Very interesting that on the BBC news website there is no mention of when the 3 Terrorist girls left home for Syria. There is no website which tells when the parents became concerned and reported their daughters missing to the Police.
They actually went missing on the 17th February presumably the parents didn’t report them missing until sometime early 18th and the Police needed a day to comb through the evidence before establishing the facts and telling the press.
All this usual blaming of everyone else by the Pakistanis and other assorted Muslims in a sane society would result in the authorities giving them a choice, that every Muslim minor unaccompanied by their parent travelling to a different country would need prior approval and parental permission to travel. Not a chance they’d agree to that though !
What though if in all this the parents failed to report them missing for 2 days?? Yet again it’s an assumption that whitey is in the wrong yet again, and Fascists like our government are always ready to attack us.
It seems that the news today concerns delays in getting information about the the three girls. It has taken years to get information about the girls in Rotherham and still buggerall has been done.
Now imagine the reaction if news came from Syria that one of the girls had been raped with a broken bottle, and another had petrol poured over her, and the third raped repeatedly night after night. It happened to white girls in Rotherham.
For INBBC to censor, re-its model for ‘multiculturalism’?-
“Sweden’s ‘immigrant resettlement assistants’ fired for recruiting for Islamic State”
[Opening excerpt, by Robert Spencer]:
“Hey, everyone knows that jihadis just need jobs, and then the peaceful, noble souls will lay down their Kalashnikovs and pick up their burger flippers, and these ‘immigrant resettlement assistants’ were getting Muslims jobs — so what’s the big deal? So the job was as a warrior for the Islamic State — details, details!
“Sweden’s national job agency fires its entire network of ‘immigrant resettlement assistants’ over fears they were finding them jobs – as ISIS militants,” by Sara Malm, MailOnline”
3 Young Muslim Girls aged 15 – who paid for the flights?
You need a credit card. 15 Year Olds can’t get a credit card.
Come on media – surely there’s a inquisitive journalist somewhere?
I see that the BBC are stepping up their pressure on Malcolm Rifkind this morning. It gives me a sense of deja vous – it’s McAlpine and Andrew Mitchell all over again.
I happen to think that Rifkind is a fool. Not over the substantive issue, mind you. Looking beyond what the BBC chose to tell us, it is clear that he did little wrong, telling the ‘company’ that they would not get confidential information from him – only information in the public domain. It was, rather, his stupid comments about the time he had on his hands and his ‘entitlement’ that grates.
But hearing the perennial suspect Norman Smith, report in his unique way, this morning, you hear BBC bias at its best. Not a single word about Jack Straw from our Norman, instead not once, but twice he launched into his ‘some people say routine’…That is, ‘some members of the Intelligence and Security Committee think he should step down’ and ‘some MP’s’ also think he should do so. I bet Norman if they exist, those ‘some people’ are Labour colleagues.
Norman, in the same spirit, I can assure you that ‘some people think’ that you are a biased, corrupt wanker.
“Jack Straw to take job for firm he lobbied for in Commons.
“Jack Straw privately lobbied Francis Maude, the Cabinet Office minister, on behalf of Senator International, which later offered him a position on its advisory board.”
And probably some people think you are too. You’ve obviously missed the point that Rifkind sits on an influential commitee (maybe not!) and Jack Straw doesn’t. That’s what its all about if you haven’t got upto speed yet.
One to look out for on the BBC when they pick up the story to run with it.
A report on my local ITV news last night included mention of “funeral poverty” in relation to the burial of someone seemingly with no friends or family. Apparently the cost of funerals has risen by x% ( I cannot recall the figure quoted) “since 2010”.
Did something happen in 2010. In many reports nothing ever seems to have been happening on the topic under discussion before that date.
Our Labour friends are still desperately banging the drum of households being £1600 worse off than inflation since 2010.
If you were not in the public sector or among the million who lost their private sector jobs in 2008/9 the chances are your wage freeze dates from 2008. Strange the Labour Party do not include the falling of a cliff period relating to the “downturn”.
Out of deference to Gordon did the BBC use the “R” word then? I seem to recall “downturn” was all the term of choice, a bit like militant for terrorist.
The downturn was the result of financial greed by the Banks which required the Government to bail out Banks causing the deficit to virtually overnight go from 37% to 77%. Prior to that the deficit under Labour peaked at 2006 and then started to come down. In short the problems we have got now are due to financial liberalisation under who? You guessed it – Margaret Thatcher. Currently casino money continues to make the rich richer and the poor poorer by well understood mechanisms.
Another fact is that Osbourne recognises the relatively good position we were in under Brown’s stewardship. See here
showing the UK having the lowest national debt out of Italy France US Germany and Japan at the time of the crash. Please bear in mind too that the economy was growing just after the election before Osbourne crashed it and kept it flat lining which is pretty much where it is now.
“The downturn was the result of financial greed by the Banks”
Yes yes we’ve all heard that one, and also a quote by Goebbels that a lie told often enough becomes the truth.
I’m betting that you cannot expand any further on that statement that it was greed, because there is no truth behind it what so ever.
The financial crash was caused by idiotic anti racism by stupid Socialists in America, and unlike you I can back all of that up with something you will not like – facts and the truth !
Sorry but the governor of the Bank of England is a political appointee and has to tow the government line.
You have failed to even begin to attempt to put a case as to why “The downturn was the result of financial greed by the Banks” and with good reason, because it simply wasn’t !
Part of the evidence of this is in the USA suing the credit reference agencies who defined collateralised debt obligations as AAA risk, when they were anything but.
No PREVIOUS Governor . Its called PREVIOUS because HE ISNT WORKING FOR THE GOVERNMENT. Moreover that role carries with it a considerable amount of independance. In the same way that the CURRENT governor has expressed the need for greater equality because of the dire implications for lack of sustainable growth in the economy.
You’ve missed the point. There was and is the bigger picture of liberalisation which makes the world economy inherently unstable.2008 was a walk in the park in comparison to the amount of bad debt caused by a runaway credit system . In respect of CDOs the financialinstitutions were to a greater or lesser degree complicit in formulating the contents of the CDO to pass a very simple benchmark provided by Goldman Sachs. In short you could mix toxic asserts like second hand cars with prime real estate in varying degrees and as long as the end figure passed the bench mark then it got graded accordingly. The key point is that the finacial institutions were mixing the assets in the first place and at least Goldman knew what they were doing or certainly the implications of what they and everyone else was doing. That’s why the guys that picked up the CDS’s sued them. I’d admit some banks didnt know what they were doing (Deutchbank being one) and some of the sellers like Bear Stearns didnt know what they were selling. One Japanese Bank actually came into the market when it collapsed expecting it to rally. But many were stirring the soup and they pretty much knew the ingredients albeit not the catastrophic consequences.
Currently casino money continues to make the rich richer and the poor poorer by well understood mechanisms.
Well; that’s open-door immigration for you. The LibLabCon are all to blame, but Labour kicked it off to anger the Tories. They didn’t foresee that Dave’s rich friends would discover a rich seam of cheap labour and would slaver with delight.
Not based on Labour values I am afraid. Labour involves financial gain from work . The financial gain involved in the finacial institutions involves sophisticated gambling which is why its called Casino Banking. Although the likes of RBS and Northern Rock were a different kettle of fish. Ultimately if you lose ,and you are a State, then people like
the IMF get you to sell your countries assets in afire sale to a nice rich American Corporation.
Its a model ,that despite bringing the world crashing to its knees is still very much intact and waiting to go off in the near term. The next crash will be a game changer , 2008 will seem like a ride in the park. Look it up on the web if you are interested.
Its a model ,that despite bringing the world crashing to its knees is still very much intact and waiting to go off in the near term.
You are pretty unique among lefties in acknowledging a certain crash while continuing to advocate ever more spending. Massive future debts for dodgy wind turbines are just what we need to survive the collapse. Especially when the rest of the world is buying cheap oil. Doh..
by the late left-wing economist, john Kenneth Galbraith.
[John Kenneth Galbraith is Paul M. Warburg Professor of Economics, Emeritus, of Harvard University. He was born in 1908 in Ontario, Canada. After graduating from university in Canada and taking a PhD at the University of California, he taught first there and then at Harvard and Princeton. During the Second World War he was in charge of wartime price control, for which he received the Medal of Freedom and the President’s Certificate of Merit. Later he was a director of both the US Strategic Bombing Survey and the Office of Economic Security Policy in the Department of State. He has been closely identified with the Democratic Party and from 1961 to 1963 was American Ambassador to India. He became an Honorary Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge in 1987. He is a member for literature, and a recent past President, of the American Academy of Arts and Letters.]
(Hopefully he is enough of a heavy-hitter for you?)
Professor Galbraith looked at parallels of great crashes throughout history. In particular, he noted that there were always two parties; what you could call the suckers and the facilitators. The suckers’ greed compels them to inflate prices. Then, when the crash is over, they blame the facilitators.
J K Galbraith wrote the book in 1994. He passed away in 2006, at the age of 97. So you can’t accuse him of being wise-after-the-event on the 2008 crash. Yet his template fits perfectly. The suckers believed Brown’s boast of ‘no more boom and bust’, ‘Things can only get better’, etc., etc., Bankers loaned them the money to pay too much for houses…. but the bankers didn’t put a gun to their heads. Their decisions were based on their own stupidity and greed.
Another aspect of every crash that Galbraith explains is that the momentum is provided by the young generation. Again; 2008 fits perfectly. Older folk were warning that house prices and borrowing were not sustainable, but the left-inspired young wouldn’t listen.
‘The man who saved the world’. Remember him? What a plonker.
‘In short the problems we have got now are due to financial liberalisation under who? You guessed it – Margaret Thatcher.’
20 years before the crash? Now that’s what you call a slow-burner.
You don’t understand banking, you don’t understand the B of E’s supervisory role which Brown decided to end and you don’t understand the banking models which Brown turned a blind eye to (in order to drive his debt-fuelled ‘boom’), which the B of E would have acted upon well before they got out of hand – thus likes of Northern Rock and HBOS would not have been exposed to the drying up of borrowing from the wholesale markets.
“EXCLUSIVE – Police and BBC are savaged over Sir Cliff raid:
Singer’s privacy violated by secret deal to film swoop on his house over sex assault allegations, says report”
He was on the 1980 TOTP repeat last week on BBC 4.
Admittedly he does seem to be a bit persona non grata as far as BBC radio play goes, an object of ridicule (his religion?) since the late 90’s, when even at No.1 they refused to play his somewhat Christian themed Millennium Prayer.
Interesting that this is the same force that ignored the rape and sexual slavery of 1400+ children and have this week been recommended for in-depth investigation before a Parliamentary Committee.
Even the bleeding obvious appears to pass the BBC by. The moral equivalence of Common Purpose rules.
MP Andrew Rosindell (Conservative) states the obvious. Rachel Reeves, Shadow Pensions Commissar, (the one that didn’t know the state pension when asked) just doesn’t get it (and for good measure chucks a ‘sexist’ accusation at Mr Rosindell sponsered by Al-beeb). Taxpayers pay tax for a job to be done. If you are on maternity leave, you can’t do the job. Bring up your child (clue – that’s the job you need to be doing) and let someone who can do the job, do it. It’s not about what you want Rachel! It’s about what the taxpayer (is told she) requires.
F*&k immoral employment laws which harms the public twice over to line the pockets of the ‘deserving’ few. Pay for your own kids Rachel, like I (and most of the rest of the world ) have to , and face up to your parental responsibilities.
I wonder what Ed Miliband thinks of this. If he says an MP can’t have another job because it would mean they aren’t devoting the necessary time to their constituents, does the same apply to an MP who is off on maternity leave? Or is he suggesting that dealing with a new-born is less taxing than a part-time job?
If a future red prince/ss, any tax contribution will likely be swallowed by hefty public contributions to their lifestyles through school to Uni to PPE & beyond.
Plus the ‘cost’ of such contribution to the nation.
There may be another Gordon or Tony en route (no female comparison from Labour as yet).
Big BREAKING NEWS drum rolls from the Beeb this morning over the resignation of Malcolm Rifkind. Strangely quiet on this scandal surrounding one of their pet causes:
Since Global Warming is hardly ever referred to on the BBC I cant imagine why you regard it as a pet cause. As for the chair leaving to protect the interests of the IPCC , I think this is the right thing to do but this hardly affects the very rigourous scientific understanding of the process of Global warming or indeed the unstoppable catastrophy in the not so near future if Paris is not a sucess story. Billions of peoples lives literally depend on it.
Rubbish fro you as usual. Global Warming has morphed into Climate Change and the BBC remains obsessed by it. It shoehorns the subject into anything it can – but suppresses most critical opinion. Perhaps you can tell us by how much the globe has warmed over the past 18 years ?
It takes a lot of stupidity to have Chicken Little ideas like you. .
What I simply cannot get my head around is why people believe the global warming/climate change crap. I also did before I took the time to delve into it. It soon became obvious that the “science” consisted of rigged temperature records and failed computer models and FA evidence and that the whole thing was sick scam to fund a bunch of evil green rent seekers.
What, the ideas that have the support of the vast majority of scientists in the field? Afraid its you who are out of step with reality my friend as the only critical opinion comes from those who arent scientists and/or in the pay of the fossil fuel producers. There are virtually no peer reviewed papers which contradict the findings which go into the IPCC reports. But dont take my word for it, the Military forces have for a long time considered and planned for Global warming because of the security implications. As to the BBC I would suggest anything to do with oil production fracking energy etc is rarely dovetailed to a discussion of the enormous subsidies relating to fossil fuels ,the immeasurable costs and difficulties in dealing with decommisioning of nuclear plants together with their huge subsidies.
Compare that the furore relating to realitvely cheap costs of wind turbines. You dont hear that on the BBC,
which is why ,in all possibility ,you hold your current views.
When you say how much the globe has warmed do you mean sea temperature or the ever so popular amongst sceptics air temperature or a combination of both?
It might be easier to work out the amount of net gain in energy of the planet ie the energy the planet cant get rid off. Tell me what you want and I’ll try to get an answer.
‘What, the ideas that have the support of the vast majority of scientists in the field?’
So say a small clique of IPCC scientists who still insist on hiding their data, methods and code from others who naively imagine science is still about challenging hypotheses.
And ‘ideas’ is still about right – all the evidence is against the ‘settled’ science and its discredited models, in case you hadn’t noticed.
Oh, and finally, even if this ‘consensus’ were true, science is not about majority voting as the majority who believed stomach ulcers were caused by stress found out when a couple of Australian scientists proved them totally wrong.
Good luck with reading your Socialist Worker by candlelight.
To Man on Bus (MoB), any open minded ‘Green’ and any ‘reality denier’ AGW religious alarmist. Just in case you missed my previous post.
1. Green issues.
I refer you to WUWT; published letters to “Banky Moon” from professors from around the planet prior to each IPCC conference (stretching back to 2007) , and growing evidence that the UN/world government sponsored ‘modellers’ and ‘97%ers are being exposed as (i) plain wrong, (ii) intellectual charlatans, (iii) in need of law courts to attempt to ‘agree’ what is scientifically correct, (iv) manipulators of raw data to substantiate a predetermined conclusion.
The cat’s out of the bag, but the public are behind the curve. I guess you (MoB) either haven’t the will or the academic background to review and understand the science. It’s not just that the facts about CO2 and global climate change warming are wilfully misrepresented; it’s the axis about which a huge financial con is being perpetrated against the poorest in our society.
And if you have a penchant for Physics, try “The Greenhouse Effect and the Infrared Radiative Structure of the Earth’s Atmosphere. F M Miskolczi. Development in Earth Science. V2, 2014.” which provides good insight into the basic thermodynamics of the ‘problem’, and clarification as to how little we currently know about the impact man and his activities are having on the atmosphere and climate of the earth.
Then again, if it’s your religion, facts are merely inconvenient. That’s why Greens are divorced from science, Liebor have Prescott (astrophysicist? Not.) Libdumbs have Ed Davey (PPE – that’s politics, philosophy and economics BTW) and the Tories keep shutting anyone up who can be labelled a ‘denier’, because they probably now know the whole business is a scam, but they’ve too many mates creaming off the subsidies from wind and solar.
I also guess you haven’t heard the interview Nat Ben did with Andrew Neil, where she was exposed as an intellectual amoeba. If you care about (i) People and (ii) your environment, do your research – or shut it.
If you’re a green religionist, I can’t help you.
2. Service.
‘Personally I’d love to have a job where I don’t have to turn up and obviously you feel that is OK for MP’s.’
This demonstrates your fundamental inability to understand the nature of service and servitude. Real honourable men and women choose to work hard, don’t need someone to make them ‘turn up’ just because they ‘don’t have to.’ and are not solely motivated by egotism, money and greed. As you say, ‘I’d love to have a job…’. So you’re happy to take advantage of others. I am not and furthermore, I’m intolerant of those who are or do. And I guess you haven’t troubled yourself to seek out independently (for yourself) what UKIP policies are. Have you got UKIP policies from the script reading liars of Liebor, C4, BBC, Conlibdumbs and the MSM.
As for UKIP, they do need to get wiser and improve, yes, don’t we all. But they have sensible policies on Immigration, EU, Agriculture, Fisheries, Animal Welfare and Transportation and Energy. The greens can’t even add up now. (ditched the £72/wk, after approx. 30 seconds of scrutiny by a TV head? How did that get to become party policy FFS. Yeh, free money, yeh, don’t need to work, yeh, renationalise stuff! Commie heaven, human hell.)
Thanks for your references but I’ll stick to the peer reviewed stuff if its all the same plus stuff that comes out of NASA (you might have heard of them) The fact is there are some great models out there in the public domain which people are able to check and run if they want. These models are continually improving. If this is a scam as you suggest,then lets see PEER REVIEWED WORK that supports that idea. Even anecdotal ,which Im not that keen on such as the polar caps receeding droughts in the US in 11 out of 15 past years give an indication that things are changing. Last year was the warmest of record in the UK. I think you’ll have to agree that if things keep on going in this fashion their will be a point when you accept the climate is changing. The problem is that by the time you get to that point ,because of the enormous lead times (32K years to absorb CO2 into limestone) we will all be as good as dead. That clearly is a risk you are willing to take but others of a more serious disposition will probably not. Furthermore ,there is considerable interest by the military in these developments because of the obvious implications. Maybe you should write them and share your wisdom.
As to MP’s working full time as representatives of their constituents you clearly misunderstand. Whilst you appear to give them the latitude on how they exercise their public service ethic I would not, simply on the basis of the long term abuse in the Westminster bubble. Maybe you make duckponds for a living. If you do export them to Europethough beware; you may find your business dries up whilst sharing a fag and a pint with Nigel down the local. But do not be alarmed, the drying wont ,in all probability, be down to GW.
He may well have worked for nasa but you aren’t seriously suggesting he is necessarily representative of all or any of the work or data held by that organisation are you. Are these straw man arguments or are you people actually being serious?
“If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.” who said that?
I’ll stick with doubt, skepticism,science and reason thank you. I note you dismiss Mr Miskolczi’s credentials and paper without consideration. With you, it appears religious.
Of course, old folk always said it was bunkem, because the evidence of their experience was that people who ate lots of fatty food, but got plenty of exercise, lived long, healthy lives. They didn’t have degrees, or wear white coats, but their science has proved correct and the posh scientists were wrong. Happily, the posh ones have now accepted their errors.
When the evidence changes, science changes its mind. What do you do?
Seems there have some major discrepancies about measurements from satellites and ground measurements that differ markedly.
When you see things like this, smell a rat. There’s nothing like sophisticated scams for making easy money.
Were you sleeping when East Anglia emails were exposed to the World? These contained the most damning evidence of a scam and the nasty behaviour of people being caught with their pants around their ankles.
The East Anglia emails showed nothing of the sort. Moreover the scientific work was independantly checked and verified .The data is in the public domain as are the models,I believe. But since you obviously like being played, just think who stood to gain by trying to trash this group work and the time it was done. Whose gaining from the Director of the IPCC standing down and why the relevation now.
Some people dont like the science because they dont understand it,because they cant understand it or because they stand to lose a fortune from its implications. The people that stand to lose the most are amongst some of the richest in the world and highly influential. The fossil fuel lobby have no intention of backing down and indeed are expanding their operations to places that they cant hope to control. This is a combination of greed and stupidity.
For a man so capable of understanding the corrupting influence of wealth within banking and the fossil fuel industry, you are remarkably slow to understand the lure of the lucre for the peddlars of Green energy.
‘The East Anglia emails showed nothing of the sort. Moreover the scientific work was independantly checked and verified.’
There was no idependent scientific verification – much to the frustration of MP Graham Stringer who is one of the few in Parliament with a scientific background, so where on earth did you get that from? And exactly where is the ambiguity in the statement ‘hide the decline’? Do you even know what they were trying to hide?
‘Thanks for your references but I’ll stick to the peer reviewed stuff if its all the same plus stuff that comes out of NASA (you might have heard of them.’
Oh, dear oh dear!
A third of IPCC source documentation is not peer-reviewed. Didn’t you know?
And didn’t you know the IPCC has a habit of breaking its own rules on submissions, including non-published papers after their own cut-off dates for submissions have passed? Can be very effective when you’re desperately trying to make your hockey sticks stand up, you know.
I’ve come to the conclusion that ManLostOnBus is actually one of our regular commenters just pretending to be a Dez. His statements are so clearly ill-thought-out and self-contradictory that he must, surely, be taking the piss out of lefties.
If he wasn’t a twat his argument might hold some weight. Countryfile is light entertainment for God’s sake!
Since this guy is a climate denier no doubt he would see fracking as improving the countryside.Definitely not clean energy though!
The use of the idiotic term ‘climate’ denier’ clarifies your role here. Previously I couldn’t make up my mind whether you were a troll or simply a fool.
No Brooker is a twat. He appears to know nothing about science in common with many on this site who seem to think it is just yet another ‘ point of view’ Next time you people switch on your TV,get in a car or fly in a plane realise this stuff wasnt designed and concieved by just ‘a point of view’. Its creation is dependant on the scientific method established over centuries and years spent in analysing data. Not just reeling off some money spinnig claptrap as Delingpole and Brooker are want to do.
Unfortunately the denier lobby ,funded in large part by the fossil fuel industry has no credible peer reviewed evidence to support it. Which is why when I listen to these so called rebuttals I always think of Lawson and his deal with the biggest consumer of fossil fuels in Europe(GWPF). The evidence for warming is overwhelming and it is sad that some people point to a cold winter as a vindication of their position. It shows a wilful lack of understanding that is risking billions of lives.
what evidence ? a bunch of computer models using rigged temperature data, all of which failed to predict the 18 years and counting “pause”. Computer models don’t produce evidence they produce predictions.
Sea temperatures change because the sea is the biggest absorber of co2. the relationship between air and sea temperature in is part governed by El nino and La Niña which is why air temperature does not rise like in a straight line.Weather systems are by there nature chaotic and in fact it was the study’ of weather that led to the development of chaos theory. Most systems studied ,including the solar system are now regarded as unstable chaotic systems hence the notion of determinism has largely gone out the window.there has been a statistical increase in air temperature in the last 18years btw.
Sea temperatures change because the sea is the biggest absorber of co2.
Perhaps you could explain the chemistry here. I am a chemistry major and in all the years that I studied and worked I have never seen an endothermic reaction by passing CO2 through a saline solution.
The physics for this revolves around the latent heat of water which is higher than air. This makes water a better coolant than air.
Have to say, the ‘civilised discourse’ badge from the blessing whose name dare not be mentioned (if from a different IP) is looking shakier by the tirade.
But high horsing on the importance of the message over all else is, for a visitor of your origins, truly inspired. Quite the precedent you’ve dropped on your colleagues there.
Like many here I actually could, can and will care less about folk here whose fat fingers, auto-correct or enthusiasms can lead to less than perfect spelling… or grammar… so long as the point is sincere, relevant and made well.
But you seldom have one, and even less often make any competently, whilst claiming superiority on so much, including accuracy.
As with others high on dudgeon and low on anger management, that kind of tickles my teasing bone.
And if it causes you to lose it further, well, that’s really a bonus.
I do has been pointed out to me that you’re the one that dresses in a tutu and hands out the popcorn at the end.
No wonder you aren’t involved.apologies again
IPCC panel reported a “pause” in warming over the last 18 years and are searching for an explanation. Perhaps something to do with plants?
Man………. here is a science quiz for you;
Place a man in a chair and supply him with all his favourite TV shows and feed him whatever he likes. Will he;
1. loose weight.
2. his weight remain the same.
3. gain weight.
Take lots of trees (somewhere like the tropical forests of the Amazon or Africa) and give them lots of sunshine, rain and CO2. Would they;
1. wilt and die
2. stay the same.
3 flourish and propagate.
The correct answers are 3 and 3 for both. Did you get the correct answer?
err ‘pause’ or pause ? The one in quotes means not really!
There is only a pause IF you selctively cut out a small chunk of data. If you anaylise the data in its entirety
then there is no pause. Plus the fact that its the sea that absorbs most of the energy not the air. There was a guy further up the list pretending to be a chemistry major debunking this but curiously no reply tab was available to question him.
Not withstanding I suggest to you that if you place a flame under an iron bar it will continue to heat up until the flame is removed. It will come to equilibrium at some point but that depends on the medium to which it can radiate out to.
So to is the sun radiating onto the earth. If it cant radiate an equivalent amount of energy back out it will heat up.
Yawn. If the great and the good were really worried about man-made climate change, they wouldn’t be indifferent to the world population doubling every few years.
‘There is only a pause IF you selctively cut out a small chunk of data. If you anaylise the data in its entirety
then there is no pause. Plus the fact that its the sea that absorbs most of the energy not the air. ‘
Strewth, where to start with this tripe….
Where is the proof that this is a ‘pause’?
Who has been selective with the data? Certainly not the IPCC who have had to admit to the lack of warming – all data sets show that – even though German politicians, amongst others, wanted all references to it erasing from the ‘Summary for Policymakers’.
We have been told unequivocally for the past 20 years that increased CO2 = increased atmospheric warming. Now you are parroting the recent hypothesis that somehow the warming has disappeared into the oceans. Two questions:
1. Why didn’t the models of this ‘settled’ science include the ocean warming?
2. Where are the historical ocean temperature records they used for comparisons, how comprehensive are they and over what timescale were the temperatures taken.
‘Countryfile is light entertainment for God’s sake!’
Even the head of children’s programming was at the infamous 28gate meeting which the BBC tried in vain to keep secret. The BBC has been spreading the warming message throughout its programming range, as any good propagandist would.
Don’t know if anyone has already brought this to our attention, but after a cringing performance on “Today” this morning, Ms Bennett’s efforts on LBC were even more mind-numbingly awful than her Andrew Neil encounter:
I agree with you about “Today” (it was after the 7 a.m. headlines and up to about 7:15): Justin Webb politely dismantled her and she ended up looking out of her depth whenever real figures or facts got into the discussion rather than emotional platitudes about ‘supporting human rights’. How anyone can vote for the Greens is beyond me, so credit to the BBC for showing the nonsense for what it is.
Via Joey Jones, the technical term is apparently ‘Mind Blank’ which seems catchy, especially in aspiring country leadership. Maybe the supporters will embrace it as a campaign cry…’What do we want?… er… when do we want it?…er…’
Still, at least all this serves to stem the drain from Labour to the Greens, which must be a happy coincidence to the BBC’s sudden joining in the fray to stuff Nat royally (OK, she seems a self-stuffing machine).
Still, at least all this serves to stem the drain from Labour to the Greens, which must be a happy coincidence to the BBC’s sudden joining in the fray to stuff Nat royally
Looks like you’re right on the money, here. The One News have just made a big fuss about what they called her ‘car-crash interview’. They played an audio excerpt, with a dramatic monotone slo-mo vid on top. Unusually brutal and contemptuous against anyone; unheard-off against a saintly Green.
The Greens will soon get fed up with such attacks against them. Could be fun!
Far far funnier than anything on beeboid TV or radio, the Antipodean loon ought to be given her own show on R 4 to keep the nation entertained in the dreary run up to the election. ” we will build 500,000 houses”. “How much to build each one ?”, “£60,000″ , ” come on that won’t pay for the land they stand on ” , ” much choking and gurgling “. Brilliant moment, classic comedy gold!
Ha! Ha! It was so crindgeworthey. I have to say that when i watched the clip of today’s green party’s press conference two things immediately came to mind.
‘Scrubbing brush’ and ‘ Soap’
The greens seem to have taken the mantle of the Liberal dimocrats promise everything under the sun, on the basis of getting as many votes as possible whilst not having to enact any policy. And if the landlord subsidy on mortgages is as much as she says the sooner I get into that market the better. Topped off with a claim to cap rents. Probably the most inept political performance I’ve ever heard, but hey it was “brane fayde” so that’s ok then.
Re the 3 little jihadi Janes
Credit cards?
come on BBC? … anyone back from the Oscars?
I know the school has bleated 100% sure nothing to do with them? … then again, so did those in Birmingham.
The family/wider family? … should be first port of call for indepth, objective investigation?, something as always just doesn t sit right.
… once again with Islam something stinks in the basement.
Once again bleating apologists get BBC airtime, heard it again last night … ISIS is an affront to Islam, an Insult to Islam, won t even mention the name Islamic state etc.
Sorry folks … lets cut the crap.
If ISIS is such an insult to Islam, such an affront?
… why aren t Islamic adherents filling the army to the gills to put it right?, should be an erm “religious imperative” surely?
… yet the opposite is true, more Islamic adherents are rushing to join ISIS than the army!.
When erm “insulted/affronted” Islamic adherents have no problems expressing their “hair trigger sensitivities” over everything from teddy bears to cartoons, no problem causing
violence, intimidation, marches or protests, demanding change or else …
Well there s the biggest insult! … hello? anyone home?
(unless these gobshites are lying of course) …
so erm
… where are ya?
(The answer is short, in the warped Islamic world view, doesn t matter who, what you do … if it comes to Muslims over non Muslim
anything is fair game … now there s real racism, world racism).
To repeat noggin above, and a few amateur question askers form the outset clearly not at the BBC’s investigative level (or our stunning leadership classes, TBF):
Credit cards?
come on BBC? … anyone back from the Oscars?
To that last, Team Beeboid again still apparently stumbling around empty Bolly bottles.
More Islamofascism in action: for INBBC to report?:-
“Rise of the mini-jihadis:
ISIS releases chilling video showing children as young as FIVE being trained for battle in Syrian terror training camp for ‘cubs’ ”
For INBBC to adapt the following into more of its sob stories for Islamic interests?-
‘Daily Mail’-
“Revealed – hundreds of desperate British women have proposed marriage to Isis extremists online after EIGHT schoolgirls followed ‘jihadi bride trail.’
“At least eight schoolgirls have left the UK to join ISIS since last summer.
“Three school friends from Bethnal Green Academy left for Syria last week.
“Another young girl from the same school travelled to join ISIS in December.
“Manchester terror twins Salma and Zahra Halane, 16, were the first British schoolgirls to join the Islamic State.
“Later Yusra Hussien, 15, and Samya Dirie, 17, travelled ISIS-held Raqqa.
“An Edinburgh-born jihadi bride is thought to help recruit young schoolgirls.
“Aqsa Mahmoud joined the terror group last year and has been in contact with several young British school girls since her arrival.”
I see the bbc is doing its best for bat-shit crazy Natalie green. reporting her meltdowns but declined to show any images or play any recordings of these, to make sure `the dogs bark and the caravans move on`.
The Beeb have a story on the transfer of a female footballer; pretty remarkable since transfers are rarely newsworthy these days unless it’s Ronaldo’s buy-out clause being 1bn euro.
Tried to find the fee in this case, but no news… just found that she used to be Suzanne Malone but presumably took her new wife’s name when she married Elaine Mulvey. Suzanne’s twitter page says:
Blessed-married to amazingly talented Elaine Mulvey.Most perfect son Lindan & our Angel Boston.Little brother on the way for Lindan! Sunderland Ladies FC
(I never did work out why the BBC were promoting an obscure footballer.)
the point of the story is for beeboids its all lifestyle choice, woman is gay, tick. Woman plays football, tick. Woman gets married to another woman, tick. by one means or another the two women have two children ( bugger what the lads will think of the situation later on, their feelings count for nothing in all this ) tick. woman ‘plays’ football, tick.
The fact that myself and the vast majority of the football audience would give it at most 5 minutes whilst walking the dog around the local rec, is neither here or there to the beebiods, the fact that last Sundays games between Spurs and the Hammers and Liverpool and Southampton were both edge of the seat nail biting entertaining games whilst as i said the girls game is ok, its played by the rules, they try their best etc, its just not gripping and never will be to men, who make up the vast majority of the fans is lost on them. Their following of football is everything to do with a metropolitan pose and nothing to do with the angst a fan feels before a hard game and the joy and release of tension on getting victory. their understanding of the game is all fake tan and watery coffee, bland and easily replaceable by Basketball or Tennis, a five minute passing fad. The game is nothing, the social choice, the need to allow everyone to play and for everyone to share out equally the prizes like a bloody PC infants sports day is the desired result.
The fact that people want to watch your team fight other men in a no holds barred game and win is primeval in its hold, no amount of bloody PC bullshit will change that. Ask the wife, a life long Manc fan who was depressed all of Sat night after they got beat at Swansea, she only came to life to swear at Man City on MOTD2
In 1936, the psychologist Samuel Rosenzweig coined the phrase ‘the Dodo bird verdict’. It is a way of thinking that is prevalent in current educational thinking …
BBC World News
4 hrs · Edited · Outrage erupts in #India after a Hindu leader said Mother Teresa’s charity work had one objective: to convert the poor to Christianity.
Quick… we need balance…
BBC News
2 hrs · This woman preaches forgiveness for Islamic State militants
Phew, that was close.
(as an aside, the comments on both are mostly… ‘special’)
This morning Radio Five “gets much worse” Live was very much concerned as to whether the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar would be played in November/December rather than in May. Nicky “Gameshow” Campbell and the rest of the kindergarten were getting very excited as to whether the changed date might have an effect on the Christmas Number 1! You could not make it up. There was no discussion regarding the 400 guest workers who have already died in Quatar due to the appalling conditions they have to work under in order to get this freak show ready on time. Further, there was no mention made of the fact that some Quatari citizens are involved in the funding of ISIL and that if Israel qualifies its team will not be allowed into the country. This attitude symbolises the approach taken by the BBC in order not to cause too much upset to Moslems. No doubt “Gameshow” and Company will enjoy a luxurious break in Quatar during the tournament care of the poor long-suffering licence fee payers. At nine o’clock there was a debate on this subject, and a number of listeners remined “Gameshow” of these unpleasant facts, which considerably modified his previous insouciant tone. What was depressing about this phone-in was that some callers were only concerned about how this change of time might affect their clubs’ position in the Premier League, irrespective of the harm being caused to the guest workers and the damage being done by the psychopaths of ISIL in the Middle East. I suspect that when the tournament begins, many fans will simply go along with the T.V. spectacle instead of boycotting it.
It is interesting to note that those “clergymen” Justin Welby and John Senatnu have not been saying very much about the conditions of the guest workers in Qatar or the fact that 90 Christians have recently been kidnapped by the ISIL thugs in North-Eastern Syria. Oh silly me – I almost forgot! All spiritual life in Lambeth Palace and other places normally inhabited by “clergymen” in the Church of England will have been temorarily suspended until after the May election so that the Church can concentrate on its main goal of putting across its left-wing political agenda from the pulpit. Until then the unfortunate guest workers and the 90 kidnapped Christians will have to rely on our prayers and not anything uttered from the high altar. O tempora, o mores!
With the way things are going in the Middle East, you have to wonder if there will even be a functioning state in Qatar to hold the World Cup in 2022. I doubt IS would agree to it, unless they used severed heads for footballs.
“Scotland Yard has said it began working with Turkish authorities a day after the girls went missing.
The girls boarded a Turkish Airlines flight at Gatwick, and would have required a visa to enter the country. ”
Sooo that’s :-
Credit cards?
flight tickets?
… and Visa s?
Remember the Al Beeb radio bleating of 3 days, yep 3 days before anyone did anything … the authorities fault, these poor girls,
oops I mean “groomed” “innocent” “manipulated” girls etc etc
something is amiss here , not right, I smell a rat
… hope its not wearing a burkha.
I might be able to solve this Beebot vexing puzzle 😀
Maybe those 3 little “groomed” “innocent” “manipulated”
rootin, tootin, shootin, good ole girls had some help from this guy?
Sweden’s Multicultural Centre “Expert on Islamofauxbia”
… Joins ISIS
“the Swede have been heavily involved to counter what he described as a … misleading picture of Muslims as violent fanatics”
Perhaps he was explaining how they have misunderstood the “Religion of Peace”, but they wouldn t believe him, so he “upped sticks” and joined them.
Just as feasible as any of the hogwash we ve listened to the last couple of days.
I wonder when something like this thing with these 3 “British” school girls, will feature as a storyline on the brilliantly funny and wonderfully diverse Beeb comedy Citizen Khan?
Guess how the comments are going on this FB thread?:
BBC World News
1 hr · BREAKING NEWS: At least eight people are killed in a shooting at Czech Republic restaurant, local reports and officials say.
Suffice to say they are mostly approaching ‘events’ from two ends, and the meeting hosted by our national community cohesion service are reflecting this less than pleasantly.
it makes me sick the way the politacal establishment always close ranks when one of there own kind gets exposed for the morally corrupt liars they know who i am on about so no need to name names,there need to be a clear out of these poiltacal dinorsaurs and self serving bums in the election in may.are we not fed up to are teeth of these lot from the mainstream politacal partys,do you know what, that 100 of ukip hatchet job documentary might not be as bad as we first thought even though the bbcs leftie cousins at channel 4 thought that might be a good smear job against ukip,i am beginning to wonder maybe we need 100 days of ukip to sort this damm country out and bring a bit of pride back to this nation,here ukip.
My partner works in TV production. The question is always with a new colleague “Are they ex BBC?” If the answer is “yes” heads fall in to hands and there’s an audible groan.
The ex-beeboibs haven’t a clue about what to do and have a reputation for being erh “work challenged”
Most who leave the beeb for pastures new bemoan leaving in the first place…says so much.
Hopefully in its original Finnish…which I think you find best reflects its joyful poetic nuances.
Those verses re chopping off the infidels head with a blunt knife do read better in the original…apparently, it`s all about dead heading the liberal elite…which has now been achieved.
Ali Bunga!
Instead, INBBC puts out another bland offering by an Egyptian Muslim on Saudi Arabia-
-” New series. Writer Tarek Osman examines the history of Saudi Arabia, and begins by questioning why it is so relevant yet misunderstood. Focusing on events such as the pact made between the Al Saud royal family and the founders of an austere school of Islam, his journey takes him from the founding of the modern Kingdom to the current reign of King Salman.”
Typical BBC flummery over the Saudis confirmed by their new three-parter on the joys(and yes, the “challenges”, the disappointing record on challenging the classical phobias that whitey suffers from)-it`ll be on next week, should you have mislaid your Stanley knife and Koran.
Still-at least I can fly my Radio Times at half-mast in honour of the death of the BBC as anything but King Abdullahs willy wipe…
BBC News
22 mins · UK police say three missing London girls believed to be heading to join Islamic State have crossed into Syria
Seems our plucky threesome have overcome much in their Incredible Journey, crossing continents on a magic carpet of mystery money, passports and visas.
I can report the majority of the BBC’s Facebook audience has few fears and is wishing them all the best in their new home.
Al Beeb continues to bleat about the three ‘intelligent’, A grade girls, who up sticks to join the Islamic State. It must be remembered that these girls are, or are almost at the age to vote, if Ed ‘Millipede’ gets his way and lowers the voting age to sixteen.
Who is to blame? the parents? the school? the local mosque? No, the finger of blame is pointed to the UK security services who, in all fairness have far bigger fish to fry and are doing their best to prevent the terrorists getting in to the country, not looking after the whims of silly little girls who have about as much common sense as a dead fish.
Either education standards have dropped, or they are not ‘A grade girls’.
Grade As eh?
Doubt they`ll be in geography or any RE content that mentions Lennon, Welby or Sir Cliff.
Does the OU do “Jihadist GCSE with practical chemistry classes, involving ammonium nitrate manufacture?
Have noted a lot of self-assembling mishaps there, as they were clutching their homeworks for Chemical Ali.
Just asking.
My worse fear was that they were on their way back here… (only joking).
I do feel sorry for their families to a certain extent, as they must be besides themselves with worry.
On the other hand, I googled the “jihad matchmaker bride” twitter feed out of curiosity and noticed the tweets: “Sisters please aim at seeking your walees consent before making any moves.” (walees = guardian). “Sisters: Please encourage your walees to contact us or at least supervise our dealings.”
Another tweet from same feed: “Fact: Many brothers are seeking marriage but don’t find the time to meet suitable families alongside their jihad”. I guess I hadn’t ever really thought about how time-consuming and downright exhausting it must be, being a jihadi…
Gunman in Czechoslovakia not a terrorist, a lone wolf. How many times do they need to say this in one short report?
It may be that he is a lone wolf, but the BBC have to emphasize it long before any facts are available
Incoming! tonight on BBC4 – “Timeshift: The Nation’s Railway: The Golden Age of British Rail”. A programme on how wonderful our railways were from 1948 to privatization in the early 90s.
I can remember travelling on BR most days from the 70s onwards and they were frankly hopeless. I also nearly lost my life in the Clapham train crash and fatal accidents were far more common.
The golden age of Britains railways was more likely the 1800s and up to WW2 & the days of the ‘big four’. I’d be far more interested in seeing a programme on that.
Won`t Liverpool be playing in Turkey very soon?
Imagine if a few of our racist thuggish footy fans got radicalised, turned into vulnerable whiners or the likes of Hatton, Prescott or Burnham?
I do hope that Liverpool aren`t allowed to put either players or fans at risk…I make no apology for throwing the game to Bekitsas.
Too near Syria, you see.
“French President Francois Hollande has laid out proposals to strengthen laws on anti-Semitic, racist and homophobic hate crimes.
Speaking at a Jewish group’s dinner in Paris, Mr Hollande reassured Jews they were welcome and safe in France.
He also noted that … Muslims were coming under increasing
attack … WHERE!
… has Fiyaz Mughal popped over for a weekend break?
His proposals come after 17 people were killed during the Charlie Hebdo shootings … who by?
and a kosher supermarket siege last month. … who by?
France is still on high alert following the attacks. … who by?”
Why do the “cheese eating surrender monkeys” never let you down? First to react to the Hebdo events by….. limitting free speech. Hollande? F*%king appeasing C*^t. Possibly as bad as Dhimmi Dave and Eid Milibad.
Especially when this is one of the BBC’s favourite topics; counterfeit goods that deny IP’s their rightful booty.
From the article it seems this may have been a war amongst thieves as the area was a target of Police and Trading Standards and 60 “spotters” were removed in a crackdown on counterfeit goods operations.
BBC doing a nice job of trashing Natalie Bennet on the radio news this evening. Is this a shift away from the left? No, the cynic in me suspects it is a move to halt the rise of the Greens so that the Labour vote will stay up.
She trashed herself, really. The green policies are so incredibly stupid that the only real surprise would be if they had a leader smarter than a lump of coal.
They haven’t and that’s no surprise.
I see her as the Green Cabbage!
Whereas Prescott is the Red one on offer.
Goes without saying that the whole political elite are Savoy cabbages.
Bennett like Beckham?…i,e thick?
Quips you`ll NOT be hearing on The Now Show.
Zees is not funny…never is at the Green Cult-and ,no there`s no joke to be had there…got it?
The likes of Hain, Tatchell and Bennett sum up the revenge of the colonials-ringworm in the body politic.
Andrew Neil finished her a few weeks back, but zombie politics is all we`ll be getting until a seriously unfunny hard UKIP get their grip on the BBCs balls.
CP wrote: “No, the cynic in me suspects it is a move to halt the rise of the Greens so that the Labour vote will stay up.”
Not so sure, having read the bBC coverage I find them as usual covering by laying a party political broadcast for the greens . The guardian as per usual does a much better job of reporting this story: Greens’ Natalie Bennett suffers ‘mind blank’ during campaign launch
The audio clip there is well worth listening to. Funny enough I don’t see the bBC reporting another radio interview with the Luddite. Natalie Bennett: Greens believe Britain should appease Russia’s President Putin
Britain should appease President Vladimir Putin and make “realistic” concessions to persuade Russia to stop sending military planes to buzz United Kingdom airspace, Natalie Bennett, the head of the Green Party, has said.
Speaking ahead of the party’s manifesto launch, Miss Bennett said the recent instances of Russia “buzzing” Britain’s coast did not undermine the Greens’ call for a significant reduction in the military budget.
Instead, she told Radio 4’s Today Programme, Britain should tackle the problem by applying “diplomatic and economic pressure,” which include meaningful concessions to President Putin.
Oh here is what the bbC reports on its news web page article:
Launching her party election themes, Ms Bennett said “something profound” was happening in British politics.
The key themes the Greens say they will focus on during the general election campaign are:
Rebuilding the economy so everyone gets a fair share
Putting the public at the heart of the NHS
Ensuring everyone has a secure, affordable place to live
Taking action on climate change
Investing in a public transport system
Ensuring every young person who wants to can access quality education
The party currently has one MP at Westminster, Caroline Lucas in Brighton Pavilion.
It has held talks with the Scottish National Party and Plaid Cymru about forming a “progressive alliance” in the event of another hung parliament.
The Greens would make scrapping Britain’s Trident nuclear weapons a key demand in any post-election negotiations with the Labour Party, in the event that Labour is the largest party.
And here is an even bigger embarrassment for the Greens at their own press conference as reported by the Daily Telegraph. Something the bBC doesn’t even mention:
Smiling as hard as she could, Ms Bennett kicked things off with a little speech. (“There is a Green surge! And yes, that is the hashtag!”) She was followed by Ms Lucas, who spoke for two minutes longer than her successor. Then Baroness Jones rose to invite questions. Well, some questions.
“You can ask as many questions as you like about our manifesto,” she squeaked fiercely, “but we will not be answering them today!”
As both Ms Bennett and Ms Lucas had just been speaking about pledges that will, presumably, be in the manifesto, this warning left the journalists looking somewhat stumped.
“First question?” demanded Baroness Jones. “No questions?”
A man from The Sun raised his hand.
“Is there a woman?” asked Baroness Jones disappointedly. “A woman who’d like to ask a question?”
Apparently there wasn’t. Oh well. The man from The Sun would have to do. He asked how many Labour seats the Greens expected to win. Ms Bennett didn’t seem to have an answer to that – well, it was a question about a number – so instead she talked about how Green voters hated Ukip.
“Is there a woman?” resumed Baroness Jones, pleadingly.
Then something remarkable happened. Never have I seen a party leader be so casually crushed. Especially not by someone on their own side.
A man from Sky News had heard Ms Bennett’s LBC interview. “It was fairly excruciating,” he told her. Ms Bennett nodded apologetically. “Would you agree,” he asked, “that you’re letting your party down with performances like that?”
Baroness Jones shot from her seat.
“She’s not going to answer that!” she squeaked.
Ms Bennett, still seated, looked up at her. “Yes I will,” she said politely.
“No!” squeaked Baroness Jones.
“I will. I…”
“No! No!”
Ms Bennett remained meekly in her seat. Instead Ms Lucas stood up and talked at length about the environment. Journalists stared, amazed.
Has anyone seen the latest TV ad for the Daily Mail? Voiced by Radio 2 fav and ex ladette Sarah Cox. I know from listening to some of her shows that she does have left leaning views and when hosting Sounds of The 80’s has refferred to Mrs T as ‘Fatcher’
I realise she is probably freelance, but would she be so keen to lend her distinctive BBC voice to an ad for the Mail, DT or Express?
‘Climate models suggest…’ and ‘a study has found’.
Weasel words from a bunch of unscientific agenda driven weasels. Has the Ship of Fools gone back to Antarctica to check if any ice remains? Erm no – not since they were frozen in last time they tried pulling the stunt.
Listen up, Harrabin, climate models are not empirical data.
You really have to worry about the mental condition of people who choose to believe the astrology of computer models against the hard evidence of satellite data.
1. Apply mind bleach.
2. Submit to reason, logic and the scientific method.
3. Research and understand the basic thermodynamics of the planet.
4. Read broad selection of papers from varied sources IPCC, WUWT. Watch out for spoof websites on both sides of the fence!
5. Models, schmoddels.
6. Come back (I’d give it a few years if I were you) later and share your thoughts.
The Greens will concrete over our “green and pleasant land”. F&*k that!
That is an outright lie. The satellite data does NOT “vindicate” the Garbage-In-Garbage-Out computer models.
The models make predictions. The predictions have been falsified by events. Under normal scientific method, if an hypothesis is shown to be wrong – as the computer models have been shown to be wrong for 18 years now – you junk the hypothesis. “Scientific method” – google it. It describes REAL science, not politicised shenanigans.
Regarding the current cash-for-connections disclosures, as I understand it Rifkind and Straw both believed they were being courted by representatives of a Chinese company. These two men are both former Foreign Secretaries, for them to do this and not be aware that any approach by this (fictional) company; was being undertaken with the knowledge and connivance of the Chinese government is incredible.
This leads to the conclusion that either: these men are greedy but stupid – unlikely; or that they are greedy but are totally cynical about the fact they would (indirectly) be aiding, to some degree or other, a foreign power; which is involved in espionage (corporate, cyber etc) on an immense, worldwide scale and whose interests could be said to be inimical to those of the U.K.
This from the comments section of Guido’s bad day for Bennett.
had to share 😀
“A local greenie at the end of my garden was proposing to cut down 4 large oak trees that have been growing for over sixty years in a bit of waste ground that separates our houses.
His justification was that he was installing solar panels and the trees would have shaded them reducing his potential to minimise his carbon footprint, and damage to the environment.
A warning to take the chainsaw to his fucking knees put a stop to his nonsense.”
and solar panels are crap at producing electricity! but at least the trees are great for wild life and the general environment so the greenish tosser is an ‘environmental wrecker who should cut down his consumption not trees !
Please, can someone else just read over this and tell me that my suspicions that the Left are trying to pathetically cover this up are wrong. Personally, I think it was a Muslim extremist attack but the left are just trying to pass it off as a lone wolf job; which we all know backfires when all the data comes to the fore showing that these ‘lone wolves’ are indeed part of a network millions strong. Also, why is this story so low down on the BBC’s website?
Having seen Natalie Bennett interviewed on several occasions I wasn’t expecting a great deal. But, my God, she was lamentable! Perhaps you could argue that three months from the election you could excuse her for being a tad vague over some of the figures. But not ALL the figures. This hopeless woman had no idea at all. It was so bad it was really quite embarrassing. She was stumbling over the basics.
I’ve always believed that green politics are loved by idealistic adolescents and unworldly idiots.
This demolition job proves it.
I still think the Greens have some sensible ideas but the party comes across as shambolic. Sad to see the state they’re in, and they seem now a natural home for the ex Lib Dem voters who don’t want the responsibility of being a party actually in government.
Are the Greens going to be represented in the great televised leader debates? i might watch if Ms Bennett is involved – it will be the best BBC comedy in years.
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
Very interesting that on the BBC news website there is no mention of when the 3 Terrorist girls left home for Syria. There is no website which tells when the parents became concerned and reported their daughters missing to the Police.
They actually went missing on the 17th February presumably the parents didn’t report them missing until sometime early 18th and the Police needed a day to comb through the evidence before establishing the facts and telling the press.
All this usual blaming of everyone else by the Pakistanis and other assorted Muslims in a sane society would result in the authorities giving them a choice, that every Muslim minor unaccompanied by their parent travelling to a different country would need prior approval and parental permission to travel. Not a chance they’d agree to that though !
What though if in all this the parents failed to report them missing for 2 days?? Yet again it’s an assumption that whitey is in the wrong yet again, and Fascists like our government are always ready to attack us.
It seems that the news today concerns delays in getting information about the the three girls. It has taken years to get information about the girls in Rotherham and still buggerall has been done.
Now imagine the reaction if news came from Syria that one of the girls had been raped with a broken bottle, and another had petrol poured over her, and the third raped repeatedly night after night. It happened to white girls in Rotherham.
Two reports on same important case, involving ‘Palestinians’-
Pamela Geller-
“Huge Jury Award Against Palestinian Groups in Terrorism Case”
– See more at:
Islam Not BBC (INBBC)-
[-note INBBC’s deliberately, ambiguously worded headline]-
“Palestinian groups face $218m Israel attacks fine in US”
No ‘comments section’ on the BBC……………
For INBBC to censor, re-its model for ‘multiculturalism’?-
“Sweden’s ‘immigrant resettlement assistants’ fired for recruiting for Islamic State”
[Opening excerpt, by Robert Spencer]:
“Hey, everyone knows that jihadis just need jobs, and then the peaceful, noble souls will lay down their Kalashnikovs and pick up their burger flippers, and these ‘immigrant resettlement assistants’ were getting Muslims jobs — so what’s the big deal? So the job was as a warrior for the Islamic State — details, details!
“Sweden’s national job agency fires its entire network of ‘immigrant resettlement assistants’ over fears they were finding them jobs – as ISIS militants,” by Sara Malm, MailOnline”
‘then the peaceful, noble souls will lay down their Kalashnikovs and pick up their burger flippers’
Burger King rather than MacD, one presumes?
I won’t go into why in detail.
‘Burqa Queen’ rather than ‘Burger King’, methinks.
Islamic State reported as kidnapping 90 Christians. At time of writing no mention on BBC, who are still fretting over holiday arrangements for young Muslim girls who wish to visit Syria. See
“Islamic State attacks Christian villages, captures dozens, burns churches”
INBBC has finally put up this story on its Islamic State “militants,” at 10:44 today.
3 Young Muslim Girls aged 15 – who paid for the flights?
You need a credit card. 15 Year Olds can’t get a credit card.
Come on media – surely there’s a inquisitive journalist somewhere?
I see that the BBC are stepping up their pressure on Malcolm Rifkind this morning. It gives me a sense of deja vous – it’s McAlpine and Andrew Mitchell all over again.
I happen to think that Rifkind is a fool. Not over the substantive issue, mind you. Looking beyond what the BBC chose to tell us, it is clear that he did little wrong, telling the ‘company’ that they would not get confidential information from him – only information in the public domain. It was, rather, his stupid comments about the time he had on his hands and his ‘entitlement’ that grates.
But hearing the perennial suspect Norman Smith, report in his unique way, this morning, you hear BBC bias at its best. Not a single word about Jack Straw from our Norman, instead not once, but twice he launched into his ‘some people say routine’…That is, ‘some members of the Intelligence and Security Committee think he should step down’ and ‘some MP’s’ also think he should do so. I bet Norman if they exist, those ‘some people’ are Labour colleagues.
Norman, in the same spirit, I can assure you that ‘some people think’ that you are a biased, corrupt wanker.
For Beeboid SMITH, re-Labour Party’s STRAW-
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Jack Straw to take job for firm he lobbied for in Commons.
“Jack Straw privately lobbied Francis Maude, the Cabinet Office minister, on behalf of Senator International, which later offered him a position on its advisory board.”
Cash for access and Blair’s tainted legacy.”
Read more:
You could make allowance for Norman, in that Straw long ago announced he was standing down whereas Rifkind wanted to go on and on and on……
The real issue with Straw and his ilk is the tendancy to keep it in the family. His boy is standing in the seat next-door:
Red Prince Will Straw: The New “Emperor Of Blackburn”
The Beeb never seems to recognise the disconnect between the words and the actions of the Blairs, Straws, Benns, Kinnocks, Dromeys, etc.,
The Hon. Member for Unilever, Unite and Beijing West.”
Read more:
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And probably some people think you are too. You’ve obviously missed the point that Rifkind sits on an influential commitee (maybe not!) and Jack Straw doesn’t. That’s what its all about if you haven’t got upto speed yet.
‘probably some people think you are too’
Cripes. Nic Robinson better’s watch hissix.
One to look out for on the BBC when they pick up the story to run with it.
A report on my local ITV news last night included mention of “funeral poverty” in relation to the burial of someone seemingly with no friends or family. Apparently the cost of funerals has risen by x% ( I cannot recall the figure quoted) “since 2010”.
Did something happen in 2010. In many reports nothing ever seems to have been happening on the topic under discussion before that date.
Our Labour friends are still desperately banging the drum of households being £1600 worse off than inflation since 2010.
If you were not in the public sector or among the million who lost their private sector jobs in 2008/9 the chances are your wage freeze dates from 2008. Strange the Labour Party do not include the falling of a cliff period relating to the “downturn”.
Out of deference to Gordon did the BBC use the “R” word then? I seem to recall “downturn” was all the term of choice, a bit like militant for terrorist.
The downturn was the result of financial greed by the Banks which required the Government to bail out Banks causing the deficit to virtually overnight go from 37% to 77%. Prior to that the deficit under Labour peaked at 2006 and then started to come down. In short the problems we have got now are due to financial liberalisation under who? You guessed it – Margaret Thatcher. Currently casino money continues to make the rich richer and the poor poorer by well understood mechanisms.
Another fact is that Osbourne recognises the relatively good position we were in under Brown’s stewardship. See here
showing the UK having the lowest national debt out of Italy France US Germany and Japan at the time of the crash. Please bear in mind too that the economy was growing just after the election before Osbourne crashed it and kept it flat lining which is pretty much where it is now.
“The downturn was the result of financial greed by the Banks”
Yes yes we’ve all heard that one, and also a quote by Goebbels that a lie told often enough becomes the truth.
I’m betting that you cannot expand any further on that statement that it was greed, because there is no truth behind it what so ever.
The financial crash was caused by idiotic anti racism by stupid Socialists in America, and unlike you I can back all of that up with something you will not like – facts and the truth !
Go on then and try to include rehypothecation and cdo’s if you can. Off you go!
PS What I said is bourne out by numerous commentators including the previous Governors of the FSA and Bank of England.
“The Bourne cdo”
Not the best of the franchise, IMHO.
Sorry but the governor of the Bank of England is a political appointee and has to tow the government line.
You have failed to even begin to attempt to put a case as to why “The downturn was the result of financial greed by the Banks” and with good reason, because it simply wasn’t !
Part of the evidence of this is in the USA suing the credit reference agencies who defined collateralised debt obligations as AAA risk, when they were anything but.
No PREVIOUS Governor . Its called PREVIOUS because HE ISNT WORKING FOR THE GOVERNMENT. Moreover that role carries with it a considerable amount of independance. In the same way that the CURRENT governor has expressed the need for greater equality because of the dire implications for lack of sustainable growth in the economy.
You’ve missed the point. There was and is the bigger picture of liberalisation which makes the world economy inherently unstable.2008 was a walk in the park in comparison to the amount of bad debt caused by a runaway credit system . In respect of CDOs the financialinstitutions were to a greater or lesser degree complicit in formulating the contents of the CDO to pass a very simple benchmark provided by Goldman Sachs. In short you could mix toxic asserts like second hand cars with prime real estate in varying degrees and as long as the end figure passed the bench mark then it got graded accordingly. The key point is that the finacial institutions were mixing the assets in the first place and at least Goldman knew what they were doing or certainly the implications of what they and everyone else was doing. That’s why the guys that picked up the CDS’s sued them. I’d admit some banks didnt know what they were doing (Deutchbank being one) and some of the sellers like Bear Stearns didnt know what they were selling. One Japanese Bank actually came into the market when it collapsed expecting it to rally. But many were stirring the soup and they pretty much knew the ingredients albeit not the catastrophic consequences.
Currently casino money continues to make the rich richer and the poor poorer by well understood mechanisms.
Well; that’s open-door immigration for you. The LibLabCon are all to blame, but Labour kicked it off to anger the Tories. They didn’t foresee that Dave’s rich friends would discover a rich seam of cheap labour and would slaver with delight.
Not based on Labour values I am afraid. Labour involves financial gain from work . The financial gain involved in the finacial institutions involves sophisticated gambling which is why its called Casino Banking. Although the likes of RBS and Northern Rock were a different kettle of fish. Ultimately if you lose ,and you are a State, then people like
the IMF get you to sell your countries assets in afire sale to a nice rich American Corporation.
Its a model ,that despite bringing the world crashing to its knees is still very much intact and waiting to go off in the near term. The next crash will be a game changer , 2008 will seem like a ride in the park. Look it up on the web if you are interested.
Its a model ,that despite bringing the world crashing to its knees is still very much intact and waiting to go off in the near term.
You are pretty unique among lefties in acknowledging a certain crash while continuing to advocate ever more spending. Massive future debts for dodgy wind turbines are just what we need to survive the collapse. Especially when the rest of the world is buying cheap oil. Doh..
I suggest you read:
A Short History of Financial Euphoria
by the late left-wing economist, john Kenneth Galbraith.
[John Kenneth Galbraith is Paul M. Warburg Professor of Economics, Emeritus, of Harvard University. He was born in 1908 in Ontario, Canada. After graduating from university in Canada and taking a PhD at the University of California, he taught first there and then at Harvard and Princeton. During the Second World War he was in charge of wartime price control, for which he received the Medal of Freedom and the President’s Certificate of Merit. Later he was a director of both the US Strategic Bombing Survey and the Office of Economic Security Policy in the Department of State. He has been closely identified with the Democratic Party and from 1961 to 1963 was American Ambassador to India. He became an Honorary Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge in 1987. He is a member for literature, and a recent past President, of the American Academy of Arts and Letters.]
(Hopefully he is enough of a heavy-hitter for you?)
Professor Galbraith looked at parallels of great crashes throughout history. In particular, he noted that there were always two parties; what you could call the suckers and the facilitators. The suckers’ greed compels them to inflate prices. Then, when the crash is over, they blame the facilitators.
J K Galbraith wrote the book in 1994. He passed away in 2006, at the age of 97. So you can’t accuse him of being wise-after-the-event on the 2008 crash. Yet his template fits perfectly. The suckers believed Brown’s boast of ‘no more boom and bust’, ‘Things can only get better’, etc., etc., Bankers loaned them the money to pay too much for houses…. but the bankers didn’t put a gun to their heads. Their decisions were based on their own stupidity and greed.
Another aspect of every crash that Galbraith explains is that the momentum is provided by the young generation. Again; 2008 fits perfectly. Older folk were warning that house prices and borrowing were not sustainable, but the left-inspired young wouldn’t listen.
‘The man who saved the world’. Remember him? What a plonker.
You obviously are totally clueless. I’d vote UKIP if I were you. Nice pint and a fag dan the pub.Luvvvvverrrrrly.
‘In short the problems we have got now are due to financial liberalisation under who? You guessed it – Margaret Thatcher.’
20 years before the crash? Now that’s what you call a slow-burner.
You don’t understand banking, you don’t understand the B of E’s supervisory role which Brown decided to end and you don’t understand the banking models which Brown turned a blind eye to (in order to drive his debt-fuelled ‘boom’), which the B of E would have acted upon well before they got out of hand – thus likes of Northern Rock and HBOS would not have been exposed to the drying up of borrowing from the wholesale markets.
You financially illiterate moron.
“EXCLUSIVE – Police and BBC are savaged over Sir Cliff raid:
Singer’s privacy violated by secret deal to film swoop on his house over sex assault allegations, says report”
Read more:
Are Cliff Richard records banned from air play by the BBC?
If so, and making due allowance for those who will childishly post along the lines of good taste, why?
He was on the 1980 TOTP repeat last week on BBC 4.
Admittedly he does seem to be a bit persona non grata as far as BBC radio play goes, an object of ridicule (his religion?) since the late 90’s, when even at No.1 they refused to play his somewhat Christian themed Millennium Prayer.
Interesting that this is the same force that ignored the rape and sexual slavery of 1400+ children and have this week been recommended for in-depth investigation before a Parliamentary Committee.
Thirty grand per day, everyday on taxis.
…when queried over this astonishing figure, a bbc spokesperson replied:
“We think we got it about right”.
Wow. Rant warning.
Even the bleeding obvious appears to pass the BBC by. The moral equivalence of Common Purpose rules.
MP Andrew Rosindell (Conservative) states the obvious. Rachel Reeves, Shadow Pensions Commissar, (the one that didn’t know the state pension when asked) just doesn’t get it (and for good measure chucks a ‘sexist’ accusation at Mr Rosindell sponsered by Al-beeb). Taxpayers pay tax for a job to be done. If you are on maternity leave, you can’t do the job. Bring up your child (clue – that’s the job you need to be doing) and let someone who can do the job, do it. It’s not about what you want Rachel! It’s about what the taxpayer (is told she) requires.
F*&k immoral employment laws which harms the public twice over to line the pockets of the ‘deserving’ few. Pay for your own kids Rachel, like I (and most of the rest of the world ) have to , and face up to your parental responsibilities.
Vote UKIP. Common sense not Common Purpose.
‘MP Andrew Rosindell (Conservative) states the obvious’
Works for Boris Johnson and there no chance his stomach will go down in the forseeable future.
I wonder what Ed Miliband thinks of this. If he says an MP can’t have another job because it would mean they aren’t devoting the necessary time to their constituents, does the same apply to an MP who is off on maternity leave? Or is he suggesting that dealing with a new-born is less taxing than a part-time job?
Over to you, BBC, to ask the question.
Or the Tories that have multiple occupations. Rifkind had about four I think. At least she creating someone who will contribute to your pension.
Is she now?
And you know this for sure how?
If a future red prince/ss, any tax contribution will likely be swallowed by hefty public contributions to their lifestyles through school to Uni to PPE & beyond.
Plus the ‘cost’ of such contribution to the nation.
There may be another Gordon or Tony en route (no female comparison from Labour as yet).
Busmans Holiday is getting his “Orders” direct from Millipeed HQ , he should watch out for Scott while roaming Clapham Common at night .
What a coincidence that Mr Omnibus defends the BBC AND supports Labour.
Yes, a helluva coincidence.
Love that – #commonsensenotcommonpurpose
That’s because you are simple.
Big BREAKING NEWS drum rolls from the Beeb this morning over the resignation of Malcolm Rifkind. Strangely quiet on this scandal surrounding one of their pet causes:
IPCC Chair Quits Over Sex Harassment Scandal
Old Choo-choo gone to the engine shed, has he? Good riddance.
Since Global Warming is hardly ever referred to on the BBC I cant imagine why you regard it as a pet cause. As for the chair leaving to protect the interests of the IPCC , I think this is the right thing to do but this hardly affects the very rigourous scientific understanding of the process of Global warming or indeed the unstoppable catastrophy in the not so near future if Paris is not a sucess story. Billions of peoples lives literally depend on it.
Rubbish fro you as usual. Global Warming has morphed into Climate Change and the BBC remains obsessed by it. It shoehorns the subject into anything it can – but suppresses most critical opinion. Perhaps you can tell us by how much the globe has warmed over the past 18 years ?
It takes a lot of stupidity to have Chicken Little ideas like you. .
What I simply cannot get my head around is why people believe the global warming/climate change crap. I also did before I took the time to delve into it. It soon became obvious that the “science” consisted of rigged temperature records and failed computer models and FA evidence and that the whole thing was sick scam to fund a bunch of evil green rent seekers.
ManonClaphamOmnibus February 24, 2015 at 12:15 pm
Since Global Warming is hardly ever referred to on the BBC
I suggest an early start to the day, with R4 on Farming, where almost every topic has something about climate change inserted by the interviewer
What, the ideas that have the support of the vast majority of scientists in the field? Afraid its you who are out of step with reality my friend as the only critical opinion comes from those who arent scientists and/or in the pay of the fossil fuel producers. There are virtually no peer reviewed papers which contradict the findings which go into the IPCC reports. But dont take my word for it, the Military forces have for a long time considered and planned for Global warming because of the security implications. As to the BBC I would suggest anything to do with oil production fracking energy etc is rarely dovetailed to a discussion of the enormous subsidies relating to fossil fuels ,the immeasurable costs and difficulties in dealing with decommisioning of nuclear plants together with their huge subsidies.
Compare that the furore relating to realitvely cheap costs of wind turbines. You dont hear that on the BBC,
which is why ,in all possibility ,you hold your current views.
When you say how much the globe has warmed do you mean sea temperature or the ever so popular amongst sceptics air temperature or a combination of both?
It might be easier to work out the amount of net gain in energy of the planet ie the energy the planet cant get rid off. Tell me what you want and I’ll try to get an answer.
realitvely cheap costs of wind turbines
Every job in Britain’s wind farm industry is effectively subsidised to the extent of £100,000 per year
The keyword is effectively .what is the source?What is subsidy to fossil fuel?What is the subsidy to nuclear? Subsidies arise in all these sectors.
‘What, the ideas that have the support of the vast majority of scientists in the field?’
So say a small clique of IPCC scientists who still insist on hiding their data, methods and code from others who naively imagine science is still about challenging hypotheses.
And ‘ideas’ is still about right – all the evidence is against the ‘settled’ science and its discredited models, in case you hadn’t noticed.
Oh, and finally, even if this ‘consensus’ were true, science is not about majority voting as the majority who believed stomach ulcers were caused by stress found out when a couple of Australian scientists proved them totally wrong.
Good luck with reading your Socialist Worker by candlelight.
Global warming / Aka climate change never mentioned on the BBc? Do me a favour, bit like never mentioning obesity or binge drinking then
Oh – and Paris will be yet another total flop, a huge waste of our money. But stick to your Warmism – you seem to be a sucker for falsehoods.
To Man on Bus (MoB), any open minded ‘Green’ and any ‘reality denier’ AGW religious alarmist. Just in case you missed my previous post.
1. Green issues.
I refer you to WUWT; published letters to “Banky Moon” from professors from around the planet prior to each IPCC conference (stretching back to 2007) , and growing evidence that the UN/world government sponsored ‘modellers’ and ‘97%ers are being exposed as (i) plain wrong, (ii) intellectual charlatans, (iii) in need of law courts to attempt to ‘agree’ what is scientifically correct, (iv) manipulators of raw data to substantiate a predetermined conclusion.
The cat’s out of the bag, but the public are behind the curve. I guess you (MoB) either haven’t the will or the academic background to review and understand the science. It’s not just that the facts about CO2 and global climate change warming are wilfully misrepresented; it’s the axis about which a huge financial con is being perpetrated against the poorest in our society.
And if you have a penchant for Physics, try “The Greenhouse Effect and the Infrared Radiative Structure of the Earth’s Atmosphere. F M Miskolczi. Development in Earth Science. V2, 2014.” which provides good insight into the basic thermodynamics of the ‘problem’, and clarification as to how little we currently know about the impact man and his activities are having on the atmosphere and climate of the earth.
Then again, if it’s your religion, facts are merely inconvenient. That’s why Greens are divorced from science, Liebor have Prescott (astrophysicist? Not.) Libdumbs have Ed Davey (PPE – that’s politics, philosophy and economics BTW) and the Tories keep shutting anyone up who can be labelled a ‘denier’, because they probably now know the whole business is a scam, but they’ve too many mates creaming off the subsidies from wind and solar.
I also guess you haven’t heard the interview Nat Ben did with Andrew Neil, where she was exposed as an intellectual amoeba. If you care about (i) People and (ii) your environment, do your research – or shut it.
If you’re a green religionist, I can’t help you.
2. Service.
‘Personally I’d love to have a job where I don’t have to turn up and obviously you feel that is OK for MP’s.’
This demonstrates your fundamental inability to understand the nature of service and servitude. Real honourable men and women choose to work hard, don’t need someone to make them ‘turn up’ just because they ‘don’t have to.’ and are not solely motivated by egotism, money and greed. As you say, ‘I’d love to have a job…’. So you’re happy to take advantage of others. I am not and furthermore, I’m intolerant of those who are or do. And I guess you haven’t troubled yourself to seek out independently (for yourself) what UKIP policies are. Have you got UKIP policies from the script reading liars of Liebor, C4, BBC, Conlibdumbs and the MSM.
As for UKIP, they do need to get wiser and improve, yes, don’t we all. But they have sensible policies on Immigration, EU, Agriculture, Fisheries, Animal Welfare and Transportation and Energy. The greens can’t even add up now. (ditched the £72/wk, after approx. 30 seconds of scrutiny by a TV head? How did that get to become party policy FFS. Yeh, free money, yeh, don’t need to work, yeh, renationalise stuff! Commie heaven, human hell.)
Veggies Vote UKIP! Common Sense, not Common Purpose. 🙂
Excellent post Mr AMUN.
Thanks for your references but I’ll stick to the peer reviewed stuff if its all the same plus stuff that comes out of NASA (you might have heard of them) The fact is there are some great models out there in the public domain which people are able to check and run if they want. These models are continually improving. If this is a scam as you suggest,then lets see PEER REVIEWED WORK that supports that idea. Even anecdotal ,which Im not that keen on such as the polar caps receeding droughts in the US in 11 out of 15 past years give an indication that things are changing. Last year was the warmest of record in the UK. I think you’ll have to agree that if things keep on going in this fashion their will be a point when you accept the climate is changing. The problem is that by the time you get to that point ,because of the enormous lead times (32K years to absorb CO2 into limestone) we will all be as good as dead. That clearly is a risk you are willing to take but others of a more serious disposition will probably not. Furthermore ,there is considerable interest by the military in these developments because of the obvious implications. Maybe you should write them and share your wisdom.
As to MP’s working full time as representatives of their constituents you clearly misunderstand. Whilst you appear to give them the latitude on how they exercise their public service ethic I would not, simply on the basis of the long term abuse in the Westminster bubble. Maybe you make duckponds for a living. If you do export them to Europethough beware; you may find your business dries up whilst sharing a fag and a pint with Nigel down the local. But do not be alarmed, the drying wont ,in all probability, be down to GW.
Man on Bus. Oooops.
F M Miskolczi. The reference I gave to you above? Check out his CV and you’ll be able to see how long he was employed by…..drumroll….. NASA!
You’re trolling quality needs to improve. Muppet.
He may well have worked for nasa but you aren’t seriously suggesting he is necessarily representative of all or any of the work or data held by that organisation are you. Are these straw man arguments or are you people actually being serious?
“If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period.” who said that?
I’ll stick with doubt, skepticism,science and reason thank you. I note you dismiss Mr Miskolczi’s credentials and paper without consideration. With you, it appears religious.
Science is a method of determining knowledge. It has nothing to do with consensus or credentials. Basic Epistomology my friend!
The ‘science’ of food built up over 50 years has recently been de-bunked:
What you can – and can’t – eat
Of course, old folk always said it was bunkem, because the evidence of their experience was that people who ate lots of fatty food, but got plenty of exercise, lived long, healthy lives. They didn’t have degrees, or wear white coats, but their science has proved correct and the posh scientists were wrong. Happily, the posh ones have now accepted their errors.
When the evidence changes, science changes its mind. What do you do?
In the last week it has been announced that Congress will investigate NASA for tampering with temperature measurements;
Seems there have some major discrepancies about measurements from satellites and ground measurements that differ markedly.
When you see things like this, smell a rat. There’s nothing like sophisticated scams for making easy money.
Were you sleeping when East Anglia emails were exposed to the World? These contained the most damning evidence of a scam and the nasty behaviour of people being caught with their pants around their ankles.
The East Anglia emails showed nothing of the sort. Moreover the scientific work was independantly checked and verified .The data is in the public domain as are the models,I believe. But since you obviously like being played, just think who stood to gain by trying to trash this group work and the time it was done. Whose gaining from the Director of the IPCC standing down and why the relevation now.
Some people dont like the science because they dont understand it,because they cant understand it or because they stand to lose a fortune from its implications. The people that stand to lose the most are amongst some of the richest in the world and highly influential. The fossil fuel lobby have no intention of backing down and indeed are expanding their operations to places that they cant hope to control. This is a combination of greed and stupidity.
For a man so capable of understanding the corrupting influence of wealth within banking and the fossil fuel industry, you are remarkably slow to understand the lure of the lucre for the peddlars of Green energy.
‘The East Anglia emails showed nothing of the sort. Moreover the scientific work was independantly checked and verified.’
There was no idependent scientific verification – much to the frustration of MP Graham Stringer who is one of the few in Parliament with a scientific background, so where on earth did you get that from? And exactly where is the ambiguity in the statement ‘hide the decline’? Do you even know what they were trying to hide?
‘Thanks for your references but I’ll stick to the peer reviewed stuff if its all the same plus stuff that comes out of NASA (you might have heard of them.’
Oh, dear oh dear!
A third of IPCC source documentation is not peer-reviewed. Didn’t you know?
And didn’t you know the IPCC has a habit of breaking its own rules on submissions, including non-published papers after their own cut-off dates for submissions have passed? Can be very effective when you’re desperately trying to make your hockey sticks stand up, you know.
Why don’t you go and ask the people of Boston what they think about global warming? Thats if you can find them buried under 8ft of snow.
Very clever, but that weather not climate. Most of it is above your head!
Ha! Over my head? More like your out of your depth mr man on a bus, or whatever your name is.
‘Very clever, but that weather not climate. Most of it is above your head! ‘
Er, like this observation on ‘the weather’, from 2001?
‘Britain’s winter ends tomorrow with further indications of a striking environmental change: snow is starting to disappear from our lives…….
“Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said.’
Or do you mean this one from 2011?
‘Global warming means more snowstorms: scientists’
Eh, in’t this ‘settled science’ a bugger?
You are well out of your depth.
I’ve come to the conclusion that ManLostOnBus is actually one of our regular commenters just pretending to be a Dez. His statements are so clearly ill-thought-out and self-contradictory that he must, surely, be taking the piss out of lefties.
That’s it is it! I am truely detroyed by your incisive commentary .
“Countryfile BETRAYS the countryside:
“7 million watch it. But CHRISTOPHER BOOKER says the BBC’s flagship show
ignores rural Britain’s real problems.”
Read more:
If he wasn’t a twat his argument might hold some weight. Countryfile is light entertainment for God’s sake!
Since this guy is a climate denier no doubt he would see fracking as improving the countryside.Definitely not clean energy though!
The use of the idiotic term ‘climate’ denier’ clarifies your role here. Previously I couldn’t make up my mind whether you were a troll or simply a fool.
Another one that comes out of the woodwork and says nothing. You appear to be popular though. The wordwork sure is full.With what its hard to say.
‘The wordwork sure is full.With what its hard to say.’
Well, that was certainly packed with valid, valuable, on-topic content, ironically.
And again sparing the space bar. Nice. Plus apostrophes are so last guideline, wordwork-wise.
“Previously I couldn’t make up my mind whether you were a troll or simply a fool. ”
Couldn’t he be both?
Booker, a twat? I hardly think so.
“Climate ‘denial’ is now a mental disorder.
Christopher Booker is bemused by the wild rhetoric of the climate change lobby.”
No Brooker is a twat. He appears to know nothing about science in common with many on this site who seem to think it is just yet another ‘ point of view’ Next time you people switch on your TV,get in a car or fly in a plane realise this stuff wasnt designed and concieved by just ‘a point of view’. Its creation is dependant on the scientific method established over centuries and years spent in analysing data. Not just reeling off some money spinnig claptrap as Delingpole and Brooker are want to do.
Unfortunately the denier lobby ,funded in large part by the fossil fuel industry has no credible peer reviewed evidence to support it. Which is why when I listen to these so called rebuttals I always think of Lawson and his deal with the biggest consumer of fossil fuels in Europe(GWPF). The evidence for warming is overwhelming and it is sad that some people point to a cold winter as a vindication of their position. It shows a wilful lack of understanding that is risking billions of lives.
what evidence ? a bunch of computer models using rigged temperature data, all of which failed to predict the 18 years and counting “pause”. Computer models don’t produce evidence they produce predictions.
There is no evidence.
what pause .there hasnt been a pause. You are only looking at air temperature. What about sea temperature?????????
What about sea temperature ?
There hasn’t been any statistically significant increase in global air temperature in 18 years and counting.
Sea temperatures change because the sea is the biggest absorber of co2. the relationship between air and sea temperature in is part governed by El nino and La Niña which is why air temperature does not rise like in a straight line.Weather systems are by there nature chaotic and in fact it was the study’ of weather that led to the development of chaos theory. Most systems studied ,including the solar system are now regarded as unstable chaotic systems hence the notion of determinism has largely gone out the window.there has been a statistical increase in air temperature in the last 18years btw.
Sea temperatures change because the sea is the biggest absorber of co2.
Perhaps you could explain the chemistry here. I am a chemistry major and in all the years that I studied and worked I have never seen an endothermic reaction by passing CO2 through a saline solution.
The physics for this revolves around the latent heat of water which is higher than air. This makes water a better coolant than air.
Some of the earliest work on kinetics and “chaos” was by Issac Newton on gases;
Not a lot to do with weather at all.
Brooker, or Booker? Take the time to research, be factual and spell people’s names, correctly.
Clearly, you are on the top deck of your omnibus, collecting fares, where you should remain, as your input here is of little or no consequence.
To be fair, there was a period when his own varied a bit, too.
This, at least, appears to have stabilised thankfully.
Again a twat interested in spelling more than the message. Who cares ! why dont you say something or get back to your crossword.
“Who cares? Why don’t you say something…”
Ok, there, sorted that for you.
Have to say, the ‘civilised discourse’ badge from the blessing whose name dare not be mentioned (if from a different IP) is looking shakier by the tirade.
But high horsing on the importance of the message over all else is, for a visitor of your origins, truly inspired. Quite the precedent you’ve dropped on your colleagues there.
Like many here I actually could, can and will care less about folk here whose fat fingers, auto-correct or enthusiasms can lead to less than perfect spelling… or grammar… so long as the point is sincere, relevant and made well.
But you seldom have one, and even less often make any competently, whilst claiming superiority on so much, including accuracy.
As with others high on dudgeon and low on anger management, that kind of tickles my teasing bone.
And if it causes you to lose it further, well, that’s really a bonus.
I do has been pointed out to me that you’re the one that dresses in a tutu and hands out the popcorn at the end.
No wonder you aren’t involved.apologies again
IPCC panel reported a “pause” in warming over the last 18 years and are searching for an explanation. Perhaps something to do with plants?
Man………. here is a science quiz for you;
Place a man in a chair and supply him with all his favourite TV shows and feed him whatever he likes. Will he;
1. loose weight.
2. his weight remain the same.
3. gain weight.
Take lots of trees (somewhere like the tropical forests of the Amazon or Africa) and give them lots of sunshine, rain and CO2. Would they;
1. wilt and die
2. stay the same.
3 flourish and propagate.
The correct answers are 3 and 3 for both. Did you get the correct answer?
err ‘pause’ or pause ? The one in quotes means not really!
There is only a pause IF you selctively cut out a small chunk of data. If you anaylise the data in its entirety
then there is no pause. Plus the fact that its the sea that absorbs most of the energy not the air. There was a guy further up the list pretending to be a chemistry major debunking this but curiously no reply tab was available to question him.
Not withstanding I suggest to you that if you place a flame under an iron bar it will continue to heat up until the flame is removed. It will come to equilibrium at some point but that depends on the medium to which it can radiate out to.
So to is the sun radiating onto the earth. If it cant radiate an equivalent amount of energy back out it will heat up.
Yawn. If the great and the good were really worried about man-made climate change, they wouldn’t be indifferent to the world population doubling every few years.
‘There is only a pause IF you selctively cut out a small chunk of data. If you anaylise the data in its entirety
then there is no pause. Plus the fact that its the sea that absorbs most of the energy not the air. ‘
Strewth, where to start with this tripe….
Where is the proof that this is a ‘pause’?
Who has been selective with the data? Certainly not the IPCC who have had to admit to the lack of warming – all data sets show that – even though German politicians, amongst others, wanted all references to it erasing from the ‘Summary for Policymakers’.
We have been told unequivocally for the past 20 years that increased CO2 = increased atmospheric warming. Now you are parroting the recent hypothesis that somehow the warming has disappeared into the oceans. Two questions:
1. Why didn’t the models of this ‘settled’ science include the ocean warming?
2. Where are the historical ocean temperature records they used for comparisons, how comprehensive are they and over what timescale were the temperatures taken.
Be very careful before you answer.
‘Countryfile is light entertainment for God’s sake!’
Even the head of children’s programming was at the infamous 28gate meeting which the BBC tried in vain to keep secret. The BBC has been spreading the warming message throughout its programming range, as any good propagandist would.
Don’t know if anyone has already brought this to our attention, but after a cringing performance on “Today” this morning, Ms Bennett’s efforts on LBC were even more mind-numbingly awful than her Andrew Neil encounter:
I agree with you about “Today” (it was after the 7 a.m. headlines and up to about 7:15): Justin Webb politely dismantled her and she ended up looking out of her depth whenever real figures or facts got into the discussion rather than emotional platitudes about ‘supporting human rights’. How anyone can vote for the Greens is beyond me, so credit to the BBC for showing the nonsense for what it is.
Jo Co currently roughing her up on The Daily Politics. She seems to have an air-lock.
‘She seems to have an air-lock”
Via Joey Jones, the technical term is apparently ‘Mind Blank’ which seems catchy, especially in aspiring country leadership. Maybe the supporters will embrace it as a campaign cry…’What do we want?… er… when do we want it?…er…’
Still, at least all this serves to stem the drain from Labour to the Greens, which must be a happy coincidence to the BBC’s sudden joining in the fray to stuff Nat royally (OK, she seems a self-stuffing machine).
Still, at least all this serves to stem the drain from Labour to the Greens, which must be a happy coincidence to the BBC’s sudden joining in the fray to stuff Nat royally
Looks like you’re right on the money, here. The One News have just made a big fuss about what they called her ‘car-crash interview’. They played an audio excerpt, with a dramatic monotone slo-mo vid on top. Unusually brutal and contemptuous against anyone; unheard-off against a saintly Green.
The Greens will soon get fed up with such attacks against them. Could be fun!
‘Unusually brutal and contemptuous’
It does take two to tango. Interviewer and ‘ee. And if both muster four left feet between them the train wreck goes nuclear.
So I can think of no other reason for the BBC to be ahead of the pack for once winnowing the herd.
Interestingly, I am currently only aware of the Greens and UKIP as possible GE options, certainly in leadership PR terms.
No much sign of CMD and Ed has either gone to ground or the BBC has advised him to STFU until they get him in.
Could work.
What good viewing ‘Meet The Greenies’ would make.
Far far funnier than anything on beeboid TV or radio, the Antipodean loon ought to be given her own show on R 4 to keep the nation entertained in the dreary run up to the election. ” we will build 500,000 houses”. “How much to build each one ?”, “£60,000″ , ” come on that won’t pay for the land they stand on ” , ” much choking and gurgling “. Brilliant moment, classic comedy gold!
It wasn’t costed because Communists just take.
And from Nick Ferrari when challenging her costings…
‘Are these houses that you propose made of plywood?’
Ha! Ha! It was so crindgeworthey. I have to say that when i watched the clip of today’s green party’s press conference two things immediately came to mind.
‘Scrubbing brush’ and ‘ Soap’
The greens seem to have taken the mantle of the Liberal dimocrats promise everything under the sun, on the basis of getting as many votes as possible whilst not having to enact any policy. And if the landlord subsidy on mortgages is as much as she says the sooner I get into that market the better. Topped off with a claim to cap rents. Probably the most inept political performance I’ve ever heard, but hey it was “brane fayde” so that’s ok then.
Re the 3 little jihadi Janes
Credit cards?
come on BBC? … anyone back from the Oscars?
I know the school has bleated 100% sure nothing to do with them? … then again, so did those in Birmingham.
The family/wider family? … should be first port of call for indepth, objective investigation?, something as always just doesn t sit right.
… once again with Islam something stinks in the basement.
Once again bleating apologists get BBC airtime, heard it again last night … ISIS is an affront to Islam, an Insult to Islam, won t even mention the name Islamic state etc.
Sorry folks … lets cut the crap.
If ISIS is such an insult to Islam, such an affront?
… why aren t Islamic adherents filling the army to the gills to put it right?, should be an erm “religious imperative” surely?
… yet the opposite is true, more Islamic adherents are rushing to join ISIS than the army!.
When erm “insulted/affronted” Islamic adherents have no problems expressing their “hair trigger sensitivities” over everything from teddy bears to cartoons, no problem causing
violence, intimidation, marches or protests, demanding change or else …
Well there s the biggest insult! … hello? anyone home?
(unless these gobshites are lying of course) …
so erm
… where are ya?
(The answer is short, in the warped Islamic world view, doesn t matter who, what you do … if it comes to Muslims over non Muslim
anything is fair game … now there s real racism, world racism).
“Want to stop nice British girls going to Syria?
Then show them the X-rated ‘Joy of Jihad.’”
By Douglas Murray.
To repeat noggin above, and a few amateur question askers form the outset clearly not at the BBC’s investigative level (or our stunning leadership classes, TBF):
Credit cards?
come on BBC? … anyone back from the Oscars?
To that last, Team Beeboid again still apparently stumbling around empty Bolly bottles.
What motivates Muslim girls from a Muslim background going to join Islamic State? I have no idea and am clueless where to start looking.
Whatever next in Beeboid/Guardian’s political repression?:-
whoever says: ‘Islamic State is Islamic’ – to be deemed to have a mental disorder.
More Islamofascism in action: for INBBC to report?:-
“Rise of the mini-jihadis:
ISIS releases chilling video showing children as young as FIVE being trained for battle in Syrian terror training camp for ‘cubs’ ”
Read more:
For INBBC to adapt the following into more of its sob stories for Islamic interests?-
‘Daily Mail’-
“Revealed – hundreds of desperate British women have proposed marriage to Isis extremists online after EIGHT schoolgirls followed ‘jihadi bride trail.’
“At least eight schoolgirls have left the UK to join ISIS since last summer.
“Three school friends from Bethnal Green Academy left for Syria last week.
“Another young girl from the same school travelled to join ISIS in December.
“Manchester terror twins Salma and Zahra Halane, 16, were the first British schoolgirls to join the Islamic State.
“Later Yusra Hussien, 15, and Samya Dirie, 17, travelled ISIS-held Raqqa.
“An Edinburgh-born jihadi bride is thought to help recruit young schoolgirls.
“Aqsa Mahmoud joined the terror group last year and has been in contact with several young British school girls since her arrival.”
Read more:
“Islamic State opens two English-language schools for children of foreign jihadis”
– See more at:
Can’t wait for the OFSTED report or Governors’ reply to that one on #BBCsanitise
“Mo has 6 RPGs. There are 7 school busses across the border; how does Mo destroy them all”
“Oo… oo… me, Sir, me! Fire the 6 rockets and then run under the last with this nice vest you taught me how to use”
“Excellent, Mo. Top of the class. Well, for a week or so”.…the dumbest politician ever psml.
I see the bbc is doing its best for bat-shit crazy Natalie green. reporting her meltdowns but declined to show any images or play any recordings of these, to make sure `the dogs bark and the caravans move on`.
wonder if ukip would get this kind of pass
“…to make sure `the dogs bark and the caravans move on`.”
Nice turn of phrase, there. Sums the obfuscatory BBC up very well!
Given the multi million pound taxi fund, did no-one at bbc towers think to hop in a cab to rotheram to find out what the fcks been going on up there?
The Beeb have a story on the transfer of a female footballer; pretty remarkable since transfers are rarely newsworthy these days unless it’s Ronaldo’s buy-out clause being 1bn euro.
Suzanne Mulvey moves from Rangers to Sunderland Ladies
Tried to find the fee in this case, but no news… just found that she used to be Suzanne Malone but presumably took her new wife’s name when she married Elaine Mulvey. Suzanne’s twitter page says:
Blessed-married to amazingly talented Elaine Mulvey.Most perfect son Lindan & our Angel Boston.Little brother on the way for Lindan! Sunderland Ladies FC
(I never did work out why the BBC were promoting an obscure footballer.)
the point of the story is for beeboids its all lifestyle choice, woman is gay, tick. Woman plays football, tick. Woman gets married to another woman, tick. by one means or another the two women have two children ( bugger what the lads will think of the situation later on, their feelings count for nothing in all this ) tick. woman ‘plays’ football, tick.
The fact that myself and the vast majority of the football audience would give it at most 5 minutes whilst walking the dog around the local rec, is neither here or there to the beebiods, the fact that last Sundays games between Spurs and the Hammers and Liverpool and Southampton were both edge of the seat nail biting entertaining games whilst as i said the girls game is ok, its played by the rules, they try their best etc, its just not gripping and never will be to men, who make up the vast majority of the fans is lost on them. Their following of football is everything to do with a metropolitan pose and nothing to do with the angst a fan feels before a hard game and the joy and release of tension on getting victory. their understanding of the game is all fake tan and watery coffee, bland and easily replaceable by Basketball or Tennis, a five minute passing fad. The game is nothing, the social choice, the need to allow everyone to play and for everyone to share out equally the prizes like a bloody PC infants sports day is the desired result.
The fact that people want to watch your team fight other men in a no holds barred game and win is primeval in its hold, no amount of bloody PC bullshit will change that. Ask the wife, a life long Manc fan who was depressed all of Sat night after they got beat at Swansea, she only came to life to swear at Man City on MOTD2
In 1936, the psychologist Samuel Rosenzweig coined the phrase ‘the Dodo bird verdict’. It is a way of thinking that is prevalent in current educational thinking …
Everybody has won and all must have prizes
BBC-Democrat censors:-
“California: Two Muslims get 25 years for jihad plot”
Just checked FaceBook
BBC World News
4 hrs · Edited ·
Outrage erupts in #India after a Hindu leader said Mother Teresa’s charity work had one objective: to convert the poor to Christianity.
Quick… we need balance…
BBC News
2 hrs ·
This woman preaches forgiveness for Islamic State militants
Phew, that was close.
(as an aside, the comments on both are mostly… ‘special’)
Is this “outrage” as in expressing disagreement or “outrage” as in taking to the streets, destroying property and killing other people?
Does it depend on the religion of the outraged?
Edit – all is explained “..and many Indians took to social media to express their outrage.”
Phew. They didn’t outrage the wrong lot.
Details, details.
It’s also vague precisely on the scale of who is actually outraged. But twitter has filled the void.
Just as the BBC likes it.
As an aside, seems the headline sub has a curious aversion to apostrophes and other odd grammar quirks, like some others around.
Coincidence? I think not.
This morning Radio Five “gets much worse” Live was very much concerned as to whether the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar would be played in November/December rather than in May. Nicky “Gameshow” Campbell and the rest of the kindergarten were getting very excited as to whether the changed date might have an effect on the Christmas Number 1! You could not make it up. There was no discussion regarding the 400 guest workers who have already died in Quatar due to the appalling conditions they have to work under in order to get this freak show ready on time. Further, there was no mention made of the fact that some Quatari citizens are involved in the funding of ISIL and that if Israel qualifies its team will not be allowed into the country. This attitude symbolises the approach taken by the BBC in order not to cause too much upset to Moslems. No doubt “Gameshow” and Company will enjoy a luxurious break in Quatar during the tournament care of the poor long-suffering licence fee payers. At nine o’clock there was a debate on this subject, and a number of listeners remined “Gameshow” of these unpleasant facts, which considerably modified his previous insouciant tone. What was depressing about this phone-in was that some callers were only concerned about how this change of time might affect their clubs’ position in the Premier League, irrespective of the harm being caused to the guest workers and the damage being done by the psychopaths of ISIL in the Middle East. I suspect that when the tournament begins, many fans will simply go along with the T.V. spectacle instead of boycotting it.
It is interesting to note that those “clergymen” Justin Welby and John Senatnu have not been saying very much about the conditions of the guest workers in Qatar or the fact that 90 Christians have recently been kidnapped by the ISIL thugs in North-Eastern Syria. Oh silly me – I almost forgot! All spiritual life in Lambeth Palace and other places normally inhabited by “clergymen” in the Church of England will have been temorarily suspended until after the May election so that the Church can concentrate on its main goal of putting across its left-wing political agenda from the pulpit. Until then the unfortunate guest workers and the 90 kidnapped Christians will have to rely on our prayers and not anything uttered from the high altar. O tempora, o mores!
With the way things are going in the Middle East, you have to wonder if there will even be a functioning state in Qatar to hold the World Cup in 2022. I doubt IS would agree to it, unless they used severed heads for footballs.
97% of climate scientists agree that Patchy is a Perv
nicely hidden away by the beeb on it web site and covers more of the achievements of Patcht the Perv and the IPCC than mentioning his perving
King moonbat ‘arrabin the ‘orrible from the clan McMoonbat egst in on the act as well with his so called “Analysis”
what is it with the BBC and its damage limitation when it comes to left wing sex offenders
“Scotland Yard has said it began working with Turkish authorities a day after the girls went missing.
The girls boarded a Turkish Airlines flight at Gatwick, and would have required a visa to enter the country. ”
Sooo that’s :-
Credit cards?
flight tickets?
… and Visa s?
Remember the Al Beeb radio bleating of 3 days, yep 3 days before anyone did anything … the authorities fault, these poor girls,
oops I mean “groomed” “innocent” “manipulated” girls etc etc
something is amiss here , not right, I smell a rat
… hope its not wearing a burkha.
I might be able to solve this Beebot vexing puzzle 😀
Maybe those 3 little “groomed” “innocent” “manipulated”
rootin, tootin, shootin, good ole girls had some help from this guy?
Sweden’s Multicultural Centre “Expert on Islamofauxbia”
… Joins ISIS
“the Swede have been heavily involved to counter what he described as a … misleading picture of Muslims as violent fanatics”
Perhaps he was explaining how they have misunderstood the “Religion of Peace”, but they wouldn t believe him, so he “upped sticks” and joined them.
Just as feasible as any of the hogwash we ve listened to the last couple of days.
I wonder when something like this thing with these 3 “British” school girls, will feature as a storyline on the brilliantly funny and wonderfully diverse Beeb comedy Citizen Khan?
Didn’t Tommy Robinson ‘borrow’ someone’s passport? I don’t think he intended to go on a beheading excursion though.
Guess how the comments are going on this FB thread?:
BBC World News
1 hr ·
BREAKING NEWS: At least eight people are killed in a shooting at Czech Republic restaurant, local reports and officials say.
Suffice to say they are mostly approaching ‘events’ from two ends, and the meeting hosted by our national community cohesion service are reflecting this less than pleasantly.
Is there a bit of spinning going on here?
She’s no loss. Calls UKIP ‘Tories on steroids’.
She looks hannatomically confused as well.
No comments section naturally…………….just a cursory glance at her FB page will tell you everything you need to know about this odious little shit………..
it makes me sick the way the politacal establishment always close ranks when one of there own kind gets exposed for the morally corrupt liars they know who i am on about so no need to name names,there need to be a clear out of these poiltacal dinorsaurs and self serving bums in the election in may.are we not fed up to are teeth of these lot from the mainstream politacal partys,do you know what, that 100 of ukip hatchet job documentary might not be as bad as we first thought even though the bbcs leftie cousins at channel 4 thought that might be a good smear job against ukip,i am beginning to wonder maybe we need 100 days of ukip to sort this damm country out and bring a bit of pride back to this nation,here ukip.
The complaints on the UKIP C4 programme were a conspiracy:
Tsk tsk. The left would never pull such a stunt…
Just an aside.
My partner works in TV production. The question is always with a new colleague “Are they ex BBC?” If the answer is “yes” heads fall in to hands and there’s an audible groan.
The ex-beeboibs haven’t a clue about what to do and have a reputation for being erh “work challenged”
Most who leave the beeb for pastures new bemoan leaving in the first place…says so much.
Anybody want to know where the bBC is heading with this?
Finland: National radio to read Koran ‘cover to cover’
A Book At Bedtime.
Or else.
Hopefully in its original Finnish…which I think you find best reflects its joyful poetic nuances.
Those verses re chopping off the infidels head with a blunt knife do read better in the original…apparently, it`s all about dead heading the liberal elite…which has now been achieved.
Ali Bunga!
I wonder when the bBC is going to report this:
Saudi Arabia is to beheaded man for ripping up a Koran
Instead, INBBC puts out another bland offering by an Egyptian Muslim on Saudi Arabia-
-” New series. Writer Tarek Osman examines the history of Saudi Arabia, and begins by questioning why it is so relevant yet misunderstood. Focusing on events such as the pact made between the Al Saud royal family and the founders of an austere school of Islam, his journey takes him from the founding of the modern Kingdom to the current reign of King Salman.”–series-1—1-the-rise-of-the-kingdom
Typical BBC flummery over the Saudis confirmed by their new three-parter on the joys(and yes, the “challenges”, the disappointing record on challenging the classical phobias that whitey suffers from)-it`ll be on next week, should you have mislaid your Stanley knife and Koran.
Still-at least I can fly my Radio Times at half-mast in honour of the death of the BBC as anything but King Abdullahs willy wipe…
Or even this about a man called Mohammed in Oldham:
Spared jail: Dad who offered £1,000 reward for the beheading of a mosque raider
I seem to have missed this story being given prominence on the News at Ten.
Labour Councillor Claims Putin Controlled By Aliens
Or are idiotic statements only publicised for certain parties?
or even about this hateful Islamic bigot:
Muslim preacher who called homosexuality a ‘scourge’ to speak at university a day before gay pride event
Funny enough a quick search on the bBC with this religious bigots name, has them painting him as a….victim:
Haitham Al-Haddad says Islamophobia cancelled Legoland day
I wonder when the bBC will get round to trying to brainwash us all into forgiving ISIS…Silly me
Even Quisling and Petain would possibly baulk at this supine, a*se in the air, abject surrender to our enemies.
BBC News
22 mins ·
UK police say three missing London girls believed to be heading to join Islamic State have crossed into Syria
Seems our plucky threesome have overcome much in their Incredible Journey, crossing continents on a magic carpet of mystery money, passports and visas.
I can report the majority of the BBC’s Facebook audience has few fears and is wishing them all the best in their new home.
Which is nice.
Al Beeb continues to bleat about the three ‘intelligent’, A grade girls, who up sticks to join the Islamic State. It must be remembered that these girls are, or are almost at the age to vote, if Ed ‘Millipede’ gets his way and lowers the voting age to sixteen.
Who is to blame? the parents? the school? the local mosque? No, the finger of blame is pointed to the UK security services who, in all fairness have far bigger fish to fry and are doing their best to prevent the terrorists getting in to the country, not looking after the whims of silly little girls who have about as much common sense as a dead fish.
Either education standards have dropped, or they are not ‘A grade girls’.
Grade As eh?
Doubt they`ll be in geography or any RE content that mentions Lennon, Welby or Sir Cliff.
Does the OU do “Jihadist GCSE with practical chemistry classes, involving ammonium nitrate manufacture?
Have noted a lot of self-assembling mishaps there, as they were clutching their homeworks for Chemical Ali.
Just asking.
Great gloom on C4… ‘Tonight we can confirm everyone’s worst fears….’
The three children have crossed into Syria.
My worse fear was that they were on their way back here… (only joking).
I do feel sorry for their families to a certain extent, as they must be besides themselves with worry.
On the other hand, I googled the “jihad matchmaker bride” twitter feed out of curiosity and noticed the tweets: “Sisters please aim at seeking your walees consent before making any moves.” (walees = guardian). “Sisters: Please encourage your walees to contact us or at least supervise our dealings.”
Another tweet from same feed: “Fact: Many brothers are seeking marriage but don’t find the time to meet suitable families alongside their jihad”. I guess I hadn’t ever really thought about how time-consuming and downright exhausting it must be, being a jihadi…
Good point. If we let the BBC know perhaps they can organise an all night “BBC Jihadis in Need” show.
The highlight would be a sponsored beheading of infidels, the ‘Jihadathon’.
Gunman in Czechoslovakia not a terrorist, a lone wolf. How many times do they need to say this in one short report?
It may be that he is a lone wolf, but the BBC have to emphasize it long before any facts are available
Incoming! tonight on BBC4 – “Timeshift: The Nation’s Railway: The Golden Age of British Rail”. A programme on how wonderful our railways were from 1948 to privatization in the early 90s.
I can remember travelling on BR most days from the 70s onwards and they were frankly hopeless. I also nearly lost my life in the Clapham train crash and fatal accidents were far more common.
The golden age of Britains railways was more likely the 1800s and up to WW2 & the days of the ‘big four’. I’d be far more interested in seeing a programme on that.
Won`t Liverpool be playing in Turkey very soon?
Imagine if a few of our racist thuggish footy fans got radicalised, turned into vulnerable whiners or the likes of Hatton, Prescott or Burnham?
I do hope that Liverpool aren`t allowed to put either players or fans at risk…I make no apology for throwing the game to Bekitsas.
Too near Syria, you see.
You probably mean Beşiktaş, a place name which means literally ‘cradle stone’, curiously enough.
“French President Francois Hollande has laid out proposals to strengthen laws on anti-Semitic, racist and homophobic hate crimes.
Speaking at a Jewish group’s dinner in Paris, Mr Hollande reassured Jews they were welcome and safe in France.
He also noted that … Muslims were coming under increasing
attack … WHERE!
… has Fiyaz Mughal popped over for a weekend break?
His proposals come after 17 people were killed during the Charlie Hebdo shootings … who by?
and a kosher supermarket siege last month. … who by?
France is still on high alert following the attacks. … who by?”
Hollande #Je suis imbecile
Why do the “cheese eating surrender monkeys” never let you down? First to react to the Hebdo events by….. limitting free speech. Hollande? F*%king appeasing C*^t. Possibly as bad as Dhimmi Dave and Eid Milibad.
Government = Enemy. Know it.
Hollande #Je suis on charlie
Anybody know why the bBC hasn’t reported this:
Shocking footage shows mass brawl in Cheetham Hill wholesalers district
Especially when this is one of the BBC’s favourite topics; counterfeit goods that deny IP’s their rightful booty.
From the article it seems this may have been a war amongst thieves as the area was a target of Police and Trading Standards and 60 “spotters” were removed in a crackdown on counterfeit goods operations.
BBC doing a nice job of trashing Natalie Bennet on the radio news this evening. Is this a shift away from the left? No, the cynic in me suspects it is a move to halt the rise of the Greens so that the Labour vote will stay up.
She trashed herself, really. The green policies are so incredibly stupid that the only real surprise would be if they had a leader smarter than a lump of coal.
They haven’t and that’s no surprise.
I see her as the Green Cabbage!
Whereas Prescott is the Red one on offer.
Goes without saying that the whole political elite are Savoy cabbages.
Bennett like Beckham?…i,e thick?
Quips you`ll NOT be hearing on The Now Show.
Zees is not funny…never is at the Green Cult-and ,no there`s no joke to be had there…got it?
The likes of Hain, Tatchell and Bennett sum up the revenge of the colonials-ringworm in the body politic.
Andrew Neil finished her a few weeks back, but zombie politics is all we`ll be getting until a seriously unfunny hard UKIP get their grip on the BBCs balls.
CP wrote:
“No, the cynic in me suspects it is a move to halt the rise of the Greens so that the Labour vote will stay up.”
Not so sure, having read the bBC coverage I find them as usual covering by laying a party political broadcast for the greens . The guardian as per usual does a much better job of reporting this story:
Greens’ Natalie Bennett suffers ‘mind blank’ during campaign launch
The audio clip there is well worth listening to. Funny enough I don’t see the bBC reporting another radio interview with the Luddite.
Natalie Bennett: Greens believe Britain should appease Russia’s President Putin
Britain should appease President Vladimir Putin and make “realistic” concessions to persuade Russia to stop sending military planes to buzz United Kingdom airspace, Natalie Bennett, the head of the Green Party, has said.
Speaking ahead of the party’s manifesto launch, Miss Bennett said the recent instances of Russia “buzzing” Britain’s coast did not undermine the Greens’ call for a significant reduction in the military budget.
Instead, she told Radio 4’s Today Programme, Britain should tackle the problem by applying “diplomatic and economic pressure,” which include meaningful concessions to President Putin.
An interview which I should add was on radio 4.
Oh here is what the bbC reports on its news web page article:
Launching her party election themes, Ms Bennett said “something profound” was happening in British politics.
The key themes the Greens say they will focus on during the general election campaign are:
Rebuilding the economy so everyone gets a fair share
Putting the public at the heart of the NHS
Ensuring everyone has a secure, affordable place to live
Taking action on climate change
Investing in a public transport system
Ensuring every young person who wants to can access quality education
The party currently has one MP at Westminster, Caroline Lucas in Brighton Pavilion.
It has held talks with the Scottish National Party and Plaid Cymru about forming a “progressive alliance” in the event of another hung parliament.
The Greens would make scrapping Britain’s Trident nuclear weapons a key demand in any post-election negotiations with the Labour Party, in the event that Labour is the largest party.
And here is an even bigger embarrassment for the Greens at their own press conference as reported by the Daily Telegraph. Something the bBC doesn’t even mention:
Smiling as hard as she could, Ms Bennett kicked things off with a little speech. (“There is a Green surge! And yes, that is the hashtag!”) She was followed by Ms Lucas, who spoke for two minutes longer than her successor. Then Baroness Jones rose to invite questions. Well, some questions.
“You can ask as many questions as you like about our manifesto,” she squeaked fiercely, “but we will not be answering them today!”
As both Ms Bennett and Ms Lucas had just been speaking about pledges that will, presumably, be in the manifesto, this warning left the journalists looking somewhat stumped.
“First question?” demanded Baroness Jones. “No questions?”
A man from The Sun raised his hand.
“Is there a woman?” asked Baroness Jones disappointedly. “A woman who’d like to ask a question?”
Apparently there wasn’t. Oh well. The man from The Sun would have to do. He asked how many Labour seats the Greens expected to win. Ms Bennett didn’t seem to have an answer to that – well, it was a question about a number – so instead she talked about how Green voters hated Ukip.
“Is there a woman?” resumed Baroness Jones, pleadingly.
Then something remarkable happened. Never have I seen a party leader be so casually crushed. Especially not by someone on their own side.
A man from Sky News had heard Ms Bennett’s LBC interview. “It was fairly excruciating,” he told her. Ms Bennett nodded apologetically. “Would you agree,” he asked, “that you’re letting your party down with performances like that?”
Baroness Jones shot from her seat.
“She’s not going to answer that!” she squeaked.
Ms Bennett, still seated, looked up at her. “Yes I will,” she said politely.
“No!” squeaked Baroness Jones.
“I will. I…”
“No! No!”
Ms Bennett remained meekly in her seat. Instead Ms Lucas stood up and talked at length about the environment. Journalists stared, amazed.
Has anyone seen the latest TV ad for the Daily Mail? Voiced by Radio 2 fav and ex ladette Sarah Cox. I know from listening to some of her shows that she does have left leaning views and when hosting Sounds of The 80’s has refferred to Mrs T as ‘Fatcher’
I realise she is probably freelance, but would she be so keen to lend her distinctive BBC voice to an ad for the Mail, DT or Express?
BBC 24
Climate Change hasn’t gone away despite the facts…
‘Climate models suggest…’ and ‘a study has found’.
Weasel words from a bunch of unscientific agenda driven weasels. Has the Ship of Fools gone back to Antarctica to check if any ice remains? Erm no – not since they were frozen in last time they tried pulling the stunt.
Listen up, Harrabin, climate models are not empirical data.
You really have to worry about the mental condition of people who choose to believe the astrology of computer models against the hard evidence of satellite data.
Or the ones that don’t realise the satellite data vindicates the computer models.
Method to cure Man with Clap on a Bus:
1. Apply mind bleach.
2. Submit to reason, logic and the scientific method.
3. Research and understand the basic thermodynamics of the planet.
4. Read broad selection of papers from varied sources IPCC, WUWT. Watch out for spoof websites on both sides of the fence!
5. Models, schmoddels.
6. Come back (I’d give it a few years if I were you) later and share your thoughts.
The Greens will concrete over our “green and pleasant land”. F&*k that!
Vote UKIP.
That is an outright lie. The satellite data does NOT “vindicate” the Garbage-In-Garbage-Out computer models.
The models make predictions. The predictions have been falsified by events. Under normal scientific method, if an hypothesis is shown to be wrong – as the computer models have been shown to be wrong for 18 years now – you junk the hypothesis. “Scientific method” – google it. It describes REAL science, not politicised shenanigans.
Are you thinking what I’m thinking John?
Common Sense Not Common Purpose.
Regarding the current cash-for-connections disclosures, as I understand it Rifkind and Straw both believed they were being courted by representatives of a Chinese company. These two men are both former Foreign Secretaries, for them to do this and not be aware that any approach by this (fictional) company; was being undertaken with the knowledge and connivance of the Chinese government is incredible.
This leads to the conclusion that either: these men are greedy but stupid – unlikely; or that they are greedy but are totally cynical about the fact they would (indirectly) be aiding, to some degree or other, a foreign power; which is involved in espionage (corporate, cyber etc) on an immense, worldwide scale and whose interests could be said to be inimical to those of the U.K.
This from the comments section of Guido’s bad day for Bennett.
had to share 😀
“A local greenie at the end of my garden was proposing to cut down 4 large oak trees that have been growing for over sixty years in a bit of waste ground that separates our houses.
His justification was that he was installing solar panels and the trees would have shaded them reducing his potential to minimise his carbon footprint, and damage to the environment.
A warning to take the chainsaw to his fucking knees put a stop to his nonsense.”
Although it has to be said that old trees are not particularly good at absorbing co2.
and solar panels are crap at producing electricity! but at least the trees are great for wild life and the general environment so the greenish tosser is an ‘environmental wrecker who should cut down his consumption not trees !
Apparently INBBC has aligned itself politically with:-
a.) Muslim girls who have gone to join Islamofascist Islamic State;
b.) the Muslim parents of such girls;
c.) the Islamising Turkish government which allows transit to Islamic State.
And the corollary:
-apparently INBBC has aligned itself politically against the non-Muslim British government on this.
Please, can someone else just read over this and tell me that my suspicions that the Left are trying to pathetically cover this up are wrong. Personally, I think it was a Muslim extremist attack but the left are just trying to pass it off as a lone wolf job; which we all know backfires when all the data comes to the fore showing that these ‘lone wolves’ are indeed part of a network millions strong. Also, why is this story so low down on the BBC’s website?
Hi MDDS, it looks like the shooter was a 60/62 year old with mental problems.
Yes, I saw that at the bottom upon a calmer second reading. Apologies for my carelessness and being ‘Islamaphobic’.
Having seen Natalie Bennett interviewed on several occasions I wasn’t expecting a great deal. But, my God, she was lamentable! Perhaps you could argue that three months from the election you could excuse her for being a tad vague over some of the figures. But not ALL the figures. This hopeless woman had no idea at all. It was so bad it was really quite embarrassing. She was stumbling over the basics.
I’ve always believed that green politics are loved by idealistic adolescents and unworldly idiots.
This demolition job proves it.
I still think the Greens have some sensible ideas but the party comes across as shambolic. Sad to see the state they’re in, and they seem now a natural home for the ex Lib Dem voters who don’t want the responsibility of being a party actually in government.
Are the Greens going to be represented in the great televised leader debates? i might watch if Ms Bennett is involved – it will be the best BBC comedy in years.