Let me be clear. I am not a member of any political party nor do I support any particular political party. But I am appalled by the way the BBC sets out each day to demonise Nigel Farage and his party, UKIP. The BBC meme is that support for UKIP is fading, that the Party is full of racists and bigots, and that Farage is a dangerous guy. Last year, in the run up to the European election in which UKIP topped the poll, the BBC meme was that UKIP were not to be taken seriously and that they would not make any break through. This time round, the mood has changes. The BBC is now either ignoring UKIP when possible or else insisting that the electorate are turning their back on the Party which only 12 months ago WON the European elections. Incredible bias.
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It’s not just against Farage and other high rankers in UKIP , it’s the demonisation of people who vote for UKIP as well , something the Beeb doesn’t do against the voters or supporters of any other political party .
Tell me about it.
Its not fair at all. I know a couple of people who cant even say anything related to UKIP, without others going on an age-long rant about how they’re wrong.
What is wrong with this world?
I think there will be a lot of shock at this election. I have voted Tory all my life and watched Tory government after Tory government rebuild our economy only for labour to be elected to destroy it again.
I think Farage has some very sensible and positive policies. I cannot believe the change in the racial composition of the town I live in.
I do not celebrate diversity I was not asked if I wanted it and I don’t want it rammed down my throat by the BBC or anyone else.
As for net contributors… I find that difficult to swallow. The costs of all these new school places are not costs put on the system by the indigenous population they are as a result of immigration and a very high birth rate.
Finally lets sink the canard about hundreds of thousands of Jobs being lost if we left the EU .. we run a £100billion trade deficit with the EU . If we stopped buying from them it is they who would be in trouble, sorry, more trouble.
Just drive down a road and look at the cars passing you .. more than 50% of EU origin.
More scaremongering by professional politicians who love the idea of big government and the hope they might one day be a gold plated EU Commissioner.
Finally in a couple of weeks the population will have the option of changing our government. Even if every MEP we elected was a UKIP MEP we can change nothing in Brussells where more and more of our legislation and regulation is coming from.
The left underestimated UKIP public support last May. Even when the council elections were announced, groups like Hope Not Hate were crowing that UKIPs gains were hardly Earth shattering.
Then two days later came the Euro results…
From that moment forth, the left have been anything but coy of how they were going to attack UKIP this time around. The UAF crowed it – The SWP crowed it – Hope not Hate crowed it. And the Labour hierarchy were totally complicit….
As ever are the disgraceful BBC……
They’re simply following the pattern that they used on Griffin last time around – and the fact that UKIP are a Libertarian party has gone right over their heads…..
1. Mr Cameron is a signatory to UAF
2. What does Hope not Hate even mean? This is another example of what I was trying to explain a few days ago where the communists use what I think is a psychological trick of implanting certain words in people’s minds; they don’t actually have any true meaning but they conjure up a thought that the communists want you to associate with that word. Of course it’s quite clever but it’s also deceitful and hateful in its own right. The bbc, the labour party, in fact all communist organisations are now well practised in this method of thought manipulation. Thank goodness UKIP at least are going some way to opposing them.
“progressive” is another example. Words that nean something nice converted to compulstion at the point of a gun, or the Gulag.
When some lefty uses the word ‘progressive policies’ I reply ‘progressively bankrupt’. They don’t like their favorite word associated with their normal outcome, so they then keep quiet.
Come on think of all the ‘progress’ that mass-immigration has brought us, such as TB, the murder of Congolese children on suspicion of witchcraft, post code gang warfare, honour killings, electoral fraud etc etc etc.
Electing UKIP is now a priority, not to get out of the EU, but
1. To get our senses back as a nation.
2. For this to happen right across the nation, the BBC must be taken back by the people, from Gramsci Marxists that OCCUPY it.
3. Once this has been achieved, we will have our nation back. Withdrawal from the EU can take place if needed.
First priority is to get our senses back. Once that is achieved, the rest will follow. UKIP is the only party that offers this option.
What does “Hope not Hate” mean?
“Vote Labour” essentially….Otherwise you’re a racist.
There is nothing but hatred coming from the left. Tolerance is not an attribute found in Labour, SNP, & the Greens.
Lefties are by definition Marxists i.e., Totalitarians.
Democracy for Libertarians, I believe is not just the need to leave the EU, but the House of Lords is a problem, and the Internet makes direct democracy more possible, and therefore representative democracy less necessary. Also you can have democracy inserted between an accession and a coronation, to confirm the person crowned. Also there is no need for the title President in any constitutional change in the future, as you could preserve historical continuity by using the title King or Queen to any head of State elected.
The BBC would never treat any other party the way they treat UKIP.
Being anti-right wing is in the BBC’s DNA – that is why even the Tories are keen to occupy the middle ground.
The BBC act as if the Left are the majority; as if it’s the Left that hold the moral high ground. They are a divisive and despicable organisation that has come to wield too much power. It has to be dismantled in the interests of this country, I say.
BBC-NUJ’s political hostility towards UKIP and Farage stems from the left’s dogmatic support for:-
a.) continuing MASS IMMIGRATION into U.K,
a) mass immigration of Muslims – the destruction of the cultural identoity of the UK
b) membershiop of the EU – destructiuon of the thousand year judicial and political culture of the UK. There is no para;lel in history of such a heritage in any other country.
The BBC are a bunch of high paid morons, with degrees in E. Lit or social studies. Had it not been tax payer funding of the BBC, these people would be flipping hamburgers, if lucky, or paid lackeys to Occupy homes and offices.
David Dimbleby read Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Christ Church, Oxford and graduated with a third-class honours degree.
Couldnt even make 2.2
Privileged and thick as pig shit looks like he’s fake tanning these days too. Odious orange blob
David Dimbleby is scion of the BBC Royal family of the House of Dimbleby.
From Wiki
The younger Dimblebys made their television débuts in the BBC’s first holiday travelogue programme Passport in the 1950s, when the entire family would visit locations in Switzerland or Brittany, for example. A UK version, No Passport, was also broadcast.
Yup, just like a Royal family. One does not have to be intelligent or competant, just part of the royal elite.
Oxbridge runs a system by which ‘failure’ is eliminated by virtue of if a student is unlikely to pass exams after the first year they transferred to ‘more suitable’ courses and if they refuse to transfer they are are ‘sent down’. This means, in effect, that very few students ‘fail’ their exams and far more just don’t get to take them. BTW in most Universities it is rare to ‘fail’ as the selection process is set so that a pass at minimum is achievable.
It is also rumoured that finals are ‘never’ failed so that, in effect, a Third from Oxbridge is indistinguishable from a fail. This may be just sour grapes of course…
Thanks Pah.
“It is the liberals who fear liberty and the intellectuals who want to do dirt to the intellect.
“One of the peculiar phenomena of our time is the renegade liberal. There is now a widespread tendency to argue that one can only defend democracy by totalitarian methods. If one loves democracy, the argument runs, one must crush its enemies by no matter what means. And who are its enemies? … those who spread “mistaken” doctrines”.
George Orwell, preface to Animal Farm, 1945
For the liberal-left BBC, UKIP is a “mistaken doctrine” which must be crushed by what ever means.
If one loves democracy, the argument runs, one must crush its enemies by no matter what means. And who are its enemies? … those who spread “mistaken” doctrines”.
George Orwell, preface to Animal Farm, 1945
The Soviet constitution is so enlightened, that reading it makes you cry with joy. Thus anyone who opposes it, must be insane or malevolent, and can be disposed in the most efficient and economic manner.
Makes perfect sense if one is a Marxist. Thus Marxists see nothing terribly wrong with the cruel murders of hundreds of millions of people in the USSR, Mao’s China, Pol Pot Cambodia. Like the Ottoman Islamic Turks, Western Marxists have never genuinely apologised for the crimes of socialism/communism.
Yet again we see that the path to hell is paved with good intentions.
Western Marxists have never genuinely apologised for the crimes of socialism/communism
Few even acknowledge them.
When was the last time the BBC did any programme that was critical of Marxism?
When was the last time the BBC did any programme that sought to promote conservative or classical liberal views?
You can have anything on the menu just so long as it is left-wing.
For Beeboids to investigate, before the Election?:-
it is funny reading that as I overheard two people talking this morning about UKIP and one of the blokes mentioned that stupid Telegraph journo who asked if UKIP was racist at their manifesto launch because of their booklet or something only having one black face and he was booed and people threatened him (that bit was news to be…) and he said how it shows their “fascist tendencies” to silence opposition.
These people must have a hypocrisy tattoo on their brains as it beggars belief how they can accuse UKIP of something that they blatantly do themselves – it truly is staggering
Sometimes it’s not a bad idea to challenge these people a bit. You don’t have to be rude, but you can point out something like “look, I watched the press conference, and it wasn’t like that. Check it out for yourself.” People aren’t confronted enough these days on their views and there can be a huge intolerance, but still it’s not always good to keep silent as the media is such an echo chamber.
I was in the pub and chatting to this stranger who was about my age (30s) and then this other guy about 22 comes over and he seems to know the guy and he says perfectly randomly “countries are just lines on a map, they don’t mean anything, look at Yugoslavia” Obviously continuing some sort of debate. Up to now, I just let things like this slide but I took him to task over it (I was a little exasperated actally) “It’s not that simple, borders might move but a nation is an important concept etc.” Unfortunately I couldn’t finish my point entirely, I was called away by someone, but I think I provoked some thought in him anyway. I just recognised straight away the attitude of cultural relativism which has been foisted on us all in the media and now in education and everywhere really. I think it’s really important to confront it now more than ever.
Don’t worry, when labour get in they will stop any media organisation getting an unfair share of the market and having unfair influence.
Oh they mean Murdoch not the bbc.
Watched the re-make of Tinker, Tailor last night ……. Carla has
obviously placed a number of Bill Haydon’s in the heart of the state broadcasting organ.
The rise of UKIP has caused a functional shift from covert to overt
operations as again evidenced last night.
Don’t joke – you’re not so far from the truth!
It was more subtle than that but the spread of Marxism didn’t happen by accident. Google the Frankfurt School and follow the trail. This began a long while ago and has been played out over the past 80 years or so.
Never forget the Russians are the world’s great chess players and chess can be a long old game.
You beat me to it about the Frankfurt rules – and to save anyone looking, this is the list of rules the Marxist left adhere to :- The Eleven Steps of the Frankfurt School:
01. The creation of racism offences.
02. Continual change to create confusion.
03. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.
04. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.
05. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
06. The promotion of excessive drinking.
07. Emptying of churches.
08. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.
09. Dependency on the state or state benefits.
10. Control and dumbing down of media.
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family.
Sorry it’s a bit late, but I’ve been at 3 hospitals with Mrs Xplod all day…..
Ive seen this list before, but never the source. Do you have a link?
I agree, the important shift is going from covert/deniable bias to overt, in-your-face bigotry backed by ridicule and witch-hunting. Shameless manipulation is a matter of speed – it only works for a short while before generating blow-back, so I guess the BBC are truly going for broke, as I’ve said elsewhere.
They are just hoping that the government changes in three weeks time so that, whatever happens, they will not be called to account. It is revolutionary thinking at its rawest – crimes are committed in support of a political coup which will justify (or simply erase) them post hoc.
The important thing here is that, once this course is embarked on, there is no going back, and we may expect more and much worse in the short term.
Another thing that has been aloud to fester is the media and opposition politicians renaming the Conservative Party the tories.
Well how about calling the Labour Party the socialists, much less consumer friendly.
BBC: Involve UKIP in the “special” Question Time episode on 30th April.
The BBC does not have to address any such questions from the public. It can refuse point blank to respond to questions about the BBC in parliament or to ‘Select Committees’ (witness Lord Haw Haw evading any questions in parliament). It can use (and does) use that famous BBC Charter clause ‘impartiality’ as an excuse for all it’s so-called News/ social programming techniques and Guardian inspired opinions from all FOI requests with a straight bat. It is impervious to criticism and all petitions in the main. It only exists because of the extensive corruption of our civil-service that was engineered under Tony Blair to reflect the hard left and EU doctrines (finalised by Gordon Brown in the Lisbon Treaty 0f 2008) without question and undertake duties or loose your (public service quango jobs). Politically Correct, is not just a turn of phrase it is tuned to damn conservatives (small C), patriots (small p) and ethnic English into subservient beings who will ‘worship’ or abide the new EU socialism as they will have ‘redefined’ nationalism as being those only with Marxist sympathies. Petitions are good (for MP’s leverage) but I don’t expect the BBC to respond or acknowledge that we exist.
They are doing but why on earth as Nigel agreed? It’s obvious what is going to happen
“Nigel Farage on consensus, conformism and the virtue of dissent.”
(March, 2015.)
By Brendan O’Neill.
According to the daily mail website, survey company ICM selected the audience using “random sampling” techniques.
If that’s true, it’s exactly the opposite of what they should have done.
The usual method is to use “purposive” or “convenience” sampling. This means deliberately ensuring you have a certain mix of views. So for example, ICM could have ensured that 15% of the audience were UKIP supporters, 10% greens, 25% labour etc.
Random sampling means that you don’t care who you invite. So, for example, you could have an audience with no UKIP supporters at all.
It’s also easy to rig a “random” audience. You could deliberately exclude UKIP supporters any say this was just a result of the “random” sample.
But i’m sure the BBC wouldn’t deliberately rig the audience in order to cynically manipulate voting intentions in the run up to a general election, would they?
Ipso Mori CEO is a Marxist so it might be independent of the BBC but it certainly shares the same aims and ethos
The problem though is in the behavioural patterns of the audience. Those of a Left (Labour, Green, SNP, Plaid Cymru) political view are more brazen and strident than the more reserved centre-Right (Conservative, UKIP, even LD) audience.
So although the numbers might be matched, in terms of noise and disruptiveness, one Leftist = ten centre-Rightists.
the bbc defended itself today of claims of left wing bias when selecting the leaders debate audience last night,really,hows is that when every time the 3 witches of eastwick and red ed attacked mr farage there was whoops and howls of delight from 99.9 % of this so called political balanced audience,who are you fooling bbc,the spoken ear could here what was going on last in the leaders debate.it was totally vicious left wing bias last night against ukip and nigel farage,another thing,i thought northern Ireland was part of britian,so if is ok for the leaders of the snp and plaid cymru to appear in these leaders debates why was the dup or any other political partys in northern Ireland last night not invited to have there say,that I find very strange.
Even LBC’s Nick Ferrari came to the conclusion that last night’s audience was rigged, and so did his correspondents.
What really impressed upon me how completely left wing the audience were (surprise-surprise) was when wee Jimmy Krankie told Ed they could work together to get the Tories out of Parliament. It sounded as though the roof was about to come off. There was that all too familiar lefty whooping, foot stomping etc. That just isn’t a natural response to what was said.
I’m pleased that Nigel Farage has at last raised the “bias” question at the Beeb. Surely it’s obvious? You would have to be blind, deaf, stupid or a fully paid up member of the Karl Marx fan club not to see it.
Oh, since last night Natalie Bennet (on about 5 percent of the vote!!) has been all over the BBC. You know the sort of thing; nice gentle chats, nothing too strenuous and absolutely no difficult questions that might require figures.
Bias at the BBC?
The BBC have had a shot across their bow’s regarding rigged audiences from Farage.
It had to be said.
But, if it had been the other way around, and the BBC had rigged against Milliband and the girls, there would have been hell to pay.
Can you imagine it? Every time Farage made a point, that the audience would clap and whoop with joy? And silence for the others? Never happen!!
Don`t call them `girls `they are “horrible hags” ,can`t imagine , who would want to shag any of them though . Although the Welsh one`s voice is quite sexy ,& she did scrub up rather well .
Yes I thought the same, nice welsh accent and nicely presented. A lot better than Rab Nesbits son Wee Burney in a two-piece and that antipodean harpy.
Haven’t Australia done enough to us by sending us that bearded painting-peado Rolf Harris without sending that moron Natalie Louise Bennett?
If there was ever a reason for tighter boarder controls she is it!
I’d rather have Sir Les and Dame Edna as party leaders.
Or Paul Hogan.
Better be careful here:
They might just choose to send back Julia bloody Gillard, to her home town of Barry in Wales.
Heaven forbid.
You gave us Julia Gillard and 90% of our trade union “leaders” – I’d say you remain in front.
But we’ve had Germaine Greer for years, you can have her back now.
Don`t call them `girls `they are “horrible hags” ,can`t imagine , who would want to shag any of them though . Although the Welsh one`s voice is quite sexy ,& she did scrub up rather well .
Hubble bubble, toil and trouble. (Macbeth, not Harry Potter.)
And don’t even get me started on that multi-millionaire Labour-supporting peddler of cheap fantasy fiction, whose books were ripped off from J.R.R. Tolkien.
Yes , I`ve read it,( Macbeth) & Blackadder II as well .
I once trusted the BBC, I thought they were always very truthful.
But now, every single interview with UKIP, every debate and every story about them seems to try and demonise them even further. Even in my school, people seem to be criticised if they even mention them. I think people will find there’s a lot more UKIP voters than the polls suggest, because they are “shunned” in this day and age.
Why cant we just respect each other. I mean, I cant believe that now, even the media is trying to tell us who to vote for…EVEN IN THE DEBATES?
Contrary to the BBC, I say Its your vote, use it for who you wish, because I respect everyone’s opinion.
That must have been at least thirty years ago, then.
No , I like Shakespeare , read a few of his works . Blackadder II , had witches in it ,a la Macbeth .
Farage tells it as it is.
Stick your name on this Essex Man, and anyone else who is reading ….
Just signed the petition. It’s time to get rid, if people lobby enough MP’s and protest sites then action will be taken.
Ok , thanks Mr Becca .
It has been a couple of days now since UKIP published its manifesto and as yet I have not heard (other than immigration) any of the applied policies in it being discussed by any of the media and certainly not on the mainstream BBC. maybe I missed it, but I hear all the time about Labour, and I mean all the time. Of course there are some on here who would claim I’m imagining it but when you are hoping to listen to a particular party’s election pledges and all you hear is Labour this and Labour that, it becomes as obvious as the balls on a bulldog, that the BBC are shilling for Labour, which I believe is illegal.
On BBC Breakfast TV at about 8.22am
The female presenter says of Farage during a discussion on the morning papers:
“Nigel Farage is a colourful and divisive leader”
He’s not divisive and what does she mean by colourful? The comment was not challenged.
They have always said that Margaret Thatcher was divisive. She wasn’t. She was for all the country and its people, unlike the left who demonised her (and still do) to divide the country. It was the left who lied when they claimed that Thatcher was only for the rich (she helped the poor by restoring the economy and instituting right to buy to encourage aspiration) so they were trying to divide the country on class lines. They also tried to divide the country on North vs. South, on Scotland vs. England etc. The left is divisive, the right is inclusive.
A little like ‘controversial’. It means that the BBC doesn’t agree or approve.
Any chance of Clegg being asked by the BBC why his party includes obnoxious loons like this:
‘Kill All Men’: Lib Dem Activist in Hate Speech Scandal
There was a couple of perfect examples of the scum BBC’s ‘impartiality’ this week.
The first came on 5 dead’s 10am show on the same day UKIP’s manifesto was released. The show had ‘people’ involved as sort of political correspondents, they were all yoof and all seemed well versed in the soundbites of the bbc and the left.
Their main topic was…surprise, surprise..racism! On the same day UKIP released their manifesto, containing many sensible measures, they were dragged back into the same old bbc accusations, and how the yoof lapped it up…brainwashed.
The second was on nicky ‘smug f***’ campbell’s 5 dead morning show in which he has a ‘carefully picked’ audience to question a party leader.
Friday was Farage day, they started the inquisition with a 52 year old businessman who relies on immigrant workers who said that his business would go under without them, of course he paid them more than the minimum wage and said that he couldn’t get the local people to do the same work, campbell mentioned nothing about the fact that the left are happy with importing slave labour to do our menial tasks, Farage dealt well with it.
Then came the whammy, the ‘carefully picked’ audience just happened to contain a woman of ethnic minority who just happened to come from South Thanet and who just happened to have been attacked by a racist UKIP supporter with a deodorant aerosol whilst shouting ‘go home’?
Of course there was no way of verifying this scurrilous claim yet smug nicky took every word as gospel, the rest of the interview descended into farce after such an accusation. I had to think to myself, just what is the point of Nigel having anything to do with the bbc.
Even now the bbc have been exposed to exactly what they are after the leaders debate there has been no apology and Farage has been shunted off to slot of the bbc’s suiting so he will get no exposure.
When will it all end, I would happily help take the bbc apart piece by piece to stop this disgusting charade, I just wished the spineless scum who run our country felt the same.
A polish immigrant rapes and kills a nine year old girl
To the liberal left Gramsci BBC , this is a one off , not to be used in a discussion because there are thousands of good immigrants
A UKIP supporter sprays into an ethnic womans face
Typical .
What’s worse is that the poor French girl, Alice Gross, the young girls who have been abused all over the UK at the hands of the vermin muslim gangs, and many more unfortunates, are an acceptable form of ‘collateral damage’ in the left’s pursuit of their warped ideology.
I was on twitter after the news of the French girl’s murder and there was people coming on who were more bothered about the media’s portrayal of the killer and it’s effect on multiculturalism than they were about the victim and her family, the left are disgusting vermin.
It is a phoney war of the BBC. It’s not a real choice unless we opt out of the EU.. We have not had a functioning government since 1st November 2014 (that’s when the Lisbon treaty 2008 quietly kicked in). We have already lost responsibility of core functions. We only have QMV votes on EU international issues in Brussels. We have been ‘federalised’ and it’s never mentioned by the BBC. What made this country great, unique, odd, inventors, engineers and explorers is about to be dissipated forever.
A new era of surfdom, eu elitism and totalitarian rule from Napeolean’s left overs. We have been betrayed, this video shows how it was done (if you have not seen it before its already happened (as of 1st November 2014).
After the general election things are going to change quickly – if UKIP fails to win over the undeciders, waverers or those who can’t be bothered to vote.. (that makes the largest sector by far).
(1) We will be forced to join the EURO within the next term in office
(2) The Bank of England will go (no currency to monitor thereafter)
(3) EU Identity cards compulsory for Brits whilst non EU nationals fill up the wards
(5) The Monarchy will certainly be removed from our currency
(6) Our Puppet government cannot oppose any EU legislation
(7) Reductions in Army or Navy personnel towards an ineffective ‘EU Army’ that cannot see any threat at all.
(8) No effective border controls anywhere
(11) Armed Police and no time for ‘local problems’
(12) Fewer MP’s with no power to change EU laws (as now)
(13) MEP’s will inbe grandiose observers (thanks to QMV*)
I could add more points but it’s better to read it yourself Democracy in a Federalised Europe . None of this will ever be in any BBC bulletin, (but you can be sure they are waiting for the Brown Shirts to arrive before completing their mission). Almost there, one last push and they will have made George Orwells ‘1984’ Nightmare come true. That is the nature of the BBC and its Common Purpose.
Common Purpose; towards European integration and control of information denying it distorts information. The Ministry of misinformation exists. That’s why the BBC goes to great pains to distance itself and encourage hostility to UKIP debates. They know what is going to happen come the next election, for them, they have won already. Except that we know ‘what they know’ is dead and they don’t know what will happen if UKIp storms the election.
This morning in a slot the beeboids call Normans Wisdom they were having a go at Farage for mentioning the bias of the BBC audiences .
The inference being that you never have a go at the media , especially them , the greatest of the great , the BBC luvvies .
It’s just not done , like performing bodily functions in public I am led to believe . Bad form old fellow ,breaking an unwritten rule . Being a cad .
They were being a bit jocular about it , don’t want those kippers to get above themselves by taking them too seriously by Jove or the public may want to know more about them , rather than take what we dish out about about the party . Decent chaps may vote for them !
Could it be the beeboids are getting their retaliation in first. The Sunday Express main page seems interesting
The little digs at Farage accumulate. BBC says Farage compares himself to Ghandi. Ho ho, Farage is very silly, don’t vote for a man with such delusions. What did Farage say? He quoted this sentence widely attributed to Ghandi, although it has been attributed to several people, and its message is clear.
“And it was Gandhi, of course, who said ‘first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you and then you win’.”
The quote, which was delivered with a smile, rounded off Mr Farage’s speech and he repeated it later during a question and answer session.
Our BBC journo checked the quote on Google and came up with the following.
‘But according to the Christian Science Monitor, there is no evidence that the civil rights campaigner ever said it’.
Ho ho ho. Silly Nigel, can’t vote for this fool can we? And on it goes, despite the fact that it made the point with regard to his policies, but then they are not allowed to be discussed on the BBC