I see the BBC has been wallowing in an anti-UKIP frenzy all day. I don’t condone wrong doing on ANY front but I can’t help but wonder if the comrades are not doing their cutting edge “Get UKIP” routine hoping this will weaken General Election pledges.
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The BBC and it’s acolytes cannot handle the thought of UKIp and this latest furore is a gift to them. Not that it will make any difference to the vote.
They think it will though.
The UKIP vote is based on quite another way of looking at the future.
The anti-UKIP propaganda worked a treat at the European elections didn’t it? Lessons were not learned it would appear – keep it up BBC.
Massive backfire. Brits (those of us who call ourselves British these days) support the underdog. The North London middle class media and their muckers the North London middle class Politicos’ have only one gun and they keep firing it…because that all they got. They have such little understanding of what makes us tick and think firing great salvos work. It doesn’t.
They hate US making decisions. It has to be them.
The EU elections should have been a warning to them to clean up their act. But they are pathological. They can’t stop. That’s why they just get around 30% of the vote and despise UKIP and the SNP because these “populist” parties as they patronisingly call them are doing well.
Matthew Parris in his now infamous article about Clacton’s WWC surely showed the true colours of the Tories as Rotherham showed the true face of Labour with Britain’s WWC.
As someone here rightly said its a shame the media didn’t do such an investigative job in other terribly important areas. But when was the last time the BBC really got a coup? I mean a real scalp for investigative reporting?
The Nick Griffin debacle?
Given the odiousness of the man it is quite a trick to secretly film him making wayciiist remarks, cause a fuss and get him prosecuted only to discover he was actually telling the truth!
That is a special sort of incompetence isn’t it?
Absolutely. The BBC investigation was politically motivated, The BNP then were doing increasingly well for an extreme right wing party. So nail them. The BNP had, I remember, two maybe three doco’s made by the BBC. Nick Griffin and another BNP member ended up in court with possible prison sentences.
I don’t like extremists be they political or religious. From Galloway to Griffin. (But even George Galloway can nail it, by being correct in his analysis – on occasion, as did Griffin).
I also hate hypocrisy.
BBC Sheffield and South Yorkshire MUST have known about events in Rotherham. If they didn’t they are utterly useless, clueless and should have resigned en masse when the story was “exposed”. Other than that then they, the BBC, were being choosey and selective in their facts and their targets. Which means they are politically motivated and on my bloody “dime”and yours.
Don’t call yourself a “trusted News Service” when clearly with each and every one of those three words you are not. Even in this the BBC News lie.
By the way. Notice the BBC is utterly uninterested in BNP now they are a spent force. Why would that be?
you mean that actually happened !… all the police/councillors/MPs I’ve heard recently were completely unaware of that; the first they ever heard of underage sex and Pakistanis was last year.
The BBC hates Nigel Farage for telling the truth. But for some strange reason, al beebs so called journalists seem to luv this 2 faced lying toad
Keep calm, vote UKIP.
I’ll visit them in jail if it’s all the same.
Depends what part of the wing you’re incarcerated in .
Well judging by mancyonabutt’s undying devotion to the establishment media corporations defense I would hazard he is currently in the Saville section of BBC fiddler wing ,HMP Inappropriate ,Touching Hams
Remind me which one is in jail, or going there?
Yes, in a week when an MSP has been in court for kicking someone and the many child abuse scandals involving members of all the legacy parties have begun to grow even more sinister (right down to threats to use the Official Secrets Act to silence dissent) it’s good to see our national broadcaster getting its priorities right.
My apologies. Apparently the woman accused of kicking someone outside a polling station wasn’t an MSP. She was a Labour candidate and a Labour council leader. Now, for some mysterious reason, her trial has been postponed till after the election.
You really couldn’t make it up, could you?
Like the release of Chilcott Report.
Or the Rose report!
But will the BBC ever release the Balen Report?
John Rentoul had a series: ‘Questions To Which The Answer Is No’. You might contact him and offer your question…
Will There Be Any More QTWTAIN After Number 1,000?
Ahh the Balen Report. That one report that could destroy the BBC’s perceived reputation for fairness forever.
Like the files at Rotherham council, the VHS monitor tapes at Hillsborough, the Westminster Pedophile dossier I’m sure copies have gone missing and are currently unavailable nowhere to found.
Sorry but facts have to be faced. The media has been waiting and digging for dirt and not just the bbc, for the stupid cow of a MEP to try and wangle a result on a hospitality bill was just pure gold for them. Her muppet was caught by the Sun ! No leftie trick here then. No the truth is she and others have been found wanting, the scum always rises and in UKIP as the other parties this has happened. Farage needs to have a clear out of those who are after building a fortune on the back of honest peoples dreams of salvation. Feel quite sick with anger tonight.
Angry too, but IMO this reeks more of an establishment stitch up. So many elements that are just a little too convenient, the EU has deep pockets.
As things stand Janice Atkinson hasn’t done anything wrong.
I suggest reading today’s sun and the photocopies of the bills will change your mind, also the stupid assistant trying to wangle it. Caught Bang to rights.
If people thought the media was going to give them a free run then they are fools, they ought to be and remain watertight. WE deserve nothing less. Scum have let us down.
Wouldn’t pay to read that tosh!
Then hold your nose and pick it out of the gutter and read it. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it didn’t happen and they got it.
Do not UKIP, the Greens and other “European” parties use EU expenses to help fund the party?
Hence an inflated bill could mean the difference goes into party coffers.
She comes quite cheap compared with Jack straw’s £5000 a day and use of an ambassador (our ambassador) to do a private job for his sugar company employers.
As anyone who has needed a British embassy abroad knows you’d be lucky to get through the door at your local consulate.
UKIP has to be whiter than white, and no Scott that doesn’t refer to your favourite subject of ‘waaycism’. If a UKIP member drops a piece of litter in the street, spills a cup of tea in a restaurant, forgets to put his bin out on the correct day, etc etc, you know the media will be down on them like a ton of bricks, and it’ll be front page news.
At least they don’t have any policies,other than the one,to confuse the hard of thinking.If they can keep enough members out of jail they should be in with a chance of coming second.
Second would be good , they would be the official opposition .
Er no it doesn’t. Work like that .Its first past the post in this country. Maybe you should head back to Poland
… they don’t have any policies,other than the one…
Immigration? I thought you agreed that one policy was important? Just depends how important. Ten years on, when the immigrants and their relatives are emptying the coffers and a Labour government, as in 74-76, is forced to inflate away your pension, you’ll be less contemptuous.
So if she’d been caught by the BBC it would have been a leftie trick.
So its not the story its the one reporting it!
It could only come from the UKIP tribe.
Massive psyop against UKIP by the London media industrial complex with 500 ‘journalists’ on the case investigating the party.
If only they had the same zeal in investigating Rotherham and the Cyril Smith pedo ring in the Westminster establishment. That’s how you know the media is bent.
And perhaps even more to the point, not just failing to investigate the Rotherham case, but actively suppressing the investigation and exposure of it!
Not BBC related I know, but I have just received a copy of our local council (Labour) propaganda paper. In it there is an article entitled “Protecting our children” highlighting signs that a child might be a victim of sexual exploitation – apparently the council are training hotel staff and taxi drivers(!) so they know what to look for. Yeah, right.
I can think of one category of taxi driver that has already knows the signs.
I can confirm the hotel part. I work part time for a big national chain and we have had the CSE module in our training for 2 years now.
However the employer, being very pc and equality driven, very carefully fails to mention the key parts which are; “be alert to white girls appearing to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs accompanied by Muslim men”.
Its so non specific and pc. We repeated the module just last week and my manager looked a bit shocked and non-plused when I rolled out the reality. The reality was not lost on my colleagues.
‘….and my manager looked a bit shocked and non-plused when I rolled out the reality. ‘
At a guess, I’d say he relies on the BBC for his news.
Yes, and that’s the very heart of the problem and of the conspiracy. So many in this country do just that.
Try explaining how healthcare really works in the USA to someone whose only knowledge of it is from the BBC. It is like trying to discuss astronomy with a mediaeval Roman Catholic. They may once have had the innate ability to understand, but a lifetime of dogma has shut and welded their mind.
Not so much the BBC but more like they are hammered on equality issues. The company held a 2 day equality training module a few weeks ago.
The surprise comes when non-pc comments are made.
Any fool could see this coming and UKIP and their media managers ought to have been prepared, anything less smacks of amateurism, no point blaming the media, a dog behaves like a dog, it’s in the DNA.
You are not wrong but you are ignoring the point – and the point of this blog, surely? Yes, UKIP has some rotten candidates, no one is denying that. But the BBC exposes those rotten candidates to far more publicity than it does rotten candidates for other parties.
A failed Tory hopeful has only to turn up in UKIP to be promoted ahead of the old stalwarts who have been in the party for years. No thought is given as to why they failed to get ahead in their former party, if there’s a headline in it, in you come.
If we can spot that, surely the Beeb know which ones to watch ?
But why was it being filmed ? Some sort of set up surely.
It’s not just the Beeb. Channel 4 News had a long piece tonight – about eleven minutes – that was worthy of Joseph Goebbels. It was ostensibly an unvarnished look back at the UKIP Spring Conference in Margate; ‘…unfiltered, in their own words’. In fact it was a long series of clips of people clearly chosen to look odd/eccentric; not characters ‘ordinary’ voters would identify with. The great majority of the piece depended on the visuals; only a couple of clips were ‘normal-looking’ people saying things C4 assumed would make the bien pensant uneasy.
Quick notes I typed as I realised what was happening:
nerdy young man with large round glasses
old guy wearing wide pin stripe suit; handlebar moustache
guy with a waistcoat
Woman’s Institute type; dated style; elderly
menacing EDL-style youth contrasted with harmless hippie HateNotHope-style protestors
young man; wide tie; brylcreem hair
sensible hotel staffer lifting litter; wouldn’t vote UKIP; not informed; europe is a fantastic thing
very overweight guy with beard, struggling to find words.
man wearing flat cap indoors; odd pullover
really eccentric youth; shaved head one side; big hair other side
elderly Sikh; UKIP rosette; long grey beard; supports UKIP to keep out European immigrants
To make sure we got the bleakness of the message, they cut in a few shots of the cold landscape (it’s Margate in March) and back alleys filled with junk.
Check out this web page:
Marmite and fruitcakes: Ukip activists in their own words
I ended up thinking how essentially decent all these people were; salt of the earth. I’d trust them any day ahead of Slick Dave, Slick Grant, Slick Chukka or Slick Nick. But how will the voters react? The propaganda is going to be relentless until May.
It struck me how the media regularly lecture us how we should embrace diversity and recognise that a female peering through a slit in a black hood is really no different to ourselves. Next minute they’re demonising ordinary, decent Brits, many probably dressing as well as they can afford on a meagre pension. Disgusting.
In one sense it is almost rewarding to see Ch 4 and the Sun on the same side as the BBC and the Mail. It shows just how much of a cabal the establishment is and that the proclaimed differences between its members are far more apparent than real.
Clicked on the link
The first photo, the guy looks like Woody Allen.
The second photo looks like an RAF Wing Commander out of the 1940s. Straight out of central casting, blatant Chanel 4 brainwashing.
unfortunately trust isnt the criteria for intelligent voting.Analysis is. If you think Farage will get rid of all the black faces you appear to have a problem with then that really isnt gonna happen for a lot of very fundamental reasons..
Mr Manon, you’re an expert at demolishing straw men. No one expects UKIP to ‘get rid of all the black faces…’. But we’re in danger of the UK ending up like one of the stores looted a couple of years ago – everyone across the world who fancies a piece seems to have an argument to take a bit. If UKIP can get the problem to tail off within a few years, we’ll be more than happy.
Must try harder, Mr Manon.
I am totally against the EU and mass immigration but nothing is gonna tail off.
Manonclaphanomnibus, as you are totally against the EU, the bias of the BBC News and mass immigration, what is your answer to resolving these issues?
The Channel 4 news wasn’t always this bad, my dad use to watch it religiously when I was growing up in the 80s. Doesn’t watch it at all now. And is it just me or does it seem to have gotten much much worse within the last two years or so? I suppose as Robert Spencer pointed out, they have to keep on pouring on the dry ice to maintain the fog we live under.
I didn’t know much about UKIP until recently except for what the mainstream media was telling me. And yeah, it was all bad. They did seem like a bunch of eccentrics but the evidence against them always seemed quite weak and contrived.
Then last year I watched a video of Farage ranting in the EU parliament and I was just stunned watching him: “An English politician who’s talking sense, who makes me laugh, who I mostly agree with, who’s not waffling, who I want to listen to and seems quite likable to boot?” I thought those days had long gone. By the end of his speech (the one about treating democracy with deliberate contempt) I was practically shouting at the screen: “Go Nigel go! Get ’em! Get ’em!”
This is the key point, minor scandals aside, it’s his message (which is accessible online) that is winning people over. Don’t forget he won those debates with Clegg, he’ll persuade more people when he gets to debate again. Also his campaigning style is a breath of fresh air, he admitted that unlike the other parties he wasn’t going to campaign negatively. A wise move because it would alienate neutrals. Pity, though. Considering how he skewers the Eurocrats, I’d say he could say some funny things about Cameron, Miliband and Clegg.
Bottom line: I wouldn’t mind meeting Nigel and having a chat and a laugh with him. He seems like a genuine human being. But if I ever met the other leaders I’d only really want to ask them one question: “When did you sell your soul and how much did you get for it?”
“When did you sell your soul and how much did you get for it?”
30 pieces of silver is the usual rate….
No. Too cheap.
Its “Usually £5000 a day.” Quote from Jack “man of principle” Straw.
Who was “mortified” not by what he had done but that he got caught!
The Sun newspaper has been anti UKIP ever since UKIP. It was only a matter of time before they found enough dirt and publish it just before an election. The stupidity of the MEP says it all really, no different from any other party in that they all have bad eggs, some more than others, but one has to say, what an own goal for UKIP. Stupid woman and I hope she gets the bullet fast if the allegations are true (and I do read the Sun).
Newsnight predictably revelling in it with in-house Spart Allegra Stratton doing a piece from Thurrock, a marginal, and describing UKIP strategy, which she referred to as-
“trying to pick up disenchanted Tories, but also Labour’s WHITE working class”
Note the casual, entirely erroneous, use of race. BBC propaganda at its best.
I wouldn’t read a tawdry rag like The Sun if you paid me, however…This daft bint has really played into our enemies hands. We must surely all realise that the entire political establishment is out to damage UKIP. They’ll sniff out any hint of corruption and if there isn’t any invent things.
The Channel 4 News piece was no more than the most blatant propaganda. It was purely designed to make the participants look stupid or odd. We don’t have an honest and open media; it’s corrupt, it’s partial and very little of it supports UKIP.
If the metropolitan London cocktail party set has so much hatred for UKIP, then they must be doing something right.
Possible as the election nears that other UKIP candidates, who are plants, will do things to do damage to UKIP credibility or resign for some spurious reason or another to do harm to their electoral chances. The MSM will lap it up and keep pumping the shit out.
Ukip in meltdown , they won`t be here in 5 years time , once Farage resigns , & most of the kipper MEP`s in jail for fraud , thats it . They will ensure a Millipeed / SNP government though . I know most of the kippers are closet labourites.
Mr (Essex Man) Pickles, The Establishment are in meltdown, especially in Scotland, & the pro-EU MEP`s are all fraudsters by default.
I know most of the Tory MP’s are closet labourites. I discovered this when that now proven, pro-mass-immigration, Home Secretary, Teresa May said that the Tory party was the nasty Party. Because that’s what labourites think about Thatcher’s nasty role in destroying the Soviet Socialist paradise.
So vote UKIP
Never , because you are playing into the hands of the Bbc / Millipeed /SNP / Guardian . From about 10th of May , onward`s , don`t come on here complaining , Millipeed has put up the licence fee £20 , we are being controlled by , SNP , no referendum on the EU for at least 5 years ,the floodgates on immigration have reopened, ukip have 3 seats etc ,etc . All I will say ,” I told you so” , but you are all burying your heads in the sands. All you want will evaporate .Only 2 people can be PM , Cam ,or the Evil Millipeed , I know who I prefer, & it ain`t Millipeed .
That’s ecause you veiw politics in tribal terms. If you look at economics as a reason to vote then you wouldnt be saying that.
To summerise: invest and grow or cut and shrink.
Thats the only thing you should worry about at the moment. The EU is withering on the vine a vote for anything other than Milliband and we will be joining them in economic stagnation.
If you have a problem with this anaylsis then go check a breakdown of the gdp figures .
Clapped out Busmans holiday , Uk is the only that country has grown under the coalition , euro zone like you , Clapped out . That halfwitt Millipeed would crash n burn the economy . Funny how labour always ruins that economy, & the Tories ALWAYS , bring it back from the brink . You ought to drive that bus over Beachy Head , & be gone . Byeee, hope its a hard landing .
Hi Essex Man, I think you are right about Milliband and Labour. There are also no doubt quite a few reasonable conservatives of the non Heseltine/Clarke/Soubry type whom I would vote for where Labour or Liberal are the alternatives.
There are many seats in the north of England where the Tories don’t have a gnat in hell’s chance of getting elected, and by refusing to vote UKIP you will automatically get Special Ed.
My question to you – what would you do if you lived in Heywood and Middleton for example, where a strong UKIP candidate just lost out to a Labour candidate because of a rump who continued to vote Tory?
Essex man wants a Labour /Conservative coalition- cheap gardeners and au pairs and no increase on the rates a win-win for Essex man
Why should I pay more tax to support a Marxist Government in May, they constantly bankrupt the country ,every time they are in power .Labour will be in coalition with the SNP from May 10th . Au pairs have come here, long before we joined the Common Market. You know ukip will have nothing apart from 3 seats , & Millipeed will PM . That`s all the kippers will give us a Millipeed /SNP dictatorship . The licence fee will go up once that happens.
The anti UKIP bias has been so relentless that I began to wonder if this episode was in fact a deliberate set-up by an anti UKIP plant
UKIP….. Ack Ack Ack!
Do you remember that comedy sci-fi movie Mars Attacks?
Well BBC news reports on UKIP tend to remind me of those little green men and their constant refrain of Ack Ack Ack.
Of course attacking UKIP has become a media hobby and obsession.
Why else would Guardianista-BBC-payroll-national-treasure-liberal-luvvie-wanna-be Will Self ever bother to read, let alone review, Nigel Farage’s book?
The reason is that he simply wants to write Ack Ack Ack for like-minded people who only want to hear UKIP Ack Ack Ack
I am not a UKIP member or supporter and in all likelihood will not vote for them at the election, though their promise to repeal the Climate Change act is extremely tempting.
However, there is a blatant, politically-motivated BBC-esque lie being perpetuated on this website that UKIP are a single issue party.
Just to set the record straight, you can find the full raft of UKIP policies on their website under the headings listed below. I recommend any future attempt by this individual – whose identity I will generously withhold – are treated with loud shouts of ‘BOLLOCKS’ with reference to the link provided below.
Protecting jobs and increasing prosperity
Repairing the UK Economy
Prioritising Education and Skills
Honouring the Military Covenant
The National Health Service
Controlling and managing our borders
Foreign Aid
Agriculture and Fishing
Welfare and Childcare
Housing and planning
Democracy and the Constitution
Law and Order
Employment and Small Businesses
Reducing debts we leave to our grandchildren
I thank you.
Wheres the one giving everyone Whiskey and Donuts. Everyone can write a list out .its whether its cedible is the key. The only one that people will vote for is to leave the EU and kick out foreigners. The rest is just window dressing.
its whether its cedible is the key
Odd argument from one who proposes Labour try one more heave at the massive debt approach that has a 100% history of failure so far.
Nope got that totally wrong.Government debt in hard times has been established as lifting the economy. Austerity merely retards the economy which is why all the metrics point to a short lived ‘recovery’. You could put your vote to good use by learning some economics rather than political spin. Note that an austerity budget is a budget for creditors not debtors.
It’s the banksters that lost out in the crash coming for their money. These are facts not the usual nonsense on this site. Argue them if you dare.
It’s not just writing out a list, I’m afraid. They do have real policies and you can vote for them or you can vote for someone else’s. I heard a U.K.I.P. guy speaking on the radio the other day and he was at least as credible as anybody else and more so than most.
Were they elected, they would come up against ‘events’ the same as anyone else who was ever elected hoping to change the world. But to say they are a ‘one issue’ party is nonsense. It would be more accurate to say that much of what they want to implement hinges on a British exit from the E.U., but that isn’t the same as a ‘one issue ‘ party, like ‘Keep Death off the Road’, for example.
And why shouldn’t Britain leave the E.U.? No empire lasts forever and somebody has to be the first to go. Unfortunately, people are so conditioned to the status quo that they seem unable to envision a different future and frightened of the possibility of change.
Just given my two finger salute to the racist liars making up the EU-BBC-LibLabCon and joined a political party for the first time in my life!
We nosey buggers here – was it UKIP?
I’m very impressed, Charlatans, can you do my lottery numbers next week?
another PLO member ,sadly in the wrong country!
A few points for the BBC:
1. You covered this news item thoroughly as any national newspaper or broadcaster should when one of our elected representatives is accused of fraud – actual or attempted. However, it contrasts sharply with the minimal coverage you gave to the jailings of Dennis McShane and Eliot Morley for expenses fraud. That smacks of blatant political bias.
2. On TWATO yesterday you interviewed Nigel Farage at length on the subject, who responded openly and honestly. However, when giving additional coverage later in the programme you told us you had invited UKIP to provide someone for interview but they declined. Some mischievous sleight of hand going on there, I suspect (see ‘political bias’ above).
3. This incident says as much about the EU as it does about Janice Atkinson. She obviously thought her claim of £3000+ for food and drink would be approved without fuss. Questioning this didn’t seem to occur to you. Looking at how the EU throws taxpayers’ money around like confetti on pet projects – £680 million for their new ECB headquarters – and MEP travel and subsistence, just as two examples, might their not be some scope for ‘the world’s best investigative journalists’ to start challenging this profligacy which has not let up one cent throughout 7 years of ‘austerity’? Or might this be a bit uncomfortable for you given how similar your two organisations are when it comes to guaranteed funding and a cavalier approach to spending it?
Quite right. And that would be ‘the world’s best investigative journalists’ who managed not to know about Saville, Cyril Smith and Rochdale, would it?
It`s not as if they can`t claim not to have noticed “Big Cyril” is it?
Nor-for that matter-could they have missed the blingfest and stink of sweat from string vest Savile-could they now?
Much as they seem not to notice anything untoward in Mid-Staffs, Rotherham, Oxford, Derby, Rochdale..and no clue as to the common purpose of these hennaed bearded gents with their black flags, their interest in madrassa education , and that book of theirs that always has to be on the top shelf-covering the porn mags in most cases?
Nah, Cyril Savile and Jimmy Smith are merely prototypes for the liberal charity chugger…wait until Islam creates a few of them to get our attentions…
Only the BBC would lead yesterdays 7am new bulletin with the news that some staff member of a UKIP MEP had trebled her expenses…funny when “The Sun” gets a mention on the BBC isn`t it?
Rest of the time its dogs abuse-but when the target is UKIP?
And this non-story managed not only to be referenced all day-but even managed to “eclipse the eclipse” constantly!
Nobody listens there at the BBC any more-but if they did, they`d know that we now know how to vote UKIP, because we got the habit last year…and only when the spitfire is above its target directly, does it draw such full and futile fire, from the liberal elite.
Absolutely every non-story, non sequiteur and bitch fest squabble will bring yet more votes to Nigel.
We HATE the BBC, the liberal do-gooders, liars and phonies of the media commentariat, and their political nosebaggers.
Any other vote than UKIP(save for your good local constituency MP who`s done you proud, should you have had one)?…and you`re a thick traitor, and deserve the Nazi jackboot-from Labours stables, or those of Shariaslam.
They`ll feel the same on your throat in either event.
Vote UKIP-and sod the BBC!
…and only when the spitfire is above its target directly, does it draw such full and futile fire, from the liberal elite
As the saying goes:
If you’re not drawing flak, you’re not over the target
… this non-story managed not only to be referenced all day-but even managed to “eclipse the eclipse” constantly!
The Trevor Phillips C4 documentary on Thursday night was a massive boost for UKIP. Isn’t it a remarkable co-incidence that their enemies suddenly had three UKIP scandals to report the next morning?
Agreed sir!
AND Channel 4 News actually gave us a ten minutes piece on UKIP that let the party members speak for themselves-and no smarmy lies from Crick, Krishnan or Snowjobby by way of “questions and analysis”.
Can`t imagine we`ll ever see that again-UKIP will be tarred and feathered nightly by the liberal losers-but we`ve made up our minds.
The more they trash UKIP-the more votes they`ll get.
The BBC are truly despised-the end of Savilisation is coming as far as we`re all concerned.
if nigel farage walked past a mosque and farted, radio 5 live and stephen nolan would have a 1 hour phone claiming it was a chemical attack,no,the hysteria whipped up by the leftist media against ukip is politacaly motivated by the yes the media and the political establishment who are terrified that at last there is a politacal party who says it as it is and they damm well dont like it one bit,here here,my noble lords.
UKIP will die out as their elderly support croaks. As will this website.
Face it fruitcakes, you represent the last dying embers of far-right intolerance and hatred, Britain has moved on the left you behind – all you have is this silly little site to pull each other off all day.
THE END OF DEMOCRACY. THE DAWN OF FEDERAL EU BIG BROTHER…….ACT NOW…………….BBC: Involve UKIP in the “special” Question Time episode on 30th April……………..CHANGE.ORG………..https://www.change.org/p/bbc-involve-ukip-in-the-special-question-time-episode-on-30th-april………..Pease sign this petition to discredit the BBC and David Dimbleby……………….On March 16th 2015 the government approved broadcast media regulator Ofcom Confirmed that the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) Was a major political party
The BBC announced today a series of debates which would take place in the run up to the General Election on May 7th, this includes a “special” Question Time episode presented by David Dimbleby on 30th April
Although the BBC have invited UKIP to other programs they have not included UKIP’ in a “special” question time episode airing on 30th April opting only to invite Nick Clegg, Ed Miliband and David Cameron.This is a completely unjustified decision that gives the 3 other political parties an upper hand against UKIP and is a betrayal to British voters. UKIP won the 2014 European elections this alone proves that the British Public believe in what UKIP stands for, the BBC are turning a blind eye to this and of Ofcom’s confirmation that UKIP is a major political party.
I urge you to sign this petition if you too believe that the BBC’s actions are wholly unacceptable and that UKIP should be invited to this “special” Question Time episode and any other programming format where Nick Clegg, Ed Miliband and David Cameron are invited.