Manon, I agree with most of what you say here except for the need to celebrate Pakistani Day. I thought, according to the left-wing media, that these people are British and by geographic residence therefore English.
But that council banned taxi drivers from flying English flags during the World Cup when all English citizens of the town, whatever race or creed, could celebrate being English together.
So are they going to put up a flag on the town hall for every minority – for instance will they be flying the Israeli flag on Israel Day for their Jewish residents? No, thought not.
An appeal from the BBC
This present appeal follows up the success of previous BBC appeals made to the public to come forward and hand over to the proper authorities any copies of lost episodes of classic era TV shows – such as the creaky old-world-values patriarchal low-budget sci-fi hit ‘Professor Plumy’, the popular-at-the-time plebeian ensemble comedy (now regarded by many as politically incorrect) ‘Gang Show’, and also cult-but-quaint now trending with the LGTB community 70s adventure series ‘The Chancers’.
Incredibly in the early days of BBC TV when broadcasters were far less self-regarding no recordings were kept or tapes were simply recorded over.
An unnamed but well paid source at our national broadcaster heading up this latest expensive initiative could not be quoted directly but said: “We’ve had a great response to our appeals in the past”.
PR sources at the BBC could offer no evidence in support of their statements but went on “We always knew all this tosh was out there somewhere and this has brought back a gratifying amount of cash income in the form of dvd re-release to the BBC”.
“Now we are looking for a real gem – the ‘Holy Grail’ of TV. At some point over the last three decades the BBC must surely have given a platform to a conservative voice”.
The BBC hopes that perhaps a passing member of the public (probably on a Zero Hours Contract) may have retrieved a recording of a conservative voice from a skip they climbed into for shelter outside BBC studios where editors and producers (who were just doing their jobs) probably dumped them.
These rarities may have been traded on Ebay or been horded by an eccentric collector who reads the Spectator.
Maybe in a shed or an attic somewhere in the Home Counties (or Inverness for our Scottish audience) there could be a treasure trove of conservative voices just waiting to be rediscovered.
Naturally, there might just perhaps be an amnesty for former BBC staff who illegally smuggled this material past security (after the usual disciplinary processes have been gone through).
Any present staff involved will of course be prosecuted to the full extent.
It could be that enterprising academics experimenting with early TV bias recording apparatus have kept preserved wax cylinder or even Betamax copies of conservative voices.
The BBC is also appealing to overseas broadcasters where British conservative voices are thought to have been syndicated and shipped out to be dubbed into foreign languages such as Australian and Urdu.
Let’s hope the current search is fruitful. Previously there have been some marvellous success stories. For instance programmes have been retrieved which the BBC didn’t even know it had lost. Recovered radio programmes include the first episode of the panel game, “I’m sorry, I threw that away” and a Radio 4 special – a lost interview with Ed Miliband “Market economics, I haven’t a clue,”
9 UK Muslims, including four children, arrested by Turkish cops as they try to join the Islamic State?
Will the bemused Mr. Camoron stop to ponder why?
What, he is so very certain is a misunderstanding of Islam is so very widespread among “Britons”?
… Almost certainly not.
R Spencer
The Beeb have a story… I’m lost for words. The story seems one of a series where they cuddle illegal immigrants as ‘people seeking a better life’. Are we supposed to feel guilty for expecting the authorities to uphold the law? Seems we are. The criminals are heroes. Unreal.
‘… how easy is it to follow the Islamic way of life in a country with no halal butchers, where alcohol and pork are popular and – crucially – with no Mosque?’
From BBC Magazine obituaries section today : “Barrister Anthony Scrivener’s eclectic mix of clients included Saddam Hussein. He led the former dictator’s legal team which challenged the lawfulness of the tribunal that tried him. He also defended Gerry Conlon, a member of the Guildford Four, and Winston Silcott, who was acquitted of the murder of PC Keith Blakelock. In one of his most high-profile cases he represented the Norfolk farmer Tony Martin who, in 1999, shot dead an intruder at his house and was eventually convicted of manslaughter. A committed socialist and republican, Scrivener abided by the rule that obliges barristers to represent people with whom they fundamentally disagree. These included Dame Shirley Porter after she was accused of selling council houses in Westminster to bolster Tory support. He relished the challenges such cases could bring. “A common law barrister like myself has seen every type of depravity possible,” he once remarked, “and can say it in Latin.”
So there we are, according to the BBC Shirley Porter’s sale of council houses is more depraved than bombings, genocide and murders! Delenda est BBC – see, I know Latin as well
Mr AsISeeIt has learned that BBC commentators will say Ed Miliband has won the party leaders tv debate due to be held this evening.
BBC voices will say that although David Cameron appeared shifty and arrogant and Nigel Farage made several gaffs, Nationalists, the LibDem and Greens each had a good debate and will have impressed voters.
However, special plaudits will be given to PM-in-waiting Ed Miliband who is set to appear statesman-like and normal.
This election is descending into farce. Your comment sums up the so called debate well.
Take no notice of any of them .Farage is not getting a fair hearing and they know it so just forget about it until pollling day and then vote UKIP.
Win lose or draw anything to get up the elite’s noses.
However, the views of some on the Left are truly sinister, IMO. Simon Danczuk, for instance, declaring that free speech is a privilege, not a right (in the comments, not the article itself). Very BBC, that.
So Simon Danczuk has decided that he defines what constitutes freedom of speech.
In the interests of maintaining true freedom of speech, Mr Danczuk can f*ck off.
I’ve defended Danczuk, but this comment on free speech is abominable. Free speech is not a privilege, its our birthright.
So like you Steve, I must say that Danczuk can get to f**k, and those who submit to the teachings of the Paedo Muhammed are sick medieval barbarous misoginistic homophobic evil f**kers who can also get to f**k.
That’s my opinion, and any mohammedan or dhimmi who is upset or offended by that, can also get to f**k, because I don’t give a toss if they’re offended.
On 18 April 1638 Lilburne was flogged with a three-thonged whip on his bare back, as he was dragged by his hands tied to the rear of an ox cart from Fleet Prison to the pillory at Westminster. He was then forced to stoop in the pillory where he still managed to campaign against his censors, while distributing more unlicensed literature to the crowds. He was then gagged. Finally he was thrown in prison. He was taken back to the court and again imprisoned. During his imprisonment in Fleet he was cruelly treated. While in prison he however managed to write and to get printed in 1638 an account of his own punishment styled The Work of the Beast
I recall when the trailer for a film about the Queen was shown, with shots similarly out of sequence, people were sacked.
I think that this was a deliberate attempt to mislead. An apology and an edit is quite simply not enough. When the film was broadcast on BBC2, the damage was done. The BBC can’t simply say sorry and that is the end of the matter.
This complaint should have been properly investigated and the BBC should have got to the bottom of the reasons why something was broadcast that was dishonest and lacking in integrity. If it was true to its belief that it is the world’s most trusted broadcaster, it needed to take steps to satisfy itself that there was no bias and that the remainder of the series contain no other misleading material. If it could not, or the BBC weren’t prepared to, the series should have been pulled – a la ‘Top Gear’.
Other than say, ‘Sorry’ what have the BBC done about this?
If not, about the world’s worst historian on matters of crucial detail, by sheer coincidence ushered through the whole scripting and editorial process with nary a peep.
All neatly covered by a ‘whoops’ sticker retroactively that few will see and fewer still will ever know the background to.
The BBC is broadcasting a ‘special’ edition of Question Time on 30th April and has only invited Messrs Cameron, Miliband and Clegg.
UKIP is now recognised as one of the four major political parties in the UK, and its omission by the BBC is surely unfair and undemocratic, especially just a week before the General Election.
Whether or not you support UKIP, if you recognise BBC bias in this decision, please sign the petition below and share with others.
I would only support a petition requesting the election to be organised by those who run X-factor.
We could have Brucie introducing the “acts”. Simon Cowell chairman of the judges, and then a phone in vote at the end to decide the next government.
It would save so much time and fit in nicely with current television.
As I forecast the only interest of the media after the Paxman interviews was “Who won”, as it will be tonight, and would be if this hare brained idea gets off the ground. Won what?
DC will need his head examined if he goes for this stunt by the BBC.
‘It would save so much time and fit in nicely with current television.’
It would also fit nicely with the mindset of a worryingly large chunk of the electorate. If they haven’t worked out by now what each party stands for they don’t deserve the vote.
Note the BBC explanation as to the absence of Mr Farage:
“The BBC Question Time programme with David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg is a chance for the main party leaders to discuss their policies and the decision to include these three only is based on broad assessment of electoral support.”
Electoral support, you say? How does that square with inviting the leader of the party that has consistently been in at least 4th spot for the past couple of years but not the 3rd.
The BBC. Always getting it about right. Even when wrong.
As the big day draws near, observe the negative reporting of UKIP and its image, as presented and portrayed by Al Beeb and its Beeboids.
I would also expect the Beeboid trolls to increase their activity on this site.
Lets hope it backfires, as in the case of the Euro Elections.
BBC1 lunchtime news had our intrepid reporter informing us of the latest batch of 9 jihadis to leave these shores in search of a more fulfilling afterlife in Islamic State – sorry, the ‘self-styled’ Islamic State (so you don’t get confused).
Just as the BBC seamlessly shifted its narrative on what constitutes terrorism, or rather doesn’t, with its adoption of the term ‘militant’ so now it has moved away – or at least this particular reporter has – from ‘British Muslim’ or ‘British Pakistani’ or anything else which might be construed as, um, judgemental or even racist – they are now simply called ‘Brits’ as in e.g. ‘these Brits’.
Now to someone brought up on common sense, loyalty to country, tolerance, sense of fair play, stiff upper lip and all those other qualities that the world might traditionally associate with a ‘Brit’, this new BBC definition might take some getting used to. In fact, I can see right now that I’ll never get used to it and instead prefer to tell the BBC to stick it right up their appeasing left liberal arses.
The BBC does not understand the “brought up” part of being English or German or Japanese. This is why it continually asks people to explain why they are British or to define “Britishness”. People learn and live their cultures by being brought up in them.This is cultural transmission and the source of “British values” Normal people do not twitter on about their “values, “British customs and mores” is probably what is meant.. You don’t learn to speak English if you are brought up by parents who don’t speak English and in the society of other people who don’t speak English. It is therefore not surprising that children who have being brought up by Muslim parents in the wider society of Muslims, think and act as other Muslims brought up in Muslim society do. The BBC confuses “British passport holder”, with “Brit”. Trying to suggest that those British passport holders” who go to Syria are really “true born Brits”. The geographical location of leaving the womb does not in and of itself determine whether a person will think and act in ways that are characteristically British. The term “British” has now been emptied of cultural meaning; it is simply a reference to a formal legal status.
To every man upon this earth
Death cometh some or late
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds
For the ashes of his farhers
And the temples of his gods
By repealing The Climate Change Act, silly! And in case you’re not familiar with it, it’s the longest, most expensive national economic suicide note in world history…
1. Exit EU.
2. Apply competence in governance by,
3. Controlling immigration to,
4. Allow our government to plan future requirements for schools, hospitals, roads, housing to make possible
5. Social cohesion moving forward following
6. The chaos, mismanagement and treachery of Cameron, Brown, Blair, The Conservative Party, The Labour Party and multiculti one world common purpose fantasists who infect our schools and media.
One choice for Common Sense. UKIP.
6 choices for chaos. You choose.
Well your going to get chaos anyhow when Millipeed /SNP take over on May 8th or 9th , your wish list will go straight in the dustbin . That`s why I am voting Conservative , to try & keep Millipeed out , but the kippers will, definitely be letting him in, by default . You can stamp your feet all you like, but only 2 people can be PM ,Cam or the Millipeed .
Sometimes in the life of a nation choices about the future have to made. These choices are never much about money but involve the sort of country we will hand on to the next generations. The current parties would rather we forgot this. and voted on narrow self interested grounds.
This is no way to live and is degrading for an ancient nation like ours.
Cameron and Milliband can go to hell as far as I am concerned. The future of England is not safe in their hands.
No people can truly be free unless they govern themselves. We must return to ourselves that sovereignity that our past leaders have unlawfully given to outside powers. It was not theirs to give . It is nobody’s and no one generation’s to give.
This is simple to understand.
The 17th century Englishman would have understood this and so would old Thomas Jefferson and the men who set America free. Tom Paine and William Cobbett would also know this.
Nothing really changes but in this age of political pygmies we are being cheated and lied to by insignificant men and women. That they and their hangers on have power in this land shames us all.
R4 PM programme reporting on the latest massacre in Kenya. Apparently the students were separated according to ‘religion’, but strangely no further clarification on what that meant, in fact the report manages to omit any reference to Christianity or Islam. According to the expert the motivation of the attackers is political. The BBC describes the attackers as militants.
Business as usual then at al Beeba.
Meanwhile on another propaganda channel, RT “Somali Islamist group Al-Shabaab has claimed responsibility for the assault saying it is holding Christians hostage inside the university.”
How come RT is better informed?
Will the BBC be reporting on the 5th column within the Labour Party? Never has before, so I expect them to keep to their obfuscatory biased record and not report. Again.
Twitter apply different rules to sceptics and believers, or else the ‘report’ button is being abused by……..believers. Either way, speaks volumes about the ‘settled’ science and the fragile confidence of those who back it, including Old Hockey Stick himself:
Just tweeted the wanker, he was a complete nothing when he played football, he was that boring he couldn’t even get a yellow card yet all of a sudden he is the voice of the people?
A few polls are out already, guess who the bbc has at the top of the tree? No other poll gives milipede anything but the beeb’s hero is running away with the popular poll!!
Actually he was a brilliant goal scorer for all his clubs and especially for England. And avoiding a yellow card made him a good role model for children.
But some of the silly things he has done since has been frankly tedious, and this partizan ad-hom on Farage is frankly ill thought out but shows he’s a real Beeboid.
A while back at my local surgery, while waiting I was forced to watch a string of those awful NHS propaganda films which are supposed to be conducive to my health but actually send my blood pressure soaring. I was playing spot the white face when ironically there was a segment on racism and up popped the BBC’s Lineker and Gabby Logan to tell me how racist whitey is and how the British tabloids are especially racist. At this point I got called in to see the doc which was just as well.
Watched only the highlights I’m afraid. Things to do. I noticed that when Farage says anything that is factually beyond argument the others all go into fantasy mode. Does someone press a “deny the obvious reality ” button in their brains. Looks like it.
We voters are not stupid so a memo to Cameron and the rest – try to listen carefully and make sure you engage your brain before speaking.
No wonder they do not want to give Farage airtime.
On QT just now Yasmin alibleater Brown professed a profound love for the SNP and its leader, Rab.C.Nesbitt’s wife. The party that is nationalistic and wants to break up the UK.
Two minutes later she hates UKIP and Farage, the nationalistic party that wants to keep the UK together but wants out of the EU?
Some women have breasts or ovaries removed as a prophylatic against cancer. Jasmin Alibleater Clown may have had large quantities of grey matter removed long ago to prevent brain cancer. Pity they didn’t wire her jaws together as well when she was under. Functional gob and missing brain areas is not an ideal scenario.
George …
There is one Islamic political side … ISLAM
Whether Camoron lying again and again on Islam, courting Warsi, or indeed Afzal Amin,
or a whether its a Labour councillor with a jihadi runaway son
there is one Political vent … Islam … everything else, everyone else are simply there to be used to gain power for it.
This is always the case, no exceptions, they are dangerous because they have a political ideology, a totalitarian one, are indoctrinated into it, its all about power by force, political or violent
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Manon, I agree with most of what you say here except for the need to celebrate Pakistani Day. I thought, according to the left-wing media, that these people are British and by geographic residence therefore English.
But that council banned taxi drivers from flying English flags during the World Cup when all English citizens of the town, whatever race or creed, could celebrate being English together.
So are they going to put up a flag on the town hall for every minority – for instance will they be flying the Israeli flag on Israel Day for their Jewish residents? No, thought not.
That got completely detached from a comment by Manonetc. saying that the council should always fly the Pakistani flag or something like that.
An appeal from the BBC
This present appeal follows up the success of previous BBC appeals made to the public to come forward and hand over to the proper authorities any copies of lost episodes of classic era TV shows – such as the creaky old-world-values patriarchal low-budget sci-fi hit ‘Professor Plumy’, the popular-at-the-time plebeian ensemble comedy (now regarded by many as politically incorrect) ‘Gang Show’, and also cult-but-quaint now trending with the LGTB community 70s adventure series ‘The Chancers’.
Incredibly in the early days of BBC TV when broadcasters were far less self-regarding no recordings were kept or tapes were simply recorded over.
An unnamed but well paid source at our national broadcaster heading up this latest expensive initiative could not be quoted directly but said: “We’ve had a great response to our appeals in the past”.
PR sources at the BBC could offer no evidence in support of their statements but went on “We always knew all this tosh was out there somewhere and this has brought back a gratifying amount of cash income in the form of dvd re-release to the BBC”.
“Now we are looking for a real gem – the ‘Holy Grail’ of TV. At some point over the last three decades the BBC must surely have given a platform to a conservative voice”.
The BBC hopes that perhaps a passing member of the public (probably on a Zero Hours Contract) may have retrieved a recording of a conservative voice from a skip they climbed into for shelter outside BBC studios where editors and producers (who were just doing their jobs) probably dumped them.
These rarities may have been traded on Ebay or been horded by an eccentric collector who reads the Spectator.
Maybe in a shed or an attic somewhere in the Home Counties (or Inverness for our Scottish audience) there could be a treasure trove of conservative voices just waiting to be rediscovered.
Naturally, there might just perhaps be an amnesty for former BBC staff who illegally smuggled this material past security (after the usual disciplinary processes have been gone through).
Any present staff involved will of course be prosecuted to the full extent.
It could be that enterprising academics experimenting with early TV bias recording apparatus have kept preserved wax cylinder or even Betamax copies of conservative voices.
The BBC is also appealing to overseas broadcasters where British conservative voices are thought to have been syndicated and shipped out to be dubbed into foreign languages such as Australian and Urdu.
Let’s hope the current search is fruitful. Previously there have been some marvellous success stories. For instance programmes have been retrieved which the BBC didn’t even know it had lost. Recovered radio programmes include the first episode of the panel game, “I’m sorry, I threw that away” and a Radio 4 special – a lost interview with Ed Miliband “Market economics, I haven’t a clue,”
I don’t know whether it was a BBC series, but I have fond memories of Ronald Frazer in “The Misfit”.
9 UK Muslims, including four children, arrested by Turkish cops as they try to join the Islamic State?
Will the bemused Mr. Camoron stop to ponder why?
What, he is so very certain is a misunderstanding of Islam is so very widespread among “Britons”?
… Almost certainly not.
R Spencer
The Beeb have a story… I’m lost for words. The story seems one of a series where they cuddle illegal immigrants as ‘people seeking a better life’. Are we supposed to feel guilty for expecting the authorities to uphold the law? Seems we are. The criminals are heroes. Unreal.
24 hours in a fuel tank
Syrian Journey: What would you take with you?
Farage is clearly fed up with the Beeb; he’s resorted to using the ‘b’ word:
The vital question on the lips of everyone:
‘What is it like to be a Muslim in Cuba?’
‘… how easy is it to follow the Islamic way of life in a country with no halal butchers, where alcohol and pork are popular and – crucially – with no Mosque?’
‘Will Grant reports’
Well worth the licence-funded airfare, I’m sure.
I saw that this morning, it’s a triple whammy, effniks, Cuban marxism, islam.
Farage attacks the BBC over blatant bias…Who would have foreseen that?
From BBC Magazine obituaries section today : “Barrister Anthony Scrivener’s eclectic mix of clients included Saddam Hussein. He led the former dictator’s legal team which challenged the lawfulness of the tribunal that tried him. He also defended Gerry Conlon, a member of the Guildford Four, and Winston Silcott, who was acquitted of the murder of PC Keith Blakelock. In one of his most high-profile cases he represented the Norfolk farmer Tony Martin who, in 1999, shot dead an intruder at his house and was eventually convicted of manslaughter. A committed socialist and republican, Scrivener abided by the rule that obliges barristers to represent people with whom they fundamentally disagree. These included Dame Shirley Porter after she was accused of selling council houses in Westminster to bolster Tory support. He relished the challenges such cases could bring. “A common law barrister like myself has seen every type of depravity possible,” he once remarked, “and can say it in Latin.”
So there we are, according to the BBC Shirley Porter’s sale of council houses is more depraved than bombings, genocide and murders! Delenda est BBC – see, I know Latin as well
Good riddance !
Mr AsISeeIt has learned that BBC commentators will say Ed Miliband has won the party leaders tv debate due to be held this evening.
BBC voices will say that although David Cameron appeared shifty and arrogant and Nigel Farage made several gaffs, Nationalists, the LibDem and Greens each had a good debate and will have impressed voters.
However, special plaudits will be given to PM-in-waiting Ed Miliband who is set to appear statesman-like and normal.
This election is descending into farce. Your comment sums up the so called debate well.
Take no notice of any of them .Farage is not getting a fair hearing and they know it so just forget about it until pollling day and then vote UKIP.
Win lose or draw anything to get up the elite’s noses.
The ‘Spiked’ website often surprises with its sound common sense:
Get the cops off Hopkins’ Twitterfeed
However, the views of some on the Left are truly sinister, IMO. Simon Danczuk, for instance, declaring that free speech is a privilege, not a right (in the comments, not the article itself). Very BBC, that.
So Simon Danczuk has decided that he defines what constitutes freedom of speech.
In the interests of maintaining true freedom of speech, Mr Danczuk can f*ck off.
I’ve defended Danczuk, but this comment on free speech is abominable. Free speech is not a privilege, its our birthright.
So like you Steve, I must say that Danczuk can get to f**k, and those who submit to the teachings of the Paedo Muhammed are sick medieval barbarous misoginistic homophobic evil f**kers who can also get to f**k.
That’s my opinion, and any mohammedan or dhimmi who is upset or offended by that, can also get to f**k, because I don’t give a toss if they’re offended.
Danczuk needs to learn of Freeborn John:
On 18 April 1638 Lilburne was flogged with a three-thonged whip on his bare back, as he was dragged by his hands tied to the rear of an ox cart from Fleet Prison to the pillory at Westminster. He was then forced to stoop in the pillory where he still managed to campaign against his censors, while distributing more unlicensed literature to the crowds. He was then gagged. Finally he was thrown in prison. He was taken back to the court and again imprisoned. During his imprisonment in Fleet he was cruelly treated. While in prison he however managed to write and to get printed in 1638 an account of his own punishment styled The Work of the Beast
John Lilburne
Another gem of cerebral nourishment. Thanks ICSCN.
A little victory as the Beeb U-turns after being called out on its anti-Thatcher propaganda:
Mmmm. Not good enough.
I recall when the trailer for a film about the Queen was shown, with shots similarly out of sequence, people were sacked.
I think that this was a deliberate attempt to mislead. An apology and an edit is quite simply not enough. When the film was broadcast on BBC2, the damage was done. The BBC can’t simply say sorry and that is the end of the matter.
This complaint should have been properly investigated and the BBC should have got to the bottom of the reasons why something was broadcast that was dishonest and lacking in integrity. If it was true to its belief that it is the world’s most trusted broadcaster, it needed to take steps to satisfy itself that there was no bias and that the remainder of the series contain no other misleading material. If it could not, or the BBC weren’t prepared to, the series should have been pulled – a la ‘Top Gear’.
Other than say, ‘Sorry’ what have the BBC done about this?
“This was a deliberate attempt to mislead”
If not, about the world’s worst historian on matters of crucial detail, by sheer coincidence ushered through the whole scripting and editorial process with nary a peep.
All neatly covered by a ‘whoops’ sticker retroactively that few will see and fewer still will ever know the background to.
Curious story knocking around (but not on Al BBC); the Palestinian Authority is calling for air strikes on Hamas in Gaza.
Abbas Wants Arabs to Bomb Gaza Strip:
Not sure that one fits the BBC narrative.
The BBC is broadcasting a ‘special’ edition of Question Time on 30th April and has only invited Messrs Cameron, Miliband and Clegg.
UKIP is now recognised as one of the four major political parties in the UK, and its omission by the BBC is surely unfair and undemocratic, especially just a week before the General Election.
Whether or not you support UKIP, if you recognise BBC bias in this decision, please sign the petition below and share with others.
I would only support a petition requesting the election to be organised by those who run X-factor.
We could have Brucie introducing the “acts”. Simon Cowell chairman of the judges, and then a phone in vote at the end to decide the next government.
It would save so much time and fit in nicely with current television.
As I forecast the only interest of the media after the Paxman interviews was “Who won”, as it will be tonight, and would be if this hare brained idea gets off the ground. Won what?
DC will need his head examined if he goes for this stunt by the BBC.
‘It would save so much time and fit in nicely with current television.’
It would also fit nicely with the mindset of a worryingly large chunk of the electorate. If they haven’t worked out by now what each party stands for they don’t deserve the vote.
Note the BBC explanation as to the absence of Mr Farage:
“The BBC Question Time programme with David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg is a chance for the main party leaders to discuss their policies and the decision to include these three only is based on broad assessment of electoral support.”
Electoral support, you say? How does that square with inviting the leader of the party that has consistently been in at least 4th spot for the past couple of years but not the 3rd.
The BBC. Always getting it about right. Even when wrong.
Anyway, signed.
Are you sure?
I thought that it was only Cameron and Miliband?
Clegg will be there as well. It will be flat without Farage, so that will be obvious and the biased format may count against them.
Of those
One will DEFINITELY Keep their seat (Cameron)
One will PROBABLY keep their seat (Miliband)
One will POSSIBLY keep their seat (Clegg)
So the BBC could be having a QT with a leading politician and two members of the great unwashed.
As the big day draws near, observe the negative reporting of UKIP and its image, as presented and portrayed by Al Beeb and its Beeboids.
I would also expect the Beeboid trolls to increase their activity on this site.
Lets hope it backfires, as in the case of the Euro Elections.
“I disagree with Nigel” (or words to that effect) will be a feature of tonight’s “mass debate”.
BBC1 lunchtime news had our intrepid reporter informing us of the latest batch of 9 jihadis to leave these shores in search of a more fulfilling afterlife in Islamic State – sorry, the ‘self-styled’ Islamic State (so you don’t get confused).
Just as the BBC seamlessly shifted its narrative on what constitutes terrorism, or rather doesn’t, with its adoption of the term ‘militant’ so now it has moved away – or at least this particular reporter has – from ‘British Muslim’ or ‘British Pakistani’ or anything else which might be construed as, um, judgemental or even racist – they are now simply called ‘Brits’ as in e.g. ‘these Brits’.
Now to someone brought up on common sense, loyalty to country, tolerance, sense of fair play, stiff upper lip and all those other qualities that the world might traditionally associate with a ‘Brit’, this new BBC definition might take some getting used to. In fact, I can see right now that I’ll never get used to it and instead prefer to tell the BBC to stick it right up their appeasing left liberal arses.
The BBC does not understand the “brought up” part of being English or German or Japanese. This is why it continually asks people to explain why they are British or to define “Britishness”. People learn and live their cultures by being brought up in them.This is cultural transmission and the source of “British values” Normal people do not twitter on about their “values, “British customs and mores” is probably what is meant.. You don’t learn to speak English if you are brought up by parents who don’t speak English and in the society of other people who don’t speak English. It is therefore not surprising that children who have being brought up by Muslim parents in the wider society of Muslims, think and act as other Muslims brought up in Muslim society do. The BBC confuses “British passport holder”, with “Brit”. Trying to suggest that those British passport holders” who go to Syria are really “true born Brits”. The geographical location of leaving the womb does not in and of itself determine whether a person will think and act in ways that are characteristically British. The term “British” has now been emptied of cultural meaning; it is simply a reference to a formal legal status.
To every man upon this earth
Death cometh some or late
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds
For the ashes of his farhers
And the temples of his gods
Well there are the British, or the ‘so called’ British, using Al Beeb’s terminology .
I see UKIP are pushing for a St Georges day and that to be a Bank Holiday. A celebration to be English.
All the national saints’ days should be celebrated throughout the British Isles.
You’ve got more chance of seeing the pakistan flag above rochdalistan town hall…oh, hang on!!
Simon Danczuk, the best thing about him is his wife’s selfies.
It should be St. Edmunds Day. I know it’s the 20th of November but it rains in April as well.
We are the idiots for voting them in over the Years.Thank God for UKIP.
Time we gave the idiots a thrashing.
So how exactly will they improve the current situation?
Get us out of the unreformable and totally corrupt EU for starters.
By repealing The Climate Change Act, silly! And in case you’re not familiar with it, it’s the longest, most expensive national economic suicide note in world history…
(And that’s just for starters)
Keep up MOCO.
1. Exit EU.
2. Apply competence in governance by,
3. Controlling immigration to,
4. Allow our government to plan future requirements for schools, hospitals, roads, housing to make possible
5. Social cohesion moving forward following
6. The chaos, mismanagement and treachery of Cameron, Brown, Blair, The Conservative Party, The Labour Party and multiculti one world common purpose fantasists who infect our schools and media.
One choice for Common Sense. UKIP.
6 choices for chaos. You choose.
Well your going to get chaos anyhow when Millipeed /SNP take over on May 8th or 9th , your wish list will go straight in the dustbin . That`s why I am voting Conservative , to try & keep Millipeed out , but the kippers will, definitely be letting him in, by default . You can stamp your feet all you like, but only 2 people can be PM ,Cam or the Millipeed .
Sometimes in the life of a nation choices about the future have to made. These choices are never much about money but involve the sort of country we will hand on to the next generations. The current parties would rather we forgot this. and voted on narrow self interested grounds.
This is no way to live and is degrading for an ancient nation like ours.
Cameron and Milliband can go to hell as far as I am concerned. The future of England is not safe in their hands.
No people can truly be free unless they govern themselves. We must return to ourselves that sovereignity that our past leaders have unlawfully given to outside powers. It was not theirs to give . It is nobody’s and no one generation’s to give.
This is simple to understand.
The 17th century Englishman would have understood this and so would old Thomas Jefferson and the men who set America free. Tom Paine and William Cobbett would also know this.
Nothing really changes but in this age of political pygmies we are being cheated and lied to by insignificant men and women. That they and their hangers on have power in this land shames us all.
Well said dave s.
Absolutely! Inspiring words dave! You should be a speech writer!
R4 PM programme reporting on the latest massacre in Kenya. Apparently the students were separated according to ‘religion’, but strangely no further clarification on what that meant, in fact the report manages to omit any reference to Christianity or Islam. According to the expert the motivation of the attackers is political. The BBC describes the attackers as militants.
Business as usual then at al Beeba.
Meanwhile on another propaganda channel, RT “Somali Islamist group Al-Shabaab has claimed responsibility for the assault saying it is holding Christians hostage inside the university.”
How come RT is better informed?
“The Somalia-based terror group, which has been in allegiance with the al Qaeda terrorist organization since 2012, was specifically targeting Christians at the school.”
Labour councillors son amongst those arrested for trying to get into Syria. Breaking news, lets see if the BBC bother reporting that.
Nope no mention of the Labour party affiliation what so ever on the BBC, funny because other news sources find it newsworthy.
‘It’s a total mystery to me why he’s there, as I was under the impression he was on a work placement in Birmingham.
“My son is a good Muslim and his loyalties belong to Britain, so I don’t understand what he’s doing there. ‘
Ehhh, and t’ band played ‘Believe Me If You Like’……..
Looks like the Labour Party Jihadi link is being reported also on Guido Fawkes website.
Will the BBC be reporting on the 5th column within the Labour Party? Never has before, so I expect them to keep to their obfuscatory biased record and not report. Again.
Scrap the telly tax.
Question Time Panel:
Michael Gove
Andy Burnham
Danny Alexander
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown
Peter Hitchens
You are joking- Alibhai Brown after her vicious lying words on Israel this week? Beyond belief.
O/T, but fits neatly with the BBC totalitarian mindset:
Twitter apply different rules to sceptics and believers, or else the ‘report’ button is being abused by……..believers. Either way, speaks volumes about the ‘settled’ science and the fragile confidence of those who back it, including Old Hockey Stick himself:
And there’s more from the blessed Anthony:-
Pity we aren’t running a live blog for the big debate 🙂
I just logged on expecting to see one. Great minds, etc.
No good to me a live link, I ain’t got no TV licence.
Amazingly, the BBC’s impartial premier satirical outlet thus far has a singular focus…
FACT. All £3bn for the NHS proposed by UKIP will be to deal with the effect of smoking and drinking by their leader. #leadersdebate
They’ve put FACT at the front to show it isn’t. Or something.
Speaking of not tweeting anything stupid, someone clearly knows what plays well with the guys on the top floor writing the chekkies:
Always reluctant to offer a political view, but Farage is a dick!
Cameron’s nose just grew so long it broke my screen. He just said he can re-negotiate ‘free-movement’. You have to admire the man’s nerve!
Nice to see that Comrade Lineker has now taken the BBC shilling in full..
Just tweeted the wanker, he was a complete nothing when he played football, he was that boring he couldn’t even get a yellow card yet all of a sudden he is the voice of the people?
A few polls are out already, guess who the bbc has at the top of the tree? No other poll gives milipede anything but the beeb’s hero is running away with the popular poll!!
Actually he was a brilliant goal scorer for all his clubs and especially for England. And avoiding a yellow card made him a good role model for children.
But some of the silly things he has done since has been frankly tedious, and this partizan ad-hom on Farage is frankly ill thought out but shows he’s a real Beeboid.
No Gary, you are a dick. Stick to advertising crisps old chap.
When did Gary Lineker stop being patriotic ?
Probably went on a Common Purpose “leadership” course, paid for by Al-Beeb….A.K.A. the British licence fee paying public..
He shit himself while playing football so I guess you could say he was full of shit.
Just move the l by two letters and you get wankers crisps a better description of said lineker
A while back at my local surgery, while waiting I was forced to watch a string of those awful NHS propaganda films which are supposed to be conducive to my health but actually send my blood pressure soaring. I was playing spot the white face when ironically there was a segment on racism and up popped the BBC’s Lineker and Gabby Logan to tell me how racist whitey is and how the British tabloids are especially racist. At this point I got called in to see the doc which was just as well.
What’s the problem: don’t Beeboids actually like the ‘diversity’ of Birmingham?:-
“BBC staff refusing to relocate to Birmingham.
Only 31 out of 144 employees agree to relocate as Corporation faces a repeat of Salford.”
Watched only the highlights I’m afraid. Things to do. I noticed that when Farage says anything that is factually beyond argument the others all go into fantasy mode. Does someone press a “deny the obvious reality ” button in their brains. Looks like it.
We voters are not stupid so a memo to Cameron and the rest – try to listen carefully and make sure you engage your brain before speaking.
No wonder they do not want to give Farage airtime.
No QT chat tonight?
I’ll chat Dave. Black dude in audience is spot on. Farage was the only one who engaged with the real issues.
just looking for it myself.
QT packed with Labour stooges. Again.
Well done BBC.
On QT just now Yasmin alibleater Brown professed a profound love for the SNP and its leader, Rab.C.Nesbitt’s wife. The party that is nationalistic and wants to break up the UK.
Two minutes later she hates UKIP and Farage, the nationalistic party that wants to keep the UK together but wants out of the EU?
Typical of every lefty, they speak in riddles.
… the SNP and its leader, Rab.C.Nesbitt’s wife.
‘Mary Doll’ is Elaine C. Smith:
I’d forgotten about her; she seemed headed for office with SNP but must have changed her mind.
Typical Muzzie as well Glen.
Some women have breasts or ovaries removed as a prophylatic against cancer. Jasmin Alibleater Clown may have had large quantities of grey matter removed long ago to prevent brain cancer. Pity they didn’t wire her jaws together as well when she was under. Functional gob and missing brain areas is not an ideal scenario.
Maybe someone should point out to Gary (paid too much) Lineker that his employers are paid to promote the E.U. Who is the Dick now Mr Lineker?
To ‘Daily Mail’s credit, it doesn’t go with TV Election debate,
as its Good Friday frontpage, but goes with headline
(which BBC-NUJ would politically censor):-
“Runaway Jihadi’s Father is Labour Activist.”
George …
There is one Islamic political side … ISLAM
Whether Camoron lying again and again on Islam, courting Warsi, or indeed Afzal Amin,
or a whether its a Labour councillor with a jihadi runaway son
there is one Political vent … Islam … everything else, everyone else are simply there to be used to gain power for it.
This is always the case, no exceptions, they are dangerous because they have a political ideology, a totalitarian one, are indoctrinated into it, its all about power by force, political or violent
What a shocker! The Beeb staff who lectured us about the enrichment of multiculturalism refuse to enrich themselves:
The BBC’s plan to establish a “creative talent hub” in Birmingham have faltered after only 31 out of 144 employees agreed to relocate.
BBC staff refusing to relocate to Birmingham
Eventually the generals who claimed to lead moved from the head of their men to waaaaaaay back behind the lines.
Lions, donkeys… sacks of rats.
Probably don’t want to get woken up in the morning to the sound of this…..That would be too close for comfort being the Islington set and all…
Gawd Almighty !! what a racket, Arabic is not a beautiful language like French, it sounds like a hacking cough.
It sounds like the cacophony of a rabble of orcs, aka the Black Speech of Mordor.
It must have been like that in Amritsar in 1919. This time there are no Gurkhas to help us.
Recall the BBC pushing pro Arabic language in schools narrative the other week?