“French media groups to hold emergency meeting after Isis cyber-attack.
“Culture minister calls talks after television network TV5Monde is taken over by individuals claiming to belong to Islamic State.”
BBC hacked by ISIS? Will this be noticed? Will they announce that Al bin Bowen will be responsible for Middle East News, and will they appoint a Muslim to head religious broadcasting, or put Michele Hussein as a presenter for Radio 4?
The fragrant Ms Champion, who so hates sound bites, was never off our screens for a while. Then, in mid-March, she was shown to have charged a poppy wreath to expenses and she hasn’t been heard off since. Odd. No doubt the local Beeb will be fighting her corner, but she must be toxic for Ed.
I don’t know what the BBC was afraid of. It’s one of the jihadis’ best friends in the West. They;re hardly likely to take the BBC down. And Jeremy Bowen is the jihadis’ Little Pony.
Indeed they are, however, when it comes to ISIS (Sunni) and Iran (Shia), they seem remarkably reticent.
In the expensively PPE-trained mind the struggle is between Islam and The West. But which Islam, ummm, don’t confuse us with the sectarianism of the Orient, don’t mention The War. The point is that we are wrong, not which one of them two is right.
I asked a Lebanese work colleague what the difference was between Sunni and Shia he immediately launched into handwaving, “the problem is the Jews… ” he explained. Seems for Islam, the The Jews have their uses – useful distraction. Err… Death to America.
Its all very transparent really, unless you are The BBC.
5.30am…this morning on Five Live…in response to the Tories announcement that they will not impose rail fares rises above the rate of inflation (something they actually said a few months back), BBC’s sneering lefty presenter’s response:
‘You’d think that the country was awash with money’
The sneering and the bias starts early in the morning with the BBC.
I particularly liked the way she showed up the BBC double dealing – what he had said to her before the interview apparently and then the change of tone and emphasis when on air. She shoved it right back down his throat. Go girl.
I enjoyed her cheeky little grin at the end of the interview. She obviously enjoyed putting the BBC clown in his place and was able to do it with ease. Well done that lady.
Wish she was my MP…..wish she was PM, she’d give those bastards in the Civil Service a kick up the arse, sort the BBC, and run amok with immigrants….good.
Have to say, that reporter with Vicky was very polite and let her speak, and no sarcastic comments too, unlike some others i could name, the reptiles on Today for instance.
‘the BBC reporter in Grimsby getting it in the neck’
All things considered, having been outed as playing fast and loose with the source material, I’m surprised it made the edit. Was it live? I wonder if it ever got repeated later?
He did seem very chilled about his little ruse being exposed; maybe he was and is well aware that such things, even if exposed, can still get rewarded back at base.
UKIP candidate ‘to be questioned’ over sausage rolls
The secret to this pathetic story is in the ‘list of candidates’ below it. Rowenna Davis is Labour’s ‘next big thing’, a media darling who used to review the papers regularly. They will be desperate to see her elected, so any smear they can find against the Kipper will be used.
The constituency that this candidate is contesting, Southampton Itchen, is one that, according to: http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/2015-ukip-threat/
,is under particular “threat” from UKIP.
And it is currently Labour.
So it is unsurprising that this sausage roll story is one that the BBC would want to get its teeth into.
So it emerges that Ed Miliband’s romance with the BBC’s Stephanie Flanders was going strong long after previously thought. In fact still when he was one of Gordon Brown’s henchmen, in the Treasury, destroying Britain’s economy.
According to the Telegraph, ‘A BBC spokesman declined to say if Miss Flanders had informed the corporation at the time of her relationship with Mr Miliband, saying: “We wouldn’t comment on former staff members personnel details.” ‘
I bet they wouldn’t
Yes! Yet another secret buried in room 101 of the ‘world’s most trusted broadcaster’
Did you hear the disgusting comment by Cambell this morning at approx 9.30am. Landsley said they were clamping down on immigrants who do not pay tax. Cambell said “How about cracking down on those who live here and don’t pay tax , like those who support your party.”
Did this provoke a furious response from Landsley ? Errr…NO. Pathetic.
I think that it might have been earlier, Gameshow was ensconced with a Jeremy Hunt Q&A at 9.30 am…in which, in response to Hunt’s claim of 1000’s of jobs being created, Campbell used the Labour line to sneer that ‘they were all zero hour contracts’.
Earlier in the week, Campbell also parroted Labour’s line (lies) about the non-dom issue, telling his audience that ‘it was an anachronism.’ If he’d had said, ‘Some people say it’s an anachronism…’ that would have just about have been acceptable. He didn’t – he was making a judgement and aligning the BBC with the Labour Party.
The BBC are so desperate to get Labour into power that they have given up all pretence of impartiality.
Campbell had a dig at Hunt, who was positively supine in his response. If Hunt had any courage he’d have Ayling’d Campbell there and then. It was a typically smug and calculated attack by Campbell.
I’m starting to suspect the Tories have given up on this election. They are floating along on a cloud, and are far, far too passive.
I do wonder whether their use of the word ‘whitesplaining’ is racist though:
Whitesplaining:- “to explain or comment on something in a condescending, overconfident, and often inaccurate or oversimplified manner, from the perspective of the group one identifies with,”
e.g the paternalistic lecture given by a white man toward a person of colour defining what should and shouldn’t be considered racist, while obliviously exhibiting their own racism
This is the approach now used by all ‘progressive’ employers. They’ll say, ‘We encourage diversity, while continuing to select on merit from suitably qualified candidates.’ But they set the bar so low that anyone not in a coma is ‘suitably qualified’, so they are free to discriminate on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, whatever.
According to the Co-op funeral services, they have had a less than buoyant winter because it was a mild one and as such less people were popping their clogs. And to think, there is one news gathering society that doesn’t want a warming climate and by deduction want more people dying. That news gathering society is the BBC. Euthanasia anyone? Sponsored by your BBC.
OB, you had me going there – a post on the Co-Op funeral service immediately after DP’s post on Halal slaughter. I was expecting a second paragraph on a modern Sweeney Todd, or even more cultural diversity from Rotherham.
Can everyone feel the hatred emanating from the Green Party’s deputy leader, Shahrar Ali’s mouth?
Where is the outrage from the BBC, they’re quick enough to dive on UKIP if any of their unknown potential councillors slip up? – Yet this is the Green Party’s deputy leader.
Is this person equally angry at the massacres of Palestinians on-going at the Yarmouk refugee camp, described by Ban Ki-moon, United Nations’ secretary general as the “deepest circle of hell”?
No of course not because the killing is being done by muslims.
Is he outraged at the slaughter of civilians in Yemen caused by Saudi led air strikes – At least 74 children have been killed in Yemen amid fighting which has intensified over the last two weeks, driving more than 100,000 people from their homes, according to the United Nations?
No of course not.
Because all he really cares about is hating Israel and Jews.
Shahrar Ali’s clearly a loathsome hypocrite who spews hatred of Israel and Jews, thinly disguised as righteous indignation for the suffering of muslims.
So where’s his indignation over the much greater slaughter of Palestinians and muslims being carried out right now at the hands of other muslims in the name of islam?
“Fighting in Yemen over the past few weeks has killed more than 540 people and wounded 1,700 as the country sinks deeper into a multi-sided conflict, according to the World Health Organisation.
“More than 540 people have been killed and some 1,700 others wounded by the violence in Yemen since 19 March,” WHO spokesman Christian Lindmeier told journalists, specifying that the toll was up to 6 April.
Meanwhile; Isis has begun beheading captives after taking over the majority of a large Palestinian refugee camp in Syria.
UN officials said scenes on the ground in the Yarmouk camp just south of Damascus were “beyond inhumane”, as rebels from the so-called Islamic State and al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra vied for control of the camp, which houses around 18,000 civlians.
Any other party, UKIP, Tory, Labour, SNP, Lib Dem would be crucified by the Beeb if their deputy delivered such a hate filled rant. Why do the Greens get a soft pass? To think for many years I voted Green too. Maybe his race and religion is the answer?
Just listened to Dead Ringers and enjoyed it. However while Labour, Tory, UKIP, SNP, Plaid and LD were all mocked the Greens were spared.
Is the BBC now supporting the Greens or just sorry for them?
I have to say I was quite shocked when I read his Wikipedia entry, after all who submits a thesis entitled :
‘Making as if to stand behind one’s words: a theory of intentional deception and lying’.
BBC speed dial call boy Owen Jones turns up on the BBC Breakfast sofa this morning. They were in north Wales and wanted opinions. I suppose his name sounds a bit Welsh. Anyway he is not standing at the elction and is not 100% on board with Labour policy. However, he was busy on the airwaves telling us what ‘he would like Labour to do’…. Well what was the point in that?
Aslseelt I saw the last few moments of that as fortunately I almost missed the whole thing I did hear him mention zero hour contracts. He was sat with a yoof. Who I thought said that the yoof don’t dislike immigrants for stealing all the yoofs jobs correct me id I misheard that. However she did go onto say that the yoofs could just make work for themselves, i.e. become self employed. If only it was that simple. I thought they were in Newport, which is South Wales, I stayed there last year as I was seeing the Welsh premier glam rock band Tigertailz in Cardiff and Newport was cheaper to stay at. I did like the following comments about how they were building a new shopping centre to attract more jobs to the area. Yep in the main low paid part time retail jobs.
I don’t recall hearing about this on any TV channel, in spite of the constant stream of people with “poor me” stories passing through the studios wearing what someone described as their “compensation faces”.
My reaction to something like this could get me into prison quite easily, so I’m not going to add anything further.
The only time you see “travellers” on TV is on “My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding”, “My Big Fat Gypsy Christening”, “My Big Fat Gypsy Grand National” etc. etc. ad nauseam.
BBC News showing the PC indoctrination of 11 year olds – the kids instinctively get it right – when behaving in a perfectly normal and legal manner, who is responsible for stopping such behaviour if someone feels uncomfortable with it? The kids get it right – the person feeling uncomfortable has to communicate that to the other person. Only then could the perfectly normal behaviour in any way be considered to be harassment. NO! Bad kids, teacher keeps rephrasing until the required answer is given. “Consent” must be explicitly given to allow you to WALK TOWARDS one of your classmates.
R4’s Today team seemed to lose control of their pro-immigration propaganda sphincters this morning. It was fallacy and platitude from every orifice.
Some woman opining that being pro unlimited? immigration was “open minded” How open-minded is committing cultural suicide ?
Thought of the Day: Some pious platitudes about “welcoming the stranger”. How sensible is it to welcome “strangers” to your country if they are so prolific you become a stranger in your own country.
Pointing out that 300, 000 net immigration year on yesr exacerbates the housing shortsge is “blaming the immigrant”.
Anyone can see that simple arithmetic is the crux of the matter.
How sensible is it to welcome “strangers” to your country if they are so prolific you become a stranger in your own country.
I’m guessing that there are a lot of public sector retirees/nearing retirement (i.e. approaching 50) who finally understand that the bloated pensions they were promised are not affordable based on existing income. They see the LibLabCons trick of increasing the size of the economy as a means of affording their goodies. Cultural questions are all very well, but set aside the nice life you had planned….? As to the implications for the economy in the longer term, they’ll take the Keynes attitude ‘In the longer term, we’re all dead!’ It’s just me me me me me. The Beeb and the Guardian cater for a lot of such people; they’ll find a willing audience for the propaganda you describe. If Dame Polly can have a villa in Tuscany, why not them?
aanpakkuh Guardian front page had no other purpose than to be shown on BBC Breakfast, just like the front page last week which only mentioned the one poll about the leaders’ debate in which Miliband came 1 perecentage point ahead of Cameron (needless to say that that was the poll commissioned by The Guardian). Last week BBC showed that front page for almost half a minute compared to say 10 seconds for other newspapers.
Guess Guardian stays silent about Scottish polls, as BBC.
More importantly, BBC and Guardian will never ever investigate postal voting and electoral role practices that are likely to help Labour to a much better result than polls indicate.
Public sector job adds channelled to Guardian and license fee largesse prove to be effective bribes that Labour uses to well to its advantage. Intriguing that BBC Breafast seems to only have started showing fornt pages again now that election campaing has kicked off.
The BBC’s record with front pages shown, or not shown (reasons down to the integrity of A. Photo Editor) is ‘mixed’, at best.
Now that the leader of the Labour Party and aspiring PM of the next government has told the BBC they are OK if he gets in, the conflict of interest looks set to try the integrity of many a professional BBC staffer.
‘More importantly, BBC and Guardian will never ever investigate postal voting and electoral role practices’
Actually, I can certainly remember a journalist from the Independent trying to investigate postal voting fraud in Tower Hamlets, he was quite badly beaten up by a gang of muslims after nosing around the electoral roll and then visiting premises and trying to talk to the inhabitants about the supposed numbers of voters at the addresses.
I think I recall a reporter from the Guardian doing something similar, and being assaulted; but apart from the initial reports, the papers dropped quickly the story
i think if you did a secret straw poll down at bbc hq in manchester and asked bbc presenters and staff who they would vote for this may, the ukip and conservative ballot box would be empty.no votes at all,so is the bbc left wing biased, as everybody fears a reality,listening to nicky campbell,stephen nolan,john piemaars coverage and pre election phone ins i am in no doubt now that they are hoping that the backstabber red ed and his cronies wake up with the keys to no 10 on may the 8th.
However it plays out, I will be able to sleep well on the night of May 8th and rise on the 9th with my head held high. That’s because I will be voting UKIP.
I feel sure you will get a special mention of thanks in Ed’s speech on the steps of No.10 followed immediately by him putting his thumb to his nose and totally ignoring thereafter any policy that UKIP supporters have voted for!
If you’re talking about the 2017 ‘pretenderendum’ what happened to the 2009 ‘cast iron’ promise? Remember this?
As I said last night if the people of the UK are too thick not to vote UKIP, then we deserve a hellhole unionised country, LabCon it makes no odds, 2017, manyana manyana…
“If you’re talking about the 2017 ‘pretenderendum’ what happened to the 2009 ‘cast iron’ promise? Remember this?”
I believe it went out with the coalition agreement, as did many policies the Tories would have liked to have implemented. Remember that?
If Ed needs any “help” to govern this time I think we know the general direction of the others will be even further left with appropriate pork barrel negotiations for financial reward and all without critical comment from our impartial media elephant.
For back to the future with Labour, vote UKIP on May 8th and opt out of deciding the future of the nation.
‘I believe it went out with the coalition agreement, as did many policies the Tories would have liked to have implemented. Remember that?’
Of course I do, the truth is that they didn’t have to go into the coalition, they could have 1) attempted to form a government with a small majority or 2) gone back to the country promising a referendum (which would have killed UKIP)
The truth is that they had no intention, just as they don’t in 2017, the coalition was a convenience for their EU masters. Until 2010 I had always voted Tory, no more.
I believe it went out with the coalition agreement…
No it didn’t. It was never in. It was a clever deceit. Deceit Number One. Cameron knew the Lisbon Treaty would be ratified by Labour before the 2010 election, so he wouldn’t be called on to hold one.
…the party chief said the Czech Republic’s decision to ratify the agreement meant he could “no more hold a referendum on the treaty than … a referendum on the sun rising in the morning.”
Note the date – can’t blame poor old Clegg for Cameron’s deceit!
The cast-iron promise was to hold a referendum in the event of any future transfer of powers. Deceit Number 2. Lisbon was such a nightmare for European leaders, there was general agreement that they would have to be more subtle in future to ratify change without the dangers inherent in referenda in up to thirty countries. Again; Cameron made a PR fuss about holding a referendum in a situation he knew would not arise.
A 4 old son, you are starting to sound very like dear old Essex Man and his dire warnings of doom if the public vote for their hearts rather than holding their noses and voting for shallow Dave. Maybe you’re right, maybe the dumb waiter will get elected and we are on the way to hell on a handcart, but bugger me, for once I and many fellow citizens are going to vote for who we believe in rather than pork barrel politics Westminster style. Next morning come whatever I will hold my head up high, if the country votes for suicide well too bad, it’s halfway down the slope to a civil war and bankruptcy anyway. Let Labour win, let them have 5 more years to destroy and allow their friends in, I’ll bet the British people will not be so stupid in 2020, that’s if we haven’t imploded by then.
PS you know the Deltics were better don’t you ?
Sorry, in joke, I was a bit too young for steam, first generation diesels on the other hand……..wish I had the cash to own one, stuff Jeremy and his 350hp cars, these machines had 3300hp in 1960, sex on wheels.
This doesn’t detract from the above comments on the referendum that never was, but I think it needs stating very clearly.
The Coalition Agreement was not handed down by God on tablets of stone – it was negotiated by the two parties. If either of them wanted something else included all they had to do was to make another concession of equal importance to the other side. The LibDems could have had their policy on tuition fees included, but at a price. As could the Conservatives it they had wanted a referendum (to consult the people irrespective of Labour’s ratification of the treaty). The only question would have been the price to be paid in another concession to the LibDems. Each party included all the policies it needed to enter the coalition.
The Coalition Agreement included everything that each side thought was important. It didn’t include policies that they were willing to abandon. If the Agreement prevented either side from implementing something it is because they didn’t think it important enough to include – it was a policy they were willing to abandon to get into power.
The Coalition Agreement is an excellent document for indicating what each part actually believes – not much other than its senior members should be in government.
Come on 4468, you know it was all down to internal politics which survived and which didn’t , both were thoroughbred solutions to specific problems, both built in places which no longer exist or employ people.
“Let Labour win, let them have 5 more years to destroy and allow their friends in, I’ll bet the British people will not be so stupid in 2020, that’s if we haven’t imploded by then.”
Liebour will have imported another three million client votes by then.
So the Kippers want to live in a post Apocalypse Labour/ SNP hell hole rather than keeping Millipeed out . When Harperson sends her Gestapo ,to have all white Englishmen reeducated , I hope you think it was worth it . The kipper party will be finished after this because , you split the “Right” vote & put Millipeed in No 10 . Thanks ,I will spread the word about your treachery too . The voters won`t forgive you in 2019 , (EU elections) or 2020 GE , if Millipeed has not abolished parliament by then .
You won`t get anything apart from a Millipeed/SNP Government. That will be the end of Kippering , the backers will leave , I know for sure . They are really Conservatives , so they will go home to the Conservatives .You can shout me down , but you know, I am right .
Unfortunately though, the leaders of the Conservative Party are currently not conservatives. If Cameron had been he would have won the 2010 election outright and heading for a second term. He and his wets will be to blame, not the people who vote with their conscience for UKIP.
The problem isn’t Ed; it’s Ed’s insane policy of running a Ponzi scheme to fund todays costs using immigrants. This will just create a bigger debt further down the line, not to mention wiping out an ancient culture that was better than most anything seen so far. The people are in a stupor and don’t see the problem. They will not see it until problems start to become apparent – the fox Madoff ran a long time. There is no advantage to having a slick PR man implement the same policy – it’s the policy that’s the problem. Fooling the voters into thinking a blue tie somehow makes it OK just prolongs the agony.
Is this the same Ponzi scheme which Cameron has been running too?
That’s what I meant. Should have named Cameron, but Angryman knows the score! Essex Man will be along in a moment to tell us how different the leaders are. Everyone can place an ‘X’ on May 7th as they see fit.
No I got better things to do . However after May 8th or so I will pop up , every time you say , Labour , Bbc , Guardian , SNP are doing or saying this , isn`t it terrible & biased etc. ” I told you so ” or ” You brought this on yourselves ” .
The bBC, the situation in Venezuela and half the story Venezuelans petition Obama ahead of summit
Watch the video where the BBC’s Ian Pannell reports on why there are food shortages which I am lead to believe is 1/3 the fault of the US. Really?
Economic mismanagement where leftwing ideology has replaced common sense which has resulted in shortages in everything, yet the bBC feels the world should know that the US is to blame.
Then he walks over to a desk where a petition is in place (President Nicolás Maduro has said he will get 10 million signatures) in which to complain about US sanctions against Venezuela. Wow sanctions shortages maybe there lies the reason why people have it so tough buying anything in Venezuela. What the bBC doesn’t make clear is that the santions are only aimed at…..7 people, yes 7 people. |So how that is effecting the country as a whole I don’t know. As for Manuro complaining about how the US see’s his country. Well since he took power he has claimed 20 times that the US is acting against the country and on 20 occasions he has offered no proof. Then there’s that petition; here is what the bBC don’t mention: VENEZUELA: SIGN AN ANTI-OBAMA PETITION (AND WIN A CHICKEN) OR LOSE YOUR JOB The Venezuelan government is forcing citizens to sign a petition calling for President Obama to remove sanctions on the socialist state for its human rights abuses. Those eager to sign are rewarded with anything from a coveted smaller wait time on supermarket lines to whole chickens, but those who refuse may wind up unemployed.
In late March, President Nicolás Maduro announced a campaign to collect signatures against Obama, after he issued an executive order declaring Venezuela a “national security threat” and sanctioning seven high-ranking officials, most involved in the military or law enforcement and with direct control over armed forces responsible for various human rights abuses.not signing can bring severe consequences. At least two government workers, both employees at the Vice Ministry of Supreme Social Happiness, were fired for refusing to add their names to the list, a human rights organization said. The Venezuelan Education-Action Program on Human Rights (Provea) alleged that a third employee was fired from a government-owned company that is not an agency of the government for the same reason.
Yet another woman reported being denied the ability to buy fish after waiting in line for two hours after refusing to sign the pledge. The government has established a special holiday, Socialist Fish Fair, for Holy Week, when Catholics abstain from eating meat in anticipation of Easter.
The government is not stopping at punishing those who fail to sign, however. Some who have signed the petition have claimed they were rewarded for doing so. At least one man, who gave his full name to Spanish newspaper ABC, said he received a free chicken for signing the petition. “It didn’t cost me much,” he explained, “on the line they just gave me the number for the chicken, but before that I had to add my name to the Obama list.”
ABC reports of other cases in which witnesses allege having received chicken, milk, laundry detergent, and other products for their signatures. Basic home goods like detergent, vegetable oil, and milk are strictly rationed and difficult to come by in Venezuelan supermarkets, with some having to spend up to five hours waiting in line to enter a market and buy the government-designated amount of each good.
Just to remind us all, (yet again), that Britain has never been a ‘white’ country.
Mr. Reasonable – John Reasonable is a freed black slave, a skilled silk weaver, engaged by Shakespeare to make costumes for the Rose Theatre but he also has a jealous apprentice.
I suspect along with many folk, I long ago came to the realisation that most if not all politicians were various grades of scumbucket; hence the choices one faced at the ballot were which ones were less scummy in areas that mattered, and with luck had a few positive points in their favour too.
Guido is pretty much down there in the gutter with the rest; but he admits it and is at least an equal opportunity gutter-dweller. Especially with rampant hypocrisy on display.
I find it amazing that the preening BBC really thinks it sets any form of journalistic standard when everybody with a brain and access to the internet can see when they don’t go near stories that damage fondly-nurtured narratives, or….. crank up the Outrageometer on demand when a press release from their ideological fellow-travelers oozes onto the in-tray.
Of course it’s two wrongs writ large. But there used to be some balance in equal exposure.
Gleaning such examples from a wonk site is one thing; a £200k peroxide-sink ‘talent’ having a fit of the vapours at the PR on the TelePrompTer at how beastly only certain people are is quite another to a gullible audience in the millions. Especially for true democracy.
——Other potential (causes of death) linked to climate change have been put forward. Perhaps the most eye-catching was a recent warning that tropical diseases could take hold.
Experts wrote in the Lancet Infectious Diseases journal this year that warmer UK temperatures could make conditions favourable for mosquitoes to breed, opening the door to conditions such as dengue fever and West Nile virus in the next few decades.—-
You’re right, this assumption is wrong. Professor (I think) Paul Reiter would tell you that mosquitos can exist as far north as Siberia, and he should know. He is a one-time advisor to the IPCC – he stood down from that august organisation, because they didn’t want to listen to his expert advice on the spread of malaria and other mosquito-borne illnesses.
And, just to show off, in this country, the illness known as ” The Ague” was quite prevalent until the 1800’s – it’s current name is……malaria. And it was apparently transmitted by mosquitos. In this country.
‘Reiter is a specialist in tropical diseases. He was a contributing author to the WGII report of the TAR (2001) (chapter 9, dealing with impacts on human health). He found it difficult to work with lead authors who were not experts in the field, who were insisting on a link between climate change and diseases such as malaria. As a result he resigned from the IPCC. In a report to the House of Lords he wrote: “In my opinion, the IPCC has done a disservice to society by relying on “experts” who have little or no knowledge of the subject, and allowing them to make authoritative pronouncements that are not based on sound science.”
‘8. Despite this remarkably cold period, perhaps the coldest since the last major Ice Age, malaria was what we would today call a “serious public health problem” in many parts of the British Isles, and was endemic, sometimes common throughout Europe as far north as the Baltic and northern Russia. It began to disappear from many regions of Europe, Canada and the United States as a result of multiple changes in agriculture and lifestyle that affected the breeding of the mosquito and its contact with people, but it persisted in less developed regions until the mid 20th century. In fact, the most catastrophic epidemic on record anywhere in the world occurred in the Soviet Union in the 1920s, with a peak incidence of 13 million cases per year, and 600,000 deaths. Transmission was high in many parts of Siberia, and there were 30,000 cases and 10,000 deaths due to falciparum infection (the most deadly malaria parasite) in Archangel, close to the Arctic circle. Malaria persisted in many parts of Europe until the advent of DDT. One of the last malarious countries in Europe was Holland: the WHO finally declared it malaria-free in 1970.’
Bookies say Great British Bake Off presenter Sue Perkins is the favourite to replace Jeremy Clarkson on Top Gear. So out would go the Right-wing motormouth and in come a Leftie lesbian. That’s the PC Beeb for you. Why not go the whole hog and give James May’s job to Clare Balding and swap Richard Hammond for Harriet Harman?
Harriet Harman’s straight, so that wouldn’t work. Mind you, her husband somehow got selected as an MP from an all woman shortlist, so maybe she gets honorary lesbian status.
“The fact that I have never seen or heard of her showing any interest in cars is, I suppose, irrelevant.”
More like a prime qualification, I would have thought!
In all seriousness, this story highlights the yawning chasm between the BBC and the public that has to pay for it. It shows the utter contempt they have for their own audiences.
“The fact that I have never seen or heard of her showing any interest in cars is, I suppose, irrelevant.”
More like a prime qualification, I would have thought!
Nail on the head time. Knowing about stuff is ‘elitism’; the great evil that used to infest the BBC and which must be ruthlessly got rid off. Having someone who clearly knows little about the subject will demonstrate the Beeb’s commitment to ‘equality’ and ‘fairness’. The sad thing is… I’m not joking; that’s how they think today. BBC elitism only survives on the panels that decide remuneration for the top cats.
Any Questions, Hillary Benn and the loony Lucas having a nice old spat over recovering the Gatwick oil and renewing Trident, the loon was cheered by the usual student types, Benn stood his ground and in my eyes saw off the Green nutter. Not quite a chip off the old block is Mr Benn, came over as far more of a sensible type than his old dad. Shaps and Pants down ? Usual responses, reading from the hymn sheet.
Indeed they did, in many ways odd to hear the cheers for green loony and the dislike for Labour, but fair play to Benn he stood up and was counted for a rational Modern state which is prepared to defend itself. If he was leader instead of the hopeless waiter I could see them winning a majority. Not only the wrong brother but the wrong dynasty .
Caroline Lucas popped up on Question Time last night and this evening the green nut-job is back on Any Questions.
No sign of UKIP.
Bias at the BBC?
As if…
I have changed the original use of the word Welsh and Wales for England and English, Pakistan and Pakistani so that you can see the pure hatred and racism involved, indeed if this person had used such terms he would be sitting down with plod having a cup of tea and explaining himself, I leave you to ponder if the translation carries a kernel of truth.
“Very often, from what I see, some flying Pakistani flags are young people, who have been brought up in England but are loyal to Pakistan. This raises questions about us as English people as well”.
“It’s true the parents are at fault, but it’s obvious that the education system has failed to create an English nationalism in these people, and I wonder how many of us English people, in our school days, tried to bring these people( aka chavs) into the English circle”.
They create division amount the British races as do the SNP, both are vile. They deserve to be booted out of Parliament for the con artists they are.
“Interred”? Like the left wing Russians did to the Poles in the Katyn Forest, or do you mean “interned” like the left wing Russians did to dissidents in Siberia? The right wing doesn’t have the monopoly on evil.
But what about the Left who want everyone in the world to have the right to live here without challenge?
This could be about 57 Billion people or more?
We have been invaded since 1997 without a shot being fired.
I’m not addressing you as you’ll never change.
My reply is rhetorical.
I’ve realised that debate with the Left will be impossible until this country has fallen to it’s knees under the Islamic sword, but by then it will be too late.
You are one of Robert Brown’s fellow posters as well, so by your logic, you are associated with the post.
Are you one of those who clicked on ‘Like’ (who can tell) ?
What metrics are you using to measure the number of contributors to ‘Biased BBC’ ? (Would that be the same metrics used by the BBC to prove its ‘balance’, i.e. none whatsoever).
You’re right of course. The sentiments articulated in “Robert Brown’s” piece were a disgrace. No sane person would wish for the whole sale eviction of millions of innocent people.
I think there are two possibilities to the “Robert Brown” conundrum. Either he’s had a really dreadful day and has come here to let off steam, this can happen to the best of us. Or, and I think this is my favoured opinion, he an agent provocateur. Someone who has come here to cause offence and created a nom de plume and tried to cause trouble.
Maybe you?
I can’t really add to what has been said already but the General Election “coverage” by the BBC is on the border of being illegal in the amount of support they’re pumping out for Labour.
I’ve just clicked on the BBC News website tonight and once again it’s a blazing headling supporting and pushing Labour/Ed Miliband.
I took a screen shot of the BBC News website last night to remind myself of how appalling it was.
As with tonight, Labour and Ed Miliband were the main headline but it then got surreal to the point where I thought “I can’t be seeing this”.
I’d like to quote you what I saw.
“Tories stand by Miliband attack”. The article and headline were simply geared towards garrising sympathy/support for Ed Miliband and Labour.
Contrast the above with how UKIP were treated.
“Porn star UKIP man ashamed”.
“UKIP wants to scrap the “tampon tax”.
In all seriousness, the BBC are interfering with the Democratic Process to a point where what they are doing must be legally questionable.
BBC Ten O’clock news closed with a segment where “We get the views of a range of people about issues in the election”.
There followed a statement (not an interview) by a steamingly attractive lady who appears to be a record producer who explained that “as a Czech” she is disturbed by the sinister and offensive statements about immigration and then went on to defend all immigrants and the levels of immigration.
While this lady was quite nice to look at, surely as a Czech she cannot vote in a General Election, so her views are irrelevant and if a political point is to be made, should there not have been an opposite or balanced view?
I don’t consume a lot of the BBC’s TV output, but it has been much the same on radio – a more or less continuous stream of ‘Labour promises’ and ‘Tories defend’ throughout the day.
From now until the election… Newsnight Late Show with James O’Brien. It’s been going 5 minutes now… with what O’Brien calls ‘satire’, I would call it ‘garbage’…. mainly anti-UKIP propaganda, embarrassing clips, etc.
Oh goody… they’ve got Will Self on as well…. AND Caroline Flint… not as fit as a butcher’s dog any longer… more like the butcher’s dog chewing a wasp… but that’s unkind – I’m just angry at how bad this programme is.
It’s Friday night… everyone is supposed to be a sophisticated, trendy leftie on a Friday night… maybe that’s it.
Caroline Flint has NEVER been as fit as a butcher’s dog. She’s always looked to me to be in need of a good wash. She looks even more like mutton dressed as lamb with that bad black dye job on her hair. Would have made more sense if you had removed the words ” as fit as a butcher’s” and just retained the word “dog”! She’s more like a piece of council sink estate rough.
Not only is Mishal Hussain arrogant and rude in the way she interrupts one of Britain’s main political Party leaders, she displays bias in the manner and content of her interview.
If the BBC have a duty to be impartial, Ms Hussain clearly is in need of a refresher course. Whilst the British public who fund the BBC would like to understand the policies offered by UKIP, with incisive questions designed to illuminate, we fail to get our money’s worth out of Mishal. A clearly designed ‘hatchet job’, a pre-determined attempt to smear a democratic party. Will Ms Hussain enquire with the LibLabCon on the recent imprisonments of Lib Lab Con former MP’s, Lords and Councillors? There’s plenty to choose from.
That’s just Labour, and just one crime bracket. But hey! Over there! A UKIP candidate laying on some sausage rolls? Can this be true? Never mind about the fishery and defence policy announcements and the confirmed policy on NATO and Trident. We’ve got a sausage roll scandal to ‘get across’.
Ukip should boycott the BBC. It is pointless appearing or being interviewed.The BBC is the fountain head of liberalism. You will never never get a fair hearing.
I disagree, as I am prone to do. UKIP should continue playing the ball, not the man and do it on the BBC as often as they can. Dumb folk are dumb, and will be suckered by somebody, but most people will get the message. If UKIP are on the BBC and continue discussing EU membership, control of immigration and the intrinsic link between these issues and the ability to provide services and infrastructure for an unpredictably increasing populous, the message will get through to many.
The reality of our current situation in Britain is that we are slaves to a chaotic unworkable pan-European political model, run by incompetents. That along with the reality in the disparity in quality of life and social justice across the continent (and beyond) makes Britain a people magnet.
For social stability to be possible in the short, medium and long term, our people must control our borders. It is a moral imperative. This isn’t a game, a 6th form discussion topic. Its real people’s lives. It is social structures destroyed, people uprooted and exiled from their roots. These realities will have consequences. We need to heal and to do that we need to take control, take a deep breath, and plan.
UKIP are the only party who understand this and are prepared to stand up and say it. The only party with an understanding of the realities of the situation our country finds itself in, and the only party that wishes to represent the people of Britain and understand the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Without control, you are a yacht without a rudder. UKIP needs to press the message, get positive and get ambitious.
Ukip are finished , but just bury your head in the sand . They will have NO influence on anything from May 8th . You keep saying this or that`s going to happen with Kippers , but bugger all will . Its the End , for them , their paymasters will go back to the Tories, or leave the country . It `s going to happen.
I reckon UKIP are stuffed, Farage knows it – his mouth has cashed cheques that his party and their small constituency can’t pay.
A bit like this website and Vancy’s frantic censorship – removing all my posts now just makes it look like you’re rowing and calling each other Chippy!
Don`t think so , Kippering will be finished , the backers will pull the plug , their money was wasted . The party will go the way of the BNP . It will all end in tears , the rump will go back to being Conservatives , you know I am right .PS ,I agree with Chippy , & Windy .If You delete Chippy`s text ,thats just like the extreme Left & Right would do, Undemocratic .
I disagree I keep seeing all these poles ( Polls – sorry Freudian slip) with UKIP 15-20 % . Labour and Conservatives 30-35 %. If they are reporting UKIP as 15-20% you can bet it is higher than that as they will endeavour to make it as low as they can. I think it is psychological too 16% against 32 % seems a long way off. If that figure starts to march into the 20% level the career numpties will get even more worried than they are now
If that happens, nothing will improve and we’ll be in danger of ending up with a genuinely fascist party in 10/20/30 years, and rivers of blood in the literal sense.
Nobody is asking for a facist party . All people want is to live in a Country that looks after the indigenous population first. Measured immigration is welcome and needed . We can trade with the European union to our hearts content we do not need to be dictated to by the Franco/German pact let them get on with the European dream without us.Lets also stop all this green nonsense the planet is doing just fine it cools down it warms up 0.04% of a trace gas does not affect anything. Let’s also get fracking and bring a bit of energy security to this lovely island and in these dangerous times we live in lets put a bit more money into defence so we can look after ourselves if required. Job done it really is not difficult
I think you’ve missed the point. I’m not saying that anyone is asking for a fascist party now. What I am saying is that if the wrong type of immigration continues unabated, friction and probably terrorism will eventually drive people to desperation and, IMO, they will be prepared to consider more drastic solutions.
If immigration had been restricted 20 years ago, there would be less discontent now. If we miss the opportunity to do something about it now, at this much later stage, it will be far worse in another 20 years’ time.
Yes, but that has been proven to be an illusion produced by the Public Relations people of the Establishment.
Over the last year UKIP have won everything. For instance, I remember that the audience in a BBC debate from the Tory seat of Rochester gave the illusion that a Labour Landslide was due. But UKIP got the Landslide victory, even after Cameron threw the kitchen sink at the people of Rochester.
Now we are all being bashed over the head by the “kitchen sink” day after day, and for the next month, by manufactured news about Cameron and Miliband.
So we have to change over to RT, for only a tiny bit less biased and distorted News source, but at least real news is available.
I suppose its because the Establishment Media and Polling Organisations are covering up a possible UKIP Landslide, while at the same time not bothering to do the same in Scotland as regards the SNP, due to the resources needed to cover up the secretly predicted UKIP vote.
I think the simple explanation for this is that half of the people who say they are going to vote Labour or Tory, are actually secretly intending to vote UKIP.
A secret ballet means that the Establishment can threaten the electorate, but cannot identify those it wants to punish.
Remember Question Time from Clacton on by-election night. Boy, I thought, those people hate UKIP. Result, UKIP won with twice as many votes as all the other parties put together. Guess the audience were booked and bussed in from some other place.
People in the UK have a tradition of saying they will vote Labour for polls. But secretly vote Tory.
The MSM particularly the BBC can blame themselves for demonising the Conservatives and stuffing up their very own polls. But they probably don’t care in any case. They treat democracy with disdai…as demonstrated by Blair last week
Yes , & they will vote Tory , when they say they are voting Labour or Kipper . Farage does not want to be in a coalition , & the ONLY party he could support in Parliament are the Conservatives. He won`t win the seat anyhow , so their will only be Carswell who will return to the Tories when the kippers backers leave .
Having worked in Essex I have to say that Essex Man is typical of the idiots in Essex.
Essex is full of idiots who think money is everything but thick as two planks.
Essex Man posts proves my point.
That is probably the most spot-on take on the EU I have heard in a long while. We are already seeing a drop in ‘real-terms’ pay and that is because the EU is an economic mess. Tony Blair insisted that we stay in the EU or else there will be an economic disaster here in the UK.
Hasn’t the disaster already happened? And aren’t the after-effects being felt more in the Eurozone than here in Poundland?
I wished I could give detail to the impending economic doom that awaits Europe, but it would send some of us into perpetual depression.
Re Hussein. Do the BBC train their interviewers, Paxman, Neil, Hussein, in the art of introducing the snigger mid sentence? It would be worth drawing attention to it before responding to the question. e.g. ‘Perhaps you will enlighten your audience as to why you find your question so amusing’.
You tell me ,you lot have been prattling on about it for years. Hmm whats the title of this website, I don`t like the BBC at all, but Kippers play into their hands in the Divide & Rule Stakes . They want the Kippers to take votes from the Tories , so Labour are in power for Charter renewal . Simples.
Essex Man, again let me ask you would you vote Conservative in Heywood and Middleton, thereby handing the seat to Labour? In your world there is nothing as bad as a Labour government and I have some sympathy with that view so what’s your answer please?
As I understand it analysis of the 20% to 14% decline in UKIP support indicates that only about a third are returning to the Tories and two thirds to Labour giving the lie to the backgrounnd of UKippers as portrayed by our impartial elephant in the room media outlet.
If I were were an elector in Heywood for the by-election I would have tactically voted UKIP, as many obviously did, and still lost. Having seen that if it does not work in a by-election it is even less likely to work for the national election, so would vote for my usual party to maximise their national vote.
Heywood in the national election is a Labour shoo in. Best odds on a Labour win 10 to 1 on.
But all the UKippers on here can get 6 to 1 against ,so £50 of your hard earned money could still leave you with a happy smile on May 9th, if you think its a winner.
You can get good odds on all sorts of UKIP scenarios. So let us know if you are backing your opinions voiced on here with hard cash and what you have put your money on.
Hard cash put up is generally a more reliable predictor of the outcome than opinion polls.
We need a Keep Labour Out strategy here:
For a start, there’ll be about 220 rock-solid, immovable Labour seats, in mining, metropolitan and high ethnic percentage areas.
Those wishing to vote UKIP should do so only in seats that Labour doesn’t stand a cat in hell’s chance winning.
In Tory marginals were Labour came 2nd in 2010, there is too much of a risk of UKIP splitting the non-socialist vote and letting Labour in.
There are many examples of metropolitan suburban seats which were medium-safe Tory in the past but are now safe Labour thanks to high ethnic influxes and other forms of gerrymandering.
In 1979, the Tories gained (!) a seat in Liverpool from Labour to return two MPs and three seats in Birmingham to return 5 MPs, and still held a seat in Manchester, Glasgow (lost one there) and Newcastle, plus four in Edinburgh, two in Leeds and one in Sheffield.
Labour’s iron grip on the cities shows no sign of abating, and unless some party can finally break the tribal loyalty, we’ll never have a real Conservative government.
Then there’s the dilemma of having an evenly-spread vote, as in 1983.
THe SDP-LIB alliance had 25% of the vote but only 12 seats.
Labour had 27.5% and won 209 seats, but they held on to their urban bedrock whilst being annihilated in the rural seats.
Cameron has spent ten years insulting UKIP voters; why would we vote for his open-door immigration rather than Miliband’s? I might hold my nose and vote for a Tory who promised to leave the party after a referendum vote to stay in the EU. Solid promise required – ‘no nods, no winks, no sleight of hand.’ Other than that…
“the Kippers Fan Club Site ,which has morphed out of Biased BBC Site . ”
This site is about pro-Labour / Left-wing bias at the BBC.
Cameron has had five years, what has he done about this bias? (Answer = nothing)
What does he plan to do about it if re-elected? (Answer = nothing)
What has he said about it (Answer = next to nothing)
What happened when a junior Conservative minister (Louise Mensch) mentioned the BBC in relation to phone hacking? (Was told that her career was over).
Why would we trust Cast-Iron Dave to do anything about the BBC anymore than his “promising” a referendum? I will vote for the Conservative Party again when it is a conservative party again.
Thailand explosion: Seven injured in Koh Samui Seven people have suffered minor injuries on the popular tourist island of Koh Samui in Thailand after a vehicle exploded (note passive tense), local media say.
I am no automotive expert. Perhaps cars can randomly explode – a leaking petrol tank might do it?
It is one thing not to jump to conclusions about who was responsible but the BBC scatters hints throughout that surprise, surprise it was probably Islamists. Innuendo not reporting.
The number of RoP murders in S Thailand is considerable but they attract very little interest. I suspect this is because they don’t fit well into the USA/Israel/Palestine/cartoons/crusades etc list of grievances and excuses.
Need to pop out now and check that my car isn’t about to spontaneously explode, as they tend to do.
Conceding the nth wrong with an OT contribution of my own, I see the overnights are in, and it’s even Stevens between arguing the number of tactical voters who can sway a pinhead, and A. Service To The Nation (Rtd. Self-proclaimed) bragging about an ability to interfere with free speech. Given what supposedly fought for, ironic.
As is my posting generically, given consistency in ignoring disruption attempts is deemed on par with skipping over stuff I want nothing to do with.
Even though they are really not the same. The latter is down to the individual (probably, motivations personal or professional unknown) about exterior topics or persons. The former takes the baton of one (and unidentified ‘likes’ – easy enough to manipulate by all accounts) to launch into a generic diatribe, often descending into a deranged rant on censorship.
Which brings me on topic, to the BBC.
On twitter, under a ridiculous ‘views my own’ immunity, BBC staff post with near impunity, and block obsessively.
On BBC Facebook, they host hate to a significant degree, with terrible tribal posts staying up and garnering many ‘likes’. Don’t recall once seeing any daft attempts at association with all posters being attempted. There is on occasion a ‘be nice’ plea, about as effective as a BBC ‘don’t be stupid’ from a neutered market rate talent.
On BBC HYS, posts are modded in a draconian manner, stretching sensible House rules way beyond remit in interpretation and time. Threads off narrative are routinely closed before any of the workforce gets home.
And CECUTT operates internally, in secret, often banning those simply expressing concerns on BBC inaccuracy, lack of objectivity or integrity, just because they can.
Ultimate censorship to protect rampant propaganda.
Not what my Dad and others served their country to defend.
Yesterdays polls, still neck & neck, with probably Labour slightly ahead.
Remember that because the structure of constituencies Labour need fewer votes than the Tories to secure a majority, so a draw will favour them.
Will INBBC give one of its favourite political Muslims, Maajid NAWAZ, even more political exposure now?-
‘Daily Mail’-
“Caught on camera: Married Lib Dem ‘feminist’ who is running for Parliament is filmed with stripper in drunken night of temptation.
“Father-of-one Maajid Nawaz asked for two private sessions at a strip club.
“Footage shows prospective parliamentary candidate trying to touch her.
“Staff at the east London club said Nawaz had been pestering girl all night.
“Nawaz can be seen repeatedly trying to make contact – which is against venue’s policy.”
Looking forward to the so-called anti racists and anti fascists, the supporters of UAF, Hope not Hate, and the NHS and Teaching Unions, all turning up to deny Mr Chouhadary a platform at the Oxford Univ debate, with BBC interviewers on hand to broadcast their reasons for restricting freedom of speech.
For the record: I strongly support the invitation for this man to speak.
In other, BBC-relevant news (oddly seldom, possibly never tackled by those whose focus is stirring political pots or throwing personal toys around) from a source close to the BBC…
‘Either way, odd, clumsy and more to be found out…’
Don’t know about the last as the BBc can go very coy when the narrative swerves. As to the first two, seems to cover Danny Cohen’s light touch personal vendetta and PC over rationality ‘management’ style pretty well. Is he tweeting about football or people he hopes will invite him back to dinner still?
‘Perhaps that’s why Victoria was stressing they “do breaking news”
The plight of ‘trans kids’ on the heels of Louis seems neither breaking nor news, but stress away Vicky; the world of the sofa sloth really needs more brittle beach blondes emoting about trivia.
Dead Ringers
Notice that these satire shows on the BBC parody the leaders and near leaders of the political parties
When it’s Ukip they traduce the supporters and voters of the party
Always the same old way , the ukippers are fascist rascist old folk ignorant left behind etc etc .
Intimidating anyone who votes UKIP as a loser
This in election time .
I’m not sure that the BBC top brass will see Dead Ringers in the same light.
The show made fun of all the party leaders except Nigel. The UKIP sketch needed a contrast to make the UKIP members seem fascist, racist, etc, so they had to present Nigel as a normal human being. That was straying a long way from the BBC’s propaganda script. I think someone’s going to get a slap on the wrist for that.
That,s the point . The BBC make fun of the leaders of the LibLabCon , but not their supporters or voters , in contrast they try to make out the nut cases they portray as ukip voters are what ukip voters really are .
This is the BBC meme all along ,whether on their ” “comedy” shows or serious programmes viz; ukip voters are losers . It’s intimidation .
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
INBBC hacked by Islamofascists?
in INBBC lingo:-
“BBC has apparently received a communication from ‘militants’.”
“BBC feared hacked by Isis hours after cyber-jihadists take French TV station offline”
“Islamic State hackers cut transmission of French TV network”
The ‘diversity’ of it all:-
“French media groups to hold emergency meeting after Isis cyber-attack.
“Culture minister calls talks after television network TV5Monde is taken over by individuals claiming to belong to Islamic State.”
BBC hacked by ISIS? Will this be noticed? Will they announce that Al bin Bowen will be responsible for Middle East News, and will they appoint a Muslim to head religious broadcasting, or put Michele Hussein as a presenter for Radio 4?
Part and parcel of Islam
It will happen here. We’ve had a foretaste of this – tens of thousands of young girls, gang raped by RoP Pakistanis, with Labour turning a blind eye.
There is no hope, if even the voters in Rotherham elect Labour.
The fragrant Ms Champion, who so hates sound bites, was never off our screens for a while. Then, in mid-March, she was shown to have charged a poppy wreath to expenses and she hasn’t been heard off since. Odd. No doubt the local Beeb will be fighting her corner, but she must be toxic for Ed.
Well said.
That is hardly a sensible comment and will do nothing for the credibility of this blog. I assume you are out to discredit it.
Apparently ISIS hacked the BBC in order to get them to tone down the propaganda a bit.
ISIS hack the BBC? It’s as likely as the Guardian handing over state secrets to the Government instead of terrorists
Did the hackers come from Tower Hamletistan?
… Islamic Republic of Dewsbury?
or the Islamic Militia of the French Republic?
… tough call
Ah… but… a spokesweasel sets all to rights…
’The BBC however has insisted that the apparent hack was actually an ‘operational error’,’
None of the media involved or quoted seem too interested in quite how such an ‘operational error’ comes to happen.
Just one of those [subliminal] Danny Cohen buys sheep jewelry [subliminal] messages that can happen alllll the time….
I don’t know what the BBC was afraid of. It’s one of the jihadis’ best friends in the West. They;re hardly likely to take the BBC down. And Jeremy Bowen is the jihadis’ Little Pony.
and don’t get me started on Frank ‘don’t shoot me I’m a Muslim’ Gardner
The BBC are surely safe from ISIS, they are their biggest apologists !
Indeed they are, however, when it comes to ISIS (Sunni) and Iran (Shia), they seem remarkably reticent.
In the expensively PPE-trained mind the struggle is between Islam and The West. But which Islam, ummm, don’t confuse us with the sectarianism of the Orient, don’t mention The War. The point is that we are wrong, not which one of them two is right.
I asked a Lebanese work colleague what the difference was between Sunni and Shia he immediately launched into handwaving, “the problem is the Jews… ” he explained. Seems for Islam, the The Jews have their uses – useful distraction. Err… Death to America.
Its all very transparent really, unless you are The BBC.
5.30am…this morning on Five Live…in response to the Tories announcement that they will not impose rail fares rises above the rate of inflation (something they actually said a few months back), BBC’s sneering lefty presenter’s response:
‘You’d think that the country was awash with money’
The sneering and the bias starts early in the morning with the BBC.
Did you catch the Yvette Cooper/Nicky Campbell love-in before 8am? Shockingly chummy.
Compare and contrast it with Campbell’s Michael Fallon interview yesterday morning.
But but let’s face it, he likes the ladies don’t he ?
Maybe he’s short-sighted…
I think it would be easier to cut through the crap for the BBC to announce at midnight..
“There now follows a 24 hour Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party”
UKIP Victoria Ayling will not put up with any BBC nonsense! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YsvLJ9jq_4&feature=youtu.be&app=desktop
I love Ms Ayling’s tweet about the interview:
Great interview by V Ayling – shove the lies and blatant bias straight back down the BBC man’s throat
I particularly liked the way she showed up the BBC double dealing – what he had said to her before the interview apparently and then the change of tone and emphasis when on air. She shoved it right back down his throat. Go girl.
I enjoyed her cheeky little grin at the end of the interview. She obviously enjoyed putting the BBC clown in his place and was able to do it with ease. Well done that lady.
Wish she was my MP…..wish she was PM, she’d give those bastards in the Civil Service a kick up the arse, sort the BBC, and run amok with immigrants….good.
What an excellent candidate! I really admire her for throwing the BBC’s spin and deception right back at him.
Election 2015: UKIP candidate ‘to be questioned’ over sausage rolls – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-32234567
I had to check that this article wasn’t dated April 1st!
I hope the BBC will be equally fastidious in reporting any electoral shenanigans in Tower Hamlets in a month’s time…
Ha Ha Ha….only on the BBC when it is not 1st April…..can such a ridiculous Sausage Roll story be told!
Ha Ha Ha…. the BBC is a laugh a minute at the moment whilst they are so panicking about the demise of Labour!
Just like the BBC reporter in Grimsby getting it in the neck from UKIPs Victoria Ayling about the BBC funded by EU highlighted above by Jeff. Ha Ha Ha
Have to say, that reporter with Vicky was very polite and let her speak, and no sarcastic comments too, unlike some others i could name, the reptiles on Today for instance.
‘the BBC reporter in Grimsby getting it in the neck’
All things considered, having been outed as playing fast and loose with the source material, I’m surprised it made the edit. Was it live? I wonder if it ever got repeated later?
He did seem very chilled about his little ruse being exposed; maybe he was and is well aware that such things, even if exposed, can still get rewarded back at base.
UKIP candidate ‘to be questioned’ over sausage rolls
The secret to this pathetic story is in the ‘list of candidates’ below it. Rowenna Davis is Labour’s ‘next big thing’, a media darling who used to review the papers regularly. They will be desperate to see her elected, so any smear they can find against the Kipper will be used.
Rowenna Davis
The constituency that this candidate is contesting, Southampton Itchen, is one that, according to: http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/2015-ukip-threat/
,is under particular “threat” from UKIP.
And it is currently Labour.
So it is unsurprising that this sausage roll story is one that the BBC would want to get its teeth into.
Labour influencing voters of the RoP type with “free gang rapes” for votes, is fair electioneering.
So it emerges that Ed Miliband’s romance with the BBC’s Stephanie Flanders was going strong long after previously thought. In fact still when he was one of Gordon Brown’s henchmen, in the Treasury, destroying Britain’s economy.
According to the Telegraph, ‘A BBC spokesman declined to say if Miss Flanders had informed the corporation at the time of her relationship with Mr Miliband, saying: “We wouldn’t comment on former staff members personnel details.” ‘
I bet they wouldn’t
Yes! Yet another secret buried in room 101 of the ‘world’s most trusted broadcaster’
Have to dig the gutters a bit deeper for the press this election obviously, Lynton … pass the spade
The lengths Stephanie had to go to to get stories.
Above and beyond that expected of a BBC reporter in the face of the politician.
She’s always believed that two Eds are better than one.
She just liked ‘ed.
Now it will be the rest of the country’s turn to get shafted by Ed.
God…..is she a bike or what?……floozy.
And of course the Paul Daniels/Mrs Merton question;
‘So Stephanie, what first attracted you to the Metropolitan lefty son of a Marxist, Ed Milliband?’
For BBC-Democrat:-
“Political correctness is now beyond parody”
By Greg Gutfeld.
‘Fox News’
(3 min video clip.)
Did you hear the disgusting comment by Cambell this morning at approx 9.30am. Landsley said they were clamping down on immigrants who do not pay tax. Cambell said “How about cracking down on those who live here and don’t pay tax , like those who support your party.”
Did this provoke a furious response from Landsley ? Errr…NO. Pathetic.
I think that it might have been earlier, Gameshow was ensconced with a Jeremy Hunt Q&A at 9.30 am…in which, in response to Hunt’s claim of 1000’s of jobs being created, Campbell used the Labour line to sneer that ‘they were all zero hour contracts’.
Earlier in the week, Campbell also parroted Labour’s line (lies) about the non-dom issue, telling his audience that ‘it was an anachronism.’ If he’d had said, ‘Some people say it’s an anachronism…’ that would have just about have been acceptable. He didn’t – he was making a judgement and aligning the BBC with the Labour Party.
The BBC are so desperate to get Labour into power that they have given up all pretence of impartiality.
Campbell had a dig at Hunt, who was positively supine in his response. If Hunt had any courage he’d have Ayling’d Campbell there and then. It was a typically smug and calculated attack by Campbell.
I’m starting to suspect the Tories have given up on this election. They are floating along on a cloud, and are far, far too passive.
Sorry it was Jeremy Hunt.
Well, Campbell would never have a dig at TRISTRAM Hunt.
More than the BBC’s licence fees is worth to challenge a Labour politician.
It’s reassuring to know that our money is being spent on the fine services offered by this company: http://mediadiversified.org/consultingandservices/
I do wonder whether their use of the word ‘whitesplaining’ is racist though:
Whitesplaining:- “to explain or comment on something in a condescending, overconfident, and often inaccurate or oversimplified manner, from the perspective of the group one identifies with,”
e.g the paternalistic lecture given by a white man toward a person of colour defining what should and shouldn’t be considered racist, while obliviously exhibiting their own racism
BTW, did you know that climate change denial is a racial issue? http://mediadiversified.org/2015/03/19/climate-change-is-easier-to-ignore-because-right-now-its-people-of-colour-who-suffer-the-most/ The mind boggles…
PS From their Twitter description, it’s clear that by ‘diversity’ they mean ‘non-white’:
There’s something wrong about looking for BAME experts. The experts the BBC uses should be the best people available, regardless of race.
Any other approach is racist and discriminatory (and possibly illegal).
There’s something wrong about looking for BAME experts. The experts the BBC uses should be the best people available, regardless of race.
They’ve managed to fudge what ‘the best people’ means sufficiently to use quotas:
Following the significant success of its Expert Women training days, the BBC it is to launch two ‘BAME Expert Presenter Talent Days’
BBC launches BAME Expert Presenter Days
This is the approach now used by all ‘progressive’ employers. They’ll say, ‘We encourage diversity, while continuing to select on merit from suitably qualified candidates.’ But they set the bar so low that anyone not in a coma is ‘suitably qualified’, so they are free to discriminate on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, whatever.
The Halal mafia racket.
According to the Co-op funeral services, they have had a less than buoyant winter because it was a mild one and as such less people were popping their clogs. And to think, there is one news gathering society that doesn’t want a warming climate and by deduction want more people dying. That news gathering society is the BBC. Euthanasia anyone? Sponsored by your BBC.
And lower heating bills – simples !
OB, you had me going there – a post on the Co-Op funeral service immediately after DP’s post on Halal slaughter. I was expecting a second paragraph on a modern Sweeney Todd, or even more cultural diversity from Rotherham.
Can everyone feel the hatred emanating from the Green Party’s deputy leader, Shahrar Ali’s mouth?
Where is the outrage from the BBC, they’re quick enough to dive on UKIP if any of their unknown potential councillors slip up? – Yet this is the Green Party’s deputy leader.
Is this person equally angry at the massacres of Palestinians on-going at the Yarmouk refugee camp, described by Ban Ki-moon, United Nations’ secretary general as the “deepest circle of hell”?
No of course not because the killing is being done by muslims.
Is he outraged at the slaughter of civilians in Yemen caused by Saudi led air strikes – At least 74 children have been killed in Yemen amid fighting which has intensified over the last two weeks, driving more than 100,000 people from their homes, according to the United Nations?
No of course not.
Because all he really cares about is hating Israel and Jews.
Proof, if proof were needed, what people like this are really like.
Does Cameron’s have a description for these people?
They’re not clowns, racists and swivel-eyed loons though, they’re far more dangerous, as no doubt we’ll discover in due course.
“…Just because you observe the niceties of Holocaust Memorial Day…”
Could he be any clearer? The dark heart of a true ‘progressive’ exposed in all its ugly spectacle.
‘Evil preaches tolerance only while it is weak.’
Shahrar Ali’s clearly a loathsome hypocrite who spews hatred of Israel and Jews, thinly disguised as righteous indignation for the suffering of muslims.
So where’s his indignation over the much greater slaughter of Palestinians and muslims being carried out right now at the hands of other muslims in the name of islam?
“Fighting in Yemen over the past few weeks has killed more than 540 people and wounded 1,700 as the country sinks deeper into a multi-sided conflict, according to the World Health Organisation.
“More than 540 people have been killed and some 1,700 others wounded by the violence in Yemen since 19 March,” WHO spokesman Christian Lindmeier told journalists, specifying that the toll was up to 6 April.
Meanwhile; Isis has begun beheading captives after taking over the majority of a large Palestinian refugee camp in Syria.
UN officials said scenes on the ground in the Yarmouk camp just south of Damascus were “beyond inhumane”, as rebels from the so-called Islamic State and al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra vied for control of the camp, which houses around 18,000 civlians.
If they really are Palestinian ones from 1967 are they still all tents?
The word camp implies a temporary set up, not one for nigh on 50 years!
I’ve been down to Go Outdoors today to see if they do a ten storey concrete block of flats you can pack into a trailer.
Not a chance apparently.
As with other tokens in all the major parties, this guy is just using the Green Party as a vehicle to promote Islam.
He wasn’t distinguishable as a Green party member on DP yesterday, just a typical chip on shoulder socialist.
Ah, ah, ah If you tolerate this your children will be next.
Did anyone question the singing or the implications of that remark?
Like the ‘peace be upon you’ sign-off.
‘Where is the outrage from the BBC’
There’s this file at the BBC, it’s quite big, titled ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady’.
Any other party, UKIP, Tory, Labour, SNP, Lib Dem would be crucified by the Beeb if their deputy delivered such a hate filled rant. Why do the Greens get a soft pass? To think for many years I voted Green too. Maybe his race and religion is the answer?
Just listened to Dead Ringers and enjoyed it. However while Labour, Tory, UKIP, SNP, Plaid and LD were all mocked the Greens were spared.
Is the BBC now supporting the Greens or just sorry for them?
I have to say I was quite shocked when I read his Wikipedia entry, after all who submits a thesis entitled :
‘Making as if to stand behind one’s words: a theory of intentional deception and lying’.
Green is Islam’s colour isn’t it?
BBC speed dial call boy Owen Jones turns up on the BBC Breakfast sofa this morning. They were in north Wales and wanted opinions. I suppose his name sounds a bit Welsh. Anyway he is not standing at the elction and is not 100% on board with Labour policy. However, he was busy on the airwaves telling us what ‘he would like Labour to do’…. Well what was the point in that?
Aslseelt I saw the last few moments of that as fortunately I almost missed the whole thing I did hear him mention zero hour contracts. He was sat with a yoof. Who I thought said that the yoof don’t dislike immigrants for stealing all the yoofs jobs correct me id I misheard that. However she did go onto say that the yoofs could just make work for themselves, i.e. become self employed. If only it was that simple. I thought they were in Newport, which is South Wales, I stayed there last year as I was seeing the Welsh premier glam rock band Tigertailz in Cardiff and Newport was cheaper to stay at. I did like the following comments about how they were building a new shopping centre to attract more jobs to the area. Yep in the main low paid part time retail jobs.
Very angry today – mainly because of this disgusting story:
Stress of Battle Against Travellers’ Camp Ends in Tragic Pensioner Double Suicide
Travellers: So Colourful and Delightful That When They Arrive Their New Neighbours Want to Kill Themselves
I don’t recall hearing about this on any TV channel, in spite of the constant stream of people with “poor me” stories passing through the studios wearing what someone described as their “compensation faces”.
My reaction to something like this could get me into prison quite easily, so I’m not going to add anything further.
The only time you see “travellers” on TV is on “My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding”, “My Big Fat Gypsy Christening”, “My Big Fat Gypsy Grand National” etc. etc. ad nauseam.
BBC News showing the PC indoctrination of 11 year olds – the kids instinctively get it right – when behaving in a perfectly normal and legal manner, who is responsible for stopping such behaviour if someone feels uncomfortable with it? The kids get it right – the person feeling uncomfortable has to communicate that to the other person. Only then could the perfectly normal behaviour in any way be considered to be harassment. NO! Bad kids, teacher keeps rephrasing until the required answer is given. “Consent” must be explicitly given to allow you to WALK TOWARDS one of your classmates.
R4’s Today team seemed to lose control of their pro-immigration propaganda sphincters this morning. It was fallacy and platitude from every orifice.
Some woman opining that being pro unlimited? immigration was “open minded” How open-minded is committing cultural suicide ?
Thought of the Day: Some pious platitudes about “welcoming the stranger”. How sensible is it to welcome “strangers” to your country if they are so prolific you become a stranger in your own country.
Pointing out that 300, 000 net immigration year on yesr exacerbates the housing shortsge is “blaming the immigrant”.
Anyone can see that simple arithmetic is the crux of the matter.
How sensible is it to welcome “strangers” to your country if they are so prolific you become a stranger in your own country.
I’m guessing that there are a lot of public sector retirees/nearing retirement (i.e. approaching 50) who finally understand that the bloated pensions they were promised are not affordable based on existing income. They see the LibLabCons trick of increasing the size of the economy as a means of affording their goodies. Cultural questions are all very well, but set aside the nice life you had planned….? As to the implications for the economy in the longer term, they’ll take the Keynes attitude ‘In the longer term, we’re all dead!’ It’s just me me me me me. The Beeb and the Guardian cater for a lot of such people; they’ll find a willing audience for the propaganda you describe. If Dame Polly can have a villa in Tuscany, why not them?
Guardian front page had no other purpose than to be shown on BBC Breakfast, just like the front page last week which only mentioned the one poll about the leaders’ debate in which Miliband came 1 perecentage point ahead of Cameron (needless to say that that was the poll commissioned by The Guardian). Last week BBC showed that front page for almost half a minute compared to say 10 seconds for other newspapers.
Guess Guardian stays silent about Scottish polls, as BBC.
More importantly, BBC and Guardian will never ever investigate postal voting and electoral role practices that are likely to help Labour to a much better result than polls indicate.
Public sector job adds channelled to Guardian and license fee largesse prove to be effective bribes that Labour uses to well to its advantage. Intriguing that BBC Breafast seems to only have started showing fornt pages again now that election campaing has kicked off.
The BBC’s record with front pages shown, or not shown (reasons down to the integrity of A. Photo Editor) is ‘mixed’, at best.
Now that the leader of the Labour Party and aspiring PM of the next government has told the BBC they are OK if he gets in, the conflict of interest looks set to try the integrity of many a professional BBC staffer.
Guess Guardian stays silent about Scottish polls, as BBC.
The Torygraph are reporting that the fearsome beast, The Great Brun, is to be released for one final campaign. (Manon will so pleased):
‘More importantly, BBC and Guardian will never ever investigate postal voting and electoral role practices’
Actually, I can certainly remember a journalist from the Independent trying to investigate postal voting fraud in Tower Hamlets, he was quite badly beaten up by a gang of muslims after nosing around the electoral roll and then visiting premises and trying to talk to the inhabitants about the supposed numbers of voters at the addresses.
I think I recall a reporter from the Guardian doing something similar, and being assaulted; but apart from the initial reports, the papers dropped quickly the story
i think if you did a secret straw poll down at bbc hq in manchester and asked bbc presenters and staff who they would vote for this may, the ukip and conservative ballot box would be empty.no votes at all,so is the bbc left wing biased, as everybody fears a reality,listening to nicky campbell,stephen nolan,john piemaars coverage and pre election phone ins i am in no doubt now that they are hoping that the backstabber red ed and his cronies wake up with the keys to no 10 on may the 8th.
However it plays out, I will be able to sleep well on the night of May 8th and rise on the 9th with my head held high. That’s because I will be voting UKIP.
I feel sure you will get a special mention of thanks in Ed’s speech on the steps of No.10 followed immediately by him putting his thumb to his nose and totally ignoring thereafter any policy that UKIP supporters have voted for!
‘any policy that UKIP supporters have voted for!’
If you’re talking about the 2017 ‘pretenderendum’ what happened to the 2009 ‘cast iron’ promise? Remember this?
As I said last night if the people of the UK are too thick not to vote UKIP, then we deserve a hellhole unionised country, LabCon it makes no odds, 2017, manyana manyana…
“If you’re talking about the 2017 ‘pretenderendum’ what happened to the 2009 ‘cast iron’ promise? Remember this?”
I believe it went out with the coalition agreement, as did many policies the Tories would have liked to have implemented. Remember that?
If Ed needs any “help” to govern this time I think we know the general direction of the others will be even further left with appropriate pork barrel negotiations for financial reward and all without critical comment from our impartial media elephant.
For back to the future with Labour, vote UKIP on May 8th and opt out of deciding the future of the nation.
‘I believe it went out with the coalition agreement, as did many policies the Tories would have liked to have implemented. Remember that?’
Of course I do, the truth is that they didn’t have to go into the coalition, they could have 1) attempted to form a government with a small majority or 2) gone back to the country promising a referendum (which would have killed UKIP)
The truth is that they had no intention, just as they don’t in 2017, the coalition was a convenience for their EU masters. Until 2010 I had always voted Tory, no more.
I believe it went out with the coalition agreement…
No it didn’t. It was never in. It was a clever deceit. Deceit Number One. Cameron knew the Lisbon Treaty would be ratified by Labour before the 2010 election, so he wouldn’t be called on to hold one.
…the party chief said the Czech Republic’s decision to ratify the agreement meant he could “no more hold a referendum on the treaty than … a referendum on the sun rising in the morning.”
NOVEMBER 2009: David Cameron admits Lisbon treaty referendum campaign is over
Note the date – can’t blame poor old Clegg for Cameron’s deceit!
The cast-iron promise was to hold a referendum in the event of any future transfer of powers. Deceit Number 2. Lisbon was such a nightmare for European leaders, there was general agreement that they would have to be more subtle in future to ratify change without the dangers inherent in referenda in up to thirty countries. Again; Cameron made a PR fuss about holding a referendum in a situation he knew would not arise.
A 4 old son, you are starting to sound very like dear old Essex Man and his dire warnings of doom if the public vote for their hearts rather than holding their noses and voting for shallow Dave. Maybe you’re right, maybe the dumb waiter will get elected and we are on the way to hell on a handcart, but bugger me, for once I and many fellow citizens are going to vote for who we believe in rather than pork barrel politics Westminster style. Next morning come whatever I will hold my head up high, if the country votes for suicide well too bad, it’s halfway down the slope to a civil war and bankruptcy anyway. Let Labour win, let them have 5 more years to destroy and allow their friends in, I’ll bet the British people will not be so stupid in 2020, that’s if we haven’t imploded by then.
PS you know the Deltics were better don’t you ?
“PS you know the Deltics were better don’t you ?”
Took me a while to figure that out.
Sorry, in joke, I was a bit too young for steam, first generation diesels on the other hand……..wish I had the cash to own one, stuff Jeremy and his 350hp cars, these machines had 3300hp in 1960, sex on wheels.
This doesn’t detract from the above comments on the referendum that never was, but I think it needs stating very clearly.
The Coalition Agreement was not handed down by God on tablets of stone – it was negotiated by the two parties. If either of them wanted something else included all they had to do was to make another concession of equal importance to the other side. The LibDems could have had their policy on tuition fees included, but at a price. As could the Conservatives it they had wanted a referendum (to consult the people irrespective of Labour’s ratification of the treaty). The only question would have been the price to be paid in another concession to the LibDems. Each party included all the policies it needed to enter the coalition.
The Coalition Agreement included everything that each side thought was important. It didn’t include policies that they were willing to abandon. If the Agreement prevented either side from implementing something it is because they didn’t think it important enough to include – it was a policy they were willing to abandon to get into power.
The Coalition Agreement is an excellent document for indicating what each part actually believes – not much other than its senior members should be in government.
“PS you know the Deltics were better don’t you ?”
Better than what? Western Crusader? Certainly!
Come on 4468, you know it was all down to internal politics which survived and which didn’t , both were thoroughbred solutions to specific problems, both built in places which no longer exist or employ people.
My narrow gauge 2-4-0 could give both of them a race.
In my dreams actually.
“Let Labour win, let them have 5 more years to destroy and allow their friends in, I’ll bet the British people will not be so stupid in 2020, that’s if we haven’t imploded by then.”
Liebour will have imported another three million client votes by then.
We’re a’ doomed !
So the Kippers want to live in a post Apocalypse Labour/ SNP hell hole rather than keeping Millipeed out . When Harperson sends her Gestapo ,to have all white Englishmen reeducated , I hope you think it was worth it . The kipper party will be finished after this because , you split the “Right” vote & put Millipeed in No 10 . Thanks ,I will spread the word about your treachery too . The voters won`t forgive you in 2019 , (EU elections) or 2020 GE , if Millipeed has not abolished parliament by then .
“So the Kippers want to live in a post Apocalypse Labour/ SNP hell hole rather than keeping Millipeed out ”
No, as far as I’m concerned I wish all true and natural conservatives vote for the party with true conservative values: i.e. UKIP.
You won`t get anything apart from a Millipeed/SNP Government. That will be the end of Kippering , the backers will leave , I know for sure . They are really Conservatives , so they will go home to the Conservatives .You can shout me down , but you know, I am right .
Unfortunately though, the leaders of the Conservative Party are currently not conservatives. If Cameron had been he would have won the 2010 election outright and heading for a second term. He and his wets will be to blame, not the people who vote with their conscience for UKIP.
The problem isn’t Ed; it’s Ed’s insane policy of running a Ponzi scheme to fund todays costs using immigrants. This will just create a bigger debt further down the line, not to mention wiping out an ancient culture that was better than most anything seen so far. The people are in a stupor and don’t see the problem. They will not see it until problems start to become apparent – the fox Madoff ran a long time. There is no advantage to having a slick PR man implement the same policy – it’s the policy that’s the problem. Fooling the voters into thinking a blue tie somehow makes it OK just prolongs the agony.
Is this the same Ponzi scheme which Cameron has been running too?
Is this the same Ponzi scheme which Cameron has been running too?
That’s what I meant. Should have named Cameron, but Angryman knows the score! Essex Man will be along in a moment to tell us how different the leaders are. Everyone can place an ‘X’ on May 7th as they see fit.
No I got better things to do . However after May 8th or so I will pop up , every time you say , Labour , Bbc , Guardian , SNP are doing or saying this , isn`t it terrible & biased etc. ” I told you so ” or ” You brought this on yourselves ” .
Thoughtful. If you have half an hour, this is a good introduction to aspects/mechanisms of the Ponzi scheme, with a few laughs also.
Aside from being ahistorical, simplistic, conspiracy bullshit with an 19th century antisemitic edge what has this to do with the BBC?
The bBC, the situation in Venezuela and half the story
Venezuelans petition Obama ahead of summit
Watch the video where the BBC’s Ian Pannell reports on why there are food shortages which I am lead to believe is 1/3 the fault of the US. Really?
Economic mismanagement where leftwing ideology has replaced common sense which has resulted in shortages in everything, yet the bBC feels the world should know that the US is to blame.
Then he walks over to a desk where a petition is in place (President Nicolás Maduro has said he will get 10 million signatures) in which to complain about US sanctions against Venezuela. Wow sanctions shortages maybe there lies the reason why people have it so tough buying anything in Venezuela. What the bBC doesn’t make clear is that the santions are only aimed at…..7 people, yes 7 people. |So how that is effecting the country as a whole I don’t know. As for Manuro complaining about how the US see’s his country. Well since he took power he has claimed 20 times that the US is acting against the country and on 20 occasions he has offered no proof. Then there’s that petition; here is what the bBC don’t mention:
The Venezuelan government is forcing citizens to sign a petition calling for President Obama to remove sanctions on the socialist state for its human rights abuses. Those eager to sign are rewarded with anything from a coveted smaller wait time on supermarket lines to whole chickens, but those who refuse may wind up unemployed.
In late March, President Nicolás Maduro announced a campaign to collect signatures against Obama, after he issued an executive order declaring Venezuela a “national security threat” and sanctioning seven high-ranking officials, most involved in the military or law enforcement and with direct control over armed forces responsible for various human rights abuses.not signing can bring severe consequences. At least two government workers, both employees at the Vice Ministry of Supreme Social Happiness, were fired for refusing to add their names to the list, a human rights organization said. The Venezuelan Education-Action Program on Human Rights (Provea) alleged that a third employee was fired from a government-owned company that is not an agency of the government for the same reason.
Yet another woman reported being denied the ability to buy fish after waiting in line for two hours after refusing to sign the pledge. The government has established a special holiday, Socialist Fish Fair, for Holy Week, when Catholics abstain from eating meat in anticipation of Easter.
The government is not stopping at punishing those who fail to sign, however. Some who have signed the petition have claimed they were rewarded for doing so. At least one man, who gave his full name to Spanish newspaper ABC, said he received a free chicken for signing the petition. “It didn’t cost me much,” he explained, “on the line they just gave me the number for the chicken, but before that I had to add my name to the Obama list.”
ABC reports of other cases in which witnesses allege having received chicken, milk, laundry detergent, and other products for their signatures. Basic home goods like detergent, vegetable oil, and milk are strictly rationed and difficult to come by in Venezuelan supermarkets, with some having to spend up to five hours waiting in line to enter a market and buy the government-designated amount of each good.
Would that be the Venezuela with the world’s largest oil reserves, more than even Saudi? Yet it’s an economic basket case.
Boy wonder, Owen Jones was in Venezuela – oop the wurkers.
I wonder how these folk got there?
Dan Glass operating a ‘don’t ask; don’t tell’ policy?
Just to remind us all, (yet again), that Britain has never been a ‘white’ country.
Mr. Reasonable – John Reasonable is a freed black slave, a skilled silk weaver, engaged by Shakespeare to make costumes for the Rose Theatre but he also has a jealous apprentice.
No doubt he wrote all the plays too.
Yes, awash with immigrants, as numerous old photographs like this demonstrate:
Don’t, for god’s sake, give them ideas.
Please sign this petition to abolish the TV licence. Let the BBC justify its income by subscription. Over 91,000 people have already signed.
I suspect along with many folk, I long ago came to the realisation that most if not all politicians were various grades of scumbucket; hence the choices one faced at the ballot were which ones were less scummy in areas that mattered, and with luck had a few positive points in their favour too.
Same with media.
Guido is pretty much down there in the gutter with the rest; but he admits it and is at least an equal opportunity gutter-dweller. Especially with rampant hypocrisy on display.
I find it amazing that the preening BBC really thinks it sets any form of journalistic standard when everybody with a brain and access to the internet can see when they don’t go near stories that damage fondly-nurtured narratives, or….. crank up the Outrageometer on demand when a press release from their ideological fellow-travelers oozes onto the in-tray.
Of course it’s two wrongs writ large. But there used to be some balance in equal exposure.
Gleaning such examples from a wonk site is one thing; a £200k peroxide-sink ‘talent’ having a fit of the vapours at the PR on the TelePrompTer at how beastly only certain people are is quite another to a gullible audience in the millions. Especially for true democracy.
Jeremy Bowen? BBC? ‘Nuff said.
I wonder whether the BBC will be reporting on the comments of this Liebour racist?
BBC News Website:
‘The Changing Face Of Death In The UK’
(And the BBC manage to Introduce Climate Change!).
An extract from the above link:
——Other potential (causes of death) linked to climate change have been put forward. Perhaps the most eye-catching was a recent warning that tropical diseases could take hold.
Experts wrote in the Lancet Infectious Diseases journal this year that warmer UK temperatures could make conditions favourable for mosquitoes to breed, opening the door to conditions such as dengue fever and West Nile virus in the next few decades.—-
I understand that this BBC assumption is wrong.
You’re right, this assumption is wrong. Professor (I think) Paul Reiter would tell you that mosquitos can exist as far north as Siberia, and he should know. He is a one-time advisor to the IPCC – he stood down from that august organisation, because they didn’t want to listen to his expert advice on the spread of malaria and other mosquito-borne illnesses.
And, just to show off, in this country, the illness known as ” The Ague” was quite prevalent until the 1800’s – it’s current name is……malaria. And it was apparently transmitted by mosquitos. In this country.
Reiter’s resignation from the IPCC:
‘Reiter is a specialist in tropical diseases. He was a contributing author to the WGII report of the TAR (2001) (chapter 9, dealing with impacts on human health). He found it difficult to work with lead authors who were not experts in the field, who were insisting on a link between climate change and diseases such as malaria. As a result he resigned from the IPCC. In a report to the House of Lords he wrote: “In my opinion, the IPCC has done a disservice to society by relying on “experts” who have little or no knowledge of the subject, and allowing them to make authoritative pronouncements that are not based on sound science.”
Reiter’s submission to Parliament:
‘8. Despite this remarkably cold period, perhaps the coldest since the last major Ice Age, malaria was what we would today call a “serious public health problem” in many parts of the British Isles, and was endemic, sometimes common throughout Europe as far north as the Baltic and northern Russia. It began to disappear from many regions of Europe, Canada and the United States as a result of multiple changes in agriculture and lifestyle that affected the breeding of the mosquito and its contact with people, but it persisted in less developed regions until the mid 20th century. In fact, the most catastrophic epidemic on record anywhere in the world occurred in the Soviet Union in the 1920s, with a peak incidence of 13 million cases per year, and 600,000 deaths. Transmission was high in many parts of Siberia, and there were 30,000 cases and 10,000 deaths due to falciparum infection (the most deadly malaria parasite) in Archangel, close to the Arctic circle. Malaria persisted in many parts of Europe until the advent of DDT. One of the last malarious countries in Europe was Holland: the WHO finally declared it malaria-free in 1970.’
I see that Sue Perkins is bookies favourite to replace Clarkson on Top Gear.
Amanda Platell in the DM:-
Bookies say Great British Bake Off presenter Sue Perkins is the favourite to replace Jeremy Clarkson on Top Gear. So out would go the Right-wing motormouth and in come a Leftie lesbian. That’s the PC Beeb for you. Why not go the whole hog and give James May’s job to Clare Balding and swap Richard Hammond for Harriet Harman?
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-3034467/PLATELL-S-PEOPLE-Ed-s-past-proves-T-trusted.html#ixzz3WzEJfouu
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Harriet Harman’s straight, so that wouldn’t work. Mind you, her husband somehow got selected as an MP from an all woman shortlist, so maybe she gets honorary lesbian status.
And I am being serious!!!!
that wont work you wouldnt be able to keep her off the gear knob!
Only if the car was being driven by fatty Abbot
Sue Perkins??
The show will die a death!
I will so enjoy the massive slump in UK and international viewing and income.
Steve Fry and Owen Jones as support?
Oddly enough, Julian Clary and his camp humour could be successful? Who knows?
Julian Clary’s dad was a traffic cop before retiring, so he could know a bit about driving.
I thought you were joking. But she really is the bookies favourite!
Course. How silly of me. She ticks all the BBC boxes…
Expensive education, Oxbridge, ‘footlights’, female and gay.
The fact that I have never seen or heard of her showing any interest in cars is, I suppose, irrelevant.
“The fact that I have never seen or heard of her showing any interest in cars is, I suppose, irrelevant.”
More like a prime qualification, I would have thought!
In all seriousness, this story highlights the yawning chasm between the BBC and the public that has to pay for it. It shows the utter contempt they have for their own audiences.
“The fact that I have never seen or heard of her showing any interest in cars is, I suppose, irrelevant.”
More like a prime qualification, I would have thought!
Nail on the head time. Knowing about stuff is ‘elitism’; the great evil that used to infest the BBC and which must be ruthlessly got rid off. Having someone who clearly knows little about the subject will demonstrate the Beeb’s commitment to ‘equality’ and ‘fairness’. The sad thing is… I’m not joking; that’s how they think today. BBC elitism only survives on the panels that decide remuneration for the top cats.
Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
INBBC refers to 2008 Islamofascist massacre in Mumbai without using words: ‘Muslims,’ ‘Islam,’ ‘jihad,’ ‘Islamofascist,’ ‘massacre.’
But INBBC does use euphemistic words: ‘attack’ and ‘militants’-
“Mumbai attack suspect Lakhvi released on bail in Pakistan”
‘The Blaze’-
“State Dept. has no plan to plan to punish Pakistan for releasing terrorist ‘mastermind’”
Any Questions, Hillary Benn and the loony Lucas having a nice old spat over recovering the Gatwick oil and renewing Trident, the loon was cheered by the usual student types, Benn stood his ground and in my eyes saw off the Green nutter. Not quite a chip off the old block is Mr Benn, came over as far more of a sensible type than his old dad. Shaps and Pants down ? Usual responses, reading from the hymn sheet.
Sounds like the Greens have packed the audience.
Indeed they did, in many ways odd to hear the cheers for green loony and the dislike for Labour, but fair play to Benn he stood up and was counted for a rational Modern state which is prepared to defend itself. If he was leader instead of the hopeless waiter I could see them winning a majority. Not only the wrong brother but the wrong dynasty .
Caroline Lucas popped up on Question Time last night and this evening the green nut-job is back on Any Questions.
No sign of UKIP.
Bias at the BBC?
As if…
Half the programmes on the BBC either extoll ‘Green’ politics or push some other Leftish policy (the delights of immigration, for example).
‘Impartiality?’ It’s a word we read somewhere.
Thanks to Alex for drawing my attention to this piece,
I have changed the original use of the word Welsh and Wales for England and English, Pakistan and Pakistani so that you can see the pure hatred and racism involved, indeed if this person had used such terms he would be sitting down with plod having a cup of tea and explaining himself, I leave you to ponder if the translation carries a kernel of truth.
“Very often, from what I see, some flying Pakistani flags are young people, who have been brought up in England but are loyal to Pakistan. This raises questions about us as English people as well”.
“It’s true the parents are at fault, but it’s obvious that the education system has failed to create an English nationalism in these people, and I wonder how many of us English people, in our school days, tried to bring these people( aka chavs) into the English circle”.
They create division amount the British races as do the SNP, both are vile. They deserve to be booted out of Parliament for the con artists they are.
[comment deleted]
“Interred”? Like the left wing Russians did to the Poles in the Katyn Forest, or do you mean “interned” like the left wing Russians did to dissidents in Siberia? The right wing doesn’t have the monopoly on evil.
But what about the Left who want everyone in the world to have the right to live here without challenge?
This could be about 57 Billion people or more?
We have been invaded since 1997 without a shot being fired.
I’m not addressing you as you’ll never change.
My reply is rhetorical.
I’ve realised that debate with the Left will be impossible until this country has fallen to it’s knees under the Islamic sword, but by then it will be too late.
I did add a comment and assume that the poster is out to discredit this blog. It looks pretty obvious.
You are one of Robert Brown’s fellow posters as well, so by your logic, you are associated with the post.
Are you one of those who clicked on ‘Like’ (who can tell) ?
What metrics are you using to measure the number of contributors to ‘Biased BBC’ ? (Would that be the same metrics used by the BBC to prove its ‘balance’, i.e. none whatsoever).
You’re right of course. The sentiments articulated in “Robert Brown’s” piece were a disgrace. No sane person would wish for the whole sale eviction of millions of innocent people.
I think there are two possibilities to the “Robert Brown” conundrum. Either he’s had a really dreadful day and has come here to let off steam, this can happen to the best of us. Or, and I think this is my favoured opinion, he an agent provocateur. Someone who has come here to cause offence and created a nom de plume and tried to cause trouble.
Maybe you?
BBC World News
“Doctor, policeman, pilot” – Can India make their dreams come true?
A story about young aspiration. Those three careers seem oddly topical. Especially the first and last. Just coincidence.
I can’t really add to what has been said already but the General Election “coverage” by the BBC is on the border of being illegal in the amount of support they’re pumping out for Labour.
I’ve just clicked on the BBC News website tonight and once again it’s a blazing headling supporting and pushing Labour/Ed Miliband.
I took a screen shot of the BBC News website last night to remind myself of how appalling it was.
As with tonight, Labour and Ed Miliband were the main headline but it then got surreal to the point where I thought “I can’t be seeing this”.
I’d like to quote you what I saw.
“Tories stand by Miliband attack”. The article and headline were simply geared towards garrising sympathy/support for Ed Miliband and Labour.
Contrast the above with how UKIP were treated.
“Porn star UKIP man ashamed”.
“UKIP wants to scrap the “tampon tax”.
In all seriousness, the BBC are interfering with the Democratic Process to a point where what they are doing must be legally questionable.
BBC Ten O’clock news closed with a segment where “We get the views of a range of people about issues in the election”.
There followed a statement (not an interview) by a steamingly attractive lady who appears to be a record producer who explained that “as a Czech” she is disturbed by the sinister and offensive statements about immigration and then went on to defend all immigrants and the levels of immigration.
While this lady was quite nice to look at, surely as a Czech she cannot vote in a General Election, so her views are irrelevant and if a political point is to be made, should there not have been an opposite or balanced view?
They could have interviewed those Czech gypsies that came here to freeload .
I don’t consume a lot of the BBC’s TV output, but it has been much the same on radio – a more or less continuous stream of ‘Labour promises’ and ‘Tories defend’ throughout the day.
From now until the election… Newsnight Late Show with James O’Brien. It’s been going 5 minutes now… with what O’Brien calls ‘satire’, I would call it ‘garbage’…. mainly anti-UKIP propaganda, embarrassing clips, etc.
Oh goody… they’ve got Will Self on as well…. AND Caroline Flint… not as fit as a butcher’s dog any longer… more like the butcher’s dog chewing a wasp… but that’s unkind – I’m just angry at how bad this programme is.
It’s Friday night… everyone is supposed to be a sophisticated, trendy leftie on a Friday night… maybe that’s it.
I’ve had a few nights off Newsnight.
It’s helped the blood pressure a wee bit. 🙂
Caroline Flint has NEVER been as fit as a butcher’s dog. She’s always looked to me to be in need of a good wash. She looks even more like mutton dressed as lamb with that bad black dye job on her hair. Would have made more sense if you had removed the words ” as fit as a butcher’s” and just retained the word “dog”! She’s more like a piece of council sink estate rough.
Not only is Mishal Hussain arrogant and rude in the way she interrupts one of Britain’s main political Party leaders, she displays bias in the manner and content of her interview.
If the BBC have a duty to be impartial, Ms Hussain clearly is in need of a refresher course. Whilst the British public who fund the BBC would like to understand the policies offered by UKIP, with incisive questions designed to illuminate, we fail to get our money’s worth out of Mishal. A clearly designed ‘hatchet job’, a pre-determined attempt to smear a democratic party. Will Ms Hussain enquire with the LibLabCon on the recent imprisonments of Lib Lab Con former MP’s, Lords and Councillors? There’s plenty to choose from.
That’s just Labour, and just one crime bracket. But hey! Over there! A UKIP candidate laying on some sausage rolls? Can this be true? Never mind about the fishery and defence policy announcements and the confirmed policy on NATO and Trident. We’ve got a sausage roll scandal to ‘get across’.
My grandparents thought a lot of George Orwell. They also thought a lot of the BBC. Oh if they were alive today. They would be angry too.
BBC. Big Brother Corporation. Stinking up our democracy. Again. And Again….
Ukip should boycott the BBC. It is pointless appearing or being interviewed.The BBC is the fountain head of liberalism. You will never never get a fair hearing.
I disagree, as I am prone to do. UKIP should continue playing the ball, not the man and do it on the BBC as often as they can. Dumb folk are dumb, and will be suckered by somebody, but most people will get the message. If UKIP are on the BBC and continue discussing EU membership, control of immigration and the intrinsic link between these issues and the ability to provide services and infrastructure for an unpredictably increasing populous, the message will get through to many.
The reality of our current situation in Britain is that we are slaves to a chaotic unworkable pan-European political model, run by incompetents. That along with the reality in the disparity in quality of life and social justice across the continent (and beyond) makes Britain a people magnet.
For social stability to be possible in the short, medium and long term, our people must control our borders. It is a moral imperative. This isn’t a game, a 6th form discussion topic. Its real people’s lives. It is social structures destroyed, people uprooted and exiled from their roots. These realities will have consequences. We need to heal and to do that we need to take control, take a deep breath, and plan.
UKIP are the only party who understand this and are prepared to stand up and say it. The only party with an understanding of the realities of the situation our country finds itself in, and the only party that wishes to represent the people of Britain and understand the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Without control, you are a yacht without a rudder. UKIP needs to press the message, get positive and get ambitious.
Ukip are finished , but just bury your head in the sand . They will have NO influence on anything from May 8th . You keep saying this or that`s going to happen with Kippers , but bugger all will . Its the End , for them , their paymasters will go back to the Tories, or leave the country . It `s going to happen.
It’s Cameron who is finished. Hopefully he will take the rest of the faux-Conservatives with him. Back to Heathland, whence they came.
I reckon UKIP are stuffed, Farage knows it – his mouth has cashed cheques that his party and their small constituency can’t pay.
A bit like this website and Vancy’s frantic censorship – removing all my posts now just makes it look like you’re rowing and calling each other Chippy!
Don`t think so , Kippering will be finished , the backers will pull the plug , their money was wasted . The party will go the way of the BNP . It will all end in tears , the rump will go back to being Conservatives , you know I am right .PS ,I agree with Chippy , & Windy .If You delete Chippy`s text ,thats just like the extreme Left & Right would do, Undemocratic .
I disagree I keep seeing all these poles ( Polls – sorry Freudian slip) with UKIP 15-20 % . Labour and Conservatives 30-35 %. If they are reporting UKIP as 15-20% you can bet it is higher than that as they will endeavour to make it as low as they can. I think it is psychological too 16% against 32 % seems a long way off. If that figure starts to march into the 20% level the career numpties will get even more worried than they are now
If that happens, nothing will improve and we’ll be in danger of ending up with a genuinely fascist party in 10/20/30 years, and rivers of blood in the literal sense.
Nobody is asking for a facist party . All people want is to live in a Country that looks after the indigenous population first. Measured immigration is welcome and needed . We can trade with the European union to our hearts content we do not need to be dictated to by the Franco/German pact let them get on with the European dream without us.Lets also stop all this green nonsense the planet is doing just fine it cools down it warms up 0.04% of a trace gas does not affect anything. Let’s also get fracking and bring a bit of energy security to this lovely island and in these dangerous times we live in lets put a bit more money into defence so we can look after ourselves if required. Job done it really is not difficult
“Nobody is asking for a facist party .”
I think you’ve missed the point. I’m not saying that anyone is asking for a fascist party now. What I am saying is that if the wrong type of immigration continues unabated, friction and probably terrorism will eventually drive people to desperation and, IMO, they will be prepared to consider more drastic solutions.
If immigration had been restricted 20 years ago, there would be less discontent now. If we miss the opportunity to do something about it now, at this much later stage, it will be far worse in another 20 years’ time.
Yes, but that has been proven to be an illusion produced by the Public Relations people of the Establishment.
Over the last year UKIP have won everything. For instance, I remember that the audience in a BBC debate from the Tory seat of Rochester gave the illusion that a Labour Landslide was due. But UKIP got the Landslide victory, even after Cameron threw the kitchen sink at the people of Rochester.
Now we are all being bashed over the head by the “kitchen sink” day after day, and for the next month, by manufactured news about Cameron and Miliband.
So we have to change over to RT, for only a tiny bit less biased and distorted News source, but at least real news is available.
I suppose its because the Establishment Media and Polling Organisations are covering up a possible UKIP Landslide, while at the same time not bothering to do the same in Scotland as regards the SNP, due to the resources needed to cover up the secretly predicted UKIP vote.
I think the simple explanation for this is that half of the people who say they are going to vote Labour or Tory, are actually secretly intending to vote UKIP.
A secret ballet means that the Establishment can threaten the electorate, but cannot identify those it wants to punish.
Remember Question Time from Clacton on by-election night. Boy, I thought, those people hate UKIP. Result, UKIP won with twice as many votes as all the other parties put together. Guess the audience were booked and bussed in from some other place.
People in the UK have a tradition of saying they will vote Labour for polls. But secretly vote Tory.
The MSM particularly the BBC can blame themselves for demonising the Conservatives and stuffing up their very own polls. But they probably don’t care in any case. They treat democracy with disdai…as demonstrated by Blair last week
Yes , & they will vote Tory , when they say they are voting Labour or Kipper . Farage does not want to be in a coalition , & the ONLY party he could support in Parliament are the Conservatives. He won`t win the seat anyhow , so their will only be Carswell who will return to the Tories when the kippers backers leave .
A point of order, Mr Chairman. We do not actually have a secret ballot in the UK. Each voting paper carries an individual number and could be checked.
For all any of us knows, it is.
Having worked in Essex I have to say that Essex Man is typical of the idiots in Essex.
Essex is full of idiots who think money is everything but thick as two planks.
Essex Man posts proves my point.
That is probably the most spot-on take on the EU I have heard in a long while. We are already seeing a drop in ‘real-terms’ pay and that is because the EU is an economic mess. Tony Blair insisted that we stay in the EU or else there will be an economic disaster here in the UK.
Hasn’t the disaster already happened? And aren’t the after-effects being felt more in the Eurozone than here in Poundland?
I wished I could give detail to the impending economic doom that awaits Europe, but it would send some of us into perpetual depression.
Re Hussein. Do the BBC train their interviewers, Paxman, Neil, Hussein, in the art of introducing the snigger mid sentence? It would be worth drawing attention to it before responding to the question. e.g. ‘Perhaps you will enlighten your audience as to why you find your question so amusing’.
Nigel’s got some patience. I’d have dived over the table. Guess I need to avoid ms Hussain & beeboids in general.
As the saying goes: “even a fool can ask a question that the wisest man cannot answer”.
bbc article on accidental deaths on the London tube
“In 2005, Jean Charles de Menezes was shot dead at Stockwell Tube station by Metropolitan Police who mistook him for a failed 21 July suicide bomber”
No agenda from the bhigoted broadcasting corp. there, then
Chippy Minton (Labour) and Essex Man (Conservative) are both paid by the establishment to throw Kitchen Sinks at Free Speech.
So Vote UKIP
Why should the BBC be censoring “Free Speech” then Essex man?
You tell me ,you lot have been prattling on about it for years. Hmm whats the title of this website, I don`t like the BBC at all, but Kippers play into their hands in the Divide & Rule Stakes . They want the Kippers to take votes from the Tories , so Labour are in power for Charter renewal . Simples.
‘You lot’?
You lot, the Kippers Fan Club Site ,which has morphed out of Biased BBC Site .
Another generalisation that lacks accuracy. Or appreciation of irony. Are you ever on topic?
Do you and the weekend tag-team duty Flokkers on station share a cab in?
Essex Man, again let me ask you would you vote Conservative in Heywood and Middleton, thereby handing the seat to Labour? In your world there is nothing as bad as a Labour government and I have some sympathy with that view so what’s your answer please?
As I understand it analysis of the 20% to 14% decline in UKIP support indicates that only about a third are returning to the Tories and two thirds to Labour giving the lie to the backgrounnd of UKippers as portrayed by our impartial elephant in the room media outlet.
If I were were an elector in Heywood for the by-election I would have tactically voted UKIP, as many obviously did, and still lost. Having seen that if it does not work in a by-election it is even less likely to work for the national election, so would vote for my usual party to maximise their national vote.
Heywood in the national election is a Labour shoo in. Best odds on a Labour win 10 to 1 on.
But all the UKippers on here can get 6 to 1 against ,so £50 of your hard earned money could still leave you with a happy smile on May 9th, if you think its a winner.
You can get good odds on all sorts of UKIP scenarios. So let us know if you are backing your opinions voiced on here with hard cash and what you have put your money on.
Hard cash put up is generally a more reliable predictor of the outcome than opinion polls.
We need a Keep Labour Out strategy here:
For a start, there’ll be about 220 rock-solid, immovable Labour seats, in mining, metropolitan and high ethnic percentage areas.
Those wishing to vote UKIP should do so only in seats that Labour doesn’t stand a cat in hell’s chance winning.
In Tory marginals were Labour came 2nd in 2010, there is too much of a risk of UKIP splitting the non-socialist vote and letting Labour in.
There are many examples of metropolitan suburban seats which were medium-safe Tory in the past but are now safe Labour thanks to high ethnic influxes and other forms of gerrymandering.
In 1979, the Tories gained (!) a seat in Liverpool from Labour to return two MPs and three seats in Birmingham to return 5 MPs, and still held a seat in Manchester, Glasgow (lost one there) and Newcastle, plus four in Edinburgh, two in Leeds and one in Sheffield.
Labour’s iron grip on the cities shows no sign of abating, and unless some party can finally break the tribal loyalty, we’ll never have a real Conservative government.
Then there’s the dilemma of having an evenly-spread vote, as in 1983.
THe SDP-LIB alliance had 25% of the vote but only 12 seats.
Labour had 27.5% and won 209 seats, but they held on to their urban bedrock whilst being annihilated in the rural seats.
Cameron has spent ten years insulting UKIP voters; why would we vote for his open-door immigration rather than Miliband’s? I might hold my nose and vote for a Tory who promised to leave the party after a referendum vote to stay in the EU. Solid promise required – ‘no nods, no winks, no sleight of hand.’ Other than that…
“the Kippers Fan Club Site ,which has morphed out of Biased BBC Site . ”
This site is about pro-Labour / Left-wing bias at the BBC.
Cameron has had five years, what has he done about this bias? (Answer = nothing)
What does he plan to do about it if re-elected? (Answer = nothing)
What has he said about it (Answer = next to nothing)
What happened when a junior Conservative minister (Louise Mensch) mentioned the BBC in relation to phone hacking? (Was told that her career was over).
Why would we trust Cast-Iron Dave to do anything about the BBC anymore than his “promising” a referendum? I will vote for the Conservative Party again when it is a conservative party again.
Cast-iron rusts easily. ‘Nuff said.
Thailand explosion: Seven injured in Koh Samui Seven people have suffered minor injuries on the popular tourist island of Koh Samui in Thailand after a vehicle exploded (note passive tense), local media say.
I am no automotive expert. Perhaps cars can randomly explode – a leaking petrol tank might do it?
Even the Guardian and Aljazeera call it a car bomb.
It is one thing not to jump to conclusions about who was responsible but the BBC scatters hints throughout that surprise, surprise it was probably Islamists. Innuendo not reporting.
The number of RoP murders in S Thailand is considerable but they attract very little interest. I suspect this is because they don’t fit well into the USA/Israel/Palestine/cartoons/crusades etc list of grievances and excuses.
Need to pop out now and check that my car isn’t about to spontaneously explode, as they tend to do.
When a Black shoots an unarmed white police officer:
Where is the far left BBC?
Conceding the nth wrong with an OT contribution of my own, I see the overnights are in, and it’s even Stevens between arguing the number of tactical voters who can sway a pinhead, and A. Service To The Nation (Rtd. Self-proclaimed) bragging about an ability to interfere with free speech. Given what supposedly fought for, ironic.
As is my posting generically, given consistency in ignoring disruption attempts is deemed on par with skipping over stuff I want nothing to do with.
Even though they are really not the same. The latter is down to the individual (probably, motivations personal or professional unknown) about exterior topics or persons. The former takes the baton of one (and unidentified ‘likes’ – easy enough to manipulate by all accounts) to launch into a generic diatribe, often descending into a deranged rant on censorship.
Which brings me on topic, to the BBC.
On twitter, under a ridiculous ‘views my own’ immunity, BBC staff post with near impunity, and block obsessively.
On BBC Facebook, they host hate to a significant degree, with terrible tribal posts staying up and garnering many ‘likes’. Don’t recall once seeing any daft attempts at association with all posters being attempted. There is on occasion a ‘be nice’ plea, about as effective as a BBC ‘don’t be stupid’ from a neutered market rate talent.
On BBC HYS, posts are modded in a draconian manner, stretching sensible House rules way beyond remit in interpretation and time. Threads off narrative are routinely closed before any of the workforce gets home.
And CECUTT operates internally, in secret, often banning those simply expressing concerns on BBC inaccuracy, lack of objectivity or integrity, just because they can.
Ultimate censorship to protect rampant propaganda.
Not what my Dad and others served their country to defend.
Yesterdays polls, still neck & neck, with probably Labour slightly ahead.
Remember that because the structure of constituencies Labour need fewer votes than the Tories to secure a majority, so a draw will favour them.
Survation/Mirror (3/4) – CON 31%, LAB 33%, LDEM 9%, UKIP 18%, GRN 3%
Opinium/Observer (3/4) – CON 33%, LAB 33%, LDEM 7%, UKIP 14%, GRN 7%
YouGov/S Times (4/4) – CON 34%, LAB 33%, LDEM 10%, UKIP 13%, GRN 4%
Populus (6/4) – CON 31%, LAB 33%, LDEM 10%, UKIP 15%, GRN 4%
YouGov/Sun (7/4) – CON 33%, LAB 35%, LDEM 8%, UKIP 14%, GRN 5%
TNS BMRB (7/4) – CON 30%, LAB 33%, LDEM 8%, UKIP 19%, GRN 4%
ComRes/ITV/Mail (8/4) – CON 34%, LAB 33%, LDEM 12%, UKIP 12%, GRN 4%
YouGov/Sun (8/4) – CON 34%, LAB 35%, LDEM 8%, UKIP 13%, GRN 5%
Populus (8/4) – CON 31%, LAB 33%, LDEM 8%, UKIP 16%, GRN 6%
YouGov/Sun (9/4) – CON 35%, LAB 34%, LDEM 8%, UKIP 12%, GRN 4%
Panelbase (9/4) – CON 31%, LAB 37%, LDEM 8%, UKIP 16%, GRN 4%
Survation/Mirror (9/4) – CON 31%, LAB 35%, LDEM 9%, UKIP 15%, GRN 4%
The other eight may be worth tracking, too
Please sign this petition to abolish the TV licence. Let the BBC justify its income by subscription. Over 93,000 people have already signed.
Imagine the BBC’s response if this were a Ukip candidate….
Will INBBC give one of its favourite political Muslims, Maajid NAWAZ, even more political exposure now?-
‘Daily Mail’-
“Caught on camera: Married Lib Dem ‘feminist’ who is running for Parliament is filmed with stripper in drunken night of temptation.
“Father-of-one Maajid Nawaz asked for two private sessions at a strip club.
“Footage shows prospective parliamentary candidate trying to touch her.
“Staff at the east London club said Nawaz had been pestering girl all night.
“Nawaz can be seen repeatedly trying to make contact – which is against venue’s policy.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3034312/The-married-Lib-Dem-feminist-drunken-strip-club-night-temptation-caught-camera.html#ixzz3Wzco3ete
INBBC ‘Newsnight’-
“Q&A: Maajid Nawaz”
“Maajid Nawaz”-
Looking forward to the so-called anti racists and anti fascists, the supporters of UAF, Hope not Hate, and the NHS and Teaching Unions, all turning up to deny Mr Chouhadary a platform at the Oxford Univ debate, with BBC interviewers on hand to broadcast their reasons for restricting freedom of speech.
For the record: I strongly support the invitation for this man to speak.
In other, BBC-relevant news (oddly seldom, possibly never tackled by those whose focus is stirring political pots or throwing personal toys around) from a source close to the BBC…
Sack of rats HR; always a pleasure.
‘Either way, odd, clumsy and more to be found out…’
Don’t know about the last as the BBc can go very coy when the narrative swerves. As to the first two, seems to cover Danny Cohen’s light touch personal vendetta and PC over rationality ‘management’ style pretty well. Is he tweeting about football or people he hopes will invite him back to dinner still?
‘Perhaps that’s why Victoria was stressing they “do breaking news”
The plight of ‘trans kids’ on the heels of Louis seems neither breaking nor news, but stress away Vicky; the world of the sofa sloth really needs more brittle beach blondes emoting about trivia.
Dead Ringers
Notice that these satire shows on the BBC parody the leaders and near leaders of the political parties
When it’s Ukip they traduce the supporters and voters of the party
Always the same old way , the ukippers are fascist rascist old folk ignorant left behind etc etc .
Intimidating anyone who votes UKIP as a loser
This in election time .
I’m not sure that the BBC top brass will see Dead Ringers in the same light.
The show made fun of all the party leaders except Nigel. The UKIP sketch needed a contrast to make the UKIP members seem fascist, racist, etc, so they had to present Nigel as a normal human being. That was straying a long way from the BBC’s propaganda script. I think someone’s going to get a slap on the wrist for that.
That,s the point . The BBC make fun of the leaders of the LibLabCon , but not their supporters or voters , in contrast they try to make out the nut cases they portray as ukip voters are what ukip voters really are .
This is the BBC meme all along ,whether on their ” “comedy” shows or serious programmes viz; ukip voters are losers . It’s intimidation .
. UKIP voters are losers