Elections bring the bias out of the BBC. This General Election has certainly showed the BBC in its true colour – Red. Each day now we see the same thing. The Today programme on Radio 4 sets the agenda which is then ruthlessly followed the rest of the day and the narrative is clear. Miliband has proven himself as a capable leader; Labour can be trusted on the economy because everything is “fully costed” and the SNP under Nicola Queen of Scots would make the idea pact partners, especially as she is “sound on Trident”. As polling day draw closer, the parties of the Left know that the BBC will use every tactic possible to spin in their favour. By contrast, the Conservatives and UKIP are marginalised. BBC bias is not just overt, it IS malignant and dangerous for our country. You just KNOW that the Champagne is being prepared should Miliband enter Number 10 and then we will have a new campaign designed to KEEP him there.
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In a Victoria Derbyshire program a few days ago, a Conservative pointed out that Labour had a dismal record when it came to managing the economy. Derbyshire interrupted immediately ( normal MO ), by telling him that they were looking at the future, and not the past.
And Sky are just as bad. The media have become too powerful in this country; they are becoming more interested in the sounds of their own voices and their own political views than that of the political parties. They have become, in effect, the opposition. When considering the manipulation of last night’s audience and the countless biased QT audiences, we can see how the media can manipulate the circumstances.
And Sky were pushing outright Liebour indoctrination this morning; and this on a day when unemployment sees a further steady reduction and the IMF praises the government for its economic policies. It was just downright bias.
But, it’s ideological; the SNP and Labour supporters do NOT care about anything other than seeing their party in power. No rational thought, no logic, just pure ideologically-charged blind faith.
“The media have become too powerful in this country; they are becoming more interested in the sounds of their own voices and their own political views than that of the political parties”
This is exactly right, we don’t need a ‘new politics’, we need a new ‘media’. The reason that we can’t put a banned fag paper between the parties is that they know the moment they go beyond the ‘settled’ political wisdom or the media ‘consensus’ and ‘deny’ the ‘truth’ they will be hammered down like a ‘nazi’ nail.
It’s like watching hyenas in action; anyone fool enough to break from the herd is brought down, even if the might just be heading in most beneficial direction for the whole herd.
Ninety-seven percent of carefully selected journalists are 95% confident that they are right! Let the truth be damned.
I keep pointing , this out to the kippers , but as usual , they are behaving like their kindred spirits in the UAF , & shouting me down . Free Speech it ain`t , yeah, the truth hurts, but I know I am on the Right path when this happens.
‘shouting me down . Free Speech it ain`t’
I’m intrigued as to how this works.
How to you define not being shouted down, or free speech being embodied?
Not to say I agree with the too often sidelining of a BBC forum for political ends by others as is your apparent sole function, but best I can see you appear to be saying not staying quiet or agreeing with you is ‘shouting down’, and denial of free speech.
Yet as far as I am aware every post you have made (and there are many, on one (off) topic alone) remains here for all to see, and any to be swayed by, or agree with as they see fit.
Which seems about as generous a freedom of speech as I can imagine.
On a BBC HYS you would be modded into oblivion and have your account closed.
Never go any BBC comments sites ,cos they are written by socialists for socialists.
I was interested to see on Guido’s site a graph showing that Labour were spending more than they received every year from 2002/3 onwards. Thus nailing the lie that it all started in America and the crash wasn’t their fault.
yes you are right Labour did spend. If you were around at the time you will know that the Conservatives had tanked the NHS and social services.Consequently Labour put a lot of cash into both health as well as targeting the young and old and notable education. By 2005 borrowing came down progressively until the financial crash which started in the US and rapidly moved throughout the world. The collapse of capitalism was almost universally met with massive state intervention up the banks to prevent the collapse of the financial system. As the state had to intervene this cost tax payers plenty with over a trillion underwritten . Because capitalism had collapsed this also led on the the state also injecting billions in the UK as a means to pump prime the economy. This went into the stock market and made the rich ,ie those who held stock, richer. The muliplier for the 400 billion in QE was about 0.08% ie thats how much the country actually saw of it.
So I’m afraid that your 2002/3 figure is entirely irrelevant as is Guido as it happens.
As a point of information there are many types of borrowing and many different types of debt . Not all are bad and if used properly are very beneficial to the economy. At the time of the capitalist crash the UK was in better shape debt-wise than many other major economies including Germany and the US.
… this also led on the the state also injecting billions in the UK as a means to pump prime the economy.
You do love the expression ‘pump-priming’ Manon. Surely the volume used for pump-priming is supposed to be trivial; not half the contents of the reservoir to be pumped? At what point does ‘pump-priming’ become profligate spending?
Maybe you would like to tell us all, in which years from 1979 to 1997 did the conservatives reduce spending on health?
Hint: this is a trick question.
Manon you are mistaken. To quote the Institute of Fiscal Studies report “Public Finances 1997-2010” :
“On the eve of the financial crisis, the UK had one of the largest structural budget deficits among either the G7 or the OECD countries and a higher public sector debt than most other OECD countries. Most OECD governments did more to reduce their structural deficit during the period from 1997 to 2007 than Labour did. This fiscal position formed the backdrop to the financial crisis.”
It was not a “capitalist crash” – it was a market crash. Two totally different things. Capitalism, with all its faults, is still the least worst financial system. The worst being a state run dictatorship like the USSR, China in pre-semi-Capitalising days, Cuba, Peru, Zimbabwe etc. and of course what left-wing haters like Miliband and Manon clearly want.
I might have pressed report post by mistake. If so sorry. I was liking the post.
BBC-NUJ knows–
If Labour wins the election, press freedom will be a big loser.”
By Mick Hume.
(March, 2015.)
what a lot of people in the media are not talking about is this trigger for the bile and hatred shown towards nigel farage last night.immigration,yes mass immigration gets all these leftists foaming at the mouth because they encourage and love it so much and dare you not oppose them,but here is the thing noticed last night when the gang of 4 was pressed on this and there solution to control it,absolutely nothing from red ed,the snp,plaid cymru,the green party except the subtext that they will build more houses and pay the living wage to the new wave of mass immigration if red ed and those other lefties on the panel form a coaltion,remember that when you vote on may 7th.
Totally agree with you , well said , but make it Conservative .
You ‘totally agree’? Five years of the Tories are ending with immigration at 620,000 legals plus the unknown unknowns. Why would anyone with an ounce of sense make the same mistake again? You’re as mad as the left.
Well , get use to it , cos in 3 weeks , Comrade Millpeed , will be on all posters ,& grinning at you as PM. Incidently who are the kippers going to support , in Government to get some of their manifesto implemented? Hmm , let me guess , the Conservative`s ,the ones you hate for not being Conservative enough.I think your glasses have steamed up again . Oh well ,you ain`t seen nothing yet, in full blown immigration ,when Labour /SNP get in . You will long for the last Tory govt . under PM Cam.
… full blown immigration ,when Labour /SNP get in.
Know what? I’ll take my chances. Dave’s mates in the Tory party have come to love the cheap labour. I’ll take the risk that Milipedes union backers may be less welcoming to foreigners coming to drive down their wages. It’s worth a try; we know for sure that Cameron wont do anything.
What has the Tory party done about Al Beeb’s bias ?
By their inaction they are reaping their just rewards. The only salvation for Cameron is a coalition with UKIP and the DUP.
I do wish you’d push-off. You never post anything relevant to the subject of BBC bias. All you do is puff the ailing Conservative party and pour scorn on anyone who supports UKIP.
If you are being paid by the Conservatives, you are wasting their money. All you’re doing is making it quite plain how desperate and low rent the Tory party has become.
All , will become clear on May 8th. Anyhow I am engaging in a bit of pre election debate, quite a few on here use this site ,as a kipper fan klub social site. I would close the BBC as soon as possible , it is the Labour Party Pravda , in house propaganda broadcasting arm , & I do hate all its PC Clap trap too .
Five years of Tories and Lib Dems.
Has anyone noticed how the BBC website content veers dramatically towards the Labour Party at weekends? Perhaps the weekend management have a cosy, less supervised team allowing then to put out their more exteme agenda?
Yes; probably less supervision, as most Beeboids don’t work weekends. Many blatant pro-Labour Party, pro-Green Party pieces are put out at weekends for the duration.
“SNP poised to take big Labour scalps:
“Poll shows party faces unprecedented wipe out with Jim Murphy and Douglas Alexander on course to lose seats.
“Polling shows Scottish National Party has extended its lead over Labour.
“Constituency surveys suggest Labour party faces unprecedented wipeout.
“Jim Murphy, its Scottish leader, among those on course to lose their seats.”
backstabbing red ed said it again today,he has no plans to stop mass immgration into this country if elected, but he promised to backstab the british electorate by promising to building more houses and forcing employees to pay the living wage to the new wave of immigrants he will let into this country if he gets elected in may.vote ukip to stop red ed.
Beeboids will pull out all their political stops for Labour Party now-
“UK’s Labour slip further behind Conservatives in poll – Opinium”
Its a sad day when a supposedly impartial organisation such as the BBC behaves the way it does. What i dont understand is why the other parties dont complain or do something about the appalling bias.
Ah well,we live and learn