It’s official. UKIP has dropped out of the election. On tonight’s BBC Election round-up, there was coverage of all the party leaders’ activities – except UKIP. An examination of the polls – no mention of UKIP. And in-studio discussion including a review of last night’s debate – no mention of UKIP – apart from a disparaging remark over that shot of Nigel refusing to become involved in the left-lest love-in. Nothing about the obvious audience bias. Complete cut-off. Nigel must have really, really pissed off the subversive BBC and that loathsome creep, Dimbleby. Well done that man!
Not sure whether this has already been posted, but the BBC has confirmed that the audience for last night’s debate was left-wing (i.e. 2/3 of those audience members who stated party allegiance supported a leftie party).
I actually watched the last 10 minutes of have I got bias for you. This would have been the first time in well over a year. About as funny as something that’s not funny. Merton just seems to shout things at random these days, In the short time I watched it the agenda was clear. Above all it really wasn’t funny in any way at all
Funny how I can’t find a peep of this story on the beeb and yet if the miscreant in question was anything to do with UKIP I have absolutely no doubt that it would be plastered all over the ‘impartial’ BBC.
Robert Preston’s image transformation from someone relatively sensible and in touch to a clone of a left wing intellectual from Islington is now completed. What the feck has he done to himself? By BBC standards he used to have at least a little credibility; his BBC immersion as turned him into some kind of leftie hippie with bad hair, I’ll fitting suit and bright red pencil tie. Oh dear oh dear, he really does look like he’s just stumbled out of the offices of the New Statesman.
I am back in the UK for a week, and have just made the mistake of watching BBC 10 o’clock news. My favourite was a personal voter interview, as part of a series with Mohammed Al Saddiq, a chemist?, from Falkirk. Apart from showing his skills with chemical machinery, I did not understand a word he said. However, the BBC did show him looking at a picture in a newspaper. The picture had a very red background, and Jim Murphy with his arms spread in a triumphal posture. Subliminal advertising?
There is also the fact that most normal English people could not be arsed to go and watch anything the BBC do. If they invited me I’d tell em to pss off – you look at most studio audiences for anything only loons go and that audience proved the point a vacuum of braincells sitting in the stalls
So, for every 5 conservative voters, there were 5 labour voters (sounds about right), 4 lib dems (what?), 2 SNP, 2 Green and 1 Plaid – so, the combined support in the room for SNP / Green / Paid was equal to the number of Conservative voters, and Labour voters
Update for Beeboids on their beloved ‘multicultural,’ ‘diverse,’
ANC South Africa-
“South Africa descends towards a new apartheid:
“Immigrants create armed gangs and patrol the streets in the face of violence from black locals aimed at foreigners.
“Anti-immigrant protests have been ongoing in South Africa for two weeks and at least five people have been killed.
“Foreign nationals have been loading trucks with their wares as they flee Johannesburg and neighbouring towns.
“Protesters are angry about foreigners in the country when unemployment is high and wealth isn’t distributed equally.
“Immigrants wielding machetes have clashed with police as they hunt for locals that targeted foreign shop owners. ”
“In 1977, Johnson’s best-selling How Long Will South Africa Survive? offered a controversial and highly original analysis of the survival prospects of apartheid.
“Now, after more than two decades of ANC in government, he believes the question must be posed again. ‘The big question about ANC rule,’ Johnson writes, ‘is whether African nationalism would be able to cope with the challenges of running a modern industrial economy.
“‘Twenty years of ANC rule have shown conclusively that the party is hopelessly ill-equipped for this task. Indeed, everything suggests that South Africa under the ANC is fast slipping backward and that even the survival of South Africa as a unitary state cannot be taken for granted.
“‘The fundamental reason why the question of regime change has to be posed is that it is now clear that South Africa can either choose to have an ANC government or it can have a modern industrial economy. It cannot have both.'”
Be wary of this. Dimbleby or Brillo mentioned this last night, so it’s not a response made by the BBC today. Under the OFCOM ‘major party’ ruling, they probably have to give Farage 30 minutes to match the 30 minutes they give each of the LibLabCon, only they will be the main attraction and Farage will be ignored on the other channel. Never underestimate the Beeb…
And it’s to be hosted by Jo Coburn, or ‘JoCo’ as (for God’s sake) she’s now called on the Daily Politics. She’s always really fair and impartial when it comes to UKIP, isn’t she? Shame it’s not that programme’s organ grinder rather than its monkey.
Very disappointed. I have a few news printouts and articles near the door ready to push down the throat of any Conservative canvasser who dares to call. They’re still there.
I’ve got news printouts to push down the throat of the greasy, ambitious, non-local Bliar clone who passes as our Liebour candidate.
The Tory candidate is rather better, being a local man who campaigns on local issues, and does not desire to rise above the back benches.
The biggest change over the decades is the increased affluence of Liebour voters. In the past, you would have a rash of Liebour posters in council estates and the odd Tory one in the suburbs.
Now all the Liebour posters are outside big posh houses in the suburbs and even the sticks, and I have yet to see a single non-Liebour poster in anyone’s window.
“Hey Mahmood, we’ve got to hurry up if we’re going to get into Britian – we’ve already missed the chance of a selfie with Zayn Malik from One Direction at the Asian Awards”
“Relax Mohammed, it’s no biggie – the Asian Awards are not what you think – Gok Wan was there – it’s getting like Eurovision”
“Fair play Mahmood. That bloke from Citizen Khan was there too – how naff is that! Bring back It Ain’t Half Hot Mum – that’s what I say. Anyway, do hurry up, if we don’t get out of Calais soon Nigel Farage might be in power and Britain could be out of the EU before we can get in”
“Mohammed, now I’m not so sure I want to go to Britain. I’ve been listening to BBC 5 Live – they keep telling me, wages are low, rents are sky high, there’s no school places – we’re bound to be exploited by gangmasters”
“No, no no, Mahmood…. you don’t listen to enough BBC. I watch Newsnight QT the Daily Politics HIGNFY and the Election Debates… and Radio 4 for the shipping forcast… Ed Miliband is going to tackle immigration – by fixing all that stuff for us”
Al Beeb reporting thousands of ‘students’ crossing the Med from Lybia and heading this way to study at Cambridge. I hope our Prime Minister is aware of this news ?
…another day on the BBC breakfast news and another paper review by supposed non bias presenters. Sod the great news about the economy,sod the the great news about the cost of living,sod all the amazing news about how the country is turning a corner no, lets talk about how Millibands day ahead is going to pan out and how wonderful he is,what about what all the other party leaders ???….pass the sick bag
You’ll never guess – BBC reporter on the News Channel just now has been chatting with migrants just washed up in Italy and tells us one chap actually said he wanted to come to Britain. No, really. But don’t worry, this chap intends to study at Oxford University. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
He’ll probably get in – standards are pretty low at 18 you don’t really have to know how to read and write these days to be an A student . We are losing a lot of our A students to ISIS but we will try and do something about that. Tuition fees are very important we need to make sure everyone can get into University to study some crap like media studies so they can get a job reading an auto cue like Charlie and Nana
oh lord Nana and Charlie are telling me the North Sea is warming up and we will be getting more exotic fish to have with our fish and chip supper .University of Exeter hmm how much money do they get from the Global warming farce – is that all the heat that they are looking for to explain the last 14 years no warming
whenever i hear more bunkum from these GW clowns I always imagine the 2 wee boys that used to sell Vauxhall cars and picture them rolling their eyes and saying “global warming” instead of overtired.
“Sturgeon holds Britain to ransom:
You wanted us in Union, now we’ll vote on your NHS, SNP leader taunts English voters.
“Polling last night showed that the nationalists are extending their lead.
“SNP are threatening to all but wipe out Labour north of the border.
“But Ed Miliband refused to rule out going into a power-sharing agreement.
“Sturgeon used TV debate to offer to ālock Cameron out of Downing Street.ā ”
It doesn’t mention Baroness Oldham employing an illegal immigrant, nor that the majority of those caught employing them and paying less than the minimum wage are actually ethnics !
It’s always trumpeted that the maximum fine for each infringement is Ā£20K, they never say that because the employers are ethnic and the two tier ‘justice’ system gives them fines as low as Ā£50 which it then doesn’t actually bother to collect.
It knows this is going on. That the law as it stands is not working because of super low fines which aren’t even paid, and that Special Ed’s team might result in a few more prosecutions, but no change in sentencing, nor pursuing the collection of fines.
On the same page for balance you understand, they have a UKIP election leaflet marked by a left wing state indoctrinator oops sorry, teacher !
Meanwhile no prizes for guessing which party leader is pictured on the UK and Election website today with a favourable headline. So don’t forget to go and vote Labour, we know where you live.
Biased Website?
Interesting to see only Election feature on BBC news site was of how wonderful Eds help to exploited workers is(Apr 18th). Also juxtaposed is an article about Jeremy Clarkson , just for “balance”. (Shows PCvs Non PC). Kept a screen shot just in case. No Other part gets a mention.
Milipede to make a big speech on immigration approx. 12:45pm. Should be on Beeb and Sky News. Seems it will be ‘measured’ – he has to maintain his image as a high-minded internationalist while satisfying grumpy voters in marginal constituencies who have lost out to the newcomers. We can imagine the BS level will be in the red. Labour and Tory spinners frantically blaming each other. Interesting that Nigel Farage is getting the last word on both channels. Should confirm in the voters minds who was right for the last thirteen years. Bias level on this story quite low so far, especially on Sky News. That might change after Milipede pontificates.
BBC refers to the benefits of hugging. Then outlines the progressive policies of the three witches. Picture of Ed as Macbeth watching the three witches, and Banquo’s ghost, Dave, out of the picture.
Yet no mention of Natalie’s policy for Israel. Come on Nigel, sock that one to her.
This poster shows the reason that Islam is not compatible with democracy. It demonstrates why any politician or Islamic spokesman who tells you it is … they are either lying/complicit or abjectly clueless.
Islam is the only real workable solution for the UK.ā ?
… And the only one theyāre going to get, unless,
they cut out the denial, willful ignorance and appeasement.
R Spencer
I imagine the Labour party are pretty pissed about that! Lets face it the Muslims all vote Labour so any call for them not to vote will only affect the loons adversely !
Only Allah can make law? Man doesn’t have the right to legislate?
So what did the false prophet have to say about which side of the road people should drive on, and what the speed limit should be? What did he say about women being allowed to drive while wearing Satan’s post box?
Because the thing is with the false religion claiming that it was given by God who is eternal all seeing and fully cognisant of the future, surely he must have known of the coming of the internal combustion engine, and the road layouts each country would choose, so why didn’t he lay those laws out in the Qur’an? Come to that, why didn’t he legislate for the internet, air travel, and medical negligence ?
Proof if any were needed that Mo wasn’t actually the prophet of God at all !
This raises questions regarding future elections in, say, five years. A muslim party will be formed and stand, as did the Brotherhood in Egypt. With BBC backing it could do well, and herald a new direction. Obviously its policies will be derived from the word of Allah or from the life style of the alleged prophet. And here will be the problem. Questioning these policies will be offensive, amounting to religious hatred which, in the case of Muslims is recognised by magistrates and judges as race hate. So no more leadership debates. Certainly no poster campaigns with images which might offend. On the streets the paid activists from the left will ensure that opposition is silenced. Future elections will be pointless and many MPs from other parties will be bought off or scared off.
The concern for me T, is that with the herd mentality,
this ideology fosters, the insidious way it has infiltrated
our politics at local and national level, that’s why I posted this.
Islam …with it there is no democracy, only one party the black flag, the party of the moon god
… always pushed first, with simpering victim mentality, then threat and or violence
… always first, all other considerations expendable
promote it, protect it, propagate it
… you see it doesn t matter whether its Nazir Afzal who can t see any Islam in Islamic child rape gangs
… how is it that he was overseeing that issue eh?
or Javeed Khan from Barnado s Islamic rape gangs, the usual “lessons”, its everybody’s fault trope,
Khan refused to call for the resignation of South Yorkshire Police Commissioner (and former head of Rotherham Council Childrenās Services) Shaun Wright but it often seemed as though he was trying to make excuses for the various institutions which allowed mass child rape to occur on their watch.
Afzal “Cameron he ll come to us” Amin, how about the crooks of the OIC s very own Sayeeda Warsi, yep!
Islamic Finance Davey?
infiltrated at every level … and its full of offspring that want to mass murder non muslims
… very dangerous times
Do you ever hear of charities having to lay off workers because they have no money to pay them?
They are not all volunteers. So either the money is still rolling in despite austerity, or, they look after the paid collectors before cutting back on anything else?
Only asking.
When charities were ‘charities’, they were voluntary. Since they became ‘the voluntary sector’, they are paid and ‘attract government funding’. Go figure.
There was an interview on this morning’s Today with a 21 year-old ‘migrant’ who made it to Italy having been rescued from the latest African trafficking boating incident. It went something like this (questions not asked are in italics):
‘What sort of boat were you in’?
– ‘It was made of wood, and not very good’
‘Why did you get in it if it looked unsafe?
Who did you pay money to and how much?
Had you not heard of hundreds who have already lost their lives in similar circumstances?’
Why did you leave your country?’
‘Who rescued you’?
– ‘It was the Italian sea rescue’
‘Where are you living, in a house?’
– ‘Yes, in a house’
‘Do you know there are many homless Italians who might like to live in that house?’
‘Do your parents know you’re safe?’
– ‘Yes, I phoned them. they are very happy to know I’m safe’
‘Are your parents in danger where they live? What country is it you’re from?’
‘Will you stay in Italy’?
– ‘No, I don’t think so.’
‘Where will you go?’
– ‘I think probably Belgium, the education system is good there’
Do you think Belgium has the money to pay for your education?’
‘Will your parents join you?’
– ‘I don’t know at the moment – we’ll have to see’
‘What were you studying at home?’
– ‘I was a health student’
‘Doesn’t your country need health workers? Why are you leaving?’
‘Why didn’t you use the money you paid to the traffickers on an airline ticket and claim asylum that way?’
‘You don’t appear to have been in any imminent danger in your country and your parents are obviously still safe – you are an economic migrant, really aren’t you?’
The things that strikes me about the ‘poverty-stricken’ rabble running around Calais is that they are all well dressed and they are all chattering into mobile phones; somehow doesn’t align with the narrative being pushed by the Beeb.
Maybe the charity-career food bank industry here could hook up with Ocado and arrange a cross-Channel service as they clearly have the tech and budget to order ‘home’ delivery?
I think that the British Asylum service should set up a desk in Calais and Italy to take a pre claim from the asylum seekers before they ever get here.
Fingerprints, and other biometrics plus details of claim should be noted down.
That way when they finally do roll up here their claim can be rejected for failing to claim in the first safe country they got to, and should some loon of a judge decide that isn’t enough they won’t have had chance to meet other successful nationals who can tell them the story they used which worked.
Let me add my congratulations for a masterclass in how professional, objective questioning should go as herds of elephants walk into the interview room, as opposed to the pea-brained, narrative-friendly fluff that the BBC passes off with its vox-popaganda.
I thought I’d listen to Money Box this lunchtime. Now that the manifestos have been published I was hoping for an analysis of the various proposals on taxation, or perhaps the implications for savers.
A quote from an article by Alex Wickham on Breitbart.
“Strong criticism from the independent IFS was very bad news for Labour, though their strategists will have been delighted that the BBC decided to push it well down the News at Ten.”
Just visited the BBC news web site and as usual its all about Milliband. Every main headline is Milliband, are other party leaders not out and about or making comment..??
Can someone please explain to me why such bias is not being questioned by other party leaders. What amazes me is how blatant the BBC are being about there bias.
How do other parties hope to compete in the election with such astonishing behavior by the BBC
Yes, I am staggered at the lack of any challenge to this bias. Maybe it will come because Thursday night was an eye-opener I would have thought. There is no other word for it but media brainwashing, the sort of thing that was happening in Germany in the 1930s. This, the bullying tactics of unpleasant organisations like Hope not Hate & the UAF, & the shouting-down type of audiences on QT are all rather terrifying developments.
I agree, the “debate” last Thursday will have been an eye opener for a lot of people, especially after Farage highlighted the bias of the audience; many of those watching who weren’t attuned to how the Beebus operates, now will be.
It was a good move by the Farage and that is why the Beeboids were so incensed by it: it is always difficult to try and refute the truth.
He threw an egg at a 72 Year Old man….Then had him arrested when the old man retaliated. Now he’s bragging about it..This is the face of “Hope not Hate”
Alex Forsyth seems to be doing the weekend shift. Let’s be fair, her tweets are straightforward, factual and fair. There’s a complete lack of the standard BBC snide digs. She’ll not go far!
Farage has mentioned his controversial policy on migrants & HIV at every public meeting since debate & it gets good reax every time #GE2015
Have a look at the BBCs version of events….No video because it would make them a laughing stock, and last night Nick Lowles invented the allegation that DavidBraniff-Herbert had been subjected to “homophobic comments”, which I’ve gone through his threads thoroughly, and found it’s out and out lies….The BBC haven’t bothered to check that either of course, they’ve just swallowed Lowles lies hook line and sinker.
The reason the political parties are not complaining about BBV bias is because the BBC is protected from that as a broadcaster they have immunity. Disgraceful isn’t it?
It is Beeboid policy to try to ensure that the first words in their Election propaganda reports are either ‘Labour Party’ or ‘Miliband’.
And, online Beeboids provide only a photo of Miliband, not other leaders, as here.
“Election 2015: Miliband plans crackdown on exploitative firms”
As for the bland reference to immigration, there is no indication as to how numbers can be reduced under Labour, given its appalling record on mass immigration, 1997-2010.
But does he get it? Er…Hell, No! He started his ‘keynote speech’ with this mea culpa, but only offered to match CMD’s benefit changes – no plans for restrictions. More; he’s promising that no one fleeing persecution will be turned away. Expect a lot of ‘persecution’ in the next few years. No one claiming sexual harassment will be kept in a detention centre. [Channel 4 News campaign success – tick.] Expect a lot of ‘sexual harassment’ as well.
Or at least claiming to be gay and /or from the correct country, but cannot speak the language, or they have lost their passport and all the other tricks that avoid being returned.
The devious cynical Marxist that he is also knows full well that he intends to do absolutely nothing to restrict the ongoing invasion should he get in, yet thousands of the x factor morons will still swallow his disingenuous drivel.
Foggy you should be happy with all of Millipeed`s plans on immigration as you hate the Tory ones. PS You will be pleased to hear, I have just voted Conservative by post , the Tory candidate is a quite well known chick & really fit. She will be back in the Commons , no problem.
Essex Man has voted Tory AND Boris ‘is moving centre-stage’. It’s all going wrong. We’re doomed Cap’n…. doomed! I suppose using a postal vote means you don’t have to look the UKIP tellers in the eye.
We don`t have any round my way , they are all Tory , with a couple of Lib Dem`s. No Labourite`s either. Anyhow I usually vote by post, incase I have to leave the country immediately .
Penny Morebust? I’d be tempted! Pretty Patel? – I can’t say I wouldn’t be tempted. Perhaps Theresa Coffey is more your cup of tea? Come on. Cough up. Who’s tickled your fancy sEssex Man?
Car crash television interview on DP with Andrew Neil?.
I ve personally caught a car crash interview on R4 and one on5Live with this very lady.
oh remember this one
Priti Patel car crash interview on by-election results, (goes to show she s pretty … but she s the pretty wrapping, facts are polish a turd, its still a turd)
She was far more impressive expressing her own views than she is trying to spin ‘the line’ since she became a minister. Her family clearly know what’s what, though:
‘Polished turd’ is unfair. She’s smart, when she’s not constrained by ‘the Party line’, what with it being a socialist one. The ‘Conservative’ Party – what a joke.
Ms Patel is the only member of the government I respect. She’s tack sharp, used to be a leading anti-European and her dad stood for UKIP. Then Dave got her for a sunbeam and she transmogrified into a Mister Green clone. She’s still not afraid to put the boot into the Beeb, though:
In a letter addressed to BBC Director General Lord Tony Hall dated May 19, Priti Patel, who has been appointed as an Indian Diaspora Champion by British Prime Minister David Cameron has said she had received a number of complaints from the Indian community based in the UK in reference to the BBC’s ‘Newsnight’ programme aired on May 16 as part of the results coverage of India’s general election.
“Many in the British Indian community, particularly those of Gujarati origin, were offended by the reporting about Prime Minister-elect Narendra Modi,” her letter reads. The Conservative Party MP objected to the programme’s presenter, Yalda Hakim, referring to Modi as a ācontroversial figureā.
“Claiming someone who is a democratically elected politician is a ‘mass murderer’ is an extremely serious allegation and unless such a claim is substantiated with meaningful evidence, the BBC should not be broadcasting this slur,” she wrote, further expressing shock at the Indian general election being described as “supposedly democratic”.
This is where UK society is heading, of course, as U.K political class, inc INBBC know-
“The political reality of Muslim demographics.
“Mainstream political debate in Britain today ignores the emerging Muslim demographic reality.
“But the burying of heads in sand will not rid Britain of the consequences of sixty years of heavy immigration.”
The darling of the environmental movement, James Lovelock, has turned on the Greens, saying “Don’t call me a Green”.
Some other common sense quotes from Lovelock:
“Environmentalists appall me”
“Fracking is a damn good idea”
“Windmills and Solar Panels …. are just Silly things to do”
“We should have kept to Nuclear”
The Interviewer asks: Do you think we should give up trying to save the Planet?
Charles Moore blames the inequality on lack of opportunity:
Ms Sturgeonās brand is āprogressive changeā, which is a 21st-century way of saying āsocialismā. Even before the merger is effected, it is selling well. In the TV debate, the Greens and the Welsh Nationalists were with her on this. Mr Miliband tried to be too, at least as much as is consistent with wearing a dark suit and trying to look like a statesman. So is progressive Nick Clegg, who didnāt show up. If you asked the also-absent Mr Cameron, I expect he would tell you how much he likes progressive change too.
… The mood of all these meetings is that āausterityā is bad, that there is a prevailing unfairness holding the people back which the conventional party leaders wonāt address. So when Ms Sturgeon calls for boldness, her words find an echo not just in Glasgow, but from Landās End to John OāGroats.
If Labour loses the election and lets hope that happens,I wonder how Auntie ”we love Labour ” BBC would react…
Dont forget a great many BBC staff have folked out money on the election via there contribution to there union who in turn pass it to the Labour Party.
Lets hope there investment goes pear shaped,teach the biased sods a lesson
Sky News has just shown Sunday Express front page headline:
UKIP leader Nigel Farage has reportedly instructed his party’s lawyers to act over what he says was a Left-wing bias among the audience in Thursday’s TV election debate.
The BBC has more lawyers and limitless funds. Worth a try though.
Speaking of funds, is Lord Pantone still a DG living in fear, or has his symbolic 2 week protection detail been quietly dropped as nutter threats cease to be credible after such a time?
Not sure anymore, as a male WASP I struggle to identify with what our national broadcaster is offering. Female newsreader Reeta Chakrabarti hands over to female sports reporter Karthi Gnanasegaram….
Nevermind I think to myself, a bastion of maleness is on now, Match Of The Day, presented by….Gabby Yorath! Still at least I could pronounce the name of the male weather forecaster….
Two new polls just released,one showing Labour with a 3 point lead and the second showing the Conservatives with a 4 point lead..
Guess which poll the BBC (marketing department for Labour) decided to show,yes you’ve guessed right.
Think i had better stop watching the BBC coverage of the election, its not doing my blood pressure any good
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It’s official. UKIP has dropped out of the election. On tonight’s BBC Election round-up, there was coverage of all the party leaders’ activities – except UKIP. An examination of the polls – no mention of UKIP. And in-studio discussion including a review of last night’s debate – no mention of UKIP – apart from a disparaging remark over that shot of Nigel refusing to become involved in the left-lest love-in. Nothing about the obvious audience bias. Complete cut-off. Nigel must have really, really pissed off the subversive BBC and that loathsome creep, Dimbleby. Well done that man!
Not sure whether this has already been posted, but the BBC has confirmed that the audience for last night’s debate was left-wing (i.e. 2/3 of those audience members who stated party allegiance supported a leftie party).
Great video, and so very true…
Pat nails it in 6 minutes. Again. Well said Pat.
Who is this man and why is he so brilliant?
30 seconds into HIGNFY 1st ‘joke’ at Farage’s expense….
I actually watched the last 10 minutes of have I got bias for you. This would have been the first time in well over a year. About as funny as something that’s not funny. Merton just seems to shout things at random these days, In the short time I watched it the agenda was clear. Above all it really wasn’t funny in any way at all
Funny how I can’t find a peep of this story on the beeb and yet if the miscreant in question was anything to do with UKIP I have absolutely no doubt that it would be plastered all over the ‘impartial’ BBC.
Robert Preston’s image transformation from someone relatively sensible and in touch to a clone of a left wing intellectual from Islington is now completed. What the feck has he done to himself? By BBC standards he used to have at least a little credibility; his BBC immersion as turned him into some kind of leftie hippie with bad hair, I’ll fitting suit and bright red pencil tie. Oh dear oh dear, he really does look like he’s just stumbled out of the offices of the New Statesman.
Robert Preston has a common purpose now.
I am back in the UK for a week, and have just made the mistake of watching BBC 10 o’clock news. My favourite was a personal voter interview, as part of a series with Mohammed Al Saddiq, a chemist?, from Falkirk. Apart from showing his skills with chemical machinery, I did not understand a word he said. However, the BBC did show him looking at a picture in a newspaper. The picture had a very red background, and Jim Murphy with his arms spread in a triumphal posture. Subliminal advertising?
I’m sure there is a thought crime hidden somewhere in your comment. Unfortunately I found myself agreeing with you.
Newsnight following two families:
1 white male; 2 white females
1 black male; 3 black females
I wonder if they farmed out the selection to ICM.
Ukip says BBC ‘exposed’ over left-wing debate audience –
There is also the fact that most normal English people could not be arsed to go and watch anything the BBC do. If they invited me I’d tell em to pss off – you look at most studio audiences for anything only loons go and that audience proved the point a vacuum of braincells sitting in the stalls
Good point.
Even if ‘balanced’ in invitation, the skew towards activists of any political hue is inevitable and hence unrepresentative.
For the BBC to try and claim otherwise is either delusional or deceitful.
So, for every 5 conservative voters, there were 5 labour voters (sounds about right), 4 lib dems (what?), 2 SNP, 2 Green and 1 Plaid – so, the combined support in the room for SNP / Green / Paid was equal to the number of Conservative voters, and Labour voters
Update for Beeboids on their beloved ‘multicultural,’ ‘diverse,’
ANC South Africa-
“South Africa descends towards a new apartheid:
“Immigrants create armed gangs and patrol the streets in the face of violence from black locals aimed at foreigners.
“Anti-immigrant protests have been ongoing in South Africa for two weeks and at least five people have been killed.
“Foreign nationals have been loading trucks with their wares as they flee Johannesburg and neighbouring towns.
“Protesters are angry about foreigners in the country when unemployment is high and wealth isn’t distributed equally.
“Immigrants wielding machetes have clashed with police as they hunt for locals that targeted foreign shop owners. ”
Read more:
“South Africa shops looted despite Zuma call for peace”
Maybe if he emailed the looters and told them not to do anything stupid?
That always seems to work.
Forthcoming book by R.W. Johnson (June, 2015)-
“Will South Afica Survive?: The Looming Crisis”
by R. W. Johnson (Author).
Preliminary remarks:-
“In 1977, Johnson’s best-selling How Long Will South Africa Survive? offered a controversial and highly original analysis of the survival prospects of apartheid.
“Now, after more than two decades of ANC in government, he believes the question must be posed again. ‘The big question about ANC rule,’ Johnson writes, ‘is whether African nationalism would be able to cope with the challenges of running a modern industrial economy.
“‘Twenty years of ANC rule have shown conclusively that the party is hopelessly ill-equipped for this task. Indeed, everything suggests that South Africa under the ANC is fast slipping backward and that even the survival of South Africa as a unitary state cannot be taken for granted.
“‘The fundamental reason why the question of regime change has to be posed is that it is now clear that South Africa can either choose to have an ANC government or it can have a modern industrial economy. It cannot have both.'”
(-from publishers’ preview.)
great news
Be wary of this. Dimbleby or Brillo mentioned this last night, so it’s not a response made by the BBC today. Under the OFCOM ‘major party’ ruling, they probably have to give Farage 30 minutes to match the 30 minutes they give each of the LibLabCon, only they will be the main attraction and Farage will be ignored on the other channel. Never underestimate the Beeb…
And it’s to be hosted by Jo Coburn, or ‘JoCo’ as (for God’s sake) she’s now called on the Daily Politics. She’s always really fair and impartial when it comes to UKIP, isn’t she? Shame it’s not that programme’s organ grinder rather than its monkey.
Latest news. Sounds like the Zulus are on the warpath again.
So that’s why the beeb is holding the 30 min show with Nigel in brum.Thought there must have been a logical reason.
Yes. I’ve heard that there’s unrest in South Africa as well.
Very good.
Come on Anne more please.
Well tell them to stop chucking them bloody spears at us.
(Mis-attributed to Michael Caine in Zulu.)
two & a half weeks to go & I haven’t seen a single canvasser or election material, let alone an actual candidate!
I wonder what the experiences of others is like, and whether you have had the chance to question them on the future of the BBC?
I’ve had some literature but not seen a candidate or canvasser.
Leaflets but no calls.
Very disappointed. I have a few news printouts and articles near the door ready to push down the throat of any Conservative canvasser who dares to call. They’re still there.
Perhaps others have beaten me to it.
I’ve got news printouts to push down the throat of the greasy, ambitious, non-local Bliar clone who passes as our Liebour candidate.
The Tory candidate is rather better, being a local man who campaigns on local issues, and does not desire to rise above the back benches.
The biggest change over the decades is the increased affluence of Liebour voters. In the past, you would have a rash of Liebour posters in council estates and the odd Tory one in the suburbs.
Now all the Liebour posters are outside big posh houses in the suburbs and even the sticks, and I have yet to see a single non-Liebour poster in anyone’s window.
And I’m talking about a marginal seat here.
This is the big myth, “I was out knocking on doors at the weekend”. No they did not. They know it’s a waste of time, how many pi*s off’s can one take.
I have lived in this house 35 years and the only knock I have ever had was from the SDP.
“Hey Mahmood, we’ve got to hurry up if we’re going to get into Britian – we’ve already missed the chance of a selfie with Zayn Malik from One Direction at the Asian Awards”
“Relax Mohammed, it’s no biggie – the Asian Awards are not what you think – Gok Wan was there – it’s getting like Eurovision”
“Fair play Mahmood. That bloke from Citizen Khan was there too – how naff is that! Bring back It Ain’t Half Hot Mum – that’s what I say. Anyway, do hurry up, if we don’t get out of Calais soon Nigel Farage might be in power and Britain could be out of the EU before we can get in”
“Mohammed, now I’m not so sure I want to go to Britain. I’ve been listening to BBC 5 Live – they keep telling me, wages are low, rents are sky high, there’s no school places – we’re bound to be exploited by gangmasters”
“No, no no, Mahmood…. you don’t listen to enough BBC. I watch Newsnight QT the Daily Politics HIGNFY and the Election Debates… and Radio 4 for the shipping forcast… Ed Miliband is going to tackle immigration – by fixing all that stuff for us”
Al Beeb reporting thousands of ‘students’ crossing the Med from Lybia and heading this way to study at Cambridge. I hope our Prime Minister is aware of this news ?
Less a few Christians who are sleeping with the fishes.
…another day on the BBC breakfast news and another paper review by supposed non bias presenters. Sod the great news about the economy,sod the the great news about the cost of living,sod all the amazing news about how the country is turning a corner no, lets talk about how Millibands day ahead is going to pan out and how wonderful he is,what about what all the other party leaders ???….pass the sick bag
You’ll never guess – BBC reporter on the News Channel just now has been chatting with migrants just washed up in Italy and tells us one chap actually said he wanted to come to Britain. No, really. But don’t worry, this chap intends to study at Oxford University. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
He’ll probably get in – standards are pretty low at 18 you don’t really have to know how to read and write these days to be an A student . We are losing a lot of our A students to ISIS but we will try and do something about that. Tuition fees are very important we need to make sure everyone can get into University to study some crap like media studies so they can get a job reading an auto cue like Charlie and Nana
Is he a swimming coach?
….oops..!!!! I owe the BBC an apology,they just mentioned another party leader besides Milliband.Perhaps the BBC IS TURNING A CORNER
oh lord Nana and Charlie are telling me the North Sea is warming up and we will be getting more exotic fish to have with our fish and chip supper .University of Exeter hmm how much money do they get from the Global warming farce – is that all the heat that they are looking for to explain the last 14 years no warming
GWPF says NO!
whenever i hear more bunkum from these GW clowns I always imagine the 2 wee boys that used to sell Vauxhall cars and picture them rolling their eyes and saying “global warming” instead of overtired.
“Beware this very sinister brand of Left-wing populism:
Dominic Sandbrook on why TV debate group huddle peddles message of class resentment.”
“Sturgeon holds Britain to ransom:
You wanted us in Union, now we’ll vote on your NHS, SNP leader taunts English voters.
“Polling last night showed that the nationalists are extending their lead.
“SNP are threatening to all but wipe out Labour north of the border.
“But Ed Miliband refused to rule out going into a power-sharing agreement.
“Sturgeon used TV debate to offer to ālock Cameron out of Downing Street.ā ”
I don’t want her in the Union . I’ve accepted that there maybe a breakup and we will go it alone as The English , in the ancient land of England.
I’m sure we’ll cope without them Nibor, somehow.
On BBC Breakfast TV at about 8.22am
The female presenter says of Farage during a discussion on the morning papers:
āNigel Farage is a colourful and divisive leaderā
Heās not divisive and what does she mean by colourful? The comment was not challenged.
don’t forget these fekkers are feeding off the tit of the British taxpayer.
INBBC news editors’ memo:
-‘don’t forget to erase the word “Muslim” from these sorts of headlines. “Teenagers” is fine’:-
“Australian teenagers held over alleged Melbourne terror plot”
BBC News England this morning carries the headline trumpting Labour and special Ed as a white knight riding to save the poor migrants.
It doesn’t mention Baroness Oldham employing an illegal immigrant, nor that the majority of those caught employing them and paying less than the minimum wage are actually ethnics !
It’s always trumpeted that the maximum fine for each infringement is Ā£20K, they never say that because the employers are ethnic and the two tier ‘justice’ system gives them fines as low as Ā£50 which it then doesn’t actually bother to collect.
It’s obvious from the names of most of the businesses who the culprits are.
Compare the BBCs reporting which doesn’t mention any of the culprit at all!
It knows this is going on. That the law as it stands is not working because of super low fines which aren’t even paid, and that Special Ed’s team might result in a few more prosecutions, but no change in sentencing, nor pursuing the collection of fines.
On the same page for balance you understand, they have a UKIP election leaflet marked by a left wing state indoctrinator oops sorry, teacher !
Yet another attack by the broadcaster which has no grounds to claim impartiality.
They’re getting absolutely desperate now in their attempts to smear UKIP…
Meanwhile no prizes for guessing which party leader is pictured on the UK and Election website today with a favourable headline. So don’t forget to go and vote Labour, we know where you live.
Biased Website?
Interesting to see only Election feature on BBC news site was of how wonderful Eds help to exploited workers is(Apr 18th). Also juxtaposed is an article about Jeremy Clarkson , just for “balance”. (Shows PCvs Non PC). Kept a screen shot just in case. No Other part gets a mention.
BBC-NUJ will probably keep up this propaganda piece on its political pin-up, Balls for whole weekend now.
Milipede to make a big speech on immigration approx. 12:45pm. Should be on Beeb and Sky News. Seems it will be ‘measured’ – he has to maintain his image as a high-minded internationalist while satisfying grumpy voters in marginal constituencies who have lost out to the newcomers. We can imagine the BS level will be in the red. Labour and Tory spinners frantically blaming each other. Interesting that Nigel Farage is getting the last word on both channels. Should confirm in the voters minds who was right for the last thirteen years. Bias level on this story quite low so far, especially on Sky News. That might change after Milipede pontificates.
“Using immigration to turn Britain into a nation of Labour voters is so shameful I can hardly believe it.”
By Stephen Glover.
BBC refers to the benefits of hugging. Then outlines the progressive policies of the three witches. Picture of Ed as Macbeth watching the three witches, and Banquo’s ghost, Dave, out of the picture.
Yet no mention of Natalie’s policy for Israel. Come on Nigel, sock that one to her.
Yes, political hugging as exclusion;
and their ‘socialist’ language of ‘locking people out.’
The full message on the poster reads:
āDemocracy is a system whereby man violates the right of Allah and decides what is permissible or impermissible for mankind, based solely on their whims and desires.
āThis leads to a decayed and degraded society where crime and immorality becomes widespread and injustice becomes the norm.
āIslam is the only real, working solution for the UK
This poster shows the reason that Islam is not compatible with democracy. It demonstrates why any politician or Islamic spokesman who tells you it is … they are either lying/complicit or abjectly clueless.
Islam is the only real workable solution for the UK.ā ?
… And the only one theyāre going to get, unless,
they cut out the denial, willful ignorance and appeasement.
R Spencer
I imagine the Labour party are pretty pissed about that! Lets face it the Muslims all vote Labour so any call for them not to vote will only affect the loons adversely !
Only Allah can make law? Man doesn’t have the right to legislate?
So what did the false prophet have to say about which side of the road people should drive on, and what the speed limit should be? What did he say about women being allowed to drive while wearing Satan’s post box?
Because the thing is with the false religion claiming that it was given by God who is eternal all seeing and fully cognisant of the future, surely he must have known of the coming of the internal combustion engine, and the road layouts each country would choose, so why didn’t he lay those laws out in the Qur’an? Come to that, why didn’t he legislate for the internet, air travel, and medical negligence ?
Proof if any were needed that Mo wasn’t actually the prophet of God at all !
This raises questions regarding future elections in, say, five years. A muslim party will be formed and stand, as did the Brotherhood in Egypt. With BBC backing it could do well, and herald a new direction. Obviously its policies will be derived from the word of Allah or from the life style of the alleged prophet. And here will be the problem. Questioning these policies will be offensive, amounting to religious hatred which, in the case of Muslims is recognised by magistrates and judges as race hate. So no more leadership debates. Certainly no poster campaigns with images which might offend. On the streets the paid activists from the left will ensure that opposition is silenced. Future elections will be pointless and many MPs from other parties will be bought off or scared off.
The concern for me T, is that with the herd mentality,
this ideology fosters, the insidious way it has infiltrated
our politics at local and national level, that’s why I posted this.
Islam …with it there is no democracy, only one party the black flag, the party of the moon god
… always pushed first, with simpering victim mentality, then threat and or violence
… always first, all other considerations expendable
promote it, protect it, propagate it
… you see it doesn t matter whether its Nazir Afzal who can t see any Islam in Islamic child rape gangs
… how is it that he was overseeing that issue eh?
or Javeed Khan from Barnado s Islamic rape gangs, the usual “lessons”, its everybody’s fault trope,
Khan refused to call for the resignation of South Yorkshire Police Commissioner (and former head of Rotherham Council Childrenās Services) Shaun Wright but it often seemed as though he was trying to make excuses for the various institutions which allowed mass child rape to occur on their watch.
Afzal “Cameron he ll come to us” Amin, how about the crooks of the OIC s very own Sayeeda Warsi, yep!
Islamic Finance Davey?
infiltrated at every level … and its full of offspring that want to mass murder non muslims
… very dangerous times
Will INBBC’s weekend staffers report this well-known anti-democracy Islamic tenet?
Totaly off any topic:
Do you ever hear of charities having to lay off workers because they have no money to pay them?
They are not all volunteers. So either the money is still rolling in despite austerity, or, they look after the paid collectors before cutting back on anything else?
Only asking.
When charities were ‘charities’, they were voluntary. Since they became ‘the voluntary sector’, they are paid and ‘attract government funding’. Go figure.
Beeboids : 1.) Easton, and 2.) Harrabin.
What do they do all day, apart from produce biased pieces:
1.) Easton-e.g. for mass immigration, against drug controls;
2.)Harrabin-e.g. for wind farms, against fracking.
Propaganda IS their job. Why would they do anything else?
There was an interview on this morning’s Today with a 21 year-old ‘migrant’ who made it to Italy having been rescued from the latest African trafficking boating incident. It went something like this (questions not asked are in italics):
‘What sort of boat were you in’?
– ‘It was made of wood, and not very good’
‘Why did you get in it if it looked unsafe?
Who did you pay money to and how much?
Had you not heard of hundreds who have already lost their lives in similar circumstances?’
Why did you leave your country?’
‘Who rescued you’?
– ‘It was the Italian sea rescue’
‘Where are you living, in a house?’
– ‘Yes, in a house’
‘Do you know there are many homless Italians who might like to live in that house?’
‘Do your parents know you’re safe?’
– ‘Yes, I phoned them. they are very happy to know I’m safe’
‘Are your parents in danger where they live? What country is it you’re from?’
‘Will you stay in Italy’?
– ‘No, I don’t think so.’
‘Where will you go?’
– ‘I think probably Belgium, the education system is good there’
Do you think Belgium has the money to pay for your education?’
‘Will your parents join you?’
– ‘I don’t know at the moment – we’ll have to see’
‘What were you studying at home?’
– ‘I was a health student’
‘Doesn’t your country need health workers? Why are you leaving?’
‘Why didn’t you use the money you paid to the traffickers on an airline ticket and claim asylum that way?’
‘You don’t appear to have been in any imminent danger in your country and your parents are obviously still safe – you are an economic migrant, really aren’t you?’
The things that strikes me about the ‘poverty-stricken’ rabble running around Calais is that they are all well dressed and they are all chattering into mobile phones; somehow doesn’t align with the narrative being pushed by the Beeb.
Maybe the charity-career food bank industry here could hook up with Ocado and arrange a cross-Channel service as they clearly have the tech and budget to order ‘home’ delivery?
Use the new technology – delivery by drone. We must have some spare Reapers.
I think that the British Asylum service should set up a desk in Calais and Italy to take a pre claim from the asylum seekers before they ever get here.
Fingerprints, and other biometrics plus details of claim should be noted down.
That way when they finally do roll up here their claim can be rejected for failing to claim in the first safe country they got to, and should some loon of a judge decide that isn’t enough they won’t have had chance to meet other successful nationals who can tell them the story they used which worked.
Johnny the fish, brilliant! If only you were suitable material for the beeb, we need people who ask the right questions.
Many thanks. It’s the questions the BBC don’t ask which give away their bias.
Let me add my congratulations for a masterclass in how professional, objective questioning should go as herds of elephants walk into the interview room, as opposed to the pea-brained, narrative-friendly fluff that the BBC passes off with its vox-popaganda. you can be sure these muslim murderers were heading here to claim asylum.
I thought I’d listen to Money Box this lunchtime. Now that the manifestos have been published I was hoping for an analysis of the various proposals on taxation, or perhaps the implications for savers.
First item – an interview with Ed Balls – OFF.
But RJ – it is surely hardly relevant that all the parties bar one want to drive Britain deeper and deeper into debt.
Now what possible relevance has that to the MONEY programme ? !!!
A quote from an article by Alex Wickham on Breitbart.
“Strong criticism from the independent IFS was very bad news for Labour, though their strategists will have been delighted that the BBC decided to push it well down the News at Ten.”
Just visited the BBC news web site and as usual its all about Milliband. Every main headline is Milliband, are other party leaders not out and about or making comment..??
Can someone please explain to me why such bias is not being questioned by other party leaders. What amazes me is how blatant the BBC are being about there bias.
How do other parties hope to compete in the election with such astonishing behavior by the BBC
Yes, I am staggered at the lack of any challenge to this bias. Maybe it will come because Thursday night was an eye-opener I would have thought. There is no other word for it but media brainwashing, the sort of thing that was happening in Germany in the 1930s. This, the bullying tactics of unpleasant organisations like Hope not Hate & the UAF, & the shouting-down type of audiences on QT are all rather terrifying developments.
I agree, the “debate” last Thursday will have been an eye opener for a lot of people, especially after Farage highlighted the bias of the audience; many of those watching who weren’t attuned to how the Beebus operates, now will be.
It was a good move by the Farage and that is why the Beeboids were so incensed by it: it is always difficult to try and refute the truth.
He threw an egg at a 72 Year Old man….Then had him arrested when the old man retaliated. Now he’s bragging about it..This is the face of “Hope not Hate”
Tweets by the_dbh
Must be the worst hate crime since the Kippers booed Christopher Hope. He’s lucky he didn’t egg Prezza!
The Beeboid Comrades have now picked this story up…..
Robin Brant must be off for the weekend, but he still managed to post a tweet on this hot news story:
Alex Forsyth seems to be doing the weekend shift. Let’s be fair, her tweets are straightforward, factual and fair. There’s a complete lack of the standard BBC snide digs. She’ll not go far!
The Hope not Hate footage of the incident has surfaced….I repeat the hope not hate footage….
Have a look at the BBCs version of events….No video because it would make them a laughing stock, and last night Nick Lowles invented the allegation that DavidBraniff-Herbert had been subjected to “homophobic comments”, which I’ve gone through his threads thoroughly, and found it’s out and out lies….The BBC haven’t bothered to check that either of course, they’ve just swallowed Lowles lies hook line and sinker.
I see he is an “Award-Winning Equalty & Trade Union Organiser who builds movements. “. I wonder what award that was ……..
Hero of the Soviet Union, I would imagine.
The reason the political parties are not complaining about BBV bias is because the BBC is protected from that as a broadcaster they have immunity. Disgraceful isn’t it?
Louisa M, please sign here then …
It is Beeboid policy to try to ensure that the first words in their Election propaganda reports are either ‘Labour Party’ or ‘Miliband’.
And, online Beeboids provide only a photo of Miliband, not other leaders, as here.
“Election 2015: Miliband plans crackdown on exploitative firms”
As for the bland reference to immigration, there is no indication as to how numbers can be reduced under Labour, given its appalling record on mass immigration, 1997-2010.
‘Telegraph’ (Ā£)-
“Ed Miliband: Labour got it wrong on immigration ā it is not prejudiced to be concerned”
But does he get it? Er…Hell, No! He started his ‘keynote speech’ with this mea culpa, but only offered to match CMD’s benefit changes – no plans for restrictions. More; he’s promising that no one fleeing persecution will be turned away. Expect a lot of ‘persecution’ in the next few years. No one claiming sexual harassment will be kept in a detention centre. [Channel 4 News campaign success – tick.] Expect a lot of ‘sexual harassment’ as well.
And gays from countries that do not “like” gays.
Or at least claiming to be gay and /or from the correct country, but cannot speak the language, or they have lost their passport and all the other tricks that avoid being returned.
The devious cynical Marxist that he is also knows full well that he intends to do absolutely nothing to restrict the ongoing invasion should he get in, yet thousands of the x factor morons will still swallow his disingenuous drivel.
Foggy you should be happy with all of Millipeed`s plans on immigration as you hate the Tory ones. PS You will be pleased to hear, I have just voted Conservative by post , the Tory candidate is a quite well known chick & really fit. She will be back in the Commons , no problem.
….STOP THE PRESS!!…….Essex Man (Tory Boy) has voted umm Tory!!!
Essex Man has voted Tory AND Boris ‘is moving centre-stage’. It’s all going wrong. We’re doomed Cap’n…. doomed! I suppose using a postal vote means you don’t have to look the UKIP tellers in the eye.
We don`t have any round my way , they are all Tory , with a couple of Lib Dem`s. No Labourite`s either. Anyhow I usually vote by post, incase I have to leave the country immediately .
Penny Morebust? I’d be tempted! Pretty Patel? – I can’t say I wouldn’t be tempted. Perhaps Theresa Coffey is more your cup of tea? Come on. Cough up. Who’s tickled your fancy sEssex Man?
Yeah its Priti , Feisty , & fit .
š She’s a Kipper. Just hasn’t told you yet.
I think we can grudgingly forgive him!
Car crash television interview on DP with Andrew Neil?.
I ve personally caught a car crash interview on R4 and one on5Live with this very lady.
oh remember this one
Priti Patel car crash interview on by-election results, (goes to show she s pretty … but she s the pretty wrapping, facts are polish a turd, its still a turd)
She was far more impressive expressing her own views than she is trying to spin ‘the line’ since she became a minister. Her family clearly know what’s what, though:
Priti Patel’s Ukip candidate father says: ‘They are not a racist party’
‘Polished turd’ is unfair. She’s smart, when she’s not constrained by ‘the Party line’, what with it being a socialist one. The ‘Conservative’ Party – what a joke.
Ms Patel is the only member of the government I respect. She’s tack sharp, used to be a leading anti-European and her dad stood for UKIP. Then Dave got her for a sunbeam and she transmogrified into a Mister Green clone. She’s still not afraid to put the boot into the Beeb, though:
In a letter addressed to BBC Director General Lord Tony Hall dated May 19, Priti Patel, who has been appointed as an Indian Diaspora Champion by British Prime Minister David Cameron has said she had received a number of complaints from the Indian community based in the UK in reference to the BBC’s ‘Newsnight’ programme aired on May 16 as part of the results coverage of India’s general election.
“Many in the British Indian community, particularly those of Gujarati origin, were offended by the reporting about Prime Minister-elect Narendra Modi,” her letter reads. The Conservative Party MP objected to the programme’s presenter, Yalda Hakim, referring to Modi as a ācontroversial figureā.
“Claiming someone who is a democratically elected politician is a ‘mass murderer’ is an extremely serious allegation and unless such a claim is substantiated with meaningful evidence, the BBC should not be broadcasting this slur,” she wrote, further expressing shock at the Indian general election being described as “supposedly democratic”.
Same old same old BBC template. someone mentioned this morning how ‘controversial’ is one of their standard put-downs.
[PS Essex man could be referring to the former sofa-sloth, Ester McVey]
“The BBC debate confirmed some unhelpful female stereotypes”
By Melanie McDonagh.
This is where UK society is heading, of course, as U.K political class, inc INBBC know-
“The political reality of Muslim demographics.
“Mainstream political debate in Britain today ignores the emerging Muslim demographic reality.
“But the burying of heads in sand will not rid Britain of the consequences of sixty years of heavy immigration.”
By Vincent Cooper.
(April 2014).
Not for BBC or Natalie the Green Huggy.
The darling of the environmental movement, James Lovelock, has turned on the Greens, saying “Don’t call me a Green”.
Some other common sense quotes from Lovelock:
“Environmentalists appall me”
“Fracking is a damn good idea”
“Windmills and Solar Panels …. are just Silly things to do”
“We should have kept to Nuclear”
The Interviewer asks: Do you think we should give up trying to save the Planet?
Lovelock: Exactly!
Talking about Wales and greens-
“Ā£1 billion lagoon that could be Britain’s pottiest ever green scheme.”
Really interesting articles:
Rod Liddle nearly went UKIP, but is voting Labour because he doesn’t like the level of inequality:
Call me insane, but Iām voting Labour
My decision to vote Labour ā a further explanation
Charles Moore blames the inequality on lack of opportunity:
Ms Sturgeonās brand is āprogressive changeā, which is a 21st-century way of saying āsocialismā. Even before the merger is effected, it is selling well. In the TV debate, the Greens and the Welsh Nationalists were with her on this. Mr Miliband tried to be too, at least as much as is consistent with wearing a dark suit and trying to look like a statesman. So is progressive Nick Clegg, who didnāt show up. If you asked the also-absent Mr Cameron, I expect he would tell you how much he likes progressive change too.
The mood of all these meetings is that āausterityā is bad, that there is a prevailing unfairness holding the people back which the conventional party leaders wonāt address. So when Ms Sturgeon calls for boldness, her words find an echo not just in Glasgow, but from Landās End to John OāGroats.
The most terrifying thing about Nicola Sturgeon is that she may be – sort of – right
Rod seems to have figured that with great contrarianability comes great ratings. Maybe he should right the next Atlantis script?
I quite like Rod Liddle most of the time. He has been known to stick his neck out, but journalists can’t be entirely trusted.
It isn’t possible to share out wealth that doesn’t exist. Misery, on the other hand, comes cheap.
Beeboids’ political dilemma on E.U and Greece.
On the one hand, Beeboids support federalising E.U (indicated by official BBC-NUJ political position on this).
On the other hand, Beeboids support ‘socialist’ Greek government (as apparent since Comrade Paul Mason’s time at BBC-NUJ BBC 2 ‘Newsnight’).
“How close is Greece to Grexit?”
If Labour loses the election and lets hope that happens,I wonder how Auntie ”we love Labour ” BBC would react…
Dont forget a great many BBC staff have folked out money on the election via there contribution to there union who in turn pass it to the Labour Party.
Lets hope there investment goes pear shaped,teach the biased sods a lesson
Sky News has just shown Sunday Express front page headline:
UKIP leader Nigel Farage has reportedly instructed his party’s lawyers to act over what he says was a Left-wing bias among the audience in Thursday’s TV election debate.
Somehow I don’t think that this is going to get looked at and thrown out via the BBC complaints department.
Amazing what Ā£1.3 million can do.
The BBC has more lawyers and limitless funds. Worth a try though.
Speaking of funds, is Lord Pantone still a DG living in fear, or has his symbolic 2 week protection detail been quietly dropped as nutter threats cease to be credible after such a time?
‘Our’ bBC?
Not sure anymore, as a male WASP I struggle to identify with what our national broadcaster is offering. Female newsreader Reeta Chakrabarti hands over to female sports reporter Karthi Gnanasegaram….
Nevermind I think to myself, a bastion of maleness is on now, Match Of The Day, presented by….Gabby Yorath! Still at least I could pronounce the name of the male weather forecaster….
try saying Tomasz Schafernaker after a couple of pints
Two new polls just released,one showing Labour with a 3 point lead and the second showing the Conservatives with a 4 point lead..
Guess which poll the BBC (marketing department for Labour) decided to show,yes you’ve guessed right.
Think i had better stop watching the BBC coverage of the election, its not doing my blood pressure any good