Back in 2013 Afzal Amin told us, courtesy of the ever helpful BBC, that ‘Muslims “are an integral part of this country” and the murder of a solider in Woolwich should not be associated with the entire Islamic community.’
And indeed they are…so integrated in fact that they join forces with the EDL..or at least the good Mr Afzal Amin does…
Exposed: Star Tory candidate plotted with race thugs to stage fake EDL demo in cynical bid to win votes
A key Tory Election candidate was suspended last night after plotting with far-Right extremists to stir up racial hatred in a cynical bid to win votes.
Afzal Amin hatched a scheme to persuade the English Defence League to announce an inflammatory march against a new £18million ‘mega-mosque’. But – as he revealed in secretly filmed footage obtained by The Mail on Sunday – the plan was that the demonstration would never actually go ahead.
And when the phoney rally was called off, the fiercely ambitious Amin, a Muslim, intended to take credit for defusing the situation – winning over voters, and police, in the marginal seat of Dudley North.
‘This is my fantasy. If I could demonstrate to the people in Dudley that I can be a positive voice for community cohesion, for development, for campaigning against the evils and the terrorism and the child grooming and all the rest of it, then that would help me a lot in the forthcoming Election.”
Curiously the BBC don’t seem to have caught up with his latest thinking….maybe if he was a UKIP candidate they would be pumping this out all the time on every channel and every medium….how slow were they to react to the news that a LibDem peer was involved in dodgy dealings?
Still, despite the BBC’s best efforts to crush local news, we’ve got the Midland’s Express and Star to tell us that:
Dudley Tory candidate Afzal Amin suspended over EDL video claims
Most of 29 arrests at Dudley march opposed EDL
Most of the people arrested after an English Defence League march in Dudley were counter protesters, it has emerged.
Not an angle that gets emphasised by the BBC…especially as the ‘opposition’ is in the form of the fascist UAF…a Unite Union organisation with links to Miliband and whose vice-chair is an extremist Muslim.
Ah look the BBC does report it….er sort of….
From other local news sites
Unusual for the BBC not to take the opportunity to promote a moderate Muslim speaking out against extremism to show how integrated ‘they’ are.
What could be a better example of taqiyya ?
The whole story is about religion. What the bBc does not mention in the story. that the EDL march was against the building of a large mosque. The tensions in this country are beginning to surface and staying there. The lid the bBC/Lab/COn/Lib have tried to put on such news is not staying in place.
I’ve just come this story, and I noticed that the bBC don’t mention that he is a Muslim. Ok, but in any other story they ensure you know the ( other when the perp is guilty of something) peaceful faith that the person belongs to.
Then there’s how the bBC play the ‘Tory’ was trying to incite racist hatred. But hang on let’s look at the facts:
Muslim MP knocks up a plan in which to use the EDL in which to gain Islamic votes in which to take the labour seat. Is that inciting racial hatred and if it is, whom is the hatred being directed against?
Also, in Halifax labour have just got rid of 130 new members all but 7 are Asian amid allegations that they where trying to control the selection process of the upcoming section , yet the bBC havent even mentioned this.
The 5th Column in action!
For God’s sake how many more Muslim, (or Labour combined Muslim), induced nefarious ‘stitch ups’ are there going on within the mother of all democracies?
There are so many it is overwhelming us.
Thanks Pounce for spotting this one. To be honest did not have you down as a regular Guardian reader!
The BBC needs to expose these scandals for the sake of the majority of Taxpayers who fund it for news without fear or favour.
What we need are camps hidden in the countryside and tightly packed trains eh Adolph!
And every town should be evacuated, its citizens forced to work in the fields for a bowl of thin gruel a day, and anyone questioning the system to be executed by clubbing to death.
Wait, Pol Pot and his genocidal Khmer Rouge thugs – darlings of the student Left in the 1970s – had done that in Cambodia.
In its multi-targeted political propaganda, Beeboids will be able to combine, in this story:-
a) sympathy for Islamic interests;
b) disdain for Tories;
c.) hatred for EDL;
d) connivance with Labour in Rotherham /Rochdale.
Meet Saudi Arabia’s top cleric. Like Isis, he also thinks churches should be destroyed
And so it has been everywhere where Islam has been allowed to entrench itself.
There was no reason whatever to import millions of Muslims, who are now responsible for theft, petty criminality, vicious beatings of lone Infidels, gang rapes on a massive scale, terrorism, and subversion of democracy by vote rigging. And thats just for starters.
Muslims are out to destroy the UK and all non-Muslim countries – it is what their cult demands, and our idiot politicians have allowed it to happen.
You can’t allow wild animals into your house and expect them to behave and to not s**t all over the floor and tear the place apart.
Mr Glodstone
William Ewart Gladstone (1809–1898) was Prime Minister of Great Britain four times:He called the Qur’an an “accursed book” and once held it up during a session of Parliament, declaring: “So long as there is this book there will be no peace in the world.”
How right.
All religious books are accursed because they promote delusional thinking. I ask anyone to consider their opinion on folks that see things that aren’t there.
It is worth remembering though that this quote was made in the height of colonialism.
“All religious books are accursed because they promote delusional thinking.”
I personally totally agree with you on this one Mr Omnibus, since I am atheist.
Notwithstanding we have a Christian heritage in the UK which is quite acceptable to me since it has evolved with decent values and does not infringe upon the liberties, freedoms and equalities of myself and others in this country.
Those practising Muslims who are peaceful and not supportive of hate, violence, inequality and do not wish to change our country or our way of life and wish to contribute to this Great Nation, are most welcome.
Those Muslims that have not evolved to be compatible with the modern British way of life and practice Islam in a fundamentalist way not compatible with the mother of the world’s democracies, tolerance, freedom of speech. liberty and equality are not welcome.
Well said.
The peace of our nation has been destroyed by Muslims
Kurdish ‘Fighters’ Kick Islamists Off London Street
This is worth reading
A grotesque love of propaganda. Unspeakable barbarity. The loathing of Jews – and a hunger for world domination. In this stunning intervention, literary colossus V.S. NAIPAUL says ISIS is now the Fourth Reich
Also by V S Naipaul
Our Universal Civilisation
sometimes you must wonder how thick these policians are,now,last night the the old bbc and radio 5 live stephen nolan and co laid into ukip over you know what,cameron and the leftie media slammed ukip over you know what,why i say you know what is because it was such a hyped another bashing of ukip story most people would say you know what, big deal,but this scandal involving tory boy in dudley is on a different scale.nothing shocks me but this story is mindblowing to say the least,this is a disaster for the tory hating ukip a complete disaster,vote ukip. ha ha cameron.
“Curiously the BBC don’t seem to have caught up with his latest thinking….”
Apart from:
Tory candidate suspended over vote-winning allegations
A bit of a quandary for BiasedBBC though; should you blame “The Tories”, or “The EDL”, or “The Muslims™”?
Mmm, let me guess…
Hmmm…let’s think Dez….a long time after the story broke the BBC finally catch up…they make it their headline story and yet when you read it there is a distinct lack of information, in a very short report, about what the man said, which was quite inflammatory…and, as Pounce points out, they don’t mention that he is a Muslim…..just as they fail to mention that the man who wanted to behead a soldier was a Muslim in their radio bulletins…or that the youths prevented from going to Syria were Muslim…teenagers, British, young, aged 17…all that mentioned but not the one significant fact…they were Muslim.
Anuyone would think the BBC was trying to hide something….hmmmm…let me guess.
“‘In Islam, they are all rotten apples’: Activist ex-Muslim”
“Hmmm…let’s think Dez….a long time after the story broke the BBC finally catch up…they make it their headline story and yet when you read it there is a distinct lack of information…”
BBC published it’s report just before midnight, just two hours after the Mail. Hardly “a long time after” and with a link to the original article. I’m not quite sure what you think that proves? It was a “Mail on Sunday Exclusive” since they had the original recordings in advance, so of course they had longer to prepare a story. So what?
“and, as Pounce points out, they don’t mention that he is a Muslim…”
Neither do they mention Tommy Robinson’s religion; yet for some reason you don’t seem at all concerned.
Obviously to avoid any accusations of bias, the BBC should preface every report with the religious affiliation of those involved, such as; “The Muslim Baroness Warsi”, or the “The Jew Grant Shapps”, or “The Jew Netanyahu”.
Welcome to the lovely new world of your dreams Alan.
So which Muslim state do you most admire, Dez? (And for the purposes of the exercise, let’s rule out any that are ‘self-styled’.)
Once again dez you’re just like the BBC. The BBC use the words; “the paper said”.
On Sky they’re actually broadcasting the material from the EDL “sting” so that the viewer can draw their own conclusions. I hate Sky News as much as the BBC because they are trying to out left the BBC and that is quite something. BUT at least in this instance they have allowed the viewer themselves to form an opinion on the information provided.
The BBC once again clearly want to control the information received by their audience. This is not news reporting, it falls in the category of propaganda, again.
I’m sure Alan has a point here, he just cant quite spit it out.
tommy and afzal,multi cultural unity and diversity the bbc should be proud of.
Indeed, Tommy Robinson has just done the people of Dudley North a great democratic favour which no-one can take away from him.
One more reason for Tories in this constituency to TACTFULLY vote UKIP to bring some common sense and balance into the equation:
than vote Tory get a LABOUR / SNP stitch up!
SNP another greedy set of undemocratic Charlatans that are wanting to increase their Barnett Formula extra per head Government spend, (currently Scots receive extra £1,623 each compared to average in England).
I see the bBC is still promoting this as the top story of the day.
A Pakistani Muslim plots to increase his share of the vote by appealing to fellow Muslims to back him by trying to run with a scenario where the nasty evil EDL (Who is in on the plot) are forced to retreat from the area thanks to the powers of a Tory Muslim.
And when other party idiots do likewise their stories don’t seem to generate as much lets say concern.
Row over Labour Leicester city councillors’ West Bank motion to condemn Israel and boycott goods
George Galloway investigated by police after he declares Bradford constituency an ‘Israel-free zone’ in protest at Gaza bombing
Lib Dem MP David Ward apologises over Gaza comments
Off topic but I always wonder how the BBC has the audacity to comment on the EDL and Ukip etc when many Labour MPs are perfectly happy to interact with Muslim extremist organisations. The whole ideology of the Left is anti-English and aligned with fundamentalist Islam and anarchist Marxism.
The BBC and the Left have brainwashed the populace to such an extent that it’s now more frowned upon to support an English nationalist cause than Isis and Muslim fascists. It’s disgraceful what’s happened to our country; and the BBC and Labour, coupled with that revolting fish supper wrapping paper, the Guardian, are squarely to blame.
Deafening silence on the 24 hour news channels re the court case involving Tower Hamlets voting irregularities / corruption.Occasional mention on LBC but really not discussed widely as an issue which is only going to grow across the country.
I would respectfully request that you disassociate the word ‘anarchist’ from the word ‘Marxist’. Its an insult to honourable anarchists.
saw on the Andrew Marr Show one usual talking head no not Soubry the other one how disgusting that anyone deals with EDL – WTF but IRA , ISIL , Taliban, Muslim Forums that have advocated beating women, executing apostates etc etc are all acceptable people to plot or negotiate with! Ugh EDL abhorrent are they but on balance EDL march, wave banners, make speeches and have had serious death threats and plots to blow them up! All of the others have a lot of previous on actually murdering people, intimidation, corruption, subversion of democratic process but ok let’s fear EDL. Seriously woman get some perspective you bien pensant and BBC just f…off
A 13 yer old girl would feel far safer at an EDL rally than getting to a cab in Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford or half a dozen other provincial towns.
or half a dozen other provincial towns.
Which have yet to be named. But have no fear, this is all going to be brushed under the carpet.
And well done Broadcasting House and its researchers who-funnily enough-managed to find the incumbent Labour MP to tell what was to be thought about this Mail On Sunday story.
The Mail CAN be quoted by the BBC every so often then, can`t it?
Rather like the Sun got a BBC hat tip for stitching up a UKIP staff member for one of their MEPs.
Nah-for the life of me , I can`t IMAGINE what the BBCs useful idiot from Labour could possibly think about this story…but I imagine that i`ll get wind of it for the next 24 hours on a rolling spin cycle until the drugs don`t work for them.
Meanwhile-Labour tells Esther McVeys constituents to “lynch the bitch”…and dinosaur Ronnie Campbell from “oop north” gets no scrum over his words, let alone his accounts or his funding….unlike UKIP or Toryboys like Mr Amin.
BBC-lying Juan curs!
The BBC should be more concerned about this lot:
I always detect a sympathetic tone from the BBC when ‘British’ citizens travel to Syria.
“Be patient, I’m handing over the country as fast as I can!”
In case you missed it, Brillo interviews Tommy Robinson on the Sunday Politics (22/3/15) regarding this matter
This is a follow on video from the previous one and shows Norman (“I’m not biased”) Smith treating Farage like he would never treat a Labour, Green or Scottish Natrional Socialist politician. Disgusting and further proof of BBC bias.
Alan doesn’t seem to have any criticism of the EDL in this matter, how odd?
?? Perhaps because this is a website for recording BBC Bias ??
Google ‘Fight EDL’ (or something similar). You’ll find plenty of criticism.
When the EDL is funded by a mandatory license fee and unaccouintable to boot, I’m sure Alan will address the issue of the EDL.
The spoiled brat far-Left scum who consistently try to silence all opposition to their warped views need to be publicly birched, in my opinion. The anti-fascists have become the new fascists. I wonder how many of these utterly useless brainwashed filth are scrounging benefits?
I’ve read several posts from UAF scum in recent weeks, claiming that all UKIP activists they come across are going to get the same treatment as this guy
None of those “people” attacking that BNP chap will have done a day of hard work in their lives and not a single one of them would have taken him on alone – they are just craven human rubbish.
So a Tory Muslim prospective M.P. is grassed up by the EDL for attempting to manipulate a situation for his own vile ends, and how does the odious Nick Lowles of the militant leftist smear group Hope not Hate react?
The fact that anyone listens to those useless lying scumbags Hopeless and Hate indicates just how far gone this country is. We’ve one hell of a political fight on our hands if we are to wrestle this country back from the evil Cultural Marxist filth. It may be too late.
A real Trojan horse, and with teeth.
Muslim immigration is ‘Trojan horse’ invasion, Belgian MP tells Ukip audience
He is totally right. In decades time Europe will be destroyed by war. The Marxist Left will be remembered as the traitors who caused it.
The Marxist left is what caused it, engineered it, planned it (in secret). They still see the EU (France mainly) as the epicentre of the revolution towards true Marxist ideals. The painful part is crushing the identity of the EU nation states and continually ridiculing and undermining democracy of ‘little englanders’ and any other patriotic country -(you can see the results all over Europe are unrest and anger). Its’ not the Russians we should be afraid of, its the EU itself and the disappearing role of our own government(s). When the EU eventually implodes (into vacuum) the furor and pent animosity of the Middle East which will never ‘integrate’ will become the defining moment in their history and ours. That is what they sense, the collapse of the EU, the weakness of our leaders, the open doors of the Marxists allies, a means to an end. Finally an end to Christendom via placebo of Islam ‘equality’ ethics. The Islam fanatics are used by the left, guided by the left and encouraged by the left in the name of ‘equality’ which means everything (if you have none) or state generosity (so you can have it all and take it away from others). So effective is this plan that even the ‘right’ have to conform to the EU regime. The EU will drift inexorably towards a liberal totalitarian regime where all religions are banned within the EU and English patriots would be jailed under state false pretenses (No Magna Carta here, Napolean law rules). This is already a blueprint for the EU liberals who see no danger, no racial tension, no financial problems as it can be ‘controlled’ using drugs, police and state media indoctrination. This is the real charter for the BBC, the plan, the common purpose.
‘Back in 2013 Afzal Amin told us, courtesy of the ever helpful BBC’
So what? Why shouldn’t they have? What’s your point?
‘And indeed they are…so integrated in fact that they join forces with the EDL..or at least the good Mr Afzal Amin does…’
So nothing to do with Muslim intergration then? What’s the first part of the sentence got to do with the latter? Or is that just gratuitous?
‘Curiously the BBC don’t seem to have caught up with his latest thinking….’
Except they did, all day, as the top headline on the website and TV and radio. So if your argument was that the BBC is biased for not covering the story, something you’d still have a long way to go to prove, is it not now biased that it has covered it? Maybe the morning editors were biased and the afternoon one’s aren’t?
Or is that yet another ‘example’ of Alan’s that falls…..again?