campaign and provides administrative and strategic support. The campaign manager, and one of its founders, are employed by the Media Standards Trust. Many of the campaign’s activities and supporters have no direct connection with the Trust.
Who runs the Hacked Off campaign?
Martin Moore, the director of the Media Standards Trust, and Professor Brian Cathcart, from Kingston University, direct the Hacked Off campaign. It is managed by Thais Portilho-Shrimpton.
Baroness Helena Kennedy QC …lefty human rights lawyer and favourite of the BBC.
Julia Middleton founded ‘Common Purpose’, a member of the Media Standards Trust and founder of the left wing Demos think tank. A good friend of the BBC’s Robert Peston.
The Right Reverend Stephen Platten...a ‘turbulent’ political Bishop.
Sir Anthony Salz Executive Vice Chairman, NM Rothschild; member of the Scott Trust and on the board of the Education and Employees Trust which supports Peston’s speakers charity, an Media Standard Trust trustee and used to be vice chairman of the BBC board of governors 2004-06….the Scott Trust being ‘The Guardian’
Anthony Smith Broadcaster, author and academic….and ex-BBC producer
David Loyn Developing world correspondent, BBC
Another of note is ex journalist Mary-Ellen Barker who now runs MEB Projects which tells us…
What we do
- We offer financial services groups and media organisations advice and support to extract value from content.
Extract ‘value from content’. Doesn’t that mean making money out of their content?
How we do it
By maximising the value of content and data. Our expertise is:
- Interim management
- Generating revenue with digital news and content
- Content workflow solutions and production, including offshoring
- Corporate communications
- News and data for financial services
- Content integration and news metadata
- Targeted distribution of high-value news and data
So one of the leading lights of the Media Standards Trust that is criticising the Telegraph from making money out of content is herself running a business that encourages the very same thing?
MEB Projects was approached to define a news content strategy for a major content provider, which wanted a competitive differentiator to help drive customer retention and revenue generation. The task was to define customer requirements across a range of end-users, commission customer research, and build a 3-year plan to plug content gaps.
So shaping a news content strategy to suit customers.
Shock horror. No?
Can we trust an organisation so loaded with people with very defined agendas and close links to the Hacked Off campaign group and Leveson that the Telegraph has huge issues with?
Can we expect the Media Standards Trust to really hold the BBC to account in the same way it undoubtedly will right wing papers?
The way of chalking up time will be intentionally skewed: For instance the anti-UKIP fiction will be ascribed as 1 hour to be added to UKIP’s coverage rather than its opponents, likewise for the Potty Rowling’s attack on the Tories – that will be counted as Conservative coverage rather than Labour where it belongs. The same for any news broadcast attacking UKIP will be counted as UKIP coverage rather than the opposite.
The figures accrued will be completely untrustworthy unless they itemise the whole breakdown.
‘An analysis by the Media Standards Trust has found that the Telegraph published “far fewer articles” on the recent HSBC tax avoidance scandal than rival papers. ‘
If mysterious missing coverage is their gig, the BBC will be fertile ground, should they decide to look closer to home.
So raising such comparisons and shining the spotlight Aunty’s way is.. brave.
Oh, and anything which has the word ‘Trust’ in it… so not going to be.
“A Trust”? Is it some kind of tax avoidance scheme?
This morning Radio Five “gets much worse” Live was running a rather sanctimonious camapign against the Daily Telegraph over its failure to run more stories about HSBC and the tax affairs of some of its customers. Nicky “Gameshow” Campbell interviewed Roy Greenslade, “Professor” of Journaliasm (an oxymoron if there ever was one!), to comment on this matter. Greenslade admitted that he writes for the Guardian, which along with the Times and the Biased Broadcasting Corporation, has been running a campaign against the Daily Telegraph on this matter. Greenslade stated that in his opinion the BBC was an impartial, middle of the road news organisation!! Well blow me down. “Professor” Greenslade, how can a subject like journalism be taught in the sterile atmosphere of the lecture hall, when it is a well known fact that all the great journalists in America and this country began their careers on local newspapers? As a former university lecturer I fully appreciate that certain subjects cannot be taught on an academic basis, and journalism is one such area. Journalism is often taught at a postgraduate level, and the tendency among universities today is to restrict individual syllabuses so as to improve the pass mark. Furthermore, the ideological preferences of some academics can play a part in the design of a course. Although these courses are externally validated, due to the fact that the academic community is rather small and incestuous in nature, this means that external validation is no guarantee of standards. It will be a sad day for press freedom in this country if all journalists are required to obtain a postgraduate qualification in this subject.
As a final point, neither Campbell nor Greenslade explained why the BBC has so far failed to discuss the Report that was published on the 4th February into child abuse in Rotherham, nor as regards the threat issued by ISIL in Libya to attack Western Europe, which was made after the execution of 21 Coptic Christians in that country. Is is because such reporting could be seen as an attack on the left’s cherished goal of a multi-cultural society?
And talking of INBBC Radio 5, it put out quite a long ‘report’ (after about 16:10 today), on ‘three schoolgirls from East London’ who took a flight from London (Gatwick) to Istanbul on Tuesday, during half-term.
No indication by INBBC that the three girls are Muslims, whose intention is to ‘support’ Islamic jihadists of Islamofascist Islamic State against the West, including against British people.
But INBBC seemed empathetic to those who support our barbarous enemies, who intend to murder us.
‘Daily Mail’ report on same story-
“Fears grow for three teenage ‘straight-A’ schoolgirls thought to have fled Britain to join ISIS in Syria and become Jihadi brides.
“Girls from east London told their families they were going out for the day.
“The girls, two of whom are 15 while the other is 16, flew to Turkey first.
“It is thought one of the 15-year-old is travelling on a different passport.
“The girls all go to the same school and are described as ‘straight-A pupils.’
“Girls were friends with pupil of same school who fled to Syria last year.
“The school which the girls attended was visited by Prince Harry last year.”
Read more:
“Fears grow for three schoolgirls”? Personally I couldn’t give a shit.
Fears from who? The parents? The Family? Senior members of the local community?
Maybe if our fearless bbc would dig a bit deeper and find out how they got the air fare in the first place, we might find those initial fears are misplaced
Some back history on Greenslade
Back in the 80s, when he was Features Editor oat the Times, he also wrote for the Sinn Fein\IRA newspaper An Phoblacht, using the pseudonym George King (Flat Earth News, by Guardianista Nick Davies, page 130).
He currently writes in the Guardian’s Comment is Free section, and wastes no time putting the boot into (what he perceives to be) British Institutions. It’s no wornder he’s teamed up with the gameshow host, to put the boot in here. He’s no doubt whoring himself out to the bbc, to be their next media expert
I completely agree. One of journalism’s strengths was that the old training system kept reporters grounded in reality. It’s pretty hard to write the rubbish you read in the Guardian or hear on the BBC, if you have grown-up covering union thuggery and intransigence on a local rag in the 1970s – as Richard Littlejohn did
The rapid expansion of ‘higher education’ (sic) under ZaNuLabour may, as many suggested at the time, have been done in part to conceal youth unemployment figures but it also guaranteed a minimum three years brainwashing by Guardian readers and Labour supporters.
Of not much interest to Beeboids-
‘Daily Mail’-
“Revealed: Top firm funding Labour is the one savage for promoting tax avoidance!
“Labour took £386,000 from PricewaterhouseCoopers in last quarter of 2014.
“Accountancy company accused of helping clients slash tax bills.
“Former Labour minister says it was ‘inappropriate’ to accept donation.
“Ed had said donors accused of tax avoidance not allowed on his watch.”
Read more:
It looks like Oborne and Greenslade must have kissed and made up after this piece by Oborne.
Oborne wrote:
‘…Scarcely ten years ago the Professor (Greenslade) was held in contempt though most of Fleet Street. This was because he was the leading apologist for Tony Blair’s propagandist Alastair Campbell.’
‘Whatever Alastair Campbell wanted published, it seemed, Roy Greenslade wrote it. He launched vicious and lurid attacks on those Mr Campbell disliked (as I know to my cost because I was one of them). He boosted Mr Campbell’s friends. He repeated Mr Campbell’s lies and falsehoods…’
He goes on to say how Greenslade was again on manoeuvres (and gracing BBC studios) a few weeks ago, his target this time the Political Editor of the Mail on Sunday, Simon Walters.
Oborne also raises the prospect that the evil, nasty Campbell is back again working for Miliband…as if we hadn’t already figures.
That should be ‘figured’ (fat finger problem)
I think this exposes the logical flaw in some of the comments here lately. Whatever Oborne has said about Greenslade, or vice versa, in the past really has no bearing on this particular case.
It is perfectly possible for both the BBC and the Telegraph to be at fault.
In other words, Greenslade is, undoubtedly, a creature of the Left (Far Left, some might say). Similarly, Oborne may be an idiot about the Middle East and Milliband but it is quite possible that they could be right about other things.
As the comments section on Breitbart and Guido both show, the Telegraph has completely lost its way.
Today’s windy rhetoric reminded me more of Lord Gnome or perhaps Beaverbrook at his most ludicrous than the dignified statement of a serious newspaper.
There’s a nice irony in its pride at the (pre-diaspora) expenses scandal and the departure today of one of its expense scandal stars, Holly Watt, to, of all rags, the Guardian,.