This morning Theresa the appeaser announces some half baked ideas that the government will ‘tackle Islamic extremism head on’ begging the question why given 5 years they have done nothing about it before !
They know there are only a few days left to this parliament so they can’t do anything about it now, and a promise made by a politician before an election is worthless.
Yet where is that line in the sand to be set? One side of it you have something criminal, and the other one you are a ‘waycist’ and will never work again once they have sacked you!
Until the whole of society backs off on the meaningless bully word (and there’s no evidence that they will) then ‘extremism’, Sharia courts, child rape gangs, Trojan horse plots, and many many other unpalatable things will all go unchallenged, because it’s better to be accused of incompetence / or to claim outright fear of being called ‘waycist’ than the consequences of the Fascist left finding you called their brown eyed boys a nasty name !
So rigorously CP. She’s just said ”Islam is entirely compatible with our British way of life…’. Eh? I thought ‘our British way of life’ as defined by CP – and supported by her own party – entails attitudes to gender and sexual orientation that are at odds with Islam. Just because the Beeb choses to isolate the Anglican Church for abuse, are us plebs supposed to ignore the far more extreme views of Islam? It’s Teresa v Boris for the Tories. I think I’ll stick with Nigel.
Give it a couple of generations, and Islam WILL BE the British way of life unless its adherents lapse from the faith, or better still, quit it entirely, in their millions.
Listening to May this morning I had the distinct impression her ideas for combating extremism were more about criminalising those people and organisations who criticicise certain protected minorities and religions ( well, one religion mainly). I wouldn’t trust a Common Purpose groupie like May with the powers she’s suggesting she needs. Groups like the EDL and even Nigel Farage should be very worried if she’s still Home Secretary after the next election.
if Mr Cameron holds on to office, he will head off to Brussels to “renegotiate” our terms of membership. The snag is that they are not renegotiable. He will be committed to announce success however few petifogging little concessions he is given and campaign to accept them. And if Ukip has crashed, from where will the advocates of a “Brexit” organise their campaign?
Brussels will not be a name on the ballot paper, but it may well be the winner on May 7.
Nothing a politician says before an election can be regarded as truthful. There is little point looking at a manifesto because the things a party intends to do won’t be in it, and the things which are in it are just adverts which they use to persuade people to vote for them.
If it was a product there would probably be action under the sale of goods act for not being representative of the actual service delivered.
The bias and omission, the hopeless programming, the social engineering, the absurd salaries, the ridiculous pay-offs, the vast pensions and the endless waste are reasons sufficient to dismantle the Big Brother Corp.
Then consider the fact it is up to its neck in facilitating and white washing CSA over a period of decades. These efforts are on-going.
The BBC’s continuing survival in the face of this appalling charge sheet is testament to the power of big meeja.
Obviously to those in possession of double digit IQ and above, the beeb’s claim to impartiality is preposterous and can never be achieved.
But a step in the right direction would be hard-hitting BBC expose of CP and the extent to which it has infiltrated public life. Such a documentary would obviously reveal the amount the beeb itself has passed the way of the ‘charity’.
Heartwarming little item on Today this morning, when they chose to install Justin Webb in Leicester for the duration, ostensibly to keep us in touch with the Richard III re-interment goings-on.
But we all know the real reason: it’s to overhwelm our senses with the tsunami of positive vibes that pulse in all directions from this great ‘multicultural’ city. So, inevitably, this had to have its own featurette.
Webb adopted his warm, cuddly-wuddly tone, telling us what a great ‘multicultural city’ Leicester is. An ‘Asian’ businessman was interviewed. Leicester is wonderful because it’s a great ‘multicultural city’. Another Asian businessman was interviewed and he told us the ‘multicultural population’ gave his business access to lots of different markets – he positively needed multiculturalism! Quite how this worked – mystery. They also needed loads of immigration to fill all the jobs, apparently, so EU open borders is also great. What about employing the Leicester jobless instead? Dunno, not asked.
Both of these fans of multiculturalism were from the Leicester Asian Business Association. Why do they need an ‘Asian’ Business Association? Something to do with ‘multiculturalism’? Not explained. Is there an English Business Association in this great ‘multicultural city’? Left in the dark on that one. Are English businesses allowed to participate? – don’t even ask!
And, given the pretext of all this was the Richard III event – you know, an English king, towering historical figure and all that – what did all these different ‘cultures’ in this great ‘multicultural city’ think of it? Judging by the hideous whiteness of the crowds lining the streets to watch the procession, not a lot. Could this be due to ‘multiculturalism’? Dunno – quietly ignored.
The ethnicity of the vast majority of the crowds was something the broadcasters had a hard time hiding, however many “Asian businessmen” they interviewed.
I did pick up on the fact that in 1485 Leicester had a population of 3,000. Now it is 300,000, which oddly enough is the number of extra people we must accommodate every year in our vibrant multi-cultural society. A new Leicester every year! It can’t be long before they turn Bosworth Field into a housing estate for our new chums.
Watching BBC News Channel’s half hour programme about the events in Leicester I got the distinct impression the Mayor and local business people were more bothered about Richard’s tomb making money for the city than honouring his memory. The Mayor, especially, almost literally had £ signs kerchinging in his eyes every time he blinked. Their attitude left a nasty aftertaste.
Yes Rob, 300,000 is also around the number of houses we are constantly told need to be built to eliminate the “housing crisis” . It’s like listening to someone walking down an escalator the wrong way complaining he is not getting anywhere and is too thick to see a change in direction is needed.
I was at Leicester Poly in the very early 90’s. The deal was this…the Asians had the canteen and everyone else could have the Students Union. If any one who wasn’t Asian and male went in the main canteen at breaks and lunch chairs would be rammed up against you and your brief say was made very difficult indeed. Nobody questioned it. That was how it worked.
God forbid you went out with an Asian girl student. “The Regulators” as they charmingly called themselves (and don’t forget these are supposedly undergraduate students for crying out loud) would be after you.
Did you notice the programme managed to find three white Leicester young people, all from the’ deprived area’ when asked how they would vote kept saying ‘Don’t understand it, not voting its got nothing to do with me’. Cherry picked not too bright out of touch types compared with the selected Asians.
Now if they had chose some Asians who needed a translator!
And who needed the help of a ” community leader ” to vote for the correct party on the voting slip ? That of course would give the game away for all of the ” Tower Hamlets ” style of voting we will get in a few weeks time. If only the bbc was allowed to place cameras inside polling stations, we could see democracy in action ” South Asian style ” . Then again perhaps better left unseen eh ?
It’s not the polling stations that need the cameras, but the location that the “collected” postal votes are taken to to be filled in.
The change to anybody having a postal vote was a major step forward in “democracy” to save people actually having to stir themselves to vote. But as usual the law of unintended consequences intervenes.
If you have a postal vote in a household how does the, say, female vote for who she wants rather than who her, say, partner tells her to? Its easy at the polling station to do one thing and say another, not so in the domestic situation.
The controversial comedian, who was previously reprimanded by the BBC Trust, will mix stand-up with a discussion about the election in front of a live audience.
The BBC said the show would see Boyle making “a series of bold and often outrageous statements about the vote”.
There will also be a series of comedy shorts starring Muslim comedians and a three-part series called My Jihad about a young Muslim couple, which is described as “a tender and funny love story set in contemporary Britain”.
Victoria Jaye, head of TV content for the iPlayer, said: “I’m thrilled to have such a vast range of fantastic content coming exclusively to iPlayer in the next few months.
– Is Labour Party’s Election adviser, Prescott, hypothesizing that if he were a young Muslim (the thought!) he would join the Islamofascist Islamic State and massacre non-Muslim British people?
“Miliband MUST condemn ‘apologist for terror’ John Prescott after he said BRITAIN is to blame for ISIS fanatics, MPs demand.
“Former deputy prime minister said Britain had to answer for runaways.
“He claimed the UK was as much to blame as extremists for radicalisation.
“Lord Prescott was described as ‘apologist for terrorism’ by MPs.
“Ed Miliband was tonight facing calls to distance himself from the claim .”
Demonstrators first went to the George & Dragon, believing it to be Mr Farage’s local, before they found him.
They said they chased the family out of the pub and jumped on the politician’s car bonnet as he drove away. Mr Farage later branded them “scum”.
So there’s no need for the scare quotes in the headline. Unless of course you are trying to sow doubt in the mind of the reader that this attack actually took place.
‘Scare quotes may serve a function similar to verbally preceding a phrase with the expression “so-called”, they may imply skepticism or disagreement, or that the writer intends an opposite sense of the words enclosed in quotes.
As enshrined in the ‘special stuff’ section of the ever-unique BBC Editorial Guidelines no doubt, which are used and abused so much now I invite Tony, Danny, James, James Hugs, Mary, Rona etc to stick it where the Leader of the Opposition’s favourite tabloid doesn’t shine.
‘Unless of course you are trying to sow doubt in the mind of the reader that this attack actually took place.’
Note that Beeboids, in headline, use phrase: “London protesters” (not in quotes) as if Beeboids know the geographical origins of these people; and that the residence of such people, rather than their far-left political affiliations and intimidatory actions, is the most significant feature.
BBC – has Terppeaser May bleating out.
“But there is increasing evidence that a small but significant number of people living in Britain – almost all of whom are British citizens – reject our values,” she will add.
“We have seen the Trojan Horse plot to take over state schools in Birmingham. (oh not “so called”)
“Concerns about religious supplementary schools.
“Widespread allegations of corruption, cronyism, extremism”,
“homophobia and anti-Semitism in Tower Hamlets.”
“Hate speakers invited to speak at British colleges and universities.”
” Segregation by gender allowed at universities and even endorsed by Universities UK”.
“Charities and the generosity of the giving public abused by extremists.
“Examples of Shari’a law being used to discriminate against women”.
“Thousands of ‘honour’ crimes committed every year”.
… And hundreds of British citizens who have travelled to fight in Syria and Iraq.”
Welcome to Islam … Terppeaser …
I know, of course, its not in your street,
but do you like it?
… and you ve forgotten the 1000, 000 victims of Islamic orchestrated gang rape
and erm so … the last 5years?
Just another “jam tomorrow” palava
“In reality, the game was up long ago, when Theresa May and David Cameron opted to hound and demonize opponents of jihad terror, and coddle and appease jihad terrorists.
This attempt to appear to be adopting a tough stance is far too late and just for show.
Electioneering already, Theresa?”
R Spencer
“UK: Theresa May, appeaser of jihadis, tells jihadis ‘the game is up.'”
[Excerpt, by Robert Spencer]:-
“In reality, the game was up long ago, when Theresa May and David Cameron opted to hound and demonize opponents of jihad terror, and coddle and appease jihad terrorists. This attempt to appear to be adopting a tough stance is far too late and just for show. Electioneering already, Theresa? It won’t matter in any case: whatever the outcome of elections at any time, future generations of free Britons, if there are any, will curse your name for delivering their country so easily and willingly into the hands of those who were determined to make it over into an authoritarian Sharia state.”
Can anyone tell me why I can’t get on to the jihadwatch website, or Gates of Vienna website either? When I click on a link as in GeorgeR’s posting above, all I get is a message ‘you are being redirected’ ..then nothing!! I live in NZ and wonder if these websites are being blocked by someone – who could do that? Does anyone know please – it’s been happening for a while now?
Well, the combined efforts of the anti UKIP brigade are coming out with some clever jokes. Nazi-cancer jokes from a Green candidate and BBC comic. Now what was that joke about a one tited tree hugging Green?
Nice to see the liberal eco left are campaigning on the big issues facing our nation at this troubled time and not stooping to crude abuse and intimidation.
I’m sure the BBC will report this shocker from the gaffe-prone Green Party.
I suppose in the left-wing, politically correct, parallel universe of the BBC, “comedy” means abusing and intimidating those who have different opinions and hounding their families out of pubs during Sunday lunch.
I guess it’s the same Islamo-left “comedy” as performed by Dieudonné, the French “comedian” who’s just been given a two month suspended sentence for glorifying terrorism in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attacks.
Didn’t comedy used to have something to do with “being funny”?
I’m surprised our Farage-bashing, trolling bunny hasn’t got a job at BBC Comedy by now. After all, she’d sent several posts praising the mob’s actions.
I posted this on the last thread.
“Anyone notice the lack of a voice, for representation for the other side of the Afzal Amin Tory/Muslim Corruption expose?.
The EDL representation … once again missing BBC?
(Tory/Muslim, now there is a can of worms, how high up the tree you d be surprised)
There was to be live interview with T Robinson this morning, but it was having to go on LBC, not the BBC, (I think on the O Brien show), but he as I m sure you know, parted company with the EDL a while back.
Anyway will be Fluff and Bluster re Farage ala BBC no doubt
As a diversion?.
SWP as the voice of reason?
The UAF protests against rising anti Semitism, that include the
majority of perpetrators … of said anti Semitism, claiming victimhood!
you couldn t make it up”
As an outsider – a non-EDF supporter and UKIP/Conservative waverer – I have to say what Tommy Robinson says seems to me compelling and utterly truthful. His responses to Nick Ferrari’s questions are immediate, straightforward and unequivocal, and clearly unrehearsed. I am sure he is correct about entry-ism by islamists into all the nooks and crannies of government and civil society, keeping their true purpose hidden until they can exercise power to the benefit of the worldwide ummah. I rather fear for Robinson, for the police will not protect him, and neither will T. May and the Home Office.
Similarly when he appeared on Newsight with Paxman he acquitted himself extremely well .
Prior to that the self confessed left wing C4 followed him around while he was leader of EDL and the resulting documentary showed him as honest and principled (kudos to C4 for airing it )
That’s the whole point of the no platform tactic as practiced by rainbow Nazis against Nigel Farage and enabled by the BBC .
The hoi-polloi can not be allowed to hear these controversial figures in their own words lest they get the wrong idea .
The extremism of the EDL is now well behind this man.
Tommy, I admire you. I do hope the Police give you and your family the protection you need and dam well deserve. You have done this proud Nation a great service.
As this story develops, (TV documentary etc), I believe Tommy will leave even further behind all the deserved EDL extremism ‘labels’ and slowly become a National hero among the masses.
This is one man who had the guts to say it exactly how it is which, from the highest political, celebrity and ‘leftist’ establishment lily-livered quislings, have dared not say about the truth of the whole fundamental Islam debate.
One should also not forget he is standing up for all the peace loving inhabitants of this Nation of whatever religion, creed, sexual orientation from wherever they come.
Plain and simply he is standing up for what is right and denouncing what is wrong.
Good man, I would be proud to have you in my aquaitance anytime.
A very, very brave man….i hope he flourishes….get out there and lambast every politician and asian you can, Indian and Pakistani asians are corrupt and cheat their way through life, it is in their very DNA, we are in big trouble in this country…..
Ms. Joseph exudes a mumsy air, but where race and especially her notions on UKIP’s role are concerned she makes Jasmine Lawrence seem the soul of impartiality.
Many like her for the former, but she does appear thick as mince when the topics move beyond skateboarding turtles.
“Jeremy Clarkson’s fate now lies in the hands of one man: BBC boss Tony Hall”
“Ken MacQuarrie’s report is understood to be restricted to establishing the facts only and is not expected to recommend possible sanctions.”
A bit like ‘saving the planet’, I’d suggest that Jezza will be fine, and if there are any fates on the line it is those of the Danny Cohen, the BBC and Lord Pantone in about that order, as the latter tries to dig the corporation out of the mess the former created.
As Nick Drew notes, even the paper edition of the BBCGuardian picked up on the consequences of cultural enrichment as 130 new members of the Halifax Labour Party were disqualified from voting on Labour’s new candidate there due to suspected “irregularities” in their recruitment. Apparently, except for 7, they’re all of “Asian” heritage. The BBC? Silent on air and – in a search of the BBC website with parameters “halifax” and “labour” – another blank. I wonder why.
I wonder if they would show such restraint if a Tory or UKIP MP had described their leader using such colourful language…
“Harriet Harman came out and said he [Miliband] was right to pose with the Sun newspaper and he was right to apologise for posing with the Sun newspaper,” says Danczuk. “And it’s that sort of double speak from politicians: how could he be right on both counts? That turns people off politics. So when somebody hears a politician say that, you know what they think, if you pardon the language: ‘what a f**king knob’. That’s the reality of it.”
Despicable bBC give Dan Glass the organiser of yesterdays protest airtime on the Daily Politics and allow him to claim that he is now the victim (he claims to have had death threats).
Norman Baker also refuses to condemn the actions of the protesters using words like ‘if true’ and ‘if it did happen’ bastards the lot of them (bBC included)
these middle class lefties are all the same. Your opinions must conform otherwise they try to harass you. This all comes from our education system that isn’t about teaching people anything but about brainwashing young minds to barmy leftwing ideas
Farage needs bodyguards. A couple of good old country boys should do the trick. The facist left would need odds of 20 to one to even try it on .
No doubt our wonderful police would think that unfair and charge the bodyguards . Guardanistas are all cowards at heart.
Can vouch for Simon’s comment with personal experience at the University of Westminster as a mature student 10 years ago. ( the “university” where the Islamic Society is permitted to have known extremists to speak regularly that incite and brainwash young men ) My essays were marked down if they contained any thing other than left wing ideas! and the brilliant lecturer who was left wing not able to get a job there.
The guise of ‘understanding motives’ is wearing pretty thin between the BBC and those it is running PR crisis management for when they go too far. Was there a counter present, or just the poor ‘victim’? Did the interviewer rip him a new one, or agree, as some still seem keen to try, that a 10 and 15yo should ‘man up’ when a mob of stalking nutters descends?
Norman Baker clearly operating on BBC ‘obfuscation as news’ if those are the caveats he is still using. Or he is a flat-out dissembler himself.
Even before Glass opened his mouth, it was clear there were votes to be had for UKIP. He looked and sounded like Citizen Smith. Patrick O’Flynn was at a disadvantage being outside the studio, but he sensed the guy was doing a fine job and he actually told JoCo he was happy to say nothing so that Glass could have extra time!
I see the point about give Glass all the rope he could wind around himself, but the questions posed the MEP were pretty darn dire, blatantly seeking the evening sound bite money shot, pushing on ‘right to use the word ‘Scum’, and asking whether Nigel Farage should have police protection paid for by Ed and Dave’s hard working families.
Nasty bit of work, frankly, at a compelled £145.50pa.
I wonder if Glass and his group have carried out similar protests against Muslims who oppose women exposing any body parts in public and believe homosexuals should be thrown from the tops of tall buildings?
The irony of it all, in light of his alarm about UKIP’s “Islamaphobia”, is that in a U.K. governed under the Shariah, Glass and his accomplices (gays, lesbians, uncovered women, non-jizya paying kaffirs etc) would all be executed: in one run by a UKIP government they wouldn’t be.
Another set of Allah’s finest bugger off in which to help form the new caliphate and to the bBC they can only be doing good: Nine missing British medics ‘had humanitarian motives’ Nine British medical students and doctors who are feared to have travelled to Syria were motivated by humanitarian concerns, their parents have said.
Lets see, Sudanese Muslims are Sunni, as are funny enough ISIS. The victims of ISIS are anybody not Sunni, so where would these altruistic medical students be going. Funny enough ISIS are currently on the backfoot, they have being hammered from all directions and while they have idiots who are willing to die, they do need more medics in which to treat their wounded.
Yet the bBC (And the British Government) can’t see this and continue to try and shaft the majority non-Islamic population that these people are actually…victims.
Two issues for me in this “Start The Week” Thread.
Firstly, the Richard III has been a wondeful little event because it has brought England’s true history and heritage back to the English.
The white lined streets(and I make no apology) showed how people felt about it and it must have been like a breath of pure, clear air in the stinking smog of daily “multi-culturism”.
Although the BBC covered the event their disdain for it stuck out like a sore thumb.
Secondly, I noticed that last week the BBC were sticking the boot into the Liberal Democrats, Conservatives and finally UKIP.
I thought “hmm”, in other words they’ll be trumpeting Labour as the only party who are worth voting for and behold, today a main article which tries to push Ed Milliband as a strong, in control “statesman” who will have no truck with the SNP.
Though not on the BBC,the funniest thing was Jon Snow on the Channel 4 live programme going into raptures about Leicester being the most multicultural town in Britain and how wonderful it is to see all these people on the streets from all the diverse cultures. He really was over the moon about it ,but the camera failed to pick this diversity up.
An Asian guest in the studio tried his best to respond to Mr Snows effusive suggestions about how he must feel with his British past coming into the present,but the poor guy was floundering cleary didnt have clue what Mr Snow was on about,he thought he was there to talk about business in Leicester !
What I saw of it on BBC seemed reasonable ,but I didn’t see much.
Yes Snow was parroting on about Leicester having a minority majority ( I think he said that ) but from the composition of the crowd you wouldn’t have known there were any ethnics in the city at all. As Mr T Phillips said the other day , also on C4, the two communities live in separate parts of Leicester and there is very little interaction apart from at work.
Even in Leicester the great multiculty experiment has a long, long way to go, with lots of trauma to come, unless of course the elite see the error of their ways and call the whole thing off. Not much chance of that happening until its too late, which of course it probably is already.
I don’t see why there is any interest in the Wars of the Roses. After all it was just a load of undiverse white men being too male and killing another load of undiverse white men.
Snow and the rest never ask the obvious question. Where have the whites gone? Leicester definitely does not represent the ethnic mix of England taken as a whole.
i would have thought even the densest beeboid would want to know why.
He is everything that’s wrong with the beeb. Gets his son a job through nepotism and has a willful inability to see that all is deeply unwell in “communities” in merry England.
I boycott products, banks, companies, even shops, which I have moral and ethical issues with. Some think I’m quite left wing and militant, whatever, however there is one institution/company that I MUST give my cash to by law – the BBC or have my television removed. North Korea anyone?
Still, it’s good to know that even though he’s the son of Peter (BBC) and nephew of John (Ch 4) he’s got there purely by his outstanding ability and that it’s nothing whatever to do with institutional Dimbleborough and Attenby-like nepotism.
BBC propaganda machine in full swing today. Radio2 Vine show has gay choir plus constant references to the ‘good’ that immigrants do for our country. They are an utter disgrace to the country. If Tories happen to win the election then the first thing on the agenda should be to disband this labour mouthpiece.
But as we all know, they won’t. The Tories have had many years of government in which they could have at least restrained the flow of Marxist garbage from the BBC but they haven’t done it.
It is going to be very hard for the BBC when the short campaign starts, as they will be forced to engage in some sort of impartiality. So far they have really struggled and it is hard to see how they will change.
(Sorry selected comment by mistake.) Meant to say the BBC will continue in the same way. Subtle but biased: e.g. just now, Conservative ministers defended David Cameron’s announcement that he would stand down, and then the shadow chancellor Ed Balls has announced that a Labour government would not raise VAT. Words like defended, claimed etc. etc. all colour reports.
BBC – The Afzal Amin Tory/Muslim Corruption expose?.
If you listen the latest BBC reports, and weasel words.
Is staggering if you compare it with a live LBC broadcast
(higher in the thread)
… they play only a snippet, that completely
distorts the facts,(that are all filmed) ….
and hey ho
listens intently to Amins “side” laughably … from erm Dubai !!
Imagine Natalie Bennett had been hounded out of a pub by a screaming right-wing pro-fracking mob, her children terrified out of their wits, then the family car attacked as they were trying to drive off.
Imagine it wasn’t the first time she’d been attacked by right-wingers.
Imagine the BBC coverage. Something like: ‘The Far Right in Britain: an attack on democracy’ – a whole Panorama full, or three.
Yes you are spot on. For a party with poll rating consistently 12 to 18% for over a year you would think that he would have police protection from these ‘peaceful protesters’ . I reckon that this is at least the third time he has been seriously harrassed by leftist thugs in the past year. Its a pity the people in the pub didn’t tell the protesters to piss off in a suitably forceful way.
He has bodyguards when he’s out and about campaigning, he has done since that delightful fellow sneaked up behind him and smashed an egg against the back of his head. I think it is appalling that he may be forced to have them all the time; this sort of thing will become more ferocious the closer we get to polling day.
No, the most amusing bit is that you think anyone here cares for your opinion. You are simply the annoying smell that turns out to be dog mess on one’s shoe.
I’d say the following Green policies are pretty left wing:
Migrants illegally in the UK for over five years will be allowed to remain unless they pose a serious danger to public safety.
Renationalise the railways and energy companies.
Scrap Britain’s nuclear weapons.
End the so-called “special relationship” between the UK and the US.
Allow 16 and 17-year-olds to vote in all UK elections.
Scrap university tuition fees.
Abolish right to buy.
A Citizen’s Income, a fixed amount of £72 income a week to be paid to every individual, whether they are in work or not, to be funded by higher taxes on the better off and green levies. But in the short-term it would increase the minimum wage to £10 by 2020.
Scrap the government’s welfare cap, which limits the maximum amount a household can claim annually to £26,000 a year.
‘To achieve global ecological sustainability, with equity and social justice, the industrialised countries must actively reduce the physical burden they place on the planet and must, by example, encourage and support the less industrialised countries in adopting appropriate development strategies.’
Zero growth objective
‘To this end, the Citizens’ Income (see EC730) will allow the current dependence on economic growth to cease, and allow zero or negative growth to be feasible without individual hardship should this be necessary on the grounds of sustainability’ (NB EC730 is a minimum citizen’s wage paid for by the government/taxpayer – out of ‘zero growth, of course)
Oh come on, the hilarious jesters of the BBC are constantly taking aim and scoring the open goals set up for them by the ridiculous Green party policies.
For example there was…..erm….ah.. well for instance, em……. UKIP are raycist! Hahaha nice one Jeremy/Marcus/Sandi
Jeff, the bBC cherry picks the Green Party policy in which to make them look good here are a few things they don’t inform you about: Policing
The Police service has failed to build meaningful trust with many communities and still does not adequately represent or reflect Britain’s diversity, including its ethnic diversity. Greater emphasis on ensuring diversity in all levels of policing so that they include people from a range of backgrounds including people from black and ethnic minorities, different sexual orientations, various faiths, trans people, and other social and cultural backgrounds, and are more equal in the employment of men and women. Nationality
Over the last decades, British nationality law has been used to restrict the number of Black people having the right to live in the UK while maximising the opportunities for white non-residents with British ancestors to retain this right. The Green Party believes that such nationality laws must be reformed.
Responsibilities and rights of citizenship will include Citizens’ Income, personal taxation and the right to participate in the democratic process. The Green Party will therefore base the right to vote and to stand in elections on residence rather than nationality. Asylum seekers
People seeking asylum should not be prevented from reaching the UK by restrictions such as visas and fines on airlines. Tourism
The Green Party is concerned about ecological. social and economic effects of tourism. We seek to ensure that: damage to the local and global environments is kept to a minimum; people are encouraged to take their holidays closer to home, reducing the amount of travel, particularly by air; Defence
On inspection, there is little or no threat of direct invasion of the UK by any nation. Commitment to a large standing army, a navy of large warships around our coastline, squadrons of fighter planes and a cripplingly expensive missile defence system is therefore unnecessary. Any threat of invasion that might arise in the future is so remote that realignment of the UK military and defence preparations would be possible long before any invasion occurred. Economy
the Citizens’ Income (An unconditional, non-withdrawable income payable to each individual as a right of citizenship. It will not be subject to means testing and there will be no requirement to be either working or actively seeking work.) will allow the current dependence on economic growth to cease, and allow zero or negative growth to be feasible without individual hardship should this be necessary on the grounds of sustainability.
This morning Radio Five “gets much worse” Live’s Breakfast Programme was very concerned to talk about yesterday’s incident where Nigel Frarage and his family were harrassed in a public house by a bunch of mindless hooligans. I got the impression that Nicky “Gameshow” Campbell thought the whole affair outrageously funny, particularly as it involved UKIP. The nine o’ clock discussion mainly centred around this affair, and when a witness to the whole affair came on the show and upheld Farage’s version of events, “Gameshow” immediately tried to make fun of this witness by asking asinine questions such as, “Did you choose the roast beef?” and “Did you have mustard for choice?” Later when a Conservative M.P. for a Bristol constituency, Charlotte Lesley, gave an account of how her constituency office had been sprayed on the outside by graffiti carried out by anti-fracking protestors, he continually tried to interrupt her with mindless comments. Ms. Lesley was trying to argue that such protestors did have a valid point to make, but it would have been preferable if they could have done so through the normal channels such as the internet. She had quite a struggle to make this simple point against the barrage of inanities spewing out of “Gameshow’s” mouth. However, when a representative of the Socialist Workers’ Party came on to largely support the stance adopted by the protestors, he was listened to with more respect and fewer interruptions. What this episode showed was that “Gameshow” and his ilk on the BBC basically thought that the incident was a huge laugh and that he himself is no more than an incompetent and witless individual who should not be left in charge of a current affairs programme. His whole attitude demonstrated that he should go back to compering gameshows where this mindless banter would be more appreciated. The BBC is storing up trouble for itself in the future by adopting this approach, because one day UKIP might be part of a coalition government that could take measures to terminate the existence of the Corporation. There are many people and groups in our society that would not shed a tear at Auntie’s demise.
I hope that you are right . The DUP, also probably part of a right of centre coalition, would also have no love for the BBC. But, and this is a big but, the Tories would have to want to deal with the BBC and somehow I think that they are too timid to take on the over mighty corporation.
Flicked on to BBC News Website to check the day’s bias on my PC and the banner graphics have changed from the usual dark red to bright red and the articles themselves show brevity, lack of conciseness and detail.
Reluctantly endured listening to Sundays BBC R4 ‘tirade of the day’ 9am (ish) sounded very much like Will Self (was in fact an identical sound-a-like Tom Shakespeare) 10 mins diatribe against Ms Margaret Hodge, (the peoples champion of the cross party Select Public accounts committee). The select committee ‘CHAIR’ has far too much power to influence and interview Public institutions (like ‘cough’ the BBC). It was plainly obvious to listeners that the implied reference was in fact last weeks interrogation of ‘clueless’ Rona Fairhead the new ‘Common Purpose’ sponsored BBC Trustee who not only failed to spot illegal USA Mexican money laundering (HSBC USA and heavily fined), recent UK tax avoidance (HSBC Switzerland) and ‘accountabiility’ was as new BBC trustee responded to fundamental questions could remember ‘nothing at all’ before the select committee. Ms Hodge was later crticised as being ‘too harsh’ on the BBC bimbo by some MP’s. That in nutshell was why it had to be ‘aired’ by the BBC on Sunday morning as part of a ‘personal’ attack by W.Selfie and Co. Guardian said it was ‘bullying’ poor defenceless Rona!
The BBC ‘Point-of-view’ as totally biased agitprop. BBC podcasts of Will Self and Tom Skakespeare are so similar it’s spot-the bod. That’s BBC ‘entertainment’ and suspect value-for-money. Even the BBC has Rona down as ‘entertainment’.
How the bBC whitewashes those people who presume it is Ok to intimidate others. Listen how the bBC female presenter ask’s the question; “Was it fair of Nigel Farage to call these people “Scum”
Listen to how the conversation turns to…..Islamophobia.“Really?”
Listen to how she ask’s: Doe’s Nigel Farage require Taxpayer funded police protection”
As for the man fat swallowing prick, watch his shiffy eyes for the first few seconds, he’s lying out of his arse.
The bBC, the taxpayer funded propaganda arm of the British left.
As you clearly are unhappy with BBC performance, joining others if for different reasons, perhaps we can all agree it is best it ceases to enjoy public funding to frustrate or distress us all so?
I’d certainly support this. Presumably you do too? If not, why not?
Looks like the BBC have given up on special Ed, Eh? Hedging their bets with Common Purpose light – the left wing tories with ‘Call me’ Dave. His wife is nice, but Dave’s in charge of cooking! Very statesmanlike (not).
‘Lord Hall can just about count the numbers of senior managers, but has no overall record of whether they’re any good or not’
So long as he has lots of them; one may eventually do something not stupid.
And there will always be that trusted oversight to look after the interests of the licence fee payer. Well, once all other interests have been ring-fenced first:
Let`s hope that these two Muslummas were chaperoned on and off the set by someone who was not somebody in CBBC who was fixed by Jim eh?
Too many Beeboids still have that whiff of bling and shellsuit.
Utter creepy crap though eh?….yet I did think that maybe if you wrap a hijab round your neck a hundredfold, it might stop the sword cutting through with predictable lack of ambience, as per.
Might double as a noose too, for a gay brother you might not have shopped yet.
Oh how recherche!
No it’s not. It’s about constantly presenting a skewed view of the world to promote your own political bias. Channel 4 boast of their fair employment practices. It’s odd, in a country where 50% maximum are left-wing, that all stories favour the left. How does that happen? Does C4 engage in ‘Values Based Recruitment?
@Busman: To be right wing is to be ill informed, you say?
I was very left wing in my university days. But then I grew up.
Those of the Left always regard themselves as edgy, well read and rather smugly clever. Their nose is an organ to look down on the Right.
Enjoy your protected life. But someone has to defend democracy when the chips are down. And it’s never the Left you could rely on.
Ought you be supporting c4 news ? I mean the beebs output is now so poor and audience numbers endlessly drift down and here are you a paid beeboid bigging up the other state ( ie poor people like me ) paid for broadcaster ? Does your line manager allow this ? Will you or the other boid on a bus, you know the other (s) on the rota who appear on here and try to deflect and annoy all the while we pay your wages, will you ( all) get it in the neck, or as long as you support any left wing drivel is it ok ? Not holding out much hope of an honest reply.
Nothing to do with the severe winter of 2008/2009 that wiped out 20% of the UK hives. Nothing to do with pesticides. Nothing to do with the intensive agriculture that has reduced the number and variety of wild plants and flowers. Nothing to do with bee disease such as varroa mite. No, must be that climate change thing.
Still, as BBC employees have a hive mentality they are uniquely qualified to talk about bees.
“The BBC reported last week that “South Yorkshire Police knew hundreds of young girls were making claims of sexual abuse in Sheffield but did not act, an ex-police officer has alleged.” The tally of these abused girls is beyond belief: last month, the
Mirror reported that “there could be up to a million victims of child sexual exploitation in the UK, it is feared.”
What kind of society allows a million – a million! — of its young girls to be pressed into service as sex slaves and prostitutes by predatory gangs?
What kind of society declines to hunt down, prosecute, imprison, deport more than a small number of these gang members … because its guardians of law and justice know that the Leftist establishment would accuse them of racism, bigotry and Islamophobia … and bring them to certain professional ruin, if they dared try to bring these men to justice?
What kind of society allows this?
A desperately ill society.
A dying society.”
“The question is rhetorical. A society that would allow one million of its young girls’ lives to be destroyed just so as not to appear racist is already galloping down the road to ruin. Farewell, Perfidious Albion.”
Just happened to catch a few minutes of World at One on Radio 4 today around 13:30, to hear Mark Mardell interviewing somebody about the UKIP proposals if they should get elected.
To be fair the interviewee was doing a good job at explaining the proposals, and not the usual hatchet job we’ve come to expect from the BBC. That was until Mardell asked him about the proposal to scrap the HST ‘Vanity Project’, as UKIP refers to it.
You can hear Mardell’s scoff here, and judge just how fair and impartial he is being here. You can also hear how the interviewee is drawn in for a second or two until he recovers composure.
Time for For some reason Andrew Pierce has been replaced in the newspaper review slot with Kevin ‘Mongo’ Maguire, temporarily perhaps, by some Guardian journalist called Nikki Hodgson, so we have two lefty scrote bags, Maguire and Hodgson dribbling their liberal nonsense over tomorrow’s news headlines. Couldn’t they have found some right wing journalist to replace Pierce?
Ségolène Royal is on Newsnight to rebuff Osborne’s jibes at France and lecture les Anglais on the joys of socialism. This is the lady who grandly forced staff to stand in her presence:
Not once was the context of Osborne’s comparison made clear by Davis, that is, that a few years back, welcoming the election of Hollande, Milibande pointed to his socialist soul mate across the Channel to tell us that Hollande had all of the answers, his anti austerity approach was the right way, Cameron and Osborne had got it wrong.
Radio 4’s Analysis comes up with the weird idea that the political landscape has changed as the ‘people’ are now either ‘cosmopolitans’ or ‘non-cosmopolitans’.
Jeremy Cliffe of The Economist asks if our real political divide is between those who feel comfortable in liberal, diverse, urban Britain and those who do not – the cosmopolitans vs the rest. He argues that the success of UKIP is one sign of this division. At one end are the cosmopolitans – comfortable in diverse Britain, urban and socially liberal. At the other end are the non-cosmopolitans, who tend to be older, white, and socially conservative, This new divide poses a serious problem for the established political parties. How can they appeal to one side without alienating the other? And what role does the traditional left-right split play?
The choking cup of tea moment comes when we are told that the ‘non-cosmopolitans’ are represented by UKIP, but no-one represents the poor ‘cosmopolitans’ who, if not in the majority now, will be the majority as more of our youth are forced through the marxist mills of our ‘universities’. I take it that Jeremy Cliffe has never heard of the Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrats, SNP, Plaid Cymru or Green parties? Has he never listened to the BBC?
Following Analysis we had Restarting The Antibiotic Pipeline. Apparently those smart bacteria that attack us can pass on their antibiotic resistance between ‘species’ as it were. Pumping out resistant bacteria into the wild, i.e. via human waste spreads the resistance amongst other bacteria. As a result people in south Asia carry these resistant bacteria, (antibiotics don’t work for these people). As more and more people travel further and further this resistance is passed on. Another ‘benefit’ of ‘free-movement’ and ‘open borders’ no doubt.
So Jeremy Cliffe believes that we will all become more ‘cosmopolitan’ as ‘education’, aliens breeding and spreading kicks in. Could it be that ‘society’ will either implode as Sunni fights Shia, Muslim fights Jew etc. or we will all die as new vibrant and diverse bacteria take over our rivers and lakes and, finally, our bodies?
Either way I thing we are doomed. Nice work ‘progressives’.
Marine Le Pen described it better when interviewed by Robert Peston: that the old divisions of Left and Right no longer exist and that people are now nationalists or globalists. She was not given the opportunity to elaborate, but in essence nationalists believe in individual countries with traditions, customs, values and a social contract between people and rulers. In contrast, globalists believe in a bland monoculture where making money is all important and people are just units of production to be exploited and controlled. The tragedy of the Left is that they are nothing more than the facilitators of the globalist money makers.
I thought that that was one of the most interesting comments made in the programme, certainly the one that had most relevance to the UK, rather than Peston’s unexplained comment that France leaving the EU would somehow be bad for us.
Globalists, Cosmopolitans, call them what you will, surprise me in that they are often wary of new technology yet it is invariably built on top of the ‘known’. However when it comes to using that technology or making changes to society they will plough ahead with scarcely a thought as to the consequences.
So for thousands of years we have had the extended family or the tribe as the basis of our societies and, patently obvious for a two-sex species, man-woman partnerships. Yet within the space of a generation or two the new normal is the single mother with kids from multiple fathers living care of the ‘state’ with personal care workers providing support. The ‘super-normal’ is, of course, the same-sex couple with surrogate kids hopefully bred to have homosexual genes to continue the trend. Personal face-to-face contact is replaced by thousands of ‘friends’ on social media or in ‘gaming communities’. Yet is there any evidence that this is a ‘better’ way of organising society, and if better for whom? It just looks like a crazy experiment to me yet one that has to be carried out at speed and closing down all other options but most of all the ‘traditional’ ones that must have worked for why else would be here?
But maybe we are going full-circle. There was some woman on Vine’s ‘Welsh’ issue (I only caught a few minutes) who told us that being nomadic was natural for us, so open the borders! Fine, give up all farming technology and ownership of everything and watch us all starve!
Quite right JimS. Peter Brimelow wrote in ‘Alien Nation’ about the Elite in, increasingly, “multi-cultural” societies –
“…immigration [for them] is manna from heaven. It gives them endless excuses to intervene in society. It enables them to distinguish themselves from the xenophobic masses. And, by introducing diverse populations, it strikes at the nation-state’s Achilles heel: the need for homogeneity.
Maybe the best post on this site; so much fundamental truth here. Focuses on core reality, where ‘progressive’ fantasists dream up a ‘reality’ to suit themselves. Humans are tribal; whether a tribe was nomadic or not is irrelevant. When everyone knew everyone else, there no need for left-wing activists or points-based DLA assessments. Everyone who was fit was expected to contribute.
We have deceit layered upon deceit. Last week there was a clamour about the need for houses. The LibLabCon all suddenly accept it is an emergency that needs to be addressed. But none of their politicians, or a single member of the media, ever – even once – acknowledge that the problem arises from the millions of immigrants who have arrived in the last few years. The broadcasters – both the BBC and Channel 4 – both set out to deceive their viewers with reference to a fifty-year-old film, Cathy Come Home, that was about social attitudes. In the face of logic, as you say, they’ve won all the battles on social attitudes and yet they use the lack of houses for immigrants to soften up the population for whatever statist plans they hope to see implemented. Before Cathy Come Home, parents were expected to teach their offspring not to have children until they could support them. If they failed, the grandparents were expected to support them until they ‘got on their feet’. The prospect of a couple of years of struggle served to focus their minds. Pretty basic stuff. Cathy Come home featured a couple, but the fuss ensured single mothers – glorified as ‘mums’ – moved to the top of the queue. Getting pregnant became the best career move in the country. It has been a disaster. But the Beeb and C4 will never admit that.
Children per female in the U.K. declined from 2 to 1.7 over a period of 30 years ending in 2000. Between 2000 and 2010 it returned to 2.
Percentage of children born to mothers not born in this country is IIRC about 25% (I’m sure Manon will correct me if wrong, but unlikely to confirm for some reason if correct)
In my county we are busy adding mobiles to primary schools again and the nimbys are getting evermore agitated about new housing for the burgeoning population.
A local Labour candidate tells the local paper before being selected that the answer to our economic problems is for Labour to build 200,000 houses a year (no mention on funding of course). Now selected she is dead against a 65 home development in her constituency!)
Don’t forget to ask your Labour candidates exactly where they are going to build the share of houses in your constiuency. Expect the answer to involve “somewhere else”.
Every village in this area has at least one and many up to four different building sites at the moment. Each has a minimum of 6 properties being built on them. None of them are on sale for less that £300k except for the few ‘affordable houses’ and they go for £250k. Yet most stand empty for a year. Why? Because living here is expensive and there is very little work to attract new people in except commuters and they have to be wealthy to afford to commute – it costs thousands a year to get to the nearest city by rail from here (it costs £1.5k p.a just to park within 15 minutes walk of the nearest station … )
The poor can’t afford the ‘affordable’ and the ‘rich’ don’t want to spend £500k to live next door to them.
One town near here has had plans to build 2500 houses on an old airfield with no communications and no jobs except state ones being created. It was supposed to be completed this year yet they have not even broken ground yet. It would seem the developers are not as dim as the local politicians.
All of these plans were opposed by locals. All were passed despite the opposition. In the 2500 house case they gave an alternative. It was that or build in the villages. They allowed both to happen regardless.
It is bizarre that they are building here where there is no call for such large scale development yet where it is needed they don’t seem to bother so much.
Sadly you focus on your narrow minded view of what society should be like, everyone knowing their place, peasants walking down narrow mud paths having been shooed away by the local parish. All very nice. What you dont seem to understand is that all these foreigners and the poor are now required by our society. Maybe not by you and maybe not by the Kippers but by employers then yes please. If I can import a brace of Pols at cheap rates to pick my turnips then why should I pay the going rate to the British. If I ,as a government, dont want to ,or havent bothered to train surgeons or nurses why dont I just get ones from the third world and save myself the bother. As to single parents – biggest cause is divorce .
Its not the left wing my friend that is pulling your plonker. Its the ‘needs of the economy’ which these days often means banksters and multinational corps and particularly right wing austerity economics which is driving social collapse.
And this is not new. Check out the Vesteys to really see how you can shaft your country and land up ,not in jail, instead the next best thing – the House of Lords.
Being Nomadic was natural for us. And for who wouldnt it be if you could catch your food regularly on the plains!
Now we catch our meals at a take away.
Farming only came into play when people were on the margins and then they diced with death. One failed crop and you were done for. Settled society came in much later only as a result of more established farming techniques. Big societies only started with a large agricultural surpluses for example in the fertile crescent of the Nile.
‘At one end are the cosmopolitans – comfortable in diverse Britain, urban and socially liberal.’
Comfortable in their own bubble of coffee bars and bistros. Totally ignorant of life in towns like Blackburn and Oldham where this ‘diversity’ they’ve rushed to import turns out to be a monoculture actively encouraged to thrive on its separateness and to practice customs totally at odds with the rest of the cosmopolitan ‘progressive’ agenda.
The cosmopolitan BBC, where British life is ‘an approximation of reality’.
So last week and at the week-end, the BBC twice avoided any mention whatsoever of the contributions made to Labour and Miliband, personally , by hedge funds (you know – the people that own the Tory party).
Today, there is no mention of the film of Labour’s Shadow Chief Secretary, the hopeless Chris Leslie, seemingly agreeing to manifesto influence for cash.
BBC bias is getting more outrageous by the day. Perhaps they are getting it all in before having their wings clipped by election law once the election kicks off proper
Boyle has no doubt undergone a textbook-issue re-indoctrination procedure down in Room 101 of BBC Media City. He needed to be ‘corrected’ to bring him and his errant mind back into the fold or face permanent ex-communication.
Bye, bye, Frank – you’re one of them now. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.
“I really hate the increasing use of the word “vulnerable” to describe people who are ,more truthfully, “oppressed””
Yes Frankie and I hate the increasing use of the word “comedy” to describe something that is snide, spiteful, bullying, offensive to the decent majority, dishonest and completely lacking in humour.
Except none of you can effectively mount a coherent criticsm of his statement. Just more ad hominem attacks. Thats principally why you people come over as so stupid. You get your script from someone else and youve never learned to think about anything. I dont necessarily agree with his comment but you people are beyond belief!
I’m afraid that stupidity is something you excel in Manic. You clearly don’t understand what ad hominem means as the only ad hominem attacks here are from you. And as for taking our scripts from elsewhere, I’m afraid we don’t have an equivalent of “Common Purpose” training so we must think for ourselves. We also don’t have a propaganda organ to tell us what to say. You who are employed by that organisation all speak from the same script and are entirely predictable, which is why you all resort to personal abuse as a cover for not being able to answer valid points.
Basically you accuse us of everything that is more appropriate of you and your colleagues. And you remain completely evidence free and logic free: even claiming Gove is a Stalinist! Really you have no clue, apparently about anything.
I won the argument yet againg by no one actually mounting anything like a coherent criticism. The same old script you people come out with is soooo boring.
Why is it wrong to call Gove a Stalinist? Maybe you could give me a reasoned argument on what Stalin believed and why Gove isnt any different.
Off you go!
That sounds interesting but I cant find them.
As to best fit, I dont think they use use the kind of linear trending you imply. I think most of the modelling is done using something like the systems dynamics modelling technique. Best fit might be used to prime some of the internal relationships if they are linear but I would be surprised if better tecniques werent used like Baysian for example.
Moreover, I am not sure of what temperatur and Co2 emmissions you are referring to. Temperature is not a good guide IMO because of the difficulties of summing Air and Sea. In terms of Co2 the atmospheric levels are measured by 1000’s of stations .
The BBC have announced that Tunisia’s Bardo Museum will open today…’after last week’s MILITANT attack’
Who the f*** do the BBC think they are to attempt to change our culture, the nature of our language and influence what we say and how we perceive things.
Language usage is a wonderful thing and one of those skills the BBC highly prizes in it’s Oxbridge employees. Yet even they seem to misunderstand it.
One can call a table a chair and it remains a table. If one keeps calling it a chair it eventually become known as a chair but for all intents and purposes it is still a table.
Constantly referring to terrorists as ‘militants’ just means that when people hear the word ‘militant’ they now think ‘terrorist’.
Words describe function not the other way around. Adding complexity to context only confuses as the complexity grows but two distinct definitions for one word is hardly beyond the understanding of the meanest intelligence.
The BBC think it’s audience is thick, seriously thick, but most, by definition, are average and can distinguish between non violent and violent ‘militants.’ No one is being fooled but the Bien Pensants and they want to be fooled.
Again, any one with the minimum of intelligence can tell the difference no matter which words are used.
This is what becomes of relying on an Arts education; the belief that words are greater than deeds or that naming something other than it is makes it so. It doesn’t.
There must be a propensity of artists on this site then since we are endlessly hearing a narrative that at the first puff of wind falls flat on its face.
Me I always opted for bunsen burners at skool .Thats why my spullin is wupish.
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
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FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
This morning Theresa the appeaser announces some half baked ideas that the government will ‘tackle Islamic extremism head on’ begging the question why given 5 years they have done nothing about it before !
They know there are only a few days left to this parliament so they can’t do anything about it now, and a promise made by a politician before an election is worthless.
Yet where is that line in the sand to be set? One side of it you have something criminal, and the other one you are a ‘waycist’ and will never work again once they have sacked you!
Until the whole of society backs off on the meaningless bully word (and there’s no evidence that they will) then ‘extremism’, Sharia courts, child rape gangs, Trojan horse plots, and many many other unpalatable things will all go unchallenged, because it’s better to be accused of incompetence / or to claim outright fear of being called ‘waycist’ than the consequences of the Fascist left finding you called their brown eyed boys a nasty name !
So rigorously CP. She’s just said ”Islam is entirely compatible with our British way of life…’. Eh? I thought ‘our British way of life’ as defined by CP – and supported by her own party – entails attitudes to gender and sexual orientation that are at odds with Islam. Just because the Beeb choses to isolate the Anglican Church for abuse, are us plebs supposed to ignore the far more extreme views of Islam? It’s Teresa v Boris for the Tories. I think I’ll stick with Nigel.
Give it a couple of generations, and Islam WILL BE the British way of life unless its adherents lapse from the faith, or better still, quit it entirely, in their millions.
Listening to May this morning I had the distinct impression her ideas for combating extremism were more about criminalising those people and organisations who criticicise certain protected minorities and religions ( well, one religion mainly). I wouldn’t trust a Common Purpose groupie like May with the powers she’s suggesting she needs. Groups like the EDL and even Nigel Farage should be very worried if she’s still Home Secretary after the next election.
Norman Tebbit in the Torygraph:
if Mr Cameron holds on to office, he will head off to Brussels to “renegotiate” our terms of membership. The snag is that they are not renegotiable. He will be committed to announce success however few petifogging little concessions he is given and campaign to accept them. And if Ukip has crashed, from where will the advocates of a “Brexit” organise their campaign?
Brussels will not be a name on the ballot paper, but it may well be the winner on May 7.
Brussels could be the only winner on May 7
Nothing a politician says before an election can be regarded as truthful. There is little point looking at a manifesto because the things a party intends to do won’t be in it, and the things which are in it are just adverts which they use to persuade people to vote for them.
If it was a product there would probably be action under the sale of goods act for not being representative of the actual service delivered.
”There is little point looking at a manifesto”
I’ve never seen the policy of mass immigration turning a once cohesive mono cultural nation into a tower of Babel in any of Lib Lab Con manifesto’s.
The bias and omission, the hopeless programming, the social engineering, the absurd salaries, the ridiculous pay-offs, the vast pensions and the endless waste are reasons sufficient to dismantle the Big Brother Corp.
Then consider the fact it is up to its neck in facilitating and white washing CSA over a period of decades. These efforts are on-going.
The BBC’s continuing survival in the face of this appalling charge sheet is testament to the power of big meeja.
More pressure group than public service. A very well-connected, rich and media-savvy pressure group at that. Hence its massive influence.
Obviously to those in possession of double digit IQ and above, the beeb’s claim to impartiality is preposterous and can never be achieved.
But a step in the right direction would be hard-hitting BBC expose of CP and the extent to which it has infiltrated public life. Such a documentary would obviously reveal the amount the beeb itself has passed the way of the ‘charity’.
Over to you beeboids….don’t keep us waiting!
Hell will freeze over first!
Heartwarming little item on Today this morning, when they chose to install Justin Webb in Leicester for the duration, ostensibly to keep us in touch with the Richard III re-interment goings-on.
But we all know the real reason: it’s to overhwelm our senses with the tsunami of positive vibes that pulse in all directions from this great ‘multicultural’ city. So, inevitably, this had to have its own featurette.
Webb adopted his warm, cuddly-wuddly tone, telling us what a great ‘multicultural city’ Leicester is. An ‘Asian’ businessman was interviewed. Leicester is wonderful because it’s a great ‘multicultural city’. Another Asian businessman was interviewed and he told us the ‘multicultural population’ gave his business access to lots of different markets – he positively needed multiculturalism! Quite how this worked – mystery. They also needed loads of immigration to fill all the jobs, apparently, so EU open borders is also great. What about employing the Leicester jobless instead? Dunno, not asked.
Both of these fans of multiculturalism were from the Leicester Asian Business Association. Why do they need an ‘Asian’ Business Association? Something to do with ‘multiculturalism’? Not explained. Is there an English Business Association in this great ‘multicultural city’? Left in the dark on that one. Are English businesses allowed to participate? – don’t even ask!
And, given the pretext of all this was the Richard III event – you know, an English king, towering historical figure and all that – what did all these different ‘cultures’ in this great ‘multicultural city’ think of it? Judging by the hideous whiteness of the crowds lining the streets to watch the procession, not a lot. Could this be due to ‘multiculturalism’? Dunno – quietly ignored.
”Judging by the hideous whiteness of the crowds lining the streets to watch the procession”
I noticed that too.
The ethnicity of the vast majority of the crowds was something the broadcasters had a hard time hiding, however many “Asian businessmen” they interviewed.
I did pick up on the fact that in 1485 Leicester had a population of 3,000. Now it is 300,000, which oddly enough is the number of extra people we must accommodate every year in our vibrant multi-cultural society. A new Leicester every year! It can’t be long before they turn Bosworth Field into a housing estate for our new chums.
Watching BBC News Channel’s half hour programme about the events in Leicester I got the distinct impression the Mayor and local business people were more bothered about Richard’s tomb making money for the city than honouring his memory. The Mayor, especially, almost literally had £ signs kerchinging in his eyes every time he blinked. Their attitude left a nasty aftertaste.
Yes Rob, 300,000 is also around the number of houses we are constantly told need to be built to eliminate the “housing crisis” . It’s like listening to someone walking down an escalator the wrong way complaining he is not getting anywhere and is too thick to see a change in direction is needed.
The big bro corp reckons if the UK admits lots of unskilled people to drive taxis and live via taxpayer subsidy, the economy can only benefit.
The big bro corp’s competency in economics and finance is comparable to its ability to detect CSA on its own premises.
I was at Leicester Poly in the very early 90’s. The deal was this…the Asians had the canteen and everyone else could have the Students Union. If any one who wasn’t Asian and male went in the main canteen at breaks and lunch chairs would be rammed up against you and your brief say was made very difficult indeed. Nobody questioned it. That was how it worked.
God forbid you went out with an Asian girl student. “The Regulators” as they charmingly called themselves (and don’t forget these are supposedly undergraduate students for crying out loud) would be after you.
Truly horrible city and I’ve lived in a few.
Did you notice the programme managed to find three white Leicester young people, all from the’ deprived area’ when asked how they would vote kept saying ‘Don’t understand it, not voting its got nothing to do with me’. Cherry picked not too bright out of touch types compared with the selected Asians.
Now if they had chose some Asians who needed a translator!
And who needed the help of a ” community leader ” to vote for the correct party on the voting slip ? That of course would give the game away for all of the ” Tower Hamlets ” style of voting we will get in a few weeks time. If only the bbc was allowed to place cameras inside polling stations, we could see democracy in action ” South Asian style ” . Then again perhaps better left unseen eh ?
It’s not the polling stations that need the cameras, but the location that the “collected” postal votes are taken to to be filled in.
The change to anybody having a postal vote was a major step forward in “democracy” to save people actually having to stir themselves to vote. But as usual the law of unintended consequences intervenes.
If you have a postal vote in a household how does the, say, female vote for who she wants rather than who her, say, partner tells her to? Its easy at the polling station to do one thing and say another, not so in the domestic situation.
When I lived in that fine city there was harmony and it was multi-racial. Not much sign though of the Religion of Peace, more Hindus and Sikhs.
Frankie Boyle to host ‘bold and outrageous’ BBC general election special Election Autopsy
The controversial comedian, who was previously reprimanded by the BBC Trust, will mix stand-up with a discussion about the election in front of a live audience.
The BBC said the show would see Boyle making “a series of bold and often outrageous statements about the vote”.
There will also be a series of comedy shorts starring Muslim comedians and a three-part series called My Jihad about a young Muslim couple, which is described as “a tender and funny love story set in contemporary Britain”.
Victoria Jaye, head of TV content for the iPlayer, said: “I’m thrilled to have such a vast range of fantastic content coming exclusively to iPlayer in the next few months.
Is it April 1st already?
But hold on… Frankie is… A MAN!!!!!!
Danny Cohen will be livid. Who is there out there to provide the necessary balance (on a gender basis at least)?
Phew… Jasmine Lawrence doubtless backstage setting up the pairing as we speak.
But what is this…
‘She works part time as a comedian and sometimes she doesn’t know where to stop’
Luckily Frankie is the soul of restraint, so no worries there.
Meanwhile the BBC’s joint fave party just goes from strength to strength in other areas too:
Doubtless with all these melt-down investigations and party expulsions going on, the BBC will be covering it all with their usual riguor?
Guido is trying to reach out to Jenny,…
Sounds like the droid-speak at the last place I worked. Paul Staines is funnier than any comedian working for the Beeb!
Can INBBC report and clarify:
– Is Labour Party’s Election adviser, Prescott, hypothesizing that if he were a young Muslim (the thought!) he would join the Islamofascist Islamic State and massacre non-Muslim British people?
“Miliband MUST condemn ‘apologist for terror’ John Prescott after he said BRITAIN is to blame for ISIS fanatics, MPs demand.
“Former deputy prime minister said Britain had to answer for runaways.
“He claimed the UK was as much to blame as extremists for radicalisation.
“Lord Prescott was described as ‘apologist for terrorism’ by MPs.
“Ed Miliband was tonight facing calls to distance himself from the claim .”
Read more:
BBC headline:
London protesters ‘chase UKIP leader Farage out of pub’
What’s with the scare quotes?
It actually says in the text
So there’s no need for the scare quotes in the headline. Unless of course you are trying to sow doubt in the mind of the reader that this attack actually took place.
‘What’s with the scare quotes?
‘Scare quotes may serve a function similar to verbally preceding a phrase with the expression “so-called”, they may imply skepticism or disagreement, or that the writer intends an opposite sense of the words enclosed in quotes.
As enshrined in the ‘special stuff’ section of the ever-unique BBC Editorial Guidelines no doubt, which are used and abused so much now I invite Tony, Danny, James, James Hugs, Mary, Rona etc to stick it where the Leader of the Opposition’s favourite tabloid doesn’t shine.
‘Unless of course you are trying to sow doubt in the mind of the reader that this attack actually took place.’
Note that Beeboids, in headline, use phrase: “London protesters” (not in quotes) as if Beeboids know the geographical origins of these people; and that the residence of such people, rather than their far-left political affiliations and intimidatory actions, is the most significant feature.
BBC – has Terppeaser May bleating out.
“But there is increasing evidence that a small but significant number of people living in Britain – almost all of whom are British citizens – reject our values,” she will add.
“We have seen the Trojan Horse plot to take over state schools in Birmingham. (oh not “so called”)
“Concerns about religious supplementary schools.
“Widespread allegations of corruption, cronyism, extremism”,
“homophobia and anti-Semitism in Tower Hamlets.”
“Hate speakers invited to speak at British colleges and universities.”
” Segregation by gender allowed at universities and even endorsed by Universities UK”.
“Charities and the generosity of the giving public abused by extremists.
“Examples of Shari’a law being used to discriminate against women”.
“Thousands of ‘honour’ crimes committed every year”.
… And hundreds of British citizens who have travelled to fight in Syria and Iraq.”
Welcome to Islam … Terppeaser …
I know, of course, its not in your street,
but do you like it?
… and you ve forgotten the 1000, 000 victims of Islamic orchestrated gang rape
and erm so … the last 5years?
Just another “jam tomorrow” palava
“In reality, the game was up long ago, when Theresa May and David Cameron opted to hound and demonize opponents of jihad terror, and coddle and appease jihad terrorists.
This attempt to appear to be adopting a tough stance is far too late and just for show.
Electioneering already, Theresa?”
R Spencer
Theresa MAY and Islam.
1. ‘Jihadwatch’-
“UK: Theresa May, appeaser of jihadis, tells jihadis ‘the game is up.'”
[Excerpt, by Robert Spencer]:-
“In reality, the game was up long ago, when Theresa May and David Cameron opted to hound and demonize opponents of jihad terror, and coddle and appease jihad terrorists. This attempt to appear to be adopting a tough stance is far too late and just for show. Electioneering already, Theresa? It won’t matter in any case: whatever the outcome of elections at any time, future generations of free Britons, if there are any, will curse your name for delivering their country so easily and willingly into the hands of those who were determined to make it over into an authoritarian Sharia state.”
2.) INBBC-
“UK will not tolerate extremists – Theresa May”
Can anyone tell me why I can’t get on to the jihadwatch website, or Gates of Vienna website either? When I click on a link as in GeorgeR’s posting above, all I get is a message ‘you are being redirected’ ..then nothing!! I live in NZ and wonder if these websites are being blocked by someone – who could do that? Does anyone know please – it’s been happening for a while now?
Well, the combined efforts of the anti UKIP brigade are coming out with some clever jokes. Nazi-cancer jokes from a Green candidate and BBC comic. Now what was that joke about a one tited tree hugging Green?
I see a Green Party candidate is mocking Farage because he had testicular cancer. The tweet also likens him to Hitler.
Nice to see the liberal eco left are campaigning on the big issues facing our nation at this troubled time and not stooping to crude abuse and intimidation.
I’m sure the BBC will report this shocker from the gaffe-prone Green Party.
I notice that she also works in “BBC Comedy”.
I suppose in the left-wing, politically correct, parallel universe of the BBC, “comedy” means abusing and intimidating those who have different opinions and hounding their families out of pubs during Sunday lunch.
I guess it’s the same Islamo-left “comedy” as performed by Dieudonné, the French “comedian” who’s just been given a two month suspended sentence for glorifying terrorism in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attacks.
Didn’t comedy used to have something to do with “being funny”?
Standard nasty leftwinger – if this comment had been made the other way round then it would be all over the bbc but because it wasn’t it won’t feature
I’m surprised our Farage-bashing, trolling bunny hasn’t got a job at BBC Comedy by now. After all, she’d sent several posts praising the mob’s actions.
BBC journalist = liberal left activist employed by BBC news.
BBC comedian = liberal left activist employed by BBC Comedy.
Truth and impartiality are optional for the former; being funny is optional for the latter.
An option rarely taken.
“”BBC comedy” an oxymoron on a par with ‘Islamic human rights’.
I posted this on the last thread.
“Anyone notice the lack of a voice, for representation for the other side of the Afzal Amin Tory/Muslim Corruption expose?.
The EDL representation … once again missing BBC?
(Tory/Muslim, now there is a can of worms, how high up the tree you d be surprised)
There was to be live interview with T Robinson this morning, but it was having to go on LBC, not the BBC, (I think on the O Brien show), but he as I m sure you know, parted company with the EDL a while back.
Anyway will be Fluff and Bluster re Farage ala BBC no doubt
As a diversion?.
SWP as the voice of reason?
The UAF protests against rising anti Semitism, that include the
majority of perpetrators … of said anti Semitism, claiming victimhood!
you couldn t make it up”
As an outsider – a non-EDF supporter and UKIP/Conservative waverer – I have to say what Tommy Robinson says seems to me compelling and utterly truthful. His responses to Nick Ferrari’s questions are immediate, straightforward and unequivocal, and clearly unrehearsed. I am sure he is correct about entry-ism by islamists into all the nooks and crannies of government and civil society, keeping their true purpose hidden until they can exercise power to the benefit of the worldwide ummah. I rather fear for Robinson, for the police will not protect him, and neither will T. May and the Home Office.
Similarly when he appeared on Newsight with Paxman he acquitted himself extremely well .
Prior to that the self confessed left wing C4 followed him around while he was leader of EDL and the resulting documentary showed him as honest and principled (kudos to C4 for airing it )
That’s the whole point of the no platform tactic as practiced by rainbow Nazis against Nigel Farage and enabled by the BBC .
The hoi-polloi can not be allowed to hear these controversial figures in their own words lest they get the wrong idea .
If I were Tommy Robinson I would not take any late night walks up the garden with a blunt pruning knife.
What a great story. Thanks for that link Noggin.
The extremism of the EDL is now well behind this man.
Tommy, I admire you. I do hope the Police give you and your family the protection you need and dam well deserve. You have done this proud Nation a great service.
As this story develops, (TV documentary etc), I believe Tommy will leave even further behind all the deserved EDL extremism ‘labels’ and slowly become a National hero among the masses.
This is one man who had the guts to say it exactly how it is which, from the highest political, celebrity and ‘leftist’ establishment lily-livered quislings, have dared not say about the truth of the whole fundamental Islam debate.
One should also not forget he is standing up for all the peace loving inhabitants of this Nation of whatever religion, creed, sexual orientation from wherever they come.
Plain and simply he is standing up for what is right and denouncing what is wrong.
Good man, I would be proud to have you in my aquaitance anytime.
A very, very brave man….i hope he flourishes….get out there and lambast every politician and asian you can, Indian and Pakistani asians are corrupt and cheat their way through life, it is in their very DNA, we are in big trouble in this country…..
He really is a true Englishman…..
Nigel Farage on consensus, conformism and the virtue of dissent.”
By Brendan O’Neill.
( 9 March, 2015.)
Gillian Joseph on Sky News tried to lay into Farage yesterday but he batted her away like a fly. All so predictable from every media outlet these days
Ms. Joseph exudes a mumsy air, but where race and especially her notions on UKIP’s role are concerned she makes Jasmine Lawrence seem the soul of impartiality.
Many like her for the former, but she does appear thick as mince when the topics move beyond skateboarding turtles.
Formerly of the BBC, of course
“Jeremy Clarkson’s fate now lies in the hands of one man: BBC boss Tony Hall”
“Ken MacQuarrie’s report is understood to be restricted to establishing the facts only and is not expected to recommend possible sanctions.”
A bit like ‘saving the planet’, I’d suggest that Jezza will be fine, and if there are any fates on the line it is those of the Danny Cohen, the BBC and Lord Pantone in about that order, as the latter tries to dig the corporation out of the mess the former created.
I hope you are right, Guest Who
As Nick Drew notes, even the
paper edition of the BBCGuardian picked up on the consequences of cultural enrichment as 130 new members of the Halifax Labour Party were disqualified from voting on Labour’s new candidate there due to suspected “irregularities” in their recruitment. Apparently, except for 7, they’re all of “Asian” heritage. The BBC? Silent on air and – in a search of the BBC website with parameters “halifax” and “labour” – another blank. I wonder why.Labour MP – Miliband is a ‘f**ing k**b’ –
The BBC are very quiet on this story.
I wonder if they would show such restraint if a Tory or UKIP MP had described their leader using such colourful language…
“Harriet Harman came out and said he [Miliband] was right to pose with the Sun newspaper and he was right to apologise for posing with the Sun newspaper,” says Danczuk. “And it’s that sort of double speak from politicians: how could he be right on both counts? That turns people off politics. So when somebody hears a politician say that, you know what they think, if you pardon the language: ‘what a f**king knob’. That’s the reality of it.”
Danczuk was on North West News at lunchtime in full retraction mode.
Apparently he didn’t mean to say it. Had a long hard day, apparently.
‘Tired and emotional’ – eh, it happens to t’ best of us.
Impressive guy, Danczuk. A pity he wouldn’t stand for UKIP but one of the good guys nonetheless.
Despicable bBC give Dan Glass the organiser of yesterdays protest airtime on the Daily Politics and allow him to claim that he is now the victim (he claims to have had death threats).
Norman Baker also refuses to condemn the actions of the protesters using words like ‘if true’ and ‘if it did happen’ bastards the lot of them (bBC included)
Given the number of gardianistas involved in the assault it would be interesting to know if some beeboids were involved as well.
these middle class lefties are all the same. Your opinions must conform otherwise they try to harass you. This all comes from our education system that isn’t about teaching people anything but about brainwashing young minds to barmy leftwing ideas
Farage needs bodyguards. A couple of good old country boys should do the trick. The facist left would need odds of 20 to one to even try it on .
No doubt our wonderful police would think that unfair and charge the bodyguards . Guardanistas are all cowards at heart.
Can vouch for Simon’s comment with personal experience at the University of Westminster as a mature student 10 years ago. ( the “university” where the Islamic Society is permitted to have known extremists to speak regularly that incite and brainwash young men ) My essays were marked down if they contained any thing other than left wing ideas! and the brilliant lecturer who was left wing not able to get a job there.
Be funny if it turned out Paul Mason’s ex-BBC iEverything was humming too as it all got ‘coordinated’.
‘He is also a “Guardian Youth Climate Leader”….’
In my book, that’s child abuse.
Despicable, but typical.
The guise of ‘understanding motives’ is wearing pretty thin between the BBC and those it is running PR crisis management for when they go too far. Was there a counter present, or just the poor ‘victim’? Did the interviewer rip him a new one, or agree, as some still seem keen to try, that a 10 and 15yo should ‘man up’ when a mob of stalking nutters descends?
Norman Baker clearly operating on BBC ‘obfuscation as news’ if those are the caveats he is still using. Or he is a flat-out dissembler himself.
Even before Glass opened his mouth, it was clear there were votes to be had for UKIP. He looked and sounded like Citizen Smith. Patrick O’Flynn was at a disadvantage being outside the studio, but he sensed the guy was doing a fine job and he actually told JoCo he was happy to say nothing so that Glass could have extra time!
Video here:
I see the point about give Glass all the rope he could wind around himself, but the questions posed the MEP were pretty darn dire, blatantly seeking the evening sound bite money shot, pushing on ‘right to use the word ‘Scum’, and asking whether Nigel Farage should have police protection paid for by Ed and Dave’s hard working families.
Nasty bit of work, frankly, at a compelled £145.50pa.
I wonder if Glass and his group have carried out similar protests against Muslims who oppose women exposing any body parts in public and believe homosexuals should be thrown from the tops of tall buildings?
The irony of it all, in light of his alarm about UKIP’s “Islamaphobia”, is that in a U.K. governed under the Shariah, Glass and his accomplices (gays, lesbians, uncovered women, non-jizya paying kaffirs etc) would all be executed: in one run by a UKIP government they wouldn’t be.
Another set of Allah’s finest bugger off in which to help form the new caliphate and to the bBC they can only be doing good:
Nine missing British medics ‘had humanitarian motives’
Nine British medical students and doctors who are feared to have travelled to Syria were motivated by humanitarian concerns, their parents have said.
Lets see, Sudanese Muslims are Sunni, as are funny enough ISIS. The victims of ISIS are anybody not Sunni, so where would these altruistic medical students be going. Funny enough ISIS are currently on the backfoot, they have being hammered from all directions and while they have idiots who are willing to die, they do need more medics in which to treat their wounded.
Yet the bBC (And the British Government) can’t see this and continue to try and shaft the majority non-Islamic population that these people are actually…victims.
At least the use of ‘quotes’ in this context seems more justified on any of the bases cited for their use.
a) Someone did actually say it.
b) No one outside a BBC cubicle garden researcher watercooler gathering believes a word of it.
Two issues for me in this “Start The Week” Thread.
Firstly, the Richard III has been a wondeful little event because it has brought England’s true history and heritage back to the English.
The white lined streets(and I make no apology) showed how people felt about it and it must have been like a breath of pure, clear air in the stinking smog of daily “multi-culturism”.
Although the BBC covered the event their disdain for it stuck out like a sore thumb.
Secondly, I noticed that last week the BBC were sticking the boot into the Liberal Democrats, Conservatives and finally UKIP.
I thought “hmm”, in other words they’ll be trumpeting Labour as the only party who are worth voting for and behold, today a main article which tries to push Ed Milliband as a strong, in control “statesman” who will have no truck with the SNP.
Though not on the BBC,the funniest thing was Jon Snow on the Channel 4 live programme going into raptures about Leicester being the most multicultural town in Britain and how wonderful it is to see all these people on the streets from all the diverse cultures. He really was over the moon about it ,but the camera failed to pick this diversity up.
An Asian guest in the studio tried his best to respond to Mr Snows effusive suggestions about how he must feel with his British past coming into the present,but the poor guy was floundering cleary didnt have clue what Mr Snow was on about,he thought he was there to talk about business in Leicester !
What I saw of it on BBC seemed reasonable ,but I didn’t see much.
Yes Snow was parroting on about Leicester having a minority majority ( I think he said that ) but from the composition of the crowd you wouldn’t have known there were any ethnics in the city at all. As Mr T Phillips said the other day , also on C4, the two communities live in separate parts of Leicester and there is very little interaction apart from at work.
Even in Leicester the great multiculty experiment has a long, long way to go, with lots of trauma to come, unless of course the elite see the error of their ways and call the whole thing off. Not much chance of that happening until its too late, which of course it probably is already.
I don’t see why there is any interest in the Wars of the Roses. After all it was just a load of undiverse white men being too male and killing another load of undiverse white men.
Snow and the rest never ask the obvious question. Where have the whites gone? Leicester definitely does not represent the ethnic mix of England taken as a whole.
i would have thought even the densest beeboid would want to know why.
He is everything that’s wrong with the beeb. Gets his son a job through nepotism and has a willful inability to see that all is deeply unwell in “communities” in merry England.
I boycott products, banks, companies, even shops, which I have moral and ethical issues with. Some think I’m quite left wing and militant, whatever, however there is one institution/company that I MUST give my cash to by law – the BBC or have my television removed. North Korea anyone?
Has he come down from his ‘experiment”‘ with skunk yet? On this evidence, I suggest not.
Still, it’s good to know that even though he’s the son of Peter (BBC) and nephew of John (Ch 4) he’s got there purely by his outstanding ability and that it’s nothing whatever to do with institutional Dimbleborough and Attenby-like nepotism.
BBC propaganda machine in full swing today. Radio2 Vine show has gay choir plus constant references to the ‘good’ that immigrants do for our country. They are an utter disgrace to the country. If Tories happen to win the election then the first thing on the agenda should be to disband this labour mouthpiece.
But as we all know, they won’t. The Tories have had many years of government in which they could have at least restrained the flow of Marxist garbage from the BBC but they haven’t done it.
It is going to be very hard for the BBC when the short campaign starts, as they will be forced to engage in some sort of impartiality. So far they have really struggled and it is hard to see how they will change.
There has been no struggle, they just haven’t been impartial.
(Sorry selected comment by mistake.) Meant to say the BBC will continue in the same way. Subtle but biased: e.g. just now, Conservative ministers defended David Cameron’s announcement that he would stand down, and then the shadow chancellor Ed Balls has announced that a Labour government would not raise VAT. Words like defended, claimed etc. etc. all colour reports.
BBC – The Afzal Amin Tory/Muslim Corruption expose?.
If you listen the latest BBC reports, and weasel words.
Is staggering if you compare it with a live LBC broadcast
(higher in the thread)
… they play only a snippet, that completely
distorts the facts,(that are all filmed) ….
and hey ho
listens intently to Amins “side” laughably … from erm Dubai !!
is a Beebot flying over, as we speak?
Stumbled across this interesting piece and how the BBC has “killed” 500 Million people.
More flat earth!
Well if you stop believing the earth is flat Beebophile then you won’t see it will you ?
Imagine Natalie Bennett had been hounded out of a pub by a screaming right-wing pro-fracking mob, her children terrified out of their wits, then the family car attacked as they were trying to drive off.
Imagine it wasn’t the first time she’d been attacked by right-wingers.
Imagine the BBC coverage. Something like: ‘The Far Right in Britain: an attack on democracy’ – a whole Panorama full, or three.
Just imagine, eh.
It’s rather hard to imagine Natalie Bennett with a car. Or a family, come to that.
Yes you are spot on. For a party with poll rating consistently 12 to 18% for over a year you would think that he would have police protection from these ‘peaceful protesters’ . I reckon that this is at least the third time he has been seriously harrassed by leftist thugs in the past year. Its a pity the people in the pub didn’t tell the protesters to piss off in a suitably forceful way.
He has bodyguards when he’s out and about campaigning, he has done since that delightful fellow sneaked up behind him and smashed an egg against the back of his head. I think it is appalling that he may be forced to have them all the time; this sort of thing will become more ferocious the closer we get to polling day.
Green Party candidate in sick Nazi cancer slur –
Imagine the BBC reaction if a Tory or Kipper had written something like that about a political rival.
But as the Greens are good liberals, it will be swept under the carpet. Move along folks, nothing to see…
PS Just found this:
‘Sunday Show presenter and BBC comedy award winner Jenny Ross.’
Nuff said…
The most amusing bit is that Fawkes thinks the greens are hard left. Another flat earther that just doesn’t get it!
No, the most amusing bit is that you think anyone here cares for your opinion. You are simply the annoying smell that turns out to be dog mess on one’s shoe.
I’d say the following Green policies are pretty left wing:
Migrants illegally in the UK for over five years will be allowed to remain unless they pose a serious danger to public safety.
Renationalise the railways and energy companies.
Scrap Britain’s nuclear weapons.
End the so-called “special relationship” between the UK and the US.
Allow 16 and 17-year-olds to vote in all UK elections.
Scrap university tuition fees.
Abolish right to buy.
A Citizen’s Income, a fixed amount of £72 income a week to be paid to every individual, whether they are in work or not, to be funded by higher taxes on the better off and green levies. But in the short-term it would increase the minimum wage to £10 by 2020.
Scrap the government’s welfare cap, which limits the maximum amount a household can claim annually to £26,000 a year.
So basically, they’d turn Britain into a socialist dystopia…
Then there’s human rights for animals:
Unrestricted immigration.
Increase international aid by the amount ‘saved’ on Trident.
Support for terrorist groups
Banning fossil fuels (‘fossil free, affordable energy’)
Agenda 21
‘To achieve global ecological sustainability, with equity and social justice, the industrialised countries must actively reduce the physical burden they place on the planet and must, by example, encourage and support the less industrialised countries in adopting appropriate development strategies.’
Zero growth objective
‘To this end, the Citizens’ Income (see EC730) will allow the current dependence on economic growth to cease, and allow zero or negative growth to be feasible without individual hardship should this be necessary on the grounds of sustainability’ (NB EC730 is a minimum citizen’s wage paid for by the government/taxpayer – out of ‘zero growth, of course)
etc etc etc
Enough to keep all the world’s comedians who have ever lived going – forever. Just not on the BBC, that’s all.
Oh come on, the hilarious jesters of the BBC are constantly taking aim and scoring the open goals set up for them by the ridiculous Green party policies.
For example there was…..erm….ah.. well for instance, em……. UKIP are raycist! Hahaha nice one Jeremy/Marcus/Sandi
Also banning airsoft and all replica and toy guns !
Jeff, the bBC cherry picks the Green Party policy in which to make them look good here are a few things they don’t inform you about:
The Police service has failed to build meaningful trust with many communities and still does not adequately represent or reflect Britain’s diversity, including its ethnic diversity. Greater emphasis on ensuring diversity in all levels of policing so that they include people from a range of backgrounds including people from black and ethnic minorities, different sexual orientations, various faiths, trans people, and other social and cultural backgrounds, and are more equal in the employment of men and women.
Over the last decades, British nationality law has been used to restrict the number of Black people having the right to live in the UK while maximising the opportunities for white non-residents with British ancestors to retain this right. The Green Party believes that such nationality laws must be reformed.
Responsibilities and rights of citizenship will include Citizens’ Income, personal taxation and the right to participate in the democratic process. The Green Party will therefore base the right to vote and to stand in elections on residence rather than nationality.
Asylum seekers
People seeking asylum should not be prevented from reaching the UK by restrictions such as visas and fines on airlines.
The Green Party is concerned about ecological. social and economic effects of tourism. We seek to ensure that: damage to the local and global environments is kept to a minimum; people are encouraged to take their holidays closer to home, reducing the amount of travel, particularly by air;
On inspection, there is little or no threat of direct invasion of the UK by any nation. Commitment to a large standing army, a navy of large warships around our coastline, squadrons of fighter planes and a cripplingly expensive missile defence system is therefore unnecessary. Any threat of invasion that might arise in the future is so remote that realignment of the UK military and defence preparations would be possible long before any invasion occurred.
the Citizens’ Income (An unconditional, non-withdrawable income payable to each individual as a right of citizenship. It will not be subject to means testing and there will be no requirement to be either working or actively seeking work.) will allow the current dependence on economic growth to cease, and allow zero or negative growth to be feasible without individual hardship should this be necessary on the grounds of sustainability.
We will all live in tents eating orgainic vegetables which will grow ourselves.
There will be bunny rabbits playing on the grass.
In the evenings we will all sit around the campfire and sing folk songs and someone will play the guitar and there will be clowns juggling.
There will be no crime and no war and no illness, only love and peace. No one will work or wash unless they want to.
If muslims come with AK47s and tell us to submit to islam, we will put on fancy dress and try to chase them away with stern words.
If they slaughter us and decapitate us, or burn us alive in cages, then we will call the army to defend us.
Or did we abolish that?
Most excellent resource; quotes from the Koran and Hadith showing that islam really isn’t very tolerant or peaceful.
Cut out and keep; useful ammo to fend off trolls, islamo-left BBC PC thought police etc.
Now this is proper funny!
Is it the real life Millie Tant from Viz?
This morning Radio Five “gets much worse” Live’s Breakfast Programme was very concerned to talk about yesterday’s incident where Nigel Frarage and his family were harrassed in a public house by a bunch of mindless hooligans. I got the impression that Nicky “Gameshow” Campbell thought the whole affair outrageously funny, particularly as it involved UKIP. The nine o’ clock discussion mainly centred around this affair, and when a witness to the whole affair came on the show and upheld Farage’s version of events, “Gameshow” immediately tried to make fun of this witness by asking asinine questions such as, “Did you choose the roast beef?” and “Did you have mustard for choice?” Later when a Conservative M.P. for a Bristol constituency, Charlotte Lesley, gave an account of how her constituency office had been sprayed on the outside by graffiti carried out by anti-fracking protestors, he continually tried to interrupt her with mindless comments. Ms. Lesley was trying to argue that such protestors did have a valid point to make, but it would have been preferable if they could have done so through the normal channels such as the internet. She had quite a struggle to make this simple point against the barrage of inanities spewing out of “Gameshow’s” mouth. However, when a representative of the Socialist Workers’ Party came on to largely support the stance adopted by the protestors, he was listened to with more respect and fewer interruptions. What this episode showed was that “Gameshow” and his ilk on the BBC basically thought that the incident was a huge laugh and that he himself is no more than an incompetent and witless individual who should not be left in charge of a current affairs programme. His whole attitude demonstrated that he should go back to compering gameshows where this mindless banter would be more appreciated. The BBC is storing up trouble for itself in the future by adopting this approach, because one day UKIP might be part of a coalition government that could take measures to terminate the existence of the Corporation. There are many people and groups in our society that would not shed a tear at Auntie’s demise.
We call it FIVE-LIES in our house.
and your house is in our database
We won’t come out quietly.
I hope that you are right . The DUP, also probably part of a right of centre coalition, would also have no love for the BBC. But, and this is a big but, the Tories would have to want to deal with the BBC and somehow I think that they are too timid to take on the over mighty corporation.
Flicked on to BBC News Website to check the day’s bias on my PC and the banner graphics have changed from the usual dark red to bright red and the articles themselves show brevity, lack of conciseness and detail.
The BBC really have embraced Labour haven’t they.
It’s just missing the rose in the corner and then whole website would be a Labour brand.
With a little bit of green around the edges for Natalie and for Islam.
Oh and some white for surrender.
But where is HYS? Have they sacked all those moderators consisting of muslim/socialist trainees recruited from the Labour Soc at university?
The bBC and Not the 9 O’clock News:
British Islamic State fighter ‘calls for Muslims to kill Theresa May’
Expert: ISIL ‘highly likely’ to launch gas attack in London
Islamic Jihad gaining strength in the West Bank
Nine British medics enter Isis stronghold to work in hospitals
“Both he and the students’ parents were convinced that the young medics wanted to work with Isis, “
France is Europe’s ‘big problem’, warns Mario Monti
Thank god America is standing up to Iran and stopping the mad mullahs developing nuclear weapons.
Oh wait….
Reluctantly endured listening to Sundays BBC R4 ‘tirade of the day’ 9am (ish) sounded very much like Will Self (was in fact an identical sound-a-like Tom Shakespeare) 10 mins diatribe against Ms Margaret Hodge, (the peoples champion of the cross party Select Public accounts committee). The select committee ‘CHAIR’ has far too much power to influence and interview Public institutions (like ‘cough’ the BBC). It was plainly obvious to listeners that the implied reference was in fact last weeks interrogation of ‘clueless’ Rona Fairhead the new ‘Common Purpose’ sponsored BBC Trustee who not only failed to spot illegal USA Mexican money laundering (HSBC USA and heavily fined), recent UK tax avoidance (HSBC Switzerland) and ‘accountabiility’ was as new BBC trustee responded to fundamental questions could remember ‘nothing at all’ before the select committee. Ms Hodge was later crticised as being ‘too harsh’ on the BBC bimbo by some MP’s. That in nutshell was why it had to be ‘aired’ by the BBC on Sunday morning as part of a ‘personal’ attack by W.Selfie and Co. Guardian said it was ‘bullying’ poor defenceless Rona!
The BBC ‘Point-of-view’ as totally biased agitprop. BBC podcasts of Will Self and Tom Skakespeare are so similar it’s spot-the bod. That’s BBC ‘entertainment’ and suspect value-for-money. Even the BBC has Rona down as ‘entertainment’.
The BBC – so fond of racial politics – has not yet identified Ted Cruz as ‘Hispanic’. I wonder why?
He will no doubt be as white as George Zimmerman
How the bBC whitewashes those people who presume it is Ok to intimidate others. Listen how the bBC female presenter ask’s the question;
“Was it fair of Nigel Farage to call these people “Scum”
Listen to how the conversation turns to…..Islamophobia.“Really?”
Listen to how she ask’s:
Doe’s Nigel Farage require Taxpayer funded police protection”
As for the man fat swallowing prick, watch his shiffy eyes for the first few seconds, he’s lying out of his arse.
The bBC, the taxpayer funded propaganda arm of the British left.
Cameron will not serve a third term – read Saudi’s have agreed to pay Cameron for his treachery and offer him a Blair style post. Well done Dave.
Talk about bias bbc. a perfect example of a Tory love in in an attempt to boost their support. 30 mins of interviews and coverage!
As you clearly are unhappy with BBC performance, joining others if for different reasons, perhaps we can all agree it is best it ceases to enjoy public funding to frustrate or distress us all so?
I’d certainly support this. Presumably you do too? If not, why not?
Well done sir!
Looks like the BBC have given up on special Ed, Eh? Hedging their bets with Common Purpose light – the left wing tories with ‘Call me’ Dave. His wife is nice, but Dave’s in charge of cooking! Very statesmanlike (not).
And in other news…
‘the trick for Lord Hall and Tim Davie will be to work with Danny Cohen towards a compromise that limts the damage in the year ahead’
Ah, what it is to be a market rate talent. Maybe he should acquire one of those unique BBC titles, perhaps ‘Blower of Wads’?
Luckily, no one will really know anything…
‘Lord Hall can just about count the numbers of senior managers, but has no overall record of whether they’re any good or not’
So long as he has lots of them; one may eventually do something not stupid.
And there will always be that trusted oversight to look after the interests of the licence fee payer. Well, once all other interests have been ring-fenced first:
‘so that licence fee payers could fully understand the high-level aims and objective of the BBC’
As with so much BBC, it is a failure to understand their betters’ high level aims that is clearly to blame.
Maybe the solution is to do what all the rest do, but still keep the funding model that claims you don’t?
Give me strength….Please give me strength…
This is an interesting sequence of photos D&C, though I’m not sure it would appear on the Beeb’s website:
Or this
Let`s hope that these two Muslummas were chaperoned on and off the set by someone who was not somebody in CBBC who was fixed by Jim eh?
Too many Beeboids still have that whiff of bling and shellsuit.
Utter creepy crap though eh?….yet I did think that maybe if you wrap a hijab round your neck a hundredfold, it might stop the sword cutting through with predictable lack of ambience, as per.
Might double as a noose too, for a gay brother you might not have shopped yet.
Oh how recherche!
Channel 4 News = Pure Left Wing Propaganda
They always had a slant that way; now it’s unrelenting. It’s hard to believe how bad they’ve become.
It’s called being informative.thats why c4 news is so popular.
It’s helpful to remember to be right wing is to be ill informed.
It’s called being informative.
No it’s not. It’s about constantly presenting a skewed view of the world to promote your own political bias. Channel 4 boast of their fair employment practices. It’s odd, in a country where 50% maximum are left-wing, that all stories favour the left. How does that happen? Does C4 engage in ‘Values Based Recruitment?
@Busman: To be right wing is to be ill informed, you say?
I was very left wing in my university days. But then I grew up.
Those of the Left always regard themselves as edgy, well read and rather smugly clever. Their nose is an organ to look down on the Right.
Enjoy your protected life. But someone has to defend democracy when the chips are down. And it’s never the Left you could rely on.
Ought you be supporting c4 news ? I mean the beebs output is now so poor and audience numbers endlessly drift down and here are you a paid beeboid bigging up the other state ( ie poor people like me ) paid for broadcaster ? Does your line manager allow this ? Will you or the other boid on a bus, you know the other (s) on the rota who appear on here and try to deflect and annoy all the while we pay your wages, will you ( all) get it in the neck, or as long as you support any left wing drivel is it ok ? Not holding out much hope of an honest reply.
“Channel 4 News”? An oxymoron on a par with The ‘Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’.
It’s helpful to remember to be left wing is to be ill.
Mentally yes. Spiritually, probably. Physically, not necessarily.
Tonight on Horseshit With Humble.
‘Climate changed has decimated our bee population’.
Just like that, eh.
So… as the temperture hasn’t show any change of statistical significance for over 18 years, the bees have been buzzing away happily?
It’s time these idiots were challenged on their incoherent scientifically illiterate nonsense.
Nothing to do with the severe winter of 2008/2009 that wiped out 20% of the UK hives. Nothing to do with pesticides. Nothing to do with the intensive agriculture that has reduced the number and variety of wild plants and flowers. Nothing to do with bee disease such as varroa mite. No, must be that climate change thing.
Still, as BBC employees have a hive mentality they are uniquely qualified to talk about bees.
Enough of their bumbling, they should buzz off.
Me coat. I’ll get it now.
“The BBC reported last week that “South Yorkshire Police knew hundreds of young girls were making claims of sexual abuse in Sheffield but did not act, an ex-police officer has alleged.” The tally of these abused girls is beyond belief: last month, the
Mirror reported that “there could be up to a million victims of child sexual exploitation in the UK, it is feared.”
What kind of society allows a million – a million! — of its young girls to be pressed into service as sex slaves and prostitutes by predatory gangs?
What kind of society declines to hunt down, prosecute, imprison, deport more than a small number of these gang members … because its guardians of law and justice know that the Leftist establishment would accuse them of racism, bigotry and Islamophobia … and bring them to certain professional ruin, if they dared try to bring these men to justice?
What kind of society allows this?
A desperately ill society.
A dying society.”
“The question is rhetorical. A society that would allow one million of its young girls’ lives to be destroyed just so as not to appear racist is already galloping down the road to ruin. Farewell, Perfidious Albion.”
R Spencer
Just happened to catch a few minutes of World at One on Radio 4 today around 13:30, to hear Mark Mardell interviewing somebody about the UKIP proposals if they should get elected.
To be fair the interviewee was doing a good job at explaining the proposals, and not the usual hatchet job we’ve come to expect from the BBC. That was until Mardell asked him about the proposal to scrap the HST ‘Vanity Project’, as UKIP refers to it.
You can hear Mardell’s scoff here, and judge just how fair and impartial he is being here. You can also hear how the interviewee is drawn in for a second or two until he recovers composure.
For appeasing British political class (inc INBBC) to note-
“British Islamic State jihadi ‘calls for Muslims to kill Theresa May’”
Time for For some reason Andrew Pierce has been replaced in the newspaper review slot with Kevin ‘Mongo’ Maguire, temporarily perhaps, by some Guardian journalist called Nikki Hodgson, so we have two lefty scrote bags, Maguire and Hodgson dribbling their liberal nonsense over tomorrow’s news headlines. Couldn’t they have found some right wing journalist to replace Pierce?
Sky is every bit as bad as the BBC. Why Murdoch puts up with this is a mystery.
Perhaps it’s due to a profound dislike of Britain?
Ségolène Royal is on Newsnight to rebuff Osborne’s jibes at France and lecture les Anglais on the joys of socialism. This is the lady who grandly forced staff to stand in her presence:
Ségolène Royal orders staff in ministry to stand in her presence
As usual with socialists, all the proletariat have égalité, but some have more égalité than others.
I saw that.
Not once was the context of Osborne’s comparison made clear by Davis, that is, that a few years back, welcoming the election of Hollande, Milibande pointed to his socialist soul mate across the Channel to tell us that Hollande had all of the answers, his anti austerity approach was the right way, Cameron and Osborne had got it wrong.
Wrong again, Ed…dishonest again, BBC
Radio 4’s Analysis comes up with the weird idea that the political landscape has changed as the ‘people’ are now either ‘cosmopolitans’ or ‘non-cosmopolitans’.
Jeremy Cliffe of The Economist asks if our real political divide is between those who feel comfortable in liberal, diverse, urban Britain and those who do not – the cosmopolitans vs the rest. He argues that the success of UKIP is one sign of this division. At one end are the cosmopolitans – comfortable in diverse Britain, urban and socially liberal. At the other end are the non-cosmopolitans, who tend to be older, white, and socially conservative, This new divide poses a serious problem for the established political parties. How can they appeal to one side without alienating the other? And what role does the traditional left-right split play?
The choking cup of tea moment comes when we are told that the ‘non-cosmopolitans’ are represented by UKIP, but no-one represents the poor ‘cosmopolitans’ who, if not in the majority now, will be the majority as more of our youth are forced through the marxist mills of our ‘universities’. I take it that Jeremy Cliffe has never heard of the Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrats, SNP, Plaid Cymru or Green parties? Has he never listened to the BBC?
Following Analysis we had Restarting The Antibiotic Pipeline. Apparently those smart bacteria that attack us can pass on their antibiotic resistance between ‘species’ as it were. Pumping out resistant bacteria into the wild, i.e. via human waste spreads the resistance amongst other bacteria. As a result people in south Asia carry these resistant bacteria, (antibiotics don’t work for these people). As more and more people travel further and further this resistance is passed on. Another ‘benefit’ of ‘free-movement’ and ‘open borders’ no doubt.
So Jeremy Cliffe believes that we will all become more ‘cosmopolitan’ as ‘education’, aliens breeding and spreading kicks in. Could it be that ‘society’ will either implode as Sunni fights Shia, Muslim fights Jew etc. or we will all die as new vibrant and diverse bacteria take over our rivers and lakes and, finally, our bodies?
Either way I thing we are doomed. Nice work ‘progressives’.
Marine Le Pen described it better when interviewed by Robert Peston: that the old divisions of Left and Right no longer exist and that people are now nationalists or globalists. She was not given the opportunity to elaborate, but in essence nationalists believe in individual countries with traditions, customs, values and a social contract between people and rulers. In contrast, globalists believe in a bland monoculture where making money is all important and people are just units of production to be exploited and controlled. The tragedy of the Left is that they are nothing more than the facilitators of the globalist money makers.
I thought that that was one of the most interesting comments made in the programme, certainly the one that had most relevance to the UK, rather than Peston’s unexplained comment that France leaving the EU would somehow be bad for us.
Globalists, Cosmopolitans, call them what you will, surprise me in that they are often wary of new technology yet it is invariably built on top of the ‘known’. However when it comes to using that technology or making changes to society they will plough ahead with scarcely a thought as to the consequences.
So for thousands of years we have had the extended family or the tribe as the basis of our societies and, patently obvious for a two-sex species, man-woman partnerships. Yet within the space of a generation or two the new normal is the single mother with kids from multiple fathers living care of the ‘state’ with personal care workers providing support. The ‘super-normal’ is, of course, the same-sex couple with surrogate kids hopefully bred to have homosexual genes to continue the trend. Personal face-to-face contact is replaced by thousands of ‘friends’ on social media or in ‘gaming communities’. Yet is there any evidence that this is a ‘better’ way of organising society, and if better for whom? It just looks like a crazy experiment to me yet one that has to be carried out at speed and closing down all other options but most of all the ‘traditional’ ones that must have worked for why else would be here?
But maybe we are going full-circle. There was some woman on Vine’s ‘Welsh’ issue (I only caught a few minutes) who told us that being nomadic was natural for us, so open the borders! Fine, give up all farming technology and ownership of everything and watch us all starve!
Quite right JimS. Peter Brimelow wrote in ‘Alien Nation’ about the Elite in, increasingly, “multi-cultural” societies –
“…immigration [for them] is manna from heaven. It gives them endless excuses to intervene in society. It enables them to distinguish themselves from the xenophobic masses. And, by introducing diverse populations, it strikes at the nation-state’s Achilles heel: the need for homogeneity.
Maybe the best post on this site; so much fundamental truth here. Focuses on core reality, where ‘progressive’ fantasists dream up a ‘reality’ to suit themselves. Humans are tribal; whether a tribe was nomadic or not is irrelevant. When everyone knew everyone else, there no need for left-wing activists or points-based DLA assessments. Everyone who was fit was expected to contribute.
We have deceit layered upon deceit. Last week there was a clamour about the need for houses. The LibLabCon all suddenly accept it is an emergency that needs to be addressed. But none of their politicians, or a single member of the media, ever – even once – acknowledge that the problem arises from the millions of immigrants who have arrived in the last few years. The broadcasters – both the BBC and Channel 4 – both set out to deceive their viewers with reference to a fifty-year-old film, Cathy Come Home, that was about social attitudes. In the face of logic, as you say, they’ve won all the battles on social attitudes and yet they use the lack of houses for immigrants to soften up the population for whatever statist plans they hope to see implemented. Before Cathy Come Home, parents were expected to teach their offspring not to have children until they could support them. If they failed, the grandparents were expected to support them until they ‘got on their feet’. The prospect of a couple of years of struggle served to focus their minds. Pretty basic stuff. Cathy Come home featured a couple, but the fuss ensured single mothers – glorified as ‘mums’ – moved to the top of the queue. Getting pregnant became the best career move in the country. It has been a disaster. But the Beeb and C4 will never admit that.
Children per female in the U.K. declined from 2 to 1.7 over a period of 30 years ending in 2000. Between 2000 and 2010 it returned to 2.
Percentage of children born to mothers not born in this country is IIRC about 25% (I’m sure Manon will correct me if wrong, but unlikely to confirm for some reason if correct)
In my county we are busy adding mobiles to primary schools again and the nimbys are getting evermore agitated about new housing for the burgeoning population.
A local Labour candidate tells the local paper before being selected that the answer to our economic problems is for Labour to build 200,000 houses a year (no mention on funding of course). Now selected she is dead against a 65 home development in her constituency!)
Don’t forget to ask your Labour candidates exactly where they are going to build the share of houses in your constiuency. Expect the answer to involve “somewhere else”.
Every village in this area has at least one and many up to four different building sites at the moment. Each has a minimum of 6 properties being built on them. None of them are on sale for less that £300k except for the few ‘affordable houses’ and they go for £250k. Yet most stand empty for a year. Why? Because living here is expensive and there is very little work to attract new people in except commuters and they have to be wealthy to afford to commute – it costs thousands a year to get to the nearest city by rail from here (it costs £1.5k p.a just to park within 15 minutes walk of the nearest station … )
The poor can’t afford the ‘affordable’ and the ‘rich’ don’t want to spend £500k to live next door to them.
One town near here has had plans to build 2500 houses on an old airfield with no communications and no jobs except state ones being created. It was supposed to be completed this year yet they have not even broken ground yet. It would seem the developers are not as dim as the local politicians.
All of these plans were opposed by locals. All were passed despite the opposition. In the 2500 house case they gave an alternative. It was that or build in the villages. They allowed both to happen regardless.
It is bizarre that they are building here where there is no call for such large scale development yet where it is needed they don’t seem to bother so much.
They will be built in conservative constituencies like York Outer in order to erode the tory vote and boost the traitor party vote.
‘Focuses on core reality, where ‘progressive’ fantasists dream up a ‘reality’ to suit themselves. ‘
Or, in the case of global warming, ‘approximations of reality’ (copyright climate modelling prof, Oxford Uni).
Sorry, couldn’t resist that one.
Dont worry it just shows everyone you are completely out your depth.
Sadly you focus on your narrow minded view of what society should be like, everyone knowing their place, peasants walking down narrow mud paths having been shooed away by the local parish. All very nice. What you dont seem to understand is that all these foreigners and the poor are now required by our society. Maybe not by you and maybe not by the Kippers but by employers then yes please. If I can import a brace of Pols at cheap rates to pick my turnips then why should I pay the going rate to the British. If I ,as a government, dont want to ,or havent bothered to train surgeons or nurses why dont I just get ones from the third world and save myself the bother. As to single parents – biggest cause is divorce .
Its not the left wing my friend that is pulling your plonker. Its the ‘needs of the economy’ which these days often means banksters and multinational corps and particularly right wing austerity economics which is driving social collapse.
And this is not new. Check out the Vesteys to really see how you can shaft your country and land up ,not in jail, instead the next best thing – the House of Lords.
Being Nomadic was natural for us. And for who wouldnt it be if you could catch your food regularly on the plains!
Now we catch our meals at a take away.
Farming only came into play when people were on the margins and then they diced with death. One failed crop and you were done for. Settled society came in much later only as a result of more established farming techniques. Big societies only started with a large agricultural surpluses for example in the fertile crescent of the Nile.
Excellent post, JimS.
‘At one end are the cosmopolitans – comfortable in diverse Britain, urban and socially liberal.’
Comfortable in their own bubble of coffee bars and bistros. Totally ignorant of life in towns like Blackburn and Oldham where this ‘diversity’ they’ve rushed to import turns out to be a monoculture actively encouraged to thrive on its separateness and to practice customs totally at odds with the rest of the cosmopolitan ‘progressive’ agenda.
The cosmopolitan BBC, where British life is ‘an approximation of reality’.
So last week and at the week-end, the BBC twice avoided any mention whatsoever of the contributions made to Labour and Miliband, personally , by hedge funds (you know – the people that own the Tory party).
Today, there is no mention of the film of Labour’s Shadow Chief Secretary, the hopeless Chris Leslie, seemingly agreeing to manifesto influence for cash.
BBC bias is getting more outrageous by the day. Perhaps they are getting it all in before having their wings clipped by election law once the election kicks off proper
Seems Frankie Boyle is getting a head start on his material for his BBC election special:
“I really hate the increasing use of the word “vulnerable” to describe people who are ,more truthfully, “oppressed””
Sounds like it’s shaping up as a laugh a minute.
Boyle has no doubt undergone a textbook-issue re-indoctrination procedure down in Room 101 of BBC Media City. He needed to be ‘corrected’ to bring him and his errant mind back into the fold or face permanent ex-communication.
Bye, bye, Frank – you’re one of them now. You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.
“I really hate the increasing use of the word “vulnerable” to describe people who are ,more truthfully, “oppressed””
Yes Frankie and I hate the increasing use of the word “comedy” to describe something that is snide, spiteful, bullying, offensive to the decent majority, dishonest and completely lacking in humour.
Except none of you can effectively mount a coherent criticsm of his statement. Just more ad hominem attacks. Thats principally why you people come over as so stupid. You get your script from someone else and youve never learned to think about anything. I dont necessarily agree with his comment but you people are beyond belief!
Touched a nerve there did we? 🙂
I’m afraid that stupidity is something you excel in Manic. You clearly don’t understand what ad hominem means as the only ad hominem attacks here are from you. And as for taking our scripts from elsewhere, I’m afraid we don’t have an equivalent of “Common Purpose” training so we must think for ourselves. We also don’t have a propaganda organ to tell us what to say. You who are employed by that organisation all speak from the same script and are entirely predictable, which is why you all resort to personal abuse as a cover for not being able to answer valid points.
Basically you accuse us of everything that is more appropriate of you and your colleagues. And you remain completely evidence free and logic free: even claiming Gove is a Stalinist! Really you have no clue, apparently about anything.
I won the argument yet againg by no one actually mounting anything like a coherent criticism. The same old script you people come out with is soooo boring.
Why is it wrong to call Gove a Stalinist? Maybe you could give me a reasoned argument on what Stalin believed and why Gove isnt any different.
Off you go!
“I won the argument ”
In your dreams.
Or even in ‘his approximation of reality’.
Little wonder he comes on here defending the BBC – they both spout the same eco-socialist, pseudo-Marxist drivel and lies on a constant loop.
Still, it’s a well-tried socialist tactic that if you tell a lie often enough………
Two responses awaited from you to flesh out your points on Europe and party funding.
You cannot accuse others of incoherent thought if you do not let us have more detail on your thoughts for peer review!
And still no line of best fit equations on global temperature and CO2 emissions over the last 15 years to back up your denial of the “pause”.
That sounds interesting but I cant find them.
As to best fit, I dont think they use use the kind of linear trending you imply. I think most of the modelling is done using something like the systems dynamics modelling technique. Best fit might be used to prime some of the internal relationships if they are linear but I would be surprised if better tecniques werent used like Baysian for example.
Moreover, I am not sure of what temperatur and Co2 emmissions you are referring to. Temperature is not a good guide IMO because of the difficulties of summing Air and Sea. In terms of Co2 the atmospheric levels are measured by 1000’s of stations .
‘Oppressed’ as in ‘I feel oppressed by the relentless leftist bile spouted at me by the BBC and its eco-socialist cronies’?
Yep, totally agree.
The BBC have announced that Tunisia’s Bardo Museum will open today…’after last week’s MILITANT attack’
Who the f*** do the BBC think they are to attempt to change our culture, the nature of our language and influence what we say and how we perceive things.
They were not militants, they were TERRORISTS.
Unbelievable. What will they call it if ( when ) the ” militants ” turn up at Salford Eco City and enrich their lives ? A Demo ?
Language usage is a wonderful thing and one of those skills the BBC highly prizes in it’s Oxbridge employees. Yet even they seem to misunderstand it.
One can call a table a chair and it remains a table. If one keeps calling it a chair it eventually become known as a chair but for all intents and purposes it is still a table.
Constantly referring to terrorists as ‘militants’ just means that when people hear the word ‘militant’ they now think ‘terrorist’.
Words describe function not the other way around. Adding complexity to context only confuses as the complexity grows but two distinct definitions for one word is hardly beyond the understanding of the meanest intelligence.
The BBC think it’s audience is thick, seriously thick, but most, by definition, are average and can distinguish between non violent and violent ‘militants.’ No one is being fooled but the Bien Pensants and they want to be fooled.
I though that any one disagreeing with Theresa May is now officially a terrorist or suspected terrorist or potential terrorist.
Again, any one with the minimum of intelligence can tell the difference no matter which words are used.
This is what becomes of relying on an Arts education; the belief that words are greater than deeds or that naming something other than it is makes it so. It doesn’t.
There must be a propensity of artists on this site then since we are endlessly hearing a narrative that at the first puff of wind falls flat on its face.
Me I always opted for bunsen burners at skool .Thats why my spullin is wupish.
‘Militants’?! Bloody hell don’t say Scargill, Degsy and their crews are now shooting people up….