Net foreign immigration is 352,000.
The borders remain open to one and all and the massed hordes of immigrants are still ‘flocking’ to Britain.
The BBC told us today that immigration made the economy successful and it is this economic success that brings the immigrants. I’m certain you could all pick holes in the BBC’s pro-immigration propaganda.
Net immigration is stated as 298,000.
But that doesn’t give the true picture, nor the true scale of problems to come.
The truly interesting number is one that tells us how many non-British citizens come here net of British citizens’ movements in and out of the country. This would reveal the disturbing fact that non-British citizen immigration is huge and means that the native British population is gradually being thinned down as the ratio of foreign immigrants grows in comparison.
The net migration figure for non-British citizens entering this country was 352,000, around 140,000 Brits left and 88,000 returned.
The ratio of Brits to foreigners is gradually being eroded and you have to ask how long before Britons are strangers in their own land?
Such a question is important for many reasons. Diversity does not bring stability, trust nor peace and mass immigration and open borders will bring about the end of the ‘Welfare State’….for example the NHS is already heading towards crisis point as the population grows beyond capacity with the potential that the NHS becomes insurance based and not free at the point of delivery.
The BBC is always telling us that faith in politics has been eroded and no one trusts politicians. The reason for that is down to two policies in the main…immigration and Europe…whilst the majority of the population want to limit both, the political and media class have sought to suppress and ignore such concerns as Peter Hitchens tells us…
‘As diversity increases, democracy weakens. Faith in democracy declines when people see they cannot make a difference., and mass immigration, a policy clearly and consistently opposed by most people and yet which no mainstream politician will speak against, has shaken the public’s trust in politics. Since politicians will not listen to people’s concerns, they come to the conclusion that politics is pointless’.
‘All the arguments for multiculturalism- that people feel safer, more comfortable among people of the same group, and that they need their own cultural identity – are arguments against immigration, since English people must also feel the same. If people categorised as “White Britons” are not afforded that indulgence because they are a majority, do they attain it when they become a minority?’.
Immigration and Europe…..any wonder UKIP gets so many votes?
The reality is that ‘politics’ isn’t broken, in the main things trundle along reasonably well except for these two major issues which could change the game radically this election.
I did enjoy listening to a BBC interview with Yvette Cooper when she was allowed to get away with this:
“[Home Secretary] Theresa May’s obsession with the target has led her to target valuable university students, who bring billions into Britain whilst doing nothing to make the labour market fairer for local workers, preventing undercutting by exploitative employers or putting in place proper border controls so we can count people in and out to enforce the rules,” she said.
You probably already know that Labour aide Andrew Neather long ago revealed that Labour introduced its mass immigration plot with complete disregard for the effect it would have on the working classes’ lives…
He acknowledged that “nervous” ministers made no mention of the policy at the time for fear of alienating Labour voters.
“Part by accident, part by design, the Government had created its longed-for immigration boom.
“But ministers wouldn’t talk about it. In part they probably realised the conservatism of their core voters: while ministers might have been passionately in favour of a more diverse society, it wasn’t necessarily a debate they wanted to have in working men’s clubs in Sheffield or Sunderland.”
Sir Andrew Green, chairman of the Migrationwatch think tank, said: “Now at least the truth is out, and it’s dynamite.
Labour lied and the BBC still doesn’t like to raise that revelation and crucify Labour for its policies.
Enjoy… John Ware in Standpoint
The number of British jihadis far exceeds the total for the rest of Europe. Yet still we puzzle over why Britain became the jihadi capital of Europe.
One man who thinks he does is the American political scientist and historian, Robert Leiken, a director of the immigration and national security program at the Nixon Centre in Washington. His latest book, Europe’s Angry Muslims, finds the main ingredient is Britain’s approach to immigration ……..Above all, the underlying explanation for so many British Muslims falling under the spell of jihadists like Omar Bakri (twice granted asylum) was Britain’s desire to grant Muslims autonomy in the name of “diversity”.
Time to Wise Up to the Muslim Brotherhood
Steven Merley, a former financial trader turned investigator of extremist movements, has probed the Brotherhood for over a decade. It is particularly active in Britain and according to Merley, its strategy is to “create mischief” with a heavy emphasis on Muslim victimhood including the charge that the West has been waging a war on Islam. This has been a powerful radicalising factor in young Muslims.
The Brotherhood’s tactic to advance this strategy, says Merley, has been to establish a dizzying number of organisations and initiatives which create the impression of broad-based support. In reality, the sponsors are the same individuals and groups whose leaders have not changed over decades.
The Plot to Islamise Birmingham’s Schools
The roots of the Trojan Horse agenda predate Gove by at least a generation. They go back to the creation of the main umbrella for Muslim schools, the Association of Muslim Schools UK (AMS UK), the International Board of Educational Research and Resources (IBERR), and the MCB. Tahir Alam and some of the Park View Brothers have been associated with or held positions in these bodies, which have been inspired by a broad global Islamist movement that has morphed from the original Cairo-based Muslim Brotherhood. That movement sees no distinction between Islam as a spiritual faith, a way of life and a political ideology. Some say that following the collapse of Communism, Islamism is history’s next big idea.
Inside The World Of ‘Non-Violent’ Islamism
The Muslim Council of Britain’s secretary-general, Dr Shuja Shafi: He has said he has “no idea” why young people become radicalised.
With Islamist terrorist plots now running at more than one a month, the UK counter-terrorism effort can deal only with the crocodiles that are bumping against the boat. So the Home Office is setting up a special unit that will analyse the effectiveness of government measures aimed at “draining the swamp” as the Prime Minister has put it.
The Extremism Analysis Unit (EAU) will be the first of its kind in government to gather empirical evidence about the behaviour and ideologies of extremists.
It will also explore the relationship between integration and extremism.
Many Muslims in Birmingham, Luton, parts of London and the old northern mill towns seem resistant to integrating into the liberal mainstream. More British Muslims have gone to Syria and Iraq than there are Muslims in the British army. I understand that officials have been unable to demonstrate that any initiatives by this government or the last to promote integration have had any beneficial impact.
The EAU will attract controversy because while it will, of course, analyse all sources of extremism, its principal focus will inevitably be on Islamist extremism, because this will pose the greatest threat to national security for the foreseeable future.
You can bet your bottom dollar that all those asylum seekers (terrorists ) and boat people landing on the shores of Italy from N Africa will be heading this way. Thanks to the EU’s open borders and the present Tory government.
They will. But where the hell do we have left to take refuge? When the Government – of whatever political complexion – speaks about ‘defence’, what is it allegedly defending? Not the interests of its own people, that’s for sure. The greatest threat to national security is not Russia, but the pro-mass immigration mindset of Westminster politicians and their parties.
Where the hell do we have left to take refuge?
If you’re really bother there’s huge swathes of the country almost devoid of immigrants (and young people, and anything interesting to do). I’d try there. It’s generally the bits that are UK target seats.
The elite is going to hit real trouble very soon. I get around and it is obvious that the ordinary voter has had enough. The media is not trusted and the BBC is included in this hence the desperation with which it is beginning to defend itself.
Little room now for the liberal elite to manouvre. The choices are becoming limited. They can continue to lie and ignore reality and ignore the wishes of the indigenous majority. This is their preferred option but it is not surviving the clashes with reality that we are now seeing.
It looks like supression is the only way for them. And that means people like us.
“Tyrants by inevitability”
I doubt that free speech will survive. I doubt that freedom itself will survive as we have known it in England for generations. This elite is greedy and incompetent. I listened to QT for a while. Deeply depressing in the sheer ignorance shown by all involved.
Time to stop all contact with this dreadful lot. To stop listening and to refuse to engage in any way with them.
They are unfit to rule and have forgotten what a people and a nation are.
They’re playing for time. They hope that if they can cram in enough immigrants over the next 5-10 years, then as elderly Brits die, there will no longer be enough British people left to oppose their agenda. We don’t have long to defeat them – once all the recent immigrants get the right to vote, things will tip in their favour.
they are playing smoke and mirrors about the real extent about these immigration figures because the majority of mass immigration is from not within the eu but from outside the eu from africa and south east asia, even ukip are falling into this trap of not stating where this real mass immigration is coming from because they are still scared of being called racist for stating the bleeding obvious. mass immigration and the problems with crime and terrorism that comes with it has always come from the third world but the politacaly corrrect brigade hope we dont notice that,well we do.
Commissioners Derek Myers, Stella Manzie, Malcolm Newsam, Mary Ney and Julie Kenny will rule over Rotherham.
But I haven’t found the Balen Report yet.
Britain as a nation is slowly being destroyed by Lib/Lab/Con who say they care, but do not. They must start returning these people and get OUT of the EU.
The BBC tells us about Nigel Farage’s attempts to bring his immigration messages to the USA –
‘After a day full of pontificating Republican US presidential hopefuls, the CPAC conference in Washington, DC, ended with a would-be world leader of a different sort.’
If the article had been about Red Ed speaking at a Democrat event, I doubt they would have struck such a patronizing and dismissive tone.
‘Mr Farage won the audience back in the end, however, with an attack on yet another common enemy – multiculturalism.’
Oh dear oh dear BBC.
Neither UKIP nor the Republican Party are opposed to multi-culturalism.
Both recognize that their nations’ greatness is due to a coming together of peoples from different parts of the world.
Both are happy for people to assert their cultural identities.
What they object to is the cult of political correctness surrounding multi-culturalism.
Typical sneering belligerence from the common purpose elite at the BBC. It’s a disgrace. Gone is any chance of unbiased reporting. The BBC always feels need to ‘game’ the news in favour of its preferred left-liberal political narrative.
The sooner these disreputable frauds lose their license fee (their right to demand money with menaces), the better for us all.
Just saw another example; Vicky Young on the BBC NHS News Channel sneering about Nigel Farage ‘speaking to an empty room’ in the US. Patrick O’Flynn pointed that that UKIP had got huge coverage around the world over the US event.
Sorry Jeff but you’re wrong.
Multiculturalism is the policy of encouraging ethnic or religious minorities NOT to integrate into the host society.
Instead of integrating and blending with society to make it stronger, multiculturalism leads to fragmentation and to groups standing apart from and even (as in the case of Islam) rejecting the values of the host society.
When we hear that people feel “marginalised” by our society and rejected by it and that this has led them to be “radicalised”, this is multiculturalism.
It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that we are starting to reap a bitter harvest from decades of misguided multicultural policies.
Hi Truthdoctor
I googled ‘multi-culturalism definition’, and got the following:
“Multiculturalism” is the co-existence of diverse cultures, where culture includes racial, religious, or cultural groups and is manifested in customary behaviours, cultural assumptions and values, patterns of thinking, and communicative styles.
Given that UKIP wants the brightest and the best people from around the globle to be able to come to Britain to fill our skills gaps, UKIP can be said to be fans of multi-culturalism according to that definition.
What UKIP objects to is the fact that you can’t attempt to have a proper debate about the issues surrounding immigration without being called a racist.
The best way to fill the ‘skills gap’ is to educate and train the people that are already here not import new ones.
Classic example. When Labour introduced IR35 at the behest of their sponsoring IT giants it removed 30,000 IT companies from the books. To ‘solve’ this problem they then introduced Foreign and Technical Visa (FTVs). These allowed Indian IT ‘experts’ to flood the market depressing wages and encouraging more local IT skills to disappear. So they actually replaced a home grown skill set with an inferior one from abroad. Complete madness.
We have the people capable of doing 99% of the jobs were need – all we need to do is to train them to do them.
Young Muslims don’t become radicalised, they just follow the teachings of Islam.
The Koran says;
“Fight against those who believe not in Allah and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued”. 9.29
There are more than 100 other verses (surah) saying similar, violent stuff.
Acts of Islamic violence which are taking place every day are part of a global war of conquest that Islam has been waging since the days of the Prophet Muhammad in the 7th Century AD. This is the simple, glaring truth which the BBC conceals.
But for the BBC, Islam and the Koran has nothing to do with Islam.
Correct. And contrary to all of the rubbish constantly pumped out about Muslim peoples and countries being victims of western imperialism and colonialism, there’s no mention of the mass white slave trade, which involved the enslavement of over one million Europeans by the Muslims of North Africa. When will we have the Barbary corsairs accorded a rightful place on the national curriculum, recording their numerous slave raids on Cornwall and Devon, terrorising, abducting and killing local people in the name of Islam and profit? Against Islamic principles? Hardly, for as you note, their ‘prophet’ commanded a constant war of conquest accompanied by the subjugation, killing and enslavement of those who would not submit.
Yes, what you say goes to the heart of the matter.
BBC types do not seem to grasp that religion for most people in the world is not about doubt and equivocation in relation to the holy texts. The Koran is god speaking through the prophet to mankind. This is why it is the “Holy Koran”. Sancta simplicitas is not scoffed at as in the secular west, unquestioning belief is a sine qua non for devoutness.
Importing millions of people with an unquestioning belief in the supernatural, whose conduct is largely determined by a tribal system of taboo/non-taboo, sinful/not sinful, helal/haram, fas/nefas, rites of passage for their young involving mutilation, family honour etc. could only end in tears. They are living as the Supreme Being commands, we are not. We are an abomination in the sight of God and so worthless. We are constantly being told this by Muslims, but the BBC thinks these are the rantings of a deranged minority.
‘He that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him.’
There’s also a lot of stuff in the Bible which is intolerant and unjust – see
Just because a religious book can be interpreted as advocating something doesn’t mean that the followers of the religion necessarily go along with that interpretation.
I would say that a lot of so-called islamic terrorism has nothing to do with islam, but is caused by geo-political and economic factors.
Throughout history, people of all races and religions have done terrible things to each other. If the Koran didn’t exist, Islamist extremists would find some other excuse to do evil.
You are forgetting that the New Testament is the model for Christians, not the Old Testament.
I think you will find that is a key difference and one of the reasons why you are very wrong in your analysis: Islam is unreformed and almost certainly unreformable.
The New Testament doesn’t tell Christians to disregard the Old Testament – it’s meant to add to it.
I’m not sure what you mean when you say Islam is unreformed and unreformable. Like any religion, it has moral and immoral followers. The muslims I’ve known are decent, law abiding people, and don’t regard the likes of Anjem Choudary as being true followers of Islam.
I don’t deny that there is a problem with Islamic extremists. But in my opinion, they distort Islam to justify their wrongdoing.
What the Bible says isn’t the point. It stopped being the point when Cromwell, exasperated, said [something like] Every sect says ‘O give me liberty’, but when they have it, they will not give it. He who would have liberty ought to give it. Cromwell proceeded to force tolerance on a mostly grumbling, reluctant country. Since then the vast majority of people in the UK have come to value Cromwell’s vision. No Christian group today has an expectation that they can limit the right of others to ridicule them.
Islamists feel no such limitation. As they say at half-time during a football match…. ‘it’s all to play for’.
Leaving aside your failure to understand the role of the New Testament in Christianity (as a non-believer myself, I find it hard to credit that I’m even typing those words) the facts are perfectly clear.
Since its inception, Islam has been spread by conquest and that conquest is mandated for believers. The overwhelming majority of international conflicts that are due to Islam’s clashes with other faiths (or even with itself) is clear evidence of both its nature and its influence.
Fortunately, I suspect that people are at last waking up to this sort of ahistorical moral relativism – the very cause of the problems we now face.
My failure?
You can’t believe you’re typing those words?
Sorry mate, but I’m out. If I wanted a flame war, I’d go to Twitter! 🙂
If you want to please an omnipotent, supernatural entity the one thing you cannot do is “interpret” eternal and absolute truths, i.e. misinterpret the word of god. Islam is not the CofE. If the holy book tells men not to lie with men in pretty clear terms this is what you must do. Sin is sin. It is not the go-ahead for gay marriage by any stretch of the imagination (CofE excepted of course).Nazism was not an “excuse” to exterminate Jews, Nazism enjoined its followers to exterminate Jews. Islam is not an “excuse” for killing apostates, Islam requires that apostates be killed precisely because the have renounced Islam. Few Muslims have killed an apostate, but this does not mean that most Muslims don’t think it is a good idea, just as few Nazis ever killed a Jew. If a UKIP supporter beheaded a C4 reporter shouting “Farage is great, Bloom is avenged” I’m pretty sure the BBC would be questioning the evil ideology that lead to this atrocity. It’s everything to do with Islam, but not at the BBC.
Apologies if this is bit long:
1. In my view it’s misleading to compare the large number of bloodthirsty calls to violence, jihad and intolerance contained in the Koran and Hadith, with those found in a few parts of the bible. They are diffent. Jihad, and spreading Islam to the enire World, is a central plank of Islamic faith; whereas it would be absurd to suggest that stoning people for blasphemy is part of Jewish or Christian faith. Have you read the Koran? It will open your eyes if you do.
2. There is a vast amount of supporting commentary and ideology from Islamic clerics endorsing killing of infidels, beheading, crucifixion and jihad. I don’t see Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh or Buddhist clerics calling for stoning.
3. We need to look around us and not be frightened to say what we see. We see devout Muslims who have dedicated their lives to Islam, killing people because it’s what the Koran and Islamic ideology tells them to do. Look at ISIS and Boko Harem and tell me what you see? Tell me what happened in Paris on 7th January? I don’t see the same thing from Christians and Jews. Sorry, I’m not buying the idea that “all reglions are the same and equally intolerant”.
4. Yes, there are parts of the Bible which any reasonable Western person would reject today. But that’s the whole point. Christians and Jews have moved on.
They do not think everything in the Bible should be followed literally, they realise these texts were composed thousands of years ago.
5. There are clearly some Muslims who just want to get on with their lives and who don’t go around trying to kill us. But they are the ones who have moved on, evolved and who lead secular, modern lives.
Today I don’t see Protestants calling for the burning of Catholics or witches, I don’t see Jews calling for the stoning of blashphemers. But I do see too many Muslims accepting stuff like this;
“The punishment of those who oppose Allah and His messenger is that they should be murdered or crucified, or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides”. 5.33
When young I went through many years of education at several “Christian” schools – receiving strong messages about Methodism and also the CofE. Morning assemblies every day, full Church services every Sunday.
NEVER EVER did I hear a single word attacking other religions. The central message of Jesus Christ is what I remember – treat thy neighbour as thyself.
There was a period when my father was ill and unable to look after me during school holidays. A Jewish family looked after me. Again – NEVER EVER was there any attempt by them to argue against the Christian upbringing I was receiving. Just sheer kindness on their part.
How can people not see that this is entirely opposite to the way young Muslims are brought up ? Wilful blindness by the BBC and much of the other media, who refuse to see that Christianity (and Judaism) are peaceful and tolerant religions, in sharp contrast to the messages embedded in Islam.
“There’s also a lot of stuff in the Bible which is intolerant and unjust – see”
Jeff, that’s precisely the point why there is a particular problem with Islam. Jews and Christians believe the OT is God’s word, but they don’t murder co-religionists, apostates, prisoners or non-believers on camera by beheading them in God’s name.
Many people face alienation, discrimination, oppression, poverty etc. But it seems unique to Islam that even those who have not suffered can be motivated to acts of primitive cruelty and savagery against aid workers.
Take the latest Murderous Mo for example, born in the wealthy muslim state of Kuwait, living in the UK, taking a computing degree at university. Yeah, with that level of oppression you can see why he’d want to murder Western aid workers. No different from what a Jew or Christian or Hindu or Sikh would do eh?
The huge problem for the BBC and for mainstream politicians is this;
If they were to accept that the values and ideology of Islam are not compatible with the traditional values of the West, where does this lead?
The consequences of accepting this small and obvious fact are profound and disturbing.
And so we go on, denying something that’s obvious to most people and venomously attacking anyone who tries to point it out.
With the full power of the BBC against it, reality can be hidden for a while. But you can’t ignore reality for ever. Sooner or later reality will come and find you whether you like it or not.
Yes it is madness. But those whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.
The imcomptability of Islam with the Western world was recognized by Turkish writers in the 1960s long before it became an issue in the West. Mass Muslim immigration might have been less toxic for the host nations if greater secularization had been made a condition for residence, but the powers that be encouraged Muslims to stick with any form of Islam no matter how retrograde. As secularization in Turkey could only be advanced by coercion, you didn’t need second sight to predict the effect the influx of millions of Muslims was eventually going to have on European society.
There was some woman, former head-spy on C4 news twittering on about the solution to the problem, namely deradicalisation and integration, in both cases I hope she really meant de-islamification. For channel 4, of course, deradicalisation and integration means no UKIP and everyone becomes a Muslim.
It means that multiculturalism is and always was an illogical and impossible concept and that they would have to accept this fact and the complete and disastrous failure of it. They already know this of course and are shitting themselves as they also know that the truth is slowly but surely emerging and that Joe ordinary is rapidly cottoning on.
Strangely the nett immigration / gross change in make up of the population revealed in the latest figures could actually be beneficial to the Conservatives in the run up to the election.
Why? It hammers home the need to introduce restrictions on the free movement to settle within the EU, doubtlessly one of the points the Tories would like to form part of negotiations with the EU prior to any referendum. As Labour is set against any such effort I can see a campaign theme of “We want to do something about it but cannot without changing EU rules or leaving. And the Labour offer is ….?
“No country can cope with so much change ”
Read more:
Why aren’t gross migration figures mentioned nowadays? Are they too high to be palatable?
Indeed. 624,000 last year. But we know that an unknown huge number are waved into Italy, cling under lorries over the channel and find their way in illegally. Shouldn’t we add a percentage – 20%?, 33%? to the official figure to get a ‘best guess’ estimate? The true number currently could be 1m per year.
Having said that, is there evidence that any number would shake the population out of their coma?
The OECD noted that the UK’s low productivity was a major concern. Politicians from all parties agreed with this. The good old BBC were quick to use this fly in ointment to rap the government ‘s economic policy.
A powerful reason for this low productivity is that because we have so many people in the UK employers can hire cheap labour. If we had fewer people employers would have to use them more effectively and invest in automation to increase their productivity. For politicians and the commentariat to argue that mass immigration is good and necessary for a growing economy and then in the next breath say we suffer from low productivity, shows that they are either incredibly stupid or that they think we are incredibly stupid. Which is it?
I think it fare to say that this country is now rubber-ducked beyond all hope. There’s just too many of ’em. The number of Muslim fanatics is expanding like microalgae
Re the interesting to and froing above over the Bible and the Koran?
A Christian follows Jesus Christ-NOT the Old Testament.
Of course He Himself only had the Old Testament to work from-but He re-interpreted it, or fulfilled it just as He liked-His very life, death and resurrection then allowed Paul to create the New Testament canon for future church leaders to pick and choose.
Christians(properly versed and taught) have no problem with any of this _I am a Christian, not a Paulinista…my model is JC-and how I interpret His life, times and meaning makes me free in Gods love to do as I please(see Galatians/Romans for the constraints though!).
To compare JC to Mo is an outrage-to compare those early outbreaks of biblical nasties(few and far between by the way, only involving conquest history and the years of trying to hold their United Kingdom together-contrary to prophetic teachings and warnings)-to what the Koran states is despicable, and ignorant.
Go see Political Islam under Bill Warners direction-he gives you the facts about the 2 books.
Basically-the Bible tells US what WE are supposed to do to get OURSELVES right with God-mentions Jerusalem repeatedly, and can`t be made to look stupid at all. It self re-inforces itself, and has had years of study, attacks etc…and doesn`t fear it, becauuse it is inevitably correct in its own terms-and nearly always those of science, history and philosophical, linguistic disciplines as well.
Whereas the Koran tells MUSLIMS what to do TO the Godless, those who walk away from their Islamic faith…hardly ANY reference to God, certainly one who LOVES us…NO mention of Jerusalem whatsoever…and can`t withstand the slightest rational look at itself without killing those who dare to question its evil, paedophilic, violent, anti-Jewish, woman-hating doctrines.
Bill Warenr tells you how it is with all the facts and figures…”go figure” as they say.
Muhammad is merely an evil tribute act to Jesus-half arsed, half heard tales from a camel train…and is a mockery, a parody of Judeo-Christian thinking and doctrines…but won`t survive the fall of Saudi and the coming Turkish-Iranian Pact-then it`s war my friends.
But the good guys win-I`ve seen the end of the Book and I know this to be true.
(Rev 19.10)…Fruitgum Company Patrol!