After the ‘Ted Talk’ mentioned in the last post I heard a trail for Thursdays ‘Crossing Continents’ in which we were told that we would hear the story of Gaza’s last remaining piano, the only one to survive ‘the bombing’ and which was being used to help traumatized Palestinian children….so it looked like Israel was in the frame again.
Curiously on looking at the actual blurb for the programme it gives a different slant altogether..
Saving Gaza’s Grand Piano
Hidden away in a dusty corner of an abandoned theatre, unplayed and almost forgotten – a magnificent instrument allowed to moulder away in a territory whose Islamist rulers banned public performances of music. But now Gaza’s only grand piano is getting a new lease of life. A small Brussels-based charity is restoring it to its former glory and at the same time is working to bring music back into schools. With Hamas control steadily weakening the charity has begun a unique project to train teachers in Gaza to re-introduce music into the curriculum – not through music classes but through subjects such as mathematics and geography. It’s helping disturbed children in this war torn territory to concentrate – and it’s exciting teachers. Tim Whewell gets exclusive access to the story of Gaza and its grand piano.
No doubt Israel will take a few hits on the programme but interesting to see the BBC admits that Hamas is ‘Islamist’ and that such an ideology leads to a few problems in any society that wants to enjoy life to the full….such as playing music.
This then caught my eye…the programme immediately following Crossing Continents is this….
Inconspicuous Consumption
Jack Monroe delves into cupboards and kitchen cabinets to find out how we consume and care about our crockery.
This is no trivial matter.
Jack Monroe is an English writer, journalist and campaigner on poverty issues, particularly food and hunger relief.
Always amazing that a job at the BBC is always available if you say the right things…that is from a ‘leftward’ view of the world.
How many such people get their foot in the door when someone at the BBC gets excited about their burblings? Giles Fraser, James O’Brien, Stacey Dooley, Michael Portillo, Jonathan Freedland, Alastair Campbell, Reginald.D.Hunter, Benjamin Zephaniah, Michael Rosen etc etc.
When does the BBC ‘reach out’ in a similar way to people who express views that are ‘alternative’ to the BBC’s own world view, plucking them off the street and giving them a platform to vent their spleens?
Blimey! After all these years I suddenly realise that, by the BBC’s definition, my white-middle-class dad jokes are “alternative” comedy!
Well blow me down with piece of tofu!
Jack has clearly shown promise as a political weathervane, jumping ship to the Greens from Labour, post mind-blanks, and to coincide with the party having to ditch donor Viv & investigate BBC comedic tweeting Cohen pleasers.
As career progressions go, peerless.
Trivial. And vital. Apparently.
Would that be the Jack Monroe who caught the public eye with how she can cook cheap meals after she left work in which to bring up her son and become a Lesbian. The woman who used her so called fame (Single mother, poor, on benefits,lesbian) to lambaste the government , which she did when she accused the PM of cashing in on the death of his son for political purposes. Funny enough not long after than she buggered off to the Greens.
Good to see the bBC employing those of a certain political, ideological bent in which to keep the red flag flying
So let’s get this straight;
Hamas has banned music and dance which it regards as “haram” (forbidden by islam).
Hamas has therefore destroyed every musical instrument it could find in Gaza.
One solitary piano survived, forgotten and overlooked by the islamo fascist barbarians of Hamas.
Now the BBC has found it and made a documentary about it.
Which means Hamas now know about it.
Hopefully the beeboids left a webcam so they we can all be enriched when Hamas come to do their impression of IS in a museum, or to those older readers amongst us, a bull in a china shop.
Usually it’s Hamas who tell the BBC stuff, not the other way round.
No, I think they help one-another.
BBC doesnt have a ‘Hamas hour’ but they do have a ‘Jewish Hour’ so obviously biased in favour of Jews according to your way of thinking.
You’re misinformed. No Jewish hour anywhere on islamo-left BBC.
Quite a lot of “asian” programming though. I think “asian” is BBC code for “muslim”.
Agreed – I’m not too sure if the BBC Asian Network broadcasts much in Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Korean or Thai.
Am I missing something. Are Stacey Dooley and Reginald D Hunter left wing?
Islam’s attitude towards music is what will eventually bring about some form of reformation.
Music is intrinsically part of being human and what sort of society bans and destroys it?
One that still lives in the stone age, perhaps?
I object! You’re being harsh when you say “stone age”.
Early Middle Ages surely.
All this is par for the course with the red rotten BBC.
24/7 Leftist bilge sloshing freely around the studios, pumped incessantly into dopey homes who pay for it all.
Heard “Costing the Earth”-only bits mind, but some Tom Heap of dung spouted off.
Basically, big oil and the yanks are screwing us all over with their cheap oil, and self-sufficient market leading.
Wind Turbines need more subsidy, more promotion and more green finance to compete.
Not a peep about the compulsory levies, the built-in additions to our bills to pay for “renewables”…no blasting of a Huhne or a Davy, let alone a Miliband for being such warmons.
Indeed Huhnes errors and bluster got played as a call to arms…fiddle your expenses, get your wife to take your points and find a berth at the Guardian, send your wife out to perch at the BBC sine die.
Utter crap-and, of course a few good old boys from Texas were included to ensure that we knew who the gas guzzling Gaia assassins were-Yanks with big cars.
Costing the earth?…no Costing us all £145.50 p.a-and we`re bloody mugs for shilling out for Big Green and its gob-the odious incorrigible BBC.
A local leftie wrote in the paper about taxes on the poor being so high.
The £140 to £200+ green tax (according to source) per household presumably isn’t helping “poor” families. Neither is that on cigarettes which “poor” people enjoy disproportionately. And apparently alcohol consumption by the “poor” is on a par with other income groups.
So the next time you favourite leftie trots out about the poor and tax do not forget to ask them whether they should be let off the “good” taxes there to save the planet and their health!
P.S. Whisper it quietly but any MARRIED couple not receiving any income taxed at 40% can elect to swap part of any unused personal tax allowance to their spouse from next April. Yet another way the government has quietly helped the poor that the BBC do not trumpet – possibly because the couples have to be married?
Now I am sure that Alan has hinted at it – but Radio 4 has been littered with trailers for this edition of Crossing Continents – and hearing about the bombing of Gaza and traumatized children constantly does enough to subliminally promote anti-Israel propaganda – whatever the programme is actually about. The programme blurb may say Hamas’ strength is weakening but that isn’t what is heard several times a day. The BBC so much time telling us about the wicked Israelis and the innocent Hamas that one’s mind automatically assumes when it hears the word ‘Gaza’ that a programme such as this is going to be another Israel bashing.
Muslim woman on Hamas TV explains why Males are more equal than females