BBC1 ran the Election Debate tonight and my twitter feed is overwhelmed by people saying how BIASED the audience was. Nigel Farage was met by silence, whilst Sturgeon, Bennett, Green and Miliband were cheered to the rafters. Thoughts?
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Farage was brilliant. Fuck the Left supporting biased BBC.
how comes no one is showing that screaming banshee Green woman losing it?
She had a proper little tantrum, didn’t she.
I Missed that ?
Banshee green is a “woman” ?? Who knew……
She was screaming that any private contractor working for the NHS should not be allowed to return ANY profit. How would that work then? How naive and impractical. Nicola Sturgen said this Election was about removing the Tories from Government. So she as the Leader of a small minority party representing a small part of the country wants to have a disproportionate influence not just on the Election but how the country is governed. She showed herself up as the vindictive , bigoted bitch she really is As for ‘Son of Brown’ who is he trying to kid. As his predecessor he will do ANYTHING and work with anyone as long as he gets into Number 10.
I agree. Them lefties can say all they want, I know where my votes going. At the risk of causing a shit-storm, UKIP are the only real party to speak for Britain, and that’s why I support them
Most of my friends are lefties and its my first year voting, so…yeah…go fuck yourselves.
I couldn’t bare to watch as I knew it would be a far-Left love fest. I just don’t understand how the BBC get away with this consistent overt bias.
Consumate fear of their propaganda power I think sums it up.
Normally in a coup or a revolution, the first thing the insurrectionists do is take over the broadcasting stations.
The Marxist left have taken over the BBC without firing a shot.
Yes, I think you’re right. It really is starting to look like a bloodless revolution. Very worrying.
The Gramscian carcinoma has been eating away at the BBC for well-on 30 years. There’s hardly a facet of the Corporation that hasn’t been tainted by that Marxist mob.
There’s hardly a facet of the Corporation that hasn’t been tainted by that Marxist mob.
Its due to Climate Change.
Agree. It was like listening to a juvenile lefty student meeting. I think it worked in Nigel’s favour, though, as the mad greenie and national socialist panellists all attacked Red Ed from the left and the net result for objective viewers will have been positive for UKIP and David Cameron.
Tonight’s debate was a farce. The audience was in no way impartial, they were overwhelmingly left-wing to the extent they barely had the courtesy to applaud anything said by Nigel Farage, despite vigorously supporting comments from the other panellists. We have come to expect this now from the BBC, it is a laughing stock. ‘Aunty’ was once the doyenne of all that was great & good now it is just a left wing propaganda machine.
” ‘Aunty’ was once the doyenne of all that was great & good ”
Wow how old are you?
I was lucky enough to have been invited to join the audience for the first televised leaders’ debate in 2010. Beforehand, we were told that it was not acceptable even to applaud the three leaders, we were to sit quietly as they answered the questions which were asked of them. How different that was compared to the leftist bear pit we saw last night.
Dimbleby can blather all he likes about how the audience were chosen by some polling company; I know that responsibility for how the audience behaves is down to the chairman of the debate. The behaviour of the leftist audience last night was clearly exactly what the BBC wanted: to demonstrate the correctness of leftist thought, and the wrongness of support for Ukip. As far as I am concerned, Dimbleby can tell it to the marines; he is a company man, bought and paid for, and any reputation he may once have had for fairness and impartiality can be flushed down the toilet with all the other leftist crap from the BBC.
When Dimbleby said the audience were chosen by some organisation independent of the BBC, these points arose.
(1) The BBC recognises that there is a lack of trust in BBC Impartiality when it comes to selecting an Audience.
(2) The BBC would be expected to chose an Independent Organisation just as left-wing as the BBC.
(3) Therefore, the viewer cannot complain to the BBC because the BBC is not responsible for the choice of a complex selection process that produces a left-wing dominated Audience.
Because the bBC ran the show???
But the audience were carefully selected by an independent organisation ICM. You know, those pollsters that the Guardian always uses.
It would be good to see a truly independent organisation i.e not the Guardian’s pollsters, look at how the audience was chosen. It was clearly biased to the left. Despite this, Farage was able to put his case well. The Beeb is trying to say that the debate was all about Milliband and the Sturgeon. That’s not how I saw it.
The BBC (and Dimbleby) can protest all they like that the audience was chosen by an external agency, but it must be the fact that the BBC as the holders of the event would have defined or at least agreed to the selection criteria.
They are responsible for the event after all.
Someone should have them publicise the selection criteria.
And the snap poll at the end was done on behalf of the Mirror. Guess who was supposed to have won then !!!!
Since this was supposed to be a debate about a general (ie: national) election, organised by a national broadcaster, I’d be interested to know how many people were bussed in from places like Northumberland, Cheshire, Herefordshire, Pembrokeshire, Somerset, Cornwall etc.
Didn’t even represent the people I work with in London.
I actually thought before-hand:
Surely they’ll not pull a Question Time with an election debate.
Oh, but they did, and then some. Beyond belief.
I have to admit that I was disappointed that Nigel Farage did not sock it to the loony Green and Pied Gumry girls who both took mudslinging pot shots at him. A smart put down was required. But the audience were with the three women. Farage mentioned audience bias and caused Bumblydim to run down to the cameras to insist that the audience was truly representative of all parties- yes indeed.
Ed Milli had the best camera shots. And probably spoke more than the others.
So nothing to inform me regarding the result which will follow the counting of the ballot papers on May 10.
(Not a mistake to mention May 10 – as it will take a couple of days to locate the missing boxes in Tower Hamlets, Bradford etc.)
… I was disappointed that Nigel Farage did not sock it to the loony Green and Pied Gumry girls…
The pundits tell us before each debate that the men have to be very careful not to seem to ‘bully’ the females. After fifty years of ‘Are women tough? Hell, yeah!’… it’s actually still ‘sugar and spice and all things nice’ v ‘rats and snails and puppy dog’s…’
yes indeed it wouldn’t so for Nigel to remind plaid cymru of the burning of English homes in Wales.
Slugs and snails – not rats and snails.
What we would have given to have a rat to keep us warm at night and then eat for breakfast.
…as we diced with death sleeping in a shoebox in the middle of the motorway.
Rat ? You were lucky to have a rat. All twenty-six of us would have had to eat two bits of cold gravel before we got off to sleep in our paper bag in a septic tank.
Slugs and snails – not rats and snails.
It seems there are variations!
The rhyme appears in many variant forms. For example, other versions may describe boys as being made of “snaps”, “frogs”, “snakes”, or “slugs”, rather than “snips” as above.
Or rats, even…
No point arguing with dim children. Danger of giving them credibility or being accused of bullying, as I Can See Clearly Now said.
Yes, Beeboids now know that they get away with their daily political bias, even at election time.
And the political stakes are high for Beeboids and BBC-NUJ: they must give all their assistance possible to Labour Party and its allies so as to ring-fence the BBC licence tax.
And Beeboids blatantly did that tonight, in their choice of leftist audience, and Dimbleby’s hostility to UKIP’s Farage.
Absurd rubbish. Dimblelby looked angry at Farage’s accusation of bias. Truth hurts as they say.
The standard of debate was appalling. I am surprised Farage did not just walk out.
At least we at home got to see the arrayed left in all it’s incoherent gimme gimme gimme glory.
Ed has some intelligence but the three women looked and sounded as if the simple mathematics of finance were beyond them.
They replaced reality and fact with emotion and special pleading. I am surprised the three of them did not end up dancing round an imaginary cauldron muttering Thatcher, thatcher, thatcher.
These people are the entitlement generation and doesn’t it look dreadful.
God help this country.
Just seen disturbing photos on twitter of the far-left group-hugs between Ed Milliband and the three sisters, following the debate. Nigel is standing by himself… a true and resilient rebel who really speaks for the English working man. Our country is under attack from the far-Left.
Show us the Twitter pics here..
scroll down for the hugs and lefty handshakes…
Tweets by GuidoFawkes
…. the three sisters –
Tweets by A_Liberty_Rebel
The three witches from Macbeth.
Whenever Lefties mention progressive, I know what they really mean is compulsion. Thats is what progressive means to socialists and communists.
Apart from Nigel, the rest were Marxists/communists (progressive) .
To trust any of them on any issue, even latrine management, would be irresponsible.
Not The Three Graces, that’s for sure.
No – more like the three disgraces, in fact.
Click on the ‘three dot’ symbol below the tweet to get a link:
Reminds me of Sue Perkins, Clare Balding and Mary Portas on a night out. Can’t think why.
Thats not a good image.
Could be worse. It might have been Jo Brand.
You can rely on the BBC UKIP campaign correspondent, Robin Brant not to miss such an opportunity:
And that picture perfectly sums up what will happen after the election if there’s no clear majority for Lab or Con, all the smaller ‘progressive’ parties will suck up to Ed to push their pointless minority manifestos onto the rest of us via the back door.
Typical lefty groupthink is obvious when Sturgeon gets thunderous applause for her anti-English, progressive bollocks, her and the SNP are never pulled up for their anti-English bigotry are they? Yet UKIP are a bunch of anti-EU racists with odious views.
The reason the left like to accuse the right of ‘hatred’ so much is because that’s what their own hearts are full of.
Four Marxist traitors and one patriot.
In any league, always support the patriot. He may be wrong occasionally, but his heart is in the right place. Marxists/communists are traitors to mankind. Evidence – Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler – socialists all. Or the betrayal by the previous Labour government of tens of thousands of young working class girls to brutal gang rape, and sex slavery by Pakistani Muslim immigrants .
Never in the course of human history has there been such a betrayal of so many by so few.
And because the BBC has hidden the scale of the treason by Labour, these very same traitors are going to be elected to power by the people.
And many Welsh workingmen
Alex, if I recall correctly, i saw Mr Millibland go over to Mr Farage, and shake his hand, I think it may even have been first
Yes he did Noggin. It followed the three women cuddle and then shaky hands with Ed, then the women went off to thank members of the carefully chosen audience. And Ed turned around and walked up to Nigel, standing alone, and shook his hand. Now I will never support Labour, but for a moment I saw something that has departed from the hate mongering of the left. One politician recognising that another is still a human being.
Margaret Thatcher was truly an exception.
“Margaret Thatcher was truly an exception.”
I think you missed off “… to the pygmies (if I am allowed to use that word in case being heightist is now an offence) who preceded and followed her as Prime Minister.”
All three women were concerned with bread and butter issues. That is, they comfirmed the view that women are emotionally involved and engaged in matters pertaining to the family.
It was also clear that all three women were ignorant or unconcerned of defence, wars and the wider cultural war that Labour has presented us with.
Truly, Margaret Thatcher was an exception.
And thus you sum up the dichotomy at the heart of the debate, and you touch on that which must not be said – that most women take a line so emotional as to be dangerous to the effective governance of democracies under threat from absolutist regimes; touchy-feely love-ins were no defence when the soviets were strong, and cannot defend us agains ISIS or an expansionist, neo-nationalist Russia. Nor are they any basis for rational decisions about the economy.
Have a read at this fantasy in the Gruniard:
Something new is happening in British politics. This image captures it
You can’t stop a barrage of AK-47 fire with a sunflower.
No they did not shake hands though he did go over to Nigel. The only one who shook hands with him was suprisingly Jimmy Crankie..
I’m currently enduring the BBC attempting to spin away Farage’s claim, with their imaginary “worm” that always manages to favour their glorious leader Miliband…
Who would have ever seen that coming?
There was nothing about this debate that could have been trusted. Miliband was called out for telling lies (which he was), the dreaded coven couldn’t be believed, the BBC cannot be trusted and the audience were biased.
In the spin-room afterwards, everyone was spinning there own positions for what it was worth. In the newsroom, Rita Chuckabutty was sitting amongst a bunch of people professing to be “undecideds” (how they verify that is anyone’s guess) and then there is the dreaded worm.
What justification is there for any reliance being placed upon the integrity of the worm in such circumstances, and yet it does apparently have the ability to move people’s thinking.
The audience was selected in an unbiased manor by ipsos mori.
Now, a worm is being analysed by none other than the boss of ipsos mori himself which not only shows a poor showing for Nigel but shows that the ipsos mori worm did not like it when the ipsos mori audience was criticised by Nigel.
This analysis was presented by the BBC as gospel.
What a f’ing disgrace.
Missed a trick, ought to have called It for what it was, called dimble dum a crook and walked out.
Group think in operation.
Or in worm software code – GIGO – garbage in , garbage out.
It’s becoming incredibly nasty now – and as ever, far more so from the left….Where-ever UKIP have a sporting chance of election victory, we’re going to see creatures like this one below attempting to subvert democracy….The BBC do their pitiful indoctrination of the public via the T.V. – People like Lowles intimidate the public on the streets of Britain..
Look everyone, when a Welsh nationalist, a member of the YEStapo and a lentil-eating woodturner from the Greens all get frenetic applause at the utterance of a mere syllable, you just know the audience is biased beyond all reasonable doubt.
It’s the loonification of a great deal of the once great British public over the years. We’ve really lost it as a people and it will be little short of a miracle if we ever get ‘it’ back.
Think about the enormous force for good we once were in the world and what that means.
Correct Hippiepooter. If the people of Rotherham, Rochdale and a score of other northern cities, still vote Labour, after it was widely known that the prevous Labour givernment permitted the gang rape of their young girls – then there is no hope.
There may still be hope, but it may have to wear an army uniform. Sorry to say it, but that is what is beingprovoked, perhaps intentionally.
From a Tory PPC…
Have a look at the CEO Ben Pages twitter account concerning tonight’s debate: Scroll down and do not be surprised:
Tweets by benatipsosmori
What a complete and utter farce. Democracy in action? You are having a laugh. If this was a BBC initiative, then I wonder how much ipsosmori got paid for it? Bias what bias?
Oh, how surprising… A far-Left Marxist as the CEO of a major polling organisation. This country is heading for major civil strife.
I asked Page why Farage didn’t receive a solitary cheer, given his audience were “wholly representative” of the British public, and guess what?…he blocked me – no ifs or butts…
Four socialists and a libertarian. It was never going to be anything close to a balance debate, with Special Ed and the girls all basically singing from the same hymn sheet. The whole thing was a travesty, but, by God, Nigel doesn’t half spice things up nicely!
I don’t watch BBC politics. Their presenters and producers are smug, arrogant and narrow-minded. They live on their own little political planet.
I wonder if an organisation which receives funds from a compulsory licence fee should be allowed to broadcast political programmes when they show themselves to be incapable of anything approaching impartiality.
They know they have secure funding so they blatantly patronise viewers who complain, pretending to listen to criticism; treating us all like fools, because they can. Basically, they have a licence to do whatever they wish; to peddle whatever naive, narrow-focused reality/propaganda they believe in.
Yes, ‘How do they continue to get away with it?’ is the big question. ‘The licence fee’ – may be the answer. I think it is a great thing in itself but it is being destroyed by the short-sighted, mindless exploitation of arrogant BBC mandarins.
“Tory Backs Farage In BBC Bias Row,
Corporation Selected Anti-UKIP Londoners.”
Ever wondered why Cameron refused to appear on the BBC leadership election debate?
He’s played a blinder by appearing on ITV only, because even the Tories figured out, the BBC would attempt to manipulate everything in favour of Red Ed.
On Radio 4’s The World Tonight there was no Conservative representative in the commentator’s panel, the poor UKIP chap was ridiculed for suggesting the bias of the audience. It made me realise in this relentless onslaught that the Tories & UKIP really ought to get together. The left is everywhere & exceedingly powerful, time for a fight back from a united right!
The Leader Of The Conservative Party is on record as saying that UKIP supporters are ‘fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists’. It’s hard to see the basis for unity. On the major issues of Europe and immigration, he is perfectly aligned with The Labour Party. Maybe that’s the natural coalition?
That was nearly ten years ago…when many were. Remember Robert Kilroy-Silk?
Kilroy-Silk was executed for daring to criticise the arabs.
The Tory party would need to move away from it’s left wing bias first, on the major policies they are no different to the 4 loons attacking UKIP.
It’s really important for everyone to understand that the democratic process becomes subverted and corrupted if people aren’t well-informed and there isn’t a free press. Otherwise democracy can’t function. Thankfully, there are alternatives. There is the slightly ossified newspaper press and there is of course the internet. I think the bias, which has become so blatant and has led to sites like this one are very necessary and opening people’s eyes. Democracy works best when the entire public is engaged.
Farage made me laugh again though,
Dimbleby: Nigel, this is an audience that has been carefully chosen…
Farage: Very Carefully.
“BBC’s David Dimbleby clashes with Nigel Farage over Ukip leader’s ‘left-wing’ debate audience claims”
That’s an understatement . Sign here ……
Most of us already have.
79424 to go !
I must say I’m despairing considerably. The outcome of this (or any election) is hugely important. As always I only ever want to apply the best judgement to what I’m presented with. Tonight is just the latest in literally countless examples that I have sincerely grimaced at with the public funded broadcaster. Whatever the results of the election, how depressing is it to know that it surely would be quite different with truly fair and impartial treatment and broadcasting? As is known by everyone these days…the power of advertising, power of influence, power of suggestion.. what on earth is happening in this country?
I’m a person that very much prefers to make a positive change to do something rather than to whine about it. If there is anyone that has the know how to try and drive actionable change on this, please let me know.
Enough is really enough now. Its frankly depressing.
I , don`t know what you are complaining about , this is always the norm on the BBC , & when Millipeed /SNP take over on the 8th or 9th May , they will make it seem totally weird for anyone to have, even a centre right point of view . The BBC will be laughing all the way to the bank, because Millipeed , will reward them with a huge licence fee increase . Its even written into Labour`s manifesto , how wonderful the BBC is.
…..And what exactly have the Tory’s done about the bBC in the last 5 years?
Frozen the licence fee , but the Lib Dems would not allow the Tories to abolish it . A bill would have to be passed in parliament , we do not live in a dictatorship yet . Even your leader Farage would not abolish it , without a bill in parliament . But he ain`t going to be in power .
“Lib Dems would not allow the Tories to abolish it”
Yes because Dave was too weak a leader to be able to win an election in his own right, even after 13 years of a dire Labour administration (especially 2007 -2010).
The Labour time of Blair & Brown was cheer leadered by the BBC , with constant pro Labour bias , so it was harder to win out right .You have answered your own question though , & you will have to live with the BBC now, as Millipeed , will never abolish it , & will increase the licence fee ,to reward the BBC for its support.
There is as much chance of Cameron abolishing the licence fee as there is of him offering his ‘neverendum’
If the bBC made life difficult for the Tory’s just imagine how high UKIP would be riding were they were they unbiased..
But kippers won`t be in power , & they won`t abolish the BBC, even if they were in power ,its all fantasy ukip policies, which they don`t have, & there will not be a referendum now, because Millipeed won`t hold one. You will be saying this in 5 years time, & nothing will have changed , its not even in the kipper manifesto .
agree with Essex Man – everyone has to vote Tory to try to stop the incoming Lab/SNP coalition – they will finish us off for good. Sturgeon wouldn’t be out of place in the Soviet Party and Miliband is hopeless on all levels
Wish I could emigrate come the 8th May
Of course you agree with him. You are him.
huh what?! How am I Essex Man?
I , am not Simon , but I am glad , not everyone is viewing ukip, through rose tinted glasses , in a democratic country , kippers need to be scrutinised too.
Essex Man, some of us are not viewing UKIP through rose-tinted glasses but are viewing them as the very last hope this country has of remaining this country. Unlike you who view Cameron through Blue-opaque glasses as you don’t see what he’s really doing and has done.
Winning an election? Not a weakness, it’s a tall order for anyone that is right of the Marxist hegemony that we have in this country.
Consider the obstacles to a Cameron majority:
Left wing client state
Brown’s / Miliband’s Class war
Rigged boundaries
Population replacement – immigration that would ‘rub the right’s noses in it ‘(only 17% of immigrants vote Tory)
“Population replacement – immigration that would ‘rub the right’s noses in it ‘(only 17% of immigrants vote Tory)”
Very true, but they haven’t exactly done much about it in the last 5 years have they? (and please don’t blame the coalition)
Get a ruling against the BBC for getting funding from the EU for promoting the EU which is against the BBC Charter.
If this was done then the BBC’s Charter becomes null and does the fee
Then sign here ……
Thankyou, I’ve put my signature down. Although there’s a lot of bits and pieces in there, with nothing explicitly regarding their inability to be impartial players.
If anyone with more time on their hands than me cares to initiate a public petition addressing the issue of BBC bias in general I would love to support it. (providing there is nothing offensive of course).
I’m sure many have felt the insult over skewed and unprofessional reporting on countless news stories and election coverages over recent years and despite people trying to speak up individually- its repeatedly brushed aside.
Until a political leader baldly states that Political Correctness is every inch as evil as racism and the BBC is the worst enabler of it, the evil that beats at the heart of the BBC cannot be dealt with.
There is no political leader that is stating this, not anywhere near it.
It should be the major political issue, as PC is killing our democracy.
On the PM programme Dimbledore was saying that Ed Miiliband would be in a pincer from the three women on the left and Farage on the right ie; 4 against Milliband .
I knew he would be wrong .
Take consolation from the fact that, during the Euros, the more Ukip was attacked, the higher their polling results went.
The “debate” tonight was awful in terms of audience bias. Given that polls consistently show a majority of UK citizens want to see a reduction in immigration, it beggars belief that the leftie women should have been cheered to the rafters so much by a “representative” audience.
dimblebum said that we;ve decided to not include a question about the NHS.WHO are the WE,ICM as thick as thieves with BBC/Guardian/sainsburys.
Nigel was right,the bias was staggering and yet the tories still luuuurve the BBC. Idiots.Go UKIP GO.
Vote here and tell your pals to do the same ……
Just copying my comment over from the other thread:
That picture of Sturgeon, Bennett and Wood closing in on Ed to shake his hand at the end was particularly gruesome. It reminded me of the three witches in Macbeth when they told him he was going to be king. The shape of things to come? Cameron better get his finger out.
I think David Dimbleby represents everything that is great about the BBC, but he’d be more loyal to it if he recognised that a ‘long march’ has been going through it for the last 30 years.
I remember the 1st Gulf War 1991 when a Baghdad bomb shelter had been hit by a cruise missile. DD was in the studio and Jeremy Bowen doing his moral outrage routine to camera from the bombsite, doing everything a tyrant could possibly ask for from propaganda stooge.
Dimbleby asked him in a tone that implied it was a set-up by Saddam Hussein to discredit the US Coalition, “But Jeremy, what were they doing there?”. Bowen went ballistic. “They were sheltering from the bombs! It’s a bomb shelter!”
He really hated it that Dimbleby had just undermined his propaganda schtick for Saddam, and it really underlined just what a shill Bowen is for any monster who hates Jews.
Dimbleby decided not to pursue it further and ‘resumed normal service’, but it was a very telling moment.
Dimbleby knows what’s gone wrong at the BBC and he does a disservice to himself and this Great British Institution that he otherwise serves so well by not saying anything.
Maybe so but that does nor absolve him from letting the lies come into our world.
An enabler is as guilty if nor more so than the perpetrator.
Maybe that is true, but somehow he steels himself to accept his forty grand a month salary. What a fucking hero.
Sturgeon was cranking up the need for Miliband to do a deal with her:-
“Is this the best Private Eye celebrity lookalike EVER?”
80% of the British public are concerned about immigration but the audience in this evenings circus were the opposite . Al Beeb are really and truly biased .
Vote here
What proportion of the UK population support the SNP? Five percent?
What proportion of the BBC audience supported Nichola Sturgeon? At least 25 to 30 percent.
Don’tcha just love the Beeb?
And, ironically-
“Let the SNP run the BBC, says Salmond:
Anger at ominous threat by Scottish nationalists to place the ‘biased’ Corporation under state control ”
(March, 2015.)
Read more:
There is a good article in the comment section of today’s FT by Martin Wolf, explaining how the SNP are milking and will milk the English for all they are worth. Ed “two kitchens” will be happy to write the blank cheque.
I too noticed that Nigel walked off at the end instead of shaking the hands of the Unite/Unison audience in the front row like Millipede and the 3 witches.
Well the good news is that Mr Farage drew the viewing public’s attention to the fact that the audience was rigged.
Hopefully some of the non-committed, having been alerted to the fact, will now realise what has happened.
Dingleberry rebuked Farage for criticising his (Farage’s) audience.
A polling bloke on Sky said that he actually did the right thing. Farage’s remarks were aimed at the people at home, who know all too well how biased BBC audiences can be.
What does this overused word ‘progressive’ mean?
Where do our separatist leaders of Wales and Scotland and bunny rabbits want us to progress to?
The broad, sunlit uplands of a socialist state, where the workers by hand and by brain dance around the corpses of their capitalist oppressors, and then starve to death.
Ah, just like Cambodia… that socialist paradise.
The best thing Farage can do is expropriate Thatcher from the (ex) Tory Party and tell us he’s going to do what Margarat Thatcher did ‘Speak the truth to the British people’.
Rubbish from Montgomerie as usual. The people in the shires took note and I hope were not amused by the so obvious bias in the audience.
Yeah ,& all those shires vote Tory , do you really think ukip will have more than 3 seats ?
Do you doubt that just one MP – Nigel Farage – would be a real thorn in Cameron’s side? I could maybe change my views on Bercow if he was to constantly call ‘Nigel Faraaaggee!’
One thing we’ve learned at this election is that Cameron is just a PR spiv. He is useless as a debater. He’s scared of Miliband and petrified of Farage. Journalists at the manifesto launch were not allowed to hold the microphone in case they asked a proper follow-up question to Cameron’s prepared mantra!
To add spice, Farage seems to despise Cameron. I’ll be getting in extra popcorn for Wednesdays if South Thanet goes UKIP.
It won`t ,it will stay Tory ,you can save your money ,even Reckless seat will go Tory , which it should be , never mind , in 3 weeks or so , you can throw your verbal bricks at Millipeed & Salmond , your new Master`s , Respect .I guess you may even switch to SNP ,or Labour after the election.
“Millipeed & Salmond , your new Master`s”
Master’s what? enabler? That will be Cameron who will have caused this disaster, and those who are still too blinkered to see that the Conservative Party is no longer fit for purpose..
This from the last thread
“One can suppose that, to complete the No10 orchestration of this whole embarrassing charade.
They will have those very people who have weasled
out of this debate, hilariously pontificating over it, at the end,
The BBC ought to be ashamed … No10 want a Tory free debate, so after keep it that way … stick it to them on their lies, and no Tory/Lib commentators post debate”
and … Just as expected, post debate, wall to wall spinners, and Tories, and Libdeds.
it was frankly a disgrace
Probably not but the UKIP vote will be large and this is what is needed. My constituency is Tory for ever but a large UKIp vote will unsettle them here.
You forget that UKIp are the real inheritors of Tory thinking and tradition and the effect of a large UKIP vote on the Tory party nationwide will eventually really count.
More fantasy fiction again , but if you are sure , put your life savings on at Bet Fred or another bookies ,tomorrow.
You’re as deluded as the left, Essex Man. You think if Cameron says something, Blair style, and gets the vote, then it’s done, it’s worked, it’s been a success. Mass immigration will not be a success for the indigenous population of this country. Having it organised by Cameron in preference to Miliband doesn’t alter the fact.
just sickening far left bias last night against nigel farage not only from the 3 witches of eastwick andf robotic red ed,but this auidience sounded like a branch meeting of the socalist workers party,question time after on bbc 1 was no better with the whooping howling left invited mob.but it is going to get alot worst tonight 8pm any questions on radio 4.yes nigel farage is on,but have a guess who the bbc have on purpose invited onto the panel,yes hamsa yousef of the snp who has reported to the police the ukip mep david coburn accusing him of racism and if that is not a stitch up of nigel farage by the bbc what is,expect real hatred tonight on any questions towards nigel farage from the audience and the panel,i think nigel might need extra security tonight if the left wing mob turns up.
The problem with TV and radio debates is that the presenter of the show has to keep the debate ‘fizzing’, which means he/she has to interrupt when someone is trying to convey an important message because explaining that message always takes longer than the average attention span of left-wing viewers/listeners.
Much easier to get applause by using sound bytes like; “The Tories want to privatise the NHS” [2 seconds] – “Immigrants are not to blame for the housing crisis” [2.5 seconds] – “We will add an extra £2.5BN to NHS funding” [3 seconds – depending on whether you’re speaking in your allocated time (Ed Miliband could stretch this sound byte to 10 seconds), or if you’re in full debate with the plebs – that’s the other parties].
Beyond 3 seconds and the armchair socialists will be back on Twits outraging themselves with yet more rumours of injustices in the world and starting a petition asking me to sign and send some money somewhere to help while they sit back safe in the knowledge that they have done their bit for society.
Is there anyone out there who can save us from this relentless movement to prevent rational political thought from actually making a positive difference to our society?
great post Edward
Part of the problem lies with the Facebook Generation who haven’t had a proper education and aren’t capable of rational thought. That is why they fall for the “caring” sound bytes and constant terms used such as “progressive” (aka jackboot leftie) appeal to people as it makes them feel intelligent when they aren’t plus if you aren’t “progressive” you obviously eat babies for breakfast and wipe your mouth with fifty pound notes like all right wing and conservative people do
the left control the media so therefore control the non-debates that happen in this country
Glad to hear you’re a man of rational thought!
Maybe you could outline a set of rational policies for this election and explain how they would improve things.
As far as I can see there are two differing opinions those that believe austerity economics works and those that dont.As far as I know there is no academic evidence that austerity can grow an economy. The kipper in the woodpile appears to be Farage who appears to think that everything is to do with foreigners. Please explain.
What was I saying about sound bytes and short attention spans?
I do not think the whole ” Facebook Generation” is unable to think rationally. Certainty I can. I feel the media assumes that we do not pay too much attention unless its in the same short format that they assume we consume.
The BBC love doing this.
Brilliant summary Edward: until we regain control of education, we are fighting a losing battle.
The tories and UKIP are polling what percentage at the moment nationally ?
And yet a Beeb QT audience doesn’t seem to have more than a handful amongst them
Shame – the DG should resign
If not resign, this morning he has serious questions to answer.
He needs to get off his fat laissez faire arse and sort this out…the very least he can do is give the British people an assurance that the QT style leaders debate in a few weeks will not descend into this sort of farce and the audience will be properly selected or excluded altogether
Lord Hall-Hall will do sweet FA about last night’s disgrace. Since he became DG the BBC has moved even further to the Left. The shyster is obviously encouraging the impartial conduct.
“Lord Hall-Hall”
How accurate, how apposite, still laughing.
Thank you Andy S.
Finally someone on live TV in front of a massive audience points out what we all know about the BBC. No wonder they hate Farage so much!
Only caught the end of it but I guessed the state of the audience pretty quickly and at the end with the witches cackling “get rid of the Tories” over and over. It wouldn’t surprise me if that debate leads to more people voting Conservative and Cameron was right to no-show as like with that crappy kids debate on BBC3 – anything on the BBC from the Tories point of view will be a deliberate mauling.
I think “debates” without Cameron and Clegg are pointless. It is just giving a platform to views totally unrepresentative of the UK as a whole.
What are we left with, 3 extreme left-wing parties, Labour and UKIP. Hardly balanced.
Red Ed compared to the 3 loony lefties came over as the voice of moderation and reason!
Come on, in all honesty, what did you all expect?
Only ONE way to fight back, and everyone has the same chance to change things in May, IF they’ve a mind to.
The BBC needs to provide details about the audience selection process. How many were UKIP supporters? There should be transparency and full disclosure.
They claim the audience was “scientifically selected” to ensure balance, but it appears not a single person was a UKIP supporter.
Hopefully one of the Sunday papers will do some digging.
Go here..
Tweets by benatipsosmori
Ask Ben Page (The head of Ipsis mori) any question you like about lasts nights audience – how he personally “scientifically selected” a group where-by there wasn’t a single cheer or positive reaction for anything that Farage said……..And I’ll guarantee you one thing and one thing only…..Ben Page – Mr IPSIS MORI will block you straight away….
Its hardly surprising no one cheered Farage. He didn’t remotely say anything relevant. If he did maybe you could tell me what it was and why its worth cheering.
Here’s your starter for ten: He pointed out that a lot of the housing shortage is due to 300k net immigration. The others missed that.
See no, Hear no, Speak no, MOCO.
Immigration is irrelevant?
Housing supply is irrelevant?
Skills shortage is irrelevant?
Trident is irrelevant?
Our armed forces are irrelevant?
Our veterans are irrelevant?
Funding our (Inter)NHS is irrelevant?
Our national Debt (and by extension our children and grandchildrens’ future prosperity) is irrelevant?
I’m not too sure what could possibly constitute ‘relevant’ in the insulated bubble within which you exist.
Yes yes we can all create a shopping list but its the context in which they are raised an the political and economic model in which they are placed. Farage appeals to some basic instincts much that if the electorate were all under 4 a platform of free icecream would get you elected.
Mr Sophistication ; that’s you. Superior to the great unwashed. That’s what the final Romans thought… and look what happened to them. You’re a fool.
Don’t feed the troll. Reply to him and he’ll come straight back with another irrelevant comment.
When dumbledore said that the audience was selected randomly but made up the views of the contestants he was right – 80% left, 20% (barely) right.
Mustering all the editorial integrity for which she us justly renowned, BBC Newsnight’s Allegra Stratton calls it impartially on twitter:
“Ed Miliband has had a pretty good night. David Cameron really should have been here. This makes this election even more interesting.”
Jasmine would be proud.
Has Ed screwed her too?
She’s British; he’ll get around to it soon enough.
Don’t know – but he’ll screw Britain.
Around 2pm last night, the Daily Mail has a nasty article about Farage in the debate.
But the site also featured a ‘readers’ poll which showed Farage was was ahead by 62% – can’t find it this morning. Vote UKIP.
The latest snidey Mail article has readers’ comments. Not going too well for the liberal left.
Once again the liberal elite , so cocksure , has screwed up. The people in the shires will have noticed and they are not to to be taken for fools.
The BBC must be staffed by idiots . To deny that audience was rigged is to deny reality. Oh I forgot this is a defining feature of liberalism
To anyone who thought about what the 3 witches were saying it is clear that they have a very large magic money tree somewhere hidden in a sacred grove. They are completely crackers and their policies, if enacted, would plunge the country into a recession far, far worse than anything we have seen since the 30’s. Of course we know that the Mad Marxist would like to join them and undoubtedly will if elected when he can ditch his pretense of being economically sensible.
How these looneys can stand there and tell us that having millions of migrants plus their ever growing number of offspring, in our country, is not a major, if not the major, contribution to the housing shortage and school problems etc , is beyond belief. Do they think we are so stupid as to believe that drivel?
As to the bias of the audience there are only two explanations , either it was selected with a large far left bias, o, those who weren’t leftists were cowed into silence for some reason or other. Perhaps being at a BBC event makes non leftists fearful.
I am now thinking that the PM will get a very rough ride when he appears on Question TIme shortly. Even if a few Tories have slipped into the audience they will be terrified into silence by the leftist surrounding them who no doubt will bay for his blood and scream their support for the Mad Marxist.
Yes all the noise in the audience came from lefties. But on several occasions it looked as though a lot of people in the audience were not joining in the applause for leftie nonsense, they were just sitting on their hands.
which suggests the audience selection wasn’t biased doesn’t it?
Ermm…. No. It suggests no such thing.
what does it suggest then.
I would say that if some people applaud some views and others don’t then there is a divergence of opinion in the audience. I didn’t notice anyone goose stepping which probably suggests that the divergence isn’t as wide as perhaps some would like but it nonetheless suggests a spread of views.
I’m suggesting that what you suggest it suggests is merely an irrelevant suggestion on your part.
Why don’t we just accept that BBC audiences are lefty , shouting hissing thick prejudiced morons and try to make it known to the normal folks that the audience is in an inverse proportion to normality .
Can someone develop a boohissgrowlometer that gives an indication of how acceptable someone is to normal folk by the reaction of the SWP retards in the BBC audience?
why dont ‘we’ provide some evidence of bias,since currently no one has done that so far.
‘In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king’
You haven’t been paying attention MOCO – my comment from last night follows for your convenience. Check the tape, as I’m sure you will do:
“Wow ! 20.50Hrs BBC1. Rigged audience! I’m shocked!
Cheers and name check between Leanne Woods (Plaid C) on BBC debate after Dimbleby had denied the audience being rigged. Also, just beforehand, when Natalie Bennett summarised about the Middle East (and gave a sterling living example of “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing”), a gaggle of ‘supporters’ yelped their support.
The audience is shipped in and didn’t read the ‘keep it down’ memo.
It seems that Mr Farage is the only non-fantasist. The only one who can even talk about 300,000 extra people requires x0,000 new homes. What a state our politics is in. The economic incoherence of Ed, Leanne, Natalie and Nicola is depressingly breath-taking. Basic supply and demand. And their faux concern for the poor is sickening considering the impoverishment that would result from the implementation of their ‘policies’ (a term I hesitate to associate with the incoherent ramblings I am being offered.)
And Nigel isn’t the one who wants to hoover up skilled Liberian/Malaysian/Nigerian Doctors and nurses who mustn’t have sick people to attend to in their own countries. But that’s the nasty, inherently immoral LibLabConGreenSNP idea of foreign aid! Nick all their doctors and send them some aid money that we don’t even have! LibLabCon are people farmers, farming our work through taxes and inflation and bribing corrupt governments, so poor people in our country suffer and poor people in foreign countries suffer.
Should we not clean up our own back yard and start training our own young people before we ‘help’ the rest of the world, by depriving Liberia/Malaysia/Nigeria of their desperately needed and highly skilled citizens?
And Special Ed is going race baiting. What a waste of skin Ed Miliband is. He has learned his art well. Divide and rule!
In case you didn’t realise. I’ll be voting UKIP ….”
Bravo, Angryman, bravo.
(March 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm)
“I contribute here because I am highly critical of BBC news…..”.
Then sign up here MOCO…..
To the best of my knowledge, and despite requests, MOCO has always fought shy of expanding on what concerns him about BBC News.
So here is another golden opportunity to enlighten us!
Manon, would you say the Telegraph is biased ?
Next question, Is Manon etc., an Al Beeb Sockpuppet ?
I refuse to reply to that roache person as it would disrupt the flow of the discussions. But I look forward to the post election period when whoever is paying this person to troll here,and probably slewhere, terminates the arrangement