The BBC are outraged, and not a little gutted… order to pay for their election campaign the government has plundered the incomes of some of the most vulnerable people in society who were callously, cruelly, forced out of their jobs by the savage and brutal austerity imposed upon the economy and made to fend for themselves. Stripped of their dignity and all the trappings of success in this human tragedy all that they were left with was their indomitable human spirit to forge a new life and to rebuild their dreams. They were the very people who could put the economy back on the road to recovery with their daring, enterprise and ingenuity….these were the self-employed who risked all as they were left to sink or swim by a cruel government in the perilous waters of the free market only for that predatory Coalition government to leech off them, filling their coffers with their ill-gotten gains wrenched from the calloused, work worn hands of those who earned it with the blood, sweat and toil of honest labour despite being abandoned, left behind by this pitiless and merciless Coalition government whilst Osborne travels the country to crow about it.
I think Polly Toynbee must have hacked my computer…back to normal now…..
So tax receipts have amounted to a rather tidy £9 billion…though I’m slightly confused…the BBC radio news said this was less than experts had expected (or is that mre than the BBC hoped for?) and yet the web report tells us the opposite…’A better than expected rise in tax receipts’
However if you have been listening to BBC news or its commentary on the economy over the last few years as reports of employment continually rising came in you will have heard the BBC continually attempt to downplay the significance of that, claiming that they were mostly part time…they were in fact mostly full time, that women were suffering the most when last week we heard that women were in fact the better off, that they were zero hour contracts..always bad in BBC eyes or that the jobs were generally two bit jobs in the dismissive words of one BBC presenter, jobs like window cleaners or painters and decorators and gardening jobs…..shows what the BBC thinks of anyone making an honest living however ‘humble’.
Seems that was all in the imagination of BBC presenters who always seemed to put the bleakest interpretation on any good news for this government.
A £9 billion surplus would indicate that the self-employed are doing very nicely and that the economy is also chuggig along quite well. This of course has been backed up all along by small businessmen who rang in to BBC phone-ins and kept having to insist that, yes the economy may be sluggish for some, but they themselves were doing very well thanks….businessman after businessman rang in to many phone-ins…the BBC ignored them.
The BBC ignored all these people’s statements and continued down the road of claiming the economy was in dire straits, even claiming we were about to hit the dreaded ‘treble-dip’ recession when the truth was we hadn’t even had a double-dip recession…and yet you can still hear BBC presenters talking of it.
The BBC insisted that rising employment was a ‘puzzle’…and yet the simple solution would have been to hit the road and ask the businesses that were employing these people as to why they were doing so….or listen to the businesses ringing in to the phone-ins.
But the BBC never did…for years they kept up that mantra about rising employment being a ‘puzzle’…..because of course it either couldn’t be true or there must be some appalling downside that we couldn’t see. The answer could never be that the economy was picking up.
Anyway here we are….tax receipts up, solid proof of an economy on the mend and wages, at least for the self-employed, going up.
Never mind Russia, the Middle East and Grexit fears….all going well the UK has been put back on a sound footing…..whatever happened to that ‘Plan B’ the BBC used to urge us to adopt?
The rising employment ‘puzzle’ is symptomatic of the BBC’s urge to avoid any positive discussion about the economy. Rather every day this month their mantra is the ‘crisis’ in the NHS. There is no puzzle and no crisis. It’s just that Miliband has decreed Labour focus on the NHS and ‘the economy stupid’ wins elections.
What’s the puzzle? Lots of people on 0 hours contracts, internships or forced to become self employed because there aren’t any real jobs. Yup they covered it.
Well… the bloated public sector is stuffed full of overpaid, unionised, petty bureaucrats with unaffordable pensions; it’s good you recognise these are not ‘real’ jobs.
As for the situation in the private sector that you describe – can you see any connection with the LibLabCon enthusiasm for open-door immigration?
That’s the Labour party for you. I believe they also offer internships and zero hour contracts. And I do love the conflation of people ‘forced’ to take responsibility for their lives and becoming successful while doing it and that it’s all terribly bad that they do. What do socialists not understand about rights and responsibilities?
What do socialists not understand about rights and responsibilities?
I dunno about the economy but if the stupid wins elections then Wallace is home and dry.
They were the very people who could put the economy back on the road to recovery with their daring, enterprise and ingenuity.
Probably because the evil LibLabCon single party which rules our country has given all their jobs to Eastern Europeans. Then when they’ve made the white people redundant called them every name under the sun and sanctioned their benefits claims by devious methods!
Just more fascist attacks on white by the party which many people are coming to see as their enemy.
Once people begin to see the state and its agents as hostile to them, it won’t take much for a revolution to begin.
“BBC splashes more than £34.4million of licence fee cash on taxis in just three years.
“The spending amounts to nearly £31,450 a day or 236,675 licence fees.
“Corporation ran up a taxi bill of £10.7million in 2011-12, £11.8million in 2012-13 and £11.9million in 2013-14.
It includes more than £200,000 for taxis that were cancelled on arrival
“The figures are taken from the Corporation’s central booking system.
“But staff can also book taxis themselves and claim the money back on expenses, meaning the full taxi is spend will be even higher.”
Read more:
For BBC-NUJ to censor re-its propaganda against public spending ‘cuts’?:-
“Anger as council staff told to pack ibuprofen and vitamin C to beat hangovers on taxpayer-funded junket to the French Riviera”
Read more:
“Town hall chief makes £105k running council in Essex – from Cyprus home 2,000 miles away”
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