The BBC on the news and on its web report refer to Bosnians killed at Sebrenica as ‘Muslims’.
Serbian police have arrested seven men accused of taking part in the slaughter of over 1,000 Muslims at a warehouse on the outskirts of Srebrenica.
The seven are among the first to be arrested by Serbia for carrying out the Srebrenica massacre in July 1995, Serbian and Bosnian prosecutors say.
Curious how eager the BBC is to mention the fact that the victims were Muslim. More often than not the BBC goes to great lengths to avoid mentioning the fact that people are Muslim or any link to Islam…if they have committed a crime or terrorist act.
When Muslims are victims the BBC emphasises the religion despite it having nothing to do with the issue in this case….the people were killed not because they were Muslim but because they were Bosnian and not Serbian.
They were ‘Bosnians’. Their religion was irrelevant.
The BBC yet again dances to the Muslim extremist’s tune by reporting this in a way that suggests the victims were killed because of their Muslim religion, a narratve that the extremists use to recruit more Muslims to their Cause.
The fact that the report later uses ‘Bosnian’ as the identifying description indicates the irrelevance of the ‘Muslim’ label.
About 8,000 Bosnian men and boys were killed in Srebrenica over three days, the worst atrocity on European soil since the Holocaust.
AFAIAA, Srebrenica WAS a moslem problem. If they had not used the UN protected area as a base for their on going atrocities on others there would have been no ‘massacre’. The Dutch UN participants have been blamed for not protecting the Srebrenica inhabitants, but without the outright (UN protected) aggression of said inhabitants there would have been no such ‘atrocities’
I actually served in Bosnia, and let me tell you that the only reason more Muslims died than anybody else was simply down to their poor admin. The only reason reason the Serbs did better than everybody else was simply down to their better admin. When the Croats and Muslims weren’t fighting the serbs, they fought themselves, often to a deadly conclusion. I myself came across a Croat village where the Muslims had forced all the local Catholics into a church and after barricading the doors set fire to the place. When we asked them why, they said the secret police told them to do so. The Croats in turn are just plain evil. In otherwords all are as bad as each other, they all carried out human rights crimes and all have no problem playing the victim game. And when I was there, we were ordered to watch and do nothing. Yet for some strange reason the muslims are the only victims. Tell that to the croat girls on the school bus which was stitched up by the Bosnian gunman, or when one of the gunmen behind that attacked turned up at our camp well stitched up , but whose backup (All armed to the teeth) demanded we save his life. He didn’t make it. Lets not forget the Serbian family who lived in a little plastic shelter next to one of our checkpoints as it was the safest place to be for them.
As for Srebrenica it was a UN Safe Haven, which was used by the Bosnians as a base from which to attack the Serbs. There lies one of the reasons the Dutch weren’t ready to die for the cause when Serbian tanks came over the hill and told them to leave. But as we have all seen the UN and the liberal world were more than happy to hang the Dutch out to dry for not dying for the cause. Yet the very same liberal world which ensured that the UN had nothing bigger than a 50mm in which to fight heavy armour. Maybe that explains why NATO and not the UN hit the Serbs for six.
It’s funny how they never ask their allah to help them. They beg our countries to save them from the trouble they create and then vilify us. Let them send their people to fight. Why do they pretend to care about our rules of war? They don’t. Butchering and raping women/kids is a good deed for these throwbacks.
IIRC… During WWII the Nazis controlled the area and put their mates the Croats in charge, only to take back control when they [the Nazis!] were shocked by the atrocities committed against our allies, the Serbs.
When trouble broke out in the 90’s, Germany, in contravention of international/EU law, rushed to recognize Croatia as independent and supported them throughout the war. What did we do? We bombed our friends into oblivion. Isn’t that typical? Good people don’t need enemies when they have friends like us. And we wonder why the Russians despise us?
It is always better to be Britain’s enemy than its friend. If you are its enemy, Britain will try to buy you off; if you are its friend, Britain will sell you out.
Seeing things from the outside, one marvels that these are all essentially the same people speaking the same language, who are distinct only in terms of use of Western vs Cyrillic alphabet and either “crossing oneself” (either left-to-right or right-to-left) or lifting arse to pray. Undoubtedly they relive the past and attempt to pay off old scores so old they existed even before the current Southern Slavs’ grandparents’ time. Sounds a bit like something that was happening not too long ago in a part of a nearby island, trading on enmities generations old to enable modern-day psychos and garden-variety thugs to justify murders, mayhem (in its literal meaning of “maiming”) and robbery. So too with the Southern Slavs.
Just as the BBC has agonised for days about how we let down “three British Muslim schoolgirls” who ran off to join the head hackers.
A great contrast is made in the post “Liberal Monsters” between the BBC ignoring the rape and torture of 1400 underage girls in the city of Rotherham and how they play up the tragedy of three girls who watched IS atrocities on the news every noght and decided they wanted some of that.
It’s at:
And still the BBC continues to lie about the reasons as to why this conflict started, by not telling anyone.
Anyone like to hazard a guess?