18.4.15 Long Rant. I don’t agree with Nick. (Who should be impartial).
A Labour Party message from Nick (is my IQ really that low?) Robinson, who yet again avoids content, relevance, scrutiny or an inclination to advise the public on policy positions. Let’s focus on narrative eh, Nick? And a socialist pro Labour pro Ed Miliband narrative at that, surprise surprise:
Thanks Nick. I needed you to frame my thinking for me. I’m glad you’ve told me ….it is clear the election is increasingly being defined by two competing narratives…..
and that: ……On the one hand Ed Miliband is slowly and steadily introducing himself to voters as a potential prime minister. The Labour leader has always argued that the more voters see of him the more they will rate him. Last night he was able to use attacks from the left – on austerity and Trident – as well as assaults from the right – on Europe and immigration – to look statesmanlike….
Hmmm. Look statesmanlike? I didn’t get that Nick. The only ‘potential Prime Minister’ I saw, was Farage. I saw no ‘attacks from the left’, just rantings of Marxists (Not a man, nor an Englishperson amongst them). Nor did I see an ‘assault from the right’, rather an exposure of his vacuousness in understanding supply and demand in housing, basic economics, the National Debt, business and democracy. For a man you wouldn’t trust to run a bath, let alone a country, Special Ed sure was acting well though, and hammering out the memes. I lost count of the times he started sentences with the words “What I want you to think about is (insert meme) ”. And his plan. The plan. Our plan. My plan. What plan Ed? You haven’t got one, other than to blag it into power with spin, MSM and BBC internal corruption.
So Nick, what’s the competing ‘narrative’? ……On the other hand the debate confirmed that the battle for Scotland is the defining drama of this election campaign. The images of the night, the video clips and the memorable sound bites are all of Ed v Nicola……
Hmmm. Did we watch the same ‘debate’? And this ‘Labour v SNP’ thing, this ‘Miliband v Sturgeon’ thing in Scotland really is a ‘red v herring’ thing, to avoid the real issues such as the EU, National Debt, social cohesion and uncontrolled immigration. However many seats the SNP take from Labour, the seat numbers for Labour + SNP doesn’t change. The SNP battles with the LibDems are more relevant to the final spread of seats surely?
Nick could have gone on sick leave. He should. It’s in all our interests.
The main narratives that I took from the ‘debate’ on Thursday, were firstly that the four socialist options were incapable of even engaging in the real issues of infrastructure/health/schools/housing/defence and the influence of uncontrolled immigration in all of these matters, whereas Nigel Farage was willing and able to; and that secondly, the BBC staged a rigged event to under-represent the views of the population at large (this is nothing new – rigged leftist audiences on BBC ‘par for the course’).
The bias in both the TV debate on Thursday and this unrepresentative, pro-Labour article by Nick Robinson are an affront to our democracy, perpetrated by the BBC funded force and the threat of imprisonment.
Isn’t he having chemo? He definitely would be better taking it easy. But, to be fair, it’s like a footballer missing his chance of playing once at Wembley due to an injury.
The images of the night, the video clips and the memorable sound bites are all of Ed v Nicola……
He might change his mind when he sees the front page of the Sunday Express and witnesses his employer’s bias being ‘the story’ up to election day.
True enough. Think how many people will Google ‘BBC bias’ over the next couple of weeks and get directed to this site. We’ll need to be on our best behaviour!
A consequence of mass immigration into U.K from Islamic countries, as INBBC knows, but STILL wants to continue-
“Muslims urged to abstain from voting because ‘democracy violates the right of Allah.’
“Controversial posters urging Muslims to turn their backs on the ballot box because ‘none have the right to vote but Allah’ have been plastered across the city of Cardiff.”
I am waiting for the joint “Daily Express-UKIP” National Campaign to boycott payment of the Licence fee. Already the Magistrates Courts are complaining about the ever growing bulging workload.
Coincidentally, I have just read that “Any day now, the BBC is going to disappear up its own fundament”
A terribly concerning story of a violent attack on a gay barman in Manchester, unreported as yet by the BBC.
It would appear that this might be a deliberate homophobic attack orchestrated by the RoP with yet another Muslim taxi driver who starts an argument over the fare, and then stops his cab in a pre arranged spot where an accomplice drags the poor unfortunate out of the car and proceeds to kick and assaults him while shouting homophobic abuse. Meanwhile the taxi drives off and is no where to be seen.
“In a commentary, ‘We Bombed the Wrong Side?’ Former Canadian UNPROFOR Commander Lewis Mackenzie wrote, “The Kosovo Albanians have played us like a Stradivarius. We have subsidized and indirectly supported their violent campaign for an ethnically pure and independent Kosovo. We have never blamed them for being the perpetrators of the violence in the early 90’s and we continue to portray them as a designated victim today in spite of evidence to the contrary.
When they achieve independence with the help of our tax dollars, with those of Bin Laden and al-Quaeda, just consider the message of encouragement this sends to other terrorist-supported independence movements around the world.”
The governments of the West never, ever, seem to learn.
the government of the West have learned very quickly, people writing blogs like this are not learning that their politicians are being bribed by Sunni Islam. The operate in Islams interests not that of the West, and it is the only way which explains their actions
Sorry if this has been mentioned. On ‘Any Questions’ Dimbledum jr. held a straw poll of the unbiased(his word) audience.
The vast majority were happy with the level of Foreign Aid we pay out and wanted it to continue.
Can it be that the majority of people in the country are so unaware of the staggering amounts involved, how much is wasted/misused and possibly worst that we borrow that money to give away(from our descendants)
Or perhaps they know all that but are so addicted to the warm, self-righteous feeling they get that they overlook everything else.
They don’t even understand ‘deficit’ and ‘debt’, so why should they?
Plus they are forever being led to believe by Labour and the BBC, not to mention Sturgeon and the Green Blob, that austerity is totally unnecessary and they can have everything they ever wanted in a forever Utopia of ‘social justice’.
The BBC has a great history and does some good public service broadcasting. But the truth of the matter is, it is currently not fit for purpose. It rarely even tries to hide its political bias any more. Despite spending millions of our pounds on its Salford hub, it is still massively London-centric, and it still relies on criminalising people who don’t pay for the pleasure of experiencing its biases to fund it.
Well, Ukip’s manifesto has pledged a review of the BBC licence fee with a view to bringing it down, and we’ve pledged to decriminalise non-payment. But the reality is the whole organisation needs a massive shake-up, just like the politicians in Westminster who scarcely step out of line to criticise. The BBC needs root and branch reform, and if Ukip gets enough MPs next month, you can bet we’ll fight tooth and nail for it.
On PM on Saturday only Ed Miliband got a mention with another of his misleading policies this time on forcing immigrants to be paid the minimum wage. No other party got a mention on any issue whatsoever! How can this be balanced and impartial ?
His policy to force employers to pay immigrant workers the minimum wage will actually have the effect of making the UK even more attractive to immigrants. And because they work well cf some of Labour educated welfare layabouts, employers will still prefer them to Brits. So the Labour policy will in fact increase the number of immigrant workers not decrease it. But the BBC of course don’t say anything negative about even the most stupid Labour policies.
If Labour get into power and the Mad Marxist becomes PM, he will have done it because the enormous help he has had from the BBC.
If you read the piece I post earlier on this thread, catching people paying less than the minimum wage and employing illegals is going on now, but almost every one caught is either Pakistani or Chinese. You think Millipede will go after these ?
As it stands currently the process is followed, and fines are issued, but two thirds of those fines are never paid, so special Ed can go prosecute as many people as he wants, but because there’s no actual enforcement of sentences it will make no difference !
The politico-media estate seem locked into a dance that excludes the real world, and reality.
Politicians spew out new legislation promises and even actual laws, and the media faithfully run these either uncritically or on a ridiculously partisan basis.
Meanwhile the public knows full well that none are worth squat if there is no intention or means to enforce them, or will to take an attempt through the legal process.
Core truth about our age right there. It’s today’s PR world. Any problem/embarrassment can be an opportunity for the government to look tough – ‘a new law will be introduced to tackle…’ – and a headline for the insatiable media. Win -win. Virtually every time a perfectly adequate law has been available for 200 years, but the authorities have been too lazy to use it. You know they’ll be too lazy to use the new one as well, but who cares, it serves its PR purpose. Mrs May, with her ‘sucking a gooseberry’ expression, gets great mileage. Who knows where it will take her?
Another day and more crap from the BBC, having said that,decided to give Sky a chance,just as bias…
I have a campaign poster in my garden and some person decided to stick a Labour sticker on it,its getting worse..ha ha
Off to climb Mt Snowden now,whats the bet i find a Labour poster on top.
Have a great day folks
OT, but our family currently has a game when Classic FM hits top of the hour, and the continuity dolly says “And next, the headlines from Global News..”
Then we chant “Labour says…” in complement, as it is almost certainly the introduction they will use.
Either the other parties have a woeful set of policies, no PR operation or the luvvies are only programmed for one message.
Sorry, but I think this ‘luvvie’ thing is getting silly. Luvvies were originally actors of the Richard Attenborough variety, now the word seems to be thrown around indiscriminately as if it were self explanatory. I doubt if the people at Classic FM who decide on such matters have anything to do with luvvies, or music for that matter.
Classic FM is a business that plays records. Nothing more.
Doesn’t this go back to the early days of ‘New Labour’ and ‘Cool Britannia’? At that time the cool showbiz people and the cool politicians seem to form a single, smug elite. You even had couples like Barbara and Ken Follett covering both sides.
But OED says Stephen Fry was first:
Was I the first to use luvvie/lovie as is currently attested by the OED? Help them find an earlier (published) usage. http://t.co/XddtQ5Ia3x
Andrew Neil last night did the twitter equivalent of throwing his hands in the air at just how variable, and valueless this whole wonk circus is, yet polls seem to be the sole obsession of the political bubble.
At least he acknowledged the options, and the spread. His colleagues, as noted, seemed only to be aware of one.
Careful you don’t trip over all those bubbly bottles, guys ‘n gals.
How’s all that unity & purpose worked out since?
Notice John Prescott still around. I was tempted to try HIGNFY on iPlayer, but their indulgence of this oaf still, after all he has achieved in dragging political integrity into the gutter, made it a pass.
Another report with hand wringing from the BBC about the new ‘boat people’ with 700 more drowned.
The Beeboid announces that they are driven by poverty and because of war – the rise of the Islamic state. (missed out so called)!
None of these reasons would engage the asylum treaty so they would be immediately returnable to the country they came from.
Cameron moans that the UK should not contribute to a rescue operation because that would encourage them, yet the thing which really encourages them to come is the fact that some European countries seem to wave them through en route to other EU destinations.
The UK has a very high success rate at court with fake asylum seekers which it has refused asylum, over 80% fail at court, and yet they still are not sent back to their own countries. This is the problem, utter faith put in a legal system, and no resources or will to back that up.
The Beeb insists on calling them migrants. migrants apply to the potential host country for a visa and then fly in. Illegal immigrants pay thousands of pounds to criminals to smuggle them into Europe. why does NATO not put a naval blockade in place?
Or, it should revert to it’s original usage, in respect of being an institution, where many politicians, and persons akin to the La Roche should be incarcerated – indefinitely.
Radio 4 this morning with Tony Cross QC wheeled out to remind everyone that Lord Janner is of course innocent until proved guilty. What a shame the BBC didn’t extend that principle to Lord McAlpine
This morning, 8 am News on R4 reports that the Archbishop of Canterbury, belatedly worried about christians getting the chop, is off to Egypt to talk with representatives of ISLAM. Surely this is going to be a complete wild goose chase as ISLAM is the ROP. If the AoC had been listening to the BBC attentively, he would know that the ROP’s reps have nothing to do with the beastlinesses of ISLAMISTS. Two groups of people so different from one another, it is difficult to see what influence one could exert over the other.
Quite correct, ID. I have been following closely the BBC religious experts and based on their wisdom, I believe that getting representatives of Islam to talk about Islamism is like getting chalk to talk about cheese.
Yes, how foolish of the AoC. He must have been watching all those videos of beheadings and other acts of violence performed by “men” heard to shout afterwards Allahu Akhbah, the Prophet is avenged.
Anyone with half a brain would realize that these episodes were black ops organized by UKIP and Geert Wilders to malign Muslims everywhere.
On the rare occasions I go to church, I don’t have to raid my dressing up chest or attach myself to a cross, or any other piece of woodwork.
I’m not against Sikhs at all, but why does all the grovelling and pandering seem to be in one direction? It’s all “look at me, look how sensitive I am”.
OMG. Milliband too. If I were a Sikh I would feel so embarrassed by the attentions of these clowns. Yes, I know that politicians kiss babies and seek attention when visiting residential homes for the elderly, but this dressing up in ethnic ware is rather insulting.
And then there are the photos of them eating: Miliband with his bacon roll, and Cameron eating a hot dog with a knife and fork.
Looks like he’s gunning for a role in the next Steven Seagull blockbuster.
Can’t wait ’til Dave’s people tells him he needs the Hare Krishna vote locked down.
The notion of him shaved headed, bouncing down the street clapping like a seal saying the same thing over and over would be… no great surprise, but still funny.
The essential difference, of course, is that the Hare Krishnas are just harmless idiot weirdos, whereas Cameron and Miliband are not. Harmless, that is.
BBC up to their tricks again? Farage on Sunday Politics, have the BBC purposely built in a delay in an attempt to take away the spontaneity of the interview and make Farage look somewhat dilatory ?
FFS he isn’t in Australia, the delay is 4-5 seconds!
Delay caused by a satellite link is of the order of one-quarter to one-third of a second for the round-trip. (Satellite is at 23,000 miles geostationary above the equator, say 27,000 miles from the UK latitude, times 2 is say 54,000miles round-trip. Unless the crooked climate scientists have been fiddling the figures again, a transmission travels at 186,000 miles a second.
And any chat with Farage via landline has effectively NIL delay because the distances are so short. A handful of milliseconds, barely noticeable, if part of the transmission is switched from landline to local mobile. The mobile phone companies link all their bases by fibre-optic transmission – speed of light again ! (The clue is in the word “optic” !! There is infinitesimal delay at any of the switching points.)
After thought, I wonder if the interview was actually live and a delay built in just in case Farage went ‘off message’ again, strange that Brillo should be Tweeting during a live program?
That would be in line with the dump we had when I worked on community radio, For example if a song suddenly has an insulting word you would press the button and it would then dump the audio that had been delayed from broadcast. So that is a very possible reason, pull the plug if Farage kicked off and then have a “problem” with the audio feed.
If the ‘dump button’ theory is correct, then this would also be bias, because they would have to apply such a method equally to all political party interviewees, in which case we would observe the delay on all video link interviews. Where is the off message dump button for live interviews?
The BBC would need to put in a delay of 4 seconds, so as to compensate for the low intellectual speed of thought of BBC staff when debating with people from UKIP.
West Country politics on now.
1 UKIP man talking about cutting immigration.
2 left wing women shrieking ‘politics of hate, politics of hate’. Lol.
Green woman wants unlimited immigration and instant access to benefits for all. (to get us out of the recession)
Commentator, ‘Aren’t you worried about people flooding here for benefits?’
Green, ‘NOBODY comes here for benefits. They ALL come to work hard to make this country richer’
These people really are mental!
There was a would-be illegal immigrant trying to cross from Calais to Dover, interviewed for R5L just last week.
Why did he want to get to Britain, he was asked.
Well, he said, my friend went there last year and he got a house from the government on the very first day(!?!). And that is why we want to go, because in Britain they look after you from the very first day.
(I was very surprised to hear this interview on R5L, but there you go.)
I have a certain sympathy with those questioning the cake and eat it nature of these creeping deals. They certainly take the level of unique to entirely new places.
‘A BBC Global News spokeswoman told the Guardian’
They still remain anonymous of course, but I notice the creeping hints are expanding beyond gender for those who are apparently dedicated to speak in tongues.
All pretty pointless still. Given the value of such an ID they may as well say ‘A BBC wibble says…’.
Sunday Politics. Them sound technicians are at it again! In an interview with Nigel Farage, Andrew Neil and Nigel Farage did a good job of getting over the significant sound delay. (well done BBC techno-Labour! Disrupted that one!) As we all know, the satellite delay of old can have a devastating effect on communication.
But the disgraceful approach on Sunday Politics Yorkshire to their interview with Victoria Ayling was MSM conjoined spin at its best. Beeboid has all candidates lined up. He asks Labour then Tory softball ‘what will you do for Grimsby?’ allowing them to give their pitch – fair do. Then the Beeboid gets to Victoria Ayling, and asks about a ‘he-said, she-said’ article in a tabloid Sunday paper! Well Victoria gave the Beeboid both barrels, and quite right too. Go girl. Funny how so much attention is being paid to Grimsby?
I believe left wing Labour fascist thug platoons of HatenotHope, SWP and unionistas are in Grimsby today to cause trouble. (Norwich was it yesterday?) We’ll see what coverage/spin the BBC put on that.
People of Grimsby. Vote UKIP. They have a top candidate who will act in your interests. The Labour candidate (Common Purpose air-head plant) basically said ‘what Grimsby has got is good enough’ after initially saying how s^&!e Grimsby is. The Labour and Conservative candidates are ganging up on the UKIP candidate, but she can take it no problem – it’s really amusing.
And of course, as usual, on all BBC political output – its all about the polls.
I myself am now buying the Daily Express now to show Desmond that I appreciate his money for UKIP.
Got a good cast of writers too-Forsyth, Widdicombe and may others.
Prompted by your mail, I watched the Neil – Farage interview. I thought the questioning was pointed and fair (as one might expect from Neil), and Farage was straightforward and clear ( as we might have expected from him). However, the long delay in transmission from Kent was extraordinary and so exceptional that it seems reasonable to suspect foul play. If UKIP had an ‘Alistair Campbell’, then they would have instantly demanded an explanation. Can anyone recall such a delay when the BBC has interviewed a Labour or LibDem politician on a satellite link from anywhere in Britain? The question is rhetorical.
Forgot to mention Andrew Neil exposing the moral relativism and ethical void in Angela Eagle on Sunday Politics.
Eagle confirmed that Labour would ban unpaid internships of more than one month. When challenged by Brillo as to why the Labour Party are currently advertising unpaid internships in excess of a month, Eagle confirmed that these adverts would be withdrawn once legistaltion was implemented. Dumbfounded, Brillo asked, (I paraphrase) ‘ But if you think its so wrong as to legistlate against it, why are you doing it?’ Very revealing of Angela Eagle’s mindset – its OK to do wrong things if its not against the law. And we elect idiots who know not the difference between right and wrong, like Angela Eagle, to make our laws.
Beeb reporting police concerns over family of six travelling to Syria to IS area. no mention of religion or why parents would want to take their young children there.Possible to experience their religion at its best! Anyone understand why Labour councillors son bought back from Syrian border just freed without charge?
Obviously they were not going to help defend the Kurds against ISIS. In which case the cops, law and UK Government would jump on them.
Kurdish woman charged with terrorism for trying to join Kurdish forces.
“Anyone understand why Labour councillors son bought back from Syrian border just freed without charge?”
I’d say because they have done nothing wrong in the name of the law. Also there the Islamic victimhood machine which demands that we don’t press charges against anybody returning , simply so that these people know they are always free to return and then there’s the election.
Luvaduck-Greenfield is just about the best polemicist I`ve read for years.
Astonishing article-do read it.
Then look at his others-the guy is a true prophet for our times, and writes like a …well I nearly said “dream”, but it`s more like a nightmare.
But thank God for his lighthouse…
I rate him in the top rank of writers in the world that really need to be read.
Would the BBC ever mention him or give him a chance to speak ?
Never never in a million years. The BBC do not accept that a realist writing from a traditional perspective has any right to be heard.
At the risk of looking heartless, I’d just like to point out a salient fact about just where the vast majority of migrants have boat issues whilst trying to sail to Europe:
and it is not a “refugee” problem either – a tiny fraction of the people sailing from Libya are genuine eg from Syria. The rest of them are economic migrants from Africa and elsewhere in the Middle East, with no grounds for asylum. Just people wanting to break into Europe illegally.
Well it was a new one on me. “Dilemma” (Hosted by the ubiquitous Sue Perkins) “a panel show in which guests are posed moral and ethical choices”…….
“This week, it’s the turn of comedians [?] Lucy Porter and Andy Zaltzman, BBC 6Music DJ Shaun Keaveny, and food writer JACK MONROE, who debate letting your children play with the offspring [OFFSPRING?] of racists, going on the minimum wage in exchange for other people’s living standards being raised [ ISN’T THAT CALLED ‘SOCIALISM’?], and how to react to discovering infidelity just before you get married. ”
Looks like the girl called Jack is now firmly on the BBC speed dial. Just a thought – any idea what qualifies her to be on such a programme, I mean she isn’t funny. Perhaps she is an expert in taking the moral high ground.
Sue Perkins never fails to disappoint. After Douglas Carswell’s by-election victory she appeared on TV announcing UKIP’s win before putting a gun to her head and pulling the trigger. It was a toy gun.
Apparently… her pitch for the TopGear slot involved moving from all that expensive real kit to Corgi & Dinky models… major cost savings along with the PC kudos.
But at least she leaves her politics at the door (which side being a question), which was another area Jezza let the side down on too.
Being unfunny is one of the main boxes to tick for anyone wishing to appear on a BBC ‘comedy’ show. There are other boxes, though, and I think ‘Jack’ ticks a fair number of them too.
Can’t remember “The family called Smith from Barnoldswick appear to have left the country, heading for Australia.” ever making the news. Families emigrate every day. Why are the news and authorities interfering or interested in this family who ‘want to live in a Muslim country’? Are they not free to do that? Leave them to it.
I have just looked at the BBC Polls page on the news web page. As of today the ‘poll of polls’ shows an exact dead heat between Conservative and Labour at 34%. However, every single one of the component polls shows a Conservative lead ranging from 1 to 6 percent.
I’m sick to death with the sympathetic tone of BBC reports concerning these vermin who go out to join Islamic State. My only concern is that we should never allow them to come anywhere near this country again.
My Dad was an ANZAC from Melbourne, survived Gallipoli so he got 2 years on the Somme for good behaviour before being wounded out. So I share the disgust being expressed in Australia and New Zealand for the people alleged to have been plotting an IS-inspired attack in Melbourne on ANZAC Day this week – the 100th anniversary of the landings.
And I reckon most people in this country would share these feelings if they knew all the background – and would applaud the OZ Prime Minister for his generally harsh line on anyone mixed up with IS in any way.
But none of this sense of disgust is properly reflected in the insipid BBC reports I have seen or heard – another clear example of the BBC being totally out of step with public opinion here. And so for that matter are most of the UK party leaders.
Australia should have maintained a policy of immigration for those of Western European descent. What a missed opportunity that was!
It would have provided those whites from Europe and the Anglosphere with a bolt hole; one big enough to accommodate them and for both they and Australia to thrive – and enable them to live in peace and with security. Too bad.
They are right, to be fair; there is more voter ridicule over Clegg chickening out of the debate than there is about Cameron… and yet Clegg was forced to miss out accommodate Cameron’s shenanigans. Their complaint that Farage gets a further broadcast doesn’t say much for their commitment to democracy, though.
Now there’s an exchange of handbags I’d like to see.
What’s the betting that, from the BBC side at least, things suddenly go all ‘purposes of…’?
‘Your executives will confirm that we consistently told the BBC that he wished to be included in the debate.’
Shredders whirring tonight again? Along with who gets to be anonymous ‘got it about right’ spokesweasel du jour, with another nasty bout of that selective Alzheimers BBC execs seem to catch every few weeks.
Of course the BBC has political bias built in. Just read the rival manifestos, listen to the attendant chatter, and see how much less threatening a Labour government must seem along Langham Place: warm tributes to the “enrichment of cultural life”, easier licence-fee rises, more jobs saved, business as usual.
Writing in the Mail, Mr Farage says this about the liberal left, sharia compliant BBC;
“Ukip’s manifesto has pledged a review of the BBC licence fee with a view to bringing it down, and we’ve pledged to decriminalise non-payment. But the reality is the whole organisation needs a massive shake-up, just like the politicians in Westminster who scarcely step out of line to criticise.
” The BBC needs root and branch reform, and if Ukip gets enough MPs next month, you can bet we’ll fight tooth and nail for it.
The thing is, during this election run up, everyone who is interested has seen the bbc exactly for what they are, the treatment of Nigel Farage by Dumbleby was a disgrace, not quite as bad as the modern day bear baiting that Nick Griffin had to endure, but bad enough.
The bbc is every bit as bad as any media politburo the Commie Russians could muster up, it is not fit for purpose and needs to be destroyed. Liebour are right in one sense…this country needs a change but what they don’t realize that it should involve getting rid of both them and the bbc.
The UK rates 20 something in Reading, Maths and Science. That must have an impact. For instance, an inability to understand basic economics and science, percentages, history and the mistakes of the past etc etc
I do hope that Farage or someone in the political debates on TV will nail this crazy woman and her hate filled party of racists, bigots, anti semites, who have expended so much energy accusing UKIP of racism.
Hatred of Israel is a left wing disease. They all have the symptoms. The GreenParty is just true to form on this.
What it has to do with greening the planet is beyond me.
They really need a cause these people.
It seems sound delays the bBC and Farage are nothing new, here Jo Coburn with her generic hardline irrelevant questioning of NF creates a comic moment.
Note also the break up of the picture, something we never see with a Cameron/Miliband or Clegg interview, similar to the instance when pix-elation created the effect of a Hitleresque mustache on Farage.
At this moment I am told that TruTV on Freeview Channel 68 is transmitting a TV Documentary about the Global Warming fraud. It includes Richard Lindzen and Christopher Monckton.
A BBC reporter is on a boat in the Med telling us that it’s bigger than on a map. And how hard it must be to be at this spot far from land?
Thanks for that. And wasting my Licence fee on a pointless exercise.
But how many care about this loss of life? In reality, does the average person in the UK or western Europe care?
Politicians care of course because they have to give that impression.
The BBC care because it’s part of their love of anyone apart from the dull and Imperialistic English. After all, if the British Empire hadn’t been so oppressive, all these refugees would be living in African semi-detached houses.
If these boat people were of such high value, why don’t we send the European Navies en masse to collect them when they set off?
Something about the Emperor’s Clothes springs to mind.
The OZ response – even under the previous leftie Government – has been to use the Royal Australian Navy to turn back all boats heading across from Indonesia etc Or if a boat is in danger – take the passengers to Nauru from whence they are returned to where they sailed from. And destroy the traffickers boats.
The result of this deterrent and firm policy has been to sharply reduce the numbers attempting the crossing.
A very small number of people are now able to land illegally.
It is called “Controlling our borders” !
Rescuing people on the very short journey from Libya to Lampedusa in Italy and taking them to Sicily/Italy rather than back to Libya has the opposite effect . That is why there are many many thousands now sailing each week, most of whom get to Italy- as a staging post to northern Europe. Of whom only a few percent are genuine asylum seekers.
Again – Simples.
(Oh – alongside this – OZ has a very creditable record of accepting GENUINE refugees who have been processed through the UN.)
I think that Al Beeb and the EU will have us send cruise ships and liners over and bring them directly from Lybia to Blighty?
Al Beeb will dress it up as the ‘Dunkirk Spirit’.
If preaching about what is now conventionally thought to be caring is “caring” then the BBC, is indeed “caring”. But the “heavy lifting” always seems to be left to others. No doubt the Beeboids see themselves as “moral catalysts” nudging their less enlightened public in the direction of the “light”. German TV seems to being going in for an orgy of self accusation at the moment. One mini sermon even claiming that “Europe was committing murder” by its inaction. I wonder if Monday’s Today programme on R4 will have one of McNaughty’s long droney sermons in his self-righteous voice?
He was once a member of the Socialist Campaign for a Labour Victory (an off-shoot of the International-Communist League, now known as the Alliance for Workers’ Liberty). At Cambridge, Marr says he was a “raving leftie”, and he acquired the nickname ‘Red Andy’
Why are we wasting police time on anyone and his family leaving Britain to go to support the Islamic State?
Why, oh why is Al Beeb so concerned?
The answer to this problem would be to refuse them entry on their return. Once the news goes round they would soon stop.
BBC Trending did a story about the “filter bubble” media bubble world effect.
– Strangely it was NOT about about how BBC bods wake up in the morning and look at the Guardian Twitter feed to decide what that days news is, and then set about moulding narratives to rubbish UKIP and how that narrative control ensures the BBC viewers receive a bubble world image.
– No, rather it was about how posting a sneering story against UKIP featuring a puppy photo, has an effect due to Facebook’s algorithm.
Since it tries to detect things you like from what you and your friends have shared, much to her alarm she started to get pro-UKIP stories in her Facebook feed.
April 18th ..they leave off mentioning UKIP in their Tweets promoting the story.
On air she pretended not to name the party (horrified voice) “a right wing anti-immigrant party”, when I suspect they call themselves “a pro-immigration control party”
(context she previously Tweeted “Greens have an MP, UKIP are big presence in Europe. Can’t include one without the other in a debate.” when in fact UKIP had 2 MPs and also 3-4 times the opinion poll rating of the Greens) This story on their FB page
In the first reading of the newspaper headlines (about 06:10), the last item (read by Naughtie) was about an article in the Daily Express about Labour voters being encouraged to vote UKIP. After reminding us of the one million pound donation to UKIP, the volume appeared to reduce by half for the rest of the item – as if Naughtie was deliberately speaking away from the microphone. I had a job hearing it. Perhaps that was the plan…
A reduction in decibels has been a standard BBC ploy for many years. I particularly noticed that it was used as a weapon against John Redwood, whose voice was always broadcast at a much lower level than the Labour or Lib person who was ‘put up’ against him in the dual interview. Doubtless, other will know of many other instances.
Yes I’ve commented on camera angles before. Here’s one of the biggest camera angle fixs of recent months http://www.bizpacreview.com/2015/02/23/media-run-with-hoax-that-1000-muslims-formed-a-ring-of-peace-around-synagogue-181893
The site I initially found had much more revealing long shot photos. But I can’t remember which one it was this is just a random search. Watch out for tight close in shots on demonstrations that suit the bbc agenda. North west are terrible for close in shots trying to make a few people look like a crowd.
We are running an election night pool here, on the chances of an electrical power failure during the counting of the votes in South Thanet during which half the votes for Farage will “disappear”.
Serious faces on the sofa sloths this morning. Yes still running the story on the illegal migrants in the med. Of course they aren’t using the word illegal. Tragedy blah blah off the Libyan coast. Hold on yes as pointed out on this blog earlier off the Libyan coast. What so we are now responsible for coastguard duties all around the world are we? So that little omission is out of the bag. Another week at the BBc.
Indeed, Tunisia is slap bang next door to where all this is happening, where are their ships ? Where is their response to the deaths of fellow Africans ? Any sign of a beeboid in the harbour in Tunis ? …………..no.
It was only a matter of time 08:15 Save the children have appeared. The spokeswoman says she interviewed people from places like gaza & Syria… so all escaping from a war zone is the inference
After the Ukraine, The EU has blood on its hands once again.
Katie Hopkins made a valid point in The Sun, albeit badly delivered. If the EU had made some effort to put a stop to this in the early stages, there would be fewer deaths now. Instead, all we have is whining that we are not doing enough to ‘help’, but it was ‘help’ that encouraged the problem to develop in the first place, along with brilliant idea to bugger up Libya.
Many of the comments in Spiked Online are surprisingly sensible on this. Closer to Farage than the BBC.
Bbc midlands this morning reports that New Cross hospital in Wolverhampton is having to urgently recruit more midwives because of ” an influx of pregnant women” . No mention of who the women are or where they are from, I suppose we could all have a guess if we’ re not going to told can’t we ?
Instead of just blindly employing more midwives (immigrants) why does no one ask the question ‘why is this happening?’
It seems that the Marxist Common Purpose dogma must be followed at all costs, regardless of the monetary cost to the tax payer and regardless of the quality of life of the indigenous.
BBC 5live Economy issues? … R4 similar … but its not only the BBC.
George “Pinocchio” Osborne keep the car running,
ps. hasn t he got any more figures to doctor?
pps. Whats the national debt again? has it gone up at all?
the erm laughable “long term plan”,(which one 😀 )
care to explain just how? the erm “deficit” was supposedly halved?
Torygraph “economy is stagnating” Independent “UK to face decade of stagnation, Instead of recovery, UK economy in deep crisis Cable states. “prices are rising, incomes are falling, the rising cost of living, and public spending cuts” … to spell it out even with the shamefully used “cover” of low oil prices … Economic stagnation, recession coming next?, anyway …
Can the Tories “a lie a day”, last out?
con (servative) the public long enough to get past the election?
Lynton! get Murdoch on the phone, and the 100 imams oops I mean erm “business leaders” to write a letter.
But But But! … “employment” cometh the Tory bleat record numbers etc? … green shoots?
heard that again this morning
874,850 on benefit sanctions and not counted in the official figures, 1.4 million people on zero hour contracts and the 1.45 million people in part time work because they can’t find any full time work? … an entirely different picture on the UK employment situation, in no way reflects the trumpets from Tory HQ.
Just waiting for Tory hypocrites, to say its a European problem, or a global one.
Lucky all on board with the levity, and not an outrage charity in sight on the Breakfast sofa. Phew. Another recruit for Frankie’s election laughathon.
To recycle Evelyn Waugh's famous cancer joke about a pal: How clever of the doctors to find a bit of Jeremy Clarkson which was not malignant
Just listened to Radio 5 live where a reporter was interviewing 6 businessmen from Yorkshire on there views regarding the economy and what they were looking for from the next party that gets elected… The exact words from the reporter were..”they are all from a diverse range of political views and parties”,when they introduced themselves 5 were Labour supporters and one undecided,very impartial,my arse..!!!. It was like a party political broadcast by the Labour party.
One said he had not registered to vote yet but was going to that morning.. My view is whats the sodding point in bloody well registering when the BBC has already decided who gets elected
For balance: I was going to risk the inevitable, unfunny, often inaccurate HIGNFY UKIP obsession, but seeing Ed’s heavyweight climate saviour listed again as a guest there was a level of cringe I was not able to tolerate.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
18.4.15 Long Rant. I don’t agree with Nick. (Who should be impartial).
A Labour Party message from Nick (is my IQ really that low?) Robinson, who yet again avoids content, relevance, scrutiny or an inclination to advise the public on policy positions. Let’s focus on narrative eh, Nick? And a socialist pro Labour pro Ed Miliband narrative at that, surprise surprise:
Thanks Nick. I needed you to frame my thinking for me. I’m glad you’ve told me ….it is clear the election is increasingly being defined by two competing narratives…..
and that: ……On the one hand Ed Miliband is slowly and steadily introducing himself to voters as a potential prime minister. The Labour leader has always argued that the more voters see of him the more they will rate him. Last night he was able to use attacks from the left – on austerity and Trident – as well as assaults from the right – on Europe and immigration – to look statesmanlike….
Hmmm. Look statesmanlike? I didn’t get that Nick. The only ‘potential Prime Minister’ I saw, was Farage. I saw no ‘attacks from the left’, just rantings of Marxists (Not a man, nor an Englishperson amongst them). Nor did I see an ‘assault from the right’, rather an exposure of his vacuousness in understanding supply and demand in housing, basic economics, the National Debt, business and democracy. For a man you wouldn’t trust to run a bath, let alone a country, Special Ed sure was acting well though, and hammering out the memes. I lost count of the times he started sentences with the words “What I want you to think about is (insert meme) ”. And his plan. The plan. Our plan. My plan. What plan Ed? You haven’t got one, other than to blag it into power with spin, MSM and BBC internal corruption.
So Nick, what’s the competing ‘narrative’? ……On the other hand the debate confirmed that the battle for Scotland is the defining drama of this election campaign. The images of the night, the video clips and the memorable sound bites are all of Ed v Nicola……
Hmmm. Did we watch the same ‘debate’? And this ‘Labour v SNP’ thing, this ‘Miliband v Sturgeon’ thing in Scotland really is a ‘red v herring’ thing, to avoid the real issues such as the EU, National Debt, social cohesion and uncontrolled immigration. However many seats the SNP take from Labour, the seat numbers for Labour + SNP doesn’t change. The SNP battles with the LibDems are more relevant to the final spread of seats surely?
Nick could have gone on sick leave. He should. It’s in all our interests.
The main narratives that I took from the ‘debate’ on Thursday, were firstly that the four socialist options were incapable of even engaging in the real issues of infrastructure/health/schools/housing/defence and the influence of uncontrolled immigration in all of these matters, whereas Nigel Farage was willing and able to; and that secondly, the BBC staged a rigged event to under-represent the views of the population at large (this is nothing new – rigged leftist audiences on BBC ‘par for the course’).
The bias in both the TV debate on Thursday and this unrepresentative, pro-Labour article by Nick Robinson are an affront to our democracy, perpetrated by the BBC funded force and the threat of imprisonment.
Scrap the Telly Tax.
Nick could have gone on sick leave. He should.
Isn’t he having chemo? He definitely would be better taking it easy. But, to be fair, it’s like a footballer missing his chance of playing once at Wembley due to an injury.
The images of the night, the video clips and the memorable sound bites are all of Ed v Nicola……
He might change his mind when he sees the front page of the Sunday Express and witnesses his employer’s bias being ‘the story’ up to election day.
Popcorn time! And all the more eyes scrutinising the ‘impartiality’ of the BBC!
True enough. Think how many people will Google ‘BBC bias’ over the next couple of weeks and get directed to this site. We’ll need to be on our best behaviour!
I think that means we have to ignore the trolls who want to divert discussions on BBC bias into pointless name calling.
The key message for all of us is “Don’t feed the trolls”.
Start here
A consequence of mass immigration into U.K from Islamic countries, as INBBC knows, but STILL wants to continue-
“Muslims urged to abstain from voting because ‘democracy violates the right of Allah.’
“Controversial posters urging Muslims to turn their backs on the ballot box because ‘none have the right to vote but Allah’ have been plastered across the city of Cardiff.”
‘democracy violates the right of Allah.’
So I suppose voting more than once subverts democracy and is therefore OK?
[Click on the ‘three dot’ symbol to get the link to display tweet]
I am waiting for the joint “Daily Express-UKIP” National Campaign to boycott payment of the Licence fee. Already the Magistrates Courts are complaining about the ever growing bulging workload.
Coincidentally, I have just read that “Any day now, the BBC is going to disappear up its own fundament”
A terribly concerning story of a violent attack on a gay barman in Manchester, unreported as yet by the BBC.
It would appear that this might be a deliberate homophobic attack orchestrated by the RoP with yet another Muslim taxi driver who starts an argument over the fare, and then stops his cab in a pre arranged spot where an accomplice drags the poor unfortunate out of the car and proceeds to kick and assaults him while shouting homophobic abuse. Meanwhile the taxi drives off and is no where to be seen.
INBBC censors rise of Islamic jihadists there.
Perhaps INBBC is more concerned with getting Kosovo into federalising, expanding E.U empire-
“Report Finds Alarming Outflow Of Kosovo Muslims To Islamic State”
“In a commentary, ‘We Bombed the Wrong Side?’ Former Canadian UNPROFOR Commander Lewis Mackenzie wrote, “The Kosovo Albanians have played us like a Stradivarius. We have subsidized and indirectly supported their violent campaign for an ethnically pure and independent Kosovo. We have never blamed them for being the perpetrators of the violence in the early 90’s and we continue to portray them as a designated victim today in spite of evidence to the contrary.
When they achieve independence with the help of our tax dollars, with those of Bin Laden and al-Quaeda, just consider the message of encouragement this sends to other terrorist-supported independence movements around the world.”
The governments of the West never, ever, seem to learn.
the government of the West have learned very quickly, people writing blogs like this are not learning that their politicians are being bribed by Sunni Islam. The operate in Islams interests not that of the West, and it is the only way which explains their actions
Sorry if this has been mentioned. On ‘Any Questions’ Dimbledum jr. held a straw poll of the unbiased(his word) audience.
The vast majority were happy with the level of Foreign Aid we pay out and wanted it to continue.
Can it be that the majority of people in the country are so unaware of the staggering amounts involved, how much is wasted/misused and possibly worst that we borrow that money to give away(from our descendants)
Or perhaps they know all that but are so addicted to the warm, self-righteous feeling they get that they overlook everything else.
… addicted to the warm, self-righteous feeling they get… ✔
They don’t even understand ‘deficit’ and ‘debt’, so why should they?
Plus they are forever being led to believe by Labour and the BBC, not to mention Sturgeon and the Green Blob, that austerity is totally unnecessary and they can have everything they ever wanted in a forever Utopia of ‘social justice’.
Farage has an article in the Mail on BBC bias :
The front page of today’s Mail also has a headline about UKIP setting their lawyers on the case, but I can’t find a link to the headline article.
The BBC has a great history and does some good public service broadcasting. But the truth of the matter is, it is currently not fit for purpose. It rarely even tries to hide its political bias any more. Despite spending millions of our pounds on its Salford hub, it is still massively London-centric, and it still relies on criminalising people who don’t pay for the pleasure of experiencing its biases to fund it.
Well, Ukip’s manifesto has pledged a review of the BBC licence fee with a view to bringing it down, and we’ve pledged to decriminalise non-payment. But the reality is the whole organisation needs a massive shake-up, just like the politicians in Westminster who scarcely step out of line to criticise. The BBC needs root and branch reform, and if Ukip gets enough MPs next month, you can bet we’ll fight tooth and nail for it.
They’ll definitely be out to get him now!
“Ukip sets lawyers on biased BBC:
Furious Farage goes to war over Left-wing debate audience.
“UKIP leader Nigel Farage has instructed the party’s lawyers to act over BBC bias.”
On PM on Saturday only Ed Miliband got a mention with another of his misleading policies this time on forcing immigrants to be paid the minimum wage. No other party got a mention on any issue whatsoever! How can this be balanced and impartial ?
His policy to force employers to pay immigrant workers the minimum wage will actually have the effect of making the UK even more attractive to immigrants. And because they work well cf some of Labour educated welfare layabouts, employers will still prefer them to Brits. So the Labour policy will in fact increase the number of immigrant workers not decrease it. But the BBC of course don’t say anything negative about even the most stupid Labour policies.
If Labour get into power and the Mad Marxist becomes PM, he will have done it because the enormous help he has had from the BBC.
Except it won’t !
If you read the piece I post earlier on this thread, catching people paying less than the minimum wage and employing illegals is going on now, but almost every one caught is either Pakistani or Chinese. You think Millipede will go after these ?
As it stands currently the process is followed, and fines are issued, but two thirds of those fines are never paid, so special Ed can go prosecute as many people as he wants, but because there’s no actual enforcement of sentences it will make no difference !
The politico-media estate seem locked into a dance that excludes the real world, and reality.
Politicians spew out new legislation promises and even actual laws, and the media faithfully run these either uncritically or on a ridiculously partisan basis.
Meanwhile the public knows full well that none are worth squat if there is no intention or means to enforce them, or will to take an attempt through the legal process.
Core truth about our age right there. It’s today’s PR world. Any problem/embarrassment can be an opportunity for the government to look tough – ‘a new law will be introduced to tackle…’ – and a headline for the insatiable media. Win -win. Virtually every time a perfectly adequate law has been available for 200 years, but the authorities have been too lazy to use it. You know they’ll be too lazy to use the new one as well, but who cares, it serves its PR purpose. Mrs May, with her ‘sucking a gooseberry’ expression, gets great mileage. Who knows where it will take her?
Another day and more crap from the BBC, having said that,decided to give Sky a chance,just as bias…
I have a campaign poster in my garden and some person decided to stick a Labour sticker on it,its getting worse..ha ha
Off to climb Mt Snowden now,whats the bet i find a Labour poster on top.
Have a great day folks
OT, but our family currently has a game when Classic FM hits top of the hour, and the continuity dolly says “And next, the headlines from Global News..”
Then we chant “Labour says…” in complement, as it is almost certainly the introduction they will use.
Either the other parties have a woeful set of policies, no PR operation or the luvvies are only programmed for one message.
Sorry, but I think this ‘luvvie’ thing is getting silly. Luvvies were originally actors of the Richard Attenborough variety, now the word seems to be thrown around indiscriminately as if it were self explanatory. I doubt if the people at Classic FM who decide on such matters have anything to do with luvvies, or music for that matter.
Classic FM is a business that plays records. Nothing more.
Doesn’t this go back to the early days of ‘New Labour’ and ‘Cool Britannia’? At that time the cool showbiz people and the cool politicians seem to form a single, smug elite. You even had couples like Barbara and Ken Follett covering both sides.
But OED says Stephen Fry was first:
Two polls tonight – the regular Opinium/Observer and YouGov/Sunday Times weekend polls:
YouGov have topline figures of CON 33%, LAB 36%, LDEM 8%, UKIP 13%, GRN 5%
Opinium have topline figures of CON 36%, LAB 32%, LDEM 8%, UKIP 13%, GRN 5%
Proves that the election is still likely to return a hung parliament. It’s not surprising given that the LibLabCon block is basically the same party.
Andrew Neil last night did the twitter equivalent of throwing his hands in the air at just how variable, and valueless this whole wonk circus is, yet polls seem to be the sole obsession of the political bubble.
At least he acknowledged the options, and the spread. His colleagues, as noted, seemed only to be aware of one.
Surprised the BBC isn’t accidentally locked to this page:
Careful you don’t trip over all those bubbly bottles, guys ‘n gals.
How’s all that unity & purpose worked out since?
Notice John Prescott still around. I was tempted to try HIGNFY on iPlayer, but their indulgence of this oaf still, after all he has achieved in dragging political integrity into the gutter, made it a pass.
Andrew Marr this morning had the papers spread out on the table in front of him. Strangely there was no sunday Express there. Hmmmm
Another report with hand wringing from the BBC about the new ‘boat people’ with 700 more drowned.
The Beeboid announces that they are driven by poverty and because of war – the rise of the Islamic state. (missed out so called)!
None of these reasons would engage the asylum treaty so they would be immediately returnable to the country they came from.
Cameron moans that the UK should not contribute to a rescue operation because that would encourage them, yet the thing which really encourages them to come is the fact that some European countries seem to wave them through en route to other EU destinations.
The UK has a very high success rate at court with fake asylum seekers which it has refused asylum, over 80% fail at court, and yet they still are not sent back to their own countries. This is the problem, utter faith put in a legal system, and no resources or will to back that up.
The Beeb insists on calling them migrants. migrants apply to the potential host country for a visa and then fly in. Illegal immigrants pay thousands of pounds to criminals to smuggle them into Europe. why does NATO not put a naval blockade in place?
There should be no such thing as asylum.
Or, it should revert to it’s original usage, in respect of being an institution, where many politicians, and persons akin to the La Roche should be incarcerated – indefinitely.
Radio 4 this morning with Tony Cross QC wheeled out to remind everyone that Lord Janner is of course innocent until proved guilty. What a shame the BBC didn’t extend that principle to Lord McAlpine
It was a different time.
And party.
This morning, 8 am News on R4 reports that the Archbishop of Canterbury, belatedly worried about christians getting the chop, is off to Egypt to talk with representatives of ISLAM. Surely this is going to be a complete wild goose chase as ISLAM is the ROP. If the AoC had been listening to the BBC attentively, he would know that the ROP’s reps have nothing to do with the beastlinesses of ISLAMISTS. Two groups of people so different from one another, it is difficult to see what influence one could exert over the other.
Quite correct, ID. I have been following closely the BBC religious experts and based on their wisdom, I believe that getting representatives of Islam to talk about Islamism is like getting chalk to talk about cheese.
Yes, how foolish of the AoC. He must have been watching all those videos of beheadings and other acts of violence performed by “men” heard to shout afterwards Allahu Akhbah, the Prophet is avenged.
Anyone with half a brain would realize that these episodes were black ops organized by UKIP and Geert Wilders to malign Muslims everywhere.
“Debate bias shows BBC is far from impartial”
BBc running an extended sob story on med illegal immigrants. Once again forgetting to use the word illegal. Hang on didn’t I complain to them not that long ago about them not using that word. Maybe time to complain again. Think I’ll side with Katie Hopkins on this one and risk criticism from Piers Morgan & Matt Lucas, although I doubt whether they will taking any of them in. http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/piers-morgan-and-matt-lucas-slam-katie-hopkins-after-she-says-she-doesn%e2%80%99t-care-if-migrants-die/ar-AAbfrAG Looking at the comments it looks like I’m not the only one .
Can someone in what used to be the Conservative Party get rid of this asshole.
With him at the helm the BBC will never be tamed.
On the rare occasions I go to church, I don’t have to raid my dressing up chest or attach myself to a cross, or any other piece of woodwork.
I’m not against Sikhs at all, but why does all the grovelling and pandering seem to be in one direction? It’s all “look at me, look how sensitive I am”.
yay, vote for Miliba,,,,,,,oh, hang on.
OMG. Milliband too. If I were a Sikh I would feel so embarrassed by the attentions of these clowns. Yes, I know that politicians kiss babies and seek attention when visiting residential homes for the elderly, but this dressing up in ethnic ware is rather insulting.
And then there are the photos of them eating: Miliband with his bacon roll, and Cameron eating a hot dog with a knife and fork.
What an absolute c**k!
Looks like he’s gunning for a role in the next Steven Seagull blockbuster.
Can’t wait ’til Dave’s people tells him he needs the Hare Krishna vote locked down.
The notion of him shaved headed, bouncing down the street clapping like a seal saying the same thing over and over would be… no great surprise, but still funny.
The essential difference, of course, is that the Hare Krishnas are just harmless idiot weirdos, whereas Cameron and Miliband are not. Harmless, that is.
BBC up to their tricks again? Farage on Sunday Politics, have the BBC purposely built in a delay in an attempt to take away the spontaneity of the interview and make Farage look somewhat dilatory ?
FFS he isn’t in Australia, the delay is 4-5 seconds!
I noticed that. Must be deliberate. I haven’t seen a delay like that since the Apollo programme.
Delay caused by a satellite link is of the order of one-quarter to one-third of a second for the round-trip. (Satellite is at 23,000 miles geostationary above the equator, say 27,000 miles from the UK latitude, times 2 is say 54,000miles round-trip. Unless the crooked climate scientists have been fiddling the figures again, a transmission travels at 186,000 miles a second.
And any chat with Farage via landline has effectively NIL delay because the distances are so short. A handful of milliseconds, barely noticeable, if part of the transmission is switched from landline to local mobile. The mobile phone companies link all their bases by fibre-optic transmission – speed of light again ! (The clue is in the word “optic” !! There is infinitesimal delay at any of the switching points.)
After thought, I wonder if the interview was actually live and a delay built in just in case Farage went ‘off message’ again, strange that Brillo should be Tweeting during a live program?
That would be in line with the dump we had when I worked on community radio, For example if a song suddenly has an insulting word you would press the button and it would then dump the audio that had been delayed from broadcast. So that is a very possible reason, pull the plug if Farage kicked off and then have a “problem” with the audio feed.
If the ‘dump button’ theory is correct, then this would also be bias, because they would have to apply such a method equally to all political party interviewees, in which case we would observe the delay on all video link interviews. Where is the off message dump button for live interviews?
Farage off message? Perish the thought.
The BBC would need to put in a delay of 4 seconds, so as to compensate for the low intellectual speed of thought of BBC staff when debating with people from UKIP.
West Country politics on now.
1 UKIP man talking about cutting immigration.
2 left wing women shrieking ‘politics of hate, politics of hate’. Lol.
Green woman wants unlimited immigration and instant access to benefits for all. (to get us out of the recession)
Commentator, ‘Aren’t you worried about people flooding here for benefits?’
Green, ‘NOBODY comes here for benefits. They ALL come to work hard to make this country richer’
These people really are mental!
Yes the Left are well known for their politics of love aren’t they.
There was a would-be illegal immigrant trying to cross from Calais to Dover, interviewed for R5L just last week.
Why did he want to get to Britain, he was asked.
Well, he said, my friend went there last year and he got a house from the government on the very first day(!?!). And that is why we want to go, because in Britain they look after you from the very first day.
(I was very surprised to hear this interview on R5L, but there you go.)
Of course, NUJ is politically powerful in BBC global broadcasting empire, e.g.-
“Product placement on BBC World News is creeping commercialisation and must be stopped”
I have a certain sympathy with those questioning the cake and eat it nature of these creeping deals. They certainly take the level of unique to entirely new places.
‘A BBC Global News spokeswoman told the Guardian’
They still remain anonymous of course, but I notice the creeping hints are expanding beyond gender for those who are apparently dedicated to speak in tongues.
All pretty pointless still. Given the value of such an ID they may as well say ‘A BBC wibble says…’.
The anti-UKIP bias continues un-abated.
Sunday Politics. Them sound technicians are at it again! In an interview with Nigel Farage, Andrew Neil and Nigel Farage did a good job of getting over the significant sound delay. (well done BBC techno-Labour! Disrupted that one!) As we all know, the satellite delay of old can have a devastating effect on communication.
But the disgraceful approach on Sunday Politics Yorkshire to their interview with Victoria Ayling was MSM conjoined spin at its best. Beeboid has all candidates lined up. He asks Labour then Tory softball ‘what will you do for Grimsby?’ allowing them to give their pitch – fair do. Then the Beeboid gets to Victoria Ayling, and asks about a ‘he-said, she-said’ article in a tabloid Sunday paper! Well Victoria gave the Beeboid both barrels, and quite right too. Go girl. Funny how so much attention is being paid to Grimsby?
I believe left wing Labour fascist thug platoons of HatenotHope, SWP and unionistas are in Grimsby today to cause trouble. (Norwich was it yesterday?) We’ll see what coverage/spin the BBC put on that.
People of Grimsby. Vote UKIP. They have a top candidate who will act in your interests. The Labour candidate (Common Purpose air-head plant) basically said ‘what Grimsby has got is good enough’ after initially saying how s^&!e Grimsby is. The Labour and Conservative candidates are ganging up on the UKIP candidate, but she can take it no problem – it’s really amusing.
And of course, as usual, on all BBC political output – its all about the polls.
And, no doubt, the following revealing political attitude of NUJ nationally is reflected in the massive NUJ membership among Beeboids-
“Desmond’s £1 million donation to UKIP ‘sick-making’ says NUJ”
I myself am now buying the Daily Express now to show Desmond that I appreciate his money for UKIP.
Got a good cast of writers too-Forsyth, Widdicombe and may others.
Prompted by your mail, I watched the Neil – Farage interview. I thought the questioning was pointed and fair (as one might expect from Neil), and Farage was straightforward and clear ( as we might have expected from him). However, the long delay in transmission from Kent was extraordinary and so exceptional that it seems reasonable to suspect foul play. If UKIP had an ‘Alistair Campbell’, then they would have instantly demanded an explanation. Can anyone recall such a delay when the BBC has interviewed a Labour or LibDem politician on a satellite link from anywhere in Britain? The question is rhetorical.
Forgot to mention Andrew Neil exposing the moral relativism and ethical void in Angela Eagle on Sunday Politics.
Eagle confirmed that Labour would ban unpaid internships of more than one month. When challenged by Brillo as to why the Labour Party are currently advertising unpaid internships in excess of a month, Eagle confirmed that these adverts would be withdrawn once legistaltion was implemented. Dumbfounded, Brillo asked, (I paraphrase) ‘ But if you think its so wrong as to legistlate against it, why are you doing it?’ Very revealing of Angela Eagle’s mindset – its OK to do wrong things if its not against the law. And we elect idiots who know not the difference between right and wrong, like Angela Eagle, to make our laws.
Beeb reporting police concerns over family of six travelling to Syria to IS area. no mention of religion or why parents would want to take their young children there.Possible to experience their religion at its best! Anyone understand why Labour councillors son bought back from Syrian border just freed without charge?
Obviously they were not going to help defend the Kurds against ISIS. In which case the cops, law and UK Government would jump on them.
Kurdish woman charged with terrorism for trying to join Kurdish forces.
They is on their ‘olidays, innit.
“Anyone understand why Labour councillors son bought back from Syrian border just freed without charge?”
I’d say because they have done nothing wrong in the name of the law. Also there the Islamic victimhood machine which demands that we don’t press charges against anybody returning , simply so that these people know they are always free to return and then there’s the election.
Here is another superb piece of writing from Daniel Greenfield –
Frightening, but more than a few grains of truth methinks.
Luvaduck-Greenfield is just about the best polemicist I`ve read for years.
Astonishing article-do read it.
Then look at his others-the guy is a true prophet for our times, and writes like a …well I nearly said “dream”, but it`s more like a nightmare.
But thank God for his lighthouse…
I rate him in the top rank of writers in the world that really need to be read.
Would the BBC ever mention him or give him a chance to speak ?
Never never in a million years. The BBC do not accept that a realist writing from a traditional perspective has any right to be heard.
At the risk of looking heartless, I’d just like to point out a salient fact about just where the vast majority of migrants have boat issues whilst trying to sail to Europe:

Now ask yourself is it really a European problem.
Good point, Pounce.
By the same logic, if they were sailing to Africa and they all drowned, would that be Africa’s fault?
Of course not!
You are making UKIP’s mistake of asking difficult questions about certain proscribed topics.
I can see a new verb in the making. You are ‘faraging’.
Shame on you.
and it is not a “refugee” problem either – a tiny fraction of the people sailing from Libya are genuine eg from Syria. The rest of them are economic migrants from Africa and elsewhere in the Middle East, with no grounds for asylum. Just people wanting to break into Europe illegally.
The 700 seems a very doubtful figure now.
Well it was a new one on me. “Dilemma” (Hosted by the ubiquitous Sue Perkins) “a panel show in which guests are posed moral and ethical choices”…….
“This week, it’s the turn of comedians [?] Lucy Porter and Andy Zaltzman, BBC 6Music DJ Shaun Keaveny, and food writer JACK MONROE, who debate letting your children play with the offspring [OFFSPRING?] of racists, going on the minimum wage in exchange for other people’s living standards being raised [ ISN’T THAT CALLED ‘SOCIALISM’?], and how to react to discovering infidelity just before you get married. ”
Looks like the girl called Jack is now firmly on the BBC speed dial. Just a thought – any idea what qualifies her to be on such a programme, I mean she isn’t funny. Perhaps she is an expert in taking the moral high ground.
‘any idea what qualifies her to be on such a programme’
Well, she’s off twitter now, which means the chances of saying anything stupid that need to be deleted are reduced.
Unless you are a moppet from BBC World News when the dark, other side of the bubble can still suc(ker) you in.
Sue Perkins never fails to disappoint. After Douglas Carswell’s by-election victory she appeared on TV announcing UKIP’s win before putting a gun to her head and pulling the trigger. It was a toy gun.
Yes it was a shame about that – that it was a toy, that is.
Apparently… her pitch for the TopGear slot involved moving from all that expensive real kit to Corgi & Dinky models… major cost savings along with the PC kudos.
But at least she leaves her politics at the door (which side being a question), which was another area Jezza let the side down on too.
I think she is on the BBC because she ticks a few boxes.
What about letting your children play with the offspring of imbeciles?
Or the offspring of Leftards? I’m having to think carefully about that one.
Being unfunny is one of the main boxes to tick for anyone wishing to appear on a BBC ‘comedy’ show. There are other boxes, though, and I think ‘Jack’ ticks a fair number of them too.
BBC NEWS CHANNEL – BREAKING: Police fear a family from Slough are travelling…
If this means what I think it means I will add “Come friendly bombs rain on this family from Slough”.
By John Betje-‘men’.
I know a good Libyan travel agent.
Can’t remember “The family called Smith from Barnoldswick appear to have left the country, heading for Australia.” ever making the news. Families emigrate every day. Why are the news and authorities interfering or interested in this family who ‘want to live in a Muslim country’? Are they not free to do that? Leave them to it.
I have just looked at the BBC Polls page on the news web page. As of today the ‘poll of polls’ shows an exact dead heat between Conservative and Labour at 34%. However, every single one of the component polls shows a Conservative lead ranging from 1 to 6 percent.
Answers on a postcard please.
I’m sick to death with the sympathetic tone of BBC reports concerning these vermin who go out to join Islamic State. My only concern is that we should never allow them to come anywhere near this country again.
My Dad was an ANZAC from Melbourne, survived Gallipoli so he got 2 years on the Somme for good behaviour before being wounded out. So I share the disgust being expressed in Australia and New Zealand for the people alleged to have been plotting an IS-inspired attack in Melbourne on ANZAC Day this week – the 100th anniversary of the landings.
And I reckon most people in this country would share these feelings if they knew all the background – and would applaud the OZ Prime Minister for his generally harsh line on anyone mixed up with IS in any way.
But none of this sense of disgust is properly reflected in the insipid BBC reports I have seen or heard – another clear example of the BBC being totally out of step with public opinion here. And so for that matter are most of the UK party leaders.
Anyone attacking something like this should not be expected to survive, whether suicide attack or not, IMO.
Iranian Embassy siege/Gibraltar treatment please (yes, I know one survived the embassy siege).
Not sure why both of Lee Rigby’s killers survived. I thought shooting to wound was a movie myth.
Surgeons need to practice working on gunshot wounds to be ready for when one of our side gets shot.
Australia should have maintained a policy of immigration for those of Western European descent. What a missed opportunity that was!
It would have provided those whites from Europe and the Anglosphere with a bolt hole; one big enough to accommodate them and for both they and Australia to thrive – and enable them to live in peace and with security. Too bad.
Turning our backs on the likes of Australia and NZ, at least at an official level, and joining the EU probably didn’t help.
Saint Helena is building an airport and may look attractive as a bolthole if Special Ed and Wee Nicola McMarxist get in next month……
Saint Helenians are very nice people too. Particularly considering how badly they have been treated in the past.
What did they do to deserve a bloated little Corsican general who tried to create a European superstate some 200 years ago ?
Lib Dems biting the Beeb now; it’s all kicking off! Pantsdown ‘may consider’ a formal complaint to the BBC Trust.
Lib Dems complain BBC reneged on TV debates deal with Nick Clegg
They are right, to be fair; there is more voter ridicule over Clegg chickening out of the debate than there is about Cameron… and yet Clegg was forced to miss out accommodate Cameron’s shenanigans. Their complaint that Farage gets a further broadcast doesn’t say much for their commitment to democracy, though.
Now there’s an exchange of handbags I’d like to see.
What’s the betting that, from the BBC side at least, things suddenly go all ‘purposes of…’?
‘Your executives will confirm that we consistently told the BBC that he wished to be included in the debate.’
Shredders whirring tonight again? Along with who gets to be anonymous ‘got it about right’ spokesweasel du jour, with another nasty bout of that selective Alzheimers BBC execs seem to catch every few weeks.
Remarkable opening from Peter Peston:
Of course the BBC has political bias built in. Just read the rival manifestos, listen to the attendant chatter, and see how much less threatening a Labour government must seem along Langham Place: warm tributes to the “enrichment of cultural life”, easier licence-fee rises, more jobs saved, business as usual.
Party manifestos backing Leveson are a depressing waste of words and time
Writing in the Mail, Mr Farage says this about the liberal left, sharia compliant BBC;
“Ukip’s manifesto has pledged a review of the BBC licence fee with a view to bringing it down, and we’ve pledged to decriminalise non-payment. But the reality is the whole organisation needs a massive shake-up, just like the politicians in Westminster who scarcely step out of line to criticise.
” The BBC needs root and branch reform, and if Ukip gets enough MPs next month, you can bet we’ll fight tooth and nail for it.
More affirmation (as if I needed it) that my vote is going in the correct direction.
Stuff the bBC!
The thing is, during this election run up, everyone who is interested has seen the bbc exactly for what they are, the treatment of Nigel Farage by Dumbleby was a disgrace, not quite as bad as the modern day bear baiting that Nick Griffin had to endure, but bad enough.
The bbc is every bit as bad as any media politburo the Commie Russians could muster up, it is not fit for purpose and needs to be destroyed. Liebour are right in one sense…this country needs a change but what they don’t realize that it should involve getting rid of both them and the bbc.
I am gobsmacked that Liebor can be even neck and neck with the Tories in the polls, are their supporters COMPLETELY STUPID?
Yes they are
Absolutely yes they are!
The UK rates 20 something in Reading, Maths and Science. That must have an impact. For instance, an inability to understand basic economics and science, percentages, history and the mistakes of the past etc etc
I do hope that Farage or someone in the political debates on TV will nail this crazy woman and her hate filled party of racists, bigots, anti semites, who have expended so much energy accusing UKIP of racism.
Hatred of Israel is a left wing disease. They all have the symptoms. The GreenParty is just true to form on this.
What it has to do with greening the planet is beyond me.
They really need a cause these people.
They need to be exposed as nasty people, full of hatred.
It seems sound delays the bBC and Farage are nothing new, here Jo Coburn with her generic hardline irrelevant questioning of NF creates a comic moment.
Note also the break up of the picture, something we never see with a Cameron/Miliband or Clegg interview, similar to the instance when pix-elation created the effect of a Hitleresque mustache on Farage.
At this moment I am told that TruTV on Freeview Channel 68 is transmitting a TV Documentary about the Global Warming fraud. It includes Richard Lindzen and Christopher Monckton.
BBC TV News at 11 pm.
A BBC reporter is on a boat in the Med telling us that it’s bigger than on a map. And how hard it must be to be at this spot far from land?
Thanks for that. And wasting my Licence fee on a pointless exercise.
But how many care about this loss of life? In reality, does the average person in the UK or western Europe care?
Politicians care of course because they have to give that impression.
The BBC care because it’s part of their love of anyone apart from the dull and Imperialistic English. After all, if the British Empire hadn’t been so oppressive, all these refugees would be living in African semi-detached houses.
If these boat people were of such high value, why don’t we send the European Navies en masse to collect them when they set off?
Something about the Emperor’s Clothes springs to mind.
How did the Australians deal with this similar problem?
The OZ response – even under the previous leftie Government – has been to use the Royal Australian Navy to turn back all boats heading across from Indonesia etc Or if a boat is in danger – take the passengers to Nauru from whence they are returned to where they sailed from. And destroy the traffickers boats.
The result of this deterrent and firm policy has been to sharply reduce the numbers attempting the crossing.
A very small number of people are now able to land illegally.
It is called “Controlling our borders” !
Rescuing people on the very short journey from Libya to Lampedusa in Italy and taking them to Sicily/Italy rather than back to Libya has the opposite effect . That is why there are many many thousands now sailing each week, most of whom get to Italy- as a staging post to northern Europe. Of whom only a few percent are genuine asylum seekers.
Again – Simples.
(Oh – alongside this – OZ has a very creditable record of accepting GENUINE refugees who have been processed through the UN.)
I think that Al Beeb and the EU will have us send cruise ships and liners over and bring them directly from Lybia to Blighty?
Al Beeb will dress it up as the ‘Dunkirk Spirit’.
If preaching about what is now conventionally thought to be caring is “caring” then the BBC, is indeed “caring”. But the “heavy lifting” always seems to be left to others. No doubt the Beeboids see themselves as “moral catalysts” nudging their less enlightened public in the direction of the “light”. German TV seems to being going in for an orgy of self accusation at the moment. One mini sermon even claiming that “Europe was committing murder” by its inaction. I wonder if Monday’s Today programme on R4 will have one of McNaughty’s long droney sermons in his self-righteous voice?
For those who don’t know about Andrew Marr:
He was once a member of the Socialist Campaign for a Labour Victory (an off-shoot of the International-Communist League, now known as the Alliance for Workers’ Liberty). At Cambridge, Marr says he was a “raving leftie”, and he acquired the nickname ‘Red Andy’
Leopards seldom change their spots.
Why are we wasting police time on anyone and his family leaving Britain to go to support the Islamic State?
Why, oh why is Al Beeb so concerned?
The answer to this problem would be to refuse them entry on their return. Once the news goes round they would soon stop.
Cost of cancelling passports and refusing re-entry = ZERO.
Cost of police time in Turkey, Foreign Office time, police time on return – and costs of subsequent surveillance by MI5 = HUGE.
For a country diving deeper and deeper into debt – why do we even ask the question ?
BBC Trending did a story about the “filter bubble” media bubble world effect.
– Strangely it was NOT about about how BBC bods wake up in the morning and look at the Guardian Twitter feed to decide what that days news is, and then set about moulding narratives to rubbish UKIP and how that narrative control ensures the BBC viewers receive a bubble world image.
– No, rather it was about how posting a sneering story against UKIP featuring a puppy photo, has an effect due to Facebook’s algorithm.
Since it tries to detect things you like from what you and your friends have shared, much to her alarm she started to get pro-UKIP stories in her Facebook feed.
April 18th ..they leave off mentioning UKIP in their Tweets promoting the story.
On air she pretended not to name the party (horrified voice) “a right wing anti-immigrant party”, when I suspect they call themselves “a pro-immigration control party”
(context she previously Tweeted “Greens have an MP, UKIP are big presence in Europe. Can’t include one without the other in a debate.” when in fact UKIP had 2 MPs and also 3-4 times the opinion poll rating of the Greens)
This story on their FB page
Early example of BBC bias this this morning?
In the first reading of the newspaper headlines (about 06:10), the last item (read by Naughtie) was about an article in the Daily Express about Labour voters being encouraged to vote UKIP. After reminding us of the one million pound donation to UKIP, the volume appeared to reduce by half for the rest of the item – as if Naughtie was deliberately speaking away from the microphone. I had a job hearing it. Perhaps that was the plan…
…did anyone else notice?
A reduction in decibels has been a standard BBC ploy for many years. I particularly noticed that it was used as a weapon against John Redwood, whose voice was always broadcast at a much lower level than the Labour or Lib person who was ‘put up’ against him in the dual interview. Doubtless, other will know of many other instances.
‘Camera angles’ are another ploy – other readers will know more about this.
Yes I’ve commented on camera angles before. Here’s one of the biggest camera angle fixs of recent months http://www.bizpacreview.com/2015/02/23/media-run-with-hoax-that-1000-muslims-formed-a-ring-of-peace-around-synagogue-181893
The site I initially found had much more revealing long shot photos. But I can’t remember which one it was this is just a random search. Watch out for tight close in shots on demonstrations that suit the bbc agenda. North west are terrible for close in shots trying to make a few people look like a crowd.
Dan Hodges continues his relentless campaign against Nigel Farage in the Torygraph.
Nigel Farage is fading away without a fight
Here’s a comment from ‘WrinklyOldGit’:
We are running an election night pool here, on the chances of an electrical power failure during the counting of the votes in South Thanet during which half the votes for Farage will “disappear”.
Serious faces on the sofa sloths this morning. Yes still running the story on the illegal migrants in the med. Of course they aren’t using the word illegal. Tragedy blah blah off the Libyan coast. Hold on yes as pointed out on this blog earlier off the Libyan coast. What so we are now responsible for coastguard duties all around the world are we? So that little omission is out of the bag. Another week at the BBc.
Indeed, Tunisia is slap bang next door to where all this is happening, where are their ships ? Where is their response to the deaths of fellow Africans ? Any sign of a beeboid in the harbour in Tunis ? …………..no.
It was only a matter of time 08:15 Save the children have appeared. The spokeswoman says she interviewed people from places like gaza & Syria… so all escaping from a war zone is the inference
After the Ukraine, The EU has blood on its hands once again.
Katie Hopkins made a valid point in The Sun, albeit badly delivered. If the EU had made some effort to put a stop to this in the early stages, there would be fewer deaths now. Instead, all we have is whining that we are not doing enough to ‘help’, but it was ‘help’ that encouraged the problem to develop in the first place, along with brilliant idea to bugger up Libya.
Many of the comments in Spiked Online are surprisingly sensible on this. Closer to Farage than the BBC.
Hopkins Hate and the inhumanity of political correctness
Bbc midlands this morning reports that New Cross hospital in Wolverhampton is having to urgently recruit more midwives because of ” an influx of pregnant women” . No mention of who the women are or where they are from, I suppose we could all have a guess if we’ re not going to told can’t we ?
”an influx of pregnant women”
It’s that bloody Stargate again, isn’t it? Linked to a galaxy far far away, full of pregnant Muslim women.
Instead of just blindly employing more midwives (immigrants) why does no one ask the question ‘why is this happening?’
It seems that the Marxist Common Purpose dogma must be followed at all costs, regardless of the monetary cost to the tax payer and regardless of the quality of life of the indigenous.
Because you aren’t supposed to ask questions. You are blindly follow what you are told.
Surprised the hospital hasn’t been renamed New Crescent.
BBC 5live Economy issues? … R4 similar … but its not only the BBC.
George “Pinocchio” Osborne keep the car running,
ps. hasn t he got any more figures to doctor?
pps. Whats the national debt again? has it gone up at all?
the erm laughable “long term plan”,(which one 😀 )
care to explain just how? the erm “deficit” was supposedly halved?
Torygraph “economy is stagnating” Independent “UK to face decade of stagnation, Instead of recovery, UK economy in deep crisis Cable states. “prices are rising, incomes are falling, the rising cost of living, and public spending cuts” … to spell it out even with the shamefully used “cover” of low oil prices … Economic stagnation, recession coming next?, anyway …
Can the Tories “a lie a day”, last out?
con (servative) the public long enough to get past the election?
Lynton! get Murdoch on the phone, and the 100 imams oops I mean erm “business leaders” to write a letter.
But But But! … “employment” cometh the Tory bleat record numbers etc? … green shoots?
heard that again this morning
874,850 on benefit sanctions and not counted in the official figures, 1.4 million people on zero hour contracts and the 1.45 million people in part time work because they can’t find any full time work? … an entirely different picture on the UK employment situation, in no way reflects the trumpets from Tory HQ.
Just waiting for Tory hypocrites, to say its a European problem, or a global one.
A bbc-favoured gob is… just jooookiiiing!
Lucky all on board with the levity, and not an outrage charity in sight on the Breakfast sofa. Phew. Another recruit for Frankie’s election laughathon.
Very nice.
Not sure which is worse, a tumor or a bag of bile.
One un-PC BBC presenter, and even that was too much.
Just listened to Radio 5 live where a reporter was interviewing 6 businessmen from Yorkshire on there views regarding the economy and what they were looking for from the next party that gets elected… The exact words from the reporter were..”they are all from a diverse range of political views and parties”,when they introduced themselves 5 were Labour supporters and one undecided,very impartial,my arse..!!!. It was like a party political broadcast by the Labour party.
One said he had not registered to vote yet but was going to that morning.. My view is whats the sodding point in bloody well registering when the BBC has already decided who gets elected
Vote here … BTW, tell your mates to do the same
Time for a new thread – again !
For balance: I was going to risk the inevitable, unfunny, often inaccurate HIGNFY UKIP obsession, but seeing Ed’s heavyweight climate saviour listed again as a guest there was a level of cringe I was not able to tolerate.
I may need to revisit.
See the horrible lefty Jo Coburn, is wearing RED again ?
I ve got a BLACK t shirt on today,
ISIS? black flag of Islam? … little party dress washed over 40 degrees? an aging child vicar perhaps?
I know … Ill get me coat …. (purple? 😀 )