Andrew Neil remains one of the very few IMPARTIAL presenters on BBC political programmes. He treats all of those politicians who venture into his den with the same penetrating insight and is a pleasure to watch. Here he is exposing the vacuous heart of Labour economic policies, something I am sure that will not go down with at least some of his bosses at the BBC!
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Favorite phrase from Powell for me was her plaintive cry of Tory “nasty, nasty policies”
Her rhetoric had little to do with any realistic fiscal policy. It was all about ‘we are nice, they are nasty, you are nasty for questioning my happy song which goes … don’t worry about debt, we’re going to hope for the best’ Well I guess the EU may perhaps be happy to bail us out when it all goes Balls-shaped – with us making a few new concessions, I guess.
As I said on another thread – that car-crash interview with Lucy Powell had her evading and lying all over the place.
So the BBC will deep-six it.
Hopefully Andres Neil has another 6 weeks to expose how empty Labour’s plans are.
Powell had one valid point – many more low-paid people are now able to claim Housing Benefit and Tax Credits – swelling by billions the welfare bill.
But the prime reason this has happened is because rents have greatly increased. And why has that happened ? Because of the effects of the Labour-initiated mass immigration giving massive increases in the demand for housing – while the supply hardly rose under Labour or the Coalition.
ONLY UKIP proposes a direct method of dealing with that problem – which otherwise continue to get worse, will continue to increase the welfare bill by billions a year.
Yeah but ukip won`t form a government , & they are are predicted to get 2 MP`s . You are now going to get Millipeed/SNP whether you like or not . You will have nothing to blame, but yourselves . If you think ukip are going to win, bet your life savings down the bookies . Even if you loose the lot, the nice Millipeed /SNP ,will “look after you” from cradle to grave .
Labour and the SNP are fundamentally split on the Union. Labour with Conservatives is a more natural match since they have few policy differences. Ken Baker and Charles Clarke are already proposing it.
Some of you are very good at Fantasy Fiction . That would never happen , Ukip will be finished in 5 years, because unless the Conservatives win , No Referendum , & we will get our 2 seats back . You can huff & puff all you want but , if Millipeed/ SNP are in government , you will have nothing , & if you can`t see that , your eyes have become fogged up.
Clearly, you have no idea of the depths of contempt felt by so many ex-Conservative supporters for the party which your man and his pals have stolen.
UKIP isn’t going to win the election. No one thinks that. But if it stops your boy then, when the nation collapses under Miliband and Sturgeon, the Tories will defenestrate Cameron and his faux-Tories and swing back to brand of conservatism that will encompass UKIP supporters, rather than repel them.
This is all fantasy , you want the country to crash & burn again, after all we have been through in the last 8 years to prove a point , that may or may not happen, & you expect things to turn out the way you want them .My god, things will of moved on in unpredictable ways by then .Be careful what you wish for , it may be you who are affected by that crash & burn. But if the Tories win ,you will get some of what you want .Millipeed may cancel future elections for reasons of National Emergency , after all he is a mini Marxist .
As opposed to Cameron who is a mini-cultural Marxist?
Away with you and your fake Conservatism!
If there’s any fantasy around here it’s in the mind of anyone who believes a single word that a proven liar like David ‘cast iron guarantee’ Cameron says.
The ideal scenario would be:
1) Miliband forms an extremely weak government propped up by curmudgeonly, nationalistic Celts.
2) Dave resigns and a proper conservative becomes leader.
3) Another GE in 2 years.
What is the chance of that happening though ?
He won’t resign. He will be sacked. Just as happened with Margaret Thatcher. The Tories are ruthless in their lust for power, like all politicians. The moment they accept that Cameron is a liability (I should probably have said ‘realise’ rather than ‘accept’) the sooner he and his greasy cabinet of faux-Conservatives will be history.
I can see 1974 all over again. Cameron is another Heath.
“Powell had one valid point – many more low-paid people are now able to claim Housing Benefit and Tax Credits – swelling by billions the welfare bill.”
But Brown introduced the Working Tax credit and the law of unexpected consequences meant that employers paid less. As for housing benefit, Labour endlessly drone on about the Bedroom Tax which isn’t a tax at all.
The ‘bedroom tax’ was introduced first by Labour …
‘her plaintive cry’
It’s not unique to Labour, but from the top further down (Miliband being one of the most dire) it is clear these parrot-brains (and that’s an insult to parrots) are trained ruthlessly before such interviews to repeat mantras on a ‘something may stick’ basis.
I can only assume they feel it works with the sofa slobs, but as it is at the expense of engaging brain on topic it seems disastrous with anyone capable of rational thought.
And it clearly knocks professional interviewers well offside. I have seen several now, from a variety of channels, from a variety of ideological corners, get very snappy when they see this game played.
Even more so when the ‘my pay and expenses racket puts me more in touch with ‘hard-working families’ (c) A. Tired Sloganeer, than your media package’ snark is deployed.
I can only presume she retained to make Ed Balls look like a sage.
She just waffles meaningless nonsense. Voting for this bunch of charlatans is madness. Not only is she ignorant but she gets nasty as soon as Neil exposes her utter economic illiteracy. I detest Labour.
But she can talk, talk, talk…
She comes over as a nasty, authoritarian proto fascist.
She and that other foghorn, Rachel Reeves, are two sides of the same coin.
Shrill, and without listening turn up the volume as any interview progresses.
Must have taken lessons from that other harridan, Yvette Cooper.
Widening the tax base (the third arm of the Labour miracle) means to me tax increases.
The predictions on this site that the car-crash interview would be buried have been proved correct. Just watched the News Channel. Chris Eakin interviewed a Beeb ‘expert’. They showed IDS for the Tories. Then the expert mentioned Powell in passing, but said something like ‘Douglas Alexander explained it earlier’ and proceeded to show a clip from Alexander’s interview by Andrew Marr – basically a free run. To be fair, Eakin – maybe embarrassed – then explained how Twitter is buzzing about the Powell interview and Labour is still spinning. But to show a dull clip from a nothing interview in preference to a hot one is outrageous.
Powell’s on her nineteenth nervous breakdown, of course, but she seems to be the ultimate insider at the minute. Stark contrast with Mandelson. After the disaster where she was exposed as the author of a document on tackling UKIP, the Gruniard did a puff-piece on her which included this:
When the story broke, though, such nuances instantly disappeared. Some members of the shadow cabinet were reported to be “incandescent”, and one unnamed MP had a less-than-subtle pop at Powell and Miliband: “When is he going to stop promoting useless people? He was warned about her.”
Lucy Powell, Ed Miliband’s election guru: ‘You’ve just got to get on with the job’
It is being said that Ed Milliband is a decent bloke in certain quarters. If he is so decent, why won’t he give the people of Britain a referendum on our EU membership? Why does he treat us with such contempt? The only answer I can come up with is that he is not a decent bloke and certainly doesn’t believe in democracy. Anyway, Ed’s EU reverie may well be destroyed soon because Greece can’t honour its financial obligations to the ‘wonderful’ EU troika. What a car crash it would be for the champagne socialists should this Greek tragedy herald the end of not only the Euro, but also the EU.
He is not a decent chap. He smirked his way through his disastrous role at the Treasury and the Climate Ministry. In both cases he creates problems that we are paying for now. Contrition? Self awareness? No. More of the same? Yes. The sense of entitlement to rule shines through. They had to work really hard to stop the true man coming through. But PR goes only so far.
Thank you whoever put the link up.
I suppose some, such as Manon will see this as BBC bias – against the Labour Party, but suspect Mr Neil is being the one exception that proves the rule.
He was obviously so well briefed with facts and figures the lady really did well not to fold, but then she did rather sound like a broken record.
Fantasy economics could seemingly be coming your way again soon. Be scared, very scared!
At least we still have our own currency for now.
A Miliband govt would sign us into the eurozone and spend and borrow like Greece did.
Gordon Brown knew he wouldn’t get the vote to join fiscal union with the E.U. and he was quite right to say the time wasn’t right on that decision. Great Britain still had some money left. But he came mighty close to succeeding in bankrupting the country and thus force our hands into having to join the E.U. Vote Labour and you can bet your bottom dollar, the country will be forced to join the E.U. as Labour will once again spend every penny we haven’t got and run off to the E.U. for the bailout.
Andrew Neil will be following Clarkson out of the bbc, very condescending woman..