The first of four missing London schoolgirls who have travelled to Syria has been named as Sharmeena Begum. The 15-year-old, from Bethnal Green, is thought to have left the UK in December to join Islamic State (IS) militants. A picture of Sharmeena was given to the Daily Mail by her father, Mohammad Uddin. Three of her friends from Bethnal Green Academy, Amira Abase, 15, Shamima Begum, 15, Kadiza Sultana, 16, are now believed to have joined her. All four teenagers are thought to be in Raqqa – the headquarters of IS.
I would ask you to contrast the sustained BBC coverage concerning these three Islamic State collaborators with their studied indifference to the 1400 teenage girls abused by predatory Muslim rape gangs in Rotherham. Why IS it that the BBC instinctively like to play the “Muslims are always the victim” card when they simultaneously ignore the victims of Muslims? Dhimmified from within.
Its a running commentary of which I for one am heartily sick. For me, the blame rests largely with the parents and communidee, but I am convinced that the angle is towards eventual compensation.
Heaven help us when they eventually return, or even worse, someone suggests that we have an IS3 week or some such other bollocks.
They may return, each with six little Jihadis, and a Jihadi husband, all to be fed and reared on our money, while they plot our destruction.
I am heartily sick of the boring and seemingly endless BBC show The Three Mosqueteers.
Stop it now.
Seems to me there must have been some official decision early on to push and push this story. The ulterior motive I guess would be to build sympathy for the 100s of male ‘British’ gap year Jihadis that will inevitably not just be sending on line postcards but will literally be back soon.
Britain will soon be one huge open Gitmo
So too am I. Heartlily sick.
David V wrote “The first of four missing London schoolgirls”
The BBC in its news reports refers to them as “four missing British schoolgirls”.
If they are British then they are traitors, and should be tried for treason,imprisoned, then deported.
If they are not British, which they patently are not, they and their clan are enemy aliens. Won’t be surprised, if the lot of them are on Benefits of one sort or another, and sending money to Bangladesh or wherever.
Yes, their loyalty is only to the Islamic State and its Islamofascist ultra-violence.
“TRAITORS” is the word.
“The Three Mosqueteers.” Classic!!!
All for gun, and gun for all.
Twelve-bore, preferably.
Yes, I was just discussing with some friends on facebook. I am SICK AND TIRED with the whole ‘poor missing school girl meme’ rubbish; they are wannabe terrorists and they should be barred from ever returning to this country.
Could you imagine the sanctimonious uproar if three white English lads from an estate were seen to run off and join Front National or Pegida? The Left would be in uproar. Similarly, think of those children who have been taken into foster care because their parents were supposedly EDL members – do Muslims get the same treatment? No, like in Rochdale the utterly useless social services turn a blind eye because they are nothing more than cowardly filth. It’s a disgrace, the BBC and their socialist partners have turned morality on its head now so that anything to do with Islam gets the red carpet treatment whilst the English and Christian get the ‘fascist scum’ treatment. I loathe the middle-class Left and what they’ve done to England.
The number of young girls brutally gang raped for months/years, by Pakistani Muslims, runs in the tens of thousands.
Its not just all social services departments, but all constabularies, and all child protection agencies, who deliberately turned a blind eye. This blanket policy cannot be a coincidence, and must have come from a cabinet decision. There is no other explanation.
Such is the magnitude of the crime, that it is unparalled in history anywhere. No government anywhere, and anytime in history, has traded its young girls for votes.
I cannot think of any suitable punishment for a crime so henuous and so widespread.
Understandably, the establishment is busy brushing this under the carpet.Nothing will happen unless the international media, particularly the American media, start to publicise the depravity of the British establishment on this issue.
‘This blanket policy cannot be a coincidence, and must have come from a cabinet decision. There is no other explanation.’
I fear you’re right given how widespread it was, up and down the country. It was as if there were a common purpose to it. And think back to those times when the likes of Harman and Blears were constantly on the Today programme, slandering as racist anyone who dared challenge the wonderful benefits (and in their eyes, there could only be benefits) of ‘multiculturalism’. The whole thing stinks.
South Yorkshire Police ‘ignored Sheffield abuse claims’
South Yorkshire Police knew hundreds of young girls were making claims of sexual abuse in Sheffield but did not act, an ex-police officer has alleged.
Documents and interviews with ex-officers suggested the force failed to pursue a number of child sexual exploitation (CSE) inquiries.
It also ignored intelligence that girls as young as 12 were being raped and assaulted, the officer told the BBC.
YOUNG AS 12. Not just girls, but children, were given over to gang rape. As I wrote – never in the field of human betrayal, has there been such a betrayal, for some yet “undisclosed reason”.
Just the tip of the iceberg.
Well they have charged 6 men and imprisoned them that’s for about 5000 girls over the country. Those six must be very tired.
Time the lawyers got a replacement for BBC-Saville-fiddling and PPI miss-selling: grooming and gang-rape, where the police were an accessory before the fact, in that they knew about it and chose to look the other way. Lawyers could do something useful for the first time in their professional lives. This is the opportunity to flush the common-purpose police heirarchy out of the justice system they have betrayed. I await the unsolicited phone calls: “Have you been groomed? You could be entitled to compensation…”
It’s “relentless” here as well on their print arm…
Wheres the continued media interest on the 1000’s, I repeat 1000’s, of girls raped in provincial towns? Nothing.
The sickness of an indignant media (and complicit) Police that hunt down bovine football fans for hassling a commuter in a foreign country (unpleasant as they are) but turns a blind eye for decades on organised rape of children committed by political classes, celebrities and favoured minorities in this country.
And then there’s the continued media chatter about these three who go willingly to join a vicious bloodthirsty gang that want to kill us all…
I wonder if a shaky video of an unwilling schoolgirl being hauled in to a Rochdale Taxi-driver’s mini cab in the early hours by a predatory gang of racist (because that is what they are) rapists would get as much repeated viewing on the beeb as white football hooligans mouthing off on a train.
I reckon not.
Perhaps Pakistanis all look the same Huh?…
How “waycist” from Al-Beeb….
“An imposter posing as a former Pakistan cricket star and repeatedly conned the BBC into paying him to appear on air as a pundit. Nadeem Alam posed as ex-batsman Nadeem Abbasi on BBC World News, BBC Asian Network and Radio Five Live, despite only ever playing for his home town of Huddersfield.
As other posters at the DM have mentioned, I also wonder how this man was paid by the bBC and why when that payment was made nobody picked up the fact he wasn’t who he claimed to be.
Also, Pakistanis are paranoid about Cricket, which begs me to ask why nobody from the Pakistani community in the UK (Never mind West Yorkshire) didn’t mention to the bBC , that this man was an imposter. Which all condenseness down to one thing, Pakistani Muslims cannot be trusted, are prone to criminality and at a stroke answers the question the bBC asked the other day about why so many Muslims in the UK are locked away?
“It’s written into their DNA to break the law”
“It’s written into their DNA to break the law”
“It’s written into the Islamic DNA to break the Kuffars’ law, and destroy the Kuffar state by all and any means.
Rumour has it, that Border Security is keepng an eye on English cricketers who have travelled to Australia and teamed up with fanatic cricketers of Australia, hell bent on reducing English cricket to ashes.
Security forces have said that if they return, they will be arrested.
We know that Islam Not BBC (INBBC) is very empathetic in its daily concern on behalf of Muslim ex-schoolgirls from Britain who have volunteered and now joined our Islamofascist enemy, Islamic State, in Raqqa.
In contrast, on INBBC’s Radio 4 ‘From Our Own Correspondent’ (from 2 mins in, to 8 mins in) Quentin SOMERVILLE is critical of a young non-Muslim British man who has volunteered, and been fighting (until wounded), AGAINST our Islamofascist enemy, the Islamic State.
Somerville does not regard this young British man as morally principled or heroic, but as someone to be criticised for fighting “other people’s wars.” So INBBC continues to show its concern for three Islamofascist jihadists who are NOT criticised for fighting the Islamofascists’ “other people’s war.”
The Islamic State, as a reminder to Somerville, who should know better, makes an enemy of us all who do not accept its Islamofascism, and intends to murder us.
Do Beeboids (and Somerville) regard the International Brigade, the international volunteers for the republicans in the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s as merely fighting “other people’s wars?”
Ah, but they were fighting the Nationalists…
Duped by the communists, one and all.
This is not directly relevant to this subject, except for the bBC not being impartial and being biased and doing the bidding of their masters.. Bill Cash had Lord Hall in front of him as part of the European Scrutiny Committee.
Many interesting things came out, 1) Hall refused to attend, which he can do because he is a Lord. However, Cash told him if he had not finally agreed to his last request, he would have named him in the chamber. Hall was then grilled about the accusation of bias of the bBC.
One big point was how could the bBC accept £30M of EU money. The point being if you accept EU then it must be used to promote the EU. So how can the bBC accept the money and claim to be impartial.
The bBC have prostituted itself for the EU, so why not follow gov direction of playing down any problems with Muslims. As I pointed out several days ago, there was a clear disparity between the girls representatives and the Police about where the money for the air fares came from; Family don’t know, police stolen/fenced family jewelry.
Anybody else sick and tired of the same useless bastards appearing on QT? I am thinking of Shirley Williams, great destructress of a decent education system, Heseltine, the great EU cheerleader, various LibDem losers et al. And now we come to Mehdi Hassan…..excuse my spelling of any of the above names, i cannot be arsed to check them, such is my contempt for them all. No, but with Hassan, no-one, nobody has challenged him about his rant that shows, like all muslims, he regards us non-muslims as cattle, dhimmis……though i think David Starkey slipped it in, bless him, but did not pursue it, to his shame. I want to see someone on the panel really go for him and constantly berate him, ignoring the useless Chairman, and winding up the audience saying they are cattle too, even those idiots that clap his very farts, really lay it on, and then refer to him as a sub-human, which he is, and so all the way through the show. High time he was brought to book for his hateful opinion of non-muslims.
I wish people would refrain from the term “non-muslims”. It presupposes that being a muslim is the norm, that in this world there are muslims and “non-mulims”. I am not a “non-muslim” .
We really should find a better way of describing people who do not belong to the medieval barbaric world of islam. Why not label them “non- Christians” or “non-Jews”?
How about Muhammedans?
That was how they were known as. Muhammedan is quite apt, as Muslims revere muhammed far more then allah.
Er, Johnhornetook, i accept you do not wish to be a non-muslim, but then in your second paragraph, you suggest names that are formed as the first, using non as the descriptive?!….I used the term ‘non-muslim’ so as not to have to print out every religion other than Islam!! Non-muslim is crystal clear. Apart from you, apparently…..
It was very clear to me – you obviously misconstrued my argument. But thanks for being “tolerant”
25 too many for Islam Not BBC (INBBC)?-
“Only 25 British terror suspects have had their bank accounts frozen despite more than 600 UK jihadists travelling to fight for ISIS, report reveals”
Read more:
It’s probably a great way to track them – if they start buying tickets for flights to the UK, then MI5/6 know that something is planned.
When will they stop confusing racism with what is ridiculously called Islamophobia? Islam is not a race and Islamophobia is a piece of stupidity which has become part of our debauched political language. Still, it serves as the daily scotch porrige of anti UKIP propaganda. (Yes, I know scotch is a drink, not a race).
A poll for INBBC to censor?:-
“Pew Poll Analysis:
A Billion Muslims Want Sharia Law”
– See more at:
Tell them to leave the country and go to one where Sharia is practised. In case they haven’t noticed this is Britain and we do things our way , or at least we did until the left took over all of our institutions. We are a tolerant society, even to the point of it doing us harm, but even our patience is running out with the never ending Muslim demands , terrorist atrocities , abuse of young girls and children and general hatred displayed towards us and our values. I for one am heartily sick of it and wish they would just go!
5. Ranger director resigns in wake of offensive (mohamed) tweet controversy
(I am not understanding this article 100%. But it appears that someone has been forced to ‘resign’ from an administrative position at a soccer club because they tweeted an image of the pirate mohamed which was offensive to muslims. This goes a long way towards proving that England is a sharia compliant state and magna-carta is not even a memory)
It was in Scotland, but your general point holds.
The problem is that the predatory left are the ones with the megaphone – the BBC and the rest of the MSM. This is why we are obstinately informed (via the MSM default setting) that it is a tiny minority of radical Muslims or extremist lone wolves who carry out terrorist attacks and that we are not to judge all Muslims by the actions of these few individuals. The fact is, however, that virtually all terrorism is committed by Muslims and as such you can judge Muslims by the collective aggregation of their individual acts.
Great comments DP111 – in my view anyone quoted by Fjordman in his book, is somebody to that needs to be read.
Thanks Mr Glodstone
Mr Gladstone:
William Ewart Gladstone (1809–1898) was Prime Minister of Great Britain four times: 1868–74, 1880–85, 1886 and 1892–94. He called the Qur’an an “accursed book” and once held it up during a session of Parliament, declaring: “So long as there is this book there will be no peace in the world.”
“Police are not to blame for tiresome jihadi schoolgirls saga, says LEO MCKINSTRY”
‘If anyone should be apologising it is the three Muslim families for wasting police time and taxpayers’ money on their deluded daughters. The parents bleat about a “lack of communication” from the police but their admission of being kept in the dark by their children points to a breakdown in familial communications.
Rather than hunting for scapegoats the parents should say sorry to the British people for having raised a trio of girls who appear to find depravity attractive. The moral compass of these families seems to be as badly missing as their daughters.
In one interview the parents said that their “deepest source of upset” was the police’s alleged failure to pass on information, which points to a warped sense of ethical priorities.’
In a nutshell.
In many Muslim families, it is an honour for the daugher to marry a proper Jihadi. If they can get a big payout from the UK government, all the better, and more money for the Jihad. In any case, in Islam, women are worth less then a camel.
Well, that depends on how attractive the camel is…
We have endless academic time wasters seeking to study the psychology of Climate Deniers, whatever. Here’s something worth knowing – why Muslims habitually blame everyone but themselves for everything.
Perhaps it’s cultural – no sense of personal responsibility for anything in a world where Allah and Muhammed are the meaning of Life? Perhaps it’s the endless victimhood that is cultural. Play the victim.
Why are Muslim parents in complete ignorance (or feigned ignorance) of their children’s actual thinking and behaviour, its all a shock to them, blocked by the delusion that “they wanted to be a doctor”. Lies and self-deception seem to come to easily to followers of this religion.
Where do schoolgirls get the money for International flights to Turkey? Their parents don’t seem to know. The more these stories run, the more dopey teenagers will think they are missing out on the fun. That’s how the London riots started.
“Where do schoolgirls get the money for International flights to Turkey? Their parents
don’t seem toknow”Dont you think so?
Islam Not BBC (INBBC)’s ” New York Residents”-
1.) ‘Independent’-
“US trio who ‘vowed to kill President Obama and plant bomb in New York’ deny plot to join Isis”
2.) INBBC-
“Three New York residents deny ‘IS aid plot'”
Here in Canada the news we hear is about the Canadian connection to the girls. This appears to be less widely reported by media outlets in those countries which are among Canada’s “intelligence” partners:
Reports link Islamic State recruiter to Canadian Embassy in Jordan –
In contrast to INBBC’s apparent daily empathy for traitors-
“‘You will be avenged, brother’:
British Marine killed in Syria fighting ISIS”
Which side in INBBC on in Syria-Iraq?
-The Islamofascist Islamic State and its volunteer Islamic jihadists,
or the resistance?
Part of the resistance is here (below), and the enemy is NOT “militants,” Mr Muir, but Islamofascists.
“Konstandinos Erik Scurfield: Father pays tribute to his son”
(2 min video).
“Body of ex-Royal Marine who was first Briton killed fighting against ISIS
is returned to his family.
“Konstandinos Erik Scurfield, 25, was killed fighting against ISIS in Syria.
“Former Royal Marine is first Briton to be killed while fighting terror outfit.
“His father Chris and uncle collected his body in special ceremony in Syria.
“Hundreds attended ceremony on the Syria-Iraq border to pay their respects.
“Mr Scurfield’s father described it as ‘overwhelming’ and ‘very comforting.'”
Read more:
if anybody should feel radicalised.alienated,angry not only with the muslim child groomers but also the police and these labour controlled councils it is the parents,sisters, brothers,freinds and communitys where there children have been took away to be raped,tortured and sold into sexual slavery by these muslim child grooming paedophile rings.yes bbc, that i think is worthy of a phone in on radio 5 for this shock horror from the parents of these girls who joined isis, well i dont believe a word that they say about there children having lets say isis i say what is the fuss all about here,these girls to me are true devout muslims who want to and have chose with free will to follow the true path of living in a islamic state under sharia law,i have no problem with that as long as they dont return to this country to carry out terrorist attacks on behalf of isis,i just dont believe for one minute that these parents and freinds of these girls did not have a clue what there daughters were up to.i just dont.
By Lawrence Auster.
For INBBC to report sometime?:-
“‘Jihadi John’ still has access to British bank account”
– See more at:
Apparently today is particularly hurtful for the parents of our little heroines as it is “Mothers’ Day”, that will be ‘Mothering Sunday’, the day when all good Christians return to their mother church.
Hopefully they will all be back home by the fifth of April, in time to crack open their chocolate eggs. Failing that, they, and the new grandchildren, will be gathering under the tree on the twenty fifth of December. That is unless they are in Number Ten with our new PM, celebrating our ‘shared values’.
everyone I talk to about this wants them dead and no amount of spin from the media will change that
I was so shocked by the contrast pointed at by David Vance that I wrote this post “Liberal Monsters II”
I’d appreciate comments
INBBC cannot understand the anti-Kafir mentality of these three Muslims; it makes dangerously misguided excuses for their action, and wrongly presumes that they can be reformed away from Islamofascism.
Islamofascist Islamic State is our enemy which is resolved to murder us Kafirs.
Its volunteer jihadists are our enemy, and must be understood and resisted as such.
We are not their psychoanalysts.