Here is a guest post by B-BBC commentator Nibor!
“Some societies in the world venerate their old And some don’t .
The BBC I would say is in the latter category judging by their news and analysis programmes and especially their ” comedies ” . I don’t think its because the over 75s don’t pay the telly tax , it’s more serious than that .
They say the past is another country and autocratic regimes have forbidden their citizens from visiting other countries . Ideas and mores from other countries might be dangerous if you’re setting up a new society based on your own image , whether in Stalinist Russia or Portland Place and Salford .
The one advantage ,or danger , the old folk have is that they have lived in that past and can evaluate whether the whole past , or certain aspects of it , were better or worse than than now , and even worse for BBC types , better than the future . Well you can diminish the coffin dodgers point of view by categorising in bands who you think they are .
Band A ; The sympathetic case
Very often on your local news , it shows an old person , sometimes in a hospital with tubes running from his/her nose needing treatment . This is the supplicant case , which callous people somewhere unspecified in local or national government aren’t releasing enough funds ensure proper treatment .
Band B The I’m Alright Jack case
Well to do with low or paid off mortgage , this person benefitted greatly from what was on offer in the past , plundered the Earth’s resources one way or another , and is leaving debt , pollution and other problems for Youth .
Band C the not well off
The Left Behinders , living in areas that have seen better , this closed minded people canot see the benefits of the EU , globalisation , immigration or even satnav. I supposed pitied more than to be hated . Why wouldn’t anyone want their world, their location changed for the better .
There is or is it now was , a little band of old folk who who saw the error of the ways of people in the past and exhort Yoof not to make mistakes “they ” did ( for that read the others that were unenlightened ) and rid the world of prejudice , inequality , environmental vandalism and don’t guard your borders because that leads to genocide .
Unfortunately the heroes of the past who joined the international in the Spanish Civil War are no longer with us .
So you can see that if the BBC interview an aged person they want to hear about the long hours , bad working conditions , low wages , undue deference to upper middle classes and a complete disregard for Green policies . All of which happened sometimes , at different places ,in one way or another no doubt .
What they don’t want to broadcast is anything that hints that the past was better , or some aspects of the past was better , or people were happier to live with the disadvantages of the past rather than , shall we say, suffer the advantages of now or the future
How can you build a better future if you discount or condemn everything about the past ?
As said , the Past Is Another Country. Would the liberal/left Gramscis BBC ignore every other country and not see where things are done in a better way?”
“Where does the past exist”? …
“In records. It is written down.. and in the memory”.
“Very well then. We, the Party, control all records and we control all memories. Then we control the past do we not”?
George Orwell 1984.
Proof if any were needed of BBC hypocrisy – by the family of Lord Reith (founder of the BBC) his myth that the BBC are ‘impartial’ was always at odds with ‘reality’ in the war years as it still is today with an even bigger totality or ‘opinion’ as fact..
Particularly Since Reith was a speech writer for a Tory Prime minister.
Still trolling, MOCB? You will get outed, like “Dr Ken Rice”
Look forward to it, you boil on the bottom of humanity.
And the black shirts were all labour party types led by a labour MP funny who’s politics get forgotten when it’s your team in the £$£%^%!
Some of this is very true, when you watch news and current affairs they use the eldery as a lever or a warning of some kind, but to be fair to the beeb, BBC4 is very much catered to an older audience (even then they venerate certain eras and attitudes with their bias like the 60s and the miners etc) and then you have antiques roadshow, ironically very popular, and that celebrates an older sceptred isle.
Myself, I learned a lot about the past from my relations like my grandmother, as well as from books and old TV output (like documentaries) and movies you can find online. Also don’t forget all the comedy repeats on cable channels. Anyway, I can see there is a huge decline in society and what holds it together which feels deliberate.
I notice the BBC always seem to blame the elderly ( or “people living longer”) as the cause of the extra pressure on the NHS. Never mention the elephant in the room MASS IMMIGRATION as the main cause.
Perhaps it’s that belief that led to the deaths of the elderly patients from neglect in Mid Staffs, Morecambe etc. that the odious Andy Burnham tried to cover up. Don’t forget the Liverpool Care Pathway that saw so many elderly patients take a trip to the Pearly Gates.
It seems the left see old people as useless mouths to feed and would like to see them off as soon as possible.
For Beeboids:-
“Jean Raspail, author of Camp of the Saints:
‘Our civilisation is disappearing.'”
The Beeb are obsessed with capturing the Youth Viewer. They are scared that if they don’t capture the 16 year olds now then they are lost for ever and with no viewers/ listeners there is no reason to have a BBC. A fine example is having The Voice on BBC1 instead of BBC3 on a Saturday night – vital in the eyes of Danny Cohen is getting all these young people before they go off to their parties etc – so forget granny who may not have spoken to a soul all day – she will die soon and so is irrelevant now. The BBC doesn’t care that granny will have been paying her license for the last 50 years – she doesn’t matter.
Every other day, the local BBC News has an Election opinion piece. But they only want to find out what “young people” think.
This wisdom of youth bias by the BBC seems to be a left-wing theme from the past. Like the BBC, the Nazis preferred youth, as they are easier to manipulate and brainwash and were much more enthusiastic about the Nazi dream world than the older generation, who were less likely to be fooled by the propaganda.
The teaching unions have been hard at work warping our children’s minds for quite some time now. The left has been subliminally forced ito the minds of all young people who went to state schools.
Yes, so it’s hardly surprising young people are such experts on the Thatcher years – BBC version, that is.
And none of the under-18s had even lived under a Conservative majority govt.
The Labour manifesto says it will lower the voting age to 16.
Impressionable, easily duped, easy prey for the liberal left and slick BBC propaganda.
Indeed – and newly stuffed full of socialist idiocy by the Left wing teaching ‘profession’ before real life has had the chance to replace it with common sense.
Sorry GCooper, I made the same point above before I read you’d already said it. But it is a serious concern.
Old enough to decide to engage in sexual relations either way with a stranger off the street, but not with someone who has “influence” over them such as a teacher, priest, etc!
Not old enough to decide to buy cigarettes or alcohol.
Etc. etc.
I find it quite amusing, that the Labour party and SNP, are quite content for 16 year olds to participate in elections and referendums.
Yet when it comes to 16 year olds buggering off to Syria, to help fight Jihad, they are classed as children by Labour and the BBC.
There’s no need to apologise. I’m relieved to see I’m not alone in believing this to be a major cause of the collapse of this country.
The Left has taken the British education system more or less from top to bottom. Add the media and legal system and it’s clear we have been the victim of a slow motion coup.
And today a senior judge is pressing for the veil to be allowed in court…..
‘ Judges should allow Muslim women to appear in court wearing a full-face veil, Britain’s most senior judge has suggested.
Lord Neuberger, the President of the Supreme Court, said it was crucial that courts and judges “show, and be seen to show” respect towards different customs.
He said this included having an understanding of the “different cultural and social habits” of those appearing as witnesses, defendants or jurors in cases. ‘
Instead of exporting our advanced and enlightened culture to the third world, we’re importing theirs to Britain.
Quite. This loss of faith in our historic culture is what will condemn us to extinction . Typical of an elitest to come up with this. Our way has been to display our open faces as a people since the dawn of our nation. This is the way it is in England and that it must remain. The judge is wrong.
One nation one law .it is the only way for a nation to survive.
If they allow her to keep her mask on then she should not be allowed to testify, and if that means she is found guilty it will have been her choice. Wearing a face mask in court should automatically imply guilt.
It is not a ‘loss of faith’ but a deliberate attempt to change our society into one ruled by Cultural Marxism. This instance is one of many aimed at destroying our legal system which, whilst imperfect, is the best the World has ever seen offered.
The judge is very wrong. One of the best ways of telling if someone is lying is to watch their face and body movements – non verbal cues. How is that possible if the witness is veiled?
Er…..then should not motorcyclists be allowed to keep their helmets on when entering a garage shop or bank?
Britain’s Islamic future: as enabled by U.K’s political class (inc INBBC)-
“‘Britain in danger of being outflanked by growing Islamic population’ says church leader.
“’SPINELESS’ politicians are ignoring the rise of Islam in the UK, according to a prominent church minister.”
Islam will destroy the west and then we will have the communist utopia.
With a bit of kuck they will destroy each other. But in the meantime a shia-sunni test of wills, should be encoureaged.
“Now we are seeing the growth of positive forces acting against integration, of vested interests in the preservation and sharpening of racial and religious differences, with a view to the exercise of actual domination, first over fellow-immigrants and then over the rest of the population.
“Here is the means of showing that the immigrant communities can organise to consolidate their members, to agitate and campaign against their fellow citizens, and to overawe and dominate the rest with the legal weapons which the ignorant and the ill-informed have provided. As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see “the River Tiber foaming with much blood.”
Enoch Powell 1968
Thanks for that quote – I had never seen the final sentence in its proper context, which restores what is obviously its proper sense, rather than the shallow ramblings of a spittle-flecked racist, as it is always portrayed.
He was arguing against what we today call “multi culturalism”. He wanted immigrants to integrate into British society, not form seperate groups which he called a “dangerous fragmentation”.
He warned that the multi-cultural approach would lead to ideological conflict. He didn’t specifically mention Islam, but his prediction exactly describes what’s happening today.
Muslims don’t want to adopt British, western values; they want to impose islamic sharia law on us.
Mainstream politicians don’t know how to deal with this and don’t even like to talk about it.
Interesting though that Powell was far from anti Islam, and believed Asians to share many British values. He saw the threat as coming from black immigrants.
Not sure that’s correct. I think he was concerned about the impact of large scale immigration in general.
Full speech here;
Ah the great man himself.
while we re at it, on the EEC now morphed to the EU
If you follow the whole speech and then look at what other writings Powell produced it is clear that he was concerned for all and not just immigrant groups. The blood to be shed, he feared, had no skin colour preference – all would suffer from the short sighted, vote chasing, left wing race policies.
“Op-Ed: Europe’s Death Throes:
“No to Judaism and Christianity, Yes to Islam”
“The children of the West are at war with the West.”
Counter to Labour Party-INBBC political propaganda:-
“Geert Wilders PEGIDA Speech Video with English Subtitles”