Craig at ‘Is the BBC biased?’ gave us the low down on the latest (well not quite…more of which later) bit of bias from Peston favouring the Labour camp…he is relentless and quite blatant…
Robert Peston gets carried away
It seems he has been giving us some very dodgy statistics about the cost/benefits of leaving the EU whilst cheerleading for Blair…which reminded me that I forgot to add this to the post on Blair….it’s the number of referendums that have been held in Europe, about European membership…and all without causing economic meltdown and market chaos….the EU even demanding countries that had referendums that voted no to Europe hold another one….so it looks like referendums can be good depending on whose asking…
Since the vote by the Republic of Ireland on the Lisbon Treaty [in 2008], the European Commission has stated that the Treaty would not force Ireland to change its view on issues such as having a permanent (as opposed to rotating) commissioner, military neutrality and abortion. The Irish voted again on the Lisbon Treaty on 2 October 2009. The vote was 67.1% in favour of the treaty.
Referendums related to the European Union
Of course it was Tony Blair who opened the borders to flood the UK with EU citizens….one intention was to have a large number of immigrants who who almost certainly vote for the UK to stay in Europe and who would tip the balance in any referendum which undoubtedly would be close anyway.
Blair and his unscrupulous sidekicks, many who still lurk in the shadow cabinet, committed serial crimes against the UK People and constitution….it is quite extraordinary that the banks and bankers are being held to account and scourged when politicians like Blair can walk free making millions off the back of a career that saw the UK brought to its knees, its culture and society undermined and sabotaged for Labour’s own ideological ends regardless of who got hurt.
There really should be a mechanism to put politicians like Blair who set out to betray the nation in prison.
Of course it would help if there were at least some sort of counterweight in the Media….such as an impartial news broadcaster that could challenge the politicians and bring to light their devious actions and intentions.
Shame we don’t have one.
I get a sense that Blair knows exactly what is thought of him…he just doesn’t give a shit in true personality disordered form.
It’ll be a few generations before the truth will out on him and ilk. I wish I could live long enough to see it but there are going to be an awful lot of angry historians at that time.
We’ll just have to content ourselves with the following ………”Hey, Blair, we have you completely sussed”.
Assuming your religious conversion was genuine then and if there really is a heaven and hell, then if I were you I would be living every single second in mortal fear at what will be awaiting me on the other side.
I still feel he’s a Sociopath, he fits all the definitions,
Charming (he can still charm some people)
Incapable of feeling shame , guilt or remorse.
They invent outrageous lies.
They seek to dominate others and win at all costs.
Highly intelligent
Incapable of love.
Speak poetically
Never apologise
Believe what they say will become the truth.
Just writing the definitions down is scary when you look at him and think they fit him to a tee.