Things you wish you’d never asked.
Mishal Husain on the Today programme took a direct hit this morning that seemed to put her completely off her stroke.
Husain was interviewing Sir John Sawers, ex head of MI6. (08:36)
She asked him a question about radicalisation…
There’s a lot been said about how people are radicalised and we hear a lot about the internet. A lot less is heard about why people are radicalised. Why do you think young British Muslims appear to be vulnerable in this way?
Interestng word that ‘vulnerable’. Are the extremist headchoppers sad ‘victims’ in her mind, unable to make informed, conscious decisions?
Sawers’ answer wasn’t what she expected….
There are two main answers. One, people in this country are not as integrated as we would like them to be. Other religions, whether Hindu, Sikh or Jewish, are very well integrated into this country. Muslims are less well integrated and there are a number of social and economic factors related to that.
The second problem relates to Islam itself. There are many competing branches of Islam, there are schisms, Shia and Sunni, different branches of Sunni Islam, many of these going back to doctrine and interpretations of doctrine in the first century of the religion.
The Islamic religion as a whole is not well geared to reviving and modernising itself so that it meets the values and needs of a 21st century society.
Paradoxically Sawers then swerved in the usual kneejerk genuflection that people make towards political correctness and claimed that Islam was perfectly compatible with other religions. Note his claim about the lack of integration….due to social and economic factors. He is contradicting himself there as Hindus, Sikhs and Jews integrate and must have faced the same problems…the defining difference is Islam. Most Muslim ‘radicals’ are in fact highly educated and from comfortably well-off families…Jihadi John being a computer studies graduate, the pro-ISIS ranter on the internet the other week being a first class honours graduate with a good job at a successful law firm. Again the defining characteristic is that they are believers in the teachings and doctrines of Islam which have very particular commands about Jihad and ‘defending’ other Muslims and Muslim lands. Muslims may be ‘integrated’ in a limited sense in that they have jobs or go to university but Islam teaches them that they are separate…Islam creates the ‘Them and Us’ attitude that is so dangerous….I’m certain you remember Mehdi Hasan preaching about the Kufar, those immoral, ignorant cattle.
Sawers goes on to say that there is a big political challenge that can only really be taken up by leaders in the Muslim world. Husain then goes off the tracks it seems and makes some confusing points by mentioning the BBC survey that said 20% of Muslims believed Western Liberal Democracy was incompatible with Islam….Husain seemed to suggest that the problem was with the Democracies, that it is up to the liberal Western World to deal with that incompatibility and not Muslims. In other words the West must adapt to Islam not Islam adapt to the West. Very Tariq Ramadan.
Husain then wanted to know if the three ISIS recruits were victims or intelligent people making informed decisions. Sawers again made the swerve and to Husain’s quiet delight proclaimed them ‘victims’.
After the interview, which was quite wideranging and covered more ground than just radicalisation, we had the news bulletins and their take on his words….and note that immediately following the news about Sawers’ comments there came a report on Pegida in Newcastle.
What we were told was that Sawers believed that Russia posed a growing threat to Britain, not a word about his very significant answers to the question about why people are radicalised and no link at all to Pegida and its demonstrations.
That question about radicalisation is after all the one that is on everybodies’ lips…why are Muslims being radicalised? And yet when the ex-head of MI6 gives us what he believes to be the answer the BBC omits to headline it.
Here is the BBC’s headline for the interview…
Sir John Sawers, ex-MI6 chief, warns of Russia ‘danger’
In a long report the overwhelming part of which was spent on discussing Russia they tacked on a small bit at the end that mentioned his comments on Islam in the UK.
Islamist terrorism and efforts to enforce the Islamisation of British Society are clear and present dangers and yet the BBC downplays the problem and doesn’t like the answers that Sawers gave as it put the blame squarely where it should be.
Here is another headline relating to the same interview..
‘Jihadi John’: Ex-MI6 chief defends security services
Again nothing about radicalisation and Islam.
And another headline..
Former MI6 chief: ‘Russia always an issue of concern’
All Russia and no Islam. Where is a similar report that singles out his words on Islam?
And then we have then news reports on Pegida using odd language that seemed to celebrate the counter-demonstration…the BBC telling us that Pegida was ‘dwarfed’ by the UAF.
Craig at ‘Is the BBC biased?’ has noticed the same in the BBC reports of the demonstration.
The BBC’s opening lines tell the tale of the BBC’s preferred narrative…
More than 1,500 protesters have demonstrated against the first rally in Britain by a group opposed to what it calls the “Islamisation of Europe”.Supporters of the UK branch of German group Pegida gathered at Newcastle city centre’s Bigg Market.Critics claimed they were anti-Muslim and had come to “promote expression of hatred”, which they denied.
Other than economic dependency, low IQ, high crime rates, mistreatment of women, intolerance of homosexuals, racially motivated child abuse, creation of no go areas in our towns and cities, their refusal to integrate (to the extent of killing their own children) and their support of terrorism because of hatred of the free societies of the West, what have Muslims ever done for you?
I don’t know about anyone else but I have a strong feeling that there has been a “moment of truth” this week and that the establishment and the likes of Husain have suddenly realised that Joe Public is rapidly twigging that Islam is indeed fundamentally incompatible with Western culture and values. I think they are starting to panic and crap themselves because that leads to another “moment of truth” when Joe public next realises that the above fact then means that multiculturalism is and always was an illogical and impossible concept. That is what I suspect is really blowing their fuses, because once the point is reached that that truth gains enough traction it’s game over for one of the lefts major deceptions and delusions, increasingly they are realising this and are starting to fear the consequences.
Maybe I am wrong, but having spent a working lifetime in complex large scale IT systems implementation and development in the private sector I have had many “moments of truth” when the groups involved suddenly realised the hidden but irrefutable reality of their requirements and the consequences for their budgets and their own roles and workloads
Trouble is ,OB , will this make the Powers That Be stop , listen , think and act for us , or will it spur them on to greater ways to watch us , monitor us , punish us and get us to die out .
I wish someone could write a book about when the liberal/left stopped idolising the ordinary worker , making such films as The Stars Look Down , to the situation now where they want to replace him/her in the workplace and sneer at everything he does .
The Leftist intellectual thinks that he should be the lord not the king or the bishop, but they have the same view of the masses; who they believe should be told what to do, and taxed to keep them powerless, to give the elite the power and riches they think they deserve. All that a Leftist revolution amounts to is changing the people at the top. They want to be the people at the top. A true revolution (originating in places like England) was the creation of free societies – something which Leftist such as Marx oppose with every fibre of their body. A free society is their enemy, and they will do everything they can to destroy it.
Just had a quick look at BBC news online coverage of the Pegida march. Predictably one sided and favours the counter demo, as you point out.
They interview someone called Dipu Ahad who’s described as “leader of Newcastle Unites”. A quick Google reveals he’s a left wing Labour councillor who travelled to Israel last year to support Palestinian Islamists and was arrested for his pains. So not exactly politically neutral then.
The BBC report doesn’t explain this and gives the impression he’s just some ordinary Geordie; a voice of the people. Why do they constantly conceal things?
The BBC supported the anti Pegida demonstration, but no where near as much as one of the local newspapers. Pegida, spreading hate, violent too. I have checked how local papers have covered EDL demonstrations and they are more multiculty than the BBC.
‘families, anti-fascists, trade unions, religious and community groups all turned out in opposition’.
Amusingly when i first read the BBC article it said 1,000 people were in the counter demo. Then it was rewritten to say 1,500. Currently the headline says 2,000 while the body of the report still says 1,000.
At this exponential rate of increase, the estimate will have risen to several billion by morning 🙂
Multiculturalism always was about hatred of the West. The Left sides with our enemies not despite but because they want to destroy us. Take away the hate from the Left and you have nothing.
The liberal media will emphasise the so callled Russian threat because it is panicking as Old Bob says.
In reality Russia is no threat to Britain. Nato is continually pushing East and this is stupid. Russia will never give up the buffer states it needs to protect it’s frontiers. Independent they might be but must not become part of the EU or Nato.
After the wars of the 20th century can anyone be surprised. .
Conventionally I doubt whether a Western defensive war is even possible considering how useless Nato looks.
A feminised and politically correct bunch of soldiers facing a very well trained and formidable army. The only effective Nato units would be ours and they are just too small.
A future sensible course for an independent Britian ( after we quit the EU) would be to allay with Russia and look to the defence of our common European heritage,.
Not the sort of policy the liberal would like but it will be necessary if Western culture is to survive.
As to the Pegida march in the North just think lugenpresse.
A NATO war on Russia’s borders, would give Russia a huge advantage, as it would have internal lines of communication and logistics. We OTH, would not have that advantage. All lines of communications and re-supply will be prone to interdiction.
This attention on Russia as a threat, is a red herring. It is there to remove the eyes of the populace from the real threat of an internal war that is already in progress. The rapes of tens of thousands of young White working class girls is the most obvious sign.
It’s a tough one. To raise concerns about an unasked for trashing of one’s culture, or the gigantic influx of outsiders who do not want to integrate/learn one’s language, or even just the unplanned inflation of the population is totally natural & we all have rights so to do.
But where does one go to make public these concerns? If a movement is formed to voice these worries it is immediately subject to two enemies, it attracts bigoted thugs, & gets the distorted wrath of the media and in particular the BBC.
It is certainly not ‘far right’ to voice such concerns. In fact what IS far right are the attempts by the ‘anti fascist’ groups who wish to silence people.
The real fascists around now are the anti-fascists! The BBC just encourages them.
INBBC Muslim, Mishal Husain’s Islamic line, whether in London or Syria, is that of Islamic victimhood propaganda, not Islamic perpetrator of violence.
“Jihadi John watchlist revealed: MI5 now monitoring 3,000 ‘potential terror threats.’
“The secret services are now monitoring an astonishing 3,000 extremists living in Britain who they fear could become future Jihadi Johns.”
What should have really set off the alarms though is the 20% of Muslims that “had some sympathy with the attack on Charlie Hebdo”. The BBC then focus on the 80% who don’t and try to foist their delusion that all is sweetness and light on us. Yet turn that 20% into a potential real world number and it may well be 500,000 people. A number that really brings home the seriousness of the reality we are in but not of course to the left wing clowns that the BBC constantly trot out to ram their garbage down our throats.
Imagine this though BBC…….what if there were 500,000 people among us who had some sympathy with Hitler and the attempted extermination of the Jews….what would be your views on that BBC ?
The BBC, the epitomy of a dangerous delusional fantasy world that may eventually lead to our destruction if not stopped soon.
Jihadi Mohammed please JM was not a Christian, so drop the John bit and replace it with the reality.
When will Islam Not BBC (INBBC) invite CAGE on again to justify this?:-
“Isis killer Mohammed Emwazi had link to 2005 London bomb plot”
‘Mail on Sunday’ front page-
“‘I’m a dead man walking’:
“Jihadi John tells of paranoia at being shadowed by MI5 before he went to Syria in bombshell email to Mail On Sunday”
Read more:
When will INBBC get on CAGE to blame MI 5?
Once again the DM shows it self as flip-flopping, clueless repetition of evil people claiming victim-status.
so the bbc wont ask the question will they,what is the real cause of islamic extremism and jihadism,i will get to that later,but here is the thing.there are millions of poor alienated non muslims including the young in the uk who dont feel part of this soceity and are living in poverty are very disenfranchised,i dont see them being radicalised then heading of to these war zones to go on rape and headchopping rampages and enslaving muslim women,the poverty and alienation excuse does not wash any more because all these jihadists seem to come from very wealthy rich familys who came here from abroad,the real issue behind radicalisation and jihadism is so simple even a blind man could see it,it is called the koran and the hadith,the teachings and verses of these hate books leads directly to the terrorism that we see in the uk and all over the world today, by the bbc and the media by not dealing with this issue is just burying there heads in the sand hoping it will go away,and it wont.get it bbc.
Well written stuart.
Never a true word spoken – the elephant in the room.
Wake up Al Beeb, there are none so blind as those that will not see.