As everyone who has complained to the BBC will know, the BBC doesn’t do criticism because it is perfect, and it has simply brushed all of it aside as ignorant, and dangerous because MPs are interfering in it’s output.
The BBC’s coverage of the European Union is biased and letting down viewers, MPs have concluded in a scathing report.
The Corporation is failing its own promise to cover Europe impartially and there remain “deep concerns” about the breadth of topics investigated, the European Scrutiny Committee said.
The committee said it was deplorable bosses repeatedly refused invitations to appear before MPs and said the Corporation must show it can cover all sides of the debate on Europe”
So it’s official! MPs have found the BBC to be biased, the BBC and the Guardian however appear more concerned about the BBC’s response and denials.
Just reading the Daily Mail version… and
Lord Hall (£450,000) was formerly ‘summoned’ by the Committee after he (Lord Hall) had refused all ‘invitations to attend. Bill Cash (Chair of Committee) said: ‘The BBC has fallen down severely on its obligations to viewers and listeners to give them a proper and balanced assessment…’ Also the online DM version includes: ‘ today’s report MPs say the BBC has done little to change things, and that they ‘remain deeply concerned about the manner’ in which the corporation tackles the subject of the EU. They were particularly angry with Lord Hall.’
They only had to look at the scale of funding that the BBC receives from the EU to come to that conclusion. The BBC is unlikely to bite the hand that helps to feed it.
I’d be wary here. MPs might be accusing the BBC of bias with regard to their coverage of the EU, but where in that article is it made clear which way they perceive the alleged bias to be travelling – pro or anti-EU? I couldn’t see it from the piece reported.
It really wouldn’t surprise me if this turned out to be yet another false flag operation: claim the BBC is biased against the EU and then get a shovel-full of paid-up common purpose trolls from the BBC to come before the committee and prove just how pro-EU they are.
We’ve been here before, people, viz-a-viz so-called ‘man-made climate change’ and who still remembers that time the boy (Owen) Jones ran a successful flagging operation in the papers accusing the BBC of right-wing bias?
“The BBC has a ‘deeply concerning’ pro-European bias and has ‘fallen down severely’ in its obligation to provide impartial coverage of the issue, MPs say today.”
“The European Scrutiny Committee says the corporation does not give enough airtime to those who believe Britain should leave the European Union or that there should be a referendum on membership.”
“Radio’s 4’s Today programme, are stuffed with commentators who talk about the economic and political dangers of Britain leaving the EU.
But, he argued, they have far too few people on its shows to explain what the benefits might be.
Sir Bill said: ‘There is a [line] of questioning which is quite clearly geared to elicit the answers, “I don’t want a referendum”, or “I don’t want Britain to leave the European Union.”
‘“The European Scrutiny Committee says the corporation does not give enough airtime to those who believe Britain should leave the European Union or that there should be a referendum on membership.”
Via Twitter, I recently asked Danny Cohen a reasonable question about his constant promotion of women’s football on the BBC sports pages, interlinking the stories with men’s premier league news.
He didn’t reply he just blocked me…..The BBC don’t want to answer questions, indeed they don’t want to listen to anyone other than their fellow left wing advocates stroking their egos forever and a day.
Twitter with the BBC is, like so much else, an exercise in uniques.
This is his bio: ‘Director of BBC Television. Telly, books, football and some other stuff.’
He clearly uses it to disseminate BBC views (not his own), albeit in amongst name-dropping him and the missus’ BFFs and dinner dates and footyballist nonsense in the style of a smitten 8yo.
So, as with such as JonDon and others, how is it legitimate to use censorship to ring-fence his propaganda base?
If BBC staff have BBC twitter feeds, this surely need to be open to all (bar abuse), and not closed out like a mid-afternoon HYS thread that is veering off piste.
Reminds me of the wonderfully revealing moment on the World At One a few years ago now when they were conducting some agonised hand-wringing about why women footballers were paid so much more than men. Thankfully there was an intellectual giant on hand in the shape of Steve Claridge to point out that it did rather reflect that more people wanted to watch the men’s game. Faced with such hard logic Shaun Ley dropped his guard and revealed the BBC’s colours on this issue – and so many other issues.
“So” he asked “How can we change what people want?”
The BBC’s new Europe editor, Katya Adler, who is replacing the veteran Gavin Hewitt, says on her LinkedIn work profile;
Since 1996 “to the present day” she has been “chairing debates, moderating and public speaking – hosting public, corporate and private events including for the EU Commission, the European Space Agency, CERN, London’s Frontline Club and the Austrian government during its EU Presidency”.
So totally neutral about Europe then and not taking money from it. No conflict of interest. Nothing to see here folks, move along.
There are several factors to note in this story, besides the fact that the BBC is biased in its support of all EU matters. This is not new, and has even been acknowledged by them in the past, so why does it take so long for the government to actually criticise them for it? Judging by the government’s inaction on all matters related to BBC abuse of its funds and charter, I doubt they’ll actually do anything about it anyway. In all probability they are only making noises to make themselves appear tough.
Director General Tony Hall has apparently been summoned to appear before MPs several times to answer accusations, and each time he is accused of using his Lord title to shrug it off. I understand the MPs ultimately threatened to replace him as DG if he failed this last time to appear.
Then we get to the BBC get of out jail card: A BBC spokesman said: ‘As Lord Hall told the committee, we are and will be impartial in all matters concerning our coverage.
‘The BBC provides extensive coverage of both European and parliamentary issues and while we respect the committee’s role, it would be a breach of our independence if a committee of MPs were to instruct us how to cover an individual issue or story.’
So not only are the BBC ‘impartial’ merely because they claim they are, not even the government can criticize them for any bias perceived as it is deemed to undermine their independence. We already know that criticism and complaints by the general public are simply cast aside by the BBC, so there is nobody according to them who can criticise them and bring them to account.
I blame the government now for this ridiculous situation.
I just noticed the main BBC news page now has a nice Labour red banner across the top – credit where its due at least they are now open about their bias
You often wonder if they use psychologists, in order to indoctrinate the public with tried and proven methods, the type of which Goebbels would admire.
Are you serious? I think I’ve listened to just about every speech Brian Gerrish has ever made (he can go on for hours sometimes) and this has to be the most ridiculous, pitiful excuse for a conspiracy theory in the entire history of conspiracy theories.
To summarise the “evidence”:
Do you ever get the feeling things aren’t quite right? Notice people walking around looking miserable? Angel of the North? What’s that about? There’s a sculpture in St. Helens that looks like a giant penis. Here’s a headline from the Daily Mail in 1969 and a photo Cherie Blair looking sinister. But wait, there’s clip of Gordon Brown saying the words “Common Purpose” three times in a row; Neuro-linguistic programming! – HOW MUCH MORE MORE PROOF DO YOU NEED!?!
Or, in other words:
Don’t be one of those brainwashed sheep and don’t forget to buy several of my endless volumes of books on the way out…
You should also be aware that Brian Gerrish is the one and only person responsible for propagating this “Common Purpose Conspiracy” nonsense, and Brian Gerrish is, quite frankly, a complete moron. Several years ago he was arrested for handing out leaflets with the names of “alleged” pedophiles. You might (possibly) think that not so worthy of arrest (he uses it as supposed evidence of ‘Common Purpose’ corruption) , except his leaflets also had the names of their “alleged” victims. None of whom had consented to having their names being made public or were even aware that they had been identified by a third party as victims of sexual abuse.
The few people on this blog who have been taken in by this self-serving charlatan should really do a bit more research before latching onto any old shit they find on the internet.
There are a huge number of websites expressing concern at Common Purpose activities. I know you would rubbish any that are not household names. But you can’t easily dismiss the ones above.
Did anyone see that BBC 3 kids debate with politicians last night?
Was the C/conservative’s turn and was very different to the one I saw with Fishwoman from Scotland. She had questions about how much Iru Bru she drank with a laughing, friendly audience but yesterday was totally different.
Entitled student types having digs about how the Conservative Party is full of privileged white men with no other representation and when it was constantly pointed out how Labour is just as bad it fell on deaf ears (fingers in ears I’m not listening syndrome)
Luisa Zissman who I don’t usually have any time for was pointing out hard truths about if you tax the rich too much they move abroad and she was shouted over. She also stated how you have to work hard like she did to achieve things in life but again she was shouted down. She also mentioned about kids learning a trade and not getting drunk at uni which led to boos
One idiot kid was moaning about zero hour contracts and how due to the benefit cut to kids for housing he was going to lose his place to live – it was amusing as he was complaining how he only got 3 hours barwork in 4 months and felt he couldn’t look for another job. Zissman called him out on it and said anyone else would have got another job so he backtracked and said how he did look for work! He ended up looking like a tit and a lying one at that who expects everything handed to him.
Bankers got a bashing and there was a lot of bile thrown out towards pensioners…you know the ones who have worked and paid taxes all their lives whereas these children haven’t and they call them selfish but want money thrown at themselves (hypocrisy…check)
I’m not going to deny there are genuine issues for children but the audience was just a bunch of kids with no life experience who think they know it all. Bash the evil Tories and expect everything on a plate… could have replaced all of those kids with their teachers and it would have been the same as that is where they get their ideas from anyway
Well, he always has the attitude that its “beneath” him
anyway … the usual cover for ineptitude, and the inability to “doctor” it.
Wouldn t want to see him running crying to Lynton eh!
but the kids in the audience were coming out with the usual “Tory toffs” line and all of those clichés. Stop shouting down panel members who are making valid points and actually listen. The tax avoidance debate could have been interesting but it descended into “Tories looking after their rich mates” when it was pointed out it has been happening for decades
Not interested in facts, one of the panellists, got shouted down when he had the temerity to say that inequality had risen under Labour but according to official figures had fallen under the Tories.
They weren’t having any of that…the kiddies knew better (their Marxist lecturers had told them)
The BBC still going on about Cameron’s ‘gaffe’. I have little time for Cameron but all he did was answer a question with apparent honesty and we suddenly have a constitutional crisis, it would seem.
No-one appears to have picked up on the fact that, if Cameron is still P.M. after the election, and if he does see through the full five year term, he will become the third-longest serving Prime Minister in modern times and will fall short of T.Blair by only 59 days. Ten years is long enough.
I don’t think there’s any gaffe about it. He answered a straight question with a straight answer, and although I cannot find a link I do seem to recall that he has said something similar before.
There is an awful lot of “oh we’re so clever to have won this scoop, now lets maximise it for all its worth” about this story.
It’s amazing (or it isn’t) how certain people attack the person rather than the policies. What did Mrs Thatcher have to say about that again?
““I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.”
The BBC are so desperate for a “Tory” gaffe they try to manufacture them. Newsnight these days seems little more than a Labour Party spin room. I appreciate that left wing public schoolboys have to be employed by someone, but I do not see why it has to be the taxpayer.
Newsnight – specifically Evan Davis – have been attempting to wring every last drop of faux relevance out of this non-story for the past couple of evenings. It’s all a bit embarrassing, really. Doubtless it’s a frothy subject for the over-excited Westminster ‘meeja’ set, but for the rest of us?
Couldn’t care less, although in passing I appreciate Call Me Dave’s straight-up admission that he would really rather not serve as PM beyond the next five years.
In a pretty long life observing politics, Call Me Dave is the slimiest politician I have seen. He is never frank; why the sudden change? I don’t believe the ‘frank answer’ theory. He sees the odious Mrs May and his old enemy Boris starting to campaign for the leadership, while his mate George is handicapped by the requirements of loyalty. His announcement leaves George free to compete with the others.
But it is now constant at the BBC – ask Cameron a question; if he doesn’t answer he is evasive and arrogant and ‘refuses to answer’ (with the implication that he is either lying or shifty or both); if he answers then ‘he has waded into the argument’ (think Clarkson). So damned if he answers, damned if he doesn’t.
BBC Current Affairs is every bit as tedious and disconnected from any reality (other than its own snobbery and bottomless sense of entitlement) as its non-public sector print arm.
I see the bBC allows the family of black thug Mark (When on way to shoot the men who had been released from prison for killing his fellow drug lord best mate) Duggan to play the victim card that Mark (I was a thug) Duggan could only be a saint and a victim of the police. Mark Duggan’s brother Shaun Hall: “We still want answers”
What is it with the bBC and its penchant of defending black gun/knife/rape crimes in the UK.
Yes, that’s all so BBC. The sanctimonious, po-faced moral outrage on PM about the “Clarkson atrocity”, balanced against the ludicrous attempts to explain away, “understand” muslim beheaders through CAGE or the hours of air time given to the family representatives of criminal ethnics complaing about “injustices”
The above is a story about how the Shia Houthi with assistance from Iran have taken control of most of the country. The president who is Sunni is reportedly on route to Saudi Arabia. Who in turn have massed its military on the border in which to intervene.
Yemen is the site of a Proxy war between Iran(Shia) and Saudi Arabia(Sunni) as is Bahrain, Syria, and Lebanon.
As the bBC is full of Sunni (Pakistani) Muslims they naturally side with them, yet to the white non Muslim leftwing pricks at the bBC, as Saudi Arabia is friends with the West, they can only be evil and thus they naturally side with Iran, however that will offend their Pakistani (Sunni ) workers and so they remain silent. hoping like all infantile pricks that everything will blow over, before they are forced to report the news.
Khormakser – Airbase in Aden – was billeted there on my first operational tour in 1967 with 13th/18th Royal Hussars (QMO) – it was RAF Khormakser then. Some good stories to reminisce some frightening tales too!
Muslims with guns problems even then!
We had often to stag on protecting the BBC (?) World Service Rebroadcast and telecommunications station just a few miles out of Aden in the desert
Further to my recording the number of posts we were delighted to receive this morning from One Man Operated bus as being 9 between 7-45 am and 9 am we have now had a shift change with post at 9-35, 9-37, 9-45, followed by the obligatory morning meeting then the afternoon OMO bus driver starts again at 11-23, we shall see how many words from beeboid Central/ TUC house we get today, I’m betting on between 25 and thirty. Old Scott only gave us time when his hands were idle, OMO is employed full time.
Do you see a connection between the apparent scrapping of HYS on the BBC, and loss of jobs to former university socialist society trainees who were employed as moderators, and the increased appearance here of people with the same mindset?
Not very often Homes Under The Hammer get mentioned here, in fact I doubt if many have heard of it. Basically a one hour show about buying houses at auction and doing them up and selling for a nice fat profit or turning them into a nice little earner for landlords. Many might find its full on red blooded get rich quick attitude a strange fit on the bbc, but hey it’s daytime TV, only middle aged and elderly white people are watching and they don’t do ” enriching diversity ” . So anyway for years it has been in the capable hands of a woman (tick) Lucy Alexander and a man (no tick ) called Martin Roberts, both white ( definitely no ticks ). Now it has come to pass that even this show has to bow and kiss the ring of “cultural diversity” and the ex footballer (no tick for that ) Dion Dublin ( black man so big tick ) is going to be shoehorned into the show. Nothing against Dion, when ever on Match of The Day he is sharp, funny and sane. But why change a winning working formula ? If you want to bring in ex footballer why not Robbie Fowler , well known property developer ? Well at a guess because he would be a problem being white, nope the show has to reflect the ” diverse” audience and therefore a black man will be placed in the show. Look forward to the two white presenters being given the bums rush when Dion is up and running to make way for a ” South Asian ” gay landlord from Rotherham ( no jokes please) and a transsexual migrant wishing to learn how to blag a free home in the green belt.
I think the diversity box is ticked in the auction rooms when there is a clear preponderance of asian/BME bidders whether or not the BBC choose to follow their purchase
Why is this?
Is the BBC trying to pretend that the only shamelessly exploitative kicking the workers buy to let property landlords are white?
The global arming/malaria scare was mentioned on a previous thread, though I can’t remember in what context (comedy, probably). (Remember this is the sort of stuff still being peddled from models which are ‘an approximation of reality’.)
Anyway, just thought I’d share this with people as I can’t recall it ever being mentioned by the BBC, despite its huge implications for science and the way the IPCC conducts its business. Paul Reiter is a leading expert on tropical diseases.
‘Reiter is a specialist in tropical diseases. He was a contributing author to the WGII report of the TAR (2001) (chapter 9, dealing with impacts on human health). He found it difficult to work with lead authors who were not experts in the field, who were insisting on a link between climate change and diseases such as malaria. As a result he resigned from the IPCC. In a report to the House of Lords he wrote: “In my opinion, the IPCC has done a disservice to society by relying on “experts” who have little or no knowledge of the subject, and allowing them to make authoritative pronouncements that are not based on sound science.”
Extract from Reiter’s evidence to a Parliamentary Select Committee:
‘MALARIA5. I wonder how many of your Lordships are aware of the historical significance of the Palace of Westminster? I refer to the history of malaria, not the evolution of government. Are you aware that the entire area now occupied by the Houses of Parliament was once a notoriously malarious swamp? And that until the beginning of the 20th century, “ague” (the original English word for malaria) was a cause of high morbidity and mortality in parts of the British Isles, particularly in tidal marshes such as those at Westminster? And that George Washington followed British Parliamentary precedent by also siting his government buildings in a malarious swamp! I mention this to dispel any misconception you may have that malaria is a “tropical” disease.’
I recommend the full text – interesting and informative (though not surprising to those familiar with the IPCC’s junk science).
Yet another example how the bBC politicizes the news in which to promote its anti-government stance: David Cameron apologises over infected blood Prime Minister David Cameron has apologised on behalf of the British government to victims of the contaminated blood scandal.
It came after a Scottish inquiry described the saga as “the stuff of nightmares”. Thousands of people were infected with Hepatitis C and HIV through NHS blood products in the 1970s and 80s.
But the inquiry concluded few matters could have been done differently. And it made only a single recommendation – that anyone in Scotland who had a blood transfusion before 1991 should be tested for Hepatitis C if they have not already done so.
There was an angry response to the report from victims and relatives who had gathered at the National Museum in Edinburgh to see its publication after a six-year wait, with shouts of “whitewash” after its conclusions were read out.
And here is how the leftwing Guardian reports the same story: Cameron apologises to those infected with hepatitis C and HIV 30 years ago David Cameron has apologised on behalf of the government to thousands of people who were infected by hepatitis C and HIV after being given contaminated blood more than 30 years ago. His apology came after an independent inquiry in Scotland into the widespread contamination of blood supplies by hepatitis C and HIV viruses called for a mass screening exercise for anyone in Scotland who was given blood before September 1991. It was immediately followed by an apology from Shona Robison, the Scottish health secretary, who promised to launch the mass screening programme, and to review and improve financial support schemes for those affected…..Cameron was asked at prime minister’s questions at Westminster by the MP Rory Stewart: “Could the prime minister, as the last act of his government, ensure a full apology, transparent publication and above all proper compensation for the families terribly affected by this scandal?”
If you didn’t know better would you presume from the bBC version that the tories are to blame. Funny enough, I used to give blood, but I stopped when the gay lobby pushed for and succeeded in dropping the ban on men and women who take it up the arse on a regular basis to be denied the chance to donate blood all in the name of equality and discrimination. Yes blood is now screened, yet the fact remains a high risk group is allowed to bypass the controls that were put in place after so many people became infected by tainted blood. As somebody with B+ blood the NHS have lost one of the few B+ people who gave blood. Tossers
I remember when the UK Chief Medical Office (Dame Sally Davis) stated in 2013 that the potential threat of HIV in UK blood supplies was less than ‘one-in-a-million’. I am sure she would never predict the same now. Despite compulsory NHS blood screening – any increase in cross contamination are hidden from the public (unless exposed in the press) as are the prime causes in the first place which are obvious to all of us – but the BBC types.
BBC report on wimmin students who want to replace audience applause with jazz hands, as it is less likely to cause anxiety than hand clapping. But isn’t it a bit waycist?
If you go into a pub in Blakeney, North Norfolk you will find it was owned by I think the senior minstrel, the wall are covered by memorabilia, a place popular with tourists who have a pint and remember a much liked show. No chance of that getting brought back like Dr Who or Noddy ( minus the Gollies ).
I have to laugh at the blinkered mentality of the bBC regards executions. On one hand you have democratic nations such as the US, which the left despises and for whom can only be evil for everything its does especially for having the death penalty and so they bring out a video depicting how nasty evil America is for having the Death Penalty.
Yet Islam which the bBC promotes as a peaceful faith and which has more blood on its hands than the US,UK and Israel combined for any year going back through history isn’t given the same treatment.
I mean in ISIS country they chop off your head, Shoot you, set you on fire or even throw you off a building, In Iran they hang you from a crane , well actually they tie the noose around you head and then lift you off the ground, In Gaza, they will tie you to a motorcycle and drag you around the city, In Afghanistan they attack you on mass, set fire to you and then throw you in the local river, In Pakistan they shoot school children in the head, in Yemen and Iraq they like to blow you up as you pray, In Scotlandistan they throw you in the boot of a car, drive you to dundee and back, beat you up in a carpark ,stab you so many times then set fire to you. In london they will drive a car into you and then try to chop your head off, also they like to blow you up in London , as they do in Madrid, In the US, they like to crash planes into you
With so many varied methods of killing you, I wonder why the bBC hasn’t run a wee video of the many ways of Islamic execution. Silly me, its a religion of peace.
It’s certainly ‘a busy news day’ today. Nevertheless, the One News found space for a lengthy piece on the appointment of a second female bishop. Never any mention of the lack of opportunities for females under Islam though.
The BBC has decided not to renew Clarkson’s contract when it comes to an end in a few weeks. I suppose they think that this will get them off the ‘sacking’ hook but it’s kissing goodbye to 2% of their revenue. I expect that red Ed will increase the TV tax by 5% just to make up for it and a bit of consolation too.
Now Clarkson will be free to work on other channels who will no doubt pay him more and if May and Hammond have any sense they will migrate with him.
Hello £60 – 100 million to Newscorp, or ITV, after all the BBC aren’t interested in money when they have never needed to be !
Bbc rolling 24 has been giving this story extended coverage ( air crash ? What air crash ? ) going into all the details. Frankly I’m not a top gear watcher and I’m sure he will find yet more cash elsewhere. No my point was whilst going through the details they cut to The Stig arriving with the 1 million signatures on top of, and get this ” an Abbot Self Propelled Gun” . The power of ‘ Biased BBC ‘ they have listened, they read and take note ! Take a bow folks !
Red Ed has already got the brown envelope ready for the BBC. A massive licence fee increase will be only one of many rewards due to the BBC for their support of Ed and Labour and help with the election campaign.
While not a bBC issue (but one of the replies points to the bBC) this really does show how pathetic the left have become: Where have all the lesbians gone in TV and film? According to an audit by the BFI Festival office, the portrayal of lesbians on the big screen has been pretty miserly, with only nine movies with significant lesbian content distributed in the three years prior to 2015. No such dearth in the portrayal of gay men, with a stonking 29 movies dedicated to gay male subject matter in the same period
Is there an ism for the animosity between gay men and gay women?
Anyway, these replies made me chuckle: You haven’t watched Doctor Who recently then. That’s a flagship program too, happily caters to gays, lesbians and dinosaur lesbians!
Clare Balding is so omnipresent she’s practically been adopted as the fourth member of the Holy Trinity. And if it isn’t her, it’s Sue Perkins. I’d say lesbians are pretty well represented on screen personally.
but my fav…
Lesbians, were a million times more interesting when it was all illicit and mysterious. Now days. Meh……
Strewth … give me strength!
So tired of Al BBC, flicked the switch to LBC only to hear
ex-Beebot Sheela Foglegity, blabbering about the beauty, the wonder of learning Arabic, should be taught in all UK schools etc
If I want to speak another language, it will not be guttural grunt of Arab camel spitters, thankyou very much.
“Should Arabic join other modern languages on the UK school curriculum? Yes, says the British Council’s Tony Calderbank, whose own journey as a learner of Arabic has convinced him that knowledge of the language is essential to the UK’s long-term economic and cultural prosperity.”
‘…whose own journey as a learner of Arabic has convinced him that knowledge of the language is essential to the UK’s long-term economic and cultural prosperity.”
By the time we’re all speaking Arabic, prosperity and culture will both be but a distant memory.
Yep, it’s another great day for the BBC’s phoney baloney multi-culturalism, where they love other cultures but don’t actually know anything about them.
Free clue: learning ‘Arabic’ makes about as much sense as learning ‘European’. Moroccan Arabic is like Iraqi Arabic the way French is like Italian.
What is the Arabic for ‘I surrender, there is no god but Allah and Mohammed (pbuh) is his messenger – please don’t cut my head off or rape my little sister’
Lord (not politically impartial) HALL, remains biased in favour of federalising, BBC-subsidising European Union, but sacks ‘politically incorrect’ Clarkson.
Apro of our sudden rise in popularity with beeboids yesterday we had Hilarious ( not) spouting bile and insults to everyone. Today we had OMO bus driver on the job this morning and this afternoon we have the delightful Chippy Minton whose style of attack seems to be very similar to the unmissed Hilarious of yesterday. Methinks they are one and the same, hello Troll, what name will you be using tomorrow Josef Gobbels ?
I see we have a Mrs. Minton in the audience, with her very own brand of, well, I won’t call it wit. More like shit. I suppose it’ll eventually tire, and wander off.
They come, they go, they come back again with a new name, It doesn’t matter. They only post comments to try to irritate. Don’t get irritated , just ignore them or do as I do – regard them as SFB cabaret acts.
“We still remain deeply concerned about the manner in which the BBC treats EU issues,” the report out today concludes.
It says BBC bosses who gave evidence “seemed to be more intent on defending and asserting their own opinions, mindset and interpretation” of impartiality obligations rather than saying whether they had actually delivered them…..
…..A BBC spokesman said: “As Lord Hall told the committee, we are and will be impartial in all matters concerning our coverage. The BBC provides extensive coverage of both European and Parliamentary issues and while we respect the committee’s role, it would obviously be a breach of our independence if a committee of MPs were to instruct us how to cover an individual issue or story.”
What a contrast to Leveson, eh. Where’s Hacked Off when you need ’em?
Sorry, common what? Common Purpose? What’s that? Oh, right, I see….
I think you will find that the BBC finds it perfectly acceptable for one of its employees to urge people to stab Nigel Farage. It is pointing at a TV screen while having drinks in the Green Room and asserting that a tennis player has hair like a golliwog that is a sackable offence.
Even the PM has become involved and made a judgement. It’s not like him to attach himself to a celebrity issue….or is it??
“Aggressive and abusive behaviour isn’t acceptable in the workplace or elsewhere.”
But it was Blair who started it all off. The ‘let’s be seen with showbiz and make us one of the people’. Oasis at number 10 Downing Street. Remember??
Without the BBC PC Straight-Jacket, I predict that Clarkson will go from strength to strength. Darn, he could be our next Foreign Secretary. After all, he’s the most well known and liked Brit on the planet. World peace, anyone?
It’s all over for Top Gear on the BBC. In truth, it was always going to happen – three white middle-aged unapologetically English blokes presenting the BBC’s most commercially successful IP?
No, no and no. It didn’t even come close to ticking the BBC’s boxes for ‘ethnic diversity’, ‘cultural inclusiveness’ and ‘sexual equality’. Top Gear was a dead man walking a long time ago. Quite genuinely surprised it lasted as long as it did, tbh – it just took the Politburo’s common purpose commissars longer to arrange the firing squad than anticipated, I guess.
I really hope the three of them get picked up by Sky.
“Consider we poor pensioners who cannot afford subscription TV.”
Age UK loves to portray the pensioner as the widow sat hunched up over her one bar electric fire in a draughty council house.
Most of the pensioners I know, not “rich” people, seem to spend their time planning their next short break.
The baby boomers have had it all. Huge state subsidies to buy their own house. Final salary pensions. Governments borrowing money to keep them sweet. Free bus passes. Pension rises while workers have had nothing.
But I’ve paid in all my life. Yes, but when you were paying in the government wasn’t spending anywhere near as much on pensioners. If they had you would have needed to have been paying in rather more!
I’m nearly one, but know that the state cannot afford it but governments have to keep buying pensioners off to get elected.
Forget Sky or ITV, they should go to Netflix. They would give them a huge budget which would allow for blow-out excess. Top Gear, or whatever it would be, needs to reinvent itself, as it’s been retreading for some years, now.
Netflix decide what to make based on data – that’s how they ended up making House of Cards. House of Card’s was spewed out the end on a punch card like a sixties computer in a spy film. I suspect Top Gear’s data would be most impressive
We are pretty starved of some kinds of news in the UK, as the Biased BBC helpfully censors all the messages that could be unhelpful to good PC principles, like the following take of corruption and favouritism :
The beeb and the grauniad have arrived at a nice arrangement.
The grauniad provides bbc news and current affairs with its editorial line, in return for which the beeb ensures a steady flow of licence payers money goes to grauniad coffers.
But there is a flaw in their logic. Why bother to buy the grauniad when you’ve already paid (under threat of a criminal conviction) for the same content from the bbc.
Short & sweet. Mr. Staines made some very good, rational points on a variety of fronts, and the interview dolly was clearly programmed only to hear what was being screamed down the earwig at her by Jasmine, or making points made up for her by the 141,147…210 PR wonks all on overtime now. A&E… for a split lip?
She totally ignored an accusation (true?*) that a previous BBC employee committed battery and yet got promoted to DG.
What an absolute shower. Hope a few more rational types get round to explaining to Danny Cohen how pension funds actually work.
“EVERY ethnic group in Britain wants a cut in immigration:
“More than half want a ‘big drop’ in numbers coming to this country.
“Survey found 79 per cent want decrease while 59 per cent want big drop.
“Only one in ten respondents said they wanted a rise in immigration
Theresa May wants a firm pledge to cut migration in the Tory manifesto.”
A ‘pledge’, a ‘vow’… anyone else heartily sick of this language debasement? Whether it be Theresa May, Special Ed or Fatty Prescott with his pledge card, it doesn’t matter, it is very irritating.
I for one don’t give a monkeys if they inscribe their solemn covenants in blood on the side of a feckin Faberge egg. Stop patronising us you prats and just give us your policy ideas and let us decide.
You know that he made that promise last time? Didn’t take him long to break it did it?
So what makes you think any policy that they tell you will be kept ?
What makes you think that the things they do have planned will be disclosed to people like you?
Where was the gay marriage in the manifesto? Where was joining the Human rights act, and mass immigration and political correctness?
The truth is that the only way to judge is on past performance.
Labour bankrupt economy, and mass immigration.
Tories, not quite as bankrupt, cruelty to the poor, and mass immigration.
Fib Dems Alien sex offenders with a leader on a different planet !
Greens policy from a different age with a false premise to follow.
UKIP Quite a new party, but some naïve or plain crazy people who need to be rooted out.
Where was the gay marriage in the manifesto? Where was joining the Human rights act, and mass immigration and political correctness?
The Tories’ promise on immigration is generally forgotten now. They liked to remind us that immigration ‘used to be thirty or forty thousand a year’ and promised to ‘get back to the tens of thousands’. The implication was they would achieve 30k/40k, but when that proved hopeless they quickly redefined it to ‘under a hundred thousand’, by which they meant 100k. Even then, Dave’s mates loved the cheap labour so much that he never bothered trying.
“Worth remembering the time an editor on the BBC News “turned, snarled, and sank his teeth into [the] left upper arm” of a junior colleague. The biter? Mark Thompson, later promoted to Director General. Clarkson for DG…”
What with the ‘cuts’ and all, the plod don’t have ‘resources’ to investigate ‘minor’ crimes like burglary. But it seems they want to open a file on Jeremy Clarkson. Not only that, having stood idly by while the Farage family was attacked, they’re now to investigate threats to the rent-a-mob involved.
“Police in Islington are investigating an allegation of malicious communications. The allegation was made on Monday 23 March. Officers from the community safety unit in Islington are investigating….”
So these anti-establishment police-haters (at least when its a gun-throwing coloured gentleman) cry ‘mama, mama’ and rush behind the skirts of the very people they hate.
Well it’s 6-20 pm, OMO bus driver clocked off after the morning shift, this afternoon we had the sublime Chippy and who can forget yesterday’s “Hilarious” joke turn. at the moment it’s all quiet on the internet front, but we know it won’t be long before they are rising out of the trenches and coming over the top ! Will we have the same old names or will we get some new figment of a beeboids imagination ? I cannot wait. Guns loaded and cocked chaps.
Chippy & Hilarious are the same , if it was Scott , it would have a bit of “bless” in it with a bit of ” Musical Theatre”. The Busman`s Clapometer is part of News 24`s rapid reaction force.
Chippy , what are you doing in that “Hideously White” Trumpton , you need more diversity , try “Tower Hamlets” , not too far, for work at New Broadcasting House.
The guardian is covering the response after the attack on Nigel Farage, I thought you might like the comments by a former Landlord of the pub in question who has obviously had access to local information, he paints a not so ” fun and jollity ” for all the family.
The fact that the contract bus driver refused to take them back says it all.
He’s complaining about an earlier Guardian piece – little wonder – this guy is classic:
Later that afternoon, some of the activists meet back at the Richmal Crompton for a debriefing. By then, though, Ukip has spun the story in a way they couldn’t anticipate. Farage has castigated the activists as “scum” who have driven him from a quiet family lunch and led to him losing touch with his children for a few fraught moments. Sky News, the Guardian, the Mirror and ITV have gone with the “scum” story. Message boards on mainstream media sites (the Mail Online, for example), seethe with middle England raging against counter-cultural protesters. Suddenly Farage looks like the victim, and the activists – whose cabaret was aimed at drawing attention to how they feel victimised by Ukip’s attacks on their communities – look like aggressors.
How awful for them. I wonder how Two Jags would react if a Kipper jumped on the bonnet of his personal vehicle. It’s interesting that Auntie is conspicuous by her absence from the list of media villains.
Green candidate in hot water over tweets suggesting Nigel Farage ’emulates’ Hitler
“Jenny Ross, who is standing in Stalybridge and Hyde, tweeted on Monday morning: “Just found out Farage has only got one ball… Some people will do anything to emulate their Heroes!”
But her tweet, which has since been deleted, was met with condemnation by many, who felt mocking the Ukip leader’s battle with testicular cancer was crossing the line”
She knows she’s safe insulting UKIP, nothing worse than a quick retort, now try the same with the real rascist’s, Combat 18 etc, now suddenly she hasn’t got the balls.
Typical left wing PC BBC unfunny ‘commedian’ Miles Jupp has decided he has Belgian ancestry, which must make him more ‘cool’ in the PC BBC and very pro EU!
However he finds that he has no Belgian ancestry at all and his forebears were actually Turnip farmers from Surrey, well agricultural labourers who were about as low in society as you could get
In a burst of PC angst he announced that he would no longer be able to tell any of his Belgian ‘jokes’ because now he has no Belgian heritage, that would apparently make him a ‘waycist’.
The workings of the left wing ‘mind’ truly baffling !
“Typical left wing PC BBC unfunny ‘commedian’ Miles Jupp has decided he has Belgian ancestry, which must make him more ‘cool’ in the PC BBC and very pro EU!.
I listened to the same programme ‘Thoughtful’, and your description of it is pure fantasy.
“In a burst of PC angst he announced that he would no longer be able to tell any of his Belgian ‘jokes’ because now he has no Belgian heritage, that would apparently make him a ‘waycist’.”
No he didn’t; he made a self depreciating joke about something he’s said as if it was racist.
I can’t believe you’re stupid enough not to realise that; so why are you posting such drivel?
Apparently only 10% of Labour campaign literature contain an image of Ed Milliband and only 12% mention him.
After reading that I rushed to pick up today’s Labour leaflet drop in their “6th most important in the country if Labour is to become the next government” seat.
Lo and behold no mention of “our glorious leader” anywhere.
What will make BBBC followers smile is that the local Labour candidate claims to have “real world experience”, which for the last 10 years was working for the BBC, as a political reporter until actually selected as a prospective M.P. and then driving a van when the BBC were forced to play at impartiality. Did he get van drivers wages or reporter wages?
I have no reason to doubt that he never let his desire to be a Labour M.P. ever colour in the slightest his reporting.
Hopefully he will pop round to canvass sometime and I can ask him his BBC and personal, opinions of Margaret Thatcher so I can check out the old impartiality in their genes claim.
Sorry that’s old hat now isn’t it. “Most staff leave their political views at home” is I believe the current BBC mantra.
BBC Puff Piece Alert.
On Bowe Bergdhal
complete with nauseating “free at last” photograph,
For all those that know, that phrase, and what it represents in the US must be appalled.
Five battle-hardened muderous jihadis traded for a deserter?.
Bergdahl in Afghanistan, now this was no …
“didn t not want to fight, but go home scenario”.
He deserted his unit to join the Taliban,
and with them, converted to Islam,
then declared himself to be a “mujahid.”
… a jihadi for Allah!.
No wonder Buraq Hussein, couldn t wait to free the Jihadi s.
5 for 1 … great deal.
” left note saying he wanted to renounce U.S. citizenship and find the Taliban”
“U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl at one point during his captivity converted to Islam, fraternized openly with his captors and declared himself a “mujahid,” or warrior for Islam”
I’ve actually got the original 12″ upstairs alongside my Joy Division, Felt and Pink Military LPs……confessions of an old Punk who according to the beeboid trolls is a swivelling eyed fascist loon who hates the modern world……….. Actually most people I meet are decent honest types who are sick of being taken for a ride and being lied to, no one of any class likes the self serving metropolitan political elite and their hangers on.
An alternative critical view of Hillary Clinton, not put by BBC-Democrat-
Pamela Geller-
“Hillary Clinton: Clock ‘turning back’ for women in U.S. ”
“Hillary Clinton warns in a new book that the “clock is turning back” on women across America, but utters not a single word about the most oppressive, violently misogynistic ideology on the face of the earth.
“Not a word from the woman that the enemedia is so anxious to anoint our next President about honor killings, forced marriage, child marriage, clitoridectomies, quran-sanctioned wife-beating, lack of inheritance rights, lack of the right to testify in court, the brutalization of women who dare to go out without covering their heads, and all the rest of the misogyny that is intrinsic to sharia.”
Louis Theroux had a programme this week. I like him. He seems a sensitive soul. Maybe he’s just a good bluffer but if so, I’m fooled. The standard issue Beeboid/Skydroid on the other hand… HOW DO YOU FEEL? CAN YOU TELL US HOW YOU FEEL? Gross.
Following on from my suspicion that Jeremy Clarkson far from being a victim of the BBC engineered the whole thing because his contract was up for renewal (it has a week to go) and knew that having sold his Top Gear shares to the BBC for many millions he could move to another channel who would pay him far more than the BBC ever would.
The fact that today both May and Hammond are saying that all three of them come as a package would suggest that they are not going to be involved in another Top Gear and will leave with Clarkson.
There are reports of some large sums being offered to lure them to a new channel.
Interesting listening to Tiff Needell admitted to not liking Clarkson, but that 350 million viewers world wide mean that he is a global superstar. He is (in the opinion of Needell) so popular in Europe because so many people are sick to death of Political Correctness and the bland TV its oppression demands.
The BBC have screwed up yet again, losing around a billion pounds over the next 5 years when the capital loss of the Top Gear franchise, the sales, and its own prime time audience are added together.
This isn’t bias though, it’s plain old incompetence ! Something the BBC are very good at.
“Political correctness is devouring itself” says noted leftie Nick Cohen.
“For years a few of us have warned that modern “liberals” would live to regret abandoning the principle that you should only censor speech when it incited violence”.
“Your opponents will ban you if they can and scream you down if they cannot”.
Even liberal lefties are being forced to recognise that the liberal left is the new extreme right.
Anyone near a telly now , Newsnight is going to interview Ayaan Hirsi Ali about her new book ” Heretic” which basically takes the same line as most of us do about the need for the “Religion of Peace ” to change and modernise. I will be all ears as should all those beeboids who attack this site, is change coming from within ?
Yes, I stayed up to hear this saintly woman plaster Islam all over the shop.
Poor Emily Maitlis-no arranged marriages, no FGM no fatwa on her head natch…feared that some Muslims she had spoken to earlier might think Hirsi Ali is on the same page as IS.
But of course…
Hirsi Alis logic and patient explanation of the need to sever Islam by way of a New Reformation was brilliant-but hardly Mona Siddiqi or Frank Gardner now is she?
So Maitlis learned even less than nothing, the rest of us found her take on it all priceless.
Bravest lady in showbiz, now that Joan Rivers has gone-Newsnight long gave up being news, mere showbiz crips these days.
Maitlis was aggressive and Hirsi Ali was patient in her explanation. Odd to hear BBC attack somebody wanting to reform Islam and get rid of the stuff that creates terrorism. Obviously, fundamental Islamic people would agree with Maitlis. I suppose next time she interviews a Catholic liberal she will shoot them down for suggesting any liberal reforms. Hardline.
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A major story this morning on BBC bias regards the EU and its failure to cover the debate MPs on European Scrutiny Committee finds.
As everyone who has complained to the BBC will know, the BBC doesn’t do criticism because it is perfect, and it has simply brushed all of it aside as ignorant, and dangerous because MPs are interfering in it’s output.
The BBC’s coverage of the European Union is biased and letting down viewers, MPs have concluded in a scathing report.
The Corporation is failing its own promise to cover Europe impartially and there remain “deep concerns” about the breadth of topics investigated, the European Scrutiny Committee said.
The committee said it was deplorable bosses repeatedly refused invitations to appear before MPs and said the Corporation must show it can cover all sides of the debate on Europe”
So it’s official! MPs have found the BBC to be biased, the BBC and the Guardian however appear more concerned about the BBC’s response and denials.
Just reading the Daily Mail version… and
Lord Hall (£450,000) was formerly ‘summoned’ by the Committee after he (Lord Hall) had refused all ‘invitations to attend. Bill Cash (Chair of Committee) said: ‘The BBC has fallen down severely on its obligations to viewers and listeners to give them a proper and balanced assessment…’ Also the online DM version includes: ‘ today’s report MPs say the BBC has done little to change things, and that they ‘remain deeply concerned about the manner’ in which the corporation tackles the subject of the EU. They were particularly angry with Lord Hall.’
They only had to look at the scale of funding that the BBC receives from the EU to come to that conclusion. The BBC is unlikely to bite the hand that helps to feed it.
I’d be wary here. MPs might be accusing the BBC of bias with regard to their coverage of the EU, but where in that article is it made clear which way they perceive the alleged bias to be travelling – pro or anti-EU? I couldn’t see it from the piece reported.
It really wouldn’t surprise me if this turned out to be yet another false flag operation: claim the BBC is biased against the EU and then get a shovel-full of paid-up common purpose trolls from the BBC to come before the committee and prove just how pro-EU they are.
We’ve been here before, people, viz-a-viz so-called ‘man-made climate change’ and who still remembers that time the boy (Owen) Jones ran a successful flagging operation in the papers accusing the BBC of right-wing bias?
Smoke and mirrors. Caution advised.
“The BBC has a ‘deeply concerning’ pro-European bias and has ‘fallen down severely’ in its obligation to provide impartial coverage of the issue, MPs say today.”
“The European Scrutiny Committee says the corporation does not give enough airtime to those who believe Britain should leave the European Union or that there should be a referendum on membership.”
“Radio’s 4’s Today programme, are stuffed with commentators who talk about the economic and political dangers of Britain leaving the EU.
But, he argued, they have far too few people on its shows to explain what the benefits might be.
Sir Bill said: ‘There is a [line] of questioning which is quite clearly geared to elicit the answers, “I don’t want a referendum”, or “I don’t want Britain to leave the European Union.”
I think that should clarify the position.
Bill Cash has been anti the EU for yonks.
‘“The European Scrutiny Committee says the corporation does not give enough airtime to those who believe Britain should leave the European Union or that there should be a referendum on membership.”
Read it again.
Via Twitter, I recently asked Danny Cohen a reasonable question about his constant promotion of women’s football on the BBC sports pages, interlinking the stories with men’s premier league news.
He didn’t reply he just blocked me…..The BBC don’t want to answer questions, indeed they don’t want to listen to anyone other than their fellow left wing advocates stroking their egos forever and a day.
Twitter with the BBC is, like so much else, an exercise in uniques.
This is his bio: ‘Director of BBC Television. Telly, books, football and some other stuff.’
He clearly uses it to disseminate BBC views (not his own), albeit in amongst name-dropping him and the missus’ BFFs and dinner dates and footyballist nonsense in the style of a smitten 8yo.
So, as with such as JonDon and others, how is it legitimate to use censorship to ring-fence his propaganda base?
If BBC staff have BBC twitter feeds, this surely need to be open to all (bar abuse), and not closed out like a mid-afternoon HYS thread that is veering off piste.
Reminds me of the wonderfully revealing moment on the World At One a few years ago now when they were conducting some agonised hand-wringing about why women footballers were paid so much more than men. Thankfully there was an intellectual giant on hand in the shape of Steve Claridge to point out that it did rather reflect that more people wanted to watch the men’s game. Faced with such hard logic Shaun Ley dropped his guard and revealed the BBC’s colours on this issue – and so many other issues.
“So” he asked “How can we change what people want?”
Why are female models paid so much more than male models ?
Sometimes the difference is for a good reason .
The BBC’s new Europe editor, Katya Adler, who is replacing the veteran Gavin Hewitt, says on her LinkedIn work profile;
Since 1996 “to the present day” she has been “chairing debates, moderating and public speaking – hosting public, corporate and private events including for the EU Commission, the European Space Agency, CERN, London’s Frontline Club and the Austrian government during its EU Presidency”.
So totally neutral about Europe then and not taking money from it. No conflict of interest. Nothing to see here folks, move along.
She’ll be well ‘bedded-in’ by the time of the referendum.
There are several factors to note in this story, besides the fact that the BBC is biased in its support of all EU matters. This is not new, and has even been acknowledged by them in the past, so why does it take so long for the government to actually criticise them for it? Judging by the government’s inaction on all matters related to BBC abuse of its funds and charter, I doubt they’ll actually do anything about it anyway. In all probability they are only making noises to make themselves appear tough.
Director General Tony Hall has apparently been summoned to appear before MPs several times to answer accusations, and each time he is accused of using his Lord title to shrug it off. I understand the MPs ultimately threatened to replace him as DG if he failed this last time to appear.
Then we get to the BBC get of out jail card:
A BBC spokesman said: ‘As Lord Hall told the committee, we are and will be impartial in all matters concerning our coverage.
‘The BBC provides extensive coverage of both European and parliamentary issues and while we respect the committee’s role, it would be a breach of our independence if a committee of MPs were to instruct us how to cover an individual issue or story.’
So not only are the BBC ‘impartial’ merely because they claim they are, not even the government can criticize them for any bias perceived as it is deemed to undermine their independence. We already know that criticism and complaints by the general public are simply cast aside by the BBC, so there is nobody according to them who can criticise them and bring them to account.
I blame the government now for this ridiculous situation.
I just noticed the main BBC news page now has a nice Labour red banner across the top – credit where its due at least they are now open about their bias
You often wonder if they use psychologists, in order to indoctrinate the public with tried and proven methods, the type of which Goebbels would admire.
Vote Red – Vote Ed – Vote Labour…
I wouldn’t wonder much about that:
Vote red, vote Ed, vote Labour, get Rotherham, with BBC cover up.
I Can See Clearly Now,
Are you serious? I think I’ve listened to just about every speech Brian Gerrish has ever made (he can go on for hours sometimes) and this has to be the most ridiculous, pitiful excuse for a conspiracy theory in the entire history of conspiracy theories.
To summarise the “evidence”:
Do you ever get the feeling things aren’t quite right? Notice people walking around looking miserable? Angel of the North? What’s that about? There’s a sculpture in St. Helens that looks like a giant penis. Here’s a headline from the Daily Mail in 1969 and a photo Cherie Blair looking sinister. But wait, there’s clip of Gordon Brown saying the words “Common Purpose” three times in a row; Neuro-linguistic programming! – HOW MUCH MORE MORE PROOF DO YOU NEED!?!
Or, in other words:
Don’t be one of those brainwashed sheep and don’t forget to buy several of my endless volumes of books on the way out…
You should also be aware that Brian Gerrish is the one and only person responsible for propagating this “Common Purpose Conspiracy” nonsense, and Brian Gerrish is, quite frankly, a complete moron. Several years ago he was arrested for handing out leaflets with the names of “alleged” pedophiles. You might (possibly) think that not so worthy of arrest (he uses it as supposed evidence of ‘Common Purpose’ corruption) , except his leaflets also had the names of their “alleged” victims. None of whom had consented to having their names being made public or were even aware that they had been identified by a third party as victims of sexual abuse.
The few people on this blog who have been taken in by this self-serving charlatan should really do a bit more research before latching onto any old shit they find on the internet.
You should also be aware that Brian Gerrish is the one and only person responsible for propagating this “Common Purpose Conspiracy” nonsense,…
Did your nose suddenly grow rapidly as you typed that?
Try, Daily Mail;
and the Torygraph:
and even the BBC raised questions:
There are a huge number of websites expressing concern at Common Purpose activities. I know you would rubbish any that are not household names. But you can’t easily dismiss the ones above.
Did anyone see that BBC 3 kids debate with politicians last night?
Was the C/conservative’s turn and was very different to the one I saw with Fishwoman from Scotland. She had questions about how much Iru Bru she drank with a laughing, friendly audience but yesterday was totally different.
Entitled student types having digs about how the Conservative Party is full of privileged white men with no other representation and when it was constantly pointed out how Labour is just as bad it fell on deaf ears (fingers in ears I’m not listening syndrome)
Luisa Zissman who I don’t usually have any time for was pointing out hard truths about if you tax the rich too much they move abroad and she was shouted over. She also stated how you have to work hard like she did to achieve things in life but again she was shouted down. She also mentioned about kids learning a trade and not getting drunk at uni which led to boos
One idiot kid was moaning about zero hour contracts and how due to the benefit cut to kids for housing he was going to lose his place to live – it was amusing as he was complaining how he only got 3 hours barwork in 4 months and felt he couldn’t look for another job. Zissman called him out on it and said anyone else would have got another job so he backtracked and said how he did look for work! He ended up looking like a tit and a lying one at that who expects everything handed to him.
Bankers got a bashing and there was a lot of bile thrown out towards pensioners…you know the ones who have worked and paid taxes all their lives whereas these children haven’t and they call them selfish but want money thrown at themselves (hypocrisy…check)
I’m not going to deny there are genuine issues for children but the audience was just a bunch of kids with no life experience who think they know it all. Bash the evil Tories and expect everything on a plate… could have replaced all of those kids with their teachers and it would have been the same as that is where they get their ideas from anyway
UKIP on Tuesday if anyone is interested!
(long rant over!!)
Cameron no show routine, then again if a couple old dears can turn him into a “red faced merchant”, perhaps for the best.
I don’t blame him for not turning up. Why would he put himself in that firing line?
Well, he always has the attitude that its “beneath” him
anyway … the usual cover for ineptitude, and the inability to “doctor” it.
Wouldn t want to see him running crying to Lynton eh!
so what re the issues then and how would you solve them? Surely thats the point of these shows,not to castigate and stereotype.
but the kids in the audience were coming out with the usual “Tory toffs” line and all of those clichés. Stop shouting down panel members who are making valid points and actually listen. The tax avoidance debate could have been interesting but it descended into “Tories looking after their rich mates” when it was pointed out it has been happening for decades
And giving 16yr olds the vote is banded about?…….God forbid…
I saw a little bit of that screeching mob.
Not interested in facts, one of the panellists, got shouted down when he had the temerity to say that inequality had risen under Labour but according to official figures had fallen under the Tories.
They weren’t having any of that…the kiddies knew better (their Marxist lecturers had told them)
The BBC still going on about Cameron’s ‘gaffe’. I have little time for Cameron but all he did was answer a question with apparent honesty and we suddenly have a constitutional crisis, it would seem.
No-one appears to have picked up on the fact that, if Cameron is still P.M. after the election, and if he does see through the full five year term, he will become the third-longest serving Prime Minister in modern times and will fall short of T.Blair by only 59 days. Ten years is long enough.
I don’t think there’s any gaffe about it. He answered a straight question with a straight answer, and although I cannot find a link I do seem to recall that he has said something similar before.
There is an awful lot of “oh we’re so clever to have won this scoop, now lets maximise it for all its worth” about this story.
Ten years? Ten minutes is quite enough for both of these gentlemen.
Same, old same old arrogant silver spoon, liability
being patronising after the fact?…
Same old Cameron
It’s amazing (or it isn’t) how certain people attack the person rather than the policies. What did Mrs Thatcher have to say about that again?
““I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.”
The BBC are so desperate for a “Tory” gaffe they try to manufacture them. Newsnight these days seems little more than a Labour Party spin room. I appreciate that left wing public schoolboys have to be employed by someone, but I do not see why it has to be the taxpayer.
Newsnight – specifically Evan Davis – have been attempting to wring every last drop of faux relevance out of this non-story for the past couple of evenings. It’s all a bit embarrassing, really. Doubtless it’s a frothy subject for the over-excited Westminster ‘meeja’ set, but for the rest of us?
Couldn’t care less, although in passing I appreciate Call Me Dave’s straight-up admission that he would really rather not serve as PM beyond the next five years.
In a pretty long life observing politics, Call Me Dave is the slimiest politician I have seen. He is never frank; why the sudden change? I don’t believe the ‘frank answer’ theory. He sees the odious Mrs May and his old enemy Boris starting to campaign for the leadership, while his mate George is handicapped by the requirements of loyalty. His announcement leaves George free to compete with the others.
Check out this Private Eye cover:
I agree. He constantly gives rapid, pre-prepared statements to journalists and then runs off before follow up questions are asked.
He’s a greasy weasel and an over promoted spin doctor….and I voted Tory last time, so no political bias from me!!
He is truly Blair’s heir, as he doesn’t have an honest bone in his body.
But it is now constant at the BBC – ask Cameron a question; if he doesn’t answer he is evasive and arrogant and ‘refuses to answer’ (with the implication that he is either lying or shifty or both); if he answers then ‘he has waded into the argument’ (think Clarkson). So damned if he answers, damned if he doesn’t.
BBC Current Affairs is every bit as tedious and disconnected from any reality (other than its own snobbery and bottomless sense of entitlement) as its non-public sector print arm.
I see the bBC allows the family of black thug Mark (When on way to shoot the men who had been released from prison for killing his fellow drug lord best mate) Duggan to play the victim card that Mark (I was a thug) Duggan could only be a saint and a victim of the police.
Mark Duggan’s brother Shaun Hall: “We still want answers”
What is it with the bBC and its penchant of defending black gun/knife/rape crimes in the UK.
Yes, that’s all so BBC. The sanctimonious, po-faced moral outrage on PM about the “Clarkson atrocity”, balanced against the ludicrous attempts to explain away, “understand” muslim beheaders through CAGE or the hours of air time given to the family representatives of criminal ethnics complaing about “injustices”
The bBC and how its ideological bent allows it to report only half the news:
Yemen crisis: Houthi rebels ‘capture air base’ near Aden
The above is a story about how the Shia Houthi with assistance from Iran have taken control of most of the country. The president who is Sunni is reportedly on route to Saudi Arabia. Who in turn have massed its military on the border in which to intervene.
Yemen is the site of a Proxy war between Iran(Shia) and Saudi Arabia(Sunni) as is Bahrain, Syria, and Lebanon.
As the bBC is full of Sunni (Pakistani) Muslims they naturally side with them, yet to the white non Muslim leftwing pricks at the bBC, as Saudi Arabia is friends with the West, they can only be evil and thus they naturally side with Iran, however that will offend their Pakistani (Sunni ) workers and so they remain silent. hoping like all infantile pricks that everything will blow over, before they are forced to report the news.
Khormakser – Airbase in Aden – was billeted there on my first operational tour in 1967 with 13th/18th Royal Hussars (QMO) – it was RAF Khormakser then. Some good stories to reminisce some frightening tales too!
Muslims with guns problems even then!
We had often to stag on protecting the BBC (?) World Service Rebroadcast and telecommunications station just a few miles out of Aden in the desert
Further to my recording the number of posts we were delighted to receive this morning from One Man Operated bus as being 9 between 7-45 am and 9 am we have now had a shift change with post at 9-35, 9-37, 9-45, followed by the obligatory morning meeting then the afternoon OMO bus driver starts again at 11-23, we shall see how many words from beeboid Central/ TUC house we get today, I’m betting on between 25 and thirty. Old Scott only gave us time when his hands were idle, OMO is employed full time.
Do you see a connection between the apparent scrapping of HYS on the BBC, and loss of jobs to former university socialist society trainees who were employed as moderators, and the increased appearance here of people with the same mindset?
Not very often Homes Under The Hammer get mentioned here, in fact I doubt if many have heard of it. Basically a one hour show about buying houses at auction and doing them up and selling for a nice fat profit or turning them into a nice little earner for landlords. Many might find its full on red blooded get rich quick attitude a strange fit on the bbc, but hey it’s daytime TV, only middle aged and elderly white people are watching and they don’t do ” enriching diversity ” . So anyway for years it has been in the capable hands of a woman (tick) Lucy Alexander and a man (no tick ) called Martin Roberts, both white ( definitely no ticks ). Now it has come to pass that even this show has to bow and kiss the ring of “cultural diversity” and the ex footballer (no tick for that ) Dion Dublin ( black man so big tick ) is going to be shoehorned into the show. Nothing against Dion, when ever on Match of The Day he is sharp, funny and sane. But why change a winning working formula ? If you want to bring in ex footballer why not Robbie Fowler , well known property developer ? Well at a guess because he would be a problem being white, nope the show has to reflect the ” diverse” audience and therefore a black man will be placed in the show. Look forward to the two white presenters being given the bums rush when Dion is up and running to make way for a ” South Asian ” gay landlord from Rotherham ( no jokes please) and a transsexual migrant wishing to learn how to blag a free home in the green belt.
I think the diversity box is ticked in the auction rooms when there is a clear preponderance of asian/BME bidders whether or not the BBC choose to follow their purchase
Why is this?
Is the BBC trying to pretend that the only shamelessly exploitative kicking the workers buy to let property landlords are white?
The global arming/malaria scare was mentioned on a previous thread, though I can’t remember in what context (comedy, probably). (Remember this is the sort of stuff still being peddled from models which are ‘an approximation of reality’.)
Anyway, just thought I’d share this with people as I can’t recall it ever being mentioned by the BBC, despite its huge implications for science and the way the IPCC conducts its business. Paul Reiter is a leading expert on tropical diseases.
‘Reiter is a specialist in tropical diseases. He was a contributing author to the WGII report of the TAR (2001) (chapter 9, dealing with impacts on human health). He found it difficult to work with lead authors who were not experts in the field, who were insisting on a link between climate change and diseases such as malaria. As a result he resigned from the IPCC. In a report to the House of Lords he wrote: “In my opinion, the IPCC has done a disservice to society by relying on “experts” who have little or no knowledge of the subject, and allowing them to make authoritative pronouncements that are not based on sound science.”
Extract from Reiter’s evidence to a Parliamentary Select Committee:
‘MALARIA5. I wonder how many of your Lordships are aware of the historical significance of the Palace of Westminster? I refer to the history of malaria, not the evolution of government. Are you aware that the entire area now occupied by the Houses of Parliament was once a notoriously malarious swamp? And that until the beginning of the 20th century, “ague” (the original English word for malaria) was a cause of high morbidity and mortality in parts of the British Isles, particularly in tidal marshes such as those at Westminster? And that George Washington followed British Parliamentary precedent by also siting his government buildings in a malarious swamp! I mention this to dispel any misconception you may have that malaria is a “tropical” disease.’
I recommend the full text – interesting and informative (though not surprising to those familiar with the IPCC’s junk science).
N.B. A search on ‘Reiter resignation IPCC’ brings up nothing from the BBC. ‘Educate and inform’ – they’re avin’ a larf, ain’t they?
The new-look BBC News website is a disaster and unreadable.
It hurts my eyes to the point where I actually can’t be bothered to try and trawl through it so have started using SKY News instead.
I second that, not only that but I find the actual pages a minefield to negotiate
Yet another example how the bBC politicizes the news in which to promote its anti-government stance:
David Cameron apologises over infected blood
Prime Minister David Cameron has apologised on behalf of the British government to victims of the contaminated blood scandal.
It came after a Scottish inquiry described the saga as “the stuff of nightmares”. Thousands of people were infected with Hepatitis C and HIV through NHS blood products in the 1970s and 80s.
But the inquiry concluded few matters could have been done differently. And it made only a single recommendation – that anyone in Scotland who had a blood transfusion before 1991 should be tested for Hepatitis C if they have not already done so.
There was an angry response to the report from victims and relatives who had gathered at the National Museum in Edinburgh to see its publication after a six-year wait, with shouts of “whitewash” after its conclusions were read out.
And here is how the leftwing Guardian reports the same story:
Cameron apologises to those infected with hepatitis C and HIV 30 years ago
David Cameron has apologised on behalf of the government to thousands of people who were infected by hepatitis C and HIV after being given contaminated blood more than 30 years ago. His apology came after an independent inquiry in Scotland into the widespread contamination of blood supplies by hepatitis C and HIV viruses called for a mass screening exercise for anyone in Scotland who was given blood before September 1991. It was immediately followed by an apology from Shona Robison, the Scottish health secretary, who promised to launch the mass screening programme, and to review and improve financial support schemes for those affected…..Cameron was asked at prime minister’s questions at Westminster by the MP Rory Stewart: “Could the prime minister, as the last act of his government, ensure a full apology, transparent publication and above all proper compensation for the families terribly affected by this scandal?”
If you didn’t know better would you presume from the bBC version that the tories are to blame. Funny enough, I used to give blood, but I stopped when the gay lobby pushed for and succeeded in dropping the ban on men and women who take it up the arse on a regular basis to be denied the chance to donate blood all in the name of equality and discrimination. Yes blood is now screened, yet the fact remains a high risk group is allowed to bypass the controls that were put in place after so many people became infected by tainted blood. As somebody with B+ blood the NHS have lost one of the few B+ people who gave blood. Tossers
I remember when the UK Chief Medical Office (Dame Sally Davis) stated in 2013 that the potential threat of HIV in UK blood supplies was less than ‘one-in-a-million’. I am sure she would never predict the same now. Despite compulsory NHS blood screening – any increase in cross contamination are hidden from the public (unless exposed in the press) as are the prime causes in the first place which are obvious to all of us – but the BBC types.
“If you didn’t know better would you presume from the bBC version that the tories are to blame.”
“Funny enough, I used to give blood, but I stopped when the gay lobby…”
Yeah, ok Pounce, it’s always the same old story; “Let me tell you what a great guy I am, except I’m not any more. Pity the tragic hero.”
BBC report on wimmin students who want to replace audience applause with jazz hands, as it is less likely to cause anxiety than hand clapping. But isn’t it a bit waycist?
If you go into a pub in Blakeney, North Norfolk you will find it was owned by I think the senior minstrel, the wall are covered by memorabilia, a place popular with tourists who have a pint and remember a much liked show. No chance of that getting brought back like Dr Who or Noddy ( minus the Gollies ).
Ive been there! The guy pulling the pints has got 2 heads! It’s great!
You need to be back in Coventry Garden transport museum along with all the other old busses, real life frightens you.
I cant believe this, must be 1st April…
I have to laugh at the blinkered mentality of the bBC regards executions. On one hand you have democratic nations such as the US, which the left despises and for whom can only be evil for everything its does especially for having the death penalty and so they bring out a video depicting how nasty evil America is for having the Death Penalty.
Yet Islam which the bBC promotes as a peaceful faith and which has more blood on its hands than the US,UK and Israel combined for any year going back through history isn’t given the same treatment.
I mean in ISIS country they chop off your head, Shoot you, set you on fire or even throw you off a building, In Iran they hang you from a crane , well actually they tie the noose around you head and then lift you off the ground, In Gaza, they will tie you to a motorcycle and drag you around the city, In Afghanistan they attack you on mass, set fire to you and then throw you in the local river, In Pakistan they shoot school children in the head, in Yemen and Iraq they like to blow you up as you pray, In Scotlandistan they throw you in the boot of a car, drive you to dundee and back, beat you up in a carpark ,stab you so many times then set fire to you. In london they will drive a car into you and then try to chop your head off, also they like to blow you up in London , as they do in Madrid, In the US, they like to crash planes into you
With so many varied methods of killing you, I wonder why the bBC hasn’t run a wee video of the many ways of Islamic execution. Silly me, its a religion of peace.
It’s certainly ‘a busy news day’ today. Nevertheless, the One News found space for a lengthy piece on the appointment of a second female bishop. Never any mention of the lack of opportunities for females under Islam though.
The BBC has decided not to renew Clarkson’s contract when it comes to an end in a few weeks. I suppose they think that this will get them off the ‘sacking’ hook but it’s kissing goodbye to 2% of their revenue. I expect that red Ed will increase the TV tax by 5% just to make up for it and a bit of consolation too.
Now Clarkson will be free to work on other channels who will no doubt pay him more and if May and Hammond have any sense they will migrate with him.
Hello £60 – 100 million to Newscorp, or ITV, after all the BBC aren’t interested in money when they have never needed to be !
Bbc rolling 24 has been giving this story extended coverage ( air crash ? What air crash ? ) going into all the details. Frankly I’m not a top gear watcher and I’m sure he will find yet more cash elsewhere. No my point was whilst going through the details they cut to The Stig arriving with the 1 million signatures on top of, and get this ” an Abbot Self Propelled Gun” . The power of ‘ Biased BBC ‘ they have listened, they read and take note ! Take a bow folks !
Red Ed has already got the brown envelope ready for the BBC. A massive licence fee increase will be only one of many rewards due to the BBC for their support of Ed and Labour and help with the election campaign.
Impartiality central, BBC makes headlines again?
“You guessed it: lots of deception, lots of whining”
While not a bBC issue (but one of the replies points to the bBC) this really does show how pathetic the left have become:
Where have all the lesbians gone in TV and film?
According to an audit by the BFI Festival office, the portrayal of lesbians on the big screen has been pretty miserly, with only nine movies with significant lesbian content distributed in the three years prior to 2015. No such dearth in the portrayal of gay men, with a stonking 29 movies dedicated to gay male subject matter in the same period
Is there an ism for the animosity between gay men and gay women?
Anyway, these replies made me chuckle:
You haven’t watched Doctor Who recently then. That’s a flagship program too, happily caters to gays, lesbians and dinosaur lesbians!
Clare Balding is so omnipresent she’s practically been adopted as the fourth member of the Holy Trinity. And if it isn’t her, it’s Sue Perkins. I’d say lesbians are pretty well represented on screen personally.
but my fav…
Lesbians, were a million times more interesting when it was all illicit and mysterious. Now days. Meh……
Clare Balding is so omnipresent …
Viewers will be delighted to know that Clare has her own show on BBC2, starting Friday night:
Clare Balding Show to air on BBC2 a day after BT Sport
‘The new series will kick off with an interview with diver Tom Daley…’
Sounds a right celebration of diversity…
Strewth … give me strength!
So tired of Al BBC, flicked the switch to LBC only to hear
ex-Beebot Sheela Foglegity, blabbering about the beauty, the wonder of learning Arabic, should be taught in all UK schools etc
If I want to speak another language, it will not be guttural grunt of Arab camel spitters, thankyou very much.
“Should Arabic join other modern languages on the UK school curriculum? Yes, says the British Council’s Tony Calderbank, whose own journey as a learner of Arabic has convinced him that knowledge of the language is essential to the UK’s long-term economic and cultural prosperity.”
As INBBC seems not to have worked it out yet-
“Does the Arabic Language Encourage Radical Islam?”
by James Coffman
‘Middle East Quarterly’
‘…whose own journey as a learner of Arabic has convinced him that knowledge of the language is essential to the UK’s long-term economic and cultural prosperity.”
By the time we’re all speaking Arabic, prosperity and culture will both be but a distant memory.
Well pretty essential as we will soon be taken over by IS
Yep, it’s another great day for the BBC’s phoney baloney multi-culturalism, where they love other cultures but don’t actually know anything about them.
Free clue: learning ‘Arabic’ makes about as much sense as learning ‘European’. Moroccan Arabic is like Iraqi Arabic the way French is like Italian.
What is the Arabic for ‘I surrender, there is no god but Allah and Mohammed (pbuh) is his messenger – please don’t cut my head off or rape my little sister’
Lord (not politically impartial) HALL, remains biased in favour of federalising, BBC-subsidising European Union, but sacks ‘politically incorrect’ Clarkson.
Apro of our sudden rise in popularity with beeboids yesterday we had Hilarious ( not) spouting bile and insults to everyone. Today we had OMO bus driver on the job this morning and this afternoon we have the delightful Chippy Minton whose style of attack seems to be very similar to the unmissed Hilarious of yesterday. Methinks they are one and the same, hello Troll, what name will you be using tomorrow Josef Gobbels ?
On past evidence, Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble & Grubb first.
Batten down, it looks like getting bumpy:)
I see we have a Mrs. Minton in the audience, with her very own brand of, well, I won’t call it wit. More like shit. I suppose it’ll eventually tire, and wander off.
Why’s Chippy and his ilk here if they despise the site so much?
Do they think they’ll change things by aggression?
Oh, wait…the fascist far left do use aggressive and intimidating tactics when they encounter dissent…
…they’ll have to break us in this island first. 😉
I find you highly amusing. There’s nothing more to it.
Islam-appeasing Beeboids do not report what happens to Islam-appeasing Teresa MAY-
“British jihadi ‘calls for Muslims to kill Theresa May’ ”
– See more at:
This thread has become unreadable, in my opinion. Can’t see the site lasting much longer.
Think I’ve had enough.
Why doesn’t DV ban Chippy and his ilk?
They are just spoilers with no real arguments to present.
They come, they go, they come back again with a new name, It doesn’t matter. They only post comments to try to irritate. Don’t get irritated , just ignore them or do as I do – regard them as SFB cabaret acts.
DV is a genuine contrarian. He’s keen on free speech. So he doesn’t ban much. Rightly so.
‘ It comes after MPs held a series of evidence sessions which included appearances from Lord Hall, BBC Director-General and James Harding, BBC Director of News and Current Affairs.
“We still remain deeply concerned about the manner in which the BBC treats EU issues,” the report out today concludes.
It says BBC bosses who gave evidence “seemed to be more intent on defending and asserting their own opinions, mindset and interpretation” of impartiality obligations rather than saying whether they had actually delivered them…..
…..A BBC spokesman said: “As Lord Hall told the committee, we are and will be impartial in all matters concerning our coverage. The BBC provides extensive coverage of both European and Parliamentary issues and while we respect the committee’s role, it would obviously be a breach of our independence if a committee of MPs were to instruct us how to cover an individual issue or story.”
What a contrast to Leveson, eh. Where’s Hacked Off when you need ’em?
Sorry, common what? Common Purpose? What’s that? Oh, right, I see….
CLARKSON’s future, after his political sacking by Labour leftist, Lord HALL?:-
“Mac on… David Cameron’s third term announcement”
Is another BBC sacking on the cards?
Comedian Tells Teen Cancer Charity Audience To Stab Nigel Farage
Or is Noel Fielding merely being “edgy”?
I think you will find that the BBC finds it perfectly acceptable for one of its employees to urge people to stab Nigel Farage. It is pointing at a TV screen while having drinks in the Green Room and asserting that a tennis player has hair like a golliwog that is a sackable offence.
He has to be something because funny he certainly hasn’t been since the Mighty Boosh. Just watch Noel Fielding’s Luxury Comedy or rather don’t.
Even the PM has become involved and made a judgement. It’s not like him to attach himself to a celebrity issue….or is it??
“Aggressive and abusive behaviour isn’t acceptable in the workplace or elsewhere.”
But it was Blair who started it all off. The ‘let’s be seen with showbiz and make us one of the people’. Oasis at number 10 Downing Street. Remember??
Without the BBC PC Straight-Jacket, I predict that Clarkson will go from strength to strength. Darn, he could be our next Foreign Secretary. After all, he’s the most well known and liked Brit on the planet. World peace, anyone?
I wonder if he will contribute to this site ? He has a lot of support here.
It’s all over for Top Gear on the BBC. In truth, it was always going to happen – three white middle-aged unapologetically English blokes presenting the BBC’s most commercially successful IP?
No, no and no. It didn’t even come close to ticking the BBC’s boxes for ‘ethnic diversity’, ‘cultural inclusiveness’ and ‘sexual equality’. Top Gear was a dead man walking a long time ago. Quite genuinely surprised it lasted as long as it did, tbh – it just took the Politburo’s common purpose commissars longer to arrange the firing squad than anticipated, I guess.
I really hope the three of them get picked up by Sky.
Agree with all your comments except the last. Please, NOT Sky. Consider we poor pensioners who cannot afford subscription TV.
“Consider we poor pensioners who cannot afford subscription TV.”
Age UK loves to portray the pensioner as the widow sat hunched up over her one bar electric fire in a draughty council house.
Most of the pensioners I know, not “rich” people, seem to spend their time planning their next short break.
The baby boomers have had it all. Huge state subsidies to buy their own house. Final salary pensions. Governments borrowing money to keep them sweet. Free bus passes. Pension rises while workers have had nothing.
But I’ve paid in all my life. Yes, but when you were paying in the government wasn’t spending anywhere near as much on pensioners. If they had you would have needed to have been paying in rather more!
I’m nearly one, but know that the state cannot afford it but governments have to keep buying pensioners off to get elected.
He can always buy Dave. (The TV channel, not Cameron)
Forget Sky or ITV, they should go to Netflix. They would give them a huge budget which would allow for blow-out excess. Top Gear, or whatever it would be, needs to reinvent itself, as it’s been retreading for some years, now.
Netflix decide what to make based on data – that’s how they ended up making House of Cards. House of Card’s was spewed out the end on a punch card like a sixties computer in a spy film. I suspect Top Gear’s data would be most impressive
We are pretty starved of some kinds of news in the UK, as the Biased BBC helpfully censors all the messages that could be unhelpful to good PC principles, like the following take of corruption and favouritism :
The beeb and the grauniad have arrived at a nice arrangement.
The grauniad provides bbc news and current affairs with its editorial line, in return for which the beeb ensures a steady flow of licence payers money goes to grauniad coffers.
But there is a flaw in their logic. Why bother to buy the grauniad when you’ve already paid (under threat of a criminal conviction) for the same content from the bbc.
Short & sweet. Mr. Staines made some very good, rational points on a variety of fronts, and the interview dolly was clearly programmed only to hear what was being screamed down the earwig at her by Jasmine, or making points made up for her by the 141,147…210 PR wonks all on overtime now. A&E… for a split lip?
She totally ignored an accusation (true?*) that a previous BBC employee committed battery and yet got promoted to DG.
What an absolute shower. Hope a few more rational types get round to explaining to Danny Cohen how pension funds actually work.
‘”This whole place is full of f****** headbangers”, which was a fair point and indeed is still true, but didn’t help somehow.
A BBC source said: ‘Massey is quite aggressive himself and has had dust-ups with a number of people.
Seems the times are not the only things different at the BBC.
“EVERY ethnic group in Britain wants a cut in immigration:
“More than half want a ‘big drop’ in numbers coming to this country.
“Survey found 79 per cent want decrease while 59 per cent want big drop.
“Only one in ten respondents said they wanted a rise in immigration
Theresa May wants a firm pledge to cut migration in the Tory manifesto.”
Read more:
– But Beeboids STILL campaign for open-door, unlimited, mass immigration into Britain.
A ‘pledge’, a ‘vow’… anyone else heartily sick of this language debasement? Whether it be Theresa May, Special Ed or Fatty Prescott with his pledge card, it doesn’t matter, it is very irritating.
I for one don’t give a monkeys if they inscribe their solemn covenants in blood on the side of a feckin Faberge egg. Stop patronising us you prats and just give us your policy ideas and let us decide.
You mean like Camoron did today?
“We won’t raise VAT” ?
You know that he made that promise last time? Didn’t take him long to break it did it?
So what makes you think any policy that they tell you will be kept ?
What makes you think that the things they do have planned will be disclosed to people like you?
Where was the gay marriage in the manifesto? Where was joining the Human rights act, and mass immigration and political correctness?
The truth is that the only way to judge is on past performance.
Labour bankrupt economy, and mass immigration.
Tories, not quite as bankrupt, cruelty to the poor, and mass immigration.
Fib Dems Alien sex offenders with a leader on a different planet !
Greens policy from a different age with a false premise to follow.
UKIP Quite a new party, but some naïve or plain crazy people who need to be rooted out.
Where was the gay marriage in the manifesto? Where was joining the Human rights act, and mass immigration and political correctness?
The Tories’ promise on immigration is generally forgotten now. They liked to remind us that immigration ‘used to be thirty or forty thousand a year’ and promised to ‘get back to the tens of thousands’. The implication was they would achieve 30k/40k, but when that proved hopeless they quickly redefined it to ‘under a hundred thousand’, by which they meant 100k. Even then, Dave’s mates loved the cheap labour so much that he never bothered trying.
From Guido
“Worth remembering the time an editor on the BBC News “turned, snarled, and sank his teeth into [the] left upper arm” of a junior colleague. The biter? Mark Thompson, later promoted to Director General. Clarkson for DG…”
What with the ‘cuts’ and all, the plod don’t have ‘resources’ to investigate ‘minor’ crimes like burglary. But it seems they want to open a file on Jeremy Clarkson. Not only that, having stood idly by while the Farage family was attacked, they’re now to investigate threats to the rent-a-mob involved.
“Police in Islington are investigating an allegation of malicious communications. The allegation was made on Monday 23 March. Officers from the community safety unit in Islington are investigating….”
You couldn’t make it up.
Police investigate threats to anti-Ukip protesters who targeted Nigel Farage
Dear God.
So these anti-establishment police-haters (at least when its a gun-throwing coloured gentleman) cry ‘mama, mama’ and rush behind the skirts of the very people they hate.
Well it’s 6-20 pm, OMO bus driver clocked off after the morning shift, this afternoon we had the sublime Chippy and who can forget yesterday’s “Hilarious” joke turn. at the moment it’s all quiet on the internet front, but we know it won’t be long before they are rising out of the trenches and coming over the top ! Will we have the same old names or will we get some new figment of a beeboids imagination ? I cannot wait. Guns loaded and cocked chaps.
Chippy & Hilarious are the same , if it was Scott , it would have a bit of “bless” in it with a bit of ” Musical Theatre”. The Busman`s Clapometer is part of News 24`s rapid reaction force.
But as long as you’ve got your tin foil hat on they can’t get to you and your precious British fluids.
Chippy , what are you doing in that “Hideously White” Trumpton , you need more diversity , try “Tower Hamlets” , not too far, for work at New Broadcasting House.
The guardian is covering the response after the attack on Nigel Farage, I thought you might like the comments by a former Landlord of the pub in question who has obviously had access to local information, he paints a not so ” fun and jollity ” for all the family.
The fact that the contract bus driver refused to take them back says it all.
He’s complaining about an earlier Guardian piece – little wonder – this guy is classic:
Later that afternoon, some of the activists meet back at the Richmal Crompton for a debriefing. By then, though, Ukip has spun the story in a way they couldn’t anticipate. Farage has castigated the activists as “scum” who have driven him from a quiet family lunch and led to him losing touch with his children for a few fraught moments. Sky News, the Guardian, the Mirror and ITV have gone with the “scum” story. Message boards on mainstream media sites (the Mail Online, for example), seethe with middle England raging against counter-cultural protesters. Suddenly Farage looks like the victim, and the activists – whose cabaret was aimed at drawing attention to how they feel victimised by Ukip’s attacks on their communities – look like aggressors.
Farage fracas: my day with the anti-Ukip cabaret he called ‘scum’
How awful for them. I wonder how Two Jags would react if a Kipper jumped on the bonnet of his personal vehicle. It’s interesting that Auntie is conspicuous by her absence from the list of media villains.
Green candidate in hot water over tweets suggesting Nigel Farage ’emulates’ Hitler
“Jenny Ross, who is standing in Stalybridge and Hyde, tweeted on Monday morning: “Just found out Farage has only got one ball… Some people will do anything to emulate their Heroes!”
But her tweet, which has since been deleted, was met with condemnation by many, who felt mocking the Ukip leader’s battle with testicular cancer was crossing the line”
Not covered on the BBC at all!
She knows she’s safe insulting UKIP, nothing worse than a quick retort, now try the same with the real rascist’s, Combat 18 etc, now suddenly she hasn’t got the balls.
Typical left wing PC BBC unfunny ‘commedian’ Miles Jupp has decided he has Belgian ancestry, which must make him more ‘cool’ in the PC BBC and very pro EU!
However he finds that he has no Belgian ancestry at all and his forebears were actually Turnip farmers from Surrey, well agricultural labourers who were about as low in society as you could get
In a burst of PC angst he announced that he would no longer be able to tell any of his Belgian ‘jokes’ because now he has no Belgian heritage, that would apparently make him a ‘waycist’.
The workings of the left wing ‘mind’ truly baffling !
If he had Belgian ancestry, wouldn’t his forebears have been sprout farmers ?
“Typical left wing PC BBC unfunny ‘commedian’ Miles Jupp has decided he has Belgian ancestry, which must make him more ‘cool’ in the PC BBC and very pro EU!.
I listened to the same programme ‘Thoughtful’, and your description of it is pure fantasy.
“In a burst of PC angst he announced that he would no longer be able to tell any of his Belgian ‘jokes’ because now he has no Belgian heritage, that would apparently make him a ‘waycist’.”
No he didn’t; he made a self depreciating joke about something he’s said as if it was racist.
I can’t believe you’re stupid enough not to realise that; so why are you posting such drivel?
Apparently only 10% of Labour campaign literature contain an image of Ed Milliband and only 12% mention him.
After reading that I rushed to pick up today’s Labour leaflet drop in their “6th most important in the country if Labour is to become the next government” seat.
Lo and behold no mention of “our glorious leader” anywhere.
What will make BBBC followers smile is that the local Labour candidate claims to have “real world experience”, which for the last 10 years was working for the BBC, as a political reporter until actually selected as a prospective M.P. and then driving a van when the BBC were forced to play at impartiality. Did he get van drivers wages or reporter wages?
I have no reason to doubt that he never let his desire to be a Labour M.P. ever colour in the slightest his reporting.
Hopefully he will pop round to canvass sometime and I can ask him his BBC and personal, opinions of Margaret Thatcher so I can check out the old impartiality in their genes claim.
Sorry that’s old hat now isn’t it. “Most staff leave their political views at home” is I believe the current BBC mantra.
BBC Puff Piece Alert.
On Bowe Bergdhal
complete with nauseating “free at last” photograph,
For all those that know, that phrase, and what it represents in the US must be appalled.
Five battle-hardened muderous jihadis traded for a deserter?.
Bergdahl in Afghanistan, now this was no …
“didn t not want to fight, but go home scenario”.
He deserted his unit to join the Taliban,
and with them, converted to Islam,
then declared himself to be a “mujahid.”
… a jihadi for Allah!.
No wonder Buraq Hussein, couldn t wait to free the Jihadi s.
5 for 1 … great deal.
This is really desperate stuff. If you people really believe that the BBC is biased why do you have to make things up?
The report is straightforward and factual. The photo was one put up in a coffee shop where Bergdahl used to work.
Seriously, what is wrong with you?
” left note saying he wanted to renounce U.S. citizenship and find the Taliban”
“U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl at one point during his captivity converted to Islam, fraternized openly with his captors and declared himself a “mujahid,” or warrior for Islam”
just for Chipping Camp-den
just for Chipping Norton …
apologies Chippy, (a person) touchy and defensive, especially on account of having a grievance or a sense of inferiority.
I’m sadly lacking in an inferiority complex, even more so whenever I come on here and have social intercourse with you delightful, despiteful people.
You have to admit though noggin, your post about the BBC’s coverage of Bergdahl was pretty lame stuff, wasn’t it?
Were you trying to impress the bigger boys again?
Chippy Minton
March 25, 2015 at 11:53 pm
‘I’m sadly lacking in an inferiority complex…’
You should get one soon: you owe it to yourself.
So where was Chippy Minton when this was going down in Trumpton.
Chippy disappeared around 4.19 pm. So it must be trolling from work then? I wonder if it’s employer knows about this? Oh wait…of course they do.
Don’t forget Chippy Minton’s part in the BBC’s Children In Need either.
I’ve actually got the original 12″ upstairs alongside my Joy Division, Felt and Pink Military LPs……confessions of an old Punk who according to the beeboid trolls is a swivelling eyed fascist loon who hates the modern world……….. Actually most people I meet are decent honest types who are sick of being taken for a ride and being lied to, no one of any class likes the self serving metropolitan political elite and their hangers on.
D1004. After seeing the Damned & the Adverts back in 1977 I still adhere to not taking crap from anyone.
‘The Damned have three chords. The Adverts have one. Come hear all four!’
“Actually most people I meet are decent honest types”
They must be in for a shock when they meet a mean-minded, bigoted arse like you then.
Clearly your only redeeming features are an appreciation of Joy Division and HMHB.
It is a form of Tourettes, have pity on the poor soul.
Ignore, its another Al Beeb Troll starting her night shift.
And in the other election: BBC-Democrat pushes for Hillary CLINTON.
BBC-Democrat’s political thinking:-
-let’s get in early by plugging Hillary Clinton with a political propaganda TV programme –
BBC 2 (tonight)-
“Hillary Clinton: The Power of Women”
An alternative critical view of Hillary Clinton, not put by BBC-Democrat-
Pamela Geller-
“Hillary Clinton: Clock ‘turning back’ for women in U.S. ”
“Hillary Clinton warns in a new book that the “clock is turning back” on women across America, but utters not a single word about the most oppressive, violently misogynistic ideology on the face of the earth.
“Not a word from the woman that the enemedia is so anxious to anoint our next President about honor killings, forced marriage, child marriage, clitoridectomies, quran-sanctioned wife-beating, lack of inheritance rights, lack of the right to testify in court, the brutalization of women who dare to go out without covering their heads, and all the rest of the misogyny that is intrinsic to sharia.”
– See more at:
They don’t want to offend ,they have oil and minerals to worry about.
Is it just me. And I don’t want to sound terrible but is the BBc going way over the top on the tragic air crash (11 minutes).
Louis Theroux had a programme this week. I like him. He seems a sensitive soul. Maybe he’s just a good bluffer but if so, I’m fooled. The standard issue Beeboid/Skydroid on the other hand… HOW DO YOU FEEL? CAN YOU TELL US HOW YOU FEEL? Gross.
This is a dead air “Classic”:
Following on from my suspicion that Jeremy Clarkson far from being a victim of the BBC engineered the whole thing because his contract was up for renewal (it has a week to go) and knew that having sold his Top Gear shares to the BBC for many millions he could move to another channel who would pay him far more than the BBC ever would.
The fact that today both May and Hammond are saying that all three of them come as a package would suggest that they are not going to be involved in another Top Gear and will leave with Clarkson.
There are reports of some large sums being offered to lure them to a new channel.
Interesting listening to Tiff Needell admitted to not liking Clarkson, but that 350 million viewers world wide mean that he is a global superstar. He is (in the opinion of Needell) so popular in Europe because so many people are sick to death of Political Correctness and the bland TV its oppression demands.
The BBC have screwed up yet again, losing around a billion pounds over the next 5 years when the capital loss of the Top Gear franchise, the sales, and its own prime time audience are added together.
This isn’t bias though, it’s plain old incompetence ! Something the BBC are very good at.
“Political correctness is devouring itself” says noted leftie Nick Cohen.
“For years a few of us have warned that modern “liberals” would live to regret abandoning the principle that you should only censor speech when it incited violence”.
“Your opponents will ban you if they can and scream you down if they cannot”.
Even liberal lefties are being forced to recognise that the liberal left is the new extreme right.
PC – like the ROP – cannot abide free speech lest the absurd contradictions of their positions be exposed.
Anyone near a telly now , Newsnight is going to interview Ayaan Hirsi Ali about her new book ” Heretic” which basically takes the same line as most of us do about the need for the “Religion of Peace ” to change and modernise. I will be all ears as should all those beeboids who attack this site, is change coming from within ?
I’ve given my take on the new page.
Yes, I stayed up to hear this saintly woman plaster Islam all over the shop.
Poor Emily Maitlis-no arranged marriages, no FGM no fatwa on her head natch…feared that some Muslims she had spoken to earlier might think Hirsi Ali is on the same page as IS.
But of course…
Hirsi Alis logic and patient explanation of the need to sever Islam by way of a New Reformation was brilliant-but hardly Mona Siddiqi or Frank Gardner now is she?
So Maitlis learned even less than nothing, the rest of us found her take on it all priceless.
Bravest lady in showbiz, now that Joan Rivers has gone-Newsnight long gave up being news, mere showbiz crips these days.
Maitlis was aggressive and Hirsi Ali was patient in her explanation. Odd to hear BBC attack somebody wanting to reform Islam and get rid of the stuff that creates terrorism. Obviously, fundamental Islamic people would agree with Maitlis. I suppose next time she interviews a Catholic liberal she will shoot them down for suggesting any liberal reforms. Hardline.
Is Chippy Minton Lord Hall, or Polly bleedin Toynbee, or Shammy Chuckmybutty in disguise….or Billy Bragg ????
Chippy / Hilarious is part of a Bbc Cyber & Verbal attack on this site.If Chippy`s leg op has gone wrong , will he have to saw it off ?
im wearing out my mouswheel scrolling past C minton’s bilge.
Just come back to this thread after an evening out.
Chippy Minton really making me chuckle – genuinely. Recommend scrolling quckly down the thread and reading his ‘comments’.
He’s either
1. Totally unhinged but genuine in his cause of defending the BBC, yet at the same time totally lacking in self-awareness
2. Doing an Al Murray.
Either way, he doesn’t do the BBC any favours.