Last week Channel 4 put out a propaganda piece ”UKIP government, the first 100 days ” in the fevered imagination of the producers it would be torch light parades, Nuremberg style rallies etc etc. On Thursday Channel 4 broadcast ” Cucumber ” written by Russel T Davis, the story of a gay white man who falls in love with a gay black man. So there you have it, Channel 4 alternative utopian version of Britain, homosexuality, efffniks and er um miscegenation all rolled into one !!
Those that equate anti Zionism,anti Israel sentiment with antisemitism or Jew hatred are doing so for quite overt political reasons.Simply to quell hostility against the barbarism of the extreme right wing Israeli Aparteid system. These words are usedin the same manner that the term Holocaust has been politically subverted to exclusively refer to the Jewish experience in WW2.
People need to discuss this issue and shouldn’t be hamstrung by those intent on limiting free speech.
Lets look shall we.
The left call. Climate sceptics deniers.
The left call ukip nazis and racists
The left invite preachers he advocate killing gays beating Wives and fgm to Britain because they are Muslims and all about diversity but ban us talk show hosts.
The left advocate banning israeli academics but not North koreans russians or Saudis . When a Jew walks through Paris he is asked by the leftist media if he is provoking people yet in Burkha britain no sane beeb commentator would ask a women muslim if they were being deliberately. Provocative.
Ask yourself this , how many Arabs have been killed in Europe for being ethnically Arab and how many for being ethnically Jewish. When the buenos aires bomb blew up a synagogue this was an anti Semitic attack. The attack on the supermarket in Paris was a n antisemitic attack , the attack I. The kenya shopping centre where Jews were singled out first.
Where are the labour protests outside the Egyptian and Turkish embassies campaigning against FMG. Where are the union protests condemning the burning of synagogues?
When was the last muslim cemetery attacked?
There are huge numbers of countries that effectively enslave their women yet the left make not a whimper.
There are countries like the UAE where Philipinos are treated like animals and yet no unison unite protest. When the Turks were bombing the Kurds not a word. There are more deaths in Libya and Syria in one week that in palestine in a whole year yet you don’t see the boycotting of a saudi oil. No. But eat a Jaffa orange and you are a scab.when did the last israeli push a gay fella off a building. When did the israeliis last burn a captive alive for sport.? Mosques an schools around the UK support Isis. There are 5 times as many british muslims fighting for Isis as in the British army. And yet israel is the great demon.pakistan was harbouring bin laden a mass murderer and yet you don’t see the boycott of Pakistani goods.
Why do the left hate israel. Is it not that socialists whether national socialists or their modern counterparts have a thing about Jews. Yes you may have useful jews like millipede but once he’s served his purpose the left will be back to their old nineteen forties tricks. This time they can do it by proxy by standing by while Isis/Al quaeda/ the muslim brotherhood do their job for them.
I hate blocks of red on political flags they make me want to vomit. Enablers of murderers seem to love red.
You always rely on straw-man arguments – that’s why your posts are so pathetic and illogical. For instance, Jews do not claim that they were the only people killed in concentration camps. So why claim they do – as a means of attacking them ?
And your sweeping phrase about “Israeli Apartheid” is plain stupid and blinkered sloganising – without any root in reality.
There’s a new one coming up where a white lesbian falls in love with a black lesbian, all in the name of equality you understand.
Channel 4 is like the Team America ‘AIDS’ song but with different words..’We’re all gay, your Dad is gay, your Mum, Gran is gay, your dog is gay…gay,gay,gay,gay’.
Tottenham have called for tough action against fans who were shown on a video clip chanting a “vile” anti-Semitic song.
The video, filmed by a passenger on the London Underground, appears to show West Ham supporters chanting anti-Semitic songs before Sunday’s 2-2 draw at White Hart Lane.
The latest clip shows a group of fans standing in the Tube chanting “I’ve got foreskin, how about you? *******Jew.”
Firstly, Rifkind and Straw are ‘low’ and untrustworthy at best. I fear Straw is much, much worse.
Rifkind made it clear he could only provide information within the public domain, however easily he could obtain it through the contacts he has accrued. Considering the positions in government that he has occupied, that he would consider working in the interests of a foreign party I find unpatriotic and contemptible. However, Straw admitted influencing legislation with a Eurocrat “under the radar”, for the benefit of a private corporate client who rewarded him with cash. If this isn’t illegal, it is most certainly unethical.
The BBC avoided highlighting this significant distinction in reporting the two ‘stings’ as one story. If you can not see the clear political bias in the reporting of this Mr Man on Bus, then I fear you are beyond assistance. Especially on the day where Austin Mitchell’s “Grimsby folk really are pig-shit thick” admission was spun beyond recognition.
Three girls go on holiday to Turkey remains stubbonly the top story. Mrs Bangernofski said why aren’t the parents going to get them? It is none of our business. We don’t want them back, but BBC thinks otherwise. This ‘how come they are radicalised?’ crap is really getting on my nerves. Family members in forces now advised not to wear uniforms when driving around. My country has been reduced to this by the BBC and the Marxist fellow travellers. Don’t even get me started on Harry Potters the Casual Vacancy. Or Call the Midwife. be it news or drama, the BBC are out to kill us. ISIS TV. None of this will end well.
Yes – why aren’t the parents trying ACTIVELY to get the girls back. The BBC itself has reported that there is just ONE border crossing post from Turkey into Syria which ISIS uses. If the girls were being met in Istanbul, that is the crossing they would be taken to.
So why aren’t their families camped out at that border crossing – insread of whining back here in the UK.
Why would they when they just can sit back and let the British authorities to do everything for them, we’ve even sent two Met Poodles over to help, although with the dire state of crime prevention in this country I don’t see how they can help.
Would this country have jumped into action for any other section of our community?
Well they certainly didn’t “jump into action” in Rotherham, or Oldham, or Derby, or Oxford, or Telford, or Sheffield, or Bradford, or Bristol, or Peterborough or… you get the idea.
They are 15 year-olds, so old enough to know right from wrong.
They knew about the mass beheadings of the Coptic Christians before they chose to fly out – and that was just the latest in a litany of atrocities committed by ISIS against men, women and children, Muslims, Christians and Jews.
And still they went out there.
The idea that they were decent, innocent girls who were somehow rather quickly ‘brainwashed’ into this kind of barbaric, subhuman mentality really, really does take some swallowing.
They are 15 year-olds, so old enough to know right from wrong.
Only if you’re discussing their right to vote. If you’re discussing their trip to join ISIS, then they’re abused children, just a baby really, we always walk her to the bus stop, this is her teddy bear….
Their trip to join the “so-called Islamic State,” according to the bBBC. (At least that’s what the newsbint kept saying this morning on Radio 1).
So… a bunch of murderous Islamic cunts proclaim their Islamic credentials so unequivocally that the myriad tattered and overused lefty euphemisms can’t hide it… so said lefties resort to “so-called,” as if the Islamic cunts behind the ISLAMIC STATE don’t really know what ‘Islamic’ means.
There is some kind of resistance to the BBC’s HYS on the oscars. Record breaking number of comments moderated out. Some allegedly off topic, others directly complaining and some – like one of mine – which said good things about the shooting scenes in American Sniper.
However, some anti UKIP posts are surviving
‘There is some kind of resistance to the BBC’s HYS on the oscars.’
Not just the BBC.
There is of course the usual gush overload from a bunch of content-filler nomarks handed a ticket and a tux to temporarily disconnect the conspicuous-consumption meter as they get the right side of the velvet rope briefly. All sorts of media ‘teams’ hoping to catch a C-lister’s eye by waving a BBC badge.
There is also the new sisterhood, and more power to ’em.
Seems there’s been woeful inequality but barriers are being torn down.
Not fully up to speed on the dirty deals done dirt cheap behind the (literal) scenes, but I had always imagined that actors and agents fought for roles and purses on a who dares wins basis, and it’s box office rules that apply; not Queensbury. Or who knows how to ‘inspire’ a producer some other way (see: ‘Atlantis’).
And as with TelePrompter readererouterers, while all sorts of quotas do apply, backendofbusism is one they are all more than happy to sweep under the red carpet, especially the ladies.
At least, ’til they hit forty or the Botox struggles to hold up sagging… careers.
So Eloi squabbling about trinkets as Morlocks simply seek to survive may not really be the happy place the BBC likes to think it is in, when invited.
After the bBC bitched about not enough wimmin wining oscars they now move onto the music industry: Beth Orton tackles lack of women in music industry Double Mercury Award nominee Eliza Carthy says women “are received better professionally if they look a certain way”, something which she finds “infuriating”. “Certainly, if you are pretty, things come to you easier. “People like sweet female singers in dresses and I’ve never been that. Being a big shouty woman is never going to be as easy as being a little pretty one, .
Here are a few women who I’d say aren’t page three models but who have become very successful :
Alison Moyet
Lady Gaga
Amy Winehouse
Tracy chapman
Joni mitchel
Caro Emerald (Who you just have to see in concert )
All the above are really successful artists, who have got to the top by talent and not looks. But for the bBC that isn’t good enough. Funny enough the charts are full of gay men, where do they fit in?
This identity politics idiocy has taken over at the BBC.
No one employed there now feels able to say boo to the PC goose.
We are lectured endlessly about the financial gap between rich and poor – but how about the ever widening culture gap between the BBC and its Licence Paying audience?
We aren’t lectured about the difference between rich and poor at least not by the BBC.
Que? Excuse me?
The BBC is running a series season of programmes entitled A Richer World. Three months of relentless bleating, timed to run up to the General Election. Propaganda that must be costing an absolute fortune.
The world is getting wealthier – we live longer, eat better, are better educated and fewer people live in extreme poverty.
But with the gap between rich and poor feeling bigger than ever, the BBC is investigating the winners and losers of this richer world in 2015.
I think the best thing for everyone is if these 3 three sweet young girls are forced to undergo FGM. At a stroke ( well a few) the so called school girl cult following of ISIS will see that actually that there is nothing romantic about ISIS.and The left in the UK will actually do something about FGM
I have just read the BBC’s reply to the complaints made about Tim Wilcox’s interview in Paris the day of the ‘march for free speech’.
As Honest Reporting states. “The BBC’s complaints procedure is a drawn-out process. Honest Reporting and many others initiated complaints concerning Tim Willcox’s outrageous reporting in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo and kosher supermarket terror attacks in Paris. We have now received a detailed response from the BBC’s Editorial Complaints Unit, which can be read in full below”:
Inevitably the Complaints Unit (initial) findings found Wilcox had not breached the BBC editorial guidelines.
I picked this statement up on an comment section dealing with the BBC’s whitewash. This guy is so more eloquent than me I will let him speak for me.
“Here’s what I just wrote the BBC: TW: “Many critics, though, of Israel’s policy would suggest that the Palestinians suffer hugely at Jewish hands as well.”
There was recently a murder of 3 Arab residents of North Carolina. It’s undetermined if this was solely a parking dispute or whether bias was a factor. Would any BBC reporter dream of saying to an Arab or Muslim American: “Many critics of terrorism would suggest that Americans have suffered at the hands of Muslim and Arabs as well” You wouldn’t in a million years!! It would be insulting and claim some sort of non-existent moral connection and justification for a horrible murder. You would never be offensive to a Muslim or Arab in that way. That you can’t see this is a sign of your (Fraser Steel, et. al.) bias, not a lack of Willcox’s bias. It is not just poor wording: Wilcox’s comment was a clear reflection of the BBC viewpoint: any Jews murdered had it coming. “Many critics” are weasel words and a typical way to avoid responsibility for an irresponsible statement. If you think the statement was merely poor wording, I think you should be required to phrase the statement well. Rephrase that statement in a felicitous way. Any way you phrase it, it blames Jews for their own murder. I want a real answer. Would you ever talk about Arab or Muslim victims in this hostile fashion”?
But the complaint has only got as far as the FCU of the BBC. The person ( preferably a BBC tax licence payer because they have every right to get a satisfactory answer ) needs to be pursued to the top of the complaints procedure ( was the BBC Trust ) The amount of effort and money and people involved at the BBC when they are pushed to putting forward a better considered response was worth the hassle and time spent getting them to taking the complaint more seriously.
Still waiting a reply about my complaint to the non reply template response about my complaint of the BBcs non reporting of the cults Downing Street demo.
Hear, hear. I’d suggest in addition that either no one gives any bbc non-journalist an interview and/or before answering any question from the bbc get them to explain every word that they use; for example with the term ‘many critics’, ask the questioner to give names of some of these many critics, before offering any response.
But it is just words, and they do not matter when in the hands of the BBC (vs. what the national holder of power to account would demand if others uttered such things), so long as they can keep it internal.
Messrs Wilcox, Steel, etc can say or write what they like, as their ‘beliefs’ are vetted and arbitrated upon by their own in a jerk circle of virtue.
That no one outside the BBC, but with a hint of brains and conscience, can seem to grasp this is nuts is… frustrating.
The BBC’s hand-wringing over the three wannabe jihadi brides is an affront to decency.
These girls were not innocent five year olds. They were near adulthood and must have seen pictures of the beheadings, crucifixions, stonings and all the rest of the barbarity in which ISL specialises. And still they went.
That makes them monsters. There can be no excuses for their behaviour, nor any for those trying to plead that they were somehow ”radicalised’ as if that, whatever it means, can possibly mitigate their decision to give aid to the most evil force in the world today.
Three little maids from school are we
Pert as a school-girl well can be
Filled to the brim with girlish glee
Three little maids from school
Each new BBC report is a source of fun
Everyone’s to blame, except that old turbaned one
This story is a joke that’s just begun
Three little maids from school
Three little maids who, all unwary
Hopped on a Jumbo off to Turkey
Didn’t tell daddy, now married to a Jihadi
Three little maids from school
Three little maids from school
One little maid is an ISIS bride, Yum-Yum
Two little maids in attendance come
Three little maids is the total sum
Three little maids from school
Three little maids from school
From three little maids take one away
Two little maids remain, and they
Won’t have to wait very long, they say
Three little maids from school
Three little maids from school
Three little maids, families and school, all unwary
Must have been radicalised somewhere surely?
Perhaps some mosque-based tutelary?
Three little maids from school
Three little maids from school
The “Little List” song is on the 147,088,860 Hits Must Say Something Sista thread.
Now we only need to rewrite the Mikado’s song “My object all sublime”.
The BBC should ask the shire people for their opinion. You know those small town and village folk the BBC despises. The BBC might learn something and get a taste of reality.
Isis would have us destroyed as a culture. Any one who aids or seeks to aid them is by definition a traitor. All argument to the contrary is worthless.
BBC Website News
BBC – Syria girls: Trio ‘not radicalised’ at Bethnal Green Academy
BBC – What is life like for Islamic State girls?
BBC – Scot may have recruited Syria girls
BBC – Shamima’s our baby, says sister
BBC – I suspected nothing – Amira’s father
BBC – We all miss you Kadiza, says sister
BBC – No signs the teenagers were planning to go to Syria,
BBC – Syria families ‘cannot stop crying’
BBC – Authorities ‘failed’ over Syria girls
BBC – Come home, families urge Syria girls
BBC – ‘Syria-bound’ London girls: PM ‘deeply concerned’
BBC – Scot may have recruited Syria girls
BBC – Analysis. 3 Missing teens
BBC – ‘We miss you terribly’
etc, etc … and there will be more, much more of course
BBC Main News has overdosed on this again last night, with a nearly ten minute stint, Mishal Hussein, and reports from the Syrian Border, in depth analysis, the family members etc.
This morning just as bad, if not worse
Soooo …
BBC – nothing to do with school?
BBC – nothing to do with the family?
no doubt, nothing to do with the indoctrination centre … oops!
I mean mosque
And …
according to a lawyer for Ms Mahmood’s family,
her Twitter account has been “monitored” by police since she left Britain.
So surprise, surprise … these 3 little” innocent” wannabe mass murderer, Muslims are the victims, its our fault for not stopping
the deceitful cult of Islam they follow enticing them to kill for it?
Its obvious why.The BBC are trying to deter others.They are acting to broadcast state policy. Its the same reason they dont cover Israeli atrocities that much.
Dead obvious. Where are the BBC reports on how investigations/arrests are progressing in Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford, Halifax, Bristol to deter Pakistani (and other ) muslim men from raping young white girls and o deter police/public servants from dereliction of duty? Bottom line, white girls are shite and those with muslim parents are angels – the ‘obvious’ BBC perspective.
Vote UKIP. Purge the LibLabCon. Scrap the telly tax.
Maybe that there aren’t that many Israeli atrocities. How many countries in the Middle East ring you up or drop leaflets warning you that your area is about to be targeted and urged to leave – especially as your own Government wants you to stay and be a martyr for propaganda purposes?
Where was all this in-depth coverage when thousands of underage girls were being repeatedly and violently gang raped across Britain by Muslim Jihad rape gangs?
That’s different – they were/are dirty white slags.
Not deserving of BBC/left protection at all. In fact, they should be grateful that they have been able to enjoy the many benefits of diversity at such a young age.
If our government was serious about protecting us from the depredations of islam, there are two simple things that could very easily be done; namely, close down and demolish every mosque which has connections with muslim killers or would be killers (such as these three recent examples of muslim peacefulness) and secondly, deport every ayatollah, imam and mullah who has preached in aforesaid mosques.
They have different interpretations of the Koran – and witnessing the violence between Sunni and Shiite shows how much tolerance they have for even the slightest difference in their own interpretation.
Where was all this in-depth coverage when thousands of underage girls were being repeatedly and violently gang raped across Britain by Muslim Jihad rape gangs.
He used to greet guests with ‘onyigothreeminliznusouere’ (in English ‘on you go, three million listeners out there’.
Lying through his back teeth as the 3 million figure referred to weekly listeners.
I see now Rajar have him down to 2.2 million a week, or 440,000 a day. Seems the appetite for mumsnet made flesh and wrapped in sanctimony is diminishing.
At what stage do BBC feel the need to ‘refresh the schedules’ and boot the f***** out, along with his mini-me Rachel Boredom.
Never I suppose – producer capture, the BBC are not there for the licence-fee payer, they’re there to look after their staff, the Labour Party and global jihad,
In any reporting when it suits both parties for figures to be inflated then figures will be inflated. (cf crime statistics, exam passes, Rajar figures)
so let’s give Gameshow a more realistic 200,000 per day.
How low does it have to go before he is put out of his (and our) misery.
Jack Straw will regret till the day he dies admitting on national television he charges £5000 a day for his commercial activities. But that’s what he can command, so like it or not, that’s what he’s worth.
That may be what influence is worth, but it’s not what Straw’s worth. And isn’t Junior sniffing around for a seat. Give it a few years and the old Blair/Straw/Dromey/Benn set will be replaced with a new bunch.
It stinks. Better to give MPs £30k p.a. and then we might get some integrity. And to get my retaliation in first…. Yes; I know a lot of people far more intelligent and well-educated than some MPs who work for £30k or less.
The pay of MPs should be set and paid for by their constituency. There should not be a standard rate for the job. If they do a good job for their constituents and (by some fluke) increase the wealth of their voters, then perhaps they will be given a pay rise, or if they represent a poor constituency, then they won’t get paid a lot (perhaps that would incentivise them to do more for their constituency). Giving MPs more money is just an extension of the bankers’ argument for Quantitative Easing and bonuses for doing a criminally bad job of looking after our money. If people do a good job then consider giving them a pay rise; if they do a bad job then sack them (and stop allowing people to resign which means they retain all the ill-gotten money that has accrued to them while they were in post).
But the Indy author DB quoted has stated he has a copy.
Either this professional journalist is lying or the BBC is guilty of massive incompetence and/or yet more grotesque editorial obfuscation to protect the party they support, impartially.
Which is it?
Oh, hold on, he has dismissed nothing; he has conceded the possibility and made a dire excuse:
‘If that was said, it was as a joke..”
Just joking!!!! [cheesy grin]
Which the bad joke that is our national broadcast disgrace opted to tuck away.
With luck the Indy and staff will have had their eyes opened to what having the BBc around can mean.
Lucky for Mitchell he is not a Conservative or, even worse, a Ukipper. Then the BBC would make his remarks the top story on every bulletin for at least a week.
Just heard David “Pinocchio” Cameron, on the BBC, he must have finished lying about Islam,(just for now) … so now the, erm
“caring sharing/all in it together” Selfservatives are starting to lie to pensioners again, lie about the economy again tomorrow.
… just in time for baby kissing at the weekend
But will the bBC be asking just how was it possible that one was able to use her older sisters passport?
It may be a little uncomfortable , could it be the case that certain headwear makes an individual more difficult to identify?
It would appear that none were sporting such in the airport pictures, but a good chance they are in their passport pictures, a border guard wouldn’t want to press the issue now would he?
Yep whenever I fly back home I have to hand my passport to someone wearing a hijab to let me back into my own country – what a strange World we live in
It is a clear case of cognitive dissonance – the 3 schoolgirls are said to be bright and clever – and have chosen to join a murderous Islamist cult. That makes them evil, in the eyes of most people in Britain. Yet the BBC paints them as “victims”, somehow innocent.
Maybe the more the BBC and politicians like Cameron bang on about the poor little angels, the more people will.decide they are being told a load of porkies and will switch their vote accordingly – to try to reduce the influx of Muslims.
That is correct; they are victims. Not like the white trash raped by muslim gangs who were ‘vulnerable’ .
Like many here I think they should be encouraged to go and not return. And more should be encouraged to go. And I like the idea of a micro implant which will indicate their location with ‘hubby’ for a possible air strike.
What do you say to that Cameron?
That … “murderous Islamist cult” … is Islam, you don t need me to tell you … but its all there in the little book of hate, you can check it out.
Those girls know this, they ve had that, and Islamic grievance mongering and nauseating victim mentality, bludgeoned into their skulls since childhood.
Being an A student, being intellectual, a Doctor even makes no odds … it is the Islamic method, sadly, when the switch clicks,
when they heed the call to get back to the book
……. bad things happen.
‘Hundreds of Turkish forces in armoured vehicles have entered war-torn northern Syria to evacuate troops guarding a historic tomb, demolishing it and moving the remains to a different site.’
Not quite the sort of thing that Tony Robinson might have had in mind.
But on reading the BBC report, you can’t help but notice the relatively measured and uncritical tone employed.
‘The remains of Suleyman Shah, who died in the 13th Century, were moved to a site in Syria closer to the border. Turkey considered the shrine sovereign territory.’
So that’s ok then.
‘All the relics at the tomb and the Turkish soldiers who had been guarding it had been brought out “safe and sound”, (Turkey’s President) said, and the existing mausoleum was destroyed’
‘One soldier was killed accidentally in the overnight raid, the military said.’
Phew, some of those Time Team digs can get pretty rough too.
‘Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said he hoped the remains could be returned to the old burial site eventually. The operation unfolded peacefully, beginning on Saturday at about 21:00 local time (19:00 GMT) and ending on Sunday morning, with 572 soldiers involved, Mr Davutoglu said.’
‘There is a deep, unhealed historical wound in the UK’s relations with China – a wound that most British people know nothing about, but which causes China great pain. It stems from the destruction in 1860 of the country’s most beautiful palace.’
How ghastly!
‘The palace’s fate is bitterly resented in Chinese minds and constantly resurfaces in Chinese popular films, angry social media debates, and furious rows about international art sales.’
‘And it has left a controversial legacy in British art collections – royal, military, private – full of looted objects.’
‘By coincidence, one of the story’s central characters is Lord Elgin – son of the man who removed the so-called “Elgin marbles” from Greece.’
I sense the BBC getting up its high horse for a long and sustained ride around the greivance paddock – so let’s leave it there.
But to show that some people get cut more slack than other people – how about this for restraint…
‘They love Rona Fairhead at HSBC. She’s standing for re-election as a non-executive director at the 2015 AGM, despite serving for longer than best practice guidelines. ‘
Luckily for her, the BBC also sees ‘guidelines’ as more honoured in the breaking. Unless it’s by folk they don’t like.
Found on the BBC website – probably put there by mistake.
“According to the Sun, Canterbury Cathedral advertised for a kiosk assistant to be paid £6.70 an hour. The £6.50 advertisement was for “waiting-on staff” at Lichfield Cathedral.
Archbishop Welby said the situation was “something we don’t like”.
He added: “Canterbury is moving very, very aggressively towards paying the living wage as soon as it can.
“It means raising more than an extra £200,000 a year. It’s a charity. Money can’t be magicked overnight.”
a) The CoE are hypocrites in recommending something that they themselves don’t do.
b) They obviously lack faith in ‘the good lord will provide’
c) They expect businesses and the Government to ‘magic’ money overnight – but can’t do it themselves.
Money is magic when other people are paying. We render enough onto Caesar as it is without Justin and his mates e.g. Comrade Giles, taking more for their God.
There were a couple of threads on Guido’s blog outing three of Welby’s “advisors” as Labour Party stooges and claimed the Archbishop’s son works for Tony Blair. Hardly surprising then that Welby and his bishops are parroting Labour talking points. Taking advice from Labour placemen also leads to foot-in-mouth syndrome as the above minimum wage story proves.
‘The startling figures — obtained by the Evening Standard under the Freedom of Information Act — will heighten concerns that some patients are placing an excessive burden on A&E by turning up for treatment unnecessarily.’
Now there’s a thing all that BBC NHS weapons grade journalism failed to find.
One has to wonder, did a BBC journo actually visit any A&E departments and ask any off the record questions of any staff or patients – at all?
Or could it be that BBC NHS reporting has been at best liberal-porn superficial panic shock horror – or at worst simply pro-Labour agit prop?
I’m afraid that I haven’t been sobbing uncontrollably at the plight of the “misguided” missing schoolgirls. As far as I’m concerned it’s the beginning of a very welcomed and self imposed repatriation.
One thing must be made absolutely clear to these young ladies and all others that choose to follow their example. This is a one way ticket; you don’t return. Ever. Perhaps we should even encourage a few more of their fellow travellers to take this step .
I’m thinking about three million…
The bBC and its attempts to remake one of the Cambridge Five,’Guy Burgess’ as somehow a victim The forgotten interview with Cambridge spy Guy Burgess
In the article the bBC points out that when Burgess gave this interview to the CBC, nobody in the UK picked it up. Well here’s another thing that hasn’t been picked up by the bBC He worked for them for 8 years from 1936 to 1944.
Lets see, somebody who left the country to live with our enemy, who cost the lives of 100 of Allied spies and who openly states he would only return to the UK for a visit before returning to Russia. Does that sound somewhat familiar regards another current story.
Burgess a sneering, snobby Public School boy who went to Cambridge. He was a socialist and worked for the BBC. Betrayed the country that offered him so much. Of course the BBC is sympathetic to Burgess. He is they as they is he.
Cameron’s lot are also Snobby Toffs that care about their own careers rather than the people of Britain so what’s the difference?
Not a lot. The City trusts Cameron more than Labour, so the house of cards is likely to collapse earlier under Labour. If the people come to their senses when the crash happens, there might be some hope of saving a part of our heritage. From that point of view, better Miliband wins in May.
Burgess = treacherous tw@t, betraying his country for an evil ideology (that’s socialism by the way). David Cameron = Incompetent appeasing c*&t, betraying his country. Slight difference, but you are essentially correct in you’re inference.
Snobby toffs like. £12,000 a year Nottingham high school pupil ed balls and his £4.5 million pound banker bonus little brother. Or perhaps earls niece Harriet harm an or maybe go back to sir Anthony wedge wood Ben or maybe old fetesian tony Blair.
Over half the labour shadow cabinet went to fee paying or selective schools. Even the token black on an otherwise very white front bench is a private school boy. And let’s face it ed millipedes dad house was so far over the inheritance tax threshold that they had to. Change his dad’s will after he died.
Give me state educated people like gove major and thatcher over the elitist snobs of labours handwringing front bench.
Ask yourself , how many working class kids are called Tristram
From Beeboids to their political cousins at Channel 4-
“TV watchdog launches investigation after more than FIVE THOUSAND complaints about ‘biased’ Channel 4 docudrama which imagined a Ukip election win.
“Channel 4 broadcast ‘Ukip: The First 100 Days’ imagining their election win.
“Show featured race riots and the economy crumbling after three months.
“It sparked 5,262 complaints to Ofcom, the broadcasting watchdog.
“Viewers complained about bias and scaremongering from producers.
“Ofcom will investigate whether broadcaster broke impartiality rules.
“Investigation to take 50 days and could end in formal notification or a fine.
“Watchdog previously fined Discovery £100,000 for breaching the rules .”
Why did we have to endure Ed Miliband on the arts programme Front Row this evening, it sort of suggests that Labour is the only party friendly to the arts, they should have balanced it up with the other parties’ arts plans. But then it’s the BBC, no surprise there!
— a typically leftist, and dangerously wrong assessment of the Islamic State.
A reality check, ‘Daily Mail,’ Feb 2015, showing part of Islamic State’s global Islamofascist activity-
“The terrifying rise of ISIS:
“Map that shows how terror group’s tentacles now reach from Algeria to Afghanistan.
“ISIS began as Al-Qaeda in Iraq in 2004 and militants had just 1,000 soldiers, but it has grown to more than 30,000.
“Reach of ISIS now spans Middle East and northern Africa, with only the Mediterranean sea separating from Europe.
“Terrorist groups around the world now pledging allegiance to Islamic State as groups seize destabilised countries.
“Experts say ISIS’ control in Libya could create potential ‘disaster scenario’ and coalition airstrikes are fueling the militants’ manipulative propaganda.
“ISIS has 31,500 loyal fighters according to CIA but estimates place this far higher at around 200,000 militants.”
More “3 little wannabe mass-murderer”, babble on BBC 5Live,
just listen in to Ameera Coker, apparently a campaigner against extremism … manages to fit grievance, we re all to blame, refuses
to acknowledge ISIS, because we re supporting Pally abuse, a lot of the young Muslims are bitter because of our governments double standards re Muslims …
what is this drivel? these people are unhinged
So Panorama tells us that more kids are risking their lives to cross the Med, for that “better life” playing for Man United etc.
Our BBC hack-called Kenyon wrings his hands, gets loads of UNHCR guys n gals to moan at the Eu for being heartless etc.
Yet Kenyon actually gets a freebie to visit Sudan and Eritrea, where most of the problems stem.
And we learn nothing-nothing about Islam, the kind of adults that run these routes and scams, who pays who and how they get the money.
Nothing-just the usual stuff about whitey not putting out even rescue ships, Britain not pulling its weight etc.
is there ANY problem that the BBC don`t see as being due to one of their phobias we all harbour(Islamo, homo)?…or can`t be laid at the feet of Toricutz, of not being feminist or being racist, guilty of condoning Empire slavery etc?
It`s just too easy to be a BBC lefty tard isn`t it?…none of that “investigative enquiring” anymore is there?
Ah yes, heart warming, wasn’t it? You can just see that at this rate they’ll be runnng special appeals in a couple of years’ time along the lines of ‘Red Nose Day’, urging people with spare rooms to take in ‘innocent’ African refugees. You wouldn’t be so heartless as to turn away a starving, persecuted child would you? Ahem!
Utterly, utterly depressing, that we are allowing our country to be wrecked in this most fundamental way; any society half a million years ago would have known that security of their borders was top priority.
The idiot middle-classes simply wont confront the magnitude of the problem or the messiness of confronting it. Ostriches; heads firmly planted in sand.
The only humane approach to this problem is to have clear, comprehendible and strictly enforced immigration law. If potential immigrants are aware of such law, they will be less inclined to risk life and limb to enter the country illegally. The only way to achieve this is to leave the EU.
Follow long term humanitarian logic. Vote UKIP.
Convince the ‘idiot middle classes’ through reason? One can but try.
Oh for goodness sakes… did anyone else have the misfortune to listen to radio poo today wherein Jeremy Vine had on some sopping wet lefties who basically said the reason those 3 scumbags have gone to join Isis is because of discrimination? So it’s our fault! You couldn’t f**cking make this shite up. We now have a situation where millions of UK citizens sympathise and wish to negotiate with those vile evil scum Isis. Did anyone see what David Vance had to put up with on that abhorrent programme BQuestions with Nicky Campbell? The audience was flooded with ‘intellectuals’ and lefty pillocks calling for dialogue. Pathetic!
Yep, I saw the programme, I found it was the usual bullying behaviour when the lefties don’t like someone run by the biggest playground bully of the lot in Campbell. He hides behind the cloak of the bbc’s protected and untouchable position of superiority.
The part where David dared to mix up his naming of the muslims by calling them ‘islamists’ was unbelievable, he was howled down and jeered for a slip of the tongue yet the ignorant, bigoted and arrogant huffington post blogger (called hussein I think) next to him was allowed to spew utter bile towards Israel and espouse the worst of muslim beliefs and barely a word was said by the lefty cowards! They are all scared of the boogie man!
Of course it’s our fault, we are not doing enough to integrate a race of people, who clearly do not want to be part of UK society, into our way of life. We forced them to do it, just like we did with the other few hundred who have joined ISIS.
Don’t forget though, it’s nothing to do with islam.
The BBC based in Salford must be aware of this report of what the Labour party are up to and yet there is no sign of a mention anywhere on their news sites.
“Salford’s (Labour) mayor has been accused of a ‘disgusting’ attempt to stifle democracy – by trying to pack out the council’s annual cuts meeting with Labour supporters in order to keep out protesters.”
It wouldn’t be quite so bad if the council which is discussing cuts to the services in Salford weren’t being forced to pay money to the BBC to fund one of its orchestras !
Maybe that’s why the BBC hasn’t reported this, or maybe its because its Labour up to no good, but either way with Media City just down the road from the council offices there’s no way they aren’t aware of what is going on.
This comes as no surprise to anybody who lives in the Greater Manchester area, the place is basically a closed shop run like a small communist state by the champagne socialist liebourites.
They whinge about cuts but will you see the likes of Stewart and his fellow ‘leaders’ take a pay cut to help the cause? Rochdale council are spending fortunes on new council buildings and re-structuring the town centre yet will carry on regardless with the liebour ‘woe is me’ mantra.
In fact, when you look at the tax money that is spent on the liebour council buildings all over the North West and the money that was spent on Media city the hypocrisy from liebour and the bbc scum becomes unpalatable.
HSBC continues to be a target for the BBC and when they can use it to promote their political wing , the Labour Party, even better.
I watched, this afternoon, the exchanges in Parliament between ‘Bungler’ Balls and George Osborne. Balls was again hopeless, out of his depth, pathetic.
Balls though doesn’t have to worry about his competence (or lack of it), the BBC will always come to his rescue; the Ten o’ Clock News carefully edited and selected some of those exchanges in a way to make them unrecognisable.
‘Hero Balls’ socked it to Osborne, if you believe the BBC’s massaged version, Osborne’s was seemingly a back-footed his response was a weak, ‘we will do better’.
The reality was rather different. Osborne laid into Balls his hypocrisy, repeatedly pointing out that;
– these were ‘crimes’ carried out on Labour’s watch
– known about on Labour’s watch
– dealt with, using the framework of remedies and action against avoiders, created by Gordon Brown
– the restrictive ‘deal’ with the French that allowed information to be provided, was negotiated by Labour
– the CEO of HSBC was previously appointed by Labour to head up a Gordon Brown business team
– …..oh, and the detailed information provided by the French arrived on their desks in Labour’s days
Balls was left floundering, not that you would know it from the BBC’s presentation….nor would anyone watching had been and better informed about the truth of this ‘scandal’.
If there is a real scandal it is BBC News reporting of the exchanges today. It was little more than a carefully manufactured LIE. And to think, the bastards at the BBC went to town on the Telegraph last week for supposedly spiking stories.
The BBC, on behalf of the Labour Party, are cheating the public.
Here are the Parliamentary exchanges, attached for your enjoyment.
Sky News was just as bad, showing Balls making his allegations and then cutting away just before Osborne got back to his feet to answer “BlunderBollocks”. Anyone viewing that report would think Balls had made mincemeat of Osborne. I’ve come to the conclusion NO British News broadcasters can be trusted with reporting unbiased and impartial news items. Probably the malign influence of the NUJ and the hiring of ex-Beeboids. At least we are not forced to pay for Sky’s and other commercial channels’ crap.
Thanks for the link #88. Just watched the live feed. Balls exposed for the sophist charlatan he is.
I haven’t seen how this was reported, but Osborne appears to have a grasp of the concept of competence, whereas Balls is a vacuous orator. The most dangerous of phenomena when combined with the keys to power.
Thanks for the link.
Interesting quote here from Peter Sissons re BBC :-
And he (Peter Sissons) further observed: ‘…the one thing guaranteed to damage your career prospects at the BBC is letting it be known that you are at odds with the prevailing and deep-rooted BBC attitude towards Life, the Universe, and Everything’.
So, UN good; EU good; Socialism good; Green good; Palestine good; taxing the rich, good; government spending, good; Margaret Thatcher, evil; Al Gore, saint. Obama, messiah’.
As I have said previously on this site its the same in all the public sector services.Groupthink reigns and no one dare put their head above the parapet.I am fairly strong minded and managed to keep my own views ,but dared not share them with others ,and i dont mean racist or extreme views ,i mean conservative views about self reliance,strong family,less welfare etc.I feared losing my employment.Its too entrenched to do anything about it now no matter which government is in place. It would need a revolution of some sort.
Of course the difference is the BBC is pumping it out to the population.
Via BBC Trending (one of their new staff-rich spin-offs, that allow them to pursue agendas in guise of what their mates on social media tell them), thanks to BBC Australia (does one see the deranged hand of JonDon behind this) I was surprised to see the BBC pretty chilled about state executions.
The reason appears to be that it gives them an opportunity to again slate PM Abbott, which seems their sole function until they can get a party they approve of back in.
Remains to be seen if and when our men down under catch up with this one, given the safe return of missing sons & daughters raises such fear in the Beeboid heart:
Not on BBC ‘Flagship’ Today News
Thirty jihadis return to Australia after waging jihad in Iraq and Syria #r4today
It will be interesting how these fine fellows apply the skills learned on their VSO gap year once back in the community.
No Chelsea supporters or white racists involved, so probably of little interest. Just a bit of damage to the cultural heritage of a few dead white males.
“The home affairs select committee also criticised the BBC for its decision not to allow the reporter behind the story, Dan Johnson, to appear before them.”
Our Dan a Lord too?
Intriguing just how often and how easy it seems to be for the BBC to get out of answering questions it would demand of others.
Camerimam and the No10 traitors?, Warsi the Governments very own Tory OIC member? obviously there s something in it for the
Selfservatives, no doubt it ll come down to a few petrodollars again.
Can t we reopen the Tower for business?.
Bennett was THE funny news of the day, not only was he appearance on LBC a disaster she then turned into a stuttering wreck on the Daily Politics show when pressed on her party’s economic policies, in particular social housing!
The poor woman probably expected an easy ride on the bbc, seeing as the Greens are the new darlings of the left, but it didn’t work out that way! She could barely answer any question in a coherent way.
At least she turned up though, liebour mysteriously couldn’t find a single person to discuss the economy? Funny that, coming so soon after Jack Straw’s disgrace, they obviously couldn’t chance Chukka Obama seeing as the mask has slipped and he is about as convincing as Bennett.
It turns out that not all Chelsea Football Club fans are racist, some are loveable junior jihadis who have been abused by the Koran.
Then they discover that their maths is wrong, as it always has been. For every ‘upwardly mobile’ person there is a ‘downwardly mobile’ one and it might just be your own child! Of course they have used the same maths for years in relation to calculating ‘poverty’, essentially using a relative rather than an absolute measure. So if the UK brings in a few more multi-millionaires, handing out jobs to chauffeurs, maids, heavies etc. average income goes up, increasing ‘poverty’ at the ‘bottom’. If the multi-millionaires leave, taking the jobs with them, average income falls, making the ‘poor’ relatively richer, but with no work!
Now researchers at the University of Nottingham have discovered that Danes and Germans are naturally co-operative and fair-minded while Greeks and Pakistani’s are corrupt, thieving b——s. Quelle surprise
BBC Newsnight. 23rd Feb Caroline Lucas really is a let-down. England’s first Green MP and I had high hopes, I really did. But Caroline has set the bar low, with her bigotry, rudeness and fascist, mob law, lobbyist leanings.
Confession. I’m a reformed Green Party supporter. Yes, really. Hey Ho.
The trouble is CL is intellectually limited. She appears unable to think through the consequences of what she proposes, from page three, fracking, smoking laws, ‘positive’ disrimination, free speech, energy production, misandry, Global clmate change warming,….the list could go on.
On Newsnight tonight she advocates restrictions on MP’s extra-parliamentary activities, which would lead to the restriction in the choices available to the electorate as to who represents them in parliament.
She fails to consider the requirement/duty for certain members of society to keep up to date with developments in their particular professional field. Consider an obvious example: A politically engaged 50 year old surgeon who is encouraged to stand for parliament by peers/colleagues/friends (maybe this surgeon has a Green agenda? Or a Labour view of the NHS? Perhaps she understands the nature of politics, and of the world – the people may prefer some other candidatenext time, or the time after, and at the end of the day the mortgage needs paying and the kids need support. All that and a pay cut.) However, a 5 or 10 year stint in parliament, barred from ‘keeping in’ with latest developments in renal diagnosis and surgical techniques, leukimia theropy (or whatever specialism) may compromise her ability to resume her work as a surgeon as she approaches 55, or maybe 60. Better not risk it, family comes first. (And if people can’t trust her as their MP, why the f&*k do they let her cut at their immobilised bodies with a scalpel?). The constituents lose out. Another reason for good men and women of England to avoid public service? Lucaslogic. Similarly, consider a part owner (elder brother of five siblings) in a long standing family business. Why on earth should such an individual be either precluded from representing and serving his community, or if he wishes to serve, be obliged to desert the interests of his business and the families which rely upon it for their prosperity? Or a pharmacist, design engineer, software developer, genetic researcher, or come to think of it, most successful, productive and energetic individuals who actually might make half decent decisions in the interests of England, Scotland Wales, Northern Ireland, dependent terrertories (and nowhere else), given the opportunity.
With our Australian guest Natalie Bennett at the helm the bar is being set by the new Green Party to ankle height. It is morphing into a Marxist-fascist cult more akin to a religion.
Yep, Porritt to Lucas to Bennett. The Green intelligence trajectory is becoming clear. LibLabCon at least have the IQ’s to have PR professionals to con the public ‘professionally. The Green’s seem incapable of hiding their idiocy.
I haven’t deserted my humanitarian, environmentalist or scientific principles and I’ll be voting UKIP in the upcoming general election.
Personnaly I’d love to have a job where I dont have to turn up and obviously you feel that is OK for MP’s. Any other jobs where you dont have to turn up I wonder. As to the other environmentalist and scientific principles you havent exactly said whats wrong with with Green policies.
Maybe if they form a Government and no one bothered to turn up for work that would be OK too. Given are chosing to vote UKIP you clearly have set the bar very low on the real issues of the day.
I refer you to WUWT; published letters to “Banky Moon” from professors from around the planet prior to each IPCC conference (stretching back to 2007) , and growing evidence that the UN/world government sponsored ‘modellers’ and ‘97%ers are being exposed as (i) plain wrong, (ii) intellectual charlatans, (iii) in need of law courts to attempt to ‘agree’ what is scientifically correct, (iv) manipulators of raw data to substantiate a predetermined conclusion.
The cat’s out of the bag, but the public are behind the curve. I guess you (MoB) either haven’t the will or the academic background to review and understand the science. It’s not just that the facts about CO2 and global climate change warming are wilfully misrepresented; it’s the axis about which a huge financial con is being perpetrated against the poorest in our society.
And if you have a penchant for Physics, try “The Greenhouse Effect and the Infrared Radiative Structure of the Earth’s Atmosphere. F M Miskolczi. Development in Earth Science. V2, 2014.” which provides good insight into the basic thermodynamics of the ‘problem’, and clarification as to how little we currently know about the impact man and his activities are having on the atmosphere and climate of the earth.
Then again, if it’s your religion, facts are merely inconvenient. That’s why Greens are divorced from science, Liebor have Prescott (astrophysicist? Not.) Libdumbs have Ed Davey (PPE – that’s politics, philosophy and economics BTW) and the Tories keep shutting anyone up who can be labelled a ‘denier’, because they probably now know the whole business is a scam, but they’ve too many mates creaming off the subsidies from wind and solar.
I also guess you haven’t heard the interview Nat Ben did with Andrew Neil, where she was exposed as an intellectual amoeba. If you care about (i) People and (ii) your environment, do your research – or shut it.
If you’re a green religionist, I can’t help you.
2. Service.
‘Personally I’d love to have a job where I don’t have to turn up and obviously you feel that is OK for MP’s.’
This demonstrates your fundamental inability to understand the nature of service and servitude. Real honourable men and women choose to work hard, don’t need someone to make them ‘turn up’ just because they ‘don’t have to.’ and are not solely motivated by egotism, money and greed. As you say, ‘I’d love to have a job…’. So you’re happy to take advantage of others. I am not and furthermore, I’m intolerant of those who are or do. And I guess you haven’t troubled yourself to seek out independently (for yourself) what UKIP policies are. Have you got UKIP policies from the script reading liars of Liebor, C4, BBC, Conlibdumbs and the MSM.
As for UKIP, they do need to get wiser and improve, yes, don’t we all. But they have sensible policies on Immigration, EU, Agriculture, Fisheries, Animal Welfare and Transportation and Energy. The greens can’t even add up now. (ditched the £72/wk, after approx. 30 seconds of scrutiny by a TV head? How did that get to become party policy FFS. Yeh, free money, yeh, don’t need to work, yeh, renationalise stuff! Commie heaven, human hell.)
‘…restrictions on MP’s extra-parliamentary activities…’
This is a par-for-the-course modern Leftist idea.
Politicians ought to be an elite class, you see. Full-time, all the ‘right’ views ie – leftist views. You have to work full time to keep up with all that twitter and get all the right terminology.
“Most vulnerable in society” – there’s your number one phrase for the day.
And don’t trip up on a no-no. That’s a full time job too.
Do you realise there used to be “Coloured TV Licences”?
How racist was that?!
Urgh… outside experience and knowledge – that might prick the ideological bubble.
New job creation schemes in regional parliaments and Euro parliaments. Job for life – massive pay offs if the voters fall out of love with you – at -god forbid- an election.
Gravy train for the moral highgrounders. All in the same club – just more or less – no, we couldn’t rule out working with so-and-so (insert fellow progressive faction)…. so Rainbow Coalition here we come.
Can’t stand all this adversarial politics – that’s the way men like it – urgh.
Yes they should all be like Steven Dorrell who works both as a MP and a consultant to KPMG who are seeking to buy into a billion pounds of NHS contracts. Previous job – Chair of the Health Select Comittee. Now that’s what I call public service.
Asad Ahmad for BBC London tells us ‘there will be more on the missing London schoolgirls later in the main news…’
Oh you betcha there will. Turkey says it’s all ‘our’ fault.
On the subject of regional news – BBC Newswatch (blink and you’ll miss it) that narrow slot put on at very off peak times and rarely watched on the News Channel, where the BBC tells Licence Payers how stupid they are and exactly where their complaints are groundless….
…well there was a short item recently with explanation of the fact that ‘until the General Election’ regional news bulletins had been cut back at midday and extended in the evenings – because, apparently, they can in this way better cover local election related issues.
Now given the fact that many hereabouts confirm the Lefty bias is much worse in the region news rooms… well, to coin a phrase : how about that then?
Even the Turks have washed their hands of Jihadi Kitten as they are believed to be in Syria now!
Not long till they rescue their friend and bring her back home to the arms of her grateful family who will then blame it all on us, these girls could teach the SAS and the SEALS a thing or two.
The UK have sent detectives…and I mean Robert Powell and Jasper Carrot, to bring them back.
Meanwhile ISIL have captured 90 Syrian Christians, they are not as important as our homegrown muslim runaways though. Somehow I’ve a feeling one ending will be far worse than the other.
Especially when a reporter of the objective calibre of Hugh Sykes cites a BBC CECUTT Editor as all the independent validation required in fielding criticism.
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atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: No need to get them back. This…
Last week Channel 4 put out a propaganda piece ”UKIP government, the first 100 days ” in the fevered imagination of the producers it would be torch light parades, Nuremberg style rallies etc etc. On Thursday Channel 4 broadcast ” Cucumber ” written by Russel T Davis, the story of a gay white man who falls in love with a gay black man. So there you have it, Channel 4 alternative utopian version of Britain, homosexuality, efffniks and er um miscegenation all rolled into one !!
“Ofcom probes Channel 4’s docudrama which depicts life with Nigel Farage as Prime Minister”
Still waiting for the Ofcom reply to my complaint.
Those that equate anti Zionism,anti Israel sentiment with antisemitism or Jew hatred are doing so for quite overt political reasons.Simply to quell hostility against the barbarism of the extreme right wing Israeli Aparteid system. These words are usedin the same manner that the term Holocaust has been politically subverted to exclusively refer to the Jewish experience in WW2.
People need to discuss this issue and shouldn’t be hamstrung by those intent on limiting free speech.
OK mate, after you. How about you provide some evidence to back up this bit of free speech:
the barbarism of the extreme right wing Israeli Aparteid system.
Lets look shall we.
The left call. Climate sceptics deniers.
The left call ukip nazis and racists
The left invite preachers he advocate killing gays beating Wives and fgm to Britain because they are Muslims and all about diversity but ban us talk show hosts.
The left advocate banning israeli academics but not North koreans russians or Saudis . When a Jew walks through Paris he is asked by the leftist media if he is provoking people yet in Burkha britain no sane beeb commentator would ask a women muslim if they were being deliberately. Provocative.
Ask yourself this , how many Arabs have been killed in Europe for being ethnically Arab and how many for being ethnically Jewish. When the buenos aires bomb blew up a synagogue this was an anti Semitic attack. The attack on the supermarket in Paris was a n antisemitic attack , the attack I. The kenya shopping centre where Jews were singled out first.
Where are the labour protests outside the Egyptian and Turkish embassies campaigning against FMG. Where are the union protests condemning the burning of synagogues?
When was the last muslim cemetery attacked?
There are huge numbers of countries that effectively enslave their women yet the left make not a whimper.
There are countries like the UAE where Philipinos are treated like animals and yet no unison unite protest. When the Turks were bombing the Kurds not a word. There are more deaths in Libya and Syria in one week that in palestine in a whole year yet you don’t see the boycotting of a saudi oil. No. But eat a Jaffa orange and you are a scab.when did the last israeli push a gay fella off a building. When did the israeliis last burn a captive alive for sport.? Mosques an schools around the UK support Isis. There are 5 times as many british muslims fighting for Isis as in the British army. And yet israel is the great demon.pakistan was harbouring bin laden a mass murderer and yet you don’t see the boycott of Pakistani goods.
Why do the left hate israel. Is it not that socialists whether national socialists or their modern counterparts have a thing about Jews. Yes you may have useful jews like millipede but once he’s served his purpose the left will be back to their old nineteen forties tricks. This time they can do it by proxy by standing by while Isis/Al quaeda/ the muslim brotherhood do their job for them.
I hate blocks of red on political flags they make me want to vomit. Enablers of murderers seem to love red.
Get off the fence Paddy!
And have a like. 🙂
You always rely on straw-man arguments – that’s why your posts are so pathetic and illogical. For instance, Jews do not claim that they were the only people killed in concentration camps. So why claim they do – as a means of attacking them ?
And your sweeping phrase about “Israeli Apartheid” is plain stupid and blinkered sloganising – without any root in reality.
ManInAsylum, Two questions:
1. what is your definition of Apartheid?
2. How does the Israeli state fit your definition of Apartheid?
Refusal to answer these questions would say more about your views of Jews than you might care to realise.
Oh god, you will set him off…..(He who should not be named, but jumps to the conclusion that you are talking about him, regardless if you are or not)
There’s a new one coming up where a white lesbian falls in love with a black lesbian, all in the name of equality you understand.
Channel 4 is like the Team America ‘AIDS’ song but with different words..’We’re all gay, your Dad is gay, your Mum, Gran is gay, your dog is gay…gay,gay,gay,gay’.
Where’s the Beeb Anti-Racism Team now? Enormous fuss for blacks; stony silence for Jews?
West Ham chants aimed at Tottenham fans labelled ‘vile’ by Spurs: Kick It Out contact police over anti-semitic video footage
Tottenham have called for tough action against fans who were shown on a video clip chanting a “vile” anti-Semitic song.
The video, filmed by a passenger on the London Underground, appears to show West Ham supporters chanting anti-Semitic songs before Sunday’s 2-2 draw at White Hart Lane.
The latest clip shows a group of fans standing in the Tube chanting “I’ve got foreskin, how about you? *******Jew.”
David Gold is co-chairman, he hasn’t got a fore or a five skin. The fans are simple yok’s. The irony.
Silence for the victims of black racism against whites too.
OOOhh, love to see a visiting group of Israeli Golani Brigade paratroopers in civvies on the train at that moment……hell unleashed…
Regards the Current Story about Straw and Rifkind. Why is it the bBC only mentions one political party in the negative. Want to guess which one?
They do name one party in the positive, Want to guess which one?
Seemed very balanced to me. Please highlight your sources.
Willful Ignorance Man on Bus
Firstly, Rifkind and Straw are ‘low’ and untrustworthy at best. I fear Straw is much, much worse.
Rifkind made it clear he could only provide information within the public domain, however easily he could obtain it through the contacts he has accrued. Considering the positions in government that he has occupied, that he would consider working in the interests of a foreign party I find unpatriotic and contemptible. However, Straw admitted influencing legislation with a Eurocrat “under the radar”, for the benefit of a private corporate client who rewarded him with cash. If this isn’t illegal, it is most certainly unethical.
The BBC avoided highlighting this significant distinction in reporting the two ‘stings’ as one story. If you can not see the clear political bias in the reporting of this Mr Man on Bus, then I fear you are beyond assistance. Especially on the day where Austin Mitchell’s “Grimsby folk really are pig-shit thick” admission was spun beyond recognition.
And Pounce gets his 63rd like.
For me, it’s one of those days where I wonder how much longer I can face clicking on the BBC News website.
Today we have:
A screaming headline that Sir Malcolm Rifkind has been suspended after a “sting”. For the record, I don’t care and I’m not interested.
Domestic violence but once again it’s all aimed at women. For the record, Domestic Violence cuts both ways but in the BBC’s world all men are evil.
Bless them, the Sikh Community are coming to the rescue and are feeding Britain’s homeless!. I’ll have a Chicken Tikka Masala please and hurry up.
“Mum, I’m gay”. 100 Million watch “daring” video. For the record, I’m not interested.
UK Ebola medics “under investigation”. For the record again, I don’t care and I’m not interested.
Oh, wait a minute. “Breaking News”:
Syria trio “not radicalised at school” . And so another defence of Islam begins.
Will it never end?.
No. Never.
Not even if you give in, come out of the closet and fix a windmill to the shed. Not even if you say “I love Big Brother”.
They will never give up, neither should we.
Three girls go on holiday to Turkey remains stubbonly the top story. Mrs Bangernofski said why aren’t the parents going to get them? It is none of our business. We don’t want them back, but BBC thinks otherwise. This ‘how come they are radicalised?’ crap is really getting on my nerves. Family members in forces now advised not to wear uniforms when driving around. My country has been reduced to this by the BBC and the Marxist fellow travellers. Don’t even get me started on Harry Potters the Casual Vacancy. Or Call the Midwife. be it news or drama, the BBC are out to kill us. ISIS TV. None of this will end well.
Yes – why aren’t the parents trying ACTIVELY to get the girls back. The BBC itself has reported that there is just ONE border crossing post from Turkey into Syria which ISIS uses. If the girls were being met in Istanbul, that is the crossing they would be taken to.
So why aren’t their families camped out at that border crossing – insread of whining back here in the UK.
Sorry – clean out of sympathy.
Why would they when they just can sit back and let the British authorities to do everything for them, we’ve even sent two Met Poodles over to help, although with the dire state of crime prevention in this country I don’t see how they can help.
Would this country have jumped into action for any other section of our community?
Well they certainly didn’t “jump into action” in Rotherham, or Oldham, or Derby, or Oxford, or Telford, or Sheffield, or Bradford, or Bristol, or Peterborough or… you get the idea.
They are 15 year-olds, so old enough to know right from wrong.
They knew about the mass beheadings of the Coptic Christians before they chose to fly out – and that was just the latest in a litany of atrocities committed by ISIS against men, women and children, Muslims, Christians and Jews.
And still they went out there.
The idea that they were decent, innocent girls who were somehow rather quickly ‘brainwashed’ into this kind of barbaric, subhuman mentality really, really does take some swallowing.
They are 15 year-olds, so old enough to know right from wrong.
Only if you’re discussing their right to vote. If you’re discussing their trip to join ISIS, then they’re abused children, just a baby really, we always walk her to the bus stop, this is her teddy bear….
Their trip to join the “so-called Islamic State,” according to the bBBC. (At least that’s what the newsbint kept saying this morning on Radio 1).
So… a bunch of murderous Islamic cunts proclaim their Islamic credentials so unequivocally that the myriad tattered and overused lefty euphemisms can’t hide it… so said lefties resort to “so-called,” as if the Islamic cunts behind the ISLAMIC STATE don’t really know what ‘Islamic’ means.
Keep up, ARGH. According to tonight’s news it’s now The Self-Styled Islamic State.
‘..really does take some swallowing’
And yet, and yet… the cream of UK media, channeling their inner Lovelace, seem more than ready to kick off on just such a basis.
It seems like the Islamic equivalent of teenage girl infatuation with the Bay City Rollers in the 1970s, or Duran Duran in the 1980s.
Except a lot more dangerous. But then everything to do with Islam is a lot more dangerous.
There is some kind of resistance to the BBC’s HYS on the oscars. Record breaking number of comments moderated out. Some allegedly off topic, others directly complaining and some – like one of mine – which said good things about the shooting scenes in American Sniper.
However, some anti UKIP posts are surviving
I tried to suggest the BBC didn’t want to open discussion on certain matters, but have been referred almost immediately.
‘There is some kind of resistance to the BBC’s HYS on the oscars.’
Not just the BBC.
There is of course the usual gush overload from a bunch of content-filler nomarks handed a ticket and a tux to temporarily disconnect the conspicuous-consumption meter as they get the right side of the velvet rope briefly. All sorts of media ‘teams’ hoping to catch a C-lister’s eye by waving a BBC badge.
There is also the new sisterhood, and more power to ’em.
Seems there’s been woeful inequality but barriers are being torn down.
Not fully up to speed on the dirty deals done dirt cheap behind the (literal) scenes, but I had always imagined that actors and agents fought for roles and purses on a who dares wins basis, and it’s box office rules that apply; not Queensbury. Or who knows how to ‘inspire’ a producer some other way (see: ‘Atlantis’).
And as with TelePrompter readererouterers, while all sorts of quotas do apply, backendofbusism is one they are all more than happy to sweep under the red carpet, especially the ladies.
At least, ’til they hit forty or the Botox struggles to hold up sagging… careers.
So Eloi squabbling about trinkets as Morlocks simply seek to survive may not really be the happy place the BBC likes to think it is in, when invited.
After the bBC bitched about not enough wimmin wining oscars they now move onto the music industry:
Beth Orton tackles lack of women in music industry
Double Mercury Award nominee Eliza Carthy says women “are received better professionally if they look a certain way”, something which she finds “infuriating”. “Certainly, if you are pretty, things come to you easier. “People like sweet female singers in dresses and I’ve never been that. Being a big shouty woman is never going to be as easy as being a little pretty one, .
Here are a few women who I’d say aren’t page three models but who have become very successful :
Alison Moyet
Lady Gaga
Amy Winehouse
Tracy chapman
Joni mitchel
Caro Emerald (Who you just have to see in concert )
All the above are really successful artists, who have got to the top by talent and not looks. But for the bBC that isn’t good enough. Funny enough the charts are full of gay men, where do they fit in?
This identity politics idiocy has taken over at the BBC.
No one employed there now feels able to say boo to the PC goose.
We are lectured endlessly about the financial gap between rich and poor – but how about the ever widening culture gap between the BBC and its Licence Paying audience?
We aren’t lectured about the difference between rich and poor at least not by the BBC.They are too scared of losing their licence fee.
We aren’t lectured about the difference between rich and poor at least not by the BBC.
Que? Excuse me?
The BBC is running a
seriesseason of programmes entitled A Richer World. Three months of relentless bleating, timed to run up to the General Election. Propaganda that must be costing an absolute fortune.The world is getting wealthier – we live longer, eat better, are better educated and fewer people live in extreme poverty.
But with the gap between rich and poor feeling bigger than ever, the BBC is investigating the winners and losers of this richer world in 2015.
Really; you are remarkably naïve.
It was Adele who famously said, “I don’t make music for eyes, I make music for ears”. I believe she had a modicum of success, did she not.
And Annie Lennox did not too badly for not being a sweet female singer in a dress.
There’s also Enya who’s sold nearly 100 million albums despite being a near-total recluse.
And Kate Bush.
And Mrs Mills.
And Hinge and Bracket.
Hinge and Bracket were men in drag, didn’t you notice?
At the back.
I feel I have to say, Joni was gorgeous. (although I agree she was very talented with it)
Carole King , Carly Simon , Stevie Nicks , Christine Mc Vie.
I think the best thing for everyone is if these 3 three sweet young girls are forced to undergo FGM. At a stroke ( well a few) the so called school girl cult following of ISIS will see that actually that there is nothing romantic about ISIS.and The left in the UK will actually do something about FGM
BBC-NUJ still supports Al Jazeera-Qatar-Muslim Brotherhood, with its members’ walk-out in work-time at W1A, and its continuing propaganda, today.
And BBC-NUJ opposes Egypt.
An alternative view-
“Hero of the Middle East: Abdel Fattah el-Sisi”
by Bassam Tawil.
Beeboid ‘reporting’ on Egypt, Qatar, Al Jazeera, and Muslim Brotherhood is suspect.
These days BBC reporting on any subject is “suspect”.
I have just read the BBC’s reply to the complaints made about Tim Wilcox’s interview in Paris the day of the ‘march for free speech’.
As Honest Reporting states. “The BBC’s complaints procedure is a drawn-out process. Honest Reporting and many others initiated complaints concerning Tim Willcox’s outrageous reporting in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo and kosher supermarket terror attacks in Paris. We have now received a detailed response from the BBC’s Editorial Complaints Unit, which can be read in full below”:
Inevitably the Complaints Unit (initial) findings found Wilcox had not breached the BBC editorial guidelines.
I picked this statement up on an comment section dealing with the BBC’s whitewash. This guy is so more eloquent than me I will let him speak for me.
“Here’s what I just wrote the BBC: TW: “Many critics, though, of Israel’s policy would suggest that the Palestinians suffer hugely at Jewish hands as well.”
There was recently a murder of 3 Arab residents of North Carolina. It’s undetermined if this was solely a parking dispute or whether bias was a factor. Would any BBC reporter dream of saying to an Arab or Muslim American: “Many critics of terrorism would suggest that Americans have suffered at the hands of Muslim and Arabs as well” You wouldn’t in a million years!! It would be insulting and claim some sort of non-existent moral connection and justification for a horrible murder. You would never be offensive to a Muslim or Arab in that way. That you can’t see this is a sign of your (Fraser Steel, et. al.) bias, not a lack of Willcox’s bias. It is not just poor wording: Wilcox’s comment was a clear reflection of the BBC viewpoint: any Jews murdered had it coming. “Many critics” are weasel words and a typical way to avoid responsibility for an irresponsible statement. If you think the statement was merely poor wording, I think you should be required to phrase the statement well. Rephrase that statement in a felicitous way. Any way you phrase it, it blames Jews for their own murder. I want a real answer. Would you ever talk about Arab or Muslim victims in this hostile fashion”?
Any final respect for the BBC should be lost on reading this pathetic piece of justification from them.
But the complaint has only got as far as the FCU of the BBC. The person ( preferably a BBC tax licence payer because they have every right to get a satisfactory answer ) needs to be pursued to the top of the complaints procedure ( was the BBC Trust ) The amount of effort and money and people involved at the BBC when they are pushed to putting forward a better considered response was worth the hassle and time spent getting them to taking the complaint more seriously.
Still waiting a reply about my complaint to the non reply template response about my complaint of the BBcs non reporting of the cults Downing Street demo.
Hear, hear. I’d suggest in addition that either no one gives any bbc non-journalist an interview and/or before answering any question from the bbc get them to explain every word that they use; for example with the term ‘many critics’, ask the questioner to give names of some of these many critics, before offering any response.
‘It is not just poor wording’
But it is just words, and they do not matter when in the hands of the BBC (vs. what the national holder of power to account would demand if others uttered such things), so long as they can keep it internal.
Messrs Wilcox, Steel, etc can say or write what they like, as their ‘beliefs’ are vetted and arbitrated upon by their own in a jerk circle of virtue.
That no one outside the BBC, but with a hint of brains and conscience, can seem to grasp this is nuts is… frustrating.
The BBC’s hand-wringing over the three wannabe jihadi brides is an affront to decency.
These girls were not innocent five year olds. They were near adulthood and must have seen pictures of the beheadings, crucifixions, stonings and all the rest of the barbarity in which ISL specialises. And still they went.
That makes them monsters. There can be no excuses for their behaviour, nor any for those trying to plead that they were somehow ”radicalised’ as if that, whatever it means, can possibly mitigate their decision to give aid to the most evil force in the world today.
A reprise.
Three Little Maids From School Are We.”
(1m:30 sec video clip.)
Yum-Yum, Peep-Bo & Pitti-Sing :
Three little maids from school are we
Pert as a school-girl well can be
Filled to the brim with girlish glee
Three little maids from school
Each new BBC report is a source of fun
Everyone’s to blame, except that old turbaned one
This story is a joke that’s just begun
Three little maids from school
Three little maids who, all unwary
Hopped on a Jumbo off to Turkey
Didn’t tell daddy, now married to a Jihadi
Three little maids from school
Three little maids from school
One little maid is an ISIS bride, Yum-Yum
Two little maids in attendance come
Three little maids is the total sum
Three little maids from school
Three little maids from school
From three little maids take one away
Two little maids remain, and they
Won’t have to wait very long, they say
Three little maids from school
Three little maids from school
Three little maids, families and school, all unwary
Must have been radicalised somewhere surely?
Perhaps some mosque-based tutelary?
Three little maids from school
Three little maids from school
The “Little List” song is on the 147,088,860 Hits Must Say Something Sista thread.
Now we only need to rewrite the Mikado’s song “My object all sublime”.
i was nanki-poo in The Mikado.
Well it was my own fault. I couldn’t be arsed memorising my lines.
They are 15 years of age, which according to Islamic State, is 6 years over the age of womanhood.
But still 25 years below the age of discretion (G&S)
The BBC should ask the shire people for their opinion. You know those small town and village folk the BBC despises. The BBC might learn something and get a taste of reality.
Isis would have us destroyed as a culture. Any one who aids or seeks to aid them is by definition a traitor. All argument to the contrary is worthless.
BBC Website News
BBC – Syria girls: Trio ‘not radicalised’ at Bethnal Green Academy
BBC – What is life like for Islamic State girls?
BBC – Scot may have recruited Syria girls
BBC – Shamima’s our baby, says sister
BBC – I suspected nothing – Amira’s father
BBC – We all miss you Kadiza, says sister
BBC – No signs the teenagers were planning to go to Syria,
BBC – Syria families ‘cannot stop crying’
BBC – Authorities ‘failed’ over Syria girls
BBC – Come home, families urge Syria girls
BBC – ‘Syria-bound’ London girls: PM ‘deeply concerned’
BBC – Scot may have recruited Syria girls
BBC – Analysis. 3 Missing teens
BBC – ‘We miss you terribly’
etc, etc … and there will be more, much more of course
BBC Main News has overdosed on this again last night, with a nearly ten minute stint, Mishal Hussein, and reports from the Syrian Border, in depth analysis, the family members etc.
This morning just as bad, if not worse
Soooo …
BBC – nothing to do with school?
BBC – nothing to do with the family?
no doubt, nothing to do with the indoctrination centre … oops!
I mean mosque
And …
according to a lawyer for Ms Mahmood’s family,
her Twitter account has been “monitored” by police since she left Britain.
So surprise, surprise … these 3 little” innocent” wannabe mass murderer, Muslims are the victims, its our fault for not stopping
the deceitful cult of Islam they follow enticing them to kill for it?
… you couldn t make it up
Its obvious why.The BBC are trying to deter others.They are acting to broadcast state policy. Its the same reason they dont cover Israeli atrocities that much.
Dead obvious. Where are the BBC reports on how investigations/arrests are progressing in Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford, Halifax, Bristol to deter Pakistani (and other ) muslim men from raping young white girls and o deter police/public servants from dereliction of duty? Bottom line, white girls are shite and those with muslim parents are angels – the ‘obvious’ BBC perspective.
Vote UKIP. Purge the LibLabCon. Scrap the telly tax.
Maybe that there aren’t that many Israeli atrocities. How many countries in the Middle East ring you up or drop leaflets warning you that your area is about to be targeted and urged to leave – especially as your own Government wants you to stay and be a martyr for propaganda purposes?
Where was all this in-depth coverage when thousands of underage girls were being repeatedly and violently gang raped across Britain by Muslim Jihad rape gangs?
That’s different – they were/are dirty white slags.
Not deserving of BBC/left protection at all. In fact, they should be grateful that they have been able to enjoy the many benefits of diversity at such a young age.
If our government was serious about protecting us from the depredations of islam, there are two simple things that could very easily be done; namely, close down and demolish every mosque which has connections with muslim killers or would be killers (such as these three recent examples of muslim peacefulness) and secondly, deport every ayatollah, imam and mullah who has preached in aforesaid mosques.
I think you would find that would include every mosque. Unless they have different Korans?
They have different interpretations of the Koran – and witnessing the violence between Sunni and Shiite shows how much tolerance they have for even the slightest difference in their own interpretation.
If only they could both lose.
Where was all this in-depth coverage when thousands of underage girls were being repeatedly and violently gang raped across Britain by Muslim Jihad rape gangs.
Sorry for the double post.
“Child sex scandal council hires hardcore jihadists to ‘mentor’ abusers.”
– See more at:
I sincerely hope that they do not get them back.
Poor Gameshow Nikki needs to rejig his lie.
He used to greet guests with ‘onyigothreeminliznusouere’ (in English ‘on you go, three million listeners out there’.
Lying through his back teeth as the 3 million figure referred to weekly listeners.
I see now Rajar have him down to 2.2 million a week, or 440,000 a day. Seems the appetite for mumsnet made flesh and wrapped in sanctimony is diminishing.
At what stage do BBC feel the need to ‘refresh the schedules’ and boot the f***** out, along with his mini-me Rachel Boredom.
Never I suppose – producer capture, the BBC are not there for the licence-fee payer, they’re there to look after their staff, the Labour Party and global jihad,
Carlo’s Laws of the Universe #21
In any reporting when it suits both parties for figures to be inflated then figures will be inflated. (cf crime statistics, exam passes, Rajar figures)
so let’s give Gameshow a more realistic 200,000 per day.
How low does it have to go before he is put out of his (and our) misery.
Of interest to INBBC:?-
“Child sex scandal council hires hardcore jihadists to ‘mentor’ abusers ”
– See more at:
Dan Hodges wants MPs to be paid £150k p.a.
Jack Straw will regret till the day he dies admitting on national television he charges £5000 a day for his commercial activities. But that’s what he can command, so like it or not, that’s what he’s worth.
That may be what influence is worth, but it’s not what Straw’s worth. And isn’t Junior sniffing around for a seat. Give it a few years and the old Blair/Straw/Dromey/Benn set will be replaced with a new bunch.
It stinks. Better to give MPs £30k p.a. and then we might get some integrity. And to get my retaliation in first…. Yes; I know a lot of people far more intelligent and well-educated than some MPs who work for £30k or less.
The pay of MPs should be set and paid for by their constituency. There should not be a standard rate for the job. If they do a good job for their constituents and (by some fluke) increase the wealth of their voters, then perhaps they will be given a pay rise, or if they represent a poor constituency, then they won’t get paid a lot (perhaps that would incentivise them to do more for their constituency). Giving MPs more money is just an extension of the bankers’ argument for Quantitative Easing and bonuses for doing a criminally bad job of looking after our money. If people do a good job then consider giving them a pay rise; if they do a bad job then sack them (and stop allowing people to resign which means they retain all the ill-gotten money that has accrued to them while they were in post).
For Beeboids’ Islamic victimhood department-
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Stop pitying British schoolgirls joining Islamic State –
they’re not victims.
“The latest British teen girls to join Islamic State are not ‘missing’
– they’ve joined a murderous cult of their own volition,
argues Emma Barnett”
Has BBC-NUJ now accepted that there must be two Labour Party MPs for Grimsby,
named Austin Mitchell?
“Austin Mitchell dismisses ‘no chance’ of Grimsby loss remarks”
But the Indy author DB quoted has stated he has a copy.
Either this professional journalist is lying or the BBC is guilty of massive incompetence and/or yet more grotesque editorial obfuscation to protect the party they support, impartially.
Which is it?
Oh, hold on, he has dismissed nothing; he has conceded the possibility and made a dire excuse:
‘If that was said, it was as a joke..”
Just joking!!!! [cheesy grin]
Which the bad joke that is our national broadcast disgrace opted to tuck away.
With luck the Indy and staff will have had their eyes opened to what having the BBc around can mean.
Lucky for Mitchell he is not a Conservative or, even worse, a Ukipper. Then the BBC would make his remarks the top story on every bulletin for at least a week.
Just heard David “Pinocchio” Cameron, on the BBC, he must have finished lying about Islam,(just for now) … so now the, erm
“caring sharing/all in it together” Selfservatives are starting to lie to pensioners again, lie about the economy again tomorrow.
… just in time for baby kissing at the weekend
is there an election coming?
If three fifteen year old males had gone out there willingly, would there be so much fuss?
Sexist response by the media. Oh dear, oh dear….
That’s actually a very good point. So much for the BBC’s feminist credentials!
But will the bBC be asking just how was it possible that one was able to use her older sisters passport?
It may be a little uncomfortable , could it be the case that certain headwear makes an individual more difficult to identify?
It would appear that none were sporting such in the airport pictures, but a good chance they are in their passport pictures, a border guard wouldn’t want to press the issue now would he?
Good comment. There is also the possibility, that one of their own let them through.
Yep whenever I fly back home I have to hand my passport to someone wearing a hijab to let me back into my own country – what a strange World we live in
I got an e-passport.
The computer studies my face and works out if I am who say I am.
My headwear confused it and a passport monkey shouted,
‘Oi, cunt, take your farking ‘at off’.
Ah, yes, welcome back to Britain.
But you would need to be 18 and in possession of a credit card to pay for the flight????????????
It is a clear case of cognitive dissonance – the 3 schoolgirls are said to be bright and clever – and have chosen to join a murderous Islamist cult. That makes them evil, in the eyes of most people in Britain. Yet the BBC paints them as “victims”, somehow innocent.
Maybe the more the BBC and politicians like Cameron bang on about the poor little angels, the more people will.decide they are being told a load of porkies and will switch their vote accordingly – to try to reduce the influx of Muslims.
That is correct; they are victims. Not like the white trash raped by muslim gangs who were ‘vulnerable’ .
Like many here I think they should be encouraged to go and not return. And more should be encouraged to go. And I like the idea of a micro implant which will indicate their location with ‘hubby’ for a possible air strike.
What do you say to that Cameron?
That … “murderous Islamist cult” … is Islam, you don t need me to tell you … but its all there in the little book of hate, you can check it out.
Those girls know this, they ve had that, and Islamic grievance mongering and nauseating victim mentality, bludgeoned into their skulls since childhood.
Being an A student, being intellectual, a Doctor even makes no odds … it is the Islamic method, sadly, when the switch clicks,
when they heed the call to get back to the book
……. bad things happen.
I notice the Turks have been indulging in some extreme archaeology
‘Hundreds of Turkish forces in armoured vehicles have entered war-torn northern Syria to evacuate troops guarding a historic tomb, demolishing it and moving the remains to a different site.’
Not quite the sort of thing that Tony Robinson might have had in mind.
But on reading the BBC report, you can’t help but notice the relatively measured and uncritical tone employed.
‘The remains of Suleyman Shah, who died in the 13th Century, were moved to a site in Syria closer to the border. Turkey considered the shrine sovereign territory.’
So that’s ok then.
‘All the relics at the tomb and the Turkish soldiers who had been guarding it had been brought out “safe and sound”, (Turkey’s President) said, and the existing mausoleum was destroyed’
‘One soldier was killed accidentally in the overnight raid, the military said.’
Phew, some of those Time Team digs can get pretty rough too.
‘Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said he hoped the remains could be returned to the old burial site eventually. The operation unfolded peacefully, beginning on Saturday at about 21:00 local time (19:00 GMT) and ending on Sunday morning, with 572 soldiers involved, Mr Davutoglu said.’
So that’s all just fine and dandy.
‘There is a deep, unhealed historical wound in the UK’s relations with China – a wound that most British people know nothing about, but which causes China great pain. It stems from the destruction in 1860 of the country’s most beautiful palace.’
How ghastly!
‘The palace’s fate is bitterly resented in Chinese minds and constantly resurfaces in Chinese popular films, angry social media debates, and furious rows about international art sales.’
‘And it has left a controversial legacy in British art collections – royal, military, private – full of looted objects.’
‘By coincidence, one of the story’s central characters is Lord Elgin – son of the man who removed the so-called “Elgin marbles” from Greece.’
I sense the BBC getting up its high horse for a long and sustained ride around the greivance paddock – so let’s leave it there.
But to show that some people get cut more slack than other people – how about this for restraint…
‘The blue and gold braided beard on the burial mask of pharaoh Tutankhamun has been hastily glued back on after it was damaged, museum employees say.’
‘But conservators at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo gave differing accounts of the exact circumstances.’
Well, I guess we can all make mistakes – it’s just that some bear a grudge and some can be more easily forgiven.
And in other news, firstly from the ‘tell it often enough’ department:
They clearly can fool a lot of people all the time, though.
Still, to oversee such things, there is… THE TRUST (so named so people will know it can be trusted), headed by…
‘They love Rona Fairhead at HSBC. She’s standing for re-election as a non-executive director at the 2015 AGM, despite serving for longer than best practice guidelines. ‘
Luckily for her, the BBC also sees ‘guidelines’ as more honoured in the breaking. Unless it’s by folk they don’t like.
Then it would be bad.
Found on the BBC website – probably put there by mistake.
“According to the Sun, Canterbury Cathedral advertised for a kiosk assistant to be paid £6.70 an hour. The £6.50 advertisement was for “waiting-on staff” at Lichfield Cathedral.
Archbishop Welby said the situation was “something we don’t like”.
He added: “Canterbury is moving very, very aggressively towards paying the living wage as soon as it can.
“It means raising more than an extra £200,000 a year. It’s a charity. Money can’t be magicked overnight.”
a) The CoE are hypocrites in recommending something that they themselves don’t do.
b) They obviously lack faith in ‘the good lord will provide’
c) They expect businesses and the Government to ‘magic’ money overnight – but can’t do it themselves.
Money is magic when other people are paying. We render enough onto Caesar as it is without Justin and his mates e.g. Comrade Giles, taking more for their God.
‘Canterbury is moving very, very aggressively towards paying the living wage as soon as it can’
By 2017.
I’d hate to see them move very, very passively.
There were a couple of threads on Guido’s blog outing three of Welby’s “advisors” as Labour Party stooges and claimed the Archbishop’s son works for Tony Blair. Hardly surprising then that Welby and his bishops are parroting Labour talking points. Taking advice from Labour placemen also leads to foot-in-mouth syndrome as the above minimum wage story proves.
‘The startling figures — obtained by the Evening Standard under the Freedom of Information Act — will heighten concerns that some patients are placing an excessive burden on A&E by turning up for treatment unnecessarily.’
Now there’s a thing all that BBC NHS weapons grade journalism failed to find.
One has to wonder, did a BBC journo actually visit any A&E departments and ask any off the record questions of any staff or patients – at all?
Or could it be that BBC NHS reporting has been at best liberal-porn superficial panic shock horror – or at worst simply pro-Labour agit prop?
I’m afraid that I haven’t been sobbing uncontrollably at the plight of the “misguided” missing schoolgirls. As far as I’m concerned it’s the beginning of a very welcomed and self imposed repatriation.
One thing must be made absolutely clear to these young ladies and all others that choose to follow their example. This is a one way ticket; you don’t return. Ever. Perhaps we should even encourage a few more of their fellow travellers to take this step .
I’m thinking about three million…
Rod Liddle really hits the nail on the head here
Unless they are totally stupid, the girls will have arranged transportation from Istanbul to Syria with their ‘groomer’ before they left.
Would that be the three million who are here officially, or the other hidden three million who aren’t?
The bBC and its attempts to remake one of the Cambridge Five,’Guy Burgess’ as somehow a victim
The forgotten interview with Cambridge spy Guy Burgess
In the article the bBC points out that when Burgess gave this interview to the CBC, nobody in the UK picked it up. Well here’s another thing that hasn’t been picked up by the bBC He worked for them for 8 years from 1936 to 1944.
Lets see, somebody who left the country to live with our enemy, who cost the lives of 100 of Allied spies and who openly states he would only return to the UK for a visit before returning to Russia. Does that sound somewhat familiar regards another current story.
Burgess a sneering, snobby Public School boy who went to Cambridge. He was a socialist and worked for the BBC. Betrayed the country that offered him so much. Of course the BBC is sympathetic to Burgess. He is they as they is he.
By Roger Scruton.
(-with a reference to BBC.)
Click to access cs49-8.pdf
Beeboids’ CoJo endorses neologism ‘Islamophobia’, but rejects ‘Oikophobia’.
I wonder why.
Why of course? Cameron’s lot are also Snobby Toffs that care about their own careers rather than the people of Britain so what’s the difference?
Cameron’s lot are also Snobby Toffs that care about their own careers rather than the people of Britain so what’s the difference?
Not a lot. The City trusts Cameron more than Labour, so the house of cards is likely to collapse earlier under Labour. If the people come to their senses when the crash happens, there might be some hope of saving a part of our heritage. From that point of view, better Miliband wins in May.
Man on Bus. You may be catching on!
Burgess = treacherous tw@t, betraying his country for an evil ideology (that’s socialism by the way). David Cameron = Incompetent appeasing c*&t, betraying his country. Slight difference, but you are essentially correct in you’re inference.
Snobby toffs like. £12,000 a year Nottingham high school pupil ed balls and his £4.5 million pound banker bonus little brother. Or perhaps earls niece Harriet harm an or maybe go back to sir Anthony wedge wood Ben or maybe old fetesian tony Blair.
Why of course? Cameron’s lot are also Snobby Toffs that care about their own careers rather than the people of Britain so what’s the difference?
Over half the labour shadow cabinet went to fee paying or selective schools. Even the token black on an otherwise very white front bench is a private school boy. And let’s face it ed millipedes dad house was so far over the inheritance tax threshold that they had to. Change his dad’s will after he died.
Give me state educated people like gove major and thatcher over the elitist snobs of labours handwringing front bench.
Ask yourself , how many working class kids are called Tristram
From Beeboids to their political cousins at Channel 4-
“TV watchdog launches investigation after more than FIVE THOUSAND complaints about ‘biased’ Channel 4 docudrama which imagined a Ukip election win.
“Channel 4 broadcast ‘Ukip: The First 100 Days’ imagining their election win.
“Show featured race riots and the economy crumbling after three months.
“It sparked 5,262 complaints to Ofcom, the broadcasting watchdog.
“Viewers complained about bias and scaremongering from producers.
“Ofcom will investigate whether broadcaster broke impartiality rules.
“Investigation to take 50 days and could end in formal notification or a fine.
“Watchdog previously fined Discovery £100,000 for breaching the rules .”
Read more:
Why did we have to endure Ed Miliband on the arts programme Front Row this evening, it sort of suggests that Labour is the only party friendly to the arts, they should have balanced it up with the other parties’ arts plans. But then it’s the BBC, no surprise there!
Re. ISIS and the response of the West to it – this is exceptionally good, as are 95% of Daniel Greenfield’s articles.
Islamic State:
“Will Isis still be a threat in a year’s time? I doubt it”
By Michael WHITE, Political editor, ‘Guardian,’
( Aug 2014.)
— a typically leftist, and dangerously wrong assessment of the Islamic State.
A reality check, ‘Daily Mail,’ Feb 2015, showing part of Islamic State’s global Islamofascist activity-
“The terrifying rise of ISIS:
“Map that shows how terror group’s tentacles now reach from Algeria to Afghanistan.
“ISIS began as Al-Qaeda in Iraq in 2004 and militants had just 1,000 soldiers, but it has grown to more than 30,000.
“Reach of ISIS now spans Middle East and northern Africa, with only the Mediterranean sea separating from Europe.
“Terrorist groups around the world now pledging allegiance to Islamic State as groups seize destabilised countries.
“Experts say ISIS’ control in Libya could create potential ‘disaster scenario’ and coalition airstrikes are fueling the militants’ manipulative propaganda.
“ISIS has 31,500 loyal fighters according to CIA but estimates place this far higher at around 200,000 militants.”
Read more:
More “3 little wannabe mass-murderer”, babble on BBC 5Live,
just listen in to Ameera Coker, apparently a campaigner against extremism … manages to fit grievance, we re all to blame, refuses
to acknowledge ISIS, because we re supporting Pally abuse, a lot of the young Muslims are bitter because of our governments double standards re Muslims …
what is this drivel? these people are unhinged
… 2hrs 39mins
So Panorama tells us that more kids are risking their lives to cross the Med, for that “better life” playing for Man United etc.
Our BBC hack-called Kenyon wrings his hands, gets loads of UNHCR guys n gals to moan at the Eu for being heartless etc.
Yet Kenyon actually gets a freebie to visit Sudan and Eritrea, where most of the problems stem.
And we learn nothing-nothing about Islam, the kind of adults that run these routes and scams, who pays who and how they get the money.
Nothing-just the usual stuff about whitey not putting out even rescue ships, Britain not pulling its weight etc.
is there ANY problem that the BBC don`t see as being due to one of their phobias we all harbour(Islamo, homo)?…or can`t be laid at the feet of Toricutz, of not being feminist or being racist, guilty of condoning Empire slavery etc?
It`s just too easy to be a BBC lefty tard isn`t it?…none of that “investigative enquiring” anymore is there?
Ah yes, heart warming, wasn’t it? You can just see that at this rate they’ll be runnng special appeals in a couple of years’ time along the lines of ‘Red Nose Day’, urging people with spare rooms to take in ‘innocent’ African refugees. You wouldn’t be so heartless as to turn away a starving, persecuted child would you? Ahem!
Utterly, utterly depressing, that we are allowing our country to be wrecked in this most fundamental way; any society half a million years ago would have known that security of their borders was top priority.
The idiot middle-classes simply wont confront the magnitude of the problem or the messiness of confronting it. Ostriches; heads firmly planted in sand.
They’ll be sorry, one day soon.
The only humane approach to this problem is to have clear, comprehendible and strictly enforced immigration law. If potential immigrants are aware of such law, they will be less inclined to risk life and limb to enter the country illegally. The only way to achieve this is to leave the EU.
Follow long term humanitarian logic. Vote UKIP.
Convince the ‘idiot middle classes’ through reason? One can but try.
Avoid the ‘Bedroom Tax’ by taking a Somali ‘Migrant’ !
After the Oslo ring of bullsh-t … led by an Anti-Semite
oops apologies I mean ring of peace
sorry … BBC 😀
Hallelujah for Rebel Media, at about gazillion quid less than the BBC…disgusting traitors cameron and co.
Oh for goodness sakes… did anyone else have the misfortune to listen to radio poo today wherein Jeremy Vine had on some sopping wet lefties who basically said the reason those 3 scumbags have gone to join Isis is because of discrimination? So it’s our fault! You couldn’t f**cking make this shite up. We now have a situation where millions of UK citizens sympathise and wish to negotiate with those vile evil scum Isis. Did anyone see what David Vance had to put up with on that abhorrent programme BQuestions with Nicky Campbell? The audience was flooded with ‘intellectuals’ and lefty pillocks calling for dialogue. Pathetic!
Anyone calling for dialogue with ISIS should be put on the next plane out there to see for themselves what happens to those who attempt ‘dialogue’ !
Yep, I saw the programme, I found it was the usual bullying behaviour when the lefties don’t like someone run by the biggest playground bully of the lot in Campbell. He hides behind the cloak of the bbc’s protected and untouchable position of superiority.
The part where David dared to mix up his naming of the muslims by calling them ‘islamists’ was unbelievable, he was howled down and jeered for a slip of the tongue yet the ignorant, bigoted and arrogant huffington post blogger (called hussein I think) next to him was allowed to spew utter bile towards Israel and espouse the worst of muslim beliefs and barely a word was said by the lefty cowards! They are all scared of the boogie man!
Of course it’s our fault, we are not doing enough to integrate a race of people, who clearly do not want to be part of UK society, into our way of life. We forced them to do it, just like we did with the other few hundred who have joined ISIS.
Don’t forget though, it’s nothing to do with islam.
The BBC based in Salford must be aware of this report of what the Labour party are up to and yet there is no sign of a mention anywhere on their news sites.
“Salford’s (Labour) mayor has been accused of a ‘disgusting’ attempt to stifle democracy – by trying to pack out the council’s annual cuts meeting with Labour supporters in order to keep out protesters.”
It wouldn’t be quite so bad if the council which is discussing cuts to the services in Salford weren’t being forced to pay money to the BBC to fund one of its orchestras !
Maybe that’s why the BBC hasn’t reported this, or maybe its because its Labour up to no good, but either way with Media City just down the road from the council offices there’s no way they aren’t aware of what is going on.
This comes as no surprise to anybody who lives in the Greater Manchester area, the place is basically a closed shop run like a small communist state by the champagne socialist liebourites.
They whinge about cuts but will you see the likes of Stewart and his fellow ‘leaders’ take a pay cut to help the cause? Rochdale council are spending fortunes on new council buildings and re-structuring the town centre yet will carry on regardless with the liebour ‘woe is me’ mantra.
In fact, when you look at the tax money that is spent on the liebour council buildings all over the North West and the money that was spent on Media city the hypocrisy from liebour and the bbc scum becomes unpalatable.
HSBC continues to be a target for the BBC and when they can use it to promote their political wing , the Labour Party, even better.
I watched, this afternoon, the exchanges in Parliament between ‘Bungler’ Balls and George Osborne. Balls was again hopeless, out of his depth, pathetic.
Balls though doesn’t have to worry about his competence (or lack of it), the BBC will always come to his rescue; the Ten o’ Clock News carefully edited and selected some of those exchanges in a way to make them unrecognisable.
‘Hero Balls’ socked it to Osborne, if you believe the BBC’s massaged version, Osborne’s was seemingly a back-footed his response was a weak, ‘we will do better’.
The reality was rather different. Osborne laid into Balls his hypocrisy, repeatedly pointing out that;
– these were ‘crimes’ carried out on Labour’s watch
– known about on Labour’s watch
– dealt with, using the framework of remedies and action against avoiders, created by Gordon Brown
– the restrictive ‘deal’ with the French that allowed information to be provided, was negotiated by Labour
– the CEO of HSBC was previously appointed by Labour to head up a Gordon Brown business team
– …..oh, and the detailed information provided by the French arrived on their desks in Labour’s days
Balls was left floundering, not that you would know it from the BBC’s presentation….nor would anyone watching had been and better informed about the truth of this ‘scandal’.
If there is a real scandal it is BBC News reporting of the exchanges today. It was little more than a carefully manufactured LIE. And to think, the bastards at the BBC went to town on the Telegraph last week for supposedly spiking stories.
The BBC, on behalf of the Labour Party, are cheating the public.
Here are the Parliamentary exchanges, attached for your enjoyment.
Sky News was just as bad, showing Balls making his allegations and then cutting away just before Osborne got back to his feet to answer “BlunderBollocks”. Anyone viewing that report would think Balls had made mincemeat of Osborne. I’ve come to the conclusion NO British News broadcasters can be trusted with reporting unbiased and impartial news items. Probably the malign influence of the NUJ and the hiring of ex-Beeboids. At least we are not forced to pay for Sky’s and other commercial channels’ crap.
Thanks for the link #88. Just watched the live feed. Balls exposed for the sophist charlatan he is.
I haven’t seen how this was reported, but Osborne appears to have a grasp of the concept of competence, whereas Balls is a vacuous orator. The most dangerous of phenomena when combined with the keys to power.
Look at the third sentence in this article… Yep, the BBC just had to get the Muslims a mention.
The BBC is nothing but a mouthpiece for Islamic propaganda.
Thanks for the link.
Interesting quote here from Peter Sissons re BBC :-
And he (Peter Sissons) further observed: ‘…the one thing guaranteed to damage your career prospects at the BBC is letting it be known that you are at odds with the prevailing and deep-rooted BBC attitude towards Life, the Universe, and Everything’.
So, UN good; EU good; Socialism good; Green good; Palestine good; taxing the rich, good; government spending, good; Margaret Thatcher, evil; Al Gore, saint. Obama, messiah’.
Are we posters here amazed???
As I have said previously on this site its the same in all the public sector services.Groupthink reigns and no one dare put their head above the parapet.I am fairly strong minded and managed to keep my own views ,but dared not share them with others ,and i dont mean racist or extreme views ,i mean conservative views about self reliance,strong family,less welfare etc.I feared losing my employment.Its too entrenched to do anything about it now no matter which government is in place. It would need a revolution of some sort.
Of course the difference is the BBC is pumping it out to the population.
BBC terrible trumps always interesting.
Via BBC Trending (one of their new staff-rich spin-offs, that allow them to pursue agendas in guise of what their mates on social media tell them), thanks to BBC Australia (does one see the deranged hand of JonDon behind this) I was surprised to see the BBC pretty chilled about state executions.
The reason appears to be that it gives them an opportunity to again slate PM Abbott, which seems their sole function until they can get a party they approve of back in.
Remains to be seen if and when our men down under catch up with this one, given the safe return of missing sons & daughters raises such fear in the Beeboid heart:
Not on BBC ‘Flagship’ Today News
Thirty jihadis return to Australia after waging jihad in Iraq and Syria #r4today
It will be interesting how these fine fellows apply the skills learned on their VSO gap year once back in the community.
Has the BBC reported this yet?
La Barcaccia: trashed by football fans
No Chelsea supporters or white racists involved, so probably of little interest. Just a bit of damage to the cultural heritage of a few dead white males.
The first comment would suggest not, to little surprise.
Clearly a good day for BBC news vs. ‘Not news’ (c) A. Newsroom Tealady.
‘travelling with the fans’
Is this a footyballista version of absolution on par with ‘views their own’, or ‘so-called [insert excused group here]?
Odd how the BBC can occasion be very damning very quickly when the mood takes it.
“The home affairs select committee also criticised the BBC for its decision not to allow the reporter behind the story, Dan Johnson, to appear before them.”
Our Dan a Lord too?
Intriguing just how often and how easy it seems to be for the BBC to get out of answering questions it would demand of others.
Camerimam and the No10 traitors?, Warsi the Governments very own Tory OIC member? obviously there s something in it for the
Selfservatives, no doubt it ll come down to a few petrodollars again.
Can t we reopen the Tower for business?.
“If Fiyaz Mughal, a discredited liar, thinks the situation was bad, it must have been very, very bad.
Britain can’t seem to kill itself fast enough to suit British authorities. “Islamic ‘radicals’ at the heart of Whitehall,”
R Spencer
Off topic: Natalie bennett getting mashed on LBC by
Nick Ferrari. LMFAO.
Bennett was THE funny news of the day, not only was he appearance on LBC a disaster she then turned into a stuttering wreck on the Daily Politics show when pressed on her party’s economic policies, in particular social housing!
The poor woman probably expected an easy ride on the bbc, seeing as the Greens are the new darlings of the left, but it didn’t work out that way! She could barely answer any question in a coherent way.
At least she turned up though, liebour mysteriously couldn’t find a single person to discuss the economy? Funny that, coming so soon after Jack Straw’s disgrace, they obviously couldn’t chance Chukka Obama seeing as the mask has slipped and he is about as convincing as Bennett.
It’s been a tough month for the ‘progressives’.
It turns out that not all Chelsea Football Club fans are racist, some are loveable junior jihadis who have been abused by the Koran.
Then they discover that their maths is wrong, as it always has been. For every ‘upwardly mobile’ person there is a ‘downwardly mobile’ one and it might just be your own child! Of course they have used the same maths for years in relation to calculating ‘poverty’, essentially using a relative rather than an absolute measure. So if the UK brings in a few more multi-millionaires, handing out jobs to chauffeurs, maids, heavies etc. average income goes up, increasing ‘poverty’ at the ‘bottom’. If the multi-millionaires leave, taking the jobs with them, average income falls, making the ‘poor’ relatively richer, but with no work!
Now researchers at the University of Nottingham have discovered that Danes and Germans are naturally co-operative and fair-minded while Greeks and Pakistani’s are corrupt, thieving b——s. Quelle surprise
Could reality be breaking through at last?
BBC Newsnight. 23rd Feb Caroline Lucas really is a let-down. England’s first Green MP and I had high hopes, I really did. But Caroline has set the bar low, with her bigotry, rudeness and fascist, mob law, lobbyist leanings.
Confession. I’m a reformed Green Party supporter. Yes, really. Hey Ho.
The trouble is CL is intellectually limited. She appears unable to think through the consequences of what she proposes, from page three, fracking, smoking laws, ‘positive’ disrimination, free speech, energy production, misandry, Global clmate change warming,….the list could go on.
On Newsnight tonight she advocates restrictions on MP’s extra-parliamentary activities, which would lead to the restriction in the choices available to the electorate as to who represents them in parliament.
She fails to consider the requirement/duty for certain members of society to keep up to date with developments in their particular professional field. Consider an obvious example: A politically engaged 50 year old surgeon who is encouraged to stand for parliament by peers/colleagues/friends (maybe this surgeon has a Green agenda? Or a Labour view of the NHS? Perhaps she understands the nature of politics, and of the world – the people may prefer some other candidatenext time, or the time after, and at the end of the day the mortgage needs paying and the kids need support. All that and a pay cut.) However, a 5 or 10 year stint in parliament, barred from ‘keeping in’ with latest developments in renal diagnosis and surgical techniques, leukimia theropy (or whatever specialism) may compromise her ability to resume her work as a surgeon as she approaches 55, or maybe 60. Better not risk it, family comes first. (And if people can’t trust her as their MP, why the f&*k do they let her cut at their immobilised bodies with a scalpel?). The constituents lose out. Another reason for good men and women of England to avoid public service? Lucaslogic. Similarly, consider a part owner (elder brother of five siblings) in a long standing family business. Why on earth should such an individual be either precluded from representing and serving his community, or if he wishes to serve, be obliged to desert the interests of his business and the families which rely upon it for their prosperity? Or a pharmacist, design engineer, software developer, genetic researcher, or come to think of it, most successful, productive and energetic individuals who actually might make half decent decisions in the interests of England, Scotland Wales, Northern Ireland, dependent terrertories (and nowhere else), given the opportunity.
With our Australian guest Natalie Bennett at the helm the bar is being set by the new Green Party to ankle height. It is morphing into a Marxist-fascist cult more akin to a religion.
Yep, Porritt to Lucas to Bennett. The Green intelligence trajectory is becoming clear. LibLabCon at least have the IQ’s to have PR professionals to con the public ‘professionally. The Green’s seem incapable of hiding their idiocy.
I haven’t deserted my humanitarian, environmentalist or scientific principles and I’ll be voting UKIP in the upcoming general election.
Personnaly I’d love to have a job where I dont have to turn up and obviously you feel that is OK for MP’s. Any other jobs where you dont have to turn up I wonder. As to the other environmentalist and scientific principles you havent exactly said whats wrong with with Green policies.
Maybe if they form a Government and no one bothered to turn up for work that would be OK too. Given are chosing to vote UKIP you clearly have set the bar very low on the real issues of the day.
To Man on Bus (MoB) and any open minded ‘Green’.
1. Green issues.
I refer you to WUWT; published letters to “Banky Moon” from professors from around the planet prior to each IPCC conference (stretching back to 2007) , and growing evidence that the UN/world government sponsored ‘modellers’ and ‘97%ers are being exposed as (i) plain wrong, (ii) intellectual charlatans, (iii) in need of law courts to attempt to ‘agree’ what is scientifically correct, (iv) manipulators of raw data to substantiate a predetermined conclusion.
The cat’s out of the bag, but the public are behind the curve. I guess you (MoB) either haven’t the will or the academic background to review and understand the science. It’s not just that the facts about CO2 and global climate change warming are wilfully misrepresented; it’s the axis about which a huge financial con is being perpetrated against the poorest in our society.
And if you have a penchant for Physics, try “The Greenhouse Effect and the Infrared Radiative Structure of the Earth’s Atmosphere. F M Miskolczi. Development in Earth Science. V2, 2014.” which provides good insight into the basic thermodynamics of the ‘problem’, and clarification as to how little we currently know about the impact man and his activities are having on the atmosphere and climate of the earth.
Then again, if it’s your religion, facts are merely inconvenient. That’s why Greens are divorced from science, Liebor have Prescott (astrophysicist? Not.) Libdumbs have Ed Davey (PPE – that’s politics, philosophy and economics BTW) and the Tories keep shutting anyone up who can be labelled a ‘denier’, because they probably now know the whole business is a scam, but they’ve too many mates creaming off the subsidies from wind and solar.
I also guess you haven’t heard the interview Nat Ben did with Andrew Neil, where she was exposed as an intellectual amoeba. If you care about (i) People and (ii) your environment, do your research – or shut it.
If you’re a green religionist, I can’t help you.
2. Service.
‘Personally I’d love to have a job where I don’t have to turn up and obviously you feel that is OK for MP’s.’
This demonstrates your fundamental inability to understand the nature of service and servitude. Real honourable men and women choose to work hard, don’t need someone to make them ‘turn up’ just because they ‘don’t have to.’ and are not solely motivated by egotism, money and greed. As you say, ‘I’d love to have a job…’. So you’re happy to take advantage of others. I am not and furthermore, I’m intolerant of those who are or do. And I guess you haven’t troubled yourself to seek out independently (for yourself) what UKIP policies are. Have you got UKIP policies from the script reading liars of Liebor, C4, BBC, Conlibdumbs and the MSM.
As for UKIP, they do need to get wiser and improve, yes, don’t we all. But they have sensible policies on Immigration, EU, Agriculture, Fisheries, Animal Welfare and Transportation and Energy. The greens can’t even add up now. (ditched the £72/wk, after approx. 30 seconds of scrutiny by a TV head? How did that get to become party policy FFS. Yeh, free money, yeh, don’t need to work, yeh, renationalise stuff! Commie heaven, human hell.)
Veggies Vote UKIP! Common Sense, not Common Purpose. 🙂
‘…restrictions on MP’s extra-parliamentary activities…’
This is a par-for-the-course modern Leftist idea.
Politicians ought to be an elite class, you see. Full-time, all the ‘right’ views ie – leftist views. You have to work full time to keep up with all that twitter and get all the right terminology.
“Most vulnerable in society” – there’s your number one phrase for the day.
And don’t trip up on a no-no. That’s a full time job too.
Do you realise there used to be “Coloured TV Licences”?
How racist was that?!
Urgh… outside experience and knowledge – that might prick the ideological bubble.
New job creation schemes in regional parliaments and Euro parliaments. Job for life – massive pay offs if the voters fall out of love with you – at -god forbid- an election.
Gravy train for the moral highgrounders. All in the same club – just more or less – no, we couldn’t rule out working with so-and-so (insert fellow progressive faction)…. so Rainbow Coalition here we come.
Can’t stand all this adversarial politics – that’s the way men like it – urgh.
‘Most Vulnerable In Society’ is Nicola Crankie’s middle name.
Dont Knock em ,many are UKIP supporters!
This is a par-for-the-course modern Leftist idea.
Yes they should all be like Steven Dorrell who works both as a MP and a consultant to KPMG who are seeking to buy into a billion pounds of NHS contracts. Previous job – Chair of the Health Select Comittee. Now that’s what I call public service.
Now the news where you are….
Asad Ahmad for BBC London tells us ‘there will be more on the missing London schoolgirls later in the main news…’
Oh you betcha there will. Turkey says it’s all ‘our’ fault.
On the subject of regional news – BBC Newswatch (blink and you’ll miss it) that narrow slot put on at very off peak times and rarely watched on the News Channel, where the BBC tells Licence Payers how stupid they are and exactly where their complaints are groundless….
…well there was a short item recently with explanation of the fact that ‘until the General Election’ regional news bulletins had been cut back at midday and extended in the evenings – because, apparently, they can in this way better cover local election related issues.
Now given the fact that many hereabouts confirm the Lefty bias is much worse in the region news rooms… well, to coin a phrase : how about that then?
Hate to correct you, but the proper terminology is “How’s about that then, guys ‘n’ gals”.
Got to get the Beeb’s catch-phrases right, you know!
Even the Turks have washed their hands of Jihadi Kitten as they are believed to be in Syria now!
Not long till they rescue their friend and bring her back home to the arms of her grateful family who will then blame it all on us, these girls could teach the SAS and the SEALS a thing or two.
The UK have sent detectives…and I mean Robert Powell and Jasper Carrot, to bring them back.
Meanwhile ISIL have captured 90 Syrian Christians, they are not as important as our homegrown muslim runaways though. Somehow I’ve a feeling one ending will be far worse than the other.
I haven’t left the house for days through worrying about the missing junior jihadis.
The wonderful world of ‘the BBC says what the BBC says is great’ always entertains.
Especially when a reporter of the objective calibre of Hugh Sykes cites a BBC CECUTT Editor as all the independent validation required in fielding criticism.
DavidP in the comments covers it.
You keep using this abbreviation but what does it mean? Even the mighty Google is no help.
‘You keep using this abbreviation’
I do, don’t I?
An unholy Trinity of sorts.
If Mr. Pinder’s source is correct, I may need another.
Don’t worry. Others there are, and will be.