It’s interesting to consider how the BBC is treating the grotesque US surrender to Iran’s mad Mullahs as an act of supreme political statesmanship by John Kerry and his master, Obama.
Representatives of six world powers are intensifying talks with Iran on its nuclear programme, ahead of a 31 March deadline for a deal. The US secretary of state and German and French foreign ministers have all cancelled their travel plans in a final push for an agreement. Representatives from China, Russia and the UK are also at the negotiations. US officials say all parties have agreed to a “step by step approach” to the deal, but sticking points remain. The world powers, known as the P5+1 group – the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany – want to ensure that Iran cannot develop nuclear weapons.
Meanwhile, back in reality and certainly not for BBC output…
“The tons of spoken and printed verbiage poured out on the Iranian nuclear issue and ongoing diplomacy year after year have exposed, rather than disguised, President Obama’s willingness to sign a nuclear deal with Iran – however bad and whatever the price.
The inescapable conclusion is that the US president has come around to accepting the reality of a nuclear-armed Iran. As seen from Washington, America never stopped India, Pakistan and North Korea from becoming nuclear powers, and has therefore decided it can live with a fourth – Iran”
Whether Israel can live with it seems of little interest to Obama, and the BBC seem prepared to hail the deal that will be reached in Switzerland as a breakthrough when it is in fact a breakdown of any vestigial political principle by Saint Obama.
“Whether Israel can live with it seems of little interest to Obama,”
The Middle East is in chaos because of the Sunni/Shia war, so I think we can take it that the Saudi’s we be at least as unhappy as the Israelis. The Saudi’s already have the world’s fourth largest defence budget – and that’s before they launch their nuclear programme.
“Media aide to Iran’s president defects in Lausanne,
says ‘US negotiating team mainly there to speak on Iran’s behalf'”
– See more at:
We live in very dangerous times.
Obama seems determined to pull the US out of the Middle East and off World political stage.
The world’s global policeman is packing up and retiring. His disappearance will trigger a wave of violence, war and instability.
The last time the US had this wish to withdraw from world affairs was in the 1930’s. Unfortunately world affairs came looking for the US at Pearl Harbour.
How will a nuclear arms race in the middle east play out? Radical islam and atomic weapons doesn’t sound like a well thought out idea to me.
Does Obama have any idea what his long term foreign policy is? Does he have one? Does he care?
Nothing really untoward will happen before Mr Obama leaves office, and is immediately elevated to the deity to which his supporters would like to believe he belongs.
Then, when things really start to unravel as Iran steadfastly refuses to allow the required inspections, despite having had the vast bulk of current sanctions revoked, he won’t be held accountable. He therefore really doesn’t need a long-term foreign policy.
And so you get the systemic ‘ratchet’ approach used by countries like Iran
As an old computer analyst would design this in outline..
1. Cause havoc somewhere in the world
2. Don’t back down under any circumstances,
3. Hold out for negotiations and concessions
4. Concede very little in return for large gains
5. Renege on your part of the agreement
5. Repeat, from the new start point, having consolidated your gains
Unfortunately, Mr Obama and his cohorts, having been exposed to this time and again, haven’t yet worked out how this ploy pans out.
But perhaps this time it’s different – after all, Mr Obama will be able to attain the deity he seeks when he claims to have solved ‘the Iran nuke problem’, before he leaves the White House.
I guess it’s pretty much the same as him already having ‘resolved’ the ‘Middle east total troop withdrawal’ problem, the ‘closing of Guantanamo Bay’ problem, the ‘protection of southern US borders’ problem, etc., etc.
The Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz who deliberately crashed his Airbus killing 150 people wanted to be remembered for doing something “big”. He told his girlfriend “one day everyone will know my name”.
Obama wants to be remembered for doing something “big” in the middle east. He wants some sort of foreign policy achievement, no matter what the cost.
US foreign policy is incoherent and taking the world on a frightening and dangerous downward spiral.
The “something big” could well be a mushroom cloud if this carries on much longer. If I may requote Winston,
“… [w]hen the situation was manageable it was neglected, and now that it is thoroughly out of hand we apply too late the remedies which then might have effected a cure.
Want of foresight, unwillingness to act when action would be simple and effective, lack of clear thinking, confusion of counsel until the emergency comes, until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong – these are the features which constitute the endless repetition of history.”