On time and for your attention – a brand new Open Thread for the weekend. This is where you detail the bias. I also wanted to thank those who came along for the BBC Question Time live chat last. The system seemed to work ok and so I hope many more will click the link, register, and join in the fun and games next week.
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The past is a different country…
A thoughtful piece on the BBC website about the conflict between Shia and Sunni muslims, with input from an Iranian Shia lesbian (naturally). Scroll down to the bottom of the article (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-31691120) and note the phrase: “Sunni and Shia Muslims have co-existed in peace in the UK in the past, says Caroline Wyatt”. Strictly speaking, of course, anything that happened just a few minutes ago is in the past, but here the word is being given a special meaning. Specifically, it is implying that Sunni and Shia have co-existed in Britain for what: Generations? Centuries? A thousand years? Like it’s just part of the natural makeup of the UK, in other words.
It is not. Bar a few box-wallahs who had their heads turned out East and a few hundred migrant seamen, there was no significant Muslim presence in Britain prior to the middle of the 20th Century. It is something that has been artifically created through hyper-immigration. One of the consequences of this is that sectarian conflict has also been imported and the potential consequences of this are huge. In very crude terms, the conflict between Shia and Sunni is analogous to that between Catholicism and Protestantism in Europe in the 16th Century, or indeed that in Northern Ireland more recently, where politics spills over into religion. But with the difference that it has been running 13 centuries, involves an order of magnitude more people and if, anything, has been intensifying. And our beloved leaders have decided that you, too, can now experience it in the comfort of your own country.
It’s been clear for some time now that the BBC favours Muslims over everyone else, but here’s the question: who does the BBC back when it comes to the brutal Sunni-Shia conflict. The BBC is deeply in love with Hamas, who are Sunni, but is also extremely fond of Shia Iran.
Quite a dilemma for the poor dears.
I would say blacks rather than Muslims are the BBC faovourite ‘vibrants’, twas ever thus. All Globalists love blacks best, followed by browns, and yellows come a very poor third.
Where would Boko Haram and Al Shabaab fit into this hierarchy ?
Where would they fit in? The BBC is really going to have to battle to figure that one out.
Perhaps they’ll strive to stay neutral as Sunni and Shia barbarism continues unabated.
Boko Haram? whiter shad of pale?
Yes, blacks are still a very trendy ‘victim’ group for BBC ‘journalists, as can be seen by the excessive ‘reporting’ on incidents like the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, USA. Even though that was ages ago, the BBC is still pushing the story. Just yesterday they had some Hollywood film star on the World Service, talking about Michael Brown being, “an unarmed black teenager.”
Well, the 6’4″ 300-pound Brown would have been armed if he’d managed to get the officer’s gun away from him as he tried to.
But you can’t expect left-wing Hollywood film stars to know about inconvenient facts.
Still, it really does seem that Muslims are now overtaking blacks as the favoured victim group, as the BBC simply cannot stop trying to justify Islamic terror on the one hand and on the other going out of its way to try to portray Muslims as injured innocents.
I guess a black Muslim is the best of all possible worlds.
as Harry Hill would say: “there’s only one way to find out _ FIGHT!”
Posted this on another thread, but wanted to share on here because i think it might reach out to a fair few readers.
The Manchester Evening News posted an article relating to the proposed marches between the EDL and Anti-Fascists this weekend.
Prior to making my feelings known, i had a scan through the comments section which always proves to be a blood boiling experience.
Needless to say, the comments section was saturated with lefties pontificating on matters, airing their grievances about the ‘disgraceful’ EDL.
One comment boasted, “Great, the EDL bringing my City down once again.” It just so happens that this commentator brought my profession into debate once i had made MY feelings known. A tactic that has become synonymous with hate-filled liberals. Smear the person, not their argument.
Anyway, i posted the following video to the comments section (Most of you will be aware of it): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlHOWnYN7J4
I simply stated that there are thousands of Muslims (as seen in the video) who openly advocate the Charlie Hebdo attacks. A reasonable point, which is supported by statistics.
However, lefties just don’t do facts, and when the stats completely overhaul their original argument, they resort to character assassination, with the intent of bringing someones name into disrepute.
This creep took it upon himself to publicise my companies name into the comments section. I’m a sport journalist at a local paper, so i’m fully aware of the importance of balancing an argument and remaining impartial (unlike the BBC).
Fearing for my credibility (now that the clown had ousted me on a public domain) i removed the video and comment.
How has it come to this? Why are people so unwilling to confront the truth that is standing right before them? I have to say, i retreated from advancing my argument for safety reasons. What a sad, unjust world we live in at the moment.
I’m afraid to say, like so many of you have done in recent weeks, that the demise of our country is imminent.
Beez that is a sad indictment of our new society and left wing fascists in prticular. You were right to choose safety first, although I’m sure your name will now be on their lists.
Thanks for the video link. Surprised I missed it before. Hasn’t done my blood pressure any good though.
I found the tone of the RoP speech starting at around 8.36 interesting. It sounds remarkably like a Nuremburg rally to me. I’m not sure the similarity ends there.
You have stood up for what you consider to be right and you should be proud of what you have done.
You are fighting intolerance and bigotry, and those who seek to take away your right of free speech are cowards and bullies.
You are courageous. Many who spoke up about the rise of the nazis in the 1930s were also silenced.
Have a good weekend.
Beez, youve done your bit. You stuck your head up above the parapet, fired off a few rounds then got your head back down into cover. If all patriots done what you’d done we’d win this war against the fascist left.
But i wouldnt worry too much about the fascist left. They look very intimidating when they are all dressed up in black wearing masks, but once the mask comes off, errrrrrrrr…….i bet even scott could knock him out with one punch :d
Please Beez do not call the hate filled Globalist twonks ‘liberals’!
They are anything but and quite undeserving of this self ascribed appelative
“A tactic that has become synonymous with hate-filled liberals. Smear the person, not their argument.”
And that’s what makes the attitude of this website to those that disagree so refreshing.
You hypocritical Pounces*
(*cunt. I mean cunt. But Pounce is the only one who can use that word without being censored. So let’s just cut to the chase and say Pounce when we mean cunt.)
Oh God!!!!! A certain ugly jug eared little troll has posted a drive by under another assumed name – something the little shit assured us he never did.
Yet more bottom-of-the-barrel stuff from the BBC on the Today Prog’ on Radio 4 (up to 7:45) with John past-his-sell-by-date Humphrys.
Humph was out on the streets in Watford selling washing powder (yes, really!) Now children, listen very carefully! There were three pretend powders on sale in different packages AND IT WAS A METAPHOR for the coming General Election.
One powder was called Virtue. Now class, guess which party that represents! Hands up! …. Anyone? Yes, Charlotte? Is it Labour, Miss? Very good Lotty! Labour are the GOOD party.
A second powder was called Brit, with a sort of Union Jack thingy on the packet. Now, which party could that be? Mohammed, can you have a stab? The BNP, Miss? Well no, but a very good guess, Mo’, but no, it wasn’t them. Hussain? Go on, have a bash … UKIP! Yes, very good. UKIP don’t like foreigners.
The third one was called Cheap … you get the idea, probably meant to be the evil Tories.
£3.7 billion a year and they come up with this dross, which was neither funny nor enlightening.
This is a brilliant appraisal of Islam from an Egyptian Muslim….A female….One of the best that I’ve read…..Who knew that after 9/11 Egypt as a Nation had public holidays, and dolled out public services for free?….Never heard that on the BBC..
A Palestinian maniac rams his car into innocent Israelis injuring four police officers and one member of the public, then tries to stab them and yet as far as the BBC are concerned it’s really nothing. The damage on the car tells a different story though.
I notice that no less than twice in the article the BBC push the line that “none were seriously injured”.
Hmm, well, tell us the injuries and we’ll be the judge of that.
‘no less than twice in the article the BBC push the line that “none were seriously injured’
That’s on a ‘were said’ basis, by whom unclear, the BBC possibly hasn’t learned, or thought to check.
An extraordinary morally relativistic line to take; Mishal would approve.
This looks a story to revisit as it… ahem.. ‘evolves’. Maybe via newssniffer.
On a more positive professional note, at least this time the actions and some speculative detail on the driver and intentions appears to have been reported almost instantly, mon.
BBC top news story is that immigrants are estimated at 565,000 in the past three years, two-thirds from the EU. I think that this is meant to embarrass the Tories (and so it should) but comments are allowed and they are worth a read, especially the highest rated.
Yes, and keep an eye on how quickly the HYS comments section is closed.
The article was published(“updated”) today 6th March at 09.52 so see if anybody can catch what time the HYS is closed/shut down.
The News channel is devoting a remarkable chunk of each hour to the story, but it’s pretty disjointed. You get the feeling they want to hurt the Tories, but feel the need to emphasise the BBC’s luuuvvvv for the immigrants themselves.
Maybe they hope to push Tories to UKIP, but they might just push Labour voters in the same direction. If The People’s Army ends up with 15-20% in May there’ll be gloom all round at the Beeb!
Can I sell short suppliers of champagne?
Two thirds from the E.U. eh? But where did they come from before that? It’s that 97% of scientists said….again.
Notice the usual techniques employed in the article. Nigel Farage is quoted: “Migration to this country has been shown to be unsustainable, and councils are even seeing cuts in areas with booming populations,” he added. This is immediately followed by: But Barbara Roche, co-founder of the Migration Matters Trust, a cross-party group of politicians, business executives and trade union leaders, said migrants were “making an economic contribution”, implying that this assertion somehow proves Nigel Farage is wrong. And note the coy description of Roche as “co-founder of the Migration Matters Trust”. She was actually Minister of State for Asylum and Immigration, Home Office, 1999–2001, during which time she made the absurd claim that “Britain is a nation of immigrants” – a Big Lie if ever there was one (Britain is actually a nation of emigrants, which is largely why countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA exist and have the populations that they do).
As was pointed out on this site last year, Migration Matters Trust is a private company and has allegedly received money from Joseph Rowntree – the same people who were in the news last weeks for helping bankroll the CAGE lot who are accused of promoting terrorism (see http://biasedbbc.tv/blog/2014/05/01/immigration-the-benefits-the-truth/ and scroll down to Stewart’s comments from May 3rd at 4.44pm).
Great post, Ian – thanks for the detail. One only wishes the BBC would even start making an effort to their jobs.
This place has really revolutionized the way I process BBC propaganda; these days I never accept anything they broadcast or publish without first questioning their motives, or the motives of the people mentioned in their pieces. As you have shown, there is almost always an alternative, far more illuminating take on just about anything these clowns ‘report’ on.
I was confused for a moment mixing Migration matters trust with the anti mass immigration Population Matters, formerly the Optimum Popultion Trust.
I wonder if the similarity int he name is intentional and designed to feed the assumption that Migration Matters is also an anti mass immigration body?
Looking at the leadership of Migration Matters, entirely non indigenous, I think its safe to make assumptions about where their sympathies lie.
Watched BBC breakfast yesterday and they ad an article on immigration. The BBC went and interviewed 3 immigrants 2 of which thought the UKIP points based systems was a good idea.
The best one was the 3rd guy they chose a black man who looked a bit unkempt and wore earphones but who spoke with a rather posh flawless British accent who said Nigel’s proposal had some merit but that he himself was not against immigration per-say. I bet the beeb journos were biting their lips and cursing.
Anyone found a clip of it?
OF course Third Worlders are not going to be entirely unhappy about Farrage because they dislike seeing all the Eastern Europeans moving into ‘their’ areas!
They do want immigration, but their own kind. Racist, right?
People wouldn’t be human if they didn’t prefer ‘their own’, but, to be fair, a fifty year old black man starts to creak like a fifty year old white man. He expects ‘society’ to be organised to make allowance for the young and the old, while taking most from the ‘prime-of-life’ age groups. Currently the Tories are importing young Europeans and making untrained youth and older workers compete with them for jobs. Guess what? – it’s no contest. The Tories then proceed to demonise and sanction the losers in this unfair contest. Take a zero-hours contract, you lazy bastard. This only applies to private sector workers, of course. For all their talk, the Tories are running scared of the unionised public sector who earn far more, have better pensions and job security. Labour and Lib Dems would be no better, of course. Only one party is close to ordinary people and offers the possibility of a humane society.
Maggie didn’t believe in society. Their PR bullshit notwithstanding, Cameron and Osborne don’t either. It shows… and it’s a problem for the Tories. When people hear ‘the long term economic plan’, they know that cheap labour is central to it. Whether or not you agree with me probably depends on whether you are one of those providing that cheap labour.
Here we go again.
” There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look to themselves first. It’s our duty to look after ourselves and then, also to look after our neighbour.People have got the entitlements too much in mind, without the obligations. There’s no such thing as entitlement, unless someone has first met an obligation.”
The next sentences after the phrase “There is no such thing as society”
There’s no such thing as entitlement, unless someone has first met an obligation.
So what obligation would you have a sixteen-year-old meet? Don’t they need special consideration at that age?
Hasn’t a fifty year old who has supported young and old during their ‘prime-of-life’ years ‘met an obligation’. Or are they ‘expendable’ when cheap Bulgarian twenty year-olds will do more work for half the money?
I hope the Tories keep this faith pure. UKIP’s success will be guaranteed.
Golden rules for a conservative
1. Liberals do not understand the meaning of the word reality
2. Liberals do not debate but mouth slogans.
3. Liberals always make an argument personal.
4. Liberals have replaced religion with a gnostic belief in the perfection of their own kind.
5. Liberals regard conservatives as evil
6. Liberals are cowards at heart.
7. Liberals hunt in packs- twitterati etc
8. Liberals suffer from civilisational guilt bought on by ennui and lack of courage.
9. Liberals are the products of dysfunctional cities and education.
10. Liberals have a very poor sense of danger and very poor survival skills.
In conclusion liberals are an evolutionary cul de sac. Feel sorry for them .
Golden rules for Climate Change at the BBC
1. The BBC do not understand the meaning of the words reality, truth, facts, proof, evidence, observation or correlation.
2. The BBC do not debate but mouth slogans, such as “The debate is over”
3. The BBC always make an argument personal.
4. The BBC has replaced religion with environmentalism, belief, speculation, assumptions, consensus and political ideology.
5. The BBC regard scepticism as evil
6. The BBC are mostly made up of the village idiots who were good at Art.
7. The BBC hunt in packs- twitterati, activists, common purpose, consensus of fools, etc
8. The BBC suffer from civilisation guilt bought on by employing traitors.
9. The BBC lefties are the products of a dumbed down education system.
10. The BBC employees have very poor common sense and very poor intellectual skills.
11. I am in MENSA.
12. Like Gary Bushell. Who is a Pounce.
Hmm why are you here at 1.09am pervert ? shouldn’t you be back a BBC central ? those Children wont abuse themselves little man
Thanks for confirming: No 3. The BBC always make an argument personal.
Just to add one.
That liberals (note lower case ‘l’!) always believe that an attack on them and their beliefs, it must be an attack on one of their favourites. So anyone who attacks their mindless idiocy must be an ‘ist’ or a ‘phobe’ .
So why do you call Globalists ‘liberals’?
On Woman’s Hour, Jane Garvey led off … Speaking in almost Primary School teacher tones,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi
BBC Breakfast sofa story tellers Janet & John read us a few selected pages out of the big book of immigration story this morning.
The two quotes above are from earlier today. Both recognise that the Beeb treats us like infants. I’m aware of this all the time. I don’t really know what’s going on, other than they’re trying to manipulate me. Happily, like most here, I’m from a generation that was taught to think for themselves. But maybe young people are so well brain-washed that they wait for ‘Nanny’ to give them direction on what to think about everything, and the programmed teacher-infant style is part of the technique.
There was a time – 60’s & 70’s – when following some programmes like Horizon really required A-level Physics. Those days are long gone; now it’s dumbed down to a female primary school teacher voice delivering simplistic drivel.
You have to think that The Common Purpose programming techniques are at play here:
Common Purpose Mind Techniques
Meanwhile, Jenni Murray is in Dubai giving a lecture at the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature.
She says ”television news was still largely presented by an avuncular man with a young thin beautiful woman alongside him; an ”auto-cutie”!
A different image needs to be seen she told broadcasters.
Does anyone recognize this representation of BBC television news?
Gone are the days on Midlands TV when we had two broadcasters, now we have one per bulletin and with reduced hours they have taken a pay cut. I imagine it is the same elsewhere. Although they have recruited several more female reporters who look under 35 and fit the ethnic requirement.
As for national news, when was the last time she viewed a BBC main News programme.
Play spot the male, then spot the white English male, and listen and watch as we go from one male or female EMB reporter to another, with interviews with many of the same.
”My day of delight” she says ” will be when we don’t have the avuncular rather overweight, plain man with the terribly pretty 25 year old sitting next to him.
She believes Kirsty Wark is a terrific interviewer.
You wouldn’t want to be sat next to Jenni Murray on a long haul flight. Oops, silly me – the BBC (ie us) will buy her a first class ticket so it won’t be a tight squeeze after all.
Yes Jenni, I can’t wait for the day we have a bearded man with some black mound sat next to him, which utters ‘death to America’ every 30 seconds.
Now that would have Dame Jenni salivating.
Wonder what she’s done with her dogs this time and whose paying for their keep.
The regional news I `ve seen with two presenters is Look East & North ,Points West & Spotlight South West, don`t know about other regions though.
I feel like I’m being continually patronised by the bBC. Nearly every program winds me up, from its local news to comedy to its radio output, the OH feels the same as well, so much so that our consumption is almost zero. All we now tend to watch in the evenings are recordings of the old comedies that are on in the afternoon, Dads Army and the bBC4 repeats of Top Of The Pops (sans JS).
Interesting you mention mind techniques, I seriously question the mentality of people today, inked, pierced, obese, scruffy, selfish, bad mannered, no common sense, no pride and completely lacking the ability to see what is actually going on around them. Like watching the bBC a visit to ones local supermarket or town center is just as big a wind up and that’s before you have opened your ears to the strange dialects around you…
“I don’t really know what’s going on” Me neither!
Awwww. Is patronise the word you mean? x
Dunno pervy is fiddling your chose profession ?
Good video that ends – very unusually on the BBC – with Portillo saying he doesn’t understand what the BBC is thinking by giving so much airtime to an apologist for a brutal murderer –
Not that good … how is ISIS not Islamic?
All of their actions are mandated by Islamic text.
All of their murderous behaviour is too.
All of their sexual atrocity is too.
All of their throwback sharia/blasphemy behaviour
The example of Mohamhead again and again, and again.
Where is it not Islamic
it IS Islamic, very very Islamic … THE Islamic state.
Top Ten Quran Verses for Understanding ISIS (the Islamic State)
Careful what you say in public… all surfaces have Aunty’s ears as she evesdrop…. ‘overhears’…
BBC News
“Look girl, either you can focus on guys in college or on studies” – just one of the unusual conversations heard in a women-only carriage
It’s OK though, it’s girl on girl. Apparently. The BBc has learned. From sources. Who may exist. Or not. Or have been edited.
Comments on FaceBook are, as always, well worth a gander as some note what the BBC addresses in detail, by whom, and what else… not so much.
Meanwhile, in the crucible of first world culture…
‘……He looks a bit dirty, but I quite like that…’
Could be anyone, about anyone.
I do conceded this is from a while ago. Seems to have stopped (can’t see a way to update). Can’t imagine why.
‘Overheard on the ladies’ coach
By Shalu Yadav BBC Hindi.’
BBC Hindi – never knew it existed. Yet more separatist multiculti crap from the BBC.
The BBC vitually ignores the Hindu population in its coverage.
Radio 3 is about the only bit of the BBC I can stomach but this week has been dire as it is the lead up to International Women’s Day on Sunday, and every five minutes we were reminded of this. Women composers all week and some are OK or more than OK but generally they are just not in the same league as the men. Not because they’ve been oppressed etc., but they just aren’t. Possibly because music is closely related to mathematics and women are more at home with empathy than logic.
You may want to give Classic FM a try – it has twice the audience share of Radio 3 for a good reason. Or try internet radio stations – several hundred classical ones from across the world, many supported by responsible public service broadcasters, many specialising in particular genres or composers.
Classic FM is all round wonderful….. except for the news. It goes off at 55 past the hour until 5 past.
This also serves to avoid a raft of car commercials that involve 90% gibbering t&cs and 10% actual creative.
Their advertisers may wish to ponder that cause and effect.
I think Classic FM does a good job overall; we’d be worse off without it. For me, however, it goes too far in promoting its non elitist credentials. It almost seems a little desperate at times. Why, for instance, promote crossover singers at the expense of the hundreds of trained opera singers, not necessarily top rank, who actually deliver the goods on a regular basis to live audiences without Auto-Tune? Part time footballers/darts players would not be considered good enough for Match of the Day.
Years ago, when Radio 3 was generally regarded as a first class example of a specialist music station, I said it was only a matter of time before we destroyed it, in-keeping with this country’s record of systematically destroying everything it does best. I was right. Ask the military.
I listen to Classic FM a lot, but I do find the presenters a little patronising, the news no better than that on the BBC, and the adverts a constant irritation, especially, as others have mentioned, the stupid terms and conditions that are churned out at breakneck speed, but often of a longer duration than the adverts themselves. When we do eventually hear some music, it’s invariably good.
Number one background all-day station in MY house, although I sometimes try Smooth FM, or Gold for a change.
Radio 4 all day would do my head in.
To be fair, I still think Radio 3 is basically very good, I just get a bit tired of the constant infiltration of political correctness, e.g. in the mornings the constant what the papers (i.e. the Guardian) say and so on.
Swiss Classic on the internet or on 13E is great.
So much effort to listen to the BBC from another country. What a Pounce.
bBBC Radio 3 marking International Women’s Day by celebrating famous women composers.
No, me neither.
I don’t have a problem with women composers, conductors, performers etc.
I do get fed up with having a week of being told, “In the run up to International Women’s Day…”
After a diet of Enforced Feminism I had to laugh today as I saw a 40′ SlutWagon parked outside a tanning salon, complete with pink ribbons on the bonnet. Some ‘women’ just want to be ‘girls’.
Back on the music though; On Saturday we were told that boys aren’t taking up musical instruments but that was OK as orchestras were full of women. The real problem was that women weren’t keen on playing all instruments and how could they be persuaded to widen their scope.
But if all women are to be MPs, CEOs or at least conductors who is going to play the instruments, have the babies and cut the hair? Immigrants I expect.
Mass imm is at best neutral economically (although even that is dubious), ie there is no improvement in GDP per capita.
Alas its social consequences are not neutral. Over-crowding such that infrastructure is overwhelmed, block voting and electoral fraud, mass child sexual abuse, and no-go zones and ‘muslim areas’ are some of those consequences.
These are the facts, not that the state broadcaster cares.
Mass immigration is nowhere near neutral economically.
This report [ which the BBC only told part of ] shows that overall immigration has cost us [ the taxpayers ] billions .
And the part the BBC said was only the part which showed that immigrants contributed [ a very small percentage ] to the economy .
I was being charitable – it is Friday.
I was being charitable – it is Friday.
When it comes to immigration it is always Friday – Friday 13th, that is.
A Nightmare on Every Street..
Some groups contribute more and some groups contribute less. It is apparently racist to say which groups.
*hands up* Is it white pensioners who live in Spain or France but suck up GB benefits and swamp the message boards of the Daily Mail and BBBC? Do they contribute less? Fun fact; Did you know a third of “immigrants” last year were actually UK nationals sneaking home? What a bunch of Pounces.
Fun fact; Did you know a third of “immigrants” last year were actually UK nationals sneaking home?
Bearded Brits home from the Jihad, perhaps?
More ‘fun facts’… A third* of children born in the UK have one foreign-born parent; two thirds for London. That’s not so much ‘fun’ as effing hilarious!
* Statistics from several years ago; the figures will be higher now
When we see the democratic will being so blatantly ignored, and when we learn of organisations such as CP (whose modus operandi is to ‘lead outside authority’) are we to conclude the former and latter are unrelated?
There’s a great little video here where the Beeb explain why IS are destroying priceless ancient artworks:
Great because they somehow manage to explain it without the vital piece of information that Islam mandates it.
If the BBC were on a psychaitrist’s couch what would the diagnosis be?
Pathological denial brought about by intense psychological abuse during formative years at university, exacerbated by incarceration in a self-referential bubble that has too little connection to the outside world.
The patient requires de-programming & a gradual introduction back into reality. There’s an excellent clinic that specialises in such work in Tower Hamlets.
If there is no improvement mercy-killing is recommended.
I don’t know what the diagnosis would be if the BBC were on a psychiatrist’s couch. But if it were being examined by a vet it would be: “Put it to sleep”.
Obviously the state broadcaster isn’t that keen on free speech on a range of matters which hardly need mentioning. Even more disturbing is that it doesn’t like democracy much either.
The democratic will would of course involve a dramatic reduction in immigration. The EU and the ‘licence fee’ are further examples of the disdain the bbc has for democratic process.
Remember that when they next do a ‘democracy season’.
Given the bbc is such a hugely powerful propaganda tool, as well as a massively valuable gravy train for many thousands of people, it might take years to dislodge.
This is how they deal with Muslim sex criminals in India.
Bet the BBC will take the side of the rapist.
They’ll seek advice from Shami Chakrabarti first
The Islamic State (IS) group has ransacked the ancient city of Nimrud in northern Iraq, a week after destroying statues in Mosul museum
Archaeologists and officials have expressed outrage about the bulldozing of the ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud by Islamic State militants in Iraq.
THAT’S BECAUSE ISLAM ALONG WITH BEING THE RELIGION OF PEACE IS ALSO THE RELIGION OF TOLERANCE! I bet Clegg has a badly chosen out of context partial passage from the Koran to quote on this.
I read somewhere that the damage to the face on the Sphinx is blamed on Napoleon’s troops using it for target practice; but it was caused by Muslims at some time or other, as they vandalize or destroy anything which pre-dates Islam. They call such things “jahiliyya” as being from the period of ignorance – oh the irony.
Dear Craig
Thank you for your letter of 4th March.
We are responding as the broadcasters’ group and as you released your letter to the press we will be making this response public too.
The broadcasters have over the past six months worked hard to ensure that our viewers have the opportunity to watch election debates in 2015. We have done so in an independent, impartial manner, treating invited parties on an equitable basis. We have listened to the views expressed by all parties and, as we promised from the outset, have kept evidence about electoral support, public attitudes to the debates and appropriate participation under review.
The debates were enormously well received by 22 million viewers in 2010 and our research has shown that there is a public desire and a public expectation for debates in 2015.
We have consistently set out our intention to hold three debates during the unusually long formal election campaign period — 30th March to 7th May 2015. We spaced the planned debates two weeks apart, twice the length of time between debates as compared to 2010. The dates — 2nd April, 16th April and 30th April — were first published in October 2014 and have not been changed.
We believe that the formal election period is the right time to hold election debates. It is the point at which the parties have published their election manifestos and the point at which the electorate as a whole is most engaged with discussion of election issues and the public debate about the future of the country.
So it’s Millipede v Empty Chair, a week before Election Day. That should be fun!
Labour must be having severe stomach cramps over this. Miliband being out-debated by Cameron is bad enough but losing to an empty chair will be catastrophic
An empty chair is illegal under the “Representation of the Peoples Act” If Cam does not turn up , The Millipeed can`t either , if the Bbc tried to put on the Millipeed without Cam , Ofcom would fine them , hopefully close them down too . All sides must have equal coverage ,during the election campaign .
Apparently the BBC decided not to continue with trying to run debates when Tony Blair refused to participate. Now they are doing the exact opposite for Cameron. BBC Charter anyone?
maybe they will put him on with one of the Green idiots for a head to head – not a fag paper between them could be a close contest as to who is the most stupid
Some ‘Home’ News from the BBC
‘Mirror phone hacking: BBC’s Yentob says he was ‘violated”
‘BBC creative director Alan Yentob has said he felt “violated on a truly massive scale” by journalists who hacked his phone.’
‘Giving evidence to the High Court, he said he was shocked that “the entire show business desk at three newspapers was listening to my conversations”.’
Sounds truely awful
‘Mr Yentob is among eight high-profile figures claiming damages from Mirror Group Newspapers (MGN) over hacking.’
Well, he would, wouldn’t he…
But let’s just remind ourselves what it is that we are talking about here – one way voice mail messages.
Now this was illegal and wrong. But, please, all this ‘violated on a massive scale’.
Are the BBC reporting this in a balanced way or are they helping to bump up their mate’s case for damages?
Not nice, but hardly Edward II, Al.
Anyhoo, other than the dosh, looking forward to you doing whatever it is you do at high level and ensure the BBC hounds The Mirror until it closes and it’s the end of the Piers.
I’m going with the latter.
An interesting point. So should be BBC cover Mirror hacking or not? On the one side to neglect it is a sign they were out to get News Corp all along. On the other if they cover it well it’s a chance to “bump up” Alan Yentob’s claim.
Heads BBBC wins. Tails you’re a bunch of Pounces.
Please do not remove posts from JTF the troll. They serve a purpose in showing how the left argue.
tricky one this – but overall there’s just not the same appetite for bringing down a Labour rag as as there was for the News of the World. If Yentob wasn’t involved it may have been ignored entirely – as it has been by MPs Bryant and Watson. They could hardly contain their anger about Murdoch’s gutter journalism but are showing their complete hypocrisy now.
The empty chair will come out on tops, at least it would be perceived as something useful, unlike dead Ed.
You mean Empty Chair vs. Empty Head.
Someone earlier posted this link:
Sorry, can’t find the post, but guess what…:
This entry is now closed for comments
LAST – 2034. Jo Anton
FIRST – 1. Bauer
I can see pretty much any sensible comment on here being moderated within about 5 minutes.
Not even 24 hrs, Jack.
And it seems they didn’t want to risk any POETS logging on, so it got pulled earlier than usual.
Too many of the people speaking, and not enough of the BBC speaking for them?
I have learned this (which, according to BBC guidelines, I am going well beyond requirements by quoting the source):
‘pointed this out to more than one senior journalist at the BBC and while they didn’t dispute that it is misleading they don’t seem to feel they have any responsibility to see it corrected because they were not personally responsible for authoring it.
Your taxes at work.’
Remember the brave Israeli journalist who proved that the streets of Paris were not safe for Jews ? Well now a British journalist has done the same on our streets and found the same thing, Jews are not liked or wanted, mind those who do the attacking are not what I would call British, I’m sure you can guess which religious group is responsible. I wonder if the bbc could guess ? I wonder if they would have the balls to try it, say a walk from Salford to Piccadilly, it might make for good TV news, then again knowing their sensitivity perhaps not.
I phoned the” Telegraph and Argus ” Bradford’s local paper to tell them what was happening in their city. Reasonably polite but didn’t want to know. 3 hours on, no mention on it’s website.
So maybe Galloway has got his way.
The BBC have opened an immigration article up for comment. Comments closed before the end of the working day. Comments from workers not welcome?
The comments make interesting reading. The contributors appear to be expessing a theme, one that runs true with the policies that UKIP have been pushing for many years, i.e.
1. Leave the EU so that the UK government can once again:
2. Control immigration to an ethically, socially and economically sustainable level.
As Barrie McDermott former prop and RL pundit extraordinaire, once said “Its not brain science! Its not rocket surgery!” (Oh, and by the way, to any confused ‘lefties’, its really is not racist.)
But why close comments? To workers? I’d also like to know what workers think. Is the BBC server full?
Vote UKIP 🙂
The BBC seems to be celebrating foreign systems of apartheid such as “women-only” train carriages in India.
How we must respect their different ways!
“Women-only” train carriages in India are regrettably a rape and harassment prevention plan.
The news quiz. Within one minute UKIP were the butt of the jokes but the lefty panel got the facts wrong. But who is there to correct this load of lefty rubbish? No-one. So I sit waiting to hear about Ed Milliband doing something stupid..I guess I will be waiting a long time.
Well Nigel Farage is going to have 90 minutes prime time ripping Ed Miliband to pieces if a debate goes ahead.
Listened to a few minutes about Ben Ainslies vanity project to bulldoze Portsmouth, just so we can win the Americas Cup some year hence.
Very legacy-very “all hail the great god sport”.
Sailing then gets a free pass with the BBC…as opposed to the chavs footy,which is racist and misogynist.
Funnily enough the BBC never seems to care two hoots about the lack of women in F1 racing drivers, the lack of women on assorted sailing association quangos.
Eddie Mair didn`t seem to care about such trifles when sailing is the sport…any more that the BBC never tell us the FI carbon footprint…and how much it upsets Gaia.
No-only football gets the sporting shaft….oh, wait…Caroline Quinn has a full programme on tomorrow in praise of Ben Ainslie and his mum.
Typical BBC preferential guff that plugs its own middle class toff bollox, whilst scoffing at the saintlike John Terry!
Sorry Chris, I have to object to calling John Terry “saint like” he’s just a typical centre half thug. :-/
Sorry sir, I`m a Man United “fan” who simply mentioned him because that he`s everything that the BBC detest!
In many ways he`s a Grade 1` creep(9/11, Wayne Bridge for e.gs)-in others I`ve got to admire him-loyal once club man, rock of the team and his Poundland Christmas presents!
Jurys out-if the BBC hate `em, then I tend to back them.
That said-“saintlike” is wrong!
S`pose I`ve elevated him to Tony Adams status…wrong again!
Chris, if only you’d said that Stevie G was a saint who walks on water and is able to thread a ball 60 yards through John Terry’s legs then I would have been in full agreement with you. PS , sorry old son Europa League for you next year 🙂
your kidding right? Environmentalists have killed F1. They’ve only got 1.6 litre engines now.
Suzie Wolff, the Williams F1 test driver is never off the sports headlines, if she farts, the BBC report it. The BBc seem to think shes a great driver, rather than getting her seat cos shes married to someone who gives her team engines
They dropped lewis hamilton as their favourite driver for suzie wolff cos split arse trumps black guy
forza minardi!!!!
Thanks beebinator!
I need to spend more time on Talksport etc…didn`t honestly know that the BBC were onto carbon emissions in F1, never heard of Suzie Woolf.
This site is grand for education-will now look out for these touchstones of Beeb fantasies.
Sailing and golf though?…or is THAT all PC bollox too these days?
i think Al beeb love sailing cos all the blokes drop anchor in poo bay, and i think golf is acceptable to them so long as its a black bloke that beats up his white wife while he’s shagging the kids white nanny 🙂
You forgot to mention that the bBC F1 coverage is presented by a woman, together with two women pit lane reporters. The bBC also focuses on Claire Williams who is team principle of daddy’s Williams team.
There are a number of current drivers who can’t get a sniff of a test drive, yet Wolff who’s notable career is a 13th place finish in German DTM.
well at least shes better than the last female test driver that drove into the back of a truck in the pit lane lol.
“split arse” Just say what you mean. She’s a “Pounce”
Just makes you want to spit, doesn’t it?
Such a shame the BBC didn’t allow comments about this article on the Greens’ conference:
I think we all know why.
funny thing today, the BBC have been reporting that ISIS have committed a ‘war crime’ by destroying 3000 year old structures in Syria.
The BBC has seemed a little upset by this criticism of the religion of its brown eyed boys, but it’s come from the United Nations, another favourite group so they’re caught between a rock & a hard place.
So they try to limit the damage by lying. It’s just ISIS not the thoughts of Islam, or Muslims, which to a point it true as they’ve stood there since well before this evil religion was invented.
But there’s another lie – by omission. Something the BBC doesn’t want people to remember, the Buddhas of Bamiyan destroyed by the Taleban in 2001 because they just like ISIS declared they were ‘Idols’.
Or in the Maldives in 2012 when Muslims destroyed Buddhist statues again because there were ‘idols’.
Or in Japan:
” Moslem Saudi Arabian university student studying in Japan attacked, vandalized and destroyed several ancient Buddhas at Japanese cultural Buddhist temples. The Buddhas were designated by the Japanese government as major cultural icons and historical symbols. The Muslim student went to each Buddhist temple shrines and systemically destroyed and vandalized the statues of Buddha.”
A concerted campaign, or perhaps just ‘good’ Muslims following what their religion teaches,
Either way the BBC have chosen not to report this.
Well said, Thoughtful. It should have been said by the BBC of course, but wasn’t.
“…but it’s come from the United Nations, another favourite group so they’re caught between a rock & a hard place.”
Ah, the Common Purpose schizm. What to do when two favoured groups disagree – and, worse, publicly? Which side to take? How to give the story ‘context’ that won’t appear to criticise either?
Stop your tittering at the back. These progressive types really struggle over these complex issues.
This “Cameron won`t debate” crap from the BBC is bringing out the medias methods rather nicely.
Saw Jacob Rees Mogg on Channel 4 skewer Channel 4 and Krishnan on the news a few hours ago…never seen an Asian go red before!
Also heard Philip Davies(no me neither) squarely put Eddie Mair in his place with a few jaunty threats and offers to PM…none of which Mair took up!
Very revealing.
Basically, the likes of Rees Mogg and Davies have lanced the pretence of “BBC impartiality”-and the so-called “rivals” of the BBC like Sky and Channel 4 soon fall into line and spout the BBC liberal Newspeak.
Mogg pointed out that the BBC were nowhere to be found today-and Krishnan had to concur that they didn`t want to be quoted!
Game set and match to backbench Tories-and any “impartiality” by the broadcasters in the UK shown to be a cartel of liberal lefty bile, and self-presumptuous baiting of toffs.
No more, no less.
Fuck the Beeb!
A little difficult to attack the BBC on this when the broadcasters are all standing shoulder to shoulder. It comes across as a load of bluster from the Tory camp with Davies point blank refusing to use the word ‘bias’ when asked.
I found Davies utterly unconvincing in his argument, which basically went along the lines of David Camoron is PM therefore there cannot be any debate without him.
If this were a debate between two people Davies might have a point but there are something like 8 involved and if Camoron is playing political games then they have every right to carry on without him.
That was certainly a sweet moment when Krishnan had to admit that the BBC had been asked to appear but refused the kind invitation, unlike Sky.
Have always liked Jacob Rees Mogg since his interview with Ali G.
Ah, poor Beeboids. Offended by Ladybird books. The horror.
Prof Zeegan says the early books were written “very much from a British perspective”.
How very wrong of them. Haul them away for re-education I say!
Thanks, Dave.
Here’s a quote:
Ms Day said subtle changes were made to the illustrations in later books, including airbrushing a golly from the window of a toy shop.
“The reason we can now look back at [these books] and say ‘Oh my goodness look at that, oh why did they do it that way, oh how funny, how quaint, how politically incorrect, how wrong’ is because the books lasted,” she adds.
Is Beeboid, Deputy Political editor, James LANDALE a racist?
In Landale’s political hostility to Farage and UKIP,
Landale comes out with this faux ‘profundity’:-
“The other thing I have picked up is just how angry Mr Farage gets when presented with claims that some UKIP members are racist.”
Are you a racist, Mr Landale?
Does the question anger you, Mr Landale?
“Leader profile: 24 hours with Nigel Farage”
By anti-UKIP Beeboid, James Landale,
Deputy political editor.
The whole squad of Beeboid politicos are in full Labour Party cry,
from now until the General Election.
The next Landale ‘interview’ is on Miliband.
Will Landale make racist claims about the Labour Party and Miliband for their behaviour towards the sexually abused white girls in e.g. Rotherham?
This is tiresome. Kirsty Squark Newsnight. Friday 6th March.
The saga of the three jihadi teenage brides who’ve emigated without the knowledge of their parents continues. Today it’s the fault of the police. FFS. How do these islamist sympathisers and Britain-bashers have so much influence on the content of the BBC?
Scrap the Telly Tax.
And vote sensibly.
Newsnight, too predictable. And the in depth debate about the debates continues. Let’s talk about debates, eh? Three ‘experts’ (£450 a pop?). I suppose that is one way of avoiding talking about:
1. Social cohesion.
2. The rising national deficit.
3. The rising national debt.
4. The rising unfunded national liabilities.
5. Incompetence of the obese government.
6. The prospect of the return of the perpetual incompetence of Labour.
7. Political stability in Europe.
8. Putin.
9. Sharia law being implemented on European soil.
10. Edjukashun.
11. Fascist tendencies and the phasing out of free speech and thought in British universities.
12. EU membership.
13. Uncontrollable and uncontrolled immigration.
Vote UKIP.
Common Sense not Common Purpose.
Can’t keep the divisive/misandrist/feminist agenda at bay. Newsnight caps off the week’s offerings with a ‘women are discriminated against’ narrative piece, in the arts. Off switch.
The majority are beginning to awake. A slow process and despite the liberal media. Very difficult now to spin away the Isis atrocities and this destruction of humanity’s shared past in Iraq is beyond defending even for Common Purpose toads. The awakening majority do not care about the three girls. Liberals care but nobody much else. Their decision after all.
What must exercise the liberal’s and elite’s brains is what to do now.
Answers on a post card only please.
Just noticed on Guido website BBC got a ‘lefty biased mauling’.
Jacob Rees-Mogg gives Gurning ‘lefty’ Murphy a right mouthful about BBC totally biased against Conservatives. Really truthful and no holding back.
About time the Conservatives start to fight their corner better with such blatant bias shown against them by the BBC who are always leading on the Labour agenda.
Common Purpose flag bearer Cristian Goering Leftie of C4 news really is a rude c*^t.
And the facts hurt don’t they Murthy? MOGG Fact: Left wing bias at the BBC. Fact. And the Biased Broadcasting Cowards wouldn’t even get in the ring for a Queensbury rules verbal ding-dong with Gentleman Jacob. Jacob Rees Mogg is a model of English politeness and a rare thing – an MP who understands the birthrights of free men of England. A proper gentleman. I bet he hasn’t used an expletive in his life.
Which leaves all the more choice terms for me to use when saying what an utter f&$king c*^t that tw@t Tristram Gurning Murphy is.
“Stunning achievements in welfare reforms” ??? By starving people to death and introducing a weird clawback system which has reduced claimants to poverty, and a sanctions system which sees a quarter of all claimants sanction per year.
Only from the mouth of an old Etonian with no idea of the real world. All that’s wrong with the Tories in one stupid phrase!
As usual at the end Rees Mogg as hopelessly ineffective as every other Tory who have had decades to challenge the left wing biased BBC, and to do something about it, but have as per usual failed to do anything what so ever.
It’s a little like the parable of the foolish virgins who failed to prepare adequately, and now when the time has come they are found wanting.
where are the people in the UK starving to death?
“…where are the people in the UK starving to death?”
Presumably being shown to the nearest food bank. Another of life’s little self-fulfilling prophecies. If you build it (and fill it with free food), people will come. Who’d a thunk it?
There are reports but one verifiable one is reported widely:
From what I’ve seen , usually inside the world renowned NHS, where they come out with the catch all:
“Lessons will be learnt”
There’s always been a sanctions system from the dawn of the welfare state. If you were voluntary unemployed (left a job without good reason), were unavailable for work, or turned down reasonable employment, or failed to turn up to sign on, your benefit would be stopped. Nothing is new.
There has indeed been a sanctions system, and it was fairly used in the past, but under the cruel Tories, and their spectacular reforms the numbers being sanctioned are truly jaw dropping!
228 000 claimants sanctioned in just 3 months ? No one in their right mind, or capable of admitting the truth would claim that figure is reasonable. That would work out at a million claimants a year sanctioned or a third of all claimants! (If Tory unemployment figures are to be believed)
This is not spectacular at all, it is downright cruel, and a smear on any civilised country. Before anyone says it, I’m not going to suggest that there aren’t those who deserve sanction, but these figures go way beyond that. The stories of how these sanctions are achieved also are legion.
apologies…..i appear to have upticked you in error…
so large numbers being sanctioned most definitely aren’t due to widespread abuse of the benefits system then….?
Angryman’s point was wider than sanctions. The Tories are cosying up to a set of voters who are doing OK, and playing a lot of others off against low-wage immigrants. Funny enough, a lot of those thriving are unionised public sector who got easy numbers under Brown. Many folk who chose to work hard in real jobs have been impoverished with job losses and re-hire at poor pay, zero-hour contracts, etc.. As for sanctions; my observation is of terminal cancer patients dragged off to assessments while the real chancers seem to float on unhindered. When you pay assessors by the number they reject; expect them to go for easy touches rather than worry too much about justice. That’s the way the UK works these days… init? Why do you reckon the success rate for appeals is over 40%? BTW: Before you jump to the wrong conclusion, I have good grounds for claiming but I don’t claim a penny, even though I struggle. Just my upbringing. But that same upbringing gave me some basic sympathy for those even less fortunate.
Murphy was on the back foot. Didn’t like that one bit. Well done the Mr Mogg.
Beeboid hacked by the Labour Party-supporting ‘Daily Mirror’-
“Mirror phone hacking: BBC’s Yentob says he was ‘violated'”
I wonder why the BBC haven’t opened comments on this article concerning, yes you’ve guessed it, three of the most famous female Muslims from London, ever? (A film deal or a Nobel prize on their return perhaps?) Infamy! They’ve got it in for me!
Go on BBC! Open up comments. I want to know what folks think about all this.
Go on! I dare ya!
So we are expected to believe that a friend of the 3 so called / self styled isis groupies went to Syria & it wasn’t ever brought up in a conversation. I think that’s pushing the realms of probability isn’t it.
The bBC, its so called defence editors and talking …shite.
Lobbyists ‘delaying Apache contract’
I see the bBC, yet again tells a completely different story from the one on the ground in which to try and make a political story. I quote from the the bBC so called Defence Editor Mark Urban :
A £1bn British army contract to replace its Apache attack helicopters is being held up due to lobbying by the firm Augusta Westland, Whitehall insiders have said…A £1bn British army contract to replace its Apache attack helicopters is being held up due to lobbying by the firm Augusta Westland, Whitehall insiders have said…Then the government opted for a contract with Westland that involved fitting the basic American helicopter with new engines, defensive aids and communications taking its price from around £20m each to £44m per aircraft. Lt Gen Gary Coward, head of the Joint Helicopter Command from 2005 to 2008,told Newsnight that the earlier Westland deal “cost an awful lot of time and an awful lot of money”.
So from reading what Urban has to say, AW is simply ripping the British Taxpayer off for unnecessary work Here is what Urban doesn’t tell you:
1) The order for the British version for the AH64-D was designed for British operations, which is why the engines on the British variant were more powerful (with an eye for working in hotter climates) and which is why in Iraq and Afghanistan they did a far better job than their counterparts be they Dutch or American. (The British AH64-D was the only one which could fly with its ground radar in place, the rest had to take their’s off)
2) The British Variant has folding blades so that our version could be operated from ships, which is what they did in Libya. The Americans are only now gaining that capability with the latest AH64-E
3) The AH64-E has a full digital cockpit which takes into account the latest advances of the digital age allowing it to work in unison with UAVs. However, the Army would still need to replace the communications equipment aboard with what we use, which brings me to my next point:
4) The US AH-64E Remanufacture Program calls for a total of 639 helicopters to be rebuilt through FY 2025. The first full rate production AH-64E remanufactured helicopter was delivered in March 2014. Get that, the US isn’t buying brand new kites, it is simply updating its old stock,(other than 4 war loss replacements) which explain why the first set of brand new build AH64E will be in year 2019-20.
All of the above any so called defence expert would know, but then that wouldn’t allow the bBC to come out with this quip:
“Former defence secretary Geoff Hoon, who now runs Augusta Westland’s international business division, has been part of the lobbying effort.”
Yes he was Labour, but the thing is, when it comes to defence the bBC as leftwing twats used to say they would rather be red than dead, I suppose nowadays that would Muslim than Nonchristian.
The bbC, whose so called experts know sweet FA about the subjects they are supposed to be SME of
Interestingly I’ve looked up that Lt Gen Gary Coward, who Urban quotes as a force for reason is by law not allowed to lobby for any government defence contracts until 2 years from his end of his run out date with the army which being December 12 means he can now lobby the British Government. Funny he is now on the bBC saying we should buy this rather than that?
Click to access lt_20gen_20coward_20telereal_20trillium_20_website_.pdf
And here is how the subject was discussed in Parliament in 2012:
Tobias Ellwood (Bournemouth East, Conservative)
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what his policy is on the number of operational Apache helicopters; and if he will make a statement.
Hansard source (Citation: HC Deb, 29 November 2012, c457W)
Philip Dunne (Ludlow, Conservative)
holding answer 28 November 2012
The Army Air Corps operates a fleet of 66 Apache helicopters, which meets the current operational requirement for Attack Helicopters.
Apache, which is currently supporting operations in Afghanistan, has been in service with the Army since 2001 and is due to undergo a capability sustainment programme in the near future. This upgrade will ensure the capability remains in service out to 2040. The number of aircraft to be upgraded as part of this programme will be based on an assessment of the future operational requirement and will be decided at the main investment decision point, which is currently planned for 2014.
Pounce I see you have a troll posting at various points on this thread who really doesn’t like you. Posting under the name “JTF Ma’am” but from the style of writing is the poisonous little creep who usually insults every regular contributor to this site. You seem to have really pissed him off at some time. Wear the insults as a badge of honour, mate.
Thanks I’ve noticed, I can only presume its the wrong time of the month for he who cannot be named.
How the propaganda arm of Islamic terrorism (The bBC) gets all cagey regards telling the truth.
Charities no longer funding Cage, says Charity Commission
Advocacy group Cage is no longer being funded by two UK charities, according to the Charity Commission.Cage has been criticised for suggesting MI5 may have helped cause the radicalisation of Mohammed Emwazi.
Really and I thought it was this which started people closing the cage door and walking away:
‘Jihadi John’: Mohammed Emwazi was ‘extremely kind, gentle, beautiful young man’, says Cage director
Funny enough dicksplash has widened that gulf even more with this on..bBC1:
Jihadi John apologist who said killer was a ‘beautiful man’ sparks new outrage after refusing to condemn stoning of women
The leader of the Muslim group who defended ISIS executioner Mohammed Emwazi has sparked further outrage after he refused to condemn the stoning women. Asim Qureshi, the director of Cage, was last night quizzed about extremist positions advocated by Muslim scholars – including female genital mutilation, domestic violence and stoning as a punishment for adultery. But Mr Qureshi, appearing on the BBC’s This Week programme, failed to speak out against the practices – while also defending the right of Muslims to wage jihad.
But to the bBC, its the British who are to blame for the ugliness ingrained in the Islamic DNA. (Thing is, I have that DNA as well, but I have no urge to go around killing people, but then I am no longer a Muslim)
Jeremy Vine, darling of R2, decent upright beeboid does funny things with his pay, his daughter and the taxman, can anyone guess ?
I wish I could afford a tax advisor like old Jeremy.
typical lefty crap everyone else is to blame it is never the fault of the actual person who does it. Despite having a family with about 83 cousins and aunties nobody notices the three english roses planning a trip to join John Boy Walton building sand castles in the sun. It is the authorities fault of course it is . Still we should have Mike Bushy on shortly the bloke with absolutely no sporting prowess what so ever (bet he was always last getting picked for any team in the playground) to tell us that the UK Womens tiddlywinks championship is on this weekend
“A spokesman for the presenter said the reason for making his daughter a shareholder was ‘private’ but ‘perfectly legal’, adding: ‘I don’t think it is cynical. What Jeremy is doing is very common. If the Government makes laws that allow people to do things that are advantageous, it is up to the Government to change the laws.’
Well, yes on all counts.
However, the point rather being this truly empathetic approach to reality seems applied by the BBC on a pretty variable basis, depending very much who is doing it. No doubt what is meant by ‘the Government’ here.
A BBC spokesman declined to comment.
Of course the vast majority of us sheep are on PAYE so we don’t have leeway to be “imaginative” with our income. The furthest I ever got was an allowance for washing my uniform.
The report fails to mention that wife Rachael is also a bBC employee, a newsreader on the bBC News Channel.
Mrs Vine is holding the fort on News 24 tonight, her wages will go straight to her 10 year old`s Swiss Bank account .
Newswatch BBC, more complaints than anything else about :-
Emwazi – keep calling Jihadi Mohamhead, Jihadi John … overt
unnecessary coverage of his schooldays, his teen years etc,
aiding in Islamic state propaganda by giving apologists so much airtime
… hmm good job there isn t a BBC poll on “is BBC biased toward Jihadi Mohamhead”
… could be another 98% er 😀
“The Islamic State (aka ISIS and ISIL) has beheaded journalists and social workers, burned a pilot alive, and forced hundreds of captive women into sex slavery – all while citing Islamic texts to justify their actions and appeal for new recruits.
A Muslim in the latest Islamic State beheading video cited two Qur’an verses (8:12 and 47:4) to refute “those who say [beheading] is cruel.” In New York Wednesday, a Muslim was found guilty of plotting to bomb the New York subway system.
The previous day in London, a woman from Nigeria pleaded for asylum, as she faces certain death if she returns to her homeland: an Islamic court has sentenced her to die for being a lesbian.”
R Spencer.
3 girls join the rush to mass murder in Syria,(at least 2000 maybe double that by now).
Mohamhead Emwazi is happy to initiate and front Islamic mass murder, for the Islamic state.
and an estimated 1000 000 non Muslim girls have been gang raped by Islamic paedophiles here in the UK over years perfectly acceptable as, mandated in Islamic texts.
BBC will still deny this Islamic gang rape, and even admit that Islamic State is Islamic …
with that in mind
The islamofauxbia scam returns again
after destruction of priceless historical artefacts, theBBC again this morning is tutting and blabbering about the “so called” Islamic State?
How is ISIS not Islamic?
All of their actions are mandated by Islamic text.
All of the Jew hatred,
All of their murderous behaviour is too.
All of their sexual atrocity is too.
All of their throwback sharia/blasphemy behaviour
All of their desecration of priceless historical artefacts
The example of Mohamhead again and again, and again.
Where? … is it not Islamic?
it IS Islamic, very very Islamic, totally in accordance with Islamic text and teachings
… THE Islamic state.
Top Ten Quran Verses for Understanding ISIS (the Islamic State)
BBC journalist Fiona Graham:
Can you imagine a BBC journaist recommending a “jokey” tweet which hoped eg Ed Miliband or Natalie Bennett got attacked with a mallet? Me neither.
Lefties are sooo witty! Little wonder BBC comedy declined from world-class to pathetic over the last forty years.
Absolutely! Here they prefer to attack personally or pick up on spelling or grammar mistakes rather that debate the substance of the comment or topic.
oh come on QI when Alan Davies always has the funny buzzer the laughter is uproarious it’s like the funniest joke in the World has me in fits every time (not)
Been mentioned previously … the gift that keeps on giving
all you can say is, thank goodness for at least one voice of sanity, Brillo on the BBC
“We are constantly told that there are multiple versions of Sharia, making for such a dizzying multiplicity that the thing itself cannot be characterized as one thing, or another.
Yet everywhere it is implemented, it looks essentially the same. And whenever we see challenges like this one to Asim Qureshi, note that he doesn’t say,
“Oh, I don’t subscribe to that version of Sharia, or I believe in the anti-stoning version of Sharia.”
He can’t say that, because there is NO such version.”
R Spencer
“‘Sharia isn’t practiced correctly’?
CAGE director refuses to condemn death by stoning,”
hmm maybe this version of Sharia is more to Asim Qureshi s liking
Fight the Jewish scum!’ Shocking anti-Semitism on streets of BRITAIN as Jewish journalist is spat at, abused and even stalked… and the same happens in Copenhagen,”
Today the EDL plan to march in Manchester to protest against Islamisation. We hear a lot of bollocks about the persecution of Jews in the UK, and there is a large Jewish community in Manchester. However, the BBC are gloating that Manchesters leaders – among them the Muslim Jewish Forum – object to the EDL presence. Can we assume that all is well in this wonderful city? I have no EDL connections, but would have thought that someone in Manchester might point a finger at the people who are targeting Jews. Meanwhile, bus loads of leftie thugs from the UAF are heading up North.
The letter opposing the EDL signed by
Archbishop Doyé Teido Agama, senior pastor at Christian Way of Life Churches
Heather Fletcher, co-chair of the Muslim Jewish Forum of Greater Manchester
Rabbi Jonathan Guttentag, from Whitefield Synagogue
Sir Richard Leese, leader of Manchester City Council
Tony Lloyd, Greater Manchester police and crime commissioner
Paul Martin, chief executive of The Lesbian and Gay Foundation
Imam Rashid Musa, Imam of Salford
A Welsh flag is visible in this short clip, showing the EDL group at Albert Square in Manchester.
There are a few children present, inside the area cordoned off for EDL demonstrators and there’s another fenced off section for those who want to counter demonstrate.
That section is quite empty.
From the MEN live reporting.
The MEN actually stated that the EDL were there to protest against child grooming. I have just checked the MEN opinion poll on agree or disagree with the EDL. 70% disagree 30% agree. MEN accepted the UAF figure of 700 anti EDL demonstrators, which suggests they outnumbered them. TUC and NUJ speakers supporting the UAF.
Meanwhile the buses are being hired to defend the ROP in Oxford, where the UAF declare in favour of justice for the victims of abuse – but don’t blame the muslim groomers, as that would be fascist.
Serious faces as sofa sloths cover American civil rights. They pull up another non-white writer / activist Candace Allen (no I’d never heard of her either). Tells us one place she lived “the whites were quite well behaved”. During the earlier video we are treated to an interview with the police are out to get us message. We get the usual story. However scratch not that far beneath the surface and you can find many stories just like this: http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Black+Crime+Against+White+People&FORM=HDRSC3#view=detail&mid=06A348F3A394E8BD3EE306A348F3A394E8BD3EE3 Expect the sloths to be running a story on that any time soon? I think not.
Serious faces as sofa sloths cover American civil rights.
I read this post earlier… and you are absolutely right – they’re still at it. The ‘serious faces’ I mean. Looks like the glum face must be scripted; sort of… ‘We’re part of the guilty white race, so it’s only polite that we look ashamed…’ type of thing?
The funny thing is that most of the time there is no crack in the ‘professional’ expression, irrespective how tragic a story may be. Indeed, the true autocuties tend to grin through everything. Only Huw Edwards does it appropriately.
The “Schiffmeister” explaining stuff. I would have though the BBC would be all over this:
Why was Mayor Boris Johnson so keen to renounce his US citizenship? Nailed on tax evasion by Boris! (don’t infer criticism by me of Boris by the way) Barely reported by the BBC. World governments, taxing your ass, whoever and wherever you may be, the debt burden on the young (and yet to be born) and the US leftist agenda financially imploding on itself.
Human cattle. All of us. Wake up.
The Far-left Thought Police operate under the guise of stamping out hate, but just a little survey of the link below reveals its real agenda: silencing any criticism of Islam. Anything that has support from Hopeless and Hate and Imams Online immediately indicates to me that it is in fact an Islamo-Marxist front. Pathetic!