If you’re fed up of the reds, oranges and blues,
And sick of the Beeb distorting the news
There is only one thing that will make you feel chipper
It’s to vote with your head and become a UKIPper
Don t look at the Eclipse, unless its through a colander, or on about 8 different programs, with about 500 Beebots.
Where they all have a jolly going all over the country … so they erm … can t look at the eclipse.
Unless its through a colander?
I had to turn over to LBC briefly … but it was just an extended uninterrupted stint of George Osborne lying again!. Just another free Tory Bullsh-t Broadcast,
Oh and he wormed the question about a straight head to head debate around to include the f-ckwit who sat nodding like a moron next to him?
Still … look on the bright side, lots of free advertisement for Bennetts Bootboy s, of the UAF
who are going to Trafalger Sq, to campaign against
rising Anti-Semitism ………………… and erm
A first 😀 as, the very perpetrators of “rising Anti Semitism” will be there trying claim victimhood
The BBC seems very quiet over the upcoming French council elections, I’ve no idea why. Maybe they don’t like to see women succeed in the man’s world of politics. Still, as the Beeb like to remind us the UK stands apart in the EU in having a popular Eurosceptic party.
“President François Hollande’s ruling Socialist Party (PS) is expected to suffer major losses in the departmental elections.”
“Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Front (FN) also poised for significant gains, according to opinion polls.” http://www.france24.com/en/20150310-france-local-elections-national-front/
Why is the BBC obsessed with the White House (prop B Obama)?
“Yemen crisis: More than 100 die in attacks on Sanaa mosques” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-31983627
In amongst a disturbing report yet again of muslim suicide bombers murdering other muslims we are given one foreign power response, that of the ‘White House’. What is so special to the BBC about the US President? We don’t even hear what our own PM had to say.
I’m baffled as usual. Do the BBC think they’re actors in the glamourous West Wing drama? When they’re actually in the thick of it in W1A.
The BBC is hopelessly in love with Obama because he is a socialist but most importantly because he is a black man. He’s actually mixed race, of course, but his white side is never mentioned because black trumps white in the BBC’s world view.
The BBC is so in love with the man that it cannot fall out of love with him even when he commits major treachery to left-wing ideals like failing to close Guantanamo Bay and supervising the killing of chief terrorist Osama Bin Laden.
When Sarah Palin became a likely impediment to the great man’s rise to power, the BBC went at her with gloves off. Here was a young, strong, attractive woman with much popular support among the Republicans and she was a born-again Christian running as vice-Presidential hopeful against the beloved Obama’s running mate. It was intolerable!
The BBC isn’t staffed by journalists. It’s staffed by propagandists campaigning for all the ‘correct’ causes.
In their latest article today providing additional commentary on the “Clarksongate” affair (and days after confirming that the BBC would not be commenting further until after their ‘investigation’), the Beeboid journalist has included the sentence:
“The BBC said it would “not be offering further commentary” on any issues involving Clarkson until the current investigation was concluded.”
Of many, the consistently entertaining aspect of this whole BBC market rate meltdown has been the amount of BBC commentary that has involved the BBC saying it won’t be commenting.
Tell it often enough, chaps. Someone may believe you.
Oh for goodness sake, I trust the regular commentators don’t feed the trolls. I still think they are all in the BBC’s PR Department and I envisage this lot are on the night shift with nothing else to do.
It looks like Investigations into Fraser Steel seem to have lead to John Shield and the identities of the people who censor comments. The BBC staff have been told that they should meet BBC critics on open platforms such as biasedbbc.tv. So presumably these trolls are BBC staff, and eventually I would expect they would be finding out the names and addresses of these people for any future legal action against BBC staff.
Yes, the BBC Website is doing a fine job assisting in covering UKIP (well, except honestly reporting any of their policies that is). They are certainly ‘across’ this one.
Yet I still can’t find any BBC article on Marie Rimmer, the 68 year-old Labour candidate defending Shaun Woodward’s 14,000 majority in St Helens South, who stands accused of kicking a woman. Or on the defection of Labour pin up girl Jack Monroe to the Greens. Or the Demonstration outside Downing Street by those who would have Shari ’a Law replace English Law in my homeland! Can anybody else find them? Links please if you do.
Nor, for all its much vaunted resources and fearlessness (ha!) do we see the BBC taking on the establishment over the disgusting cover-ups of Cyril Smith et al.
No, for that, we have to rely on the newspaper sneered at and pilloried a dozen times a day by the BBC and its right-on fans:
I think there was also a Labour Mayor sent to jail yesterday, and the small matter of a continuing cover-up of a Labour councillor, who murdered a potential whistleblower, as regards paedophilia at another Labour Council.
As for UKIP, if you do not support the EU, then you have to be perfect in all matters. So it’s a good thing that UKIP expels imperfect people, foolish enough to copy all other MEP’s, when they should know that a UKIP MEP, is the only MEP, who has to be perfect in all financial matters, unlike all pro-EU MEP’s in Brussels.
The BBC are fastidious in referring to the ‘so-called’ or ‘self-styled’ Islamic State, in case it might be thought they consider it to be… er.. Islamic. This fine article in the leftie’s magazine makes them look ridiculous:
When Islamic State fighters smash the statues of pagan gods, they are following the example of the Prophet; when they proclaim themselves the shock troops of a would-be global empire, they are following the example of the warriors of the original caliphate; when they execute enemy combatants, and impose discriminatory taxes on Christians, and take the women of defeated opponents as slaves, they are doing nothing that the first Muslims did not glory in.
“My people,” so Muhammad is once said to have warned, “are destined to split into 73 factions – all of which, except one, will end up in hell.” Who, then, Muslims have often wondered, will gain paradise? Isis, like so many of the various other sects that have emerged in the course of Islamic history, appears confident of the answer.
Bit of an eye opener, read the comments underneath, nearly all are starting to see the problem and that something must be done to combat it. All these IS wannabees are doing us a favour by showing the Left the true problem this country faces, more power to their elbow.
There is considerable dispute over whether it is Islamic. Islam is certainly a key factor in its culture and ideology, but the vast majority of the world’s Muslims want nothing to do with it.
Cameron’s the posh boy who’s way, way too smug
And Miliband’s the posh boy with a brain like a slug
Cleggy’s the posh boy who’s now a has-been
And Natalie’s the Aussie, brain-dead and Green
The Beeb and the Grauniad give all the left hypes
Including Salmond and Sturgeon the fishy NS types
But if you want the best thing for Britain and you
Then vote for Nigel and you’ll stop feeling blue
I’ve enjoyed this but I’m stopping or we’ll be accused of trolling. Perhaps David or Alan can make a sticky thread for everybody’s attempts at literary “masterpieces” (cough) and not clog the open thread as we’re doing.
Compare and contrast, Russell Brand with Jeremy Clarkson.
Which of the above do Al Beeb support and which do the people of Great Britain support ?
In the words of Corporal Jones, ‘they don’t like it up, em!’.
Al Beeb are out of touch with this nation’s people .
Very interesting event, especially the contribution by Wistrich:
With antisemitic violence on the rise in Europe, CAMERA convened a panel discussion in Jerusalem on March 1 entitled “Framing Israel: Framing Jews: Examining the effects of UK media coverage of Israel on European antisemitism.” In light of recent polling which indicates that over 80 percent of British Jews believe that biased coverage of Israel incites antisemitism, the panelists explored how UK media coverage of Israel influences attitudes towards Jews in Europe and fuels extremism.
Speakers on the panel included Professor Robert S. Wistrich, Neuberger Chair of Modern European and Jewish History at the Hebrew University Jerusalem, Head of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism and author of A Lethal Obsession: Antisemitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad (2010); Lucille Cohen, former President of the Zionist Central Council and the Jewish Representative Council of Greater Manchester and representative to the Board of Deputies of British Jews; Adam Levick, managing editor of UK Media Watch (formerly CiF Watch), a CAMERA affiliate and Hadar Sela, managing editor of BBC Watch, a CAMERA affiliate.
Turned on BBC and we got some bloke from the muslim circle with a tea cosy on his head , actually got holes in it might be one of those colanders left over from the ‘how to view an eclipse show for dummies’ yesterday. Remind me again why I care what the muslim circle has to say ?
“… a McCarthy-style list, which was then widely publicized by left-wing media outlets.
This included BBC’s flagship Newsnight programme, which featured a softball interview with Block Bot creator James Billingham in 2013. The feature showed then-BBC presenter Paul Mason exclusively interviewing members of the Atheism Plus movement, with no attempt to reach out to their critics. Later in the feature, he is shown signing up to “Level One” of the Block Bot, describing them as “the worst of the worst” and “super slimy”. He later had to respond to a large number of complaints.”
One can only imagine what form such responses took.
And the Left label anyone with a view mildly at odds with their own as ‘fascist’?
Wonder if the Hacked Off consortium of hard-left pressure groups are any way involved with this – they also have a censorship agenda:
‘ At the May 17 event, numerous Left-wing speakers outlined their view of how the “public good” or the “public interest” as defined by a press regulator, should override freedom of expression.
Jacqui Davis, from Keep our NHS Public, said the media should be obliged to “stand up for the NHS”. Jacqui Hunt, from Equality Now, called for the regulator to ban Page 3, impose compulsory training for male journalists and require all reports on domestic violence to be “sensitive”.
Other groups described as “partner organisations” by Hacked Off’s website include the newly-established Youth Media Agency, which complained that the media’s “discriminatory” coverage of the August 2011 riots “singled out children and young people as the rioters” (72 per cent of those arrested were under 25) and Trans Media Watch, which condemns newspapers for “stigmatising” transsexuals. Alleged examples of discrimination, which Trans Media Watch wants to ban, included a reference to the Bois de Boulogne, a park in Paris, as “containing transsexual prostitutes”.
Another Hacked Off “partner” is Engage, an “anti-discrimination” group including Islamist sympathisers and whose staff have justified the killing of British soldiers. Engage was exposed by The Sunday Telegraph, in what it would no doubt protest to a regulator was “discriminatory” reporting. ‘
is it not in the public interest to know…. their rate of pay …
Such information is almost as rare as rocking horse poo…. but not quite – six years ago Carrie Gracie revealed that she earned £92k. Good popcorn viewing:
Knowing their rate helps us understand why they can feel sympathy for a benefit claimant earning 50k, in a way that someone earning minimum wage can never match.
That was an extraordinary thing for her to divulge, thanks for posting it. I remember reading about an interview Paxman did with a Tory minister, in the course of which the politician revealed Paxo’s remuneration – it was never broadcast.
Very interesting point made by Flexdream earlier on this blog.
Why is the BBC “hushing up” the jihadist slaughter of at least 137 people in Yemen? The suicide bombings at two mosques injured hundreds more and is the worst mass-casualty attack on civilians in Yemen in modern memory.
It doesn’t appear at all on the Home page of BBC News and is buried on BBC World News page.
Perhaps it’s a really busy news day? Not so, actually it looks extremely quiet. The lead story is a “fresh” appeal for information about “historic” (IE white) child abuse.
There’s even a fresh news angle as the sunni Islam terror group ISIS has now claimed responsibility.
Any reasonable person would have to conclude that the BBC is deliberately censoring the news to hush-up stories of islamic brutality and mass murder in order to appease islam. Stories that don’t fit the BBC’s left-liberal narrative that islam is a religion of peace, must be sanitised and hidden from view.
Contrast this with the dramatic over reporting of Israel’s military operations last year in Gaza, where we were treated to endless, gory, sensational descriptions of destruction.
Such is INBBC’s utopian view of Islamikaze Islamic jihad that Beeboids forever attempt to de-couple the global Islamic jihad linkages referred to, in excerpt from above article-
“The suicide assault, or coordinated attack using one or more suicide bombers and an assault team, is a tactic frequently used by jihadist groups, including the Islamic State, its rival, al Qaeda, and al Qaeda allies such as the Afghan Taliban, the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, Lashkar-e-Taiba, and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. Suicide assaults are commonly executed by jihadist groups in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and Nigeria.”
Note police investigation hampered by lack of victims coming forward.
Perhaps Beeb should be asking are there any other victims other than the one they keep showing together with photos of Dolphin Square without naming its most famous resident.
‘For fifty years the Jews have been slowly and painfully returning to their ancestral home, and even under the Ottoman yoke and amid the disorder of that effete and crumbling dominion they have succeeded in establishing the beginnings of a real civilisation. Scattered and few, they have still brought with them schools and industry and scientific knowledge, and here and there have in truth made the waste places blossom as the rose.’
Somehow doesn’t seem to fit the BBC’s horrible history of the region.
In making my escape from the BBC, I have belatedly ‘found’ LBC having now got DAB in my car.
I find some of it a bit odd – but it seems to be making a successful transition from stereotypical local radio (complete with archetypal agitjock – O’Brien) to a serious national station. I have to say that Fogarty is an outstanding broadcaster, probably the best that they have.
Knowledgeable, balanced and intelligent, much too much for the BBC to cope with.
Yeah , I only ever listen to LBC for news,& Bbc Essex for local news, & watch Sky News . I do check News 24 ,for Labourite Bullshit , & “We luv The Millipeed fanclub “which is totally rentless . Music & entertainment Radio 2 , Absolute , Gold & Magic .
It”s probably the racism that is inherent in the capitalist system which is based on the oppression of minority ethnic, gender and sexually trans gender orientated groups including eco feminists.
Nor must we forget how the capitalist, consumer society literally rapes the environment and causes global warming which is why polar bears are now extinct.
Furthermore, this racism results in imperialism and exploitation of minorities such as Islamophobia, lesbianphobia and other racist phobias.
Inevitably these excluded, marginalised, oppressed minorities find expression of their unhappiness and lack of opportunity by committing so-called “terrorism” such as decapitation and burning people alive in cages, which is merely an ethical response to the unfairness in the capitalist system.
There was a massive development yesterday in the ongoing story of children being groomed for ISIS and the distress caused to their families. According to the Mirror:
A judge has banned five teenage girls from leaving the country after he found that they had been contemplating fleeing the UK to travel to Syria.
The judge… made orders removing their passports and those of a number of adults involved in their care.
there was evidence suggesting that the family members in the case had not been full and frank with social services, and that the girls had been moving to a more radicalised position.
‘It seems to me that that must have been known to the parents and they deliberately did not share it with the authorities…’
The judge’s assessment of these parents doesn’t sit easily with the regular BBC ‘narrative’ that invariably portrays parents as victims. Strangely, the BBC didn’t say much about it, if anything. Maybe yesterday was ‘a busy news day’, what with UKIP scandals and so on.
Sky News at noon leading with Sir Peter Fahy, top counter-terrorism policeman, criticising parents of those who travel to Syria. Seems Sky is quoting from a Times article: Parents of Isis runaways accused of embracing victimhood
Muslim families who blame the police when their children join Islamic State (Isis) are embracing “victimhood” when they should be taking responsibility, one of the country’s most senior counter-terrorism officers has said.
Sir Peter Fahy criticised relatives of three runaway girls from east London, describing their accusation that police let them slip the net as an “ill-advised” strategy which risked a backlash against the Muslim community.
The Beeb is going to find it difficult to maintain the ‘line’.
Ah yes the ubiquitous, and ever anticipated, “backlash” is conjured up again; as Diana West wrote in “No Fear”:
” “Backlash” is the word the mainstream liberals use to describe the sound the silent majority makes when it finally gets round to piping up.”
Very much like “counterproductive”. Any sensible measure to defeat Muslim terrorism is labelled as “counterproductive” by the BBC. For example Netanyahu’s “surprise election”. The BBC has an infallible ability to know what everybody’s true self interest is because they are, of course, morally perfect and intellectually superior to everyone else. Israelis are too “hate filled and stupid” to see that the “two-state” solution is what would make Jews truly happy. That’s “productive” for the BBC. The feigned concern is nauseating.
How can the fully justified critique by the vast majority of the population, be “a backlash”? … he s been in bloody PC “la la land” for too long.
Peter Fahy already pipng the Muslim narrative, the apologist who doesn t even know it.
Drop the “backlash” babble, treat them as the traitors to our nation, the wannabe mass murderers that they are.
And Peter Fahy is a fully ‘on message’ member of the Globalist tendency who wants to promote young BAME police to senior roles discriminating against more senior indigenous police officers! What an ethnic traitor, but even he can see that these rellies of the jihadists are trying it on.
All over the front pages of the papers this morning is the story of Miliband’s hedge fund embarrassment.
Remember, last Wednesday he accused the Tories of being the parties of the hedge funds (‘in their pockets’)? It now transpires that a hedge fund boss is one of Labour’s largest donors – something that they had gone to great lengths to keep quiet.
Given the story, as I say was plastered over the front pages…given these donations were diametrically opposed to Miliband’s public announcements…given that Miliband has questions to answer…given that Labour have been less than transparent….and given that the BBC were running another story all morning about questionable political donations (to the Lib Dems), you would think that the BBC would spare a minute or two to cover this embarrassment.
NOT A WORD, nothing in their bulletins, not even in the paper reviews where all of the front pages uncovering Miliband’s hypocrisy were studiously avoided.
The BBC spinning for Labour. That is not corruption that is lobbying. They take money from you to fund it because they can. It is an arrangement that suits the Labour Party. They even want to disable the free press. It is totalitarian but it is not corrupt. Even taking EU money Is not corrupt. It is anti-democracy. It is giving each other jobs and huge salaries funded by the taxpayer and praising themselves for their social conscience. It is greed and hypocrisy.
“It is giving each other jobs and huge salaries funded by the taxpayer”
I agree with most of what you say but what I quoted above is clear corruption – a form of nepotism which would be acceptable in a family owned business but not in a government organisation.
The story doesn’t even make it to the BBC News website. Perhaps they want to spare us all the dreadful smell of hypocrisy that is wafting from either ,or both ,of Eds kitchens this morning. In fact the stench is so strong that I bet he can smell it on the top floor of his 5 story house. Even his’ live in’ nanny has probably been vomiting because of it, but she will have to get used to that particular smell if she works for the Millibands.
I seem to recall, last week, someone here mentioned that the BBC’s political bias had now spread to Mastermind.
Watching it last night for the first time in ages, BBC politicking was evident again with questions about the ‘nasty (Tory) party’ and UKIP’s ‘rubbish manifesto’.
It seems that in the same way that the BBC got its climate change experts together (that would be their Head of Drama, Head of Children’s TV, etc. etc!) to find ways of spreading the word and influencing the viewer, that meeting that Miliband had in November with a dozen or so BBC executives, has certainly paid off. The BBC are pulling out all of the stop for him.
There is quite simply no justification for this BBC subliminal political messaging.
It runs throughout the entire day and on every channel. If anyone doubts it, I urge them to check, say, BBC Radio 4’s published schedule. Unless you are a fellow traveller, in which case you are beyond hope of reasoned argument, simply look at the topics covered. Then look at the choice of fiction and entertainment.
The output is unarguably biased towards the tastes and beliefs of Left wing ‘liberals’ and the same pattern is repeated across the board, from the babbling of its lobotomised DJs on Radio One to the stream of cultural (and actual) Marxism from the world Service.
This is not an accident and it is a conspiracy – albeit one that it is not directly organised.
I stopped watching mastermind many years ago when a coloured contestant in the final was asked questions like “Who is the head of the Roman Catholic Church”. The questions were so trivial compared to the others it was ludicrous.
Lammy. Facepalm. The man who accused the Catholic church of racism when black smoke was signalling to the ‘faithful’ that a new pope had not been elected yet. If I referred to him as limited, I’d be being kind. His Mastermind performance was (painfully) funny. But then when you think about it some more, its not funny at all.
The Left (like every organised religion) is obsessed with propaganda because their biggest enemy is reality. New Labour was (BBC supported) a bubble of delusion. Because in retrospect it is obvious (to everybody) that it was little more than public sector greed dressed up as social conscience the narrative has to constantly move forward.
Having said that the underlying message is always the same. People filling their pockets with cash while declaring that they are fighting inequality.
Nice little gem from yesterday when Guido Fawkes(Harry Cole) delivered the 1 Million signature petition in support of Jeremy Clarkson with a tank!
Listen carefully though because he lands a good blow at 1.30 when he says “not everyone has the same sort of liberal, metropolitan, left-wing political elite outlook on life that the BBC has”.
The BBC ought to provide a BBC England and a BBC Radio England. This would allow England to create its own sense of nation. The BBC has consistently fought any attempts to support a separate English identity. What would the bullying and juvenile loving Reith think..?
I think that for the BBC use of the word “tank” will depend on the context. I can remember when any APC used in Northern Ireland was reported as a tank, to make the army’s response to any situation look disproportionate and unnecessarily draconian.
Frightened the life out of me when I saw it taking a pre show spin before it’s unveiling to the public at Bovington a few years ago, that 88mm gun compared to a Sherman….. No contest, but, there was also a T-34 standing alongside it, the crudity of it was also an eye opener, numbers have a power of their own. We have to relax a bit with the beeb calling an Abbot a ” tank” as all the media are guilty of miscalling equipment, army, navy, Air Force, they always get it wrong because they are universally ignorant of anything outside their little bubble. All tracked vehicles are “tanks”, all aircraft are ” jets” and “fighters”. As they no longer employ anyone who has any experience of anything this is inevitible.
D1004 wrote: No contest, but, there was also a T-34 standing alongside it, the crudity of it was also an eye opener.
Good observation., one which I must add needs retelling in which to get away from this incorrect stance that the T34 (Both T34/76 and T34/85) were somehow superior to any German tank. It was superior in two aspects only , those being it was cheaper and thus quicker to produce and there were a lot more of them. The Panzer 4 was the only German tank which could slug it out with the T34, however on the invasion of Russia, its main armament was found to be lacking when the Nazis came across the KV1 and KV2 and this reignited the Nazis heavy tank program which had been put on hold at the start of the War.
From 41 to 45 T34 production numbered over 57,000, . On top of that the Russians also fielded just under 4000 IS2 heavy tanks which was the Russian version of the Tiger1/2
The total number of Tiger 1,2 and Panthers came in at a total of just over 7844. The Panzer 4 saw around 16,000 built. So we are talking a total of around 24,000 German Tanks which could compete with the Russians. Then lets not forget the Germans had tanks in Africa, Italy, France as well as the Eastern front. At the Battle of Kursk the Germans lost almost 8000 armoured vehicles. As this also happened at the same time as the allies landed on Sicily, Hitler put a stop to the battle at Kursk, just as the Germans were getting the upperhand against the entrenched Russians, and diverted armour and men from the Eastern Front to Italy.
So armed with that information the few German tanks that were left (in relation to the hordes of Russian Armour) did really well.
As I said, as you well know, numbers have a ability to overtake any quality when it is heavily outnumbered. The 34 worked because of a few well thought out factors, a good engine, sloped armour, a wide footprint, a machine that was simple to build and simple to repair in the field. The Mk IV, MK V and the Panther were all too German, very well built, temperamental, costly, awkward. Superb in 1 v 1 or even 1 v 3/4 or 5, however when the odds became 1 to 10+ they were overrun. In the air Erich Hartmann was the worlds greatest Ace, they were still outnumbered.
And the stig lookalike wasn’t driving it as the muppet BBC reporter said. The Stig lookalike was in the tank (self propelled artillery) commander position in the turret.
“Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen accuses BBC of ‘retribution’ over licence fee campaign.
“BBC accused of making up false allegations about MP’s family business.”
But now I come to think of it, there are a few examples in, say the Pollard Report, where the notion of personal vendettas to ruin people were recorded. Maybe a few odd statements these last few weeks on topical items.
Could be, rats in sack behaviour is institutional?
Nice bunch to be working around, if not in front of, maybe.
‘Neil Sharratt, a director of AB Produce, has filed a formal complaint with the BBC Trust about the first article.’
Excuse me as I take a brief moment to seek medical attention having laughed a bit too much at who will be ‘overseeing’ that one.
‘A spokesman for the BBC said: “Andrew Bridgen is well known as a critic of the BBC but to suggest this influences our news coverage is completely untrue and without any evidence. It’s part of our job to hold public figures to account and we do so in a fair and balanced way.’
Shame that, as a public body, the BBC is a bit less keen on being held to account, eh, Mr. Anonymous?
‘”We have no record of any complaint to us about the online articles published many months ago. If a mistake has been made we’ll rectify it.”
That usually is BBC code for a nasty mess somewhere but they’ll clear it up before found. Easy enough when they keep things ‘their little secret’ in-house.
‘The spokesman added that it was wrong to suggest that Mr Bridgen had been “singled out” for future coverage, saying the episode of BBC East Midlands focusing on his constituency was one of a number coming from the region during the general election.’
See… it’s wrong… he (well, a ‘he’, maybe) says so.
And anyway, the old ‘balance’ of a hit piece elsewhere sometime may exist in archive.
Among the articles which have appeared on BBC Leicester are two relating to AB Produce PLC, a firm Mr Bridgen founded with his brother, Paul, but which he ceased to have any interest in following the 2010 election… Both articles named Mr Bridgen as a co-director of the company, something he denies.
1. Directorships
AB produce PLC (non-executive chairman) until August 2014; fresh vegetable processing and distribution. Address: Enterprise House, Repton Road, Westminster Industrial Estate, Measham, Swadlincote, Derbyshire DE12 7DT. I attend board meetings once a month and communicate with the managing director weekly. (Updated 28 August 2014)
14 March 2014, Payment of £7,773. Hours: 12hrs. (Registered 14 March 2014)
11 April 2014, Payment of £7,773. Hours: 12 hrs. (Registered 17 April 2014)
9 May 2014, Payment of £7,773. Hours: 12 hrs. (Registered 9 May 2014)
6 June 2014, payment of £7,773. Hours: 12 hrs. (Registered 6 June 2014)
4 July 2014, payment of £7,773. Hours: 12 hrs. (Registered 4 July 2014)
1 August 2014, Payment of £7,773. Hours: 12hrs. (Registered 1 August 2014)
Funny sort of “no interest in since 2010″… I’d love to be paid £650 an hour by a company I had no interest in.
Quelle surprise , James Purnells News 24 ,rapid response team in action .
Indeed. Impressive work. This page that lists the evidence says:
14 August 2014 Last updated at 11:11
Was the update on 14 August? Or today?
I’m assuming they’ve re-worked it today. (But I’ve already posted one Torygraph story this morning where the link contradicts what the story asserts, so it may have been there long term.)
On 14 August, at 11:11. The timestamps within the headers of the old BBC news website, or stored as an attribute on the date element within the new one, all indicate a date/time of 14 August 2014 10:11:04 UTC. As we are in British Summer Time during August, that translates to 11:11 BST.
“Quick! There’s a fact. I don’t like facts. They scare me. What do we do? I know, let’s allege they’ve been written by somebody from the BBC. That’ll do the trick, won’t it. Won’t it? Please, someone tell me it will. Make the nasty facts go away! Let me be ignorant in peace!”
The self-congratulation is amusing, though, especially with its reference to ‘facts’, a common affliction amongst this BBC breed, it seems, as though…..um…..scripted.
Was just roaming some old links and came across ‘The Editors’, which used to be home to a great deal of foot in mouth glory from such as Hugs and even the DG.
It used to be a user-friendly site, to a degree, with some interesting articles and comments. When I last checked it months ago they had removed a huge chunk of their archives, which contained all the articles together with comments. Now I see that the remainder of the archives have also been chucked down Orwell’s memory hole.
Peter Horrocks, lately head of the World Service, used to write the occasional article on The Editors site. I believe he is largely responsible for making the entire BBC website far less accessible to users who want to comment on BBC content.
Years ago the poor chap was terribly upset when an article on a horrendous terrorist attack received a flood of comments critical of Islam, the most recommended comment being,
The Religion of Peace strikes again
I believe it was shortly after the traumatic experience of discovering what people really think, as opposed to what he would like them to think, that Horrocks wrote, We are not looking to host a community.
Damn right they aren’t. They are looking to indoctrinate the community, not engage with a community that talks back.
George R, you should just call it the IBC – Islamic Broadcasting Corporation. I listen to the World Service a lot and it’s wall-to-wall Islam, as if there is little else of importance going on in the world.
How can the fully justified critique by the vast majority of the population, be “a backlash”? … he s been in bloody PC “la la land” for too long.
Peter Fahy already pipng the Muslim narrative, the apologist who doesn t even know it.
Drop the “backlash” babble, treat them as the traitors to our nation, the wannabe mass murderers that they are.
Two different report on Muslima Jamila Henry, below:
1.) revealing, 2.) concealing:-
‘Daily Mail’-
“‘I’m meant to be in Amsterdam and she’s off to Syria’:
“Fury of party girl twin of jihadi bride arrested at Luton ‘for trying to join ISIS.’
“Jamila Henry was arrested at Luton Airport on suspicion of terror offences.
“The 21-year-old Muslim convert is thought to have fled jihadis in Syria.
“She appeared in court charged with identity document offences today.
“Her twin sister Jalila has told of her shock over sibling’s link to jihadis.
“Claimed the pair grew apart as Jamila became increasingly devout .”
I have set myself on a collision course with the might and influence of the £5 billion worldwide media organisation because I am sick of its bias and misrepresentation
By Andrew Bridgen MP
In its mission statement, the BBC says that it “exists to serve the public, and its mission is to inform, educate and entertain.” It exists, therefore, to report the news in an impartial manner – not to make the news or to push a particular agenda.
I would contend that the BBC is now working outside its remit. Far from being an impartial spectator to events, it has become an active participant in our national debate, whose influence is unauthorised and unwelcome.
Current and former employees have acknowledged what you might call the “Guardianisation” of the BBC’s editorial line. You only have to consider a range of topics such as climate change, the EU and immigration to see that the BBC treats those who have concerns about such issues with an institutional disdain.
But its meddling with the news agenda has recently reached new heights, especially concerning the TV election debates.
If you thought the BBC were bad, France 2 just cut their coverage of England France Rugby with one minute to go They then went to an advert break, followed by the news.
I do apologise. Mrs Panick has just reminded me that the greatest football failures where Goals were missed by an unscheduled advertising break were by ITV.
Here is a classic example of how the BBC and MSN operate.
Ed Miliband has criticised the Tories over funding, calling them a party of “Mayfair hedge funds and Monaco tax avoiders”. Yet it has been revealed that Labour have received £600K of funds from a, er, Hedge Fund Donor. Not exactly covered by the BBC, but it is on Sky (see http://news.sky.com/story/1449681/labour-received-600k-from-hedge-fund-donor). The wealthy donor is one Martin Taylor, of Nevsky Capital, a private company registered in Ireland and a subsidiary of Thames River Capital LLP. Various MSM sources helpfully point out that ‘Martin Taylor’ is a fairly common name, making it difficult to track the individual. Well, not really. Would it perhaps be this Martin Taylor, the former secretary general of the secretive Bilderberg Group (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Taylor_%28businessman%29). You know, that little club whose members have included Tony Blair, Edward Heath, Peter Mandleson, George Osborne, Kenneth Clarke and Ed Balls? And founder and steering committe member Denis Healey, who said “To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair.” (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilderberg_Group#Criticism).
No, can’t see why this news would be of interest to anyone. Perhaps the BBC are right not to mention it.
Impossible to say one way or another. The probability of such events will increase as the planet increasingly warms but it is only a probability because ultimately weather is a chaotic system.
No such thing as optimal temperature.The earth is a bit of rock being heated by a star.
Venus is another one with an atmosphere of co2 and a surface temperature of 600 degrees. It just is what it is.
I visit a daughter and grandkids in New Zealand quite often – and Air New Zealand lets you stop over in the South Pacific for minimal extra flight cost. Last time I visited the Cook Islands many of the roofs in Rarotonga had been blown off by a recent hurricane.
I also asked people living on tiny low-lying islands off the coast of Fiju whether the ocean was rising. They simply did not understand my question. I could see no signs of sea-level rise on successive visits to the Yasawa islands.
Likewise – On successive visits to high altitudes in the Annapurna region of Nepal, locals said that claims about glaciers melting were rubbish.
Only people besotted by Warmism believe all the nonsense the BBC trots out.
After the 3 missing terrorteenies s, 3 more early last week, one friday, , now another 5? … hmm Tower Hamletistan again.
These Islamic teens, wanting to go to the Islamic state, to commit
Islamic mass murder, in ways stated in Islamic texts, to those not following said Islamic texts strictly enough, for the dominance of Islam?.
…. motive?
why? … WHY?
“Five teenage girls who had shown an interest in going to Syria have been barred from travelling abroad by a judge at London’s High Court”.
It takes a whole village to raise a child though Geoff!
Saw the title of this book at Tolpuddle a few years back.
Written by Hillary Clinton.
Therefore these Muslim nutjobs are all ours, and the child benefit( or is that jizya seekers allowance?) accrues to our babyfathers in Raqqa, Mirapuri and Islamabad.
Simple really-and Labour/union/Democrat logical positivism as taught to Geri Halliwell via Hillary C is ALL you`ll ever need to know!
I myself have no further questions-welcome to Spiceworld via Mid Staffs and Rochdale!
Will INBBC show its usual sympathies concerning a Muslim Tory candidate apparently wanting to bribe what is Islam Not BBC (INBBC)’s political enemy Number 1 in the whole planet, the English Defence League?
When it comes to Islam/No10 … “we re all in it together” eh!
Corrupt ideology – corrupt methods- corrupt politics, whether Police, local government. Westminster candidates, local services, planning, local councillors.
Hand in hand, one aims political power for Islam, openly discriminates against our own “ordinary Joe s” our nationals and patriots.
The other? … well … no difference
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 04:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Debs My 25 year-old daughter is one of those with I suspect a compromised immune system. Every two weeks she…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
You want more misery in our Land?
Then vote for Edward Miliband.
If Ed and Ed get back in town,
The fortunes of England will go down.
“We’ll bring an end to Bust and Boom”,
To paraphrase one Gordon Broon.
Amazing. What’s this I see
Labour adverts on BBC.
If a thriving Britain is something you hanker
Don’t vote for Ed – he’s a total w*****.
A day of excitement, of solar corona’s,
A reminder that Ed don’t have the cojones.
Labour – The people,
Who farm the sheeple.
If you elect the Cons, Labs or Libs
Then we’ll have to suffer more porkies and fibs
If you’re fed up of the reds, oranges and blues,
And sick of the Beeb distorting the news
There is only one thing that will make you feel chipper
It’s to vote with your head and become a UKIPper
And go to jail for expense`s fraud .
Don t look at the Eclipse, unless its through a colander, or on about 8 different programs, with about 500 Beebots.
Where they all have a jolly going all over the country … so they erm … can t look at the eclipse.
Unless its through a colander?
I had to turn over to LBC briefly … but it was just an extended uninterrupted stint of George Osborne lying again!. Just another free Tory Bullsh-t Broadcast,
Oh and he wormed the question about a straight head to head debate around to include the f-ckwit who sat nodding like a moron next to him?
Still … look on the bright side, lots of free advertisement for Bennetts Bootboy s, of the UAF
who are going to Trafalger Sq, to campaign against
rising Anti-Semitism ………………… and erm
A first 😀 as, the very perpetrators of “rising Anti Semitism” will be there trying claim victimhood
If you want a third world immigrant for a neighbour,
Vote Conservative, Liberal or Labour.
No need for the apostrophe E’ssex Man
Muslims, Miliband, blah, blah, blah.
Bias, Scott, Bunny, ha, ha, ha.
The BBC seems very quiet over the upcoming French council elections, I’ve no idea why. Maybe they don’t like to see women succeed in the man’s world of politics. Still, as the Beeb like to remind us the UK stands apart in the EU in having a popular Eurosceptic party.
“President François Hollande’s ruling Socialist Party (PS) is expected to suffer major losses in the departmental elections.”
“Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Front (FN) also poised for significant gains, according to opinion polls.”
As this is a blog to log BBC bias,
I’ll await your exposure of tax funded liars.
BBC headline “UKIP in turmoil over general election candidates”
Be still my sides. I seriously doubt that UKIP is finished.
Why is the BBC obsessed with the White House (prop B Obama)?
“Yemen crisis: More than 100 die in attacks on Sanaa mosques”
In amongst a disturbing report yet again of muslim suicide bombers murdering other muslims we are given one foreign power response, that of the ‘White House’. What is so special to the BBC about the US President? We don’t even hear what our own PM had to say.
I’m baffled as usual. Do the BBC think they’re actors in the glamourous West Wing drama? When they’re actually in the thick of it in W1A.
The BBC is hopelessly in love with Obama because he is a socialist but most importantly because he is a black man. He’s actually mixed race, of course, but his white side is never mentioned because black trumps white in the BBC’s world view.
The BBC is so in love with the man that it cannot fall out of love with him even when he commits major treachery to left-wing ideals like failing to close Guantanamo Bay and supervising the killing of chief terrorist Osama Bin Laden.
When Sarah Palin became a likely impediment to the great man’s rise to power, the BBC went at her with gloves off. Here was a young, strong, attractive woman with much popular support among the Republicans and she was a born-again Christian running as vice-Presidential hopeful against the beloved Obama’s running mate. It was intolerable!
The BBC isn’t staffed by journalists. It’s staffed by propagandists campaigning for all the ‘correct’ causes.
Sometimes the BBC can be really dumb. Dumb in their bias.
Take this offering:
In their latest article today providing additional commentary on the “Clarksongate” affair (and days after confirming that the BBC would not be commenting further until after their ‘investigation’), the Beeboid journalist has included the sentence:
“The BBC said it would “not be offering further commentary” on any issues involving Clarkson until the current investigation was concluded.”
Of many, the consistently entertaining aspect of this whole BBC market rate meltdown has been the amount of BBC commentary that has involved the BBC saying it won’t be commenting.
Tell it often enough, chaps. Someone may believe you.
It’s one of the most spectacular media own goals of all time. It’s glorious.
Pretty easy to understand.one is about management commenting,which they said they would and the other is news created by clarkson himself
Quick response from our retired AGW specialist, 1st in Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, etc? Man+Clap+Bus. Hmm… Double shifting? Or clone?
You mean something like Nibor won’t be replying to this post from manon ?
The Labour Broadcasting Company present……
Tristram Hunt “post-nungate” Labour Relaunch #62. Thanks Newsnight!
Yes, we need Tristram to provide the ‘change’ our children need! With tech and opportunities and textbookywookies. Thinking smarter! Facepalm.
Now for a UKIP bashing ‘expose’. Nice Evan! Nice Allegra! More! Bring it on.
Vote UKIP. Common Sense, not Common Purpose.
Vote UKIP for penal reform sos they can all get out ready for the 2020 election (although probably not for good behaviour)
Doc Spooner says “A cunning stunt.”
A cockney says “A Tristram Hunt”
Once upon a time , when Noddy lay in bed ,
Big Ears came and woke him up , so Noddy punched his head .
Oh for goodness sake, I trust the regular commentators don’t feed the trolls. I still think they are all in the BBC’s PR Department and I envisage this lot are on the night shift with nothing else to do.
It looks like Investigations into Fraser Steel seem to have lead to John Shield and the identities of the people who censor comments. The BBC staff have been told that they should meet BBC critics on open platforms such as biasedbbc.tv. So presumably these trolls are BBC staff, and eventually I would expect they would be finding out the names and addresses of these people for any future legal action against BBC staff.
So the BBC/Common Purpose have had their troops on UKIP harassment manoeuvres all day. In one day we have this:
And this:
A bit of this:
A sprinkling of this:
Oh. And this:
One more:
Yes, the BBC Website is doing a fine job assisting in covering UKIP (well, except honestly reporting any of their policies that is). They are certainly ‘across’ this one.
Yet I still can’t find any BBC article on Marie Rimmer, the 68 year-old Labour candidate defending Shaun Woodward’s 14,000 majority in St Helens South, who stands accused of kicking a woman. Or on the defection of Labour pin up girl Jack Monroe to the Greens. Or the Demonstration outside Downing Street by those who would have Shari ’a Law replace English Law in my homeland! Can anybody else find them? Links please if you do.
Vote UKIP. Scrap the Telly Tax.
Nor, for all its much vaunted resources and fearlessness (ha!) do we see the BBC taking on the establishment over the disgusting cover-ups of Cyril Smith et al.
No, for that, we have to rely on the newspaper sneered at and pilloried a dozen times a day by the BBC and its right-on fans:
If there’s anyone out there who still believes in bbc news ‘impartiality’, they should read Angrymanupnorth’s post.
I think there was also a Labour Mayor sent to jail yesterday, and the small matter of a continuing cover-up of a Labour councillor, who murdered a potential whistleblower, as regards paedophilia at another Labour Council.
As for UKIP, if you do not support the EU, then you have to be perfect in all matters. So it’s a good thing that UKIP expels imperfect people, foolish enough to copy all other MEP’s, when they should know that a UKIP MEP, is the only MEP, who has to be perfect in all financial matters, unlike all pro-EU MEP’s in Brussels.
Aye, racist chanting is far worse than racist CSA for beeb types.
The BBC are fastidious in referring to the ‘so-called’ or ‘self-styled’ Islamic State, in case it might be thought they consider it to be… er.. Islamic. This fine article in the leftie’s magazine makes them look ridiculous:
When Islamic State fighters smash the statues of pagan gods, they are following the example of the Prophet; when they proclaim themselves the shock troops of a would-be global empire, they are following the example of the warriors of the original caliphate; when they execute enemy combatants, and impose discriminatory taxes on Christians, and take the women of defeated opponents as slaves, they are doing nothing that the first Muslims did not glory in.
“My people,” so Muhammad is once said to have warned, “are destined to split into 73 factions – all of which, except one, will end up in hell.” Who, then, Muslims have often wondered, will gain paradise? Isis, like so many of the various other sects that have emerged in the course of Islamic history, appears confident of the answer.
Tom Holland: We must not deny the religious roots of Islamic State
Bit of an eye opener, read the comments underneath, nearly all are starting to see the problem and that something must be done to combat it. All these IS wannabees are doing us a favour by showing the Left the true problem this country faces, more power to their elbow.
Many muslims ‘get’ the problem with IS and other jihadists. However al Beeba still is in denial and thinks Islamism has nothing to do with Islam.
Probably time we start referring to the ‘so-called’ or ‘self-styled’ impartial bbc news department.
The problematic word is not Islamic but state.
The Beeb disputes both words:
There is considerable dispute over whether it is Islamic. Islam is certainly a key factor in its culture and ideology, but the vast majority of the world’s Muslims want nothing to do with it.
What logic is behind some news outlets referring to ISIS as the “so-called Islamic State?”
‘……but the vast majority of the world’s Muslims want nothing to do with it.’
And 97% of scientists believe………apparently.
Cameron’s the posh boy who’s way, way too smug
And Miliband’s the posh boy with a brain like a slug
Cleggy’s the posh boy who’s now a has-been
And Natalie’s the Aussie, brain-dead and Green
The Beeb and the Grauniad give all the left hypes
Including Salmond and Sturgeon the fishy NS types
But if you want the best thing for Britain and you
Then vote for Nigel and you’ll stop feeling blue
Sorry I went beyond the couplets but I’m having a drink or two and enjoying myself.
A scotch? A beer? Lager or Sherry?
Per-chance a margarita dressed with a cherry?
Yes please!
A couplet’s not one line, nor three but just two,
If you fancy a threesome – try a haiku.
I am aware of that which is why I apologised for going over. Haiku is very disciplined and hard to do well.
BBC bad men
The Establishment hate us
UKIP’s our future
A quick attempted haiku but weak.
Practice makes perfect
Much discipline is required
To find your rhythm
Violent lefties
hate freedom and honesty
As Angryman says:
“scrap the dated telly tax.
Vote UKIP.” So do.
UKIP are coming
General Farage Leading
The People’s Army
Same time, our haikus crossed. 🙂
Two crossing Haikus
An unusual event
Like today’s eclipse
A rare crescent sun
Some are blinded by staring
It was very cold
I’ve enjoyed this but I’m stopping or we’ll be accused of trolling. Perhaps David or Alan can make a sticky thread for everybody’s attempts at literary “masterpieces” (cough) and not clog the open thread as we’re doing.
Was it a sherry?
Marguarita and cherry?
Or just a secret?
It was a Bailey’s
Or three but labelled Sainsb’ry
Goodnight Haiku King
PS I originally missed your earlier rhyme saying what constitutes a couplet – I thought you were just being pedantic but it’s actually very clever.
Night. 🙂
Ukip will be gone in 5 years , & when Boris PM ,sooner.
Compare and contrast, Russell Brand with Jeremy Clarkson.
Which of the above do Al Beeb support and which do the people of Great Britain support ?
In the words of Corporal Jones, ‘they don’t like it up, em!’.
Al Beeb are out of touch with this nation’s people .
Then the time is right for a petition to rid the world of Al Beeb !
Very interesting event, especially the contribution by Wistrich:
With antisemitic violence on the rise in Europe, CAMERA convened a panel discussion in Jerusalem on March 1 entitled “Framing Israel: Framing Jews: Examining the effects of UK media coverage of Israel on European antisemitism.” In light of recent polling which indicates that over 80 percent of British Jews believe that biased coverage of Israel incites antisemitism, the panelists explored how UK media coverage of Israel influences attitudes towards Jews in Europe and fuels extremism.
Speakers on the panel included Professor Robert S. Wistrich, Neuberger Chair of Modern European and Jewish History at the Hebrew University Jerusalem, Head of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism and author of A Lethal Obsession: Antisemitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad (2010); Lucille Cohen, former President of the Zionist Central Council and the Jewish Representative Council of Greater Manchester and representative to the Board of Deputies of British Jews; Adam Levick, managing editor of UK Media Watch (formerly CiF Watch), a CAMERA affiliate and Hadar Sela, managing editor of BBC Watch, a CAMERA affiliate.
Turned on BBC and we got some bloke from the muslim circle with a tea cosy on his head , actually got holes in it might be one of those colanders left over from the ‘how to view an eclipse show for dummies’ yesterday. Remind me again why I care what the muslim circle has to say ?
BBC staff and twitter accounts are always interesting. As is technology that can be used to tune feeds to spare the righteous unwelcome challenge…
“… a McCarthy-style list, which was then widely publicized by left-wing media outlets.
This included BBC’s flagship Newsnight programme, which featured a softball interview with Block Bot creator James Billingham in 2013. The feature showed then-BBC presenter Paul Mason exclusively interviewing members of the Atheism Plus movement, with no attempt to reach out to their critics. Later in the feature, he is shown signing up to “Level One” of the Block Bot, describing them as “the worst of the worst” and “super slimy”. He later had to respond to a large number of complaints.”
One can only imagine what form such responses took.
Apols for not turning that into a limerick.
And the Left label anyone with a view mildly at odds with their own as ‘fascist’?
Wonder if the Hacked Off consortium of hard-left pressure groups are any way involved with this – they also have a censorship agenda:
‘ At the May 17 event, numerous Left-wing speakers outlined their view of how the “public good” or the “public interest” as defined by a press regulator, should override freedom of expression.
Jacqui Davis, from Keep our NHS Public, said the media should be obliged to “stand up for the NHS”. Jacqui Hunt, from Equality Now, called for the regulator to ban Page 3, impose compulsory training for male journalists and require all reports on domestic violence to be “sensitive”.
Other groups described as “partner organisations” by Hacked Off’s website include the newly-established Youth Media Agency, which complained that the media’s “discriminatory” coverage of the August 2011 riots “singled out children and young people as the rioters” (72 per cent of those arrested were under 25) and Trans Media Watch, which condemns newspapers for “stigmatising” transsexuals. Alleged examples of discrimination, which Trans Media Watch wants to ban, included a reference to the Bois de Boulogne, a park in Paris, as “containing transsexual prostitutes”.
Another Hacked Off “partner” is Engage, an “anti-discrimination” group including Islamist sympathisers and whose staff have justified the killing of British soldiers. Engage was exposed by The Sunday Telegraph, in what it would no doubt protest to a regulator was “discriminatory” reporting. ‘
Inside every Socialist is a Totalitarian fighting to get out.
On a general point, is it not in the public interest to know the nature of beeboids’ contracts, as well as their rate of pay and benefits?
The suspicion has to be that a lot of people are earning a lot of money for not a lot of hours.
is it not in the public interest to know…. their rate of pay …
Such information is almost as rare as rocking horse poo…. but not quite – six years ago Carrie Gracie revealed that she earned £92k. Good popcorn viewing:
Knowing their rate helps us understand why they can feel sympathy for a benefit claimant earning 50k, in a way that someone earning minimum wage can never match.
nice work if you can get it.
That was an extraordinary thing for her to divulge, thanks for posting it. I remember reading about an interview Paxman did with a Tory minister, in the course of which the politician revealed Paxo’s remuneration – it was never broadcast.
““We are such an important part of the creative economy that, if the BBC didn’t exist, you would have to invent us.”
Give me strength!
They’re brilliant AND modest!
Very interesting point made by Flexdream earlier on this blog.
Why is the BBC “hushing up” the jihadist slaughter of at least 137 people in Yemen? The suicide bombings at two mosques injured hundreds more and is the worst mass-casualty attack on civilians in Yemen in modern memory.
It doesn’t appear at all on the Home page of BBC News and is buried on BBC World News page.
Perhaps it’s a really busy news day? Not so, actually it looks extremely quiet. The lead story is a “fresh” appeal for information about “historic” (IE white) child abuse.
There’s even a fresh news angle as the sunni Islam terror group ISIS has now claimed responsibility.
Any reasonable person would have to conclude that the BBC is deliberately censoring the news to hush-up stories of islamic brutality and mass murder in order to appease islam. Stories that don’t fit the BBC’s left-liberal narrative that islam is a religion of peace, must be sanitised and hidden from view.
Contrast this with the dramatic over reporting of Israel’s military operations last year in Gaza, where we were treated to endless, gory, sensational descriptions of destruction.
“Islamic State claims suicide attacks in Sana’a mosques”
Such is INBBC’s utopian view of Islamikaze Islamic jihad that Beeboids forever attempt to de-couple the global Islamic jihad linkages referred to, in excerpt from above article-
“The suicide assault, or coordinated attack using one or more suicide bombers and an assault team, is a tactic frequently used by jihadist groups, including the Islamic State, its rival, al Qaeda, and al Qaeda allies such as the Afghan Taliban, the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, Lashkar-e-Taiba, and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. Suicide assaults are commonly executed by jihadist groups in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and Nigeria.”
“Islamikaze. ”
by Raphael Israeli.
-‘look inside’ book here-
Note police investigation hampered by lack of victims coming forward.
Perhaps Beeb should be asking are there any other victims other than the one they keep showing together with photos of Dolphin Square without naming its most famous resident.
‘Guardian’ has appointed an insider as its Editor in Chief to replace Rusbridger.
“Katharine Viner appointed new Guardian editor”
But will she be positively influenced by this?:-
“C. P. Scott — Editor Of The Manchester Guardian, On The Balfour Declaration”
(posted by Hugh Fitzgerald at ‘New English Review’)-
Good link – thanks.
‘For fifty years the Jews have been slowly and painfully returning to their ancestral home, and even under the Ottoman yoke and amid the disorder of that effete and crumbling dominion they have succeeded in establishing the beginnings of a real civilisation. Scattered and few, they have still brought with them schools and industry and scientific knowledge, and here and there have in truth made the waste places blossom as the rose.’
Somehow doesn’t seem to fit the BBC’s horrible history of the region.
ancestral lands is a bit of a myth as any proper historian will tell you.
Really? Which one?
The one at Standford Uni .
Is that more anti-semitism from Adolfonapanzer?
That’s put the kaibosh on the Palestinian claims then!
There’s a story in the Torygraph that I don’t understand; maybe someone can explain it.
Shelagh Fogarty: I wasn’t sacked, and the BBC must tell the truth
Radio 5 Live star Shelagh Fogarty, who left after 15 years, is waiting for an apology from bosses who let everyone think she was forced out
The article links to a Torygraph article from last year like this:
Everyone thinks she was sacked by the BBC.
Their argument is somewhat undermined by this line in that old article that contradicts the link text:
‘Fogarty and Derbyshire are leaving of their own accord, along with fellow 5 Live presenter Richard Bacon, 38. ‘
There’s a lot of anger. I think I’m not seeing the real story here… anyone know what’s going on?
In making my escape from the BBC, I have belatedly ‘found’ LBC having now got DAB in my car.
I find some of it a bit odd – but it seems to be making a successful transition from stereotypical local radio (complete with archetypal agitjock – O’Brien) to a serious national station. I have to say that Fogarty is an outstanding broadcaster, probably the best that they have.
Knowledgeable, balanced and intelligent, much too much for the BBC to cope with.
Yeah , I only ever listen to LBC for news,& Bbc Essex for local news, & watch Sky News . I do check News 24 ,for Labourite Bullshit , & “We luv The Millipeed fanclub “which is totally rentless . Music & entertainment Radio 2 , Absolute , Gold & Magic .
Why do the Trots nearly always assemble outside the BBC before waddling off on one of their hate marches?….Is the BBC their spiritual home?
Because they can take part in the demo before clocking on to their shifts in the newsroom.
Or they can pop out for their lunch hour to join in, then nip back afterwards.
Has anybody located the Racism that these protesters are ‘standing up to’? I can’t find out where it is. Presumably the protesters know? Or do they?
It”s probably the racism that is inherent in the capitalist system which is based on the oppression of minority ethnic, gender and sexually trans gender orientated groups including eco feminists.
Nor must we forget how the capitalist, consumer society literally rapes the environment and causes global warming which is why polar bears are now extinct.
Furthermore, this racism results in imperialism and exploitation of minorities such as Islamophobia, lesbianphobia and other racist phobias.
Inevitably these excluded, marginalised, oppressed minorities find expression of their unhappiness and lack of opportunity by committing so-called “terrorism” such as decapitation and burning people alive in cages, which is merely an ethical response to the unfairness in the capitalist system.
Or something.
You’ve been listening to that ‘Thinking Allowed’ again, haven’t you?
i think they’re protesting against this racism
Is that not the same as:
“No blacks, no dogs, no English”!
no in multicultural england its No Whites, Christians, English
There was a massive development yesterday in the ongoing story of children being groomed for ISIS and the distress caused to their families. According to the Mirror:
A judge has banned five teenage girls from leaving the country after he found that they had been contemplating fleeing the UK to travel to Syria.
The judge… made orders removing their passports and those of a number of adults involved in their care.
there was evidence suggesting that the family members in the case had not been full and frank with social services, and that the girls had been moving to a more radicalised position.
‘It seems to me that that must have been known to the parents and they deliberately did not share it with the authorities…’
ISIS: Judge bans five teenage girls from leaving UK after they considered fleeing to Syria
The judge’s assessment of these parents doesn’t sit easily with the regular BBC ‘narrative’ that invariably portrays parents as victims. Strangely, the BBC didn’t say much about it, if anything. Maybe yesterday was ‘a busy news day’, what with UKIP scandals and so on.
Sky News at noon leading with Sir Peter Fahy, top counter-terrorism policeman, criticising parents of those who travel to Syria. Seems Sky is quoting from a Times article:
Parents of Isis runaways accused of embracing victimhood
Muslim families who blame the police when their children join Islamic State (Isis) are embracing “victimhood” when they should be taking responsibility, one of the country’s most senior counter-terrorism officers has said.
Sir Peter Fahy criticised relatives of three runaway girls from east London, describing their accusation that police let them slip the net as an “ill-advised” strategy which risked a backlash against the Muslim community.
The Beeb is going to find it difficult to maintain the ‘line’.
Ah yes the ubiquitous, and ever anticipated, “backlash” is conjured up again; as Diana West wrote in “No Fear”:
” “Backlash” is the word the mainstream liberals use to describe the sound the silent majority makes when it finally gets round to piping up.”
Very much like “counterproductive”. Any sensible measure to defeat Muslim terrorism is labelled as “counterproductive” by the BBC. For example Netanyahu’s “surprise election”. The BBC has an infallible ability to know what everybody’s true self interest is because they are, of course, morally perfect and intellectually superior to everyone else. Israelis are too “hate filled and stupid” to see that the “two-state” solution is what would make Jews truly happy. That’s “productive” for the BBC. The feigned concern is nauseating.
How can the fully justified critique by the vast majority of the population, be “a backlash”? … he s been in bloody PC “la la land” for too long.
Peter Fahy already pipng the Muslim narrative, the apologist who doesn t even know it.
Drop the “backlash” babble, treat them as the traitors to our nation, the wannabe mass murderers that they are.
And Peter Fahy is a fully ‘on message’ member of the Globalist tendency who wants to promote young BAME police to senior roles discriminating against more senior indigenous police officers! What an ethnic traitor, but even he can see that these rellies of the jihadists are trying it on.
All over the front pages of the papers this morning is the story of Miliband’s hedge fund embarrassment.
Remember, last Wednesday he accused the Tories of being the parties of the hedge funds (‘in their pockets’)? It now transpires that a hedge fund boss is one of Labour’s largest donors – something that they had gone to great lengths to keep quiet.
Given the story, as I say was plastered over the front pages…given these donations were diametrically opposed to Miliband’s public announcements…given that Miliband has questions to answer…given that Labour have been less than transparent….and given that the BBC were running another story all morning about questionable political donations (to the Lib Dems), you would think that the BBC would spare a minute or two to cover this embarrassment.
NOT A WORD, nothing in their bulletins, not even in the paper reviews where all of the front pages uncovering Miliband’s hypocrisy were studiously avoided.
The BBC. Utterly corrupt.
The BBC spinning for Labour. That is not corruption that is lobbying. They take money from you to fund it because they can. It is an arrangement that suits the Labour Party. They even want to disable the free press. It is totalitarian but it is not corrupt. Even taking EU money Is not corrupt. It is anti-democracy. It is giving each other jobs and huge salaries funded by the taxpayer and praising themselves for their social conscience. It is greed and hypocrisy.
“It is giving each other jobs and huge salaries funded by the taxpayer”
I agree with most of what you say but what I quoted above is clear corruption – a form of nepotism which would be acceptable in a family owned business but not in a government organisation.
The story doesn’t even make it to the BBC News website. Perhaps they want to spare us all the dreadful smell of hypocrisy that is wafting from either ,or both ,of Eds kitchens this morning. In fact the stench is so strong that I bet he can smell it on the top floor of his 5 story house. Even his’ live in’ nanny has probably been vomiting because of it, but she will have to get used to that particular smell if she works for the Millibands.
I seem to recall, last week, someone here mentioned that the BBC’s political bias had now spread to Mastermind.
Watching it last night for the first time in ages, BBC politicking was evident again with questions about the ‘nasty (Tory) party’ and UKIP’s ‘rubbish manifesto’.
It seems that in the same way that the BBC got its climate change experts together (that would be their Head of Drama, Head of Children’s TV, etc. etc!) to find ways of spreading the word and influencing the viewer, that meeting that Miliband had in November with a dozen or so BBC executives, has certainly paid off. The BBC are pulling out all of the stop for him.
There is quite simply no justification for this BBC subliminal political messaging.
It runs throughout the entire day and on every channel. If anyone doubts it, I urge them to check, say, BBC Radio 4’s published schedule. Unless you are a fellow traveller, in which case you are beyond hope of reasoned argument, simply look at the topics covered. Then look at the choice of fiction and entertainment.
The output is unarguably biased towards the tastes and beliefs of Left wing ‘liberals’ and the same pattern is repeated across the board, from the babbling of its lobotomised DJs on Radio One to the stream of cultural (and actual) Marxism from the world Service.
This is not an accident and it is a conspiracy – albeit one that it is not directly organised.
I stopped watching mastermind many years ago when a coloured contestant in the final was asked questions like “Who is the head of the Roman Catholic Church”. The questions were so trivial compared to the others it was ludicrous.
Lammy. Facepalm. The man who accused the Catholic church of racism when black smoke was signalling to the ‘faithful’ that a new pope had not been elected yet. If I referred to him as limited, I’d be being kind. His Mastermind performance was (painfully) funny. But then when you think about it some more, its not funny at all.
The Left (like every organised religion) is obsessed with propaganda because their biggest enemy is reality. New Labour was (BBC supported) a bubble of delusion. Because in retrospect it is obvious (to everybody) that it was little more than public sector greed dressed up as social conscience the narrative has to constantly move forward.
Having said that the underlying message is always the same. People filling their pockets with cash while declaring that they are fighting inequality.
Nice little gem from yesterday when Guido Fawkes(Harry Cole) delivered the 1 Million signature petition in support of Jeremy Clarkson with a tank!
Listen carefully though because he lands a good blow at 1.30 when he says “not everyone has the same sort of liberal, metropolitan, left-wing political elite outlook on life that the BBC has”.
Oof, that touched a raw nerve as you’ll see!.
Well done that man. Shame they didn’t drive it through the front door and into the lobby.
BBC News doesn’t seem keen to cover the Labour hedgefund donor story.
The BBC ought to provide a BBC England and a BBC Radio England. This would allow England to create its own sense of nation. The BBC has consistently fought any attempts to support a separate English identity. What would the bullying and juvenile loving Reith think..?
For once, I approve of the use of BBC quotation marks – it’s not a tank – it’s self-propelled artillery.
Anorak off!!
I think that for the BBC use of the word “tank” will depend on the context. I can remember when any APC used in Northern Ireland was reported as a tank, to make the army’s response to any situation look disproportionate and unnecessarily draconian.
A Tiger Tank, now that’s what I call a tank, at 32.00 minutes
” The Genius of Design” documentary from 2010.
It had power steering, London buses got power steering in the 1980s.
Probably showing my ignorance here as I’m by no means an expert in AFVs but …
Don’t all tanks from the very first have powered steering in that they steer by altering the power to each track? Not really the same as a bus.
Or is that pedantry?
Frightened the life out of me when I saw it taking a pre show spin before it’s unveiling to the public at Bovington a few years ago, that 88mm gun compared to a Sherman….. No contest, but, there was also a T-34 standing alongside it, the crudity of it was also an eye opener, numbers have a power of their own. We have to relax a bit with the beeb calling an Abbot a ” tank” as all the media are guilty of miscalling equipment, army, navy, Air Force, they always get it wrong because they are universally ignorant of anything outside their little bubble. All tracked vehicles are “tanks”, all aircraft are ” jets” and “fighters”. As they no longer employ anyone who has any experience of anything this is inevitible.
Even better, a King Tiger Tank.
D1004 wrote:
No contest, but, there was also a T-34 standing alongside it, the crudity of it was also an eye opener.
Good observation., one which I must add needs retelling in which to get away from this incorrect stance that the T34 (Both T34/76 and T34/85) were somehow superior to any German tank. It was superior in two aspects only , those being it was cheaper and thus quicker to produce and there were a lot more of them. The Panzer 4 was the only German tank which could slug it out with the T34, however on the invasion of Russia, its main armament was found to be lacking when the Nazis came across the KV1 and KV2 and this reignited the Nazis heavy tank program which had been put on hold at the start of the War.
From 41 to 45 T34 production numbered over 57,000, . On top of that the Russians also fielded just under 4000 IS2 heavy tanks which was the Russian version of the Tiger1/2
The total number of Tiger 1,2 and Panthers came in at a total of just over 7844. The Panzer 4 saw around 16,000 built. So we are talking a total of around 24,000 German Tanks which could compete with the Russians. Then lets not forget the Germans had tanks in Africa, Italy, France as well as the Eastern front. At the Battle of Kursk the Germans lost almost 8000 armoured vehicles. As this also happened at the same time as the allies landed on Sicily, Hitler put a stop to the battle at Kursk, just as the Germans were getting the upperhand against the entrenched Russians, and diverted armour and men from the Eastern Front to Italy.
So armed with that information the few German tanks that were left (in relation to the hordes of Russian Armour) did really well.
Here’s a few pictures I have of the armour in question:

Tiger 2

Here’s a picture of the Russian KV1and how many times the Germans had to hit it (In the early days of the war) in which to take it down:

Pounce wrote:
“The Panzer 4 was the only German tank which could slug it out with the T34,
Correction, that should read:
The Panzer 4 was the only other German tank which could slug it out with the T34,
As I said, as you well know, numbers have a ability to overtake any quality when it is heavily outnumbered. The 34 worked because of a few well thought out factors, a good engine, sloped armour, a wide footprint, a machine that was simple to build and simple to repair in the field. The Mk IV, MK V and the Panther were all too German, very well built, temperamental, costly, awkward. Superb in 1 v 1 or even 1 v 3/4 or 5, however when the odds became 1 to 10+ they were overrun. In the air Erich Hartmann was the worlds greatest Ace, they were still outnumbered.
This is what I used to drive. A French TV company filmed us in Berlin for some undisclosed reason, never did see the finished product. http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=cheiftain&FORM=HDRSC3#view=detail&mid=826E0CD2938A0DE12846826E0CD2938A0DE12846
And the stig lookalike wasn’t driving it as the muppet BBC reporter said. The Stig lookalike was in the tank (self propelled artillery) commander position in the turret.
Time to hang up my anorak, I think….
Or should that be “armourak” ?
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen accuses BBC of ‘retribution’ over licence fee campaign.
“BBC accused of making up false allegations about MP’s family business.”
The BBC… retribution… the very idea.
But now I come to think of it, there are a few examples in, say the Pollard Report, where the notion of personal vendettas to ruin people were recorded. Maybe a few odd statements these last few weeks on topical items.
Could be, rats in sack behaviour is institutional?
Nice bunch to be working around, if not in front of, maybe.
‘Neil Sharratt, a director of AB Produce, has filed a formal complaint with the BBC Trust about the first article.’
Excuse me as I take a brief moment to seek medical attention having laughed a bit too much at who will be ‘overseeing’ that one.
‘A spokesman for the BBC said: “Andrew Bridgen is well known as a critic of the BBC but to suggest this influences our news coverage is completely untrue and without any evidence. It’s part of our job to hold public figures to account and we do so in a fair and balanced way.’
Shame that, as a public body, the BBC is a bit less keen on being held to account, eh, Mr. Anonymous?
‘”We have no record of any complaint to us about the online articles published many months ago. If a mistake has been made we’ll rectify it.”
That usually is BBC code for a nasty mess somewhere but they’ll clear it up before found. Easy enough when they keep things ‘their little secret’ in-house.
‘The spokesman added that it was wrong to suggest that Mr Bridgen had been “singled out” for future coverage, saying the episode of BBC East Midlands focusing on his constituency was one of a number coming from the region during the general election.’
See… it’s wrong… he (well, a ‘he’, maybe) says so.
And anyway, the old ‘balance’ of a hit piece elsewhere sometime may exist in archive.
From that article:
Among the articles which have appeared on BBC Leicester are two relating to AB Produce PLC, a firm Mr Bridgen founded with his brother, Paul, but which he ceased to have any interest in following the 2010 election… Both articles named Mr Bridgen as a co-director of the company, something he denies.
Funny, his entry in the House of Commons register of members’ interests tells an entirely different story.
Funny sort of “no interest in since 2010″… I’d love to be paid £650 an hour by a company I had no interest in.
Quelle surprise , James Purnells News 24 ,rapid response team in action .
Quelle surprise , James Purnells News 24 ,rapid response team in action .
Indeed. Impressive work. This page that lists the evidence says:
14 August 2014 Last updated at 11:11
Was the update on 14 August? Or today?
I’m assuming they’ve re-worked it today. (But I’ve already posted one Torygraph story this morning where the link contradicts what the story asserts, so it may have been there long term.)
Was the update on 14 August? Or today?
On 14 August, at 11:11. The timestamps within the headers of the old BBC news website, or stored as an attribute on the date element within the new one, all indicate a date/time of 14 August 2014 10:11:04 UTC. As we are in British Summer Time during August, that translates to 11:11 BST.
“Quick! There’s a fact. I don’t like facts. They scare me. What do we do? I know, let’s allege they’ve been written by somebody from the BBC. That’ll do the trick, won’t it. Won’t it? Please, someone tell me it will. Make the nasty facts go away! Let me be ignorant in peace!”
The self-congratulation is amusing, though, especially with its reference to ‘facts’, a common affliction amongst this BBC breed, it seems, as though…..um…..scripted.
Was just roaming some old links and came across ‘The Editors’, which used to be home to a great deal of foot in mouth glory from such as Hugs and even the DG.
Sadly, it seems to have withered on the vine.
In fact, best I can see, this seems less than accurate:
‘Welcome to The Editors, a site where editors from across BBC News share our information and updates. To join in, add a comment on a story
Given there is one post, by one editor, with no comment facility.
Good luck ‘joining in’.
It’s like they don’t really mean it.
It used to be a user-friendly site, to a degree, with some interesting articles and comments. When I last checked it months ago they had removed a huge chunk of their archives, which contained all the articles together with comments. Now I see that the remainder of the archives have also been chucked down Orwell’s memory hole.
Peter Horrocks, lately head of the World Service, used to write the occasional article on The Editors site. I believe he is largely responsible for making the entire BBC website far less accessible to users who want to comment on BBC content.
Years ago the poor chap was terribly upset when an article on a horrendous terrorist attack received a flood of comments critical of Islam, the most recommended comment being,
The Religion of Peace strikes again
I believe it was shortly after the traumatic experience of discovering what people really think, as opposed to what he would like them to think, that Horrocks wrote, We are not looking to host a community.
Damn right they aren’t. They are looking to indoctrinate the community, not engage with a community that talks back.
For INBBC apologists to note:-
“‘Parents of British jihadists should take some responsibility and stop embracing victimhood’, says police terror chief”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3005335/Parents-British-jihadists-start-taking-responsibility-stop-embracing-victimhood-says-senior-counter-terrorism-officer.html#ixzz3V2fViqkt
George R, you should just call it the IBC – Islamic Broadcasting Corporation. I listen to the World Service a lot and it’s wall-to-wall Islam, as if there is little else of importance going on in the world.
How can the fully justified critique by the vast majority of the population, be “a backlash”? … he s been in bloody PC “la la land” for too long.
Peter Fahy already pipng the Muslim narrative, the apologist who doesn t even know it.
Drop the “backlash” babble, treat them as the traitors to our nation, the wannabe mass murderers that they are.
Two different report on Muslima Jamila Henry, below:
1.) revealing, 2.) concealing:-
‘Daily Mail’-
“‘I’m meant to be in Amsterdam and she’s off to Syria’:
“Fury of party girl twin of jihadi bride arrested at Luton ‘for trying to join ISIS.’
“Jamila Henry was arrested at Luton Airport on suspicion of terror offences.
“The 21-year-old Muslim convert is thought to have fled jihadis in Syria.
“She appeared in court charged with identity document offences today.
“Her twin sister Jalila has told of her shock over sibling’s link to jihadis.
“Claimed the pair grew apart as Jamila became increasingly devout .”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3005282/Party-loving-twin-jihadi-bride-Jamila-Henry-tells-sister.html#ixzz3V2hJjPGJ
“Woman held at Luton Airport is remanded in custody”
Why I am going to war with the BBC
I have set myself on a collision course with the might and influence of the £5 billion worldwide media organisation because I am sick of its bias and misrepresentation
By Andrew Bridgen MP
In its mission statement, the BBC says that it “exists to serve the public, and its mission is to inform, educate and entertain.” It exists, therefore, to report the news in an impartial manner – not to make the news or to push a particular agenda.
I would contend that the BBC is now working outside its remit. Far from being an impartial spectator to events, it has become an active participant in our national debate, whose influence is unauthorised and unwelcome.
Current and former employees have acknowledged what you might call the “Guardianisation” of the BBC’s editorial line. You only have to consider a range of topics such as climate change, the EU and immigration to see that the BBC treats those who have concerns about such issues with an institutional disdain.
But its meddling with the news agenda has recently reached new heights, especially concerning the TV election debates.
If you thought the BBC were bad, France 2 just cut their coverage of England France Rugby with one minute to go They then went to an advert break, followed by the news.
I do apologise. Mrs Panick has just reminded me that the greatest football failures where Goals were missed by an unscheduled advertising break were by ITV.
Here is a classic example of how the BBC and MSN operate.
Ed Miliband has criticised the Tories over funding, calling them a party of “Mayfair hedge funds and Monaco tax avoiders”. Yet it has been revealed that Labour have received £600K of funds from a, er, Hedge Fund Donor. Not exactly covered by the BBC, but it is on Sky (see http://news.sky.com/story/1449681/labour-received-600k-from-hedge-fund-donor). The wealthy donor is one Martin Taylor, of Nevsky Capital, a private company registered in Ireland and a subsidiary of Thames River Capital LLP. Various MSM sources helpfully point out that ‘Martin Taylor’ is a fairly common name, making it difficult to track the individual. Well, not really. Would it perhaps be this Martin Taylor, the former secretary general of the secretive Bilderberg Group (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Taylor_%28businessman%29). You know, that little club whose members have included Tony Blair, Edward Heath, Peter Mandleson, George Osborne, Kenneth Clarke and Ed Balls? And founder and steering committe member Denis Healey, who said “To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair.” (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilderberg_Group#Criticism).
No, can’t see why this news would be of interest to anyone. Perhaps the BBC are right not to mention it.
Didn’t Miliband also use the words ‘stinking rich’?
Whatever, the story is full of facts that are as Kyrptonite to our super hero ‘world’s best investigative (Labour) journalists’.
INBBC still censors on Islamofascist, Islamic jihad nature of the massacre.
“Jihadi Media Company Praises Tunisia Attack, Calls For More Attacks On Western Tourists”
‘Sunday Telegraph’ (£)-
“The BBC could have checked Wikipedia for the truth about Cyclone Pam.
The storm which devastated Vanuatu is not, as some have said, due to climate change.
Such winds are hardly unprecedented in the South Pacific.”
By Christopher Booker.
Impossible to say one way or another. The probability of such events will increase as the planet increasingly warms but it is only a probability because ultimately weather is a chaotic system.
…but the planet’s not warming. It’s WEATHER.
But weather is governed by climate so the climate changes so will the weather.
Question to Man-we-all-wish-was-under-clapham-omnibus:
What should the optimum temperature of the Earth be?
Should it be colder or warmer than what it is presently?
No such thing as optimal temperature.The earth is a bit of rock being heated by a star.
Venus is another one with an atmosphere of co2 and a surface temperature of 600 degrees. It just is what it is.
I visit a daughter and grandkids in New Zealand quite often – and Air New Zealand lets you stop over in the South Pacific for minimal extra flight cost. Last time I visited the Cook Islands many of the roofs in Rarotonga had been blown off by a recent hurricane.
I also asked people living on tiny low-lying islands off the coast of Fiju whether the ocean was rising. They simply did not understand my question. I could see no signs of sea-level rise on successive visits to the Yasawa islands.
Likewise – On successive visits to high altitudes in the Annapurna region of Nepal, locals said that claims about glaciers melting were rubbish.
Only people besotted by Warmism believe all the nonsense the BBC trots out.
As far as sea level rise goes, the scientific facts are here:
ha ha ha ha there’s a relief
After the 3 missing terrorteenies s, 3 more early last week, one friday, , now another 5? … hmm Tower Hamletistan again.
These Islamic teens, wanting to go to the Islamic state, to commit
Islamic mass murder, in ways stated in Islamic texts, to those not following said Islamic texts strictly enough, for the dominance of Islam?.
…. motive?
why? … WHY?
“Five teenage girls who had shown an interest in going to Syria have been barred from travelling abroad by a judge at London’s High Court”.
Nolan 5Live ‘”What can we do to stop our children being sought by ISIS ”
Our children?? WTF?
It takes a whole village to raise a child though Geoff!
Saw the title of this book at Tolpuddle a few years back.
Written by Hillary Clinton.
Therefore these Muslim nutjobs are all ours, and the child benefit( or is that jizya seekers allowance?) accrues to our babyfathers in Raqqa, Mirapuri and Islamabad.
Simple really-and Labour/union/Democrat logical positivism as taught to Geri Halliwell via Hillary C is ALL you`ll ever need to know!
I myself have no further questions-welcome to Spiceworld via Mid Staffs and Rochdale!
Will INBBC show its usual sympathies concerning a Muslim Tory candidate apparently wanting to bribe what is Islam Not BBC (INBBC)’s political enemy Number 1 in the whole planet, the English Defence League?
“Tory Election Candidate Suspended Over EDL Plot”
‘Mail’s take:-
“Exposed: Star Tory candidate plotted with race thugs to stage fake EDL demo in cynical bid to win votes ”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3005845/Exposed-Star-Tory-candidate-plotted-race-thugs-stage-fake-EDL-demo-cynical-bid-win-votes.html#ixzz3V46wmsp0
It is apparently political policy of NUJ to oppose EDL, and refuse it a platform.
“Tory election candidate suspended over alleged plot to stage fake demonstration outside mosque with former EDL leader”
And another reason why no journalist worthy of the name should be a member of that atrocious organisation.
When it comes to Islam/No10 … “we re all in it together” eh!
Corrupt ideology – corrupt methods- corrupt politics, whether Police, local government. Westminster candidates, local services, planning, local councillors.
Hand in hand, one aims political power for Islam, openly discriminates against our own “ordinary Joe s” our nationals and patriots.
The other? … well … no difference
Islam Not BBC (INBBC)
Yes, I know what it stands for it’s just that it’s a bit long for an acronym. That’s why I suggested IBC.
But to each his own. The outfit has become such a disgrace in so many ways that it’s no simple matter to devise a suitable label for it.
Does anyone get the feeling that there is an Al Beeb ‘sockpuppet’ on this blog and that they know who it is ?