Amazingly Greater Manchester Political Correctness Enforcement Squad have put out this statement about a demonstration they are holding this weekend.
They will apparently: “will form a line, effectively standing together in support of our intolerance of hate crime and shared passion for integration and diversity.”
So nothing about their recent total failure and incompetence over the paedophile Pakistani Muslim gangs in Heywood then, and nothing about them having a ‘passion’ for preventing crime and arresting criminals !
Just to add to the total farce that GMPCES have become, the co-ordinating officer is one Sergeant Saville !
Oh, you could make it up and more in Manchester, I live there and the place is a lawless, crime filled, scum filled shit hole…otherwise known a a socialist utopia.
This is now the ‘powerhouse of the north’? Billions of pounds are going to be given to a bunch of liebour councils to spend as they see fit, GMPCES is just the start, groups like this will get all the funding they need, with the amount of people on benefits this ‘powerhouse’ will soon become a clapped out pump house.
Manchester is a divided city though, much as the Labour party is divided.
Pat Karney, Graham Stringer, Simon Danczuk, are Labour traditionalists, but Tony Lloyd is an out & out Fascist, and called so in the Daily Mail by Melanie Philips.
Unfortunately he is the one in charge of the Police which he has turned into a Political Correctness Enforcement Squad. Alas they are now touting him as the first Mayor, and people will vote for what ever Labour put up for election, so stuck in their ways are they they’d vote Myra Hindley in if she stood for Labour!
I note your interesting comment on the Labour Party in Manchester. Exactly the same situation exists in South Wales. When I was growing up there during the 1950’s and 1960’s, there was a saying to the effect that if you put up a donkey to stand for the Labour Party in the Rhondda, it would still be elected by a huge majority!! The result of this tribalism can be witnessed in the desolation of large parts of the South Wales industrial heartlands. Many people in Wales still try to sustain themselves with deluded dreams of the Labour Party when it genuinely represented the working man, King Coal and grainy black and white films of Barry John, Cliff Morgan, JPR Williams and Gareth Edwards in their heyday. This is very sad as it has prevented many people in Wales from embracing the future to their ultimate detriment. I know that this is a heresy, but the industrial part of South Wales might have been better off if the working class had embraced a guinely modern Social Democratic Party and ignored the game of rugby!!
Here is one for you , it was posted earlier this month by the man on the …..
March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm
‘I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news.However,I am quite surprised by the lack of objectivity and reasoning. Instead of BBC bias all this site appears to be about is a number of individuals reinforcing their own extremely uninformed political outlook.’
Can I ask him to flesh out his point by advising what he sees “wrong” with BBC news (and current affairs?) for further discussion.
Most contributors on here believe it’s coverage is quite insidious in promoting the “Guardian” view, but Manon may be able to enlighten us to other aspects we might have overlooked.
I would say that your question is very interesting and worthy of a reply ? I am sure that we would all like to know what he thinks of the news service ?
As mentioned by others in the previous thread regards how the father of one of those poor innocent little school girls who mistakenly caught the wrong bus, to the wrong airport, to catch the wrong plane using the wrong passport to the wrong country in which to catch another incorrect bus in which to mistakenly enter Syria was allowed to play the victim card whilst blaming everybody bar himself for his pretty little girls attempt in which to lay on her back and think of……Allah: ‘Syria-bound’ girls: Amira Abase’s father ‘suspected nothing’ The father of one of three teenage girls, believed to have fled to Syria to join Islamic State, has said he had no idea that his daughter was planning to leave the UK….“Amira’s father, Abase Hussen, said there was nothing unusual about his daughter’s behaviour when he last saw her”.
What a sob story from the father of Amira Abase, why here’s a group photo from the bBC of the man in which to further promote the stance that he knew…Narfing.
However the nasty evil Daily Mail has done the work that any half decent journalist should do (You know like when the bBC has cameras ready on the search by police of Harry Webbs home) and found that the poor teddy carrying tear sheding UK Police blaming father isn’t as innocent as he and the bBC make out. Father who blamed police for not stopping his daughter joining ISIS, attended 2012 rally led by hate preacher Anjem Choudary and attended by Lee Rigby killer Footage has emerged showing the father of one of the three schoolgirl ‘jihadi brides’ at the head of an Islamist rally led by hate preacher Anjem Choudary and attended by Michael Adebowale, the killer of soldier Lee Rigby. The video shows Abase Hussen marching at the front of the demonstrators, behind a banner reading: ‘The followers of Mohammed will conquer America’. He was filmed chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’ amid dozens of protesters and standing just yards away as the American flag is burned.
So our poor father is just as bad as his little girl, and thus substantiates his statement (Above in bold): “There was nothing unusual about his daughter’s behaviour when he last saw her”.
She was only doing as she saw her father doing and yet the bBC still plays the victim card for this terrorist apologist. The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islamic terrorism in the UK
But that would be the ‘lying’ Daily Mail, wouldn’t it, as recent new (and old – yes, that’s you Dez) Islam-defending visitors to this site have explained to us. Well explain this one away boys, the floor is yours….
NB don’t seem to be able to place this post beneath Pounce’s Mail story.
Oh dear…….wonder how the cretins at the BBC will spin this….probably ignore it, didn’t happen, la la la…..they really are, poor, simple fools the Left.
Ah…holding the ubiquitous teddy bear.
I wonder if it’s the same dog eared one used by Orla Guering and Jeremy Bowen in that Hamas shithole of Gaza? the one that appeared year after year sitting on top of a pile of rubble after another ‘terror’ strike by Israeli planes.
Or the same one clutched by the professional wailing Philistine wifey crying and flailing arms for the cameras and dry tit beating over the alleged loss of her murdering terrorist offspring?
Their country, clapped out omnibus moron?….It is the Jews country, always has been, it was part of Judea, land of the Jews, it was 4000 yrs ago too. In 1917, the germans overflew the area, photographing, place was empty, a few tents, no ‘palestinians’… is a Roman name, and jews were the inhabitants….the ‘palestinians’ you refer to are a mixture of Jordanians, Lebanese, Yids, you name it, flooding in under the British….they are NOT palestinians….
The UN is not God in deciding countries existence. Countries are created by force. The relative stability of the borders in the West give some people delusions. The UN is an obstacle to history when it places countries in aspic, frozen in some nation building, fixed bureacrocratically. Imagine what Africa would look like if the the West – and Soviet Union – had not enforced these arbitrary borders. The corrupt countries would have been taken by the more efficient. Proper nation building compared with nation building by committee. Rulers of these crony extractive nations must be delighted that their territorial control is guaranteed. Regarding Israel, this was a war for control of territory. Israel won; get over it. If the Arab nations can defeat Israel, so be it. By the by, there is no such thing as “international” law. We have agreements with no enforceability. The motions of the general assembly? There are many ridiculous ones that no one mentions.
‘Abase Hussen, said there was nothing unusual about his daughter’s behaviour ‘
Perhaps there was, in fact, nothing all that unusual about her behaviour – given the apparent flag-burning anti-western norms of behaviour within the Hussen household.
Iraq is distinguished from Afghanistan. Iraq brought attack upon itsef because it failed the test of state craft. Germany failed by the same test. Bryan Magee demonstrated this methodology very well. Basically, after attacking Iran, threatening Saudi Arabia, annexing Kuwait, threatening Israel, interfering in Bahrain, etc, Iraq had no allies and many enemies. That’s a big fail so it was totally predictable and the question of who – rather than why – was the issue. Ultimately, the West was the Saudi’s mercenary force. Afghanistan was unjustified because no geopolitical value though Taliban stupid for not following Libya’s example and dissociating itself from terrorists.
you forgot:
Pro Political Correctness (extremely)
Pro Climate change
Pro Efnik
Pro ‘uman rights
Pro failed asylum seekers
Pro Tax & spend
Pro London
Pro Gaza (anti Israel)
Well at least you can gain solace in the fact that you share your opinion with a large number of deluded followers. You have to recognise that your made up veiws are really a result of the fact that you just dont agree with any other opinions other than your own. Having said that the BBCs coverage IMO isnt bias its just plain deplorable. One example is the coverage and explanation of the economy which leaves anybody watching it it an utter state of confusion.
-for INBBC to censor?
-the latest Islamofascist massacre by Islamic jihad Al Shabaab-
“Shot dead as they try to swim for their lives: Al-Shabaab video shows civilians being forced into the sea, brutally gunned down and left to rot on the Somali beach.
“Al-Shabaab video shows militants coldly executing civilians with machine guns.
“Video shows graphic closeup footage of the dead bodies floating in the water.
“The victims all appear to be young unarmed men, captured near the Somali coast.”
Nothing new here really…..Japanese troops shot down nurses they made wade out on the beach…..executed soldiers with samurais en masse….raped and bayonetted hospital patients and nurses in Singapore….etc…..we have not really moved on have we….
“Massacre as Muslim Al-Shabaab extremists storm Mogadishu hotel.
“Nine killed as four gunmen storm hotel popular with government officials.
“Earlier, a suicide bomber detonated explosives-laden car at the hotel gates.
“Police surrounded the hotel but came under fire from Al-Shabaab gunmen.
“Somalia’s al Qaeda-linked group has claimed responsibility for the attack.
“There remains an unknown number of hostages trapped inside the building.”
You almost have to admire the skill with which the BBC news editor managed to avoid all the essential information, remove any hint of association with that medieval death cult, merely present it as “some people did something very bad somewhere”
Most of us are too honest and too perceptive, we would feel obliged to earn our journalists salary. Not the BBC, who pay an enormous premium to journos who are prepared to twist and deny shamelessly without remorse.
Its why the BBC is evil: it is the opposite of everything it claims to be, then denies it’s depravity.
The Today sports correspondent (Rob Bonnet, I think) was interviewing Greg Dyke about his determination to increase the quota of English players in Premier League squads from 8 to 12. Unless you hate football or have been living on Mars for the past couple of decades the need for action is bleedin obvious and well overdue.
Rob’s reaction: ‘Isn’t that a bit jingoistic?’
Had Rob been interviewing the Chairman of any other nation’s football chairman, including Wales, Scotland and Ireland, do you think for one moment he would have asked that question?
I see the Evil Easton popping up on 6 o clock news , to put English devolution for Newcastle again . Trying to make it out what England wants , absolute garbage & lies . He is one of the worst, of an really Evil bunch .
The BBC have published this very strange and bizzare article about “hindsight” in relation to the shooting of Mark Doogan.
I’ve tried to make sense of it but the article is just gobbledygook and is really just an excuse for the BBC to try and have the last word on the matter. And still blame the police.
I noticed that once again they use the twisted terminology of “the policeman who KILLED Mark Doogan”.
Fair, balanced and unbiased wording would have been “shot”.
They then select one quote from a 13 week inquest which found that under the circumstances he had been lawfully shot.
The BBC just can’t help itself. In the fascinating series “India’s Frontier Railways” the opportunity to give the British a kicking was never resisted. Last night, for instance, many of the contributors were regretful concerning partition in 1947 since the border had divided the Punjab between India and what is now Pakistan. You can understand their regret since, in essence it’s the same country and the same people but – and here’s the rub – with different religions: Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism.
Concerning the Partition, the commentary jeered that “a British judge had drawn a line on a map” and voila a million had died and Gandhi was assassinated 3 months later. The clear – and deliberate – impression was that partition had occurred because the British wanted it and, in the usual uncaring and spiteful fashion of whitey’s Empire, some guy in the India Office in London had drawn a random “line on a map” to enforce it.
Nowhere was it mentioned that the prime movers for partition were Jinnah and the Muslim League. AFAIAA Gandhi and Congress wanted to keep India whole although accepted partition as a second-best solution to communal friction. Gandhi was murdered by a Hindu nutcase whose motivations apparently included Gandhi’s acceptance of partition but no-one I believe lays the blame for the assassination at the feet of the British (except, by implication, the BBC).
On the matter of frontiers, the Boundary Commission which decided on the borders “consisted of two Muslim and two non-Muslim judges with Sir Cyril Radcliffe as a common chairman” as explained here. Although Radcliffe was under severe pressure to finish the work in just 5 weeks and made some fairly sweeping arbitrary decisions, the process wasn’t simply “a British judge drawing a line on a map”. However, the relative failure of the process was one of the effects of the inordinate speed of independence acquiesced in by the Labour government in London and insisted on by Mountbatten. Mind you, Radcliffe’s subsequent conduct (he refused his fee and burned all his private papers connected with his work on the Commission) indicated that he thought that he had made a complete pig’s ear of his assignment.
“India’s Frontier Railways” is not a history lesson but, manifestly, history is a factor in India’s present borders and the creation of the states with which India has a frontier. However, the BBC suffers from an intellectual disease which has now morphed into a principle. The principle is that when explaining or describing historical developments in which the British were influential, such influence is almost always implicitly (as last night) or explicitly (as with the slave trade despite the unique British role in its abolition) cast as malign.
There is no vehicle too obscure for the BBC to use for promoting its Guardianista worldview.
From light drama to pop music to arts programmes on radio, from children’s programmes, to soaps, comedies and even sports broadcasts on television, the Great Work is continued and the message spread, hour by hour.
Good students of agitprop that they are, BBC producers realise that the most effective method of delivery is the sugared pill that the victim doesn’t even realise he is swallowing.
Yes, I saw part of a blurb for a “new” programme called something like “The way we used to dine”. Would I be too cynical to predict that this will be another variation on “hideously white and boring” fifties English cuisine enriched and rejuvenated by vibrant multicultural fare. From which we are supposed to conclude that every aspect of multiculturalism is “wholesome”
I Tried to watch an episode last week, knowing that a wonderful TV series could be made about Indian railways. I turned off in 10 minutes, Fascinating subject, superb photography utterly ruined with its overlay of cloying sickly ‘progressive’ and PC lecturing. ‘indians are all wonderful, as is their culture… English are all beastly’.
I remember when Labour rewrote the BBC Charter shortly after gaining power. The BBC diversity department expanded massively, and proudly boasted that diversity would not be regarded as an “add on” to programs, but would be integral and embedded within. Ithas given every area of BBC output an implicit political purpose and it makes much of it unwatchable for anyone dislikes being preached to.
In such a way has radio4extra been utterly destroyed. Of late I have discovered a number of podcasts that present dramas and book readings, mainly originating in the USA. Now I don’t need to have anything at all to do with the bbc. To paraphrase a sentiment their favourite religionists tend to chant, bbc go to hell.
John, Please let me defend R4E. They play some great old programmes from the days before political correctness. Ignore the crap, but please be greatful for the memories of the days when the Home Service was brilliant.
What is also forgotton is that the reason India was partitioned is that the Muslims during WW2 demanded that if they didn’t get their own country they would side with the Japanese. When the Muslims felt that the British were dragging their feet, the Muslim leader Mohammed Jinnah responded by resorting to direct action. He did so by declaring August 16th 1946 as direct action day it was also a Friday the Muslim holy day. it is also know infamously as the Calcutta riots where Islamic gangs set upon the hindu population without provocation and murdered between 5000 and 10,000 Non Muslims. Because of this death toll and the spectre of further bloodshed , the partition of India was speeded up, however the Islamic bloodlust could not be contained and over 1 million people are thought to have been murdered during partition . All because Muslims just cannot live in peace with anybody.
24 years later when the Muslims of East Pakistan wanted to leave their union with West Pakistan, the West Pakistani murdered 1.5 million of their own people by calling them apostates.
Eh, all these inconvenient facts about Partition. Well done, lads, very instructive.
Meanwhile the BBC diehards i.e. all who work there and their defenders, will be convinced that had Partition not happened everyone would have lived together in perfect harmony…
Where is the BBCs disgust that two countries that are (mostly) the same people have spent the last 65 years fighting 3 wars, engaged in endless strife, killed untold numbers of people, spent shit loads of cash on weapons which their people do not need to attack each other for what ? Huge countries, Huge populations, that ought to live in peace and understanding. If ever there was a border that ought to be peaceful it’s this one, what the hell is their problem in living in peace ? The bbc won’t cast blame, will not show the local pigmy politicians for what they are.
Not bias just amazing incompetence. Hide de Hi is being re-run on BBC 2. A genuinely funny programme, 90% of the time and set in a 1960 holiday camp so we don’t have quotas.
What we do have are continuing cart before the horse episodes, for example on Wednesday we have the nasty camp commander, sent down by Joe Maplin getting his come uppence and leaving, yesterday we had him arriving! and today we get the middle episode!
Last week we had a body in the swimming pool and investigation (its a dummy with a knife in the back) at the very start of the prog. with subsequent police investigation and the next day finding the same body at the vey end.
As camp comic Ted Bovis would say ” The first rule of comedy, BBC, get your episodes in the right flaming order’
Most of it is side splitting
One quote from Ted in todays show, ‘The BBC they all a bunch of poofs!’
The first obituary was of Lee Kuan Yew. I almost switched off when they began with the comment on how Singapore joined Malaya “to throw off” British rule, but I’m glad that I stayed with it for an excerpt from a Lee Kuan Yew speech where he commented on why he had to lock up religious extremists, or the country would be in ruins.
There was also an item on Derek Chinnery; who found no evidence of misbehaviour when he investigated Jimmy Saville.
Any one who lived out there from the late 40s to the early 70s will remember how Great Britain protected Singapore and Malaysia from Indonesian Communist infiltration and aided the government during the race riots that were happening at the time of Lee Kuan Yew, for which the native population were very grateful. I am afraid Al Beeb is rewriting history ?
My friend from Singapore said today that Lee Kuan Yew wanted to stay united with Malaya but the Malayans insisted on Singapore leaving.
He really is regarded as the creator of modern Singapore and his funeral will be a major event.
Ok granted, but I did say ‘creator’.
But Great Britain played a bigger part – a much bigger part . I am sure that there many ex servicemen that served out there who would agree with me.
All day BBC news bulletins have been leading with Labours promise that they will “stop the tide of privatisation within the NHS”. No explanation that this “tide” was merely a claim, and no attempt to examine its veracity. In fact under Labour 4.5% of the NHS budget was spent on private provision, it is now just slightly more at 6.1%. Hardly a tide.
Plus no explanation that the Labour spokesman making these claims, Andy Burnham, was one of the chief architects of putting NHS services out to private tender when health minister in the last Labour govt.
Labour is well and truly “weaponising” the NHS. And all with the full connivance of the BBC who are repeating what are quite simply lies without any hesitation.
When Labour brought in private sector companies to provide clinical services there was concern that G.P.s might not refer patients to them. To give the private sector an incentive to “compete” the companies were given contracts with a guaranteed level of income, no matter how little work they did. Even if they never saw a patient they would be paid the full amount for the contracted level of work. The money came from that paid to the local NHS hospital, who could still end up treating the patients – more work for less money.
This was “crony capitalism” of the worst sort, and it was under Labour.
Andrew Lansley was a disaster, but Alan Milburn was worse. Andy Burnham just carried on with the policy – hence his view that he didn’t do anything wrong. He was only obeying orders. But you’d never know any of this if you rely on the BBC for information.
Milburn also did more to privatise the NHS than any other Health Secretary. Before him the NHS was a single legal entity, so parts of it couldn’t be sold off. He introduced the policy of Foundation Trusts, each of which is a separate legal entity. Hospitals were told that if they didn’t become Foundation Trusts by the government’s deadline they would be given to another Foundation Trust. Hence the mad scramble to meet the conditions to become FTs, which meant hospitals run by accountants and management being distracted from the priorities of patient care. Not that you’d ever know from watching the BBC – to them everything was wonderful until 2010, and then disaster.
Anybody able to tell me how the hell Allegra Stratton was able to tell us all on Newsnight that Miliband had won the debate with Paxman etc.
I saw it-and it had only just finished by the time Stratton went to camera.
Dreadful bias-even Paxman worried about Miliband after the pummelling he`d given the rope-a-dope.
Not that any of it matters-but the bias is incredible-fantasy opinions pre-baked in advance from Guardian ex-hacks and BBC steeped dullards.
Note too how the BBC chose to use soundbites-any involving Cameron dwelled on his “apologies, admissions of failures”-any involving Miliband dwelled on the personal triumphs of loving his mum, and him saying-hell yeah, I`m a pretty resilient kinda guy.
Puff pastry confections for new Labor, by New Labor, for New Labor.
Remind me again-why are we paying for this lefty slurry?
Watched 5 minutes of the debate, got bored, turned off.
Camoron ” I dunno how much we borrowed.”
Gromet ” ” Our immigration policy was a mistake.” No it wasn’t. it was a deliberate plan to socially engineer Britain.
No wonder, there is so much Cameron debate dodging, so much dummy spitting by the Tory moneyboys, when they can t get their own way … Camoron is patently a liability.
A genuine debate would just about finish him, and much the same way with Osborne.
So … they will whine and scheme, and manipulate, and smear.
a … disgrace.
Classic BBC double bind-so cue tumbleweed.
It`s illegal, discriminatory to stigmatise mental health survivors-their episodes are NOT to be taken as excuses to remove, reduce or prejudice any efforts of theirs to work and be economically active.
Yet, the German pilot kills 149 people as well as his own worthless self…er,..
Ah well, make some dim new laws that prevent THIS set of circumstances happening again-let the other million combinations create new laws, new chances to sue Lufthansa and claim compo.
BBC solutions to everything-agitate, create laws, victimhood movements and-yes, sue Big Business.
I tagged this on the end of the last blog, so I’ll repeat this here. We all know what a tizzy the BBc gets in when people use “bad” words. Vietnamese era “bad” a bad word that is not even said or broadcast. Imagine my surprise when the BBc finds fit to let a member of the public do so on the 6 o’clock news. On some none story about devolution to local areas they broad cast a member of the public expressing her wish to not be joined up with the “Mackems” I.e. the population of Sunderland. I’ve always considered this to be a derogatory term to those of us from Sunderland and have therefore made yet another complaint to the BBc
There’s a good reason I don’t go to Hartlepool Study queries monkey legend roots
Folklore says a French ship was wrecked off Hartlepool in the Napoleonic Wars. A monkey found in the water was hanged by fishermen fearing it was a spy.The “monkey-hangers” legend was adopted by the town.
The reason we need so many extra homes is due to household formation: the elderly are living longer and, increasingly, in their own homes; relationship breakdown has created a big demand for more single-person homes; high levels of net-migration puts pressure on housing supply; we are living through something of a baby boom which increases demand for new family homes.
Well; at least it’s in there. Only third on the list, but hey! that’s an improvement! Bit vague on the cause of the final point, mind you. I wonder why there’s a baby boom?
‘high levels of net-migration’ should have been top of his list ! Primarily, he blames the ‘elderly’. Al Beeb needs to face up to the truth and admit its bias. One day there will be a judicial inquiry into its management .
How can you have a ‘high level of net-migration’?
What a meaningless weasel term to avoid saying ‘high level of immigration’!
Mark Easton is the worst of a bad bunch. He is also lazy and can be heard coming a mile off.
I think you will find that its Labour who are ‘gunning’ for the old.
Or ‘bed blockers’ as Labour refer to them, when they haven’t got the good manners to die and allow the state to steal their children’s inheritance through the immoral inheritance tax.
Or Labour who blame the old for occupying the homes that they’ve worked for all their lives that should be given to some of the people who choose to waltz into britain without the people’s consent only to find we have a housing shortage (one wonders why).
The old however, care about the young. That’s why many will have the good sense to vote UKIP.
‘bed blockers’ – one of the most repugnant phrases I’ve every heard. The people that fought the Nazis, built the NHS and rebuilt the nation are now ‘bed blockers’. Why won’t they just die?
Pedantic maybe but I have noticed that the left leaning have replaced “going to ” with the very ugly “gonna”. Is there a reason for this or is it just the general lack of respect for our culture and language that is endemic in the behaviour of the current liberal ascendancy?
A suitable punishment would be compulsory reading of the King James Bible for one hour every day.
That was a standard piece of lying biased libel from a BBC Executive, that you heard, Manonclaphamomnibus
These are some UKIP Policies:
(5). Pay greater attention to elderly care across the country
(13). Establishing a Veteran’s Administration to look after those who looked after us
(22). Supporting bus passes for pensioners with the support of local authorities
(60). Veterans to receives Veteran’s Card to ensure they’re supported in event of mental health care and more
(91). Safeguarding visitation rights for grandparents
Also, Manonclaphamomnibus’s socialist thoughts reminded me of the first time I came across Liberal fascism, which was before New Labour, and it was a film about a socialist regime that put to death everyone when they reached the age of 30.
The vilification of the older generation, in other words the elderly has been notable in the last few years in the media, most notably the Bbc. The belief that they, the older generation are somehow stealing the rightful fruit of the young has always been there ( well at least since the me generation in the 60s ) but it has grown from an underlying moan to a full on rant in recent years. The more the country allows the unwanted, unneeded foreigner to take root, the more the lack of space for all generations to co exist becomes apparent. The natural order of things starts to break up, the young demand the old go away. The old get frightened. The natural order is out of kilter. The bbc is a shameful promoter of hate for the elderly.
Where has this sudden “elderly bashing” sprung from? It’s not just the bBC. It is everywhere. Must be tied to education and the false sense of entitlement and their rights that the yoof have drummed into them. I find the socialist destruction of the responsibilities of the self on families and “community” truly scary. I was brought up to respect my elders, I fear that today we are one step away from pogroms againt anyone older than 50.
A lot of these “initiatives” commence in the United Nations. The language is disingenuous and ambiguous. Over several years, committees are formed to investigate, recommendations made. A report is issued, then whoosh: the idea is everywhere across the Western world, with support from left-leaning political parties, instant advocacy groups and generous media coverage.
Sunlight + water + Carbon Dioxide = food energy + oxygen
Sounds as though CO2 could be a good thing.
I wonder how that script meeting went…?
BBC Producer : ‘Dr Chris, this bit where you talk about food from sunlight, really love that… . er… Carbon Dioxide.. urmmm quite a long word that… maybe it’s two words… don’t want to confuse the audience at all.. so er.. we might need to save a second or two here on the timing… how about a quick cut from Carbone Dioxide to ‘gasses’? That ok Dr Chris?
One of my favourite explanations of greenhouse gasses concern the moon which at night is -110 C and during the day +130 C seeing as it’s our closest neighbour what is it that prevents the Earth swinging through such extremes?
The answer is greenhouse gases, which prevent the Earth becoming too warm while in the sun and too cool when out of it.
Ever noticed the difference in temperatures in winter between a cloudy night and a clear one? That’s greenhouse gases in action, because one of the greatest greenhouses gases is water vapour in the form of clouds.
Funny how they never seem to want to talk about the effect of clouds as greenhouse gas though !
The fact that the earth rotates pretty quickly (once a day I believe) also helps as it distributes the sun’s energy over the whole surface and allows all the surface to re-radiate the energy it received during the day away at night.
Sky News have a globe on just before 7 am showing world weather an temps. Regularly you will see a daily range of temperature on that globe of between 40 and 50 degrees C. Note daily range.
That’s why the BBC sacked Professor David Bellamy.
The CO2 and water vapour assumptions lead us down a blind alley that never produces an answer. So on the Earth, Nitrogen is the main Greenhouse Gas, and input from the Sun and a change to thermal inertia due to pressure as a precise function of altitude are all that is needed to calculate the atmospheric greenhouse effect, an answer to a question about the Greenhouse effect on all planetary atmospheres in the Solar System.
Clouds insulate like a blanket, especially at night, and especially when it comes to heat input in the Arctic winter. But Clouds also reflect solar radiation, the main cause of Climate Change. So you can see that the Arctic is the worse place to go to see currant trends in the Climate.
You could also look up “Grey body temperature”. The average temperature on the Moon is also the Grey body temperature, and the Cloud layer on Earth gives a different Grey body temperature above and blow the cloud layer, due to reflection.
In controlled experiments, if crops are grown in an enivronment where the amount of CO2 is doubled then many of them grow to twice the size. Want to solve the world food shortage? Start pumping additional CO2 into the atmosphere now as a priority…
“Five teenage girls from same school as three ISIS brides are given travel bans .
“Five teenage girls given travel bans all went to Bethnal Green Academy.
“Same London school as three girls who have already fled to join ISIS.
“Judge lifts order preventing the naming of the school in the public interest.”
Whoooaaaa Arthur that’s a new one on all of us. When it goes round enough times does the spring make it go the other way round too. That way it could re radiate or maybe absorb fairy dust. Science whaduyano!
Aye, lassie, and your mate Alex has already given us a preview:
‘The former First Minister says he will threaten to sabotage the first Budget of a minority Labour government unless Mr Balls accepts SNP demands for billions of pounds more spending ‘.
Yes revealing indeed. Like the way they simply describe James Purnell as having been elected a member of parliament without saying which party he was a member of, and if he is “Director, Strategy & Digital” then what does this guy do? Gautam Rangarajan, Director of Strategy
Why does the BBC need two directors of strategy? come to that why does it even need one ?
One comes up with one bonkers idea, and the other matches it. Then they end up doing something daft that costs the licence fee payer £100m and between them it only totals £700kpa to benefit from such expertise.
Of course they also do offer savings, as Alan Yentob’s double salary for doing ‘something’ reveals.
Just watched the embarrassing Newsnight, they started the programme with the Germanwings air crash. Not a word about the victims of this crime, it was a cheer leading exercise for the new common scourge of society…mental health issues, ably abetted by a brave liebour MP who campaigns on the issue.
Just recently I’ve never heard ‘mental health issues’ bandied about as much as it is, almost every show on the bbc has somebody who has mental health issues, it’s now the go to get out clause for everything, especially, it seems, for the yoof.
Lubitz was a psychopath, depression doesn’t make you want to kill 150 innocent men, women and children, what he has done is abhorrent, it is a crime that is hard to comprehend yet the bbc are already asking ‘is the pilot a monster or an innocent victim’. The rescuers haven’t even collected the bodies yet and the bbc are using the disaster for their purposes, the bbc are disgusting.
I knew a young man who committed suicide. He had enough thought left to travel a distance so that local news reports would not distress his parents more than his death, and he went to a railway bridge and jumped in front of a train.
Imagine the trauma for the train driver, and those who had to literally pick up the pieces.
On the mainline station at rush hour one man apologised to other commuters and then threw himself onto the tracks, only the train didn’t kill him, it cut his legs off spraying people on the platform with gore, and services on that line were suspended for the rest of the day.
I could go on & on with horrific examples of people being forced to end or attempt to end their own lives in what ever way they feel will be effective.
As a society I believe we need to allow people who want to end their lives to do so with some comfort and dignity. It is not up to others to oppress and decide this for us, and anyone who disagrees must ipso facto accept that the deaths caused in pursuit of suicide are collateral damage.
Allowing someone to end a life they feel is intolerable is a humane thing to do. Of course relevant psychological intervention and assessment must be available first, but at the end the final decision must lie with the individual.
“It is not up to others to oppress and decide this for us, and anyone who disagrees must ipso facto accept that the deaths caused in pursuit of suicide are collataral damage”
I suggest you read this carefully and reflect on what you have written. I have seldom come across so crass a statment- collataral damage ?
A terrible thing to say. In the end each one of us has responsibilty for our actions and that includes would be suicides. That never gives any of us the right to take innocent lives ever.
Everyone has the right to take their own life, but not to do so in a way that takes the life of anyone else. And they don’t have the right to get someone else to kill them – whether by lethal injection or driving a train.
For a few people life can be intolerable and suicide justifiable, but in too many cases suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
I never said that they had the right to take those lives, but I do believe that those who do oppose the right of people to end their lives with medical intervention, have some responsibility for those who are killed, injured or damaged in some other way by a suicide.
Yours is the usual blinkered thinking we always hear expressed. It has no insight or understanding of the mind of the person taking their life, and attempts to pass judgement from the perspective of the mentally healthy.
You think the consequences of the actions even enter the mind of the suicide? You think seriously that you are going to hold them to come kind of responsibility once they are dead ?
It is an inevitable fact that people will commit suicide, and in this day and age it is very difficult for them to do it without involving someone else.
So you either agree to let them end their lives with some dignity or you refuse and allow the situation to carry on as it is, and try to blame the suicide when they take someone with them, whilst all the time washing your hands of all blame & responsibility.
Just recently I’ve never heard ‘mental health issues’ bandied about as much as it is, almost every show on the bbc has somebody who has mental health issues, it’s now the go to get out clause for everything, especially, it seems, for the yoof.
Indeed. Years ago, people with ‘mental health issues’ tended to look.. er… depressed. Nowadays, they are gobby activists arrogantly demanding more ‘resources’.
There was an article some months ago saying the Tories wanted to reform benefits in this area. Seems ‘mental health issues’ is the new ‘bad back’. You can legally refuse treatment and the government still has to pay benefits. They were proposing to change that. You can see why ‘mental health issues’ might be attractive to some.
… the bbc are already asking ‘is the pilot a monster or an innocent victim’.
‘Didn’t receive adequate support’ is a recurring ‘narrative’. We had it this week applied to Clarkson. I’m sure he wouldn’t have been pleased to hear it!
I think it proves that the Labour Party are highly dependent on people with ‘mental health issues’, and are very worried that suicides are depleting the Labour vote, for the coming election.
It’s a tricky issue. You need people to be able to get help without endangering their livelihood. You also need to be able to remove people from their jobs, if they are a potential danger to others. I’m not sure what the answer is. There is also the additional issue to employees potentially faking illness if it means extended holiday convalescence.
The BBC are elevating him to this status. Had he lived, he would of course have become the Archbishop of Canterbury.
He was a drug dealer on way to shoot another drug dealer. Here’s a response from the BBC. Hindsight….could things have been done better…. did the police really have to kill him?
28/3/15 sat am
It will be a long haul for bias loggers from now until May 7th when it comes to national politics.
After Ed Miliband’s ‘car crash’ performance on live TV on Thursday, followed by his ostracism of locals (Friday 27th) in Rotherhithe, the BBC have on the BBC Home Page the headline:
Positive messaging for Labour, negative messaging for the Conservative Party for those voters who may not click on the links, or engage in the detail of our politics.
I watched Ed Miliband’s performance on C4 on Thursday evening. It was painful to watch a man so clearly out of his depth. I almost felt sorry for him. It was cringe worthy at times. The audience seemed to be laughing at him. If you can’t handle Paxman, how can you handle the responsibilities that the people entrust to its parliamentarians, especially the ultimate national responsibility of being our PM?
I have read on this blog that Newsnight (a program I often review), through Allegra Stratton, intimated that Ed Miliband did a good job? I’ll try to watch it on i-player to see how fair I think Allegra was. I was watching the impressive Steven Woolfe on QT and chatting with other interested parties.
This BBC subliminal and overt pro Labour propaganda assault will continue from these overpaid, underworked, undereducated distorters of facts, science, reality and our history and traditions. They’ve even adopted redder Labour branding on the web site for heaven’s sake! We can but record this ongoing bias.
“out of his depth”? …and Cameron isn t
If it wasn t for the right wing press, the Tory moneyboys, and being able to use insidious political pressure, to doctor things like these debates/figures … he d already be finished
Let’s include a report from the generally left-leaning freebie Evening Standard – some BBC metropolitan journo might just possibly have picked up a copy and stumbled on the story whilst on his way home after a hard days work at the ministry of truth.
‘Jihadi schoolgirl’s father marched at flag-burning rally’
‘Mr Hussen subsequently appeared before MPs and led appeals for the girls’ return while clutching Amira’s teddy bear — as the families blamed the authorities for failing to stop them.’
And the BBC lapped that up like manna from grievance heaven.
Here’s something I’ve just learned : Moslim heaven is called Janna.
“Dad of runaway Jihadi bride who ‘blamed everyone else’ caught at banned terror group rally.
“THE FATHER of a jihadi bride schoolgirl who blamed police after his teenage daughter absconded to join ISIS has been unmasked as an apparent radical who marched at an Islamist rally alongside hate preacher Anjem Choudary and Lee Rigby killer Michael Adebolajo.”
Mind you, it’s all cool because judging from this example from Rotherham the Pee Cee authorities would have had no problems with the parenting.
Culturally, the parent did at least have the right kind of hate politics.
As opposed to:
‘the social worker told her: “We would not have placed these children with you had we known you were members of UKIP because it wouldn’t have been the right cultural match.”
Be interesting how the politico-media estate respond to these revelations.
I am going with… moving on. Quick. Again. As with so many before that have unraveled.
From the ‘inquiry’ bandwagoneers who gave this fantasist a forum, to the police apologizing by rote simply because it was demanded, to those that plastered coverage of this teddy-toting tool’s fictional fairy tales everywhere with zero concern for substantiation, they should all be embarrassed and ashamed.
But they will simply go dark.
However the public who does learn of this, along with countless BBC fauxtography spun victim fictions from the ME, will simply trust them even less.
At least 39 civilians, including women and children, killed in first Saudi Arabian air strikes on Yemen.
Do you remember last summer’s endless, wall to wall BBC coverage of Israel’s air strikes in Gaza? Remember the gory, theatrical over-reporting? Remember the moral outrage that civilians were being killed?
So how can we explain the curiously muted BBC coverage of the Saudi air raids?
Currently BBC news online leads with an update in Nigeria’s forthcoming elections.
The BBC article about the “Yemen crisis” is way down the page. And only buried in the middle of the article is this single line;
“Since the air campaign began, at least 39 civilians – including six children under the age of 10 – have been killed”.
Is the BBC telling us that it’s OK for muslims to kill muslims, but very bad when Jews do it? (even when they’re defending themselves).
There may be better examples of BBC anti Israel bias, but right now I can’t think of any.
BBC Breakfast – After what 10 years ? you would have thought they would have found one ‘sport’ that Mike Bushell was good at – but nope he’s hopeless at them at all – it’s the lefty crap no matter how shit and un co-ordinated you are you too can play any sport
“£330,000 for working PART-TIME: Massive salary of BBC boss Alan Yentob who patronised the working class .
“Media grandee is paid £183,300-a-year for his role as creative director .
“Gets another salary as editor and presenter of programmes like Imagine.
“Came under fire this week for describing working classes as C2s and DEs.
“Was accused of being out of touch and arrogant for using technical terms.
“Lib Dem MP John Hemming has now called for his pay to be investigated.”
It’s OK it’s not real money. It’s just from the licence fee.
The punters have to pay it; it’s a criminal offence not to.
Besides, senior BBC liberal left executives need that level of pay, otherwise how could they afford their homes in Hampstead, holiday house in the Dordogne etc?
It’s morally OK to receive that sort of cash provided you’re left wing and campaign for a fairer society. Otherwise it would be wrong.
‘In an embarrassing series of letters, the BBC also struggled to explain what he does as creative director, claiming it is ‘highly specialised and bespoke role unique to him’.
Asked for Mr Yentob’s job description, it said that he was ‘a leading figure in the broadcast world’ but was unable to detail his duties.’
The BBC seems to a have a ‘Can’t ask; won’t tell policy’.
‘‘It sounds to me a lot like somebody who is a popular person within the BBC hierarchy getting a bung for just existing,’
Careful John, Andrew Bridgen knows what saying such things can do in a free-speaking democracy the BBC lords over.
Presuming that even if the NAO or PAC tried to find anything out, Lord Hall Hall and Rona will be using all BBC barrels to tell elected officials to back off unless they want BIJ/Newsnight set on them?
‘A BBC spokesman said: ‘As creative director, Alan oversees the BBC’s creative strategy…’
James Purnell and that other multi-hundred-k geezer assisting no doubt?
Given that he has been effectively sacked the BBC still seems to be promoting Clarkson as if they were promoing Top Gear’s next season. From the 25th of March The Jeremy Clarkson story
In fact there’s no need, the BBC have made Nicola Sturgeon’s up coming speech scheduled for later today completely unecessary.
Not only has the BBC wee lassie reporting on this event already given a bullet point summary of what will be said, but she goes further – she has used her own media training and background to carefully explain to we numpties just exactly what the SNP leader means to say to us.
She goes still further, she tells us how the speech will go down in the hall.
The only concession to the natural flow of events the BBC are willing to concede is that ‘we can’t say how the message will go down outside the hall’
Phew, such modesty there from the BBC.
Having said that, considering the BBC has brought us the message before the fact and will be bringing us the message after the fact, there’s a good chance they will have a pretty strong editorial line on how they think we ought to think about it – see if they don’t!
Interesting profile of David Cameron on Today this morning, which reflected my views of him to a great extent.
They compared him to Harold MacMillan a kind of caretaker who was very hands off and simply dealt with the day to day events as they arose.
I’d have compared him more with Chamberlain as a complete appeaser who completely failed to grasp the danger and may even have assisted his enemies.
The most telling thing was when one of his colleagues was asked “what do you think David Cameron wants to achieve as Prime Minister”? He answered “to win a second term” “he didn’t win against Gordon Brown and he doesn’t want to be beaten by Ed Milliband” !
Well if that’s all the ambition and conviction Cameron can manage then he doesn’t deserve to win a second term, and it’s no surprise than the Tories are doing so badly.
“… and simply dealt with the day to day events as they arose.”
Do you believe the complete mess and empty coffers that Labour left has just required a steady hand on the tiller as the ship of state drifted along in calm waters?
“Earth Hour”, apparently, some time today. Don’t forget to leave all your lights on, and whack up the thermostats, for Ban Ki Moon – it’s all in aid of common purpose, and UN Agenda 21, you know.
According to the internetmouseclicyweb it’s 8:30-9:30 tonight as I couldn’t give a toss and I don’t want to trip over either of our Maine coons (they can see in the dark I can’t) that’s a non event before it begins here.
Thanks for the reminder I’ll put every light on later outside the house too – was a lady down the pet store asking people to join the RSPB lots of pictures of pretty birds I was close to going to ask her why the RSPB supports wind farms that chomp up all the raptors but couldn’t be bothered
Not just the raptors, many have been located on the route of migrating birds and kill hundreds every year. The one time of “migrant” the leftards don’t want, after all they may sing from the trees in their huge gardens and keep them awake at night.
“The worrying extremist links to lawyer of jihadi schoolgirl’s father:
“Solicitor says Muslims shouldn’t co-operate with police and that Lee Rigby killer was ‘created’ by security services.
“Tasnime Akunjee blamed authorities for allowing jihadi schoolgirl to flee.
“Father of ‘jihadi bride’ attended rally with Lee Rigby killer, pictures show.
“Akunjee has previously said Muslims should not co-operate with the police.
“He posted a sickening cartoon on Facebook after the Charlie Hebdo attack.
“Lawyer also said security services ‘created’ Lee Rigby killer Adebolajo.”
Is this not treason from Akunjee? What are the chances we might as a nation collectively grow a pair and vote in some men and women to deal with this properly? I mean UKIP because Dave is no Tony Abbott or Stephen Harper.
While Beeboids’ global empire ensures that it excessively covers the minutea of this election, the big political picture is missing. E.g-
“Obama allies back pro-Sharia populist in Nigeria.
“In the dangerous last two years of Obama’s presidency, things could go from bad to worse.
“His allies are now backing a pro-Sharia populist in Nigeria’s presidential election, with potentially disastrous results.”
Positive discrimination – probably none were asked or were omitted in the edit, but unlike Clarkson we’ll never know what was left on the cutting room floor …
Funny enough that makes me realise I’ve seen something similar recently. Yes Royal visit the St. Stephen of Lawrence centre I noticed there is a “cropped” photo of the saint on the wall in the centre.
Horrible character assassination of Cameron on the BBS this morning on the Today program and again on Dateline London on the “news channel”. No attempt at impartiality during an election campaign, just what I expect from the Biased Broadcasting Company
I watched India’s Frontier Railways on the BBC. I was annoyed, but not surprised, to find that the corporation managed to blame the million deaths that followed partition on the British. The programme said that Ghandi predicted that there would be violence on a massive scale if India was partitioned and the state of Pakistand created. But the British went ahead and did it anyway. A British judge drew a line on a map that resulted in the a million deaths was what the programme wanted its viewers to believe.The implication clearly being that the enormous death toll was caused by the evil , uncaring British.
Not a single mention was made of the reason that India had to be partitioned was because the Muslims demanded that it was, despite the best efforts of the British and Ghandi to persuade them otherwise.Indeed Ghandi was assassinated because he was thought to be too willing to concede too much to Muslims by some Hindus. The cause of the bloodshed was Muslim intransigence not British callousness.
Why are the BBC so determined to undermine Britain at every turn? How are they allowed to get away with it? Who could stop them distorting , indeed re-writing, history to suit their leftist narrative? All the politicians are in fear of crossing the BBC. We are in the clutches of a monster that no one has the power to stop from pursuing its own leftist agenda.Once again the BBC brings me to the point of despair. My hatred of the BBC grows and grows. I truly see them as destroyers of our country and its culture. God rot them.
Anybody else noticed that when the bBC promotes a good children’s educational story, they always depict non-white children. But when the story is a negative one , the children are predominately…white: More pupils have mental health issues, say school staff
Yes Pounce we noticed that some considerable time ago, I’m pretty sure I noted it on the blog. BBc Breakfast is the worst for this but this “reporting style” also carries over to stories about adults to a degree.
One for the ‘In their own tweets’ (well, if it did a bit more than sit up there in the nav bar) on that always entertaining BBC topic of ‘balanced’ news….
Doing his duty.
But I think the Americans are more appreciative of their Police. Here, a cop is guilty until proved innocent. Probably doesn’t do a lot for morale.
Stop Press Moaners hour decides that the new Disney Cinderella is simply not politically correct enough for todays audience!
The story of a young girl reduced to a life of drudgery before being elevated to the status of princess is just not on and apparently it’s also ‘gender exclusive!’
Two harridans from the Grauniad were rolled out to moan about the Disney remake of the old story and completely missed the point of the story which is in fact a morality play about not giving up hope because things will get better – totally went over their heads.
Thanks for that, I enjoyed pointing out to them that all it means is it keeps a load of greeny nobodies in useless employment. All lights in the house all turned on for an hour too.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
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Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Amazingly Greater Manchester Political Correctness Enforcement Squad have put out this statement about a demonstration they are holding this weekend.
They will apparently: “will form a line, effectively standing together in support of our intolerance of hate crime and shared passion for integration and diversity.”
So nothing about their recent total failure and incompetence over the paedophile Pakistani Muslim gangs in Heywood then, and nothing about them having a ‘passion’ for preventing crime and arresting criminals !
Just to add to the total farce that GMPCES have become, the co-ordinating officer is one Sergeant Saville !
You just couldn’t make it up.
Oh, you could make it up and more in Manchester, I live there and the place is a lawless, crime filled, scum filled shit hole…otherwise known a a socialist utopia.
This is now the ‘powerhouse of the north’? Billions of pounds are going to be given to a bunch of liebour councils to spend as they see fit, GMPCES is just the start, groups like this will get all the funding they need, with the amount of people on benefits this ‘powerhouse’ will soon become a clapped out pump house.
Manchester is a divided city though, much as the Labour party is divided.
Pat Karney, Graham Stringer, Simon Danczuk, are Labour traditionalists, but Tony Lloyd is an out & out Fascist, and called so in the Daily Mail by Melanie Philips.
Unfortunately he is the one in charge of the Police which he has turned into a Political Correctness Enforcement Squad. Alas they are now touting him as the first Mayor, and people will vote for what ever Labour put up for election, so stuck in their ways are they they’d vote Myra Hindley in if she stood for Labour!
I note your interesting comment on the Labour Party in Manchester. Exactly the same situation exists in South Wales. When I was growing up there during the 1950’s and 1960’s, there was a saying to the effect that if you put up a donkey to stand for the Labour Party in the Rhondda, it would still be elected by a huge majority!! The result of this tribalism can be witnessed in the desolation of large parts of the South Wales industrial heartlands. Many people in Wales still try to sustain themselves with deluded dreams of the Labour Party when it genuinely represented the working man, King Coal and grainy black and white films of Barry John, Cliff Morgan, JPR Williams and Gareth Edwards in their heyday. This is very sad as it has prevented many people in Wales from embracing the future to their ultimate detriment. I know that this is a heresy, but the industrial part of South Wales might have been better off if the working class had embraced a guinely modern Social Democratic Party and ignored the game of rugby!!
That explains their motivation in helping their muslim friends rape and abuse schoolchildren!
After savile ,now it is panorama and elm street guest house
Here is one for you , it was posted earlier this month by the man on the …..
March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm
‘I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news.However,I am quite surprised by the lack of objectivity and reasoning. Instead of BBC bias all this site appears to be about is a number of individuals reinforcing their own extremely uninformed political outlook.’
Please note the ‘highly critical of BBC News’
Can I ask him to flesh out his point by advising what he sees “wrong” with BBC news (and current affairs?) for further discussion.
Most contributors on here believe it’s coverage is quite insidious in promoting the “Guardian” view, but Manon may be able to enlighten us to other aspects we might have overlooked.
I would say that your question is very interesting and worthy of a reply ? I am sure that we would all like to know what he thinks of the news service ?
Don’t encourage him, for Gawd’s sake…
Agree with Old Goat, especially on a Friday. If we don’t feed him he will find it harder to fill up the thread and might visit Guido instead.
‘Most contributors on here believe it’s coverage is quite insidious in promoting the “Guardian” view…’
A Guardian view epitomised by Mr Omnibus, despite his protestations.
Well it looks as if he is going to disappoint us although he’s on shift now .
As mentioned by others in the previous thread regards how the father of one of those poor innocent little school girls who mistakenly caught the wrong bus, to the wrong airport, to catch the wrong plane using the wrong passport to the wrong country in which to catch another incorrect bus in which to mistakenly enter Syria was allowed to play the victim card whilst blaming everybody bar himself for his pretty little girls attempt in which to lay on her back and think of……Allah:
‘Syria-bound’ girls: Amira Abase’s father ‘suspected nothing’
The father of one of three teenage girls, believed to have fled to Syria to join Islamic State, has said he had no idea that his daughter was planning to leave the UK….“Amira’s father, Abase Hussen, said there was nothing unusual about his daughter’s behaviour when he last saw her”.
What a sob story from the father of Amira Abase, why here’s a group photo from the bBC of the man in which to further promote the stance that he knew…Narfing.

However the nasty evil Daily Mail has done the work that any half decent journalist should do (You know like when the bBC has cameras ready on the search by police of Harry Webbs home) and found that the poor teddy carrying tear sheding UK Police blaming father isn’t as innocent as he and the bBC make out.
Father who blamed police for not stopping his daughter joining ISIS, attended 2012 rally led by hate preacher Anjem Choudary and attended by Lee Rigby killer
Footage has emerged showing the father of one of the three schoolgirl ‘jihadi brides’ at the head of an Islamist rally led by hate preacher Anjem Choudary and attended by Michael Adebowale, the killer of soldier Lee Rigby. The video shows Abase Hussen marching at the front of the demonstrators, behind a banner reading: ‘The followers of Mohammed will conquer America’. He was filmed chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’ amid dozens of protesters and standing just yards away as the American flag is burned.
So our poor father is just as bad as his little girl, and thus substantiates his statement (Above in bold):
“There was nothing unusual about his daughter’s behaviour when he last saw her”.
She was only doing as she saw her father doing and yet the bBC still plays the victim card for this terrorist apologist.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Islamic terrorism in the UK
So much for innocent school girls:

Travel ban teenage girls from Syria trio’s school
‘…..reporters argued it would be in the public ineterest’.
I wonder if that includes reporters from the Hope-Not-Hate compliant BBC?
Somehow, I don’t think so.
Oh, he knew “narfing” all right, the dirty rat:
But that would be the ‘lying’ Daily Mail, wouldn’t it, as recent new (and old – yes, that’s you Dez) Islam-defending visitors to this site have explained to us. Well explain this one away boys, the floor is yours….
NB don’t seem to be able to place this post beneath Pounce’s Mail story.
A typical ‘British’ type of family that Lib Lab Con want to see more of in the country.
Oh dear…….wonder how the cretins at the BBC will spin this….probably ignore it, didn’t happen, la la la…..they really are, poor, simple fools the Left.
By not showing front page of the Mail on there review of the papers. Check this on the website. The BBC must be made to explain this.
For the record, the frontpage headline of today’s ‘Daily Mail’ is:-
Move along, nothing to see here…
Utterly ridiculous.
They won’t the story will probably never appear any questions as to why will be fielded by the “Newsworthy” template reply.
With luck the scumbags will die there and lots lots lots more will be similarly “vulnerable” (aka Muslims) and go to join them and never come back.
Watch the skies here comes Paveway.
Ah…holding the ubiquitous teddy bear.
I wonder if it’s the same dog eared one used by Orla Guering and Jeremy Bowen in that Hamas shithole of Gaza? the one that appeared year after year sitting on top of a pile of rubble after another ‘terror’ strike by Israeli planes.
Or the same one clutched by the professional wailing Philistine wifey crying and flailing arms for the cameras and dry tit beating over the alleged loss of her murdering terrorist offspring?
And prefigured all those years ago by the brilliant Drop The Dead Donkey.
Yup if only someone hadnt invaded their country!
How many UN resolutions have the Israeli’s ignored.Remind me?
‘Their country’?
Not sure that is doing the British multiculti meme many favours.
Plus top moral equivalences, dude.
Mishal… is that you?
Gaza is “Jew Free”.
Their country, clapped out omnibus moron?….It is the Jews country, always has been, it was part of Judea, land of the Jews, it was 4000 yrs ago too. In 1917, the germans overflew the area, photographing, place was empty, a few tents, no ‘palestinians’… is a Roman name, and jews were the inhabitants….the ‘palestinians’ you refer to are a mixture of Jordanians, Lebanese, Yids, you name it, flooding in under the British….they are NOT palestinians….
“their country!” claphambusbomber “their country!”?
What an interesting concept and who ,prey tell, are ‘they’
Not those joos I’m guessing .
The UN is not God in deciding countries existence. Countries are created by force. The relative stability of the borders in the West give some people delusions. The UN is an obstacle to history when it places countries in aspic, frozen in some nation building, fixed bureacrocratically. Imagine what Africa would look like if the the West – and Soviet Union – had not enforced these arbitrary borders. The corrupt countries would have been taken by the more efficient. Proper nation building compared with nation building by committee. Rulers of these crony extractive nations must be delighted that their territorial control is guaranteed. Regarding Israel, this was a war for control of territory. Israel won; get over it. If the Arab nations can defeat Israel, so be it. By the by, there is no such thing as “international” law. We have agreements with no enforceability. The motions of the general assembly? There are many ridiculous ones that no one mentions.
“How Strong Is the Arab Claim to Palestine?”
By Lawrence Auster
( 2004).
Is he called Mohammed? Careful, that can carry a death sentence!
‘Abase Hussen, said there was nothing unusual about his daughter’s behaviour ‘
Perhaps there was, in fact, nothing all that unusual about her behaviour – given the apparent flag-burning anti-western norms of behaviour within the Hussen household.
Just to get a fix on your own position did you support the wars in Iraq and Afganistan and if so why?
Iraq is distinguished from Afghanistan. Iraq brought attack upon itsef because it failed the test of state craft. Germany failed by the same test. Bryan Magee demonstrated this methodology very well. Basically, after attacking Iran, threatening Saudi Arabia, annexing Kuwait, threatening Israel, interfering in Bahrain, etc, Iraq had no allies and many enemies. That’s a big fail so it was totally predictable and the question of who – rather than why – was the issue. Ultimately, the West was the Saudi’s mercenary force. Afghanistan was unjustified because no geopolitical value though Taliban stupid for not following Libya’s example and dissociating itself from terrorists.
More importantly Mr Bus Driver, do you support your own country ?
Excellent post. Thanks.
Given the amount of airtime the BBC gave this story – why no follow up?
After all these years, BBC and its political bias, 101…
BBC is still-
pro-European Union, pro-mass immigration, pro-Islam, pro-Labour Party, pro-Obama, pro-BBC licence tax, etc.
you forgot:
Pro Political Correctness (extremely)
Pro Climate change
Pro Efnik
Pro ‘uman rights
Pro failed asylum seekers
Pro Tax & spend
Pro London
Pro Gaza (anti Israel)
And I’m sure there’s an awful lot more !
They are also
anti English
anti the Military
Pro Welsh, Irish, Scots
and finally, very much pro noncing.
Well at least you can gain solace in the fact that you share your opinion with a large number of deluded followers. You have to recognise that your made up veiws are really a result of the fact that you just dont agree with any other opinions other than your own. Having said that the BBCs coverage IMO isnt bias its just plain deplorable. One example is the coverage and explanation of the economy which leaves anybody watching it it an utter state of confusion.
Indeed, they convey the impression that Labour are economically competent, which is highly confusing.
-for INBBC to censor?
-the latest Islamofascist massacre by Islamic jihad Al Shabaab-
“Shot dead as they try to swim for their lives: Al-Shabaab video shows civilians being forced into the sea, brutally gunned down and left to rot on the Somali beach.
“Al-Shabaab video shows militants coldly executing civilians with machine guns.
“Video shows graphic closeup footage of the dead bodies floating in the water.
“The victims all appear to be young unarmed men, captured near the Somali coast.”
Read more:
Where is the licence-fee financed BBC Somali Service on the above?
Do Muslim staff pick and choose what, and how, they report on Islamofascist Al Shabaab?
Nothing new here really…..Japanese troops shot down nurses they made wade out on the beach…..executed soldiers with samurais en masse….raped and bayonetted hospital patients and nurses in Singapore….etc…..we have not really moved on have we….
Also in Somalia:-
“Massacre as Muslim Al-Shabaab extremists storm Mogadishu hotel.
“Nine killed as four gunmen storm hotel popular with government officials.
“Earlier, a suicide bomber detonated explosives-laden car at the hotel gates.
“Police surrounded the hotel but came under fire from Al-Shabaab gunmen.
“Somalia’s al Qaeda-linked group has claimed responsibility for the attack.
“There remains an unknown number of hostages trapped inside the building.”
Read more:
In contrast, INBBC refers to no perpetrators in its headline; and to no Muslims in its report-
“Somalia hotel rocked by bomb and gunfight in Mogadishu”
You almost have to admire the skill with which the BBC news editor managed to avoid all the essential information, remove any hint of association with that medieval death cult, merely present it as “some people did something very bad somewhere”
Most of us are too honest and too perceptive, we would feel obliged to earn our journalists salary. Not the BBC, who pay an enormous premium to journos who are prepared to twist and deny shamelessly without remorse.
Its why the BBC is evil: it is the opposite of everything it claims to be, then denies it’s depravity.
Meant to post this earlier in the week.
The Today sports correspondent (Rob Bonnet, I think) was interviewing Greg Dyke about his determination to increase the quota of English players in Premier League squads from 8 to 12. Unless you hate football or have been living on Mars for the past couple of decades the need for action is bleedin obvious and well overdue.
Rob’s reaction: ‘Isn’t that a bit jingoistic?’
Had Rob been interviewing the Chairman of any other nation’s football chairman, including Wales, Scotland and Ireland, do you think for one moment he would have asked that question?
No, me neither. It’s coz weez English, innit.
I see the Evil Easton popping up on 6 o clock news , to put English devolution for Newcastle again . Trying to make it out what England wants , absolute garbage & lies . He is one of the worst, of an really Evil bunch .
I’m surprised Gregg Dykee didn’t point out that most of the foreign imports are ”hideously black”
The BBC have published this very strange and bizzare article about “hindsight” in relation to the shooting of Mark Doogan.
I’ve tried to make sense of it but the article is just gobbledygook and is really just an excuse for the BBC to try and have the last word on the matter. And still blame the police.
I noticed that once again they use the twisted terminology of “the policeman who KILLED Mark Doogan”.
Fair, balanced and unbiased wording would have been “shot”.
They then select one quote from a 13 week inquest which found that under the circumstances he had been lawfully shot.
The BBC just can’t help itself. In the fascinating series “India’s Frontier Railways” the opportunity to give the British a kicking was never resisted. Last night, for instance, many of the contributors were regretful concerning partition in 1947 since the border had divided the Punjab between India and what is now Pakistan. You can understand their regret since, in essence it’s the same country and the same people but – and here’s the rub – with different religions: Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism.
Concerning the Partition, the commentary jeered that “a British judge had drawn a line on a map” and voila a million had died and Gandhi was assassinated 3 months later. The clear – and deliberate – impression was that partition had occurred because the British wanted it and, in the usual uncaring and spiteful fashion of whitey’s Empire, some guy in the India Office in London had drawn a random “line on a map” to enforce it.
Nowhere was it mentioned that the prime movers for partition were Jinnah and the Muslim League. AFAIAA Gandhi and Congress wanted to keep India whole although accepted partition as a second-best solution to communal friction. Gandhi was murdered by a Hindu nutcase whose motivations apparently included Gandhi’s acceptance of partition but no-one I believe lays the blame for the assassination at the feet of the British (except, by implication, the BBC).
On the matter of frontiers, the Boundary Commission which decided on the borders “consisted of two Muslim and two non-Muslim judges with Sir Cyril Radcliffe as a common chairman” as explained here. Although Radcliffe was under severe pressure to finish the work in just 5 weeks and made some fairly sweeping arbitrary decisions, the process wasn’t simply “a British judge drawing a line on a map”. However, the relative failure of the process was one of the effects of the inordinate speed of independence acquiesced in by the Labour government in London and insisted on by Mountbatten. Mind you, Radcliffe’s subsequent conduct (he refused his fee and burned all his private papers connected with his work on the Commission) indicated that he thought that he had made a complete pig’s ear of his assignment.
“India’s Frontier Railways” is not a history lesson but, manifestly, history is a factor in India’s present borders and the creation of the states with which India has a frontier. However, the BBC suffers from an intellectual disease which has now morphed into a principle. The principle is that when explaining or describing historical developments in which the British were influential, such influence is almost always implicitly (as last night) or explicitly (as with the slave trade despite the unique British role in its abolition) cast as malign.
There is no vehicle too obscure for the BBC to use for promoting its Guardianista worldview.
From light drama to pop music to arts programmes on radio, from children’s programmes, to soaps, comedies and even sports broadcasts on television, the Great Work is continued and the message spread, hour by hour.
Good students of agitprop that they are, BBC producers realise that the most effective method of delivery is the sugared pill that the victim doesn’t even realise he is swallowing.
Yes, I saw part of a blurb for a “new” programme called something like “The way we used to dine”. Would I be too cynical to predict that this will be another variation on “hideously white and boring” fifties English cuisine enriched and rejuvenated by vibrant multicultural fare. From which we are supposed to conclude that every aspect of multiculturalism is “wholesome”
If that is the slant put on the programme, my retort would be that just because you like someone’s cooking, it doesn’t mean they have to live with you
Well said.
I Tried to watch an episode last week, knowing that a wonderful TV series could be made about Indian railways. I turned off in 10 minutes, Fascinating subject, superb photography utterly ruined with its overlay of cloying sickly ‘progressive’ and PC lecturing. ‘indians are all wonderful, as is their culture… English are all beastly’.
I remember when Labour rewrote the BBC Charter shortly after gaining power. The BBC diversity department expanded massively, and proudly boasted that diversity would not be regarded as an “add on” to programs, but would be integral and embedded within. Ithas given every area of BBC output an implicit political purpose and it makes much of it unwatchable for anyone dislikes being preached to.
In such a way has radio4extra been utterly destroyed. Of late I have discovered a number of podcasts that present dramas and book readings, mainly originating in the USA. Now I don’t need to have anything at all to do with the bbc. To paraphrase a sentiment their favourite religionists tend to chant, bbc go to hell.
John, Please let me defend R4E. They play some great old programmes from the days before political correctness. Ignore the crap, but please be greatful for the memories of the days when the Home Service was brilliant.
Fair point. Must have a listen as I heard some time ago they were playing uncensored repeats of ‘Round the Horne’.
What is also forgotton is that the reason India was partitioned is that the Muslims during WW2 demanded that if they didn’t get their own country they would side with the Japanese. When the Muslims felt that the British were dragging their feet, the Muslim leader Mohammed Jinnah responded by resorting to direct action. He did so by declaring August 16th 1946 as direct action day it was also a Friday the Muslim holy day. it is also know infamously as the Calcutta riots where Islamic gangs set upon the hindu population without provocation and murdered between 5000 and 10,000 Non Muslims. Because of this death toll and the spectre of further bloodshed , the partition of India was speeded up, however the Islamic bloodlust could not be contained and over 1 million people are thought to have been murdered during partition . All because Muslims just cannot live in peace with anybody.
24 years later when the Muslims of East Pakistan wanted to leave their union with West Pakistan, the West Pakistani murdered 1.5 million of their own people by calling them apostates.
Eh, all these inconvenient facts about Partition. Well done, lads, very instructive.
Meanwhile the BBC diehards i.e. all who work there and their defenders, will be convinced that had Partition not happened everyone would have lived together in perfect harmony…
Where is the BBCs disgust that two countries that are (mostly) the same people have spent the last 65 years fighting 3 wars, engaged in endless strife, killed untold numbers of people, spent shit loads of cash on weapons which their people do not need to attack each other for what ? Huge countries, Huge populations, that ought to live in peace and understanding. If ever there was a border that ought to be peaceful it’s this one, what the hell is their problem in living in peace ? The bbc won’t cast blame, will not show the local pigmy politicians for what they are.
I saw the programme. From memory, I think it stated “partition was Britain’s price for independence” – or something very similar.
Not bias just amazing incompetence. Hide de Hi is being re-run on BBC 2. A genuinely funny programme, 90% of the time and set in a 1960 holiday camp so we don’t have quotas.
What we do have are continuing cart before the horse episodes, for example on Wednesday we have the nasty camp commander, sent down by Joe Maplin getting his come uppence and leaving, yesterday we had him arriving! and today we get the middle episode!
Last week we had a body in the swimming pool and investigation (its a dummy with a knife in the back) at the very start of the prog. with subsequent police investigation and the next day finding the same body at the vey end.
As camp comic Ted Bovis would say ” The first rule of comedy, BBC, get your episodes in the right flaming order’
Most of it is side splitting
One quote from Ted in todays show, ‘The BBC they all a bunch of poofs!’
Casual. Careless. Arrogant.
Typical BBC.
It’s worth listening to the first part of today’s “Last Word”.
The first obituary was of Lee Kuan Yew. I almost switched off when they began with the comment on how Singapore joined Malaya “to throw off” British rule, but I’m glad that I stayed with it for an excerpt from a Lee Kuan Yew speech where he commented on why he had to lock up religious extremists, or the country would be in ruins.
There was also an item on Derek Chinnery; who found no evidence of misbehaviour when he investigated Jimmy Saville.
Any one who lived out there from the late 40s to the early 70s will remember how Great Britain protected Singapore and Malaysia from Indonesian Communist infiltration and aided the government during the race riots that were happening at the time of Lee Kuan Yew, for which the native population were very grateful. I am afraid Al Beeb is rewriting history ?
My friend from Singapore said today that Lee Kuan Yew wanted to stay united with Malaya but the Malayans insisted on Singapore leaving.
He really is regarded as the creator of modern Singapore and his funeral will be a major event.
Well you can tell your friend that the real ‘creator’ of Singapore was Sir Stamford Raffles
I did say “modern Singapore” so I think I am absolved of any verbal slip.
Ok granted, but I did say ‘creator’.
But Great Britain played a bigger part – a much bigger part . I am sure that there many ex servicemen that served out there who would agree with me.
All day BBC news bulletins have been leading with Labours promise that they will “stop the tide of privatisation within the NHS”. No explanation that this “tide” was merely a claim, and no attempt to examine its veracity. In fact under Labour 4.5% of the NHS budget was spent on private provision, it is now just slightly more at 6.1%. Hardly a tide.
Plus no explanation that the Labour spokesman making these claims, Andy Burnham, was one of the chief architects of putting NHS services out to private tender when health minister in the last Labour govt.
Labour is well and truly “weaponising” the NHS. And all with the full connivance of the BBC who are repeating what are quite simply lies without any hesitation.
When Labour brought in private sector companies to provide clinical services there was concern that G.P.s might not refer patients to them. To give the private sector an incentive to “compete” the companies were given contracts with a guaranteed level of income, no matter how little work they did. Even if they never saw a patient they would be paid the full amount for the contracted level of work. The money came from that paid to the local NHS hospital, who could still end up treating the patients – more work for less money.
This was “crony capitalism” of the worst sort, and it was under Labour.
Andrew Lansley was a disaster, but Alan Milburn was worse. Andy Burnham just carried on with the policy – hence his view that he didn’t do anything wrong. He was only obeying orders. But you’d never know any of this if you rely on the BBC for information.
Milburn also did more to privatise the NHS than any other Health Secretary. Before him the NHS was a single legal entity, so parts of it couldn’t be sold off. He introduced the policy of Foundation Trusts, each of which is a separate legal entity. Hospitals were told that if they didn’t become Foundation Trusts by the government’s deadline they would be given to another Foundation Trust. Hence the mad scramble to meet the conditions to become FTs, which meant hospitals run by accountants and management being distracted from the priorities of patient care. Not that you’d ever know from watching the BBC – to them everything was wonderful until 2010, and then disaster.
Anybody able to tell me how the hell Allegra Stratton was able to tell us all on Newsnight that Miliband had won the debate with Paxman etc.
I saw it-and it had only just finished by the time Stratton went to camera.
Dreadful bias-even Paxman worried about Miliband after the pummelling he`d given the rope-a-dope.
Not that any of it matters-but the bias is incredible-fantasy opinions pre-baked in advance from Guardian ex-hacks and BBC steeped dullards.
Note too how the BBC chose to use soundbites-any involving Cameron dwelled on his “apologies, admissions of failures”-any involving Miliband dwelled on the personal triumphs of loving his mum, and him saying-hell yeah, I`m a pretty resilient kinda guy.
Puff pastry confections for new Labor, by New Labor, for New Labor.
Remind me again-why are we paying for this lefty slurry?
Allegro = Useless, piggy looking embarrassment to Britain.
Allegra? Something similar.
Watched 5 minutes of the debate, got bored, turned off.
Camoron ” I dunno how much we borrowed.”
Gromet ” ” Our immigration policy was a mistake.” No it wasn’t. it was a deliberate plan to socially engineer Britain.
No wonder, there is so much Cameron debate dodging, so much dummy spitting by the Tory moneyboys, when they can t get their own way … Camoron is patently a liability.
A genuine debate would just about finish him, and much the same way with Osborne.
So … they will whine and scheme, and manipulate, and smear.
a … disgrace.
The Last Ever Top Gear –
Genius! LOL!
Don’t worry Top Gear will go to SKY or ITV.
This is well worth a read:
Classic BBC double bind-so cue tumbleweed.
It`s illegal, discriminatory to stigmatise mental health survivors-their episodes are NOT to be taken as excuses to remove, reduce or prejudice any efforts of theirs to work and be economically active.
Yet, the German pilot kills 149 people as well as his own worthless self…er,..
Ah well, make some dim new laws that prevent THIS set of circumstances happening again-let the other million combinations create new laws, new chances to sue Lufthansa and claim compo.
BBC solutions to everything-agitate, create laws, victimhood movements and-yes, sue Big Business.
I tagged this on the end of the last blog, so I’ll repeat this here. We all know what a tizzy the BBc gets in when people use “bad” words. Vietnamese era “bad” a bad word that is not even said or broadcast. Imagine my surprise when the BBc finds fit to let a member of the public do so on the 6 o’clock news. On some none story about devolution to local areas they broad cast a member of the public expressing her wish to not be joined up with the “Mackems” I.e. the population of Sunderland. I’ve always considered this to be a derogatory term to those of us from Sunderland and have therefore made yet another complaint to the BBc
Story is dropped on 22:00 news.
There’s a good reason I don’t go to Hartlepool

Study queries monkey legend roots
Folklore says a French ship was wrecked off Hartlepool in the Napoleonic Wars. A monkey found in the water was hanged by fishermen fearing it was a spy.The “monkey-hangers” legend was adopted by the town.
And there I was expecting a picture of Peter Mandelson.
Oh, hang on….
Mark Easton on the housing shortage:
The reason we need so many extra homes is due to household formation: the elderly are living longer and, increasingly, in their own homes; relationship breakdown has created a big demand for more single-person homes; high levels of net-migration puts pressure on housing supply; we are living through something of a baby boom which increases demand for new family homes.
Well; at least it’s in there. Only third on the list, but hey! that’s an improvement! Bit vague on the cause of the final point, mind you. I wonder why there’s a baby boom?
BBC bias at its subtle best.
‘high levels of net-migration’ should have been top of his list ! Primarily, he blames the ‘elderly’. Al Beeb needs to face up to the truth and admit its bias. One day there will be a judicial inquiry into its management .
Yes, expect the ‘elderley’ to be on the receiving end if Labour win.
‘Give us yer feckin’ houses!’
How can you have a ‘high level of net-migration’?
What a meaningless weasel term to avoid saying ‘high level of immigration’!
Mark Easton is the worst of a bad bunch. He is also lazy and can be heard coming a mile off.
The elderly have several faults.
1) They don’t die so their homes can’t be used by younger people
2) They suffer from illnesses and need more NHS resources
3) They vote Tory.
The last is by far the worst.
3. Only the ones with dementia will vote tory.
Vote UKIP. Common Sense.
Apparently UKIP are gonna kill everyone over 65. That’s what I heard anyway.
Your comment is neither constructive, nor adult.
I think you will find that its Labour who are ‘gunning’ for the old.
Or ‘bed blockers’ as Labour refer to them, when they haven’t got the good manners to die and allow the state to steal their children’s inheritance through the immoral inheritance tax.
Or Labour who blame the old for occupying the homes that they’ve worked for all their lives that should be given to some of the people who choose to waltz into britain without the people’s consent only to find we have a housing shortage (one wonders why).
The old however, care about the young. That’s why many will have the good sense to vote UKIP.
‘bed blockers’ – one of the most repugnant phrases I’ve every heard. The people that fought the Nazis, built the NHS and rebuilt the nation are now ‘bed blockers’. Why won’t they just die?
Pedantic maybe but I have noticed that the left leaning have replaced “going to ” with the very ugly “gonna”. Is there a reason for this or is it just the general lack of respect for our culture and language that is endemic in the behaviour of the current liberal ascendancy?
A suitable punishment would be compulsory reading of the King James Bible for one hour every day.
Followed by three hours of being beaten over the head with it.
I can see that the ‘night shift Duty Officer’ is is back on again.
That was a standard piece of lying biased libel from a BBC Executive, that you heard, Manonclaphamomnibus
These are some UKIP Policies:
(5). Pay greater attention to elderly care across the country
(13). Establishing a Veteran’s Administration to look after those who looked after us
(22). Supporting bus passes for pensioners with the support of local authorities
(60). Veterans to receives Veteran’s Card to ensure they’re supported in event of mental health care and more
(91). Safeguarding visitation rights for grandparents
Also, Manonclaphamomnibus’s socialist thoughts reminded me of the first time I came across Liberal fascism, which was before New Labour, and it was a film about a socialist regime that put to death everyone when they reached the age of 30.
Logan`s Run starring Jenny Agutter .
jenny agutter, mmmmmm.
No surely that’s your glorious leader Uncle Ed
The vilification of the older generation, in other words the elderly has been notable in the last few years in the media, most notably the Bbc. The belief that they, the older generation are somehow stealing the rightful fruit of the young has always been there ( well at least since the me generation in the 60s ) but it has grown from an underlying moan to a full on rant in recent years. The more the country allows the unwanted, unneeded foreigner to take root, the more the lack of space for all generations to co exist becomes apparent. The natural order of things starts to break up, the young demand the old go away. The old get frightened. The natural order is out of kilter. The bbc is a shameful promoter of hate for the elderly.
Where has this sudden “elderly bashing” sprung from? It’s not just the bBC. It is everywhere. Must be tied to education and the false sense of entitlement and their rights that the yoof have drummed into them. I find the socialist destruction of the responsibilities of the self on families and “community” truly scary. I was brought up to respect my elders, I fear that today we are one step away from pogroms againt anyone older than 50.
A lot of these “initiatives” commence in the United Nations. The language is disingenuous and ambiguous. Over several years, committees are formed to investigate, recommendations made. A report is issued, then whoosh: the idea is everywhere across the Western world, with support from left-leaning political parties, instant advocacy groups and generous media coverage.
I’d guess you wouldn’t have to dig very deep before you find Agenda 21 lurking like a buried turd – a giant one from your worst nightmares…
The Truth About Calories…. but not, perhaps, the whole truth?
Dr Chris van Tulleken gives us a cheerful unstodgy reasonably satisfying BBC1 helping of food info yesterday.
He starts from basics inviting us to join him in a potato field to tell us how, in a marvellous process, plants convert sunlight into food.
Just sunlight and some gasses are all the ingredients required we are told. Some ‘gasses’.
What were those mysterious gasses?
That had me thinking back to my ‘o’ levels.
Oh yeah that was it:
Sunlight + water + Carbon Dioxide = food energy + oxygen
Sounds as though CO2 could be a good thing.
I wonder how that script meeting went…?
BBC Producer : ‘Dr Chris, this bit where you talk about food from sunlight, really love that… . er… Carbon Dioxide.. urmmm quite a long word that… maybe it’s two words… don’t want to confuse the audience at all.. so er.. we might need to save a second or two here on the timing… how about a quick cut from Carbone Dioxide to ‘gasses’? That ok Dr Chris?
One of my favourite explanations of greenhouse gasses concern the moon which at night is -110 C and during the day +130 C seeing as it’s our closest neighbour what is it that prevents the Earth swinging through such extremes?
The answer is greenhouse gases, which prevent the Earth becoming too warm while in the sun and too cool when out of it.
Ever noticed the difference in temperatures in winter between a cloudy night and a clear one? That’s greenhouse gases in action, because one of the greatest greenhouses gases is water vapour in the form of clouds.
Funny how they never seem to want to talk about the effect of clouds as greenhouse gas though !
The fact that the earth rotates pretty quickly (once a day I believe) also helps as it distributes the sun’s energy over the whole surface and allows all the surface to re-radiate the energy it received during the day away at night.
Sky News have a globe on just before 7 am showing world weather an temps. Regularly you will see a daily range of temperature on that globe of between 40 and 50 degrees C. Note daily range.
That’s why the BBC sacked Professor David Bellamy.
The CO2 and water vapour assumptions lead us down a blind alley that never produces an answer. So on the Earth, Nitrogen is the main Greenhouse Gas, and input from the Sun and a change to thermal inertia due to pressure as a precise function of altitude are all that is needed to calculate the atmospheric greenhouse effect, an answer to a question about the Greenhouse effect on all planetary atmospheres in the Solar System.
Clouds insulate like a blanket, especially at night, and especially when it comes to heat input in the Arctic winter. But Clouds also reflect solar radiation, the main cause of Climate Change. So you can see that the Arctic is the worse place to go to see currant trends in the Climate.
You could also look up “Grey body temperature”. The average temperature on the Moon is also the Grey body temperature, and the Cloud layer on Earth gives a different Grey body temperature above and blow the cloud layer, due to reflection.
In controlled experiments, if crops are grown in an enivronment where the amount of CO2 is doubled then many of them grow to twice the size. Want to solve the world food shortage? Start pumping additional CO2 into the atmosphere now as a priority…
Too much could be a headache, mind.
Not for BBC ‘Education’ pages:-
“Studying jihad?
“Why Britain’s universities produce so many radical Islamists.”
-Also for BBC ‘Education’ to censor-
“Five teenage girls from same school as three ISIS brides are given travel bans .
“Five teenage girls given travel bans all went to Bethnal Green Academy.
“Same London school as three girls who have already fled to join ISIS.
“Judge lifts order preventing the naming of the school in the public interest.”
Whoooaaaa Arthur that’s a new one on all of us. When it goes round enough times does the spring make it go the other way round too. That way it could re radiate or maybe absorb fairy dust. Science whaduyano!
Either your shift ended and you missed it or you don’t have a life, your call.
Nurse! He’s chewed through the straps again.
The BBC are very fond of the SNP.
I understand that the highest paid politician in Britain is Nicola Sturgeon at £144,000.00 pa. More than the PM.
Who organised this disaster?
144? That’s gross
I’ll get me coat………
144K that is fandabbydozy.
‘The SNP’s leader promised her party would reform the “discredited Westminster system” for ordinary people, wherever they lived in the UK.’
Aye, lassie, and your mate Alex has already given us a preview:
‘The former First Minister says he will threaten to sabotage the first Budget of a minority Labour government unless Mr Balls accepts SNP demands for billions of pounds more spending ‘.
The same people that ordered the Scottish Parliament to be 100% bigger in every dimension, thus increasing the cost by 1,000%?
Updated less than 10 days ago, the complete list of BBC earning more than £150K. There are quite a lot of them.
In alphabetical order by surname.
Very revealing. Thanks for posting.
On a slightly different note, the Head of Haringey Council (Tottenham), earns more than the PM.
As do very many others:
Yes revealing indeed. Like the way they simply describe James Purnell as having been elected a member of parliament without saying which party he was a member of, and if he is “Director, Strategy & Digital” then what does this guy do? Gautam Rangarajan, Director of Strategy
Why does the BBC need two directors of strategy? come to that why does it even need one ?
One comes up with one bonkers idea, and the other matches it. Then they end up doing something daft that costs the licence fee payer £100m and between them it only totals £700kpa to benefit from such expertise.
Of course they also do offer savings, as Alan Yentob’s double salary for doing ‘something’ reveals.
Just watched the embarrassing Newsnight, they started the programme with the Germanwings air crash. Not a word about the victims of this crime, it was a cheer leading exercise for the new common scourge of society…mental health issues, ably abetted by a brave liebour MP who campaigns on the issue.
Just recently I’ve never heard ‘mental health issues’ bandied about as much as it is, almost every show on the bbc has somebody who has mental health issues, it’s now the go to get out clause for everything, especially, it seems, for the yoof.
Lubitz was a psychopath, depression doesn’t make you want to kill 150 innocent men, women and children, what he has done is abhorrent, it is a crime that is hard to comprehend yet the bbc are already asking ‘is the pilot a monster or an innocent victim’. The rescuers haven’t even collected the bodies yet and the bbc are using the disaster for their purposes, the bbc are disgusting.
I knew a young man who committed suicide. He had enough thought left to travel a distance so that local news reports would not distress his parents more than his death, and he went to a railway bridge and jumped in front of a train.
Imagine the trauma for the train driver, and those who had to literally pick up the pieces.
On the mainline station at rush hour one man apologised to other commuters and then threw himself onto the tracks, only the train didn’t kill him, it cut his legs off spraying people on the platform with gore, and services on that line were suspended for the rest of the day.
I could go on & on with horrific examples of people being forced to end or attempt to end their own lives in what ever way they feel will be effective.
As a society I believe we need to allow people who want to end their lives to do so with some comfort and dignity. It is not up to others to oppress and decide this for us, and anyone who disagrees must ipso facto accept that the deaths caused in pursuit of suicide are collateral damage.
Allowing someone to end a life they feel is intolerable is a humane thing to do. Of course relevant psychological intervention and assessment must be available first, but at the end the final decision must lie with the individual.
Suicide bombers excepted of course.
“It is not up to others to oppress and decide this for us, and anyone who disagrees must ipso facto accept that the deaths caused in pursuit of suicide are collataral damage”
I suggest you read this carefully and reflect on what you have written. I have seldom come across so crass a statment- collataral damage ?
A terrible thing to say. In the end each one of us has responsibilty for our actions and that includes would be suicides. That never gives any of us the right to take innocent lives ever.
Everyone has the right to take their own life, but not to do so in a way that takes the life of anyone else. And they don’t have the right to get someone else to kill them – whether by lethal injection or driving a train.
For a few people life can be intolerable and suicide justifiable, but in too many cases suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
I never said that they had the right to take those lives, but I do believe that those who do oppose the right of people to end their lives with medical intervention, have some responsibility for those who are killed, injured or damaged in some other way by a suicide.
Yours is the usual blinkered thinking we always hear expressed. It has no insight or understanding of the mind of the person taking their life, and attempts to pass judgement from the perspective of the mentally healthy.
You think the consequences of the actions even enter the mind of the suicide? You think seriously that you are going to hold them to come kind of responsibility once they are dead ?
It is an inevitable fact that people will commit suicide, and in this day and age it is very difficult for them to do it without involving someone else.
So you either agree to let them end their lives with some dignity or you refuse and allow the situation to carry on as it is, and try to blame the suicide when they take someone with them, whilst all the time washing your hands of all blame & responsibility.
Your reasoning eludes me. In particular your last paragraph. I cannot engage with reasoning like this. It is nonsense.
Just recently I’ve never heard ‘mental health issues’ bandied about as much as it is, almost every show on the bbc has somebody who has mental health issues, it’s now the go to get out clause for everything, especially, it seems, for the yoof.
Indeed. Years ago, people with ‘mental health issues’ tended to look.. er… depressed. Nowadays, they are gobby activists arrogantly demanding more ‘resources’.
There was an article some months ago saying the Tories wanted to reform benefits in this area. Seems ‘mental health issues’ is the new ‘bad back’. You can legally refuse treatment and the government still has to pay benefits. They were proposing to change that. You can see why ‘mental health issues’ might be attractive to some.
… the bbc are already asking ‘is the pilot a monster or an innocent victim’.
‘Didn’t receive adequate support’ is a recurring ‘narrative’. We had it this week applied to Clarkson. I’m sure he wouldn’t have been pleased to hear it!
I think it proves that the Labour Party are highly dependent on people with ‘mental health issues’, and are very worried that suicides are depleting the Labour vote, for the coming election.
It’s a tricky issue. You need people to be able to get help without endangering their livelihood. You also need to be able to remove people from their jobs, if they are a potential danger to others. I’m not sure what the answer is. There is also the additional issue to employees potentially faking illness if it means extended
holidayconvalescence.Always illuminating and humorous
Bowe Jest (Beau Geste)
M Steyn
Steyn: President Knew Truth on Bergdahl
Facts were there for Obama to see
oops nearly forgot
erm …
Goodbye? … Mr Chipping? 😀
Saint Duggan of Tottenham.
The BBC are elevating him to this status. Had he lived, he would of course have become the Archbishop of Canterbury.
He was a drug dealer on way to shoot another drug dealer. Here’s a response from the BBC. Hindsight….could things have been done better…. did the police really have to kill him?
Their tone is obvious and unrelenting.
The BBC consistently seem to get the spelling of Mark Thuggan’s name wrong.
28/3/15 sat am
It will be a long haul for bias loggers from now until May 7th when it comes to national politics.
After Ed Miliband’s ‘car crash’ performance on live TV on Thursday, followed by his ostracism of locals (Friday 27th) in Rotherhithe, the BBC have on the BBC Home Page the headline:
“Labour to cap profits in NHS”
“Tory benefit cut options leaked”
Positive messaging for Labour, negative messaging for the Conservative Party for those voters who may not click on the links, or engage in the detail of our politics.
I watched Ed Miliband’s performance on C4 on Thursday evening. It was painful to watch a man so clearly out of his depth. I almost felt sorry for him. It was cringe worthy at times. The audience seemed to be laughing at him. If you can’t handle Paxman, how can you handle the responsibilities that the people entrust to its parliamentarians, especially the ultimate national responsibility of being our PM?
I have read on this blog that Newsnight (a program I often review), through Allegra Stratton, intimated that Ed Miliband did a good job? I’ll try to watch it on i-player to see how fair I think Allegra was. I was watching the impressive Steven Woolfe on QT and chatting with other interested parties.
This BBC subliminal and overt pro Labour propaganda assault will continue from these overpaid, underworked, undereducated distorters of facts, science, reality and our history and traditions. They’ve even adopted redder Labour branding on the web site for heaven’s sake! We can but record this ongoing bias.
“out of his depth”? …and Cameron isn t
If it wasn t for the right wing press, the Tory moneyboys, and being able to use insidious political pressure, to doctor things like these debates/figures … he d already be finished…he sure fooled the bbc with his mr innocent act.
Yes, let’s go with ‘fooled’.
The Daily Mail… that ghastly hate rag!
Let’s include a report from the generally left-leaning freebie Evening Standard – some BBC metropolitan journo might just possibly have picked up a copy and stumbled on the story whilst on his way home after a hard days work at the ministry of truth.
‘Jihadi schoolgirl’s father marched at flag-burning rally’
‘Mr Hussen subsequently appeared before MPs and led appeals for the girls’ return while clutching Amira’s teddy bear — as the families blamed the authorities for failing to stop them.’
And the BBC lapped that up like manna from grievance heaven.
Here’s something I’ve just learned : Moslim heaven is called Janna.
Manna from Janna
And Keith Vas has issued a statement apologising to the police, in our dreams
‘Daily Express’-
“Dad of runaway Jihadi bride who ‘blamed everyone else’ caught at banned terror group rally.
“THE FATHER of a jihadi bride schoolgirl who blamed police after his teenage daughter absconded to join ISIS has been unmasked as an apparent radical who marched at an Islamist rally alongside hate preacher Anjem Choudary and Lee Rigby killer Michael Adebolajo.”
Mind you, it’s all cool because judging from this example from Rotherham the Pee Cee authorities would have had no problems with the parenting.
Culturally, the parent did at least have the right kind of hate politics.
As opposed to:
‘the social worker told her: “We would not have placed these children with you had we known you were members of UKIP because it wouldn’t have been the right cultural match.”
Mulitculturalism, eh? Sometimes it’s hard not to think that Labour deliberately lit the blue touchpaper and then just stood well back.
Be interesting how the politico-media estate respond to these revelations.
I am going with… moving on. Quick. Again. As with so many before that have unraveled.
From the ‘inquiry’ bandwagoneers who gave this fantasist a forum, to the police apologizing by rote simply because it was demanded, to those that plastered coverage of this teddy-toting tool’s fictional fairy tales everywhere with zero concern for substantiation, they should all be embarrassed and ashamed.
But they will simply go dark.
However the public who does learn of this, along with countless BBC fauxtography spun victim fictions from the ME, will simply trust them even less.
At least 39 civilians, including women and children, killed in first Saudi Arabian air strikes on Yemen.
Do you remember last summer’s endless, wall to wall BBC coverage of Israel’s air strikes in Gaza? Remember the gory, theatrical over-reporting? Remember the moral outrage that civilians were being killed?
So how can we explain the curiously muted BBC coverage of the Saudi air raids?
Currently BBC news online leads with an update in Nigeria’s forthcoming elections.
The BBC article about the “Yemen crisis” is way down the page. And only buried in the middle of the article is this single line;
“Since the air campaign began, at least 39 civilians – including six children under the age of 10 – have been killed”.
Is the BBC telling us that it’s OK for muslims to kill muslims, but very bad when Jews do it? (even when they’re defending themselves).
There may be better examples of BBC anti Israel bias, but right now I can’t think of any.
BBC News – Yemen crisis: Saudis lead fresh air strikes on Houthis
BBC Breakfast – After what 10 years ? you would have thought they would have found one ‘sport’ that Mike Bushell was good at – but nope he’s hopeless at them at all – it’s the lefty crap no matter how shit and un co-ordinated you are you too can play any sport
Yes but the Israelis aren’t paying Western Politicians massive amounts of money to buy their support !
“£330,000 for working PART-TIME: Massive salary of BBC boss Alan Yentob who patronised the working class .
“Media grandee is paid £183,300-a-year for his role as creative director .
“Gets another salary as editor and presenter of programmes like Imagine.
“Came under fire this week for describing working classes as C2s and DEs.
“Was accused of being out of touch and arrogant for using technical terms.
“Lib Dem MP John Hemming has now called for his pay to be investigated.”
Read more:
It’s OK it’s not real money. It’s just from the licence fee.
The punters have to pay it; it’s a criminal offence not to.
Besides, senior BBC liberal left executives need that level of pay, otherwise how could they afford their homes in Hampstead, holiday house in the Dordogne etc?
It’s morally OK to receive that sort of cash provided you’re left wing and campaign for a fairer society. Otherwise it would be wrong.
A few now well-loved Beebisms to treasure…
‘In an embarrassing series of letters, the BBC also struggled to explain what he does as creative director, claiming it is ‘highly specialised and bespoke role unique to him’.
Asked for Mr Yentob’s job description, it said that he was ‘a leading figure in the broadcast world’ but was unable to detail his duties.’
The BBC seems to a have a ‘Can’t ask; won’t tell policy’.
‘‘It sounds to me a lot like somebody who is a popular person within the BBC hierarchy getting a bung for just existing,’
Careful John, Andrew Bridgen knows what saying such things can do in a free-speaking democracy the BBC lords over.
Presuming that even if the NAO or PAC tried to find anything out, Lord Hall Hall and Rona will be using all BBC barrels to tell elected officials to back off unless they want BIJ/Newsnight set on them?
‘A BBC spokesman said: ‘As creative director, Alan oversees the BBC’s creative strategy…’
James Purnell and that other multi-hundred-k geezer assisting no doubt?
good post.
Yentob isn’t just on the gravy train, he owns the entire network, rolling stock etc
“Why Losing Clarkson is the BBC’s Biggest Mistake Since Keeping Jimmy Savile”
By James Delingpole.
That is a very good article by Delingpole.
Given that he has been effectively sacked the BBC still seems to be promoting Clarkson as if they were promoing Top Gear’s next season. From the 25th of March The Jeremy Clarkson story
See You, Jimmy ?
In fact there’s no need, the BBC have made Nicola Sturgeon’s up coming speech scheduled for later today completely unecessary.
Not only has the BBC wee lassie reporting on this event already given a bullet point summary of what will be said, but she goes further – she has used her own media training and background to carefully explain to we numpties just exactly what the SNP leader means to say to us.
She goes still further, she tells us how the speech will go down in the hall.
The only concession to the natural flow of events the BBC are willing to concede is that ‘we can’t say how the message will go down outside the hall’
Phew, such modesty there from the BBC.
Having said that, considering the BBC has brought us the message before the fact and will be bringing us the message after the fact, there’s a good chance they will have a pretty strong editorial line on how they think we ought to think about it – see if they don’t!
Interesting profile of David Cameron on Today this morning, which reflected my views of him to a great extent.
They compared him to Harold MacMillan a kind of caretaker who was very hands off and simply dealt with the day to day events as they arose.
I’d have compared him more with Chamberlain as a complete appeaser who completely failed to grasp the danger and may even have assisted his enemies.
The most telling thing was when one of his colleagues was asked “what do you think David Cameron wants to achieve as Prime Minister”? He answered “to win a second term” “he didn’t win against Gordon Brown and he doesn’t want to be beaten by Ed Milliband” !
Well if that’s all the ambition and conviction Cameron can manage then he doesn’t deserve to win a second term, and it’s no surprise than the Tories are doing so badly.
clever wording: he beat Gordon Brown by miles; he may not have won the election outright but he had lapped Brown and more before the finish line.
Well it was a Tory who said it so I doubt he had the intention to use ‘clever words’.
“… and simply dealt with the day to day events as they arose.”
Do you believe the complete mess and empty coffers that Labour left has just required a steady hand on the tiller as the ship of state drifted along in calm waters?
“Earth Hour”, apparently, some time today. Don’t forget to leave all your lights on, and whack up the thermostats, for Ban Ki Moon – it’s all in aid of common purpose, and UN Agenda 21, you know.
According to the internetmouseclicyweb it’s 8:30-9:30 tonight as I couldn’t give a toss and I don’t want to trip over either of our Maine coons (they can see in the dark I can’t) that’s a non event before it begins here.
Lovely cat, the Maine Coon. My sister has one. (OT but true).
We have 2 the oldest is 3 & weighs just over 8Kg.
Thanks for the reminder I’ll put every light on later outside the house too – was a lady down the pet store asking people to join the RSPB lots of pictures of pretty birds I was close to going to ask her why the RSPB supports wind farms that chomp up all the raptors but couldn’t be bothered
Not just the raptors, many have been located on the route of migrating birds and kill hundreds every year. The one time of “migrant” the leftards don’t want, after all they may sing from the trees in their huge gardens and keep them awake at night.
“time” should have been “type”. Should have re-read properly.
Also for Islam Not BBC (INBBC) to censor:-
“The worrying extremist links to lawyer of jihadi schoolgirl’s father:
“Solicitor says Muslims shouldn’t co-operate with police and that Lee Rigby killer was ‘created’ by security services.
“Tasnime Akunjee blamed authorities for allowing jihadi schoolgirl to flee.
“Father of ‘jihadi bride’ attended rally with Lee Rigby killer, pictures show.
“Akunjee has previously said Muslims should not co-operate with the police.
“He posted a sickening cartoon on Facebook after the Charlie Hebdo attack.
“Lawyer also said security services ‘created’ Lee Rigby killer Adebolajo.”
Read more:
Jihadi schoolgirl and her militant father.”
Read more:
I subscribe to a daily feed of paper headlines. It is interesting that as the BBC cannot find space to feature the DM story:
They can:
In passing I noticed they however did not have The Times or The Sun. Seems a legal block in place.
Not a problem with the BBC, clearly.
Maybe the DM does? Or the BBC does with them.
Is this not treason from Akunjee? What are the chances we might as a nation collectively grow a pair and vote in some men and women to deal with this properly? I mean UKIP because Dave is no Tony Abbott or Stephen Harper.
Nigeria elections.
While Beeboids’ global empire ensures that it excessively covers the minutea of this election, the big political picture is missing. E.g-
“Obama allies back pro-Sharia populist in Nigeria.
“In the dangerous last two years of Obama’s presidency, things could go from bad to worse.
“His allies are now backing a pro-Sharia populist in Nigeria’s presidential election, with potentially disastrous results.”
Six year olds review 1980s computer games. Not a single white face in it. Diversity it seems only works one way.
Hardly reflective of the amusement halls I used to frequent playing similar machines circa 1980/81.
Probably not reflective of those same amusement halls in 1989 either….
Is it because they deliberately left the white kids out, or maybe they just couldn’t find any?
Positive discrimination – probably none were asked or were omitted in the edit, but unlike Clarkson we’ll never know what was left on the cutting room floor …
They don’t seem to have a problem finding them for negative stories ,like here
still have to laugh don’t you?
They’re probably all Poles and Lithuanians though.
Games of the past, faces of the future. Not very subtle BBC. They just can’t wait to remove white faces from the page.
Funny enough that makes me realise I’ve seen something similar recently. Yes Royal visit the St. Stephen of Lawrence centre I noticed there is a “cropped” photo of the saint on the wall in the centre.
I remember the BBC gave this cretin lots of airtime… you just cannot trust ’em!
Probably upset about the benefit reduction he would have had.
Horrible character assassination of Cameron on the BBS this morning on the Today program and again on Dateline London on the “news channel”. No attempt at impartiality during an election campaign, just what I expect from the Biased Broadcasting Company
The BBC just keep on lapping it up…
Not for INBBC to discuss:-
“Can Europe’s Jews Feel Safe Alongside Muslims?”
I watched India’s Frontier Railways on the BBC. I was annoyed, but not surprised, to find that the corporation managed to blame the million deaths that followed partition on the British. The programme said that Ghandi predicted that there would be violence on a massive scale if India was partitioned and the state of Pakistand created. But the British went ahead and did it anyway. A British judge drew a line on a map that resulted in the a million deaths was what the programme wanted its viewers to believe.The implication clearly being that the enormous death toll was caused by the evil , uncaring British.
Not a single mention was made of the reason that India had to be partitioned was because the Muslims demanded that it was, despite the best efforts of the British and Ghandi to persuade them otherwise.Indeed Ghandi was assassinated because he was thought to be too willing to concede too much to Muslims by some Hindus. The cause of the bloodshed was Muslim intransigence not British callousness.
Why are the BBC so determined to undermine Britain at every turn? How are they allowed to get away with it? Who could stop them distorting , indeed re-writing, history to suit their leftist narrative? All the politicians are in fear of crossing the BBC. We are in the clutches of a monster that no one has the power to stop from pursuing its own leftist agenda.Once again the BBC brings me to the point of despair. My hatred of the BBC grows and grows. I truly see them as destroyers of our country and its culture. God rot them.
Shame about the politics, the collection of various Indian Railway programmes has otherwise been a delight, and Bernard Hill is an ideal narrator.
The bBC and its brown British Children too (bBC2) channel.
1980s computer games reviewed by six-year-olds
Anybody else noticed that when the bBC promotes a good children’s educational story, they always depict non-white children. But when the story is a negative one , the children are predominately…white:
More pupils have mental health issues, say school staff
Homeless children at six-year high, figures show
School budgets ‘facing significant cuts’
Term time holiday ban prices out poor, warns union
I noticed the computer games one. Kept waiting for the white one to appear. And waited. And waited a bit more.
Yes Pounce we noticed that some considerable time ago, I’m pretty sure I noted it on the blog. BBc Breakfast is the worst for this but this “reporting style” also carries over to stories about adults to a degree.
One for the ‘In their own tweets’ (well, if it did a bit more than sit up there in the nav bar) on that always entertaining BBC topic of ‘balanced’ news….
The comments, as always, add much to the fun
On Breitbart, too:
Well, that settles that.
US Policeman gets shot in face and the bBC doesn’t even bother reporting it.
Boston police officer shot in face during traffic stop fights for survival
“White cop, black shooter, media blackout.”
Doing his duty.
But I think the Americans are more appreciative of their Police. Here, a cop is guilty until proved innocent. Probably doesn’t do a lot for morale.
This was posted in the comments at Guido’s. Thought it belonged here…
A picture is worth quite a few words. Thanks for posting.
Stop Press Moaners hour decides that the new Disney Cinderella is simply not politically correct enough for todays audience!
The story of a young girl reduced to a life of drudgery before being elevated to the status of princess is just not on and apparently it’s also ‘gender exclusive!’
Two harridans from the Grauniad were rolled out to moan about the Disney remake of the old story and completely missed the point of the story which is in fact a morality play about not giving up hope because things will get better – totally went over their heads.
Complete this survey, and tell these fools what you REALLY think. I did, and feel much better.
Thanks for that, I enjoyed pointing out to them that all it means is it keeps a load of greeny nobodies in useless employment. All lights in the house all turned on for an hour too.
I welded.
I’ve also commented. I imagine my reply is hitting the digital bin just about now,
ha ha, let off a bit of steam there.
they had a load of envirofrauds on ‘gameshow’ this morning. Grrrrr, I get so angry.
Thanks for the link OG. Done and enjoyed lancing the boil.