Yet people will still vote for her and her party. But then they will do that for Labour as well. As my Dad used to say, “so long as you have a hole in your ar*e, you will never understand why people vote Labour” (Insert Green instead of Labour)
Apart from the crusades. The genocide of the Cathars. The Genocide of the early Indian Christian church by the catholics. British Imperialism Catholic versus Prostetant in Northern Ireland, Spanish inquisition (no one expects..) etc etc Blah Blah . No, we are a peace loving group ,us Christians.
If you are going to go for guilt by association on such a basis, it would be interesting which current group most closely identify with women-mutilating, head-lopping demogaphics from 10,000BC.
I doubt they were much in the Raquel Welch mould.
Now, if you get your education and information from BBC’s Spooks however…
Given the permutations and combinations from caps and spaces (not really necessary as this site system allows direct false flags anyway) in a four-word nickname, it’s just possible the denial of service potential has hit paydirt.
Unless it is, as Roland D suggested, so inept as to be a spoof.
It was interesting on the Radio 4 Today Prog’ how the discussion about the three jihadist girls (before 7.45, just before their look at the papers) slowly turned things round and made them into victims of alienation from British society and … drum roll … Islamophobia.
INBBC seems to be already trying to turn Islamic jihadist of Al Shabaab, Samantha Lewthwaite, into another such victim, not Islamofascist perpetrator, with INBBC 1 prog of July 2014 such as: “The White Widow: Searching for Samantha. ”
A non-INBBC view of jihadist Lewthwaite-
(Nov 2014).
“White Widow ‘is alive and living with jihadist al-Qaeda husband in Somalia’, Kenyan spies say ”
UKIP make a faux pas and BBC News report it and little else.
Green Party make a faux-pas (the awful LBC interview) BBC reluctantly reports but then allows their leader to have their say/apologise/grovel with a sympathetic journalist outside the HoP.
It is no surprise that in its report of meeting between Obama and Emir of Qatar in White House today, INBBC narrows its political focus to one of ‘hostages’-
“US hostage policy reviewed as Qatari emir visits Obama”
By Tara McKelvey
White House reporter.
Not the BBc but I’ve just watched the last bit of Immigration street on Channel 4 From Derby Road Southampton. Watch the despicable behaviour of some of the residents. I’m pretty sure this isn’t how channel 4 initially planned it.
Something here does not ring true. That area has been dodgy for many a long year. Going on for some generations. Just maybe some residents did not want any publicity and made sure the show was stopped. MPs etc make useful idiots.
Understandable in certain circumstances . C4 like all media people have led sheltered lives and might not know the rules of an area like Derby Road. I doubt alleged racism etc had much to do with it.
I have just watched the Pro Labour Party Pile of Crap (PLPPC) known as the BBC Paper Review, and mindful that they are funded by the taxpayer they thought they would demonstrate their impartiality by inviting Lance Price (former BBC journalist/spin doctor for the Labour Party to comment on the papers. So Lance, which Party is more damaged by the payments for ex-ministers stories? Lance replies that it is the Tories who are more damaged because the Tories already have a reputation for wanting money because they are already so privileged. Let us move on says the interviewer. So the simple FACT that it is Labour MP’s who in the past, present, and no doubt in the future have had more of a problem with corrupt MP’s asking for money (the “Tories” have more sex scandals but that is another issue) is inverted. What a disgusting lying shit Lance Price is – as I suppose we should expect given that he is an ex-BBC journalist.
Most on this site will have probably revelled in Natalie Bennett’s cataclysmic interview on LBC with the sadistic Nick Ferrari. Ferrari ensured the thin ice grew thinner and thinner beneath her shaking legs. BiasedBBC folk will also be aware of the car crash interview with Andrew Neil who more gently exposed Bennett’s brain exploding ineptitude.
So how would the Green supporters in the media handle this latest disastrous interview with the party that wants to share power in the next Parliament?
Well The Independent, the greenest of the green, ran it as third story referring to the ‘absolutely excruciating interview’. Fair enough.
The Guardian ran it in the first section of its web page referring to her ‘mind blank’ in the headline. Ok, a little kind but it is there. I have a mind blank when I cannot find the car keys not when I am seeking to explain the financing of an entire manifesto.
And the good old unbiased BBC?
On the BBC web site the sad tale is tucked away beneath a bunch of light weight stories under the aimless title ‘Bennett sorry for bad interview.’ Bad? Bad! I have seen people give bad interviews. This was not merely a ‘bad’ interview. Then if you click the story you learn that she “seemed to struggle to explain the funding model for the new homes.” Seemed to struggle? Seemed? The rest of the article is a puff piece for the Green Party for which I hope they are grateful.
The BBC six o’clock tv news didn’t even mention it in their headlines.
And Newsnight, the flagship news program for the Greens, I mean the BBC?
Well there was some affectionate ribbing by Allegra Stratton in an interview with Bennett but then Evan Davies, and I kid ye not, went onto explain how the Green Party could fund its unfunded promise of building 500,000 homes. When he finished I expected him to say ‘simples.’
Is it really the job of Newsnight to explain a political party’s promises when not even the Green party itself has actually worked them out? And if it does choose to explain them then ought not someone cross question Evan Davies on his assumptions? Not least that it will be self financing.
He followed this with by giving Baroness Jenny Jones a helping hand through a soft soap interview as if he were talking to a fond but slightly dim friend of his mum. He even told her not to worry about her own car crash moment when she tried to stop reporters asking the hapless Bennett about the disastrous interview.
The Green Party are not a decoration. These are people who want to lead us.
They aim to have a say in the next government of the UK. They ought not be carried through interviews. It is not for the BBC to rescue them in this way.
Quite right. The BBC has been promoting the ‘Green’ agenda for decades. A few years ago I used to refer to it on this site as ‘government by BBC Bristol’.
All those fluffy ‘documentaries’ about meerkats and seal pups were politically charged, whether the people who made them at the time were aware of it or not.
It surely is the responsibility of good newscasting to inform.Newsnight was simply informing. Equally it is the role of the gutter press and social media sites such as this to characture individuals ,enthic groups and political parties in a combative and non constructive manner. The mantra being that its better to be a bigot and uninformed rather informed and thoughtful. Natelie Benett clearly is not capable of running a party but the idea that some of the Greens proposals shouldnt be considered ,in the same way that UKIPs are, is pretty ridiculous. What about their policy for the government to control the money supply for example? (Grunts all round). As I have said before if you dont know the parties respective policies you really dont deserve a vote.
‘It surely is the responsibility of good newscasting to inform’
Inform, yes. PR crisis management in guise of re-education, or propping up frustratingly inept proxies, less so. It just looks daft. A bit like you on behalf of Katz’ Kindergarden, here.
Meanwhile, in a dusty corner of Whitehall, a lonely placard blows un-noticed still in the breeze.
That last bit is far too deep for me.Might help if you could draw it. I cant think that the BBC propped up anything. Soon as she shows her face everyone will start laughing. Still if you look at some of the key proposals particularly about money I think they have hit it on the head. Has a lot of cross party support together with a debate in the house recently led by a Tory. Check out Postive Money for more info.Its worth a trawl.
Yes, I saw that and thought the same. Astonishing and a bit reminiscent of Toenail’s regular bailing out of Miliband…telling us, in authoritative tones, what he really meant to say – but much worse.
It has long been a bone of contention of some older, wiser, now retired Beeboids (from a time when there was a tad more integrity) that senior presenters and editors have taken for themselves the role of ‘expert’ analysts and commentators – something far removed from what was previously their role, as journalists. The consequence is that Newsnight and their ilk, interview their own rather than real experts. Last night Davis took that one stage further, by-passing the need for anyone else along to join in.
All of this of course means that the BBC act as both news presenters and opinion formers and unlike real opinion formers or independent contributors, the BBC ‘expert’ contribution goes unchallenged – any meaningful scrutiny or complaint is denied.
Having seen/heard that clown Natalie Bennett interviewed twice now I think it is fair to say that anyone planning to vote Green at the GE is an idiot. An absolute idiot. In fact, I shall now laugh heartily in the face of anyone who tries to defend the Green Party.
Watching Ms Lucas on her political “spot” on Channel 4 after their, er, “news”, yesterday, apparently the Greens are going to “fix” all the railways. Obviously, the Bennett catastrophe came after the film was made, but the juxtaposition was, er, interesting. The obvious question (to which they never seem to have an answer) was “Where’s the money coming from, for that?
Funny that you should say that. Guess what BBC 4 were showing last night?
Timeshift – Series 14: 5. The Nation’s Railway: The Golden Age of British Rail
The BBC tell us:
‘With access to the British Transport Films archive, Timeshift revisits Britain’s railways during the era of nationalisation in a corrective to the myth of the bad old days of rail.’
A ‘corrective’ eh? Just in time to support the Greens and Labour’s plan for renationalisation (while forgetting that large parts – the most inefficient parts – of our railway are still in the public domain).
The BBC are really going for it, all before pre – election shutter come down to stop them.
“In finding the Palestinian authorities liable in the attacks, jurors awarded the victims $218.5 million in damages for the bloodshed. The US Anti-Terrorism Act could allow for that to be tripled.”
Ouch! You’d need a heart of stone not to laugh. . .
I see the bBC post yet another ‘Muslim victim of the west’ article. Why thousands are standing behind one Muslim lawyer Why are Australians rallying behind one Muslim lawyer? Because she has become the target of racist abuse online from far right groups and white supremacists around the world.
The story starts with a vest on sale at Woolworths. Last year, branches of the Australian retailer began selling a singlet carrying a controversial patriotic message. Underneath a picture of the Australian flag, the caption on the vest read “If you don’t love it, leave”.
The slogan could be read as a hostile message aimed at immigrant groups in the country, and that’s how it was taken by Mariam Veiszadeh. She’s a lawyer, and prominent advocate for the Muslim community in Australia. She tweeted a picture of the vest on sale in the shop, saying “I’m outraged that #WOOLWORTHS are allegedly selling these bigoted singlets at their Cairns stores”. Her message of anger began to trend online, and the retailer quickly pulled the item in question.
Nobody should be expected to put up with criminal abuse online, if that is what she has been experiencing. But this ‘story’ is undermined from the beginning by what seems like undue sensitivity on her behalf. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the vest, which is both universalist and amusing. I’ve heard plenty of people say things like “I don’t like this country any more, I’m off to live in Spain/France/Australia” and many Brits in Australia experience encouragement to “return home”. If the vest particularly referenced immigrants or including stereotypical illustrations or had the slogan in a variety of languages then possibly. But it doesn’t. Rather, it is illustrative of the covergence of BBC-style Far Left and Islamist interests in that no dissidence will be tolerated.
Hmm Just imagine if this was a poll of UKIP members with 27% of members ‘feeling some sympathy for the motives of Enoch Powell’ – not that he ever beheaded anyone in the street or shot down 10 journalists, or flew jets into office blocks etc etc etc
27% “have some sympathy” for the motives behind the Charlie Hebdo attacks – one in four!!!
46% feel Britain is becoming less tolerant of muslims.
I wonder if there is any connection between those two points. It looks to me that the practices of the ‘extremists’ are the alpha and omega of islamophobia.
When the islamists stop trying to force me to comply with their religious obsessions, then there will be a reduction in islamophobia/
Frankly when people are beheaded in the street then I am not sure how anyone can ignore the possibility of a connection between behaviour and the deadline in tolerance.
‘Just over two thirds of British Muslims think violence is not justified against people who publish images of the prophet Mohammed’ – so this means nearly one third think it is justifiable to use violence! Of course, we know what they mean by violence – we’re not talking about the Tell Mama facebook and twitter violence here.
I think that is a figure we should all be concerned about. This one survey indicates to me that Muslims are never going to integrate into a civilised culture.
Remember, 1/3 is about the same as the proportion of voters intending to vote Labour. It is VERY significant proportion, which the BBC tries to just sweep under the carpet
This is the most worrying item defending Islamic terrorism I have yet seen on the BBC. I hope it makes it to the top of the next open thread, as there is just so much to discuss and it doesn’t deserve to languish at the bottom of a full thread.
Just scratching the surface on the actual numbers and percentages involved in this survey – clearly designed to prevent a far-right backlash against muslims and counter the errr… rampant ‘islamaphobia’ sweeping the West – shows that, if it is taken as is it meant to be, i.e. proportionate of the muslim population of Britain, massive numbers support and condone ISIS and violence against the wicked perpetrators of such cartoons as those found in Charlie Hebdo.
In that case, mission failed, BBC. You have basically told us that, actually, a Very Large Number of British muslims support terrorism against the country in which they live, and other Western democracies, and the closing down of free speech by violence.
This is the most worrying item defending Islamic terrorism I have yet seen on the BBC. I hope it makes it to the top of the next open thread, as there is just so much to discuss and it doesn’t deserve to languish at the bottom of a full thread.
Agreed. I think this site would be better organised with some sticky threads that could be added to but remain constantly on display. It often feels that open threads are just lost, even if they are technically somewhere.
Obvious topics would be Islam, Labour, UKIP, Greens or perhaps just Islam, UKIP, Leftism. Then the open thread could be free for more unusual topics.
More Islamic propaganda from the BBC Jihad Corp: ‘Most British Muslims’? Funny how they feel they can generalise from a sample of 1000. And if we include the unpredictable variable of extremism it pretty much invalidates this pathetic BBC attempt at sweeping it all under the carpet.
Funny how they’ve clipped the word ‘Behead’ from the photo in the article where the extremist is holding up a placard saying ‘Behead Those Who Insult Islam’. Also, more when we get the ‘Islam is a religion of peace’ crap further down. BBC is a mouthpiece for Islamic propaganda.
Wouldn’t argue with that. The ‘progressive left’ is much like a religion, but I digress.
The salient point, as Guest Who previously highlighted, is that, since the days of Cromwell, UK Christians have been tolerant. That didn’t come by discussion but at the tip of Cromwell’s sword. Muslims still expect to impose their views on others.
I am most concerned to hear more about the continuing BBC drama of the three missing British school girls, imagine my disappointment this morning when I tune into the BBC tv news and they tell me not a dickie bird.
How can I keep up to date with their interesting escapades when the BBC apparently refuses to cover this vital story.
Come on BBC – my ‘fears for their safety are growing’ by the hour!
“Greetings, all, from Syria. Lovely day in the sun, on the sand – learned how to get married quickly, fire an AK47, and how to deal with those who oppose The Prophet (peas be upon him). Tomorrow, we go on an infidel-slaughter training trip, followed by a selection line-up by the chaps here, for a bride. Then off to try on suicide vests. It’s all go, it really is.
Radio 4 Today program has had a Comres poll taken of 1000 Muslims following the Charlie Hebdo Murders and of course it’s them that are the victims, and the BBC playing up to that in every way it can.
There is no opposing voice to balance the piece, which returned the exact answers the BBC wanted, that 75% of Muslims were deeply offended by cartoons of their murderous prophet, but that not a single one would do anything about it.
A quarter of them thought that the Hebdo murders were ‘understandable’.
95% said that they felt loyal to Britain.
There is no information as to where or how this survey was carried out, and my feeling is that it doesn’t reflect the feelings in Muslim communities in Britain.
Likely it has been asked of Muslims in public sector employment, who are at the much more moderate end of the spectrum, that those in areas where the data collectors didn’t feel safe to go.
I hope that at least some of you are listening to The Today programme. It’s been educational. They have commissioned a survey of 1000 British Muslims and how they feel about a whole range of issues. We’re told that they are deeply offended by depictions of THEIR prophet (I do wish The Beeb would remember this and not refer to him as THE prophet) but the majority do not believe in violence. Well, that’s a relief and there was me fretting. Phew! Apparently it’s all the fault of the media who are so bloody intolerant. So, all this nonsense about mass murder in Paris, bombs and beheadings in London is something of a conspiracy. Wouldn’t surprise me if the Jews, MI5, MI6 or UKIP were behind it… Oh, and by the way, freedom of speech should be limited.
Of course you can be absolutely certain that the Beeb conducted a really tough series of interviews with the Muslims they questioned.
A bit like they did with Natalie Bennett…
If you take a look at my post two up from this, then you will find a link to the questions asked and the questions and the way it was conducted.
It’s highly flawed as you’d expect with a set of respondents which might well have been self selecting.
It’s a well attested fact that poll respondents don’t say things they think the pollsters might disapprove of. It’s one of the reasons UKIP does better than polls suggest.
Given that, the fact that many polls are bent to achieve desired results and the various other factors that make polls unreliable, this is a pretty damning result, however the BBC wants to spin it.
Perhaps someone can remind us what have been the benefits of throwing open the doors to so many people who actively despise this country?
I notice that the BBC ignores certain findings from the poll that do not fit its narrative:
20% agree that Western liberalism can never be compatible with Islam
More Muslims disagree that Britain is becoming less tolerant of Muslims than agree (49% v 45% who agree)
11% of Muslims think organisations which publish pictures of the prophet Mohamed deserve to be attacked; 32% were unsurprised by the Charlie Hebdo attacks
Younger Muslims are more likely to be offended by pictures of you-know-who than older ones.
17% think Muslim who convert should be cut off by their family
45% disagree that Muslim clerics who preach violence against the West are out-of-touch with mainstream Muslim opinion
13% would rather socialise with Muslims than non-Muslims .
Here is the proof that the BBC Muslim Poll is biased in favour of presenting a more reasonable picture:
• Half (49%) believe Muslim clerics preaching that violence against the west can be justified are out of touch with mainstream Muslim opinion, while 45% disagree.
But it actually shows that half believe that Muslim clerics preaching that violence against the west can be justified are actually in tune with mainstream Muslim opinion.
This is actually quite a frightening finding as half of those ‘moderates’ questioned actually believe that people like Abu Hamza, Anjum Choudary, et al, actually represent mainstream Western Muslim opinion.
I suggested resettlement for people who are genuinely unhappy with this country. I did not say anything about their Britishness.True, many of these will be muslims, many will be British however you care to define it – like the three school girls who have left our inferior culture. But such unhappiness calls for attention to their human rights, which would be best served in a resettlement programme. Or do you prefer that people should be forced to put up with a British way of life, as some kind of prison sentence? In their own interests, re-settle.
British in the sense that they collect the Dole here, they shop down the road at the local Halal supermarket, they watch all the telly from “home” on the satellite, they also have to visit their relative who is banged up for sex crimes against under age girls. In what other way are they “British” ? In the Army , doubtful, drink beer in pubs , doubtful, join the local society to promote the Arts, local Garden Societies, the local Preserved railway , breed dogs and show them at local clubs, ? Yet more doubts. Preserve local church’s ? Visit and act as helpers in the local Hospice or Care homes ? Doubtful, help in the local charity shops ? Not seen that one ever, go out and join the local RNLI and rescue those in peril ? Not seen that either. In what way exactly are they “British” and not just freeloaders grabbing a free meal ticket ? Enlighten us all.
Totally off topic, but it’s exactly two years today since this site reached 15 million hits. Today it’s at 39.2 million. I make that an average of a million hits a month over the past two years.
Has anyone seen the results of the BBC poll published on their website? Under the reassuring headline, “Most British Muslims ‘oppose Muhammed cartoons reprisals'”, we eventually learn, however, that 27% have sympathies for the attacks on Charlie Hebdo magazine. As far as I’m concerned, that means 27% of the Muslim population are beyond redemption and need to be scrutinized closely.
ComRes interviewed 1,000 Muslims living in Britain aged 18+ by telephone between 26th January and 20th February.
Data were weighted to be representative of the known population?.
… sheesh!
According to the BBC there were 1300 Muslims in the Oslo
“ring of peace” vowing to stand up against Jew hatred?.
… turns out there were barely twenty!,
… there only for propaganda purposes!
… led by Oslo s leading Anti Semite!
I would not believe anything that they publish, that so consistently differs from the reality of life outside the
Bullsh-t Broad Corp front door.
Brillo currently taking apart Mary Creagh on The Daily Politics. She’s her usual pompous self, Labour want to end double-jobbing… Peter Lilley blah, blah. Brillo asked should Diane Abbott be allowed to do paid work for the BBC on This Week. That shut her up.
Maybe she should have pulled out the Pink Joker, or a Baroness Jenny Green one, and cast about wailing for a wimmin host… to really empower the sisters.
How long before large sections of the political-media estate jump the shark and demand a (tricky to peg) week a month concession card for, well… you know?
Mrs. T, Golda Meir, etc must be splitting her sides.
Shouldn’t it be, at the very least, “so-called British Muslims”?
Personally I would go for the more accurate “Muslims in Britain”. The BBC has managed to get rid of adjectives elsewhere in its reporting, (using nouns instead, i.e. “Wales Secretary” c.f. “Welsh Secretary”). The argument here is that it is ambiguous whether the Secretary is ‘of’, (born), Wales or ‘for’ (represents) Wales.
I would argue that saying “British Muslims” prejudges the answers that the survey supposedly sets out to find, namely are these Muslims in our midst ‘for’ or ‘against’ us. Except that we all know that the real BBC line, echoed by Imam Cameron, is that it is Islam that holds the real ‘British Values’ and the rest of us are degenerate, swivel-eyed loonies that refuse to submit.
ComRes interviewed 1,000 Muslims living in Britain aged 18+ by telephone between 26th January and 20th February.
Data were weighted to be representative of the known population?.
… sheesh!
According to the BBC there were 1300 Muslims in the Oslo
“ring of peace” vowing to stand up against Jew hatred?.
… turns out there were barely twenty!,
… there only for propaganda purposes!
… led by Oslo s leading Anti Semite!
I would not believe anything that they publish, that so consistently differs from the reality of life outside the
Bullsh-t Broad Corp front door.
The Daily Mail is not so Islamophile
“A quarter of British Muslims have sympathy for motives behind Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris, new survey reveals
When polled, 27% said they agreed with the statement ‘I have sympathy for the motives behind the attacks on Charlie Hebdo in Paris’
More than 1 in 10 agreed that satirical magazine ‘deserved’ to be targeted
And 10% knew Muslims who had Al-Qaeda and Islamic State sympathies
Tory peer Baroness Warsi said the figures released today were ‘worrying’
BBC News
1 hr · Almost 80% of British Muslims say they find it deeply offensive when images depicting the Prophet Muhammad are published, a poll for the BBC suggests.
Despite the editorial integrity that went into the selection of that headline, comments that follow ‘suggest’ they are struggling to speak for, much less fool a high % (based on sample) of the nation.
Regards yet another bBC sop towards the followers of the religion of peace. here are a few snippets the bBC didn’t observe:
1) The survey was a phone one, people will say what they fucking want over the phone.
2) 1000 people, come on there are almost 4 million Muslims in the UK. Hardly representative , just look at the thousands who protested against the Danish cartoons, the other week outside 10 Downing St, against the hijab ban in France, for AL Quds day. Against Israel. Against anything which offends them .
3) Seeing as the left want to draw 16 years olds into the voting game, why did the phone poll of 1000 people not include..16 and 17 year olds, hell why not drag in 10 year old upwards, I mean the bbC has no problem promoting a children parliament.
4) While allowing such a narrow sample of the faithful , to express their victim status, why where there no questions aimed at the jew. Gee I wonder how the peaceful followers of a pedophile would have voted.
5) Why were there no questions about why Muslims in the UK are prone to criminality , be it drugs, murder,electoral fraud, just fraud or even basic intolerance, the % of Muslims in the UK locked away outweights the their total %in relation to the population.
6) Did they ask prisoners, seeing as how the bBC has been demanding that prisoners be given the right to vote.
7) There’s a general election in 10 weeks, the bBC is simply galvanising the Islamic vote towards labour. expect more of this underhand dealing from the cocksucking paedophiles at the bBC
No time to check Thoughtful’s data link, but if this was a phone poll, are there breakdowns on who picked up, hung up or stayed on the line?
It’s just a few possibly incorrect notions are now flapping in the wind, for instance how the young blossoms of any good family are being handed dosh and documents without question to pursue their dreams outside the family home.
What was the breakdown of gender on the voices at either end of the line? As I understand it, this may shape attitudes significantly.
‘Daaaaad…. some strange bloke on the line wants to talk to Mum about how empowered she feels. Shall I let her out the kitchen?’
Usual play on words when we were told by the Today programme that the “overwhelming majority” of Muslims were opposed to the cartoon reprisals. The actual figure quoted was 2/3 which of course left a measly 1/3 who agreed with the reprisals.
However, things were reversed a little later on 5 Live when they announced, with great glee, an increase in the number of people on zero hours contracts and that 1/3 of them wanted to work full time. No mention of the “overwhelming majority” who were happy in their zero hours contracts.
Anybody watched this shite, muslims hear children talking about them,…Islamophobia, Muslims seeing hate on the internet…Islamopobia, a women gets abused for her hijab…Islamopobia. all these account for why Muslims feel they are under threat in the UK. Really bBC
How about the numerous Islamic rape gangs bBC?
How about the numerous Islamic terrorism attacks in the UK
How about the hundreds of thousands of instances of FGM bBC?
How about overt support for Terorrists?
How about the opaque nature of Muslims.
People are not racists, if they ask questions about the above, and muslims have no right to play the victimcard if people do.
As usual the bBC play the victim card for the most intolerent cunts on the planet. Tell you what I am so fuckiing glad why? Becasue people have had enough of the bending over and fawning regards the so called followers of the religion of peace. And they refuse to be brainwashed by the likes of the bBC that Muslims can only be victims in the UK.
ONE NEWS: More demonization of the elderly. Judith Moritz has story about how a few responsible ones are taking themselves off the road in the interests of safety.
The country would be better off without them; certainly shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
Don’t joke ICSCN. Doing a story on universal pensioner benefits, a BBC reporter, some weeks back, quite seriously asked an interviewee if there should be an upper age voting limit.
… but when Muslims chant “Free speech go to hell!” or “British police, go to hell!” then it is an unrepresentative act of a tiny minority from which no Left-thinking person should draw conclusions.
The Beeb love to trumpet ‘good-news’ stories when the courts rule for the next-big-thing in progressive social engineering. We usually get a Panorama special, ‘a-court-will-decide-this-week’ anticipation stories and excited ‘straight-from-the-courtroom’ reports on the day of the decision. Strange, then, that they have chosen not to highlight the court decision to roll back fifty years of divorce court unfairness in favour of common sense. Probably doesn’t ‘align with their values’:
“Kerry: Pakistan has ‘vigorous commitment to take on and defeat violent extremist groups.’
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Joke of the Day. Kerry won’t name them and Pakistan won’t fight them.
“But there goes $3.4 billion more American taxpayer dollars, frittered away for smiles and promises. How much of it will end up in the hands of the Islamic jihadists Kerry is afraid to identify as such, as so much of it has before?”
Just turned on the BBc to see if there are any updates on the 3 schoolgirls. (lie I couldn’t care less) Lyse Doucet is in Gaza I’ve turned it straight over.
Lyse is covering the latest BBC ‘There’s nothing happening’ story. Big stories go uncovered, yet they ship her out there to some bomb site for a whinge that ‘… not enough is being done’.
C5-The Wright Stuff
Talking about Natalie Bennett’s embarrassing interview this morning;
Jasmine Liar-Brown, ‘It’s sexist, blah, blah, and the Greens have overtaken the Liberals’
Weasel Wrighty, ‘And UKIP, of course, mutter, mutter’.
Listened to it twice but couldn’t catch the mutter which was doubtless a get-out clause, seeing as UKIP have consistently been higher in the polls than the Liberals and the Greens put together.
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
Yet people will still vote for her and her party. But then they will do that for Labour as well. As my Dad used to say, “so long as you have a hole in your ar*e, you will never understand why people vote Labour” (Insert Green instead of Labour)
Becoming Radicalised.
Why does it only happen to Muslims?
Is it because… they are Muslims?
So why blame anybody else?
It’s all to do with Islam, the religion of Peace.
I can’t think of any Christians or Hindus or Buddhists who’ve been radicalised as in ‘must go away and kill people’.
Apart from the crusades. The genocide of the Cathars. The Genocide of the early Indian Christian church by the catholics. British Imperialism Catholic versus Prostetant in Northern Ireland, Spanish inquisition (no one expects..) etc etc Blah Blah . No, we are a peace loving group ,us Christians.
But then, it was a different time.
In most cases you cite, by a fair margin.
If you are going to go for guilt by association on such a basis, it would be interesting which current group most closely identify with women-mutilating, head-lopping demogaphics from 10,000BC.
I doubt they were much in the Raquel Welch mould.
Now, if you get your education and information from BBC’s Spooks however…
And speaking of an all-inclusive ‘us’….
Given the permutations and combinations from caps and spaces (not really necessary as this site system allows direct false flags anyway) in a four-word nickname, it’s just possible the denial of service potential has hit paydirt.
Unless it is, as Roland D suggested, so inept as to be a spoof.
BBc 22:00 straight back to number 1 story schoolgirls join cult. Yep this one will run & run.
It was interesting on the Radio 4 Today Prog’ how the discussion about the three jihadist girls (before 7.45, just before their look at the papers) slowly turned things round and made them into victims of alienation from British society and … drum roll … Islamophobia.
INBBC seems to be already trying to turn Islamic jihadist of Al Shabaab, Samantha Lewthwaite, into another such victim, not Islamofascist perpetrator, with INBBC 1 prog of July 2014 such as: “The White Widow: Searching for Samantha. ”
A non-INBBC view of jihadist Lewthwaite-
(Nov 2014).
“White Widow ‘is alive and living with jihadist al-Qaeda husband in Somalia’, Kenyan spies say ”
Read more:
UKIP make a faux pas and BBC News report it and little else.
Green Party make a faux-pas (the awful LBC interview) BBC reluctantly reports but then allows their leader to have their say/apologise/grovel with a sympathetic journalist outside the HoP.
No such opportunity is ever afforded to UKIP.
INBBC: pro-Al Jazeera, pro-Qatar, pro-Obama.
It is no surprise that in its report of meeting between Obama and Emir of Qatar in White House today, INBBC narrows its political focus to one of ‘hostages’-
“US hostage policy reviewed as Qatari emir visits Obama”
By Tara McKelvey
White House reporter.
[Let us not forget BBC-NUJ walk out in work-time in support of Al Jazeera of Emirate of Qatar, and in opposition to Egypt government.]
A political context such as the following is censored by INBBC-
“Qatar and Terror”
by Denis MacEoin
November 2014.
Not the BBc but I’ve just watched the last bit of Immigration street on Channel 4 From Derby Road Southampton. Watch the despicable behaviour of some of the residents. I’m pretty sure this isn’t how channel 4 initially planned it.
Something here does not ring true. That area has been dodgy for many a long year. Going on for some generations. Just maybe some residents did not want any publicity and made sure the show was stopped. MPs etc make useful idiots.
Understandable in certain circumstances . C4 like all media people have led sheltered lives and might not know the rules of an area like Derby Road. I doubt alleged racism etc had much to do with it.
One of those “non-existent” no ‘go areas’, it would seem. ‘Next time, it’ll be gunshots’. Pleasant place to live.
Strange, Old Goat. After slinging stones and the flour one of the charming residents shouted next time it’s gunshot or something along those lines.
It’s because the £200k protection money demanded wasn’t paid.
I have just watched the Pro Labour Party Pile of Crap (PLPPC) known as the BBC Paper Review, and mindful that they are funded by the taxpayer they thought they would demonstrate their impartiality by inviting Lance Price (former BBC journalist/spin doctor for the Labour Party to comment on the papers. So Lance, which Party is more damaged by the payments for ex-ministers stories? Lance replies that it is the Tories who are more damaged because the Tories already have a reputation for wanting money because they are already so privileged. Let us move on says the interviewer. So the simple FACT that it is Labour MP’s who in the past, present, and no doubt in the future have had more of a problem with corrupt MP’s asking for money (the “Tories” have more sex scandals but that is another issue) is inverted. What a disgusting lying shit Lance Price is – as I suppose we should expect given that he is an ex-BBC journalist.
Most on this site will have probably revelled in Natalie Bennett’s cataclysmic interview on LBC with the sadistic Nick Ferrari. Ferrari ensured the thin ice grew thinner and thinner beneath her shaking legs. BiasedBBC folk will also be aware of the car crash interview with Andrew Neil who more gently exposed Bennett’s brain exploding ineptitude.
So how would the Green supporters in the media handle this latest disastrous interview with the party that wants to share power in the next Parliament?
Well The Independent, the greenest of the green, ran it as third story referring to the ‘absolutely excruciating interview’. Fair enough.
The Guardian ran it in the first section of its web page referring to her ‘mind blank’ in the headline. Ok, a little kind but it is there. I have a mind blank when I cannot find the car keys not when I am seeking to explain the financing of an entire manifesto.
And the good old unbiased BBC?
On the BBC web site the sad tale is tucked away beneath a bunch of light weight stories under the aimless title ‘Bennett sorry for bad interview.’ Bad? Bad! I have seen people give bad interviews. This was not merely a ‘bad’ interview. Then if you click the story you learn that she “seemed to struggle to explain the funding model for the new homes.” Seemed to struggle? Seemed? The rest of the article is a puff piece for the Green Party for which I hope they are grateful.
The BBC six o’clock tv news didn’t even mention it in their headlines.
And Newsnight, the flagship news program for the Greens, I mean the BBC?
Well there was some affectionate ribbing by Allegra Stratton in an interview with Bennett but then Evan Davies, and I kid ye not, went onto explain how the Green Party could fund its unfunded promise of building 500,000 homes. When he finished I expected him to say ‘simples.’
Is it really the job of Newsnight to explain a political party’s promises when not even the Green party itself has actually worked them out? And if it does choose to explain them then ought not someone cross question Evan Davies on his assumptions? Not least that it will be self financing.
He followed this with by giving Baroness Jenny Jones a helping hand through a soft soap interview as if he were talking to a fond but slightly dim friend of his mum. He even told her not to worry about her own car crash moment when she tried to stop reporters asking the hapless Bennett about the disastrous interview.
The Green Party are not a decoration. These are people who want to lead us.
They aim to have a say in the next government of the UK. They ought not be carried through interviews. It is not for the BBC to rescue them in this way.
“Is it really the job of Newsnight to explain a political party’s promises when not even the Green party itself has actually worked them out?”
No. But how many times have the spinmeisters at the BBC given up being subtle when their puppets fail to deliver?
“So what you mean to say is…?”
Good Post SS.
Newsnight really has become ‘6th form output’. Grade C- in propaganda studies. This isn’t serious professional journalism anymore, however biased.
Quite right. The BBC has been promoting the ‘Green’ agenda for decades. A few years ago I used to refer to it on this site as ‘government by BBC Bristol’.
All those fluffy ‘documentaries’ about meerkats and seal pups were politically charged, whether the people who made them at the time were aware of it or not.
It surely is the responsibility of good newscasting to inform.Newsnight was simply informing. Equally it is the role of the gutter press and social media sites such as this to characture individuals ,enthic groups and political parties in a combative and non constructive manner. The mantra being that its better to be a bigot and uninformed rather informed and thoughtful. Natelie Benett clearly is not capable of running a party but the idea that some of the Greens proposals shouldnt be considered ,in the same way that UKIPs are, is pretty ridiculous. What about their policy for the government to control the money supply for example? (Grunts all round). As I have said before if you dont know the parties respective policies you really dont deserve a vote.
‘It surely is the responsibility of good newscasting to inform’
Inform, yes. PR crisis management in guise of re-education, or propping up frustratingly inept proxies, less so. It just looks daft. A bit like you on behalf of Katz’ Kindergarden, here.
Meanwhile, in a dusty corner of Whitehall, a lonely placard blows un-noticed still in the breeze.
Analyse that.
That last bit is far too deep for me.Might help if you could draw it. I cant think that the BBC propped up anything. Soon as she shows her face everyone will start laughing. Still if you look at some of the key proposals particularly about money I think they have hit it on the head. Has a lot of cross party support together with a debate in the house recently led by a Tory. Check out Postive Money for more info.Its worth a trawl.
Yes, I saw that and thought the same. Astonishing and a bit reminiscent of Toenail’s regular bailing out of Miliband…telling us, in authoritative tones, what he really meant to say – but much worse.
It has long been a bone of contention of some older, wiser, now retired Beeboids (from a time when there was a tad more integrity) that senior presenters and editors have taken for themselves the role of ‘expert’ analysts and commentators – something far removed from what was previously their role, as journalists. The consequence is that Newsnight and their ilk, interview their own rather than real experts. Last night Davis took that one stage further, by-passing the need for anyone else along to join in.
All of this of course means that the BBC act as both news presenters and opinion formers and unlike real opinion formers or independent contributors, the BBC ‘expert’ contribution goes unchallenged – any meaningful scrutiny or complaint is denied.
Power corrupts
Having seen/heard that clown Natalie Bennett interviewed twice now I think it is fair to say that anyone planning to vote Green at the GE is an idiot. An absolute idiot. In fact, I shall now laugh heartily in the face of anyone who tries to defend the Green Party.
Watching Ms Lucas on her political “spot” on Channel 4 after their, er, “news”, yesterday, apparently the Greens are going to “fix” all the railways. Obviously, the Bennett catastrophe came after the film was made, but the juxtaposition was, er, interesting. The obvious question (to which they never seem to have an answer) was “Where’s the money coming from, for that?
HS2 for a start. Part of UKIP policy at it happens.
Funny that you should say that. Guess what BBC 4 were showing last night?
Timeshift – Series 14: 5. The Nation’s Railway: The Golden Age of British Rail
The BBC tell us:
‘With access to the British Transport Films archive, Timeshift revisits Britain’s railways during the era of nationalisation in a corrective to the myth of the bad old days of rail.’
A ‘corrective’ eh? Just in time to support the Greens and Labour’s plan for renationalisation (while forgetting that large parts – the most inefficient parts – of our railway are still in the public domain).
The BBC are really going for it, all before pre – election shutter come down to stop them.
wot bring back steam????? That gets my vote. Hardly very green though.
Not getting any coverage from the Beeb:
PLO and PA to blame for terror attacks ten years ago
“In finding the Palestinian authorities liable in the attacks, jurors awarded the victims $218.5 million in damages for the bloodshed. The US Anti-Terrorism Act could allow for that to be tripled.”
Ouch! You’d need a heart of stone not to laugh. . .
I see the bBC post yet another ‘Muslim victim of the west’ article.
Why thousands are standing behind one Muslim lawyer
Why are Australians rallying behind one Muslim lawyer? Because she has become the target of racist abuse online from far right groups and white supremacists around the world.
The story starts with a vest on sale at Woolworths. Last year, branches of the Australian retailer began selling a singlet carrying a controversial patriotic message. Underneath a picture of the Australian flag, the caption on the vest read “If you don’t love it, leave”.
The slogan could be read as a hostile message aimed at immigrant groups in the country, and that’s how it was taken by Mariam Veiszadeh. She’s a lawyer, and prominent advocate for the Muslim community in Australia. She tweeted a picture of the vest on sale in the shop, saying “I’m outraged that #WOOLWORTHS are allegedly selling these bigoted singlets at their Cairns stores”. Her message of anger began to trend online, and the retailer quickly pulled the item in question.
and at the bottom of this article bBC tending promote their next story; “Christian Mercy for Islamic State
The bBC, the propaganda arm for intolerant Islam.
Nobody should be expected to put up with criminal abuse online, if that is what she has been experiencing. But this ‘story’ is undermined from the beginning by what seems like undue sensitivity on her behalf. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the vest, which is both universalist and amusing. I’ve heard plenty of people say things like “I don’t like this country any more, I’m off to live in Spain/France/Australia” and many Brits in Australia experience encouragement to “return home”. If the vest particularly referenced immigrants or including stereotypical illustrations or had the slogan in a variety of languages then possibly. But it doesn’t. Rather, it is illustrative of the covergence of BBC-style Far Left and Islamist interests in that no dissidence will be tolerated.
Maybe if she stole a loaf of bread they would ship her to the UK.
Hmm Just imagine if this was a poll of UKIP members with 27% of members ‘feeling some sympathy for the motives of Enoch Powell’ – not that he ever beheaded anyone in the street or shot down 10 journalists, or flew jets into office blocks etc etc etc
27% “have some sympathy” for the motives behind the Charlie Hebdo attacks – one in four!!!
46% feel Britain is becoming less tolerant of muslims.
I wonder if there is any connection between those two points. It looks to me that the practices of the ‘extremists’ are the alpha and omega of islamophobia.
When the islamists stop trying to force me to comply with their religious obsessions, then there will be a reduction in islamophobia/
Frankly when people are beheaded in the street then I am not sure how anyone can ignore the possibility of a connection between behaviour and the deadline in tolerance.
‘Just over two thirds of British Muslims think violence is not justified against people who publish images of the prophet Mohammed’ – so this means nearly one third think it is justifiable to use violence! Of course, we know what they mean by violence – we’re not talking about the Tell Mama facebook and twitter violence here.
I think that is a figure we should all be concerned about. This one survey indicates to me that Muslims are never going to integrate into a civilised culture.
Remember, 1/3 is about the same as the proportion of voters intending to vote Labour. It is VERY significant proportion, which the BBC tries to just sweep under the carpet
This is the most worrying item defending Islamic terrorism I have yet seen on the BBC. I hope it makes it to the top of the next open thread, as there is just so much to discuss and it doesn’t deserve to languish at the bottom of a full thread.
Just scratching the surface on the actual numbers and percentages involved in this survey – clearly designed to prevent a far-right backlash against muslims and counter the errr… rampant ‘islamaphobia’ sweeping the West – shows that, if it is taken as is it meant to be, i.e. proportionate of the muslim population of Britain, massive numbers support and condone ISIS and violence against the wicked perpetrators of such cartoons as those found in Charlie Hebdo.
In that case, mission failed, BBC. You have basically told us that, actually, a Very Large Number of British muslims support terrorism against the country in which they live, and other Western democracies, and the closing down of free speech by violence.
This is the most worrying item defending Islamic terrorism I have yet seen on the BBC. I hope it makes it to the top of the next open thread, as there is just so much to discuss and it doesn’t deserve to languish at the bottom of a full thread.
Agreed. I think this site would be better organised with some sticky threads that could be added to but remain constantly on display. It often feels that open threads are just lost, even if they are technically somewhere.
Obvious topics would be Islam, Labour, UKIP, Greens or perhaps just Islam, UKIP, Leftism. Then the open thread could be free for more unusual topics.
Or the fact that UK/US Armies went and incinerated the middle east in search of Oil. Not Saudi Arabia though where they behead people with style.
I thought they used swords.
More Islamic propaganda from the BBC Jihad Corp: ‘Most British Muslims’? Funny how they feel they can generalise from a sample of 1000. And if we include the unpredictable variable of extremism it pretty much invalidates this pathetic BBC attempt at sweeping it all under the carpet.
Funny how they’ve clipped the word ‘Behead’ from the photo in the article where the extremist is holding up a placard saying ‘Behead Those Who Insult Islam’. Also, more when we get the ‘Islam is a religion of peace’ crap further down. BBC is a mouthpiece for Islamic propaganda.
Funny, this website appears to generalise all Muslims as one coherent group.
No religion is for peace. Religion is a form of ideological dominance.
Religion is a form of ideological dominance.
Wouldn’t argue with that. The ‘progressive left’ is much like a religion, but I digress.
The salient point, as Guest Who previously highlighted, is that, since the days of Cromwell, UK Christians have been tolerant. That didn’t come by discussion but at the tip of Cromwell’s sword. Muslims still expect to impose their views on others.
I am most concerned to hear more about the continuing BBC drama of the three missing British school girls, imagine my disappointment this morning when I tune into the BBC tv news and they tell me not a dickie bird.
How can I keep up to date with their interesting escapades when the BBC apparently refuses to cover this vital story.
Come on BBC – my ‘fears for their safety are growing’ by the hour!
There’ll be a postcard in the mail, tomorrow:
“Greetings, all, from Syria. Lovely day in the sun, on the sand – learned how to get married quickly, fire an AK47, and how to deal with those who oppose The Prophet (peas be upon him). Tomorrow, we go on an infidel-slaughter training trip, followed by a selection line-up by the chaps here, for a bride. Then off to try on suicide vests. It’s all go, it really is.
Miss you. Wish you were here.
Love, etc…”
Radio 4 Today program has had a Comres poll taken of 1000 Muslims following the Charlie Hebdo Murders and of course it’s them that are the victims, and the BBC playing up to that in every way it can.
There is no opposing voice to balance the piece, which returned the exact answers the BBC wanted, that 75% of Muslims were deeply offended by cartoons of their murderous prophet, but that not a single one would do anything about it.
A quarter of them thought that the Hebdo murders were ‘understandable’.
95% said that they felt loyal to Britain.
There is no information as to where or how this survey was carried out, and my feeling is that it doesn’t reflect the feelings in Muslim communities in Britain.
Likely it has been asked of Muslims in public sector employment, who are at the much more moderate end of the spectrum, that those in areas where the data collectors didn’t feel safe to go.
I was just saying to Mrs Dave666 “wow amazing they’ve dropped the schoolgirls join the cult story” When sofa sloth mentioned it. So still running.
I hope that at least some of you are listening to The Today programme. It’s been educational. They have commissioned a survey of 1000 British Muslims and how they feel about a whole range of issues. We’re told that they are deeply offended by depictions of THEIR prophet (I do wish The Beeb would remember this and not refer to him as THE prophet) but the majority do not believe in violence. Well, that’s a relief and there was me fretting. Phew! Apparently it’s all the fault of the media who are so bloody intolerant. So, all this nonsense about mass murder in Paris, bombs and beheadings in London is something of a conspiracy. Wouldn’t surprise me if the Jews, MI5, MI6 or UKIP were behind it… Oh, and by the way, freedom of speech should be limited.
Of course you can be absolutely certain that the Beeb conducted a really tough series of interviews with the Muslims they questioned.
A bit like they did with Natalie Bennett…
In a poll just now all of Dave666 (100%) think taqiyah.
If you take a look at my post two up from this, then you will find a link to the questions asked and the questions and the way it was conducted.
It’s highly flawed as you’d expect with a set of respondents which might well have been self selecting.
It’s a BBC poll.
‘Highly flawed’ is a given based on an ignoble history, with the only variables being levels of incompetence to meddling.
And that’s just the input stage.
Then there’s what happens once BBC edit suites work their magic…
As it stands there is some raw data ”out there” which even if the BBC goes into full pachyderm-obfuscation mode, others, via other avenues, will not.
With the BBC now, the first thing any sensible person does is focus on what they consider ‘not news’ (c) A. Newsroom Tealady
Those Poll results are disturbing.
There would be those too inhibited to give an answer that could be seen as provocative i.e. the truth.
As it stands, 27% have ‘sympathy’ with the Paris multiple murders from only a couple of months ago!!
They shouldn’t be indulged, it gives then an over bearing sense of self importance and entitlement.
I guess a survey of the views of 1000 Christians would be racist?
Or a survey of a 1000 racists!
It’s a well attested fact that poll respondents don’t say things they think the pollsters might disapprove of. It’s one of the reasons UKIP does better than polls suggest.
Given that, the fact that many polls are bent to achieve desired results and the various other factors that make polls unreliable, this is a pretty damning result, however the BBC wants to spin it.
Perhaps someone can remind us what have been the benefits of throwing open the doors to so many people who actively despise this country?
I notice that the BBC ignores certain findings from the poll that do not fit its narrative:
20% agree that Western liberalism can never be compatible with Islam
More Muslims disagree that Britain is becoming less tolerant of Muslims than agree (49% v 45% who agree)
11% of Muslims think organisations which publish pictures of the prophet Mohamed deserve to be attacked; 32% were unsurprised by the Charlie Hebdo attacks
Younger Muslims are more likely to be offended by pictures of you-know-who than older ones.
17% think Muslim who convert should be cut off by their family
45% disagree that Muslim clerics who preach violence against the West are out-of-touch with mainstream Muslim opinion
13% would rather socialise with Muslims than non-Muslims .
Click to access BBC-Today-Programme_British-Muslims-Poll_FINAL-Tables_Feb2015.pdf
Here is the proof that the BBC Muslim Poll is biased in favour of presenting a more reasonable picture:
• Half (49%) believe Muslim clerics preaching that violence against the west can be justified are out of touch with mainstream Muslim opinion, while 45% disagree.
But it actually shows that half believe that Muslim clerics preaching that violence against the west can be justified are actually in tune with mainstream Muslim opinion.
This is actually quite a frightening finding as half of those ‘moderates’ questioned actually believe that people like Abu Hamza, Anjum Choudary, et al, actually represent mainstream Western Muslim opinion.
They are correct. They do represent mainstream muslim thinking. Maybe not the interpretation offered by Cameron and Clegg.
On these grounds, serious thought should be given to a major re-settlement programme for people who are genuinely unhappy with this country
Resettlement. Most of them are British.
What do you suggest – that they remain here, unhappy with the status quo…. or that we change the UK to better reflect their culture?
I suggested resettlement for people who are genuinely unhappy with this country. I did not say anything about their Britishness.True, many of these will be muslims, many will be British however you care to define it – like the three school girls who have left our inferior culture. But such unhappiness calls for attention to their human rights, which would be best served in a resettlement programme. Or do you prefer that people should be forced to put up with a British way of life, as some kind of prison sentence? In their own interests, re-settle.
British in the sense that they collect the Dole here, they shop down the road at the local Halal supermarket, they watch all the telly from “home” on the satellite, they also have to visit their relative who is banged up for sex crimes against under age girls. In what other way are they “British” ? In the Army , doubtful, drink beer in pubs , doubtful, join the local society to promote the Arts, local Garden Societies, the local Preserved railway , breed dogs and show them at local clubs, ? Yet more doubts. Preserve local church’s ? Visit and act as helpers in the local Hospice or Care homes ? Doubtful, help in the local charity shops ? Not seen that one ever, go out and join the local RNLI and rescue those in peril ? Not seen that either. In what way exactly are they “British” and not just freeloaders grabbing a free meal ticket ? Enlighten us all.
Totally off topic, but it’s exactly two years today since this site reached 15 million hits. Today it’s at 39.2 million. I make that an average of a million hits a month over the past two years.
Has anyone seen the results of the BBC poll published on their website? Under the reassuring headline, “Most British Muslims ‘oppose Muhammed cartoons reprisals'”, we eventually learn, however, that 27% have sympathies for the attacks on Charlie Hebdo magazine. As far as I’m concerned, that means 27% of the Muslim population are beyond redemption and need to be scrutinized closely.
ComRes interviewed 1,000 Muslims living in Britain aged 18+ by telephone between 26th January and 20th February.
Data were weighted to be representative of the known population?.
… sheesh!
According to the BBC there were 1300 Muslims in the Oslo
“ring of peace” vowing to stand up against Jew hatred?.
… turns out there were barely twenty!,
… there only for propaganda purposes!
… led by Oslo s leading Anti Semite!
I would not believe anything that they publish, that so consistently differs from the reality of life outside the
Bullsh-t Broad Corp front door.
Brillo currently taking apart Mary Creagh on The Daily Politics. She’s her usual pompous self, Labour want to end double-jobbing… Peter Lilley blah, blah. Brillo asked should Diane Abbott be allowed to do paid work for the BBC on This Week. That shut her up.
Maybe she should have pulled out the Pink Joker, or a Baroness Jenny Green one, and cast about wailing for a wimmin host… to really empower the sisters.
How long before large sections of the political-media estate jump the shark and demand a (tricky to peg) week a month concession card for, well… you know?
Mrs. T, Golda Meir, etc must be splitting her sides.
She got lost, she couldn’t even find the right building.
‘The former BBC journalist is popular with the Shadow Cabinet’
Shocked, I tell you! Shocked!
What was it Ally Cat said about not becoming the story?
Still, Evan’s Newsnight smooth-over script on behalf of Ed’s former shadow of all talents is doubtless being penned for tonight’s PPB ‘news’ slot.
Two different summaries of same INBBC poll on U.K Muslims-
1.) ‘Daily Mail’-
“A quarter of British Muslims have sympathy for motives behind Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris, new survey reveals ”
Read more:
2.) INBBC:-
“British Muslims oppose cartoons reprisal attacks, BBC poll finds”
Shouldn’t it be, at the very least, “so-called British Muslims”?
Personally I would go for the more accurate “Muslims in Britain”. The BBC has managed to get rid of adjectives elsewhere in its reporting, (using nouns instead, i.e. “Wales Secretary” c.f. “Welsh Secretary”). The argument here is that it is ambiguous whether the Secretary is ‘of’, (born), Wales or ‘for’ (represents) Wales.
I would argue that saying “British Muslims” prejudges the answers that the survey supposedly sets out to find, namely are these Muslims in our midst ‘for’ or ‘against’ us. Except that we all know that the real BBC line, echoed by Imam Cameron, is that it is Islam that holds the real ‘British Values’ and the rest of us are degenerate, swivel-eyed loonies that refuse to submit.
BBC 24 Website headline states:
‘Muslims Oppose Cartoons Reprisals’
When you click on the headline it states:
‘Most Muslims……
That is deceitful reporting.
ComRes interviewed 1,000 Muslims living in Britain aged 18+ by telephone between 26th January and 20th February.
Data were weighted to be representative of the known population?.
… sheesh!
According to the BBC there were 1300 Muslims in the Oslo
“ring of peace” vowing to stand up against Jew hatred?.
… turns out there were barely twenty!,
… there only for propaganda purposes!
… led by Oslo s leading Anti Semite!
I would not believe anything that they publish, that so consistently differs from the reality of life outside the
Bullsh-t Broad Corp front door.
The Daily Mail is not so Islamophile
“A quarter of British Muslims have sympathy for motives behind Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris, new survey reveals
When polled, 27% said they agreed with the statement ‘I have sympathy for the motives behind the attacks on Charlie Hebdo in Paris’
More than 1 in 10 agreed that satirical magazine ‘deserved’ to be targeted
And 10% knew Muslims who had Al-Qaeda and Islamic State sympathies
Tory peer Baroness Warsi said the figures released today were ‘worrying’
Read more:
Almost a quarter of Muslims believe 7/7 was justified
shocking new survey
Read more:
Or… as the trusted and transparent national treasure would explain: ‘there was no room for accuracy’.
Or proper context.
This time.
On this topic.
Watch this space.
Ooo, look, a squirrel!
BBC FaceBook has:
BBC News
1 hr ·
Almost 80% of British Muslims say they find it deeply offensive when images depicting the Prophet Muhammad are published, a poll for the BBC suggests.
Despite the editorial integrity that went into the selection of that headline, comments that follow ‘suggest’ they are struggling to speak for, much less fool a high % (based on sample) of the nation.
For Beeboids who are: pro-E.U, pro-Qatar, pro-Turkey –
“EU, Qatar and Turkey.
Who Could Be Whipping Up Terrorists?”
– Note role of BBC-NUJ’s chums at Emirate of Qatar’s Islamic Al Jazeera
broadcasting global network.
Regards yet another bBC sop towards the followers of the religion of peace. here are a few snippets the bBC didn’t observe:
1) The survey was a phone one, people will say what they fucking want over the phone.
2) 1000 people, come on there are almost 4 million Muslims in the UK. Hardly representative , just look at the thousands who protested against the Danish cartoons, the other week outside 10 Downing St, against the hijab ban in France, for AL Quds day. Against Israel. Against anything which offends them .
3) Seeing as the left want to draw 16 years olds into the voting game, why did the phone poll of 1000 people not include..16 and 17 year olds, hell why not drag in 10 year old upwards, I mean the bbC has no problem promoting a children parliament.
4) While allowing such a narrow sample of the faithful , to express their victim status, why where there no questions aimed at the jew. Gee I wonder how the peaceful followers of a pedophile would have voted.
5) Why were there no questions about why Muslims in the UK are prone to criminality , be it drugs, murder,electoral fraud, just fraud or even basic intolerance, the % of Muslims in the UK locked away outweights the their total %in relation to the population.
6) Did they ask prisoners, seeing as how the bBC has been demanding that prisoners be given the right to vote.
7) There’s a general election in 10 weeks, the bBC is simply galvanising the Islamic vote towards labour. expect more of this underhand dealing from the cocksucking paedophiles at the bBC
No time to check Thoughtful’s data link, but if this was a phone poll, are there breakdowns on who picked up, hung up or stayed on the line?
It’s just a few possibly incorrect notions are now flapping in the wind, for instance how the young blossoms of any good family are being handed dosh and documents without question to pursue their dreams outside the family home.
What was the breakdown of gender on the voices at either end of the line? As I understand it, this may shape attitudes significantly.
‘Daaaaad…. some strange bloke on the line wants to talk to Mum about how empowered she feels. Shall I let her out the kitchen?’
Usual play on words when we were told by the Today programme that the “overwhelming majority” of Muslims were opposed to the cartoon reprisals. The actual figure quoted was 2/3 which of course left a measly 1/3 who agreed with the reprisals.
However, things were reversed a little later on 5 Live when they announced, with great glee, an increase in the number of people on zero hours contracts and that 1/3 of them wanted to work full time. No mention of the “overwhelming majority” who were happy in their zero hours contracts.
I see the bBC are allowing the hateful bigoted MCB to demand further research into why Muslims feel they can only victims in the UK
‘Further research on Muslim poll findings needed’
Anybody watched this shite, muslims hear children talking about them,…Islamophobia, Muslims seeing hate on the internet…Islamopobia, a women gets abused for her hijab…Islamopobia. all these account for why Muslims feel they are under threat in the UK. Really bBC
How about the numerous Islamic rape gangs bBC?
How about the numerous Islamic terrorism attacks in the UK
How about the hundreds of thousands of instances of FGM bBC?
How about overt support for Terorrists?
How about the opaque nature of Muslims.
People are not racists, if they ask questions about the above, and muslims have no right to play the victimcard if people do.
As usual the bBC play the victim card for the most intolerent cunts on the planet. Tell you what I am so fuckiing glad why? Becasue people have had enough of the bending over and fawning regards the so called followers of the religion of peace. And they refuse to be brainwashed by the likes of the bBC that Muslims can only be victims in the UK.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst.
ONE NEWS: More demonization of the elderly. Judith Moritz has story about how a few responsible ones are taking themselves off the road in the interests of safety.
The country would be better off without them; certainly shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
Don’t joke ICSCN. Doing a story on universal pensioner benefits, a BBC reporter, some weeks back, quite seriously asked an interviewee if there should be an upper age voting limit.
FFS, don’t give the buggers any more ideas.
ONE NEWS: ‘Racist Chanting 2 – St Pancras’ story just runs and runs…
… but when Muslims chant “Free speech go to hell!” or “British police, go to hell!” then it is an unrepresentative act of a tiny minority from which no Left-thinking person should draw conclusions.
Not on The One O’Clock News
The Beeb love to trumpet ‘good-news’ stories when the courts rule for the next-big-thing in progressive social engineering. We usually get a Panorama special, ‘a-court-will-decide-this-week’ anticipation stories and excited ‘straight-from-the-courtroom’ reports on the day of the decision. Strange, then, that they have chosen not to highlight the court decision to roll back fifty years of divorce court unfairness in favour of common sense. Probably doesn’t ‘align with their values’:
How ‘get a job’ divorce ruling will change settlements on maintenance payments
Lyse ‘the humanity of the Taliban’ DOUCET: writing around the subject, never quite mentions that “bomber” threat comes from Islamic jihadists-
“Lahore Literary Festival: Book lovers defy the bombers”
“Kerry: Pakistan has ‘vigorous commitment to take on and defeat violent extremist groups.’
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Joke of the Day. Kerry won’t name them and Pakistan won’t fight them.
“But there goes $3.4 billion more American taxpayer dollars, frittered away for smiles and promises. How much of it will end up in the hands of the Islamic jihadists Kerry is afraid to identify as such, as so much of it has before?”
Just turned on the BBc to see if there are any updates on the 3 schoolgirls. (lie I couldn’t care less) Lyse Doucet is in Gaza I’ve turned it straight over.
Lyse is covering the latest BBC ‘There’s nothing happening’ story. Big stories go uncovered, yet they ship her out there to some bomb site for a whinge that ‘… not enough is being done’.
Bit of a sacrificial tailend Charlie (I hope):
Funny if not in the wrong hands, deadly serious.
Have to say the Judean Popular Front aspect ironic.
And another:
‘by yet another of their “Environmental Correspondents”. (How many do they ruddy well have?)’
Could ask them. Likely covered by that unique transparency they enjoy waving about.
Not seen much of this story on the bbc as yet, and I don’t expect to either!
Double jobbing is a good day to bury black news.
C5-The Wright Stuff
Talking about Natalie Bennett’s embarrassing interview this morning;
Jasmine Liar-Brown, ‘It’s sexist, blah, blah, and the Greens have overtaken the Liberals’
Weasel Wrighty, ‘And UKIP, of course, mutter, mutter’.
Listened to it twice but couldn’t catch the mutter which was doubtless a get-out clause, seeing as UKIP have consistently been higher in the polls than the Liberals and the Greens put together.
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