Here’s the story…
Nigel Farage backs Australian-style immigration curbs
UKIP would restrict migrants over the age of 45 from coming to the UK, Nigel Farage has said.
He told LBC Radio his party would adopt “sensible” measures to control unskilled migration based on an Australian-points based system.
Those with criminal records and life-threatening illnesses would be barred.
Has Farage done a U-turn on UKIP immigration policy with his new fangled Aussie points system?
Strange if he had…because that was a BBC report from July 2014. Sounds rermarkably like his immigration policy announced today.…so not a U-turn and not ‘Making it up’ as he goes along as a BBC sub-heading suggests.
Odd that dropping the 50,000 cap is a U-turn when the Australian points system would have limited immigration to 27,000…and UKIP would still allow up to 50,000 migrants to come here…
UKIP would cut the numbers allowed into the UK to work but would not set an annual target, Nigel Farage said.
The party wants immigration to return to “normal” levels, said Mr Farage, with between 20,000 and 50,000 migrants given work permits.
Mr Farage said that under the Australian-style points-based visa system he wants to see, 27,000 people would have qualified to come to work in the UK last year.
A very curious ‘U-Turn’!
The BBC says this today…
A UKIP spokesman said last week work-related immigration should be capped at 50,000 a year.
But in fact this is what UKIP actually said…as linked to by that BBC report…
…within the points based system UKIP commits to bringing UK net migration down to 50,000 people a year for employment.
Ah so hang on….around 50,000 people based on a points system…em…how different is that to what Farage said in his speech today and in 2014? No difference.
Listening to the BBC reports of this on the radio and I had the distinct impression that the BBC was trying to make out that Farage had abandoned his immigration control policies and had essentially joined the ranks of Cameron and Miliband…and therefore anyone thinking of voting for UKIP on the basis of their immigration policies would be wasting their vote.
The Telegraph, not a friend of UKIP, confirms that line of attack, if somewhat less subtly…
Is Nigel Farage just like all the others?
Ukip voters must be looking at this U-turn and wondering if Mr Farage is any different from Miliband or Cameron
Whilst you expect the Torygraph to adopt a partisan line and do what it can to undermine UKIP the BBC is supposed to be above such things…the whole reaosn for the BBC is to stand aside, apart from the fray, and deliver the unvarnished truth to the Public so that they can make genuinely informed decisions on the best available information.
If the BBC cannot deliver that truth then its whole existence must be brought into question. What is the point of the BBC if it acts in the same way as all the other broadcasters and news providers who have their own agendas?
There is no point, at least as a public service funded at the pont of a gun, so to speak.
How can the licence be justified if the BBC fails to fulfill its most basic purpose, its whole Raison d’être?
100 reasons to vote UKIP: Policies UKIP sent out by email about a month ago: No 1. Get Britain out of the European Union. No 2. Get control of immigration with an Australian-style, points-based immigration system.
But I don’t think any BBC journalists would be competent enough to tell us what the policies of any political party are.
unless its millitwat and they are defo made up as he stumbles along.
BBC try a new policy to see if it goes with the listening public,if it doesn’t they drop it and millitwat does too.
I hope JimS doesn’t mind me reposting his comments made on biasedbbc a couple of days ago and with which I am in total agreement:
“The scum, and I don’t use the word lightly, that run our politics, police, media [BBC] and social services have deliberately imported an alien people and aided and abetted its culture whilst willfully destroying our own culture and its values formed over centuries.”
Vote UKIP.
Of course, Beeboids have political amnesia on Labour Party’s catastrophic historical record, and now denial, of its open-door, mass immigration ‘policy’-
“The migration chaos left by Labour:
“Over 13 years one immigrant came into the UK every minute and number of people in Britain born abroad rose by 3.6million.
“During ‘open door’ years of 1997 and 2001 the number of immigrants rose.
“Population was equivalent to the population of Britain’s five largest cities.
“Report found 7.23million immigrants were allowed to arrive in that time.
“Figure doesn’t include offspring born in UK or those who entered illegally.
“Relaxation of visas, bogus students and asylum seeker ‘amnesty’ blamed.”
Read more:
“DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Will voters ever get a say on migration?”
“Even by the abysmal standards of today’s politics, Ed Miliband’s hypocrisy in attacking the Tories for their failure to curb immigration is truly jaw-dropping.
“This is the man whose party presided over the most momentous demographic upheaval in our history, changing Britain beyond recognition as a deliberate act to expand Labour’s voter base.
“Indeed, just how radical that revolution was emerges today, as a devastating audit by the Migration Watch think-tank finds an astonishing 7.23million migrants were allowed into the UK under Labour.
“That’s one every minute of the party’s 13 years in power. Discounting those who left, net foreign immigration was 3.6million, or the combined populations of the five largest cities outside London.
“So why, yesterday, did David Cameron avoid pointing out that Mr Miliband (who forgot even to mention migration in his 2014 conference speech) couldn’t be worse placed to preach on the issue?
“And why has Nigel Farage abandoned his proposed cap on migration, which was surely the most popular policy on the back of his beer-stained envelope?
“In the Labour years, while the BBC and the Left censored all debate on the issue, the greatest indictment of the political class was that voters had no say whatever in the transformation of our country.
“As the parties keep trying to avoid the subject, it looks as if we never will.”
Read more:
By attacking the Tories on immigration Labour are not being quite as hypocritical as you would think.
They are hoping it will push more Tories toward UKIP and aid their vote UKIP get Labour tendancy.
Will it work? In some places, the places where there is a small Tory majority – yes.
Slightly confused about the figures. If 7.23 million arrived in the first four years, why is the figure for the whole 13 years only 3.6 million? Does that mean half the immigrants left again?
they let in 7.23 uneducated moon god or witchcraft worshipping potential traitors, and after highly educated and skilled British ppl left cos they’d had enough, we were left with a net figure of 3.6 million.
I suppose you have to knock off that figure those who have fled the country cos they are wanted for terrorism or the ones that have been deported to the US for trial for terrorist offences as we’re too scared to put them on trial here in case the UAF and the rest of the fellow travellers accuse us of islamohpobia
Once it beacame evident that the gang of three – Conservatives, Labour and LibDems, had officially agreed that they would not offer the voters any choice on Climate Change, EU and immigration, it meant that there was no opposition or choice, except UKIP.
If the major political parties conspire against the electorate, then they have to be punished.
On that ground alone, UKIP is the only choice available. Pity.
Why pity? You sound a bit like the Mail which will run stories about immigration being out of control alongside smear stories about UKIP.
‘Beeboids have political amnesia on Labour Party’s catastrophic historical record’
Can’t imagine where such an affliction may have been caught from…
I could care less one way or other about these so-called ‘debates’. They were, are and always will be about Westminster wonks mud wrestling with the bukkake tribal media groupies surrounding the inflatable ring.
However, who plays, or does not play, has been made highly political, and charged, by the usual suspects.
( I see they have opened comments as this one looks a winner)
So we have Ed jumping up and down screaming ‘chicken’ from behind the arts block, and the BBC making this the next big thing.
Guido has various uses, but as a hypocrite-exposer he is without peer. And factual to a fault.
So it will be… ‘interesting’… to what extent the BBC wheels out Mr. Campbell for ‘opinion as analysis’ that will doubtless not favour the BBC and Mr. Campbell’s enemies, without holding Mr. Campbell up for what he is.
“Immigration Under Labour”
A huge majority of the population in this country do not want open immigration – why don’t the leading politicians get this ? Especially our Tory Prime Minister.
They do get it. They just don’t care what you think.
Uncontrolled immigration is here to stay until we leave the EU.
The EU is not the problem . The problem is The Commonwealth. Pakistan is not in the EU. Bangladesh isn’t either. Nor Africa, nor the Midddle East, nor Somalia. The migrants crossing the Med at a thousand a night heading for England, the land of milk and honey, naive asylum laws, bent lawyers, benefits and free everything, are not Europeans.
It is the open back door to the Commonwealth that is the problem. No-one will say it because the people in those boats are for the most part – brown.
Porous borders are part of the EU method of operation. Who comes in matters but if the border is open because the EU says it must be then how does a nation control who comes in and out? How do you tell a Pole from an Indian apart from the obvious? And how do you stop them disappearing into the aether when there are no border staff because of EU instructions?
Many of the ‘non EU’ people you complain of are in fact given the nationality of EU state they arrive in – they then have instant rights of abode in the UK; Italy and France are particularly guilty of this. This is a scam that needs addressing now but it won’t be until we leave the EU.
Liebore wanted immigration to rub the ‘right’s’ nose in diversity and to garner more votes from grateful third-world peasants.
The T ories were happy to go along with the open door immigration policy to keep wages down (more profit) and to be seen as ‘good’ Europeans.
And both Liebore and the T ories are at heart Corporatist pro- the European experiment parties that defer to Big Business .
The losers in all this…..the indigenous working-class , by which I mean most of us with English ‘heritage’ (to use one of their ghastly descriptions.
Who will speak for us now?
Why not give Farage a go??
What have we got to lose??
What is the worst possible outcome of the election?
To me a Wallace majority or propped up by the SNP.
UKIP will make no headway in Scotland or the Labour heartland seats (even with tactical voting as at Middleton). More likely it will reduce the Tory vote in winnable Tory seats and allow Labour through to win unexpected seats, leading to the worst outcome for the nation.
Like it or not the only way to prevent the lunatics regaining control of the asylum is to grit your teeth and vote Tory.
The law of unintended consequences has every chance of applying painfully to UKIP voters waking up the day after the election and realising an EU vote is off the agenda, and with it immigration control.
You’re missing the point.
Most UKIP supporters EXPECT a Liebore victory,whether outright or in co-alition with e.g. the SNP and/or Limpdims and/or the Ulster Unionists.
We hope the left REALLY screw it up this time so that England can see them for what they are: proponents of an evil, failed philosophy that flies in the face of human nature and leads to enslavement and death.
The T ories only have themselves to blame-no-one believes them anymore.
We must hope and pray that Liebour won’t import another two million client voters in those five years.
Otherwise the chance of them being booted out in 2020 will be even more unlikely.
Then there’s the tribalism of Liebour voters – these are relatively well-off and had suffered under the last Liebour lot, but still “vote Labour because my dad voted Labour, as did his dad.”
We must hope and pray that Liebour won’t import another two million client voters in those five years.
The current rate under the Tories is 625,000 legals per year. Add illegals, and you must be way over 750,000 per year, but use that. You’ll have an extra 3,750,000 in 5 years under the Tories. Add the cumulative effect of the 10-12m we’ve added in 10 years, the ‘British’ children these people have had/will have, and you have to assume the game is lost.
Voting UKIP probably nothing, but you’ll know you did your bit. Leave the guilt for others.
750,000 per year ? That’s the equivalent of the populations of Manchester and Salford combined.
Tories (without the LibDem hindrance) would favour having more grafters – and hence more potential natural conservatives – in.
Labour by contrast would attract the workshy benefit tourists to build up their client voting base.
America closed its open-door immigration policy in 1924 – it’s time the UK and EU did the same.
We don’t need more kebab shops and minicab companies – we need entrepreneurs and innovators.
I , have been saying this for a long time , but people don`t want hear the truth ,can we really want 5 years of the Millipeed propped up by the SNP , the country would be wrecked , that`s going to happen, if ukip battle it out with the Tories, in many marginals , the Millipeed`s mob come through the middle & take those seats . This is total madness , with them winning power with the SNP ,in coalition , is that what kippers want cos it IS going to happen.
I , have been saying this for a long time , but people don`t want hear the truth ,can we really want 5 years of the Millipeed propped up by the SNP , the country would be wrecked , that`s going to happen, if ukip battle it out with the Tories, in many marginals , the Millipeed`s mob come through the middle & take those seats . This is total madness , with them winning power with the SNP ,in coalition , is that what kippers want cos it IS going to happen.
Well Essex Man if the Tories want more votes they need to keep their promise on immigration, get us out of Europe, they need to spend more on defence than on foreign aid, they need to sort the BBC out, they need to inspire pride in this country and they need to do it now. The have already wrecked this great country.
This country need a statesman but I am afraid, Cameron does not fit that bill. He’s a schoolboy.
Finally, Essex Man why is this idiot taking on the Russians with the forces at their lowest strength for years ? Why are the rest of the Conservative MPs not doing anything about this ? They all should defect to UKIP if they care about this nation .
The problem is that “net migration” is a category error. There is a clear distinction between indigenous population – the emigrants – leaving the UK and immigrants. The former have contributed – often leaving as net creditors fiscally – and the latter who have not. If I left after paying tax and working for decades it would be not a “0” net if somebody from abroad migrated here. The former are not in the control of the government; the latter are. So, net migration was invented to create a lower figure. What governments should do is control who comes into the country as the indigenous population – rapidly relatively declining – wants. And politicians should represents the interests and views of its citizens, not non-citizens and citizens of a foreign jurisdiction.
Very good point.
Its a point that the politicians don’t get – too many people coming in to the country, not enough houses, schools, hospitals or doctors surgeries. On top of that, a country in a state of national instability because of a lack of integration and cohesion by the immigrants.
Yesterday, Al Beeb wheeled on a loopy professor from UCL to tell us how good immigration was for us and that the main complainants against the influx of foreigners were from a population of people living in areas where there was little immigration. He used London as an example where everything was plodding happily along.
No one told him that it was a place full of foreigners where few Brits are living.
The politician are not looking after the British people
It is hard for the liberal to understand reality. London has been abandoned by the ethnic English. Some remain but a declining demographic. Likewise other major cities.
Opposition in the shires is so intense because the shire people do not want to go the way of London.
It seems the liberal is unable to grasp this.
I am sure Farage does but Cameron and the rest? No way.
It would be wise for the elite to grasp reality before immigration becomes an existential matter and that means real trouble.
Those in power know exactly what they are doing and they don’t give a toss. They have their careers to give them comfort. Their wealth will hide them from all but the most random of dangers.
The average ‘liberal’ doesn’t give a stuff about English culture. They are firmly in the Internationalist camp. So they don’t a flying fuck about how many indigenous there are in London. In fact they celebrate the diversity.
Get the idea out of your head that you can convince them through argument that they are wrong. They are not listening. Even if their kids are stabbed on the bus for no reason other than race hate it is YOU they will blame not the racist thugs because YOU didn’t welcome them enough.
The only way out of this is to force the ‘elite’ into guarding their wealth from us. If we force them to recognise that unless they do what we want their wealth is at risk there will be no change in policy.
The ‘liberals’ can go hang.
You are correct pah in that there is no point in arguing anymore with the liblabcon and indeed all of the liberal elite fellow-travellers ,including the self-interested public-sector drones and the media types.They have bought the MultiCulti tee-shirt and NOTHING will convince them of the error of their ways.
The phrase ‘cognitive dissonance’ keeps coming to my mind when I think of the difference between reality and how the liberal elite and their useful idiots see the world.
We are fukced but we might as well go down fighting.
I attended Farage’s immigration-policy statement meeting in Westminster yesterday.
2 things struck me :
1 Questioning from ALL the media was hostile. Not just trick questions – the tone of the questioners and their prefacing statements were appalling.
2 UKIP committed to a 5-year moratorium on ALL inskilled immigration. Because we have plenty of unskilled and many unemployed people here already. Somehow the BBC and others have omitted to report that.
The BBC reported last that Saudi Arabia and Malaysia cut foreign worker permits and illegal immigration, respectively, without any comment. The reason why these countries did this – resulting in the departure of millions last year – was because they had high unemployment particularly in the low to medium skill profile. They were quite happy to issue work visas for high skill workers particularly if their workforce can have said skills transferred to them. They combined these expulsions with major investment in skill profile to raise the productivity of the labour force. These countries see this as quite logical and their populations approved and one of the reason for this was that wages rose with reduction in labour supply. Saudi Arabia clearly did like an idle sector of the indigenous population. Who could disagree?
Saudis did NOT like an idle sector of the population. UK politicians seem pretty happy with low economic participation in the labour force, particularly by immigrant populations. Who could agree with that?
I don’t care what tricks the media play on us to lower the UKIP vote they are still getting mine.
Already, and the election campaign is barely warming up, we have had three television programmes designed to damage the Kippers vote. The Channel 5 effort last night was particularly tawdry.
They must have interviewed every nutcase in the country and then carefully edited the damned thing to make them look even worse.
Methinks Nigel has got them worried.
Al Beeb are telling us that the SNP are leading in the polls up north, if they get control in Scotland, would I be correct in stating that SNP are in favor of uncontrolled immigration into Scotland?
Does that mean there will be a border control between England and Scotland should we in the south block immigration ?
Over to you bloggers in Scotland……
A majority of SNP MPs does not in itself put them in control of Scotland. Westminster still has the final say, unless and until Scotland becomes independent of the rest of the UK, presumably by referendum. However an independent Scotland with a different immigration policy to the rest of the UK would have to mean border controls, without which England could not control who was entering the country.
My experience, and I accept it may be down to the circles I move in, is that people in Scotland are every bit as annoyed at the influx of people from outside the UK, in particular those who adhere to the most peaceful religion of all. I don’t think there’s any great difference in attitude here, though perhaps we are more wary of expressing it given the prevailing political winds. Support for the SNP is to some extent a manifestation of the same malaise that has benefited UKIP down south – a feeling that there is something far wrong with the political system in this country as represented by the LibLabCons, who represent themselves, not the electorate.
I also don’t know anyone who thinks third-world muslim immigration is a good thing in Scotland……….but the imbalance in Scotland lies between Nicola Krankies vicious spiteful approach inherited from Salmond, which I do believe most people find distasteful, countered by the disenfranchised masses who think ‘give it a go’ as nothing has really worked well for them before. They are completely blinkered as we saw on QT last night to how poorly the NHS etc are run by the Scottish Parliament, but it all goes away with ‘The Tories The Tories The Tories’. As for the idiots who vote Labour regardless, sadly again they are probably in the majority in Scotland.
What Beeboids try to avoid:-
“Labour cannot be trusted to bring down immigration.
“Figures from MigrationWatch reveal that the former Labour government’s decision to open Britain’s borders led to almost four million migrants coming here in just 13 years.”
For HALL and Beeboids:
the real ‘diverse’ Britain-
“From joker to jihadi bride:
Exclusive pictures of the London schoolgirl who ran off to join ISIS – and just what poisoned her mind.”
Read more:
Even an Islamic-Shia news agency, ABNA, uses the following headline to the above ‘Daily Mail ‘report (which INBBC dare not)-
“Sexual Jihad Drives British Schoolgirl from London to Syria”
“Sexual Jihad”? Is that a Muslim minicab firm? Must have been one hell of a fare!
‘Amira, a Chelsea football fan’
That’s going to need a workaround.
Once again; not British at all. She is Ethopian here as an asylum seeker. Like Murderous Mo she has all the benefits of a modern Liberal society but prefers to associate with the murderous culture that she derives from
No lessons learned. These people should be referred to Pakistan or Afghanistan or IS when arrive to claim asylum.
I have just seen some chappie on Al Beeb who was reviewing the newspapers, stating that an apology was due to Nigel Farage after his forecast of the growing numbers entering Britain from Europe are now becoming true ! Well done Nigel Farage.
The sad fact is Cameron can not do anything about it because of the open borders policy of the EU.
I have just seen some chappie…
Dr Tim Stanley