Well then, I am sure you will have noticed the BBC have been desperately hoping for the defeat of Benjamin Netanyahu in the Israel elections. Up until the very last moment, those such as Jeremy Bowen were spinning like mad for his opponents and in a sense this was in synch with the international liberal elite, from Obama down, who ALL wanted to see BiBi fall. But hush – oh no – he has WON! Cue black armbands and solemn music and …surprise...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing Likud Party has won a surprise victory in Israel’s election.
Exit polls had forecast a dead heat but with almost all votes counted, results give Likud a clear lead over its main rival, the centre-left Zionist Union.
The outcome gives Mr Netanyahu a strong chance of forming a right-wing coalition government. It puts the incumbent on course to clinch a fourth term and become Israel’s longest-serving prime minster.
You could tell this morning that the BBC were in mourning. They had soooo wanted Netanyahu to fall and their “surprise” reminds of the quote many decades ago from New Yorker film critic Pauline Kael : “I can’t believe Nixon won. I don’t know anyone who voted for him.” Through the anti Netanyahu prism of the BBC that surprise is understandable, but still a disgrace.
“Netanyahu wakes up to shock election victory”
By Pamela Geller.
The US State Department was (and may still be) funding left wing opposition groups in Israel.
Now I wonder who would have ordered that, and with what motivation.
Will it make the BBC? Don’t hold your breath.
You would think that the BBC would be interested in the US government trying to influence the democratic elections of an ally when they get all hot and bothered when they do it to dictatorships.
You would, but then you need to recall that this is the entity that has ‘news’, and ‘not newsworthy’ (c) A. Newsroom Tealady.
Yes, but it’s a victory marred by the racism of Israeli voters in the opinion of many ‘liberal’ and ‘progressive’ commentators, as both Guardian and the BBC have very keen to tell us.
We are meant to understand that if Israelis were good, kind, normal people then Netanyahu would not have won.
So it’s a flawed victory, and invalid victory, and not the proper victory that one for Netanyahu’s opponents would have been.
One would not know from the BBC that the Joint List was the Joint Arab List. Only one elected member from thirteen is not Arab. The list campaigned that Arabs should vote for Arabs. Racist?
At 0615 on the Today programme, I was interested to hear Jim Naughtie say “Netanyahu claims to have won the election …”, after it was certainly known that he had gained six seats over his opponents. Naughtie didn’t repeat “claim” later on, but it was indicative, I thought, of his mind-set.
Yes I watched live reports from Jerusalem over the weekend where ordinary voters were telling the BBC they were worried about the economy and this will result in Netanyahu losing.i fully expected defeat based on what the BBC were spinning.
They seem a little disappointed this morning.
But not all bad for the BBC because to explain it they state Mr Netanyahu has had to move to encompass the far right.
Interesting that the left-wing grouping is called the “Zionist Union”. You would have thought the BBC would have supported Bibi as they hate Zionists.
Last election the BBC also decided Israel had moved to the right when if anything it had moved to the centre. The most rightwing component of the projected coalition still isn’t as far right as Hamas fascists. Has anyone ever heard the BBC describe any Palestinian as having any wings — right or left?
The BBC tend to imply Palestinians have Angel wings as they and their leaders, particularly, are so perfect they must be sent from God to teach those “damned Israelis” a few lessons.
P.S. How does one do strikethrough text in this system?
Second to last in the list of HTML tags and attributes, just below the Comment window.
Thanks for that. I never even thought of looking down there.
In a surrounding sewer of despotic kingdoms, theocracy’s and outright gangsters, little Israel shows the world what true democracy is, 20% of it’s population Muslim go out and vote, nowhere else in the middle east are they allowed this basic right.
The lib-dems the greens so hate Israel yet they would give their hind teeth to have a system as advanced as Israel’s democracy.
I saw some of the coverage on BBC tv Newschannel in the wee small hours. SKY were saying that exit polls favoured Netanyahu, and the BBC was promoting the idea that it was the opposition in the lead. They had Lyse Ducett in the streets clearly anticipating an opposition victory. She was smiling her obvious delight while interviewing. The BBC bloke with the big gash of a mouth was accusing ‘Bibi’ of racism.
Then as dawn broke when it was clear ‘Bibi’ was going to win, the BBC was obviously downhearted. Their mood had changed.
No-one anywhere in the world should trust the BBC to provide an impartial view. They always favour the political Left and their causes.
I expect Manonthebus and his Glasgow Media Groupthink will surface soon to tell us what a vile place Israel is and how awful Netanyahu is.. I can hardly wait.
I expect the Glasgow Groupthink believes the BBC is ardently Zionist I wait to be proved wrong.
“Up until the very last moment, those such as Jeremy Bowen were spinning like mad for his opponents”
The BBC bias is almost as bad as the 2010 British General Election when (on the television programmes I watched anyway) they made no secret of their desperate wish that the Labour Party should continue in power.
That would be like when John Kerry failed to unseat “W”, how disappointed those at the Beeb were.
The BBC is hoping that Likud’s victory will get Israel in hot water in Washington DC. I think not.
1. The US will move into election phase soon, and Obama will be a lame duck.
2. Nethanyahu’s address to Congress was such a rousing success, it has snookerd Obama. Brilliant move by Bibi.
3. Nethanyahu was invited by Congress. It almost looks like Congress was firing a warning shot to Obama – Dont mess with Israel.
It sure was a warm feeling hearing that applause after every point he made.
If the BBC, Obama and their ilk are all lined up against Likud-then God is with Bibi and his party.
Pity they`re not running here on May 7th…maybe we can fiddle a few postal vote scams as Rahman in Tower Hamlets is wont to do.
Love the language-“right wing shoring of the core vote”, showboating ,fear-based threats to moderate Palestinians”…all the usual slurry of weasel words from the liberal consomme of bile soup and alphabet jus.
Go BIbi!…God Bless Israel-and let IS skewer and spit roast the liberal lefties one by one.
Pure anti Israel propaganda on R4 PM…
They gleefully reporti Obama’s “concern” over Bibi’s “no palestinian state” comment and wheel out palestinian activists to “comment”.
The BBC’s narrative is that “Right wing” Bibi is depriving those peace loving Hamas and Fatah people of peace.
Conflict in the Middle east is all the fault of those ghastly Israelis. If only they had voted in a left wing government that would surrender to islam, then there’d be peace.
Simple really.
Apart from the obvious bias and attempted wish fulfilment by Lise Doucet and the gang, there is another factor at play which explains their shock at Netanyahu’s victory. Lefties generally are much more ‘up themselves’ when it comes to stating their political opinions to pollsters. They have such a high level of self regard that they shout their opinions from the rooftops because they are so ‘progressive’ and they care about stuff more than the rest of us, or so they imagine. There is therefore a phenomenon in elections where right wing support is underestimated, as normal people don’t tend to go around mouthing off about their politics the way the left does.
The MSM was sure Kinnock would win in 1992 and that Kerry would beat George W. They did it again with Netanyahu and will do the same in May.
Thanks, ICSCN. That’s exactly what I meant.
“Lefties generally are much more ‘up themselves’ when it comes to stating their political opinions to pollsters. They have such a high level of self regard that they shout their opinions from the rooftops because they are so ‘progressive’ and they care about stuff more than the rest of us, or so they imagine.”
What a wonderful description of Billy Bragg whenever he is invited (too often) by the BBC to avail us of his opinions. Does he ever let the other view giver get to the end of their point before jumping in?
It is passion minus any interest in reality. What is the case (the reality which transcends them) is everything they are against, so they are not interested. They are just venting their feelings, which oscillate between hate and greed. Just listen to a left-wing comedian for five minutes.
I do hope Barbara Plett is OK since she heard the result.
At least twice over the last 15 years, Israel has offered the Palestinians extraordinarily generous two-state solutions. The first time was in 2000-2001 when Ehud Barak and Bill Clinton offered the Palestinians more than 90% of the West Bank and all of the Gaza, with a capital in Jerusalem.
Yasser Arafat turned down the offer and started an intifada in which 4000 people were killed. This self-inflicted wound by the leader of the Palestinian Authority contributed greatly to the weakening of Israel’s peace camp, most particularly of Ehud Barak’s Labor Party. The current Zionist Party, which is an offshoot of Labor, has continued to suffer from that weakening.
But for the sharia compliant, left wing zealots who infest the BBC there’s only one narrative. They have their own agenda and it doesn’t involve telling the truth.
Forgot to add the link; http://bit.ly/1FDw81F
Intelligent analysis of the election result.
Pity the poor Pallies, election win by warlike Nethanyahu, will damage the peace process, and they will be forced to turn again to the international community..
Does anyone know if the BBC have a job lot of champagne bottles (unopened)? I want a few for election night.
Scrolling down the BBC web page 18.3.15, 2218Hrs, “Explainers” a video offering of “Five problems for Netenyahu – 60secs” with a still shot of Bibi striking a certain pose reminiscent of an old German political organisation.
Totally unnecessary. Stop it BBC – It reflects badly on the whole of our nation.
Just read all the psosts by Alan and Vance on this page. I have to send this blog descends deeper into hysteria every time I visit. These authors can’t put a choherent thought together.
Anyway, I am sure you will have noticed the BBC and everyone else on the planet, have been desperately hoping for the defeat of David Vance in the Northern Irish elections. Up until the very last moment, they were spinning like mad for his opponents and in a sense this was in synch with the international liberal elite, from Obama down, who ALL wanted to see Vance fall. But hush – oh dear – he ended up with .3%.