Here you go, on-time and ready for completion. Detail the BIAS here.
As we approach the General Election in May, the greater the menace presented by the far from impartial BBC. It’s clear they want to see Miliband in Number Ten and they are ensuring the daily narrative directs towards that outcome.
Not mentioned on the BBC even in regional news yet it’s the headline main story in the local press !
Now why might that be ?
I have no idea.
However the imam has a point. Once a mosque is established, it cannot be destroyed. If it is knocked down by Kuffars, then the Muslim community has religiously ordained sanction to wage offensive Jihad.
So far the imam and his fellow “worshippers” are waging defensive Jihad only – beggar the Kuffar via fraudulent Benefits claims, child sexual molestation maybe, and a nuisance to the Kuffar commnunity, so they move out of the area. But a threat of offensive Jihad is always present.
A well-known landmark and affront to “community cohesion”; given that the few remaining white people around there know that Islam gets special rules for itself as and when it wants them.
No-one else could blag two houses on the dole and then claim it`s a mosque, madrassa and community centre…and flout every planning law that there is.
That said, the cringing Labour Council locally have known of this for years-must be an election coming.
The BBC are moaning about powers given to local authorities to enact laws which address anti social behaviour.
I have to admit I’m against the town hall Hitlers being given any powers what so ever, because it is inevitable they will misuse them!
They have for instance enacted a law which says it’s illegal to park in a retail park after 18:00 and not use any of the shops. It is illegal for any teenager to enter a tower block unless they live there or are visiting (seems reasonable to me), others have been made begging an offence.
Until the councils make laws which are plainly ridiculous though they should be left alone to screw up by themselves, this seems more like the BBC objecting to law & order because it infringes one of their favourite groups!
One of the biggest areas for councils to bring in their own laws is to control the “cafe culture” (rember that phrase when the legislation was forced through by the Labour Party) that has developed as a result of the 24hr drinking laws, which were going to end the problem of binge drinking.
What seems to have happened is people go out later to the “cafes” having had a reasonable fill on cheap supermarket drink at home first!
Fixing the Ruth while the sun shines
The BBC kicks off its official election coverage on tv this morning and their man Norman Smith leaves us in little doubt who he wants us to believe is a nasty party.
Whilst the Conservatives will “ruthlessly” focus on their campaign themes, Labour will just focus on their themes.
Simply a rhetorical slip for our Norman?
An insight into his political support?
Or a coded hint to the voters?
As they say : you decide
I wonder if our Norm is ‘right Twix’ or ‘left Twix’?
Left Twix whilst his income depends upon the BBC, Right Twix once he has retired. A La Paxman.
One thing that struck me in BBC’ election coverage, was that the presenter presented Conservative issues and politicians with a serious face(not hostile, just neutral). But when Labour issues, or Ed Milliband, was on screen, the presenter had a soft smile.
It reminded me of a mother looking favourably, and with affection on her own child in a school play.
Carrying this forward, it seems the BBC must look on itself as a mother, or Aunty of Britain. It certainly treats everyone in Britain as children, who need to be guided.
There are the British, who Aunty looks on as her favourites, and these can do no harm – Labour, Liberals, Leftists etc . Others she she views as in need of the Nanny McPhie treatment – UKIP, EDL. The Conservatives, under Thatcher were viewed evil, and to be chastised. Under Cameron, Aunty views them as still a little naughty, but on the right path.
As the BBC is very powerful in shaping public opinion, and views itself as an Aunty, whose task is to keep Britain on the “right path”, it is not a surprise that all political parties have to vie with each other to get into Aunty’s good books.
Now a benign and yet strict Aunty can be good for the larger family, but not so for a broadcast organisation, and most certainly not for the nation.
The BBC currently has around 25,000,000 ‘customers’.
Were the law not enforcing patronage what would be the natural level of demand?
Until that day dawns, the BBC’s notion of ‘value for money’ is utter nonsense. And anyway, I’m not sure a bureaucracy that facilitates and obfuscates CSA can ever be seen as value for money.
I have been listening to the Radio 4 round up of potential voters in the N.E. this morning, the only thing that springs to mind listening to the interviewees is education, education, education….or lack of in that part of the world. One even said it was all Thatchers fault.
Would that be an area where virtually solid Labour councils provide bog standard comprehensives with mainly NUT teachers and little or no choice of where you go to school?
Yet the North East gets shed loads more government cash per head than East Anglia and particularly Oxfordshire, but nothing ever seems to come of it. The begging bowl seems perpetually out.
Of course, when the people clubbed together to set up a Free School because they didn’t want their kids to go to the local comprehensives, the OFSTED Nazi’s (with tacit support from local Labour Councillors and the Labour MP) shut it down. Durham Free School closed it’s doors for the last time yesterday as the Education Secretary refused to back their fight. I suspect the result may have been different under Gove.
Back to home schooling for many of the pupils (whose parents will have had to give up work again)
More to this than you think – School teaching creationism for one thing.
Results plummeted as catchment area had to change as being a free school – instead of getting in the elite, the school had to pick up the dross.
The school wasn’t just teaching creationism to the exclusion of other theories and the results hadn’t plummeted. The pupils I met certainly wouldn’t count as ‘The dross’ either and would do a far better job than I of convincing you otherwise. The OFSTED report was hamstrung by the prejudices of the inspectors (in the same way the report on Hill House School will have been) – it wasn’t ticking the right boxes.. The Education secretarty was left with the choice of backing the inspectors , or backing the free school policy: She chickened out
Any school getting state funding should not be teaching garbage like creationism.
Here is the Ofsted report
They teach Global Warmism, which is a religion and just as scientifically illiterate.
I have no doubt that the leftist propagandists, i.e. most teachers, in education transmit their hatred of the private sector in subtle and not so subtle ways to their charges. I used to employ sixth formers or students with a knowledge of German part time to do transcrption work. I phoned what turned out to be the deputy head of a local “technology” college to ask if I could put up an ad. I was told that “we feel it is inappropriate to encourage our students to be exploited in the private sector”. No wonder many British employers are keen to employ Poles who are probably aware what the attitudes of “real existing socialism” can do to a country. I was amused by some pedagogue on Today this morning extolling the virtues of “self organised learning” for facilitating “learning”. Learning what precisely? Yet just a few months ago on the same program some teacher was complaing that teachers could not cope with the new “coding” iniative on their own and were desparately looking for people to teach them elementary coding. Didn’t “self organised learning” work?
“we feel it is inappropriate to encourage our students to be exploited in the private sector”
That would be the private sector without which there would be no fucking schools let alone teachers.
The funniest thing about that interview was the gormless woman who complained that their MPs ‘went’ to London and forgot about them !
Hardly surprising seeing as Tony BLiar and Peter Mandelson were from London, and just used the North East to elect them to safe seat where they would vote for a dog turd with a red ribbon.
Obviously she was so thick she was unable to put two and two together and vote for a local candidate from a party different to the one she’s always voted.
Tony Blair was actually from Edinburgh. (But then went to London and forgot about his electors as you say).
He remembers as a kid watching Wor Jackie from the terraces at St James Park too…….
They still believe it is Thatchers fault because ,”She stole the bairns milk”.
BBC TV Licensing tones down lies printed in its inflammatory reminder letters. More here.
on “Today” this morning, Chuka Umunna invoking us all to “let’s be clear about this” any number of times (which is an immediate turn off for me), and not quite telling us about how much the Labour party will borrow, and where else it’s gonna get its money from.
Also, I wondered if George’s “Northern Pooowerhoose” includes Tyneside, man?
Let’s be clear about this: Chuka oozes smugness.
Yes – it really is an unctious creature – so slimy it leaves a trail behind it. Makes my skin crawl every time it slithers onto the screen. Vile.
Yeah ,Chucky & Harperson ,are 2 of the Evilist in the Marxist Party, after Comrade Millipeed . Chucky can always play the race card , but is still hideously smug & evil .
Adolph Salmond wants control of Al Beeb in Scotlandistan?
Maybe they aren’t showing enough Hamas and ISIS propaganda or live wailing from Mecca.
Or maybe it would fit in with their aim of making Scotland Judenfrie.
TV listings in Scotland.
08.00 – A message from our dear leader.
08.30 – Live prayers from Mecca.
09.00 – Book of the week – Mien Kampff.
10.00 – News from Pallywood.
10.30 – Live prayers from Mecca.
11.00 – World heroes – Adolph Hitler.
12.00 – Appeal for weapons for Hamas.
12.00 – Live coverage of dear leader Salmond addressing a BDS rally against apartheid Israel.
12.30 – Unveiling of statues of our dear leader in every town and city in Scotland.
12.00 – Live coverage of the Bible burning festival.
13.00 – How to burn down a synagogue with maximum effect.
14.00 – Prayers from Mecca.
15.00 – Guess the number of Christians eradicated in the Middle East competition.
16.00 – Unveiling of the new Auschwitz style camp in Glasgow.
17.00 – The travel show – Advice on travelling to Syria to help with the genocide of Christians.
17.30 – Appeal for weapons for ISIS.
18.00 – Live prayers from Mecca.
18.30 – Property program – the best ways of turning churches into mosques.
It’s nice to see that nutters are equally distributed across our fair isle. I put it down to a lack of vitamin d.
and down to what do you put your own lack of lucidity?
“I put it down to a lack of vitamin d. ”
I would point out that it’s actually a surfeit of B, B and C.
Sorry bud you seem to have mistyped there
‘I put it down to a lack of Zyklon B .’
There fixed that for you Eichmannonaclaphamomnibus
The SNP is seemingly determind to get independence one way or another. I hope the Scots realise this. The no vote is to be ignored and it looks as if the new policy is to so upset the rest of the UK that we will be clamouring for the Scots to go.
Well if the average Englishman’s comments are to be taken at face value then this is what we want as well.
That aggressive Scots attitude has won and I think the Union is doomed.
At the time of the referendum I wanted the Union to remain but now I think it is time to end this farce.
So long as we have a permanent patrol force along the border so that the immigrants which the SNP let in cannot make it down here!
And when the Scottish Nazi Party have finally taken over the British Transport Police in Scotland, which they intend to do, they will then have complete control of ALL policing in Scotland.
Local Police Commanders are still accountable to the Local Authority for their area. Many of these Local Authorities are not SNP controlled.
Scotland also has elections every 5 years – I doubt that any party would reverse the creation of Police Scotland (or the single Scottish Fire & Rescue Service or Scottish Ambulance Service) as the pooling of resources together with the saving on support functions (previously carried out in each of the 8 Police regions) has been significant.
But please do not let the facts get in the way of your rant!!
The Bleeb continue to hack away on future “massive tory cuts to welfare” , but Andrew Neil aside, they have gone nowhere near any serious attention to Labour’s so-called economic plans and the feasibility or otherwise of reducing the debt mountain on the basis of their spending and tax policies. Don’t hold your breath.
Although polling at this stage has a high measure of uncertainty, funny how the Bleeb “poll of polls” this morning has Labour ahead while on Sky its the Tories. A Bleeb news hack was out and about this morning in Birmingham interviewing a “representative sample” of (Labour) voters. So no change there.
Saw it. The ‘Hack’ was Ben Brown. Interviewee 1 will be voting Labour because they are the Party for benefits recipients. Interviewee 2 appeared to be a Labour stooge and without (on screen) prompting, managed to get the UKIP are a danger meme in.
Pro Labour all the way.
Then when Ben later interviewed a UKIP PPC, he again pressed the issue of caps related to immigration.
If the BBC were doing their job, they would report that UKIP do not propose a ‘cap’ on immigration. Yet all reporters (‘red’ Norman Smith is the worst offender) appear to be primed to obfuscate continually on this point, trying to trip up UKIP reps and misrepresent a clear policy.
BBC pro-Labour disgrace.
I saw that clip with “Aleesha”. They made it look like Brown just wandered up to a passer-by and asked who she would be voting for. If that’s the case, how did he know her name? No one else around in the background. Had to laugh when “Aleesha” couldn’t remember her lines and said she’d be voting “Labour this year because they look after people on Benefits.” You can just imagine the news editor shouting into Brown’s earpiece ” Shut her up. SHUT HER UP!!!”
One to treasure, like when Rapporteur Prescott suggested to a young waif on her doorstep that she, like him, was ‘working class’.
Didn’t go well.
Or the young family (thirty-something parents) on benefits: nice living room, newish furniture and carpets, large screen TV, Sky etc., kids in latest trainers.
“So how long is it since you’ve worked?”
“I’ve never worked”.
A tumbleweed classic.
Whether in the UK or beyond, the BBC cannot hear about an election without immediately trying to use its weighty influence to get people to vote for the left.
Since the corridors of Broadcasting House were strewn with empty champagne bottles after the ’97 election, nobody can claim with a straight face that the BBC is not a left-wing outfit. Its support for Obama is not in doubt and neither is its support for the anti-Netanyahu left in Israel and its deep love for failed communist countries like Cuba.
I recall listening to the World Service years ago on the eve of an Australian election. The host was a great fan of the Greens Party, going even further left than Labor, and the programme naturally reflected his political bias. This demonstrated, once again, that members of the BBC cult are incapable of separating personal prejudices from professional responsibilities.
Makes you proud to think they toasted in Blair with tv licence funded champagne.
Watched the BBC North West Regional News last night and there was a report on the Middleton memorial to Lee Rigby. The way the report was framed you’d think he’d been hit by a fucking bus. No mention of the culprits or their motivation.
This is perhaps the most egregious form of the bias in mass media. When there was a report about the trial on the C4 news, they didn’t mention Islam once while they were showing the clip of that evil bastard with a bloody hand holding a knife, quoting the Quaran. The word “extremist” was as far as they went.
Then the day after the Charlie Hebdo massacre the reporter was more concerned about the potential backlash against Muslims, because, let’s not forget who the real victims are.
I see the bBC has 24 hours after the story aired decided to mention the reporting of Katie Hopkins who had a go at Labour MP Simon Danczuk for attending the raising of the Pakistani Flag at Rochdale Town Hall in celebration of….Pakistan’s National Day.
Katie Hopkins reported to police for race hate by MP Simon Danczuk
It appears that the MP for the Town where Pakistani men have raped little white girls at their pleasure ,where the council banned Taxis drivers from flying St Georges flag during the World cup and who has been very active in chasing down paedophiles amongst MPs. Had no problem attending a flag raising ceremony at the Town Hall where they flew with pride the Pakistani flag.
Of course somebody has become offended at how this champion against men who rape little children could align himself with a community which for some strange reason has a penchant for raping……Little white girls and instead of thinking..Oh dear I messed up here, he throws the typical leftwing bBC sanctioned ‘racist’ card.
And yet the bBC instead of asking why in Britain in a British city at a time when we are faced with so many Muslims becoming radicalised because they don’t feel any loyalty to the country they have no problem not only allowing the Pakistani community to be different from everybody else but also why a so called champion of fighting pedophiles, the MP for the area gets into Bed with them. They continue to play the Racist card in which to blur the issue. Here’s a few snaps shots of the day in questions:
Have to admit all the white people in the above picture look dodgy
The girls look rather old. I do recall some elderly 14 year old boys in Manchester schools, with lots of facial hair.
” Katy Hopkins reported to police for Race Hate ”
You mean Thought Crime.
Given the chance that thought police might descend on this site I will hold back from comments about this MP who likes the Pakistan flag. Picking out a couple of phrases from his remarks to BBC news might be worthy of textual analysis.
eg. ‘cohesive community’, ‘people rub together really well’. Well, he would say that wouldn’t he. And we don’t need outsiders do we? Like people who write reports on crimes that have been covered up.
“Rochdale is a very cohesive community – people work well together.
“Of course there are tensions, like there are in other communities, but people rub together really well and we don’t need outsiders like Katie Hopkins to come in and cause trouble just for the sake of causing trouble and creating Sun headlines.”
You have to be able to think to be guilty of that
You are in absolutely no danger from them then, are you sunshine?
Remember that Pakistan gave Osama Bin Laden sanctuary for over a decade.
If a Labour MP wants do dance on the graves of those 60 Brits who were murdered on 911 waving a Pakistani flag, well that tells you all we need to know.
Meanwhile 15 miles up the road from Rochdale in Burnley:
Burnley abduction: Man charged after girl, six, taken
A man has been charged with the abduction of a six-year-old girl who was taken in a car. Imran Khan, 33, is accused of taking the girl from Nairne Street in Burnley, Lancashire, at 16:00 GMT on Thursday. Khan, of Pendle Street, Accrington, has also been charged with breaching a sexual offences prevention order and inciting a girl under 13 to engage in sexual activity.
Here is how the local news report the story
Miss Parveen Akhtar (prosecuting) told the court a six-year-old girl was taken from Nairne Street, Burnley, around 4pm on Friday.
Miss Akhtar said: “The girl had been playing on her bike when a car approached and the driver asked her to retrieve a ball. The driver then bundled the girl into the car. She later told police she heard the man having a conversation on his phone. “The girl was then taken to Hapton where she was bundled into a wheelie bin. She managed to crawl out and alert passers-by who called the police.”
Filthy animal.
Imran Khan – a good English name!
Last photo: grim! No wonder the menfolk prefer white girls.
Further to my last, I find out that Pakistan’s day of independence is actually celebrated on the `14th of August
That the above flag raising event in Rochdale the other day was to commentate the signing of the Lahore Resolution of 1940 .Which lead to the the adoption of the first constitution of Pakistan during the transition of the Dominion of Pakistan to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on 23 March 1940 making Pakistan the world’s first Islamic republic.
Note the dates Pakistan wasn’t born until 1947, however the 23 March is celebrated as a public holiday in Pakistan, which begs me to ask the question why are we celebrating a public holiday in Pakistan which came about when the Islamic population in India during WW2 demanded their own homeland or else they would side with the Japanese.
In otherwords, the day is all about winning homerule and independence from Great Britain, yet the very people who demanded independence and home-rule then relocated to the country of the people they hated and then are allowed to celebrate the fact they did so by the very people who they claim oppressed them. Anybody else see the hypocrisy here.
The Queen became Queen of Pakistan on 6th February 1952 and was crowned Queen of Pakistan on the 2nd June 1953, she remained Queen of Pakistan until replaced by President Iskander Mirza as head of state on the 23rd March 1956. So a Pakistani community that has moved out of republican territory, to a territory still under her majesties rule, is celebrating disloyalty to the Royal Commonwealth.
That at least proves that they are all republicans, if not traitors.
So why are they coming here in such large numbers? Do they have some legal right to come?
Danzcuk is doing what all the other Labour M.P.s with a large Muslim population do – brown nose them for their postal votes. Remember Dennis McShane admitting the reason the Labour politicians in Rotherham turned a blind eye to the exploitation and rape of hundreds of underage white girls was to protect the votes of their Muslim voting bloc.
Did all the indigenous young ladies get stuck in traffick?
Nice photograph – lots of diversity.
Woman at left/front looks like a bundle of laughs.
Asian Babes (ISIS edition)
Hopkins was reported to Plod by Danzcuk’s office ONE week after the Twitter spat. Strangely the complaint was made when Danzcuk was forced to admit accessing porn sites on his iPhone/Tablet or whatever. This was after he had denied the allegation and used Jack Dromey’s excuse when he was caught accessing dodgy porn sites that it had been a mistake and someone had hacked his computer. He also had to admit that his narcissistic wife doesn’t mind him watching porn. So the attempted criminalising of Katie Hopkins looks like some sort diversionary tactic to take the heat off the porn allegations. It seems to have worked as the BBC have given maximum coverage to the police complaint while saying nothing of Danzcuk’s viewing habits.
Uh Oh, BBC 1 tonight 9 pm The Ark
”Epic one-off drama telling the human story of Noah, fusing elements from the Bible and the QU’RAN to tell a universal story of faith and love.
Huh ? Islam didn’t come on the scene until 600 years after Christ.
Will “Climate Change” be mentioned in the script?
Ah..The Great Flood, another disaster created by the Tories.
“Islam didn’t come on the scene until 600 years after Christ.”
Perhaps time travel should be added to that enormous list of Muslim inventions and discoveries from back then.
Anne, does that mean we can expect to see a Muslim Dr. Who anytime soon? I’d better shut up – it might give them ideas…….
Too late !!
Didn’t you know? A Dalek is just a heavy duty, shrapnel proof burka.
Be rude not to repeat the trekkie joke here then – “Why are there no muslims in Star Trek?
Because it’s set in the future”
”Epic one-off drama telling the human story of Noah, fusing elements from the Bible and the QU’RAN to tell a universal story of faith and love.
Huh ?
The story of Noah exists in both the Bible and the Qu’ran, albeit with differences between the two (e.g. in the Qu’ran Noah takes in other believers on to the ark, rather than just his family). In fact, Surah 17 is named after Noah, although he appears in other sections of the Qu’ran as well.
Sorry if pesky little things like the truth get in the way of you painting your own fictional view of the world.
Oops, slip of the finger, it’s Surah 71, not 17.
Surely the Koran – and the Bible? – version is based on a much older story which may derive from stories, verbally passed down, of an event at the end of the Ice Age. Given that, the Koran version especially is of little significance. Why then the big fuss over the fusion of the Bible with the Koran? Political correct indoctrination; diversity and inclusion, innit?
Only a true Islamophile would be aware there is a Koranic version.
If the Koran is the voice of God, why did he wait so long?
7th Century? A bit late in the game, if you ask me.
Surely the Koran – and the Bible? – version is based on a much older story which may derive from stories
It’s based on the same story, which in its original form probably predates the written word. But given how much the gospels disagree in their telling of tales from Jesus’ own life, even though they were written far closer to the events in question, quibbling about such things seems especially specious.
As usual, it’s just a cover for the usual suspects to pretend that their ignorance and bigotry somehow makes them superior.
You see I was listening to you Scott but now I’ve stopped , I guess you just cant help yourself
Truly bizarre. Christians rely on the Jewish account in the Old Testament. Difficult to see what the Koran can add, or why it gets a mention.
Enoch Powell the latest public figure named in abuse allegations , this time unsubstantiated rumours via the Church of England:
What is also interesting is Simon Heffer’s comment on the BBC;
“In 1998, just after Enoch died, the BBC broadcast a programme in which they railed at Enoch for his hypocrisy. They said this scourge of mass immigration had visited the West Indies in 1953 to recruit black labour for the NHS. I was told of the story before the programme was broadcast and informed its researcher that Enoch had never been to the West Indies in his life. I was told, effectively, that I was lying, and it was broadcast.”
… and eventually the BBC had to apologise prominently at prime time for broadcasting a false rumour.
The bBC writes a sob story about a refugee from Syria and kind of loses the plot.
The special shoes
The story is about Huthaifah whose family left Syria in 1979 when Assad clamped down on the Muslim Brotherhood, they moved to Jordan, Saudi Arabia ,Abu Dhabi. and then in 2003 moved to London. He however left the family in 1997, returning to his home city of Alleppo in which to go to Uni, after which he found work in the city , married and had a child all the while the bBC informs me: ” despite harassment from the security services -“
Anyway can somebody please explain to me why the UK can afford to give sanctuary to yet another Islamic family which claimed persecution, yet whose offspring not only returned to the motherland, earned a degree, got married and had a child. That bBC is the question I want answering, you know like those people from Somalia,Nigeria,Pakistan and the rest who on earning asylum in the UK, have no problem buggering off to the mother country on holidays and such
The UK cannot afford such largesse.
It is hugely indebted through a massive state pensions burden and highly leveraged banking and consumer sectors, with a rapidly growing population, a creaking infrastructure, and falling per capita GDP.
With a sustainable population level of circa 30m, and an actual population level of circa 80m, the state broadcaster continues through bias and omission to advocate mass immigration.
The bbc is therefore either stupid or sinister.
‘The bbc is therefore either stupid or sinister’
Another, there is.
I’d go for c).
Except the bit about mass emigration you made up.
Speaking of making things up… immigration… emigration… whatever, it’s bad, right?
Now, does the £4Bpa, 20,000-strong national broadcaster make things up?
What are you talking about?
I’d answer more fully, but you’d need to be capable of rational thought to process it.
Ok you’re talking about nothing. Sad but true
Crikey, you are a BBC spokesperson.
Telling it often enough. No doubt about that.
Re your last sentence. On a visit to Manchester a few years back we went through, I think it was, Levenshulme. On the corner of a main road was a big shop selling nothing but luggage. On the other side was a money changing business. We had one of those huge airbuses pointed out to us, they apparently fly to Pakistan daily. This was quite a poor looking area and you have to wonder how these third world asylum seekers (!) can keep these outlets in business. As you say all we get from the BBC are sob stories never the real state of play.
It’s always a shame to see two colleagues fall out so publicly.
But then one has to recall Mr. Marr trying to fall in one, a subordinate, publicly, drunk, which is fine.
Still, being “a genuinely tortured, angry individual” vs. ‘too pissed to know better’ is a heck of a choice in guardians of the nation’s opinion.
No disrespect intended.
Still, no awkward moments with Ed at the next dinny soiree, eh, Andrew?
BBC Today programme this morning mentioned the French Election results. It did mention the success of M. Sarkozy’s right-wing UMP party, and the disappointingly disastrous showing (from the BBC’s point of view) of M. Hollande’s left-wing Socialist party – but (at least in the broadcast I heard) not a word about Mme. Le Pen’s right-wing Front National party, which has had a resounding level of success in these elections – and also nary a word about our own Mr Milliband’s grovelling self-abasement, in the not too distant past, at the feet of his hero, M. Hollande, and his Socialist manifesto – which Mr Milliband wanted to import into the UK… I wonder why the BBC failed to mention these ?
Never mind, Mr Milliband has some other ‘masters of the universe’ he can rely upon for left-wing ‘guidance’ now – his usual paymasters, the Unions, and his new puppet-masters, the SNP.
What can go wrong with that ?
The bbC, scaremongering about the cuts to Legal Aid and not even half the story:
Legal aid reforms ‘risk serious miscarriages of justice’
Under pressure to cut budgets, the government introduced sweeping changes to the provision of legal aid for a whole array of civil legal cases in England and Wales. It also said it would reduce the annual £2bn legal aid bill by £500m, of which £350m has already been cut from civil legal aid…This has resulted in many people not being able to get funding for legal representation and having to do it themselves.
Wow, imagine that people are no longer able in the Uk to get representation in court paid for by the state because of those nasty Tory cuts . But hang on, whats this the bBC isn’t telling me: Britain has largest legal aid budget in Europe, says report
Official study shows British legal aid spending is £2 billion, compared with France’s £290 million, Germany’s £272 million and a European average of just £97 million
Yet another vote the Tories out of office article from the bBC before the election.
And then there’s this:
Scotland’s lawyers earn more from Legal Aid than whole of Italy,
THE European Commission report reveals that Legal Aid in Scotland cost 203million euros (£161million) in 2010 – more than in Italy, which has a population of 61million.
SCOTS lawyers collected more taxpayers’ cash for Legal Aid than their counterparts in Italy – a country 12 times the size.
A European Commission report reveals that Legal Aid in Scotland cost 203million euros (£161million) in 2010 – around 39 euros, or £31, for every one of our 5.2million people.
Lawyers in Italy, which has a population of 61million, got just £100million of public cash – £1.50 per person.
The 450-page Brussels report also found that Denmark, with 5.6million people, paid its
lawyers only 88million euros (£70million).
And in Belgium – population 10.9million – legal aid cost 75million euros (£59million).
And the point being exactly what?
The point, MOCO, for the hard of thinking, is this. The BBC reports that our justice is in danger due to proposed cuts in Legal Aid. The BBC are acting as a lobbyist for the gravy train that is our ‘legal’ profession, whilst not reporting on the continual injustice of the legal aid system itself. The BBC are promoting the continuing and inflating crime of theft from taxpayers with the proceeds of this theft being given to lawyers/solicitors/parasites (whatever you wish to call them). This is bias. The forgotten man (ie the one who pays the bills through government force) is yet again ignored by the statist immoral BBC.
Pounce has kindly provided some interesting comparative numbers showing that, whilst other governments facilitate this immoral behaviour, this scam/con/theft is a huge industry in our country. All you had to do was join the dots, but like all brain dead lefties and the BBC, you conveniently forget the ‘Forgotten Man’ who never gets justice himself, but is forced to pay the legal bills of others.
BBC. No moral compass. Biased beyon repair. Lobby group for Lawyers.
Vote UKIP.
Actually you appear to know absolutely nothing about legal aid cuts which affect no only a persons Liberty but also ,the ability not to be killed and the opportunity to see their kids growing up. Cuts have decimated the service and along with cuts in refuges have meant routine domestic violence for some (two women a week killed in their own home).
Moreover poor people have no recourse to LA if their kids are snatched within the UK. In relation to criminal LA there is less representation at police stations and individuals facing severe penalties with a very poor standard of representation.Furthermore,because there is now so little support,clients are now acting as litigants in person which has ,in some places,virtually stopped the administration of justice.
And all this in a country which references the Magna Carta as one of its monikers pretending to have the best justice in the world.
Quite apart from that because of the Gove type implementation of these cuts ie not having a f**king clue about the reality and just concentrating on the ideology the service is actually costing more but in other departmental budgets.
It’s obvious you base your thinking on the Guardian fantasy rather than reality. For legal purposes, those ‘in receipt of benefits’ can be considered wealthy. They, and the true rich, can afford to go to law. In reality, the ‘poor’ are the normal working folk who cannot afford to go to law.
As for kids being snatched by evil secret courts; surely that’s a statist process that’s right up your street? The journalist leading the fight against them is Christopher Booker in the Torygraph. The Beeb are a long way behind, if they’re on the case at all.
Actually it’s based on personal experience which is why I am totally confident you haven’t a clue as to what’s going on ,in London at least.But I am assured by others that this is a nationwide issue with much of the Judiciary reporting likewise. The Fact is that most legal aid firms are going to the wall particularly in Family and Crime which will have a huge impact on Justice and social cohesion.
I assume London is like everywhere else; you’ll be able to afford justice if you’re on benefits, but not if you’re working. Do you dispute that?
From Citizen’s Advice:
For those on benefit, you get legal aid if you’re in receipt of one of these:
•Income Support
•income-related Employment and Support Allowance
•income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
•guarantee credit part of Pension Credit
•Universal Credit.
For those working:
‘To qualify for legal aid, your disposable monthly income can’t be more than £733.’
Help with legal costs – legal aid
Could you explain why comparable countries in Europe spend less that 10%, per capita, what the UK spends – £3 compared with £38 – yet on the criteria you mention they have better outcomes? Paying lawyers had not been noted for improving welfare or justice.
Man on Bus Classic:
‘I am assured by others’
Ever been outside the M25?
And lawyers going to the wall. And the bad thing about that is…..?
Man with the clap on the bus, if you don’t like this country so much why don’t emigrate to one which is better and more conducive to your liking , say Syria or more apt, North Korea ?
Agreed. Last I came across couple of years ago, legal aid expenditure per capita: UK £38; Europe (primarily prosperous original 6) £3; Ireland £8. Got to feed that flood of poorly educated lawyers from the universities. They like anything that creates litigation and conflict. The simple test of whether legislation is good for a lawyer is whether they make some money from it.
Interesting Alex Salmond thinks the BBC is biased against him.
What is actually happening here is people are selecting socalled evidence according to their personal political preferences.
I think several interesting issues arise however because if this is true then the BBC will just irritate everybody and have no overall sway. Of course the gutter press run by the ever so extreme tax avoiding oil investing press barons may continue to entrench stupidity in their readership which is why turkeys will continue to vote for Xmas.
Anyone with an ounce of brain will ask how the Tories have created this wonderful new economy. Through austerity? No evidence at all. For growth in employment read growth in underemployment. For business startups read desparate people with no other choice living on much reduced incomes.
People should also ask themselves whether taking x billion out of the economy is likely to grow it or shrink it.
The final question is what is this election really about. Well I am open to suggestions on that one.
The facts are these;the world economic order is changing, the west is collapsing because capitalism can no longer sustain the expected demands placed on it, we still maintain a financial system, supported to the hilt by those whose benefit from it, that has been shown to be inherently unstable and a money system where credit is granted on the whim of a banker.
Finally we are all expected to trudge along and vote but for what. The following I suggest.
SNP. -the break up of the UK
UKIP. The destruction of UK business and influence
Tories. increasing economic and social inequality leading to financial collapse.
Labour increasing economic and social inequality albeit of a slower order leading to financial collapse
Greens. -taking on some fundamental questions but sadly in over representing hermaphroditism as an alternative lifestyle have thrown some of the baby out with the bath water.However they are expected to take Canberra and New South Wales along with Brighton.
Please do not feed the f-ing troll, its sole purpose is to ensure people digress away from the subject of bBC bias
What like your comment on legal aid? What exactly has that got to do with the BBC? I think if you going to insult others by making suggestions on what to or not comment on you should at least try stick to your own script.
Please do not feed the f-ing troll, its sole purpose is to ensure people digress away from the subject of bBC bias.
‘…What exactly has that got to do with the BBC?…’
Is that a serious question?
How come Louis Theroux missed you last night man on a bus
Maybe Salmond is just using this as part of his endless campaign against the UK. .I doubt the reality of his claim .The man is inherently duplicitous.
Much of what you say has merit. What must be faced is the instability that we introduced into our Western economies by exporting most of our manufacturing to China and India etc.
Well paid jobs go and are replaced by poorly paid part time service jobs.
Germany does not seem to have gone down this road to the same extent and this has lead to German economic domination of the EU.
I remain unsure as to whether quantitive easing is a fraudulent attack upon the prosperity of a nation or whether it genuinely provides benefits. My gut feeling is that it is done to save the rich and the banks and not for the nation’s benefit.
Finally many on this blog are not “right wing” in the perjorative sense of the liberal world view. I certainly am not .
Please do not feed the f-ing troll, its sole purpose is to ensure people digress away from the subject of bBC bias
Mr Salmond is a very astute and slithery politician. He knows full well, for instance, that the socialist policies he and his party would wish to foist on the people of Scotland – namely vastly increased public sector spending (in what is already a far higher public spending part of the UK) and the raising of the highest marginal income tax rate to 50p – cannot be achieved in Scotland alone .
Businesses and high earners would simply move south of the border, thereby markedly decreasing the tax income, and thus making it immeasurably harder to fund increased public spending.
His party’s ploy is to therefore force Labour (if it gains power) to visit higher taxes on the whole of the UK to disguise this, and to increase public spending over the whole of the UK, thus increasing the Barnett Formula pay-out to the Scottish Government, and thus to be able claim huge successes for far-left policies, whilst blaming English MPs if the UK economy goes tits-up.
What’s to lose in that scenario – if you happen to be an SNP trougher ?
I’ve never seen a BBC report on the obvious counter to the SNP – give the Orkney and Shetland Islands the same legal (semi-independent) status as the Channel Islands. Then they can make their own decision on remaining part of the UK or joining an independent Scotland. If they remain in the UK Salmond can’t get his paws on their oil and all the budget projections for an independent Scotland collapse.
That sounds to me like an interesting idea for a BBC programme.
Indeed, that would mean that only about one third of the North Sea oil fields would go to Scotland, with one third for England and one third going to these UK crown dependencies.
He does have 46% of the vote at the moment. Maybe you could define your interpretation of the word foist.
With some companies paying 0.1 % corporation tax do you not think this might be an issue.Furthermore there are issues in respect of high pay since it is impossible to justify by recourse to market forces.It is simply made up with reference to other people’s deals and oneupmanship.
I take in you believe in the free market!
Salmond’s got 46% of the vote? I didn’t know his National Socialists were even standing in England which you would need to do to get anywhere near 46% of the vote.
Actually, at the last Scottish Parliament election, the SNP only won 31% of the vote. You may be mistaking the recent referendum vote for an election (which it is not)…. and 54% of the Scottish population told the SNP to take a hike, at least as regards their attempt to foist independence on everyone in Scotland. My view of foisting is where a minority attempts to impose its policies on the majority, so I believe I have been correct no matter to which numbers you are referring.
The rest of your post is sheer gibberish. Just before the referendum, it became quite clear that businesses would be very happy to re-locate to avoid such issues being imposed by the SNP, and so what if some (and I note you give no numbers to qualify your statement) companies do not pay a huge amount in Corporation Taxes – it’s a tax on profits, which may not be very high at some points in a business cycle, for instance. However, the biggest issue for Scotland won’t necessarily be the disappearance of Corporation Tax income – it’ll be the loss of jobs, the knock-on loss of jobs in the wider community as businesses depart a few miles south, the loss of income tax from these jobs, the loss of spending from these who have lost their employment, the public/private sector jobs ratio, which is way higher in Scotland than the rest of the UK for instance, and would be less sustainable if private sector jobs were to disappear, etc. The free market is precisely what would drive businesses out of Scotland if the SNP were to declare higher taxes than the rest of the UK – which is why Mr Salmond and his ilk desperately want to foist such taxes on the rest of the UK – QED.
QE had a statistical multiplier effect of boosting the economy by 8 pence to every pound spent. The 395 billion was in effect a gift to anyone holding stocks.
What I advocate is spending the same in the form of the green pound which could be used directly on spade ready projects. This is likely to produce a multiplier of twice and so boost the economy.
The bank of England in the middle of last year announce that UK QE had made the UK £50 Billion better off. Compared to the £395 Billion used, that’s around 12.5%, not 8%.
So where are all these ‘spade-ready’ projects you talk about, and what makes you so sure there are the skills to man them, and that the returns would be higher ? And if you are simply talking public sector spending – how do you get rid of the employees after these jobs have been completed ? That was part of the problem caused by the last Labour government, when it added a million more jobsworths in the public sector, each with a job almost guaranteed for life, at higher rates of pay than the equivalent private sector job, a huge (and usually non-contributory final salary scheme) pension as a future debt for the country, to mention just a few issues.
And would these ‘spade-ready’ jobs be roughly similar to the ones Mr Obama relied on in the US – very few of which actually ever came to fruition ? And the multiplier effect of that public-sector benefit fund was ….. roughly the square root of FA.
This is the same “Manonclaphamomnibus” who twice stated Africa as being a “country” in one of his previous posts.
Dear oh dear…
Maybe not.
Just when you hope none will come along, you get three at once, so it is hard to tell.
The Clappedoutman probably only drives round his bus route ,with the aid of a satnav . How the the hell did Captain Cook ever get to Australia , not with you & your bent sextant. For the uneducated ,NSW & Canberra are down under , & not taking part in this election. So the Greens ,may only take Brighton Pavilion , unless you are going to get some Scousers to vote in New Brighton, for the Greens.
Weeks after the murderous attacks on Charlie Hebdo, Jews and Police inside France by Muslims sees the people flocking to the right of the political spectrum. The bBC as perusal comes out with a poor victimised French Muslim story:
Paris Muslims struggle to feel accepted
I met young people who say they are rejected by the country of their birth, France, because of their Muslim identity; one woman told me: “It’s like being rejected by your mother.”…Here, less than 12 miles from the centre of the capital, I met a group of young people who say the stigmatisation and discrimination against Muslims has left them angry…..Anti-racist groups in France say it’s visible French Muslim women who are bearing the brunt of a rise in Islamophobia and verbal and physical attacks against Muslims.
They can resettle in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia if they hate France so much.
Mark wrote:
“They can resettle in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia if they hate France so much.”
Funny enough, the bBC article has one so called French Muslim female saying this:
“One young Muslim woman, excluded from school, she says for refusing to stop wearing a long, loose skirt and a headscarf, says she wants to move to Saudi Arabia, because she feels she would have more freedom to practise Islam there and better opportunities.”
Yup the opportunity to be a second class citizen, where they have to cover up for allah, are banned from driving , be escorted at all times by a male and even have to have a mans permission to leave the county. Gee I wonder why so many Islamic females prefer to remain in the so called racist bigoted France?
Apart from the fact they’re French
But they always say that they are Muslim first and French/British/Swedish etc. afterwards! So a Muslim run country should be their preference anyway (except for the benefits of course which is why they want their “home” countries to “revert”)
Absolutely. A good mate of mine in the late seventies said to me “My dad told me. I am Muslim. I am not British.”
Oddly, his dad drove him and his brother to school every day in a Granada, ran a restaurant AND BandB but both brothers still joined the small queue to collect a ticket for a free school meal.
The rest of us got the bus and paid for our school meals. All of our parents were old school working class. Expected nothing from the state that they regarded as theirs.
British? French? Belgian..? I think not. By their own definition it seems.
A cuckoo might dump its egg in a pigeon’s nest, but the hatchling won’t be a pigeon.
“French” my ar$e.
Does that mean they’re banned from emigrating in search of a better life?
Trouble is that when they get to a ‘better life’ they want to turn the country they arrive in, into the same s..t hole as the country they fled from.
R5 Lite reporting on the start of the GE campaign
Headlines, no fewer than 2 lengthy campaign quotes by the Gormless One
One quote by Clegg following final Privy Council
Simple statement that Cameron was visiting Buckingham Palace to formally report on the dissolution
Seems clear where the BBC’s lack of bias lies
Must. Stop. Biting. Lip.
Chris Hamilton @chrishams
We’ve published refreshed social media guidance for BBC News staff …
‘However, much has stayed the same since 2011 – not least the BBC’s values of accuracy, trust and fairness’
Says Jasmine Lawrence too, the BBC has learned.
The BBC is softly peddling the notion that Andreas Lubtz seemed like a regular guy and everybody is shocked that crashed his plane.
This when Lufthansa knew he’d cracked up and taken 18 months off for psychiatric problems. His file at the Federal Aviation office is also flagged with a warning that he needed regular psychaitric check ups.
The BBC’s aim is to deflect attention from the elephant in the room. WHY THE HELL WAS A KNOWN DEPRESSIVE LET ANYWHERE NEAR THE CONTROLS OF A COMMERCIAL AIRLINER?
The answer is, of course, that good caring liberals have been pushing for employers not to discriminate against the mentally ill. Lufthansa followed their advice.
There’s a great piece on the theme called Killing With Kindness at:
Complete rubbish. Rather than denigrate the Pilot it’s much better to understand him. In doing so it may be possible to stop the next one. As to the regular guy bit I think you’ll find that’s how his neighbours described him.
Yep. Lets try to empathise with and understand a mass murderer, rather than the victims of his despicable crime. You are sick. You are beyond contempt.
Er I don’t think the victims brought the plane down. So what’s the point of trying to understand the victims in this exactly. Clearly you have difficulties in understanding things which is why you are advocating supporting the party with just the one policy but understanding and empathising are two different words with different meanings.
Glasgow rules apply?
Seems the BBC can be quite flexible on empathy (or understanding) between victims and those who have made them so, in detail and levels of coverage.
“…what’s the point of trying to understand the victims in this exactly…”
You are truly a lovely individual.
‘Clearly you have difficulties in understanding things which is why you are advocating supporting the party with just the one policy but understanding and empathising are two different words with different meanings. ‘
You really are a wilful child. Or a serial liar. You choose.
So here for the umpteenth time:
I counted 17 there. How many did you count, Groundhog Man?
It’s the old Russian Roulette argument again. someone with depression did this – ‘but they’re not all like that’ Most of them cope very well with everyday life.
I will load a revolver with one bullet in the chamber ‘but don’t worry they’re not all like that!’
Would you pick that revolver up, put it to your head and pull the trigger? If not then don’t expect to put it to someone else’s and pull the trigger on their behalf !
The lefties only have empathy for those that they deem Inferior to themselves, it’s a form of selfishness that fools the minds of lefties into thinking of themselves as caring.
It would explain why they continue to have empathy for an extremely selfish mentally ill pilot who committed mass murder in the act of suicide.
These moral perverts pushing for employers not to discriminate against mentally ill people, are also called Liberal Fascists.
It proves that murder is not a barrier to empathy, for these moral perverts at the BBC. The only barrier to empathy for the pilot, from the BBC, would be if he was found to be of the right, politically.
But its good that with the pilot being mentally ill, the BBC would assume that that was unlikely, otherwise the BBC would denigrate the Pilot rather than try to understand him.
I thought that once in the election campaign proper, as we are from this morning onwards, there were very strict impartiality rules that governed all of our broadcasters, including the BBC. I am unsure who enforces them nor how sanctions are applied. But assuming these rules are enforced and do apply to the BBC , it will be interesting if we can detect any noticeable change in the level of leftist bias of the state funded broadcaster.
I must say that up until now the bias has been very strong with Labour never being grilled about its dangerous economic policy of borrow like there is no tomorrow, they have to borrow because their tax raising and spending cuts are a joke. Nor is Labour ever challenged on its spurious claims about the NHS or the lack of the ‘feel good factor’. Whilst the Tories are given a good going over whenever they appear.
If the Tories do lead the next government they must at the BBC Charter renewal do something to at least curb the power of the corporation. I sadly think that closing it down and turning Broadcasting House into a hotel or something isn’t politically possible.
Don’t hold your breath ,it’s OFCOM who enforces the rules.
Has anyone else noticed the Clare Balding trail for the BBC’s Easter celebration on Radio 2? I know of Good Friday, but I have never heard it called Easter Friday. Keep going down that path of political correctness, BBC, and soon we’ll have a second “holiday” to go alongside the season formerly known as Christmas.
Would the BBC dare have a lesbian promoting Ramadan?
Rubbing Christan noses in ‘diversity’ while showing servile submission and ‘sensitivity’ to our new insect overlords.
I wonder if we can expect to hear the Fascists referring to Ramadan as ‘Fastival’?
Nicholas – There could be another reason: sheer unadulterated ignorance of British culture and traditions.
According to Al Beeb, re. the latest on the election, ‘the smallest parties could hold the balance of power’
All the more reason to vote UKIP .
Come on Britons, lets have a massive showing for UKIP,anything to keep Millipede and Ed Testicles out,and the joy of seeing Beboids crying in their tofu.
The bBC and its blinkered view of the world:
nurses aren’t washing their uniforms correctly
A microbiologist has found that nurses are not washing their uniforms correctly because guidelines are “sometimes quite vague”. Doctor Katie Laird from DeMontford University conducted the study and stated that nurses “should be washing at 60 degrees celcius for ten minutes” in order to remove micro-organisms that could cause infection from textiles. However, the study has shown that “forty-nine percent of nurses were washing at lower than 60” which could enable bacteria to survive on their clothes.
Wow, the bBC reports on how how Nurses aren’t washing their own clothing at the recommended temperature to kill off any nasty bacteria they may have picked up at work. Listen to how the presenter asks the question if any there is any danger or evidence of not washing nurses clothing at 60 deg.
Really BBC, anybody remember this:
MRSA deaths up by nearly quarter
Remind me again why the 60 degree, alcohol hand-wash policy was brought in after the above?
They are obviously biased in their support for bugs taking over the world. Since they haven’t reported on this they are undoubtedly enmeshed in a dastardly plot!
Tip: waving your antenna to the right means friend
So Mr Manonclaphamomnibus, please prey tell us, which way are you waving your antenna ?
I am sure we would all like to know.
Where, Mr Manonclaphamomnibus is your criticism ?
Because this is what you posted in the middle of the month …
March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm
‘I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news.However,I am quite surprised by the lack of objectivity and reasoning. Instead of BBC bias all this site appears to be about is a number of individuals reinforcing their own extremely uninformed political outlook.’
Or are you just a transparent ‘flimflam man’ ?
Scott doesn’t go in for the Jew hating thing
Manon does though.
you noticed
Manon is a racist. He is also an institutional racist because he does not say he is a racist.
The BBC could show a little more curiosity on this one, like ‘How come an intelligent person with a DEGREE in nursing, which might just involve absorbing some knowledge of matters relating to hygiene, can’t work out how to wash their uniform thoroughly?’
The Left just don’t want to do that old BBC balance thing anymore
Mehdi Hasan @mehdirhasan Nov 5
BBC radio 4 news gives equal weight to UCL academic report on migrant benefits & MigrationWatch (!) claims re migrant costs #leftwingbbc
I see the BBC has started the campaign with a Reality Check in which a claim made by the Tories is “checked and dismissed.”
Let’s hope they do the same with anything proposed by Labour, such as the idiotic claim that if we leave the EU jobs will be lost.
Come on BBC, where’s your analysis of that?
You will also note that the ‘independent’ Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) saysin that article that the Conservative claim of £3,028 additional taxes per household is arrived at by adding up the extra taxes over the life of the next parliament – which the IFS doesn’t like.
Hmmmm – but what’s wrong with that ? If Labour gets in, then if the base numbers are correct, then that’s what you will pay until you have a chance to get rid of Labour again.
Now you might try to dispute the basic numbers used by the Conservatives, but if Labour isn’t going to raise any taxes, or cut government expenditure, in order to fund their spending plans, then its only option is to borrow more – and hence that’s why their other claim that they are also going to reduce the country’s debt is clearly nonsensical. Hence the recent car crash by Labour’s Shadow Minister Lucy Powell, after a few seconds of being grilled by Andrew Neill.
She is billed as a Labour Party and Cooperative politician…. ahhhhh she’s been on the Cooperative Financial Skills Course – that would explain a helluva lot.
The BBC loves to be quoting the IFS when it doesn’t support the Conservatives, but it’s not so keen to headline the IFS view that the Conservatives are correct when it comes to pointing out flaws in the Labour Party manifesto.
Good reality check on Labour Peer Margaret Prosser by Brillo on Daily Politics today.
Margaret had said the Coalition record on Apprenticeships was not as good as claimed by the Conservative Lady on the programme, so Andrew Neil said he would check via the House of Commons Library.
Lo and behold through his earphone at the end of the programme (56:27 mins) came the dismal Labour record compared to the Coalition much better figures.
Absolute delight to see the utter embarrassment of the lying Labour Peer. More utilization of these fact checks please BBC – of all and any politicians without fear or favour please.
Or the totally nonsensical Labour policy, mentioned by Milliband to Paxman & again by Lucy to Brillo, that they are going to reduce the deficit by paying people more. Surely all they will achieve is a bigger government payroll total & inflation, result higher deficit. When will the BBC take this crap idea apart?
It’s a variation on the “borrow your way out of debt” ploy.
I think the idea is that private sector employers pay their workers more which increases Income Tax and N I contributions and the government pays out less in tax credits.
One of the surprises of there being more people in employment is that Income Tax has not produced as much as expected. BUT if you jack everybody’s personal tax allowance up from £6000 to £10600 in 5 years, way above inflation only increases, that may well have something to do with it, and, of course it increases the take home pay of the lower paid proportionately quite a bit. Take home pay for the poor can be improved just as effectively by raising personal tax allowances as by increasing the minimum wage. And if your spouse has unused tax allowances and neither of you are on 40% tax earnings you can have 10% of it transferred to your other half from next week. Labour are I believe pledged to end this because you need to be married to qualify!
Beeboids: propaganda against British values.
Why would Beeboid Ms BURNS want to elevate the views of one headteacher in Southend, unless they happen to coincide with her own?:-
“Ignore rules on promoting British values, teachers urged”
By Judith Burns
Education reporter.
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“The majority of voters doubt that Islam is compatible with British values.
“How can politics unite two communities that don’t trust one another?”
By Joel Faulkner Rogers.
What are British values exactly?
What do you see as British values ?
Exactly. They do not exist except in the minds of the liberal elite.
Usually summed up as “tolerance” and a love of “diversity”. Made up values and little to do with the culture and history of the English.
Historically we were never a tolerant people and living on our island never had much time for other cultures.
English values I understand. They used to exist until the elite got around to denigrating them and trying on fantasy values.
Above all a love of freedom and a distrust of the rulers and their class. Self reliance and courtesy. An inherited affection for the land itself. For the river valley of my forefathers in my case. Stubborness goes with it as well. Simple enough to understand but for some reason the metros think we should have other values. They can go to hell.
Spot on
We all know that according to the Left (yes, that’s you Mark Easton) the British, but particularly the English, have no culture or identifiably separate set of values.
Unlike countries from just about everywhere else in the globe, to whom we must be eternally thankful for having brought their cultures to our shores and shown us how uncivilised we are. I believe it’s called ‘The Enrichment Effect’.
For INBBC-‘Education’ to censor?:-
“Now jihadi bride school is centre of terror probe:
Academy where four pupils have left to join ISIS to be investigated by counter-extremism officials.
“Bethnal Green Academy will be investigated by counter-extremism officers.
“Four girls from east London school fled to Syria to become ‘jihadi brides.’
“Four of their friends and pupils have had their passports confiscated.
“Parents have called for thorough investigation into Islamic fundamentalism.”
Read more:
Why shouldn’t an Islam-compliant INBBC censor this?:-
“UK: Muslim MI5 agent plotted jihad attack against his handlers”
[Opening excerpt, by Robert Spencer]:-
“And so the rolling absurdity that is modern Britain continues.
The British government’s line is that Muslims are ‘radicalized’ by poverty and discrimination, and so therefore showering Muslim communities with money and preferential treatment will take care of the problem in a jiffy. Yet here was a man who was a trusted member of MI5, the British spy agency. He wasn’t alienated from British society — he was part of Britain’s core intelligence apparatus. He was almost certainly not hurting for money, unless he had a lifestyle so lavish that he couldn’t sustain it on his MI5 salary. And yet he turned to jihad anyway.
“The willfully ignorant government of David Cameron has absolutely no way to understand this. The only way it could begin to do so would be to depart from its official line and tread into areas it has labeled ‘hate’ and ‘Islamophobia.’ What is one to do if the truth can only be found beyond a fence of one’s own making?”
It’s like trying to fight WWII whilst being terrified of being accused of “Naziphobia”. One thing’s for sure, Cameron is more Chamberlain than Churchill.
“So Mr Manonclaphamomnibus, please prey tell us, which way are you waving your antenna ?”
Any of the hot men who frequents Strictly.
BBC – The Ark … “fusing elements of the Bible and Quran”?
why? … Aquil s involvement?
… and not necessary either the Quran simply perverts the story.
BBC – A nation divided
“Comedian Shaista Aziz travels to our nearest neighbour to find out why the country has become so divided.
As France reels from attacks carried out by French Muslim extremists, she meets the ordinary young Muslims who feel rejected by their country, with some even hiding their Muslim identity to get work” … (hiding what? their hijabs?)
“Shaista confronts the far-right youth organisations who believe foreigners should be repatriated”
… confronts? hmmm …. not a very “funny” idea for a comedian
She thinks it is “like a very awkward first date”, I think he would be horrified at the thought
… of a date with a Uncle Fester lookalike.
The bit about the law against “l’apologie du terrorisme” seemed to be an ” own goal” for the star comedienne An innocent, Muslim lad, barely 8 years old, understandably feels outraged and upset when the Prophet is insulted by nasty cartoonists and would be open and honest about it when asked by his teacher twittering on about some “Je suis Charlie” nonsense. Total overreaction to get the law involved. As his father explained the lad did not know what “terrorism” was and had been brought up to respect the Prophet. Perhaps, daddy should have pointed out they were living in a non-muslim country where only the criminally insane consider mass murder an appropriate response to an insult. Of course if you are being “othered” all the time these things can slip your mind.
Wonder if the BBC will be interested in this story? I doubt it…
The Left just hate the concept of ‘British values’; but, unfortunately they have infiltrated the education system. It is because of lefty pillocks such as this that our identity is being eroded; I wonder of this screaming lefty would say that it is wrong for Scottish teachers to teach its values or for the Irish to do the same?
5live Drive –
In Sheffield – biggest issue election day 1 – Immigration
Slovak Roma/Bulgarians – oops!
… Beebot quickly adds, its only 2000 families now and that number is growing every week?, and that’s in one area, Page Hall.
Torygraph -Roma in Sheffield: ‘When it goes off, it will be like an atom bomb here’
Is the North facing race riots again? Relations between Roma immigrants and the locals in Sheffield are poisonous and worsening by the day
Just noticed on the new bbc news there are virtually no stories open to comment….
In the words of the immortal Corporal Jones, ‘they don’t like it up em !’
I see Alibhai Brown one of the BBC’s regulars excels herself in today’s Independent. Israel is now more wicked and dangerous than Hamas!
No point in commenting . The liberal hatred of Israel is ramping up now the deal with Iran is underway.
Maybe they fear Israel will take action before it faces an existential threat to it’s existence. Not that the Western liberals care.
The favoured cause of the intelligentsia infesting our public life is to end the existence of Israel. For once it would be honest of them to admit it.
I had the misfortune of seeing Alibhai Brown in of all places TK Maxx in Bath.
I wonder if she knows the CEO is Jewish?!
Heard a bit of Beyond Belief a few hours ago.
Apparently the Jews get it all in the neck from anti-Semites who are Christians….and certainly NOT from Muslims, although “Middle east events of last summer” were alluded to for fuelling attacks on Jews in Manchester.
But not Muslims eh?…so says a BBC house trained Jewish spokesman(of whom the BBC seems to have plenty on tap).
And -before that-was a gay arty Indian moaning about homophobia in India as well as “religious, right wing censorship”.
Basically, Hindus now seem to be getting the grievance industry bug to silence dissent”…from…which faith I wonder?
Wasn`t made clear to me…so we`ll blame Mary Whitehouse and those Christians shall we?
And -NOT-Islam, no sirree!
Nearly an hour of this slurry-think I`ve got to vote Labour now…beep, beep
This is an excellent article by Paul Weston about The Three Mosqueteers and the elite and Beeb initial responses to them; and then the more contentious back story of the father of one of them.
Civilian casualties in Yemen continue to rise rapidly;
“An air strike in Yemen by the Saudi-led coalition has killed at least 40 people and wounded about 200 at a camp for internal refugees, a human rights group has said” – source Guardian online.
Story is not given much prominence on BBC world news online site. Reporting is unemotional.
Contrast and compare with last summer’s near hysterical over-reporting of Israel’s air strikes against terror targets in Gaza.
The sharia compliant, islamo-left BBC must feel it’s OK for muslims to kill muslim civilians. But anything Israel does, even in self defence, must be reported in gory, magnified, emotional detail to ensure a political point is made.
So true!
INBBC TV 3 (9 pm tonight) has Muslima to represent French Muslims as victims of Charlie Hebdo massacre.
As an indication of to whom this propaganda piece is aimed, there was a warning at start of programme to say there was a brief illustration of a Mohammad cartoon.
The INBBC Muslima reporter, Ms Shaista Aziz, describes herself curiously as a ‘British-Pakistan journalist,’ and makes clear that she would never leave her house without wearing her hijab, which, of course, she wears throughout the programme in France.
Of course, this INBBC Islamic propaganda programme is sympathetic to Mr Dieudonné. This Mr Dieudonné-
“Dieudonne guilty of condoning terrorism with Charlie Hebdo comment”
INBBC’s Muslima, Ms Aziz’s conclusion, post-Islamic jihad, Charlie Hebdo massacre can be summarised: –
‘French should do more for the Muslims.’
-Exactly in political line with INBBC’s Islamisation of Europe campaigning.
Yesterday’s World Service Assignment programme, ‘Saving Gaza’s grand piano,’ deviated somewhat from the standard bleeding-heart bleat about the poor Palestinians bravely struggling against forces beyond their control. Though bleeding hearts and bleating were present in abundance, and abundant blame was indirectly laid at the door of Israel, blame was also laid at the door of the Islamist government, which has apparently forbidden public displays of musical ability.
The piano in question survived the partial destruction of an entertainment complex during the last war. Those who converged on the piano to make sure that it would not remain silent include a famous Israeli conductor, a French piano tuner, a Russian musician, a handful of eager students and the owner of the complex.
The latter led the BBC’s Tim Whewell through the complex (or the other way around) with much mutual bleating at the destruction till they stopped at a prearranged point, which turned out to be the sight of a fragment of a missile. “Oh, this is the missile! That’s amazing!” says Whewell, feigning surprise. “We’ve now picked up a piece of twisted metal…very clearly this is the missile or one of the missiles that struck the building. It says, Warning: 2-man lift 99 pounds 45 kilograms, with a number on it and everything.”
How convenient. Whewell has apparently never heard of Pallywood. That fragment could have come from anywhere. But since it’s labelled in English, he’s delighted to read it out. The day I hear a BBC cult member inform his audience that he’s found a fragment of a missile among rubble in Gaza with ‘Death to America and Israel’ on it in Farsi, implying an own goal, I’ll stop criticising the BBC.
To return to Whewell’s major indiscretion: Blaming Hamas is an extraordinary deviation from the unwritten BBC rule of only ever blaming Israel for any problems between the Jordan River and the sea, but it really does seem that in this instance the BBC chose passive resistance over its customary dhimmi submission to those who wield the Islamist whip.
The BBC better be careful. Any more resistance and it wont be allowed back into Gaza to bleat some more.
Arrrghh. Why is italic text shrinking??!
For me, normal text increased a couple of days ago, but italic and links did not, so now look smaller. It is a bit weird. Looks like someone tweaked settings in a style sheet file that defines these things.
Ah! I see my mistake. Yes, the normal text size has increased. Well, at least we can still see clearly.
Oops, forgot the link:
The bit about the fragment of a missile starts at about 6 minutes in.
‘The BBC better be careful. Any more resistance and it wont be allowed back into Gaza’
Or, more to the point, if the BBC don’t tow the line they might not be allowed out of Gaza
That is a link to the Guardian (or a ‘pass-the-frittata’)
‘Alan Johnston, the BBC journalist held hostage in the Gaza Strip since March, was handed over to Hamas officials by his Islamist captors’
Yes, Johnston, the pro-Palestinian propagandist who spent about 3 years BASED in Gaza, about 3 months of it in captivity.
On his release he cut short a BBC interview with the following breathless comment:
“I can’t talk now I’m going to have breakfast with the Prime Minister.”
That of course was chief Gaza terrorist Ishmael Haniye.
The BBC really IS the enemy. And it has no shame.
I had the misfortune to hear an interview with that revolting left-wing nutter Harriet Harman on the BBC earlier. She typifies Labour.
Out of interest why was she called ‘Harperson’? I never caught the reason why.
A Guess.
I think its a PC/feminazi thing.
Harperson is too kind. I prefer Harridan Harpie.
I believe the ‘Harperson’ label was a dig at her excessive political correctness, as in ‘chairman’ becoming ‘chairperson.’
Thanks guys. She is so sanctimonious! As a woman I detest her and think this whole feminist nonsense is yet another mechanism for undermining our traditions.
All part of divide and rule. Feminists suck. 😉
Another reference to GuardianISIS hero, Snowden-
“Britain is locked in a technology ‘arms race’ with terrorists plotting carnage, warns new MI6 spy chief.
“MI6 boss Alex Younger warns about threat posed by new technology.
“He said intelligence services were restricted by law unlike terrorists.
“Comes after former US spy Edward Snowden stole 1.7m documents.
“The massive leak revealed sensitive intelligence gathering techniques.
Read more:
This country has a few million members of a religion that have been shown to have a desire to destroy the British way of life. Indeed some say, to destroy British people.
Where do we go from here?
Islam has many similarities with Nazi Germany. I’ll explain.
1. An intent to kill all Jews and take their lands. Women and children included.
2. An intent to destroy all those who oppose or who not of the true faith e.g. Christians or Hindus.
3. An intent to destroy gays.
4. An intent for world domination.
5. An intent to ensure that all women are subjugated. And without education.
6. An intent to create a legal system (Sharia Law) that has no place in European Law.
7. An intent to impose draconian punishment on those who transgress.
8. An intent to portray themselves as ‘victims’ with the consent of selected elements of the British media.
The British (and the Scottish 😉 ) are and have been quite a tolerant people. Let’s not allow things to go too far?
Given that Fascism of itself does not contain any specific intentions to eliminate Jews or Gays, and that under neither Franco, Peron, or Mussolini was there any active attempts to set up death camps, the problem has to lie squarely with the German Nazis.
The possibility that Hitler did at some point convert to Islam is a strong one. Just because he wasn’t able to finalise his solution did not mean that he wouldn’t have gone further, indeed there is evidence that after he had killed the Jews he would have gone for Christian priests and vicars.
Nothing in Fascist ideology can account for this, only one other possible ideology can – Islam.
Around the time of the establishment of Israel the Arab Muslim world embarked on a conscious programme to expel all Jews. It has virtually succeeded, with less than 1% of the pre-1948 Jewish populations now left in Arab countries and the vast majority of those countries completely without Jews. Twentieth-century Iraq, for example, had a substantial Jewish community dating back to antiquity. There are now only a few elderly Jews left in Baghdad and when they are gone that will be it.
These Muslim Arab countries have achieved the goal of Nazi Germany’s Final Solution even more completely than the Nazis themselves managed to achieve it in Europe. And, talking of Europe, Islamists with their sick ideology are now also trying to destroy Jewish communities throughout the continent.
So yes, the parallels between Nazi Germany and Islam are very real and clear to anyone with eyes half open. Which, of course, does not include members of the cult known as the BBC and anyone else who cannot or will not look at reality.
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has stated emphatically that no Israeli settlers or border forces would be allowed to remain in a future Palestinian state,
“In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli – civilian or soldier – on our lands,”
Funny he should use the term “final resolution,” which sounds so disturbingly familiar. It brings to mind two other familiar terms from the same era, Judenfrei (“free of Jews”) and Judenrein (“clean of Jews”), the Nazi terms designating an area “cleansed” of Jewish presence. Judenfrei referred to “freeing” an area of all its Jewish dwellers by deportation, while Judenrein had the stronger connotation that any trace of Jewish blood had been removed as an impurity.
With his demand for a Jew-free country, the revered Palestinian statesman joins the majority of Arab nations, including Saudi Arabia, where Jews—especially the Israeli kind—are not permitted to set foot.
And so, as far as Abbas is concerned, there is no way the Jewish settlements of Judea and Samaria that happen to remain on the wrong side of the new border could apply for Palestinian citizenship.
“In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli – civilian or soldier – on our lands,”
Could you imagine the (justified) outcry if an Israeli said in reverse “In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Arab – civilian or soldier – on our lands”?
What is never given any publicity by the BBC is anything that even alludes to the truth of how Israel actually helps Palestinian Arabs . See
‘possibility that Hitler did at some point convert to Islam is a strong one’
Nurse sedate this one for God’s sake. He’s upsetting the ward!!!
youre a bit of an idiot arent you dickhead on the clapped out bus?
if you think hitlers relationship with islam isnt a topic of historic discussion, maybe you should write to the wall street journal and tell them theyre nuts for publishing this
i know such a serious paper as the WSJ will take what u say seriously, what with you having a triple first class degree. youre truely one of the most intelligent ppl this side of Orions Belt
Keeping the red flag flying.
Newsnight. Comrade Evan Davis. 30.3.15
Interview with Grant Shapps. Mr Green. Comrade Evan at his worst. Or obfuscatory best. A waste of an interview, attempting a character assassination job on Shapps. But we learn that Evan is confused about what ‘good’ businesses are and which are ‘bad’ businesses (this is the man who has presented Dragons Den for heaven’s sake). Shapps (rightly) suggested that the government’s job is to provide a legal framework (the law).
To be clear Evan. Customers will either buy the products of a business, or they won’t. Satisfy customers – business can succeed. Don’t satisfy customers – business will fail. Unless of course the government interferes with the market.
I’m no fan of Shapps, but Evan was rude and economically and ethically illiterate. He managed to get no information of use out of Shapps regarding any aspect of policy. Pathetic interviewing focusing on Mr Green’s business history (at least he has one) and pushing the ‘nasty party’ meme.
The socialist / statist bias of the BBC in ingrained so deeply. Well done comrade Evan. Now to clean Alistair Campbell’s rectum with his tongue.
Why don’t we find some eccentric Kippers on the coast with a young Beeboidette (Katie Razzall), but whilst the locals may be thinking of voting UKIP (after being ignored and shafted by Liblabcon) don’t! Because a guy who makes his living out of offshore ‘renewables’ is voting Tory, because UKIP would be a ‘disaster’. And because another guy thinks UKIP ‘prey’ on people’s fear. Let’s revisit the eccentric local again who is voting UKIP.
So we learn that Katie Razzall is not scientifically qualified and is:
(i) A reality denier (warmist/warmon/CAGW believer)
(b) Doesn’t like UKIP
(3) Fearless in projecting her prejudice by abusing her position as a supposed impartial political commentator at an ‘impartial’ state broadcaster. Quelle surprise!
BBC bias in all its Common Purpose propagandist best.
Clean up politics. Scrap the Telly tax. Subscribe to ‘Brillo TV’
And vote sensibly.
A good business is a business that makes a profit by supplying products and services that the people want.
A bad business is a business that makes a loss by supplying products and services that people do not want.
And if the government doesn’t interfere, the good business will survive and flourish and the bad business will wither and die.
HaHa! Mr Green and Comrade Evan were like some surreal scene from Monty Python. Remarkable. Green deserves all he got, but you couldn’t ever see a leftie get treated like that on Newsnight post Paxman.
‘Young’ Katie Razzall; The Hon Mrs Katie Milburn, is a daughter of the Lib Dem peer <a href=Tim Razzall, Baron Razzall.
DM reported: Damian’s rather louche lifestyle came in the wake of his separation from blonde Channel 4 news reporter Katie Razzall, daughter of the thrice-married, high-living Lib Dem peer Lord Razzall, known in Westminster as ‘Lord Razzall of Dazzle’.
Knickers in the post and the rather racy past of the hottest Brit in Hollywood
The Gruniard reported that Katie was appointed by Ian Katz:
Katz said he has long admired Razzall’s “distinctive voice and original reporting” and praised her versatility.
Some have long admired Katie’s ice-cool appearance. I think ‘young’ Katie is in her forties now, but she’s remarkably well preserved.
Best to not take Newsnight too seriously; just get in the popcorn and enjoy it as entertainment. Wait to see what surprise Mr Farage has in store for Call Me Dave on Thursday night…. and vote sensibly.
‘Katz said he has long admired Razzall’s “distinctive voice “‘
So long as it was not because she’s yet another not uncomely blonde. That could be seen as pandering to stereotypical male TV executive perceptions of what drives ratings.
Which would be bad.
The TV Licence is an unfair and unjust poll tax imposed on all, even though many television viewers do not support its ideals or watch its politically correct programmes.
It is an unjust tax forced upon the people of this nation without true representation. Time to end this rotten tax that sustains the establishment we all know as Al Beeb.
“Satisfy customers – business can succeed. Don’t satisfy customers – business will fail. Unless of course the government interferes with the market.”
There is, of course, a third option, a unique one. But maybe you have that covered if government interference includes compulsion under threat of prison.
Unfortunately UKIP only have one policy. They have a few ideas which keep changing and which remain uncosted. I believe they also intend to make the rich richer ,the reason I presume that Angryman is proposing to vote for them. On that basis the BBC can only bring the evident to the attention of the viewer.
Funny enough, the big political hitters on Sky – Adam Boulton and Faizal Islam – have just been discussing how UKIP’s pledge card is much clearer and better costed than Labour’s effort.
Given that all the main parties have rich posh boys at the top, and that all of them have conspired to keep it that way I don’t think you have any point here in that comment.
Cameron’s effective abolition of inheritance tax which is a bar to social mobility makes the case to UKIP being something different in this regard a very weak one.
Only one politician since the war has championed merit and social mobility, and that was Margaret Thatcher and the Tory men in grey suits got rid of her as soon as they could. The left hated her with a passion because she made many of their followers believe they had a chance of improving their lives, when they had been teaching them reliance on the state and a moneyed enemy for decades
‘Unfortunately UKIP only have one policy.’
And you, son, have only one ear – your left.
Another Groundhog Day with Mr Omnibus, aka The Tiresome Little Tit.
Its just been pointed out to me that Psychiatrists do not regard empathy as a useful tool in understanding a patient. Empathy is an emotion, and it is not wise to get emotionally involved with a patient. The use of logic and reason to analyse a patients problems is far more useful.
Empathy has dangers, as to empathise with a murderer would make it possible for a Psychiatrists or Police Detective to consider murder as a reasonable act. But then this is an interesting point, and would explain why left-wing people are more likely to revert to mass murder. Which would include the Nazis, as although Nazis are regarded as right-wing by the lefties, the Nazis themselves, regarded themselves as left-wing Socialists.
This would explain the moral perversion of empathy from BBC Journalists, for that pilot.
Unfortunately your familiarity with psycharitrists is all to apparent.
As you say they dont use empathy because of the inablity to make an OBJECTIVE assesment.
Since you would reasonably expect Journalists to be OBJECTIVE they therefore should put empathy to one side.
As to the rest of your diatribe Nazis arent left wing and you havent provided any evidence of the fact that left wing people ,who generally espouse greater services in order to HELP people are LESS empathetic. If you have some then lets see it.
so when hitler said he was a socialist, ran a socialist party who referred to themselves as national socialists, designed a flag in red as it was the colour of the socialist strugle, recognised only two classes of ppl, peasants and workers, said they hated capitalism, intended to deinstrustrialise germany after the war because of the blood and soil socialist ideology, this was all a lie to get themselves elected?
Think you need to read a history book as to the reason the SA was put in its place in the night of the long knives, the SA were to the left of the communist party, hitler had his socialist revolution and was happy with national socialism, the SA wanted to go further
but hey, dont let historical facts get in the way of your bigotry. Look at Hitlers socilaist achivements after 1 year in power, end to hyper inflation and full employment because of the socialist policies he implemented
‘…left wing people ,who generally espouse greater services in order to HELP people’
In a nutshell. The only solution is for the state to spend more money, regardless of whether it can be afforded.
Nail on the head. Congratulations.
I am guessing he is still a school child with some of the stuff I am reading
Actually I said that left-wing people are more empathetic because they are more likely to think with emotion, while right-wing people are more matter of fact and think with logic and reason rather than with emotion. That is why left-wing regimes can revert to mass murder.
The rule of whether someone is left-wing or right wing is to allow the opinion of the person themselves to say so.
I remember the National Socialist, Oswald Mosley on the telly, arguing with a Soviet Socialist type. The argument revolved on the insistence of Mosley, that he was left-wing, while his opponent was arguing that Mosley was right-wing.
The Nazis started a war against the Capitalists, then when they attacked the Soviet Socialists, the Communist movement in Britain provided its full support to Churchill, since then the Nazis have always been regarded as right-wing by the Western Media.
Left-wing people either justify mass murder, or they reject it by labelling their fellow lefties as right-wing, and you can watch a TV program about Hitler every day of the week, but you would have to search the internet for Hitler’s speeches praising Socialism.
Enough, moron.
NAZI is an anglicised acronym for national socialist deutsche arbeiterpartei, which for the unenlightened translates as national SOCIALIST Gernan workers party.
This is a matter of historical record, and is what the jew-murdering warmongering proto islamo-fascists actually chose to call themselves.
You wanna argue, GET YOUR FACTS AND YOUR HISTORY RIGHT or get back on your ( undoubtedly red-painted) bus.
“You wanna get in the news, come up with a big number!”
BBC political correspondent Ross Hawkins comes up with a marvellous piece of media self-diagnosis on the BBC soft sofa this morning.
You know how I do enjoy the off-script side comments that beeboids sometimes make. Those precious moments tell us far more than hour after hour of autocue.
Of course our Ross is quite correct in his statement. “The media can’t resist a big number” he goes on, warming to his theme….
And of course this was Tory electioneering that he comfortably happy to be critiquing here – goodness knows, he was right. ‘£3000 Labour tax bombshell’ yesterday, then ‘2 million new jobs’ today.
Not that Labour won’t join in with calling out a number – I look forward to our Ross shooting it down when it happens.
But we digress… The BBC sofa bod’s main non-political story today?
Oh, just a report from NSPCC with some scary big numbers in it…
‘Porn addiction: 10% of 12-13 year olds worried about habits’
“You wanna get in the news, come up with a big number!”
Seems there are numbers, big numbers… and what guarantees a £100k ‘charity’ head of marketing a slot on the BBC pulpit sofa
Is this the NSPCC whose head, the ever so PC ex civil service ‘diversity champion’ whose name escapes me, and who the NSPCC seem very coy about revealing?
The man who was so Politically Correct he couldn’t even countenance the thought that Pakistani Muslims were abusing children and wouldn’t even discuss it?
The group which has advocated the abuse of children, provided it was by women, by consistently opposing the contact by fathers following divorce ?
I hope no one on this forum donates a penny to the NSPCC !
perhaps he’s not so keen to initiate a race riot like you seem to be. As an aside how many Pakistani Roman Catholics have been buggering little kids recently or indeed historically?
AH ! The voice of appeasement ! Don’t talk about race or there’ll be a riot !
I actually know of one Pakistani Christian who lives close to me & I can tell you what a terrible time he gets from your favourite brown eyed boys. Not that you’d be interested in that – after all they can’t do anything wrong, and we can’t discuss anything like that in case they go and riot !
… Correct!, and with a capital C
The anti-Judeo/Christian lobby is growing and in many forms – T
“A virulent global campaign by a powerful Christian lobby is trying to influence the Church and use it to delegitimize Israel. The lobbying group is the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Centre, with Nobel Prize Laureate and retired Anglican Bishop Desmond Tutu as its patron”
Makes you think, have they forgotten the “heritage”
of Jesus? to coin a BBC buzzword.
Our Judeo/Christian roots are in the very fabric of our nation,
… very troubling