Listening to the news on R4 and there was no mention of the Front National in the French elections…a following report on the Today programme eventually mentioned them and I got the impression that they had received a drubbing from the French electorate, especially when the correspondent told us that the voters had ‘united to keep them out’ then continuing with the claim that ‘it was a good night’…no mention was made of how well the FN had actually done.
The Telegraph has a different take on things….
Sunday’s vote was also triumph for the anti-immigration and Eurosceptic Front National, which is all but certain to see a big jump in its total number of councillors, from only two. “The historic fact of tonight is the arrival of the Front National … its score in the second round means that Ms Le Pen’s strategy to try to build a grassroots army of local officials to shore up her ambitions for the French presidency is firmly on track.
Manuel Valls, the prime minister, said that the Front National’s gains in the local elections were a sign of lasting upheaval in the French political landscape.
And did the French electorate ‘unite to keep them out’ as the BBC claims?...
As ever in France’s two-round elections, voters from left and right united in round two to keep the National Front from power, our correspondents adds.
Like that ‘as ever’.
The Telegraph thinks its the way the elections are run that accounts for the eventual outcome……
Marine le Pen’s Front National would, due to unfavourable electoral arithmetic, fail to win any departments but can claim a breakthrough because it will now have councillors across France. “This will be the base for the great victories of tomorrow,” said Ms Le Pen.
The BBC being very selective with the truth…..just as it did with UKIP when it had an overwhelming vote in eleections….the BBC mentioning the lower polling Greens but not UKIP in their reports.
It’s the old subtle indoctrination; the BBC are doing all they can to make people think that it’s a wasted vote for a Right-wing party because they’ll never get in power. I simply don’t understand why the Tories don’t do more to weed this biased organisation of its far-Left Marxists.
Front National are not a right wing party, they are very much of the left. Compulsory nationalisation is hardly the mark of a free market yet this is planned by Front National.
The BBC always describe any political views they don’t like as ‘right’ wing when that is a complete lie !
The FN may be left-wing in economical terms but socially they are very right wing. If I were French, they’d have my vote.
Alex, I don’t think the Tories care because the Tories have not been conservative for a long, long time. You can’t slide a sheet of paper between the big 3 in the UK anymore.
I am a great admirer of Marine Le Pen. She has rid the party of the horrible anti Semitism which utterly poisons so many nationalist movements. I also wish Farage would accept her offer of alliance but it seems to me that more and more ukip are trying to appear ‘moderate’ by not mentioning islam and focusing on European immigration. Maybe they feel this is the only way to power but to my mind what British (and French) people rightly fear at the moment is the near certain Islamic takeover. The utter betrayal of a people will surely be covered in history classes one day in a country that manages to survive Islamisation. I didn’t mean to write that last csentence but sometimes the enormity of the betrayal just grips me and leaves me stunned anew.
Uniterd Against Fascism?
I agree that the BBC are turds who should be flushed away, but even the BBC should be described using OED orthography.
‘.the BBC mentioning the lower polling Greens but not UKIP in their reports.”
Propaganda. Censorship.
News. ‘Not news’.
(c) A. Newsroom Tealady. Jasmine Lawrence.
The FN doing well in elections in France is another one of those annoying (as Al Beeb sees it) “hate facts”. These are things which are true, but you aren’t supposed to say them.
Did you know that at any big political rally in France a representative from the British embassy or consulate will be there taking notes for dispatches back to the Foreign Office?
So there will be a consulate man/woman attending a Front National meeting .
So the Foreign Office needs to tell the BBC that the Front National is important in current affairs, or the BBC needs to tell the Foreign Office that the Front National is unimportant .
And we need the Powers That Be to stop being undemocratic .
“FN disabled. PS crushed. UMP victorious.
Good News , at least Sarko ,will be back in charge ,in 2 years time while ,we er you, will be living under the Millipeed/SNP ,Jackboot . I forgot to mention I live down in Languedoc – Roussillon for part of the year.
I live down in Languedoc – Roussillon for part of the year.
Maybe you could agree to house and feed some of the chancers outside Calais that your mate Call Me Dave wants to import here? It would be a noble gesture to the old country.
Another lie , he has never said that , its the Mayor of Calais & the Socialist government ,in France that want that. You ,& Clapped out Bus ,are the same, in wanting a Millipeed /SNP government . Once in ,they might never leave, & all this anti Tory stuff you spout ,because they are not “Conservative enough” will be replaced by a hard left Government . Then what are you going to do, moan on here, week in ,week out , that Millipeed ,has done this & that . Where will Farage be then? Back in Brussells doing bugger all , I guess. One reason the Tories could not be extra Conservative , was because of the Lib Dems , who prevented them, from doing more radical things. Well thats the fact of political life . Most people I know thought the coalition did a good job, but other people like,Clearly its Foggy ,will never be satisfied.
It’s all a giant Ponzi scheme. The massive bill for housing, health, education and pension will be presented later. Few of the newcomers will integrate properly, given the size of their ‘communities’. And the Calais chancers will all claim to be victims of homophobic persecution when they get here.
‘Telegraph’ (£)-
“Britain to blame for illegal immigrant crisis, says Calais mayor.
“Natacha Bouchart, the mayor of the French port, says Britain should be forced to abandon border checks for travellers arriving from Europe.”
Voting figures for the French election. Which party did the French vote for? Draw your own conclusions.
I’m relieved Zarkozy stopped that ghastly fascist party getting the break through it was expecting. If I had to choose I’d rather vote socialist than FN.