I don’t watch Top Gear nor am I a fan of Jeremy Clarkson. I do enjoy some of his written articles and it is pretty clear he is not a part of the BBC Hive, despite the massive popularity of the programme he presents. What bothers me is that ever since the BBC took the decision NOT to renew his contract (he was not “sacked”) the BBC have run endless attacks on Clarkson by all hues of politicians and alleged “comedians.” Clarkson cannot defend himself and whatever one thinks of what he did do/didn’t do – It seems odd to me the BBC has not found one commentator that will defend him. It’s only a week since Nigel Farage found himself at the end of such very public bullying by a group of hard leftist extremists and the BBC saw fit to present this as amusing. The truth is too many in the BBC wanted to get Clarkson and he was fool enough to give them what they wanted.
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The truth is too many in the BBC wanted to get Clarkson and he was fool enough to give them what they wanted.
Not really – they would have manufactured something out of nothing to achieve the same ends. And Clarkson treading on egg shells “to avoid giving them what they want” would immediately lose his appeal: it just wouldn’t be him.
I have a suspicion that the “assault/split lip” narrative was fabricated by the BBC spinners. Tymon’s own tweets (before they were mysteriously blocked) stated that there was no physical assault and the matter had been exaggerated and overblown . The BBC also keep repeating the claim that Tymon had to visit A & E for treatment, yet it’s been shown that the nearest hospital that had one open was nearly FIFTY miles away. No one has yet offered any definitive proof that the unfortunate producer actually went to A & E or even received treatment. Just shows what a totally unsuitable person Danny Cohen is as Head of Programming when he can commission a tribute to Jimmy Savile knowing of the allegations against him yet allows malicious briefing against Clarkson.
Apparently “the trio” have 2 contracts; one with BBC UK (now expired for JC) and a World wide contract which is still valid. I saw a number of reports saying that shows in South Africa and Australia are believed to be still going ahead.
If so, it will be fun to watch Clarkson stick it to the BBC.
In all honesty, I’m not a car buff but I have watched with resigned fate and disgust how the BBC have hunted Jeremy Clarkson down.
It may yet backfire(no pun intened) on the BBC though because they’re going to need someone similar to Jeremy Clarkson to fill the void but anyone who fits that mould is going to realise that their hands are tied and they’ll have to tow the BBC line.
So, the choice is, go to the BBC under their wet, lefty terms or go to Channel 5/Sky and be given the freedom to make a programme that’s in the real world.
I also think many possible candidates will look at what the BBC have done to Clarkson and say “no thanks”.
Sadly, the gloating and “sticking the boot in” even after he’s gone is just typical of the sad, pathetic, self-righteous organisation that the BBC has become.
If Sky snap up Clarkson, Hammond and May as a team then Top Gear under the BBC in finished.
Watch this space, as the man said……
I read on the Daily Mail website that Lord Hall has received death threats over his ‘sacking’ of Clarkson. Apparently they are credible and therefore license payers money has to be spent on the Lord’s protection. Whilst I would not want to be proved wrong the BBC has churned out so many anti Clarkson stories to the dead tree press since the fracas, I am not sure I believe the ‘credible’ bit. We know on this site the rubbish the trolls spout but we have the sense not to take any notice of them.
Until I see the e-mail of the alleged threat I will treat the BBC and Met’s ‘claims ‘ as coming from the proven liars they are !
It was, as you point out, ‘one’.
Unless there are now more pouring out of the BBC ‘we are saying nothing but leak like sieves’ 141,147…210 PR ‘sources who say’ mention no names’ department.
It has at least given the media bored with the previous Clarkson bones a new vague one to chew on for a while, especially noting the generic ‘all [insert hate figures here] are Neanderthals’ tweets I scrolled pass all weekend.
Interestingly, having first run with ‘Top Gear is bigger than one man’, it is the BBC and its tame enforcer the Graun who have maintained a steady drip of articles and opinion that suggest the exact reverse is the case in their narrow minds.
He was all that mattered, no matter what the collateral effects.
I’d say that the bbc programme Top Gear had long since exceeded its sell by date; I stopped watching it many years ago because the format was stuck in a rut. And if the presenters are half as intelligent as they purport to be, they would know that to be so. So, I reckon that Mr Clarkson et al might not be too despondent about the way the sodding bbc has treated them. They now have an opportunity to reinvent themselves and give entertainment to an audience for some time to come. However, if this unpleasant episode serves to weaken the bbc, then the work of God will have been done.
I quite like Clarkson but still think that he ought to have been sacked (rather than not have his contract renewed). Anyone else who punches the boss gets sacked, & so should he have.
There are, of course, no obvious parallels with Saville. Except that the Beeb always claimed they had suspicions but couldn’t sack him because there was no evidence. However you need no evidence of wrong doing to choose not to renew a contract. Suspicion is quite sufficient for that.
Every surviving BBC manager who ever put pen to paper on a Saville contract over the decades ought to find himself in court- either criminal or civil. But will it ever happen? Nah.
The BBC are more then happy to keep on and even promote violent and abusive bully’s as long as their politics are acceptable his wasn’t so he is gone !
As regards that unnamed executive linking Savile with Clarkson, probably John Shield. Another peculiar incident has been uncovered by investigations into this regarding Jimmy Savile.
Apparently, the BBC is worried that the Thatcher family have an opportunity to sue the BBC over its left-wing Official Historian, widow of a Labour MP, Jean Seaton.
Apparently, Seaton, know to be an anti-Thatcher loony, has rewritten the BBC’s official history. Thatcher’s well known eagerness to appear on the Jimmy Young Show, has now been rewritten to show that Thatcher was eager to appear with Jimmy Savile. In fact Thatcher only agreed to appear on “Jim’ll Fix It” once, then refused all other requests.
I love Top Gear with Clarkson. I wonder how much is pre-recorded and whether the remaining programmes could have been shown with perhaps Hammond and May doing the stuff Jeremy did. That would have been a way of seeing whether the format was viable without Clarkson. (Don’t think it is for a moment). As it is I feel the audience has been punished for having the temerity to watch something that Mr Cohen does not approve of. Incidentally, the BBC took action before their investigation and then investigated themselves.