Those “debates “are just a circus for TV entertainment , they achieve little, as most people know how they are going to vote . Cam does not want to give the Millipeed any advantage over him , as all he & others will “gang up” on Cam & attack him on various policies . If the situation was the reverse Millipeed would duck out of it too .
That’s actually not correct … Clegg did very well out of the last ones … then … đ
The main reason is that Camoron has to be protected, he just like Osborne, is an absolutely liability, an arrogant, smug, patronising, silver spoon … and all that crap about him debating every week is laughable tosh, bears no relation to a face to face TV debate.
Lynton has been working overtime, its just lucky they can lean on so many fingers
Its because he’s afraid of attack by Farage for his utter failure to get immigration down despite his promises before the last election . One of the main issues that a majority of the people of this nation want sorted, along with a vote to get out of the EU .
EU , referendum , not a shoo in that we would vote to leave , SNP want a triple lock, so even if England voted “NO” , & Scotland ,YES , he is demanding a veto , along with , Wales & N.I. Also it would be quite close either way in England . But I am afraid there will be no referendum, as Millipeed /SNP will be in power. Part of the SNP demands, is our nuclear deterrent is scapped. Is that what the kippers want, it may well happen in May.
see these lefties are as thick as 2 planks,one had a go at me on twitter saying you always badmouth the bbc,in fact i pointed out to this leftie birdbrain that in fact i love the bbc, i love match of the day, i love david attenborough and his wildlife docos, i love banished and poldark great period dramas,what i hate is left wing/liberal politacal bias amongst alot of there presenters when debating the political issues of the day,trying to explain that to these leftist knuckle dragging abusive thickos on twitter is very hard work indeed.
The Beeb are quickly on to the story of nine British medical students and doctors travelling to Syria. The News Channel employs the usual language… ‘It is feared that…’ blah, blah…. ‘gravely concerned…’ blah.
The website quotes The Observer : A government source told the Observer: “UK law makes provisions to deal with different conflicts in different ways – fighting in a foreign war is not automatically an offence but will depend on the nature of the conflict and the individual’s own activities.”
Bbc pushes the line that as they are “medics” then they are not guilty of any offence. Not going to pick up arms and fight, not going to spread their legs and breed the “super race”, so no harm done. Totally missing the point that by patching up a terrorist they are returning him to do horrible nasty things to civilians. Let’s face it they are not going to sew heads back on prisoners after their appearance on IS TV from Raqqia town square on Friday afternoon are they ? A big problem for IS is the lack of medical knowledge and available treatment so that it suffers a high mortality rate from relativity simple wounds. But I would suggest they are guilty of aiding a terrorist organisation, one which is not a signatory of the Geneva Convention, one which commits atrocities against civilians daily, one which ignores the rules of placing weapons in civilian areas. These are not innocents engaged in humanitarian work, but giving aid to war criminals. Bbc to note please.
“fighting in a foreign war is not automatically an offence but will depend on the nature of the conflict and the individualâs own activities.â
What? ⌠for a âreligionâ, with a âstateâ, vowed to attack and murder our nationals? to destroy our cities and infrastructure?
Yet more weasel words, who is writing this eh! ⌠the MCB?
“The Observer newspaper reported that the students’ parents believed they were in Tel Abyad and wanted to work with ISIS”
Remember “professor” Tim Palmer from Oxford University, whilst being “softly” interviewed by a weak John Humphrys during the week, averring that cyclone Pam, and the strength of its winds, were unprecedented?
The BBC, pushing their lying agenda, as usual, with no balancing argument or chance of rebuttal.
Would that be ‘troposheric hotspot as in as in ‘failed to materialise’?
Never mind, as the good prof told Humphrys (I would suspect because he was unexpectedly caiught off-guard) the models which foretell of such AGW-induced doom are only âapproximations of realityâ.
How’s about ‘approximations of science’ to describe the relentless childish guff they keep spouting at us – all based on these âapproximations of realityâ of course, as actual, real, indisputable reality tells us a completely different story.
I wonder if the BBC are practising their MJackson moonwalk in readiness for when they have to distance themselves from the âapproximations of realityâ when this piss-soaked pack of cards inevitably collapses around the IPCC’s finger-stuffed ears.
“A Conservative candidate at the general election has been suspended over allegations he schemed with the English Defence League to win votes”.
Second story on R4 news at 09.00 is about how “far right” is set to win many seats in french election.
Now we have a Labour MP (with no one to balance him) on live commenting on how only labour can build a strong community in the area and linking the tories to the EDL.
This is followed by a trail ahead to the paper review which we’re told will bring us more on this “story”.
Well that’s a pretty impartial, balanced bit of broadcasting then isn’t it. Not in any way a free hit for labour and a scaremongering, slur on the Tories.
Apparently the erm “missing” medics, the BBC is so” concerned” about, “has fears for” had gone over to Sudan with the blessing of their parents, to get a much “more Islamic education”….
These Islamic adherents, Islamic medics, gone to the Islamic state,
to aid said Islamic state, and help Islamic Jihadi s
yep! … parents should be brimming with pride then.
… worked out well again
much more Islamic education … hmmm
Like the mob in Kabul demonstrates their love for Allah by kicking a mentally-challenged woman to death for allegedly …
(no actual proof) desecrating a Quran.
“tiny minority of extremists” who want Sharia/Islam in Afghanistan is 99% .. .can t get much MORE Islamic than that
BBC – Afghan woman lynched in Kabul ‘after burning Koran’
A Day After a Killing, Afghans React in Horror, but Some Show Approval – New York Timesâ
Afghan cleric and others defend lynching of woman in Kabul
I really don’t understand what all the fuss and consternation is about?
All these ‘British’, very well educated, intelligent, ‘A’ star level, doctors, and medics all wanting to emigrate to Syria for ‘humanitarian’ reasons.
The answer is simple, prevent them from returning to this land, a land that has fed, housed, and educated them, a land that afforded their parents and grandparent refuge for the last sixty or more years. They donât see themselves as ‘British’. Why does the media refer to them as British?
Yes indeed it is curious that these “medical students” holders of British passports whose parents are Sudanese immigrants, whose children gain British healthcare, British education up to degree level somehow change into people who at the first opportunity wish to up sticks and go and support a bloodthirsty group whose only connection to themselves is that of a shared religious belief. How strange. How odd that the bbc does not find this something to report and get to the bottom of. After all the money spent on their lives up to this point. It almost as if they are not really British after all.
Need I even bother asking if these “British medical students” are rather more adept at amputations, head transplants, eye gouging than the average medic?
And will their spontaneous sand surgery mash-ups count towards their practical assessment, providing that You Tube hosts it all-and the patients are suitably dressed in orange hospital pyjamas for clarity in looking for technique?
Splendid-tell Claire Gerada the news!
Crikey Gloria de Piero has to be one of the smuggest, most irritating, patronising perma-tanned orange, smirking people I have ever seen on television. And that is saying a lot. What a hideous ‘personality’ politician. A beeboid born and bred
With every passive aggressive shrug every over exaggerated gesture, every smirk (an there are a f**k of a lot of those), every grimace every patronising girn she garners loads more votes for the right. Giver her her own show (again).
As for Marr…..Tory scandal ….. ‘we will be discussing that in much more detail later…….’
Truthdoctor, you did better than we did. We switched off BH having listened to some of the party policitical broadcast by the Labour MP for Dudley. I have really given up on the Archers but waited until 10 am to start the ironing, switched on the radio and the Archers lasted for about 10 minutes. David’s explanation why he is staying in Ambridge was way over the top for any real farmer to give to Linda, his reasons would not have to be explained to anyone (and married to a farmer I know how little they say) – so I switched off the radio again and enjoyed the silence.
And having switched off the football for what appeared to be most of the week on BBC1 in the evening and then the Voice last night, we don’t seem to be getting any benefit from paying our license fee.
Doesnt need him to see the reality of the current cuts and the collapse of our nation if they get back in. Truth is if you take money out of economy it collapses irrespective of how much booze and fags you consume.
Oh you silly manonclaphamomnibus – taxing people takes money out of the economy. Leaving money in people’s pockets for them to decide how to spend it themselves, boost jobs and the economy.
I accidentally ‘liked’ your comment, busman. My bad because I do not like your comments so minus one off your score (making its closer to the usual zero.)
You keep mentioning “taking money out of the economy ” . What about the migrants (immigrants) that send money home . Are they talking money out of the economy ?
Everyone’s entitled to their opinion, but a Jew who embraces the liberal-left, PC, sharia compliant agenda which demonises Israel seems to me like a turkey voting for Christmas to be honest.
One wonders how a non believing person born a Muslim would be described ? Which end of the spectrum would they place a member of IS ? Or would they say they were non Muslims as well ? Would they be allowed to say they were behaving in the ways of the “prophet ” or would they be told they were quite wrong in their beliefs as to the ways of the “prophet ” ? So many ways for a modern day beeboid to dance on the head of a pin are there not ?
I still can’t see any reference on the BBC’s website to the attack on a London synagogue in which armed officers have been called and arrests made. The implications of this for British society are huge, so why is the story being ignored? Strange that this has already been reported by foreign news agencies.
I do hope your getting double time for working on Sunday one man operated bus ? You seem to be the only troll on duty today. Who do you have to get to sign your chit ?
Young UK Muslims are turning to terror groups. Four thousand people died in the Northern Ireland terror. Scaled up, that would be 200,000 in the UK as a whole. Is that not a sobering thought?
What all young Muslims? Scaled up!!!! Given your level of concern I hope you will do your utmost in supporting peace through a 2 state solution and recognition of Palistine. After that folks might simmer down a tad.
Mr ManOn delights in creating straw men to demolish. He forgets (or ignores) that during the Northern Irish terrorism, the BBC constantly re-assured us that only a tiny number supported the IRA. The Beeb did like to highlight the terrorists’ grievances, though. Pretty much as they now do for militant Islam.
As for Palestinians, when Barak was Prime Minister of Israel he shocked Arafat, Clinton and the whole world with the generosity of his offer. What happened? Arafat stuttered to find an excuse to reject the offer and went home, grinning, to organise a so-called ‘intifada’. When the Palestinians are ready to make peace, I’ll support the talks. Until then. I’ll support any government of the Jewish State as it seeks to thwart all threats to its existence.
And the two-state solution was rejected by the Arab nations in 1947 as they believed it wasn’t needed – they could destroy the new state of Israel as soon as it was formed.
And the rest, folks, is history, though not for the BBC and its followers – this and other episodes involving all-out war on Israel are strangely missing).
Not that I like engaging you because I know you’re a troll and unworthy of my time BUT your “argument ” is simplistic in the extreme. Like all left wing public school types you believe that if you treat the “other” fairly and give way on some points then he will also give way and that an “accommodation ” will take place with both sides happy and willing to walk forward towards nivarna with just a light touch on the tiller from a beeboid such as yourself to show the lesser 3rd world types correct behaviour in international discourse. Nothing could be further from the truth. Unlike you Hamas, like its fellow terrorists do not see a space for their opponents to exist in peace on their own land and everyone lives huggy fluffy lives ever after. They want to see the end of the Jew. They want to own his land, murder his children, fuck his wife and raise the offspring as good Muslim warriors. They do not believe in the western concept of “fair play” , of ” coexistance ” they only believe in a world where they have their boot on the neck of their enemy and he is at their mercy. No commonwealth of nations and peoples for them but the world populated by only them and their kind. Your simplistic world view owes everything to your public school background where there is plenty to share around and you all believe in the same basic human needs and behaviours. They do not. Your world view owes everything to your upbringing and nothing to the reality of the Middle East.
Further update. The ‘gang of men’ who burst into the synagogue the BBC now says were simply ‘thought to be drunk’.
Hmmm not definite then, so its back to a question mark over the ethnicity. Or has this earlier claim turned out to be untrue, but the BBC are not yet prepared to retract it when it provides such a good ‘get out of the police line up’ for Muslims?
You just never know with the BBC.
Ok here is a video. They are English and appear to be drunk.
It doesnt appear to be an anti semitic attack at all but some drunken youths angry about god knows what. The two girls seem to be trying to keep the peace and apologising.
As if to illustrate the points made about the Islamisation of the BBC, the first two items on the World Service on From Our Own Correspondent today are a friendly and encouraging take on Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and an insulting take on the efforts of the Nigerian military against Boko Haram.
There is no doubt that the BBC is aligned with the enemy.
If you knew what you were talking about one might have confidence in your conclusion. As it happens Nigerian military pretty much dictates politics and works at its own pace. The results have been far too obvious.
INBBC doesn’t refer to this from V.S. Naipaul,
on its ‘Arts and Entertainment’ pages-
“Nobel laureate V. S. Naipaul:
Islamic State ‘dedicated to a contemporary holocaust'”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“To call the Islamic State the Fourth Reich is to diminish it. The Islamic State is even more savage and barbaric than the Third Reich was. They just donât have the means (yet) to commit mass murder on the scale theyâd like.”
Clear sight. There is no possibility of compromise with Isis. Isis is dedicated to our destruction.
From that it follows that all so called British citiizens that aid or help Isis in any way are by definition guilty of treason.
INBBC ‘reports’ (e.g. Radio 4 ‘World this Weeeknd’) as though the nine with the Islamic State are innocent victims, not Muslim volunteers for the Islamofascist Islamic State.
“Nine Muslim medical students from UK working in Islamic State hospitals”
“It has been shown time and time again â whether it was the Muslim doctors who tried to blow up the Glasgow airport; or the wealthy, educated diplomatâs son who attempted to bomb a plane right out of the sky over Detroit on Christmas Day; or the group of 45 Muslim doctors who plotted Islamic terror raids in the U.S.; or the rich, well-educated Osama bin Laden; or the 19 Sept. 11 hijackers â that poverty does not cause terrorism, no matter what Kerry says. Jihad has nothing to do with wealth or education. It is a religion, a totalitarian and supremacist belief system. ”
– See more at:
Just a thought; if this lot were allowed back into the UK and were allowed to practice with their Mickey Mouse qualifications (and I would not put it past the idiots in the NHS to accept them) how would you like to be treated by someone who thinks that it is acceptable, even compulsory, to kill gays, apostates, non-believers, members of other branches of their religion etc.? I would like an apologist for Islam to explain why this could not happen. If they condone throwing gays off roofs why not misdiagnose them to achieve the same end?
BBC seems to be very concerned for these Dr Kildares. They have more in common with Dr Crippen or Dr Shipman and again, as with the 3 teenagers, we really don’t give a stuff about them, BBC.
I sat down to watch TV for what I thought would be an interesting account of the procession then re-burial of Richard III in Leicester Cathedral. Unfortunately it was on the bBBC News so their introduction said “Richard III is today going to be laid to rest in Britain’s most diverse city.”
They then shot themselves in the foot as all of the dozen people they interviewed – to ask the trite “how do you feel about this occasion” – were white. Not a hint of enrichment or vibrancy. As usual, the imported foreigners aren’t interested in anything British except their passport.
As usual, the imported foreigners arenât interested in anything British except their passport.
I think you’re being a little unfair here. They’re also interested in claiming British child benefit, tax credits, being offended by British culture, claiming compensation and avoiding paying tax.
Ah! Should’ve gone to Channel 4. They know how to do it. Seemed like only white faces in the crowd, I agree. But when the reporter (appropriately of Asian heritage) went round asking people how they felt about the event – at least 50% of the small crowd behind her were non-white. And Peter Snow just couldn’t shut up about diversity. How thick do they think we are?
These fools in the media know the truth. There are now de facto nearly complete parallel societies in England.
Most public events are dominated by the ethnic British. This is especially so outside London.
In the shires it approaches 100%. This is what Trevor Phillips knows and also is unable to really say.
I attended a public event in the Midlands this weekend. Not one single ethnic person there and there were thousands.
Maybe we just enjoy different things but it goes deeper.
It as if it is an almost concious effort to stay apart.
Multiculturalism has failed and it is the liberal who is reponsible.
One minor point though, I think generally the term liberal does not apply to these morons without shame or any sense of culpability, and the general term fascist left would be far more appropriate.
âWhen you are on high, well-placed, with a recognised status, the fact of being French doesnât add much and you can, as an intellectual exercise, consider yourself post-national or European. France is only where you were born. But when you at the bottom of the ladder, poor, in a precarious situation, all that remains is your country.
âFor the left, for the bobos (bourgeois bohemians), only the gay or ethnic minorities were interesting.
You might not find anything on the BBC about this: Anjem Choudary’s Sharia Roadshow boys getting turned over by Kurds yesterday afternoon. Link was still up minutes ago.
“Police and demonstroators clashed after a “mini riot” broke out in a busy London high street.
“Members of the Kurdish community clashed with demonstrators at an Islamic Roadshow stall in High Road, Wood Green, yesterday.
“Muslim activist Anjem Choudary was among groups hosting the Islamic Event, who were heard promoting Sharia Law and urging Muslims not to vote”.
Failed multicultural policies have led to increased divisions and polarisation with immigrant groups failing to integrate into British society and becoming hostile to it.
As someone said in 1968; “As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding. Like the Roman, I seem to see the River Tiber foaming with much blood”.
Democracy in action, liberal-left wing version. If you disagree with someone’s politics, hound their family and kids out of the pub during Sunday dinner.
This behaviour is now known as ‘protesting’, and the perpetrators of this neanderthal behaviour are evidently ‘protestors’.
What of harassment? Threatening behviour? If they had been “far right” protestors and the person in the pub had been special Ed with his family, these “scum” would have not been described as “protestors” and would probably be arrested.
Yet these morally repugnant “protestors” see no wrong in what they do?
New age fascism in England – get used to it. There will be more. And we know how useful the Police Service have become.
In her biography of Voltaire, Evelyn Hall wrote the classic sentence, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” (which is often misattributed to Voltaire himself) as an illustration of Voltaire’s beliefs.
This is one of the fundamental planks on which Western democracy and freedom of speech is built.
What i find deeply disturbing about the political correctness of the liberal left (and the BBC) is that it does not tolerate dissent. It does not tolerate disagreement. It is facism.
If you stand up and say that maybe there’s a problem with islam, or maybe global warming predictions are inaccurate, or immigration is out of control, or maybe Israel is right…. Then you will be visciously atttacked. Maybe you and your kids will be chased out of your local pub by a mob of left wing activists. If you are a cartoonist, maybe you will be shot dead.
The liberal left PC zealots hold the rule of law and freedom of speech in contempt. For them, the end justifies the means. “Direct action”, intimidation and bullying are OK.
“…What i find deeply disturbing about the political correctness of the liberal left (and the BBC) is that it does not tolerate dissent. It does not tolerate disagreement. It is fascism.”
Absolutely. There is nothing ‘progressive’ about the so-called Progressive Left – if anything it’s absolutist in the most pernicious, inflexible and often abusive ways imaginable. As anyone will know if they’ve ever been foolish enough to question so-called ‘man-made climate change’ with an avowed leftie (as I have).
It can get very personal, very abusive, very quickly.
Hi Scott, worked out what âIronyâ and âHypocrisyâ are yet?
“Hypocrisy” is what Biased BBC regulars partake in every day, but can only acknowledge in others.
Irony is their belief this makes them superior.
Still, never mind. I’m sure you all will carry on in your merry way, accusing others of being intransigent, prejudiced people who are driven by belief and not facts, with zero self-awareness as per usual. And accusing others of being trolls from the comfort of that space under your own little bridge.
Scotty on a Clap Bus is free to express him/it/herself on this site, as we all are (but watch the language and manners)! Readers/contributors or others who ‘inhabit’ this site can decide for themselves which contributors they think are, or are not, ‘intelligent people’.
Also, lecturers lecture Scott. (That’s what they do!)
The behaviour towards Mr Farage is indefensible. Your comment is irrelevant.
My comment is that the liberal left actually embraces a gnostic view of life on earth and is unable to tolerate real dissent believing that it has direct knowledge of what is right and therefore permissible.
I see there have been six arrests after a gang of ‘men’ (per the not-so-Indep. noospaper) attacked a s ynagogue in Stamford Hill ,North London, last night at around 1 a.m.
Can’t imagine who they might be-perhaps some devout followers arguing over rabbinical interpretation, perhaps.
We await Aljabeeba’s explanatory report with bated breath.
“At this early stage, there is no suggestion that this was a far-right or extremist attack”
Sometimes you have to almost admire the doggedness with which some people will stick with the PC language. The avoidance of calling a spade a spade is here taken to such lengths that for once (and once only) the “far-right” cease to be extremists. Ha ha ha.
—He has said in the past that voting may be permissible to return a UK Muslim majority government in â50 years, something like thisâ as a prelude to âIslam spreading all over the worldâ. —
FRENCH EXIT POLLS: Sarkozy beating Le Pen 29% – 26%.
If confirmed, the result would be a setback for Le Pen, who had hoped her anti-immigrant, anti-euro party would emerge top in the first round, boosting her ambitions to win presidential elections set for 2017.
If confirmed…It will be interesting to see if some voters were reluctant to admit they voted for Le Pen due to Social desirability bias. We’ll know soon. Evidence of Social desirability bias in France may suggest we will see something similar with UKIP in May.
Liberal-left Political Correctness works on the rule that if you say nothing, no harm will come to you.
If you have doubts about the way the country is going, you keep them to yourself – or pay the price.
Children can be indoctrinated through “education”, adults can be intimidated.
That’s actually taken from an article on the rise of the Nazis in the 1930s. However swapping “Nazi” for “liberal left political correctness” seems to fit just as well.
Common Purpose advice on countering resistance to their advance of change
Remember it’s not all about going fast. “It’s all about pace, keeping going, sometimes slowing down to make sure people are with you, but never losing momentum and never going backwards. Usually, the people in the way are an obstacle, rather than a vehicle moving in the opposite direction. An obstacle can hurt you, or delay you, but it has no energy. It’s just a bunch of people saying no. Whereas an oncoming vehicle will probably kill you. If you’re the one with the energy and the pace, there is unlikely to be an orchestrated response which might be more difficult to overcome. The expression I use all the time is ‘Just run on by’ – p144 Janet Paraskeva
It’s possibly less fascism than a silent coup d’etat. People once worried about the secret influence of the freemasons. They were amateurs compared with Common Purpose!
Has anyone poked around inside the fetid swamp that is the BBC looking for CP’s shadow?
My take? Weekend drunken thuggery, criminal damage and assault. All too common within our âyoufâ, but not new, or national news. (As a Minimum) Judge Angryman – all costs of all repairs should be covered by the perps (who can sort out between themselves who chips in what proportion) + full face to face apology to the people present for their unacceptable behaviour + donation to roof repair fund (if they donât have one now, they will eventually).
The BBC are doing a bit of a âMichael Brownâ on this one though, pulling in references to anti-semitism, demeaning and diluting the term. They canât help it. Division and obfuscation are genes in the Beeboid DNA. If this had been piss-heads and a church group, or a youth club, it might have made the local newspaper (but probably not front page). Certainly, this story is not worthy of its place on the home page of the BBC.
Clearly though, much more newsworthy than the Demo, 8th Feb 2015 outside Downing Street.
Police said they are currently not treating the incident as an extremist attack.
A police spokesman said: “The incident is being treated as an anti-Semitic incident, due to remarks made by one of the group. However there is nothing to suggest that it was a planned or targeted attack.
“At this early stage, there is no suggestion that this was a far-right or extremist attack but rather the completely unacceptable actions of a drunken group.”
Interesting that the police didn’t also say that there is no suggestion at this stage that this was an Islamic attack?
GuardianISIS: ever politically sympathetic to our Islamofascist enemy!
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) is still dolefully ‘reporting’ the nine Sudanese medicos who have apparently joined our Islamofascist enemy, Islamic State*, as though they have not taken this hostile Islamic jihad action voluntarily!
* INBBC most euphemistically terms Islamic State enemy: ‘militants’ not Islamofascists.
The names of the nine , who INBBC terms ‘British medics’, not Islamic jihadists, are:-
Mohammed Wael Fadlallah, Tasneem Suliman, Ismail Hamdoun, Nada Sami Kader, Mohammed Elbadri Ibrahim, Rawan Kamal Zine El Abidine, Tamir Ahmed Abusibah and Lena Maumoon, Sami Ahmed Kadir. “
“British jihadist medical student, 21, is pictured holding severed head while wearing her white doctor’s jacket .
“Woman calling herself Mujahidah Bint Usama posted image on Twitter.
“Also wrote ‘dream job, a terrorist doc’ with smiley face and love hearts.
“Woman has also posted images of 9/11 attacks and mutilated soldiers .
“Has been linked to all-female al-Khanssaa brigade based in Raqqa, Syria.”
There are searching questions that need to be asked of the medical schools which admitted these monsters.
A proper news organisation would be asking them. Instead, the BBC decided to ‘investigate’ the new medical school at the University of Buckingham last week, clearly fearful of competition from the private sector, which, it tried to suggest, would discriminate against ‘disadvantaged students’.
The BBC’s miserable excuse for a news website tonight carries the story of the 100 or so howling baboons who drove Nigel Farage and his family away from their Sunday lunch in a Kentish pub.
As is entirely to be expected of the nation’s mouthpiece of Marxism, far more space is given to the ravings of the protest’s organiser, one Dan Glass, than to comments from Mr Farage, or anyone from UKIP.
It is to be hoped that Glass and his friends will be charged with threatening behaviour, or worse. But what to charge the BBC with? Dereliction of duty, perhaps? Obtaining money with threats? Fraudulent misuse of the licence fee?
Mr Glass evidently feels under no threat of attention from Plod if he can boast so openly. Whereas I can confidently predict that any of us tempted to respond in kind would find ourselves taken swiftly to the local nick. This is becoming intolerable.
I agree, it is, and I’m pretty sure an enterprising lawyer could find some way of taking action against the police (and even the CPS) in cases of this kind.
I’m also sure in these days of crowd funding that it wouldn’t be hard to raise the money to pursue them, either.
Does anyone know more about this Dan Glass ? He appears to be a full time whinger for the usual causes with no visible means of support. Another trustafarian luvvie ? I wonder if his mother supports his hounding of children in a public place ? She must be so proud, Sounds a delightful person.
He is a well known activist/troublemaker, it’s just that the BBC and MSM have chosen to “forget” his other exploits. For instance, when he superglued himself to Gordon Brown as reported by, er, the BBC:
Is a former leader of the Student Union at the University of Sussex, who was also involved with the green group “Plane Stupid”. They too had a dubious relationship with the concept of law and order. He is also a “Guardian Youth Climate Leader” and an occasional Guardian columnist.
“Nigel Farage brands anti-Ukip protesters ‘scum’ after they invaded the pub where he was having a family lunch leaving his children terrified.
“Party leader was with wife and two children at Queen’s Head in Downe.
“The pub was stormed by a group in fancy dress which included migrants, HIV activists, gay people, disabled people and breastfeeding mothers.
“They are said to have gone into the Queen’s Head, chased the Farages out and then jumped on the Ukip leader’s car bonnet as he drove away.
“He said two youngest children so scared by the protesters they ran away.”
âWhy donât you the many address issues of BBC bias shown above, Dez? Is it because you canât?â
Erm no, itâs because posts such as Angrymanupnorth describing a violent synagogue attack as; ânot new, or national news & not worthy of its place on the home page of the BBCâ, are beyond parody.
You’ve set yourself up there Dez. We shall return to the subject of what your employers think is “national news” or something to be buried when the brown eyed boys commit another street crime shall we ? I’m sure you will pop up to give the required spin.
“Be seeing you “
I know it’s not the BBC but their surrogate CH4. The reinterment of King Richard 3rd. The presenter, the egregious Jon Snow, couldn’t wait to tell us that it was the most multicultural city in England and by the looks of some of the views you couldn’t tell Liecester from Lahore! There were times when you had difficulty spotting a Caucasian face. Finally we had to go visit cousin Peter who sprang the bombshell that they were related to Edward 3rd. I was told many moons ago that just about everyone in England could be traced back him.
This Dan Glass appears to have connections to the Guardian ( who’d have thought it ?) more of these keyboard leftie warriors were involved as well, I wonder which pubs they go with their family’s for a quiet meal on a Sunday ? Does Rusbridger still live in Broad Campden ? Shall we visit his local eating house ? I wonder how fast plod would turn up to save him ?
If you go to the comments of the bishop hill blog you find
Sources leading to lots of guardian writers, bloggers, wannabes who were at the ‘event’
Apparently They found out Nigel Farage’s location through one Chris Venables , who is a worker for some leftie health charity called medact
Scroll down for a picture of our hero
Is it the place for a charity worker to organise a demo which attacks a family eating in a public place on a Sunday ? What do you think of this charity for employing such a warrior ? Perhaps you’d let them know. The warrior is so proud of himself he has deleted his tweets and locked his account, getting cold feet now perhaps ?
It will be intetesting to see how the impartial media world reacts, in scope and duration, to the physical targeting of a political leader’s children in person, given the degree of flounce over a deceased parent’s reputation in print.
If twitter, the news source of record to the BBC, is any guide, the family had it coming to them by being outside in the company of a parent with views some do not share. A few charmers are even mocking the description of these youngsters as children. Doubtless the same ones who are more than keen to use the term when it really does stretch credulity.
This morning Theresa the appeaser announces some half baked ideas that the government will ‘tackle Islamic extremism head on’ begging the question why given 5 years they have done nothing about it before !
They know there are only a few days left to this parliament so they can’t do anything about it now, and a promise made by a politician before an election is worthless.
Yet where is that line in the sand to be set? One side of it you have something criminal, and the other one you are a ‘waycist’ and will never work again once they have sacked you!
Until the whole of society backs off on the meaningless bully word (and there’s no evidence that they will) then ‘extremism’, Sharia courts, child rape gangs, Trojan horse plots, and many many other unpalatable things will all go unchallenged, because it’s better to be accused of incompetence / or to claim outright fear of being called ‘waycist’ than the consequences of the Fascist left finding you called their brown eyed boys a nasty name !
Accidentally caught a snippet of BBC 5 Live this morning.
It was just like overhearing a couple of smug lefties having a chat.
A clearly amused Rachel Burden descibes the Nigel Farage incident as a ‘fracas’ (that has a become a very BBC word lately – despite Licence Payers not quite being sure what it means)
Nicky Campbell then joins the joke with ‘bruhaha’ – his emphasis quite obviously on the ‘haha’ and the anti-Ukip contempt evident just below the surface. Gameshow then delightedly boasts that the BBC will be giving a platform to one of the anti-Ukip protesters. I switch off.
So I challenge someone to put their hand on their heart and tell me these BBC people are not biased.
Unfortunately the news reporting of LBC this morning is little better than that of the BBC. The nasty attack on Farage was called a ‘stunt’ [i.e ‘fun and games’] while the nasty synagogue attack was described as having ‘no proven connection to far right or extremist groups’ [i.e. no connection but we’ll mention ‘far right’ and ‘extremism’ anyway].
The broad swathe of bias to the left in our national media (particularly radio and TV) is one explanation for Simon (post below) when he asks ‘how the left have ended up with the “nice” label when they are anything but?”
don’t know if it is on this thread already but the front of the Metro had a story about the usual bunch of bully boy lefties harassing Farage when he was out with his family for a pub lunch.
Can someone please explain to me how the left have ended up with the “nice” label when they are anything but?
Simon – yes, the Farage family story is splashed across the Metro this morning. So all the commuters in London (and elsewhere) will see the story if they grab their free Metro. I hope the reaction of many people will be “Damn leftie punks, that confirms even more why I should vote UKIP”. That is – the stupid aggressive demo ends up winning more votes for Farage.
BBc Breakfast and the wheel of news spins around in a circle again to children’s diets. Again. Serious face on Sally as they drag out yet another charity representative, this time, as Ebola is discussed, Situation normal.
Within a few years it is estimated that half the population will acquire diabetes 2. Anything that lowers this estimate will surely be good not only because projected levels of lifestyle/diet related ailments will bankrupt the NHS but because the children of today will be the ones supporting the pensioners of tomorrow.
This is an ‘old chestnut’ story that the BBC run on an annual basis. Contrary to popular belief, mosquitoes live throughout the world, not just in tropical and warm regions. There are mosquitoes inside the Arctic circle and the largest recorded outbreak of malaria took place in… Siberia, during the 1920’s and 1930’s. Not all species of mosquito carry the disease, and indeed the distribution by species does vary throughout the world. Of far more interest and relevance were the comments about insects being carried inside truck tyres – another of those wonderful EU benefits of open markets.
Re Mosquitos.
There is indeed a risk should anopheline mosquitos become more widespread (historically they have been found in east Anglia.
After WW2 soldiers who had become infected with malaria were forbidden to resettle in areas where these malaria carrier species were found, to prevent the local mozzies becoming infected and becoming a disease threat.
Now we have thousands of malaria infected immigrants who can live anywhere they please and spread their disease to any local mozzies.
Anyone notice the lack of a voice, for representation for the other side of the Afzal Amin Tory/Muslim Corruption expose?.
The EDL representation … once again BBC?
(Tory/Muslim, now there is a can of worms, how high up the tree you d be surprised)
There was to be live interview with T Robinson this morning, but it was having to go on LBC, not the BBC, (I think on the O Brien show), but he as I m sure you know, parted company with the EDL a while back.
Anyway Fluff and Bluster re Farage ala BBC no doubt
As a diversion?.
SWP as the voice of reason?
The UAF protests against rising anti Semitism, that include the
majority of perpetrators of said anti Semitism, claiming victimhood! … fully justified
you couldn t make it up
The UAF have been running the anti semitism theme for quite a time, even organising trips to Auswitch. Jews marching with them on their anti- far right demos. Win win for the SWP.
Lee Kwan Yew was indeed a great man, and his policies produced a stable, law-abiding, largely happy state, with strong promotion of moral values and civic responsibility. Naturally, the BBC doesn’t think much of him, and their reporting has been grudging and critical. Both the White House and No 10 issued tributes at the same time on 22 Mar, but the BBC decided to say that “Obama has been leading the tributes”. One might have expected that, given, Britain’s historical links, that they might have reasonably said that David Cameron “led the tributes”. But, no, it’s part of the BBC’s habitual downgrading of Britain.
Daily climate change hype dose, today, on “Today” – the National Trust have decided that ‘climate change’ is a problem, and they’re going to do their bit to ‘tackle’ it.
Of interest was the fact that they didn’t exactly say how climate change was a problem – merely brushing gently on “extreme weather”, and those hideous visitors coming to their sites in their motor cars.
The woman didn’t really know, did she? It’s just the muppet-speak to toe the agenda line, again.
But, apparently, the National Trust, in order to protect the environment, and the countryside, are going to invest in “renewables” – hydro was mentioned, but significantly not windturbines or solar arrays. I wonder why?
And of course, nice, friendly John Humphrys (again) didn’t push her, nor did he introduce a balancing speaker, or counter anything she said (which wasn’t much).
Why are these people allowed to spout their nonsense, with nothing to back up whatever it is that they’re trying to convince us of, and with no opportunity for us to question them?
They only have to say “because, climate change” – the magic words which appear to open doors to the BBC.
Nice photo of the BBC favoured multiKulty mob around Farage’s car. Page three style tit out, and a couple of fat bums revealing that regular visits to the food banks and generous welfare payments are keeping pace with austerity. Slightly different photo in the BBC version – minus the tit.
Is pro-Labour Party, INBBC politically shy of reporting this?:-
“Miliband MUST condemn ‘apologist for terror’ John Prescott after he said BRITAIN is to blame for ISIS fanatics, MPs demand.
“Former deputy prime minister said Britain had to answer for runaways.
“He claimed the UK was as much to blame as extremists for radicalisation.
“Lord Prescott was described as ‘apologist for terrorism’ by MPs.
“Ed Miliband was tonight facing calls to distance himself from the claim.”
Prescott as a minimum should be kicked out of the Labour Party and stripped of his title and not allowed to pollute the benches of the HoL. This would be the minimum requirement the BBC/Labour/Grauniad would demand of a Tory who had said something a lot less offensive.
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 09:03 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Stop the boats or something like that but not really. “Not a protest party.” Tories Mark II.
Up2snuffMar 10, 08:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 tomo, if King Charles is a Muslim convert, an Imam should tell him that contemporary (ie. pop) music is considered…
Fedup2Mar 10, 08:46 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Asiseeit Itâs good of you to point out how previous threads âdisappear â as the new one goes up .…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 08:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I am not so sure that the Conservatives will win. Thanks to Trump and 51 st state joke the Canadians…
GMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 ” Try to think of it in reverse. Would Canada appoint a Briton to be their central bank governor?” More…
FlotsamMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It’s strange really how Carney, a supposedly technocrat economist/banker, has found politics. You would have thought central bankers would be…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 08:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Andy, they do go on don’t they? From the article “The lawyer, a KC or King’s Counsel, who has not…
Al Beeb ‘Head to head’ – Cameron ‘chickens out’ . Where is our Essex man on this ?
Those “debates “are just a circus for TV entertainment , they achieve little, as most people know how they are going to vote . Cam does not want to give the Millipeed any advantage over him , as all he & others will “gang up” on Cam & attack him on various policies . If the situation was the reverse Millipeed would duck out of it too .
That’s actually not correct … Clegg did very well out of the last ones … then … đ
The main reason is that Camoron has to be protected, he just like Osborne, is an absolutely liability, an arrogant, smug, patronising, silver spoon … and all that crap about him debating every week is laughable tosh, bears no relation to a face to face TV debate.
Lynton has been working overtime, its just lucky they can lean on so many fingers
Its because he’s afraid of attack by Farage for his utter failure to get immigration down despite his promises before the last election . One of the main issues that a majority of the people of this nation want sorted, along with a vote to get out of the EU .
EU , referendum , not a shoo in that we would vote to leave , SNP want a triple lock, so even if England voted “NO” , & Scotland ,YES , he is demanding a veto , along with , Wales & N.I. Also it would be quite close either way in England . But I am afraid there will be no referendum, as Millipeed /SNP will be in power. Part of the SNP demands, is our nuclear deterrent is scapped. Is that what the kippers want, it may well happen in May.
see these lefties are as thick as 2 planks,one had a go at me on twitter saying you always badmouth the bbc,in fact i pointed out to this leftie birdbrain that in fact i love the bbc, i love match of the day, i love david attenborough and his wildlife docos, i love banished and poldark great period dramas,what i hate is left wing/liberal politacal bias amongst alot of there presenters when debating the political issues of the day,trying to explain that to these leftist knuckle dragging abusive thickos on twitter is very hard work indeed.
The Beeb are quickly on to the story of nine British medical students and doctors travelling to Syria. The News Channel employs the usual language… ‘It is feared that…’ blah, blah…. ‘gravely concerned…’ blah.
The website quotes The Observer :
A government source told the Observer: “UK law makes provisions to deal with different conflicts in different ways – fighting in a foreign war is not automatically an offence but will depend on the nature of the conflict and the individual’s own activities.”
Bbc pushes the line that as they are “medics” then they are not guilty of any offence. Not going to pick up arms and fight, not going to spread their legs and breed the “super race”, so no harm done. Totally missing the point that by patching up a terrorist they are returning him to do horrible nasty things to civilians. Let’s face it they are not going to sew heads back on prisoners after their appearance on IS TV from Raqqia town square on Friday afternoon are they ? A big problem for IS is the lack of medical knowledge and available treatment so that it suffers a high mortality rate from relativity simple wounds. But I would suggest they are guilty of aiding a terrorist organisation, one which is not a signatory of the Geneva Convention, one which commits atrocities against civilians daily, one which ignores the rules of placing weapons in civilian areas. These are not innocents engaged in humanitarian work, but giving aid to war criminals. Bbc to note please.
“fighting in a foreign war is not automatically an offence but will depend on the nature of the conflict and the individualâs own activities.â
What? ⌠for a âreligionâ, with a âstateâ, vowed to attack and murder our nationals? to destroy our cities and infrastructure?
Yet more weasel words, who is writing this eh! ⌠the MCB?
“The Observer newspaper reported that the students’ parents believed they were in Tel Abyad and wanted to work with ISIS”
draw your own conclusions
Remember “professor” Tim Palmer from Oxford University, whilst being “softly” interviewed by a weak John Humphrys during the week, averring that cyclone Pam, and the strength of its winds, were unprecedented?
The BBC, pushing their lying agenda, as usual, with no balancing argument or chance of rebuttal.
Booker nails it:
Probably because there isno balancing argument re Global warming. If you know one that holds any water lets hear it.
Dimwit. Still upstairs, collecting fares?
Tropospheric hotspot. You won’t know what it is or why I mention it but you should look it up.
Would that be ‘troposheric hotspot as in as in ‘failed to materialise’?
Never mind, as the good prof told Humphrys (I would suspect because he was unexpectedly caiught off-guard) the models which foretell of such AGW-induced doom are only âapproximations of realityâ.
How’s about ‘approximations of science’ to describe the relentless childish guff they keep spouting at us – all based on these âapproximations of realityâ of course, as actual, real, indisputable reality tells us a completely different story.
I wonder if the BBC are practising their MJackson moonwalk in readiness for when they have to distance themselves from the âapproximations of realityâ when this piss-soaked pack of cards inevitably collapses around the IPCC’s finger-stuffed ears.
BBC leading this morning on;
“A Conservative candidate at the general election has been suspended over allegations he schemed with the English Defence League to win votes”.
Second story on R4 news at 09.00 is about how “far right” is set to win many seats in french election.
Now we have a Labour MP (with no one to balance him) on live commenting on how only labour can build a strong community in the area and linking the tories to the EDL.
This is followed by a trail ahead to the paper review which we’re told will bring us more on this “story”.
Well that’s a pretty impartial, balanced bit of broadcasting then isn’t it. Not in any way a free hit for labour and a scaremongering, slur on the Tories.
Radio off, going to walk dog.
Apparently the erm “missing” medics, the BBC is so” concerned” about, “has fears for” had gone over to Sudan with the blessing of their parents, to get a much “more Islamic education”….
These Islamic adherents, Islamic medics, gone to the Islamic state,
to aid said Islamic state, and help Islamic Jihadi s
yep! … parents should be brimming with pride then.
… worked out well again
much more Islamic education … hmmm
Like the mob in Kabul demonstrates their love for Allah by kicking a mentally-challenged woman to death for allegedly …
(no actual proof) desecrating a Quran.
“tiny minority of extremists” who want Sharia/Islam in Afghanistan is 99% .. .can t get much MORE Islamic than that
BBC – Afghan woman lynched in Kabul ‘after burning Koran’
A Day After a Killing, Afghans React in Horror, but Some Show Approval – New York Timesâ
Afghan cleric and others defend lynching of woman in Kabul
I really don’t understand what all the fuss and consternation is about?
All these ‘British’, very well educated, intelligent, ‘A’ star level, doctors, and medics all wanting to emigrate to Syria for ‘humanitarian’ reasons.
The answer is simple, prevent them from returning to this land, a land that has fed, housed, and educated them, a land that afforded their parents and grandparent refuge for the last sixty or more years. They donât see themselves as ‘British’. Why does the media refer to them as British?
Yes indeed it is curious that these “medical students” holders of British passports whose parents are Sudanese immigrants, whose children gain British healthcare, British education up to degree level somehow change into people who at the first opportunity wish to up sticks and go and support a bloodthirsty group whose only connection to themselves is that of a shared religious belief. How strange. How odd that the bbc does not find this something to report and get to the bottom of. After all the money spent on their lives up to this point. It almost as if they are not really British after all.
Need I even bother asking if these “British medical students” are rather more adept at amputations, head transplants, eye gouging than the average medic?
And will their spontaneous sand surgery mash-ups count towards their practical assessment, providing that You Tube hosts it all-and the patients are suitably dressed in orange hospital pyjamas for clarity in looking for technique?
Splendid-tell Claire Gerada the news!
They’re called ‘British’ by the B BC because they once went through Heathrow Airport.
Crikey Gloria de Piero has to be one of the smuggest, most irritating, patronising perma-tanned orange, smirking people I have ever seen on television. And that is saying a lot. What a hideous ‘personality’ politician. A beeboid born and bred
With every passive aggressive shrug every over exaggerated gesture, every smirk (an there are a f**k of a lot of those), every grimace every patronising girn she garners loads more votes for the right. Giver her her own show (again).
As for Marr…..Tory scandal ….. ‘we will be discussing that in much more detail later…….’
Still, nice tits…
09.55 back from dog walk. Switch on R4 again.
Someone’s telling me that international pressure will soon force Israel to end its “occupation” of Palestine.
09.56 switch over to classic FM.
Why is there no alternative to this uninformed, whining liberal-left, BBC student agit prop? Why am i forced by law to pay for it?
Why’s it matter.They are all foreigners arent they?
Truthdoctor, you did better than we did. We switched off BH having listened to some of the party policitical broadcast by the Labour MP for Dudley. I have really given up on the Archers but waited until 10 am to start the ironing, switched on the radio and the Archers lasted for about 10 minutes. David’s explanation why he is staying in Ambridge was way over the top for any real farmer to give to Linda, his reasons would not have to be explained to anyone (and married to a farmer I know how little they say) – so I switched off the radio again and enjoyed the silence.
And having switched off the football for what appeared to be most of the week on BBC1 in the evening and then the Voice last night, we don’t seem to be getting any benefit from paying our license fee.
Broadcasting House this morning self described “left wing Jew” David Schneider encouraged to attack George Osborne and the budget.
Doesnt need him to see the reality of the current cuts and the collapse of our nation if they get back in. Truth is if you take money out of economy it collapses irrespective of how much booze and fags you consume.
Oh you silly manonclaphamomnibus – taxing people takes money out of the economy. Leaving money in people’s pockets for them to decide how to spend it themselves, boost jobs and the economy.
I accidentally ‘liked’ your comment, busman. My bad because I do not like your comments so minus one off your score (making its closer to the usual zero.)
I also liked it by accident. Probably the only ones he gets are accidental.
You keep mentioning “taking money out of the economy ” . What about the migrants (immigrants) that send money home . Are they talking money out of the economy ?
Osborne that example of Tory toff ideologue, that profoundly smug crook, fibber extraordinaire … can t understand why đ
… how about the synagogue attack BBC?
latest news BBC?
rolling commentary BBC?
and he attacked Netenyahu without any comments or interruptions
Everyone’s entitled to their opinion, but a Jew who embraces the liberal-left, PC, sharia compliant agenda which demonises Israel seems to me like a turkey voting for Christmas to be honest.
Al-Beebzera is stuffed with them.
One wonders how a non believing person born a Muslim would be described ? Which end of the spectrum would they place a member of IS ? Or would they say they were non Muslims as well ? Would they be allowed to say they were behaving in the ways of the “prophet ” or would they be told they were quite wrong in their beliefs as to the ways of the “prophet ” ? So many ways for a modern day beeboid to dance on the head of a pin are there not ?
I still can’t see any reference on the BBC’s website to the attack on a London synagogue in which armed officers have been called and arrests made. The implications of this for British society are huge, so why is the story being ignored? Strange that this has already been reported by foreign news agencies.
Clearly not the ‘far-right’ the culprits then.
no evidence for that or anything else . Stop making things up! You’ll find yourself voting for a party with no policies next!
I do hope your getting double time for working on Sunday one man operated bus ? You seem to be the only troll on duty today. Who do you have to get to sign your chit ?
>no evidence for that or anything else . Stop making things up! Youâll find yourself voting for a party with no policies next!<
Labour, you mean?
Why are the implications for society huge?
Young UK Muslims are turning to terror groups. Four thousand people died in the Northern Ireland terror. Scaled up, that would be 200,000 in the UK as a whole. Is that not a sobering thought?
What all young Muslims? Scaled up!!!! Given your level of concern I hope you will do your utmost in supporting peace through a 2 state solution and recognition of Palistine. After that folks might simmer down a tad.
Nobody said ‘all’ manonclapha!
The absence of a qualifying adjective doesn’t mean ‘all’ either, it is normally taken to mean an unknown number.
Mr ManOn delights in creating straw men to demolish. He forgets (or ignores) that during the Northern Irish terrorism, the BBC constantly re-assured us that only a tiny number supported the IRA. The Beeb did like to highlight the terrorists’ grievances, though. Pretty much as they now do for militant Islam.
As for Palestinians, when Barak was Prime Minister of Israel he shocked Arafat, Clinton and the whole world with the generosity of his offer. What happened? Arafat stuttered to find an excuse to reject the offer and went home, grinning, to organise a so-called ‘intifada’. When the Palestinians are ready to make peace, I’ll support the talks. Until then. I’ll support any government of the Jewish State as it seeks to thwart all threats to its existence.
And the two-state solution was rejected by the Arab nations in 1947 as they believed it wasn’t needed – they could destroy the new state of Israel as soon as it was formed.
And the rest, folks, is history, though not for the BBC and its followers – this and other episodes involving all-out war on Israel are strangely missing).
Hamas do not want a two-state solution. They want an Islamic one-state solultion.
Not that I like engaging you because I know you’re a troll and unworthy of my time BUT your “argument ” is simplistic in the extreme. Like all left wing public school types you believe that if you treat the “other” fairly and give way on some points then he will also give way and that an “accommodation ” will take place with both sides happy and willing to walk forward towards nivarna with just a light touch on the tiller from a beeboid such as yourself to show the lesser 3rd world types correct behaviour in international discourse. Nothing could be further from the truth. Unlike you Hamas, like its fellow terrorists do not see a space for their opponents to exist in peace on their own land and everyone lives huggy fluffy lives ever after. They want to see the end of the Jew. They want to own his land, murder his children, fuck his wife and raise the offspring as good Muslim warriors. They do not believe in the western concept of “fair play” , of ” coexistance ” they only believe in a world where they have their boot on the neck of their enemy and he is at their mercy. No commonwealth of nations and peoples for them but the world populated by only them and their kind. Your simplistic world view owes everything to your public school background where there is plenty to share around and you all believe in the same basic human needs and behaviours. They do not. Your world view owes everything to your upbringing and nothing to the reality of the Middle East.
Well put sir/madam.
Just a plain working class prole dear sir. Thank you for your kind words.
From ‘common sense’ stock, obviously. Well said.
Further development on the ‘anti semitic’ Synagogue invasion.
It has now been reported by Auntie, carried out by ‘drunks’ apparently, so as soon as it appears it wasnt Muslims, but Brits it gets reported.
It also makes me think it was probably relatively trivial.
Further update. The ‘gang of men’ who burst into the synagogue the BBC now says were simply ‘thought to be drunk’.
Hmmm not definite then, so its back to a question mark over the ethnicity. Or has this earlier claim turned out to be untrue, but the BBC are not yet prepared to retract it when it provides such a good ‘get out of the police line up’ for Muslims?
You just never know with the BBC.
Ok here is a video. They are English and appear to be drunk.
It doesnt appear to be an anti semitic attack at all but some drunken youths angry about god knows what. The two girls seem to be trying to keep the peace and apologising.
As if to illustrate the points made about the Islamisation of the BBC, the first two items on the World Service on From Our Own Correspondent today are a friendly and encouraging take on Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and an insulting take on the efforts of the Nigerian military against Boko Haram.
There is no doubt that the BBC is aligned with the enemy.
If you knew what you were talking about one might have confidence in your conclusion. As it happens Nigerian military pretty much dictates politics and works at its own pace. The results have been far too obvious.
“Victims’ fury as BBC refuses to axe show by paedophile supporter which calls for age of consent to be lowered ”
Read more:
The BBC were very quick to cull Top Gear on a fracas allegation.
It rather shows their priorities?
Of course, there is what is a ‘fracas’ and ‘not fracas’ (c) A. BBC Spokesperson
INBBC doesn’t refer to this from V.S. Naipaul,
on its ‘Arts and Entertainment’ pages-
“Nobel laureate V. S. Naipaul:
Islamic State ‘dedicated to a contemporary holocaust'”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“To call the Islamic State the Fourth Reich is to diminish it. The Islamic State is even more savage and barbaric than the Third Reich was. They just donât have the means (yet) to commit mass murder on the scale theyâd like.”
Clear sight. There is no possibility of compromise with Isis. Isis is dedicated to our destruction.
From that it follows that all so called British citiizens that aid or help Isis in any way are by definition guilty of treason.
‘Mini riot’ in Haringay yesterday between ‘Andy’ Choudary and Kurds. No mention yet by the BBC
INBBC ‘reports’ (e.g. Radio 4 ‘World this Weeeknd’) as though the nine with the Islamic State are innocent victims, not Muslim volunteers for the Islamofascist Islamic State.
“Nine Muslim medical students from UK working in Islamic State hospitals”
Pamela Geller-
“It has been shown time and time again â whether it was the Muslim doctors who tried to blow up the Glasgow airport; or the wealthy, educated diplomatâs son who attempted to bomb a plane right out of the sky over Detroit on Christmas Day; or the group of 45 Muslim doctors who plotted Islamic terror raids in the U.S.; or the rich, well-educated Osama bin Laden; or the 19 Sept. 11 hijackers â that poverty does not cause terrorism, no matter what Kerry says. Jihad has nothing to do with wealth or education. It is a religion, a totalitarian and supremacist belief system. ”
– See more at:
Just a thought; if this lot were allowed back into the UK and were allowed to practice with their Mickey Mouse qualifications (and I would not put it past the idiots in the NHS to accept them) how would you like to be treated by someone who thinks that it is acceptable, even compulsory, to kill gays, apostates, non-believers, members of other branches of their religion etc.? I would like an apologist for Islam to explain why this could not happen. If they condone throwing gays off roofs why not misdiagnose them to achieve the same end?
BBC seems to be very concerned for these Dr Kildares. They have more in common with Dr Crippen or Dr Shipman and again, as with the 3 teenagers, we really don’t give a stuff about them, BBC.
I sat down to watch TV for what I thought would be an interesting account of the procession then re-burial of Richard III in Leicester Cathedral. Unfortunately it was on the bBBC News so their introduction said “Richard III is today going to be laid to rest in Britain’s most diverse city.”
They then shot themselves in the foot as all of the dozen people they interviewed – to ask the trite “how do you feel about this occasion” – were white. Not a hint of enrichment or vibrancy. As usual, the imported foreigners aren’t interested in anything British except their passport.
Or their benefits, paid for by the British taxpayer.
I think you’re being a little unfair here. They’re also interested in claiming British child benefit, tax credits, being offended by British culture, claiming compensation and avoiding paying tax.
Fully paid-up Labour voters, in other words.
They don’t even have to bother voting Labour themselves, the local Islamic bigwig will fill all the forms in.
Ah! Should’ve gone to Channel 4. They know how to do it. Seemed like only white faces in the crowd, I agree. But when the reporter (appropriately of Asian heritage) went round asking people how they felt about the event – at least 50% of the small crowd behind her were non-white. And Peter Snow just couldn’t shut up about diversity. How thick do they think we are?
Jon Snow?
These fools in the media know the truth. There are now de facto nearly complete parallel societies in England.
Most public events are dominated by the ethnic British. This is especially so outside London.
In the shires it approaches 100%. This is what Trevor Phillips knows and also is unable to really say.
I attended a public event in the Midlands this weekend. Not one single ethnic person there and there were thousands.
Maybe we just enjoy different things but it goes deeper.
It as if it is an almost concious effort to stay apart.
Multiculturalism has failed and it is the liberal who is reponsible.
Agree completely.
One minor point though, I think generally the term liberal does not apply to these morons without shame or any sense of culpability, and the general term fascist left would be far more appropriate.
FRANCE: local elections, round 1 today:-
“France holds local election, as National Front eyes gains”
No doubt, Beeboids concur with this:-
“Nothing must slow down Islam”
Good article in the Gruniard:
âWhen you are on high, well-placed, with a recognised status, the fact of being French doesnât add much and you can, as an intellectual exercise, consider yourself post-national or European. France is only where you were born. But when you at the bottom of the ladder, poor, in a precarious situation, all that remains is your country.
âFor the left, for the bobos (bourgeois bohemians), only the gay or ethnic minorities were interesting.
âAbandonedâ French working class ready to punish leftâs neglect by voting for far right
You might not find anything on the BBC about this: Anjem Choudary’s Sharia Roadshow boys getting turned over by Kurds yesterday afternoon. Link was still up minutes ago.
Good spot by Aerfen above;
“Police and demonstroators clashed after a “mini riot” broke out in a busy London high street.
“Members of the Kurdish community clashed with demonstrators at an Islamic Roadshow stall in High Road, Wood Green, yesterday.
“Muslim activist Anjem Choudary was among groups hosting the Islamic Event, who were heard promoting Sharia Law and urging Muslims not to vote”.
Failed multicultural policies have led to increased divisions and polarisation with immigrant groups failing to integrate into British society and becoming hostile to it.
As someone said in 1968; “As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding. Like the Roman, I seem to see the River Tiber foaming with much blood”.
Anyone seen this?
Farage and family attacked by gang of agitators during sunday pub lunch.
Nigel Farage brands protesters ‘scum’ after his children forced to flee pub
Democracy in action, liberal-left wing version. If you disagree with someone’s politics, hound their family and kids out of the pub during Sunday dinner.
This behaviour is now known as ‘protesting’, and the perpetrators of this neanderthal behaviour are evidently ‘protestors’.
What of harassment? Threatening behviour? If they had been “far right” protestors and the person in the pub had been special Ed with his family, these “scum” would have not been described as “protestors” and would probably be arrested.
Yet these morally repugnant “protestors” see no wrong in what they do?
New age fascism in England – get used to it. There will be more. And we know how useful the Police Service have become.
Vote UKIP. Common Sense.
Well here’s the thing;
In her biography of Voltaire, Evelyn Hall wrote the classic sentence, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” (which is often misattributed to Voltaire himself) as an illustration of Voltaire’s beliefs.
This is one of the fundamental planks on which Western democracy and freedom of speech is built.
What i find deeply disturbing about the political correctness of the liberal left (and the BBC) is that it does not tolerate dissent. It does not tolerate disagreement. It is facism.
If you stand up and say that maybe there’s a problem with islam, or maybe global warming predictions are inaccurate, or immigration is out of control, or maybe Israel is right…. Then you will be visciously atttacked. Maybe you and your kids will be chased out of your local pub by a mob of left wing activists. If you are a cartoonist, maybe you will be shot dead.
The liberal left PC zealots hold the rule of law and freedom of speech in contempt. For them, the end justifies the means. “Direct action”, intimidation and bullying are OK.
We live in dangerous times.
“…What i find deeply disturbing about the political correctness of the liberal left (and the BBC) is that it does not tolerate dissent. It does not tolerate disagreement. It is fascism.”
Absolutely. There is nothing ‘progressive’ about the so-called Progressive Left – if anything it’s absolutist in the most pernicious, inflexible and often abusive ways imaginable. As anyone will know if they’ve ever been foolish enough to question so-called ‘man-made climate change’ with an avowed leftie (as I have).
It can get very personal, very abusive, very quickly.
Forgive me if I find the notion of Biased BBC regulars seeking to lecture anybody on being “inflexible and abusive” somewhat risible.
But then, practising what one preaches always does seem a struggle on here, doesn’t it?
Hi Scott, worked out what “Irony” and “Hypocrisy” are yet?
Practicing what one preaches is indeed a rare thing.
Hi Scott, worked out what âIronyâ and âHypocrisyâ are yet?
“Hypocrisy” is what Biased BBC regulars partake in every day, but can only acknowledge in others.
Irony is their belief this makes them superior.
Still, never mind. I’m sure you all will carry on in your merry way, accusing others of being intransigent, prejudiced people who are driven by belief and not facts, with zero self-awareness as per usual. And accusing others of being trolls from the comfort of that space under your own little bridge.
Scott , I’ll do that for 4 billion a year .
Well done Scott for proving there is a such a thing as an irony bypass after all.
I think there’s more freedom of expression on this site than on the BBC.
If you think “freedom of expression” means something different on here than it does anywhere inhabited by intelligent people, you may be right.
Scotty on a Clap Bus is free to express him/it/herself on this site, as we all are (but watch the language and manners)! Readers/contributors or others who ‘inhabit’ this site can decide for themselves which contributors they think are, or are not, ‘intelligent people’.
Also, lecturers lecture Scott. (That’s what they do!)
Great this freedom of expression thing.
The behaviour towards Mr Farage is indefensible. Your comment is irrelevant.
My comment is that the liberal left actually embraces a gnostic view of life on earth and is unable to tolerate real dissent believing that it has direct knowledge of what is right and therefore permissible.
Don’t forget that back in the day both Eugenics, and Fascism were seen as ‘progressive’!
Click on the Mirror link and vote in the poll.
Are the owners of the Mirror going to close it down at the end of the phone hacking trial?
Will the BBC ever cover the story of the Mirror’s hacking making the News of the World seem like rank amateurs at it?
I see there have been six arrests after a gang of ‘men’ (per the not-so-Indep. noospaper) attacked a s ynagogue in Stamford Hill ,North London, last night at around 1 a.m.
Can’t imagine who they might be-perhaps some devout followers arguing over rabbinical interpretation, perhaps.
We await Aljabeeba’s explanatory report with bated breath.
Ah…….the joys of enrichment.
See above, since theyve learned they were ‘drunken’ men the BBC has decided to report it.
What was that noise?
It was the sigh of relief from Broadcasting House when they found out the synagogue attack was carried out by drunk white arseholes and not muslims.
Perhaps the BBC can find a way of showing the attackers were Chelsea supporters or UKIP candidates.
“At this early stage, there is no suggestion that this was a far-right or extremist attack”
Sometimes you have to almost admire the doggedness with which some people will stick with the PC language. The avoidance of calling a spade a spade is here taken to such lengths that for once (and once only) the “far-right” cease to be extremists. Ha ha ha.
Consistently good journalism by Andrew Gilligan. OT; apart from the contrast with the BBC:
The baroness, Islamic extremists and a question of free speech
Thanks for the link. Here’s an extract:-
—He has said in the past that voting may be permissible to return a UK Muslim majority government in â50 years, something like thisâ as a prelude to âIslam spreading all over the worldâ. —
FRENCH EXIT POLLS: Sarkozy beating Le Pen 29% – 26%.
If confirmed, the result would be a setback for Le Pen, who had hoped her anti-immigrant, anti-euro party would emerge top in the first round, boosting her ambitions to win presidential elections set for 2017.
Sarkozy denies far-right Le Pen victory in French polls
If confirmed…It will be interesting to see if some voters were reluctant to admit they voted for Le Pen due to Social desirability bias. We’ll know soon. Evidence of Social desirability bias in France may suggest we will see something similar with UKIP in May.
Liberal-left Political Correctness works on the rule that if you say nothing, no harm will come to you.
If you have doubts about the way the country is going, you keep them to yourself – or pay the price.
Children can be indoctrinated through “education”, adults can be intimidated.
That’s actually taken from an article on the rise of the Nazis in the 1930s. However swapping “Nazi” for “liberal left political correctness” seems to fit just as well.
Common Purpose advice on countering resistance to their advance of change
Remember it’s not all about going fast. “It’s all about pace, keeping going, sometimes slowing down to make sure people are with you, but never losing momentum and never going backwards. Usually, the people in the way are an obstacle, rather than a vehicle moving in the opposite direction. An obstacle can hurt you, or delay you, but it has no energy. It’s just a bunch of people saying no. Whereas an oncoming vehicle will probably kill you. If you’re the one with the energy and the pace, there is unlikely to be an orchestrated response which might be more difficult to overcome. The expression I use all the time is ‘Just run on by’ – p144 Janet Paraskeva
The fascism of Common Purpose needs exposing and deriding. I think Trevor Phillips may have caused a momentum shift. Here’s hoping.
Liberty, truth, justice and free thought.
Vote UKIP GE2015.
It’s possibly less fascism than a silent coup d’etat. People once worried about the secret influence of the freemasons. They were amateurs compared with Common Purpose!
Has anyone poked around inside the fetid swamp that is the BBC looking for CP’s shadow?
Ok, Here is the incident :
Here is the BBC’s best effort at reporting the news :
Have they done a good job? – You decide –
Theyâve made a Horlicks of it. Quelle surprise.
My take? Weekend drunken thuggery, criminal damage and assault. All too common within our âyoufâ, but not new, or national news. (As a Minimum) Judge Angryman – all costs of all repairs should be covered by the perps (who can sort out between themselves who chips in what proportion) + full face to face apology to the people present for their unacceptable behaviour + donation to roof repair fund (if they donât have one now, they will eventually).
The BBC are doing a bit of a âMichael Brownâ on this one though, pulling in references to anti-semitism, demeaning and diluting the term. They canât help it. Division and obfuscation are genes in the Beeboid DNA. If this had been piss-heads and a church group, or a youth club, it might have made the local newspaper (but probably not front page). Certainly, this story is not worthy of its place on the home page of the BBC.
Clearly though, much more newsworthy than the Demo, 8th Feb 2015 outside Downing Street.
Vote ⌠Sensibly.
Comments by the police to the press:
Police said they are currently not treating the incident as an extremist attack.
A police spokesman said: “The incident is being treated as an anti-Semitic incident, due to remarks made by one of the group. However there is nothing to suggest that it was a planned or targeted attack.
“At this early stage, there is no suggestion that this was a far-right or extremist attack but rather the completely unacceptable actions of a drunken group.”
Interesting that the police didn’t also say that there is no suggestion at this stage that this was an Islamic attack?
GuardianISIS: ever politically sympathetic to our Islamofascist enemy!
Islam Not BBC (INBBC) is still dolefully ‘reporting’ the nine Sudanese medicos who have apparently joined our Islamofascist enemy, Islamic State*, as though they have not taken this hostile Islamic jihad action voluntarily!
* INBBC most euphemistically terms Islamic State enemy: ‘militants’ not Islamofascists.
The names of the nine , who INBBC terms ‘British medics’, not Islamic jihadists, are:-
Mohammed Wael Fadlallah, Tasneem Suliman, Ismail Hamdoun, Nada Sami Kader, Mohammed Elbadri Ibrahim, Rawan Kamal Zine El Abidine, Tamir Ahmed Abusibah and Lena Maumoon, Sami Ahmed Kadir. “
For GuardianISIS-
Sept 2014-
“British jihadist medical student, 21, is pictured holding severed head while wearing her white doctor’s jacket .
“Woman calling herself Mujahidah Bint Usama posted image on Twitter.
“Also wrote ‘dream job, a terrorist doc’ with smiley face and love hearts.
“Woman has also posted images of 9/11 attacks and mutilated soldiers .
“Has been linked to all-female al-Khanssaa brigade based in Raqqa, Syria.”
Read more:
There are searching questions that need to be asked of the medical schools which admitted these monsters.
A proper news organisation would be asking them. Instead, the BBC decided to ‘investigate’ the new medical school at the University of Buckingham last week, clearly fearful of competition from the private sector, which, it tried to suggest, would discriminate against ‘disadvantaged students’.
And potential jihadis, perhaps?
David Vance @DVATW – Mar 22:
â Iâm not in the least bothered about any persons race.â
David Vance @DVATW – Mar 22:
â Black man in #bbctbq front row audienceâŚâ
David Vance is most definitely not a racist bigot.
Why don’t you the many address issues of BBC bias shown above, Dez?
Is it because you can’t?
He would get the sack from beeboid Central and who would employ him then ?
The BBC’s miserable excuse for a news website tonight carries the story of the 100 or so howling baboons who drove Nigel Farage and his family away from their Sunday lunch in a Kentish pub.
As is entirely to be expected of the nation’s mouthpiece of Marxism, far more space is given to the ravings of the protest’s organiser, one Dan Glass, than to comments from Mr Farage, or anyone from UKIP.
It is to be hoped that Glass and his friends will be charged with threatening behaviour, or worse. But what to charge the BBC with? Dereliction of duty, perhaps? Obtaining money with threats? Fraudulent misuse of the licence fee?
Mr Glass evidently feels under no threat of attention from Plod if he can boast so openly. Whereas I can confidently predict that any of us tempted to respond in kind would find ourselves taken swiftly to the local nick. This is becoming intolerable.
I agree, it is, and I’m pretty sure an enterprising lawyer could find some way of taking action against the police (and even the CPS) in cases of this kind.
I’m also sure in these days of crowd funding that it wouldn’t be hard to raise the money to pursue them, either.
Does anyone know more about this Dan Glass ? He appears to be a full time whinger for the usual causes with no visible means of support. Another trustafarian luvvie ? I wonder if his mother supports his hounding of children in a public place ? She must be so proud, Sounds a delightful person.
He is a well known activist/troublemaker, it’s just that the BBC and MSM have chosen to “forget” his other exploits. For instance, when he superglued himself to Gordon Brown as reported by, er, the BBC:
Dan Glass
Is a former leader of the Student Union at the University of Sussex, who was also involved with the green group “Plane Stupid”. They too had a dubious relationship with the concept of law and order. He is also a “Guardian Youth Climate Leader” and an occasional Guardian columnist.
Any Beeboids amongst them?:–
“Nigel Farage brands anti-Ukip protesters ‘scum’ after they invaded the pub where he was having a family lunch leaving his children terrified.
“Party leader was with wife and two children at Queen’s Head in Downe.
“The pub was stormed by a group in fancy dress which included migrants, HIV activists, gay people, disabled people and breastfeeding mothers.
“They are said to have gone into the Queen’s Head, chased the Farages out and then jumped on the Ukip leader’s car bonnet as he drove away.
“He said two youngest children so scared by the protesters they ran away.”
Read more:
âWhy donât you the many address issues of BBC bias shown above, Dez? Is it because you canât?â
Erm no, itâs because posts such as Angrymanupnorth describing a violent synagogue attack as; ânot new, or national news & not worthy of its place on the home page of the BBCâ, are beyond parody.
You haven’t answered the question.
It isn’t hard to work out why.
You’ve set yourself up there Dez. We shall return to the subject of what your employers think is “national news” or something to be buried when the brown eyed boys commit another street crime shall we ? I’m sure you will pop up to give the required spin.
“Be seeing you “
I know it’s not the BBC but their surrogate CH4. The reinterment of King Richard 3rd. The presenter, the egregious Jon Snow, couldn’t wait to tell us that it was the most multicultural city in England and by the looks of some of the views you couldn’t tell Liecester from Lahore! There were times when you had difficulty spotting a Caucasian face. Finally we had to go visit cousin Peter who sprang the bombshell that they were related to Edward 3rd. I was told many moons ago that just about everyone in England could be traced back him.
Little known fact was he was a Muslim.
Has anyone else noticed how Islam dominates the BBC News headlines?
Often, the first four news items relate to Islam.
No other religion does this.
And usually INBBC doesn’t recognise how often such ‘reports’
have an Islamic interrelatedness.
Well that’s because stories about Islam have nothing to do with Islam, okay?
This Dan Glass appears to have connections to the Guardian ( who’d have thought it ?) more of these keyboard leftie warriors were involved as well, I wonder which pubs they go with their family’s for a quiet meal on a Sunday ? Does Rusbridger still live in Broad Campden ? Shall we visit his local eating house ? I wonder how fast plod would turn up to save him ?
If you go to the comments of the bishop hill blog you find
Sources leading to lots of guardian writers, bloggers, wannabes who were at the ‘event’
Apparently They found out Nigel Farage’s location through one Chris Venables , who is a worker for some leftie health charity called medact
Scroll down for a picture of our hero
Is it the place for a charity worker to organise a demo which attacks a family eating in a public place on a Sunday ? What do you think of this charity for employing such a warrior ? Perhaps you’d let them know. The warrior is so proud of himself he has deleted his tweets and locked his account, getting cold feet now perhaps ?
It will be intetesting to see how the impartial media world reacts, in scope and duration, to the physical targeting of a political leader’s children in person, given the degree of flounce over a deceased parent’s reputation in print.
If twitter, the news source of record to the BBC, is any guide, the family had it coming to them by being outside in the company of a parent with views some do not share. A few charmers are even mocking the description of these youngsters as children. Doubtless the same ones who are more than keen to use the term when it really does stretch credulity.
This morning Theresa the appeaser announces some half baked ideas that the government will ‘tackle Islamic extremism head on’ begging the question why given 5 years they have done nothing about it before !
They know there are only a few days left to this parliament so they can’t do anything about it now, and a promise made by a politician before an election is worthless.
Yet where is that line in the sand to be set? One side of it you have something criminal, and the other one you are a ‘waycist’ and will never work again once they have sacked you!
Until the whole of society backs off on the meaningless bully word (and there’s no evidence that they will) then ‘extremism’, Sharia courts, child rape gangs, Trojan horse plots, and many many other unpalatable things will all go unchallenged, because it’s better to be accused of incompetence / or to claim outright fear of being called ‘waycist’ than the consequences of the Fascist left finding you called their brown eyed boys a nasty name !
Accidentally caught a snippet of BBC 5 Live this morning.
It was just like overhearing a couple of smug lefties having a chat.
A clearly amused Rachel Burden descibes the Nigel Farage incident as a ‘fracas’ (that has a become a very BBC word lately – despite Licence Payers not quite being sure what it means)
Nicky Campbell then joins the joke with ‘bruhaha’ – his emphasis quite obviously on the ‘haha’ and the anti-Ukip contempt evident just below the surface. Gameshow then delightedly boasts that the BBC will be giving a platform to one of the anti-Ukip protesters. I switch off.
So I challenge someone to put their hand on their heart and tell me these BBC people are not biased.
Unfortunately the news reporting of LBC this morning is little better than that of the BBC. The nasty attack on Farage was called a ‘stunt’ [i.e ‘fun and games’] while the nasty synagogue attack was described as having ‘no proven connection to far right or extremist groups’ [i.e. no connection but we’ll mention ‘far right’ and ‘extremism’ anyway].
The broad swathe of bias to the left in our national media (particularly radio and TV) is one explanation for Simon (post below) when he asks ‘how the left have ended up with the “nice” label when they are anything but?”
don’t know if it is on this thread already but the front of the Metro had a story about the usual bunch of bully boy lefties harassing Farage when he was out with his family for a pub lunch.
Can someone please explain to me how the left have ended up with the “nice” label when they are anything but?
Beeboids -UAF- repression, intimidation, intolerance.
Interesting word to use, all things considered.
Simon – yes, the Farage family story is splashed across the Metro this morning. So all the commuters in London (and elsewhere) will see the story if they grab their free Metro. I hope the reaction of many people will be “Damn leftie punks, that confirms even more why I should vote UKIP”. That is – the stupid aggressive demo ends up winning more votes for Farage.
BBc Breakfast and the wheel of news spins around in a circle again to children’s diets. Again. Serious face on Sally as they drag out yet another charity representative, this time, as Ebola is discussed, Situation normal.
Within a few years it is estimated that half the population will acquire diabetes 2. Anything that lowers this estimate will surely be good not only because projected levels of lifestyle/diet related ailments will bankrupt the NHS but because the children of today will be the ones supporting the pensioners of tomorrow.
Mumsy BBC weather lady Carol Kirkwood brings the nation a bit relief this morning…. with her assurance ‘there won’t be a heatwave this week’
I haven’t put myself through meteorological school but I’d put my money on heatwaves – if we get one – being in round about July/August.
I know there are a lot of Greens and Global Warming true believers out there Carol, but please don’t pander to them.
Al Beeb warning that disease carrying mosquitoes could bring danger to the UK, climate change being one of the many factors ⌅
This is an ‘old chestnut’ story that the BBC run on an annual basis. Contrary to popular belief, mosquitoes live throughout the world, not just in tropical and warm regions. There are mosquitoes inside the Arctic circle and the largest recorded outbreak of malaria took place in… Siberia, during the 1920’s and 1930’s. Not all species of mosquito carry the disease, and indeed the distribution by species does vary throughout the world. Of far more interest and relevance were the comments about insects being carried inside truck tyres – another of those wonderful EU benefits of open markets.
Re Mosquitos.
There is indeed a risk should anopheline mosquitos become more widespread (historically they have been found in east Anglia.
After WW2 soldiers who had become infected with malaria were forbidden to resettle in areas where these malaria carrier species were found, to prevent the local mozzies becoming infected and becoming a disease threat.
Now we have thousands of malaria infected immigrants who can live anywhere they please and spread their disease to any local mozzies.
There is going to be snow in parts of the U.K. this week, it must have been so difficult to predict “no heatwave”.
Anyone notice the lack of a voice, for representation for the other side of the Afzal Amin Tory/Muslim Corruption expose?.
The EDL representation … once again BBC?
(Tory/Muslim, now there is a can of worms, how high up the tree you d be surprised)
There was to be live interview with T Robinson this morning, but it was having to go on LBC, not the BBC, (I think on the O Brien show), but he as I m sure you know, parted company with the EDL a while back.
Anyway Fluff and Bluster re Farage ala BBC no doubt
As a diversion?.
SWP as the voice of reason?
The UAF protests against rising anti Semitism, that include the
majority of perpetrators of said anti Semitism, claiming victimhood! … fully justified
you couldn t make it up
The UAF have been running the anti semitism theme for quite a time, even organising trips to Auswitch. Jews marching with them on their anti- far right demos. Win win for the SWP.
Lee Kwan Yew was indeed a great man, and his policies produced a stable, law-abiding, largely happy state, with strong promotion of moral values and civic responsibility. Naturally, the BBC doesn’t think much of him, and their reporting has been grudging and critical. Both the White House and No 10 issued tributes at the same time on 22 Mar, but the BBC decided to say that “Obama has been leading the tributes”. One might have expected that, given, Britain’s historical links, that they might have reasonably said that David Cameron “led the tributes”. But, no, it’s part of the BBC’s habitual downgrading of Britain.
Daily climate change hype dose, today, on “Today” – the National Trust have decided that ‘climate change’ is a problem, and they’re going to do their bit to ‘tackle’ it.
Of interest was the fact that they didn’t exactly say how climate change was a problem – merely brushing gently on “extreme weather”, and those hideous visitors coming to their sites in their motor cars.
The woman didn’t really know, did she? It’s just the muppet-speak to toe the agenda line, again.
But, apparently, the National Trust, in order to protect the environment, and the countryside, are going to invest in “renewables” – hydro was mentioned, but significantly not windturbines or solar arrays. I wonder why?
And of course, nice, friendly John Humphrys (again) didn’t push her, nor did he introduce a balancing speaker, or counter anything she said (which wasn’t much).
Why are these people allowed to spout their nonsense, with nothing to back up whatever it is that they’re trying to convince us of, and with no opportunity for us to question them?
They only have to say “because, climate change” – the magic words which appear to open doors to the BBC.
So, today, job done.
Old goat , is that what the gutter press told you to say? If not what about the evidence.
Nice photo of the BBC favoured multiKulty mob around Farage’s car. Page three style tit out, and a couple of fat bums revealing that regular visits to the food banks and generous welfare payments are keeping pace with austerity. Slightly different photo in the BBC version – minus the tit.
Does the would be breast-feeder who is using her child as some sort of political football really think she holds the moral high ground? Incredible.
Is pro-Labour Party, INBBC politically shy of reporting this?:-
“Miliband MUST condemn ‘apologist for terror’ John Prescott after he said BRITAIN is to blame for ISIS fanatics, MPs demand.
“Former deputy prime minister said Britain had to answer for runaways.
“He claimed the UK was as much to blame as extremists for radicalisation.
“Lord Prescott was described as ‘apologist for terrorism’ by MPs.
“Ed Miliband was tonight facing calls to distance himself from the claim.”
Read more:
The Islamisation of Labour’s Miliband and his hand-picked Prescott.
Prescott as a minimum should be kicked out of the Labour Party and stripped of his title and not allowed to pollute the benches of the HoL. This would be the minimum requirement the BBC/Labour/Grauniad would demand of a Tory who had said something a lot less offensive.
M15 identified an increase in domestic terrorism as a result of the Iraq war. So it’s come to pass.Does that mean M15 need to apologise?
Prescott went to the same university as me .
Change of name Bunny?
“BBC News switches PC users to responsive site”
– but it remains dogmatically and politically biased, being-
– pro-Labour Party, pro-Islamisation, pro-E.U, pro-mass immigration.