Sunday night and the BBC brought us the ‘TED Radio Hour’ which had some thought provoking thoughts.
Let’s hope someone at the BBC was listening…here’s the concluding remarks (46 mins 20 secs)…
‘The fact is that some of the biggest catastrophes we have seen rarely come from information that is secret or hidden. It comes from information that is freely available and ‘out there’ but we which are wilfullly blind to because we don’t want to handle, can’t handle, the conflict that it provokes….but when we dare to break that silence, when we dare to see and we create conflict we enable ourselves and the people around us to do our very best thinking.
Open information is fantastic, open networks are esssential but the truth won’t set us free until we develop the skills, the habits and the talent and the moral courage to use it.
Openness isn’t the end, it’s the beginning.’
Today we were told that Islamism has no connection with the beautiful religion of Islam. We saw Nigel Farage and his family hounded because of his views on immigration. We are not allowed to criticise that other religion called Climate Change.
All taboos or attitudes cheerfully backed by the BBC.
When will the BBC find that ‘moral courage’ to do the right thing and start to openly debate what the Koran really says, what 300,000 immigrants flocking to the UK each year really means, the possibility that in tackling CO2 we may be ‘curing’ the wrong thing?
The BBC has been wilfully blind, it has sought to avoid conflict that would arise when certain truths are spoken, it has sought to silence those who would dare to break that silence.
The BBC and its good intentions may be putting us on the road to Hell.
BBC ‘bias’ hinders immigration crackdown, says report
The BBC’s bias in favour of immigration has been a key block on the Government’s ability to tighten control on Britain’s borders, a report has claimed.
MigrationWatch UK, which campaigns for tougher migration rules, said the Corporation was guilty of a “strong bias” and even a reluctance to address issues raised by immigration.
I hope this isn’t too off-topic, but the true extent of Islamism and how dangerous it can be, can be seen in this video
This is the famous Lawrence Krauss debate which made the headlines a couple of years ago. The Islamic group who organised the debate were eventually banned from University College London.
BBC intellectuals are immune to this disease, because they don’t have to live within the socially destructive wake. They don’t see the ‘them and us’ society because they most probably don’t live in areas where the problem is so obvious that the inhabitants have already given up.
We’re led like a herd, held in the grip of Political Correctness.
We don’t look around and say what we actually see, we see what we’re told to see. We say what we’re told to say.
Immigration is a blessing, global warming is a catastrophe, islam is just the same as Christianity, we’re not being colonised by islam, Israel is bad, UKIP are bad, labour is good and so and so on. We wander along in a trance.
It’s like living in the story of the Emperor who had no clothes. It would be funny if it wasn’t so serious.
We need to have the courage to say what we honestly see, not what the BBC tells us to see.
What you’re saying is quite right – I usually condense it to “If you control what they say, you control what they think”….
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason? Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason.” Sir John Harrington
Liberalism in it’s current form is a cult. A gnostic cult and it is idle to pretend that cult members can be persuaded to see reality as it is.
We have to live in hope of better times and a weakening of the grip this cult has on the West. It will happen but will take time and trouble for us all.
Maybe the start was in 1789 when Europeans decided they could create the world of their desires and ignore reality. Through all the various isms since then how many millions have died and had their lives blighted by unreason and violence.
Before this we had the unreason of fanatically held religious belief.
Now we face the twin evils of liberal unreason and fanatical Islam.
The odds do not look good.
Is Labour Socialism a protected belief?… Silly question but we live in a mad world. I never though that a Trade Union activist could be so deeply religious (until now). Thanks to the interpretation of the Equalities Act 2012, Karl Marx is now elevated to now elevated to his supreme Holiness (UK). It would be mirth but for the fact that it has just been made employment law UK. Trade Unions activists would like to be addressed in a suitable way from now on…
As if that was not daft enough (and sad)… Another similar to the one above was the BBC argued in a tribuneral Court (against once of its won staff pointing out the aburdity of it all) and unfortunately lost his case against the BBC for his dismissal. The BBC can prove it is ‘deeply religious’ … ‘Belief in climate change, animal rights, spiritualism, the ethos of the BBC and humanism are protected philosophical beliefs …’ Reference to: Maistry v British Broadcasting Corporation [2011] ET 1313142/2010 (in which the belief was that public service broadcasting had the higher purpose of promoting cultural interchange and social cohesion). In both those cases it was held that the claimants’ beliefs, if genuinely held, were capable of being a philosophical belief for the purposes of the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003.’ So the BBC is deeply religious to Karl Marx and Walter Multhus and runs its own liberal Church and Marxist bishops.
‘The fact is that some of the biggest catastrophes we have seen rarely come from information that is secret or hidden. It comes from information that is freely available and ‘out there’ but we which are wilfullly blind to because we don’t want to handle, can’t handle, the conflict that it provokes.
Yeah, this is the scary thing, this really feels like the 1930s, where many can see disaster looming and nothing is done only platitudes and lies, spoken by those in authority. Churchill said this:
… [w]hen the situation was manageable it was neglected, and now that it is thoroughly out of hand we apply too late the remedies which then might have effected a cure.
Want of foresight, unwillingness to act when action would be simple and effective, lack of clear thinking, confusion of counsel until the emergency comes, until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong – these are the features which constitute the endless repetition of history.
After years of watching the BBC and its mealy-mouthed syntax levers, it`s easy to call them out and spot their abuses of the language-where most of all this starts and will end.
When lies become mis-speaking( Hillary Clinton), when paid up ignorance and cluelessness becomes a brain freeze/fade(Natalie Bennett ,the Green Bint)-and when illegal asylum migrants become “undocumented citizens”…then you just KNOW that the BBC give you this slurry c/o the Guardian playbook.
Deliberate lies-all day and all night.
IS stands for both so called Islamic State, and real enough International Socialism…one and the same, as we saw with Nigel Farage in his home town pub lunch with his wife and kids.
Witness how Cameron answering a question becomes “arrogance and presumption”…which “leading Tories” are “sent out to defend”.
Whereas any Miliband balls up is a sign of vulnerabliity, due to his passion and statesmanlike reflections.
We all KNOW what the BBC is up to-traitors gaits since May 1979!
apart fron the islamists,there allies the national socalists of the far left,are the true undemocratic violent face of dangerous fascism that is taking root in this country,these people as seen when they attacked nigel farage and his children in margate last sunday just want to divide people and sow the seeds of hatred that leads to the kind of attacks where nigel farages children have to cower in fear of being attacked,the far left seem to have no problem in attacking the children of politicians they dont agree with,we must stand up to these people and send them a clear message we are united and they wont divide are communitys,ps,the dreadfull,vile george galloway has been invited by the bbc to appear on any questions from doncaster this friday radio 4 8pm,here is a man in my opinion who divides community with his rhetoric of division and hate against the west and isreali goverment to court the islamist vote as proved when he declared bradford and isreali free zone and no doubt on friday we will hear him spouting out his vile divisive views again on any questions