Bishop Hill details the lack of detail in the National Trust’s latest claims about climate change…
Dame Helen Ghosh, the former Whitehall bureaucrat who now runs the National Trust, was on the Today programme this morning explaining why climate change is the biggest threat to the Trust’s work.
Pressed to explain herself, Dame Helen had almost nothing to justify her position, apart from a suggestion that the Trust likes to address the issues of the day. This came across to me as saying “we just jump on any passing bandwagon, it’s good for business”.
The BBC reports indepth on Dame Helen’s ponderings and produces an alarming headline…
Climate change ‘biggest threat’ to National Trust land
However, despite the very concerning and alarming claim the BBC fails to actually find any substance to back up the headline, the report having a complete absence of evidence for that claim.
Still a lack of facts never stopped the BBC from making wild claims about the effects of climate change themselves.
Here’s Roger Harrabin, apparently being ‘sceptical’, but not really…
Cyclone Pam: Did climate change cause Vanuatu damage?
Harrabin makes the unproven claim that….
Globally, temperature has risen by 0.8C, mainly due to greenhouse gases. And that is affecting weather around the world.
But attributing individual tropical storms directly to our planes, cars and factories is a different matter.
Naturally he means greenhouse gases as made by man.
The BBC has no problem linking climate change to severe weather…Katrina, Haiyan, and now Pam.
Listeners to Radio 4’s Today programme were given an unmistakable but totally bogus message last week: that catastrophic storms such as Typhoon Haiyan are linked to global warming – and are set to increase.
He then admits….
The world authority, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, found no evidence of a link between the frequency of tropical storms and climate change.
The effect of climate change on precipitation is poorly understood.
Which is curious really because the BBC has always linked storms to climate change…and made claims that rainfall is directly effected by climate change ala Somerset Levels, Harrabin himself stating that rainfall will be more severe due to climate change.
Harrabin then claims that there is…
….an undisputed link between emissions and rising sea levels, which leaves poor low-lying Vanuatu increasingly vulnerable.
Which emissions would those be? CO2? No proof that CO2 is the main cause at all. Even if you believe that CO2 is the main cause of climate change the UN tells us that it only causes 50% of warming….so even if we spend billions reducing CO2 you’re still in trouble.
He then links that to this warning….
So when a storm strikes the islands in the year that heads of governments have promised to sign an over-arching deal to protect the climate, the president’s remarks are understandable.
He can’t be sure that the gusts of Pam were propelled by human hands.
But he can be very sure that, as greenhouse gases increase, it is his people who are among the most at risk.
So dressing up his report as being sceptical about the science but is in fact continuing down the path of a religious adherence to the ‘orthodxoy’ which is completely unproven…that CO2 is the cause of climate change…the conclusion which drives all government policy in this area at massive cost to everyone…..what if it is the wrong conclusion? Not only will they have wasted billions upon billions of pounds but will also have utterly failed to find a solution to the problem which therefore continues unabated as they tackle the wrong cause.
Just another ‘pro-climate change’ report from Roger.
Outrageous from Harrabin. Sadly, the BBC do not allow comments on such articles these days. I can’t think why.
‘And the BBC are loving it…
Oddly, despite making such a grandiose claim, there’s almost no mention in the report of the ways in which climate change is actually impacting on the Trust. “
Clearly Mr. Humphrys made an attempt, but can one presume that, like the Natster’s implosions (and subsequent green-related malfunctions this very day), the memory hole on detail and highlight of this ‘no mention’ aspect?
I note that rather than stay with his people, the president made sure to get his arse to a UN conference where he could rattle his collecting tin. Those limousines and private jets don’t just buy themselves you know.
Well it’s not wasting “billions and billions of pounds”…
That money goes to fund climate change eco groups, activists, researchers paid to find more dodgy “evidence”, eco journalists paid to spread the word, grants to “educate” us on the dangers of global warming and so on.
It goes to fund large numbers of well paid public sector jobs in the climate change industry, all with index linked pensions, lavish expenses, dinner parties for PC climate zealots in their houses in Hampstead, subscriptions to the Guardian, second homes in the Dordogne, all expenses paid trips to climate change conferences to talk to other people who all agree with each other etc etc.
Who could begrudge a few billion here and there for such noble causes? It’s not real money anyway; it’s just from taxes or borrowed.
Only a few days ago on here there was a link in a report about coral islands in the Pacific over the last 50? years saying a few had got smaller but most were the same or bigger. Hardly evidence of a rising sea level?
As well as the public sector there are loads of well paid “carbon reduction” office jobs in the building industry as we strive for “zero carbon” building. Unfortunately, for all the bulls**t, the industry actually got worse over a period, allowing for the reduced building activity, but had to find the overhead money to pay for the jobs!
I’m still waiting for someone (Manon?) to tell me how CO2 is causing “climate change”.
I understand the link that used to be claimed by alarmists between CO2 and global temperatures before the “pause”, but, apart from that now tenuous link, how is CO2 causing “climate change”, which implies far more than one narrow measure.
Answers on a postage stamp to ….
BBC Global Climate Change = (adjusted for bias and under estimation by 400%:
3(BBC+UN21/Evidence)sqrt3)minus the last number in the last age x(BBC TV License-fee+ NHS hospitals) + entire welsh assembly + Choir — (Scotland’s entire Oil revenue)= CO2!(as in exponential). Add BBC weather chart by Michael Fish from 1987 and Tabasco sauce. Stir in BBC Charter and famous ‘impartiality’ and ‘supported Science’ (delete all unsupported BBC Science) and Voila! BBC Climate Science!
The last time that I bothered to look at a formula used in a Computer model was “0.68 Kelvin for half a doubling of CO2“, using the Arrhenius method of calculating the Greenhouse effect. Positive feedback was used to cover for any lack of evidence for CO2, or any possibility of pining down evidence using Mars and Venus as proxies. That was until Negative feedback fucked that hypothesis up.
That’s why the approved Computer Models are now proven to be all fraudulent, unless they use the Unified Theory of Climate which solves the problem of explaining the temperatures in all parts of the atmospheres of all the planets in the Solar System, including the Earth and the carbon dioxide atmospheres of Venus and Mars.
But then, the Computer Models would then predict an unchanging eternal pause, unless they used the predicted length of the Solar Cycle, which is predicted using Solar tidal simulations, which just like the predictions of tides, could I believe, be predicted, without using computers.
But that would be a very slow method, but far better than the approved Computer Models.
But using the Unified Theory of Climate to calibrate carbon dioxide warming for the 20th century, you get about 0.007 Kelvin for the 0.1 millibar increase in CO2, 84 percent of that is proven to be Natural CO2, and of the remaining 16 percent, warmists give only 10 percent of that to volcanic CO2, so we have 14.4 percent of 0.007 Kelvin, or a increase of 0.001008 Kelvin to man made CO2 in the last 200 years.
Dame Helen is spouting meaningless propaganda out of her arse in the hope she’ll get more funding. She hasn’t a clue what she’s talking about and therefore needs to be rigorously challenged. As if our schoolkids aren’t screwed up enough, there’s the Dame and her ilk ready to pile on more with their X-rated global warming scaremongering.
But maybe she shouldn’t be judged too harshly because after all, Prof Tim Palmer – climate modelling supremo at Oxford – splutters the truth in a hilarious wasn’t-expecting-that-kind-of-question-from-the-BBC moment:
‘At least on this occasion, Humphrys did end by asking whether these climate computer models had not sometimes been wrong. Sounding somewhat surprised to be asked such a heretical question by the BBC, Prof Palmer did admit that they are only “approximations of reality”
So, when the Alarmists tell us the science on which these models are based is ‘settled’ we’ll know what they really mean is ‘it’s an approximation of science’. Still, no doubt Harrabin will continue ploughing that furrow, digging that hole, keeping his 28gate mates happy – i.e. working to a common purpose.
But no doubt, given time, ‘approximations of reality’ will, just like ‘hide the decline’, come to mean the total opposite of what you think it means.
Yup and gravity doesn’t exist either. I’m Waiting for it to be officially abolished so we can all float about.Flatearthers -don’t cha hurst luv em!
Dear Manon-the bus. Love your comments, but please stay off racist remarks. Muslims have claimed that the Earth is flat, and to laugh at flat earthers or disagree with the Koran is both offensive and racist. Yes, I know Islam is not a race, but I am aware that offending muslims is racist and Islamophobic.
Koranic science is the new counterknowledge, but can we demolish it ?
No way, as that would be insulting Islam.
But claphambusbomber you must know that gravity is only a social construct (invented by you know who) to oppress minorities
You have to laugh don’t you?
Wow! A poster who’s up with “the Sokal affair”!
Here’s Prof R Dawkins take on the matter, a concise essay which may help Warmists such as ManonBus(s) reflect on how, perhaps, they just may have been suckered.
The ‘intellectual impostures’ now infect Departments of science in our universities, as well as in those of the ‘pseudosciences’ as exposed so magnificently by Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont.
And ManonBus never did confirm how Michael Mann is progressing in his court case, or which scientists are lining up to back him in court. Go figure.
Mann is doing his best to delay any hearings in court. He’s obviously being funded by somebody. Hiring a group of high powered lawyers doesn’t come cheap and a college professor’s salary only goes so far. Mann’s hoping Mark Steyn runs out of money before he has to go into the witness box and is forced to answer awkward questions about his methodology in creating his infamous hockey stick. It seems being the darling of the Warming Alarmists means being given enough funding from vested interests to prevent being obliged to explain yourself under oath.
Ok I understand the references .Now you tell me their scientific relevance. Thats if you can!
Actually its a theoretical construct to oppress the halfwitted.
So you are oppressed ?
“Gravity doesn’t exist either”
That could be the case. It could be an illusion caused by the bending of Space by matter, causing an inability for us to remain in a state of rest, due to the acceleration at one G, away from the centre of the Earth, due to electro-magnetic resistance, by matter.
But in both cases of “Gravity doesn’t exist”, the Manonclaphamomnibus idiot could use acceleration to produce the illusion of Gravity.
Try reading your science book starting at the beginning.
If it doesnt exist why then do you go on to try to explain it by sticking lots of long words together in a meaningless sentence.
If you looked at the original post you might note that it was made in the context of some flatearther that believes that his ‘common sense’ view is on equal par to that of extensive research carried out by peer reviewed science.
Same stupity behind Gove Airlines,which I understand is now hiring unqualified piliots.
it is sping and most of north america including new york is still covered in a blanket of snow,it has been one of the coldest winters in the usa in history,so how do the climate change taliban explain this on away.
Belief in man made climate change is indistinguishable from a religious belief. It’s based on faith, not scientific evidence.
And just as religious people tend to see god’s will in evrything that happens, or doesn’t happen; so climate change alarmists see global warming as the cause of every type of weather event.
So people like California governor Jerry Brown can announce that record cold weather in USA is caused by…. (Drum roll to build suspense)…. Global Warming!
Yes that’s right folks, global warming causes extreme cold. Genius!
Also, like religious extremists, climate alarmists don’t take kindly to those who disbelieve. Heretics who reject the official dogma and speak up to “deny”, face furious retribution.
In a couple of hundred years from now, kids will be taught how people living in the early 21st Century were persecuted for daring to tell the truth and say that the earth is not warming. They’ll laugh and think we were all superstitious savages.
“…. and say that the earth is not warming. ”
I believe I am on the same side as you, but you might end up in an institution if you say that.
It would appear that scientists are reasonably able to take temperatures and compute them into moving averages which do seem to show a recent period of rising global temperatures, just like the moving averages they have produced show periods of “pause” (if not slight decline), as at present.
What I trust you and I are contending is the alarmists “certainty” that they know the reason for the recent period of rise, but seemingly not for the “pause”.
Unfortunately you have gotten things the wrong way round.
Science is based on theory backed by evidence. The theory is tested,in the case of most modern science by models, and then compared with its predictive ability. In the case of Global warming there is substantial evidence of warming.
Religious thinking however does not require any theorectical model or validation.
Religious thinking creates such statements as:-
‘Yes that’s right folks, global warming causes extreme cold. Genius!’
Not really genius more a flaw in your understanding. Global warming is predicted to create more extreme weather events and extreme cold is one such event.
There’s plenty of cold in the world in the same way that if you place a flame under an ice cube the ice will still measure 0 degrees. Global warming in this case is changing the DISTRIBUTION of weather events in the same way when you start to boil a kettle you will get a vast range of temperatures evident before all the water boils.
So no not genius,just very basic science which clearly you dont understand.
If you dont want to be seen as religious and you dont like the idea of global warming ,because youre scared of your own powerlessness then get some data ,come up with another model,test it against known changes and publish your work. That’s what the scientific community has been doing for decades over this subject. Maybe you know better than them in which case enlighten us.
As an aside you may like to check various ontological discussions in respect of different types of knowledge.
In summary Magic involves the spurious association of an event with ,typically, an activity. For example a rain dance.
Religion involves the occurence of an event with a causation by a higher power eg the wrath of God. It is this kind of thinking that drives the comments on the site although God isnt,and doesnt have to be,mentioned.
Technological thinking involves identifying a process ,like flciking a switch, with an expected outcome.
Finally scientific thinking involves providing an undestanding of the world by transforming observed events into testable theories through the process of abstraction. It provides the highest standard of rigour knowledge we have . Something that cant simply be dispelled by throw away comments by the lay person.
Its weather stupid!
30 years of weather = climate.
Oh! And don’t forget that other bullshit story that’s been doing the rounds today.
Yep! The killer mosquitoes are on the way..yes..they are being serious. Apparently we are going to get infested with big nasty mosquitoes that carry all sorts of deadly diseases.
Why you might ask? Well, its due to all these warm and wet summers and mild winters that we have supposedly been having, and are going to get warmer. And this is due to guess what? ‘ Climate Change’
We are now getting bombarded with the greatest load of lies by our broadcasters.
Warmists don’t do history, do they? Read any book on the Medieval period and you will find malaria common in Britain. It’s even been suggested Henry VIII suffered from bouts of it.
Also temperature is not a factor in mosquitoes carrying malaria. There have been large outbreaks of mosquito borne malaria in Siberia.
One of the whe world’s leading experts on malaria resigned from the IPCC because this particular chapter of their report was under the control of an environmental activist who had a fixed view of what the chapter should say. ‘Apparently we are going to get infested with big nasty mosquitoes that carry all sorts of deadly diseases’ is the result and nothing to do with science.
What happened to the ‘hot dry summers’?
Plenty in the US and Australia.People are moving out of Texas due to the lack of water,many previously arable areas are now totally dried up and the water tables in most countries are a few years from exhaustion.
I’ve just remembered – they’re ‘approximations of reality’!! (copyright The Climate Modelling Professor)
I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so much, and let’s face it, the Warmist sect has given us a few rib-ticklers over the years. ‘Hide the decline’ – ho! ho! ho! ‘No more snow’ – tee! hee! hee! ‘California megadrought!’ Waaah-ha-ha!
Now this is what you call a California megadrought:
‘California’s current drought is being billed as the driest period in the state’s recorded rainfall history. But scientists who study the West’s long-term climate patterns say the state has been parched for much longer stretches before that 163-year historical period began.
And they worry that the “megadroughts” typical of California’s earlier history could come again.
Through studies of tree rings, sediment and other natural evidence, researchers have documented multiple droughts in California that lasted 10 or 20 years in a row during the past 1,000 years — compared to the mere three-year duration of the current dry spell. The two most severe megadroughts make the Dust Bowl of the 1930s look tame: a 240-year-long drought that started in 850 and, 50 years after the conclusion of that one, another that stretched at least 180 years. ‘
Another bottle of whisky for Mr Omnibus please, nurse!
Las Vegas and Los Angeles are essentially desert communities which waste water on a profligate scale. The fact that underground aquifers which took thousands of years to develop are being used up so that people in the desert can play golf is nothing to do with “global warming”.
The eclipse was introduced as being a fantastic coincidence at the start of the 7am news bulletin on Radio 4 the other day?
Fantastic coincidence huh?
And there was me thinking it was God-as Newton, Planck and Heisenberg, Faraday did…Einstein, Hawking too I`d gather.
But hey-hardly Harribin any of them are they?
And the same chickenshit slurry science covers ALL BBC coverage-f***in global warming is the Warmon Death Cult that killed science.
No wonder Johnny Ball and David Bellamy are banned, Ian Fells and the like….
I predict that the Faeroe Islands will have another total Eclipse on the 7th September 2974, however the margin for error for the track of totality is at its limit at this date.
In fairness the Beeboid was pointing out the co-incidence the fact that the moon at its distance from the earth has precisely the same apparent diameter as the sun. That is a co incidence.
Just been informed that the brown eyed majority in Stoke on Trent College are waring tee shirts stating ” I support IS”. BBC Radio Stoke just up the road but no report of course. Now had it been ” I support EDL” from others….?
Has anyone else noted that when Scotty left, Manonthebus arrived?
Come to think of it, he does look a lot like ‘Olive from ‘ On the buses’
Many big companies and corporations employ people to comment on social media sites (like this one) to influence and, if need be, disrupt negative thought.
It’s considered an important part of their online, social media strategies.
The BBC sometimes uses its own staff to do this, or sometimes hires external agencies, or both.
Ideally they would post comments like “I don’t agree with you. I’m a big fan of the BBC and i think they do a pretty good job on the whole” etc etc.
That probably would would get laughed at on this site and wouldn’t be effective. Perhaps using a team of people to try to disrupt it works better.
Not just companies. The EU open employs a team to do just that.
And we pick up the bill.
On the other hand there maybe people from UKIP, the Conservative Party, Oil Industry etc, leading lots of muppets to the idea that if it snows in part of one country the the rest of the world has cooled down. These unseen people might also try to convince said muppets that a party run by an elitist, with no costed policies, is ok because he smokes a fag and drinks a pint outside a pub.
Personnally, I think normal people arent that stupid and can be engaged with evidence backed discussion rather than the politically gauged slurry from the gutter press. I mean people just arent that stupid are they?
I mean people just aren’t stupid are they ?
Try mixing with ordinary people and see for yourself
Don’t you argue that UKIP’s only policy is to control immigration. Supporters don’t need Labour-style fantasy costings to know that policy is sound. We don’t see the logic of bringing someone to a minimum-wage job while guaranteeing them and their families tax credits, housing benefit. free health service, education and pension. Maybe we’re not so bright, but we’re not totally thick.
UKIPs has only one policy immigration. All the other ones are in total flux and uncosted whims. There is no logic in bringing more people in. Its the nature of the EU and in my opinion folly.But it cuts both ways should we accept well trained surgeons and nurses from third world countries. On that I would say no as well.
Mr Omnibus pissed out of his brains again.
Mrs/Mr Omnibus – you have our sympathies. Put him to bed after a good thwack over the head with a 10lb mallet. What’s that? You’ve already tried that? How many times, did you say? Well, that would explain a lot….
I too heard Dame Helen Ghosh on Today and was initially surprised that the NT had climbed aboard the climate change bandwagon in such a political way.
However it is worth remembering that culturally and politically, the NT establishment (unlike many of its members) is a bit like the BBC at play in the countryside and in visiting old stately homes! It is the victim of groupthink with the same value systems and political allegiances. The days of the NT being run by crusty old aristocrats and landowners have long passed!
Dame Fiona Reynolds the previous NT Director was a quangocrat who then went to work for Tony Blair (Director of the Women’s Unit in the Cabinet Office). How many politically correct boxes did she tick? Guess what – she joined the Board of the BBC Trust in 2012 after leaving the NT. She is the ”senior independent director” according to the BBC website. Independent of what, I wonder?
Dame Helen Ghosh is a career civil servant, but her rise to the senior echelons came during the New Labour era so you can make an educated guess about were she stands on many issues. She was also in the Cabinet Office, like Dame Fiona, and was a key player in merging the Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise. We all know how well that went and what a splendidly performing organisation HMRC is! She then morphed into Permanent Secretary at the Home Office which works so tirelessly to keep Britain’s borders safe.
Is belief in Climate Change a new religion? The BBC think so and whilst we are at it Karl Marx has his own Church followers reinstated (as of 2015): ‘Keith Henderson was a Regional Organiser for the General Municipal and Boilermakers Union (GMB) and was dismissed for gross misconduct. He appealed to an Employment Tribunal, which found that he had been fairly dismissed but that he had also suffered unlawful direct discrimination and harassment on account of his “left-wing democratic socialist beliefs”’… Unbelievable but the BBC was there first in 2010, a similar case…
Compare an identical ploy successfully played by the BBC (2010) who dismissed somebody who did NOT believe in Climate change. Almost unbelievable that the the BBC ‘won’ that employment case stating that it was the same as a CHURCH beliefs: (with Liberal inspired beliefs (of Waltur Mathus and Karl Marx et al. …’Belief in climate change, animal rights, spiritualism, the ethos of the BBC and humanism are protected philosophical beliefs …
What an amazing coincidence. One Boiler worker who believes Marx is reinstated, whilst the other BBC disbeliever is dismissed (he did NOT believe in Climate change at all after working at the BBC). A Blasphemy at the BBC! Hail the new doctrine, the new orb, the new messiah Karlos Marxos the incredible- sponsored by the BBC Church of despair, donations accepted £145 per year, you may not get back your money or be entitled to any ‘cash-back’, TV and radio not included.
Can you locate the reference for me?
Is this what you are talking about?