This morning on Radio Five “gets much worse” Live, Nicky “Gameshow” Campbell became particularly agitated by the Prime Minister’s statement that if he was re-elected at the forthcoming election then he would stand down as leader before the end of the next parliament. The victim of Campbell’s manic attention this morning was the unfortunate Michael Fallon, Defence Minister. When Fallon tried to inform the now demented Campbell that under our constitution it would be for the Prime Minister alone to decide upon an appropriate time to step down from office during the next Parliament, “Gameshow” responded by spewing forth a tidal flow of inanities which devalued the entire interview. “Gameshow” suffers from a complaint which my late mother would refer to as “verbal diarrhoea,” which he appears unable to control and undermines any credibility he might otherwise claim to have as a radio journalist. He is incapable of undertaking any balanced research into the subjects that will be discussed during the Breakfast Programme and is simply content to act as a talkshow prima donna. The barrage of verbal utterings from “Gameshow” became so intense during the interview that I almost fell off my exercise bicycle and had to go outside for some fresh air. I am sure Michael Fallon would have preferred the relative sanity of an army firing range to what he had to endure in the studio! “Gameshow” can seriously indermine your natural balance!
R4 Today prog.
Humphrys interviewing some Tory about Cameron’s promise to spare us a possible three terms of him as PM. Humpy went on and on about this total irrelevancy.
Tory should have asked Humpy, in view of his age what plans the BBC had to replace him on Today and Mastermind. Would the BBC use a quota based selection process, based on left wing other world politics, and EMB female only, unless gay criteria?
Would love to have heard the reply.
Earlier we had Gregg Dyke former chairman of BBC on, lamenting the absence of English players in the top divisions of the football league and wanting to do something about it.
How about too many players are hideously black Mr Dyke? What’s good enough for the BBC…..
It speaks volumes about the bubble that the BBC and, to be fair, the rest of the media live in that such prominence and endless analysis has been given to Cameron’s promise. Few outside the bubble pay more than passing interest as to how this handover in five years’ time might be achieved; they’re more interested in who might be in power this May.
Assuming they give a stuff in the first place, as long as their diet of Eastenders and Corrie is maintained.
Cameron is often accused of being an administrator with no sense of ‘mission’. I’ve long thought that he sees delivering a ‘Yes’ vote on Europe as his ‘legacy’. He’s right, of course; that would guarantee his place in history. There is general agreement that he will not do five years since a new leader has to get established before the election. He’ll likely go after the vote.
Essex Man has pinned his hopes on a ‘No’ vote in the referendum. He’s going to discover that Call Me Dave has one last knife in the back planned for true believers like himself.
As in the Scottish Referendum business warns of the risks as they see it of leaving, but in virtually all of the reports beyond the headline business says the EU is broken.
Why do they not tell us (and “Dave”) what they want changed such that if we get to the stage of presenting what we want changed he can speak with rather more authority.
As I understand it the Labour policy is “to change the EU from within”.
Anyone seen a list of what they want changed (thought not), which could bolster our approach to the EU to say we are united on these matters.
The other most important thing is a couple of opinion polls in favour and see the difference from Brussels. The Scots got loads extra for that one rogue poll, didn’t they!
Unfortunately Europe is broken. The EU is merely a symptom of that. Anyone thinking we can make it on our own is delusional. We are gonna see a long drawn out decline. Still some of us can wave the flag and pretend.That’s usually enough for most people .
“Anyone thinking we can make it on our own is delusional.”
So we now know where you stood on the Scottish question, and that you think Alex Salmond is delusional.
“Unfortunately Europe is broken.” You mean we have all borrowed too much, paid ourselves too much, are living beyond our means, are governed largely by an organisation with no accountabilty, unable to control our borders? Is the Euro a saviour or curse for those trapped inside it?
Please expand and most importantly supply your solution(s).
It would be wonderful to see your theories put forward and thus get to know what ticks your boxes on Europe.
Strange the UK PLC seems to have managed pretty well before the EU existed. It managed to be the World’s leading economy for many years. Or was this because we oppressed half the global population?
The basis of the EU formation was to act as a uniform trading unit resembling then number 1, the USA. It was never intended that it become a political policy making unit. Things have moved on since then. Recently to Japan and now China. USA debt to China is the realms of the unbelieveable.
Don`t put words into my mouth . I would vote on the result of any renegotiation of our EU membership . If it was unsatisfactory, I would vote to leave. but any referendum is not done & dusted to exit . The SNP , Plaid & others may insist that if England votes “No” & they vote “Yes” ,they can veto what England decides. As I said, the only reason it won`t happen, is because Millipeed/SNP will be in power . So unless the Tories get in at the election , nothing will happen . You can all shout me down , but those are the only possible outcomes . If you are so sure ukip, will be the the next Govt. gamble all your saving`s & house on it at the bookies.
… if Mr Cameron holds on to office, he will head off to Brussels to “renegotiate” our terms of membership. The snag is that they are not renegotiable. He will be committed to announce success however few petifogging little concessions he is given and campaign to accept them. And if Ukip has crashed, from where will the advocates of a “Brexit” organise their campaign? Norman Tebbit
BBC BREAKING NEWS – The world will end in 3.7 billion years!
Should give the multitude of BBC News outlets something else to chew on now instead of what is happening in the Conservative party around the start of the next decade!
There’s something distinctly poignant, that whilst assembling outside the BBC building at Portland square on Saturday, some of the “Anti racist” rabble are seen burning the union Jack……I wouldn’t be surprised if the guy was a Beeboid..
On Saturday 21/3 at central London Piccadilly footage burning of Union Jack
— Tommy Robinson ???????? (@TRobinsonNewEra) March 24, 2015
Last Saturday a few people were arrested in Newcastle when 2 flags were burnt, but the bBC never informed us just which flags were burnt. The way the bBC article is presented , you can only presume that those arrested were…Pro British
Worth watching videos of the anti racist march by the UAF Nazis. First, mainly directed against UKIP, second, see the vast number of banners, which are undoubtedly funded by the taxpayer’s funds directed to the UAF. Thank you Dave and Ed. UAF is largly a pro Muslim outfit, which claims to be anti racist, but is silent about black people slaughtered by Boko Haram. Hear that – Weyman Bennet.
The bBC and its so called defence experts: Britain to boost Falklands Islands defences
The traitorous bBC who informed the Argentine armed forces of what was happening during 1982, which cost the lives of so many British servicemen reports that the nasty evil British are going to reinforce the Falkland Islands in light of the news that Argentina is going to purchase the Su24. They then show a stock photo of a group of DPM wearing soldiers walking down Sapper Hill towards Stanley. Err bBC the armed forces don’t wear DPM, they wear MTP and have done for at least 5 years. Hell even our cadet forces wear MTP.
As for the Russian SU24 angle, that fell through last month, as did the Saab Grippen sale, currently Argentina is looking at purchasing 20 Chinese JF17.
Mallard wrote: Standard government procedure?
The fact remains both Argentina and Russia have made aggressive moves towards the UK:
Argentina under its present government have increased the rhetoric to the extent where they are now increasing their military expenditure (33% last year alone) at a time when it isn’t at any threat (Both internal or external) and where the money could be better spent elsewhere.
Russia has been even more aggressive,only last week they threatened to nuke Denmark if they joined the Anti ballistic missile screen
As for the Government diverting attention. This blog is about the bBC, not the people in power which is why I can quote from the bBC’s reinforcing the falklands article this little salient snippet: “Argentine forces landed on the Falklands on 2 April 1982 to stake a territorial claim, “
Really?, they just landed did they and didn’t come ashore at Moody brook gun blazing on the Royal Marine Barracks in which to take out the RM naval party based there. Problem was the bootnecks were dug in elsewhere which is why they they took out an Argie APC .
Its this constant rewording of the English language by the bBC in which to promote its leftwing stance which we should be talking about.
Standard government procedure, more like Standard bBC procedure.
No mention of their attack on South Georgia on April 3rd I take it ? An island they have no legal pretence to whatsoever. Didn’t stop them attacking the place until Keith Mills’s Marines made there eyes water.
Labour have been caught out asking for dosh for influence, again, but apparently this isn’t news for the BBC. Some overblown story about Cameron, how babies will die if the Tories get back in and re-digs at old stories fill the front page and the politics page but no Labour sleaze.
Except for the fact Labour isnt in favour of privatisation and the donor gave in 2012 when the Tories sold a US company interests in the NHS,the story might hold water. There are a considerable number of Tory donors with direct interests in companies operating in the NHS. Lots of other conservatives too.
The only way out of this is for parties to be publicly suported and no donors allowed. Mp’s should also only have one job ,that of being an MP.
“The only way out of this is for parties to be publicly supported and no donors allowed.”
Fair superficial point as ever and a fitting suggestion for a socialist, who love nothing better than spending other people’s money, until it usually runs out when Labour are handling matters.
Now please develop your theory into telling us how much the taxpayer should pay to each party. A flat sum of £x so the BNP, SWP and MRLP get the same as Labour?
Ah, you will say No, rather proportionate to their vote. Now is that vote to be the local elections, European elections, national elections. Is the money divided up nationally or to the four nations separately? What %age will you have to get to qualify for any money.
If only state funding is allowed how do you set up a new party such as UKIP, SNP or the Greens to achieve qualification?
Please flesh out your ideas to allow peer review (if I may borrow that phrase).
Is it not incredible that within 5 years we have been the decriminalisation of explicit homosexuality and the exposure of extensive ‘Westminster linked paedophila’ (PIE network) to be given whitewash by Cameron in his very first months in office (Freedoms Act 2010) – exonerates under age perps) and the tax payer funded Stonewall campaigns championed homosexual minority ‘rights’ over and above the vast majority of parents, children and those with family moral values. The male victims ignored for ‘jolliification’ of the BBC media and its frenzied supporters ignore the target ‘victims’ those that have survived psychologically damaged by the ordeal by the very people who they thought (as children) they could trust. Ignored by subsequent media and government, as ex post facto. BBC Abuses ‘normalised’ by Cameron and Co. but the effect will never go away, and the state still sponsors the perpetrators, as they have ‘rights’ over and above the rest of population that would never, ever vote for it given the choice. The male victims will not be supported by the perps, the left, or the right, it may even be ‘illegal’ to help a male victim who is not, and never will be gay but has been abused in the same way. It is time that we reviewed the public funding money that promotes BBC ‘ethical values’ then withdraws money from the male victims who need counselling. That is perverse.
“Oh, the ingratitude… It’s enough to make one weep.
All the groveling, all the appeasement, all the accommodation of Islamic supremacists, all the denial of the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat, and this is the thanks Theresa May gets!”
R Spencer
How about the snippet about David Cameron
“talking about a Conservative gathering of ‘your” white, working class people, Out of all the people that were there Afzal says to me, ‘Let’s wait here, he’ll come to us.’ David Cameron walked up to us and said, ‘Afzal, how are you? How is your campaign?’ We had a good five or 10-minute chat, the way we’re chatting now.
… Out of all the people in the room”
Again LBC not the BBC
(500 people in a Conservative meeting) …
“We don t go to him, he ll come to us”
Cameron was walking around the room, everyone else, people making a beeline for him, trying to get his attention
… but he walks straight over to Afzal and greets him, how you doing, how s the campaign going.
(check it out, its on 16 mins at the LBC Interview, higher in the thread)
… the petrodollars paying him well?, maybe its the kickbacks from IsF
“I want London to stand alongside Dubai as one of the great capitals of Islamic finance anywhere in the world”
How about the angle, to move Mr Afzal up the Toryboy ranks?
That is one of most telling points of that interview
… nothing but a corrupt traitor and quisling, put that along with
an arrogant, patronising, silver spoon national liability.
The BBC creaming its pants in its haste to make the most of Cameron’s ‘no third term’ revelation.
And who better to do their dirty work for them than Labour attack-dog-turned-poor-me-alcoholic-depressive (when it suits) Allastair Campbell – the second time in as many weeks he’s been on (just that I’ve heard – could be more) to rant his thinly-disguised party political broadcast.
Would this be the same Campbell who was involved in the outing of David Kelly? How does that compare with Jeremy Clarkson’s misdemeanours, BBC?
I watched this yesterday interview with Tommy Robinson with Andrew Neil talking about the latest scandal. They cut him off as he’s starting to mention Rotherham and the police (but they only give him about 4 minutes anyway). But what was interesting to me is that at the very beginning there’s technical difficulties as Neil can’t seem to hear Tommy although the audience can (which helps truncate the interview a bit more) and then as the sound’s being fixed on 22 seconds a labour campaign poster regarding the NHS pops up very briefly on the screen. You can pause it for yourselves and see. Of course, it might just be part of glitches they were trying to work out and I didn’t see the whole show, so they could have been showing that picture earlier on and it is just a genuine mistake. But to me it still seems very dodgy. Very subliminal.
It’s been at least 6 months since I last ventured on here for some good, old fashioned belly laughs. And you lot don’t disappoint!
It’s so funny reading a few dozen saddos rail against the 21st Century. How long have you been doing this now? Have you had to make a new set of tin foil hats?
What a pathetic joke this site is. Full of racists, sociopaths, snobs, misanthropes and general weirdos.
Have you managed to topple the evil empire that is the BBC, or are you actually just wasting your insignificant little lives whining on that the national broadcaster doesn’t reflect the bile and hatred you feel for modern Britain?
i’ll tell you what is hilarious, muppets like you who still cling onto a failed 150 year old ideology called marxism and actually believe the telly tax has a place in the 21st century
keep your tin foil hat on, the non existant rise of the far right are never far away in your tiny socialist mind
Your comments are like calling a table a chair (see previous) Definitions are required. I can assure you that definitionaly a Fascist is not left wing. I appreciate that you think the perjorative use of the terms gains you some traction but rest assured it merely exposed your utter lack of awareness of the subject.
I can assure you that definitionaly a Fascist is not left wing.
That depends on who writes the definition ! If you have a dictionary written by those people intent on misinforming the reader then it might read right wing, however seeing as right wing means small government and as little nationalisation as possible then Fascism would be very definitely LEFT wing.
Now youre being just bloody stupid. Did I just say that? No what I meant to say is youre a very clever chap.I just decided to change the meaning around cos hey well bloody stupid is the way I like define it!
That makes it all so easy to understand.
It’s so funny reading a few dozen saddos rail against the 21st Century.
‘We’re modern/progressive’ seems to be the core boast of the self-satisfied leftist. Modern humans have been around 200k years, but they show the common behaviours of all mammals which have been around for 66 million years. Yet the bearded Trots go to our ‘universities’ and assure the spotty students that the human race has been waiting for them to come up with their ideas for ‘change’. The funniest modern comedians are all lefties, but it’s them – not their jokes – that are funny!
No doubt of all the generations of humans that have ever lived, you have the best life ever. Don’t take it for granted.
No. I think you’ll find that tolerance and acceptance of others isn’t something reserved by ‘bearded Uni trots’ etc. It’s in every home and every workplace – fascists like you don’t like it – but you’re in the tiny minority.
You poor lamb, you must feel so alone in the 21st century. Must be why you all congregate here to rant against reality.
I’ve had a lot of fun with you chumps. I also enjoy adopting the parlance and nomenclature of you far-right types – it helps you to understand.
I’ve only been on this site 4 or 5 times over the past few years – and the berks on here always say the same thing – namely that I am employed by / recruited by the BBC.
Such a sweet refrain.
Redolent of delusion. As if anyone who disagrees with the sentiments expressed here on Fascism Central must be employed by the Beeb.
All the fascists on here are employed by the Beeb or at least are lying for them voluntarily and it appears there are two of you on shift at the moment.
ha ha – pillock! You and mate delude yourselves that the foreigners you invite to share the wealth built up over a dozen generations are your comrades in the brotherhood of international socialism. They’re not; they’re just opportunists happy to take advantage of your foolishness! Whatever you learned at university, it wasn’t common sense.
Foreigners ‘we invite’. Sorry? I haven’t invited anyone.
If you’re talking about immigrants coming over here and working, I’m bloody glad they have as this country would be caught in a spiral of a shrinking population and economy without them.
I clearly learnt a lot more at university than a certified moron like you. It equipped me to go and work abroad – I took Norman’s Dad’s advice and got on my bike – something an insular, sad little isolationist like yourself would never do.
If you’re talking about immigrants coming over here and working, I’m bloody glad they have as this country would be caught in a spiral of a shrinking population and economy without them.
You mean the process where an immigrant does a job for low wages and the state takes on to pay tax credits, housing benefit, health service, education and pension for the immigrant and their extended families. It’s a Ponzi scheme. It’s odd, given your superior education, that you don’t recognise that.
Golly you are a little hard man arn’t you, just flicking through a few posts of yours and we get a few fucks, a knob, a couple of cunts, gosh you are such a hard, hard man are you not ? Trouble impregnating the missis is it ? I’d turn to drink pal if I was you.
But it is still funny, so props for the new handle ‘after 6 months’.
Keep telling it often enough. Seems you and loco MOCO are on a works outing this afternoon, so the thread clogging looks set to dial up to eleven again.
“this goes up to 11.” Nigel Tuffnel, Spinal Tap. Your political, scientific, economic and historical knowledge matches your cultural knowledge, Hilarious. Hilarious.
Thatcher, whatever you think of her, had a work ethic. History re-writing again. Winter of discontent? Economic collapse and World Bank bailout? 3 day week? power cuts? Strikes? Unions running industry? Unburied dead FFS? That’s what Thatcher had to deal with and she was elected with a majority every time the british people were asked. Three times. I hated her too because I was a teenager (and watched too much BBC). Facts. Deal with them. I’ve had to.
Labour always destroys. Reducing the gap between rich and poor by making everybody poorer. Its all they know. Spite, idleness, envy, theft – the core motivations of the left.
There’s work for those who are willing and who seek it. Always was. Always will be.
oh just like the no platform the fascist left always go on about you mean. The BBC have a long history of not giving a platform to people who disagree with its loony left ideology
BBC – loony left? Ha! I suppose they are if you’re an unreconstructed hang ’em, flog ’em, send ’em back, old fascist like you and most other on this sad little site.
Platform? BBC’s HYS is infested with the hate-filled far right spouting their racist bile – I would imagine that this site is their spiritual home.
Your views are vile and are rejected by the vast majority of decent Britons. How does that feel – being a pariah and having to use obscure little hate-sites like this?
No, they are for more insidiously dangerous than the Greens, who are open about their lunacy. They take the Labour desire to spend other people’s money and nanny state approach to an even higher plain (I hope I’ve got the right plain when talking about lunacy and the Greens!)
So you agree with UKIP and ourselves on immigration, but you’re liberal while we’re nasty little racists. You’re full of it… right up to the neck. You’re one of those hypocrites enthusiastic about immigrants being given a job as long as it’s not yours.
Yeah, just a word, just a photograph. Here are a few left wing muslims who were signed up for a National Socialist movement. You know, those who are promoted by the left wing anti fascicts in the SWP BBC and UAF.
As for the term ‘far right’, whatever it once meant it now means disapproved by the BBC . Hence climate change skeptics are far right.
No, far-right still means intolerant, blinkered, hate-filled – same as it always has.
Climate change is just one small area where you saddos and your paranoia manifest yourselves. Ignore the 95% of scientists and listen to the man down the pub.
Just like the reality of 21st century Britain. You hate it, so you retreat to sad little places like this where you’ll find like-minded oddballs who hate brown people, tolerance or ‘the other’.
The very fact that you equate the BBC with the SWP or UAF demonstrates how far from reality and reason you’ve strayed.
Yesterday, Guido disclosed details of Labour’s cash for influence scandal – the hapless senior Labourite, Chris Leslie, offering a ‘donor’ the chance to influence the Labour manifesto in return for a lump of Wonga.
Well, as it happens, this lunchtime, on the DP the BBC had the opportunity to have it out with studio guest Leslie.
Not a word. Gobsmackingly, nothing about this serious matter passed their lips. Actually, the other strange thing is that Leslie ought to have been keeping his head down…what on earth would have made him think that it was safe to venture into a BBC studio? What agreements, nods, winks had been reached with the DP’s producers?
We’ve said it before on these pages; if he was a Tory, Leslie would have been pinned to the floor and Cameron would have been pursued all day with the BBC demanding to know why Leslie hadn’t been suspended and what sort of inquiry would be launched.
The bias within the BBC has been a feature of its culture for years, I have though, never before, known it to be on the scale of this last couple of months, or it being so blatant.
You think that’s legit? The people’s flag is deepest red and all that… but you think the Labour Party should set its policies to suit big money rather than the proles? Progressives are pretty flexible in their thinking.
I know there’s a lot of faux outrage at this (whichever the party). You should know by now I have no ‘leftist’ leanings. Surely people who provide funding to any political party should, as any other party supporter, have the opportunity to provide input to policy development. Or perhaps only those people who don’t provide the party with funding should have such input, and their input should cease if they stick their hand in their pocket? Why else would anybody fund the Labour Party, or the Tories, or the Libdums, if not to buy influence and meet people?
“but you think the Labour Party should set its policies to suit big money rather than the proles?” Of course I don’t. It’s just the reality of our politics. Chris Leslie seems to me to be saying “Thanks sucker, keep your money coming and send through your other ‘ideas’ so I can ignore them at my leisure. Ta.”
Maybe ‘..has done wrong..’ was a loose word choice. Perhaps ‘..has done out of the ordinary.’ would have been better.
Apologies – I read your post when rent-a-mob were in full attack mode and thought it was the man on the bus defending Labour!
I take your point about it being nothing out of the ordinary, I’m sure you’re probably right. Still; it would be good to think that, say, a businessman would give the Tories money because a Tory government would ensure a better ‘climate for business’, rather than as a seeming payment for a policy change.
I dont support labour and you obviously judge comments on the percieved flavour rather than the substance. All told that makes you an idiot!
Moreover I was a business man and you know what austerity is not good for business plus the fact that those companies that dont pay taxes because they offshore their tax are not patriotic and further are able to undercut those people, independant high street traders etc. that cough up and play the game. Leaving the Eu wouldbe disasterous. Please if you want to crash the economy go right ahead and vote for the right. But you and your ilk clearly have a load of money and dont give a shit about the average Englishman.
Granted; it would be a jolt for those ‘patriotic’ businessmen with a business model dependent on cheap foreign labour. But straight businesses would have no problem if we revert to a ‘common market’ arrangement. Do you think German companies wouldn’t still want to sell in the UK? Do you think German resellers wouldn’t want to continue to profit by selling goods produced here?
Never used cheap labour foreign or otherwise. You clearly know about these things so I assume you are exploitative by nature. As soon as we leave the EU, Europe will blow out the big tit of the nation ie The City of London. This is nothing about goods and services. We are shit at manufacturing. It has been declining since 1900.
Manonbus. I Can See Clearly Now is certainly not an idiot. Austerity? Look the word up. It used to have a meaning. That meaning wasn’t (and I assure you, still isn’t) “…continuing to spend way beyond ones means and pretending/hoping nobody notices.”
Austerity may be round the corner though. I hope you are prepared, as I hope all those suffering in Greece are prepared.
Yes I’m in business and yes I want out of the EU. Leaving the EU would be disasterous for
(i) bureaucrats. (boo hoo)
(ii) corporatists (boo hoo)
(iii) one world Marxists (double boo hoo)
(iv) authoritarians (boo effing hoo)
Any honest patriotic businessman puts our hard won values, nation and democracy ahead of any nominal financial effect on their bottom line. ‘Leaving the EU would be disasterous’. No. It wouldn’t. Recognise your fear, and adopt a more positive outlook. How could the UK and its residents ever fear such a scenario? We did perfectly well until the 1960’s economically.
We MUST leave the EU. How can we soar like eagles with turkeys tied to our feet?
Vote UKIP. Leave the EU. Reclaim democracy. Sack the Liblabcon.
Oh and scrap the Telly tax, because it is immoral. 🙂
No we didnt do well until 1960. Manufacturing couldnt complete internationally since 1900.
You obviously dont have a clue about the economy either. If you think you do understand then show me a time when government austerity grew an economy.
The problem is that most of the high street business arent British. All of the giants tend to be foreign owned and use tax evasion .They are draining the life out of the country! You are dreaming an imaginary dream.You world just doesnt exist.
You don’t work in manufacturing then. Or know our nation’s history. Shame. Sadly, not a surprise. As you say, I clearly don’t have a clue, so you don’t need to engage with me trolling you anymore.
No government grew an economy. Ever. Men and women did that, cooperating with one another. Economies grow when they are not handicapped or interfered with by government. Hence: Labour = country harmed, Tory = country harmed (but less so).
The bbC rewrites the battle for Iwo Jima as an example of American brutality: Iwo Jima: Inside famous battle tunnels, 70 years on
Listen to how the bBCs ace reporter Rupert Wingfield-Hayes opine about how 21000 Japanese troops were burnt alive by the use indiscriminate use of American flame-throwers. No dickhead they died, because of the Bushido honour code they subscribed to which brainwashed them into dying before surrendering. The bBC, the leftwing apologists for terrorists, evil empires and the unacceptable, which they do by rewriting history
No wonder you find bias in everything – it’s because you fucking well make it up!
At no point in that piece does Wingfield-Hayes say ‘indiscriminate use of flamethrowers’. He stated that the Americans had to use ‘brutal, fearsome tactics’ to get the Japanese out of their tunnels. That’s a statement of fact.
Instead, your tiny, paranoid mind has simply made a load of bollocks up.
‘Rewriting of history’ – oh the irony. Goebbels would have been proud of you.
You werent operated on by that quasi labourite ,communist, anarcho syndicalist left heaving outfit AKA the NHS ,replete with black and other foreign looking types were you????? Tell me you did the decent thing and chopped your own leg off yourself like in the olden days?
One can call a table a chair and it remains a table. If one keeps calling it a chair it eventually become known as a chair but for all intents and purposes it is still a table.
If you sit on it it does become a chair however . It depends on whether you use a functional approach or a nominative approach.
Especially pertinant if you talk about more abstract things like justice for example.
I think the above two left wing storm troopers are worried. They wouldn’t be here otherwise.
Their left wing bubble in which they co-exist may not last for much longer.
Oh, the ‘interlectual’ agony they and their kind will suffer! How can the working class not vote Labour…
Depends where you fix your zero reference, though. If you’re working on the BBC scale of Farage=’Fascist’ to Stalin=’Left Leaning’, then we know where you’re coming from.
Er this is a site dedicated to the bias of the bbc…….anchoring things to their little ways is what’s it for….alternative sites are available, might I suggest the guardian or independent might be more to your taste ? Have a nice day now.
Your contributions are welcome. There should be clear water between the new right and the liberal left establishment .There really is nothing to debate any more and personal abuse is pointless. Shouting out of car windows at the traffic if you like.
I suggest you look at the writings of those on the right who are absolutely nothing to do with any current organisation. I recommend Takuan Seiyo and Daniel Greenfield for a start. Vogelin is good as well. Have a look at Saint Exupery . None are British and they are becoming much read.
The underlying driver for the new right is the fear that Western civilisation is dying of mediocrity and absurd fantasy politics and economics and that this century will see it’s demise. This does not mean that this fear leads us to embrace any form of authoritarianism,.
The insult fascist is tiresome. Come back when you can write without insults.
To be clear, when I use the term ‘Fascist left’ it is not meant as an insult. It is a description of a socialist mentality married to an acceptance and or encouragement of the use of force/violence/stigma to assert their ideology on others and to mute dissenting opinion.
In case you are confused . I should have made it clear. Takuan Seiyo and Greenfield are very much with us. Exupery and Voegelin are not but continue to inspire.
I failed to mention Lawrence Auster who died in 2013 and is much missed for his uncompromising stand for reality and the West. We could ill afford to lose him and his wise counsel.
Man on the TROLL – LY Bus. Navel gazing Astronomer (says he) never voted for Labour (he says) nor Conservative (he states). That just leaves the Greens then, Liberals are too timid, Marxists far too confident. Unemployed student or part time political activist for the Greens perhaps. An internet troll for sure. Times up.
None of the above I’m just an old git going nowhere like most of us.
The greens have some interesting policies though . I like the one they have about money which reflects the views of a group called ‘Positive Money’. Amazingly there was a debate about it in the House (not my house) led by a Tory quite recently. Well worth checking out particularly if you are into sound money.
Keep going with playing the man not the ball. You wont have worry about any issues that way.
Anyone catch Toady R4? – Another tale from Tower Hamletistan
“Rehana Begum Islam abandoned her husband of 14 years, vanishing overnight with her eight-year-old son and three-year-old daughter. The 33-year-old travelled from Heathrow to Istanbul where she is believed to have entered Syria with her young children.”
1hr 34 …… The Muslim call to prayer on timer? … devout? pious Muslim?, Islamic school, got the kids praying to said timer, even written Islamic Jihad on the shed, etc etc
… but wait just a, “Moh s pork shop minute” she joined the, ahem
“not the Islamic”, “so called”, “nothing to do with Islam” … Islamic State?.
Anyone ask why? …… not on the BBC
Thought I’d show the picture
Doesn’t matter the culture, big flash cars always attract the girlies, maybe IS has some human DNA in there after all?
Mind after these ones need a new MOT and are off-roaded when and how will IS build some new fanny magnets ? Going to be difficult with all those A-10s looking for targets
A telling extract:-
–Her parents sent her to Sudan to study so that she could reconnect with her Islamic roots. Instead, however, they fear she has been radicalised.–
Why did she need to reconnect with her Islamic roots? Now let me think about that…poverty? No. Lack of opportunity in UK? No.
“A grotesque love of propaganda. Unspeakable barbarity. The loathing of Jews – and a hunger for world domination. In this stunning intervention, literary colossus V.S. NAIPAUL says ISIS is now the Fourth Reich”
Gradually a few are beginning to get it. No civilisation is immune from decay and being overwhelmed. . Once in a while a force of pure destruction comes into the world and cannot be reasoned with but has to be confronted. This has been coming for some time- since the 1980s – and we are rapidly approaching the time when we will have to either confront Isis and it’s supporters or end up like Byzantium.
Liberalism is not equipped for what is coming and must make way soon. Sorry for that resident liberals but this is the reality and believe me I wish it were not so.,
Our leaders should read their Homer.
It seems this story only made it to the local Humberside news page. I would have thought that an ex mayor jailed for fraud for 3 and half years would have been further up the running order, but then I don’t have a trained understanding of ” news events” and the skill needed to run a news room.
Of course if he had been white and from UKIP rather than “South Asian ” and from Labour things might have been different.
Note I didn’t say anything about him being a Muslim, that’s your call. He could have been a Christian, a Hindu, a Sikh, I use the term ” South Asian ” as it’s one of the BBCs favourites, useful for deflecting lots of multiple negative stories tracing back to our followers of the friendly peaceful religion. I was pointing out the fact that the bbc has well and truly buried the story of an ex Labour mayor robbing £66000 and getting north of 3 years for it. Now switch that little Eco trendy low power bulb on in your head and try and imagine what the response would have been if for arguments sake he had been from UKIP ? Not buried I would wager but top of the hit parade on the national news page.
From the link in your post –
“Ishaq, a Labour councillor in Scunthorpe for more than 30 years and an MBE, befriended Mr Sultan, from Yemen, when they attended the same mosque.”
The fact that he is a Muslim virtually guarantees that the story would be given a low priority. I agree that if it had been someone from UKIP they would have a field day.
By the way, I don’t go in for low power eco-bulbs – I prefer the incandescent type.
I apologise, my humour monitor was momentarily turned off, feel free to use traditional light bulbs, that’s if you have a source, mine long ago ran out and we live in the dark 🙁
Yes, my area for Look North – but maybe it is because I am dazzled by Paul Hudson’s shirts and ties – but I have heard nothing about Jawaid Ishaq at all. Now when the Conservative Matthew Grove the Police Commissioner was caught doing 36 mph in a 30 mph area the BBC were all over it.
MP Simon Danczuk and Katie Hopkins have had a bit of a spat on twitter about him having his photo taken with Two Pakis and the Paki flag in Rochdale. Normally Danczuk is a Labour traditionalist, but even he isn’t above playing the meaningless ‘racism’ card at the earliest opportunity, and every subsequent one too.
I like Katie Hopkins. She’s her own woman – thinks for herself – and has a moral backbone. She’s usually an entertaining twitterer, but she hasn’t thought this one through.
Danczuk is right and is moderate and sensible in his response. This is not a fight KH should be picking. He’s part of the solution, not part of the problem. He takes his responsibilities seriously and is walking a political and social tightrope with a full understanding of his constituency demographic and the intellectual cancer in his party. Whatever he does or says, he will be attacked from all angles. I won’t pretend the flag photo-op doesn’t rankle with me, but I won’t shovel more grief in the direction of a good man. He deserves support.
BBC covers the report on the shooting of St Duggan. Headline:
Mark Duggan ‘was throwing gun away’ when shot by police’
But the report suggests he was ‘probably’ throwing it away and that it was ‘plausible’ to say he was throwing it away.
The headline reveals the BBC agenda. Over to the race baiters in UAF et al.
The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) found the operation targeting Mr Duggan was “appropriate”.
Its three-and-a-half-year investigation cleared the Metropolitan Police of any wrongdoing.
(For those who are obsessed with skin colour, what colour skin has the female cop in the picture? Is she a white racist cop by chance?)
We do seem to be getting an awful lot of what I can only term Scott wannabees encroaching the site in the last few days don’t we ? Anything to do with the forthcoming election and the left mobilising the drones to take to the barricades in an attempt to stifle the enemy ? Or have we struck a nerve in some other way ? Anyway chaps and chapesses I think we ought to have some pride, we are upsetting them and causing them to deflect their time to fighting us, carry on the good work, give ’em hell.
Sorry to disagree, but I’d call that 4 to 1. Morgan’s another common porpoise, promoted way beyond ability.
They’ve allowed Steven Woolfe on this time! Excellent. A man who talks sense. QT didn’t allow him on last time because he didn’t pass the gender screening process that the BBC adopts (due to their institutional sexism and racism described very well by Trevor Phillips in his C4 documentary on race last week).
No it’s a meaningless rant. I am beginning to understand the mindset however. It’s ultimately fear and ignorance that drives this reactionary zeal. Indeed this site represents a religion that appears to worship ignorance. Good insight into medieval Britain.
Could we also have your august views upon the Tommy Robinson LBC interview and the scandal discussed therein? We need a moral and intellectual colossus such as yourself to tell us what to think.
I found no fear or ignorance. That is the province of the liberal left.
The fightback against what Pat Condell is talking about is Europe wide and also growing in the Western world. We are way behind here in GB.
Think of the film
“Invasion of the bodysnatchers”
If you have seen it you might remember the howling of the bodysnatched when confronted with a still free man. That howling is the sound of the liberal left at it’s worst. Just look at the average left wing /progressive demonstrator. Bodysnatched all of them.
The time has come to moderate out the inane shit from the rapidly repackaged bbc employees who are paid to infest this forum.
If the bbc can apply house rules and control what is acceptable, then so can this blog.
A rapid rebranding and reinfestation will just have to be met with the same moderation rules.
This comment breaks the house rules.
but two wrongs don’t make a right, and an open free discussion forum without insults (at least from our side) shows the Fascists what freedom of speech means and how that works.
But that’s the point. Our intellectually challenged returnee today arrived armed with nothing other than insults. That isn’t debate and it is disruptive. Banning him wouldn’t have any implications for free speech as his aim is simply to disrupt it.
If you are refering to me then name a subject and we can have a debate. The sad thing is you religious types have your gods ,feel repressed and afraid and are making your reality up as you go along. You have proved yourselves entirely devoid of reason and rational thought and incapable of discussion.
As I say ,put down a subject and lets discuss.
Chances are you cant and you wont.
BBC treat us as idiots again.Jeremy clarkson is sacked from top gear.
A million people are wrong and we’ll do what we want attitude I hope will come back and bite them.If I was jeremy i would tell all those million people to cancel the telly tax and tell them why.
The courts couldn’t take the strain and then something will have to be done quick.Subscription is the only way for us to show what we think about the way they treat us.
The bbc aren’t treating you like an idiot! Clarkson hit someone. They have had a disciplinary hearing. That’s what companies do. So why do you regard yourself as being an idiot from the bbc point of view.Please explain?
Prescott hit someone,was he sacked.NO.
Drugs taken at work by presenters were they sacked.No
Brand and Ross make rude remarks were they sacked.No
Who distorts the news for their own and EU view points.The BBC
WHO PAYS THE TV TAX we do.Who are idiots.We are.
And Jimmy Saville raped hundreds of children, Hall and Rolf Harris sexually molested women. All on BBC property. They were not only not sacked but glorified and eulogised by the very same organisation.
When an investigation from inside the BBC revealed all they embargoed the reporting and got rid of the people who exposed it.
An organisation with real morals – that’s the BBC
A reports alluding to a current Female radio presenter who is in the habit of throwing objects at people if she can’t get her way
And a certain ex-gameshow host who was carpeted in the 00’s for his less than even-handed attitude towards female co-presenters. If sacking is good enough for Clarkson…
Any evidence to back up that phrase? Sadly not merely the continuation of the endless process of self delusion from a site where no one can ever raise a reasoned argument.Keep wallowing in your ignorance but please do have the humility to recognise it isn’t a virtue.
Well, the BBC would say that, wouldn’t that?
Notice how the BBC avoids any declaration of interests. For instance, no mention of the hundreds of millions received from the EU over the years e.g. See
BBC seems to be leaking the news that Jeremy Clarkson is going to be sacked later today.
I don’t think any of us would be surprised by this, but we must be prepared to make the most of the backlash against the BBC and its execs who made the decision.
The spineless Tories are never going to tackle the BBC and now they’re out of office, so make sure that their candidates know they’re not getting your vote because of their inability to fight a paper bag ! (Even if you do intend to vote for them!).
Re the new design on BBBC website, if you’re looking for the Have Your Say on the Home page you won’t find it . You have to click on the Share With The BBC and as as the screen changes it say in small letters. have your say under the banner top left. I found it through a post on Beeb Tech Blog. What an abortion the new site is and best of all with the brightness of the site I now have a Migraine.
As everyone who has complained to the BBC will know, the BBC doesn’t do criticism because it is perfect, and it has simply brushed all of it aside as ignorant, and dangerous because MPs are interfering in it’s output.
The BBC’s coverage of the European Union is biased and letting down viewers, MPs have concluded in a scathing report.
The Corporation is failing its own promise to cover Europe impartially and there remain “deep concerns” about the breadth of topics investigated, the European Scrutiny Committee said.
The committee said it was deplorable bosses repeatedly refused invitations to appear before MPs and said the Corporation must show it can cover all sides of the debate on Europe”
So it’s official! MPs have found the BBC to be biased, the BBC and the Guardian however appear more concerned about the BBC’s response and denials.
Yes but they found it biased against the EU ie Pro UKIP which should make you happy shouldnt it? If not why not?
Its also interesting how you defer to the findings of MPs.You clearly give credence to a group of people that many rate below Estate Agents in terms of integrity.
That really is desperation stuff!
It’s a cross party group of MPs not just one individual, or a group from one party.
Why should I be happy that more people are finding what we have been claiming for years? The problem is there and now it’s official, and yet again the BBC are in full denial mode.
Sadly the Clarkson sacking is likely to cover up this important issue.
The MPs found a UKIP bias in the BBC and you are apparently unhappy. Why is that.Is it because youve hammered on for centuries about it being left wing and it turns out its been ignoring a cherrished left wing devil.
On Clarkson do you think that hitting someone at work is OK?
Any chance of an apology saying we would put Muslims in concentration camps when we showed you that the Grand Mufti was given a guided tour of them and thought it was an good idea ? Or was that the bloke on the late shift manon ?
Believe it or not I don’t wait with fingers poised for your responses !
Perhaps you can point to the pro UKIP bias because the early news reports do not support that.
However as many of us have found when dealing with the BBC,
“BBC bosses seemed to be more intent on defending and asserting their own opinions, mindset and interpretation of impartiality obligations rather than saying whether they had actually delivered them. ”
As for the Clarkson issue neither you nor I know what went on because that information has not yet been released. Unless of course you are party to information we are not?
OK so you dont want to answer the Clarkson question.
Then I presume you dont support the petition on retaining him at the BBC on the basis there is no evidence of culpability on his part. In fact everyone should shut up until the facts are known although it has to be said that James May was aware of a dust up eary on in the proceedings.
I take it you dont however support the idea of people being hit by collegues at their place of work though.
On the issue of bias , this site has consistently inferred left wing bias through implied stance and reported news,most often as not from the Mail and Telegraph.
In the same way I put it to you that a news organisation that underplays the importance of an organisation is most definitly supporting the opponents of that organisation.
The biggest opponents of the EU are UKIP therefore it follows that the BBC are lending support to UKIP and are not ,as widely assumed on this site, supporting a cabal of left wing bureacrats at Brussels.
Stop making things up. The report clearly stated that the BBC was biased against those who were critical of the EU:
“However, we were not satisfied with [lord Hall’s] responses as to the balance to be struck in delivering that impartiality in respect of different views on the EU issue, and we challenged him that few voices were heard from those with strong views criticising the EU among backbenchers, including from the Labour Party.”
What you and the BBC fail to appreciate is that the issue of the EU is not only a party-political, but a cross-party issue for backbenchers, as the report makes clear. Thus there are eurosceptic Labour MPs and europhile Conservative MPs.
The BBC fails to present EU issues with impartiality. Not (just) my opinion; the opinion of the European Scrutiny Commission.
Er cherry picking again. the report makes a couple of interesting points firstly the delay in Eu business on the floor of the house and the general failure on the part of the bbc in highlighting the purpose and function of the EU,it’s coverage of Europe being limited to the activities of the member states. That’s the thrust! In downplaying the role of the institution of the EU ,I would suggest it reinforces the rhetoric of its unimportance to European and British life. In doing so it supports the notion of it being expensive ,valueless and an encumbrance that would be usefully discarded. This is precisely the UKIP position. QED the BBC Supports UKIP!
If ever one were looking for an example of empty emotive official rhetoric in the face of fact defying doublethink from a journalist, then there was a prime example this morning.
A female BBC reporter at Barcelona airport earnestly intones : “three days of National Mourning have been declared – and behind me, business goes on as normal”
To maintain my grip on sanity I have to imagine that when she tapped those lines into her I-pad, she didn’t bother to read it back.
Too many journalists with too much space to fill, and such tragedies (for they are) are news, but also horrible opportunity to pack airwaves with people stating the obvious or engaging in morbid grief-mongering.
As it stands, a cause is unknown, and recovery ongoing. This is relevant.
However Classic FM just went off as Global News figured the best thing to do to help a small German community coping with loss was to subject them to freshly airflown English journalists crawling around asking what dead friends were like.
Unlikely. If you want to infer something then its best to use impartial sources . If you dont you end up with the kind of site here which is akin to a medieval closed order monastery. Big walls and no windows and unseen evil outside, the nature of which can only be left to the imagination. Confirmation bias is the god being worshipped in this monastic order! Nigel is his son and UKIP is the holy ghost.
JohnCMar 11, 02:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Hard to disagree more with much of that. It’s my opinion that the globalist EU is at the root of…
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Can I move back into my house?
Monday – another Groundhog Day from Mr Omnibus.
This morning on Radio Five “gets much worse” Live, Nicky “Gameshow” Campbell became particularly agitated by the Prime Minister’s statement that if he was re-elected at the forthcoming election then he would stand down as leader before the end of the next parliament. The victim of Campbell’s manic attention this morning was the unfortunate Michael Fallon, Defence Minister. When Fallon tried to inform the now demented Campbell that under our constitution it would be for the Prime Minister alone to decide upon an appropriate time to step down from office during the next Parliament, “Gameshow” responded by spewing forth a tidal flow of inanities which devalued the entire interview. “Gameshow” suffers from a complaint which my late mother would refer to as “verbal diarrhoea,” which he appears unable to control and undermines any credibility he might otherwise claim to have as a radio journalist. He is incapable of undertaking any balanced research into the subjects that will be discussed during the Breakfast Programme and is simply content to act as a talkshow prima donna. The barrage of verbal utterings from “Gameshow” became so intense during the interview that I almost fell off my exercise bicycle and had to go outside for some fresh air. I am sure Michael Fallon would have preferred the relative sanity of an army firing range to what he had to endure in the studio! “Gameshow” can seriously indermine your natural balance!
Bang on the money Odo.
Yesterday when discussing the harrassment of Farage and family he was at his inane worst prompting me to text the show;
“You are a total and utter c**t Campbell”.
Didn’t get read out.
R4 Today prog.
Humphrys interviewing some Tory about Cameron’s promise to spare us a possible three terms of him as PM. Humpy went on and on about this total irrelevancy.
Tory should have asked Humpy, in view of his age what plans the BBC had to replace him on Today and Mastermind. Would the BBC use a quota based selection process, based on left wing other world politics, and EMB female only, unless gay criteria?
Would love to have heard the reply.
Earlier we had Gregg Dyke former chairman of BBC on, lamenting the absence of English players in the top divisions of the football league and wanting to do something about it.
How about too many players are hideously black Mr Dyke? What’s good enough for the BBC…..
It speaks volumes about the bubble that the BBC and, to be fair, the rest of the media live in that such prominence and endless analysis has been given to Cameron’s promise. Few outside the bubble pay more than passing interest as to how this handover in five years’ time might be achieved; they’re more interested in who might be in power this May.
Assuming they give a stuff in the first place, as long as their diet of Eastenders and Corrie is maintained.
Cameron is often accused of being an administrator with no sense of ‘mission’. I’ve long thought that he sees delivering a ‘Yes’ vote on Europe as his ‘legacy’. He’s right, of course; that would guarantee his place in history. There is general agreement that he will not do five years since a new leader has to get established before the election. He’ll likely go after the vote.
Essex Man has pinned his hopes on a ‘No’ vote in the referendum. He’s going to discover that Call Me Dave has one last knife in the back planned for true believers like himself.
A guaranteed place in history and a very highly paid non job and pension from the EU no doubt.
Or possibly one within the Shariah compliant finance sector, which he assiduously promoted in the City?
As in the Scottish Referendum business warns of the risks as they see it of leaving, but in virtually all of the reports beyond the headline business says the EU is broken.
Why do they not tell us (and “Dave”) what they want changed such that if we get to the stage of presenting what we want changed he can speak with rather more authority.
As I understand it the Labour policy is “to change the EU from within”.
Anyone seen a list of what they want changed (thought not), which could bolster our approach to the EU to say we are united on these matters.
The other most important thing is a couple of opinion polls in favour and see the difference from Brussels. The Scots got loads extra for that one rogue poll, didn’t they!
Unfortunately Europe is broken. The EU is merely a symptom of that. Anyone thinking we can make it on our own is delusional. We are gonna see a long drawn out decline. Still some of us can wave the flag and pretend.That’s usually enough for most people .
“Anyone thinking we can make it on our own is delusional.”
So we now know where you stood on the Scottish question, and that you think Alex Salmond is delusional.
“Unfortunately Europe is broken.” You mean we have all borrowed too much, paid ourselves too much, are living beyond our means, are governed largely by an organisation with no accountabilty, unable to control our borders? Is the Euro a saviour or curse for those trapped inside it?
Please expand and most importantly supply your solution(s).
It would be wonderful to see your theories put forward and thus get to know what ticks your boxes on Europe.
Strange the UK PLC seems to have managed pretty well before the EU existed. It managed to be the World’s leading economy for many years. Or was this because we oppressed half the global population?
The basis of the EU formation was to act as a uniform trading unit resembling then number 1, the USA. It was never intended that it become a political policy making unit. Things have moved on since then. Recently to Japan and now China. USA debt to China is the realms of the unbelieveable.
I vote we leave essex!
Don`t put words into my mouth . I would vote on the result of any renegotiation of our EU membership . If it was unsatisfactory, I would vote to leave. but any referendum is not done & dusted to exit . The SNP , Plaid & others may insist that if England votes “No” & they vote “Yes” ,they can veto what England decides. As I said, the only reason it won`t happen, is because Millipeed/SNP will be in power . So unless the Tories get in at the election , nothing will happen . You can all shout me down , but those are the only possible outcomes . If you are so sure ukip, will be the the next Govt. gamble all your saving`s & house on it at the bookies.
… if Mr Cameron holds on to office, he will head off to Brussels to “renegotiate” our terms of membership. The snag is that they are not renegotiable. He will be committed to announce success however few petifogging little concessions he is given and campaign to accept them. And if Ukip has crashed, from where will the advocates of a “Brexit” organise their campaign?
Norman Tebbit
BBC BREAKING NEWS – The world will end in 3.7 billion years!
Should give the multitude of BBC News outlets something else to chew on now instead of what is happening in the Conservative party around the start of the next decade!
There’s something distinctly poignant, that whilst assembling outside the BBC building at Portland square on Saturday, some of the “Anti racist” rabble are seen burning the union Jack……I wouldn’t be surprised if the guy was a Beeboid..
Last Saturday a few people were arrested in Newcastle when 2 flags were burnt, but the bBC never informed us just which flags were burnt. The way the bBC article is presented , you can only presume that those arrested were…Pro British
Worth watching videos of the anti racist march by the UAF Nazis. First, mainly directed against UKIP, second, see the vast number of banners, which are undoubtedly funded by the taxpayer’s funds directed to the UAF. Thank you Dave and Ed. UAF is largly a pro Muslim outfit, which claims to be anti racist, but is silent about black people slaughtered by Boko Haram. Hear that – Weyman Bennet.
The bBC and its so called defence experts:

Britain to boost Falklands Islands defences
The traitorous bBC who informed the Argentine armed forces of what was happening during 1982, which cost the lives of so many British servicemen reports that the nasty evil British are going to reinforce the Falkland Islands in light of the news that Argentina is going to purchase the Su24. They then show a stock photo of a group of DPM wearing soldiers walking down Sapper Hill towards Stanley. Err bBC the armed forces don’t wear DPM, they wear MTP and have done for at least 5 years. Hell even our cadet forces wear MTP.
As for the Russian SU24 angle, that fell through last month, as did the Saab Grippen sale, currently Argentina is looking at purchasing 20 Chinese JF17.
The bBC and its so called defence experts.
Standard government procedure?
Government in difficulties? Divert attention to something “nationalistic”. Hence Russia and Argentina at present?
Mallard wrote:
Standard government procedure?
The fact remains both Argentina and Russia have made aggressive moves towards the UK:
Argentina under its present government have increased the rhetoric to the extent where they are now increasing their military expenditure (33% last year alone) at a time when it isn’t at any threat (Both internal or external) and where the money could be better spent elsewhere.
Russia has been even more aggressive,only last week they threatened to nuke Denmark if they joined the Anti ballistic missile screen
As for the Government diverting attention. This blog is about the bBC, not the people in power which is why I can quote from the bBC’s reinforcing the falklands article this little salient snippet:
“Argentine forces landed on the Falklands on 2 April 1982 to stake a territorial claim, “
Really?, they just landed did they and didn’t come ashore at Moody brook gun blazing on the Royal Marine Barracks in which to take out the RM naval party based there. Problem was the bootnecks were dug in elsewhere which is why they they took out an Argie APC .
Its this constant rewording of the English language by the bBC in which to promote its leftwing stance which we should be talking about.
Standard government procedure, more like Standard bBC procedure.
No mention of their attack on South Georgia on April 3rd I take it ? An island they have no legal pretence to whatsoever. Didn’t stop them attacking the place until Keith Mills’s Marines made there eyes water.
Labour have been caught out asking for dosh for influence, again, but apparently this isn’t news for the BBC. Some overblown story about Cameron, how babies will die if the Tories get back in and re-digs at old stories fill the front page and the politics page but no Labour sleaze.
So the BBC is unbiased eh?
Except for the fact Labour isnt in favour of privatisation and the donor gave in 2012 when the Tories sold a US company interests in the NHS,the story might hold water. There are a considerable number of Tory donors with direct interests in companies operating in the NHS. Lots of other conservatives too.
The only way out of this is for parties to be publicly suported and no donors allowed. Mp’s should also only have one job ,that of being an MP.
The only way out of this is for parties to be publicly suported and no donors allowed.
The only way out of this is for parties to be
publicly supportedfunded through voluntary individual membership fees and no donors allowed.Tosh! But I’ve fixed it for you – there you go…
Manon says.
“The only way out of this is for parties to be publicly supported and no donors allowed.”
Fair superficial point as ever and a fitting suggestion for a socialist, who love nothing better than spending other people’s money, until it usually runs out when Labour are handling matters.
Now please develop your theory into telling us how much the taxpayer should pay to each party. A flat sum of £x so the BNP, SWP and MRLP get the same as Labour?
Ah, you will say No, rather proportionate to their vote. Now is that vote to be the local elections, European elections, national elections. Is the money divided up nationally or to the four nations separately? What %age will you have to get to qualify for any money.
If only state funding is allowed how do you set up a new party such as UKIP, SNP or the Greens to achieve qualification?
Please flesh out your ideas to allow peer review (if I may borrow that phrase).
Is it not incredible that within 5 years we have been the decriminalisation of explicit homosexuality and the exposure of extensive ‘Westminster linked paedophila’ (PIE network) to be given whitewash by Cameron in his very first months in office (Freedoms Act 2010) – exonerates under age perps) and the tax payer funded Stonewall campaigns championed homosexual minority ‘rights’ over and above the vast majority of parents, children and those with family moral values. The male victims ignored for ‘jolliification’ of the BBC media and its frenzied supporters ignore the target ‘victims’ those that have survived psychologically damaged by the ordeal by the very people who they thought (as children) they could trust. Ignored by subsequent media and government, as ex post facto. BBC Abuses ‘normalised’ by Cameron and Co. but the effect will never go away, and the state still sponsors the perpetrators, as they have ‘rights’ over and above the rest of population that would never, ever vote for it given the choice. The male victims will not be supported by the perps, the left, or the right, it may even be ‘illegal’ to help a male victim who is not, and never will be gay but has been abused in the same way. It is time that we reviewed the public funding money that promotes BBC ‘ethical values’ then withdraws money from the male victims who need counselling. That is perverse.
“Oh, the ingratitude… It’s enough to make one weep.
All the groveling, all the appeasement, all the accommodation of Islamic supremacists, all the denial of the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat, and this is the thanks Theresa May gets!”
R Spencer
Yep! … omitted from BBC News, they had no problem getting her airtime yesterday.
How about the snippet about David Cameron
“talking about a Conservative gathering of ‘your” white, working class people, Out of all the people that were there Afzal says to me, ‘Let’s wait here, he’ll come to us.’ David Cameron walked up to us and said, ‘Afzal, how are you? How is your campaign?’ We had a good five or 10-minute chat, the way we’re chatting now.
… Out of all the people in the room”
Again LBC not the BBC
(500 people in a Conservative meeting) …
“We don t go to him, he ll come to us”
Cameron was walking around the room, everyone else, people making a beeline for him, trying to get his attention
… but he walks straight over to Afzal and greets him, how you doing, how s the campaign going.
(check it out, its on 16 mins at the LBC Interview, higher in the thread)
… the petrodollars paying him well?, maybe its the kickbacks from IsF
“I want London to stand alongside Dubai as one of the great capitals of Islamic finance anywhere in the world”
How about the angle, to move Mr Afzal up the Toryboy ranks?
That is one of most telling points of that interview
… nothing but a corrupt traitor and quisling, put that along with
an arrogant, patronising, silver spoon national liability.
The BBC creaming its pants in its haste to make the most of Cameron’s ‘no third term’ revelation.
And who better to do their dirty work for them than Labour attack-dog-turned-poor-me-alcoholic-depressive (when it suits) Allastair Campbell – the second time in as many weeks he’s been on (just that I’ve heard – could be more) to rant his thinly-disguised party political broadcast.
Would this be the same Campbell who was involved in the outing of David Kelly? How does that compare with Jeremy Clarkson’s misdemeanours, BBC?
I watched this yesterday interview with Tommy Robinson with Andrew Neil talking about the latest scandal. They cut him off as he’s starting to mention Rotherham and the police (but they only give him about 4 minutes anyway). But what was interesting to me is that at the very beginning there’s technical difficulties as Neil can’t seem to hear Tommy although the audience can (which helps truncate the interview a bit more) and then as the sound’s being fixed on 22 seconds a labour campaign poster regarding the NHS pops up very briefly on the screen. You can pause it for yourselves and see. Of course, it might just be part of glitches they were trying to work out and I didn’t see the whole show, so they could have been showing that picture earlier on and it is just a genuine mistake. But to me it still seems very dodgy. Very subliminal.
Sorry here’s the link, I tried to embed it in the above post but it didn’t work.
I thought it seemed odd as well. Tommy is a real thorn in their side. For some reason the elite seems afraid of him. He must watch his back now.
It’s been at least 6 months since I last ventured on here for some good, old fashioned belly laughs. And you lot don’t disappoint!
It’s so funny reading a few dozen saddos rail against the 21st Century. How long have you been doing this now? Have you had to make a new set of tin foil hats?
What a pathetic joke this site is. Full of racists, sociopaths, snobs, misanthropes and general weirdos.
Have you managed to topple the evil empire that is the BBC, or are you actually just wasting your insignificant little lives whining on that the national broadcaster doesn’t reflect the bile and hatred you feel for modern Britain?
Either way, you’re funny as.
i’ll tell you what is hilarious, muppets like you who still cling onto a failed 150 year old ideology called marxism and actually believe the telly tax has a place in the 21st century
keep your tin foil hat on, the non existant rise of the far right are never far away in your tiny socialist mind
Just the most perfect, predictable response.
Anyone who’s not to the right of St Oswald must be a Marxist.
You are a caricature.
well Oswald Mosley was a Labour MP who decided Labour werent left wing enough so he left the Labour Party to found the British Union of Fascists
So when clueless twats like you rant on about those evil ‘lefteyes’, you’re actually paying us a complement?
Has bellendonabus clocked off, so now we’ve to put up with this c**t?
Again with the ‘us’ (vs. ‘you lot’), if in a clued-up, defo not-ranty way?
ps: It’s ‘compliment’. I know such things matter to you. Hard to keep quality up with such quantity, understandably.
A grammar pedant = must mean you’re better.
I use ‘us’ to define myself against you fascists – not hard to understand, surely?
Your comments are like calling a table a chair (see previous) Definitions are required. I can assure you that definitionaly a Fascist is not left wing. I appreciate that you think the perjorative use of the terms gains you some traction but rest assured it merely exposed your utter lack of awareness of the subject.
I can assure you that definitionaly a Fascist is not left wing.
That depends on who writes the definition ! If you have a dictionary written by those people intent on misinforming the reader then it might read right wing, however seeing as right wing means small government and as little nationalisation as possible then Fascism would be very definitely LEFT wing.
Now youre being just bloody stupid. Did I just say that? No what I meant to say is youre a very clever chap.I just decided to change the meaning around cos hey well bloody stupid is the way I like define it!
That makes it all so easy to understand.
It’s so funny reading a few dozen saddos rail against the 21st Century.
‘We’re modern/progressive’ seems to be the core boast of the self-satisfied leftist. Modern humans have been around 200k years, but they show the common behaviours of all mammals which have been around for 66 million years. Yet the bearded Trots go to our ‘universities’ and assure the spotty students that the human race has been waiting for them to come up with their ideas for ‘change’. The funniest modern comedians are all lefties, but it’s them – not their jokes – that are funny!
No doubt of all the generations of humans that have ever lived, you have the best life ever. Don’t take it for granted.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
No. I think you’ll find that tolerance and acceptance of others isn’t something reserved by ‘bearded Uni trots’ etc. It’s in every home and every workplace – fascists like you don’t like it – but you’re in the tiny minority.
You poor lamb, you must feel so alone in the 21st century. Must be why you all congregate here to rant against reality.
Still, makes the rest of us laugh!
‘Still, makes the rest of us laugh!’
Such sweeping inclusivity seems oddly familiar. Bless.
Such a disarmingly charming lack of self-awareness.
You genuinely seem to think that your far-right spite is shared by normal people.
Spite, moi?
And here I was thinking me to be the epitome of cheery chappiness.
Where all along it is your entirely normal honey’d words that flow forth like the songs of the nightingale.
The BBC must be thrilled to enjoy such a recruit to the cause.
Hope the knee gets better. Ops there can really sting and make even a saint cranky.
As this is clearly now turning into a denial of service record attempt, I’d best leave you with braver souls from now on.
Please do. You’re a bit of a knob.
I’ve had a lot of fun with you chumps. I also enjoy adopting the parlance and nomenclature of you far-right types – it helps you to understand.
I’ve only been on this site 4 or 5 times over the past few years – and the berks on here always say the same thing – namely that I am employed by / recruited by the BBC.
Such a sweet refrain.
Redolent of delusion. As if anyone who disagrees with the sentiments expressed here on Fascism Central must be employed by the Beeb.
All the fascists on here are employed by the Beeb or at least are lying for them voluntarily and it appears there are two of you on shift at the moment.
Ah, welcome back Nicked Emus.
Yes, the Left knows best. Yawwwwwn. Care to flesh that one out a bit or is that it?
Your reluctance to engage in debate is so totally in character.
Your ad hominems are…….truly barrel scraping.
The BBC, to have one such as you as a support act must be so, so………………..fucking desperate.
How’s that 28gate thingy working out?
Been up to Oldham recently?
Bless poor lamb. Welcome back Scott.
Werent any Trots,bearded or otherwise when I went to uni.
Tell me ,did you ever go to uni or are you getting your info,as ever, from the gutter press?
… did you ever go to uni…
ha ha – pillock! You and mate delude yourselves that the foreigners you invite to share the wealth built up over a dozen generations are your comrades in the brotherhood of international socialism. They’re not; they’re just opportunists happy to take advantage of your foolishness! Whatever you learned at university, it wasn’t common sense.
You really are a prize fuckwit, aren’t you?
Foreigners ‘we invite’. Sorry? I haven’t invited anyone.
If you’re talking about immigrants coming over here and working, I’m bloody glad they have as this country would be caught in a spiral of a shrinking population and economy without them.
I clearly learnt a lot more at university than a certified moron like you. It equipped me to go and work abroad – I took Norman’s Dad’s advice and got on my bike – something an insular, sad little isolationist like yourself would never do.
If you’re talking about immigrants coming over here and working, I’m bloody glad they have as this country would be caught in a spiral of a shrinking population and economy without them.
You mean the process where an immigrant does a job for low wages and the state takes on to pay tax credits, housing benefit, health service, education and pension for the immigrant and their extended families. It’s a Ponzi scheme. It’s odd, given your superior education, that you don’t recognise that.
everyone knows its a ponzi scheme. how do you get out of it?
Golly you are a little hard man arn’t you, just flicking through a few posts of yours and we get a few fucks, a knob, a couple of cunts, gosh you are such a hard, hard man are you not ? Trouble impregnating the missis is it ? I’d turn to drink pal if I was you.
He’s right you know they will be paying your pension and wiping your arse in years to come.
‘And you lot don’t disappoint’
And you still don’t do irony too well.
But it is still funny, so props for the new handle ‘after 6 months’.
Keep telling it often enough. Seems you and loco MOCO are on a works outing this afternoon, so the thread clogging looks set to dial up to eleven again.
Try making sense next time you type. It’ll save us all time.
“this goes up to 11.” Nigel Tuffnel, Spinal Tap. Your political, scientific, economic and historical knowledge matches your cultural knowledge, Hilarious. Hilarious.
I know where it comes from, bellend. It’s the rest of the crap he typed that makes no sense.
“Bellend”. Well done.
Vote UKIP. Common Sense. Playing the ball and not the man.
yup its called educashun mate. Maybe there isnt any culture where you are! Certainly after Thatcher there isnt any work!
Thatcher, whatever you think of her, had a work ethic. History re-writing again. Winter of discontent? Economic collapse and World Bank bailout? 3 day week? power cuts? Strikes? Unions running industry? Unburied dead FFS? That’s what Thatcher had to deal with and she was elected with a majority every time the british people were asked. Three times. I hated her too because I was a teenager (and watched too much BBC). Facts. Deal with them. I’ve had to.
Labour always destroys. Reducing the gap between rich and poor by making everybody poorer. Its all they know. Spite, idleness, envy, theft – the core motivations of the left.
There’s work for those who are willing and who seek it. Always was. Always will be.
“wasting your insignificant little lives” … “bile and hatred”
Pot calling the kettle black?
No. Me calling you. Nothing to do with kitchen utensils.
You twats are on here every day foaming at the mouth – I’m just a visitor, here to take the piss.
Seems like the keyboard freedom warriors over here don’t like dissenting voices. Just like other fascists.
oh just like the no platform the fascist left always go on about you mean. The BBC have a long history of not giving a platform to people who disagree with its loony left ideology
Bloody hell, you really are retarded aren’t you?
BBC – loony left? Ha! I suppose they are if you’re an unreconstructed hang ’em, flog ’em, send ’em back, old fascist like you and most other on this sad little site.
Platform? BBC’s HYS is infested with the hate-filled far right spouting their racist bile – I would imagine that this site is their spiritual home.
Your views are vile and are rejected by the vast majority of decent Britons. How does that feel – being a pariah and having to use obscure little hate-sites like this?
“BBC – loony left?”
No, they are for more insidiously dangerous than the Greens, who are open about their lunacy. They take the Labour desire to spend other people’s money and nanny state approach to an even higher plain (I hope I’ve got the right plain when talking about lunacy and the Greens!)
Seriously, a lot of you need to see a doctor – and perhaps get a referral to the local mental health team.
There’s one helluva lot of paranoia going on here.
you got some good rates! refer them!
There’s Trotsky for you. Re-education centres for those that disagree.
Hate speech – criminalising free speech because someone’s feelings got hurt. The ever creeping control of mind and body.
… the vast majority of decent Britons.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
What a tired old cliché! We’ve got a fully paid-up member of the bien-pensant on the site!
I’m glad you find it funny – because, as my name suggest, I find you lot hilarious.
You really do think that your vile bile-filled views are held by many others? Comedy gold!
Let’s see how many votes the BNP get shall we, my little bunch of saddo fascists?
Thinks: ‘Can’t say “Let’s see how many votes UKIP get” so I’ll have to use BNP’.
Sort of defeats your argument, does it not?
No it doesn’t – even UKIP would disown most of the comments on this site. Full of racist, homophobic, woman-hating, fascist drivel.
Sure, UKIP enjoy a bit of that, but you’re most closely aligned to the BNP.
And even if I did use UKIP as an example – they’re polling at around 14% – that’s 86% who don’t share their opinions.
Clearer now Einstein?
Last I heard, 70% are opposed to open-door immigration, even established blacks.
Yes and so am I.
Your point?
You see, one can be against open-door immigration without being a nasty little racist cunt. Something that’s clearly lost on most on here.
So you agree with UKIP and ourselves on immigration, but you’re liberal while we’re nasty little racists. You’re full of it… right up to the neck. You’re one of those hypocrites enthusiastic about immigrants being given a job as long as it’s not yours.
except fascist left is a contradiction in terms.
The sad little fascists hate being called what they are, so they’ve made a laughable attempt to hijack the word and rewrite history.
National SOCIALIST German Workers Party.
I knew it – I just knew it!
Jesus wept, what a predictable dickhead!
Well, because the Nazis put the word ‘Socialist’ in their name then that’s your point proven, isn’t it?
What a fuckwit. How old are you – 12? There’s amoebas who have better reasoning skills than you.
The far-right are fascists – that’s the accepted term. If your cap fits, you should wear it – stop trying to give it to decent people.
Yeah, just a word, just a photograph. Here are a few left wing muslims who were signed up for a National Socialist movement. You know, those who are promoted by the left wing anti fascicts in the SWP BBC and UAF.
As for the term ‘far right’, whatever it once meant it now means disapproved by the BBC . Hence climate change skeptics are far right.
No, far-right still means intolerant, blinkered, hate-filled – same as it always has.
Climate change is just one small area where you saddos and your paranoia manifest yourselves. Ignore the 95% of scientists and listen to the man down the pub.
Just like the reality of 21st century Britain. You hate it, so you retreat to sad little places like this where you’ll find like-minded oddballs who hate brown people, tolerance or ‘the other’.
The very fact that you equate the BBC with the SWP or UAF demonstrates how far from reality and reason you’ve strayed.
I really do pity you. So much hate.
“No, far-right still means intolerant, blinkered, hate-filled – same as it always has.”
Your right you are hillarious
I know I’m right.
I also know you’re a fascist twat.
“I really do pity you. So much hate.”
That what the fascist left always try to do. Re-write history. Go back to school children.
Semantics won’t hide your hatred and intolerance.
You can be called Fluffy Fairy People all I care, you’re still hate-filled spouters of bile.
Come and enjoy the 21st century – you may become less angry – they even have the 21st century oop north too, so I’m told.
And I hate who? And I am intolerant of, err, who exactly? And an example of my hate filled bile is, err, where?
@manon. Fascist can apply to the far Left. I think you know that.
Thats a better rate my boys get when I send them out to sell smack to the ol’ folks home.
Can you remind me how the name of Mr Hitler’s party translates into English.
Someone already beat me to it while typing!
Yes indeed they did.
It seems that fuckwittedness is strong in both of you.
Don’t feed ’em.
I don’t need to be fed. This whole site is one veritable smorgasbord!
Yesterday, Guido disclosed details of Labour’s cash for influence scandal – the hapless senior Labourite, Chris Leslie, offering a ‘donor’ the chance to influence the Labour manifesto in return for a lump of Wonga.
Well, as it happens, this lunchtime, on the DP the BBC had the opportunity to have it out with studio guest Leslie.
Not a word. Gobsmackingly, nothing about this serious matter passed their lips. Actually, the other strange thing is that Leslie ought to have been keeping his head down…what on earth would have made him think that it was safe to venture into a BBC studio? What agreements, nods, winks had been reached with the DP’s producers?
We’ve said it before on these pages; if he was a Tory, Leslie would have been pinned to the floor and Cameron would have been pursued all day with the BBC demanding to know why Leslie hadn’t been suspended and what sort of inquiry would be launched.
The bias within the BBC has been a feature of its culture for years, I have though, never before, known it to be on the scale of this last couple of months, or it being so blatant.
I read the Guido piece. I’m not clear on precisely what Chris Leslie has done wrong. Maybe I am missing something on this occasion.
For God’s sake put the hat back on!
I’m not clear on precisely what Chris Leslie has done wrong.
Labour offers potential donor chance to influence its manifesto
You think that’s legit? The people’s flag is deepest red and all that… but you think the Labour Party should set its policies to suit big money rather than the proles? Progressives are pretty flexible in their thinking.
I know there’s a lot of faux outrage at this (whichever the party). You should know by now I have no ‘leftist’ leanings. Surely people who provide funding to any political party should, as any other party supporter, have the opportunity to provide input to policy development. Or perhaps only those people who don’t provide the party with funding should have such input, and their input should cease if they stick their hand in their pocket? Why else would anybody fund the Labour Party, or the Tories, or the Libdums, if not to buy influence and meet people?
“but you think the Labour Party should set its policies to suit big money rather than the proles?” Of course I don’t. It’s just the reality of our politics. Chris Leslie seems to me to be saying “Thanks sucker, keep your money coming and send through your other ‘ideas’ so I can ignore them at my leisure. Ta.”
Maybe ‘..has done wrong..’ was a loose word choice. Perhaps ‘..has done out of the ordinary.’ would have been better.
Apologies – I read your post when rent-a-mob were in full attack mode and thought it was the man on the bus defending Labour!
I take your point about it being nothing out of the ordinary, I’m sure you’re probably right. Still; it would be good to think that, say, a businessman would give the Tories money because a Tory government would ensure a better ‘climate for business’, rather than as a seeming payment for a policy change.
I dont support labour and you obviously judge comments on the percieved flavour rather than the substance. All told that makes you an idiot!
Moreover I was a business man and you know what austerity is not good for business plus the fact that those companies that dont pay taxes because they offshore their tax are not patriotic and further are able to undercut those people, independant high street traders etc. that cough up and play the game. Leaving the Eu wouldbe disasterous. Please if you want to crash the economy go right ahead and vote for the right. But you and your ilk clearly have a load of money and dont give a shit about the average Englishman.
Leaving the Eu wouldbe disasterous.
Granted; it would be a jolt for those ‘patriotic’ businessmen with a business model dependent on cheap foreign labour. But straight businesses would have no problem if we revert to a ‘common market’ arrangement. Do you think German companies wouldn’t still want to sell in the UK? Do you think German resellers wouldn’t want to continue to profit by selling goods produced here?
Never used cheap labour foreign or otherwise. You clearly know about these things so I assume you are exploitative by nature. As soon as we leave the EU, Europe will blow out the big tit of the nation ie The City of London. This is nothing about goods and services. We are shit at manufacturing. It has been declining since 1900.
Manonbus. I Can See Clearly Now is certainly not an idiot. Austerity? Look the word up. It used to have a meaning. That meaning wasn’t (and I assure you, still isn’t) “…continuing to spend way beyond ones means and pretending/hoping nobody notices.”
Austerity may be round the corner though. I hope you are prepared, as I hope all those suffering in Greece are prepared.
Yes I’m in business and yes I want out of the EU. Leaving the EU would be disasterous for
(i) bureaucrats. (boo hoo)
(ii) corporatists (boo hoo)
(iii) one world Marxists (double boo hoo)
(iv) authoritarians (boo effing hoo)
Any honest patriotic businessman puts our hard won values, nation and democracy ahead of any nominal financial effect on their bottom line. ‘Leaving the EU would be disasterous’. No. It wouldn’t. Recognise your fear, and adopt a more positive outlook. How could the UK and its residents ever fear such a scenario? We did perfectly well until the 1960’s economically.
We MUST leave the EU. How can we soar like eagles with turkeys tied to our feet?
Vote UKIP. Leave the EU. Reclaim democracy. Sack the Liblabcon.
Oh and scrap the Telly tax, because it is immoral. 🙂
No we didnt do well until 1960. Manufacturing couldnt complete internationally since 1900.
You obviously dont have a clue about the economy either. If you think you do understand then show me a time when government austerity grew an economy.
The problem is that most of the high street business arent British. All of the giants tend to be foreign owned and use tax evasion .They are draining the life out of the country! You are dreaming an imaginary dream.You world just doesnt exist.
You don’t work in manufacturing then. Or know our nation’s history. Shame. Sadly, not a surprise. As you say, I clearly don’t have a clue, so you don’t need to engage with me trolling you anymore.
No government grew an economy. Ever. Men and women did that, cooperating with one another. Economies grow when they are not handicapped or interfered with by government. Hence: Labour = country harmed, Tory = country harmed (but less so).
The bbC rewrites the battle for Iwo Jima as an example of American brutality:
Iwo Jima: Inside famous battle tunnels, 70 years on
Listen to how the bBCs ace reporter Rupert Wingfield-Hayes opine about how 21000 Japanese troops were burnt alive by the use indiscriminate use of American flame-throwers. No dickhead they died, because of the Bushido honour code they subscribed to which brainwashed them into dying before surrendering.
The bBC, the leftwing apologists for terrorists, evil empires and the unacceptable, which they do by rewriting history
No wonder you find bias in everything – it’s because you fucking well make it up!
At no point in that piece does Wingfield-Hayes say ‘indiscriminate use of flamethrowers’. He stated that the Americans had to use ‘brutal, fearsome tactics’ to get the Japanese out of their tunnels. That’s a statement of fact.
Instead, your tiny, paranoid mind has simply made a load of bollocks up.
‘Rewriting of history’ – oh the irony. Goebbels would have been proud of you.
Poe’s Law. You lose.
If you’re going to employ Poe’s Law, at least do it correctly. Otherwise, you’ll just make yourself look stupider.
Oh, too late.
Doesn’t it hurt having to find perceived bias everyday? Haven’t you got anything else better to do?
‘Haven’t you got anything else better to do?’
Top BOGOF on the irony, dude.
No. I really don’t have anything better to do as I’m off work after a knee op, so I thought I’d pop on here for some hilarity.
What’s your excuse Enoch?
You werent operated on by that quasi labourite ,communist, anarcho syndicalist left heaving outfit AKA the NHS ,replete with black and other foreign looking types were you????? Tell me you did the decent thing and chopped your own leg off yourself like in the olden days?
No, I went to the private Janice Atkinson Surgery Services. She charged me £100, but I got a receipt for £300 – it’s how I repatriate my expenses.
No and Yes. But its a social duty that some loyal citizens choose to take on.
Sure, loyal to Putin maybe.
One can call a table a chair and it remains a table. If one keeps calling it a chair it eventually become known as a chair but for all intents and purposes it is still a table.
If you sit on it it does become a chair however . It depends on whether you use a functional approach or a nominative approach.
Especially pertinant if you talk about more abstract things like justice for example.
I think the above two left wing storm troopers are worried. They wouldn’t be here otherwise.
Their left wing bubble in which they co-exist may not last for much longer.
Oh, the ‘interlectual’ agony they and their kind will suffer! How can the working class not vote Labour…
…and the worm turned very slowly…
What a moron!
You actually assume that I’m left wing?
I’m slap bang in the centre, politically. You lot just make me seem left wing because of your outdated, fading fascism.
I’m here to take the piss out of bile-filled fascists – and it’s working a treat!
I’m slap bang in the centre, politically.
Depends where you fix your zero reference, though. If you’re working on the BBC scale of Farage=’Fascist’ to Stalin=’Left Leaning’, then we know where you’re coming from.
No, unlike the loonies on here – I don’t anchor everything in terms of the BBC.
I know that you think the centre ground is occupied by UKIP, but it isn’t, it really isn’t.
Er this is a site dedicated to the bias of the bbc…….anchoring things to their little ways is what’s it for….alternative sites are available, might I suggest the guardian or independent might be more to your taste ? Have a nice day now.
Your contributions are welcome. There should be clear water between the new right and the liberal left establishment .There really is nothing to debate any more and personal abuse is pointless. Shouting out of car windows at the traffic if you like.
I suggest you look at the writings of those on the right who are absolutely nothing to do with any current organisation. I recommend Takuan Seiyo and Daniel Greenfield for a start. Vogelin is good as well. Have a look at Saint Exupery . None are British and they are becoming much read.
The underlying driver for the new right is the fear that Western civilisation is dying of mediocrity and absurd fantasy politics and economics and that this century will see it’s demise. This does not mean that this fear leads us to embrace any form of authoritarianism,.
The insult fascist is tiresome. Come back when you can write without insults.
Hi Dave. Well put.
To be clear, when I use the term ‘Fascist left’ it is not meant as an insult. It is a description of a socialist mentality married to an acceptance and or encouragement of the use of force/violence/stigma to assert their ideology on others and to mute dissenting opinion.
In case you are confused . I should have made it clear. Takuan Seiyo and Greenfield are very much with us. Exupery and Voegelin are not but continue to inspire.
I failed to mention Lawrence Auster who died in 2013 and is much missed for his uncompromising stand for reality and the West. We could ill afford to lose him and his wise counsel.
Funny how LBC can cover this pretty explosive story involving Tommy Robinson but on the BBC nothing but tumbleweed.
16 mins
A brave man.
Man on the TROLL – LY Bus. Navel gazing Astronomer (says he) never voted for Labour (he says) nor Conservative (he states). That just leaves the Greens then, Liberals are too timid, Marxists far too confident. Unemployed student or part time political activist for the Greens perhaps. An internet troll for sure. Times up.
None of the above I’m just an old git going nowhere like most of us.
The greens have some interesting policies though . I like the one they have about money which reflects the views of a group called ‘Positive Money’. Amazingly there was a debate about it in the House (not my house) led by a Tory quite recently. Well worth checking out particularly if you are into sound money.
Keep going with playing the man not the ball. You wont have worry about any issues that way.
They have some VERY interesting policies – fortunately most of them can be thrown in the dustbins (as well as the UKIP 2010 manifesto)
so what interests you Arthur. Real Money?
Personally my favourite Green Party policies are:
1. Unrestricted immigration.
2. Zero growth.
3. Everybody of working age will get a salary paid for by the government.
Leftism at its barmy best. I think they’re actually serious too, whereas Screaming Lord Sutch – you knew he was havin’ a larf.
But the really worrying thing is a lot of people will vote for them.
21st century Britain – where Common Purpose has overtaken common sense.
Anyone catch Toady R4? – Another tale from Tower Hamletistan
“Rehana Begum Islam abandoned her husband of 14 years, vanishing overnight with her eight-year-old son and three-year-old daughter. The 33-year-old travelled from Heathrow to Istanbul where she is believed to have entered Syria with her young children.”
1hr 34 …… The Muslim call to prayer on timer? … devout? pious Muslim?, Islamic school, got the kids praying to said timer, even written Islamic Jihad on the shed, etc etc
… but wait just a, “Moh s pork shop minute” she joined the, ahem
“not the Islamic”, “so called”, “nothing to do with Islam” … Islamic State?.
Anyone ask why? …… not on the BBC
This is why I love this site. Ranting lunacy abounds.
The question is clear … why?
Off to Syria, to join the, Islamic State with children?
why?, its not erm “Islamic” … apparently
“Rehana Islam’s husband Azizul is scratching his head and wondering how his wife got “radicalized”
… because, you know, the Qur’an forbids all this.
Azizul appears to have a bright future as a used car salesman”
R Spencer
Please do not feed this troll,
Touché … d’accord
apologies 😀 I just like rubbing it in
For INBBC’s DONNISON to censor-
“Wives of slain jihadists from Australia beg for donations to the Islamic State”
Thought I’d show the picture
Doesn’t matter the culture, big flash cars always attract the girlies, maybe IS has some human DNA in there after all?
Mind after these ones need a new MOT and are off-roaded when and how will IS build some new fanny magnets ? Going to be difficult with all those A-10s looking for targets
Why is Islam Not BBC (INBBC) in denial about this?:-
“British medic helping treat Isis killers praised Charlie Hebdo attacks on Twitter and also called for Sharia law”
Read more:
A telling extract:-
–Her parents sent her to Sudan to study so that she could reconnect with her Islamic roots. Instead, however, they fear she has been radicalised.–
Why did she need to reconnect with her Islamic roots? Now let me think about that…poverty? No. Lack of opportunity in UK? No.
I assume these medics with a love of ISIS are those wonderful people who are keeping the NHS afloat.
“A grotesque love of propaganda. Unspeakable barbarity. The loathing of Jews – and a hunger for world domination. In this stunning intervention, literary colossus V.S. NAIPAUL says ISIS is now the Fourth Reich”
Read more:
Gradually a few are beginning to get it. No civilisation is immune from decay and being overwhelmed. . Once in a while a force of pure destruction comes into the world and cannot be reasoned with but has to be confronted. This has been coming for some time- since the 1980s – and we are rapidly approaching the time when we will have to either confront Isis and it’s supporters or end up like Byzantium.
Liberalism is not equipped for what is coming and must make way soon. Sorry for that resident liberals but this is the reality and believe me I wish it were not so.,
Our leaders should read their Homer.
Labour seem to have screwed this one up in just about every way possible.
Can’t wait to see what the pan-BBC satirist community make of it.
Even if it is… nothing.
Of course, BBC-NUJ prefers spending on aid to foreign governments, rather than spending on U.K Defence-
“US aircraft carrier visits Portsmouth and stirs British wave of navy envy”
my aircraft carrier is bigger than your aircraft carrier so there,beat that . just like penis envy….but bigger
‘Why is everyone making it so easy for the alarmist nutters?’
A question maybe for those in the picture first, and top of the pack?
That would be the ever informative, and educational, national broadcaster.
It seems this story only made it to the local Humberside news page. I would have thought that an ex mayor jailed for fraud for 3 and half years would have been further up the running order, but then I don’t have a trained understanding of ” news events” and the skill needed to run a news room.
Of course if he had been white and from UKIP rather than “South Asian ” and from Labour things might have been different.
Good gracious – he attends a MOSQUE! I am aghast, I tell you!
Note I didn’t say anything about him being a Muslim, that’s your call. He could have been a Christian, a Hindu, a Sikh, I use the term ” South Asian ” as it’s one of the BBCs favourites, useful for deflecting lots of multiple negative stories tracing back to our followers of the friendly peaceful religion. I was pointing out the fact that the bbc has well and truly buried the story of an ex Labour mayor robbing £66000 and getting north of 3 years for it. Now switch that little Eco trendy low power bulb on in your head and try and imagine what the response would have been if for arguments sake he had been from UKIP ? Not buried I would wager but top of the hit parade on the national news page.
From the link in your post –
“Ishaq, a Labour councillor in Scunthorpe for more than 30 years and an MBE, befriended Mr Sultan, from Yemen, when they attended the same mosque.”
The fact that he is a Muslim virtually guarantees that the story would be given a low priority. I agree that if it had been someone from UKIP they would have a field day.
By the way, I don’t go in for low power eco-bulbs – I prefer the incandescent type.
I apologise, my humour monitor was momentarily turned off, feel free to use traditional light bulbs, that’s if you have a source, mine long ago ran out and we live in the dark 🙁
No problem – by the way you can still get the bulbs in Aldi but they are called “heavy duty” bulbs.
Look guys, they can’t keep class A drugs out of the country, how the hell are they going to police the supply of lamps?
Yes, my area for Look North – but maybe it is because I am dazzled by Paul Hudson’s shirts and ties – but I have heard nothing about Jawaid Ishaq at all. Now when the Conservative Matthew Grove the Police Commissioner was caught doing 36 mph in a 30 mph area the BBC were all over it.
To be fair I actually read about this 2 years ago.
I own a very good memory , which is why I can bring up events and such from the past with ease.
MP Simon Danczuk and Katie Hopkins have had a bit of a spat on twitter about him having his photo taken with Two Pakis and the Paki flag in Rochdale. Normally Danczuk is a Labour traditionalist, but even he isn’t above playing the meaningless ‘racism’ card at the earliest opportunity, and every subsequent one too.
Puts head above parapet.
I like Katie Hopkins. She’s her own woman – thinks for herself – and has a moral backbone. She’s usually an entertaining twitterer, but she hasn’t thought this one through.
Danczuk is right and is moderate and sensible in his response. This is not a fight KH should be picking. He’s part of the solution, not part of the problem. He takes his responsibilities seriously and is walking a political and social tightrope with a full understanding of his constituency demographic and the intellectual cancer in his party. Whatever he does or says, he will be attacked from all angles. I won’t pretend the flag photo-op doesn’t rankle with me, but I won’t shovel more grief in the direction of a good man. He deserves support.
Vote UKIP.
BBC covers the report on the shooting of St Duggan. Headline:
Mark Duggan ‘was throwing gun away’ when shot by police’
But the report suggests he was ‘probably’ throwing it away and that it was ‘plausible’ to say he was throwing it away.
The headline reveals the BBC agenda. Over to the race baiters in UAF et al.
The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) found the operation targeting Mr Duggan was “appropriate”.
Its three-and-a-half-year investigation cleared the Metropolitan Police of any wrongdoing.
(For those who are obsessed with skin colour, what colour skin has the female cop in the picture? Is she a white racist cop by chance?)
A question for Islamophilic INBBC:-
“Iran’s Supreme Leader: ‘Death to America’
Which Word Does America Not Understand?”
by Denis MacEoin.
Ah, taken out of context. Mooslim scholars interpret this as ‘Eternal life for the peace loving people of America’.
Thats good Llareggub. We approve. Could you come in for an interview?
We do seem to be getting an awful lot of what I can only term Scott wannabees encroaching the site in the last few days don’t we ? Anything to do with the forthcoming election and the left mobilising the drones to take to the barricades in an attempt to stifle the enemy ? Or have we struck a nerve in some other way ? Anyway chaps and chapesses I think we ought to have some pride, we are upsetting them and causing them to deflect their time to fighting us, carry on the good work, give ’em hell.
You’ve hit the nail on the head. It’s all about the election and the BBC are starting to brick themselves.
Early notice of this week’s QT panel of five. At the very best this looks like 3 against 2, but it is Nicky Morgan so make that three and a half versus one and a half.
Sorry to disagree, but I’d call that 4 to 1. Morgan’s another common porpoise, promoted way beyond ability.
They’ve allowed Steven Woolfe on this time! Excellent. A man who talks sense. QT didn’t allow him on last time because he didn’t pass the gender screening process that the BBC adopts (due to their institutional sexism and racism described very well by Trevor Phillips in his C4 documentary on race last week).
Morgan’s another common porpoise, promoted way beyond ability.
Well qualified to lead the Tory party then? Maybe it will be Nicky v Stella Creasy at PMQs!
Meet the woman who should lead the Conservatives after David Cameron – and no it’s not Theresa May
You really couldn’t make it up. Asa Bennett did though.
North West focus on Jack Straw and his final days. Of course the manage to jam in a mention of St Stephen of Lawrence with of course the cropped version of the photo.
Pat Condell on progressives and racism. Does not mention the BBC or its bias, but sure as eggs reveals the nature of the bias.
Pat nails it. Again.
No it’s a meaningless rant. I am beginning to understand the mindset however. It’s ultimately fear and ignorance that drives this reactionary zeal. Indeed this site represents a religion that appears to worship ignorance. Good insight into medieval Britain.
Could we also have your august views upon the Tommy Robinson LBC interview and the scandal discussed therein? We need a moral and intellectual colossus such as yourself to tell us what to think.
I found no fear or ignorance. That is the province of the liberal left.
The fightback against what Pat Condell is talking about is Europe wide and also growing in the Western world. We are way behind here in GB.
Think of the film
“Invasion of the bodysnatchers”
If you have seen it you might remember the howling of the bodysnatched when confronted with a still free man. That howling is the sound of the liberal left at it’s worst. Just look at the average left wing /progressive demonstrator. Bodysnatched all of them.
The time has come to moderate out the inane shit from the rapidly repackaged bbc employees who are paid to infest this forum.
If the bbc can apply house rules and control what is acceptable, then so can this blog.
A rapid rebranding and reinfestation will just have to be met with the same moderation rules.
This comment breaks the house rules.
but two wrongs don’t make a right, and an open free discussion forum without insults (at least from our side) shows the Fascists what freedom of speech means and how that works.
But that’s the point. Our intellectually challenged returnee today arrived armed with nothing other than insults. That isn’t debate and it is disruptive. Banning him wouldn’t have any implications for free speech as his aim is simply to disrupt it.
If you are refering to me then name a subject and we can have a debate. The sad thing is you religious types have your gods ,feel repressed and afraid and are making your reality up as you go along. You have proved yourselves entirely devoid of reason and rational thought and incapable of discussion.
As I say ,put down a subject and lets discuss.
Chances are you cant and you wont.
Schhh…. I DID mention Farage once, but I think I might have got away with it.
Guido quoting the Torygraph:
Clarkson To Be Sacked Tomorrow
BBC treat us as idiots again.Jeremy clarkson is sacked from top gear.
A million people are wrong and we’ll do what we want attitude I hope will come back and bite them.If I was jeremy i would tell all those million people to cancel the telly tax and tell them why.
The courts couldn’t take the strain and then something will have to be done quick.Subscription is the only way for us to show what we think about the way they treat us.
The bbc aren’t treating you like an idiot! Clarkson hit someone. They have had a disciplinary hearing. That’s what companies do. So why do you regard yourself as being an idiot from the bbc point of view.Please explain?
Prescott hit someone,was he sacked.NO.
Drugs taken at work by presenters were they sacked.No
Brand and Ross make rude remarks were they sacked.No
Who distorts the news for their own and EU view points.The BBC
WHO PAYS THE TV TAX we do.Who are idiots.We are.
And Jimmy Saville raped hundreds of children, Hall and Rolf Harris sexually molested women. All on BBC property. They were not only not sacked but glorified and eulogised by the very same organisation.
When an investigation from inside the BBC revealed all they embargoed the reporting and got rid of the people who exposed it.
An organisation with real morals – that’s the BBC
A reports alluding to a current Female radio presenter who is in the habit of throwing objects at people if she can’t get her way
And a certain ex-gameshow host who was carpeted in the 00’s for his less than even-handed attitude towards female co-presenters. If sacking is good enough for Clarkson…
The Pandora’s Box has been opened if this is true
To all genuine BiasedBBC bloggers, re the Al Beeboid trolls on this site…..
‘The closer to the target, the heavier the flak.’
Any evidence to back up that phrase? Sadly not merely the continuation of the endless process of self delusion from a site where no one can ever raise a reasoned argument.Keep wallowing in your ignorance but please do have the humility to recognise it isn’t a virtue.
Well, in the words of the immortal bard …..
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks”
But…. guess what… the BBC has sent out an anonymous spokesperson to say they are not biased. That’s put it all to rest.
If I was any of those MPs I’d be watching my back now.
Well, the BBC would say that, wouldn’t that?
Notice how the BBC avoids any declaration of interests. For instance, no mention of the hundreds of millions received from the EU over the years e.g. See
But guess what! MPs have found that the BBC are bias AGAINST the EU. That should please you all! So why doesn’t it?
BBC seems to be leaking the news that Jeremy Clarkson is going to be sacked later today.
I don’t think any of us would be surprised by this, but we must be prepared to make the most of the backlash against the BBC and its execs who made the decision.
The spineless Tories are never going to tackle the BBC and now they’re out of office, so make sure that their candidates know they’re not getting your vote because of their inability to fight a paper bag ! (Even if you do intend to vote for them!).
BBC seems to be leaking the news that Jeremy Clarkson is going to be sacked later today.
How do you know this?
No response to this so we have to assume Thoughtful has no evidence as usual.
So the media is reporting Clarkson is gone.
But then again…
Those two rather neat examples of how the media can churn out anything it likes so long as it fills space.
Re the new design on BBBC website, if you’re looking for the Have Your Say on the Home page you won’t find it . You have to click on the Share With The BBC and as as the screen changes it say in small letters. have your say under the banner top left. I found it through a post on Beeb Tech Blog. What an abortion the new site is and best of all with the brightness of the site I now have a Migraine.
But it is there… somewhere… so, job done.
Nice and magenta, or dark cerise, isn’t it?
A major story this morning on BBC bias regards the EU and its failure to cover the debate MPs on European Scrutiny Committee finds.
As everyone who has complained to the BBC will know, the BBC doesn’t do criticism because it is perfect, and it has simply brushed all of it aside as ignorant, and dangerous because MPs are interfering in it’s output.
The BBC’s coverage of the European Union is biased and letting down viewers, MPs have concluded in a scathing report.
The Corporation is failing its own promise to cover Europe impartially and there remain “deep concerns” about the breadth of topics investigated, the European Scrutiny Committee said.
The committee said it was deplorable bosses repeatedly refused invitations to appear before MPs and said the Corporation must show it can cover all sides of the debate on Europe”
So it’s official! MPs have found the BBC to be biased, the BBC and the Guardian however appear more concerned about the BBC’s response and denials.
The BBC reactions in the Graun piece are rather nifty examples of the Teflon arrogance the staff and corporation possess.
‘Reminding’ elected officials to back off based on an internally-treasured notion of independence long since lost.
Or Lord Pantone brushing off a clear mistake in trying to weasel out of even answering questions with a petulant denial.
An unelected elite clinging to its last vestiges of power. I sense blood in the water.
Yes but they found it biased against the EU ie Pro UKIP which should make you happy shouldnt it? If not why not?
Its also interesting how you defer to the findings of MPs.You clearly give credence to a group of people that many rate below Estate Agents in terms of integrity.
That really is desperation stuff!
It’s a cross party group of MPs not just one individual, or a group from one party.
Why should I be happy that more people are finding what we have been claiming for years? The problem is there and now it’s official, and yet again the BBC are in full denial mode.
Sadly the Clarkson sacking is likely to cover up this important issue.
Whats desparate.
The MPs found a UKIP bias in the BBC and you are apparently unhappy. Why is that.Is it because youve hammered on for centuries about it being left wing and it turns out its been ignoring a cherrished left wing devil.
On Clarkson do you think that hitting someone at work is OK?
Any chance of a reply Thoughtful.
Any chance of an apology saying we would put Muslims in concentration camps when we showed you that the Grand Mufti was given a guided tour of them and thought it was an good idea ? Or was that the bloke on the late shift manon ?
No chance at all. I hate religious thinking in all its guises. Now hurry along youre missing morning prayers!
‘I hate religious thinking in all its guises’
You seem big on evidence.
‘I really do pity you. So much hate.’
Awkward. If hilarious.
Believe it or not I don’t wait with fingers poised for your responses !
Perhaps you can point to the pro UKIP bias because the early news reports do not support that.
However as many of us have found when dealing with the BBC,
“BBC bosses seemed to be more intent on defending and asserting their own opinions, mindset and interpretation of impartiality obligations rather than saying whether they had actually delivered them. ”
As for the Clarkson issue neither you nor I know what went on because that information has not yet been released. Unless of course you are party to information we are not?
Any organisation like the BBC who receives millions – MULTI MILLIONS – masses of money the root of all evil – to promote the EU is going to do it!
That is the basis of the problem I would think, which is at extreme odds, together with its charter to be unbiased.
Except they didnt
OK so you dont want to answer the Clarkson question.
Then I presume you dont support the petition on retaining him at the BBC on the basis there is no evidence of culpability on his part. In fact everyone should shut up until the facts are known although it has to be said that James May was aware of a dust up eary on in the proceedings.
I take it you dont however support the idea of people being hit by collegues at their place of work though.
On the issue of bias , this site has consistently inferred left wing bias through implied stance and reported news,most often as not from the Mail and Telegraph.
In the same way I put it to you that a news organisation that underplays the importance of an organisation is most definitly supporting the opponents of that organisation.
The biggest opponents of the EU are UKIP therefore it follows that the BBC are lending support to UKIP and are not ,as widely assumed on this site, supporting a cabal of left wing bureacrats at Brussels.
Stop making things up. The report clearly stated that the BBC was biased against those who were critical of the EU:
“However, we were not satisfied with [lord Hall’s] responses as to the balance to be struck in delivering that impartiality in respect of different views on the EU issue, and we challenged him that few voices were heard from those with strong views criticising the EU among backbenchers, including from the Labour Party.”
What you and the BBC fail to appreciate is that the issue of the EU is not only a party-political, but a cross-party issue for backbenchers, as the report makes clear. Thus there are eurosceptic Labour MPs and europhile Conservative MPs.
The BBC fails to present EU issues with impartiality. Not (just) my opinion; the opinion of the European Scrutiny Commission.
Click to access 918.pdf
Er cherry picking again. the report makes a couple of interesting points firstly the delay in Eu business on the floor of the house and the general failure on the part of the bbc in highlighting the purpose and function of the EU,it’s coverage of Europe being limited to the activities of the member states. That’s the thrust! In downplaying the role of the institution of the EU ,I would suggest it reinforces the rhetoric of its unimportance to European and British life. In doing so it supports the notion of it being expensive ,valueless and an encumbrance that would be usefully discarded. This is precisely the UKIP position. QED the BBC Supports UKIP!
If ever one were looking for an example of empty emotive official rhetoric in the face of fact defying doublethink from a journalist, then there was a prime example this morning.
A female BBC reporter at Barcelona airport earnestly intones : “three days of National Mourning have been declared – and behind me, business goes on as normal”
To maintain my grip on sanity I have to imagine that when she tapped those lines into her I-pad, she didn’t bother to read it back.
Unless…. the BBC force is strong with this one.
Too many journalists with too much space to fill, and such tragedies (for they are) are news, but also horrible opportunity to pack airwaves with people stating the obvious or engaging in morbid grief-mongering.
As it stands, a cause is unknown, and recovery ongoing. This is relevant.
However Classic FM just went off as Global News figured the best thing to do to help a small German community coping with loss was to subject them to freshly airflown English journalists crawling around asking what dead friends were like.
Desperate stuff.
The reason why the trolls are out in force might be found here –
Unlikely. If you want to infer something then its best to use impartial sources . If you dont you end up with the kind of site here which is akin to a medieval closed order monastery. Big walls and no windows and unseen evil outside, the nature of which can only be left to the imagination. Confirmation bias is the god being worshipped in this monastic order! Nigel is his son and UKIP is the holy ghost.
“..and we can’t rely on the media to do it for us”
Not all, true. Just the greatest media monopoly in the land.