BBC-Democrat censors Ms CLINTON’s campaign trail
and Ms ABEDIN-
“Clinton Campaign Kicks Off as Huma Abedin Probe Begins”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“At long last the Department of State is investigating why a top Hillary Clinton aide with generational ties to Islamic terrorism was allowed to work in a sensitive government position while simultaneously working for a Clinton-connected private sector consulting firm.
“Hillary Clinton and the senior aide, Huma Abedin, apparently conspired to keep the sweetheart working arrangement that the Muslim Brotherhood-linked employee had at Foggy Bottom a secret.”
Daily Politics on good form today (15 Apr, BBC 2).
On the day that UKIP launched its manifesto Patrick O’Flynn was ‘interviewed’ for 13 mins. About four mins were devoted to Jo Coburn repeatedly asking who he would prefer as PM, and that the Tories were the only party who have guaranteed an EU referendum, and five mins of anti-UKIP diatribe from a Polish prince challenging Nigel Farage to a duel. O’Flynn managed to sqeeze in less than four minutes of UKIP policies.
Why am I not surprised?
Is it worth complaining?
Not to me Mike.
It`s all that the BBC can do these days, but nobody listens to them.
Only a moron would think that the BBC don`t do all they can to trash UKIP, Tories or anything that isn`t Green, SNP or Labour.
Thankfully, many of us got used to voting UKIP last year-and it pissed the liberal elite off when I did just that.
So I`ll be doing it again, and really don`t need to listen to the BBC anymore…great gardening weather, pity to waste it watching the liberal media paddling in their sewers and incontinence.
Voting UKIP seems to make them rush for the kangapants…so what else am I to do?
Thanks Chris.
I really hope you’re correct in saying that ‘nobody listens to them’ but I do doubt it.
I think there are plenty of morons out there; I’m afraid Common Purpose is sweeping away common sense.
However, it does get me out leafleting in the hope that, after 10pm on the 7 May, I can sit and watch the Beeb announce (through gritted teeth) that UKIP have done well.
The problem is that one interview can supply a days worth of news to the bBC, once edited to suit the ‘agenda’ and then distributed to its whole monopoly network of radio and TV channels as well as their news webpages.
Yes not many may watch one particular program, but it must be remembered that the whole bBC network adds up to a much larger audience worldwide.
My hope Mike is that it is all something akin to 1992.
I recall the polls saying that Kinnock would win, and indeed the BBC were full of it.
Thing was that -clearly-people were telling ComRes and Bob Worcester/Anthony King ONE thing…whilst quietly resolved to do another.
You`re right in that the public sector shills and the feelgood dolts who`ve erased 1997-2010 from their memories seem to have 24/7 media backup from the BBC etal.
Yet those they continue to whistle for are already in McCluskys pocket or Bennetts kitbag…REAL people doing REAL jobs just despise the BBC and are now familiar with voting UKIP.
Not saying that it`s plain sailing-but I reckon history will hinge on last years UKIP watershed breakthrough…maybe not for May7th, but not much later.
Farage is right in that it`s state of mind now for UKIP supporters-the scales fell from our eyes in 2003, and its far worse than it was then.
As the history of the SDP-Lib alliance will tell, they achieved 25% of the vote in 1983 and 23% in 1987, but failed to make the breakthough in terms of seats. Ukip IMO would need to poll about 28% nationally to do so under the Labour-favouring FPTP system, and TBH I cannot see them achieving that.
More solemn voices all day about (illegal) migrants in the med. They’ve dropped the bint from save the children & now have some geezer from the international organization for migration. What you’ve never heard of them either?
Yes, there was more wailing and emoting about asylum seekers drowning in the Med from Pilgrim Atkins on R4’s Platitude de Jour. Why she spends her time on R4 moaning on about all the misey in the world is a mystery. If there is a design fault in creation shouldn’t she be directing her plaint heavenwards to the Great Creator by silent prayer? One of the dimmer exrectolocutors you hear on R4.
Item on the front page of the DT saying the Italian Coastguards are being ‘phoned up to tell them where to pick up the next boatload by the traffickers, who can cut down on the diesel!
I read “What we do” on their website. Thought provoking.
It made me think of The Gravy Train, the Department of Administrative Affairs, the song ‘Busy doing Nothing’ and the line from the nursery rhyme ‘That’s the way the money goes …’.
Clearly this reduces the tease potential on the incest front (not sure the left-wing bias will ease as a consequence of this move, but like Polly flogging her villa, the proceeds still lurk somewhere. But it does plaster over a PR sore*), but it seems the Graun’s circulation, already not great, will take a hit.
There is however fun to be had with all who get so worked up about ‘Daily Mail Readers’. HIGNFY & MTW will be in a quandary.
*‘Despite the Mail and Sun titles being among the most bought by the BBC, a comparison with average UK circulations shows that they are underrepresented within the corporation’. Speaking for the nation. Glad to see the inevitable BS (BBC spokesperson) gets in the final waffle… and the word ‘impartial’, of course.
Something smells extremely fishy on this Press Gazette story.
My FOI request gave 10 months figures within the M25 (where the movers and shakers in news and current affairs are) for 2010 to 2011 admittedly. The Guardian was 59000 copies. With these latest figures, presumably for a year, every other paper’s figures have risen, but the Guardian is now substantially less for a year than it was for 10 months – the only one to do that and now way down the list.
Something does not look at all right. Would it be unkind to suggest that the BBC has been economical with the truth?
I will try to compare and post the figures and changes tonight.
This is a very interesting program on BBC2 tonight, I wonder if the BBC will allow itself to speak the truth for once. The write up appears uncompromising:
This World 21:00
Kill the Christians
This World
Christianity is facing the greatest threat to its existence in the very place where it was born. Jane Corbin travels across the Middle East to some of the holiest places in Christendom and finds that hundreds of thousands of Christians are fleeing Islamic extremists, conflict and persecution. From the Nineveh plains in Iraq to the ancient city of Maaloula in Syria, Kill the Christians reveals the story of how the religion that shaped Western culture and history is in danger of disappearing in large parts of its ancient heartland.
Obviously, all the killings of the Christians will have absolutely nothing to do with muslims or Islam, who will be portrayed as the salvation of Christians, helping them escape from danger, death and doom and Al JaBeeba will leave the viewer with the impression that more muslims need to be let into Britain cos muslims are not just cooooool, theyre super coooooool with a cherry on top (obviously a halal cherry)
BBC News Channel. Quentin Somerville has just told viewers how Africans waiting in camps in Libya have to share over-crowded washing conditions. This is very inconvenient because, as Muslims, they have to wash before praying. It wasn’t clear if Quentin was proposing a solution to this indignity. Maybe he wants the EU to run a shuttle ferrying all-comers to Italy. That seems to be the BBC angle to most of these stories.
I’d been given the impression that 500 men in a bathroom was BBC heaven. Location, location, location, I guess.
Given life or death daily triage choices, whilst gleaming tootsies is nice ‘n all, given the neck of the woods I would have thought conservation for more pressing needs would be more of a concern.
It also is striking just how messed up that sorry continent is, because to escape the conditions down South back home, these guys appear to have headed towards a cluster-FUBAR war zone, apparently loaded with sufficient dosh to voluntarily give some dodgy cove to stick them in a leaky rust bucket and lob ’em overboard at the first sight of inconvenience.
And all to give Quentin a fit of the vapours that they are not ushered closer, but not too close to where he hangs when back in Blighty.
Beeboids see it as their publicly subsided political obligation to campaign for the rapid colonisation of British society by a ceaseless influx of millions of illegal immigrants (Beeboids’ ‘migrants’) from Africa and Asia.
So, Beeboids continually propagandise as political representatives of such illegal immigrants in transit to U.K from places such as Libya and Calais.
In doing this, Beeboids show no responsibility to the interests of British people. Beeboids do not make clear the consequences of their own actions in this.
The BBC no longer sees itself as much to do with the old England. World class it thinks it is and staffed by world citizens. Paid for of course by the poor old English
It will be disabused of that odd notion before too much longer.
There is no longer any rational argument for not breaking it up and selling it off.
Al Beeb and the NHS have the same thing in common.
Initially, they were a national service, they have now morphed into and international service. They have lost the plot .
Just watching two Al Beeboids on Al Beeb’s News discussing with each other, UKIP’s Manifesto and being ‘confused’ ?
Well they would say that wouldn’t they. Pure propaganda.
Bias………..what an understatement.
I listened to the Radio 4 news programme today commencing at 5pm hosted by that odious, supercilious, pompous arse (?Eddie Mair (apologies if if isn’t him). So I listened and listened, and listened and listened but there was virtually no mention of the UKIP manifesto statement which was delivered today by the brilliant Suzanne Evans which was then followed by a question and answer session with the press (not done by the liblems). It was so absent that I actually caught myself thinking that I might have dreamt this manifesto speech by UKIP. That was until we all had a good laugh about UKIP when some talking head from UKIP (this morning – prior to manifesto release), wouldn’t quite answer the question (he did answer eventually) ‘Would he stand for leadership of UKIP if Farage resigned’ when was asked by that inimitable pair, Suzanne Reid and Piers Morgan. This ‘news’ programme covered all sorts of subjects including the plight of the refugees recently capsized north of Libya, some coverage about a gay minister in the french cabinet. In fact we covered nearly every subject possible except UKIP’s manifesto release.
Whatever happened to reporting the days news fairly?
That is a very accurate description of the programme.
What made it worse was that it started with several minutes’ discussion of the LibDem manifesto, also announced this morning. Then Mair promised that UKIP’s manifesto launch would be covered later in the programme – an utter lie.
Likewise news 24, starts with the fibdem manifesto, then moved on to UKIP using only Farage as a reference point. Ms Evans is viewed in passing and referenced as working through the manifesto point by point, but any of it being shown ? Not a chance. Straight into a Farage interview. Personal point of view, does the bbc think that by concentrating on Farage WHO THEY THINK THEY HAVE SUSSED AND CAN KEEP IN A CORNER, THEY CAN CONTROL THE RISE OF UKIP ? This is as far as I am concerned a crucial point, Farage as he has said he will retire if he does not win a seat has made himself and the party a hostage to fortune. The bbc thinks this is the answer to him, concentrate on him alone, try and get him defeated and then bye bye UKIP. By not allowing others to come forward into the arena they will kill the party. This is a very dangerous moment in the parties progress. If it turns into a one man band it dies with his fall, the party must be seen to be bigger than its star, it must be seen to be larger than him to survive. The bbc will do everything to CONCENTRATE on him, keep the rest out of the game, win the battle.
What are you talking about?
That is not an accurate description of the programme at all, John Anderson. Are you a liar politician by any chance?
There was a report on the UKIP manifesto. Then Eddie Mair interviewed Diane James of UKIP.
It starts around 40 minutes in.
Get a grip.
Perhaps that explains the misunderstanding. OFCOM decided that UKIP should have ‘major party’ status. The Greens; not. Perhaps the commenters you criticise are finding it hard to reconcile the emphasis of BBC coverage with the OFCOM ruling?
Haha – it’s the way you tell them! That slot is associated with trivia. Primetime is 5:01 – 5:15. Imagine the Tories or Labour manifestos were relegated to the end – can you imagine the protests?
The Liberal Democrats – a party of government – also did their manifesto launch today. UKIP has only got two MPs so it got second billing. PM spread the two manifesto items across the hour and gave UKIP a lot of coverage.
The second half isn’t associated with trivia. The last item may be trivia – like the last item in the first half – but the rest isn’t. You’re clutching at straws.
Your “that explains the misunderstanding” was much funnier. It wasn’t really a “misunderstanding” was it? They got it wrong. Can’t you see that now?
The prime task of PM as regards UKIP should have been to report – first – what their manifesto said, and how the launch went. That should have been at or near the start of the programme.
Yes, UKIP’s Diane James was interviewed, much later in the programme. But the item did not start with a full summary of the policies that UKIP had highlighted today. It was just Mair doing his attack-dog act against Diane James, same old same old. What a cheapskate that man is.
Should ‘impartial’ BBC correspondents ever do impressions of politicians seeking election in order to lampoon them?
Susan Hulme doing an impression of Nigel Farage.
BBC World News on Facebook: “Does Russian language Siri (the Apple talky bot thing I have never, ever used with my iPad or iPhone once) have a problem with gay people?”
The BBC are in a spin following the UKIP release of their manifesto.
They can’t find grounds to criticise it, so they ignore it.
Their hatred of UKIP is obvious.
I was not a UKIP supporter before this manifesto, as I wanted evidence that they had policies that were credible. They have now become credible in my eyes. Their financial accounting makes sense to me and would support an improvement in living standards for all of us plus the creation of a properly funded NHS.
I watched the launch of the manifesto live on BBC. Twitter feeds rolled in the margins! Interesting that the BBC reporter referred to the Barnett Formula being realigned, but not once mentioned Scotland!
Labour and the Conservatives now look weak and have nothing to offer but the same broken promises and offers of jam tomorrow. And neither will support real cuts in public spending such as on overseas aid and on EU membership.
Sky news at 19-30, re the “migrant” crisis, 1 jan – 13 April, UN figures say 62% of unaccompanied children picked up in the Med are from either The Gambia, Somalia or Eritrea. I am unaware of any war at the present time involving either The Gambia or Eritrea. Perhaps the bbc could inform me of my mistake, as obviously all the people at large in the med are “fleeing a war ”
There’s me thinking they were just trying it on.
Having said that the treaty regards asylum does not recognise fleeing from war as a reason for a country to grant asylum. The BBC is perhaps unwittingly admitting that they are all bogus asylum seekers !
A refugee is someone who “owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to, or owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country.”
Had a brilliant argument with a lefty on Twitter, who claimed that the bBC shouldn’t be allowing Katie Hopkins to air her right wing views, I pointed out to him that as we are all telly tax payers others may wish to hear such ‘right wing’ views.
He then went off on one saying he only had a radio and didn’t need a licence, a quick check on his timeline revealed he reveled in watching Question Time live (and plenty of other programs) and slagging off Tory and UKIP views. When I pointed this out to him he blocked me!
Lefties only seem to be able to win arguments by aggression and lying!
Watched the media presentation of the UKIP manifesto launch. Sky’s Robert Nesbit referred to the Telegraph query about one ethnic face in the manifesto drawing jeers and then cheers when several black and ethnic minority UKIP candidates in the room rose to their feet to wave at the questioner. Contrast and compare with the BBC’s Robin Brant, who described the same incident as UKIP still having a problem with race and “not liking it” when questioned by the media. I thought it odd that he did not acknowledge the ethnic UKIP candidates as Nesbit had done, as the BBC cameraman filmed them in the same way as Sky. Then later when listening to the same report on radio from Brant, the reason was clear. Why tell everybody the whole truth, when a radio version of the incident will give the listener a very different idea of events, with the same voice-over as his TV piece, and no-one will know of the intervention of the ethnic UKIP candidates, as our fine upstanding, impartial BBC man decides to omit any reference to them, which might, of course, have suggested UKIP NOT having a problem with race.
Brant has form this election, and his bias is palpable. A perfect BBC choice for covering UKIP.
The Fucking Gimp Brant , hates anyone to the Right of Kim Il Jung , or whoever is the dictator in North Korea , this week , but really loves Millipeed /SNP , Il Jung .
UKIP has played a blinder with their manifesto. When attack dog Eddie Mair on Radio Four’s PM is reduced to asking pathetic questions like ‘can we afford Trident?’ you know the BBC are desperately scraping the barrel. Suzanne Evans sounded positively bemused by his timidity. More please.
It was Diane James not Suzanne Evans.
Glad you heard this though as An English Gentleman, Angrymanupnorth and John Anderson somehow managed not to hear it.
Please be accurate Louise. You are new to me. Or perhaps you are from the Clapham Bus? I haven’t commented specifically on the radio broadcast, as I didn’t listen to it. The overt pro Labour and anti UKIP bias I’m subjecting myself to and soaking myself in, and occasionally recording on this blog is on BBC News 24, BBC1, BBC2 and BBC parliament (the last TV channel in this list I find is generally not biased).
I’m looking for reporting on the Libem and UKIP manifesto contents. What I’m getting is snide one liners like ‘one trick Pony’ ‘ you described your 2010 manifesto as drivel’, ‘One man band’, ‘a geezer has challenged you to a dual – he’s from Poland’, [all these from beeboids] who also broadcast (I paraphrase) ‘I’ve troubled myself to analyse the melanin content of the models used on your literature and …….condemn you as racist (lack of self awareness from racist Chris Hope of the DT (son of racist Michael Crick perhaps?)).’
Robin Brant is probably feeling as welcome as a turd in a swimming pool, because he has reported from the get go with an antagonistic and obfuscatory bias. I shouldn’t feel this way about a BBC correspondent, but I would find it difficult to be polite to Mr Brant if I met him in person, on account of the disservice he is currently doing to the public. The BBC should appoint a different correspondent who doesn’t have the baggage and can report dispassionately on UKIP policies.
What are the BBC afraid of? Their reporters know from the ground, with their own eyes, that the bully boys, the jeerers and sneerers, the vandals and perpetrators of violence, those who drown out the voices of the minorities they hate, the name callers and divisionists are all from the Left. The UAF. SWP. HopenotHate. Unite and Unison activists. But the BBC doesn’t report on the anti-democratic neandethal tactics of their bedfellows in Labour, the Greens and those who resort to war-war in favour of jaw-jaw.
You ought to listen to that PM interview instead of just taking what an An English Gentleman and John Anderson said on trust and giving them your support. You might hear something that would cheer you up. Eddie Mair let Diane James of UKIP say what she wanted to say. It was a good interview.
But PM did not present a full summary of the policies UKIP had presented at their launch. That is – THE NEWS we pay the BBC to report. Mair went straight into his attack-dog routine with Diane James,
Really ? Most of us here have accepted that the BBC is on the other side in the culture war ( yes there is one ) for the future of the West and especially the once proud land .
So I will never ever give the BBC credit for fairness. I expect no fairness towards me and my beliefs and reciprocate this in spades.
I suggest you read Daniel Greenfield’s latest essay on his Sultanknish blog. The sort of masterly writing that the BBc would run a mile from. There are good men and women who will have nothing to do with the death of our civilisation from liberal ineptitude and fantasy. They are my sort of people and a million miles from the tame apparatchniks on your BBC.
‘Let the lie come into the world but not through me’- Solzhenitsyn
Louise……..I must say that I gave up listening at 1737hrs as I just could not stand any more of the non news /missed out news/omissive news agenda but I can say that up to 1737 there was definitely no proper mention of UKIP……….I do think that it is slightly more important for the UK listener/voter to be informed about their manifesto release purely as a news item ahead of some gay french politician chap who is arguing with someone in the Vatican or a bunch of tribal islamic people who have come unstuck committing a crime
Louise – you may or may not have a point, I didn’t hear it.
What I do know is the BBC have been particularly reluctant to give Green policies an airing. Likewise, BBC ‘comedy’ shows seem to give them a wide berth, too. Shame, really, they provide rich fodder for Wor Eddie’s supercilious, sarcastic interviewing style and many, many joke opportunities for The Now Show et al – in fact just reading them out slowly would be an absolute hoot e.g.
Unrestricted immigration
Zero growth target
De-criminalising membership of terrorist organisations
Abolishing the army
Human rights for animals
I’m sure you get the drift. So, any idea why the BBC should studiously avoid the policies of this hard-left version of the Monster Raving Loony Party?
What I’m getting is snide one liners like ‘one trick Pony’ ‘ you described your 2010 manifesto as drivel’, ‘One man band’, ‘a geezer has challenged you to a dual – he’s from Poland’, [all these from beeboids] who also broadcast (I paraphrase) ‘I’ve troubled myself to analyse the melanin content of the models used on your literature…
You might have added:
• UKIP in chaos; one says 20k cap, another says 25k cap
• Polls are in freefall
• Candidate guilty of criminally offering sausage rolls
• Farage and Carswell have a running feud
• you can’t claim to be ‘a man of the people’ (this after the umpteenth time the Plod failed to protect Farage from rent-a-mob.)
Dunno where you get that from because the polls seem rather predictably stable.
If you bothered to read the post earlier about the differences between telephone & on line polling for UKIP it can show a 9 point difference.
Seeing what you want to see doesn’t make it right.
I agree! I was just listing a few more of the spoiler lines the media use to trash UKIP interviews. Laura Kuenssberg has just played the ‘falling vote’ card once again on Newsnight.
Discussion of UKIP, with Clive Myre and some invited MSM ‘experts’. So is it discussion of the UKIP manifesto, the most coherent party manifesto yet announced? Don’t be silly. Beeboids are more interested in telling the viewers that UKIP are sliding in the polls, Farage is struggling and will be history after he loses on May 7th and who will be the next UKIP leader? Well they’ll have more leadership candidates than MP’s (chortles, guffaws and chuckles all round).
And after this collection of Common Purpose experts (one son of a former Labour MP) had buried UKIP as an quirky lump in the road of British politics, soon to be smoothed out (because expert Labour boy Ben says so), they insulted those who are intending to vote for UKIP (because they aren’t distinct human beings are they? They are “borg”).
Laugh? Yes I did. At their unashamed bigotry, faux authority and intellectual limitations.
It was a posh Media chick (Rachel Vincent?) who just described me as a ‘left behind voter’, on account of me intending to vote UKIP.
They really don’t know who is being ‘left behind’ as they continue to believe that it isn’t them. Perhaps they ought think on as to how many of the British tax payers who underpin the foundations of our private and public sector in this nation are, and have been ‘left behind’, quite literally, by those who corruptly and incompetently occupy positions in our government and state institutions.
And when Myre claimed that the BBC are ‘separating the news from the spin’? Best laugh yet. They really are very good at it.
BBC – Spin City. Scrap the Telly tax.
People haven’t been ‘left behind’. They’ve left and are joining the People’s Army. And on May 7th, we’ll be finding out how many.
The nice Mr Nick (is my IQ really that low) Robinson is on the Telly. BBC News 24.
He’s had an operation on his throat. (I don’t need to know this, but the BBC seems to think I do.) He can’t speak properly and it shows. Irresponsible employer I suggest.
Personally I think this is shocking. The BBC should give Nick time off to rest and recuperate (I wish you all the best Nick). I suggest about a month off to give his voice chance to recover. I know I’d really miss Nick’s incisive intellect and impartial deep analysis of the GE campaign, but the BBC really should put Nick’s wellbeing first (and also, the Licence Fee payers would be liable if Nick sued his employer and the LF payer should not be exposed to such liability). We would just have to cope without Nick for a few weeks. We can accept such a burden I’m sure.
Why would he risk his own health to return early? No doubt to bleat the Labour tune and do his bit for the left-wing propaganda pre-election push. Cross-eyed twat.
Bbc 2, the death of Christians in the Middle East with Jane Corbin, so far powerful stuff, amazing they show this. If we have to have refugees then cannot we take these poor people ? I would be happy to live next door to them. The kind of people we need. Whatever the differences still Christian, the same basic belief system. Real refugees we could be happy with.
If we have to have refugees then cannot we take these poor people ?
Just what I was thinking. What a contrast with some of what we take.
Wikipedia says: Jane Corbin has two children and was married to the former Conservative MP John Maples, Baron Maples until his death in 2012. Just sayin’.
At the end, continuity said, ‘Next week ….how the so-called Islamic State…’ Relentless.
The Christians should not have to leave. What must happen is that any if holder of a EU passport joins Isis then that should be it. Exiled for ever with no right of re entry.
Isis is determind and unless we accept them at their word we face a terrible future. They must be fought where they are.
Arming the Kurds with the best weapons would be a good start.
I saw the programme and what really struck me was the direct reference to the Armenian massacres.
Quite unusual for the BBC to directly challenge perceived wisdom as endlessly repeated by Turkish apologists.
… what really struck me was the direct reference to the Armenian massacres.
Jane Corbin did well, considering her employer. She was married to a Conservative MP, which might count for something.
It’s outrageous that we don’t arm the Kurds, but Cameron is obsessed with pleasing the Americans who want Turkey in the EU as part of their anti-Russia obsession. Imagine that as an open-door for Islamic immigrants! Cameron likes to portray himself as Churchill, but when the 200 girls went missing a year ago, his response was to pose for a Bring Back Our Girls ‘selfie’ with Christiane Amanpour on the Marr show. Imagine what Churchill might have done… Sad.
Christ, I feel so angry, these poor people, ignored, forgotten, people we ought to be fighting for. Full of BELIEF, abused, killed, driven out. Full marks to Jane Corbin, one of us not them. The little girl at the end, her belief, her hope in the face of such horror, she had more CHRISTAIN faith than the beeboid dummy installed as Archbishop of Canterbury, I fell quite humble tonight.
why do we have to use a pencil to fill in a voting form.we all know the reason why but can anyone tell me the real reason why.I ask those in the polling station every time and get no answer
Why do they supply pencils in polling booths and not pens? Doesn’t using pencils allow votes to be tampered with?
The provision of pencils in polling booths is a requirement of section 206 of the Electoral Act. There is, however nothing to prevent an elector from marking his or her ballot paper with a pen if they so wish. The AEC has found from experience that pencils are the most reliable implements for marking ballot papers. Pencils are practical because they don’t run out and the polling staff check and sharpen pencils as necessary throughout election day. Pencils can be stored between elections and they work better in tropical areas. The security of your vote is guaranteed as the storage and counting of ballots is tightly scrutinised.
At least five foreigners, including a 14-year-old boy, have been killed in attacks in South Africa’s coastal city of Durban since last week. Some foreign-owned shops in the main city Johannesburg have shut amid fears that the violence could spread.
Other news says – There have been violent clashes in the South African city of Durban, after a crowd of hundreds of locals tried to attack shops and businesses owned by immigrants on 14 April 2015.
Immigrant shop owners in the coastal city fought off a crowd of looters, who then started stoning cars and shops, reports News24.
Police fired stun grenades at the crowd, with the city centre now on total lockdown, reports RDM news agency.
150 foreign nationals had to take refuge in a building after being attacked by a crowd.
Yes, I saw this reported on Channel 4.!!!
Nothing about the 200 attacks on refugee centres in Germany in recent months on the BBC either. For some reason, the bien-pensant factions in the German government are pushing for the acceptance of greater numbers of asylum seekers. It’s a topic that seems to have mobilized droves of German halo polishers and Gutmenschen. There is even one ad pushing the Willkommensgesellschaft with the blurb “If someone knocks on your door asking for your help, would you turn them away?”. Due to years of media suasion, most Germans would say “No!” even to themselves, as any other answer would reveal their latent “Nasty Naziness”. As in Britain, the facile judgements of moralizing monomaniacs are taken to be a suitable basis for a rational immigration policy.
Being a white farmer in South Africa is the most dangerous job on earth, and their government wont let them leave the country to escape.
Once apartheid was scrapped, so was the country – basket case now.
I have heard some criticism on the BBC today concerning the UKIP manifesto in that it only contains one “Black” face. Well, on a browse of said manifesto, there are approx. 33 white faces (headlining) and one black face also headlining the page. According to the latest demographic of the U.K. population only 3% have Black faces based upon seeing 100 white faces. The UKIP manifesto is bang on the money in that case with having just one Black face. Anymore than that and it would show favouritism for a particular race, in other words, racism. Well done UKIP you have it right again. Nice manifesto by the way, especially the costings layout at the back.
The curious cases of ‘difficulties with the sound’. Often heard with UKIP (On this occasion, severe sound reduction, BBC News 22.30 Headline bulletin. Farage at Manifesto unveiling), often with Nick Clegg, Just about every occasion with Tommy Robinson [e.g. Andrew Neil interview regarding alleged Islamist corruption in the Police and Conservative Party].
And where is that BBC follow up of the EDL/Conservative PCC/Islamist/Police service ‘issue’ in Dudley? And the postal vote rigging scandals in Tower Hamlets and elsewhere? And on the shameful dereliction of duty by public servants in Rotherham, Rochdale, Halifax…….? There’s an election. The public should be informed.
BBC bias techniques. It’s not just about content. Or lack of follow up. It can be found in the subtlety of sound quality! Sound issues for Special Ed or Cast Iron Dave? Can’t recall any.
Newsshite tonight seems to think that the “UKIP army is dwindling to the size of a platoon”. The Sky News poll tracker shows that the UKIP vote has barely changed. The Libdumbs are well behind and “others?” lie between UKIP and the Libdumbs. The BBC seem to think that if they broadcast “1+1=3” it would immediately becomes so.
Jasmin Aliblahblah Clown and the Hackney Hippo must be feeling that their claim to the “Most Stupid Woman in the British Media” award is slipping from their grasp as the Green Woman’s almost pathological stupidity is cruelly exposed by the BBC.
The lady invited to comment on ‘The Papers’ tonight (15.4.15) on BBC News 24 (didn’t get the name, but she’s on a lot of BBC News ‘lefty-talk’ ‘news’ Groupthink items and Sunday Politics) raised the issue of the UKIP manifesto launch and the reception given to the question asked by a DT journo (a question that betrayed a racist mind-set). I believe the journalist is called Christopher Hope.
Yet again, the projection of these media troughers astounds me. Instead of asking herself “what kind of journalist scours the faces of models used in Political Promotional literature to assess skin colour and asks a question based on the skin colour of the models whose photos were (and therefore were not) used?” Does she conclude “The journalist, by reviewing the models to determine their skin colour, and thereby discriminating in his mind in order to formulate a loaded question based on what should not be of concern to any of us, namely, the skin tone of our fellow citizens, is displaying an unhealthy, egotistical propensity towards judging models, and the selectors of models in Political literature, by the colour of their skin”. No she does not. She projects her own unease, not recognising the symptoms of racism inherent in herself and the DT journalist and gives further air time to the ‘UKIP racist elements’ meme.
If the BBC want to report on evidenced racism, they’ve got plenty in their own hard drives on Dianne Abbott and while I’m ranting – Nabila Ramdani. Neither are averse to blatant verbalsed misandry either(ask Andrew Neil, or just google it). Racist comments didn’t work out too well for Ron Atkinson. Works OK for Abbott, Harman and Ramdani though.
These people should be asking themselves why, in Britain’s most ‘diverse city’, the crowds of people who flocked to see Richard III’s reinterment were ‘hideously white’.
Hey Hey! Political anorak’s heaven. Thursday. Farage – Miliband. Ho Ho!
Followed by Dimblebore’s lineup. He-he
Grant Shapps – Mr Green. I’ve listened to him for years and I have no idea about what he stands for.
Yvette Cooper, Queen of Common Purpose. Europhile.
Angus Robertson. Spite and hate. Europhile, anglophobe.
Jo Swinson Limited but nice Lefty Europhile.
Douglas Carswell. Lover of Liberty.
Piers Morgan. A fart in a lift. Finger in the air populist.
Cool! Easy win for Common Sense! Watch Dougie boy keep it simple and play the ball not the man.
Trouble is, Carswell is too well-mannered to tell Moron he should be in chokey, so expect the loud-mouthed non-user-of-hacking-methods-at-the-paper-he-was-editing to take over the programme.
The others will revert to scripts. EU good, immigration enriching, benefits humane… etc to claps from usual BBC audience, a cross-section of socialists.
it was 6 degrees all day yesterday here in the north west where i live, it was fookin freezing. And according to my phone and my car, its six degrees again today. My phone and car must be climate change deniers. Im taking the dog for a walk in 20 minutes, I hope the BBC excuse me for not wearing shorts, t shirt and flip flops
‘warmest April for ……… Wait for it ……… For four years’
Even in the new BBC ‘record-breakers-olympic-style’ of weather reporting that does sound a bit lame. Now if only the Met Office had recently altered the method of analysing the data just a bit this could have read “Warmest April since current records began!”
I listened to the forecast for Wednesday on Tuesday night – and therefore dressed for summer. My daily routine starts with a walk – and looking outside and seeing the sun shining I decided to go without a coat. I am now suffering from frostbite.
The Today programme this morning helpfully explained that a growing crisis in Peterborough regarding the lack of anywhere near enough school places (especially in primary schools across the city) is not so much a ‘problem’ as a ‘challenge’.
Peterborough, by the BBC’s own admission, is facing a massive population explosion due in large part to rampant Eastern European immigration.
This is not to be described as a ‘problem’, people. This is a ‘challenge’. Are we clear?
And, to put it in the passive, who are the ‘challenged’? Not Cameron, Miliband or Clegg or, for that matter, the cowards in the media. No, it’s the poor buggers who live there. Those racists who had the audacity to object.
Now I suppose they will have the audacity to vote UKIP. Somebody should give them a good seeing to and put them in their place, if you ask me.
Trouble is, very soon there won’t be a place for them.
I noted that as well, but here’s something they don’t advertise .
The vast majority of these boat people are found floundering off the coast of Africa and not Europe.
BBC sofa-dwellers have to put on very serious faces and take a deep breath this morning…
Not so much for “Labour peer acused of child abuse in the 1970s – CPS say NOT in the public interest to prosecute….” although that was hardly a moment of red sofa breakfast BBC jollity…
No, the bolt from the blue was “Many parents will hear today whether they have their first choice of primary school – there are a shortage of places due a baby boom and IMMIGRATION”
(my emphasis there, not Charlie Stayt’s or Naga Munchetty’s)
My point being that this is the first time in a very long time that the BBC has honestly stated the obvious on this issue. As far as bias goes this is of course the exception which proves the rule.
Well, Brillo Pad also used the words in his intro to a debate on Daily Politics today…..yes “immigration” in his analysis of the shortage of primary school places.
Now, that must be more than a coincidence.
Have the goons realised the public have sussed out their bias by omission?
Who can tell….
What next eh? Housing shortage caused by ” immigration” ?
Where CAN this lead.
Chris P doesn’t ‘discuss’ it by the way, he just parrots the same old propaganda we’ve been hearing for the last 20 years – all of it based on CO2-obsessed models which take no account of natural variations in climate and which have been proven hopelessly wrong by real world data. He also insists that a second hypothesis – ocean warming – is the reason the first hypothesis – atmospheric warming induced by man-made CO2 – didn’t quite work out as planned. Bets being taken now on what their third hypothesis will be……. And he hasn’t yet grasped that there was no reliable measurement of ocean temperature until the Argo project was completed in 2004, so there is no realistic basis for historic comparison. Even now, with Argo, there is only one temperature float per 3000 sq miles of ocean.
“Ukip supporters face death threats, violence and abuse on the campaign trail”
Its stories like this that make one believe that the polls might just be a little bit wrong. If someone is seriously hurt (or worse) the bBC have done more than their little bit to stoke up such aggression. Unsurprisingly I can’t find any reference to this on their news pages.
Have other contributors noticed the recent tacit agreement between the B BC and the enemedia to ignore UKIP news (barring ridicule) ?It is obvious that they pretty quickly realised that allowing UKIP exposure in the news resulted in unexpected positive reaction from UK voters (however snide the approach ) ,so they have ‘denied them the oxygen of publicity up to now.
However ,we are now moving into the period of overt and outright undermining of a legitimate UK political party by a supposedly impartial broadcaster.
I believe that the aided by the rest of the craven media whch would rather preserve their cosy relationship with the corrupt liblabcon hierarchy than support a party which puts the people first.
Vote UKIP in May and kick the lot of them up their collective a**e!
I have noticed a few typing errors in my above post for which I apologise profusely!
However , I think the sense of my post (or otherwise,some posters might claim….where are you Manon???) comes across, so I will let it stand in its original ,rather charming format.
BBC reports that Sir David Nicholson has great concerns about the NHS and it’s ability to function.
It was he who presided over the NHS Staffordshire scandal.
And he was a member of the Communist Party until 1983.
Perhaps i ought to elaborate my post…..he should be in jail for state induced murder, along with the minister Burnham…..a charge which sounds like exactly the sort of thing you would expect in a Communist country like the two of them aspire to…..
It is a video worth watching if only to see the multi-storey buildings and new cars that Israel neglected to destroy.
BBC boilerplate. In recent years the democratically elected ruling party … Perhaps not. In the January 2006 Palestinian parliamentary elections, Hamas won a decisive majority in the Palestinian Parliament but were forced out of power (arguably legally) by the President, Mahmud Abbas. Hamas violently took control of Gaza in 2007 and expelled or killed most of the opposing Fatah group. The battle caused the dissolution of the unity government and the de facto division of the Palestinian territories into two entities, the West Bank governed by the Palestinian National Authority, and Gaza governed by Hamas.
The democratically elected Hamas has not conducted any elections at any level of government since.
A few women are forging ahead with the help of GOOGLE. I wonder if GOOGLE Israel has anything to do with this? Would the BBC say if they were?
So many unasked questions. Why are the men not engaging in start-ups? Who are the customers they hope to attract and where do the customers have the money to use their services?
Women have easier crossing. Will the Hamas effort to introduce women into the fighting forces precisely because of that ease of movement restrict these entrepreneural women? Perhaps that wasn’t into the news release because the BBC doesn’t ask.
Thanks for that, most revealing to see so many new cars, new buildings inside Gaza. In trying to promote this woman angle the bBC inadvertently reveal to the world that their usual coverage from Gaza is a Myth.
Note also the change in tone when describing how the democratically elected Hamas have limited the movement of women to how bad Israel is. Also revealed was how easy it is for people to leave Gaza.
Burning issue of the day for The Daily Politics is how Torygraph journalist Christopher Hope, the poor dear, was treated beastily by the Kippers at the manifesto launch. Hope asked a spoiler question yesterday; now the Beeb have wasted fifteen minutes whinging about it. Still; allows them to chalk up ‘coverage’ – tick – while doing UKIP down. That’s a win-win for the Beeb!
Anyone catch the launch yesterday?
never mind the tired old Torygraph
cough “Toryhelpmeslingmud” cough
How about the BBC?, notice the attitude of
the Beebot? … is he related to Bunny La Roach?
The critical election is three weeks today. After whinging for 15 minutes about Kippers booing Christopher Hope, the DP moved on to interviewing The Monster Raving Looney Party. They ended with a piece like the German octopus who picked World Cup winners; racing miniature pigs. Public Service Broadcasting at it’s finest, ladies and gentlemen. OK, it costs a lot, but quality doesn’t come cheap.
What are the odds on who'll bring home the political bacon. We've tracked some pigs in a race to No 10 #GE2015. Ladbrooks will tell us more
One thing is for sure, when the journalista class circles wagons, they go to town.
Surprised there were no blank screens as various forecourts were again bedecked with Gaffa-taped Spartaci.
It’s like the poor loves are the only ones ever to be dissed. It used to go with the territory and process of growing a pair, but of course if used selectively (don’t recall Ms. Abbott’s homage to New Zealand rugby attracting much questioning), and maybe with a few false-flags thrown in for effect, a cause celebre is born.
That all said it is my understanding (from the MSM, so it could be utter pants) that the UKIP officials were chipping in overtly (as opposed to the covert variety smugger, savvier political stirrers know to deploy), so they maybe opened the goal up.
That all said it is my understanding (from the MSM, so it could be utter pants) that the UKIP officials were chipping in overtly (as opposed to the covert variety smugger, savvier political stirrers know to deploy), so they maybe opened the goal up.
The Kippers must be thoroughly fed up with the antics of the media. Nick wood has a good article today about how the ‘liberal-dominated media’ are deliberately choking UKIP of publicity. Hope’s stunt was just another example and today the rest have gone to town. For sure, I would have insulted him if I’d been there. but the media wouldn’t have noticed me or anyone else; they wanted Farage and they have accused him of encouraging the hostility. I heard it a few times. For example, here’s James Kirkup in the Torygraph:
This accusation is wrong. If you watch, Farage does nothing in response to the question or to the hostile crowd. Some time later the indignant ethnic Kippers stand up and raise their hands to make their presence known and rubbish Hope’s insinuation. The crowd clap and cheer them and Farage joins in that applause for his own members. It’s pretty clear. The media are mis-representing it to fit their bias… as usual.
Ukip is not just fighting the Conservatives, Labour and the rest in this election. It is fighting the liberal-dominated media. Not surprisingly, it is getting a pretty dusty reception.
… Ukip is not being so much confronted by the media as ignored. … Better to deny Farage the oxygen of publicity than risk arousing the primitive passions that stir the breasts of his potential supporters.
… It is striking that the liberal media (which means nearly all of it) and the established parties no longer pursue Farage for having all the wrong attitudes. His manifesto passed off virtually uncontested, as if his critics and his rivals accepted that in the perfect world imagined by Ukip, his policies were just plain common sense. The Conservatives’ only substantial retort was that a vote for Nige would let Ed in by the back door. And the media feigned outrage at the fact that there was only one black face in a manifesto document produced by a proudly non-PC party.
They are not exactly trying to kill Farage by kindness. But they sure are giving him the ‘ignoral’ treatment – doing their best to wipe him off the nation’s political radar screen.
It’s simply due to an anomaly in our electoral system that UkIp will be lucky to get more than 3-4 MPS on 10-15% of the vote. The LibDems, meanwhile, are likely to return 30 or so MPS on 6% of the vote whilst the SNP may well gain 50 MPs on 4% of the (UK) vote.
The MSM like to push the narrative that Ukip are a busted flush – but the reality is that they are the true third party of British politics.
Of course there is an anomaly. FPTP means that political parties with highly concentrated votes (e.g SNP) get many more MPs per vote than parties with more evenly spread support (e.g. Ukip).
This also explains why, on a purely uniform swing, the Conservatives need to be 11.1 percentage points ahead of Labour to get an overall majority, that is, they need a swing of 2% from Labour compared to where they were at the last general election. For Labour to win an overall majority they need to be 2.6 percentage points ahead of the Conservatives; that is, they need a swing of 4.9% from where they were at the last general election. If the Conservatives are 4 points ahead of Labour then the two parties would have an equal number of seats.
“Quit the HSBC job right now, under-fire BBC chief is warned:
“Two major investors and leading shareholder have already voted for director to go.
“Rona Fairhead is facing immediate calls to step down as director of HSBC.
“It’s after claims Swiss arm helped wealthy clients hide billions from taxman.
“She was criticised by MPs as ‘incredibly naive’ for failing to notice scandal.
“American investors lodged their votes to get rid of the BBC Trust chairman .”
I am always intrigued what the precise talents are that see these market raters pursued, hired and so well remunerated.
Seems the BBC has landed another winner. Maybe it was her inability to spot or ability to conceal things falling off a cliff that actually counted in her favour?
Bet she’s thrilled to have landed such a plum role.
Todays polling shows that the Fib Dems are facing a wipe out in the South West of the country.
I can never work out if ‘I’m on a different planet’ Clegg knows what’s happened to his party, and is playing a part for the cameras. or if he genuinely believes that his party are actually going to hold the balance of power post election !
My personal thought is that Clegg is so far removed from reality and real life, that it’s not an act, and he’s going to have a very unpleasant fall to Earth come May 8th.
Yup-wipeout for this serial liar and showpony.
A shiver in search of a spine to go up.
Hope to God that the party of Huhne, Smith, Davy, Featherstone and Laws are tipped into the wheelie bin of history.
Recyclable of course-there`s surely a seat in Raqqa Central these carpetbagging suckups could try and parachute into.
Tell them the expenses are good-but that wives aren`t allowed to take the penalty points, seeing as they`re not supposed to drive.
I never did work out what attracted the folk of the Southwest to the Liberal party. I mean, if all that male-model shot dog stuff didnt put the voters off what can?
I must agree that Googles shopping tab is next to useless if you want to search for prices with only sponsored links ever coming up.
But when are the EU going to take on Apple who are terrible offenders with the I store, and their software which could run on other PCs but will only run on Apples own.
I wonder which brand the BBC have on their desks ? Yep it’s an apple with a bite taken out !
ScrobleneFeb 25, 19:30 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Try “Hope and glory”, a British film, about The Blitz, but somehow, just showing normal indigenous British Citizens! Bet it’s…
ZephirFeb 25, 19:24 Start the Week 24th February 2025 @ Rob, Indeed, you never see them in Parliament at the same time do you ? [img][/img]
ZephirFeb 25, 19:06 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Bbc 2021: “Foreign aid: Aid cuts could see lives lost, warns senior Tory” “The government has faced cross-party criticism…
MarcoFeb 25, 19:01 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Shock horror no outrage from SKY or the BBC at the cutting of the foreign aid budget . Collusion and…
ZephirFeb 25, 18:40 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Now we are getting to the root of the far left evilness: “SCOOP: FCC to brief lawmakers on George Soros…
Emmanuel GoldsteinFeb 25, 18:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The (average) energy bills are now almost a quarter of the whole older full pension.
moggiemooFeb 25, 17:59 Start the Week 24th February 2025 It’s simply a description of the poor bastards that are forced to pay for its rubbish, nobody else does.
Up2snuffFeb 25, 17:59 Start the Week 24th February 2025 JohnC, I seem to recall that it was not NATO membership but EU Membership that was offered to Ukraine as…
BBC-Democrat censors Ms CLINTON’s campaign trail
and Ms ABEDIN-
“Clinton Campaign Kicks Off as Huma Abedin Probe Begins”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“At long last the Department of State is investigating why a top Hillary Clinton aide with generational ties to Islamic terrorism was allowed to work in a sensitive government position while simultaneously working for a Clinton-connected private sector consulting firm.
“Hillary Clinton and the senior aide, Huma Abedin, apparently conspired to keep the sweetheart working arrangement that the Muslim Brotherhood-linked employee had at Foggy Bottom a secret.”
“The Abedin ‘Affairs’ with Al Saud”
by Walid Shoebat.
[14 page document, pdf.)
Click to access Abedin_Affairs_with_Al_Saud_0813122.pdf
“Long time Hillary Clinton retainer, Huma Abedin,
under investigation ”
Daily Politics on good form today (15 Apr, BBC 2).
On the day that UKIP launched its manifesto Patrick O’Flynn was ‘interviewed’ for 13 mins. About four mins were devoted to Jo Coburn repeatedly asking who he would prefer as PM, and that the Tories were the only party who have guaranteed an EU referendum, and five mins of anti-UKIP diatribe from a Polish prince challenging Nigel Farage to a duel. O’Flynn managed to sqeeze in less than four minutes of UKIP policies.
Why am I not surprised?
Is it worth complaining?
Not to me Mike.
It`s all that the BBC can do these days, but nobody listens to them.
Only a moron would think that the BBC don`t do all they can to trash UKIP, Tories or anything that isn`t Green, SNP or Labour.
Thankfully, many of us got used to voting UKIP last year-and it pissed the liberal elite off when I did just that.
So I`ll be doing it again, and really don`t need to listen to the BBC anymore…great gardening weather, pity to waste it watching the liberal media paddling in their sewers and incontinence.
Voting UKIP seems to make them rush for the kangapants…so what else am I to do?
Thanks Chris.
I really hope you’re correct in saying that ‘nobody listens to them’ but I do doubt it.
I think there are plenty of morons out there; I’m afraid Common Purpose is sweeping away common sense.
However, it does get me out leafleting in the hope that, after 10pm on the 7 May, I can sit and watch the Beeb announce (through gritted teeth) that UKIP have done well.
The problem is that one interview can supply a days worth of news to the bBC, once edited to suit the ‘agenda’ and then distributed to its whole monopoly network of radio and TV channels as well as their news webpages.
Yes not many may watch one particular program, but it must be remembered that the whole bBC network adds up to a much larger audience worldwide.
My hope Mike is that it is all something akin to 1992.
I recall the polls saying that Kinnock would win, and indeed the BBC were full of it.
Thing was that -clearly-people were telling ComRes and Bob Worcester/Anthony King ONE thing…whilst quietly resolved to do another.
You`re right in that the public sector shills and the feelgood dolts who`ve erased 1997-2010 from their memories seem to have 24/7 media backup from the BBC etal.
Yet those they continue to whistle for are already in McCluskys pocket or Bennetts kitbag…REAL people doing REAL jobs just despise the BBC and are now familiar with voting UKIP.
Not saying that it`s plain sailing-but I reckon history will hinge on last years UKIP watershed breakthrough…maybe not for May7th, but not much later.
Farage is right in that it`s state of mind now for UKIP supporters-the scales fell from our eyes in 2003, and its far worse than it was then.
As the history of the SDP-Lib alliance will tell, they achieved 25% of the vote in 1983 and 23% in 1987, but failed to make the breakthough in terms of seats. Ukip IMO would need to poll about 28% nationally to do so under the Labour-favouring FPTP system, and TBH I cannot see them achieving that.
Why , watch , those prog`s , kippers already know the policies they are voting for ????
So Ed’s got the Beeb, now Nick is courting the rest of the press.
‘Under the Lib Dem plan, drawn up former MP and associate director of Hacked Off Evan Harris’
Guess that leaves Dave to suck up to the Beano.
AKA The Sun.
At least you have a choice whether you buy The Sun. As a lot of people do. Unlike the Guardian, where a lot of people don’t.
More solemn voices all day about (illegal) migrants in the med. They’ve dropped the bint from save the children & now have some geezer from the international organization for migration. What you’ve never heard of them either?
Yes, there was more wailing and emoting about asylum seekers drowning in the Med from Pilgrim Atkins on R4’s Platitude de Jour. Why she spends her time on R4 moaning on about all the misey in the world is a mystery. If there is a design fault in creation shouldn’t she be directing her plaint heavenwards to the Great Creator by silent prayer? One of the dimmer exrectolocutors you hear on R4.
Item on the front page of the DT saying the Italian Coastguards are being ‘phoned up to tell them where to pick up the next boatload by the traffickers, who can cut down on the diesel!
I read “What we do” on their website. Thought provoking.
It made me think of The Gravy Train, the Department of Administrative Affairs, the song ‘Busy doing Nothing’ and the line from the nursery rhyme ‘That’s the way the money goes …’.
Mixed feelings.
Clearly this reduces the tease potential on the incest front (not sure the left-wing bias will ease as a consequence of this move, but like Polly flogging her villa, the proceeds still lurk somewhere. But it does plaster over a PR sore*), but it seems the Graun’s circulation, already not great, will take a hit.
There is however fun to be had with all who get so worked up about ‘Daily Mail Readers’. HIGNFY & MTW will be in a quandary.
*‘Despite the Mail and Sun titles being among the most bought by the BBC, a comparison with average UK circulations shows that they are underrepresented within the corporation’. Speaking for the nation. Glad to see the inevitable BS (BBC spokesperson) gets in the final waffle… and the word ‘impartial’, of course.
I will have to compare these figures from my personal FOI enquiry a year or three ago, when the Guardian was the clear leader.
I think that I asked for copies purchased for offices within the M25.
Will report back if I can find it among my e-mails!
Something smells extremely fishy on this Press Gazette story.
My FOI request gave 10 months figures within the M25 (where the movers and shakers in news and current affairs are) for 2010 to 2011 admittedly. The Guardian was 59000 copies. With these latest figures, presumably for a year, every other paper’s figures have risen, but the Guardian is now substantially less for a year than it was for 10 months – the only one to do that and now way down the list.
Something does not look at all right. Would it be unkind to suggest that the BBC has been economical with the truth?
I will try to compare and post the figures and changes tonight.
I will
This is a very interesting program on BBC2 tonight, I wonder if the BBC will allow itself to speak the truth for once. The write up appears uncompromising:
This World 21:00
Kill the Christians
This World
Christianity is facing the greatest threat to its existence in the very place where it was born. Jane Corbin travels across the Middle East to some of the holiest places in Christendom and finds that hundreds of thousands of Christians are fleeing Islamic extremists, conflict and persecution. From the Nineveh plains in Iraq to the ancient city of Maaloula in Syria, Kill the Christians reveals the story of how the religion that shaped Western culture and history is in danger of disappearing in large parts of its ancient heartland.
Obviously, all the killings of the Christians will have absolutely nothing to do with muslims or Islam, who will be portrayed as the salvation of Christians, helping them escape from danger, death and doom and Al JaBeeba will leave the viewer with the impression that more muslims need to be let into Britain cos muslims are not just cooooool, theyre super coooooool with a cherry on top (obviously a halal cherry)
Even the stupidest liberal mired in fantasy cannot ignore this.
it will be sanitised. Five to one on it says it is nothing to do with Islam.
Now taking bets on how long before ‘The Crusades’ are mentioned.
With an accumulator offered on no mention of historical background to the expansion of Islam which preceded them.
For Beeboids, from ‘New York Times’-
“NY Times:
‘Her Majesty’s Jihadists.’”
Also relevant, from Pamela Geller-
“The Critics of Islam Were Right”
BBC News Channel. Quentin Somerville has just told viewers how Africans waiting in camps in Libya have to share over-crowded washing conditions. This is very inconvenient because, as Muslims, they have to wash before praying. It wasn’t clear if Quentin was proposing a solution to this indignity. Maybe he wants the EU to run a shuttle ferrying all-comers to Italy. That seems to be the BBC angle to most of these stories.
I’d been given the impression that 500 men in a bathroom was BBC heaven. Location, location, location, I guess.
Given life or death daily triage choices, whilst gleaming tootsies is nice ‘n all, given the neck of the woods I would have thought conservation for more pressing needs would be more of a concern.
It also is striking just how messed up that sorry continent is, because to escape the conditions down South back home, these guys appear to have headed towards a cluster-FUBAR war zone, apparently loaded with sufficient dosh to voluntarily give some dodgy cove to stick them in a leaky rust bucket and lob ’em overboard at the first sight of inconvenience.
And all to give Quentin a fit of the vapours that they are not ushered closer, but not too close to where he hangs when back in Blighty.
If they are genuine asylum seekers and they have money, why not just catch a plane?
Beeboids’ daily political campaign for”migrants.”
Beeboids see it as their publicly subsided political obligation to campaign for the rapid colonisation of British society by a ceaseless influx of millions of illegal immigrants (Beeboids’ ‘migrants’) from Africa and Asia.
So, Beeboids continually propagandise as political representatives of such illegal immigrants in transit to U.K from places such as Libya and Calais.
In doing this, Beeboids show no responsibility to the interests of British people. Beeboids do not make clear the consequences of their own actions in this.
Remember, a migrant is just a Briton who doesn’t live here yet!
The BBC no longer sees itself as much to do with the old England. World class it thinks it is and staffed by world citizens. Paid for of course by the poor old English
It will be disabused of that odd notion before too much longer.
There is no longer any rational argument for not breaking it up and selling it off.
Al Beeb and the NHS have the same thing in common.
Initially, they were a national service, they have now morphed into and international service. They have lost the plot .
Has he enquired how many of them have seen a bathroom in their lives? They look quite happy to me.
Just watching two Al Beeboids on Al Beeb’s News discussing with each other, UKIP’s Manifesto and being ‘confused’ ?
Well they would say that wouldn’t they. Pure propaganda.
Danny Alexander on Radio 4 ‘PM’
Are the Tories cruel?
Yes their policies are to place all the cuts on welfare and services for the poor.
Would you enter a coalition with UKIP?
No because they want to leave the EU.
Would you enter a coalition in which the SNP were a part?
Erm it’s not likely.
But if it was would you.
I can’t say
Well they want to leave the UK so what’s the difference?
It’s not likely !
Bias………..what an understatement.
I listened to the Radio 4 news programme today commencing at 5pm hosted by that odious, supercilious, pompous arse (?Eddie Mair (apologies if if isn’t him). So I listened and listened, and listened and listened but there was virtually no mention of the UKIP manifesto statement which was delivered today by the brilliant Suzanne Evans which was then followed by a question and answer session with the press (not done by the liblems). It was so absent that I actually caught myself thinking that I might have dreamt this manifesto speech by UKIP. That was until we all had a good laugh about UKIP when some talking head from UKIP (this morning – prior to manifesto release), wouldn’t quite answer the question (he did answer eventually) ‘Would he stand for leadership of UKIP if Farage resigned’ when was asked by that inimitable pair, Suzanne Reid and Piers Morgan. This ‘news’ programme covered all sorts of subjects including the plight of the refugees recently capsized north of Libya, some coverage about a gay minister in the french cabinet. In fact we covered nearly every subject possible except UKIP’s manifesto release.
Whatever happened to reporting the days news fairly?
Not just bias. An affront to our democratic process.
BBC is providing evidence by the hour of its inability to comply with its charter obligations.
That is a very accurate description of the programme.
What made it worse was that it started with several minutes’ discussion of the LibDem manifesto, also announced this morning. Then Mair promised that UKIP’s manifesto launch would be covered later in the programme – an utter lie.
Likewise news 24, starts with the fibdem manifesto, then moved on to UKIP using only Farage as a reference point. Ms Evans is viewed in passing and referenced as working through the manifesto point by point, but any of it being shown ? Not a chance. Straight into a Farage interview. Personal point of view, does the bbc think that by concentrating on Farage WHO THEY THINK THEY HAVE SUSSED AND CAN KEEP IN A CORNER, THEY CAN CONTROL THE RISE OF UKIP ? This is as far as I am concerned a crucial point, Farage as he has said he will retire if he does not win a seat has made himself and the party a hostage to fortune. The bbc thinks this is the answer to him, concentrate on him alone, try and get him defeated and then bye bye UKIP. By not allowing others to come forward into the arena they will kill the party. This is a very dangerous moment in the parties progress. If it turns into a one man band it dies with his fall, the party must be seen to be bigger than its star, it must be seen to be larger than him to survive. The bbc will do everything to CONCENTRATE on him, keep the rest out of the game, win the battle.
What are you talking about?
That is not an accurate description of the programme at all, John Anderson. Are you a liar politician by any chance?
There was a report on the UKIP manifesto. Then Eddie Mair interviewed Diane James of UKIP.
It starts around 40 minutes in.
Get a grip.
It starts around 40 minutes in.
Perhaps that explains the misunderstanding. OFCOM decided that UKIP should have ‘major party’ status. The Greens; not. Perhaps the commenters you criticise are finding it hard to reconcile the emphasis of BBC coverage with the OFCOM ruling?
‘Misunderstanding’? That’s charitable of you.
A good 10 minutes of PM in the primetime run up to the 6 o’clock news is good for UKIP, isn’t it?
… primetime run up to the 6 o’clock news…
Haha – it’s the way you tell them! That slot is associated with trivia. Primetime is 5:01 – 5:15. Imagine the Tories or Labour manifestos were relegated to the end – can you imagine the protests?
The Liberal Democrats – a party of government – also did their manifesto launch today. UKIP has only got two MPs so it got second billing. PM spread the two manifesto items across the hour and gave UKIP a lot of coverage.
The second half isn’t associated with trivia. The last item may be trivia – like the last item in the first half – but the rest isn’t. You’re clutching at straws.
Your “that explains the misunderstanding” was much funnier. It wasn’t really a “misunderstanding” was it? They got it wrong. Can’t you see that now?
The prime task of PM as regards UKIP should have been to report – first – what their manifesto said, and how the launch went. That should have been at or near the start of the programme.
Yes, UKIP’s Diane James was interviewed, much later in the programme. But the item did not start with a full summary of the policies that UKIP had highlighted today. It was just Mair doing his attack-dog act against Diane James, same old same old. What a cheapskate that man is.
Should ‘impartial’ BBC correspondents ever do impressions of politicians seeking election in order to lampoon them?
Susan Hulme doing an impression of Nigel Farage.
Apparently, wanting your country back is cause for mockery.
BBC World News on Facebook: “Does Russian language Siri (the Apple talky bot thing I have never, ever used with my iPad or iPhone once) have a problem with gay people?”
Hold. The. Front. Page.
The BBC are in a spin following the UKIP release of their manifesto.
They can’t find grounds to criticise it, so they ignore it.
Their hatred of UKIP is obvious.
I was not a UKIP supporter before this manifesto, as I wanted evidence that they had policies that were credible. They have now become credible in my eyes. Their financial accounting makes sense to me and would support an improvement in living standards for all of us plus the creation of a properly funded NHS.
I watched the launch of the manifesto live on BBC. Twitter feeds rolled in the margins! Interesting that the BBC reporter referred to the Barnett Formula being realigned, but not once mentioned Scotland!
Labour and the Conservatives now look weak and have nothing to offer but the same broken promises and offers of jam tomorrow. And neither will support real cuts in public spending such as on overseas aid and on EU membership.
We could all become richer by wasting less money.
Sky news at 19-30, re the “migrant” crisis, 1 jan – 13 April, UN figures say 62% of unaccompanied children picked up in the Med are from either The Gambia, Somalia or Eritrea. I am unaware of any war at the present time involving either The Gambia or Eritrea. Perhaps the bbc could inform me of my mistake, as obviously all the people at large in the med are “fleeing a war ”
There’s me thinking they were just trying it on.
They are fleeing a war, the one in Libya !
Having said that the treaty regards asylum does not recognise fleeing from war as a reason for a country to grant asylum. The BBC is perhaps unwittingly admitting that they are all bogus asylum seekers !
A refugee is someone who “owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to, or owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country.”
Had a brilliant argument with a lefty on Twitter, who claimed that the bBC shouldn’t be allowing Katie Hopkins to air her right wing views, I pointed out to him that as we are all telly tax payers others may wish to hear such ‘right wing’ views.
He then went off on one saying he only had a radio and didn’t need a licence, a quick check on his timeline revealed he reveled in watching Question Time live (and plenty of other programs) and slagging off Tory and UKIP views. When I pointed this out to him he blocked me!
Lefties only seem to be able to win arguments by aggression and lying!
Lefties only seem to be able to lose arguments.
There, FIFY.
Thanks! 😉
Watched the media presentation of the UKIP manifesto launch. Sky’s Robert Nesbit referred to the Telegraph query about one ethnic face in the manifesto drawing jeers and then cheers when several black and ethnic minority UKIP candidates in the room rose to their feet to wave at the questioner. Contrast and compare with the BBC’s Robin Brant, who described the same incident as UKIP still having a problem with race and “not liking it” when questioned by the media. I thought it odd that he did not acknowledge the ethnic UKIP candidates as Nesbit had done, as the BBC cameraman filmed them in the same way as Sky. Then later when listening to the same report on radio from Brant, the reason was clear. Why tell everybody the whole truth, when a radio version of the incident will give the listener a very different idea of events, with the same voice-over as his TV piece, and no-one will know of the intervention of the ethnic UKIP candidates, as our fine upstanding, impartial BBC man decides to omit any reference to them, which might, of course, have suggested UKIP NOT having a problem with race.
Brant has form this election, and his bias is palpable. A perfect BBC choice for covering UKIP.
The Fucking Gimp Brant , hates anyone to the Right of Kim Il Jung , or whoever is the dictator in North Korea , this week , but really loves Millipeed /SNP , Il Jung .
UKIP has played a blinder with their manifesto. When attack dog Eddie Mair on Radio Four’s PM is reduced to asking pathetic questions like ‘can we afford Trident?’ you know the BBC are desperately scraping the barrel. Suzanne Evans sounded positively bemused by his timidity. More please.
It was Diane James not Suzanne Evans.
Glad you heard this though as An English Gentleman, Angrymanupnorth and John Anderson somehow managed not to hear it.
Please be accurate Louise. You are new to me. Or perhaps you are from the Clapham Bus? I haven’t commented specifically on the radio broadcast, as I didn’t listen to it. The overt pro Labour and anti UKIP bias I’m subjecting myself to and soaking myself in, and occasionally recording on this blog is on BBC News 24, BBC1, BBC2 and BBC parliament (the last TV channel in this list I find is generally not biased).
I’m looking for reporting on the Libem and UKIP manifesto contents. What I’m getting is snide one liners like ‘one trick Pony’ ‘ you described your 2010 manifesto as drivel’, ‘One man band’, ‘a geezer has challenged you to a dual – he’s from Poland’, [all these from beeboids] who also broadcast (I paraphrase) ‘I’ve troubled myself to analyse the melanin content of the models used on your literature and …….condemn you as racist (lack of self awareness from racist Chris Hope of the DT (son of racist Michael Crick perhaps?)).’
Robin Brant is probably feeling as welcome as a turd in a swimming pool, because he has reported from the get go with an antagonistic and obfuscatory bias. I shouldn’t feel this way about a BBC correspondent, but I would find it difficult to be polite to Mr Brant if I met him in person, on account of the disservice he is currently doing to the public. The BBC should appoint a different correspondent who doesn’t have the baggage and can report dispassionately on UKIP policies.
What are the BBC afraid of? Their reporters know from the ground, with their own eyes, that the bully boys, the jeerers and sneerers, the vandals and perpetrators of violence, those who drown out the voices of the minorities they hate, the name callers and divisionists are all from the Left. The UAF. SWP. HopenotHate. Unite and Unison activists. But the BBC doesn’t report on the anti-democratic neandethal tactics of their bedfellows in Labour, the Greens and those who resort to war-war in favour of jaw-jaw.
You ought to listen to that PM interview instead of just taking what an An English Gentleman and John Anderson said on trust and giving them your support. You might hear something that would cheer you up. Eddie Mair let Diane James of UKIP say what she wanted to say. It was a good interview.
But PM did not present a full summary of the policies UKIP had presented at their launch. That is – THE NEWS we pay the BBC to report. Mair went straight into his attack-dog routine with Diane James,
Really ? Most of us here have accepted that the BBC is on the other side in the culture war ( yes there is one ) for the future of the West and especially the once proud land .
So I will never ever give the BBC credit for fairness. I expect no fairness towards me and my beliefs and reciprocate this in spades.
I suggest you read Daniel Greenfield’s latest essay on his Sultanknish blog. The sort of masterly writing that the BBc would run a mile from. There are good men and women who will have nothing to do with the death of our civilisation from liberal ineptitude and fantasy. They are my sort of people and a million miles from the tame apparatchniks on your BBC.
‘Let the lie come into the world but not through me’- Solzhenitsyn
Louise……..I must say that I gave up listening at 1737hrs as I just could not stand any more of the non news /missed out news/omissive news agenda but I can say that up to 1737 there was definitely no proper mention of UKIP……….I do think that it is slightly more important for the UK listener/voter to be informed about their manifesto release purely as a news item ahead of some gay french politician chap who is arguing with someone in the Vatican or a bunch of tribal islamic people who have come unstuck committing a crime
Well said @ An English Gentleman.
I agree with Louise, for some reason Eddie Mair gave Danny Alexander a harder time than Diane James. I can’t explain that.
Louise – you may or may not have a point, I didn’t hear it.
What I do know is the BBC have been particularly reluctant to give Green policies an airing. Likewise, BBC ‘comedy’ shows seem to give them a wide berth, too. Shame, really, they provide rich fodder for Wor Eddie’s supercilious, sarcastic interviewing style and many, many joke opportunities for The Now Show et al – in fact just reading them out slowly would be an absolute hoot e.g.
Unrestricted immigration
Zero growth target
De-criminalising membership of terrorist organisations
Abolishing the army
Human rights for animals
I’m sure you get the drift. So, any idea why the BBC should studiously avoid the policies of this hard-left version of the Monster Raving Loony Party?
What I’m getting is snide one liners like ‘one trick Pony’ ‘ you described your 2010 manifesto as drivel’, ‘One man band’, ‘a geezer has challenged you to a dual – he’s from Poland’, [all these from beeboids] who also broadcast (I paraphrase) ‘I’ve troubled myself to analyse the melanin content of the models used on your literature…
You might have added:
• UKIP in chaos; one says 20k cap, another says 25k cap
• Polls are in freefall
• Candidate guilty of criminally offering sausage rolls
• Farage and Carswell have a running feud
• you can’t claim to be ‘a man of the people’ (this after the umpteenth time the Plod failed to protect Farage from rent-a-mob.)
polls are in freefall?
Dunno where you get that from because the polls seem rather predictably stable.
If you bothered to read the post earlier about the differences between telephone & on line polling for UKIP it can show a 9 point difference.
Seeing what you want to see doesn’t make it right.
I agree! I was just listing a few more of the spoiler lines the media use to trash UKIP interviews. Laura Kuenssberg has just played the ‘falling vote’ card once again on Newsnight.
The low phone numbers will be down to:
BBC News 24. about 19.45
Discussion of UKIP, with Clive Myre and some invited MSM ‘experts’. So is it discussion of the UKIP manifesto, the most coherent party manifesto yet announced? Don’t be silly. Beeboids are more interested in telling the viewers that UKIP are sliding in the polls, Farage is struggling and will be history after he loses on May 7th and who will be the next UKIP leader? Well they’ll have more leadership candidates than MP’s (chortles, guffaws and chuckles all round).
And after this collection of Common Purpose experts (one son of a former Labour MP) had buried UKIP as an quirky lump in the road of British politics, soon to be smoothed out (because expert Labour boy Ben says so), they insulted those who are intending to vote for UKIP (because they aren’t distinct human beings are they? They are “borg”).
Laugh? Yes I did. At their unashamed bigotry, faux authority and intellectual limitations.
It was a posh Media chick (Rachel Vincent?) who just described me as a ‘left behind voter’, on account of me intending to vote UKIP.
They really don’t know who is being ‘left behind’ as they continue to believe that it isn’t them. Perhaps they ought think on as to how many of the British tax payers who underpin the foundations of our private and public sector in this nation are, and have been ‘left behind’, quite literally, by those who corruptly and incompetently occupy positions in our government and state institutions.
And when Myre claimed that the BBC are ‘separating the news from the spin’? Best laugh yet. They really are very good at it.
BBC – Spin City. Scrap the Telly tax.
People haven’t been ‘left behind’. They’ve left and are joining the People’s Army. And on May 7th, we’ll be finding out how many.
Vote UKIP. Common Sense, not Common Purpose.
Brilliant ! Keep hitting them northern bloke.
Correction. Posh Media chick = Rachel Sylvester of the Times.
The nice Mr Nick (is my IQ really that low) Robinson is on the Telly. BBC News 24.
He’s had an operation on his throat. (I don’t need to know this, but the BBC seems to think I do.) He can’t speak properly and it shows. Irresponsible employer I suggest.
Personally I think this is shocking. The BBC should give Nick time off to rest and recuperate (I wish you all the best Nick). I suggest about a month off to give his voice chance to recover. I know I’d really miss Nick’s incisive intellect and impartial deep analysis of the GE campaign, but the BBC really should put Nick’s wellbeing first (and also, the Licence Fee payers would be liable if Nick sued his employer and the LF payer should not be exposed to such liability). We would just have to cope without Nick for a few weeks. We can accept such a burden I’m sure.
Why would he risk his own health to return early? No doubt to bleat the Labour tune and do his bit for the left-wing propaganda pre-election push. Cross-eyed twat.
Bbc 2, the death of Christians in the Middle East with Jane Corbin, so far powerful stuff, amazing they show this. If we have to have refugees then cannot we take these poor people ? I would be happy to live next door to them. The kind of people we need. Whatever the differences still Christian, the same basic belief system. Real refugees we could be happy with.
If we have to have refugees then cannot we take these poor people ?
Just what I was thinking. What a contrast with some of what we take.
Wikipedia says: Jane Corbin has two children and was married to the former Conservative MP John Maples, Baron Maples until his death in 2012. Just sayin’.
At the end, continuity said, ‘Next week ….how the so-called Islamic State…’ Relentless.
The Christians should not have to leave. What must happen is that any if holder of a EU passport joins Isis then that should be it. Exiled for ever with no right of re entry.
Isis is determind and unless we accept them at their word we face a terrible future. They must be fought where they are.
Arming the Kurds with the best weapons would be a good start.
I saw the programme and what really struck me was the direct reference to the Armenian massacres.
Quite unusual for the BBC to directly challenge perceived wisdom as endlessly repeated by Turkish apologists.
… what really struck me was the direct reference to the Armenian massacres.
Jane Corbin did well, considering her employer. She was married to a Conservative MP, which might count for something.
It’s outrageous that we don’t arm the Kurds, but Cameron is obsessed with pleasing the Americans who want Turkey in the EU as part of their anti-Russia obsession. Imagine that as an open-door for Islamic immigrants! Cameron likes to portray himself as Churchill, but when the 200 girls went missing a year ago, his response was to pose for a Bring Back Our Girls ‘selfie’ with Christiane Amanpour on the Marr show. Imagine what Churchill might have done… Sad.
Christ, I feel so angry, these poor people, ignored, forgotten, people we ought to be fighting for. Full of BELIEF, abused, killed, driven out. Full marks to Jane Corbin, one of us not them. The little girl at the end, her belief, her hope in the face of such horror, she had more CHRISTAIN faith than the beeboid dummy installed as Archbishop of Canterbury, I fell quite humble tonight.
why do we have to use a pencil to fill in a voting form.we all know the reason why but can anyone tell me the real reason why.I ask those in the polling station every time and get no answer
Take a bloody big marker pen with you!
Probably the same reason that the Aussies use pencils. From the Australian Electoral Commission -F.A.Q.
Why do they supply pencils in polling booths and not pens? Doesn’t using pencils allow votes to be tampered with?
The provision of pencils in polling booths is a requirement of section 206 of the Electoral Act. There is, however nothing to prevent an elector from marking his or her ballot paper with a pen if they so wish. The AEC has found from experience that pencils are the most reliable implements for marking ballot papers. Pencils are practical because they don’t run out and the polling staff check and sharpen pencils as necessary throughout election day. Pencils can be stored between elections and they work better in tropical areas. The security of your vote is guaranteed as the storage and counting of ballots is tightly scrutinised.
The BBC seem very quiet on “Xenophobic attacks” when it involves South Africa. Buried deep in their website is
At least five foreigners, including a 14-year-old boy, have been killed in attacks in South Africa’s coastal city of Durban since last week. Some foreign-owned shops in the main city Johannesburg have shut amid fears that the violence could spread.
Other news says – There have been violent clashes in the South African city of Durban, after a crowd of hundreds of locals tried to attack shops and businesses owned by immigrants on 14 April 2015.
Immigrant shop owners in the coastal city fought off a crowd of looters, who then started stoning cars and shops, reports News24.
Police fired stun grenades at the crowd, with the city centre now on total lockdown, reports RDM news agency.
150 foreign nationals had to take refuge in a building after being attacked by a crowd.
Their beloved rainbow nation isn’t looking so utopian now.
Yes, I saw this reported on Channel 4.!!!
Nothing about the 200 attacks on refugee centres in Germany in recent months on the BBC either. For some reason, the bien-pensant factions in the German government are pushing for the acceptance of greater numbers of asylum seekers. It’s a topic that seems to have mobilized droves of German halo polishers and Gutmenschen. There is even one ad pushing the Willkommensgesellschaft with the blurb “If someone knocks on your door asking for your help, would you turn them away?”. Due to years of media suasion, most Germans would say “No!” even to themselves, as any other answer would reveal their latent “Nasty Naziness”. As in Britain, the facile judgements of moralizing monomaniacs are taken to be a suitable basis for a rational immigration policy.
Being a white farmer in South Africa is the most dangerous job on earth, and their government wont let them leave the country to escape.
Once apartheid was scrapped, so was the country – basket case now.
Zimbabwe all over again.
I have heard some criticism on the BBC today concerning the UKIP manifesto in that it only contains one “Black” face. Well, on a browse of said manifesto, there are approx. 33 white faces (headlining) and one black face also headlining the page. According to the latest demographic of the U.K. population only 3% have Black faces based upon seeing 100 white faces. The UKIP manifesto is bang on the money in that case with having just one Black face. Anymore than that and it would show favouritism for a particular race, in other words, racism. Well done UKIP you have it right again. Nice manifesto by the way, especially the costings layout at the back.
Scott`s Bodydouble , Lookalike , reviewing papers on SKY , with Julia Hartley -Brewer .
Bias? Possibly? Probably?
The curious cases of ‘difficulties with the sound’. Often heard with UKIP (On this occasion, severe sound reduction, BBC News 22.30 Headline bulletin. Farage at Manifesto unveiling), often with Nick Clegg, Just about every occasion with Tommy Robinson [e.g. Andrew Neil interview regarding alleged Islamist corruption in the Police and Conservative Party].
And where is that BBC follow up of the EDL/Conservative PCC/Islamist/Police service ‘issue’ in Dudley? And the postal vote rigging scandals in Tower Hamlets and elsewhere? And on the shameful dereliction of duty by public servants in Rotherham, Rochdale, Halifax…….? There’s an election. The public should be informed.
BBC bias techniques. It’s not just about content. Or lack of follow up. It can be found in the subtlety of sound quality! Sound issues for Special Ed or Cast Iron Dave? Can’t recall any.
Newsshite tonight seems to think that the “UKIP army is dwindling to the size of a platoon”. The Sky News poll tracker shows that the UKIP vote has barely changed. The Libdumbs are well behind and “others?” lie between UKIP and the Libdumbs. The BBC seem to think that if they broadcast “1+1=3” it would immediately becomes so.
Why do the bbbc make me listen to that awful green party leader every day when she represents a minute fraction of the UK population?
Makes a change! The BBC normally seems to think that the nation cannot do without the opinions of Jones, Toynbee and the Alibaba Brown woman!
Jasmin Aliblahblah Clown and the Hackney Hippo must be feeling that their claim to the “Most Stupid Woman in the British Media” award is slipping from their grasp as the Green Woman’s almost pathological stupidity is cruelly exposed by the BBC.
The Sky news site presents a fair account of the UKIP manifesto launch – including the TV clip.
Why can’t the BBC do this ?
Silly question. The BBC can doi this. But they choose not to.
The lady invited to comment on ‘The Papers’ tonight (15.4.15) on BBC News 24 (didn’t get the name, but she’s on a lot of BBC News ‘lefty-talk’ ‘news’ Groupthink items and Sunday Politics) raised the issue of the UKIP manifesto launch and the reception given to the question asked by a DT journo (a question that betrayed a racist mind-set). I believe the journalist is called Christopher Hope.
Yet again, the projection of these media troughers astounds me. Instead of asking herself “what kind of journalist scours the faces of models used in Political Promotional literature to assess skin colour and asks a question based on the skin colour of the models whose photos were (and therefore were not) used?” Does she conclude “The journalist, by reviewing the models to determine their skin colour, and thereby discriminating in his mind in order to formulate a loaded question based on what should not be of concern to any of us, namely, the skin tone of our fellow citizens, is displaying an unhealthy, egotistical propensity towards judging models, and the selectors of models in Political literature, by the colour of their skin”. No she does not. She projects her own unease, not recognising the symptoms of racism inherent in herself and the DT journalist and gives further air time to the ‘UKIP racist elements’ meme.
If the BBC want to report on evidenced racism, they’ve got plenty in their own hard drives on Dianne Abbott and while I’m ranting – Nabila Ramdani. Neither are averse to blatant verbalsed misandry either(ask Andrew Neil, or just google it). Racist comments didn’t work out too well for Ron Atkinson. Works OK for Abbott, Harman and Ramdani though.
It seems now that it is almost a crime not to have a black face appearing in any media.
These people should be asking themselves why, in Britain’s most ‘diverse city’, the crowds of people who flocked to see Richard III’s reinterment were ‘hideously white’.
Question Time Panel:
Grant Shapps
Yvette Cooper
Angus Robertson
Jo Swinson
Douglas Carswell
Piers Morgan
Hey Hey! Political anorak’s heaven. Thursday. Farage – Miliband. Ho Ho!
Followed by Dimblebore’s lineup. He-he
Grant Shapps – Mr Green. I’ve listened to him for years and I have no idea about what he stands for.
Yvette Cooper, Queen of Common Purpose. Europhile.
Angus Robertson. Spite and hate. Europhile, anglophobe.
Jo Swinson Limited but nice Lefty Europhile.
Douglas Carswell. Lover of Liberty.
Piers Morgan. A fart in a lift. Finger in the air populist.
Cool! Easy win for Common Sense! Watch Dougie boy keep it simple and play the ball not the man.
Trouble is, Carswell is too well-mannered to tell Moron he should be in chokey, so expect the loud-mouthed non-user-of-hacking-methods-at-the-paper-he-was-editing to take over the programme.
The others will revert to scripts. EU good, immigration enriching, benefits humane… etc to claps from usual BBC audience, a cross-section of socialists.
The BBC has just shown a clip of Harriet Harman grooming young future voters (grooming to vote Labour , presumably) at a primary school.
I wonder if the school did a DBS (CBR) check on her?
Harperson certainly knows about fingers in the PIEs.
It’s time for some reporter to remind her of the role she had with them back in the 1970s.
It looks as if there is one or even two of Al Beeb sockpuppets back on the night shift again .
Ignore them, Mark ignore them.
Point taken. They want attention, like a bunch of Gollums.
The best way to annoy them is to sign up here and abolish this unfair tax that feeds these trolls ……
Al Beeb weather man reporting that we have had the warmest April for ………
Wait for it ………
For four years – Would you believe it , – Four years !
it was 6 degrees all day yesterday here in the north west where i live, it was fookin freezing. And according to my phone and my car, its six degrees again today. My phone and car must be climate change deniers. Im taking the dog for a walk in 20 minutes, I hope the BBC excuse me for not wearing shorts, t shirt and flip flops
‘warmest April for ……… Wait for it ……… For four years’
Even in the new BBC ‘record-breakers-olympic-style’ of weather reporting that does sound a bit lame. Now if only the Met Office had recently altered the method of analysing the data just a bit this could have read “Warmest April since current records began!”
‘Warmest April’.
Don’t they know it’s only halfway through?
And ‘warmest’ where? Not in the effing north, it ain’t, you alarmist monkeys – just check with your Salford crew.
I listened to the forecast for Wednesday on Tuesday night – and therefore dressed for summer. My daily routine starts with a walk – and looking outside and seeing the sun shining I decided to go without a coat. I am now suffering from frostbite.
I live in the south and I’m currently wearing a fleece
The BBC are refusing to have UKIP at this session of question time and will not answer letters/emails as to why. As there seems to be as few petitions out there at the moment, try this one on BBC bias.
The Today programme this morning helpfully explained that a growing crisis in Peterborough regarding the lack of anywhere near enough school places (especially in primary schools across the city) is not so much a ‘problem’ as a ‘challenge’.
Peterborough, by the BBC’s own admission, is facing a massive population explosion due in large part to rampant Eastern European immigration.
This is not to be described as a ‘problem’, people. This is a ‘challenge’. Are we clear?
And, to put it in the passive, who are the ‘challenged’? Not Cameron, Miliband or Clegg or, for that matter, the cowards in the media. No, it’s the poor buggers who live there. Those racists who had the audacity to object.
Now I suppose they will have the audacity to vote UKIP. Somebody should give them a good seeing to and put them in their place, if you ask me.
Trouble is, very soon there won’t be a place for them.
Just turned on to the sofa sloths. “Save the Children” are campaigning to have EU policy on rescuing (illegal) migrants in the med. Yet again it’s pseudo charity time.
Perhaps the executives could band together and buy their own rescue boat, as long as they don’t bring the illegals here. No mention of course ever about how much the bosses of this “charity” get paid,
Sorry should read, “Save the Children” are campaigning to have EU policy on rescuing (illegal) migrants in the med reversed.
It’s early.
I noted that as well, but here’s something they don’t advertise .

The vast majority of these boat people are found floundering off the coast of Africa and not Europe.
Thanks for that info. No doubt save the children will now have to move their base to Tripoli
Thursday morning and we’re still on the start the week thread? 500 Comments ?
Time for a new thread please even if it is the weekend one !
Blimey, who put THAT on the autocue?
BBC sofa-dwellers have to put on very serious faces and take a deep breath this morning…
Not so much for “Labour peer acused of child abuse in the 1970s – CPS say NOT in the public interest to prosecute….” although that was hardly a moment of red sofa breakfast BBC jollity…
No, the bolt from the blue was “Many parents will hear today whether they have their first choice of primary school – there are a shortage of places due a baby boom and IMMIGRATION”
(my emphasis there, not Charlie Stayt’s or Naga Munchetty’s)
My point being that this is the first time in a very long time that the BBC has honestly stated the obvious on this issue. As far as bias goes this is of course the exception which proves the rule.
Truth is the shit is starting to hit them personally, NOW It becomes an issue.
Well, Brillo Pad also used the words in his intro to a debate on Daily Politics today…..yes “immigration” in his analysis of the shortage of primary school places.
Now, that must be more than a coincidence.
Have the goons realised the public have sussed out their bias by omission?
Who can tell….
What next eh? Housing shortage caused by ” immigration” ?
Where CAN this lead.
Re : johnnythefish & ChrisP discussing Arctic Ice
Paul Homewood has a good recent post : Strong Recovery In Multi Year Arctic Sea Ice Continues
– The keypoint is 1979 is traditionally cherrypicked by warmist’s
“If they start that graph in 1975 there would be more ice now than then.”
They probably think 1979 is doomsday. It was the year Maggie came to power – it must be ingrained in their minds.
Or, if they looked at the late 50s:-
Thanks Stew.
Chris P doesn’t ‘discuss’ it by the way, he just parrots the same old propaganda we’ve been hearing for the last 20 years – all of it based on CO2-obsessed models which take no account of natural variations in climate and which have been proven hopelessly wrong by real world data. He also insists that a second hypothesis – ocean warming – is the reason the first hypothesis – atmospheric warming induced by man-made CO2 – didn’t quite work out as planned. Bets being taken now on what their third hypothesis will be……. And he hasn’t yet grasped that there was no reliable measurement of ocean temperature until the Argo project was completed in 2004, so there is no realistic basis for historic comparison. Even now, with Argo, there is only one temperature float per 3000 sq miles of ocean.
“Ukip supporters face death threats, violence and abuse on the campaign trail”
Its stories like this that make one believe that the polls might just be a little bit wrong. If someone is seriously hurt (or worse) the bBC have done more than their little bit to stoke up such aggression. Unsurprisingly I can’t find any reference to this on their news pages.
*memo to bBC news
Yes their are PLENTY of muslim countrys around the world that can take Mediterranean refugees.
Just not many good ones.
Have other contributors noticed the recent tacit agreement between the B BC and the enemedia to ignore UKIP news (barring ridicule) ?It is obvious that they pretty quickly realised that allowing UKIP exposure in the news resulted in unexpected positive reaction from UK voters (however snide the approach ) ,so they have ‘denied them the oxygen of publicity up to now.
However ,we are now moving into the period of overt and outright undermining of a legitimate UK political party by a supposedly impartial broadcaster.
I believe that the aided by the rest of the craven media whch would rather preserve their cosy relationship with the corrupt liblabcon hierarchy than support a party which puts the people first.
Vote UKIP in May and kick the lot of them up their collective a**e!
I have noticed a few typing errors in my above post for which I apologise profusely!
However , I think the sense of my post (or otherwise,some posters might claim….where are you Manon???) comes across, so I will let it stand in its original ,rather charming format.
BBC reports that Sir David Nicholson has great concerns about the NHS and it’s ability to function.
It was he who presided over the NHS Staffordshire scandal.
And he was a member of the Communist Party until 1983.
He retired as head of the NHS last year.
What an opportune moment for him to air his views? Some might say…
He should be in jail.
Perhaps i ought to elaborate my post…..he should be in jail for state induced murder, along with the minister Burnham…..a charge which sounds like exactly the sort of thing you would expect in a Communist country like the two of them aspire to…..
A puff piece? The start-up selected to lead off Young, female and forging a path in Gaza is a company named BOOM BABY BOOM!
It is a video worth watching if only to see the multi-storey buildings and new cars that Israel neglected to destroy.
BBC boilerplate. In recent years the democratically elected ruling party … Perhaps not. In the January 2006 Palestinian parliamentary elections, Hamas won a decisive majority in the Palestinian Parliament but were forced out of power (arguably legally) by the President, Mahmud Abbas. Hamas violently took control of Gaza in 2007 and expelled or killed most of the opposing Fatah group. The battle caused the dissolution of the unity government and the de facto division of the Palestinian territories into two entities, the West Bank governed by the Palestinian National Authority, and Gaza governed by Hamas.
The democratically elected Hamas has not conducted any elections at any level of government since.
A few women are forging ahead with the help of GOOGLE. I wonder if GOOGLE Israel has anything to do with this? Would the BBC say if they were?
So many unasked questions. Why are the men not engaging in start-ups? Who are the customers they hope to attract and where do the customers have the money to use their services?
Women have easier crossing. Will the Hamas effort to introduce women into the fighting forces precisely because of that ease of movement restrict these entrepreneural women? Perhaps that wasn’t into the news release because the BBC doesn’t ask.
Thanks for that, most revealing to see so many new cars, new buildings inside Gaza. In trying to promote this woman angle the bBC inadvertently reveal to the world that their usual coverage from Gaza is a Myth.
Note also the change in tone when describing how the democratically elected Hamas have limited the movement of women to how bad Israel is. Also revealed was how easy it is for people to leave Gaza.
Burning issue of the day for The Daily Politics is how Torygraph journalist Christopher Hope, the poor dear, was treated beastily by the Kippers at the manifesto launch. Hope asked a spoiler question yesterday; now the Beeb have wasted fifteen minutes whinging about it. Still; allows them to chalk up ‘coverage’ – tick – while doing UKIP down. That’s a win-win for the Beeb!
Anyone catch the launch yesterday?
never mind the tired old Torygraph
cough “Toryhelpmeslingmud” cough
How about the BBC?, notice the attitude of
the Beebot? … is he related to Bunny La Roach?
The critical election is three weeks today. After whinging for 15 minutes about Kippers booing Christopher Hope, the DP moved on to interviewing The Monster Raving Looney Party. They ended with a piece like the German octopus who picked World Cup winners; racing miniature pigs. Public Service Broadcasting at it’s finest, ladies and gentlemen. OK, it costs a lot, but quality doesn’t come cheap.
That’s a bit risky 🙂
Just think of all the faux-offence that could be stirred up by using pigs.
One thing is for sure, when the journalista class circles wagons, they go to town.
Surprised there were no blank screens as various forecourts were again bedecked with Gaffa-taped Spartaci.
It’s like the poor loves are the only ones ever to be dissed. It used to go with the territory and process of growing a pair, but of course if used selectively (don’t recall Ms. Abbott’s homage to New Zealand rugby attracting much questioning), and maybe with a few false-flags thrown in for effect, a cause celebre is born.
That all said it is my understanding (from the MSM, so it could be utter pants) that the UKIP officials were chipping in overtly (as opposed to the covert variety smugger, savvier political stirrers know to deploy), so they maybe opened the goal up.
That all said it is my understanding (from the MSM, so it could be utter pants) that the UKIP officials were chipping in overtly (as opposed to the covert variety smugger, savvier political stirrers know to deploy), so they maybe opened the goal up.
The Kippers must be thoroughly fed up with the antics of the media. Nick wood has a good article today about how the ‘liberal-dominated media’ are deliberately choking UKIP of publicity. Hope’s stunt was just another example and today the rest have gone to town. For sure, I would have insulted him if I’d been there. but the media wouldn’t have noticed me or anyone else; they wanted Farage and they have accused him of encouraging the hostility. I heard it a few times. For example, here’s James Kirkup in the Torygraph:
Several stood up to jeer at Chris. Nigel Farage appeared to encourage this response.
Ukip should apologise for its disgraceful treatment of Christopher Hope
This accusation is wrong. If you watch, Farage does nothing in response to the question or to the hostile crowd. Some time later the indignant ethnic Kippers stand up and raise their hands to make their presence known and rubbish Hope’s insinuation. The crowd clap and cheer them and Farage joins in that applause for his own members. It’s pretty clear. The media are mis-representing it to fit their bias… as usual.
Ukip is not just fighting the Conservatives, Labour and the rest in this election. It is fighting the liberal-dominated media. Not surprisingly, it is getting a pretty dusty reception.
… Ukip is not being so much confronted by the media as ignored. … Better to deny Farage the oxygen of publicity than risk arousing the primitive passions that stir the breasts of his potential supporters.
It is striking that the liberal media (which means nearly all of it) and the established parties no longer pursue Farage for having all the wrong attitudes. His manifesto passed off virtually uncontested, as if his critics and his rivals accepted that in the perfect world imagined by Ukip, his policies were just plain common sense. The Conservatives’ only substantial retort was that a vote for Nige would let Ed in by the back door. And the media feigned outrage at the fact that there was only one black face in a manifesto document produced by a proudly non-PC party.
They are not exactly trying to kill Farage by kindness. But they sure are giving him the ‘ignoral’ treatment – doing their best to wipe him off the nation’s political radar screen.
Nick Wood’s Campaign Commentary: If you can’t beat Ukip, ignore it
It’s simply due to an anomaly in our electoral system that UkIp will be lucky to get more than 3-4 MPS on 10-15% of the vote. The LibDems, meanwhile, are likely to return 30 or so MPS on 6% of the vote whilst the SNP may well gain 50 MPs on 4% of the (UK) vote.
The MSM like to push the narrative that Ukip are a busted flush – but the reality is that they are the true third party of British politics.
There is no anomaly.
Each constituency elects an INDIVIDUAL to represent them who is elected on the first past the post principle.
If you choose to vote on party lines that is entirely up to you.
It is only in relatively recent times that the party the individual has the backing of has appeared on the ballot paper.
Of course there is an anomaly. FPTP means that political parties with highly concentrated votes (e.g SNP) get many more MPs per vote than parties with more evenly spread support (e.g. Ukip).
This also explains why, on a purely uniform swing, the Conservatives need to be 11.1 percentage points ahead of Labour to get an overall majority, that is, they need a swing of 2% from Labour compared to where they were at the last general election. For Labour to win an overall majority they need to be 2.6 percentage points ahead of the Conservatives; that is, they need a swing of 4.9% from where they were at the last general election. If the Conservatives are 4 points ahead of Labour then the two parties would have an equal number of seats.
(Yes, I know that technically you vote for individuals. In practice, people usually choose to whoever represents their preferred party).
“Quit the HSBC job right now, under-fire BBC chief is warned:
“Two major investors and leading shareholder have already voted for director to go.
“Rona Fairhead is facing immediate calls to step down as director of HSBC.
“It’s after claims Swiss arm helped wealthy clients hide billions from taxman.
“She was criticised by MPs as ‘incredibly naive’ for failing to notice scandal.
“American investors lodged their votes to get rid of the BBC Trust chairman .”
Read more:
I am always intrigued what the precise talents are that see these market raters pursued, hired and so well remunerated.
Seems the BBC has landed another winner. Maybe it was her inability to spot or ability to conceal things falling off a cliff that actually counted in her favour?
Bet she’s thrilled to have landed such a plum role.
Todays polling shows that the Fib Dems are facing a wipe out in the South West of the country.
I can never work out if ‘I’m on a different planet’ Clegg knows what’s happened to his party, and is playing a part for the cameras. or if he genuinely believes that his party are actually going to hold the balance of power post election !
My personal thought is that Clegg is so far removed from reality and real life, that it’s not an act, and he’s going to have a very unpleasant fall to Earth come May 8th.
Yup-wipeout for this serial liar and showpony.
A shiver in search of a spine to go up.
Hope to God that the party of Huhne, Smith, Davy, Featherstone and Laws are tipped into the wheelie bin of history.
Recyclable of course-there`s surely a seat in Raqqa Central these carpetbagging suckups could try and parachute into.
Tell them the expenses are good-but that wives aren`t allowed to take the penalty points, seeing as they`re not supposed to drive.
I never did work out what attracted the folk of the Southwest to the Liberal party. I mean, if all that male-model shot dog stuff didnt put the voters off what can?
Muslims pray on stairs at Anfield on matchday.
Two reports:-
1.) Pamela Geller-
“Liverpool Football (Soccer) Fan Facing Punishment for Offending Islam in a Twitter Pic Hashtag #Disgrace ”
– See more at:
2.) Islam Not BBC (INBBC)-
“Liverpool FC considers action over Muslim prayer tweet”
BBC will not see any parallels with Google, in terms of market share, and anti-competitive behaviour-
“Google and Android in the firing line as EU pulls trigger on competition inquiry”
I must agree that Googles shopping tab is next to useless if you want to search for prices with only sponsored links ever coming up.
But when are the EU going to take on Apple who are terrible offenders with the I store, and their software which could run on other PCs but will only run on Apples own.
I wonder which brand the BBC have on their desks ? Yep it’s an apple with a bite taken out !