Well then, yesterday was St Patrick’s Day and didn’t you know it if you have the misfortune to watch or listen to BBC Northern Ireland. They spent yesterday assiduously pushing the laughable line that St Patrick’s Day in Northern Ireland is a wonderful beacon for “cross community” co-operation and multicultural tolerance of all people and traditions. Here is an image of some lovely Irish fans in Belfast yesterday showing their love of the British tradition. For some reason, the world class talent at the BBC seem to have missed it. Oh well, look the other way and start singing when Irish eyes are smiling…
i think its high time western governments accepted responsibilty for the barbarity of slavery and the Irish government should appologise and pay compensation for the kidnapping of St Paddy. The taigs kept him as a prisoner for 6 years until he could escape their brutal, immoral and illegal inprisonment where they used him as slave labour in conditions far worse worse than any black in the cotton fields of america
Irish say no to racism: support the UAF and Stand up to Racism. It looks as if they are all standing up to white English people.
Saturday 21 March
Assemble 12pm BBC Portland Place, Central London, W1A 1AA
Organised by Stand Up To Racism
After the #ParisShootings – no to the Islamophobic backlash across Europe!
From Ferguson to London #BlackLivesMatter!
We say:
– No to scapegoating immigrants
– No to Islamophobia
– No to anti-Semitism
– Yes to diversity – migrant are welcome here!
To be honest, i didn’t watch bbc northern Ireland yesterday because i knew what was coming. They constantly churn out propaganda that st patrick’s day is open for all the people from every community in northern Ireland, eveyone is welcome! They say. Well anybody from my side of the community will tell you thats untrue. I certainly wouldn’t have felt safe being in the centre of belfast yesterday afternoon.
This whole event has been hijacked by the republican movement, and as we all know here that there is zero tolerance and racism towards people from the unionist community here from republicans. There is burning of union jacks, and nasty republican chants that bbc northern Ireland tend to ignore.
In the town were I live, most people were at work or school and getting on about our everyday business like any other day. Most of us unionists here don’t bother with st patrick’s day.
Noted the useless “Good Vibrations” film was on the other night.
Usual pro-IRA claptrap version of “The Undertones”…”Peel Crying”…you know-the usual view of An Alternative Ulster via Jake Burns faux-outrage in student unions 1977-81.
No surprise then to hear self same song to end St Patricks Day on Newsnight….use of music to push their Rick/Young Ones student views as always.
And there was me thinking that Van, James Galway etc had an equal claim to being Northern Irish musicians of greater standing?
Not when the Nationalist caterwauling of Stiff Little Fingers needs a rerun…or the Undertones and Bobby Sands need a plug for Generation thick.
Oh-and why are the DUP not being included in the election debates-surely more use, more relevant to the rest of us that Plaid Cymru?
Oh-would we then be getting McGuinness and Adams as well if that happened?
There was a mural painted on the side of a motorway flyover near the river lagan with the slogan ‘ Teenage Kicks R.I.P John Peel ‘ painted on it. It was painted over last year by the council last year, only to be re written again as ‘ Teenage Dreams ‘
Now, 2 days ago bbc northern Ireland newsline had this story on their program. Bbc were a bit miffed why John Peels rip tribute was left off the mural, and teenage dreams replaced teenage kicks. They really didn’t have a clue why this was.
was actually laughing my head off, along with many others that had a fair idea why!!I
woman in court today in londonderry is prosecuted for burning irish flag. good to see that the same effort is made to prosecute those involved in burning the union jack… oh wait it wasn’t. what a surprise.
If you’re a unionist in northern Ireland, and you want to protest, then you have to be careful. You will probably get arrested, hammered by the local media and the state, probably a jail sentence, and a criminal record. If you’re a nationalist, then a total blind eye is usually turned, few arrests, few convictions leading to jail sentencing, and the local media are on their side.
It is the protestant, unionist community that are now being treated like second class citizens.
The bbc have been churning out republican propaganda here for years. On so called debates, anyone from from the nationalist parties are allowed to ramble on uninterrupted, whilst, unionists are cut short, frequently interrupted, and challenged, and never get the last word. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Eg. Question time.
People need to know the truth about what is really going on here, its not at all nicey, nicey and a bed of roses peace process. Its all one way traffic for the republicans.
Oh, grow up Brian and move on. The rest of the country has. Dont be a victim all your life.