Yes, stoney silence for Farage when you would expect from 1 in 10 to 1 in 5 members of the audience to be UKIP supporters if the opinion polls are anything to go by. Obviously a “representatative audience” is one that has been purified by removing any UKIP “contamination”.
I could not bear to watch this tendentious drivel any more when some twat gave the mindlessly stupid “i’m not going to blame immigrants” response when Farage pointed out that if there was a housing shortage, annual net migration of 300,000 would only add to the problem. Denying a simple mathematical fact that anyone can grasp is so typical of these dim, morally defective mainstream politicians.
I switched over to German TV. The Maybrit Illner talkshow was on. The topic “Ist Tröglitz überall?”. After 60 attacks on refugee centres in the last 6 months all over Germany The mainstrean numbskull politicians are puzzled..Where is all this hate and beastliness is coming from?. Why are we getting death threats from the public?. Like their British counterparts who accuse UKIP of stirring the racist pot they denounce AfD and PEGIDA for causing the rejection of asylum seekers. The mainstream politicians, whether in Britain or Germany , seem to think their sole purpose is to deliver moral lectures about the joys of cohesive diversity or Willkommenskultur to a grateful public.
Most Germans and Britains are reluctant to see their towns turned into third world shit holes. If they wanted to live in a third world shit hole they would emigrate to Pakistan or Turkey.
Democracy is about the WILL of the people, not what halo-polishing, living saint politicians think the people SHOULD want based on dubious multicultural claptrap and other utopian fantasies
It is highly probable that in the unlikely event that the inevitable Milliband government should allow a TV debate prior to the next Election in 2020, there will be a representative from an Islamist Party which will undoubtedly be formed during the next 5 years. It will be interesting (or maybe frightening) to see the ‘representative’ audience reaction at that event and at QTs.
Agreed about the rise of an Islamist party with special cultural demands. Of course the three main parties will try to capture the potential Islamist voters by kow-towing to their every demand.
I suggest that worried Sheiks, Hindus etc. will feel compelled to create their own parties to counter the Muslim threat.
What will be left for the British; Catholic or Protestant parties?.
Until the arrival of Respect(?!) the fourth largest party on the Birmingham Council, I kid you not, was the Free Kashmir party. It’s only policy was to free from Indian control a partial Muslim State thousands of miles away.
It was a terrorist supporting organization and had four members on the Birmingham Council. I think we can all work out what will happen when our political system is taken over by extremists.
Perhaps we should ditch Trident, before it comes under the control of our home grown terrorist party
We’ll not get our senses back until the great house of cards collapses. Maybe if Greece goes and there is a domino effect through Spain, Italy, etc., the UK will be brought down to earth with a bump and reality will intrude on the lives of the ‘progressive’ fantasists. Nothing will change until then. could happen soon, but the EU enthusiasts know the danger to their project – they’ll move heaven and earth to keep it together. Could stumble on for years yet. A collapse in China would shake things up as well. Could happen – you can never trust the figures they publish.
One error. You think we have a democracy. You really are ‘havin’ a larf’.
We have a One Party State in order to achieve a One World Government. Any dissenters will be rounded up to attend re-education camps to be known as ‘Gulags’. Run by G4S and Sodexho.
I wonder if it will ever be admitted that basically humans are tribal creatures. We were for our own survival naturally suspicious, if not hostile, to other humans from different tribes, thus civilisation was nurtured & trade the positive intereaction between tribal groups.
I don’t think human instincts have altered much, so it is completely unnatural for us to happily exist with anyone, wherever they come from. Chauvinism for race & nation is still a natural emotion, it cannot be dictated out of us, the only way would us to genetically evolve. This might happen but we are not there yet or even for a few millennia to come.
Anyone know why Plaid Cymru got an invite, but the Dems didn’t?
Are the BBC afraid of another Tory government propped up by the Lib Dems, perchance, knowing that their best chance of survival lies with having Red Ed as PM?
That is the greatest ever deceit, coming from the party of deceit. The broadcasters stood on their heads trying to get Cameron to agree, but he adamantly refused more than one debate, and even that had to be long before polling day. Slick Dave and Mister Green spun it as ‘broadcasters in chaos’. The broadcasters had to arrange this without him… and so technically he can spin it as ‘I wasn’t asked’. What a deceitful scumbag our Prime Minister is.
This from the last thread
“One can suppose that, to complete the No10 orchestration of this whole embarrassing charade.
They will have those very people who have weasled
out of this debate, hilariously pontificating over it, at the end,
The BBC ought to be ashamed … No10 want a Tory free debate, so after keep it that way … stick it to them on their lies, and no Tory/Lib commentators post debate”
Just as expected, post debate, wall to wall spinners, and Tories, and Libdeds.
frankly a disgrace
He is not compelled by law to attend ,but soon your New Masters will be Milipeed & Salmond , so you can demist your venom on them in just over 3 weeks time .
After the audience stitch up last night ,looks like Cameron made the right call.
Its wall to wall Miliband on BBC today.I gather Cameron has made a speech launching the business manifesto but I’m blowed if I can detect any reference to it,and Sky is just as bad.
As far as the polls go,too many polls fishing in too small a pool.Most people I know don’t sign up to fill in online polls and many ask why they never get polled.You shouldn’t have to sign up to be part of a poll,especially for money.
I used to be on the list of a polling company, but I think I kept giving the wrong answers. They sent me a very polite letter which was basically “thank you and now piss off”.
I don’t know where to put this comment so I put it here . Is there any other news other than the British election that Biased BBC commentators are concerned about ? This site is getting so bogged down with one subject it is boring !
Thank you for your application to appear in a televised debate between the leaders of all Britain’s major political parties.
Unfortunately on this occasion your application has not been successful. We have instead decided, for no obvious reason, to broadcast a debate between Ed Miliband and the leaders of four much smaller parties, including two whose appeal is purely regional.
We will however keep your CV on file, in case any future opportunities to appear in a televised debate should arise.
Good old John Pienaar bigging up Labour and the SNP in the post-match spin analysis.
Biased plonker isn`t he?
Cameron did well to stay away-the medias impertinence in summonsing MPs/bankers for the Lefts show trials knows no bounds.
And best of all-we all saw what the Lefts progressive rainbow coalition of the wallies would mean…grandkids money going into the break-up of what remains of this country.
Glad Farage was there too-he was right about lefty bias, it`s now endemic in ANY public forum where the left can get its payroll morons out to abuse, sneer mock and intimidate.
They think tomorrow belongs to them-and they`ll not be paying for the free ride to Utopia.
The English saw what Labour and the rainbow nazis have planned for the white trash of this country, who won`t “get with the programme”.
If only Mrs T had cared as much about the culture wars as she did about economic freedoms.
Thankfully-the progressive cocktail we saw tonight turns out to be rat poison mixed in hemlock-and we(the poor dupes that pay for the likes of Sturgeon) saw all we needed to see tonight.
The left will scorn Cameron refusing to get into the ducking stool-but the real people of this country can see how the Brownshirts turned to tie dye cheesecloth and rainbow jumpers, by way of uniform.
“If only Mrs T had cared as much about the culture wars as she did about economic freedoms.”
That’s the problem right there, chrisH. Not Mrs T’s failings, she had her hands full, the failure is the Conservatives’ inability to find more people like her. If they could do this, instead of trying to be nice and ‘progressive’, Mrs T’s work would be finished by now.
The Conservatives need a leader with passion, who genuinely believes in Conservatism (actually conserving something occasionally would help), and the killer instinct. If the Conservatives don’t appear to believe in Conservatism, nobody else will.
The left have, unfortunately, run rings around Cameron – the left have outsmarted him on everything since he picked up the poisoned chalice Gordon Brown had left in 2010. He deserves everything he is about to get. Sadly the country doesn’t though.
Don’t forget, Cameron wasn’t in favour of gay marriage “despite” being a Conservative, but “because” he was a Conservative. When I heard those words come out of that fatuous buffoon’s mouth, I knew the Conservative Party stood for nothing more than the same right-on PC bullshit as all the other left-wing consensus parties.
It wasn’t even intended to benefit Gays, IMO. It was to make a statement, like so many changes these days, and to water down yet another existing institution.
He should have risked a minority govt without the LimpDims hamstringing his attempts at being a proper conservative.
But then, he styled himself the heir to Blair.
I think that you massively under estimate the effect of 40 years of BBC leftist propaganda has had on the politics of the country. I think that the corporation has succeeded in shifting the thinking of millions of voters significantly leftwards. Completely illegally of course. To keep step with the voters the Tories have also moved leftwards. UKIP have moved into the slot vacated by the Tories on some issues eg immigration, but have many leftist policies in their offer.
Sadly it is true to say that the power of the BBC is such that any party hoping to be more than a marginal one, has to bend the knee to the leftist views of the corporation. Just look at the remorseless attacks on UKIP by the BBC over Europe and immigration. Whilst these attacks may strengthen the core UKIP voters determination to stick with the party, they deter new recruits and ensure that UKIP will not gain more than a few seats.
I don’t think that there has ever been a country that was in effect run by a broadcasting monopoly, but that is what we have in the UK today. Perhaps the word is that we live in a ‘mediaocracy’. We certainly don’t live in a democracy.
The BBC have a new word on the block: Afrophobia. Yup, never heard it before but there in black and white (pun intended) on their BBC World Service web site.
criticising the “white, left-wing bourgeois” for the invention of “Islamophobia”, as a tool to close down debate. I also heard a report on the Worldservice, poor reporter managed to tie himself in knots but eventually spewed out the story.
In the 1980s I was a rep and tended to drive round with Radio 4 on the car radio. One of the interesting programmes was Woman’s Hour. Then suddenly it became wall to wall South Africa, with evil whites oppressing heroic blacks (can I say that in 2015 or do I have to substitute “persons of colour”?). The infection gradually spread to all other Radio 4 programmes until the network became impossible to listen to .
Watching the crap on the BBC news right now. I didn’t watch the “debate”. Farage is talking about allocating housing to British Nationals only to be greeted with complete and utter silence.
Followed by Farage outing the obviously lefty audience and is greeted with booing, and a dip on popularity hand sets, obviously not happy at being busted.
Fed up with smug immigrant/1st Gen immigrant bBC newsreaders (local and national) telling me about immigration to MY country like they really care and almost with a grin on their faces.
Jeff. Dimbleby did not address that question on ‘Question Time’ by Farage. He (Dimbly) well knows that BBC ‘impartiality’ is root and branch of what the BBC is not. For him to state what is clearly not ‘impartial’ is an admittance that they have very few people who want to sit in with left wing agitators who are keen to boo and hiss on orchestra innuendo ad nauseum. My favorite rebuff (to the QT audience) is Melanie Philips who is clearly a better protector of free speech than mumbling fumbling dimbleby will ever be. I gave up watching QT for its lack of judgement and impartiality that it never really had anyway. Who the hell wants to sit with left wing activists for 5 mins of hate diatribe (agreeing with BBC usually) that the BBC claims is wholly ‘representative’ is bollocks. Farage is quite right that the audience are usually overwhelmingly Guardians of the left and Labour activists bussed in to make a show.
IMHO he was quite right to mention it, but I also wanted to draw attention to the worm which has been a bugbear of mine for quite some time, well since the last election to be honest.
There is not much about the worm that has any integrity it seems to me- check this out (min 02.00 onwards). It is quite revealing.
The ecstatic applause for Leanne Wood’s wish to repeal Mrs Thatcher’s trade union legislation and give the unions more power (which will somehow make the economy boom just like it did when that all worked out so well in the 1970s) and the utter silence that greeted any comment by Farage, even the ones that where he agreed with the others on house-building, says all we need to know about the supposed balance of the audience. How Dimbleby defended it so resolutely looks crazed. Good to see Faisal Islam on Sky News at 10 comment straight away on the audience reactions that “seemed a bit removed from the centre of British political opinion”.
Dimbleby nearly lost it – and was lost for a coherent reponse to the accusation by a young UKIP supporter about the bias and the public petition regarding Nigel Farage’s exclusion from the QT special next week(?). I don’t think I’ve seen him get flustered like that before.
Thanks for that grimer. You got the ‘lost for a coherent response’ and the bit where Dimbleby lied on air about all parties agreeing to the debate formats and inclusivity. The ‘flustered’ bit came just after your clip finishes as he tries to locate ‘the man with the glasses’ who didn’t have glasses.
Good grief! Thats my polite way of not using bad language. Is anyone watching newsnight special from Northern Ireland? Ewan evans has already hammered Nigel Dodds from the dup for 10 minutes about gay rights.
What a joke!!!
From Daniel Hannan (2014) on the BBC License fee quotes here from Andrew Marr (applies equally to Question Time)…
‘The BBC, as Andrew Marr put it, is not so much partisan as culturally biased. There was a neat demonstration on Twitter the other day. How long, I asked playfully, before the Corporation started calling Vladimir Putin, a former KGB man who rails against Ukrainian nationalism, “Right-wing”? A BBC radio producer Tweeted back crossly that it was a perfectly fair way to describe him since he was conservative. Hmm: what he wants to conserve is the old order of the USSR, but never mind: in Beebspeak, “Right-wing” simply means “baddie”’
For years, the left – especially feminists – have been getting a lot of mileage from abuse they receive on twitter and other social media. Individuals like Caroline Criado-Perez and Stella Creasy have milked it. But until now, the Tories and their propagandists at the Torygraph have remained above this tactic. That has changed – check out this pathetic effort from journalist Christopher Hope. There was a time when an individual who aspired to be thought of as a ‘man’ would have cringed at such a performance. Not any longer, it seems. The plaintive piano nearly brought a tear to my eye.
For two days, the media have run the lie that Nigel Farage orchestrated or encouraged the so-called ‘abuse’ Hope suffered. It’s interesting that Hope himself makes clear here that Farage was simply clapping the appearance of ‘Black and Asian Ukippers’
It was a fair question to ask , why give him abuse , kippers behaving like the hard left . Very un English , & the kippers must have something to hide, from the electorate .
It was a fair question to ask , why give him abuse , kippers behaving like the hard left . Very un English , & the kippers must have something to hide, from the electorate .
Garbage. Just another posh Toryboy trying for glory by ‘getting Farage’. He was surrounded by ethnic UKIP candidates, so his smear was unjustified. Anyway; in best Mister Green style, you’ve ignored my point about a grown man whinging over trivial tweets.
Foggy ,& Geoff, its obviously getting to you , you won`t get anything you want now , I don`t care what name Grant is using , but he will be an MP , & Farage won`t , you can rant n rave all you like. I now predict , because of ukip , there will be no referendum , & still a BBC in 5 years time . There will be no one to blame but the kippers .Don`t vote ukip , Millipeed will be PM, get real.
Is there a prescribed number of black faces that should appear on a manifesto front/back? How many yellow faces? How many male faces with beards. How many female faces with beards?
Essex Man
It wasn’t a fair question, it wasn’t even a relevant question. He was there to stir the shit, like his mates at the appalling excuse for a newspaper known as the Telegraph. Take your pick from a long list of so called ‘journalists’ who pen the garbage produced by this down market rag.
Below is a classic example of one of Hopes’ recent offerings :-
What Nigel Farage actually said :- “I want to live in a community where our kids play football in the streets of an evening and live in a society that is at ease with itself.
And I sense over the last decade or more we are not at ease.
If we went to every town up eastern England and spoke to people about how they felt, their town, their city had changed in the last 15 years, there is a deep level of discomfort, because if you have immigration at these sorts of levels integration doesn’t happen.”
What Hope reported :-
“Britons are so ill at ease with levels of immigration in their towns that their children cannot play football with their neighbours in the streets, Nigel Farage has said.”
The Telegraph’s heading on the story says “Children cannot play in the streets because of immigrants, says Nigel Farage.
As an aside, I understand other parties’ manifestos don’t contain enough or any photos of ethnic minorities. When can we expect questions asked of them ?
whatever , but the kippers , were all behaving like a bunch of UAF thugs ,to a journalist , they are supposed to be wanting to debate , not beat up , or shout down someone who disagree`s with them .
The ethnic UKIP candidates stood up and made themselves known. That simple act exposed the deceit of the self-styled ‘journalist’, and the UKIP members applauded to show their support for them.
In light of the pathetic tweet reading, with piano accompaniment, don’t you think the Torygraph ‘journalist’ was, on this occasion, effectively acting as a Tory party activist?
“Horror in Calais as Polish drifter heading for Britain rapes and kills girl, nine, after snatching her from playground in front of her terrified mother.”
I did read that and felt physically sick. What if that happened to one of my own little daughters. Perish the thought.
I feel so sorry for her mother. But i feel so angry that this was ever allowed to happen.
Another fault of our sick left wing liberal elite who now run this country.
JoCoburn is really letting herself down. She is developing lazy questioning technique and aggressive, evasive tone. Which is a shame, because she has a real pro’ as a mentor.
In her confrontational interview with Patrick O’Flynn, UKIP representative, she included a predetermined ‘statement question’ (i.e. a statement disguised as a question), starting with “….The truth is ….” And stating that voting for UKIP would be a vote for Labour and keep the Conservatives out, even though, when analysed, her statement could not be reasonably described as “the truth”.
But then again, it is a prequalification (Brillo excused) of Beeboids to believe that the truth is always debateable, and that the word ‘truth’ essentially has no meaning.
Get a grip Jo! And learn from Andrew whilst you can, because you’ll miss him when he’s gone. When he’s on form, his surgical questioning can reveal useful content (or usually lack thereof) in the interviewee. When he’s on form, Neil is a weapons grade ‘Bullshit Detector’.
Credit to Giles Dilnot for his word-smithery and mixing with us plebs.
Poor show though in all. And the Polish self-confessed self-publicist / exhibitionist / ‘Austrian Prince’ (who hasn’t lived in Austria for some time) who wants a duel with Farage, because…? Because roads get more congested when there is an increase in population and infrastructure isn’t improved in a planned fashion and Farage wants to help do something about it. What’s all that about Neil? Sort it out and stick to the issues, the debt, deficit, social cohesion, schools, education, welfare system. … F8&king ‘Austrian duelling Prince’ as a UKIP are racist meme? FFS.
How one treats an immigrant and the effects of uncontrolled immigration on society, are two distinct and different things. One is simply how one treats another human being, and the other is a function/duty of government – to protect our borders (which currently is not being done). Why don’t Beeboids understand this fundamental difference? Why do they continue to conflate these issues? Are they really that thick? Or is it good old Common Purpose divide and rule?
That deserves to be on every billboard they can afford. Shallow ed and his three simpering admirers, yech!
They really think they’ve got it won don’t they ? Surprised clueless clegg wasn’t there on his knees giving him a blow job as well.
An accurate, and therefore impartial, BBC election ‘debate’ would have had Dimbleby introducing it by saying something like ….
“And on tonight’s panel we have three female far-left feminists, a male (i.e. Uncle Tom) far-left feminist, and Nigel Farrage.”
BBc breakfast review the “debate” although apart from them reporting Farage pointing out the blatantly biased audience you might as well think he was down the pub and not there at all. Labour the reporter tells us think they won. Think they won! What against two fake nationalist parties and a hippy. Special Ed would have had to have done something awesome to not come out on top.
I notice the BBC prominently reported the tragedy of 40 migrants who drowned trying to get from libya to italy.
This story wasn’t given much publicity;
Police arrested a group of migrants in Italy for throwing 12 Christians overboard during a dangerous journey from Libya by rubber boat, CNN reported on Thursday. All those who were thrown overboard died.
Initially I remember hearing it started after a discussion or debate about religion Not sure which channel that was on. But by close of play this had morphed into the Christians been dumped overboard after a scuffle. Sorry again not sure where I heard that as I was busy but the tv was on. I do think Sky reported this if only on the ticker tape.
They are being replaced by new media – most of it online content. Trouble is, every time there is new form of media, the BBC argues it needs to enter the market, all in the name of “public service”. For example, what is the point of a BBC YouTube channel? The whole point of YouTube is it’s individualism – ordinary people recording and uploading videos (some have been very successful doing so) – the BBC wades in and says – we need to promote our content on YouTube – now, every time I go onto YouTube, the BBC channel pops up as a “recommended channel” (a service that presumably, they are paying YouTube for)
I was watching the “Kill the Christians” documentary the other night on BBC2 where Jane Corbin gave a decent account of how Christians have been terrorised into almost extinction throughout the Middle East. A land where Christians and Jews lived for 800 years before the narcisistic Prophet came up with his brand of evil. I thought the documentary was surprisingly balanced for the BBC, but then we had the usual BBC blaming the American / British Allied invasion for de-stablising the whole region. We were told that under Saddam Hussein Christians were treated equally and were safe , there was no sectarian differences between Sunni and Shia Muslims. What Jane Corbin forgot to mention was the fact that Saddam Hussein treated the Shia majority like second class citizens and tortured and killed many of them. There was no mention of two invasions of Kuwait, or how Saddam dammed the Euphrates river to make it infertile for the Marsh Arabs, there was no mention that Saddam did use WMD to kill thousands in Halabja. The BBC have selective memories. I suppose at least the documentary did highlight just how barbaric and intolerent Islam is.
Apparently, the Today team on R4 have been stumped by a maths problem for gifted teenagers. I suspect the use of the politically incorrect “blind” instead of “visually impaired” threw them initially and uttering a correct answer involving “white” was too ethnocentric by far. Of course, claiming that a problem has a single “correct” answer is deeply suspect on ideological grounds as any properly trained teacher would know. No black hats mentioned at all !!?? At least UKIP managed one black face on their manifesto.
In other news, Sky reports the death of a family including children killed in a Saudi bombing raid on their street.
Hospital running out of supplies, people lying untreated.
At least 74 children killed do far.
BBCs coverage ? …………can’t find anything on the website, TV full of red ed “winning” last night. Obviously dead Muslim children are only useful to the bbc when they are killed by Israelis and it doesn’t happen as the same time as more important things closer to their hearts.
The BBC seem to give far more prominence to dozens of drowning African ‘migrants’ than they do to the tens of thousands slaughtered in the Middle East, for some reason…
First of all, there’s no such thing as ‘racism’ ask anyone to define this meaningless word and they will inevitably fail. It is a weapon for use by the Fascist left to subdue and control all opposition, and that is exactly what has happened here.
Confirmed Fascist, GMP commissioner Tony Lloyd has reported the UKIP candidate to the returning officer, despite the fact that this Fascist is not standing for election, and no crime has been committed.
The issues this candidate has been picked up on are minor indeed, it is the Fascist Labour party using the machinery of state to attack a candidate in an election. This is very troubling indeed, because it smacks of totalitarianism.
Tony Lloyd is a time serving Labour arse kisser who would do anything for his political masters. Didn’t like him as a sanctimonious MP and is the worst of tribal and partisan politicians. Only in a Labour fiefdom would this useless tool become a Police Commissioner. In fact he’s the best advert for the abolition of this useless job.
‘….it is the Fascist Labour party using the machinery of state to attack a candidate in an election. This is very troubling indeed, because it smacks of totalitarianism. ‘
It will be nothing compared to what Ed and his Far Left chums get up to once they’re elected. You can kiss a free press goodbye for starters.
BBC1 10pm News last night had a lengthy report on Greville Janner, but in all of it the fact that he was a LABOUR politician was not mentioned. Perhaps if Conservative it would have been the second word in the piece.
“‘Paedophile’ Labour peer who’ll NEVER face justice:
“Victims’ despair and police fury as law chief says Greville Janner will not be charged with 22 sex attacks on children because he ‘has Alzheimer’s’ ”
“Carefully chosen”
“Housing crisis not caused by immigrants says sturgeon, to massive applause from carefully chosen to represent all parties audience. Whilst Farage continues to get a wall of silence from the carefully chosen to represent all parties audience. Am I missing something here?
Anyone notice Sturgeon’s head when she talks? Incapable of keeping her head still……..Nodding side to side and imaginary headbutts everytime she emphasizes a point – Watch!
Ouch! Sturgeon skewered on Sky News. Kay Burley: ‘You hate Thatcher – very strong word’ Sturgeon blusters. Burley: ‘I was brought up in a council house, so were you. My parents bought their house, so did yours’. Sturgeon blustered on with Burley twisting the knife a few times. Painful viewing.
It would appear the website and others critical of the BBC and its “truth” are scoring hits with the general public.
According to a columnist in the DT yesterday YouGov found that 64% among 2000 “British” adults believe Wikipedia tells the truth “a great deal” or ” a fair amount” but only 61% said that about the BBC.
Anyone heard that poll mentioned on Today?
As one of the senior presenters is (possibly now was) a fair sized shareholder in YouGuv you would have thought he would have mentioned it, if only to give YouGov another name check on the BBC.
Glyn Francis, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 28 minutes ago
Just had a meeting in London this morning. The Doubletree Hotel near the BBC is full of people who were at the debate last night. Got speaking to some of them and they admitted they were SNP supporters who were shipped down from Scotland and put up in a hotel. All paid for by the BBC. So much for impartiality!!!!
It may be worth holding fire until better confirmed, and any context explained.
That said, the BBC uniquely funding selected activists down as ‘carefully chosen’ representatives of the public has more than a whiff of any BBC Producer iPhone address book for a vox-pop ‘public’ comment.
Interesting. Lobster posted an official? BBC specification last night [no link]:
Format for tonight’s debate
BBC Election Debate 2015
4. There will be a live audience selected by a reputable polling company mainly from the surrounding region.
That means they are from London, which is a separate BBC region to the South East (where UKIP is strong).
Dimbleby’s form of words when he interrupted Farage was:
selected ‘to represent the balance between all parties.‘ Pretty vague.
Norman ‘Labour Says’ Smith this morning:
‘… represents modern Britain.‘
So, did they choose a sample representative on London, with a chunk of SNP shipped from Scotland to overcome their remote constituency? Who knows? For sure, there wasn’t a lot of UKIP support.
It’s all very imprecise from the Beeb.
It was interesting that, on QT later, there seemed to be a single UKIP supporter who would start clapping and then give up when they found themselves alone.
To be representative surely 30%, or more, of the audience should be those who do not bother to vote, not just “representative of the parties”.
Time for the BBC to select audiences like they do for jurors – random selection from the voting register within x miles of the programme? If you get an invite to “appear” on television many will say yes. Perhaps some of the questions will then be from “ordinary” people, but they still have to pass through the eye of a needle of BBC editorial selection, which makes the BBC the elephant in the room as regards media. That choice of what (not) to put out makes BBC editors the most powerful media individuals in the country.
…”selected ‘to represent the balance between all parties.‘”
And how did they do that, exactly? I’ve heard no-one on any news channel bother to ask that question, let alone investigate Ipsos’s methods. Just stick to the agenda, sneer at Farrage instead.
That would explain why the wee Scottish lass got the most enthusiastic applause of all five leaders, despite talking utter crap – like claiming that the housing crisis was not caused by the flood of hundreds of thousands of immigrants per year.
Jeremy Vine Radio 2, JV asks studio guest who won, he says Miliband followed Sturgeon according to the polls, strange no mention of the poll in the UK’s 2nd best selling newspaper, 5 minutes in still no mention of UKIP…
Priti Patel on DP. Very good performer. Father stood for UKIP. Used to take an honourable line on Europe, etc. Sadly, since she got a minister’s job, she’s just become a PR mouthpiece in the mould of Mister Green.
“We’re tuning in to less BBC radio: Length of time people spend listening drops to lowest ever level.
“Figures show that while millions still tune in they listen for shorter bursts.
“Average listener spent ten hours a week tuning in last three months of 2014.
“This was 14% down on decade earlier, when people tuned in for 11.6 hours.”
I avoid radio 1 like a thing that has to be avoided. However I was out in the garden yesterday working on the extension. A couple of doors down had the builders in who decided that they would share radio 1 with everyone else. Now I don’t really think I’ve turned into my Dad yet when it comes to music..however what a cacophony absolutely dire. When I was hammering it was more musical. Complete with a machine gun like inane rant between, as the DJ pontificated (although I assume someone else actually plays the music and sorts out the timing) on matters of no consequence what so ever. Just mind numbing.
Used to listen to Radio 2 all day, can’t stand it now, dumbed down tosh with subtle tones of socialism in its news bulletins and on the Jeremy Vine show.
And Ms Kearney, Radio 4, ‘World at One,’ panicking with little to criticise Government on, switched to Labour Party agenda of ‘zero hours’. And this didn’t stop her perpetual interrupting of Ian Duncan Smith.
Didn’t need to wait for Peston, George. There it was from the newsreader himself on the 4pm R4 news slot: ‘However Labour says the jobs are low-paid and low-skilled’. Because, as we have been told countless times already by the BBC, Labour are going to create loadsa high-skilled, highly-paid jobs – quite how remains a mystery, though, as the BBC haven’t yet got as far as asking that question on our behalf (it can probably wait till after the election now….)
‘Ukip demands BBC be transparent about ‘skewed’ audience while broadcaster’s head of news admits he does not know its composition’
‘Transparency’ for the BBC is, as with all things, a unique concept. It appears they are anything but, yet all on the top floor claim they are, but won’t explain how, and have the lawyers on hand to ensure they don’t have to.
‘He offered that he would “find out” more detail on Friday and could then give “chapter and verse”. However, ICM did not respond to calls on Friday morning and the BBC did not provide a breakdown.’
Because the BBC rightly consider UKIP a long term threat to the Liberal Left consensus that runs our country and of which they are a key , perhaps the key, pillar. In this forthcoming election UKIP will only get a handful of seats but if they keep on plugging their common sense message about mass immigration being a massive problem , they will steadily pick up seats in future elections as even the most blinkered voter will see the truth of their message and the lies coming from the left. The BBC would much rather that such inconvenient truths be hidden and unspoken. So in 10 to 20 years UKIP or its successor parties could become a real threat to the Liberal Left.
But I can’t bring myself to vote UKIP because doing so will make it more likely that Miliband and the SNP will run the country and we will certainly pay a massive price for that, plus of course no EU referendum. My view is that in safe Labour seats vote UKIP but in marginals and Tory seats vote Conservative, if you don’t want a Mad Marxist as PM!
The Greens also support legislation to limit media control to 20% of the market – now, if that’s applicable to the BBC then I’d support it (although I don’t think it does).
I see Mishal Husein won the ‘Broadcaster of the Year’ award.
I didn’t realise there was more than one Mishal Husein as surely it can’t be the same one who introduced a speaker on Thought for the Day earlier in the week as ‘The right-wing Reverend….’ Isn’t impartiality one of the qualities any sensible judge would look for in a ‘Broadcaster of the Year’?
Or maybe I’m being too harsh on Mishal and soon she’ll be introducing the gold-standard lefty clerics they usually have occupying (no pun intended) this slot with some clue as to their up-until-now secret, BBC-approved, political affiliation.
‘Jumping the shark is an idiom created by Jon Hein that was used to describe the moment in the evolution of a television show when it begins a decline in quality, signaled by a particular scene, episode, or aspect of a show in which the writers use some type of gimmick in an attempt to keep viewers’ interest, which is taken as a sign of desperation, and is seen by viewers to be the point at which the show had strayed irreparably from its original premise….. The usage of “jump the shark” has subsequently broadened beyond television, indicating the moment when a brand, design, franchise or creative effort’s evolution declines.’
I’m sure that the BBC is correct and it was a perfectly balanced audience – 50% International Socialists for Ed and Natalie and 50% National Socialist for Nicola and Leanne. It’s a pity that Nigel isn’t a socialist of any variety, but that’s hardly the BBC’s fault.
Muslim flyers tell the faithful not to vote. but the good muslims in the Muslim Council for Wales say they should vote.
This raised a thought about the next election when, I suspect, there will be a Muslim Party standing. As it is racist to criticise muslims or reject what they say,with legislation on the way to reinforce this, then a TV debate would be hard to run without the other candidates being arrested or disowned by their parties before the debate is over.
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KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
The audience was so obviously biased that I felt a twinge of discomfort on behalf of whoever had stitched the audience up and had made it so obvious.
Yes, stoney silence for Farage when you would expect from 1 in 10 to 1 in 5 members of the audience to be UKIP supporters if the opinion polls are anything to go by. Obviously a “representatative audience” is one that has been purified by removing any UKIP “contamination”.
I could not bear to watch this tendentious drivel any more when some twat gave the mindlessly stupid “i’m not going to blame immigrants” response when Farage pointed out that if there was a housing shortage, annual net migration of 300,000 would only add to the problem. Denying a simple mathematical fact that anyone can grasp is so typical of these dim, morally defective mainstream politicians.
I switched over to German TV. The Maybrit Illner talkshow was on. The topic “Ist Tröglitz überall?”. After 60 attacks on refugee centres in the last 6 months all over Germany The mainstrean numbskull politicians are puzzled..Where is all this hate and beastliness is coming from?. Why are we getting death threats from the public?. Like their British counterparts who accuse UKIP of stirring the racist pot they denounce AfD and PEGIDA for causing the rejection of asylum seekers. The mainstream politicians, whether in Britain or Germany , seem to think their sole purpose is to deliver moral lectures about the joys of cohesive diversity or Willkommenskultur to a grateful public.
Most Germans and Britains are reluctant to see their towns turned into third world shit holes. If they wanted to live in a third world shit hole they would emigrate to Pakistan or Turkey.
Democracy is about the WILL of the people, not what halo-polishing, living saint politicians think the people SHOULD want based on dubious multicultural claptrap and other utopian fantasies
It is highly probable that in the unlikely event that the inevitable Milliband government should allow a TV debate prior to the next Election in 2020, there will be a representative from an Islamist Party which will undoubtedly be formed during the next 5 years. It will be interesting (or maybe frightening) to see the ‘representative’ audience reaction at that event and at QTs.
Agreed about the rise of an Islamist party with special cultural demands. Of course the three main parties will try to capture the potential Islamist voters by kow-towing to their every demand.
I suggest that worried Sheiks, Hindus etc. will feel compelled to create their own parties to counter the Muslim threat.
What will be left for the British; Catholic or Protestant parties?.
Until the arrival of Respect(?!) the fourth largest party on the Birmingham Council, I kid you not, was the Free Kashmir party. It’s only policy was to free from Indian control a partial Muslim State thousands of miles away.
It was a terrorist supporting organization and had four members on the Birmingham Council. I think we can all work out what will happen when our political system is taken over by extremists.
Perhaps we should ditch Trident, before it comes under the control of our home grown terrorist party
“Perhaps we should ditch Trident, before it comes under the control of our home grown terrorist party ”
Invicta I made that very point to some friends last week.
re: Islamist Party
It already has started. A trojan baroness is a leading member.
Electing UKIP is now a priority, not to get out of the EU, but
1. To get our senses back
2. For this to happen right across the nation, the BBC must be taken back by the people, from Gramsci Marxists that OCCUPY it.
3. Once this has been achieved, we will have our nation back. Withdrawal from the EU can take place if needed.
First priority is to get our senses back. Once that is achieved, the rest will follow.
We’ll not get our senses back until the great house of cards collapses. Maybe if Greece goes and there is a domino effect through Spain, Italy, etc., the UK will be brought down to earth with a bump and reality will intrude on the lives of the ‘progressive’ fantasists. Nothing will change until then. could happen soon, but the EU enthusiasts know the danger to their project – they’ll move heaven and earth to keep it together. Could stumble on for years yet. A collapse in China would shake things up as well. Could happen – you can never trust the figures they publish.
One error. You think we have a democracy. You really are ‘havin’ a larf’.
We have a One Party State in order to achieve a One World Government. Any dissenters will be rounded up to attend re-education camps to be known as ‘Gulags’. Run by G4S and Sodexho.
Think I’m joking? Unfortunately, I’m not.
I wonder if it will ever be admitted that basically humans are tribal creatures. We were for our own survival naturally suspicious, if not hostile, to other humans from different tribes, thus civilisation was nurtured & trade the positive intereaction between tribal groups.
I don’t think human instincts have altered much, so it is completely unnatural for us to happily exist with anyone, wherever they come from. Chauvinism for race & nation is still a natural emotion, it cannot be dictated out of us, the only way would us to genetically evolve. This might happen but we are not there yet or even for a few millennia to come.
Who knew?…
Two very different takes on this incident, with the BBC being very misleading in their headline…
Now, the Express has a very different headline for the story…
Anyone know why Plaid Cymru got an invite, but the Dems didn’t?
Are the BBC afraid of another Tory government propped up by the Lib Dems, perchance, knowing that their best chance of survival lies with having Red Ed as PM?
It seems the Tories also weren’t invited:
The plot thickens…
It seems the Tories also weren’t invited:
That is the greatest ever deceit, coming from the party of deceit. The broadcasters stood on their heads trying to get Cameron to agree, but he adamantly refused more than one debate, and even that had to be long before polling day. Slick Dave and Mister Green spun it as ‘broadcasters in chaos’. The broadcasters had to arrange this without him… and so technically he can spin it as ‘I wasn’t asked’. What a deceitful scumbag our Prime Minister is.
This from the last thread
“One can suppose that, to complete the No10 orchestration of this whole embarrassing charade.
They will have those very people who have weasled
out of this debate, hilariously pontificating over it, at the end,
The BBC ought to be ashamed … No10 want a Tory free debate, so after keep it that way … stick it to them on their lies, and no Tory/Lib commentators post debate”
Just as expected, post debate, wall to wall spinners, and Tories, and Libdeds.
frankly a disgrace
He is not compelled by law to attend ,but soon your New Masters will be Milipeed & Salmond , so you can demist your venom on them in just over 3 weeks time .
After the audience stitch up last night ,looks like Cameron made the right call.
Its wall to wall Miliband on BBC today.I gather Cameron has made a speech launching the business manifesto but I’m blowed if I can detect any reference to it,and Sky is just as bad.
As far as the polls go,too many polls fishing in too small a pool.Most people I know don’t sign up to fill in online polls and many ask why they never get polled.You shouldn’t have to sign up to be part of a poll,especially for money.
I used to be on the list of a polling company, but I think I kept giving the wrong answers. They sent me a very polite letter which was basically “thank you and now piss off”.
I don’t know where to put this comment so I put it here . Is there any other news other than the British election that Biased BBC commentators are concerned about ? This site is getting so bogged down with one subject it is boring !
So where Lynette, is your comment on the biased Al Beeb ?
Please tell us.
Dear Prime Minister,
Thank you for your application to appear in a televised debate between the leaders of all Britain’s major political parties.
Unfortunately on this occasion your application has not been successful. We have instead decided, for no obvious reason, to broadcast a debate between Ed Miliband and the leaders of four much smaller parties, including two whose appeal is purely regional.
We will however keep your CV on file, in case any future opportunities to appear in a televised debate should arise.
Yours faithfully, The BBC.
Original from Michael Deacon here;
And why no Northern Ireland representation?
Isn`t that illegal, seeing as the people there are as British as the Scots and Welsh are?
Good old John Pienaar bigging up Labour and the SNP in the post-match spin analysis.
Biased plonker isn`t he?
Cameron did well to stay away-the medias impertinence in summonsing MPs/bankers for the Lefts show trials knows no bounds.
And best of all-we all saw what the Lefts progressive rainbow coalition of the wallies would mean…grandkids money going into the break-up of what remains of this country.
Glad Farage was there too-he was right about lefty bias, it`s now endemic in ANY public forum where the left can get its payroll morons out to abuse, sneer mock and intimidate.
They think tomorrow belongs to them-and they`ll not be paying for the free ride to Utopia.
The English saw what Labour and the rainbow nazis have planned for the white trash of this country, who won`t “get with the programme”.
If only Mrs T had cared as much about the culture wars as she did about economic freedoms.
Thankfully-the progressive cocktail we saw tonight turns out to be rat poison mixed in hemlock-and we(the poor dupes that pay for the likes of Sturgeon) saw all we needed to see tonight.
The left will scorn Cameron refusing to get into the ducking stool-but the real people of this country can see how the Brownshirts turned to tie dye cheesecloth and rainbow jumpers, by way of uniform.
“If only Mrs T had cared as much about the culture wars as she did about economic freedoms.”
That’s the problem right there, chrisH. Not Mrs T’s failings, she had her hands full, the failure is the Conservatives’ inability to find more people like her. If they could do this, instead of trying to be nice and ‘progressive’, Mrs T’s work would be finished by now.
The Conservatives need a leader with passion, who genuinely believes in Conservatism (actually conserving something occasionally would help), and the killer instinct. If the Conservatives don’t appear to believe in Conservatism, nobody else will.
5 years ago Cameron looked like being that person. Not now.
The left have, unfortunately, run rings around Cameron – the left have outsmarted him on everything since he picked up the poisoned chalice Gordon Brown had left in 2010. He deserves everything he is about to get. Sadly the country doesn’t though.
On so-called social or cultural issues, call it what you will, the Left have been running rings around all Conservatives for years.
Don’t forget, Cameron wasn’t in favour of gay marriage “despite” being a Conservative, but “because” he was a Conservative. When I heard those words come out of that fatuous buffoon’s mouth, I knew the Conservative Party stood for nothing more than the same right-on PC bullshit as all the other left-wing consensus parties.
It wasn’t even intended to benefit Gays, IMO. It was to make a statement, like so many changes these days, and to water down yet another existing institution.
He should have risked a minority govt without the LimpDims hamstringing his attempts at being a proper conservative.
But then, he styled himself the heir to Blair.
I think that you massively under estimate the effect of 40 years of BBC leftist propaganda has had on the politics of the country. I think that the corporation has succeeded in shifting the thinking of millions of voters significantly leftwards. Completely illegally of course. To keep step with the voters the Tories have also moved leftwards. UKIP have moved into the slot vacated by the Tories on some issues eg immigration, but have many leftist policies in their offer.
Sadly it is true to say that the power of the BBC is such that any party hoping to be more than a marginal one, has to bend the knee to the leftist views of the corporation. Just look at the remorseless attacks on UKIP by the BBC over Europe and immigration. Whilst these attacks may strengthen the core UKIP voters determination to stick with the party, they deter new recruits and ensure that UKIP will not gain more than a few seats.
I don’t think that there has ever been a country that was in effect run by a broadcasting monopoly, but that is what we have in the UK today. Perhaps the word is that we live in a ‘mediaocracy’. We certainly don’t live in a democracy.
The BBC have a new word on the block: Afrophobia. Yup, never heard it before but there in black and white (pun intended) on their BBC World Service web site.
Africans must suffer from it greatly, since most of them can’t wait to get out of the place and come to Europe.
The BBC itself suffers from terminal Anglophobia.
Just what we need, another phobia.
How about Afrophilia – evident every time I see BBC employees on TV?
A new PC word, just what we need!
Yesterday there was a piece about the late Charb from Charlie Hedbo
criticising the “white, left-wing bourgeois” for the invention of “Islamophobia”, as a tool to close down debate. I also heard a report on the Worldservice, poor reporter managed to tie himself in knots but eventually spewed out the story.
The BBC caught that (Afrophilia) a long time ago.
In the 1980s I was a rep and tended to drive round with Radio 4 on the car radio. One of the interesting programmes was Woman’s Hour. Then suddenly it became wall to wall South Africa, with evil whites oppressing heroic blacks (can I say that in 2015 or do I have to substitute “persons of colour”?). The infection gradually spread to all other Radio 4 programmes until the network became impossible to listen to .
BBC’s 10 pm news managed to do a 10 minute piece on Grenville Janner without mentioning once he was a Labour MP and peer.
A record?
Watching the crap on the BBC news right now. I didn’t watch the “debate”. Farage is talking about allocating housing to British Nationals only to be greeted with complete and utter silence.
Followed by Farage outing the obviously lefty audience and is greeted with booing, and a dip on popularity hand sets, obviously not happy at being busted.
”talking about allocating housing to British Nationals only to be greeted with utter silence.”
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Fed up with smug immigrant/1st Gen immigrant bBC newsreaders (local and national) telling me about immigration to MY country like they really care and almost with a grin on their faces.
Rant over…
BBC Debate: Farage attacks Left-wing BBC audience
Jeff. Dimbleby did not address that question on ‘Question Time’ by Farage. He (Dimbly) well knows that BBC ‘impartiality’ is root and branch of what the BBC is not. For him to state what is clearly not ‘impartial’ is an admittance that they have very few people who want to sit in with left wing agitators who are keen to boo and hiss on orchestra innuendo ad nauseum. My favorite rebuff (to the QT audience) is Melanie Philips who is clearly a better protector of free speech than mumbling fumbling dimbleby will ever be. I gave up watching QT for its lack of judgement and impartiality that it never really had anyway. Who the hell wants to sit with left wing activists for 5 mins of hate diatribe (agreeing with BBC usually) that the BBC claims is wholly ‘representative’ is bollocks. Farage is quite right that the audience are usually overwhelmingly Guardians of the left and Labour activists bussed in to make a show.
IMHO he was quite right to mention it, but I also wanted to draw attention to the worm which has been a bugbear of mine for quite some time, well since the last election to be honest.
There is not much about the worm that has any integrity it seems to me- check this out (min 02.00 onwards). It is quite revealing.
The ecstatic applause for Leanne Wood’s wish to repeal Mrs Thatcher’s trade union legislation and give the unions more power (which will somehow make the economy boom just like it did when that all worked out so well in the 1970s) and the utter silence that greeted any comment by Farage, even the ones that where he agreed with the others on house-building, says all we need to know about the supposed balance of the audience. How Dimbleby defended it so resolutely looks crazed. Good to see Faisal Islam on Sky News at 10 comment straight away on the audience reactions that “seemed a bit removed from the centre of British political opinion”.
Dimbleby nearly lost it – and was lost for a coherent reponse to the accusation by a young UKIP supporter about the bias and the public petition regarding Nigel Farage’s exclusion from the QT special next week(?). I don’t think I’ve seen him get flustered like that before.
Do you know where in the programme it happened? I can’t bear to watch the whole thing.
** Edit **
It is at about 15 minutes into the programme.
I can’t seem to embed this video I made of the incident, but it can be found here:
Thanks for that grimer. You got the ‘lost for a coherent response’ and the bit where Dimbleby lied on air about all parties agreeing to the debate formats and inclusivity. The ‘flustered’ bit came just after your clip finishes as he tries to locate ‘the man with the glasses’ who didn’t have glasses.
Dimblebum said forget it and waved his question away as though it was a fly.Biased BBC you bet they are just like a name through a stick of rock
Liebour did nothing to repeal the trade union laws and I was involved in just as much industrial action under Liebour as I was with Thatcher or Major.
For INBBC campaigners for Guantanamo Islamic jihadists:-
“Former Guantanamo inmate who won £1m payout from UK taxpayers is held after judge is shot dead”
– See more at:
Good grief! Thats my polite way of not using bad language. Is anyone watching newsnight special from Northern Ireland? Ewan evans has already hammered Nigel Dodds from the dup for 10 minutes about gay rights.
What a joke!!!
From Daniel Hannan (2014) on the BBC License fee quotes here from Andrew Marr (applies equally to Question Time)…
‘The BBC, as Andrew Marr put it, is not so much partisan as culturally biased. There was a neat demonstration on Twitter the other day. How long, I asked playfully, before the Corporation started calling Vladimir Putin, a former KGB man who rails against Ukrainian nationalism, “Right-wing”? A BBC radio producer Tweeted back crossly that it was a perfectly fair way to describe him since he was conservative. Hmm: what he wants to conserve is the old order of the USSR, but never mind: in Beebspeak, “Right-wing” simply means “baddie”’
For years, the left – especially feminists – have been getting a lot of mileage from abuse they receive on twitter and other social media. Individuals like Caroline Criado-Perez and Stella Creasy have milked it. But until now, the Tories and their propagandists at the Torygraph have remained above this tactic. That has changed – check out this pathetic effort from journalist Christopher Hope. There was a time when an individual who aspired to be thought of as a ‘man’ would have cringed at such a performance. Not any longer, it seems. The plaintive piano nearly brought a tear to my eye.
Christopher Hope reads mean tweets after being booed by Ukip supporters
For two days, the media have run the lie that Nigel Farage orchestrated or encouraged the so-called ‘abuse’ Hope suffered. It’s interesting that Hope himself makes clear here that Farage was simply clapping the appearance of ‘Black and Asian Ukippers’
It was a fair question to ask , why give him abuse , kippers behaving like the hard left . Very un English , & the kippers must have something to hide, from the electorate .
Turn the record over!
Of course the Tory’s are sqeaky clean aren’t they? Now what is the Tory Chairman’s real name? Is it Grant Shapps, Michael Green or Sebastian Fox?
NO , Its free speech , you must hate it.You have made this site Kippers Fan Klub, so I won`t.
Free speech? Don’t make me laugh Simon Danczuk and the Liebour Fascists have made it perfectly clear that free speech no longer exists in the UK.
It was a fair question to ask , why give him abuse , kippers behaving like the hard left . Very un English , & the kippers must have something to hide, from the electorate .
Garbage. Just another posh Toryboy trying for glory by ‘getting Farage’. He was surrounded by ethnic UKIP candidates, so his smear was unjustified. Anyway; in best Mister Green style, you’ve ignored my point about a grown man whinging over trivial tweets.
Foggy ,& Geoff, its obviously getting to you , you won`t get anything you want now , I don`t care what name Grant is using , but he will be an MP , & Farage won`t , you can rant n rave all you like. I now predict , because of ukip , there will be no referendum , & still a BBC in 5 years time . There will be no one to blame but the kippers .Don`t vote ukip , Millipeed will be PM, get real.
Last nights message couldn’t have been clearer
Very Tory get LibDem
Vote Labour get SNP
Vote UKIP get UKIP
Completely agree with you..
Is there a prescribed number of black faces that should appear on a manifesto front/back? How many yellow faces? How many male faces with beards. How many female faces with beards?
Claire Short has retired.
Essex Man
It wasn’t a fair question, it wasn’t even a relevant question. He was there to stir the shit, like his mates at the appalling excuse for a newspaper known as the Telegraph. Take your pick from a long list of so called ‘journalists’ who pen the garbage produced by this down market rag.
Below is a classic example of one of Hopes’ recent offerings :-
What Nigel Farage actually said :- “I want to live in a community where our kids play football in the streets of an evening and live in a society that is at ease with itself.
And I sense over the last decade or more we are not at ease.
If we went to every town up eastern England and spoke to people about how they felt, their town, their city had changed in the last 15 years, there is a deep level of discomfort, because if you have immigration at these sorts of levels integration doesn’t happen.”
What Hope reported :-
“Britons are so ill at ease with levels of immigration in their towns that their children cannot play football with their neighbours in the streets, Nigel Farage has said.”
The Telegraph’s heading on the story says “Children cannot play in the streets because of immigrants, says Nigel Farage.
As an aside, I understand other parties’ manifestos don’t contain enough or any photos of ethnic minorities. When can we expect questions asked of them ?
whatever , but the kippers , were all behaving like a bunch of UAF thugs ,to a journalist , they are supposed to be wanting to debate , not beat up , or shout down someone who disagree`s with them .
The ethnic UKIP candidates stood up and made themselves known. That simple act exposed the deceit of the self-styled ‘journalist’, and the UKIP members applauded to show their support for them.
In light of the pathetic tweet reading, with piano accompaniment, don’t you think the Torygraph ‘journalist’ was, on this occasion, effectively acting as a Tory party activist?
A tragedy in Calais, which Beeboids may miss?:-
‘Daily Mail’ Friday, page 1-
“Horror in Calais as Polish drifter heading for Britain rapes and kills girl, nine, after snatching her from playground in front of her terrified mother.”
By Peter Allen, Flora Drury
For Mail online.
I did read that and felt physically sick. What if that happened to one of my own little daughters. Perish the thought.
I feel so sorry for her mother. But i feel so angry that this was ever allowed to happen.
Another fault of our sick left wing liberal elite who now run this country.
Late post. DP yesterday.
BBC Daily Politics. 15.4.15
JoCoburn is really letting herself down. She is developing lazy questioning technique and aggressive, evasive tone. Which is a shame, because she has a real pro’ as a mentor.
In her confrontational interview with Patrick O’Flynn, UKIP representative, she included a predetermined ‘statement question’ (i.e. a statement disguised as a question), starting with “….The truth is ….” And stating that voting for UKIP would be a vote for Labour and keep the Conservatives out, even though, when analysed, her statement could not be reasonably described as “the truth”.
But then again, it is a prequalification (Brillo excused) of Beeboids to believe that the truth is always debateable, and that the word ‘truth’ essentially has no meaning.
Get a grip Jo! And learn from Andrew whilst you can, because you’ll miss him when he’s gone. When he’s on form, his surgical questioning can reveal useful content (or usually lack thereof) in the interviewee. When he’s on form, Neil is a weapons grade ‘Bullshit Detector’.
Credit to Giles Dilnot for his word-smithery and mixing with us plebs.
Poor show though in all. And the Polish self-confessed self-publicist / exhibitionist / ‘Austrian Prince’ (who hasn’t lived in Austria for some time) who wants a duel with Farage, because…? Because roads get more congested when there is an increase in population and infrastructure isn’t improved in a planned fashion and Farage wants to help do something about it. What’s all that about Neil? Sort it out and stick to the issues, the debt, deficit, social cohesion, schools, education, welfare system. … F8&king ‘Austrian duelling Prince’ as a UKIP are racist meme? FFS.
How one treats an immigrant and the effects of uncontrolled immigration on society, are two distinct and different things. One is simply how one treats another human being, and the other is a function/duty of government – to protect our borders (which currently is not being done). Why don’t Beeboids understand this fundamental difference? Why do they continue to conflate these issues? Are they really that thick? Or is it good old Common Purpose divide and rule?
That deserves to be on every billboard they can afford. Shallow ed and his three simpering admirers, yech!
They really think they’ve got it won don’t they ? Surprised clueless clegg wasn’t there on his knees giving him a blow job as well.
I’ve got that image in my head now , Cleggy and Red Ed ………NOOOOOO.PLEASE STOP IT………Well that’s put me off my lunch.
Cocktail sausage ?
An accurate, and therefore impartial, BBC election ‘debate’ would have had Dimbleby introducing it by saying something like ….
“And on tonight’s panel we have three female far-left feminists, a male (i.e. Uncle Tom) far-left feminist, and Nigel Farrage.”
I see BBC News has a daily election feature titled “Reality Check”.
Surely that’s an oxymoron?
No it means “Let’s find someone who can produce some statistics rubbishing Tory Policies.”
BBc breakfast review the “debate” although apart from them reporting Farage pointing out the blatantly biased audience you might as well think he was down the pub and not there at all. Labour the reporter tells us think they won. Think they won! What against two fake nationalist parties and a hippy. Special Ed would have had to have done something awesome to not come out on top.
I notice the BBC prominently reported the tragedy of 40 migrants who drowned trying to get from libya to italy.
This story wasn’t given much publicity;
Police arrested a group of migrants in Italy for throwing 12 Christians overboard during a dangerous journey from Libya by rubber boat, CNN reported on Thursday. All those who were thrown overboard died.
Initially I remember hearing it started after a discussion or debate about religion Not sure which channel that was on. But by close of play this had morphed into the Christians been dumped overboard after a scuffle. Sorry again not sure where I heard that as I was busy but the tv was on. I do think Sky reported this if only on the ticker tape.
The BBC reported it online in an article headlined “12 migrants killed after religious dispute”.
That made it sound like it was a debate about the ordination of women bishops in the Anglican church that got a bit out of hand.
Bloody hell, they’ve started executing Christians even before they get to Europe. Perhaps a clue there for our politicians…..
When can we expect journalists at the BBC, and the bought and paid for MSM, to be replaced by cheaper, harder working Eastern European journalists?
They are being replaced by new media – most of it online content. Trouble is, every time there is new form of media, the BBC argues it needs to enter the market, all in the name of “public service”. For example, what is the point of a BBC YouTube channel? The whole point of YouTube is it’s individualism – ordinary people recording and uploading videos (some have been very successful doing so) – the BBC wades in and says – we need to promote our content on YouTube – now, every time I go onto YouTube, the BBC channel pops up as a “recommended channel” (a service that presumably, they are paying YouTube for)
I was watching the “Kill the Christians” documentary the other night on BBC2 where Jane Corbin gave a decent account of how Christians have been terrorised into almost extinction throughout the Middle East. A land where Christians and Jews lived for 800 years before the narcisistic Prophet came up with his brand of evil. I thought the documentary was surprisingly balanced for the BBC, but then we had the usual BBC blaming the American / British Allied invasion for de-stablising the whole region. We were told that under Saddam Hussein Christians were treated equally and were safe , there was no sectarian differences between Sunni and Shia Muslims. What Jane Corbin forgot to mention was the fact that Saddam Hussein treated the Shia majority like second class citizens and tortured and killed many of them. There was no mention of two invasions of Kuwait, or how Saddam dammed the Euphrates river to make it infertile for the Marsh Arabs, there was no mention that Saddam did use WMD to kill thousands in Halabja. The BBC have selective memories. I suppose at least the documentary did highlight just how barbaric and intolerent Islam is.
Apparently, the Today team on R4 have been stumped by a maths problem for gifted teenagers. I suspect the use of the politically incorrect “blind” instead of “visually impaired” threw them initially and uttering a correct answer involving “white” was too ethnocentric by far. Of course, claiming that a problem has a single “correct” answer is deeply suspect on ideological grounds as any properly trained teacher would know. No black hats mentioned at all !!?? At least UKIP managed one black face on their manifesto.
In other news, Sky reports the death of a family including children killed in a Saudi bombing raid on their street.
Hospital running out of supplies, people lying untreated.
At least 74 children killed do far.
BBCs coverage ? …………can’t find anything on the website, TV full of red ed “winning” last night. Obviously dead Muslim children are only useful to the bbc when they are killed by Israelis and it doesn’t happen as the same time as more important things closer to their hearts.
The BBC seem to give far more prominence to dozens of drowning African ‘migrants’ than they do to the tens of thousands slaughtered in the Middle East, for some reason…
UKIP election candidate in social media ‘racism’ storm
First of all, there’s no such thing as ‘racism’ ask anyone to define this meaningless word and they will inevitably fail. It is a weapon for use by the Fascist left to subdue and control all opposition, and that is exactly what has happened here.
Confirmed Fascist, GMP commissioner Tony Lloyd has reported the UKIP candidate to the returning officer, despite the fact that this Fascist is not standing for election, and no crime has been committed.
The issues this candidate has been picked up on are minor indeed, it is the Fascist Labour party using the machinery of state to attack a candidate in an election. This is very troubling indeed, because it smacks of totalitarianism.
Tony Lloyd is a time serving Labour arse kisser who would do anything for his political masters. Didn’t like him as a sanctimonious MP and is the worst of tribal and partisan politicians. Only in a Labour fiefdom would this useless tool become a Police Commissioner. In fact he’s the best advert for the abolition of this useless job.
…..and he was an appalling limp excuse of a Minister.
‘….it is the Fascist Labour party using the machinery of state to attack a candidate in an election. This is very troubling indeed, because it smacks of totalitarianism. ‘
It will be nothing compared to what Ed and his Far Left chums get up to once they’re elected. You can kiss a free press goodbye for starters.
Trolls ought not be fed.
The unending mass immigration invasion of Europe and Britain from Islamic countries-
“Police: Muslims threw Christians overboard during Mediterranean voyage”
– See more at:
INBBC’s misleading, Islamophilic headline:-
“Migrants killed in ‘religious clash’ on Mediterranean boat”
Context for INBBC:-
“Islamic Terror Attacks on Christians
(Since 9/11)”
Why isn’t this being called a “racist attack” as it would have been if the people thrown overboard had been Muslims and not mere Christians?
BBC1 10pm News last night had a lengthy report on Greville Janner, but in all of it the fact that he was a LABOUR politician was not mentioned. Perhaps if Conservative it would have been the second word in the piece.
For Labour Party-supporting Beeboids-
“‘Paedophile’ Labour peer who’ll NEVER face justice:
“Victims’ despair and police fury as law chief says Greville Janner will not be charged with 22 sex attacks on children because he ‘has Alzheimer’s’ ”
Read more:
Wonder why could it be that they play crap music, talk crap & have djs who are crap
Just say crap without the “c”.
“Carefully chosen”
“Housing crisis not caused by immigrants says sturgeon, to massive applause from carefully chosen to represent all parties audience. Whilst Farage continues to get a wall of silence from the carefully chosen to represent all parties audience. Am I missing something here?
Perhaps she meant the Scottish housing crisis was not caused by immigrants, because they all want to live in the South East of England?
No the SNP wants more immigration.
Victoria Derbyshire: Talking to ten people; UKIP supporter gets started but….. the… sound…. breaks…. up…. VD: ‘We’re terribly sorry…’
The strange UKIP sound problem strikes again!
I noticed that too. Must be an attack of paranoia à deux.
What else?
Anyone notice Sturgeon’s head when she talks? Incapable of keeping her head still……..Nodding side to side and imaginary headbutts everytime she emphasizes a point – Watch!
But her hair doesn’t move a millimetre.
She learned that from Alex Almond.
Glaswegian street aggressive ‘style’?
Ouch! Sturgeon skewered on Sky News. Kay Burley: ‘You hate Thatcher – very strong word’ Sturgeon blusters. Burley: ‘I was brought up in a council house, so were you. My parents bought their house, so did yours’. Sturgeon blustered on with Burley twisting the knife a few times. Painful viewing.
Well done BBBC.
It would appear the website and others critical of the BBC and its “truth” are scoring hits with the general public.
According to a columnist in the DT yesterday YouGov found that 64% among 2000 “British” adults believe Wikipedia tells the truth “a great deal” or ” a fair amount” but only 61% said that about the BBC.
Anyone heard that poll mentioned on Today?
As one of the senior presenters is (possibly now was) a fair sized shareholder in YouGuv you would have thought he would have mentioned it, if only to give YouGov another name check on the BBC.
Not seen that but then that’s another Yougov poll ~I wasn’t invited to complete.
on a Daily Mail thread:
Glyn Francis, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 28 minutes ago
Just had a meeting in London this morning. The Doubletree Hotel near the BBC is full of people who were at the debate last night. Got speaking to some of them and they admitted they were SNP supporters who were shipped down from Scotland and put up in a hotel. All paid for by the BBC. So much for impartiality!!!!
Need to get that out there, anyone got a decent amount of followers on Twitter?
It may be worth holding fire until better confirmed, and any context explained.
That said, the BBC uniquely funding selected activists down as ‘carefully chosen’ representatives of the public has more than a whiff of any BBC Producer iPhone address book for a vox-pop ‘public’ comment.
I agree – the comment from the comments section in The Daily Mail needs verifying first.
Interesting. Lobster posted an official? BBC specification last night [no link]:
Format for tonight’s debate
BBC Election Debate 2015
4. There will be a live audience selected by a reputable polling company mainly from the surrounding region.
That means they are from London, which is a separate BBC region to the South East (where UKIP is strong).
Dimbleby’s form of words when he interrupted Farage was:
selected ‘to represent the balance between all parties.‘ Pretty vague.
Norman ‘Labour Says’ Smith this morning:
‘… represents modern Britain.‘
So, did they choose a sample representative on London, with a chunk of SNP shipped from Scotland to overcome their remote constituency? Who knows? For sure, there wasn’t a lot of UKIP support.
It’s all very imprecise from the Beeb.
It was interesting that, on QT later, there seemed to be a single UKIP supporter who would start clapping and then give up when they found themselves alone.
‘It’s all very imprecise from the Beeb’
Which they are great at when imprecision serves.
Try and clarify via an FOI and see how far you get before it founders on their special collection of ‘anything but transparent’ excuses.
To be representative surely 30%, or more, of the audience should be those who do not bother to vote, not just “representative of the parties”.
Time for the BBC to select audiences like they do for jurors – random selection from the voting register within x miles of the programme? If you get an invite to “appear” on television many will say yes. Perhaps some of the questions will then be from “ordinary” people, but they still have to pass through the eye of a needle of BBC editorial selection, which makes the BBC the elephant in the room as regards media. That choice of what (not) to put out makes BBC editors the most powerful media individuals in the country.
…”selected ‘to represent the balance between all parties.‘”
And how did they do that, exactly? I’ve heard no-one on any news channel bother to ask that question, let alone investigate Ipsos’s methods. Just stick to the agenda, sneer at Farrage instead.
And not just the one hotel either. It’s all on the BBC expense account… It’s a tough job at the ‘value-for-money’ BBC, (so says Lord Haw Haw).
That would explain why the wee Scottish lass got the most enthusiastic applause of all five leaders, despite talking utter crap – like claiming that the housing crisis was not caused by the flood of hundreds of thousands of immigrants per year.
Jeremy Vine Radio 2, JV asks studio guest who won, he says Miliband followed Sturgeon according to the polls, strange no mention of the poll in the UK’s 2nd best selling newspaper, 5 minutes in still no mention of UKIP…
Did my lugs deceive me today, or did Nigel Farage get a fair shake from Campbell & Co on 5dead?
*goes to lie down in a dark room.
Priti Patel on DP. Very good performer. Father stood for UKIP. Used to take an honourable line on Europe, etc. Sadly, since she got a minister’s job, she’s just become a PR mouthpiece in the mould of Mister Green.
“We’re tuning in to less BBC radio: Length of time people spend listening drops to lowest ever level.
“Figures show that while millions still tune in they listen for shorter bursts.
“Average listener spent ten hours a week tuning in last three months of 2014.
“This was 14% down on decade earlier, when people tuned in for 11.6 hours.”
I avoid radio 1 like a thing that has to be avoided. However I was out in the garden yesterday working on the extension. A couple of doors down had the builders in who decided that they would share radio 1 with everyone else. Now I don’t really think I’ve turned into my Dad yet when it comes to music..however what a cacophony absolutely dire. When I was hammering it was more musical. Complete with a machine gun like inane rant between, as the DJ pontificated (although I assume someone else actually plays the music and sorts out the timing) on matters of no consequence what so ever. Just mind numbing.
Used to listen to Radio 2 all day, can’t stand it now, dumbed down tosh with subtle tones of socialism in its news bulletins and on the Jeremy Vine show.
Figures show that while millions still tune in they listen for shorter bursts.
Given the frequency with which leftist propaganda is pumped out by the BBC, the brainwashing hit rate will still be high enough to get Labour elected.
U.K unemployment down to 1.9 million.
Inflation is 0%.
Wages are rising faster than prices.
So, Peston and co, play it for Labour Party, with their big ‘HOWEVER’.
“UK unemployment falls below 2 million for first time
since financial crisis.
“Decrease greater than expected, with 6% jobless rate the lowest level since collapse of Lehman Brothers six years ago.”
And Ms Kearney, Radio 4, ‘World at One,’ panicking with little to criticise Government on, switched to Labour Party agenda of ‘zero hours’. And this didn’t stop her perpetual interrupting of Ian Duncan Smith.
Ian D Smith, is “angry” at the Labour party … and? …
would he like to inform us on upcoming welfare cuts?
didn t think so … slimy toe rag
Didn’t need to wait for Peston, George. There it was from the newsreader himself on the 4pm R4 news slot: ‘However Labour says the jobs are low-paid and low-skilled’. Because, as we have been told countless times already by the BBC, Labour are going to create loadsa high-skilled, highly-paid jobs – quite how remains a mystery, though, as the BBC haven’t yet got as far as asking that question on our behalf (it can probably wait till after the election now….)
Fat chance of that – it’s 28 Gate all over again.
‘Ukip demands BBC be transparent about ‘skewed’ audience while broadcaster’s head of news admits he does not know its composition’
‘Transparency’ for the BBC is, as with all things, a unique concept. It appears they are anything but, yet all on the top floor claim they are, but won’t explain how, and have the lawyers on hand to ensure they don’t have to.
‘He offered that he would “find out” more detail on Friday and could then give “chapter and verse”. However, ICM did not respond to calls on Friday morning and the BBC did not provide a breakdown.’
Par for the course, then. Movin’ on…
Why are the bbbc so absolutely petrified of UKIP? They will take any news or non-news item and manufacture any kind of anti UKIP propaganda?
Because the BBC rightly consider UKIP a long term threat to the Liberal Left consensus that runs our country and of which they are a key , perhaps the key, pillar. In this forthcoming election UKIP will only get a handful of seats but if they keep on plugging their common sense message about mass immigration being a massive problem , they will steadily pick up seats in future elections as even the most blinkered voter will see the truth of their message and the lies coming from the left. The BBC would much rather that such inconvenient truths be hidden and unspoken. So in 10 to 20 years UKIP or its successor parties could become a real threat to the Liberal Left.
But I can’t bring myself to vote UKIP because doing so will make it more likely that Miliband and the SNP will run the country and we will certainly pay a massive price for that, plus of course no EU referendum. My view is that in safe Labour seats vote UKIP but in marginals and Tory seats vote Conservative, if you don’t want a Mad Marxist as PM!
And if you don’t vote UKIP, how can the change ever come about? Make a stand. Kill the LibLabCon.
A snippet I was unaware of until now, that may explain a few things.
‘a guaranteed inflation linked payment from general taxation’
Were all things so guaranteed of public largesse no matter what, as the ever vital ‘Strictly’, ‘Enders or QT.
The Greens also support legislation to limit media control to 20% of the market – now, if that’s applicable to the BBC then I’d support it (although I don’t think it does).
The BBC have been angling for this for some time
I see Mishal Husein won the ‘Broadcaster of the Year’ award.
I didn’t realise there was more than one Mishal Husein as surely it can’t be the same one who introduced a speaker on Thought for the Day earlier in the week as ‘The right-wing Reverend….’ Isn’t impartiality one of the qualities any sensible judge would look for in a ‘Broadcaster of the Year’?
Or maybe I’m being too harsh on Mishal and soon she’ll be introducing the gold-standard lefty clerics they usually have occupying (no pun intended) this slot with some clue as to their up-until-now secret, BBC-approved, political affiliation.
She ‘ticks all the right boxes’
Could the audience selection for last night’s contenders debate be the moment the BBC ‘jumped the shark’ ?
‘Jumping the shark is an idiom created by Jon Hein that was used to describe the moment in the evolution of a television show when it begins a decline in quality, signaled by a particular scene, episode, or aspect of a show in which the writers use some type of gimmick in an attempt to keep viewers’ interest, which is taken as a sign of desperation, and is seen by viewers to be the point at which the show had strayed irreparably from its original premise….. The usage of “jump the shark” has subsequently broadened beyond television, indicating the moment when a brand, design, franchise or creative effort’s evolution declines.’
I’m sure that the BBC is correct and it was a perfectly balanced audience – 50% International Socialists for Ed and Natalie and 50% National Socialist for Nicola and Leanne. It’s a pity that Nigel isn’t a socialist of any variety, but that’s hardly the BBC’s fault.
Muslim flyers tell the faithful not to vote. but the good muslims in the Muslim Council for Wales say they should vote.
This raised a thought about the next election when, I suspect, there will be a Muslim Party standing. As it is racist to criticise muslims or reject what they say,with legislation on the way to reinforce this, then a TV debate would be hard to run without the other candidates being arrested or disowned by their parties before the debate is over.
Still not watching Have I Got News For You.
I just hope that they have so many lefties on the show that they have one “left turn” too many and the show disappears up its own arse.
Is anyone employed by the bbc, these days, who doesn’t have a contract clause stating they must “Disparage The Farage” and “Big Up the Milibean”???
Yesterday’s election debate was more rigged than a clipper ship.