Interesting to hear the BBC constantly refer to the EDL in their reports about Afzal Amin as ‘Far Right’.
Not sure how they come to that definition as the EDL’s sole ‘policy’ is to control extremist Islam….why is that a ‘Far Right’policy? Their opponents like to suggest this is a cover for underlying racism and anti-Muslim prejudice but that is not for the BBC to judge or to second guess their motivations…and yet they have.
All rather confusing when immediately after the report on Amin the BBC reported that the government was cracking down on Islamic extremism and Sharia courts… Islam being completely compatible with British values and society….Sharia law not being Islamic of course….and Islamic ‘extremism’ not having anything to do with the ‘real’, liberal, moderate Islam’ of BBC lore, it being a perverted desire to practise a pure, unadulterated version of Islam….a ‘conservative’Islam’….not Islam at all really.
Why does the BBC not refer to Theresa May as being of the ‘Far Right’ when she seems to be proposing the same things that the EDL does?
Why does May refer to good and bad Muslims?…or rather claims the Islamists are not Islamic.
The men and women I met told me they found it infuriating that they could be devout in their practice of their religion but they would only be considered “moderate” Muslims – since moderate was often taken to mean not hugely observant.
If they are fully practising Muslims then they should observe all the rules of Islam…..and in doing so are not ‘moderate’ in comparison to the values of a secular, liberal, democfratic society…they are ‘extremists’…the teachings of the Koran being decidedly unliberal.
If Muslims don’t want to be divided into ‘good’ and ‘bad’ Muslims then they have to accept that the Islamists are just as ‘Muslim’ as the non-violent ones are….and yet they lie to themselves being….
….rather insulted when asked if they could shed any light on why anyone from this country would wish to travel to Syria. They disputed the suggestion that their Islam had anything in common with the ideology of the jihadis.
‘Their’ Islam……‘ it quickly became apparent that they held views that many would not consider moderate at all.’
Until people like May, and the BBC, agree on what constitutes an ‘extreme’ value and belief they will never be able to tackle Islamist extremism. When I say ‘agree’ I mean come to the realisation about what Islam really says and demands of its followers…those who fully observe its teachings as ‘non-moderate’ Muslims.
We are going to have to start to reassess what we mean by “moderate Islam”.
The BBC is wrong. Many Muslims have sympathy with the Charlie Hebdo killings. Far too many.
It’s sure sign of how poor are the standards of journalism in this country that even the Mail lazily adopts the BBC’s ‘Far Right’ tag.
As a term, it’s nothing more than an SJW tag meaning ‘anything we don’t like’.
i agree,theresa mays new proposals to combat islamic terrorism comes straight out of the edl manifesto,maybe mrs may does visit the edl website to formulate her ideas.far right,what the hell does that mean anyway,this made up word by the leftist media means to me that being against islamic terrorism,child grooming gangs,sharia law,fmt etc means that we are far right then the majority in this country including theresa may must be far right,simple as that.
As far as I know, the EDL and the BNP have not harmed anyone, and yet they are called naughty names by the Left. The organic muesli-eating wooly jumper-knitting wood turners on the other hand attack political leaders in a pub, occupy buildings (often violently) and violently protest against anything that is in opposition to Left-wing ideology – and NEVER any criticism from the BB-Peado-C. Do you want to know why? Well, it’s simple; the BBC are part of an Islamo-Marxist plot to overthrow the white British heterosexual Christian majority.
I’ll tell you this for nothing, though; if those cheeky sods come jihadin or clowning around up my way, they’ll get an unforgiving pair of high heels up their bums along with my six-inch nails firmly gripped around their gonads! Mr du Slap will hold the handbag should circumstances turn serious.
“they’ll get an unforgiving pair of high heels up their bums with my six inch nails firmly gripped around their gonads!”
By George woman, you know how to excite a chap!
It must be remembered that when the EDL went to protest outside the court where the Rotherham paedophiles were being tried, the SWP went to support the monsters. SWP clearly stands for Socialists Worship Paedophiles.
Thought of another word to replace the “Worship”.
Same letter-and much more what Socialists do for Islamists, totalitarian Jew baiters and other haters of this country.
“SWP clearly stands for Socialists Worship Paedophiles. ”
Given the rape culture which seems to exist in these left wing lunatic asylums, you may well be right.
Far right?
Pertinent part of article
‘ When Joseph Stalin consolidated power in the second half of 1920s, his religion policy changed. Mosques were closed or turned into warehouses throughout Central Asia (comment by metal gear : this is technocracy). Religious leaders were persecuted, religious schools were closed down and Waqf’s were outlawed.[3] The Soviet government took the Paranji veil that the women wore (as part of the Islamic Hijab interpretation of Modesty) as evidence that the Muslim women were oppressed, and began the Hujum to try and forcefully remove it.[2][4]’
Have read elsewhere that uncle Joe organised mass burqa burnings in town squares around the soviet union was he far right and were does that leave the western bourgeois intelligencer that to this day idolise him?
Right. Centre-Right. Hard-Right. Far-Right. Extreme-Right. Ultra-Right.
Six graduations of Right which the BBC uses. It would be interesting where each lies on the spectrum of “Right-Wingness”; Is Hard-Right more Right than Extreme-Right?
And what criteria are used to determine such? The journo’s personal prejudices, perhaps?
By contrast, on the Left, the BBC has only “Left-Leaning”; you know, not really Left, just vaguely sort of, well, a bit Leftish.
When BBC editors drive to work , on the road they drive on the left leaning , occasionally being hard right to overtake a truck . After overtaking they become moderate.
When on the continent they drive centre right , but this annoys the fast traffic on the autoroutes who wish they would move over to the Far Right so that fast traffic could pass them . In fact the fast traffic wishes the BBC editors would consider taking an Extreme Right exit lane off the autoroute .
Back in Blighty the BBC editors come up to a roundabout and this is where it gets dangerous as they obey the Highway Code about giving way to traffic from the right but they won’t against traffic that is Ultra Right because they ignore such people .
On a three lane motorway they think they drive on the centre ground and when in the services they are not partial to the McDonald’s, they are impartial .
On balance though they think they are Just Right .
The Beeb also has a soft spot for the ‘radical left’,
Quite right. I don’t recall ever having heard the BBC describe any organisation as Far Left of Hard Left.
I’ve been saying this about the BBC for years now, that they are a Far Left organisation and that you never hear the terms “Far Left” or “Hard Left” on the BBC. When I ask folk why are they still purchasing a T.V. tax to support the Far Left BBC, I really do get some strange looks!
As the old saying goes, there are no enemies on the left. That should be over the door of Broadcasting House.
edl are very peace loving,they only respond in kind when attacked by the far left scum.
One day soon the majority of us will of a sudden tire of this crap from the liberal left and their media goons.
Instead of indulging them we will see them as an existential threat to our way of life and at that moment everything changes.
On that day I would not want to be associated with them. To work at the BBC or in any media leftwing outfit. I would not want to be part of the mouthy state supported legal and educational elites living at our expense. I certainly would not want to be a politician associated with years of PC disdain for us.
The more these fools push us and our people- as against Mr Farage- the more certain this becomes.
There is always a reaction. This is a rule of life and the liberal elites are making a dreadful mistake in ignoring this reality.
Why do the Beeb and the MSM never report why any EDL meeting has to be held as a march? Because any building which held a large meeting (or the owner) would be physically attacked by those on the Left whom the BBC support; and that wouldn’t fit their narrative.
When EDL marches take place the majority of those arrested belong to SWP or HNH – yet it is never reported like that by the MSM.
Of course EDL are far right. And racist. But the vast majority of people on here are the same, so you’re hardly going to enjoy that epithet, are you?
That’s really funny. I expect you’ll be on the News Quiz next week.
Name calling followed by tantrums and then physical acts of vandalism or assault on those don’t agree or refuse to accept their demand for attention no not naughty infants but far left. It is I suppose to be expected as far left political views are really something you are supposed to believe at school then you mature learn stuff in the real world and leave that silliness behind. The BBC just employ the sixth formers in that sad little school time they went out in the real world too